Epigraphy as a Source for the Political History of India

5.1 Do you know?

Description Image Source

Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum. The volume on Asokan inscription was Published by Alexander Cunningham and later byHultzsch

Epigraphia Indica was published by the Archaeological survey of India dealing with the study of inscriptions

By user:P.K.Niyogi - Own map based on map in History of Ancient Bengal by Dr. R.C. Majumdar, first published 1971, Historical Geography is reprint 2005, p. 10, an important area of Tulshi Prakashani, study undertaken with the Kolkata, ISBN 81- support of Inscriptions 89118-01-3 and other sources, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wi

kimedia.org/w/inde x.php?curid=33597 66

The inscription from Nalanda mentions about the king Devapaladeva of Bengal who granted permission to Balaputradeva of Srivijya to build a Buddhist monastery Balaputradeva at Nalanda. Balaputra is mentioned as the son of Samaragrawira, grandson of Śailendravamsatilaka in the inscription.

5.2 Timeline

Timelines Image Description

James By Mary Emily Prinsep - Prinsep [www4.gu.edu.au:8080/adt- Deciphered root/uploads/approved/adt- the Asokan QGU20100621.083616 Private Brahmi in collection reprinted in Malcolm the 1830s Allbrook (2008) 'Imperial Family': The Prinseps, Empire and Colonial Government in India and Australia. Doctoral thesis. Griffiths University. Australia. page 101], Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/in dex.php?curid=20480157

Alexander Cunningham Who Courtesy: published https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipe the Corpus dia/commons/5/5a/Alexander_Cunni Inscriptionu ngham_of_the_ASI_02.jpg m Indicarum first in 1879

Eugen Julius German Epigraphist Hultszh studied Theodor the inscriptions of Cholas. He Hultzsch collected the inscriptions published in the Volume II of South Indian Inscriptions. He particularly contributed to the publication of the inscriptions of the Cholas. Venkayya` and KV. Subrahmania Aiyar was other notable scholars of the Branch of ASI. Venkayya’s Introduction to SII Vol.2 is a remarkable analysis of the inscriptions. Source: http://www.indologie.uni- halle.de/im/1288164236_1603_0.jpg

D.C. Sircar D.C, Sircar, Dineshchandra Sircar (1907–1985) is an important epigraphist and historian, of India he has extensively worked on the inscriptions in India. He was the Chief Epigraphist of the Archaeological Survey of India from 1949 to 1962). He has made important contirbutions to the study of inscriptions of India Indian Epigraphy by D.C. Sircar

B.N Bratindra Nath Mukherjee (1932 – Mukherjee 2013) was a historian, numismatist , epigraphist and iconographist Hosakote Hosakote Krishna Sastri (1870 –1928) Krishna was an Indian epigraphist with the Sastri Archaeological Survey of India (ASI). Kanthadai Vaidya Subrahmanya Aiyar (1875 –1969) was a Tamil epigraphist K.V.Subrah and historian. He is considered to be manya Aiyer the first scholar to the cave inscriptions of as a form of Tamil-Brahmi.

K.V. Ramesh An important scholar of www.Hindu.com Indian, Sanskrit and Kannada epigraphy.

5.3 Glossary

Staring Related Term Definition Character Term A Anarta Refers to the present-day North Saurashtra to North Gujarat region in Gujarat state of India. It occurs in the puranic accounts as well as in the Junagarh rock inscription of the Saka ruler Rudradaman B Bhukti It is and administrative division of the Gupta

times. B Banavase 12000 An administrative division called Banavase

12000 occurs in the inscription of Karnataka B Belvola 3000 An administrative division called Belvola

3000 occurs in Karnataka inscriptions B Brahmadeya Lands donated to the Brahmins by the kings. These donations were recorded in the copper plates, called Tamrasasana D Dhamma Dhamma refers to the message of Buddha. In Sanskrit it is called Dharama, and this term

has many meanings according to the context of usage. G Gupta era The era starting in 318-19 CE K Kalabhra Reference to Kalabhra occurs in the copper plate inscription of Velvikkudi issued by the Pandiyan kings K Kali era Kali era started in 3101 BCE

K Kalinga rashtra It refers to the region of Kalinga or Orissa K Kavya A meter used in the composition of literary texts and it was used in the composition of Prasasti K Keloputra or It refers to the Cheras who ruled from Kerala.

Keralaputra Cheraman Cherta+Putra=makan in Tamil. M Mahabaladhikrta Commander in Chief. Persons with this titles

were also appointed as ministers. M Mahadandanayak General

a M Mahapratihara Chief of the palace guards

M Manraaduvar Judges M Manuscriptology The study of texts in the palm leaf

manuscripts. M Madhyasta An official under the Chola administration M Meikirthi The opening portion of Chola inscriptions.

Same as prasasti M Mukavetti An official under the Chola administration N Naadu An administrative division of Tamil Naadu

used by the Pallavas, Cholas and Pandiyas P Political Economy The relations between political structure and systems and the economic realms of production, consumption and exchange P Prasasti The opening portion of inscriptions which speaks about the lineage and achievements of the kings P Pradesikas District heads P Pundravardana The country of Pundras. It was the capital of Gauda region of Bengal. The area around Mahasthangarh R Rajjukas Rural/judicial officers R Renadu 7000, Renandu 7000 ’ refers tp parts of

Cuddapah, Kurnool and Nellore Districts. S Sabha The administrative body of the Brahmin

villages S Saka Era The era that began in 78 CE

S Samanta The local chiefs, who paid tributes

S Samatata. The eastern part of Bengal

S Senapathi An official under the Chola administration

S Sravanaipuhuvar Hearers of Justice

S Satiyaputra It refers to the chiefs of Athiyaman

S Silasasanas Stone Inscriptions

T Tadigaipadi A region of Karnataka

T Tambapanni

T Tamrasasanas Copper Plate inscriptions

T Tiruvaikelvi An official under the Chola administration T Tirumandira olai An official under the Chola administration

nayakam T Tondaimandalam Refers to the Northern part of Tamil Nadu

V Vamsavali Genealogy of the kings of a dynasty

V Vikrama Era The era that began in 58 BCE V Vishaya An Administrative Division Minor Bhuktis

Mandalas denoted the same division V Vindhyavati Refers to the Kheonjhar district Y Yavana Refers to Westerners of the Romans, Greeks

and others from the West Y Yuktas Subordinate officers

5.4. Weblinks

Web links http://asi.nic.in/asi_epigraphical_sans_about.asp http://asi.nic.in/asi_epigraphical_arabicpersian.asp http://asi.nic.in/asi_epigraphical_sans_nature.asp http://asi.nic.in/asi_epigraphical_sans_antiquity.asp http://asi.nic.in/asi_epigraphical_sans_language.asp http://asi.nic.in/asi_epigraphical_sans_epigraphists.asp http://asi.nic.in/asi_epigraphical_sans_preservation.asp http://vle.du.ac.in/mod/book/view.php?id=12969&chapterid=27944 http://mrunal.org/2013/10/oldncert-ancient-india-sources-of-history-paleography-epigraphy- numismatics-archeology.html#727 http://mrunal.org/2013/10/oldncert-ancient-india-sources-of-history-paleography-epigraphy- numismatics-archeology.html#744 https://www.webindia123.com/history/source.htm http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/26707/6/06_chapter%201.pdf http://www.tnarch.gov.in/epi.htm https://www.britannica.com/topic/epigraphy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--oD52Es6DE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98YKeQIHSw4 http://ichr.ac.in/Epigraphy_Report.pdf http://mentorials.com/high-school-history-reconstructing-the-past-indian-archaeological- sources.htm http://www.ahandfulofleaves.org/documents/Indian%20Epigraphy_A%20Guide%20to%20th e%20Study%20of%20Inscriptions%20in%20Sanskrit%20Prakrit%20and%20Other%20Indo- Aryan%20Languages_Salomon.pdf https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-48974-2_14 https://www.britannica.com/topic/epigraphy/Inscriptions-as-social-and-cultural-records https://books.google.co.in/books?id=pySCGvdyYLIC&pg=PA566&lpg=PA566&dq=epigrap hy+as+a+source+of+cultural+history&source=bl&ots=2tEtYSlb8i&sig=3Ns89oV8qxbTaGS icI4Yc3zcnKc&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi75czznc7WAhVMKo8KHT7lAIw4FBDoAQ

gmMAA#v=onepage&q=epigraphy%20as%20a%20source%20of%20cultural%20history&f= false http://www.jstor.org/stable/44143470 http://odishamuseum.nic.in/?q=dept/epigraphy http://tsdam.com/epigraphy.html http://www.tnarch.gov.in/epi/kan.htm https://karnatakaitihasaacademy.org/karnataka-epigraphy/ https://karnatakaitihasaacademy.org/karnataka-epigraphy/inscriptions/ https://karnatakaitihasaacademy.org/karnataka-history/evolution-of-kannada-script/ http://www.frontline.in/static/html/fl2013/stories/20030704000207100.htm https://www.jstor.org/stable/42936611 http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/137381/10/10_chapter%202.pdf http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/137381/10/10_chapter%202.pdf https://books.google.co.in/books?id=ud_zjw5OLOEC&pg=PP9&lpg=PP9&dq=Epigraphy+I ndian+as+a+source+for+cultural+studies&source=bl&ots=8uRI5SIhf4&sig=6iGgGCcNrocl EJ2h9f6f4at8sx0&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwip6_Oyqc7WAhWLQY8KHSK2ChY4ChD oAQhBMAU#v=onepage&q=Epigraphy%20Indian%20as%20a%20source%20for%20cultur al%20studies&f=false http://www.emmaf.org/kris_lorenz/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Bodel-EpigraphicEvidence- 1.pdf https://books.google.co.in/books?id=hXMB3649biQC&pg=PA27&lpg=PA27&dq=indian+e pigraphy+poetics&source=bl&ots=LfS_fMqoki&sig=rb4RsrR- FDbrMAopwdiUP27Cq5s&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjg2Ovsqc7WAhUHMo8KHZ- mA5QQ6AEIKjAB#v=onepage&q=indian%20epigraphy%20poetics&f=false http://nelc.uchicago.edu/sites/nelc.uchicago.edu/files/Qutbuddin,%20Arabic%20in%20India, %20JAOS%20127.3%202008.pdf https://repository.si.edu/bitstream/handle/10088/19550/fsg_Julian%20Raby_%202012%20M osul_watermarked.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y http://utilisateurs.linguist.univ-paris-diderot.fr/~chevilla/FestSchrift/LeOrr_2.pdf https://eprints.soas.ac.uk/5814/1/Shah.pdf https://www.royalholloway.ac.uk/crgr/documents/pdf/papers/iphigeniainindia.pdf http://www.khmerstudies.org/download- files/publications/siksacakr/no5/epigraphy.pdf?lbisphpreq=1 http://www.e-books- chennaimuseum.tn.gov.in/ChennaiMuseum/images/books/BULLETIN%20OF%20THE%20

MADRAS%20GOVENMENT%20MUSEUM%20INDIAN%20EPIGRAPHY%20AND%20 SOUTH%20INDIAN%20SCRIPTS.pdf http://www.ejvs.laurasianacademy.com/ejvs1102/ejvs1102article.pdf http://odishamuseum.nic.in/?q=dept/epigraphy

5.5. Bibliography

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