Merchants' Magazine: August 1840, Vol. III, No. II
HUNT’S MERCHANTS’ MAGAZINE. A UGUST, 1 840. Art. I.—THE SOUTH SEA BUBBLE. In presenting the remarkable history of this enormous bubble, which in 1720 burst in the British metropolis, overwhelming thousands with the gloom of utter bankruptcy, and crushing their fondest hopes and brightest prospects in the relentless grasp of sudden poverty, we do not claim for it the slightest affinity to the causes that have conspired to produce the com mercial and monetary embarrassments, which have existed in this country for the last few years. Nor do we think it bears the least resemblance to that vast chain of individual credit and personal confidence which, through out the United States, have called into existence a large proportion of our national wealth and internal prosperity. We give it because it mirrors forth the events of an era, more remarkable for the production of imaginary and spectral schemes, by designing and visionary men, than were ever breathed into life and form by the wildest speculations of any other age or period of the world. The universal mania, which then raged, not in England alone, but in France also, conjuring up a thousand dreamy and unsubstantial shapes, which, after assuming the name of some delusive stock, and absorbing the capital and entire fortunes of the credulous multitude, vanished in a single night, and expired with the hopes of its miserable votaries, while the vil- lanous and unprincipled inventors amassed from their fraudulent schemes the wealth of princes, furnishes no lesson which is in the slightest degree
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