Department of Anthropology University of Toronto ANT476H1F Body, Self and Sociality Fall 2014 Professor Janice Boddy AP 124 Office: AP 232 M 2:00-5:00 pm Office Hours: M 12-1:30, alternate Ts 1:30-3:30 Email:
[email protected] Description We frequently take our bodies for granted as ‘natural’ and self-evident. But are they? The human body is at once a given of social and cultural life and a continuously created and contested entity. In this advanced undergraduate seminar we shake up our received understandings and examine ‘the body’ as a historically and culturally contingent category, the material site and means of practice, and a foundation point for identity and self-fashioning. We consider the relevance of cultural meanings to biomedical practices and imaginings of kinship, the centrality of the body to consumer techno-society, and the body’s role as a locus of experience, political inscription, and struggle. Readings examine and challenge the ostensible distinctions between ‘body’ and ‘mind’, and apparent limits of the body as a bounded, singular entity. Students will be exposed to several anthropological approaches to the human body as a social and cultural construct, and to topics of contemporary interest such as body modification and organ transplantation as well as classical ethnographic themes. Format Lectures, films, student presentations and group discussions grounded in weekly readings about bodies in specific social, cultural and historical contexts. Objectives In addition to having improved their written and oral expression and critical thinking skills, at the end of this course students can expect to: • Be knowledgeable about anthropological approaches to the body and embodiment and be able to evaluate their uses and pitfalls, • Have developed a knowing and respectful appreciation of people’s practices and ways of inhabiting their bodies, • Be able to critically assess practices, modes of control, and concepts of the body in light of current political, economic, social and technological conditions.