Journal of Scottish Thought William Robertson Smith Volume 1: Issue 2 Centre for Scottish Thought, University of Aberdeen JOURNAL OF SCOTTISH THOUGHT Vol 1, 2 William Robertson Smith Published by the Centre for Scottish Thought University of Aberdeen 2008 ISSN 1755 9928 Editor: Cairns Craig © The Contributors This issue on William Robertson Smith is part of research undertaken by the AHRC Centre for Irish and Scottish Studies at the University of Aberdeen as part of its project on intellec- tual migrations. We are grateful to the AHRC for the support which made possible the con- ference at which some some of the papers were originally presented Published in 2008 Centre for Scottish Thought University of Aberdeen The Journal of Scottish Thought is a peer reviewed journal, published twice yearly by the Centre for Scottish Thought at the University of Aberdeen Editorial corrspondence, including manuscripts for submission, should be addressed to The Editors, Journal of Scottish Thought, Centre for Scottish Thought, Humanity Manse, 19 College Bounds, University of Aberdeen, AB24 3UG or emailed to
[email protected] Printed and bound by CPI Antony Rowe, Eastbourne CONTENTS Editorial v William Robertson Smith vis-à-vis Émile Durkheim 1 as Sociologist of Religion Robert A. Segal William Robertson Smith’s Early Work on Prophecy 13 and the Beginnings of Social Anthropology Joachim Schaper From Pietism to Totemism: 25 William Robertson Smith and Tübingen Bernhard Maier Wellhausen and Robertson Smith as Sociologists of 53 early Arabia and ancient Israel J. W. Rogerson William Robertson Smith and J. G. Frazer: 63 ‘Genuit Frazerum’? Robert Ackerman Robertson Smith, Energy Physics 79 and the Second Scottish Enlightenment Cairns Craig Editorial Insofar as William Robertson Smith is a figure recognised by students of nine- teenth century culture, he is known mostly for two things.