~gc Jnftrnational tritintl tommtntarn on tgc Joly .Stripfatrtf3 of tgc @Ih nni:t Jciu ltf3fnmcnfa. UNDER THE EDITORSHIP OF THE REV. SAMUEL ROLLES DRIVER, D.D., D.LITT., Regius Professor ef Hebrew, Oxford; THE REV. ALFRED PLUMMER, M.A., D.D., Late Master of University College, Durham; AND THE REV. CHARLES AUGUSTUS BRIGGS, D.D., D.LITT., Prefessor ef Theological Encyclopa,dia and Symbolics, Union Theological Seminary, New York. THE INTERNATIONAL CRITICAL COMMENTARY A CRITICAL AND EXEGETICAL COMMENTARY ON THE BOOK OF ECCLESIASTES BY GEORGE AARON BARTON, PH.D. PROFESSOR OF BIBLICAL LITERATURE AND SEMITIC LANGUAGES BRYN MAWR COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA EDINBURGH T. & T. CLARK, 38 GEORGE STREET 1908 Printed by MORRISON & GlJ:l.H LIMITED FOR T & T. CLARK, EDINBURGH LONDON! SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, HAMILTON, KENT, AND CO. LIMITED NF.W YORK: CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS MY IlROTilER JOSHUA LINDLEY BARTON, M.D. WHOSE GENEROUS ENCOURAGEMENT AND SELF-SACRIFICE OPENED TO ME A STUDENT'S CAREER THIS VOLUME IS AFFECTIONJ\TELY DEDICATED PREFACE HE following pages are a plain commentary on the Book of Ecclesiastes. Those who expect to find here the T advocacy of new and startling theories of this fascinat­ ingly perplexing book will be disappointed. In the judgment of the writer there has been something too much of these things in the recent literature on Qoheleth. An endeavour is made in the following pages to examine the important theories concerning the book, both ancient and modern, in an impartial spirit, and, in the formation of judgments, to go whither the evidence points. Obviously, in treating a work which has been studied so many centuries, there is little opportunity for novel discovery. Occasionally the writer has found himself differing from all his predecessors, but much more often the evidence has pointed to a conclusion already anticipated by some previous worker. He cannot hope that his conclusions will commend themselves to all his colleagues, but if this com­ mentary shall have a part, however humble, in recalling criti­ cism to regions in which the evidence is sufficiently objective to give some ultimate promise of a consensus of judgment on the part of scholars concerning the problems involved, the labour expended upon it will be more than rewarded. In conclusion, I desire to express my thanks to Dr. Hans H. Spoer, of Jerusalem, for placing at my disposal his collation of some MSS. of the Greek Version of Ecclesiastes in the Library of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre ; to Professor Paul Haupt, for permitting me, in spite of my disbelief in his metrical theory, to use, while reading my proofs, advance V vi PREFACE sheets of his Hebrew Text of Ecclesiastes; to the Editor, Professor Charles A. Briggs, for his helpful criticisms and many kind­ nesses while the book has been passing through the press ; and to my wife, for her valuable aid in reading the proofs. GEORGE A. BARTON. BRYN MAWR, PA., April 2nd, 1908. CONTENTS PAGE ABBREVIATIONS .•. ix NAME OF THE BOOK . PLACE IN THE HEBREW BIBLE I CANO NI CITY 2 TEXT 7 I. HEBREW TEXT 7 2, THE SEPTUAGINT VERSION . 8 3· THE GREEK VERSION OF AQUILA II 4• THE VERSION OF THEODOTIAN II 5. THE VERSION OF SYMMACIIUS . 12 6. THE COPTIC VERSION 13 7. THE SYRIAC PESHITTA 13 8. THE SYRO-HEXAPLAR VERSION 14 9· OLD LATIN VERSION 14 IQ, THE LATIN VULGATE 15 II. THE ARABIC VERSION 15 12, THE TARGUM 15 13. QUOTATIONS IN THE TAU1UD 16 14. RECENSIONS OF THE TEXT • 17 HISTORY OF THE INTERPRETATION 18 THE RELATION OF"QOHELETH" TO GREEK THOUGHT 32 1. SUPPOSED LINGUISTIC INFLUENCE 32 2. RELATION TO GREEK THOUGHT . 34 vii viii CONTENTS PAGE THE INTEGRITY OF ECCLESIASTES 43 -QOHELETH'S THOUGHT IN OUTLINE . 46 WAS QOHELETH WRITTEN IN METRICAL FORM? 50 LINGUISTIC CHARACTERISTICS OF QOHELETH 52 THE RELATION OF ECCLESIASTES TO BEN SIRA . 53 THE ATTITUDE OF THE BOOK OF WISDOM TO ECCLESIASTES DATE AND AUTHORSHIP COMMENTARY INDEXES ... 205 ABBREVIATIONS. I. TEXTS AND VERSIONS. ,A = The Arabic Version. IC = The Coptic Version. 'A = Version of Aquila. Kt. = K•thib, the Hebrew text as Aid. = Aldine text of «i. written. = Authorized Version. AV. = Old Latin Version. BD. = Baer &Dclitzsch,Heb. text. Mas. = Massora. MT. = TheMassoreticpointedtext. Chr. = The Chronicler, author Of Ch. Ezr. Ne. NT. = The New Testament. D. = The Deuteronomist in Dt., OT. = The Old Testament. in other books Deutcr- P. = The priestly sources of the anomic author of Re­ Hexateuch. dactor. Qr. = Q•re, the Hebrew text as E. = EphraemiticsourcesofHex• read.. ateuch. EV• = English Versions. R = The Redactor, or editor. RV. = The Revised Version. = Greek Septuagint Version, RV.m = The margin of the Revised Vatican text of Swete. Version. = The Alexandrine text. = The Syriac Peshitto Ver- = The Vatican text. sion. = Codex Ephraemi. Syriac-Hexaplar Version. = The Sinaitic text. = The Version of Symmachus. = Codex Venetus. = ii! = The Targum or Aramaic ii = Hebrew consonantal text. Version. H. = Code of Holiness of the Hexateuch. 11 = The Vulgate Version. Hex. = The Hexateuch Vrss. = Versions, usually ancient. J. = Judaic sources of the Hexa- WL. = The Wisdom Literature of the OT. teuch. J.C. = Jerome, Commentary. e = The Version of Theodotian. ix x ABBREVIATIONS II. BOOKS OF THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS. Am. =Amos. Jon. = Jonah. Jos. = Joshua. Bar. Baruch = Ju. = Judges. BS. = Ecclesiasticus of Ben Sira. 1, 2 K.. = r, 2 Kings. 1, 2 Ch. = 1, 2 Chronicles. Col. = Colossians. La. = Lamentations. 1, 2 Cor.= 1, 2 Corinthians. Lk. = Luke. Ct. = Canticles = The Song of Lv. = Leviticus. Songs. Mal. = Malachi. Dn. = Daniel. r,2Mac.= I, 2 Maccabees. Dt. = Deuteronomy. Mi. = Micah. Mk. =Mark. Ee. = Ecclesiastes. Mt. = Matthew. Est. = Esther. Eph. = Ephesians. Na. = Nahum. Ex. = Exodus. Ne. = Nehemiah. Ez. = Ezekiel. Nu. = Numbers. Ezr. = Ezra. Ob. = Obadiah. Gn. = Genesis. Phil. = Philippians. Gal. = Galatians. Pr. = Proverbs. Ps. = Psalms. Hb. = Habakkuk. Heb. = Hebrews. Q. = Qoheleth or Ecclesiastes. Hg. = Haggai. Qoh. = Qoheleth or Ecclesiastes. Ho. = Hosea. Rev. = Revelation. Rom. = Romans. Is. = early parts of Isaiah. Is.2 = exilic parts of Isaiah. Ru. = Ruth. Is.3 = post-exilic parts of Isaiah. r, 2 S. = r, 2 Samuel. Jb. = Job. r, 2 Thes. = r, 2 Thessalonians. Je. = Jeremiah. r, 2Tim. = r, 2 Timothy. Jn. = John. Zc. = Zcchariah. Jo. = Joel. Zp. = Zephaniah. III. AUTHORS AND WRITERS. AE. = Aben Ezra. Briggs. The editor Aug. = Augustine. specially referred to is designated by BDB. = Hebrew and English BDB. F. Brown, Lexicon of the OT., BDB. S. R. Driver, edited by F. Brown, BDB. C. A. Briggs. S. R. Driver, C. A. Bar Heb. = Bar Hebrreus. ABBREVIATIONS xi Be. = G. Beer. Ew. = H. Ewald. Bick. = G. Bickell, Das Buch Ew.\ = his Lehrb. der Heb. Kohelet. Sprache. Bo. = F. Bottcher. Br. = C. A. Briggs. Fii. = J. Furst. Br.MA = Messiah of the Apos- tles. Gen. = Genung, Words of Ko­ Br.MG = Messiah of the Gos- heleth. pels. Ges. = Gesenius, Thesaurus. Br.MP = Messianic Prophecy. Ges.Bu. = Gesenius, W orterbuch, Br.stts = Study of Holy Script- 13th ed. ure. Gcs.x. = his Heb. Gram., ed. Br.HBX. = Higher Criticism of Kautzsch. the Hexateuch. Ges.L = his Lehrgebiiude. Gins. = Ginsburg, Coheleth. Calv. = John Calvin. Gr. = Gratz, Kohelet. Che. = T. K. Cheyne. Grat. = Grotius. ChWB. = Levy, Chald. Worter­ buch. H. =W.R. Harper,Hebrew Co. = C. H. Cornill. Syntax. CT. = Cuneiform Texts from Ha. = P. Haupt, Koheleth Babylonian Tablets and Ecclesiastes. in the British Mu­ Heil. = Heiligstedt, Ecclesias- seum. tes. Da. = Davidson, Hebrew Heng. = Hengstenberg. Syntax. Hit. = F. Hitzig, Ecclesiastes. Dat. = Dathe, Ecclesiastes. Haub. = C. F. Houbigant. DB. = Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible. Ja. = J astrow, Diet. of the Targ., Talm. and Del. = Franz Delitzsch, Das Buch Koheleth. Midrashic Lit. Dtid. = Doderlein, Ecclesiastes JBL. = Journal of Biblical Lit- Dr. = S. R. Driver, Ecclesi- erature. astes in Kittel's JE. = Jewish EncycloJilredia. Biblia Hebraica. Jer. = Jerome. Dr.I = Heb. Tenses. J as.Ant. = FI. Josephus, Antiq­ Dr.rntr. = Introduction to Litera- uities. ture of OT. Jos.BJ. =FI.Josephus, Wars of the Jews. EB. = Encyclopredia Biblica. JQR. = Jewish Quarterly Re­ Elst. = Elster. view. Eph.Syr. = Ephraem Syrus. Eur. = Euringer, Masorahtext Kam. = A. S. Kamenetzky. des Koheleth. Kau, = E. Kautzsch, xii ABBREVIATIONS Kenn. = Benj. Kennicott, Vetus Ro. = E. Rodiger Testamentum He- Rob. = E. Robinson, Biblical braicum cum variis Researches. lectionibus. Ros. = Rosenmiiller. Ki. = Daniel Kimchi (Qam­ RS. = W. Robertson Smith. chi). Kn. = A. W. Knobel, Das Sieg. = D. C. Siegfried, Predi- Buch Qoheleth. ger und H oheslied. Ko. = F. E. Konig, Lehrge­ Siev. = E. Sievers. biiud e der Heb. Sm. = R. Smend. Sprache. SS. = Siegfried and Stade's Kue. = A. Kuenen. H eb. W o'rterbuch. Sta. = B. Stade. Lag. = P. de Lagarde. Lag.EN = his Bildung der No- mina. Talm. = The Talmud. Tisch. C. Tischendorf. Luz. = S. D. Luzzato. = Tr. = Tristram, Natural History of the Bible. Marsh. = Marshall, Ecclesiastes. M. = Miiller's Hebrew Syn- Ty. = T. Tyler, Ecclesiastes. tax. MA. = W. Muss-Arnold, As- Van d. P. = van der Palm. syr. Dictionary. VI. = W. Vlock. McN. = A. H. McNeile, In- Vaih. = J.C. Vaihinger. trod. to Ecclesiastes. Mich. = J. D. Michaelis. Wang. = Dr. Wangemann. Mish. = The M ishna. We. = J. Wellhausen. Wild. = Wildeboer. NHWB. = Levy, N euhebr. Wor- Wr. = C. H. H. Wright, Ec­ terbuch. clesiastes. No. = W.Nowack,Pr.Solom. Zap. = V. Zapletal, Metrik d. Pl. = E. H. Plumtre, Eccle- Kohelet. siastes. Zo. = 0. Z&kler, Prediger in Lange's Bibel­ R. = Rawlinson's Cunei- form Inscriptions of werk. Western Asia,IV.R. = Vol. IV. of it. ZAW. = Zeitschrijt f. altlest. Ra. = Rashi. W issenschaft. Re. = E. Renan, L' Eccle- ZMG. = Z. d. deutsch. Morgen­ siaste. liind. Gesellschaft. Ri.HWB = Riehm's H andwiJ'rter- ZPV. = Z. d. deutsch. Pal, buclt. Verdns, ABBREVIATIONS xiii IV. GENERAL, ESPECIALLY GRAMMATICAL. abr. = abbreviation. elsw. = elsewhere. abs. = absolute. esp.
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