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Tomorrow Evening at 8 HALES Selr-Serve; WORLD FAMOUS PENNIES O'clock in the Parish Hall of Center in BOLTON BURNED HOME IS EXPLAINED Bcteel Sttmt Bm Church Bouse

Tomorrow Evening at 8 HALES Selr-Serve; WORLD FAMOUS PENNIES O'clock in the Parish Hall of Center in BOLTON BURNED HOME IS EXPLAINED Bcteel Sttmt Bm Church Bouse

I tW S L V * iiH an^rater Evening

Mrs. Hasel Hughes McOomb of SPECIAL ATTRACTION! Munroe street, teacher of dramatic S U V E R S im HOUSE Have Roles In “Pomander Walk” WORKOFITUPPLES’ RED NICHOLS AND HIS art, will present her younger pupils In a recital tomorrow evening at 8 HALES SELr-serve; WORLD FAMOUS PENNIES o'clock In the parish hall of Center IN BOLTON BURNED HOME IS EXPLAINED Bcteel StTMt Bm church bouse. In addition to reclta- tloiu by the boys and glrlc, a one- VUCOHT. aureh U , 1:10 to U:8U. act play "Ten Minutes by the Clock" 13 1=7 a c e: p \ * ' ~ SSe (locIndlBK tax.) will be given by the children. The entertainment Is open to all without Evidence of Incendiarism Is Snperiiiteiidal oi Newinttra charge. — ABOUT TOWN Inslitiilisii It Speaker at Mrs. Frank Handley of Oakland Found by Constable Pnrie; Now In Progress----- dm pm ui CSourt, Order of Ainor- street and her sister. Miss Margaret Morro Castle Reaches Port •nUi, win hold ita regular meeting Sullivan, returned last night from State Police Investigating. Center Clmrck Meetinf. REGISTER LOBBYISTS, FRANCE MOVES Cambridge, Mass., where they went WILEY POST STARTS tomorrow night in the Masonic Temple. An entertainment will fol­ to attend the funeral of two of their MANUFACTURERS’ and low. during which the champion relatives, one of whom died Satur­ Fire, believed to be of incendiary Mias Constance Leigh, superin­ TO CHECKMATE drill team of Sunset Bebekah lodge day morning and the other Saturday will put on their military drill. A night. origin, this morning destroyed the tendent of the Newington Home for NEW BILL’S PURPOSE ACROSS NATION ON full attendance of the members la 11-room house owned by Harry 811- Crippled Children, was the guest PACKERS' SALE hoped for. versteln located on Vernon avenue, speaker at the -meeting of the r GERMMS’ PLAN The Ameriotm Legion auxiliary announce a card party for Monday just north of the main road at the Woman's Guild of Center church bringing still lower prices on QUALITY foods. Tonight at 7:30 children of the evening at 8:30'at the State Armory, Shop and Save! Torrington Senator Springs BUSINESS REVIVAL Birch MounUln school-will give a foot of Nigger Hill In Bolton. The yesterday afternoon. More than 40 STRATOSPHERE HOP to which all frlend.s will be welcome. I0 .S S Is placed at $7,^0. of the members and their friends Doubles Term of Army Con* varied program of entertainment at Mrs. Lydia Wigren Is chairman of were present and showed much In­ These Specials On Sale Friday Afternoon Surprise at Today’s the Highland Park Community club­ the committee of arrangements. A Discovered By Truckrfien terest In what Miss Leigh hod to house. General dancing will follow. The fire was discovert at 8:18 ______From 3 To 6 O’clock I ON A SOUND BASIS script Service and Lowers brief business meeting will precede by William. Fielding of 20 Hayward say, and In the slides of photo­ Assembly Session; Details Roaring East at Rate of Six t . special business meeting of the the card games. street, Providence, R. I., and Rich­ graphs made of the buildings, and WALUCEONYISIT i Second Congregational Church, Inc. ard Blair of 16 CMwell Court, the the new swimming pool for para­ Age of Conscripts ~ Sees Katherine Flke lytics. Pictures were msds showing BEANS CampbeU'I’a Mfles a Mbnte at Altitode will be held tomorrow night at 8 The Manchester Community Play­ same city, as they were driving Dorothy Vemlor the daily routine of the children in of the Measure. Sorvey of Nation Shows o’clock In the church. • ers held a well attended business along in a truck. They at once noti­ the dining room, school room and TO M E H MARKETS^ meeting and eoclol .ln their club- fied Joseph Woods, who Uvea In the Katherine Flke, 3SB, daughter of Dorothy 'Vernier, 36B, daughter Reich War Threat. The Manchester Green Corotmunl- house west of the place that was playgrounds. Sunbeam Present Upturn Continnbg of 32,000 Feet; Expects rooms In the Balch and Brown build­ Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Flke of 67 of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vernier of Most interesting of all was the T U N A FISH Light Meat State Capitol, Hartford, March 18 ty club will give the second in the ing last night. Seven of the Hospital burning and he In t-irn notified Con­ East Middle Turnpike, plays the flnal series of whist and setback stable Chesterfield Plrle. Mr. PIrle 137 Center street plays the part of marked difference between the chil­ —(AP) — A bill requiring paid Paris, March 18.—(AP)—Premier Players of Rockville were guests. part of Nanette in "Pomander dren os they were received In the Cabbet Officer Wants to to Span the Continent m parties tomorrow night at 8 o’clock Four new members were admitted. had an alarm of fire sent over the Mrs. Poskett In Sock and Buskin's ^ lobbyists to register with the clerks Despite Weather. Plerre-Etlenne Flandin told Parlia­ Walk," to be given Friday evening, production "Pomander Walk,” to be Institution, compared with their at the Green school assembly hall. The program which followed the telephone to residents In Bolton and appearance when they were ready SALT of the General Assembly, was pre­ ment today that because of Ctor- In addition to the three valuable also called Chief 'Foy of the Man­ March 18, at the high school audi­ given March 18 at the high school pared today by Senator Francis W See How New York Feeds Eight Honrs. business was In the nature of a chester fire department. torium under the direction of Miss to leave, the facial expression was many's '"vast rearmament" In vio­ crash prises In each section, novelty radio broadcast with Joseph Hand- auditorium. changed as well as the physical ap­ Hogan, Democrat, of Torringtdn. New York, March LB.—(AP) — door prizes will be given at each Notloris Auto Tracks Helen Page. Dun A Bradstreet In Its weekly lation of the Versailles Treaty, and ley .as announcer. One of the high Katherine has been active In sev­ Dorothy is experienced In the pearance. Miss Leigh explained that Because the time for the Intro­ her superior forces, the French gov­ Its Millions. sitting In this final tourney. Aftei lights was a musical akctch, "The Arriving at the scene of the fire their aim at the home was to keep duction of new business has expired, trade review declared today the , March 18.— (AP) — the games a Social period will bo the constable noticed that there eral school assemblies and also took Held of dramatics, having received a ernment Is doubling the term of Truth Potion", by Faith and Phyllis was a wheel track that showed that part In "When the Chimes Rang,” teacher's certificate In Detroit In the children so busy and happy that Hogan submitted the measure to p r ^ n t business upturn represents army conscript service to two years. Wiley Post, noted 'round the world enjoyed and home made cake and Fallow, Frances Conrow and Evelyn they do not have time to ponder Senator J. Kenneth Bradley, Repub­ The small number of conscripts coffee served. All players will be an automobile had driven up to the a Paint and Powder performance. coaching grammar school pupils. the soundest revival since the de­ New York, March IS.— (AP) — flier, took off from Union Air Ter­ Jones, Sandwiches, coffee and candy house, parked on the east side of Katherine la now on the Somanhis She has taken part In "Oh Profes­ over their afflictions. lican, chairman of the Judiciary available in the "War Baby" classes welcome. were served by the committee for committee with the request that it pression low of 1932. now being called to the colors, he Secretary of Agriculture Henry A. minal at Burbank today on his sec­ the building and from there foot­ statistical committee. sor." "Tea Tapper Torch,” and be given the status of a proposal ond attempt to 'span the continent Helen Devidson Lodge, Daughters the evening. prints'could be seen leading to the Nanette, the French maid of Ma­ "The Winning of Joy" In Detroit “Neither the vagaries of March said, requires the lengthening of Wallace came to mark-1 today. dame, speaks entirely In French to raised in committee. weather in all of Its perverse mani­ the service term as well as lowering In eight hours or less In a 2447 mile of Scotia, will hold Its regular meet­ door under the veranda that opened before coming here. She also acted Bradley was non-commital as to He arrived bright and early In ing In Tinker hall, Friday evening The committee In charge of 'the Into the basement on the east side which Katherine's low, mellow voice In "The Wedding," a local produc­ festations nor the continued uncer­ the age of conscripts frdm 21 to 20 —while fresh vege­ flight through the stratosphere to whether Hogan's request would be tainty of the course of National years, which the government pro-- at 8 o'clock sharp. A social time Dorcas Society's family supper, of the house. is well adapted. tion. tables and meats to feed a metrop­ New York City. which was to have been served at Owners In Florida —F. Milter. —F; Miller. JOHNUENNEY FRESH looked upon with any favor but legislation have been sufficiently poses In a bill Introduced In the will follow the business and a good said he would take the matter up Chamber of Deputies. olis were still being distributed to In hts usual quiet manner, the attendance Is hoped for. the Emanuel Lutheran church on Mr. and Mrs. Silversteln are in 10 Depot Square Phone B830 potent to swerve the movement of Oklahoma pilot waved "so long" to Saturday night, announces that it Florida and the house was not occu­ FISH with the committee. general businesi. by any wide de­ "France, like Britain, refuses to retail establishments. Sale! The text of the bill: consent to Germany's increase In a group of sleepy eyed well wishers Mystic Review, Woman's Benefit has been postponed Indefinitely. pied at the time, although all of the agtilnst 603 for the East Hartford Individual appearing before Joint gree, from Its definitely-charted The secretary dented there WitS at the field and roared away in his association, will be hostess to the fiirriture was In the house. When shooters, Walter Carter and Marcel FOR TONIGHT AND FRIDAY! course,” declared the review. her forces by unilateral decision," any significance In his visit beyond standing committees of the General the Premier said In Indirect refer­ globe girdling plane, the "Winnie reviews in this district, Tuesday P,obert H. Cole of 6,3 Stephen the constable .irrlved the fire was MRS. HART E. BUELL Donze, with scores of 175, were Insurance "The recession which appeared In the fact that he was interested in Mae.” burning In all four rooms on the Assembly In professional capacities ence to General Hermann Wilhelm evening of next week. The same street Is recovering from Injuries high for the night. The scores; Ule, Accident and Health, for fees or salaries paid them, to ex­ some divlstons during the last three seeing the facilities employed in Post’s first cross country strato­ committee which has succcssfull.v suffered recently In Stafford when third floor, all rooms on the second Manrhf^trr Goering's recent announcement of feeding New York City’s seven' mil­ Fire Insurance, Fidelity and STEAK press views of corporations, groups, weeks seems to have been checked, an official German Air Force. sphere dash several weeks ago end­ served several spaghetti suppers; he was struck b.v the rear end of a floor and the basement wa.s ablaze. IS DEAD IN GILEAD P. S. K. OH. ■n. HADDOCK special Interests or other organiza­ as a fuller realization has been lion persona and had accepted a ed abruptly when he set his motor will put on another at this time for The lire had not gained sufficient \V. Carter ...... 18 49 39 41 Surety Bonds—Auto­ Must Increase Army long-standing Invitation of Maypr skidding bus. .Mr. Cole had his 177 tions banded together for the pur­ reached that the presept upturn "When the forces of the German troubled ship down on the Mojava the members and friends, between car parked on the roadside at the headway as to prevent Constable ,M. Donzo ...... 47 48 47 35 177 mobile and Uther FILET pose of procuring special legislation, represents the soundest revival that F. H. LaGuardia to do so. desert less than an hour away from the hours of fi:30 and 7. A drawing time of the accident. A bus failed to Plrle from noticing that the door L. Chapin ...... 47 47 42 39 175 COD army pre considerably Increased by He started the day with break­ leading Into the basement had been Casiulty Lines. shall be required to register forth­ has occurred since the nadir, was an unilateral decision to which the Los Angeles. will also take place on the $2.,V) negotiate the curve and headed di­ E. Kennedy ... .49 46 .38 22 153 with their names, the parties they touched In 1932. fast in the company of Mayor La­ He expected today to traval and all stubs must be turned In be­ rectly for Mr. Cole's car. He broken In. There was a hinge off Charter Member of Hebron French government does not ac­ Guardia. Markets Commissioner and the door was partly opened. It represent, the legislation in which “With natural forces vigilantly quiesce any more than the British through the less restricted regions fore Tuesday evening. scrambled from the machine and 682 17c lb. they arc |)rofessionalIy Interested WilUam Fellowcs Morgan and Dep­ of the upper air at a speed of around started acro.ss the road to safety was also learned that the automo- East Hartford 2 lbs. 25c directed by men whose experience The Ward liner Morro Castle, six months overdue from Havana, has finished the passage that was Inter­ government,” Flandin said, "France uty Commissioner Carl W. Kimball, Ule that had carried the person, or Grange and Teacher Was Fanry, freah filet of had­ Fancy! Special tonight and the amount of emolument or as weathered stress' and storm cannot without endangering her na­ 380 miles an hour "or more”—some­ Officers and teachers of the Sec­ when the bus skidded and swung P. ,S. K. OH. Tl. fee paid of promised, with the clerk rupted when flames swept her from stem to stern^off Asbury Park, N. J. The charred hull, warped by then visited the Bronx Terminal thing like six miles a minute. ond Congregational church school persons, to the house just before It A. Avltlli ...... 43 42 40 47 t72 dock! and Friday! periods of many economic readjust Are that brought death to 134, l.s shown as It was towcil into Gravesend Bay, N. Y., signali-'.ing the succes.s tional defense permit her army's market and the far uptown Park around, the rear end knocking him of the Senate and the clerk of the force to become Inferior to those Post dropped the "Winnie Mae's" will have their monthly meeting to the ground. Ho was severely was discovered burning, had driven Also Church Worker. R. Garvle ...... 44 46 43 34 167 BRIDGE - SETBACK House of Representatives. ments, the spread between bouyant of salvage engineers In freeing It from 13 feet of sand. If the hull Is seaworthy, It may bo refitted as avenue pushcart market. and supper tonight at 6:30 at the bruised and will he confined to his In from the east and when the au­ .1. H. Anderson ..39 41 38 37 153 sentiment and tangible results is be^ a naval supply ship. provided for w-hen German arma­ Btatoi His Views retractable landing gear as the ship Number I I Fresh Such registration shall be a pub­ ments were officially within the left the ground, and will land on church. Miss Dorothy Buttle of the home for another week at least. It tomobile left It turned west, to \V. C. .Merritt . ...41 40 22 5 111 FRIDAY, MARCH 15 lic record open to the public, the ing narrowed constantly, and proofs In an interview, he stressed the Public Health Nursing Association .Manchester. limits fixed by the peace treaty.” need of a SO per cent increase In the plane’s belly when he reaches Is expected, , Mrs. Mary CorrleUa (Davis) Buell, 8 P. M. press and the members of the Gen­ are multiplying that the gloomy Floyd Bennett Field in New York will tell of her work throughout the I’lillw Niitlflixl 603 I Smelts lb. I c Haddock lb. c views held in some quarters have Industrial production, pointing out wife ol Hart E. Buell, died Wcdne.s- 5 7 eral Assembly. Marshal Petain has declared the City. town. The committee of arrange­ Manchester Loyal Orange Lodge So positive was the constable MANCHESTER GREEN "Self Explanatory” not been wholly warranted. In the that agricultural production is now ments is Mrs. James Virginia, Ar­ that the fire had been set and day morning at her home In Gilead Fresh« ■ * I r r«*p*nFresh __ German army numbers 400,000, the 88 to 90 per cent of the 1929 level. Post's takeoff today had previous­ will hold their regular monthly COMMUNITY CLUB Hogan declined to discuss In any light of current reassuring develop­ FIND DOCTOR DEAD equal of the French forces on the ly been cancelled because, he said, thur Palmer and .Miss Isabel Mas­ meeting at 7 o'clock tonight. As knowing that the family was not at She wa's born June 21, 1852 nt detail bis reasons for preparing the ments. AMERICANS INDICTED Industrial production is but 68 sey. home, lie decided to notify the state continent, and that Reichsfuehrer per cent of the peak year level, he of unfavorable local weather condi­ there Is business of Importance to West Stafford. She attended Mount CASH PRIZES; $2„50, 81.00, 30r. Salmon lb. c!Hahbut lb. c measure. He met questions with Had a Slow Start Adolf Hitler's militarized police tions. come up all members are requested police. State Policeman Jam->s 25 25 the laconic reply; said. Closing the gap between in­ The . Hartford County spring Buckley of the .Stafford barrac;ts Holyoke ■ Seminary and taught DANCE! DOUR PRIZE! "After a slow start, a less in­ IN EX-WIFE’S HOME force makes the German field force dustrial and agricultural outputs, he Weather Clears meeting of the Connecticut Federa­ to attend. arrived Shortly before 8 o'clock. The school several years. In 1876 she Every Thursday Night! Fresh Fresh "The bill is self explanatory and terrupted expansion during the next AS SPIES BY FRANCE 600,000, the number France has at Toward dawn, however, fog from Its need is obvious." added, would bring a greater spread tion of Women’s clubs will be h;ld office of the state police In Hartford married John R. Gilbert and came THE RAINBOW Home Made Cake and Coffee. six months appears In prospect for home and in the Olonles. of prosperity. the Pacific ocean rolled off the ter­ was called and the state Are mar­ as a bride to the Gilbert home on The Hogan measure popped up the distributive branches." One year of military service, the at the First Confmgatlonal church ■Art McKay's Orchestra. All Players Welcome! unexpectedly when both Houses Asked if he would suggest minal and reports from other In Glastonbury, Thursday. March 12 HERE TAKE DRIVERS shal latei'' came to Bolton as did Gilead street where she has lived Oysters pi- 25c Mackerel lb. Qc Spring buying has started, the re­ Police Believe He and Pres* general staff nolds, will cause the method of attaining this equaliza- points along the route were h»- 21, beginning at 10:'l5 a. m. State Robert T. Hurley, who heads the ever since. Carl WIgannwskI, Prompter, Admission 2Sc. side-tracking all controversial view said, with the public going Mr. and Mrs. Robert Switz STALIN TO MEET French army to drop next year by lleved satisfactory. A tall wind— She was a member of the Gilead Issues In observance of ttao "Flght- ahead with purchases despite the at least 120,000 men because of the 'President Miss Florence Sutton vlll arson Investigation department of lesa Friday" rule dug Into a'pile of (Continued On Page Eight) something tbe pilot has been wait­ give an address, Mrs C. W. Till­ EXAMS; TWO REJECTED the atate, maintained b the fire In­ Congregational church and a teacher weather. ent Hnsbaod Had a Fight; low birthrate during the war years. ing for—will speed hts trip. mans. state chairman of program surance companies. Ttic investiga­ routine business. of East Orange, N. As a remedy It was proposed to In the Sunday school for many From the motor vehicles commit "Instead of having passed the sea­ Post leisurely donned his 18 suggestions, will give a dramatic tion is being conducted this after­ years. She was always interested son's peak, as, had appeared possible EDEN PERSONALLY send the April class of young men pound “stratosphere suit," specially reading. Other speakers will be the noon. tec, the Senate received the com' Autopsy Ordered. Into service for 18 months, and" then Edward .Silk, of Stafford Springs, and active in the _ church and mittee approved bill creating a tern' In February, new highs are Indicat­ Among 30 Snspects In designed for the trip, and climbed Rev. Russell .McGowan of Glaston­ Built In 1026 Ladles' Aid, always doing for any­ CONCERT ed for many industrial divisions be­ for at least four years require two PRESIDENT FAYORS Into the "Winnie Mae.” bury, and Mrs. Leon Abbe who will motor vehicle Inspector, was In porary commission to study the sub­ years of service, beginning with Manchester today to conduct exam­ The hou.se that was burned this one In sickness or In time of need. ject of automobile liability. fore spring runs will have been com­ Thp official time of hia takeoff speak on "The Shakers of Enfield." inations of those who wl.shed to se­ morning was erected In 1028 at the No one ever called on her In vain, pleted," It reported. Famous Case Hingbam, Mass., March IS—(AP) those called to the colors next Octo­ was «:16 a. m., (PST). Each club president will speak on sanii time that Mr. Silversteln The M anchester Public M arket BY SHRINE BAND On the recommendation of Sena Rare Procedure for Russian ber. cure drivers licenses. There were 12 no matter how humble. tor William C. Hungerford, Repub­ Motor Production —Dr. Harold E. Johnson, Boston RUSSELL’S MEASURE His takeoff was without mishap her club’s activities at the morning this' morning for the examination, built his cider mill, which Is located ■ She was a charter member of the The review showed an expansion France In any case would have session. Reservations for the lunch­ to the south of the house. The house lican on Watertown, chairman of Leader to So Honor a For- optometrist, was found dead today fewer trained men than Germany and the landing gear was dropped which started after the close of the Hebron Grange and served the or­ the committee, the measure was re­ Paris, March 13.—(AP)—Mr. and in his former wife's home on Main midway down the runway. The plane eon should be made by March town court session and continued was modern In construction and der In many ways besides being the STATE THEATER (Continued on Page Ten) but they would "man the rampart,” with Mrs. Martin Roser. Glaston­ equipment and was nsured. The en­ Better ferred to the . appropriation com­ Mrs. Robert Gordon Switz, of East street. as Marshal Petain nailed the vast will have leas air resistance with until H its. Of the 12 that applied chaplain and secretary. SEAFOOD mittee. The bill carrying an appro- the gear off. bury. telephone Glastonbury 281. for the right to drive two were un­ tire building, with .he exception -f On .March 24. t017 she married SUNDAY, Mar. 17, 2:30 p. m. Orange, N. J., and New York, were " eign Diplomat. Hlngham police said Dr. Johnson string of modem fortifications Compromise BQI On Work This Is an Important meeting and the foundation, was in ruins In a Fancy .Mackerel. Medium or Large ...... 10c lb. priaMon of $8,000 provides for a five along more than half the Rhineland To Fly High able to pass a satisfactory teat and Hart E. Buell. Besides her hus­ .Auspices of man • committee comprising the Indicted with 30 other persons today and Robert E. Burns, husband of Tbe flier headed due east, point­ large delegations from all the clubs were turned back'for further exam­ short time after the'fire wa.s discov­ band she 1s survived by three,chil­ Fresh IJoneless Filet of Haddock...... 19c lb. as members of an alleged Soviet spy the former Mrs. Johnson, had en­ frontier. Many of them are under­ arc hoped for. ered and there was no chance to re­ MANCHESTER LODGE, NO. 73, A. F. & A. M. Judge of the Superior Court, the DE L A W S REQUEST ground. ' ReOef Expected to Break ing tbe blue nose of hia ship ination. The remaining 10 were dren. Albert Gilbert, of Long Is­ Fresh Made Filet of Sole...... 29c lb. motor vehicle and insurance com; ring. Moscow, March IS.—(AP)— It gaged in an argument. abruptly upward to gain as quickly given a certificate to be sent or move nnv of the furniture. land; Myron Gilbert of Somers; and Assisting Artists: "Brutal, unexpected aggression" ADVERTISEMENT- Con.stable Plrle and a state Fancy Red Salmon in piece or sliced. mlssioners and two representatives Magistrate Michel Benon, the ex­ was officially announced today that Mrs. Burns Is the daughter of a on land, sea and air Is Petain's dark as possible the altitude he expects to taken to Hartfoird where the license Mrs. Mabel Milter of Milford, and Whole Haddock to Bake. of the public. The committee would aminer, sent the cases to the Correc­ Joseph Stalin, general secretary of family well known in Philadelphia, the Week’s Long Deadlock keep throughout his trip. He will Buck up with a glass of Ballan will be secured. Inspector Ashe, policeman were closeted for sevep grandchildren. ' Her oldest LOIS PHELPS, Brilliant Young Hartford Pianist. vl-sion of the next war, which be has more than an hour with Clar- liirge Smelts ...... ,15c lb. report Its finding 60 days before the WAS TO CARRY ON tional (Jourt for trial. It Is expected police said. Her maiden name, they said only a strong France can avert. fly between 32,800 feet and 40,000 tine's Bock Beer and a tasty sand­ who has the Manchester territory, son. Ralph died .several years ago. COLONIAL MALE QUARTET of Hartford. next Assembly. to begin early in April. the political bureau, will personally said, was Euralia Brown. She was feet. wich at the Princess Grill. cnee H. Anderson. local real estate receive Capt. Anthony Eden. British was In BrIstoLtoday, and In.surance man, at the latter's The funeral will be held Friday af­ I.arge Fat Salt Mackerel, imported from Norivay, 20c ca. CHARLES BECKER, Xylophonist, of Buffalo, N. Y. JaU Bill Tabled Included in the indictments were not home. Washington, March 18.—(AP) — Post declared his flight Is not ternoon at her home. Rev. Howard liirge Swedish Salt Herrings, Special...... 2 for 19c SPHINX TEMPLE BAND—30 MUSICIANS, The controversial state Jail farm Lord Privy Seal, when the latter Dr. John O. Sweeney,' medical office this morning to check up on those of ten persons who •’.re fugi­ comes to Moscow this month to dis­ Pleading for adoption of the Russell primarily a speed dash. Rather, ha the Insurance carried on the Sliver-, Champe and Rev. Walter Vey will Large Herrings...... 10c lb. Angelo Coniglione, Conductor. bill, defeated' yesterday In the House tives. examiner, sllid Johnson's chin was compromise on wage scales under said, it was planned to demonstrate conduct the services. And, Thoogh They Grieve His cuss European peace. stein house. Fresh Cod to Fry or to Bake...... 2 lbs. 23c 'Tickets 73c of Masons, or at State Thdater. returned to the Senate where on Tbe prosecution Is expected to' cut and there was blood on bis shirt HUNDREDS CAUGHT the $4,880,000,000 work relief pro­ tha feasibility of passenger air 'I’he officers declined to amplify motion of Senator Bradley It was order a secret trial for Mr. and Mrs. The Communist leader is not ex- front. He said there was a broken gram. Senator Robinson, Democra­ travel at foster speed through tha .Safaris Boston Hlueflsh to Fry or to B ake...... 2 lbs. 2.3c tabled. Passing, His Troupe Will piece of furniture In the room and their statement that the purpose of Switz who have been held In prison (Dontlnued on Page Two) tic leader, told the Senate today it upper regions of the sky. PINEHURST the visit was to get a line on the In­ LEGION RIFLE SHOOTERS Swordfish, center c u ts ...... ,1b. 29c Earlier In the week, the Senate for fiftran months for questioning. there was blood on the floor. IN FEDERAL NETS would be approved by President Col. Roscoe Turner holds tbe surance. Nor would they say Nice White Halibut S te a k ...... ,25c lb. refused to reject the bli: and voted Keep Up. They and their alleged accom­ He would not give the cause ol Roosevelt. transcontinental speed reedrd at 10 whether the Investigation they hod Chowder C lam s...... i ...... 2 qts. 23c plices win probably take the case death, pending an. autopsy, but said Standing at his desk directly in hours 2 minutes, set in September. made cast suspicion on aiw parti­ HUMBLE EAST HARTFORD (Oontlnaed on Page Twelve) before the Thirteenth Tribunal of Johnson "might have been injured front of the Vice President’s ros­ 1934. CROCERY, INC. cular person as being re^ n sib le Steaming Clams...... 2 qts. 2.3c from a fall.” Native Stewing Oysters...... !29c pint the Criminal Court. STRACHEY YISIONS Nationwide Drive Began By trum, Robinson asserted tbe pro­ The flier got his advisors out of DIAL 4131 for the act of Incendiarism. Plrle New York, March 18.—(AP)— Of tbe 34 espionage suspects Servant's Story posal was "a fall compromise." bed at dawn after they had thought ssid that. BO fsr a s he knew, Stlver- Large Frying Oysters...... 35c pint Charles Winter Wood will "keep It Mary and Margaret Kane, sisters The Manchester American Legion originally announced by the police, Senator Stelwer (R„ Ore.) asked the flight would not be attempted steln was In Florida. up.” only two have been adjudged free and servants at the Burns home, today. Rifle team won over the American HUEY LONG TALKS That was the last request made of CAPITALISM’S END told police Dr. John.son visited Treasury— Thousands of If Robinson rnuld give assurance I Legion team of East Hartford In a AT OUR BAKERY DEPARTMENT from suspicion. They are Shul' Levin­ that Russell amendment would not The “Winnie Mae," sturdy plane 10 lbs. I him by “De Lawd," and Understudy Burns last night. They said they In which the one-eyed Oklahoman 49c J HUTTKR. 2 lbs. 7 It shoot held at the Manchester range Delicious Home Made Hot X B u n s...... 20c doz. Wood, the new "Lawd,” will carry It son and Michael Perilman, both drove him to his home in the Dor­ Agents Take Part.* bring a veto. on Pearl street last night. The local Bessarabians. chester section of Boston early to­ “I can." Robinson replied quick­ has twice flown around the world In SETBACK - BEANO PARTY Stuffed and Baked Mackerel...... 10c and 15c ea. OF A THIRD PARTY out. record breaking time, has also had Confectionery Sugar . . . .2 Ib.s. 13c Friday, 8Ureh IS, 8 P. M. shooters rang up a total of 682 Codfish C akes...... 30c doz. Wood carried on last night, as did ___Othera Indicted British Radical" Declares day, but that he refused to leave the ly. A frank compromise pleajjy Combination points In their four-men team. Besides the Swltzes, the others In­ automobile when they arrived there Senator Wagner (D., N. Y.) today previous experience in altitude Home of Mrs. Samuel Haugh, Home Made Potato S alad ...... ,1.3c lb. TO YOU all the rest of the cast of “The Washlng;ton, March IS.— (AP) — flights before today’s takeoff. Special: M lets of. 36 Proctor Road Green Pastures," although Richard dicted are: and, not knowing what else to do, started the Senate toward a vote on Home Baked Beans ...... 15c qt. Banjamln Bercowitz, 42, Ruman- System Cannot Be Re* they took him back to Hlngham. Thousands of law enforcement the. hotly-contested prevailing wage Post, after his disappointing set Benefit Says He WiH S hrt One K He Berry Harrison, who had been the down on the desert on his first cross > 1 Cucumber Had U. O. L. No. 128. L. O. U L Fresh Made Creamy Cottage Cheese... 13c lb., 2 lbs. 2.3c star of the show for five years, bad tan-bom naturalized Canadian. Police quoted the sisters as say­ agents today were unleashed by Issue which promised to break a Mrs. Clara Levitan Bercowitz, 30. ing they heard Burns and Johnson Secretary Morgenthau in Nation­ weeks-long deadlock on the $4,880,- country ’ stratosphere attempt, 1 Bunch Radishes Cash Prizes for Setback. WHO PLAN TO BUY A NEW died In the morning. Wood will be formed; Talks to Students. wide drive seeking to stamp out charged that "someone" has placed Rafreshraenta. .Adm. 28c. Rob’t. K. Anderson Land O’Lakes Mild Cheese ...... 25c lb. Cannot Rule Next Con* retained as the Lord as long as tbe . Mme. Lydia Tcl.ekaloff Stahl,. 48, arguing, and that when they walked 000,000 work-relief program In fayor 1 Head I.«ttuce Into the living room a short time every type of law-violatiun within of the Administration. a foreign aubstance—ateel filings or R itz ...... ; ...... ,1b. pkg. 21c show runs. Russian-born linguist, divoraed wife emery dust—in the engine of hts 1 (ireen Pepper Funeral Director for Harrison's name still flashed In of a New'York business man, Boris later, about 3 -a...m.. Johnson was the Treasury’s Jurisdiction. Oalleriea Crowded 2 Ripe Tomatoes Crax ...... lb. pkg. 19c vention. Ann Arbor, Mich., March’ IS.— lying on the floor, unconscious. Big forces of thfe Coast Guard, As spectators looked dowm from plane. While he never elaborated 'Tod - Halibut - .Mackerel. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR electric lights at the Forty-fourth Stahl. on this assertion. WATKINS BROS., Pard Dog Food, a product of Swift & Co., street theater last night, his picture Louis Pierre Martin, 43, French (AP)—Evelyn John .Strachey, Brit­ Dr. Edward H. Scott of Cohasset, Custom's Service, Secret Service, crowded galleries and Senators ,\L L BOSTON BLUE (Pollock). . 13c lb. ish lecturer whose deportation is was called. He pronounced Johnson Narcotics Bureau, the Alcohol Tax turned In their chairs to face the Aeronautical officials here were said Special, 3 cans for...... 2Bc still stood in the glare outside, the translator in tbe Navy Ministry and to have started an investigation. FOR Filet of Sole — Salmon. Inc. Philadclpbla, March IS—(AP)— crowd still poured Into the audl-. friend of Madam Stahl. sought by the Federal government, dead and notified police. Unit and the Internal Revenue New Yorker, Wagner urged rejec­ Butterflsh, 19c lb. Smelts. 29c lb. D IA L ,5111 Hopes of "captrulng" the Democra­ torium, but it was not the same. Col. Octave Dumoulin, retired painted a word picture last night of Bureau's, intelligence unit were di­ tion. of the McCarran prevailing Post’s radio equipment permits New Funeral Home THIS SPRING!! tic convention In the summer of a dying Capitalism leading the rected against liquor and dope wage amendment he formerly had him to plot hli exact course 900 In the dressing room downstairs, French Army officer. world Into a secies of increasingly miles ahead. He has no sending' CLA.MS 1936 were revealed by U. S. Senator where pickaninny cherubs are ac­ Albert Aubry, French explosives smugglers, counterfeiters and others supported, contending jobless mil­ Opened ...... S5e pi EVERYBODY’S 142 East Center Street Huey P. Long, as the Louisianian severe economic depressions. who sought to evade Treasury laws lions should “not be left stranded equipment but can tune in on broad­ '^•'ell ...... 1 ,|t^ 8.*>* a Tha parformsnee of the refrigerstor you buy will bt of customed to gather, was an awed expert. Ho disparaged the efforts of Fed­ REPORT L. M. HOWE cast stations and determine dlrecn Tel.: greater importsocs to you than any other ftature. Look carried his “Sharc-the-Wealth" silence. The backstage corridors, Mme. Marcelle Laroche Aubry, and regulations. because Congress can not agree." Steaming ...... j qt». sm Ifospcl into Pennsylvania. eral agencies to effect recovery, Secretary Morgenthau made tions In that manner through a WAITING FOR Office 5171. House 7494. to tbs mcchaoiim ; , . it determines how long and bow usually abuzz with tbe excitement hlB wife. charging that what progress . he Just befofe he began,, Senator combination radio compasa J^allops...... '.. .12 ounces 44e But as for the Presidency, he of the curtain hour, were subdued known the scope of the mass opera- Robinson, the Democratic leader. well a rsfrigsrator will icrve you, and at wbat coat. told a press conference, he doesn't Vatroslaw Retch, Croat-born nat- would concede came at the cost of AS SERIOUSLY ILL weather report receiver. decreased purchasing power.. Because of the extreme height at OYSTERS G-E fcalad-in-steel mechanism ftara no reckoning with time. "want" to be President "unless I (Oontinned on Page Fourteen) (OontlBned On Page Two) (Oontloned oo Page Bight) Oyster Crackers...... 5c and lOc hag WHY blue eoal* have to." (Continued on Page Ten) "What are we to say of the per­ which he Is flying there was Uttla EVERYBODY’S manence of such ,a situation?" he likelihood tbe progresa ol hia flight 4ur« 3 years ptrformance protection for only 8t a year. In A large audience some of whom addition to the tundard 1 year warranty. General Electric cheered and some of whom booed. asked. "It can only bring on new would be known barring mishap or Sp(‘rlal Birdspye Red Raspberries crises and certainly worse ones. President’s Adviser for Many forced landing, until his arrival in SURPRISE ! BURNS BETTER giver you 4 stare yrarr ptrfarmamct prauctian on this Long unleased new attacks on PAPER HANGING President Roosevelt, and Adminis­ Capitalism can revive itself, but New York, which should be between 15c box, 2 boxes 25c 83.00 A ROO.M. famous lesied-in-steel mechanism for only II a year. tration leaders. Youth Confesses Story only by creating conditions which Years Was Stricken on Everywhere Bat in Ireland 4 and 8 o’clock, eastern standard 2 '" 42c (t'snall.v IPe box.) I .Also Carry Wallpaper. MIASON NO. 34 Criticizing the methods employed produce a worse situation. time. 1>lae coE Machaniam by the Administration In fighting Cannot Be Reformed Birdseye Peas — Hrorcoll — Spinach — A. KANEHL diom tree bomiog PefuuqrlviBu that daflai lima new the depression, he declared the Of Kidnaping Is False "The posslhlllty of a reform^ Recent Boston Trip. St. Patrick Being Honored POST’S RECORDS ,Sardine»,cans 2->c .\sparngiis. Painter and Ilerorator hard eoak It comet to yon in in all three types of "bone and blood of the American and regenerated system (of Capital­ Los Angeles, March 15.—(AP)— Phone 7841 "enbet'* intlead of fiat tIalM. And people have become dearer than the ism) d(jes not exist,” he added. "The Wiley Post flight facts: Pinochle Tonight it it carefnlljr and evenly tiaed. reMfleraters; Meniler preservation of a political party.” Wilmington, Del., March 18.- ly alongside the road in a residen­ only prospect before us is not of Washington, March 18.—(AP)— Limerick, Iri.sh Free State, March Kgow, San Francisco and Melbourne From Union Ait Terminal, Bur­ When tbete nnitorra bloekt of coal Tep, Plolep, LIftep, "The time has come for me to go (AP)—Public Safety Superintendent tial suburb by two policemen mak­ an amelioration of our difficulties, Louis M. Howe, secretary to Presi­ 18.—(AP),—They were gathering win do more honor to the Sainted bank, to Floyd Bennett Field, New go into your furnace, there ara but of a series of crises that will green shamrocks in Ireland today Patrick than. Dublin, CJork and Lim­ AT MASONIC TEMPLE You will, of course, counter to the party in power," he George Black today said that Ches­ ing their rounds. dent Roosevelt, is seriously 111 at York, 2447 miles, non-stop. 8:00 P. M. plenty of tpacet for the air to cir* asserted in his speech. He quoted ter Hyde, found bound and gagged At first, police said, be told of make 1929 look like a period of sta­ the White House. to honor good St. Patrick, but old erick, the oldsters complain. cnlate throngh, attnring complete find all the modern writings and speeches of leaders hero after being reported kldna^d, having been held captive by three ble prosperity, crises that will pro­ Howe, who is 64, was taken sick timers morosely refiocted that the There was the time when on March (Oontlnaed On Page Eight) — All Men Invited! — and even combnttion. ‘bine coaT long dead— President Madison, lias admitted the aMuctlon story he men and a woman. duce the gradual destruction of modem 17th of March celebrations 17 every Irishman worthy of Uie STUDENTS doetn*t park dovm into a tolid mata convenience feo- civlllzatton.” following his trip with the President are not like those of yore. Admission 23c. Now Is the proper time to Daniel Webster, Abraham Lincoln, told was a “fake.” Taken to Wilmingtoa police sta­ on February 23 to Boston. name pinned a bunch of shamrocks TREASURY BALANCE. like tl^by, imevenly tiled coaL turea in the new William Jennings Bryan and Theo­ "The boy h u admitted It was a Strachey termed his own prose­ Even "Little Alfle”—Lord Mayor on his hat and went off to march rent or buy a g o ^ StanUard That’i vrhy it burnt ilovrly, evenly, tion, the boy said he was dragged His condition, it was learned was THE CITY TAVERN 1935 O-E modela dore Roosevelt—to corporate what fake,” Black stated, 'he said he had Into an automobile at 'Woodbridge cution "one of the most futile acti­ Alfle Byme of Dublin—has gone to in a parade, cheer the booming ■ Washington, March 15.—(AP)— or Portable completely—tending ctcady, beallk vities In which the Capitalistic class regarded as critical earlier this week New York for Erin's big day, tha bands or carry a banner. new on display. he declared was a threat to the re­ been writing letters to his step­ after a man "ahowed a handker­ but the White House reported today Tbe position of the Treasury oa Announcen that the Only Union Bartender in Manches­ fnl warmlb to every roonv For bet­ public in the concentration of father asking for money.” chief' Into his face. can Indulge." ancients point out as they gloomily Then there were speeches, with March 13 was: ter heat at lewett ceit. phone na wealth "In the hands of the few.” Hyde, 19, was reported kidnaped “I don't see what the CapitalisUe that he was Improved. puff on their clay pipes. those who had kissed the blarney- ter is behind the City Tavern Bar. Typewriter today and tay ‘bine coal*. "I don't know what happened .aft­ Dr. Ross T. McIntyre, White Receipts, $117,463,428.60; expend­ Sperlal Keutal Kates Mora DeprcMlon after being miaslng from his Wood- er that until I woke up In a room, I class can gain by deporting humble "Shure, and His Honor hadn't tbe stone knowing well how to breathe itures. $87,237,728.52; balaned, “We had three years of the Hoo­ individuals like me," he ^ d . House physician, has diagnosed the heart in him.” they say, "to stay fire and brimstone against the an­ Union membera and those in sympathy with Union To Students. bridge, N. J., home since last Mon­ think It was Tuesday morning," he illness as a recurrence of an old $2,078,641,171.68; customs receipta principles should patronize this Tavern. PANGEOIL ver depression." he continued, "and day. Police reported his step­ said in on interview. The National Student League home this year and see the way thay cient enemy—Ehiglani for tbe month, $13,634,10743. Service Typewriter Co. ERNEST H. BENSON now we are In our third year of the father, William Leila, horticulturist, sponsored Strachey's appearance bronchial trouble- complicated by celebrate the blessed Saint's day— Finally there were sessions of Receipta for the fiscal year ( 92 As}'lum St. 5-07IS Roosevelt depression. had received a note demanding -^ore iloo u S ? y o^lS^S^n' cardiac weakness. tbe anniversary of his chasing the "drowning the shamrock" and may­ July 1) $2,427,187,307.88; BIG FREE PRIZE TONIGHT AT 10 O’CLOCK. Hartford, Conn. THE W. G. GLENNEY CO. General Electric Store hours. Police Captain Eklward- G. students and faculty members in Mrs. Howe is with her husband at 'The only dUference between the $10,000 ransom and threatening tbe sarplnta out of Ireland. be a few cracked heads just from tures, $4,749,873,239.33 Uncli 'L-oead Agents—Kemp’a, Ino. Coal* Lnraber. Madobh* 8iippU««» Pakat Lewis said be doubted the youth’s an Ann Arbor ballroom. LJnlversity tbe White House. "The old flare for celebrating is TKc Roi UltHv’ 0»I Compnny SM No. Main Sto TaL 4149 Maiicliaaler 339 Main Street Phone 3032 Hoover and the Roosevelt depres- youth with harm. story. A short Ume later Superin­ the exuberance of tbe occasion. $2,462,896,288.76 of emergency authorities had forbidden the use of It was believed Howe overtaxed dying out and it's a sad day for By comparison, the old celebrants pendlturea); excess of expendMmi Tbe youth was found bound hand tendent Black said the boy ad­ a campus auditorium for the lec­ (Oontlaoed On Page Two) and foot with electric wife early to- mitted It was false. Irelud." sigh, the current holiday observance $2422.688481.77; gold assets. | ture. (Conttnued Ob Page Twelve) Even New York, L«ndon, Glas- is dull and drab indeed. ,.ABp.69a463;79, v : . '''''' . ■j.-- , , 1- . ’■ \ I TWO MANCHESl’ER EVENING HERALD. MANCHEHIBR OONM. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 16.1S8&. MANCHBHnER CVENINO HERALD. MANOUESriCB OUNN- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16,1988.

New London was urged to sing, but instead told a story that was greet­ CHENEYS DEED TO TOWN [.PATRICK’S DAY ed with hearty laughter. FIRST TAX RELIEF PRINGESS ENGAGED Manchester HOSPITAL BENEFIT The Senate was not alone in the Local^locks observance of the S t Patrick's Day FIREHOUSE PROPERTY Date Book spirit, for when majority leader SUITISBROUGirr (Fomished by Patnam A Oo.) TO PRINCE GUSTAF DANCE IS PLANNED |AFFECI8 ASSEMBLY Representative Daniel F. B. Hickey Central Row, Hartford, Cobb. Take Steps to Corr^t Mistake reached his desk, he foun^ a strik­ Toolght ing gray and green neck tic. Made Years Ago—To Pay 1 r. H. Stocks Nazoren* church revlvala. im tor Bradley Presents Rockville Bank Alleges That Dollar a Year. Daughter of Sweden’s Crown Also "Pomander Walk,” Sock and Wiliiani J. ThorntoB Is Chair­ Bank Stocka Buskin club. High echool hall. There"wu recorded la the town North Main Street Assess­ - Bid Asked Tomorrow man of Committee Arran{- Members With Green SIX DEALERS SIGNED Cap Nat Bank A Trust 8 10 clerk's office todi.y a lease signed Prince to Wed Crown March 18—Boll of Ancient Order Conn. River ...... 4.50 — by Cheney Prothers to the South of Hibernians at Country club. Carnation Today. ment Excessive and Unjust Htfd. Conn. T r u s t___ 60 65 Manchester fire district o f a piece of Prince of Denmark. Also S2nd aniveraary celebration mg for the M a ir. FOR THE AUTO SHOW Hartford National . . . . 20^ 23Vi land and a building which is tbs of Daughters of Liberty, No. 123, L. Phoenix St. B. and T. .1 7 0 . — site and the building now occupied O. Lk L, at Orange ball. WELDON DRUG CO. iBsnraaeo Stocka Notice of A suit for relief from al­ by Center Hosa No. 3. Stockholm, Sweden, March IB. — Nest Week ArrangemenU are being made by state Capitol, Hartford, March Aetna Casualty...... 63 65 The land on which the building 15—(AP)—The iplrlt of St. Patrick leged excessive tax assessment on Aetna F i r e ...... 45 47 (AP)—The "love match" engage­ March 17—Open meeting for the corporator* of the Manch**tor Pbns Being Perfected for was erected was owned by Cheney ment of Princess Ingrid, second O thollc women, afternoon, St. made an advanced call today In the property located at 301-217 North Aetna U fe ...... 1618^ Brothers. It came to them through Memorial hospital for a dance to bo 90S MAIN ST daughter of Crown P ^ce Gustaf James's Hkll. Senate, brlnglns with it not only Main street was filed this morning Automobile ...... 23 25 the payment of back taxes that Adolf of Sweden, and O ow n Prince Also concert at State theater by given on Friday night. May S, at Sowars but Jollity. From bis f reen- Exhibit and Home Appli­ with Town Clerk Samuel J. Turk- Conn. G eneral...... 25 37 were due upon the property as the houBM in Derby, Senator Henry M. Frederick of Denmark and Iceland, Sphinx Temple band and entertain­ the State armory for the benefit of Ington against the town of Man­ Hartford F ire ...... 57^4 59H first owner ,p d the deecendanta had Bradley, Jr.’ brought to Hartford chester by the Savings Bank of Hartford Steam Boiler 72 74 was (rffldally aanotmeed today. ers, auspices of Manchester Lodge the hospital William J. Thornton, Ia " > •' ..V o green carnations for his fellow left Mancbeater and there, waa no The date for the wedding was not of Masons. ance Fair at Armory. Rockville, owners of the property National Fire ...... 58 60 real owners-that could be found. who was general chairman of the Senators and for Senate messen­ Phoenix Fire ...... 75 77 Immediately announced. March 18— Ye Old Hme School, Involved. The property wee at one time the most succecsful Masonic ball ever gers, clerks and newspapermen. In the complaint filed by Chester Travelers ...... 395 405 Outstanding in her character and S t James's choln,, at High school held In town and who also headed Pointing to the contrast in colors site of Manchester's first drug store Plans for the 1935 Auto and Home E. Lord, deputy sheriff of Hartford PnbUc L'tUltIco Stock! beauty in a family noted for many hall. the committee for the President'* presented by the green carnation and also the office of the first doc­ beautiful princesses, the golden March 19, 30, 21, 32.^Herald Appliance Show to be' held at the (Jounty this morning, the owners Conn. Elec Serv ...... 33 36. .. tor that practiced medicine in Man­ Birthday ball a year ago, has been and a red tie worn by a messenger. state that the tax list on the prop­ haired I n ^ d U 24 years old. Cooking school, mornings at 10, named chairman of the oommittee Senator E. Oaynor Brennan of State Armory. March 27, 28, 29 and Conn. Power ...... 30V4 32^ chester. In the cJd records o f the 30 are now entirely perfected and erty at Depot Square was filed with Greenwich, WAG, pfd. 48 53 Frederick at 38. la tall and hand­ State theater. in charge of this hoapital benefit Stamford "complained” that the the Assessors lust. October, and was town of Bast Hartford, before Man­ some. He ia great-nephew of the March 19—Dance at I'urn Hall, much enthusla.sm Is being showm by Hartford Elec ...... 53 55 chester was set aside in 1823, there dance. combination dazxled him and made listed In the 1934 list by the Asses­ late Queen Alexandra and a second Fronc-Rebok Polibh orchestra. y.lthough the dance will be rea­ It difficult for him to arise to sub­ dealers and cxhlbltorK who are sign­ Hartford Gas ...... 34 38 is a copy of a bill presented by this sors at 849.969. do., pfd...... 47 51 cousin of the Prince of Wales. March 30.—Salvation Army vari­ sonably priced the committee plaps mit committee reports. ing up for the show. doctor for services rendered in de­ The Crown Prince had been en­ The following automi>bile dealers The owners. In Its appeal, state S N E T Ck) ...... 105 109 ety musicale. to make it gn elaborate one. A LJeutent Governor Frank Hayes, that the assessment Is unjust and claring an Indian woman and an In­ gaged in 1922 to Princess Olga of will be In .this year's show: Manufacturing Stocka March 22.—"F U For FamUy," 3- popular orchestra /rill be secured the presiding officer explained; greatly in excess of the market dian man dead, both of whom had Greece, a slater of the Duchess of and the armory will be aultanljr j "Does the Senator wish it (the Wethercll - McCabe Motor Sales; Am Hardware ...... 1614 18H act. comedy at South Methodist value and not In proportion with been murdered in a bam in the Kent, but the match waa broken off decorated. of Imported and Domestic Wines and Liquors at Low Prices tiel removed?" Schaller Motor Sales Inc., Cole Am Hosiery ...... 30 25 church by Dramatic club. other assessments of similar prop­ sbuthem part of the town. It was after six months. Also benefit basketball game and No committees have been named Brennan replied with a smile of Motor .Sales, Dillon Sales and Serv­ erties In town, and that they ap­ Arrow H and H, com. 14 16 Manchester's first murder case. Were Playmates ice, The HIley Chevrolet Co. Inc., do., pfd...... — dance at East Side Rec, sponsored as yet but Chairman Thornton is resignation. pealed to the Board of Relief on or 100 When it was decided that there Ingrid and Frederick have known giving considerable of his spare STRAIGHT WHISKlfcb Senator Francis W. Hogan of and Manchester Motor Sales. These Billings and Spencer.. >4 1 by Blueflelds A. C. for High school about Feb. 18 for a deduction from should be a place for No. 2 to keep each other almost since their child­ track team. time to the project and is hopeful of Torrlngton said that the Senate dealers will exhibit fourteen differ­ the assessed valuations. The Board Bristol Brass ...... 31 33 apparatus and have headquarters hood and rumors of their betrothal should extend its thanks to Senator March 23.—Tall Cedars formal raising a sizeable *um of money for ent makes of cars and four trucks. of .Relief, the writ states, failed to Case, Lockwood and B 140 — the land was given for the use by have been highly frequent in the Manchester's most worthy institu­ fifths Bradley for the flowers and the grant relief. Under the provisions Collins Co...... 90 — Cheney Brothers. That was in 1910. last few years. dance. Sunset Ridge Country club. added refinement It gave that body. Also dance at Manchester Country tion. RATTT.r.n BRIDEGROOM of the Statutes the owners are ap­ Colt's Firearms ...... 26 28 The apparatus of No. 2 had been Elyen recently, however, such ru­ CAUFORNIA WINES J 9 5 The remark brought the sugges­ club. pealing to the ^Hartford County Su­ Eagle Lock ...... r 18'4 20^4 kept In a bam owned by Aaron mors met with formal denials. No tion from Senator John C. Blackall Joliet, III.—The second time perior Court for a reduction of the Fofnlr Bearings...... 60 70 Coining Events of Hartford that Bradley should tell Johnson on (Jhestnut atreet and the less than a month ago the Copen­ Lafayette Brandenburg, 26, applied appraisal value of the property. Fuller Brush, Class A. 7 11 shed was there. The house was built hagen newspaper, Berlinake Tidende, March 25.—Educational club lec­ this Senate about his last summer's for a marriage license he was not so The case will be heard In Uie Gray Tel Pay Station. 8 ‘j 1014 ture at Hollister street school. Rob­ trip to Ireland. to bold the horse drawn apparatus announced their engagement, but rattled. Hartford (bounty Superior Court, Hart and C ooley ...... 80 — and a stable was also part of the waa forced to retract when con­ ert C. Deming on “Let Us Celebrate STATE The Derby member spoke for A day ago, lAfayette and bis Hartmann Tob, com .. — 4 TODAY and TOMORROW DISTILLED O A i Tuesday, April 2. 1935, the Tercentenary.” STRAK^T O A < about flve minutes, during which he building where the horse was kept fronted by a denial from the Danish prospective bride, Miss Ethel The current suit is the first such do., pfd...... 23 — to pull the apparatus. <3ourt circles. March^ 26.- -Annual concert of G A GIRL GODDESS - said that -he kissed the : blarney Powell, 28, Watseka. Til., applied for Int Silver ...... 19 22 court appeal in several years. It is About seven years later when The engagement. It U believed Clef club at Emanuel Lutheran stone. a license. When the county clerk do., pfd...... 72 ...Sha lad cx|)ected that Cheney Brothers will 68 there was motor apparatus purchas­ waa definitely settled when Ingrid church. "I guess it had Its effect, all right asked for the J1.25 fee. Lafayette also appeal to the Superior Court I-andcrs, Frary A Clk. 3214 34 >4 in the election last November” he ed the house was enlarged. The returned from a tour of the Far March 29.—Community Players tha animal fumbled and blushed. He wrts- for relief from their 1034 assess­ New Brit. Mch., com .. 4>4 6 '.*, East, at which time Frederick vis­ in "The Bellamy Trial”, a 3-act q add^, a remark that brought building was erected on the proper­ r a V o 1 t WHISKEY JJ DRY GIN 5 J J pered to Ethel, but she had forgot­ ment which was raised 8514,760 for do., pfd...... 40 50 smiles from bis colleagues. ty and paid for by the district. Now ited Stockholm. melodrama, at Wbiton Memorial ten her money too. a total of 89.958.503. .Mann A Bow, Class A 3 7 hall. ( S . % S v a 0 a i n a t Senator C?omeliuS C. Costello of do.. Class B ...... — that the district is doing business AGED! FULL QUART FULL QUARTS The coiinty clerk's office closed 1 March 30.—Irish Tea Party, en­ man! before they could arrange the pay­ by Itself the records show that the North and Judd ...... 26 28 tertainment and dance. Orange hall, ment. But the next day, lAfayette i Niles, Bern Pond ...... 10 l'2 land where No. 2'a bouse stands was TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY V E R D ia OF SUICIDE 7:00 p. m‘„ degree team. Daughters returned with ft .2.5 and got bis II-1 IVck, Stow and Wilcox 3 5 never deeded to the district by Che­ ney Brothers.' A new lease record­ of Liberty. a n y o n e DE8IR1.n o ashes or other cense. i STRIKE AT COLT’S Russell Mfg...... 15 25 190 PROOF TRTiRRFSNfDiSTiillRiES filling for driveways etc., or re­ This time he remembered , the | .ScovlU ...... 19 21 ed today is issued to cover the IN GREENWICH DEATH April 6.—Salvation Army meet­ LOUISVILtE* KENTUCKY BALTIMORE, MARYLAND ■■4 moval of ashes call 6248. ring, too. Stanley Works ...... I9>j 21 period from 1910 to 1950, at a year­ ing, High school hall, 200 bands­ FRANKFORT DISHLLERIESS^M^ '4 men, STILL PEACEFUL Standard Screw ...... 75 85 ly rental of 81. mwia FULL QUART do., pfd., giiar...... 100 — Cheney,Brothers have also asked Harry S. B. Gamble Found April 22.--Formal ball of Knights Pure Grain ALCOHOL $ 1 ^ 1 9 Smythe Mfg. Co...... 45 .50 the SouUi Manchester tire district to Dead hi His Office— Revol­ of Columbus. take over the hese house on Pine April 26. Community Players In Taylor and Fenn , . , . . — 85 ver Is Found Near the Body. Torrington ...... 74 76 street used by No. 1 and also to pay ''Tommy” , Hollister street school, BROMSE-WHIST'SETBACK L yes Receive Pay On Underwood Mfg. Co. .. 53 55 for the apparatus. This the district auspices of Sunset Rcbekoh lodge. April 27—"Night of FTollc” , spon­ G & W if* t.'nion Mfg. Co...... 2 4 officers have not as yet done. Greenwich, March 15.—(A P )_ % G & W U S Envelope, com . . . 85 — sored by Company K, at State KENTUCKY Harry S. B. Gamble, 45. was found FIVE S T A R '* ^ '^ St, Bridget*s Parish Hall Third Day of W a lk o u t- do., p fd ...... 114 — Armory. T W O STAR •shot to death In his office at the 100 PROOF Veeder Root ...... 39 n Gamble Mill Works here today by April 29.—'fcntli annual concert Blended Whiskey Blended Whiskey Pickets Are On Duty. Whitlock Coll Pipe . . . — 3 William Cornelius, an employe of of Beethoven Glee club at High STRAIGHT I c p t A popular favorite. MONDAY, MARCH 18 school. A popular blend ea- TRIUMPH , J.B.Wll'ms Co, 810 par 60 70 the firm who was reporting for Woodlawn RYE A BLEND OF A medium-bodied W IN ES 4 9 - N. Y. Stocks work. May 13.— (Tentative). Concert by PKially adapted (or blend that is honey- lH)OR PRIZE High school chorus and orchestra nighballi but grat- Hartford, March 15 — (API Medical Examiner Dr. John A kk jiying at i straight •mouth. Owet its Adams Exp ...... - Clark gave a verdict of suicide at High school hall. SEQUOIA STRAIGHT WHISKIES plauditttolOlyearsof VALUABLE PLAYING PRIZES! REFRESHMENTS! Pay envelopes were pa.ssed from drink to those w)h> STAUN TO MEET Air Rcduc ...... Sergeant Timothy Daly and other With JEAN PARKER prefer a light-bodied •kill and experience armored cars to a long linn of strik­ Ala.ska Jun ...... in whiskey making. ing employes at the Colt's Patent Greenwich police officers invesU- .CO-FEATURl trhiskey- Admimion 2.'>c. 8:00 O’clock. Allegheny ...... gated. The fine flavor of the whlakeys BOTTOMS UP Firearms Manufacturing Company, EDEN PERSONALLV Allied (Them ...... FOREIGN EXCHANGE “MAYBE ir s LOVE” used In this blend is obtained by this morning, as the peaceful dis­ According to their report a .38 with GLORIA STUART Am Cad ...... calibre revolver waa found near the Gatvert $2.35 81.95 81.20 the old-fashioned slow termen- $2.7e% $1.40 pute over labor union recognition ROSS ALEXANDER Am Com! A l e ...... body. Quart Fifth Pint taUon, sour mash method, Quart nrth Pint moved Into its third day, marked (('ontlnued froiii l>a<-e One) After distilling, the whiskeys with few developments. Statements Am Home Prod ...... Mrs. Gamble said her husband New York. March 15.— (AP)— eyv • * . Radio l>ecte0; New York In Montreal, TOM HARDY G&W the conipllance division would re­ Matters Discussed Col Gas and Elec ____ 101.0 0 . G&W HUNDREDS CAUGHT N—Nominal. Msmuo open negotiations. The timely Improvement of the Coml Solv ...... Blend o f Straight Whiskeys "Gold Label" The strike chieftains, notably .situation In the Fast East is expect­ Cons Gas ...... GIN 17 Yrs., 4 Yrs., 1 Yr. RYE Franris P. Kenton, Boston, repre-pt< ed here to add weight to the Soviet Cons Oil ...... IN FEDERAL NETS MARTINO sciitatlvc of the. Amcrtciin Federa­ Six year* old, bottled dcmaml for oji Eastern European Cont Can ...... G I N ^ in bond under the SATURDAY ONLY tion of l.jilH)r in the tllspute here, Securities pact—a matter which will Corn Prod ...... backed their contentions of an (Continued From Page One) World renowned for tupervtiion of the he discu.sscd during Eden s visit, it Dei L and W e s t...... $ H . 2 S p ‘ - 6 ^ . 5 0 q»- Canadian Govern­ BALBO SILK. STRAW, STRAW CLOTH argeement between the Mnnnfac- Du Pont ...... DANCE $-1.39 $1.19 its bnlinced fmims. ‘ was said authoritatively. tuiers Association of Hartford tlon from co u t to coast sifter the even texture nod ment, and m ellow Eastman Kodak ...... drive first was revealed through the with the century old County and its members to block The effect of last night's state­ Elec and M u s ...... CITY VIEW mellow smoothness... collective bargaining by fwisting a ment by Maxim Lltvlnoff, foreign arrest of narcotics smugglers in the snd equxlly esteemed traditiontof Canada's VERMOUTH HATS $1.00 Elec Auto L ite ...... JL b oldest distillery. picket Une of sixteen striker.s in commissar, who suggested the with­ National capital. DANCE HALL full quart full fifth AS A mixer. 90 proof. Gen Elec ...... ANCHORAGE Pint Fifth Quart RcKuIar ?1.40 1'i.stei Kelt Hats, Saturday Only .. .$1.20 front o(*the association's offices. drawal of troops from the Manchou- Gen Foods ...... Quickly, reports of the results of Manchester kuoii border, was put In the light of raids sifted nto the capital. Local­ Pints 85c. Fifts $1.24. $2.70 $4.06 $.->.13 Gen Motors ...... Every Saturday Night! A Fully Aged Straight Whiskey Soviet Russia shaking off the dan­ Gillette ...... ly, narcotics agents arrested 12 per­ TliRKH BtV FlGirriNG i’L.A.VES ger of war In Asia and, hence, ma­ Gold Dust ...... sons and seized 50 ounces of heroin Saturday, March 16, 1935 terially ati'cngtbeniiig her military valued at $20,000. MARY CARNEY HAT SHOP Hudson M otors...... Ben Irish, Prompter. FIVE FATHOMS Ankara (API—More tlian 83.5,- position In Europe. Int Harv ...... 36'2 Arrests THREE KINGS 893 Main Sl„ Oppewite St. Jamea Church By noon, the alcohol tax unit had Leo Wehr’s Orchestra, 000,000 hU8 been collected by the The Russians thus will enter Into Int N ic k ...... Old Mr. Boston 100% RYE fifth Turkish Aviation League in the 10 their conversations with the British Int Tel and T e l ...... reported a totai of 362 arrests in 12 Admission 20c. RUM years since It was organized to pro­ representative in a position to stand Johns Mansville ...... ' districts, with 67 automobiles seized. 11 MONTHS OLD! vide fighting planes for the govern­ on their recently formulated demand Kennecott ...... In addition 428 illicit stills with a REMEMBER—A Cocktail Is Only As Good As ment. People of all classes sub­ namely, that an "Ekistern Locarno Lehigh Val Rd ...... ; daily capacity of 133,930 gallons had Tw o NATURALS Its Vermouth! scribe reg\ilarly to the fund. Pact” must accompany a general Ligg and Myers B . . . been destroyed. WHISKEY iC fifth _ ,C European peace accord If the Soviet Loew's ...... The Customs Bureau at San Fran* STRAIGHT 100 PROOF pint Charter Oak Grocery anti Union Is to participate. Loiillard ...... cisco reported 13 arrests and the A Full Bodied Germany's uppusitiun to an East­ McKeesp Tin ...... seizure of several ounces of opium, 90 PROOF STRAIGHT RYE ^ ern Eiiropc'an securities pact and Monsanto C b e m ...... a small quantity of heroin, and 17 i FRED E. Straight Whiskey 8 5 « Auto Supply Co., Inc. Personal Notices Russia's Inslstemie upon it are, at Mont Ward ...... ounces of morphine which waa PINT 8T1LLBROOK $ 1 .0 9 present, the greatest obstacles to a Nat Cash Reg ...... taken off the Japanese ship Tatsuta. .OO S T .9 0 DANIEL 9 MONTHS OLD. Clearance Sale of TIRES and TUBES CARD OF THANKS general acconl on the Franco-Brlt- Nat Dairy ...... The customs Bureau at Los Ange­ ish agreement of Lofldon. Nat Distillers ...... les reported the seizure of $10,668 in WERNER OLD GROW WEBSTER 5,2.'>xl8 I’athfindrr r>.2.>xl8 Gootivfur Rtgular M'e wUh I'J rxiiMt tu ti« at CariocaRum p> $1.25 Goodyear — 5.50x20 Heavy Duty Goodvear :i2xl''j time of the deuth of t»ur b«lo\ei) wii>. Noranda ...... The Coast Guard's major partici­ 14-YEARS OLD Path tinder. and dnuirht* r U'e would HUEY LONG TALKS North America...... pation in the raids Involved the PIANO and ORGAN thtttik the Amaranth. KRUtrrti t'^litir. Packard ...... gathering, and relay of information Bottled In Bond ami all thGw»- wh«> dtinoted tlu uwt i«r » l-9 5 STRAIGHT For iMotorcycles—Heavy Duty—3.85x20. their ears. Penn ...... to the various enforcement agencies. studio: 128 iveiii street OA\ Jl) WAHNOPK. OF A THIRD. PARTY Phlla Rdg C and I ___ Today's raids were described as Phone: 83St FULL n F T ft 17 Years Old pint KINTUOty *IU». UKO. ilOWE. Phlla Pete : ...... the result -of planning which began $2-69 ■O U M O N - (CXintinned From Page One) Pub Serv N J ...... last summer when a law enforce­ WHISKEY^ Radio ...... ment coordination committee was sions. is that Hoover let it go at Rem Rand ...... formed under the leadership of Rey Tob B ...... that, while Roosevelt Is saying love- Harold Graves, of the Bureau ^ In­ 100 PROOF words and letting us go on. with our Safeway Stores ...... ternal Revenue, working under the FIFTH sorrow." Sears Roebuck ...... personal supervision'of Secretary Tomorrow Night OLD TYME SCHOOL FROLICS Socony Vac ...... Morgenthau. DOUBLE GRAND In the press conference, he told Auspices of St.. Church reporters: South Pac ...... As the campaign progressed, Chi­ "We may be able to capture the South Rwy ...... cago counted 35 persona arrested by 'CANDLELIGHT" Democratic convention in the sum­ Stand Brimds ...... narcotics agenU, New York city 29 Adapted from the French mer of 1936. If we don't, we'll have Stand Gas and El . . . . with seven others taken in nearby by P. O. Wodebouee FULL at HIGH SCHOOL HALL a Third Party, with candidates for Stand Oil Cal ...... territory, and LoulsvlUa 13 persona 2 0 fii FIFTH U. S. Senator and Congressmen in Stand Oil N J ...... held. Presented by the CtNIUtY PINT Tex Corp ...... ricTvil $1.09 every state.” Figures changed rapidly as the GRAVES DRY GIN MONDAY. MARCH 18 ALLIED THEATRE "Will you be the candidate for Timken Roller Bear .. drive progressed. Treasury offtclala President?” he was asked. Trans America ...... said the results of the raids would GROUP Special Matinee At 4 P. M. Evening At 8:15. "I can't tell that," he replied. Union Carbide ...... be given out locally with occasional­ Professional Playera Preaeotlng Ann SOTHERN "Do you want to be President” a Union Pac ...... ly summaries as rapidly aa figures Broadway Plsya reporter shot in. Unit Aircraft ...... were assembled here. ia the Modern Alanner. M t Is o b e r o n QUARTS >C lowsvfui, Kv. FRANKFORT DISTILLERIES balumohe, mo. Ejxcclicnt Entcrt&ininont Followed By B&ncin^ "Not unless 1 have to,” answered Unit Corp ...... Long. Unit Gas Imp ...... FOUR OUNCE PUP HOLUSTER Old Constitution WINE Previously hr. told the newsmen: U S Ind Ale ...... Sun. - Mon. - Tues. M cKay*8 * Six-Piece Orchestra 'TTic way the Presidency Is being U S Rubber ...... Santa aara (AP) —At the age STREET SCHOOL used now to batter down the peo­ U S S m elt...... of a month, a female terrier pup Curtain 8:15. ,\dnilsslon 40c. #>■ •.11 j . . Admission: ple's expressed will, to .reduce them U 8 S te e l...... owned by Charles Vito weighed ex­ If you nre Interested in the re­ ClUJarm • Maunce—10 cents. .\dulto—35 cents. (Both Performances.) to peonage, to turn the Nation over western Union ...... actly four ounces. The pup ia per­ turn of the legitlinnte theater to the men o f wealth, something West El and M f g ___ we urge your atteodanec. PHONE 5321 FOR FREE DELIVERY SERVICE - 5321 fectly formed and appear* to enjoy ------... - . . ______' t . •. ' .1 , 4 . M . ^ i must be done about that office." Woolworth ...... good health. I >A G B ro U B « ANCHEyrER EVENING HBRALO, MANC3iE»l BK. OOMN: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16,1956. MANCHFin'ER EVENING HERALD, HANCHESlEPv CONNm FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16.1956.

CuahlBg Club oSIcar, alae ta bofilag CT. PATRICK CARD PARTY CURB QUOTATIONS Mias Leonard ia a graduate of the •Tempi# Bond. It is Indeed well de­ )NIANINSTmni CUSHING GRADUATES to be preaeat at th « baoquat. serving of the title "New England's ABOUT TOWN The academy haa enjoyed Ita ai Rockville High school class of 1930 CONIGLIONE LEADS Premier Shrine Etand", as the or­ ond good year under the adminlatia- O/- CHOfCt QUAl/rv and Mt. Ida School for Girls, N ew ­ ON MONDAY EVENING Am er Ctt Pow and L t M . . . . IH ton, Maos., class o f 1932. She haa ganization ia known. FINDS OLD DOCUMENT Rev. Kaut* B. Erickaon, p u to r of TO HOLD REUNION tion of ita new Principal, Clarance Asad Gas and Elac ....r !.... S-16 been employed at the Savings Bank H r. Coniglione also directs the Emanuel Lutheran church, wtU be Am er Sup Pow ...... % P. Quimby, and the 60tb year o f ita WINESaidUORS exlatence since Ua founding. The of Rockville. Mr. Bach Is manager SHRINERS’ BAND Hartford* Civic Concert Band, the Rcffalar Weekly Sitting to Fea­ Canadian Marconi ...... liA jCoagnM Petitioned to ------Conneetient Valley District to boarding attendanoa had a aubotan' FOR THE WEEK-END of the Grant’s store at Winthrop, 16Btb Regiment bond and the FER A §. Expedition Through Hole at ture Decorations in Keeping Central States E lec ...... 7-18 mu Maas., and waa formerly manager Concert orchestra. Meet at Hotel Bond in Hart­ Ual Ihcreaae thia year, while the day noon at the Country club. Rev. Clt Serv ...... % Crab Orchurd* . Nortli Pole to Explore Mr. Erickaon will apeak on the aub- With the Day. school haa taken all the day atud- HIBERNIANS’ MNSTREL of the Grant's store here. T ick ets for the concert which Elec Bond and Share ...... 4 ford on March 30. full quart...... Workers on South Street B ^ h ’a Interior. Ject, "A Page From the Early Hia- ents that it can accommodate. $ 1.29 Will Conduct Concert at State promises to be one of unusual merit. | Members of Saint Bridget's Parish Ford Limited ...... 7% Principal Quimby Is spending the Limit one bottle to a customer. The FERA workers are working may be had from the Masons or at i uo.ooo.oo toiy of the Scandinaviana.” W. K. Nlag Hud Pow ...... 3H The Alumni of Cushing Academy IN TOWN H A H TONIGHT Straugban will donate the attend­ first week of vacation, beginning on South street thia week from Ver­ the State theater. * Waahington, March IS— (A P ) — are working with unusual vigor and Penn Road ...... i ^ Uving in the ConnecUcut Valley dla- C«sa Seville Wine, Port, Sherry, Muscatel, Toluiy, STORE CREDIT ance price. I March 35, speaking at various high non avenue to West street, with Theater Sunday Given by Aa aga-yallowad document, urging zeal to ataga the largest card party Segal Lock ...... ^ about 00 men engaged on the pro­ trlct will taeet for their annual Re­ schools In southern Massaehuaatta Fred Ertel Interlocutor, With / OPEN TERMS the Unitad Statea to aend an expedi­ ever held in the pariah hall Monday United Founders ...... 5-16 union and dinner on Saturday night. and Connecticut. ject. The road will be graded with, A&PSTOREMEN Leonard Harris, son of Mr. and evening at 8 o'clock. The hall will United Gas ...... 74 3 9 c-'“‘'"3 '"$ 1 .0 0 Six End Men, Large Chorus considerable filling in and cutting Masons. tion through a hole at the North Mrs. Leonard Harris, Spruce street, March 30. at 6:30 p. m .to the Hotel A t the same time the dean of G. & W. 5 Star Whiskey, a fine blend, gB S ACk EVENINGS ARRANGED Pole to dtacorer the Inalde of the be strikingly decorated with colors Unit L t and Pow A ...... % Bond in Hartford. The local com­ gir^.a, Misa Vivian Hopkins, is plan­ and Specialty Acts. along this stretch. It is planned to has entered a contest sponsored by appropriate for the feast of St. Pat­ Util Pow and L t ...... 5-18 pint ...... lb 1 .4 1 ) build a 20-foot road which will be earth, waa dlacovered today in the the classics departments of the coi- mittee, headed by Myron Griswold. ning to visit alumni and contacts In TO GET VACATIONS STOCK archivea at the Smltbaonlan Inatitu- rick. . Delicious shamrock cookies '09, Insurance man of BarUord, and and around New York C31ty. 5 O Clock Cocktail Gin, f, The annual minstrel and dance to graveled and rolled. The men are Angelo Coniglione, conductor of leges In the District of Columbia for employed under a Federal appro­ tion. amel coffee will be served as refresh- Mm. Helen Gould May, '19, o f East fifth ...... 8 9 c be preaented by Division No. 8, Sphinx Temple Shrine band, which the best translation of a poem of mento. priation but the city will pay for Boston, March 15.— According to The propoaal, which attracted Horace. Mr. Harris is a freshman BIUER WAR RAGING Hartford, have made the arrange­ Made by Hiram Walked. Ladles Auxiliary of the Ancient is giving a concert at the State TVelve attractive prizes have ments for this gathering o f Cushing Order of Hlbernlnna and Division any material used. an announcement made today by J. oonaiderable attention a hundred In the College of Liberal Arts at The Lord Bacon Whiskey, gm « rkiw theater here Sunday afternoon un­ J. Byrnes, president of the New jreara ago, waa auggeated by Cap­ American University, Waahington, been selected for the winners In' graduates and their friends. A con­ PUBUC RECORDS No. 1, A. O. H. for the benefit of St. Nutmeg Trail Here der the sponsorship of Manchester bridge, whist and setback. Each will siderable number o f undergraduates full quart ...... "SI .2 5 Bernard’s church, will take place England Division of The Great At­ tain John Oeveo Symmea, a retired D. C. OVER DIONNES QUINTS The Nutmeg Trail Epworth Lodge of Masons, Is one o f Con- lantic and Pacific Tea Company, a i Arm y officer. He advanced the be brautlfully wrapped in gaudy living In Connecting and south­ this evening in the Town Hall. 12 months old. 90 proof; League w'lll meet this evening at policy o f annual vacations with full argument that the earth waa hollow green colors. The door prise will be western Moasachuaetts, have signi­ There will bo six end men. a large Lease Windsor Straight Bourbon, 7:45 o'clock at the Rockville Metho­ pay for store employees has now LIQUIDATION and that a ahip might call into the The second o f a aeries of five an extraordinary novelty; a very fied their Intention of attending the chorus, and many specialty num­ Lie In Famed as Political Fac- Eva Straugh to the Kohn dist church. The league's represent­ been made effective through the prise square dances will be held at practical and expensive "sandwich meeting, os It la vacation week at fifth ...... 9 9 c bers. Fred Ertel will be the inter­ interior from the North Pole, tion.s Dispute Over Who Brothers Tobacco Company, Inc,, ed in the Nutmeg Trail of which New England Division of A and P. Jarvis Grove this Saturday night. toaster.” the Academy. locutor and the end men will be Oroupa of Symmealtea were or­ lease of 22 acres of land on Spen­ Limit one bottle to a customer. Thomas J. Cordner of Manchester In speaking of this policy Mr. ganized all over the United Statea These prise square dances arc prov­ Should Care for Babies. Principal Clarence P. Quimby and George Grosch, Eddie Keller. Jake I Discounts Besides the regular card playing cer street for one year at |70 an Noily Prat Vermouth, s .a rk is the president include Manchester, Byrnes says, "The operation of a re­ and aeveral petitlona were preaented ing very popular with the dance Senior Master L. Q yde Cooke, will Pcstrltto, Jock Corbin. D. Kreyssig, there will be aeveral surprising at­ acre. north and south; Rockville, East tail grocery store tmlay is a hard fans at the GroVe, nearly every Toronto. March 15— (AP — The speak and show new moving pic­ ^ttle ...... $ 1.49 and H. Willis. From to Congreaa aaking that such an tractions: Thomas Quish will ‘ Cheney Brothers to the South Hartford, Burnside and Hockanum. and exacting type of work. We expedition be organized. Congresa dancer in the hall taking part in the Oqtario Legialature, with a hot tures of school activities at the Royal Oak Whiskey, tfk s S fP entertain in bis own inimitable style Manchester Ftrjs District, lease o* The soloists include James Breen Following the business session’ know that it takes a man’s best e f­ laid the documents on the tabic with competition last week. The first political row which included the Academy. Several ,of the teachers of Manchester, a former Rockville 20% to 50% S A L E I— dance of the scries was won by a with popular Irish songs and espe­ the building and land known as Cen­ fifth ...... $ 1 , 1 5 at which the various leagues com­ forts to render the type of service considerable “ kidding.” cially with his famous Irish wit. epithet "liar” raging, was snpected who have been a long time in ser­ ter Hose Co. No. 2. S. M. F. D., for resident; Misses Ora Morin and Lll- prising the trail will endeavor to Manchester couple and it looks as today to make the Dionne quintu­ A Hiram Walker Product. which our organization requires, The Smithsonian, however, aald Patrick Madden will be present to vice In the school plan to attend and 15 years at an annual rental of $1, li::s Abraliamson, Everett Thuemm- have 100 per cent attendance, Miss If the outlying towns want to com-, plets — who do not care at all Wayside Inn Whiskey, 100 proof, and we feel that our men arc en­ the document may have had two render a few Irish dances and Jiggs renew their acquaintance with their retroactive to Jan. 1, 1910. ler, William Smith, Robert Wend- Ann Brookings of Manchester will titled to the same oportunitics for tangible results: pete in the grand prise dance they "special wards of His Majesty the former students. These teachers in­ Furniture, Floor Coverings, Stoves, Carriages, Bedding, Refrigerators, Radios, Lamps, for which he is widely known. MIsa Mechanlra Lien helser and Francis Cratty. Among speak. She will tell of her exper­ rest and recreation as are custom­ “ The Symmea scheme may have will have to send along some good King.” clude Miss Rosabelle Temple, direc­ Mary Quish will present in her own The W. G. Glenney Company $1.35""' 95c''"" 50c the junior soloists will be Jean iences aa a missionary teacher in ary in other lines of work. This is furnished the basis for one of Eklgar talent. A cash prixa Is given away The bill o f wardship passed its tor o f Vocal Music since 1896, and appealing way the impersonation of against. Joseph Kuroeki, mechanics An excellent value! Morin, Malcolm Coleman and Fran­ South Africa. particularly so here in New Eng­ Studio Couches, Mirrors, Pictures, Novelties, Etc., Etc. Allan Poe's moat stirring tales — each Saturday to the winners and a second reading yesterday, bringing Bridget O'Flynn along with .several Miss Lillian Eaton, head of the lien on property on North street cis Phillips. Case Continued land where the opportunities for T h e Adventures of Arthur Gordon large cash prize in the final contest it to Its third today, with Vernier other renditions. These popular Commercial Department since 1915 known as Turn Hall in the amount Miss Veronica Coffey, local danc­ The case of Francis Yost, 24, of vatatlon pleasures arc so abundant. Pym;: Saturday, April 6. Mitchell F. Hepburn accusing the entertainers will put a fitting climax and resident Alumni Secretary. It of 33145.12...... 9 9 c ing teacher will entertain with the this city, charged with driving an "It is a special pleasure to make “ And the interest aroused in ex­ Conservative opposition of talking to a very enjoyable evening of ca-d is possible that Professor Fred D. Limit one bottle to a customer. specialty numbers and will present auto without a license and driving this policy effective at this time, ns ploration by the Symmealtea may The Rev. James Stuart Neill will on the bill to hear themselves talk. Store-W ide Event— ^The playing. Lane of the Mathematics and Ger­ the following members of her •an unregistered motor vehicle, has It enables our company to express have been one of the factors which hold a Lenten Study Clasi in St. They forced two votes on amend- Cerrito Wines—Port, Sherry, Muscatel, Tokay, The Chalrlady, Miss Stella Krleski man Departments may also be pres­ classes: Ruth Morin, Florence been continued for a week in the. its appreciation to its store person­ laa to the Wilkes exploring expedi- Mary’s Parish Houae for the W o­ moDta, which were defeated, and Along with Lawrence Moonan the ent Professor Lane ia thought to Pllska, Vera Lee, T. Phillips, Alice Rockville City Court, and will be ' tion which resulted in the first dis­ man's Auxiliary, tonight at 7:45 p. Hepburn said: "They are only vie- nel for the splendid manner In be the oldest teachei In point of con­ Miller, Sonny Satryb, Paul Lehman heard next Monday. . Yost was ar­ which they have handled the extra covery, according to many compe­ m. All' women in the pariah who are chairman announce that an extraor­ Ing with each other to get the For Child’s Heallli 56c, 2'"$1.00 Entire Stock On Sale dinary aale of tickets is going on. tinuous service in a private school and daughter Amelia. Anna and rested after being checked up by work entailed In serving the In­ tent geographers, of land below the Interested are Invited to come. leadership of the party at the next in the United States: He has been Old Farm Whiskey. which promises a record attendance. and Happiness .Bill Marlcy, also Helen Marley will Inspector Levins Hewlett of the creased, number of customers who Antarctic circle,” convention." an active member o f the staff since The other members of the commit­ be seen In their dancing act. Frank Motor Vehicle department. Yost is arc coming to A and P stores as a There will be a rehearsal and George S. Henry announced that 1879, and holds his two divisions of tee who are working hard for the (jolemba will be heard on his ac- out under |50 bonds. It is charged result of our campaign for lower biislneas m eeting' of the Center lie was the party leadpr and that he German every day at the present $1.89 $1.00 cordian and George Satemis who success of the party are. as follows; he took a registration plate off one living costs. Flute Band in the Waahington So­ would remain ao. He added that time. He abandoned his teaching in Made by A. Overholt. A real buy! plays the guitar and harmonica at auto and used it on a second car the Misses Harriet Coburn. Nellie Angelo Coniglione “Wc arc sure that our managers BOLTON SCHOOL PUPILS cial clubrooms on Saturday at S p. the opposition was merely trying to mathematics three years ago. Pro­ the same time. which he waa driving when checked MIkolowskI, Anna Lenorsky. Helen Three Feathers, \ A w o / \ and elerks will welcome this ar­ m. As Important businesa Is to work out a bill providing for the fessor Lane continues to live with The chorus Includes Catherine Mc­ up. Bamosky, Dorothy Touhey, Bernice pint ...... !.. $ 1 . 3 0 necticut’s foremost band and orches­ rangement which enables them to come before the meeting a full at­ famous babies' care, which would his wife and daughter at their home Carthy, Helen McCarthy, Laura Trolley Chief Coming PRESENT ENTERTAINMENT Yankowskl. Margaret Zorskis, avoid difficulty. A blend of -5-year-old whiskey. tra leaders. His musical education now enjoy the rccrcaiional privi­ tendance of the members Is request­ adjacent to the cam;ms. Miner, Delores Corbin, Gladys Nathaniel J. Scott, superintendent leges enjoyed by their neighbors ed. Catherine Opalach, Mary Slagn, J. J. niaiui, a Liberal, charged began when he war a boy, and con­ The Glee Clubs which furnished Phillips, Irene Wilson, Mabel Sei­ o f the Hartford Division of the Con­ and customers.” Felicia GodleskI and Mrs. Robert the Conservatives with "hypocrisy.'' music for the Boston Alumni din­ fert, M ary Bresnahan, Hazel Jobn- necticut Citompany will visit Rock­ tinued throughout his younger days. Depict Historical and Geo­ Coleman. For his assistants, .Mr. Later on he appeared as comet solo- Oak Lodge, No. 43. International He was ordered to withdraw the M- ner will be unable to be present in 871 MAIN IT drow, Esther Fay, CHara Rickes, ville shortly to confer with the com­ HELP, HELP, POLICE! graphical Development of Brotherhood of Papermakers, will Lawrence Mbonan has Dennis.... Mc­...V.- mark and acquiesced, but said he Hartford on account of vacation, Cathekne Trapp, Alice Usher, mittee from the City Council and a i.st with (jolt's Band and Hatch’s Guire, James Mcllldiiff, 1 Band of Hartford. Country at Highland Park. elect officers for the coming year .it Edwardn^wo'ild repeat it outside the House. but It is probable that some musical Louise McGowan, Hope West, Mary citizen's committee regarding the Albany, N. Y.--Albany policemen a special meeting In Tinker hall to­ Coughlin, Frank Nack'owskI, Ray­ PHONE TOST During the World War he gradu­ Ray-j “ If the Honorable gentleman says numbers from the school will be Loalbo, Concetl,a Phillips, William bus service on the Hartford-Rock- are "burning up.” Pupils o f the Birch Mountain morrow at 9:30 a. m. Other very mond Picard, Chester Alexander, I thAt outside the House,” declared provided. Mrs. Alice D. Collins, Abom, (jieorge Robertson, Earl ville line.. This 4s the result o f a ated from the U. S. Arm y Band Paul Newman, Joseph Their pals, the flrcmCn, were call­ -school in Bolton presented In poem, Important businesa will also come McLaughlin C il. W, H. Price, Conservative, "he *I have been nsing Dr. True’s Elixir Robertson. Oscar Phillips, Lawrence joint meeting of the two commit­ Training School Institute of Musical and Loula GenovcsI. Is a liar!” T h e ii o r e ed out on eight false alarms in 33 ;,song and story and historical and before this meeting. Every member In my family for sevantaen years with Pctschke, Leonard Dowding, James tees, following the presentation of a A rt under the direction of Dr. Frank minutes in the wee sma’ hours and Is requested to attend. ^geographical development of the The bill orders the placing of the truly remarkable anccesa with my Dick, Kenneth Gayton, Eugene Dick, petition to the City Council signed Damrosch. Under the leadership of nobody can find the ones who did it. United States during an instructive babies, now slightly more than nine five children . . . .” and Richard Ziegler. Miss Corinne by 1038 persons. 'The city commit­ Angelo Coniglione Sphnix Temple Police Chief David Smurl told a and entertaining program at the J. Edwin Fletcher of Springfield, months old, under the guardianship COLDS I b i. A. G. W*l4oa. 2S LOsktea 8L, lte4(M «. lx:c is directing the presentation and tee includes Mayor George Schects, Band has progressed with rapid conference of six precinct captains Bedroom Suites Living Room Highland Park Community club- who visited Burr's Nurseries In this COLUMBIA of David A. Croll, Ontario minister ■ nif Allen Fcbr is the pianist. Alderman Patrick Johnston and strides, reccivinc the highest com­ "bring 'em in . . . or-else.” 3 and 4-pieee aultea In the latcat ntylea and J and S-|>tece Siiltea of aturdy r4>nntrueUun, jhouse last night under the direction place last month and recalled his of welfare. Following the minstrel dancing Councilman Frederick Schindler. FEVKR mendations at tneir appearances in finishi'H, of line <-ablnet nx>odff. ^ c’overed in ta|icatrleN, friezes, mohairs, dnm- of Miss Jeanette Heckler, the teacb- getting out the first copies of The A t the regular meeting of Colum­ Dr.lhie’sp xir will be enjoyed. The citizen's committee Includes flPEf driF' Laxative Worm Espalier Toronto, Canada, Atlantic City. lisks. .All guaranteed. ■«r. Manchester Herald „omo fifty years bia Grange held Wednesday eve- A new type of steering wheel col­ Lenten Preovber Miss Mariette N. Fitch, who waa ac. Scotch and Iriah nl^ht was Is a pure herb medicine . . . mild aed Springfield, Mass., and various cities As Low As Sixteen of the children took part ago or more, and later pioneered lapses like a telescope under the 666o r « « Hpfldachcs pleasant to take . . . Rev. John F. Plumb, D. D. of tlve In getting the petitions circu­ As Low As 9 Velvet—Local 2125 throughout Connecticut. ■ Uid an exceptionally large crowd en- the formation of the Salvation observed. There was a good attend- 4 weight of the driver when he ia in :m> m ln «t «« Signs of Wonns are: Constipatiea, Hartford will be the speaker at the lated. Arthur Plnncy, a commuter Director Coniglione haa trained aJoyed the program. The story be­ Army here, haa been placed in Ahce, 44 members being present. A thrown forward by Impact of a col­ darenged stomach, ewoUan upper Weavers, Fixers^ Twisters and All Others Lenten service in St. John’s Episco­ and Edward Dowding. the band not only In martial music, C O U G H S C O gan with the landing of the Pilgrims charge of the promotion of the gar­ short talk on the history of Ireland lision. lip, offensive breaUi, hard and full pal church this evening at 7:30 such as enjoyed by the spectator^ In Plymouth and covered the growth den projects of the Van Sickle was read by Mrs. Fannie Collins, etomach with pains, pale face, etc. Employed In Velvet Weaving Department o'clock. Wlitii You Takff tht Rifiht Thing vof the country up to the time that school, Springfield. This •school Is and one on Scottish history by Mrs. The Poncy Express line, which viewing the colorful Shrine parades, SPECIAL! tinee—alully n—d ter SI jri Who are members of Local 2125—a meeting will be held Benefit Pictures but has collected and developed a Floor Covering, per yd...... 38c Coffee Tables ...... $3.95 the dlacovery of gold in California one of the newer and larger schools Helen Clgrke. Songs of both lands The Kocsiuszkl Scouts baseball linked Missouri with the Pacific SWEDISH BAKING wide variety of standard, seml- Rcnrtovablc glayt trnya. .drew the population from the east and situated In the Industrial sec­ were sung aa special group numbers at team will hold benefit pictures at coast during pioneer days In' the BROfrCHU-UNE Metal Smokers ...... I9c ,to the west. A play In five scenes, tion between Elast Springfield and and by the Grange. Clayton E. the Palace theater tonight and Sat west, had 80 riders, 420 liorses, 190 classical, popular and novelty num­ ♦ EMULSION ♦ Three Room Boudoir Chairs ...... $3.95 Hunt read three abort poems of Odd Fellows Hall bers for presentation by Sphnix Radio Lamps...... 59c 1.8«iU tIed. “Gold, Gold, Gold” waa what is known as "Hungry Hill.” SALE urday when two feature pictures stations and 400 station workers. Occasional Chairs ...... $3.95 Staged. James Whitcomb Riley and Miss FDANKLiM /X, will be .shown, "The Winning Knrl Tnhlf^K ...... Outsit ' Refreshments of coffee and hot President Joel Nichols of the Kl- Mabel Reagan read 'Bruce and the HALE’S BASEMENT Sunday Afternoon, March 17, At 2 O’Clock Ticket” with Leo Carillo and Red Porcelain Top Tables ...... S4.95 dogs were served and a social hour wanis Club has appointed John Spider.” with llIustrAtlons of a very l i V E i e a i i All Are Requested To Be Present! Healy, and “Rocky Mountain MyS' Framed Pictures ...... 95c Fiber Rockers %...... Ecbmalloh, Charles Burr, Thomas reallstlo spider. Mrs/^Laura Squier S.\T. AFTERNOON ...... $4.95 later enjoyed. _»^4.Ai.RANGE OIL■ »• ./ ' tcry” with Randolph Scott. C r ^ t for the cucoese of the affair Ferguson, Thomas Bentley and played Irish jigs on the piano. The I.enten Series Starts Magazine Racks ...... $1.29 Felt Base Rugs, 9x12 ...... $4.95 Harlowe Willis as members of a most amusing features the eve­ Starting At 1 O’clock .goes entirely tb Miss Heckler, whoae Beginning this evening at 7:30 Occasional Tables ...... $5.95 ^coaching of the pupils enabled them committee to study the club's major ning were aeveral contests, those o'clock' a scries of illustrated lec­ Book Troughs ...... $1.39 Th« R a c k iiff e Oil Company to put on Bucli a delightful and in­ humanitarian project for-this year. pre.sent being divided in Iwb equHi HELP Au«plr4*« of tures will be given in the Commun­ *195 Strollers (liber) ...... $6.50 ADVERTISE IN THE HEKALD-IT PAYS Oval Rugs...... $1.69 f'omplete. formative program. groups, one representing the Mrish Womoirn Aid Society, ity House at Crystal Lake, in observ. and the other the Scots. The Irish club Chairs ...... $7.95 Officers of Washi.igton Loyal f f o u leith a Cnianufl Lutheran C’hurch. ance of Lent. The parents and chil­ .\xminster Throw Rugs, 27x54, $1.89 Orange Lodge. No. 17. will hold a group won most points In the phyah dren of the community are. invited. Four Room Outfit Gateleg "ifables...... $8.95 meeting in the Washington Social cal contest and the Scot group'^ The following is the scries of lec­ Vehet Pictures— Hand Printed, $1.95 ranked higher In the intelligence 950 to 9300 Cedar Chests (wiilnut finish) . .$8.95 Foot Welfare club rooms tonight at 7:30 o'clock. tures, March 15, “ Logs and Men” ; Bridge I.Jimps ...... $1.95 test. Next Monday evening Colum­ March 22, "Mountains and Human Odd Dressers...... $10.95 Miss Helen PletrowskI, daughter bia Grange will neighbor with An­ Life'!: March 29, "Unique Hawaii” ; B.1R.VE3' W K 'H M AN , D. 8 . C dover Grange. The next meeting of SpeciaU~While They Last 'Fable Lamps...... $1.95 Porcelain Top Tables .... of Mr. and Mrs. Herman PletrowskI April 19, “Oh, Come Let Us Wor­ 60c Size ....$12.95 Chiropodist. the local Grange will he March 27 t o AX We maintain a LOWEST RETAIL PRICES FOR of 114 Oak street will represent ship”. On Grod Friday afternoon Floor I>amps...... $2.95 •269 Decorated—32x48. A strained foot la a weakened foot Complete. Manchester High school In a state­ and will be music niglit, under a Our in divl^a] service helpi tingle and mar* the church will be open for the peo­ Prescription REM that is painful on weight-bearing. ried foikt gcN;a*h within 24 to 48 hour*. Our DRUGS and TOILET ARTICLES wide contest to select a girl to bo committee composed of Mrs. Laura L o ca l 2125 ple of the community for prayer COUGH Tiieie are only slight, If any Squier, Raymond Lyman, .Mrs. jo in t are e t t y ^ repay, too—the only charge Department sent to Washington by the Connec­ It 3‘t) per month o>i^e unpakl amount of loan. EXECUTIVE BOARD and communion. The pdstor will be SYRUP changes, in the shape from the nor­ ticut Daughters of the American Edith I.sham, Albert Emerson, Mis.s mal foot noticeable at rest or an Piymenta may be extended over ■ convenient at the church from 2 to 4 o'clock of Accuracy Revolution. Miss I'lctrowikl, a Ahlene Badge and Rowland Cobb. period . . . o ^ v e n 20 montht. MEETING weight-bearing. It is because of to offer communion. A t the close of 4 0 c senior, won this coveted honor by a Mrs, Madeline Hayden is spend­ fodgy. and Quality. this that this condition is often not C€*mf m . .. wrilgof^ *Ph0n§ All members of the board the Friday evening services a free­ A R T H U R ’ & secret vote conducted-by her claaa- ing a few days with friends in and ask us to send a rfprsstntaiiva. will offering will be taken. 35c Size SPECIAL recognized for what it Is, 1. e„ an Hartford. and ofllcers of the lAical are X T I^ • oi^uc ST oncs • mates and the teachers. She la an Every Mother’s Club Meeting Impending breakdown of the foot Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Mellinger The only rhnrse l» thrr^'iperpenl per expected to he pre.sent. GEM "(Driginatcrs o/ /'fcasonciMc i^rtces' honor student and has apeclallxed in month on unpaid nmoni^ of loon ,The Every Mother's Club will What You structure, the terminal stage of dramatics and debating. spent Monday at the Congregation­ S.4TURDAY .MORNING, Mlcro- Monogram 5 meet this evening at the Rockville -4-4 6 C E N T E R ST. 8 4 5 MAIN ST. which would be the flattened foot or al church in Wllllmantic at a Len­ PEr:SOW(ti|. f in a n c Y CO. Want at Prices matlc the acquired flatfoot. Ilimm 3. fttnte Thenter lll^ . March 16, At 9:30. Baptist church and a covered dish COMBINATION RANGE Superintendent of Schools F. A ten retreat observed h'v the Protest­ TS3 >lnin nirrel supper will be served at 6 o’clock. You Want To BLADES p Through one of several factors ant churches of the vicinity. TelephoM ^ 8430 UNION OFFICE Enamel Finish— All Colors Verplanck and Mrs. Verplanck have The meeting will be called at 8 SOc Size I the plantar structures of the foot returned from an autoraoblle tour The March meeting of the Ladles Odd Fellows Building Pay! extra Ipana Eight Lids and those of its inner side have o'clock. The following are in 2 4 c SPECIALS of several weeks to Florida and Aid Society waa held Thursdav aft­ charge; Mrs. Elsie Chapman, Mrs. Four Lids for Coal or Oil been subjected to an excessive strain TOOTH E other interesting places in the ernoon at the Town Hall, with 78 Edith Crlpps, Mrs. Alice Edwards that resulted In an overstretching of PASTE Four Gas Burners south. women present. The afternoon waa and Mrs. Ora Dorsey. BULK PERFUMES !)0c Epsotabfi...... 34c E the affected parts. Those prlncl- spent in sewing, and cake and coffee Dual Oven Faculty Play £%'enlnK In P a r is ...... 40c dram rxlly involved are the plantar llga- Gibbons Assembly, Catholic Ladles were served. 60c Italian Balm ...... 44c C ment.s, the plantar fascia, and the The Rockville High school faculty CX>TV— A ll Odors...... 50c dram 3 4 c of Columbus, will hold its regular Mrs. Groom Is visltlqg friends in will present Oliver Goldsmith's Inferior calcaneoscophuid ligament. meeting tonight in K. of C. rooms. Terryville. Oak Lodge, No, 43^ I, B. P. M, comedy this evening in the Sykes As stated previously, there arc A G A R O L ...... 83c Breakfast Suites All members are requested to be Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hutchins auditorium at 8 o'clock. The date, GARDENIA, 39c dr. only alight or no changes in tlie'con- present. and son, Carelton, were gue.sta Sun­ Bed Outfit Complete 4109 March 15 marks the 162nd anniver­ A solid maple drop-leaf tour from the normal observable in day of Mr, and Mrs Louis Little of sary of the first presentation o f this Consisting of walnut table and 4 Windsor type the strained foot either at rest or on Elast Hampton. NOTICE TTie .senior choir of the Polish N a­ play. Dancing will follow the play brown metal tied, 4- ^ ^ chairs, beautifully finish­ w-elghtbearlng. in some Instances tional church will hold a rehearsal The "Maine Hermit" and his "Or­ in the Sykes gymnasium. The band spring and g g g A C $26.50 ed. $ 9 - 9 5 one may find that the veins of the Special meeting will be held in Tihlter Hall tonight at 6:30 o’chirk. A t 7:80 chestral Organ” will give a concert Washin^on trip fund of the spnior Comfortable mat- ™ foot become unduiv enlarged on this evening In the Town Hall under '5-Piece Porcelan Top o'clock there Hill be Stations of the Tomorrow At 9:30 A. M. class will share in the proceeds of tress. weight-bearing, in othera, one may Cross. the auspices of the Columbia Ath­ ■ 'i the play. Kitchen Range $69«oo Table Suites...... note an unusual fullness below the letic Association. 4-Post Twin Bed Outfit...... $27.75 $17.95 The following Is the cast: Sir region called the ashngalscophoid All members are requested to attend this Charles Marlow, Alice Fay; Young Joint or on the Inner side of the The Children of Mary Society of St. James's church will not receive Marlow, his son, lover of Misa H. f ^ t part of the heel, and in still meeting. . communion this Sunday, the time Elizabeth Towle; Squire Hardcastle, Wool Napper Mattress ...... $4.95 Baby Carriages...... others the foot may appear to ...$13.50 having been postponed to a week Elizabeth Burger; George Hastings, Double Studio Couch CiOngate to a greater degree than Inner.spring Mattress ...... $7.95 Velvet Rugs, 9x12...... $17.95 from Sunday, \ suitor of Miss N. Katherine Town­ normal when bearing wclglit. While send; Tony- Lumpkin, Elizabeth Kapoc Mattress...... ,$10.95 Axminster Rugs. 9x12 ... thew sUght • ariatlons from the nor­ R u p t u r e d ? ...$21.95 Weed; Diggory, servant, Natalie Ido; mal are readily noted by on? tralni-d The Manchester Democratic Wom­ 4-Band Spring...... $2.95 3-Piece Fiber Suites...... en's club will meet at 8:15 o’clock BRWARSI Roger, servant, Alice Fay; Stingo, ...$22.95 \Scdn and Mrs. Andrew Ijralcy. Constance Neville, Elizabeth Dixon; m igh t, aa during pregnacy or other­ Dolly, maid, Margaret Hart. Feather Pillowf A Bed At Night. wise, long hours, of walking or stand- Marriage Announced 8, 9, 10 pieces. The latestlaiesz styles,Biyies, W g on Inelastic ground, change ol Announcement is made o f the beautifully finished. JocaUon, from desk duty to patrol A. C. A. J i d d a Fine selertion of RECONDITIONED BUS marriage of Raymond O. Stacey, of covers. AS LOV Guaranteed construc­ * it y as In a policeman, sudden Hartford to Miss Helen Mary Shea TICKING. 2 lA a ^ e from high heeled to low- AS ...... % 12.7S tion. As low as IlLne No Cover o f Vernon which took nlacS" on $ 6 9 shoes when through wearing PUT ON LOCAL LINES Washington's l;lrthday ht Manches­ ORrhocclrd shoes iihorteniog of calf a n d Admission Charge ter. Rev. William P. Rcldy officiat­ ftUKles has resulted that limits ed. •sxlOT of the leg on the foot, pro- of • tv r fic tl eptrttlAfi. a it «ht Bowling League Banquet Whged rest in bed necessitated ,by Is First of Three Which Have •mjr a tit tRlltf lo r rupturt. iJance The Maple Grove Bowling League pness. Iniproper manner of walking Been Promised; Has Alreadv R Ipd stanenn^r. ^ the verlou. "S tc.l.ler" held its appual banquet at the grove Bottled In Bond Operated 50,000 Miles. h W T n iu * * —ih . niw, per- last evening with about 90 in at­ » AccesMry muscles contribute Inl- tendance. Frederick Hartenstein, G » r th . p tn tu rt o( all other WINE A G A ‘ * ‘‘ •“8: part in the e y l y . h .e i«m r y . rabber-coTtrtd “ Spot Jr,, was the toastmaster. A turkey ■fljustmanU of unsUble equlUbrium. promised three wleie swSiS/* uectlp dinner was served at 8 o'clock which 4*1 OQ A OB organs o f finer movements, they buses that are to be sent to Man- was followed by brief remarks, and Quart tP 1 • A i l Vak^Sth 5 9 c R A R W e keve a OewplMs tla e —All Siioo. jthance grace, dexterity, and there- c h ^ r for use on the Manchester To the Melodic ’Tune* of k Real the awarding of prizes. An enter-, ■ r a need. Aa eboe leather daadena " * w i« « M 4 la all tope. ,1 S 3 * ” ,“ 5* ‘o»-a Unee. arrived tatnment and bowling completed' GREENBERG L Fine Three-piece Orchestrk. G G hmuU that bring acceseory muscles night and was put into com- the evening’s program. Fred Miller L I the foot into action, ao arch aup- mlMlon nmning both to the Green Imported Baeardi Old Fireside Pert Paler Mwatu Oaumn4. was chairman of the committee in brta not only deaden euch ellmull. A Limited Number— Gel Yours Now! last charge, with George Starke aa sec­ A A O ht they practically deprive these BUM Straight Whiskey O ”«tng used on COME TO US A T ONCE, or 'phone Ye Olde New England House retary and Harold Lehrmitt aa "ALTHOriSR rVB NOT BEBN mtSB m F O U . 111 muscles of all function- and the Manchester Green line. The bus 3806. There Is no charge for con- Convenient Terms— 2 Years To Pay treasurer. Full th dr blood supply. ,Uke a ■ UKB THB 8BR\TCK IX THIS STOHBr* 1 R that ” recondlUoned bua aultaUon in your own home. We Bolton—4>n the Main Road. Coming Marriage SS, $2.75 Pint 1 R tic, they dull and deceive the I. " V ^’**“ «P«lnted. The color can help you. 4 9 c The marriage of Miss Dorothy BACK of our friendly certain that CKh wine and «e and bring a corresponding un- wIor“* -S i*"* “ •* loslyn Leonard, daughter of Mr. E mileage before being tmila is a sincere desire t o ' liquor is well known and N N Irable pattern o f resixmscs. felt Excellent Food— Good Dance Floor. md Mrs. Charles H. Leonard of E & BEATMAN turned over to the Manchester run please . . . and a realization a greater or leaser extent Arthur Drug World Famous Beer and Wines. Leonard's Comer, Tolland to Loula reliable. WINES 3 for bout the muscular oystam, 495^M?h'’h •P*«ni«ter is 50,- Bnbtnow Building A. Bach o f Winthrop. Mass., fof- that you w ill go elaewbera S S ke a narcoUc they have Utelr Come Here for a Real Good Time! KEMPS, INC. airrly of this city will take place if we do not give you THB f«irs«r AmmmmA Port - Sherry Miis- ^ l ^ o r e It was recondlUoned and 845 Main Streat INC. Saturday, March 23 at the Leonard Qu a l i t y e v e r y time. So Frigidaire Sales and Service # p r o u r Seeetw jes mmm. catel - Tokay. 98c 'amily home In Tolland. The cere­ w e select w hb care, making *rtire toiP i»rfee#J Flflhs 590-596 Front St Hartford mony ‘will be attended by relatives. i Near Morgan St m tomey WUents indljrnantly declare* restaurants, and Junk yards. the pet wouldn't come at ita mls- tures of It to anybody who is wilUng road. Waterbound macadam 1.6 sister, Madame Sert, the wife of tho waters. These big trout have al­ ing room, the one that meowed at iovers, respectively. The Palace cat. trees' call. The bouse cat ^ppened dubitably they are—and that they That certainly makea It nics from to look. A chorus girl atudisd ons miles In length. Grubbing, grading Spanish painter.” TROUT FOR PIANTINC ready been distributed In the larger Eva LeGalUenne during an emo­ Tootle, UvW In the boiler room for to be browsing in tbs wings on the of the photographs the other eve­ With a smite lighting up her Sofiittio BfraUt the scenic point of view, but suppose nine yeare and produced thirteen JAPAN WOULD FIX and Installing culvert. Open to PRINCESS MDVANI rivers and in one state owned pond. Lonely Pacific Islands shall by no means be paid. But tional scene, another that stole the opening night When it heard the ning and seemed perplexed. "I traffic. small, doll-like face. Bobby admit­ PbBUHHBU BY THB every other town along that same show from the tenor warbling in generations of progeny without actrees* ooaxlng "KlUy, kitty!" It With rural ponds In southern O PRINTIKU OMPANX. INC. that, of course, la the employer NEW thought you claimed It was a Siam­ Route No. 165—Preston-Orlswold- ted she woa not the only Wool- BIGGER THAN EVER counties rapidly clearing, the board's "Turandot" at the Metropolitan, and making s single sortie on the stage. bounded through a window, rubbed U BUuU Street angle, In which people like Mr. main stem-put a ban on all filling ese.” she said. Barry assured her NAVAL LIMITATIONS Voluntown. The Preston-R. I. TRAVELING ALONE worth who was hard to please specially equipped tank trucks were As Bases for Airplanes Waneheiter. Cuon. the cat that played hob with the The Bijou and Morosco theaters against her ankles and meowed. The that it was a Siamese. "Then about going places. THOMAS rEROUSON Orcen, Miss Perkins and the Labor statioha and garages, likewise all premiere of "Rio Rita.” had a Joint cat named Tlmbuctoo. trunk line. Bituminous macadam Pre-Sea.son Stocking Has Be­ started on the way to the trout scene was ruined and the show soon where,” she demanded, "Is the other "I’ve been running around Paris streams early in March, according Oeaeral Manaser Relations board have no Interest. the way across their respective ter­ Among acting cats was the one But w ^ t with being fed by the closed. one?,'' surface le under construction for with my kid cousin, Jimmy Dona­ gun and Fish and Game founded October I, Itll u. YORK which used to be identified by property men and stage doormen at IIH miles. Shut down for winter. to Kenneth Cobb, In charge of in­ New York, March 15.— (AP) —■ ore skilled compuiy employes, ex­ Publtebed Every. Eeenina Except From the angle of getting It all, ritories—what a dlstre.salng part of A black Tom adopted the cast of A- few motion nicture'houses toler­ hue,” she said. "I tried to get him Board Promises Happy Days Without on Eve to disturb the perts In every branch of airline coo- ^ ■aaday. and Holldajra Entered at the Groucho Marx as a Peruvian quail— both bouses he got so fat and laxy Admiral Osdmi Insists That Traffic can poos. Heiress' to Woolworth Mfl" to come to London with me. but land fish restoration. If the roads regardless, the experts certainly tMa world that would be to get out By PAUL HARRIAON "fibs Loves Me Not" last season dur- ate cats, although there Is none In in the northern counties become serenity of new Edens, American atructlon and opefations, Ingludlng Pmi Office at Mancheater. Conn., aa the only tor-bearing quail In the that the rata ate him. A. least, that ing fohesrsals, and became sucb a Route No. 183—Ck>lebrook-8and- none of that for him—he hates Lon­ Ahead. ■aeond Claaa Matt Mattel. ought to organize under Mr. Green's of gas in; or puncture a tlra; or world. Mr. Marx offered to per-uve is the legend. the Mickey Mouse theater. A sleek isfleld road. Waterbound macadam < .passable, it is planned to have a;)- aviation pioneers will .oon begin a cooking. SUBSCRIPTION RATES New York, March 15.—Contrary favorite that there was serious don.” westward expansion of the United For the word has' gone out: "No federation. even get hungry. that It was. More recently, a suc­ The reason most theaters have Tom called Midnight has charge of His Country Wants to Aid 2 miles In length. Shoulders and lions Dislikes Tagging She admitted she was' somewhat Hartford, March 15—A harbinger, proxlmatcly half of the season's Oae Tear, by mall ...... to occaslcmal grumblings, it may be trouble when the management had things In the vast Music Hall of trout stocking completed by Api1l States Empire. women allowed.” Most of the men Par Month, by m all...... | We hadn't, really, realised that cession of kittena appeared with Joe dispensed with their cats, and re­ it spirited away Just before the railing Incomplete. Open to traffic. bored with Paris and London, of spring is contained in the bulle­ SlDgla Copy ...... a that tbs theater really isn't losing Cook in "Fine and Dnndy," hopping Rockefeller Center. Rockefeller 5th. Across the Pacific ocean will be assigned tn the lonely Pacific posts there was a place this side of ths sorted to rat poison Instead, is that opening night A very dignified old Center hasn't any mice yet, so Peace Moves Route No. 190—Suffield. Lake After Husband, She Says. and said: “It's Just as dreary and tin of the State Board of Fisheries flung a chain of airline operation are married, but the company la Dallearad one year ...... I'i.oo Its romance and back-etage tradi­ out of a cocktail shaker when any­ the)’ Just can't be trusted to stay Congomond road. About 8 miles dead here as it was there, but there and Game, announcing, that the Of the trout raised by the State , FISH-GUN LICENSES feline at the Broadhurst bad an un­ Midnight Is Able to make a fulltime Department, about 75,000 will be two ' bases, linking the United States to taking no chances of domesUc diffi­ MEMBER OP THB ASSOCIATED Gobi desert where you could drive tions. But It is your correspondent’s body ordered a pouase cafe. out of sight In a play several sea­ derstudy to do its mouse-catching. of bituminous macadam road under is no place else I wanted to go.” adult trout available for distribution PRESS unhappy duty to report that the Job of the maintenance of his per­ Asked regarding published re­ this year arc bigger and better than year olds, Cobb states. "At th e' the Far East. Two of these bases, culties interfering with the smooth The proposal to tack an addition­ seven miles through a region so sons ago an actress bad to stand at sonal aplomb and dignity. He oc­ construction. Open to traffic. De­ London, March 15.—(AP)—Prin­ on tiny islands, will be colonized by Tba Acaoctated Preaa la excluatraly theater, haa lost Its cats. Oatast raphe a doorway and pretend to call her Tokyo, March 15-l(AP) —Admi­ tour at east end poster. ports that Jimmy’s older brother, ever. Pre-season stocking of trout Kensington Hatcheries, more than operation of the airline. After all, aatitlad to tba uae for republlcatlon al fifty cents s year onto the fee Mgbhat that It wouldn't even sell Not Siamese Twin cupies the magnificent apartment cess Barbara Hutton Mdlvanl Is the Americans—hut the islands will be the western end of the line is CTilna, of all aewa dlapaiohaa credited to It This is quite a loss, because there Practically all theaters used to eat. But no cat was supposed to William Barry, in a current ral Mincfl Osuml, minister of the Route No. 201—Hampton. Kim­ Woclworih Donahuei was engaged has "begun, and with more than 175,- 5,000 adult rainbow trout avernge ap.s, there haa l>ecn At An Extra Low Price Twin Sweater Sets Every organization of gunners or be the governing principle of our tbals and minor mlsdemeananU In real, intelligent probing, with actual attitude at the forthcoming naval '14 tauUtutlons where they will receive •anglers In the state should enter its conference. 1.98 reauits. But the odds, aa a rule, Smart perforations cover $1.98 the physical and moral benefits of protest against thla constant boost­ "Being convinced of the Impossi­ Two iraart all-woot women** are heavily against any good what­ bility of reaching a fair and Just this thrce-eycict tic. Popii- Contact with nature and of outdoor ing of the license fee In such times Rweater* lor the price of onel ever coming out of such amateur J agreement unlesa the parties ap­ lar Cuban heel. Medium toe. Coal, slipover. 34 to 44. work; but that Is a Job for some B.S these. ^ proach each other In such a spirit, Another SENSATIONAL PRICE police work. Either the witne.sse.s we must firmly Insist on our posi­ future day when Connecticut ha.- merely know what somebody toI-1 $ J 0 . 9 5 been able to meet a hundred more tion. LOST TO THE RECORD them or are afr.ald to testify to the "I trust that America, Great preaeing responsibilities and can truth. Britain, and other powers eventual­ Epare the time, the. attention and the ly will appreciate the sincerity of SLASHING OF LIQUORS It Is keenly regrettable that our motives and support us.” money necessary to the rehabilita­ "Green Pastures" with RIctiard Ber­ SHAMROCKS Osuml vigorousl!{ denied that the tion of its Jailbirds. Just now the ry Harrison In the character of "De FOR S25.00 QUALITY Japanese navy was planning to pro­ state's bonds are a great deal more Uawd" never reached the film stage, Here now, here now, what talk Is pose a three-year naval holiday. than full of the task of helping this, at all? "Such an idea ha.i not entered our For the Week-End because now the onl.v record of the minds,” he said, "and we do not those unfortunates whoso misfor­ venemMe Negro’s remarkable Inter­ The New York Times yesterday propose to consider it now because tunes are not of their own making. pretation will he ill the memories of printed a story to the effect that th e ; You spend one-third of your life asleep. So ,vou owe we believe Its discussion at this time would only tend to lessen the Nationally Known Brands — Exceptional Values When we have met all urgent re­ the hundreds of thousands of specta­ rhamriicks sold In New York and | it to yourself to make sure that your mattress gives you quirements in the way of hospitals, contiguous territory nt this lime o f, chances of achieving a fair and just tors fortunate enough to have ivlt- COMFORT BY DAY OR NIGHT! ^ ty .' 5 O’CLOCK GIN—A Hiram Walker Prod­ sanatoria, Insane Bsylums--and old the year not only are raised in Flat- i all the restful health-building sleep you require each da.v efused to comment on the You have heard of KING OF CLUBS— Gills' Brown Ties nessed It; the many mniions who uct. Fun fifth. Regular at $1.10 JACK OF CLUBS, ETC.—Now let us in­ age pensions—then we may quite might have done so, had "Green Pas­ hush Instead of being imported from ! . . sleep that prepares you each morning with pep and nited States navy's plans for Wards for Ankiets properly go about making life beUer the Little Green Isle, but pome up | m ^euvers In the Callfornla-Alas- OUR OFFER I S ...... i V C troduce “THE THREE KINGS"—the buy tures” been filmed, have sustained vigor to tackle the new day, k^-Hawaii triangle beyond the ob- One to a customer. 1.98 for deliberate violators of the laws. from seed nurtured not In Ireland 39.50 of the week. Full fifths 90 proof. A good what now beeomc!j/nn Irreparable rervatlon: "It appears to. me the 10c Until then It is only Just that they but -of all places!—In England. /newspaper reports of these maneu- $l..iO Value! OUR OFFER IS, Elk leather, punched and For- women, children. Doz­ loss. stitched. Rubber sole, rub­ should take potluck. Thirty-six hours gone by and nev­ svers arc causing repercussions .not e a c h ...... y j / C ens of styles in rayon, cotton. That l.s one-merit of the motion Tliese fine Innerspring Mattresses contain one-pieca altogether desirabel among our peo­ CRAB ORCHARD—Full fifth— limited ber heel lift. Sizes 3>^ to S. Other anklets priced .... 19c er a damlck heaved tlirough a win­ picture which has not yet greatly units consisting of hundreds of small coil springs that ple." amount to sell—only one to d customer. EXPERTS AS “SCABS’* iinpressed'ltscif upon the public dow of Uie Times office yet. W hat­ None sold to dealers. Regu- ^ f 1 A OLD CONSTITUTION WINES—Recently Imagination hut which the passage ever and whatever! yield to every contour of your body, giving proper sup­ lar at $1.39. OUR OFFER IS $ 1 • i offered for $1.2."). Full quarts. ^ A $ 1 8 * 9 5 It would be interesting to get the On Sale Saturday Afternoon Onl.v. opinion of William Green, president of tHne will eventually bring to the port every minute of the night . . guaranteeing a sound, OUR OFFER IS. each .. .7 ...... 0 ^ 0 tore Its Immense historic Import­ Condition Of of the American Federation of La deep slumber, A new low level in price. ance, The name.s of Jenny Lind HOW A TIMBER KING bor, that of Secretary of Labor rer- State Roads CANADA .DRY GIN—Full fifths, Regu- kins and possibly that of the Federal and Edwin Booth are » familiar BUILT UP A FORTUNE lar at $1.29. A A Labor Relations Board os ,, i.a the enough to present generations, but (Available in full or single sizes.) Road conditions and detours In OUR OFFER I S ...... o l i f C The producers say: “No less than $1.00 What! 100% Fine Wool Ihelr transcendent gifts have to be the State of Connecticut made nec­ a bottle." We say: Status of John F. Tyrrell of Milwau­ One to a customer. None to dealers. taken on faith berausc It la a very Edna Ferber’s New Hook. essary by highway construction an­ kee and Harry K. Cassidy of Kich- nounced by the Connecticut Hlgh- Saturday afternoon only. Suits at This Price! old iK-rson Indeed who heard the “Come and Get It,” Tells of mond, Va. Whether of not these wa.v Department as of March 13. great songster, even In childhood, an American Dynasty. Route ■ No.. U. S. 1—Greenwich. 59 c '“'■"2 '" $ 1.00 gentlemen are, in X- F. ofpbrase- Sounds amazing, doesn’t it? And you’ll be even and It Is only quite elderly people Quality considered, this fine studio couch is extremely low priced! It is fitted Puts Hill. 225' vof concrete pave­ OLD IRISH WHISKEY—the world famous for 6-year-old bottled in liond Wines—from ology, "scabs". Or In the someuirit By BRITE C.VTTON ment. Opc.n to traffic. Norw’alk. Jameson Brand—in fifths only—just in more surprised when you see the extra fine who now can recall the magical pow­ It Is hard to read Edna Ferber's | with two innerspring mattresses so it will be as comfortable by night when used Armory Hlil. 198’ cone, retaining the finest vineyard in California—Port— Gay Felt Slippers Rilldcr language the federal In- new novel, "Come and Get U," with­ time for the holiday. It’s bottled in Dub­ Sherry—Muscatel—Claret— Burgundy — tailoring and smart styles that have gone into Hish Count Shirts er and art of the eminent tragedian a.s a full size or as twin beds, as it is during the daytime! Round comers with wall Open to traffic. this assortment. All the popular shades in a strumenta-^'dlssedcnt minorities." If the dnemn had come In their out a feeling of exasperated admira­ bracket feet to match: smart covers with silk corded edges! March Value No. 14, Route No. U. S. 6—West Hart­ lin. Our best wine offer to date— tion. variety of wanted patterns. Single and double Mr. Tyrrell and Mrs. Caselily, It time, occa.sional Lind and Booth "re­ ford. Farmington avenue. miles 39e Biay be recalled, were Included in For "Come and Get It” Is a good of sheet alphalt under construction. Blue felt with perky floss breasted models. Save at this rock-bottom price! 75« vivals " might even now be delight- book -compacL,Interesting, lit with pom:pon! Leather, tip. th# squad'of eight handwriting ex­ Open to traffic. OLD WILDERNESS—A Frankfort prod­ " $ Ing millions of nuislc and theater an intelligent awareness of the Route No. U. S. 7—Norwalk. 59c 2 1.00 Padded chrome leather sole, Men I Sanforized-shrunk and uct—sold regular at $1.00. 7 A heel. perts who testified for the prosecu­ lovera bom long since the passing fundamentals of the American Main avenue. About 1 mile sheet excellent quality broadcloth; tion tn the Hauptmann murder trial background but It makes you feel a.sphalt.'Open to traffic. We offer pints f o r ...... 9%a C superbly styled. Priced lowl of these stellar artists. that It might so easily have been a JOHN L. WHISKEY—fluality Merchan- In New Jersey. All the exports Route No. 8 & 20—Winchester. The work that Harrison did was much belter book, a truly >great Constructing bridge and cyt-off on disc. bare put in their bills to the county like that of no other actor on any one. PILLOWS ARE HALF YOUR SLEEP! new location. Open to traffic. ‘ PUUK GRAIN ALCOHOI^A rare offer —and these two turn out to be cut- Miss Ferber had something big Quarts ^ 2 ^ 0 I’ints stage. There may never be an­ at her fingertips, but she never Route No. 1.5 & 20 Stafford. West for this grade of alcohol. o rate workers. Neither of Uiem link other to quite fill the some niche. quite got hold of It. Stafford underpass under Construc­ Pints at ...... O oJC 89c charged up so much as four thou­ tion but open to traffic. .Work IVrhap.s much the s Wisconsin closed down for the winter. Quarts for ^ j 5 9 sand dollars {or his services In tes­ lumber baron one of those he- of the play a play, however, sur­ mannlsh old pirates who swept WHITE GOOSE Route No. 16.—Colche.stcr. Corn- -'" 50c tifying at the trial, whereas the bills vives os long aa Us manuseript holds through the great white pine for­ stock bridgc-Olchester trunk line. Bltii'minou-s macadam, length about Cf the other six range from 14,800 together. But the only way to pre­ ests of the north a generation ago to $12,000. like the wrath of the destroying 61-3 miles Is under construction. CABINDALE WHISKEY—High Test for OLD CRONY WHISKEY—A Seagram serve the aehlbvenients of the player angel and founded those vast for­ Shut down for winter. Traffic can All of which ought to furnl.sh Mr. > 8 9 5 pair FOR FINE BIGELOW. pass. Purity. A Fine Buy At, (|**f A A Distilled Product. Regular at ^ A Is to .screen them ami tile the film tunes whose history epltomlzr.s the a fifth ...... $ 1 , U U Qreen with some fresh ammunlttm awHV. story of modem America. Route No. 69—Waterbury. Water- 90c. OUR OFFER FOR A PINT / C ta his campaign for the hundred per Those gaudy freebooters were bury-Wolcott-Bristol road. About picturesque characters. Miss Ferber (S56.50 g r a d e s ) 7 '; miles bituminous macadam Save.$4! Seamless Axminsters esnt organization of labor.. A good, Fit your bed with these new fluffy XXMINSTERS Pirate Chret W'hlakey. Still a W'e repeat by request our offer 17-Vmr-Old Bottled In Bond preaents this one in all his glory, white goose pillows and notice how pavement. Ojlcn to traffic. WHISKEY. A wonderful hu,v Mattress Value Single-Deck Spring •UH union of handwriting experts. EXCLUSIVENESS and points out cannlly that for all Just a limited number of these fine rugs left. They’re discoii- Route No. 70—Merlden-Berlin. favorite with our customer*! of Bonded W'Ium, regular at Save now! Price goes up after you sleep twice as well! They’re an 75e for a fifth. On sale at at iHth none left outside the fold to Mentioning with general approval his picturesqueneas he was a pretty exceptional March Value (No. IS) re­ tlnusd patterns in rich Oriental designs. Beige and tan back­ Cat Hole Pass road. 7 miles of Again we offer a full pint the Sale. Copies of Oriental ilsel on the rate of wages, might expensive clUxen for the country to duced from $12.50. grounds predominate. Most of them have fringed ends. Ex­ waterbound macadam under con­ quart for only ..... 9 8 c designs with selvaged sides for $ 2 ^ .8 8 $12.95 the statutory powers given to towns maintain. struction but open to traffic. 39c '” 2 75c $ 2 . 7 9 VN $ 4 * 9 5 ,ve Insured a uniformity In the cellent for dining rooms and living rooms. 9x12 ft. size. March PInU 59c. wear. 9x12 f t ...... $3 DOW N Save now! Innerspring with Save more In the Sale! 90- Md cities In this state to establish But when she undertakes to fol­ Value No. 9. Route No. 80—Madison. 4 Killing- Limited quantity. $ 1 .4 9 • $4 .Monthly Premier wire colls in felted big coils of Premier wire, fpmpenaaUon of these witnesses—at "zones" and the fact that certain low the subsequent adventures of worth. No. Branford-Klllingworth Small Carrying Charge cotton. Damask covering. the very best. Enameled! It in Ibelr demands. Why should communities, under those powers, his CotnUy, her story somehow road about 7 miles bituminous ma­ For the Saturday Night Cele­ Silver C ^tle Gin. A regular Mr. Cassidy and Mr. Tyrrell, or loses Us fine sweep. cadam pavement. Open to traffic. Town Tavern, full fifth*. Reg­ bration—Ginger Ale—Diamond, $1.20 value. Our Q O have successfully controlled bill­ The old man's son turns from Mr. Sellers who charged $8,238 Route No. 84—Groton-Stonlngton- ular at $1.39. Limited amount Country Club, Canada D rj, offer, full f if th ...... 0 ” C boards, the report of the State Park lumber to steel and from steel to No. Stonington. Old Mystic R. I. on sole Saturday 1 9 Chelmsford. the others, including the young- and Forest Committee brings out a high finance, helps to build up for line trunk line. Bitunoinous ' mo> Soda la Flavors, o Iff Sliver Crest Gin, the daddy of 10% Discount on All Our 1st Line the 1929 crash, and Is, tn bis turn, Mr. Osborn, have billed the New situation not generally reaUssd. OPEN THURSDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK cadam about 10 miles in length * f o r ...... O O C them all. O C county for $12,000 the aame badly nipped that eotoatropbe. under construction. Shut down for One to a cnatomer. Oonteata only. Fifths for ...... ^ I s ^ O The town of Union, tba report statss, His g r^ch lk tren , aoberei^ re­ winter. Traffic can pass. tba senior Osborn? In any well has establlshetl a “forest reservation turn to the old home town with Route No. 85—Hebron. North Riverside Tires For Saturday Only :ed union sucb matters are at- and residential zone" comprising a much fine talk about starting over street. miles of waterbound Ask for One of Our Cocktail Recipe Booklets—They Are FREE! to—there la no aueb thing oii a saner baala—but it's a little macadam under construction. Open Written Guarantee AGAINST EVERYTHING As Long As You Use The Tire! strip half a mile on either side of Its too pat. eoa quallflad Joumeyrinim im k - to traffic. mrin state highway—for Its entire You feel that what might have Route No. 101—Canton. Albany ehaaper than another; and sure- been a truly noteworthy study of WATKINS BROTHERS length across the town, a distance turnpike. Bridge & approaches modem America has turned into tbSM w v all qiiallfled Jouzney- of about seveu miles. And In that under construction. Open to tr ^ ic . Just another morsel for the popu­ Route No. 110—Shelton 4 Mon­ la their trade. aune ore prohibited service and fill- lar magastnes. THE CENTER PHARMACY at AAANCHESTER, CONN. - roe. Shelton-Monroe road. About flC foorae, OMadet AX- iBg stotlobo, garagee. tea roonja. Published bjr Doubleday, Doran 5 miles of bituminous macadam MOUTGOMERT end Oo„ It Mils tor $$h0. pavement. Open to traffic. Post Office Square 824-828 MAIN STREET ■i - ^u te No, 131—Roxbury - Falls 1>AQB CIOST MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. IIANCREErneR. CXIKM. FRIDAT, FEBRUARY 16, 1986; MANCHESTER EVENTNG HERALD. MAMCHE8TBK. OUMM. nU DAT. FEBRUARY 16, IMBH, ~~4iW 1^' MAN DIES SCDDENLY ISAYS 9 SENATORS TCRMTIO m Al.AaM AnEMPTTOKILL Play In “Pomander Walk” Tonight LITTLE A cn v rry COUGHLIN, HITLER New York, March 18.—(AP) OBITUARY 1 —Firemen answering an alarm ARE COMMUNISTS today found a dead man at the IBN-SAUD FAILS IN STOCK MARKET Selects High Squad for Indoor signal box. He was Charles DEATHS SIHILAR-SIRACHEY Clausen, Bl-year-old watchman, r who had discovered a Ore in the basement of a flve-story tene­ Patricia Rae Hagodora m . HE MAKES THE OLYNtPlC A college competition In aigbt, from W.P.Shnrar.BvNtTTAd- ment, turned in the alarm, and Three Assassins Shot Deadi Makes Brave Attempt to Ad­ Patricia Rae Hagedorn, daughter TBA.M the 880 to the two-mlle. Penn Relay Fund Now $40; Johnny Howard Wins Right dropped lifeless. The Are was of Lieutenant and Mre. Raymond British Lectarer Explains He performed feats of strength of Local Sport REDANDWRTTETO Tocate Does Not Smgle quickly extinguished. as They Try to Murder^ Hagedorn of 237 Oak street, died By CHARLES ORUMIOH which a 200-po^der .would be proud. I vance Bat Selling Flurries early this morning in the home of How Their Doctrines Are (Assooiatod Preaa Sports Writer) Weighing only about 163 and stand­ Benefit Tickets Are on Sale To Meet Kebart for Title; her parents after a short illness. ing 5 9 1-2, be could take care of Chatter SENDSQUAD0F19 She would have been three years old The year 1932 was a big one In himself In boxing and xk-resUIng Them Oat On List. Arabian Monarch. ' FoO the Attempts. next month. Fimeral sendees will Same; Both Capitalistic. the Ufe of Glenn Cunningham, for bouts with much bigger men. A total of forty doUara In out-,() 4lanc« 'Which the Blueflsidt A. C. will Bowls a Five String of 618 ABOUT TOWN bo held from the parents’ home In the qualifying test fop the 1,- Monday morning at 10 o’clock and not only waa be starting bis varsity right contributions have already sponsor at the EOat Side Ree next U ws're to helisvs tha majority of INTO TITLE CLASH WMhlaEton, March 18.— (AP) — Mecca. Kingdom of Sau.ll-Arabla,; 800-mcter Job on the Olympic team been made to the fund which has Friday night have been placed on the smaU crowd of fans who attend­ A Swedish baking sale will be New York, March 18.—(AP) the body will be placed in the re­ career at Kansas but hoped zJso to An aaaertlon by William B. Shrarer, ceiving vault at St. Jamea's ceme­ Detroit, March 15.— (A P )—Evelyn Glenn scored the flrst of bis long been created to send Manchester sale. Priced at 28 cents each, they ed the opening game of the town Nearly a hundred enthusiastic^ This was also tha trouble with held in the basement of Hale's store March 18.— (A P )—Three assassins; win a place on the United States B lf Navy advocate, that nine Sena­ The Stock Market made a few tery. John Strachey, English lecturer, series of triumphs over Gene Ven- High’s relay team to the Penn Re­ may bs obtained from any member title series at the Armory 'Wednes­ bowling fans gathered at the YMCA ‘Sparky” Saldella, the aoutb end's tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock by were killed by a royal bodyguard: Olympic team. zke. However, some of the critics of the Blueflelds club or at Bray's tor! were ‘Teco.ded In the Depart­ .J brave efforts to advance In the face said In an Interview today he flnda lays at Philadelphia next month and day night, the Rangers and Fire­ last evening to witness the special big choice. "Sparky", who has long Coach Wi([ren Expects His ment of Justice records with pa.st the Women's Aid Society of the today as they attempted to cut down ; of selling flurries in commodities Having been a bootball and basket­ thought his victory a fluke. It la expected that many more dona­ Jswelry store, M ettefs Smoke Shop, stones made a big mistake In asking five-game tournament to determine Emanuel Lutheran church. reaemblance between the doctrines been rated all over the state as a afflliatloni with the Communist Ibn-Saud, the “Warrior King'’ of, today, but by early afternoon nar­ WILEY POST STARTS ball star at little Elkhart high •Better Luck Next Time’ tions will be received from towns­ the Silk a t y Diner, Morrlsor’s Fill­ an admission price of forty cents a the best pin toppler In Manchester veteran in the game, blew plenty of Party,” was read today Into the •Saudl-Arabla' close to the sacred' row gains were being held with dif­ and methods of Adolph Hitler and school, he bad ambitions to compete Hamilton convinced Lawson Rob­ people who wish to support this ing Button, Hals’s, Watkins Broth­ person. It la contended that this waa to roll Clbarlle Kebart for the town j" badly-needed Sqnad to Make Good Enlgbet Lodge, I. O. O. T., will ficulty. sparei and chopped record of the Senate munitions com­ those o f the Rev. Father Charles E. In these sports, but be was Imme­ ertson, head coach of Jie Olympic worthy effort. ers and the Army Navy club. altogether too much after the prices title. Seventeen of the to-wn's best through the head pin continually. meet tomorrow night at 8 o'clock at Black Stone which the Mohamme-; A wide assortment of shares diately called Into running service trackmen and also of the University mittee. dans believe was given by the Angel j ACROSS NATION ON (Joughlin. The largest single contribution Is An attractive program has been which have been prevailing during stars took part. Saldella placed fifth with a five This climaxed a tumultuous ses­ the home of Mrs. Ellen Carlson of pushed up fractions to a point in In the faU of '31 aa a sophomore. of Pennsylvania, that Cunningham $25 by Morlarty Brothers' Filling arranged for the affair, including a Showing at Wesleyan Next Gabriel to Abraham. Strachey, whose deportation for the regular season and we’re In­ The laurels and privilege belong string collection of 689. sion almost rivaling the one earlier Maple street. quiet trading, which seemed to re­ The autumnal two-mile team race had fairly earned his nomination. Station, backer oi the Rec League doubleheader basketball attraction to Johnny Howard, who won the 'The S.Vyear-old King, who stands Communistic sympathies is sought clined to agree with the argument. The tournament, which was man­ in the week when Shearer thun­ flect short covering and buying for STRATOSPHERE HOP of the Big Six conference was hts In the final at Los Angeles Cumilng- ct^ t champs and tonm title con­ and four hours of dancing. The Blue- tournament with a flve string total The Sunday school children of 6 feet, 4 Inches tali, wa.s saved from in , added that the only aged-and run by Dave Hamilton of Saturday; the Entries. dered out a denunciation of big a turn on the part of traders who flrst varsity competition. He won, of ham was the first American to tended. The Brittsh-American club fields will meet a team at Manches­ of 618. Although a newcomer In the Zion Lutheran church will rehearse the a.s.sas.sins’ knives by his son and thought Wall street's latest fit of Fascist tendencies he has observed It’s been our belief that local the YMCA, was rolled according to shipbuilders who once had employed heir, the Emir Saud, who grappled course. finish, placing fourth In the race has donated $5 and a similar amount ter High players In the flrst game at ranks of leading bowlers Howard tonight at 6 o'clock for the Easter I>ewls Jonea Thonuu Dannaber blues was being carried to extremes (Continued From Page One) In this country are the movements Coach Brutus Hamilton and others basketball was doomed to an unsuc­ National ^ w lin g Congress rules. him as a “propagandist” at the with the leader of the three a.s.saa- wen by Luigi Beccedl of Italy In the has been voted by the Army A Navy 7 o’clock and the Knights of Lithu­ has long been associated with the pagraiit. At 7:30 p. m. the Young — Lewi's Jones, 8«A, son of Mrs. Thomas Dannahcr, 3SB, son of BJt a drop of about a dollar a led by Father Coughlin and Senator decided not to let Glenn's talents cessful season when the P.ec Senior Two Judges officiated on the foul After several weeks of competi- Naval Limitations Conference In .-Ins and stayed hjs dagger until the then world record time of 3:51.2. club. Contributions of a dollar each ania, Greater Hartford League game. Johnny has been averaging line and it was surprising to note People's Bible Clas.s will meet. Sarah Jones of 31 1-2 Charter Oak Mr. and Mrs. Thoma.s J. Dannaher bale in cotton, a sagging tendency First distance flight through Huey Long. stray to gridiron or court because League set admission at 15 cenU a Uve tryouts, Charles “ Pete” Wl- Geneva In 1927, and later broke with King's armed bodyguard shot the ■ treet portrays the role of Brooke- If there was any legitimate alibi have been made by Bill Brennan, champs, will oppose a local All-SUr around 115 all .season in the "Y ” how few times they were required of 03 Bigelow street, portrays the in grains, and pronounced weakness stratosphere. any kind of Injury might thwart person Sind the Rangers made it a him, purportedly In a disagreement three attackers dead. Ho.s.vn, one of the leads, in "Poman­ "Both movements", he said, "pur­ for tbat defeat It was never offered Roger Williams, Joseph Leary, Emil aggregation in the nljghtcap at 8 league, Is a member of the "Y " all- to blow the whistle. Pat Comber gren, Manchester High track and A public setback party for the part of Jack Sayle in "Pomander in such staples as rubber and cof­ Expected speed, 350 miles-an hour their plana to bring him along as a quarter. If you've something -worth­ over pay. der Walk" to be given by Sock and port to be radical but basically ar in public. Gliinn accepted his beat­ Johnson and Jacob CorcUlus. o’clock. Dancing will be from 9 to stars team and also rolls with the acted as official scorekeeper and field coach, today announced the His reference to Senators on the beneflt of the Degree of Pocohontaa The attackers were believed to be Walk” to be given tonight 1^ Sock fee, soon put a damper upon what or more, or about six miles a min­ great middle distance ace. ing with the satisfaction of know­ while to offer the public you don't natives o f Yemen, .the nation which Buskin this evening in the high ute. aimed at defending the Capltallstl Tickets for the basketball and 1 o’clock. Valvollne Oil quintet at the south starter. personnel o f the Red and White Communist list was In a letter writ­ will be held tomorrow night at 8:30 and Buskin. - ' cheer the share market was able to Their calculations proved fortu­ ing he’d still be young enough In stir up any desire for It with chesp Thn-Sand defeated last year in bat­ school auditorium. muster. Bonds were unable to con­ system through Fascist tactics.” end. AU In all. It was a contest weU team that win compete in the state ten by Shearer to Homer L. Fer­ o'clock at the home of Mrs. Myra , . ... *■ Itnown and expcrlenc. Expected flight time, 7 or 8 hours. itous, for It cama to pass that he 1936 to try again for on Olympic prices. Times may be tough finan­ tle, imposing his Imperious will up­ Although this is Jones’ first public ed In dramatics taking part in 'The tinue yesterday's rally. Expending hts comments on This writer believes that Howard worth watching and now the fans Indoor meet at Wesleyan University guson. president of the Newport Fitzgerald at 87 Spruce street. Planned altitudes, 32,800 to 40. Father Coughlin, Strachqy said; reached bis peak at a time when the title. (Though probably not even he cially but It's been proven time and on the land. The.v fell Im the court appearance In dramatics he has Monkey's Paw” ajid "Mlml Ught The action of .'oreign exchanges 000 feet (about 6 to 7 1-2 miles). was never in better form than be are anxiously waiting to see what next week Saturday afteraoon. A News Shipbuilding and Drydock Prizes will be awarded -the winners "the resemblance to the type of .srorld bad more expert competitors foresaw the Olympian heights be again that the public Is perfectly program of nine events win be con­ and refreshments will be served. All of the Great Mosque of Mecca. taken part in numerable school the Candir", "The Lady of Paine' was again encouraging, with the Stratosphere begins, this latitude exhibited last night. Starting off in the master of them all, Charlie Company, March 27, 1929, In an ef­ Were at Prayer, assemblies and Is well familiar with po’jud sterling rebounding a couple propaganda which HlUer carried on at the middle distances than ever has scaled In the years between.) willing to pay for what it wanU. the flrst game he crashed the wood ducted, starting at 2:30 o’clock. In fort to Justify bis claims for further card,plsyers are Invited. Last week's one-act plays given by Sock and 32,000 to 37,000 feet, approximately, Kebart, can do in the way of defend­ Ibn-Saud and his Crown Prince the stage. Buskin. of cents, and the slump In the gold in Germany through the twenties Is] before. However, there was plenty of Army-Navy, Collegians And the public believes that the for a single of 149—the highest of ing a title which be has held for a the four meets held to date, Man­ winners were: Mrs. Bessie Forbes varying with certain conditions. compensation. Jones is a member of Uie Debat­ very striking. First, In Father Special Training Schedule w ork.to be done against domestic price Is an Indication of the quality chester has never placed below and Patrick Murphy, first; Mrs. liad gone there following their strict Dannaher is the manager of cross currencies checked for the moment. Purpose of flying, to test feasiblll the evening. Again in the second goodly number of years. The match He recited his activities in favor Mohammedan creed of daily prayer ing club. Brooke-Hosyns. a for­ Recoveries appeared In the earlier Coughlin’s radical sounding attacks' Hamilton laid out a training .opposition, and records to be low­ of what Is being offered. third, flnieblng In that poeitloo o f further naval appropriations, par­ Sadie Muldoon and. Jack Hayes, sec­ country and an active member of ty of regularly-scheduled strato game he came .back with a gather­ wUl be roUed next week. Tbs com­ and their own strict adherence to mer butler in disguise, tries to com­ Hl-Y. hours of trading In most of the ma­ on bankers; second, bis extreme and schedule taking into account special ered. Cunningham returned to Kan­ ing of 131. Hts remaining three twice and In second jplace twloe. ticularly calling attention to a ond; Mrs. O. Anderson and Charles sphere fljing. plete box scores: Well-Balaaoed 8 «jnad tbn-Saud's early vow to prhy—fac­ pete with Sir Peter for the title of Jack Sayle is a lieutenant In the jor groups of shares. Steels were bellicose Nationalism; third, the requirements to compensate for the sas, where the track coaching was games were right up along with hla H. dander— pending appropriation for crulserp. Ruttgeres, third. Post’s ship, his 'round-the-world Win in Court Tourneys Had forty cenU been the admis­ The squad of nineteen entries se­ ing Mecca—five times daily. "Major of the Walk” and he suc­ English Navy and, at the time of hold back by the controversy in anti-trades union note which Father fact hts numer didn't aave normal taken over—»upon Hamilton’s depar­ Nine Communists record-breaking "Winnie Mae,” sion to games during the season, the usual average. Several times during, 127 128 104 113 103—871 lected for the meet Includes each The monarch, who through bis ceeds Id the last act when everyone the play, Is home on leave. Washington over the industry’s Coughlin recently haa sounded: circulation In bis legs or normal ture for the California Job—by H. same amount could have been bis exhibition, Johnny showed the C. Mlkolelt— s‘Twelve Senators only opposed The male quartet of the Eastern fearlessness and nithlessness In has turned against his rival. price-making, and oils and dairy Is­ (Lockheed Vega), high-wing mono­ fourth. Father Ooughlln’a anti- muscular protection on the surface W. "BIU” Harglss. veterans as Everett Solomonaon, ^tue cruiser bill,” he wrote, "of Naxarene College, Wollaston. Mass., —F. Miller. plane, 5 years old, double super charged without a squawk but the audience that be ranks with the best 114 li e 97 113 109—848 Gtoorge Leary, Tommy Dannaber, governing his native kingdom won sues failed to recover. But farm Im­ Semitic note, which would seem to of isg bones. Glenn has no trans­ Glenn and BIU began experimental Jump from 18 and 28 cents to forty by pulling several difficult spares V. Adamson— Which nine are recorded in the De­ will sing at the final weekly service plements, mail orders, alcohols, charger 420 horsepower wasp en­ verse arch In his left foot and even workouts, not secret, but not public. Service Five Noses Out Hart­ Lionel C!oburn, BIU ’ Murcb. Dick the appelatlon "The Cromwell of have been borrowed straight from didn’t sit at all well with the few that seemed almost Impossible. His 122 112 102 91 107—534 partment of Justice records with In the Church of the Nazerene this non-ferrous metals, motors, miscel­ gine. BOW can turn h is toes squarel> back. Carpenter. Charles Donahue, Leo Hedjaz,” entered the mosque and, Berlin.” Thty simply wished to tamper quiet­ who have patronised local basketbaU ability to pin the wood and get the J. Johnson— past affiliations with the Com­ evening at 7:30. Evangellit Howard with his bodyguard, started in circl­ laneous industrials, and scattered Airplane altitude record. 47,388 This was a fragile but highly ly with the theory of running eight P o wliri(^ Johnson, Henry Haefe and Eddie Father (Joughlln haa denied re­ all season. munist Party." W. Sweeten will preach. BUDGET AND AUDIT 'NVOKE d e a t h p e n a l t y rails and utilities all pushed up feet, set April, 1934, by (3omdr. ford Renaissance, 29*25, marks when he needed them most 104 119 105 108 119—883 Anderson, with a generoua ing the Shrine of Kaba, the nearly peatedly that he has any antipathy geared place of running machinery. furlongs. Their findings were noted, BIO UBAOUB was what earned him his well-de­ W. Dietz— "Who are these senators 7” asked cubical stone building which contains! moderately. Renato Donatl. Italy. Glenn waa net delicate In the usual revised, studied and kept' In mind. Bprlnkllng of promising newoomera Senator Bone (D., Wash.), leaning for Jews. (C tartw Oak AJISffs) served right to meet Kebart for the 164 103 189 97 134—886 In E. Haraburda, S. Leggett. Sam Yulyes, local shoe repairer. the famous Black Stone. Gains of major fractions to a U. S. Transcontinental s])eed rec­ Both CtaitaMstte sense, but he had to be bandied care­ at Waterbary; Rec Team The Rangers must bs given credit over the desk. "I’d like -to know Just recently reertved a large ship­ point appeared in such issues as ord, 10 hours, 2 minutes, set Septem­ for the showing they mtas against Utle. He averaged around 123 for J. Cbandi Charles Noveek, J. Stephenaea. The stone is .an object of the espe­ BILLS PRESENTED; ™ "Are the Roosevelt forces antl- fully. (NEXT—Glenn makee good on the Gibson’s Oarags took 8 straight the five games. WUUs KUpatrick, W. PblUipe, Si. who some of my companions are.” ment of leather and supplies for the cial reverence of every Mohamme­ Union Pacific, Johns-Manville, Case, ber, 1934, by Col. Roscoe Turner, CiunnlBgliam cleaned up all the Metropolitan boards). the Firestones, a team that hod the 97 97 118 138 106—546 Shearer, who prior to that time Pasclat?” he waa asked. gamss from WUkls’s Dairy. Wen Tbs nearest contender to Howard C. Variick— Harris and P. Dupont. The e ip ^ la spring and summer business. dan on pllgr mage to Mecca. One Cuban Government to Deal Public Service of N. J., American Hollywood. Swamps Camp Femow at nergren hit high singls of 189 and advantage In experienced players had busied himself at the witness Telephone, Du Pont, Loews, U. S. "Not at all,” he replied. "This la waa Buddy Borst, yquthful member 187 106 139 103 97—871 not quite complete but Coach Wt- - of the objects of the pilgrimage Is Average transcontinental air mall a struggle between two diffesent Kutkmvsk bit mgb 8 string for 878. and In height and weight Physical­ desk pouring reports and corre­ A meeting of the Holy Name So­ to kiss the stone. Severely With Those Respon­ S me'.ting, and others. altitude. 10.000 feet. of the "Y ” all-atai team along with J. Twaroniti gren wUl make hla final selections groups within the Capitalistic ranks WOly, 52 to 15. Tbs ValvoUne Oil Co. took 3 out ly, the Firestones were bead and in a few days, spondence Into the records, referred ciety of St. Bridget's church will be Assassins .Apficar. Legislature May Set Up Com­ sible for the Recent Trouble. Ralls seemed to be helped for a Time of transcontinenfal air mail shoulders over the Rangers but the Johnny. Borst splUed the IltUe 115 114 131 188 103—897 at once to a publication entitled as how best to maintain Ihe o f 8 gamss from tbs Oak Street maples for a total of 899 and haul an U et of EntriM held in the church hall this evening Suddenly the tliree men rushed time by further hopes of a favor­ flights, 12 to 24 hours, depending on Tavern. BeletU hit high single of latter team made up for It In sheer C. McGuire— "Reds in America," published in at 8 o'clock. able decision by the I. C. C. on their Capitalistic system. It is similar to average of 119 for the flve games. 82 119 118 89 108—813 The local entries and tha events forward brandishing the daggers. mission to Have Charge of Havana, March 18.— (AP) — The number stops and whether direct the situation In Germany before Cardinals Now Stronger 144 and high 8 string for 888. fight and cage ability. in which they will compete are aa 1924 under editorial direction of R. The'guards fired, cutting down two plea for higher rates. The loadings route. The Army and Navy club quintet His second and fourth games were J. Prentice— M. Whitney, director of the Wash army evinced its determination to­ Hitler, In that Capitaltatlo group Gibson’s Garogs will bowl tha follows: W. P. Larkin, president of P. F. of the asssosins Immediately, but report for Uie past week was not Official balloon altitude record came through the second round of ValvoUne next Wednesday for the where be fell down when he turned 104 110 146 101 136—897 Ington Bureau of the National De­ Collier and Co., of New York, Mar­ day to deal sternly with partici­ encouraging, showing a more than which were lighting among them­ We don’t' believe that the out­ In a pair of 107 totals. 45-yard dash—Soloraonson, Hara­ the King’s son grappled with one of This Work. 61,237 feet (11 1-2 miles plus) set the Waterbury Democrat-Y. M. C. round money. Each are tied with B. Borst— fense Society. tin H. Carmody, supreme grand pants in the recent government seasonal drop of 17,872 cars from selves Anally former a United come of the flrst game is any indi' Joe Prentice and Joe Twaronlte burda, Leggett them alone. The bodyguard went .■itrlkes. Invoking the death penalty November 1938, by Ueut. Oimdr. T. A. sUtewlde basketball tournament 4-2 standing. 118 107 186 107 181—899 600-yard run—Leary, Dannuer, The list, however, contained 14 knight of the Knights of Columbus the previous week, but that had Fascist front." The conflict he said Than 1934 Champions cation of what will happen In the were tied for third place. Prentice B. Gibson tc his as.sistanco and shot the third Senators. for any convicted of terroristic ac­ O. W, Settle, U. S, N. (record ap^ at Waterbury last night by nosing WUIds’s Dairy (0) second. Granted tbat the Firestones Ooburn. and John McCormick, singer, will man dead. been anticipated in view of the earl­ is between the Administration and K o v U ...... 97 99 83 378 fell down in hla second and fourth 93 120 132 100 128—883 Nomes were Senators McKellar be heard over Station WBZ at 11:30 There Is before the present Legl.s. tivities. ier reports by individual carriers. proved by International AeronButl the Coughlln-Long forces. out the Hartford Renatssance, 29 to have a distinct edge on the small 1,000-meter run—Murch, Carpen­ Then the King and the Crown . . . "This is not a Joke” said a high cal Federation). 28. The service team won its open­ C. PontiU o...... 85 110 97 301 games, while hla rival failed to come D. Hamilton ter, Donahue. of Tennessee. Frazier of North Sunday morning- In a broadcast on The total was 26.850 under the like Strachey came here from Ann show exceptional promise are Don East Side Rec surface through hav Prince completed the circuit of the o"® kno'vn as House army official aa the councils of war Three Soviet balloonists reported ing last week against the Hartford Magnuson..... 98 93 114 305 through In the fifth game with a 111 138 114 114 138—891 High Jump—Noveek. Dakota, Ashurst of Arizona, the the opening of the campaign for Kaaba, entered, kissed the stone, an l Bill No. 213 entitled "Unlf.irm Fis­ week of 1934. Arbor to deliver a lecture tonight. Gutteridge, also from Houston, ing played there all season. They’re lai'ge enough accre to be on top. late Senator Kendrick of Wyoming, assembled to hear cases. "This altitude 67,588 feet before crashing Rookies Gather from St. SporU Centers. Wennergren . . 139 92 89 320 J. SaideUa— Broad Jump—Leggett, Leary. members that Is to be started on coollly returned to the palace. Non-ferrous metals were helped and Charley Wilson, from Colum­ WUkie ...... I l l 106 118 332 Just as liable to have an off night Both hit for a total of 597. the late Senator Howell of Neb­ that day among all councils of the cal year Act 19.35" and In the bill thing is going to be. carried through b.v continued firmness in the price to death. February, 1934. Later Mos­ Bycbolskl and Sully Salmonds 131 128 97 117 118—889 Shot put—Noveek, Johnson. Ibn-Saud Is perliaps the world’s bia. The latter, with a stick mark in their shooting as the Rangers Dave Hamilton placed fourth with J. Howrard— raska, the late Senator Ralston of K. of C., in the country. there Is propo.sed to set up a uni­ and those who are guilty will pay of silver, reflecting further buying cow reporU credited them with featured In last night's victory, each did Wednesday. AU the Ranger (TIass A sprint relay (175 yards most colorful dictator as well as be­ heavily. PRESIDENT FAVORS Lonis Farms to Bolster of .325, might win a regular berth scoring four times from the floor, TotaU ...... 830 809 497 1836 a total o f 891. Hamilton, who is con­ 149 131 107 119 113—618 each.) — Haraburda, Solomonson, Indiana, former Senator Dill of form system of accounting for ail in the London market, which has reaching 72.178 feet Just before fail at third base in the event that players are scoring threats and It’s Washington, Wheeler of Montana, ing a most strict Mohamqicdan. He "The.se fellows have been disturb­ (U. S. S. R. unafflllated with the In­ while Kovia and Garrone Ullied Olbson’B Garage (•) sidered one of the finest bowlers In E. Supemaut— Leggett, Stephenson. The sprinkling of over 1,000 tons been attributed to American Pepper Martin iS switched to ccO' Magnuson .... 104 127 107 338 Impossible to predict what they’ll do the late Senator LaFolIettc of Wis­ neither smokes nor drinks alcoliolic towns and cities, the method and ing public order for years. They sources of late. In New York, bar ternational Federation). twice each, to account for all the lo­ town, couldn't seem to get going and 83 96 li e 118 87—496 Distance relay (352 yards each) of sand on the walks and streets In beverages. RUSSEL’S MEASURE Red Birds; Charley Gelhert ter field to replace Ernie OrsatU Kutkavek ___ 126 136 116 378 when they train their eyes on the consin, former Senator Brookbart Manchester has provided extra manner in which bonds can or will have been intimidating workers. silver rose 'i of a cent to 59ts cents cal points. Barlow featured for the had plenty of hard luck, chopping Z. Gozdz— —Anderson, Kilpatrick, Haefs, Also, it is said that he never ex­ —and that event isn’t without Oibaon ...... 96 124 117 337 baskets at the Rec. through the pins again sind again. Murch. o f Iowa, Norris of Nebraska, Sblp- work for men employed in the bo Issued and providing for the clos. They have been harrassing the an ounce, another seven-year high. consideration by Frisch. losers. k i 107 111 188 144 90—885 ceeds the proper number of wives- - (Oaottnned from Page One) • Petke ...... 102 114 118 331 Sprint relay for C. C. I. L. teams atead of Minnesota, former Senator town's outside forces. On side hUls Ing of the town year on June 30. The army. Their bombings have killed Fights Leo Durocher for Wilson Is an impressive lad, The Rec-Ckillegians gained an Im­ never having niore than four at any pressive victory In their opening A nderson.. 137 116 118 361 On a small floor Ilka the Rec, any­ —PbUlips, Harris, Dupont and a Johnson of Minnesota; and former the sand washed into catch basins bill calls for the payment of taxes innocent citizens. For a long while VERTICAL FUGHT NEXT, who haa been up before and has thing Is liable to )iappen. During ^ s Senator Swanson of Virginia, now one time, alihough it is popularly predicted to newsmen the McCarran game at .the sUte Junior tourna­ fourth man as yet unnamed. and In many of these it has been eRher in full or in part payment on we have stood on the side lines to Shortstop Post the poise of a major leaguer. ToUls ..858 617 873 1745 past season, Manchester lllgh’r Secretary of the Navy. found that there have been deposits believed that ho has had as nJiny a s ' fhe Z t F F" WATER IS DRAWN OUT plan would be rejected by half a ment at Wllllmantlc last night, The meet will be held at the Wes­ 100 in hla time through a astern o f ' let the civil authorities try to meet Replacements in the outfield team deserted the Armory to meet Shearer made no effort to point of sand that, when removed, have the situation. They failed and we SAYS NOTED INVENTOR dozen votes In contrast to the 44 to swamping the Camp Fernow quintet leyan Alumni building. Students divorce and "replacements." "replacements."^ a comml.s.slon to be are a likely looking lot. Besides ValvoUne OU Co. (3) the local Trade school at the Rec will be charged 38 cents for ad­ cut which nine of the Senators bo filled a fair sized dump truck. So act up and anytime make exami­ stepped in. Sow that we are in thre 48 approval given It three weeks the aforementioned Terry Moore, to the tune of 52 to 18, after leading Bout Tonight Sets New claimed were on the Justice De{>art- OF CENTER SPRINGS POND ago. EDITOR'S NOTE: This Is another H oward._...8 4 124 127 338 and the game was one grand and mittance wiUi forty cents for oth­ hard was the sand packed on some nations of records or Important guilty must pay and pay heavily.” Tests Successful and New Ma­ w'ho is a wow. there are Bed by 33 to 9 at halftime. Bill Kelsh G lorg ettl...... 143 110 110 363 ment list, and the committee did not of the roads that a scraper was nec­ This ballot, expected before night­ of a aeries of articles on big le a g u e starred for the locals but every glorious shooting spree from start ers. papers as and when It Is considered Gullermo Beit. 28 year old mayor Worthington, obtained from the F. Anderson . . 116 107 120 343 to finish. The high school only out- pursue Its questtbning to bring this essary to get the sand free enough 4*7n«mnn S' chine Will Soon Be Demon­ fall, was to be followed by a vote on training camps. It dlscutsee the Braves last year; Johnny Wlnsett, player on the squad contributed to MRS. THORNTON HEADS ncce.aaary. The method of borrowing of Havana gave cnthu.siastic praise Skatinif Season Offlciallv Closed St. Lenis Cardinals. T w arnite...... 125 98 111 332 scored the Tradert. by one basket, 15 out. to shovel into carts. money against expected tax return strated, He Declares. the Administration compromise of Rochester and ex-Red Sox rookie the scoring. The quarter finals will Previously, Shearer denied that of hy This Act— 43.230 People Schubert ----- 118 128 118 334 to 14, but plied up a wide margin on High in Total Tonnage i.a also provided for: It Is further Senator Russell (D., Ga.) authoriz­ who hit .361 for the Card farm be played tonight. ha bad threatened to kill a ship­ By HARRY GRAYSON foul shooting. The seme thing can STEVE HAMAS SERIOUSLY Work is going on repainting the EASTERN STAR CHAPTER prf)po«ed to have the year close on Ing the oppositionisrmovem^ent'^"'’’ Patronized Municipal Rink. ing wages iMflow the going private and Eugene Moore, who came up Army and Navy yard official in a dispute over pay. Igindon, March 15.— (A P )—Con­ Sporta Editor, NE.\ Service ToUls ...... 581 865 581 1727 happen when the Flrestonea play fire hydrants in the South Manches­ June 30 and taxes become due in the scale If they do not tend to decrease from Columbus at the fag end of B. F. Pts. Oak Street Tavern (1) "I Would not threaten to kill any­ ter fire district. The new color is a The water from Center Springs quest of vertical flight, with an au- that level and for prevailing wages last season and hit .278 in nine Bycholski, I f ...... 4 0 8 host to the Rangers. HURT DURING BATTLE body who owed me money," ho as- first installment on .Tulv 1 as a toglro rising straight into the air Bradenton, Fla., March 18—Two Conran ...... 123 96 118 337 chrome yellow. It Is more notice­ BOX r-EAGUE pond was drawn off this morning, only on permanent public building games for the Bed Birds. Saimond, If ...... O' 0 0 Belettl ...... 108 116 144 368 Camera Tips Scales at 260, | NOROTON GOLFER * aerted. able at night than the dark red Annual Election o f Officers . money coming In ((Tiarter Oak Alleys) officially ending the 1934-35 skating like a helicopter was announced to­ projects. facts impress the roving training Johnson, rf ...... O 0 0 It's too, too bad for basketball The committee also -heard W. C. night by Juan de la Clerva before BUI DeLancey and Virgil Davis W. Anderson .. 110 113 122 345 color which the hydrants were for­ Held M ednesdny Night - I n - season. Guai-ds will be stationed at Wagner’s Stand camp reporter when he walks into wlU rate No. 1 and No. 2 catching O'Leary, rf ...... 0, 0 0 that the rules are so strict tbat a Doctors Believe He Suffered a Hushing, spokesman for the Amer­ merly painted. necessary the l^orrowliu: of money the Royal Aeronautical Society. Cordera ...... 98 115 108 321 capable and honest referee has to stnilation on March 27. Team Xo. 6 took 3 out of 4 points the pond for a few days so that Wagner said "the moat feasible the park where the world champion berths, respectively, and there is Garrone. c ...... 2 4 g Saldella ...... 110 115 131 346 Impellitiere at 258, Refe: j ||i| QUARTER FINAL Spinal Injury in His Fight ican Federation of Labor, express for a long term, which would be a When fully developed, the inven­ keep bis whistle tooting continuous­ saving in interest to all. from Team No. 5. Fish hit high sin­ children can bo warned away from way to solve the problem la to vote St. Louis Cardinals are preparing none In camp capable of ousting Tureck, c ...... 0 0 0 With Max Schmeiing. the opinion that conscription of In­ Many of the roada in town were gle of 121 and Agoatonelli hit high the dangerous area. tor of the "Flying Windmill” said, them. Kovia, rg ...... 2 0 4 ly against minor Infractionc of the dustrial labor Jn time of war would Another bill known as House Bill autogiros will be able to Jump high against the McCarran amendment for a strenuous 1935 campaign. The ToUls ...... 846 555 813 1714 ree Dempsey at 200; Ex­ badly affected by the frost this year. Mrs. Florence Thornton was elect­ 3-strlng for 312. Team No. 3 took 3 During the past season 43,230 and vote for the compromise.” flrst Is that the (Jards, generally S. Saimond, r g ...... 4 1 9 regulations. It's always been our mean "slavery" and "set labor back Town men are working repairing ed worthy matron of Temple Chap­ 310 and titled • the "Municipal out of 4 points from Team No. enough to clear small houses and contention that accidental personals London, March 16.— (AP)—Stevs 100 years.” Finance Act of 1935" goes into fur­ people have enjoyed the skating on trees. He contended the compromise considered the strongest front In SOUTH METHODISTS the holes that appear In the roada. ter, Order of Eastern Star, at the Allen hit high single of 131 and S. Center Springs pond. Last year's at­ Pitchers? A Whole Parade! Totals ...... 12 5 and traveling In mid-floor should be pect Most Entertaming Leo Mallory Paired With Hamas, New Jersey heavyweight ther detail. Under this bill the "The initial height obtained was amendment imposed upon the Presi­ the National League this year, are 29 (YMCA League) Summit- street extension, a new annual meeting held Wednesday ^mlth hit high 3-strtng for 309. tendance is the record, with 48.375 strengthening tbsir club more than The playing field is cluttered up Renaissance Ignored by the ref. On plays under not only lost hla chance to . light road, stood the winter well and method of fixing the budget would onl.v a few feet,” the Inventor said dent the obligation to set aubatan- with pitching talent. You find Team No. 4 (1) night. Harry Armstrong was elect­ Team ® points from skaters on 58 skating days. The any other In the south; the other Ware, rg ...... 1 1 the basket Is the time to call any­ Max Baer for the champlon^p neetls but little.attention. ed worthy patron. bo more clearly set out and there ream No. 2. Coleman hit high sin­ adding that "jumps up to heights of tlally the prevailing rate of wage hurlers batting, playing first base L. Harris ...... 86 101 87—274 Show of the Season. Frank Pittston, Pa., in the when he waa stopped by Max COLONIAL CLUB BAND record number: of skating days was ”ln most Instaiioes.” la the remarkable comeback of Barlow, I g ...... 5 0 A. Gibson . . . thing and everything. JDe other offleers named were; would be provision mar«vlston 71 8— 227 ember. 14 days of skating, attend­ fore ?” glomeration of youthful ball play­ right-hander who won 13 and lost Brown, rf ...... 3 1 referee at 200, will try the staying "Before he left Hamburg he hod Cedars of Lebanon, announced today Important meeting at 4 o'clock Installing officer. made that approprintluiis made for Low M a n ...... 87 Incorporated in an experimental Training Briefs amateur • professional elimination 76 74 - 237 ance. 12,700; January, 18 days of "That was entirely different.” ers as Is present here has the M- 9 for • Rochester In 1934; Ed 818 506 466 1490 powers of the ring to the utmost. practically lost the use of his lags" that the Colonial d u b orchestra has Tuesday afternoon in the state ar­ After Wednesday night's meet a certain department could only be Keeney ...,...... 87 83 94—284 machine and until It is thoroughly Carpenter, c ...... 4 0 tournament. skating, attcndai.ee, 9,800; Febru- Wagner said, adding the first fect of making the veterans of the Heuaser, a starboarder who saw Kose, Ig ...... ,..3 1 Stretched end to end, Carnera and the dispatch said. "Even his speech been engaged to furnish the dance mory. All members arc urged to be Ing refreshments consisting of fnilt .spent In the department for which Allen ...... 03 , 84 181—308 tested nothing more can be said Impellitiere would reach almost as Two rounds ol 18 hole match play present. ■ aty, 21 days of skating, attendance, about this development.” amendment of Russell provided only club fight all the harder for their only a little action at Columbus Obuchowskl, rg’ ...'*.. 4 0 Team No. 8 (0) has been sltghUy affected.” music for the affair. The dance salad and chce.se, ■ crackers, home the appropriation was. made until 18.950; March, six daj's of skating, om ...... By ASSOCIATED PRESS high aa Keith Brown pole vaults. coupled with high winds yesterday The vertical takeoff, which Clerva a conditional prevailing wage. Jobs. The result Is that you ,see last season; Norbert Klelnke, a Tierney, r g ...... 1 0 c. .. 91 87 99—377 Miami Beach, Fla.—Manager BUI will be held at Sunset Ridge Coun­ made cup cakes and coffee were reviewed by tie board of finance, or 423 407 1319 attendance, 1,800. practice sessions out there on the W. Holman .. ..119 100 Impellitiere, approximately alx and sent some of the country’s best pros try club, ESaat, Rartford, on Satur­ called "simple, easier and more Borah wanted , to know why the Rochester right-hander in 1934, 104—328 Terry of the New York Giants has ser\-ed. Mrs. Lillian Tedford and in a place like Manchester, the Team No. 2 (1) President would veto the bill with field reminiscent of a mid-July who turned In 19 victories against E. McKinney . ..1 1 0 93 9S—^28H a half feet taU, haa a fractional and amateurs out of the running. day evening, March 23. The com­ Mrs. Dorothy Little were hostesses CHay ...... 7 8 pleasant than an ordinary takeoff” Totals ...... 2i 82 been looking for two years for an boanl of selectmen. The expendi­ 107 80—265 McCarran’S amendment and alga It game with the club in the thick of only 3 defeats; Henry Plppen, who F, B u rr...... 81 88 121—290 edge over Primo In height. Today's pairings include: Jimmy Last Night's Fights mittee has made arrangements to DR. C. M. PARKER BUYS asslsteil by Edith Wilson. Miirlel ture of the money In these depart­ Taylor ...... 80 90 87—263 is achieved by changing the pitch Camp Fernow acceptable understudy at flrst base. The question of who will win Is Hines and Tommy Taller, both of take over the entire club for the Snow J ANOTHER PANTRY SALE of the autoglro's rotating "butter with Russell’s if there was not much the pennant fight. shaped up as all that his name Im­ Wax, rg R. Purlnton .. .. 78 83 78—236 Perhaps Joe Malay Is the answer. Toop. Carrie Preston, Elsie Park. ments would be subject to' examina­ ...8 7 106 108— .301 Still noticeably favoring a left plies in winnlfig 15 and dropping • ...... 0 entirely secondary to the circus New York vs. Leo Mallory of Noro- Bight so that members of the Tall Low M a n ...... 83 paddles” with the angle of the difference between them.. Krois, rg Joe played the whole game against By Associated Freon Mar\' Clay, Margaret Dwire, .Teaii tion by state employed auditors who 81 82—248 leg believed hopelessly crippled 16 for Houston; and Dick Ward, 476 441 aspects of the bout. From a spec­ ton. Conn., and Prank Allen of Cedars and their guests may enjoy COLUMBIA LAKE PLACE Drawbell. Isabel Hamilton, Emma Colem an...... 78 113 blades reduced to nearly zero when "I'm giving you my oplnlonsof the. Senft,. Ig ...... 1 , 0 2 498 1413 the Red Sdk yesterday and kicked In Kansas Caty—Jo9 Obnouly, BL wst^iT make a check much in the 97—288 AT EVERYBODH MARKET ‘ by a 'jgimshot wound In the fall of who got a brief trial vrith the Team No. 1 (4) tator viewpoint, it should be one Pitta, Pa. Johnny Farrell of Holly­ the dance to the greatest degree. Inman. Mabel .Manning, .Sarah Geer, same manner aa is done by exam­ they are started rotating by the en­ effect of the suggested compromise” Lawlor^ Ig ...... 0 0 ,0 with a pair of hits. That Is more Louis, outpointed Eddie Oral, Phila­ Wagner said. . 1932, Geibcrt's rctqrn to baseball Cubs last year and then turned In W. Harrison of the most entertaining shows of wood, Fla., and Tommy Goodwin of The dance will be strictly formal, the Elsie Jenney and .Marlon Waddell. iners working out of the bank com­ 414 497 454 1365 gine. When sufficlenjt speed Is at­ Salvatore, e ...... 0 0 0 101—330 than Terry has been able to do. this or any other indoor season. delphia, 10. Purchases Former Dr. Chester tained the angle is autdmaUcally In­ this'spring is highly 'dramatic. He 13 victories against 4 losses for J. Larrabee . 98 87 100—285 Maraaroncck, N. Y., vs. Willie Mac- committee In charge being Ward missioner’s office. A person having Team No. I (3) Evetybody’s Market Is featuring Senator O’Mahoney (D., Wyo.), ^ ■is the hardest w'orker among the. Dwyer, c ...... i...O 0 0 Carnera. former w'ofid’a cham­ Hartford, C^mi.— Bobby Poeho. Estate— Sale Made Through another Pantry Sales this Saturday. creased to give list *0 the plane at Lx)8 Angeles, Ward al|o is. a right­ W. Frlche . . 98 92 88—276 St. Petersburg — The New York Farlane of Tuckahoe, N. Y., and Dougan. Ray Warren and Wililam charge of funds os part of * the F alcetta...... 85 81 82—248 another who voted for the McCarran ' hardest-working bail - players in hander. , Anderson, ,T f ...... 2 0 4 pion, has such a wide advantage In Arthur Lynch of Mamoroneck. 136, Los Angeles, outpoint^ Horry Hunniford. Reuben McCann Agency. town’s finances would be compelled .Saclierok ...... 87 93 90—270 The special prices for this sale go the same time the engine is clutch­ amendment before, told Borah I t ' BopOrey, i f ----- ',* 2 1 s T- Curran . .132 132 101—368 Yankees still are chuckling' today Carlton, 140, Jersey a t y , 10: Eddie either major league. ■ . Frisch Ja ■ cquni-ng on a good experience that he has been made In Finals Blatck THOMPSONVILLE STRIKE to present the necessary Informa- Robertson ...... 97 99 97—293 into effect as soon as the Herald is ed from the rotor. The lift impart­ would have been mandatory under .Woodrow, If 0 0 0 O. Nelson . .130 111 111—342 over the performances of Rust Van a three to one favorite. Da Preem “Unknown” Winston, 201 1-3, Hart­ out in order to help those who wish ed by the blades is aufficient to So< remarkable has Qelbert'h year, from P a t' Malone, thq cafi''- Bellealr, Fla., March IS.— (A P )— Dr. and Mrs. C. Mason Parker of Uoii when wanted. Snniv ...... 90 87 99—276 that plan for the President to pay performances been to date that Atta and Dixie Walker, a couple of expects to end matters in a few ford. knockad out Joek McAvoy, Hartford, formerly of Manchester, M iller...... 8 8 106 to avoid Saturday’s rush. cause the autogiro to leap Into the prevailing wages on made work tankcrous Cub acquired' in a deal 883 534 601 1598 1934 lame arms wbo received those The Bellealr women's golf crown There would be an annual audit of 103—297 several Cardinals, Including First last fall. Malone’ won. 14 ' against *' Totals * 7 '' 1 16 rounds. 193, New York, 1 ; Nate Mann, 176, COUNTRY CLUB PLANS tiHlay piirchased through Reuben IS NOT YET SETTLED ail departments and all accounts In order to assure early delivery air. It would then settle back, the while under Russell’s that would not ^ o r c at iialf. time, ClnJlegians 33, famous dollar - a . y w contracts. There Is no lack of confidence In was wrapped up today preparatory Hamden, stopped Jerry Wright, 181, invertor explained, but the forward Baseman Jimmy Collins, believe 7 for. Chicago, and It was reported McCann, the former Dr. Chester es­ arid records of the municipality 447 466 471 1384 and help the clerks put up all orders be so. the former all-around star of Le­ Camp F ’eftiow •ft; referee. Hills; time, BRIARS DEFEAT ST. JOHNS Van Atta took a four itmlcg pitch­ the Impellitiere camp. Harry Lenny, to mailing to Wisconsin— but tour­ Scbnectady, 8. tate on Columbia lake. The prop­ Team No. 8 (I) properly and carefully the Store will motion impaired by the ordinary that Grimm traded him o f f W The Briars A. C. traveled to ing stretch yesterday and auoT'ed nament officials watted to see DANCE FOR MARCH 23 would be i.by law open to Inspection banon Volley will beat out Leo cause he was a .bad boy. 8 rijlmitp quarters. ; . manager o f big boy haa been seek­ erty has a lake frontage of 178 feet Thompsonvllle, March 18.— (AP) by the auditors. The auditors mak­ McCarthy 88 79 92—257 be open tonight until 9_o'clock to propeller at the same time gives the RockvUIe Monday night and easily only one h it Walker wbo couldn't ing this bout for months. He whether It should be addressed to necessary horizontal speed to send Duroeberi the lippy one who cap­ Pat has'. .promised to be ..good ENDEES BEAT BRIARS and In. addition to the large main —Tapestry department employes at ing this Inspection would be ap­ Walker . . 88 96 91—275 receive telephone orders. “All orders downed the S t Johns first team. throw at ail last year was tossing has made no secret of the fact that Bernice Wall of Oshkosh or Fran­ received tonight will be put up with the plane on its way. tain ^ the Red Birds in 1934, for this reSaoh, and If he is, both T- Art McKay’s Orchestra Is En­ bouse on the plot there is a separate the BIgelow-Sanford Co.. Inc., mills proved by the state commissioner Low Man 74 86 8lt—249 EDITOR KILLS S E If the .shortstop post. Rickey says The Briars ran up a 22-7 Isad by strikes from the outfield aU day, be thinks big Ray Is definitely ces Hadfield of Milwaukee. The Briar A. C. was edged In a here remained away from work to­ Brninard 89 106 82—277 care and ease—whereas orders re­ morally and In the 'line of pitching one ending In a double play. Marian MUey took the crown to gaged for Monthly Party__ cottage, a servants quarters and two and the cost for such work would It Is going to be difficult to choose 3UCCC8.S, thcr rest of the league Is ijalf time a ltbou ^ the St. Johns ready and that Primo Is made to or­ rousing return gome Saturday car garage. The place has beeoT day and through their representa­ be paid half by the town and halt Fi-sh ___ _ 97 121 88—301 ceived on Saturday will have to be DOCTOR HURT IN CR.\8 H. BASEBALL used .High School varsity players. der for him. Lexington, Ky., last year, but she put up hurriedly. between them,, despite Gclberfs due for another year o f depre's- night by the W. H. 8 . Endees, com­ Last Affair a Success. owned by Harvey S. Collins of tives said they perferred to wait tm- by the state. Working, aa these men AS EYESIGHT FAILS encased leg and two-year- layoff. ■ The pla^ng of Trotter, who garner­ S t Peterahurgb, Fla.— Manager was eliminated before this tourna­ New London, March 18.— (A P )— slon. By Associated Press - posed almost enUrely of the varsity umbio, and adjoins the property re­ til after the second conference with would, on a regular salary the cost 434 488 438 1359 The management urgently asks ed 21 poinU, featured for the Briar BUI McKechnie of the Braves says ment reached the semi-finals. Every­ players on the strong WUUmantie Encouraged by the success of cently purchased by Mre. Ruth Rog- state labor officials prior to making would be leas than If a firm of pri­ Tram No. 6 (3) tho.«e who can. to phone their orders The condition of Dr. John E. Em­ TODAY'S. SCHEDULE A. C. while Flower kept Ri^kville "there’s no use footin’ around with mons of the CCXJ camp at Chap­ Mendon, Vt., March 15.— (A P) — It waa ' suggested to Manager NEXT:- The Yankees. body expected the Wisconsin girU High quintet. The Briars led up to their last month's dance the social ere of East Center street. Dr. their next move. vate auditors were secured for one Rand ...... 91 99 110—300 tonight. Each order received to­ Frankie Frisch that there’ would ' A t .Miami Beach In the running. The remainder of these Yankees. Tomorrow Babe QUAKERS PLACE TWO to prove no more than semi-final op­ the final minute to ploy only to committee of the Manchester Ojun- Parker Intends to make several im­ Tlie first" conference in Hartford Job. The audit ■would be such that Willis ...... 74 86 93—253 night will get a chocolate bar free. man, East Lyme was reported to be William H. Field, 88, owner o f the , New York (N)_vs. St. Louis (N). Buth and Wally Berger wlU play satisfactory today at the Lawrence be room for both Durocher and the Briars lineup played well es­ ponents for Maureen Orcutt of nosed out by one point The play­ try club today announced' that an­ provements on the property and will was reported us having been unsiic- in the annual report there would be Agoatonelli ...... 9 7 96 119—312 Over 100 different specials, all re­ Rutland, Vermont, Herald ohot ' 'V ■ Los -Angele* pecially on the defense. The Briars without a doubt.” Memorial Associated Hospitals Gelbert, with, the latter play­ ON ALL-STAR QUINT Englewood, N. J., and Jean Bauer of ing o f Croethwaite, varsity star, other party will be held at the club occupy it durtog the summer. cea-sful in settling the walkout now given a true statement of conditions Mitchell ...... 91 94 89—2T4 liable and of guaranteed quality are and killed himself at bis home here ing third base, and the aggressive Plttobtwgh (N).-.vs. Chicago (N).. wiU close their season next week, "Berger la In fair shape” BUI says Saturday night, March 23. The af­ to be put on sale. There is no doubt where he Is suffering from injuries Providence, R. L, yesterday. featured for Wllllmantlc, while In effect at the mills by 278 tapestry in all departments where mi>ney Is Sachcrck ...... ■ V'SS 93 120—299 this morning. HU s°n, William Pepper Martin . returning to center MERIDpiANDHiimG - y- - . ;At;.\Yest PiMm. B e^li ■ playing out-of-town teams. ' and the Babe says his legs are Moorhouse and W. Bycholsky star­ fair will be for members of the club workers. but what this Pantry Sale with its received In an automobile accident strong enough to take four or flve But Miss WaU and Miss Hadfield bandied. Field, announced Impending loss of field. Frisch vetoed this' proposi­ • St. Lduls (A ) vs. Boston (X)'. Briars A. C. (86) got busy. The Oshkosh lass downed red for the Briars. and their friends. Art McKay's or- The walkout was called when thi- 439 468 531 1438 added rallies will by far out do the here Wednesday night. Dr. Em­ eyesight caused bU father to take innings In the outfield." WALLAClONVi^ These two bills were brought to tion without delay. J ., " '"At.RlloZI'' ,'i P. B. Bk. P New York, March 15.— (A P )— Miss Orcutt' 5 and 3. The Milwaukee W . H. 8 . Endees SI vheatra has been engaged and danc­ mill officials refused to withdraw a the Attention of the selectmen at a Ia.xt. mons has a fracture o f the nose, his own life. IN CAGE SEMI-FINALS Washington 'vs.' Albany. (IL). . The champion Penn Quakers place ing will be from nine until one, Re- possible fractured ribs and lacera­ "There is no sense in puttipK 3 Vesco, jrf ...... 2 1-1 8 Miss ellminate ''tad infant son of 68 Wadsworth eral. When Mr. Daly took office aa that there was preienNd to the covery would have a far reaching vicinity reached Its height shortly Houston. ger Frankie Frisch the St. Louis Nash, Columbia (12) G. •tock production. h« uld. attorney general he announced hla Julius Stretcher. Nazi chief, haa two daughters. Miss Elisabeth *« la cotton of twice normal ers, for clearing Jews out of the Funeral aenlces will be held at to improve his hitting. Vt., and Pawtucket, R. T., eliminat­ Rockville Lafayettea in the prelim­ Scorer — Muldoon- Briar A. C ...... 8 7 • Fourth DlatHct comptetea that UaL carried. bo sold at retall^cheaper than at moorings and other property dam­ Ti|o other voung inflelders who Town Hall, anyway? All Pve got to say if you’d E. MUm Yale (7) O. Ireland, beat Fred Grobmler. Iowa, district I prsaant. the home Sunday and will %e pri- ed. inary at 7:30 RockviUa. l u y m . DstteForo. YteMk age occurred. vau. better snap out of IL 1 Davis, C ^m outb (3) G, 3 straight foUs. ’Dodsworth’s” engagement here will VERPLANCKS ENJOY easily be a High-light of the aeason. DODSWORTH’ COMES Sidney Howard, who adapted "Dode- Tbs Following matches are to worth” for the stage. Is one of the Daily Accident HUGE STAMP SALE FLORIDA VACATION be rolled tonight at Farr’s alleys oustanding American drmmatlata. MENUS in the Ex-Bervica Men’s' League: TO PARSONS SOON He won the Pulitzer Prize in 1934 Report O^DARK HERE ARE 100 SOLID REASONS FOR YOU TO STUDY THIS AD! Army * Navy va BriUsb War with the Theater Guild production OPENED BY FARLEY TrtJNK OF IT! 100 SPECIALS! EACH ONE AN ABSOLUTE MONEY-SAVER! Vets, alleys 1 and 3. of "They Knew What They Want­ A8 o r THURSDAY. MARCH 14 For Good Health American Legion vs. Veterans ed.’’ Among his best known playz All These Prices Go Into Effect As Soon As The Herald Is Out! Take Advantage! 1984 1935 BLOND A Week’s Supply Foreign Wars, alleys 3 and 4. are "Ned McCobb’s Daughter,” "The Soperintendent of Schools, Walter Hoston to Be Seen in 3,031 ...... Accidents .. - 3,631 ^ CmmoOm Kinc« aki Recommended Silver Cord,’’ "Allen Com" and the 63 ...... FataUties .. Expects to Sell Over Mfllion «tMS ME* 94SVKXINO adaptation of "The Late Chriatopher 1,956 By Dr. Frink McCoy Back at Desk Monday, in Famous Play Taken from Bean." ...... Injqylea ... . I,fi68 E verybody'S M a r k e t G a l a P a n t r y S ale KILLED BEGIN HERR TODAY hardware, electric light, utility bas­ W alter Huaton last appeared on Dollars Worth of 20 New were throwing out a dragnet for Dr. McCoy’s menus suggested for 88 .... Pedeetrian . M IL U C B N T ORAY'ES aaka her Extra Clerks! Extra I)eliver.v! Extra Specials! Extra INIerchandise! Everythin? Is EXTRA! WUroM Dreai Shop announcos Ideal Lenten apcclalties can be made Vigorous Health. ket and many other recognized the stage, before going into the mov­ 44 Mlllicent, a dmgnet which was the week beginning Sunday, March an tral o f new swag^ger aulta In ncw- with cottage cheese. This cheese Frlgldaire features. There ia plenty Sinclair Lewis’ Book. ies, in "The Commodore Marries," 34 ...... Occupant ,. II employer, GEORGE DBIMOULD, This service Is for your iH'iiffll! Help us avoid Salurduy’s rusli amrassuro yoursrir of early delivery and arcurute, careful servlre! 1 combing the city. IT, 1935. aet colon and atylea. has the equivalent protein content of space for tall bottlea. and wide adatiLed from a novel by Smolett...... BIcylist . . , 1 Issues. for a ralM aod, iastead, la fired. Sunday— A Bunkers t'horedate Bar (5c) for the Kiddles »1U he put in your order if you cull IniilKht! .Ml o r^ rs received tonight ate a s s a r t ewriy deliverv! Others—well, with 7 theM values— use your own Judgment aa to how busy we wlU be Saturday! .\vold the rush! Help iit wMh our deliveries! of selected beefsteak and contains roomy ahelves for food atorage. Tills He made his first great success in ...... C h ild _____ 9 A iBomMt later he bega her to Mlllicent took stock o ( tlM altu- Wearing a nice coat of tan and 56 Breakfast: Eight-ounce gltos of CSuunola aearfa make novel accea* all the wholesome nourishment of cabinet la the most popular type On Starring Walter Huston, Max "Desire Under the Elms’’ and later ...... Adult . . . . 47 atgjr, aajdiit he hoa aoroething Im­ ation. Shs was without funds ot looking the picture of vigorous portant to dictate 'a oonfeaolon orange Juice Ov tomato Juice thirty Call Tonight! Open Till Nine O’clock Tonight! Call Your Order Tonight! Dial 8721 Tonight! Boriea to new apring aulta. They milk In concentrated form. It the market,’ and thlr very unusual Gordon’s production of "Dodsworth," played in "The Fountain," '"nie INJURED Washington. March 15.— (A P )— her own. Thsre was some money minutes before breakfsst. Coddled a n cut of very aupple aklna, are would be well to order some now. health. Superintendent of Schools F. Barker," "Kongo" and "Fast Com­ 630 .... Pedestrian Postmaster General ti'arley turned that for years he haa protected a offer by Kemp's Incorporated Is very dramatized by Sidney Howard from 483 in the purse which had been Eggs: Melba Toast. about eight inchea wide and fairly Call Bryant * Chapman. 7697. A. Verplanck returned with Mrs. timely, and offers a very large sav­ pany.” Among the great motion 1,313 ...... Occupant .. back the clock today and became a murderer. substituted for hers. From this she 1 Land O’Lakes ■ Pure Oraniilated (Bulk) \'nn C'atnp’a Verplanck from a ten-weeks’ vaca­ Sinclair Lcwl.s’ famou.s novel of the . 1,165 MUUoent goee out to dinner, Lunch: PoUtoes on the half shell. Jack Frost Ckmfcctioncrv X X X X 1 long and are Worn in the manner of ing to those who take advantage of pictures In which he has appeared 34 ...... Blr.vlist . .. super salesman once again. And he had paid the hi tel bill. She deter­ tion in Florida. While the trip was same name, and witli Fay Balntcr 17 promising to return. Jlrlmgold tella String Beans; Salad of Lettuce with an Aecot tie. Chamoia vesta are Cottage Cheese I/oaf.. the special offer. arc "Abraham Lincoln,” "The Crim­ .133 ...... Child . . . . found It easier to sell Imperforate mined to use no more of .this Oliva Oil if desired. BUTTER! 1 SUGAR! EVAPORATED MILK! SUGAR! thoroughly enjoyed, Mr.’ Verplanck . 3.73 her to watch for a women In a alao being ahown with a number of 1 cup Cottage Cheese inal Code,” "Gabriel Over the White IA58 ...... Adult___ stamps to' an excited world of m oiuy. She had, she realised, said today that he waa glad to be . 1,351 Mock eitnioe coat. NUlHoent sees Dinner; Roast Pork, Spinach, ss- apring autta. , 1 ctip bread crumbs House," "Hell Below," and "The 60 .. Age Not Stated philately than he did to ganjer or­ min.cd her bridges in a moment of calloped Oeiery; Salad of Tomatoes; home and will be back in bis office 81 each a wirnian In the tearoom. 1 teaspoon onion juice Prizefighter and the Lady.' ders for gypsum when h- was a blind panic. Having once fled from Baked Apple. l b ^ cans next Monday. BUSINESS REVIVAL U tter .MlUloent dlaooven someone 1 3 6 c 1 "Mad dog"* ia the name of one new 1 cup tomatoes Fay Balntcr, famous as a star in drummer back in the '20s. the scena of the murder, no story Monday— 1 0 ">•'’•8 6 6 * Mr. and Mrs. Verplanck stayed at has token her purse, subsUtuttng 3 p '‘8’ ’ 1 7 ® 1 coatume ahown in apring fashion 1 cup cooked rice "The Willow Tree," “Elaat is West’ At 8 a. m. America’s collectors that she could now tell the pollca Breakfast; Cottage Cheese and {.Akcland In Florida, just lazing one exactly like it. She starts bock ahowa. It ia a ault of block wool 1-2 cup grround peanuts or peanut and "The Admirable Crichton," aside one section of the store for and stamp dealers began receiving would carry conviction. ’There waa allced PineMple. 1 Webater's Fine Krasdale Fancy Cut Yacht Club Bahv around and taking advantage of the ON A SOUND BASIS to the tearoom and In too elevator Fancy Quality , T woven all over with a hairy white butter made an outstanding hit with her the display and sale of these items duplicates of the 20 issues of imper­ ofily one thing she could do— find Lunch: Buttered Beets, Squiuh; famous southern climate. "W e visit­ aces a distinguished-looking man of fringe, designed with a slender skirt 1 tablespoon dripping performance as Topsy in The Play­ exclusively. Now it is possible to forate stamps Farley distributed re­ the woman in black who bad sub­ Salad of chopped raw Cabbage. CARROTS AND PEAS! BEETS! LIMA BEANS! W AX BEANS! ed a number of Interesting places middle age. and loose-backed five-eighth length Mix well and season to taste. (f.Vm tin lied From Page One) ers Club revival of "Uncle Tom’s step into Weldon's special package cently to a few friends, Including stituted purses. Dinner: Carrot Soup; Broiled and called on several friends," said No one in ^ tearoom knows jacket. A blouse of light green Bake in a moderate oven for twenty Cabin" last spring. Frederick Wor- department and make your selection President Roosevelt. That act of She left the hotel, chin up, de­ Steak, cooked Beet Tops; Salad of crepe completes the costume. Mr. Verplanck, "but I'd made up in motor production had not been with ease from the hundreds of pop- Farley’s aroused bitter protests an^hlng toont Milllcent’s purse. spite the weakness of her knees, No. 2 cans No. 2 cans No. 2 cans minutes. .Serve with white sauce. lock will be remembered for his per­ The woman In black ermine Is stuffed Beets; Chip ChistsuxL . No. 2 cans my mind beforehand that 1 wouldn’t checked and said the output of farm formance as leading man for Elsie ular brands carried in stock at ail from philatelists and so now he is determined to fight the thing Toesda.v— try ta see all Florida in a few equipment li_at the best pace in times. In making your selection selling them to all comers. gone, fillllicpvit goes back lo Drlm- through. If you need ai slip get one at This will make a nice St. Patrick’s Ferguson. Nan Sunderland played Breakfast; French Omelet, small Hale's for 11.09. .They have lovely weeks.” years. you win receive the advice and A total of *1,700,000 of the gold’a office, finds him (toad. Her As she pushed her way through 1 Estelle Fine Cut Day dish. Desdemona to Walter Huston’s Oth­ purse Is on the floor, lt*\ contents piece of broiled Ham; Melba Toast, Welister’s Earlv June Penn Maid DeUrInun Krasdale Fancy 1 lace trimmed slips and smart tailor­ Mr. and Mrs. Verplanck made the "An increase of SO to 60 per cent counsel of trained attendants, whose stamps ha.^ been printed, and on in­ the swinging door, a broad-shoul­ Pineapple and Green Pepper Salad, ello at the Central City Colorado scattered. Shs looks oa r the win­ Applesauce. ed ones in white and tearose in sizes trip by automobile and took eight in the sAles of tractors and power duty it is to give you helpful infor­ creased staff of clerks expected to dered man . entered through the GREEN BEANS! PEAS! APPLESAUCE! Stuff a green pepper with well Festival last summer. Ethel Jack- dow and sees 'a policeman enter­ Lunch; One pint of Buttermilk DICED CARROTS! .14 to 44. days on the return journey, travel­ sell from *300 to *500,000 worth by other side ot the door and went seasoned Cream-Crest Cottage machinery indicates the definite son played the title role in the orig­ mation regarding the different va­ with 10 or 12 dates. ling in leisurely fashion and stop­ rieties and grades of liquors. tonight. That would be a record- ing the building. directly to the desk. Mlllicent re­ Cheese and chil'.. When ready to trend of this farmer away from inal production of "The Merry Dinner; Roast Mutton, baked Fashion says "Suits for sjirlng ping along the route for sight-see­ horse-drawn machinery, doubticsa Widow.” This latest Innovation at Weldon’s smashing day at the P. Q.'s phila­ membered, as she reached the slde- Cjarrots and Turnips grated togeth­ No. 2 cans No. 2 cans No. 2 cans No. 2 cans serve, put on each plate a few crisp ing trips. He said that the roads NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY with a capital S " Jacket suits, due to the higher v^uatlon of Ther’ arc, in all, forty players in is another Indication of the progres- telic agency. Us total business dur­ wrnlk, she had forgotten to leave er without removing peel; Salad of leaves of lettuce; on lettuce put one were in fine condition and very lit­ cape suits, topcoat suits— all arc In horses and the prohibitive feed "Dodsworth." The revolving stages siveniisa o f this service drug store. ing all last year was *800,000. her key at the desk. She once more Shredded Lettuce; Pnine Whip. tcasjioon boiled dressing, i^ y one' tle snow and ice were encountered. •Much of the sale is to dealers, C H APTE R n entered the hotel, stepped timidly Wednesday— favor. Among the jacket styles are prices in most sections. Will facilitate shifting of the sixteen New ideas and plans arc constantly a. aaarsiatas J m Campbell’a dreasy sheer tj’pcs. tailored town slice of canned pineapple on the Mr. Verplanck rounds out forty- who w1U sell the stamps to custom­ Mlllicent realized her predica­ up behind the brmad-ahouldered drc.ssing and a thin slice of the "Already disrupted and unsettled scenes in the production. The play being considered with a view to Im­ Breakfa^; Woffles (browned suits and othe.r. of definite sports three years in Manchester's schools ers. The big sample rooms in the m ent The asaistant janitor must man and heard him say, "... look­ SOUPS! TOILET TISSUE! Maxwell House Coffee! stuffed pepper cut in a ring, on the by the paucity of orders, the coHon was staged by Robert Sinclair, who proving the services of the store. ' through), coddled Eggs; Stewed FLOUR! PORK & BEANS! or spectator character. Jacket this summer and has already an­ hotels are rented. Large staffs of have seen Drimgold’s body and noti­ ing for a broad who may have Raisins. .pineapple. Sprinkle a little papri­ goods trade wa.s left almost pros­ appeared from time to time as the This present v.lne and liquor an­ lengths vary, but niaiiy arc of either nounced plans to retire in June. niversary sale is especially timely clerk-I are installed there to se.id fied toe police. Within a few mln- registered under the name o f Mllll- Lunch: Stewed Com, cooked Let­ ka on the Cottage Cheese. trate by the tumble which the price playwright of "Once In a Lifetime" utea the machinery of the law cans 34' i-lb. hag hlp„ wrist or fingertip length, stres."- and who staged the dynamic "Peace and no. doubt, hundreds of Manches- out "first day covers’’ — which are cent Graves ...” tuce or other greens; Ripe Olives. rolls 2 1 c 3 0 o b cans df raw staples took during the early would have started to fimcUon. Ing both fitted and boxy backs. On Earth’\ now running at the Civic terites will stock up while it is pos­ envelopc.s bearing Imperforate She turned, and, controUing her Dinner: Molded Cheese S a l^ $ 1 . 1 3 The old fashioned costume Joan part of the week.” Repertory Theater in New York. sible to obtain quality wines and stamps, mailed from the capital the Someone had murdered Drim- steps by an effort, slipped unobtru­ (protein part, o f meal in place of SPECIAL FRIGIDAIRE The report pointed out that manu­ first day of the sale. Coroanut Gingerbread. I B'’nnett wears in "Mississippi” is Max Gordon, producer of "Dods­ liquors at such reasonable prices. Ifold. That someone must have de­ sively through the exit to the mmt) small Green Peas, Fren-A facturers of uniforms were receiving street. One-half ,cup shortening, 1-2 cup ' *'‘^**''**'®'y But Travis worth,’’ is rapidly assuming Icader- One notable absentee from the liberately stolen Mllllcent’s purse, fried Parsnlpa (prepared like Pota­ The 8 Varieties of Soups Being Featured Are Gibbs’ Quality and Endorsed Bv Good Housekeeping! Banton, I’ arnmount’s style czar, says more orders than for any spring sale waa Huey p. .ong, bitter foe I t took all of her aeU-reUonce to sugar, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon soda, 1-2 shij) of the American producers. leaving a carefully prepared dupli­ toes); Baked Apple. that this creation of blue tulle with OFFER MADE BY KEMP period In the last four years, an ac­ NO A IJB IS of Farley’s. A sizeable -section of go without coffee, but she decid-id TOMATO eup molasses, 1 teaspoon ginger, 1 The scenery for "Dodsworth” was cate in order to prevent Mlllicent Thursday— “ COOKED Its ruffles and highlight of silver tion which the analysts declared was Hutchimson. Kas.—The last word Iking’s recent resolution attacking from' detecting the substitution. to do so. despite the dull ache iC can I PEA SOUP! i C can teaspoon cinnamon, 1-2 teaspoon designed by Jo Micizincr, whose Biealcfast: Poached Egg on Mel­ iC can I BEAN SOUP! )C can ribbon would make an Ideal dance' A very special offer was announc­ caused by replacement orders from in service is that performed by the Farley and demanding a Senate In­ That person must have need MiHl- which coroemneed to form back of SOUP^ SPAGHETTI! salt. 1 1-2 cups flour, 1-2 cup cold settings for "The Little Show," "The ba Toast; Stewed Prunes. frock for one of this senwin’s etticoats and the hoop which now number of this big roomy .six cubic more regularly. Duplicate copies o f each scniion stamps. struggle for life, must have store where she had purchased the Dinner: Vegetable Soup; Salis­ are distributed to members of the PORK & VEGETABLE CLAM CELERY ing bowl and beat with rotary la-at- si.pport.s ■ the width of the skirt. foot refrigerator, have been secured The Senator, however, said he snatched at the purse toe murderer purse. bury Steolc, cooked Tomatoes, Spin­ i C can congregation who d not liear well iC can iC can iC can er. Dissolve soda in mola.s.scH and That ought to suggest the iinporl- by Iseiiip's ,ind are being offered at C.\IX HIM SPREDY would not be represented at the sale waa cariylng and dumped its con­ "1 am wondering,’ she told the ach; Celery: No dessert.' BEANS! SOUP! CHOWDER! SOUP! who are unable to attend the serv­ add to first mixture. Mix and sift ance-of this revival of the criiinlinc a very worth-while saving. These ANNIVERSARY UQUOR of the "imperfs." tents over the office. clerk, “if you can trace for me the Friday— age. Chicago—Lewis Dexter is prob­ ices, or pooslbly troubled with some "I’m interested in Farley.” Long purses which you have sold and The quality of theae Soups la exceUent! I f It wasn’t, you wouldn’t see Good Hmischeeplng’B atamp on them. flour, salt and spices and add to mix­ P'rigidaires are all brand new, and degree of sleepiness. Blind, unreasoning psalc seised Brsakfost: Wholewheat Muffins, ture Add cocoanut and water anil ably one person the absent minded said, "but not in his stamps." the girt as she realized her pre­ wrhlch wars initialed ’ll. O.' There Peanut Butter; Pear Sauce. curry all the genuine Frlgidalre SALE AT WELDON’S DeUdona Fresh Crispy Fresh Delicious Fresh Milk Educator’s Tasty Fresh mix well. Turn into an oiled anil Great-coats and traveling capes profes.sor will remember. dicament. Bhe turned away from can’t be a great number o f them, Lunch: Generous dish o f Junket, features as well' as the reliable and . . floured square pan and bake thirty j of Harris tweed in bold chi-i k ilc- Frlcidaire guaraiitee. The offer Is The Belmont, Mass., youth whizz­ the window, rushed past the thing 1 or 2 Apples. SALTINES! Graham Crackers! Lunch Crackers! BUTTER CRAX! Oyster Crackers! minutes in a moderate oven (37.') ile-1 signs are fashionable. ed through his college courses so Just a Year Ago License Was which lay on the floor, ran to the " I ’m sorry,’’ she said, "hut those Dinner: Tomato and Celery Soup; very uniisual at this .season of the monograms arc cut on a stenciling green F.) Serve warm with or yeai, and the number of cabinets fast he was granted a Bachelor’s outer office and paused as she Baked White Fish, Asparagus; Sal­ degree thi.j week after only 18 Granted at Local Storc-r- Un­ machine o f our own which can be ad of chopped raw Cabbage. without whipped cream. Feminine lips and llngcrnails ,'ii-e neciired for this special offer, are ex­ caught Bight o f the ahorthand note­ 2 Ib, box 1 9 2 Ib. box 2 Ib. box I Ib. box months In the University o f Chica­ usual Offers in Sale. HOLLYWOOD MARKET book which lay on her desk. ’This controlled by a dial so as to give Saturday— - 19- blight in a smart sports resort. pect cii to go within a few days. go. was the notebook in which she had any particular cqmbinaUon of let­ Breakfast: Baked Eggs, Melba I f aoup is wanted for the dinner Thongli a deep red rouge or cnami-l This .Master 634 Frigldalrc ha.s His speed, made possible by the The Weldon Drug Company, pre- taken down In ahorthand the first ters, overlapping lO'-the form of a Toast; Stewed Figs. a clear bouillon or consomme .served is not favored, both arc used tn a the famous .Super Freezer, Automa­ anti PACKAGE STORE Krasdale Fancy “/All Green” Krasdale Fancy with toasted crackers and rcli.shos is university’s "new' plan" allowing scrljition pharmacists, 903 51ain .381 East Center Street Inrtallmcnt of Drimgold’s confes- scroll. We ascertain the initials Lunch: Combread; Spinach; raw Krasdale Fancy Krasdale Fine youthful vivid red which tonls tic Defrosting, automatic ice tray better than a heavy sou|>. swiftness In proportion to the stu­ street, announces today a big anni­ ston. Hardly realizing what she that a purchaser wants and, while Celery. slightly more to the yellow than the release, lifetime porcelain interior, ASPARAGUS! FRUIT SALAD! SPINACH! TU NA FISH! The main course will depend upon dent’s ability, included ten college versary wine and liquor sale. One 5IE.ATS AND OROCERIE.S did, she snatched It up, clamped it ton purchaser is waiting, the Dinner: Broiled Lamb (2hops, blue. tJcncrally they match to keep genuine diiliix exterior, chrome W IN E .AND L1QUOR.S how much money is to be spent. cduraes in one quarter. year ago today this drug store ob­ Daisy Hums, uniicr her arm and raced for the initials are cut by the machine and Green Peas In Turnip cups; Salad harmony in the make-up. tained its liquor permit and it waa Gordon Dry Gin, g \ 0 attached to the leather by a special of Head Lettuce m.d Peanut But­ Chicken Is safe but veal birds arc a Ib...... corridor. No. 2 can 2 1-2 can Igst. 21-2 cans decided to celebrate the first anni­ 2 9 c bottle ...... Sj OC process. We don’t keep any record ter Dressing; Dish of Berries (no tins safe choice, too, and not so dear. I Lumb for Stow, a Full t^uart 0 ’The elevator bell was ringing ® Creamed______peas______and potato _ _ marbles When it’s spring in tlic park, you' versary with a special sale on do­ of the letters, any more than we sugar). 9 Ib ...... lOC Whiskey ...... Crantically. wrould o f initials placed in the ro lM In nTinced pnrs(cy will go w itli! '‘‘■■“■y f<"’ Hw bral Howeis || mestic and imported wines and SlOC There was only one elevator run­ •Cream Cheese Dressing: Mash 1 DIAL ;i’2.')6 FOR QUALITY I^resh Cut Humburg, ^ ge ^ Fine Wines, I* r \ bands of hats sold from our bat Krasdale Fine Krasdale Fancy Kraadalo Yellow Bantam either. ■ Then of course you need! l ’- | FREE 1 liquors. ning in the building. Mlllicent had with a fork the desired quantity of Krasdale Fancy IXKJANBERRIES begin with ofle Hint ran be pul bottle ...... 5lJC department." buttered rolls and pcrhaiis prcservi 1 OR BKTTKR DELIVERY 1 Since its beginning one year ago, Pork lloiisiH, End, O O taken the elevator to the upper cream cheese, adding as much thick or BLACKBERRIES! PEACHES! GRAPEFRUIT JUICE! CORN! early in the morning and kept on , the Weldon liquor department has 1 Gallon tfs fi O Cf Mlllicent frowned thoughtfully, cream as necessary to form the or Jelly. Fay Balntcr Ib floor. She knew that the tuwistant all day. 1 \ I.SIT VALUES ON ORDERS 1 grown tn leaps and bounds. It is ...... 2 2 c Dry W in e ...... 51 *25 then said. " I think the party that consistency of a salad dressing. Mix Sweet Florida a tw Janitor and the police officer were I am inquiring about would prob­ Start sewing now and gel your The jack, I oress Is always an Im- I OF $L()0 1 pl-iylng her nrlginnl role, will he the estimated now that over 500 differ­ A'ery Old Wine, ' ^ S O C ringing the bell, trying to get the In enough cooked opinach, which No. 2 cans HEAL SAVINGS Oranges, doz...... / ably have a charge account here. Igst. 2 i-2 can No. 2 cans >. 2 cans material at Hale’s during Ihclr bai- isii tanl beginning to a spring ward- i 1 OUR .STORK OR OVER 1 welcome attraction at ParAoii.s, ent brands and varieties of the finest 1 C 3 quarts ...... 51 elevator back down to the gfround ha^ been chopped and drained, to robe It Is grand lu'.ler eonts, and I Greening .Apples, n m *435 Would it be possible for me to see give a good green color. A little ® gain days. The new suit ut)ol(,'ns in SHOP AT Hartford, for three nights and Wed­ wines and liquors In the world are Cremo Beer, a p floor. She entered the cage, closed 5 toe charge aixioiints o f persons tweeds, checks and plald.s will make f ei-fcct, ij;ltlioiit tlieiii. nesday matinee beginning Monday. in stock at Weldon’s. This branch 5 lbs. for ...... c 3 f o r ...... the doors, waited. chopped cucumber may also be add­ 20 2 5 c whose initials are ‘M. G.' and see Bath's ( hampion Sliced Assorted .Variettea strictly Fresh Large Local March 18. ed. And a little more cream if toe attractive suits and sports coat.:. of the business has witnessed such a Pure Lard, m m We deliver any $2.00 order- A fte r a few momenta the bell whether a bag had been pur­ This material la 58 Inches w ide and To wear with a regal looking. | |i, Coming almo.4 direct from its 12 growth during the past year that it pkg quit ringing and Mlllicent felt that mixture seems too hea-vy. This POTTED MEAT! BACON! ...... 1 5 c no Just give us a call. chased?” dressing is especially good over a JELLIES! EGGS! Is on sale for 88c a yank gold satin gown that features a j weeks triumph in New York, ■ has been found necessary to set the assistant Janitor and the officer This time the clerk’s shake of salad of water cress and lettuce, .shirred no kiltie ami a collar wlileh } KLEIN’S MARKET had eltoer started up the long the head was not accompanied by the piquancy o f the water cress Montgomery Wards have Just re-Ldips down to lorio cap .sleeves, Jean || climb of 17 flights of stairs or else a smile. tins Ic Ib. jar < ! o z . 161 Center Street had gone to the basement to put seeming to blend well with the ceivedi.—j a - complete new itock of - ..the 'K in g makes a stiiiining'evening hati| ‘T ’m sorry.” she said, "It's Im- l O e beat-looking men's suits seen in n another elevator in commission. cheese flavor. of clotli of silver. It. fits the head, • AGAIN WE REPEAT; poaslble. In the first place, our mc- long time. They have every style ekull-cap fashion, acros.s the back I 1 la c h t Club Delirious coiuits are confidential, and. In the 4tUE8TIONS AND .ANSWERS fIrlirloiiH Omrij;#* Fancy Shredded Dellcloos BuU< Fancy Assorted Dried and color you might desire. Grey and is hcitl in place by a decorative E.\T THE BEST FOR LESS! She pushed the control lever and second place, it would entail far (Too Much Acidity) checked and tan checked siills are band of self niaterlni that sweeps the cage slid smoothly down­ COFFEE! TEA! Tonuirrow We Will Have too much work in our bookkeeping Question; R. F. H. asks; "What COCOANUT! DATES! MIXED FRUITS! i smooth for the sport clothes weaiei. across the brow. ward. She tried to stop at toe department” , is the cause of extreme acidity, Their oxford grey ami deep brown i 3lilk-Feil Two keys to ground floor, but it was only after Mlllicent felt strangely balked, suits are just' right lor Hie more three attempts that she waa able which will be relieved for a time lb. helpless. She walked over to the and always return. Most evident at 1 9 ® 29®ib 1 5 c lb. conservative man. One of Hieai" ■ FOWL to bring the cage to a position from 1-2 u » - telephone booths and called the tea night several hours after eating. 3 2 5 ® lbs. suits is a wondeilul buy at *18.9b. which she could open the doors. 2 2 5 ® room where she had dined that Always feel as if I had been eaUng She sped across the lobby and out I Keg. Size flan Baldiitt's 67c ea., 2 for $1.30 night. 1 I'ulniolive or Cuniav While Floating A Rfial Saving! 1 Into the wind-swept darkness. lemons or something acid. The taste S-S 1-4 Lbs. .\vcrage Striving to keep any excitement of acid Is pronounced even In my CLEANSER FREE! There waa a subway entrance at CHIPSO FLAKES! Missing a.s fii;jitiv^-.s, (silicc say, from showing in her voice, she mouth." With Each Can Babbitt's SOAP! FAIRY SOAP! BAB-BO! SUNNY LIVING the comer and she ran toward It, RED NICHOLS’ BAND aic: Fancy BKOILEKS ...... 65c each said, " I ’d like to speak to the Answer: I consider the most pro­ Mrs. f’aiiiine .lacnfisen l^evine, 32, the wind whipping her clothes gjfpsy fortune teller, please. T ill about her. As she entered the sub­ nounced cause of extreme stomach 2 Ig - boxes American. her it’s quite important. acidity is the use o f improper food 3 cakes 1 ^ box of 5 cans Milk-Fed ROASTING CHICKENS, 29c Ib. way, above the wait of the wind L Y E ! 12* 2 1 9 c PLAYS HERE TONIGHT "Who is this talking?” asked a Two Russtuii:., Iteslcliesky and 3 < I -4 Pounds Avrrnge. combinations. j .Mackovlcz, who aie charged with she heard the scream of a siren. woman's voice. It.w a s not until after she bad j having been chid.- of the baud,. “ You can tell her tbikt it’s Just (SIdn Elimination Treatment) "Supreme", A Brlllo Product I Dancing Will C'ontinur Until boarded the subway train that she Another Outstanding Value! While They iM t! Clean-up Price! I Mme. Baila Kiiplard. Be.^arabian Sirloin. Short a friend caking.’’ Mlllicent said. Question: Miss Norma asks; One O’clock— Expccl Capfi- stmlenl, Straks IT. suddenly realized her predicament. •"What friend?” STEEL WOOL! “Leader” Bleaching Water! She had .ed from the scene o f the "H ow can I use Epsom salts to im­ CHAPIN BREAD FLOUR! clty Attendance. Raissa Svarck, a Latvian woman'. STEAK "Please,” Mlllicent said impa­ prove my skin elimination? Will Only 36 to srllt murder. Bhe dared not go home. tiently, "t«n her to come to the Pumper, a Latvian. White, She w'anted only to get away from they reduce m e?” Dancing will be enjoyed until 1 Louise Duval, native of Luxem­ pbooe. Tell her It’s Important.” Answer: It is better to use s re­ Ig* box of 16 pads .Mratv, n. everything and everyone. Drimgold The woman’s voles sold, "Bhe 1 9 © jug o’clock tonight at the East Side Rec bourg. friend of Pumper. FOWL 4 Lbs. / stricted diet for reducing: however, iC 24 l>2 Ib. bag Instead of 12.-30 o’clock, when Red was dead. Her Job had automati­ disappeared lata last night under Paul Murallle, of undetermined cally terminated. She was -without Epsom salts m sy be used to induce Here’s a real value! 16 pads! Practtoally a pound! Contents. 8e rebate on empty Jug. Nichols and his world famous nationality. Fancy Spring Lamb rather peculiar circumstances. She e’.lmlnatlon through the skin. The funds, save for the money which left a note saying she wouldn’t be Pennies made their appearance In Sander Cohen, Bessarabian. best way to take theae baths is to this section of Connecticut after an was in the purse that h;.xl been sub­ back. Therefore, if you’ll please tell Damlanoff, Bessarabian. take a warm shower first, then rub The following 5 ChiKoIate Numbers Are Made and Guarahteed By Runkel Bros. They’re^ Great! absence of many years. ImilciAiona IT. /a V stituted for hers. me who It la colling. Til ..." Runkd’s Cooking or Raking Secret formulae for ekplostvs LAMB LEGS She thought of that sinister for­ the dry salts into the skin and fol­ Kimkel’s Delicious Ilu n k (T fi D€»1lrlou!% Rnnkel’s Dellfloua Milk Rnnkt^l'H C h o ro la tr t 'o v fr o d are that the gym will be crowded to Fresh Ground Dally! Mlllicent slid the receiver back low this with a cold abowef. This eapaclty with dancers, as this or­ powders and poison gases, plans for tune which had been read in the on the hook, turned and walked CHOCOLATE! COCOA! the industrial mobilization of French | tea leaves by the gypsy fortune regimen will promote skin elimina­ RUNKO MALT! CHOCOLATE! CANDIES! chestra has attained on enviable rapidly from the department store. tion. reputation throughout the country factories in case of war and secret Ib m teller. She remembered the words, So the gypsy woman hkd disap­ lectures of the French War School' HAMBURG 1 8 e - 2 3 c "The Murder Girl," and sickening as one of the leading dance bands peared. Perhaps,-after ail, it was (What About Chewing Gum) i-2 ib. can i Ib. can 2^ ib. bar in existence. Were disclosed in the investigation horror gripped her, a horror which the gypsy woman who had ar­ 1 ® lb. Question: P. B. asks: "Is chewing 19 as having figured in the case. Native, Rou(fh-Cut was shortly replaced by suspicion. ranged fo r the substitution o f the EXTRA SPECIAL ■Was it possible the g j’psy fortune, gum cvet beneficial?" Documents were photographed, Spare Ribs, m ^ purses. Perhaps it wras the gypsy 1 Ambitaaodor Sliced , SAVINGS taller ha^ bc^n the one to substi­ Answer: (Shewing gum is benefi­ Kstello Bartlett Yacht Club Fancy Red Letter Fine DrUclous Pure AMm CANS INDICTED the police ch.orged and their con- j woman who had goiie to^DrirngoId's cial to the gums, increasing the cir­ tute toe purses? Had the so-called office . ; . no, she was satlsfled it tents in turn transmitted in cryptb- •b...... 15c Diced Carrots, « a culation of blood through these PINEAPPLE! PEARS! CRAB MEAT! , TOMATOES! grammntlc foiun on photographic fortune teller been merely instru­ couldn’t have been. The fortune MAYONNAISE! • Home Made Sauerkraut, No. 3 can ...... l U C m mental tn the murder and taking puts. Those who are troubled with , AS SPIES BY FRANCE films. The average pay of the ring teller might have substituted purses excessive gas will sometimes notice members for their elandestine work the first steps in a carefully laid --th at waa all. I g a t 3. H O C King Oranges! Dz. Oranges!, Doz. .. A t L i^ r ty York, figured prominently in toe use it every day. Look for your copy of the proaching from behind her. They E ach ...... i U C Flakes! Pkg. ... f C More Receives 6 Home I 16-Os. Tlmtl traced her moves from the time she were long-paced, masculine steps, In temporary liberty: photography which was supposedly woman in town should have this booklet for left the' tea room at 6:35, signed (Fnrit Juioes) *n Important trkde in the alleged Made Dill Pickles FREE. A l l -Br an booklet., Then get a package of the steps o f a man who Is in a Question: Mrs. F. H. asks: “Will M ae. Marie Loulae Narendloch, 25c the register in the rievator and hurry. OeliciouB Fresh Fig Bars or Peppermint Patties, Nouga- English Style Rum and Spearmint. Orange Slices, w ife o f Douchan Narandlsch, an espitmoge. She also Instructed other handy reference. It’s beautifully iUustrated waa taken to th e 17th floor. ’The you kindly Inform me if It is all Ginger Snaps! O O Fresh Assorted O C members of the band in the repro- l l ran Mlllicent checked an tmpiflss to tines. Old Fashion 1 Cf Batter TOFFY! O Q ^ artlit known by her maiden name ot Kellogg’s A -B at your grocer’s. Made murder had been committed at be­ look back over her shoulder, right to mix lemon and grapefruit COOKIES! 2 Ibfi. i 5 0 C ^cU on of documents, they told in- 21b6...... Z Z C Chocfdates! Lb. JIOC Lh. ceDophane bag 4 d O C Mademotaella Blmar. in color. It offers authoritative facts on foods, tween 6:15 and 6:45. The aosistant checked an Impulse to run. She Juioa? I use lemon Juice in hot water ...10c vetUgatora. by Kellogg in Battle Creek. Try these two |(uiitor who discovered the body every morning upon arising, but I Mme. Renrtette Lacoete, a French moved closer to the display wln- Land O’Lakes Assorted dealer In artiata’ paints. had told the officers he had heard dowB of the department store, hop­ find It more palatable to the Delicious Tasty Q g j Genuine Orange Pekoe Assorted (8-oz.) Charms Heavy C _ MVi-Ib. Bag with tempting recipes and menus., It explains Varieties Cheese! O A MUe. Genevieve Frindel, French I keys to simny living this week. Mlllicent and her employer quar­ ing to reach the com er where she two." TEA BALLS! A - Buffet Fruits! O Q Waxed Paper! Roll O C Swi.sH Cheese! Lb. O O C drsiittsJter. Ib b f riructuras la an admlr- reling in the private office and had could turn and be lost In the crowd. Anawer: The Juices of oranges, 2 '/z-lb.pkgs. .... M l* corrorion prsvenUUve. The $1.35 Dozen ...... O C 3 cans...... im OC 50-ft roll Molse Salman. 30, PoHah 6-lh. Bag leard Drimgold shout "You’re The steps followed behind her. grapefruit and lemons may be mix­ oU U permitted to drain out and Ired!” The police had searched for ed, as they contain esseiitially the •tudent and husband o f Madame MiUlcent quickened her steps. Madtertl m jpuma Selman. v U retained In suffi­ 35c Xaep on ihm Sunny Side of Life MUlicent’s shorthand notebook in A man’s voice said, "Just a min­ same elements. The principal acid v S f S S ^****11 1 Baker’s Delicious 1 C ^ 1 Krasdale Fine Dill 1 Ef ^ Fancy Red Steak ^ Van Camp’s cient to prevent corrosion. ivhich they reasoned she must have Pink Sabnon! G ute. please," and a hand touched contained in them Iq citric add. N o ...... Pickles! ^t. jar . A O C Salmon! Ig. Ib. can HOC ivritten prtm gold’s eonfesirion. ’Itiey her on the shoulder. other fruits should DM combined in o l S l i 12c 1 15c 1 Lg. lb. cfcn ...... lad searched in vain and now they (T o Da OoBttRMSfijt this way. I I ;-#AO»TW ELt^ UAMCHOTEB CVCNING HERALD. MANCHHBTCR, COMM , FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18^

Sander has had many aadtlag as- periences in her colorful career and ing and use at pari-mutuel betting truotoes la the Methodist Episcopal BOSTON SALVA110N Recreation Center. REGBIER LOBBYISTS. wochlnea hoa reported favo^ PUBLIC NORSES AID her discourse should prove interest­ CASE EMPLOYEES ably. church bi Connecticut be held tha ing.” Items of Interest second Monday In October. NEW BULS PDBroSE The House also concurred with Extending unUl August i, 1935, livered their crops during the tost DOCTORS IN WORK LEADER COMING DINE TOMORROWI Senate action in killing a bill cre­ the time in which the Y W. C. A tn few days. Friday ating a commission to stU(^ the Meriden may accept its charter' HOLLYWOOD SHOWS At Wapplng Grange, the follow­ DAUGHTERS OF U B ERH (OsatlaMO Frooi Page Ooe) pauper laws, and p e r m it !^ muni- Restoring the right to Dr. Fred­ DAILY RADIO PROGRAM Dancing in the gym to the muale ing committee were appointed to ar- of Red Nichols and hla world fa­ dpoUties to levy special taxes for erick E. Ralnville of Griswold to rang* for the Harvest supper for the First l^Anomi Stores t® mcommlt it. The House, how­ mous Pennies. Tonight la the one bands and orchestras maintained by practice medicine and surgery FRIDAY, MARCH 16 (Central SBd Eatttrn SUndsrd Ttm «) next meeUng, which will be held You Pay Less CELEBRATING TONIGHT Brigadier and Mrs. Frederick ever, declined to follow the Senate’s munidpalltles. ' SUMMER FASHIONS Miss Dorothy. Battle TeDs and only night to bear and see this Womeo of Highland Park to Permitting the angling of shod Netai on prasnuBS to kw and bulo ehalna or groapa tharaof unleat apaol- Tuesday evening March 26. Mrs. lead and killed the measure. from April 20 to July 15. fl*d; coast to eew t (0 to e) doolsnstlen Includaa all avallabla atmtlona* marvelous radio dance bond. Another btU kUled by the House Ella Burnham, Mrs. T. J. Heritage, The Senate today refused to re­ providea for the establishment of The racing btU appeared on the Frosramo tubi*ct to ohsnso. P. M. CanL BaaL .. diardi Group Serfice Osmond to Be at Citadel The plunge period for women will Serve Dinner— Lawrence 6:66— 6:65— Praia* Radio Nawa Period Mrs. Julia Luddy, Mrs. William J. Turkey Dinner, Entertainment be held from 7 to 9 o'clock. atom forfeited righto to Tex An- a court in East Hampton. The calendar and Is scheduled for action NBC-W8 AF MITWORK in the House next Tuesday. 6:00— 7;(K^Myrt and Marge — aaat; Bonsom, Oscar D. Strong and Frank and Dancing Expected to Saturday t l ^ y De Nino and Edward Orslni, House was told twice |t town meet­ SASIC — K u tt w*s» « • ! wtic Cbteago Concert Orehaatra— west Casoalness Is Keynote of House. ^ / ie DjOjUuJiduium Lc^Sei^e^ who wem eentenced to jail in con- w j v wtRC wc*h kyw whlo wtbr iwc 6 : 1 ^ 7:16— Juat Plain Bill— oaa^ Or* Ghren Is SopplementsL for Week-End. The boys’ swimming classes wiU Cate to Be Toastmaster. ing hod voted against such a pro­ w f7 wb«n wcM wtRm wwj wsal: mid: Mrs. Leslie W. Newberry and son Bring Capacity Crowd. necUon with irregulorttlea attend- posal. ohaatra— mldwrat: Orehae.— Dixie meet as follows; 9:30 to 10:16, bo- ksd wmRq wcfl who 6 :9 0 - 7:90— Th a O'Nallla* Skit— east: Frock Worn by Claire Tre- Roger Newberry of South Windsor . FINEST FRESH FRUITS ginnera; 10:15 to 1 1 , Interme^ata; jl^the Hartford cjity election at School BUM NORTHWBtT A CANADIAN - wtmj Dance Orchaetraa— watt and Dixit BEFOBT L M. HOWE wib* lutp w h c wdRY ktyr cret ceef 6:45— 7:45— Boaka Carter Commanta spent a week recently with her sis­ BRUNNERS An absorbUifly InteruUns Ulk on Orange hall will be packed to the Brigadier and Mrs. Frederick Os­ 11 to 1:45, advanced. Employees at Cass Brotbais at Tw o measures' affecting Normal SOUTH<*WEYa wptf wwnc w!i wja* 7:00— S:00— Mra. F . O. Roosevelt. Talk ter. Mrs. Harrity In Philadelphia, The girls’ dancing claasea wlU al­ In concurrence with the House wfU-wtun wlod w«m wme wsb wapl 7:15— 6:15— Edw in C. Hill - basic; the work of the Public Health Nure- doors tonight, according to aU Indi­ mond, divisional commanders of the both the Woodland and the High­ school scbolomhlps and teacbem wjd* wimb kYoo wky wbap kpre vore m New Play. Pa. VEGETABLES ena6le6ttS'&)o^^ cations, When the Daughters of so meet: 9:30 to 10, beginners; the Senate also turned down a bill AS SEBIOUSLY ILL Dance Orehaatraa— Dixie and west D IA L S19I Massachusetts and Rhode Island dl- land Pork mills will rub elbows in certificates were passed by the woal ktb« ktba wfoo wavo wtar 7:30— 6:30 — Court of Human Rail* Ing Asaoclation was given before Liberty, L. L. O. L., No. 125, will cel­ 10:30 to 11, Uny tots; l i to 11:30, legalizing the 'display or demonstra- lower branch. MOUNTAIN— k(^ kdyl k flr kfhl tiena— basic: Rhythm Rhapsody— a spirit of good fellowship around FACIPIC — kfo kfl krw komo khq officers and teachers of the Second ebrate the 32nd anniversary of the vislona o f the Salvation Arm y and intermediate; 1 1 :^) to 12 , advanced. Uon o f automobiles on Sunday. Dixie: Harman Waidman Oreh.— w Wheaties, In charge df Boston headquarters. the banquet table at the Highland One of the btUs provided that (Oontlaaed from Page One) kf»d kUr k r u ^ kyr kya •:00— fKM>— March of Tima* Dramatic Hollywood, Oollf., March 15.— Oongregational church school last founding of the organization. An The plunge period for men will Manefaester BIS JUNE IN NEW ENGLAND, Will conduct special aervices at the Park Community clubhouse tomor­ where boards o f educaUon in towns C«nt. Bast^ •:30— 6:30— Hollywood Hatal— c to cat (A P ) — Casualness, adopted os • Pkff* ...... night by Miss Dorothy Bi\ttle. one elaborate roast turkey dinner will be bo held from 7 to 8 o’clock. A pub­ House bills passed by the Senate 4:10— MO—Nallla Navaira tntarvlaw 9:30— 10:30— Cot. Stoopnagla 41 Budd 11c Salvation Army citadel here Satur­ row night at 6 o'clock. Lawreo'.'e of not more than 3,000 population 10:00— 11:00 — Four Acaa of Bridge— served and later in the evening lic whist party will be held at the in concurrence were: his strength on the Boston trip. He 4:40- 0:40—Capt. Tim Haaly* Otampa keynote tn summer afternoon fash­ Pink Salmon, o f the local public health nurses^ W. Case arranged the' affair and fall to nominate one or t\vo girls 6:00— i : 0(^X aviar CugaVa Orchaatra cast; Myrt and Marge— west repeat there will be a stellar entertainment day night and all day Sunday. West Side Rcc on Cedar atreet. Play has. been confined to bed almost con­ ions. is giving oven the more pre­ FLOWER SHOW THEME Miss Buttle pointed out that the wlU act as toastmaster. Providing for elecUon districts in for scholarships In Normal schooU 6:1^ 4:l5-.Ttia Marry Maoa — aaat: 10:05— 11:05— Oazia Naiaon Orch.— oaat ta llc a n ...... and dancing. will stsu.t at 8 o’clock and prizes Manchester. stantly since his return. k 10:1^11:15— Oxxia Naiton Oreh.— east; tentious costumes for formal after­ 10c duties of the public health nurses A roast beef dinner will be served the Stote Board of Education may - Tam MI , Okatch—mldwaat rap^i The dinner will be served prompt­ will be awarded to the winners. Howe bos been secretary to the 0:90— 0 :10—Praaa-fiadio Nawa Varied .pu* Arnhalm Orehaatra— mtdweat noon occasions an ’’Informal” air. did not serve as a substitute for the by a committee of women In the Providing that the salaries o f the name them and may provide *300 6:96— 6:96—Banga by Arlarta Jaekaan 10:30— 11:30— Jaequaa Ranard Oreh.— ' Swansdown Cake ly at 7;30 o’clock and by that time Monday President, since 1914. He left news­ haalr; K. Beecher Oreh.— midwest Typical of this easy trend is a FLORIDA professional services of phy.siclans community headed by Mrs. John Selectmen in Manchester ^ fixed for the living expenoea of each stu­ ' 6:46— 6:40—Billy Batchalor*a Okatch Boston Horticultural Display to It la expected that all those planning The women’s gym class will meet paper work to Join Mr. Roosevelt •:00— 7:0O-Te Ba Announead 11:00— 12:00— Cab CaMoway'a Orehaatra Sy&sy frock for Claire Trevor’s role Flour, p k g ...... but that they merely supplemented Tedford. She will be asalated by by the town meeUng, and authoriz- dent. who la required to teach In 11:15— 12:15— Scott Flahar A Orchestra Medium Size 27c to attend will be on hand. from 7:15 to 8 o’clock. who was then assistant secretary of 7:10—Black Chambar, Drama In a forthcoming fjlm. A provocative Be One of I.jir(;est Ever the work of the latter. Public health Mrs. Anne Sinnsmon, Mrs. Estelle ing WUUa O. and Viola M. Mc- Connecticut for the number of years 0:30— 7:30—Hirach*a Orehaatra—waaf 11:45— 12:46— Joe Haymaa A Orchaatra The men’s gym class will meet the Navy. 12:00— 1:00— Prank Dailey Ore.— -Lvabd Made— Avenue of Roses. Gibb’s Pork & nurses frequently diaghose cases of Mrs. Christine Milligan of Boston, Hillman, Mrs. Ins Storm, Mrs. CoUough o f Stamford to maintain for which the scholarship is receiv- 6:4^ 7:46—Uncia Btra Radio Station blend of the hoyden and the lady, it Past Supremi Grand Secretary, who from 8:15 to 9 o’clock. He was named by the President as 7:00— 0:00—Joaaica Dragonatto—to o Beans, 5 cans...... sickness to determine whether 't George Beer, Mm. Charlotte Buck- aeawmlls, wharves and docks. ad* NBC-WJ2 NETWORK is of white brizette crepe vrith a 25c Instituted the order In 1903, will be Thi plunge period for women will the head of his secretarial staff im-^ •too— •:0O-Waltfina by Abo Lyman CALiFORMA would be necessary to call In a ley, Mm. Ruth Wilson, Mm. Cath­ Several bills which would elimi­ The other blU would permit ac­ 0:90- 6:90—FIck JL Fat Comtdy Act BASIC — East: wJa wbz*wbza wbal wide, backpointed gypsy sash In the guest of honor. National grand be from 8 to 9 o’clock. mediately following the 1932 ela ­ •:00—10:00-Tha First Nlghtar—c to c wham kdka wear wjr wiw wayr wmal June In New England! That will Fstelle Raspberry physician. erine Rohan and Mm. Katherine nate out of state funeral cars from ceptance of certificates issued by silver-striped coral chiffon. Extra Large lodge officers from Michigan, Penn­ The plunge period for men will be, tion. 0:30-10:30—Frank Black Orch.-Choir wfil: Mid: wcky wenr wla kwk kwer Comfortable, deep-set sleeves silt be the theme of the Great New Jelly, 2 jars______The speaker revealed that in many from 7 to o’clock. Kelah. A group o f young women meeting the requirements o f the Normal schools by the State Board 00—11rt)0—Back of tho Nows. Talk koll wren wmaq kao wkbf 19c sylvania, New Yqrk and Mas.sachu- 8 He has.,llved in the White Ho’ i^11:16—Fornando Orehoat.—waaf and tie together above the elbows England Spring Flower Show to be cases sickness in homes was not the The women’s dancing class will will serve aa waitresses. Connecticut public service .laws of Education os qualified evidence NORTHWEST A CANADIAN — wtmj setts, al.so delegates from Provi­ were killed by the House. It was ex­ since Mr. Roosevelt took p^er thi 11:30—Jolly Coburn's Orehaatra wlba katp weba wday kfyr cret cfcf with the striped chiffon, and the opened In Mechanics Building, Bos­ MEDIUM SIZE Smackellts, major, difficulty, that worry over meet from 8 to 8:45. An entertainment program will of prescribed completed courses in ftOO—12:00—Jack Danny A Orehaatra Grapefruit dence and Pawtucket will attend. be given and Impromptu speeches plained that this subject would be presidency. 12:16—Charniavaky A Orehaatra SOUTH — wr\*a wptf wwno wla wjax collar doubles upward and ties, ton. March 25, continuing for one Filets of F ish ...... financial problems and other dis­ A plunge period for men will fol­ Issuance of teachers certificates. wflR'Wsun wlod warn wmo wab wapi 10c .Mrs. Milligan, who Is an honorary made by membem of the Arm and Incorporated in a bill remaining 11:90—12:30—Don Padro and Orehaatra gypsy-fMhIon, at the nape of the week. The largest hall In the build­ WINESAP turbing influences often was the life member, has a deUghtfuI per­ low the gym class. The House sounded the death wjdx wamh kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpre FANCY seat of the trouble. She said the pub­ the workers. There will be several with the motor vehicle committee CBS>WABC NETW ORK woal ktba ktha waoc wave neck. ing is fast being transformed into an R. S. Biueback Flat sonality and her coming here is be­ knell of Connecticut wUd oats when 1767 OOimTHOYTBB ffTO X USED enormous garden, with terraces, Applet EATING lic nurses endeavored to impart guests, one being the Rev. EHmer Tile House also killed two bills It passed a blU placing a *5 bounty BASIC—Baat: wabc wado woko wcao M O U N T A IN — koa kdyl kplr kirhl Ideal for summer luncheons and Salmon, can ...... ing looked forward to with Interest. BROITLLARD MATCHED Thienea who is active in County concerning use of bumpem on cam waab WTtae wgr wkbw wkro whk cklw P A C IF IC — kRo kfl kRw kamo khq kfsd bridge teas, the gown is worn by fountains, borders and garden nooks 17c helpful advice and direct families In on them payable by the towns. The Edenton, N , C. L A P )— Few tour* wdro wcau wias wean wfbl wapd wjav ktar kpo kex kga ksr kya FANCY The committee includes Mrs. Mar­ "Y l’ .work... and trucks. The subject Is to be wbna: Mldwaat: wbbm wfb?n kmbo Miss Trevor with wide silver brace­ laid out by an expert landscape Krasdale Tomato ways leading to their betterment San Francisco, March 16— (A P ) House was told that sixty wild eats lata visiting historic lEdenton de­ RIPE garet Bain, chairman; Mrs Lillian taken care o f in a pending^ measure. kmox wowo whaa kfab Cent. Eaat. lets In floral motif and a cluster of architect. It will be a gorgeous Bananas and well being. were klUed In the state lost year. part without Miapectlng North Car­ BAST—wpR wbp whec wlba wfea wore Juice, pints, 2 fo r .. McCaughey, Mrs. Elizabeth Caver- —Holder at different times of two Concurrence with the Senate was 4:30— 5:30— The Singing Lady— eaat gardenias at the throat. spectacle, but it will be educational, LEMONS 19c Miss Buttle mentioned the asso­ ly, Mrs. Martha Lcemon, Mrs. Mary world's boxing titles. Lefty Lou Other bUls passed by the House olina's oldest courthouse, built in wicc efrb ckac wibs wmaa 4:45— 6:45— Orphan Annie— east only CALIFORNIA COMMITS StnOIDB kllUng two OIXIB—w fit wsfa wbre wqam wdod Sheer navy ensembles are still too. An effort has been made to ciation of insurance companies in ^ n n , Mrs. Gcorgiana Tomlihson, BroulIIard, Worcester, Maas., will included; 1767 and still used os tha seat at Berger 41 Orchestra CALIFORNIA< SUNKISTSUNKIS Lettuce ICEBERG Krasdale Coffee, racing bills. A bill to legalize rac­ klra wrae wlao wdiu wtoe krld wrr 6:30— 6:30— Preta*Radio Newa — ba* the vogue for summer town wear, have only arrangements which can public health nursing, and brought Mrs. Marie Douglas, Mrs. Clare Rob- meet Babe Marino, San Francisco Bethel. Mkrch IS — (’AP) —Des­ Providing that the ^eettoB of Chowan fiounty's government. ktrh ktaa wmeo koma wdbo wbt wdaa lb. c a n ...... wbla wdbi ww>’a wmbg waja wmbr ale; Singing Lady— mldweat repeat says a Hollywood stylist. Pique be adapted to home gardens, large Isrfs FANCY 25c out that the financial support of insun, Mrs. Sarah Tomlinson, Miss middleweight, in a ten round bout pondent over business conditions, 5 : 3 ^ 6:35— Mlasiasippi Minstrel— w ji wala KSko wena wdne wnox kwkh 6:45— 6:46— Lowell Thomas — east; holds Its 0^71 In lively shades o f and small. This thought, indeed, tits CALIFORNIA these companies was one of the im­ Mary McCaughey and Miss Lily here tonight. Harry A. Hoffman, 70, cigar manu­ MIDWEST — wa1 wmt wmbd wlan 1 9 ^ Carrot* Gorton’s Ready-to-Fry Orphan Annie— repeat to mldweat dusty pink, goldenrod. yellow and has been kept In mind In planning portant sources of Income. The com­ Mathews. I f he wins from the San Francis­ facturer of this place, Instantly kill­ wibw kfti wsmk wkbn wcco wabt k.scj 6:00— 7:00— Amos 'n* Andy— eaat only Codfi.sh Cakes. 2 for wnax woe pistachio green, as well as in gay- the entire show, which will occupy panies are always willing to co­ can, as he la favored to do, Broutl- ed himself by shooting in the head MOUNTAIN—k%’or kis koh kri 6:15— 7;15— W illard Robison Orchest. 27c COAST—khj koln kfro kol kfpy kvi 6:30— 7:30— Red Davis, Serial Sketch sprigged whites, with real lace dyed seven halls on three floors—several operate as It is to their advantage Brigadier Frederlok Oamcind lard hopes for an encounter In the at hla home in Plumtree district, 7:45— Dangerous Paradise. Skit acres of space. AT OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT Krasdale California to maintain the good health of those near future with Young Corbett, just before o’clock this morning. kfbk kmj kwg kern kdb kemb kgo 7:0(^— t:06— Iren Rich, One*Act Play in the same colors appropriate for 8 Cant* Baat. One of the most Interesting fea­ Sardines, 3 cans .. whom they insure. GREECE WANTS REPUBLIC B.lgadler and Mrs. Osmond arc Fresno, -Gal. His wife and a woman neighbor 7:16— 6:15— T o Ba Announced more formal occasions. 25c coming to Manchester In the ex­ 4:46— 6:46—Songa by Batty Barthall 7 : 3 ^ 6:30— A l Qoodman’a Half Hour Silk Linen Suits tures will be on elaborate Gov­ Fancy Spiing St. Patrick’s Day made Its in­ heard the shot and hurried upstairs. 6:00— 6H)0—Laon Navara Oro.—east; 6'00— 9:00— Beatrice Lillie's Comedy ernor’s garden, where the govern­ Krasdale Wet Shrimp, fluence felt In the favors at the pectation of conducting great re­ HE STARTED SOMETHINO Hoffman was dead when they reach' Old Songa—west; "O g"—mldwaat 8:30— 9:30— Phil Baker Show— tn cat Silk linen suits with handkerchief lb SAYS GEN. KONDYLIS 6:15— 6:15 — Bobby Banaon — east: 9:00—10:0(>—Joe Cook Circus Night— a ors of tha- different New England FISH « 2 can s...... ' tables and the decorations In the vival services of prayer, exhorta­ ed bis room. The Manchester Public Market linen blouses are equally smart, ho 25c Skippy — midw; Navara Orehet.— 9:46— 10:45— T o Be Announced states are to broadcast, one each LAMB LEGS tions and song. It uill he the brig­ San Francisco— William Beasley says. parish hall. A delicious supper con­ He had been engaged In the Dixie: .Taxaa Rangara—weat only 10:00— 11:00— Hal Kemp A Orcheatra— day, throughout thie week. An ave­ Bontd and Rollsd if Dsilrtd Krasdale Diced sisting of meat loaf, scalloped pota­ adier’s first official visit to this bumped his nose against a red box manufacturing of cigam for many 6:30— 6:90—H. V. lOiltanborn—east; aaat; Amoa 'n' Andy— west repeat For the late after.'ioon garden HALIBUT town. He Invariably has been In on a telephone pole. Three fire Organ Concart—west; Jack Arm* 10:90— 11:30— Noble sitsla Oreh.— eaat; tea, mousseline de sole In new, nue of roses will make a special ap­ lb Carrots, 2 cans___ toes, hot rolls, coffee, cake and home fiovernment Leader Declares years. Dr. H. F. Moore, medical atrang. Skit—mldwaat repeat Joe Cook Circus Night— west repeat peal, and will give the vlritors an FreiMy 15c made ice cream was served. eharge of the Old Orchard camp trucks, a police patrol and an am­ examiner gave a verdict o f suicide. For Saturday — S :4 ^ 6:45—Beauty Program — aaat: 11 ;15— 12:16— Freddie Berrona Oreheat. shadowed-floral patterns with a LAMB FORES i b i His People Wanl No Dicta­ Milton Charlaa* Organist—west opportunity to see the newer kinds. Sliced Krasdale Sauerkraut, A delightful duet featuring Irish meetings. bulance hurried to the scene. Ho 11:30— 12:30— Marti Michel A Orehaatra faint plaid overlay is considered ______Whll* Mtaly . , torship and No Monarchy. was given first aid for his nose, cut chic. One section of Exhibition Hall has 3 Ig. cans ...... songs was given by Rev. F'rcderick Imperial Airways plana to employ been set o ff for orchids, and the East of the sky monsters will In shattering the tiny glass window Adrienne Amec In one wears a 25c C. Allen, the pastor, and Mrs, Allen. three of ita great 45-seater planea 8 :1 5 -Hum and Strum and ”Cho- whole of Paul Revere Hall will be carry 35 paying pas.sengers, five en­ on the box, and taken to Jail where garden frock which film the shadowy STEAK co b KIDNEY LAMB CHOPS'" 39< Burch-Butter Their daughter, Barbara, aged four, Athens, March 15 — Gen George In the service, each leaving the ■pln.” devoted to carnations. tertainers. two pilots, two barmen he was booked for vagrancy and Top Q uality M EATS flowers In soft grays and tomato Fancy Milk.Fsd Cookies, Ib. box ... gave a pleasing program of rerita I Kondylis, who left his post as mln- ground at 1 1 a. m. and soaring over 8:30— Intimate Revue. The lower floor will be given over Frtihly tions. and a radio operator. being Intoxicated In a public place. the city for three houm. 9:00— Beatrice Lillie, comedienne; reds with metallic plaid bars, yvorn 21c l.ster of war to lead government WTIC mostly to woodland exhibits, includ- Sliced- lb Krasdale Grapefruit troops in Macedonia In the sup­ Lee Perrin and His Cava­ over a slip of chartreuse taffeta. The ing a large area being laid out by •1 0 F VEAL LEGS Hartford, (Amii. ankle-length skirt Is made in three n i Juice, 3 cans...... pression of the recent rebellion, told liers Quartet. the Department of Conservation. Sufxr Cuftd — Whol* or EUhtr End 25c the Associated Press today; "'Greece R ightly Priced 60,000 W. 10«0 H. C. ZHX4 M 9:30— Phil Baker; Ben Bemle, graceful circular tiers, and the This floor will have an added fea­ gueat artlat; and company. bodice features a separate capelet SMELTS lb Rumford Hakes-AU, OPEN FORUM wants a Republic and not a Mon­ Traveler* Broodcaatlng Service ture, however, In the form of a com­ archy.” 10:00—Clrcua Nlghta. Joe Cook, edged with on extravagant ruff of plete mushroom cellar, showing DORACO HAMS VH 25c s iz e ...... 21c As ” th«S hero of the revolution,” Small Lean Shankless Fresh O O comedian; and company. metal-threadcd pleated mousseline mushrooms in their various stages Fancy Milk Fsd — 3 3 ^ lb tv| SPECIAL POULTRY 8ALE1 Frldoir, March 18 Silvertown Orcheatra. wbich ties carelessly over one shoul­ Krasdale Large VIRTITT. IR ITS OU'.V RFAV.AIID General Kondylis is regarded today Shoulders, well trimmed, Ib .___ AOC of growth. The newly organized lb Editor, The Herald; Our Leader! Fresh Milk-Fed Fowl for a 10:45— M ayfair Orchestra. der with a bow of tomato-red velvet. as the most powerful flgiiro In POPULAR MARKET P. M. American Herb Society is setting up Fruit Salad...... Patience surely cease.*' to be a vir­ 8..r. MAIN STREET RUBINOW BUILDING 11:00—Time, weather. A large transparent horsehair hat FOWL t i i 23c Greece. In this, his first Interview nice chicken soup, at, 4:00— Woman'* Radio Review. a complete herb garden, together HADDOCK tue (ffter one has road the sermon since the rehclllon, he was asked If 11:05—Federal Housing Adminis­ with red velvet bow, red sUk velvet with a still house. In which the pro­ Fancy Milk-Fsd - S% lb «vf Jack Frost XXXX SPECIAL STEAK SALE! each ...... 0 5 / C 4:30—Muale Guild. tration. Freth — Ottiitd delivered by Evangelist Howard he intended to become Greece’s dls- gloves and shoes complete the en­ cess of removing the essences o f dif­ Fresh Medium Size Fowl, 8 1-2 0 fJ 5:15— Straight Shootera. S i Dtilrsd Sugar, 3 pkgs...... Sweeten, in the Church of the ttttor. WHERE THRIFTY SHOPPERS SHOP 11:15 — "^ fiu a ” , Reprc.sentativc semble. • 19c Sirloin Steak, best cuts, *> to 3 3-4 lbs. average. Lb...... D C 5:30—Interview by Nellie Revell. Wright Patman of Texas. ferent herbs will be demonstrated. BROILERS •* 6 3 ^ Naaarene, as reported in the Herald He replied; ” A t present 1 see no 5:45— Stomp Club. A nature trail will cover a large Monax Oats. Cup of March 13, and plain common likelihood of a dictatorship, al­ 'b...... 3 9 c Fancy Fresh Roasting Chickens, 0 C 11:30—New York’s Water Front— Km your week-end buying this week wc arc giving you the lowest possible prices 6:00—W rightvllie Clarion. Description by Cameron amount of space in Exhibition Hall, and Saucer, box ... sense prompts me, to take issue with though that possibility la not ex­ 1 Top Round Steak, lean and — O 4 1-2 lbs. average. Lb...... DOC 6:30— Preaa-Radio Newa. adjoining a grand trade arcade, 29c that preacher. cluded. * consistent with <|uality. Kollnw the crowds and save a dollar. King, Graham McNamce. 1 tender, lb...... 0 9 C 6:35— Gema from Memory. A. M. where visltora will find oil sorts of BROOKSIDE l.and 0 ’I.,akes Butter ’’The weakness of a dictatorship Fancy Fresh Large Chickens to O O WAPPING He asked; "Where are the liun- 0:40— Laurel Trio. 12:16—Flying Trapeze Restaurant garden tools and gadgets on dis­ is that It revolves around one per­ Freshly Ground Hamburg Steak 1 /> Roast, 5 to 7 lbs. each, Ib...... D o C play. BUTTER Fine Creamery 2 lbs...... dreds of men and women who once 6:45— Billy Batchelor. Orcheatra. t Sl67(f 73c sonality and is not a system of gov­ for a nice meat loaf, Ib.. 1 d■'A The South Windsor Garden club lined the altar rail of this church? IIKAVY STEER BEEF Milk-Fed Broilers, 2 1-2 lbs. aver- O O 7:00— Concert Mlnlaturea. 12:30—Montclair Hotel Orchestra. Two restaurants will moke it Krasdale Box Salt, I ’ll tell you where they are. They are ernment which the Greeks, with age. Ib...... 4JOC 7:05—William Sheehan, Conn. Leg- was invited by the Horticultural do possible for visitors to stay In tho their time-honored traditions of Lower Round Steak, ground for clct.v to a lecture, with slides, re^ LAND O’LAKES 2 for ...... at the movlea, basketball game,'prize hamburg. all lean, Ib ...... d t H C ialativc Reporter. halls all day. Plenty of seats In the 15c fight, bridge parties or listening to dcmocrac.v, could readll.v accept. We have a very fine lot of tiny Legs Spring 7:15— "The Black Chamber.” ccntly. The subject was "Lillies for balcony will permit visitors to rest U. S. Gov 1 Csfilfitd Amos and Andy.” He goes on to ’’Now that VenlZellsrii (The move | 2 3 « ’ Bohleless Rib Rolasts”’ ^ 3 ® 7:30— Frank Sherry and Laura New England,” by William N. Craig In comfort while listening to a con­ BUTTER 93 Scor* Swssi Ostrn 2 Ocean Spray .Cran­ Liunb, 5 lbs. average at, 2 9 C say that when their faith is ques­ ment led by former Prem ier Eleii Boneless Rolled Chuck Pot Roast from the Oaudet. of Weymouth. Mass., at the Connec­ cert each afternoon and evening. berry Sauce, 2 for. thertos Venizeloai Is crushed, we In 7:45—Thej Harmoneera. ticut General Life Insurance com- 29c tioned "they swell up like a finest select beef, 0 ^ The show will not be opened until 3 ^SENFJELD s e l e c t e d ’pisend’ pup.” tend to collabornte with all the Amount limited. Please order early! 8:00—Jeaaica Dragonettc. panyr 55 Elm street, Hartford . o’clock In the afternoon on Mon­ Krasdale 11-Oz. Being one who he classifies as a spiritually united Greece In order 'b...... 3 1 c 9:00— The Travelera Hour N or­ Mrs. Truman Hills and Miss Ruth day. as the judges must have time COFFEE d o z G. B. Corn, can ... to make the emintry prosperous and NE SPRING LAM] Johnson, of Canton, attended the Wm. Elliott X99 "pizend pup” who enjoys ■ mOyies, 12 5 « ' GENUI B LEGS 2 5 c Boneless Rolled Oven Roast Beef, 0 ^ Very nice pieces of Sugar Cured Corned man Cloutier, director; Ed to complete their work, but on all 11c games and to sit by my own fireside worthy of Ita great traditions as the Smalle’a Leadera. funeral of their cousin. Doctor Leon­ subsequent days It will be opened at Jack Frost Sugar, Beef. kybo .r 254 MILDLY CURED with my family and listen to the oldest democracy in the world.” »b...... : 3 5 c 9:30— Pic and Pat. New York, March 15.— (A P )—In ard Stcbblns of Springfield, Mass., 9 o’clock In the morning. It will 10-lb. cloth bag ,.. radio, I wish to Inform this western 1, Ciitn Khoulilrr Cliolee Sirloin Fancy Porterhouse 1 Bottom Round Pot Roast. 0 ^ 10:00— FIrat Nlghter. addition to the CBS broadcast by last Thursday afternoon. V r i E r B v K O' y o u N G A m e r ic a n lb 2 1 ^ 48c 1 Fresh Made Pure Pork Sausage Q remain open until 10:30 o’clock each stranger that our local movie the­ 10:30— Frank Black’a Orcheatra. Harold S. Vanderbilt on the new The United Workers are holding a evening. John Alden 2 D Del Monte, 4 Slices, *b...... 3 5 c 11:00—George Holmes. bridge rules at 1 1 o’clock tomor­ meeting and luncheon at the home ater pays more than *4,000 In taxes STEAK STEAKS-' STEAK J Meat and Pure Spices, lb...... ^ 5 / C Pineapple, c a n ___ each year into our town treasury Top Round Roast. 0 /v Veal Legs from Prime Milk-fed C 11:20—Jesae Crawford, organiat. row night, WJZ-NBC Is putting on of Mrs. Loren Bone of 15 Adelaide Dairymen advise against giving Richmond "><>>■• '| BAKERY DEPARTMENT 10c 11:30— Slumber Hour. Ely Culbertson at 11:30 p. m., for a street, Hartford this afternoon, Those swelled up "pizend pups” who Ib...... 3 9 c Veal, whole or half, Ib...... iC O C cows highly flavored feeds just be­ Fresh Daily from our oum B ake S hop FRESH EGGS, prefer going to the movies and who Get Acquainted 1 2 :00— Silent. similar discussion. March 15. Boneless Rump Roast Beef. 0 P* Boneless Rolled Roast Veal, O O fore milking time because of their dozen...... listen to Amos and And.v In prefer­ with oui’, way of aelliiifi: tlie bes ; 1 1 7 « 'b 2 3 c lb. 1 lb. 1 Tuning in Tonight: Quite a number of the South tendency to give the milk an \m- >b...... 3 5 c all lean meat, lb...... ^ 5 / C W EAF-N BC : 7:15 The Black Windsor tobacco growers have de­ 35c ence to such sermons as his, pay the obtainiilile foods, at the lowest natural taste. taxes for his church, thus paying Chamber; 8—Lucille Manners: 9:30 SUGAR Wellesley Fudge Cake ■■I 9< part of the preacher's salary. This ]>osaiblc prices. Save money Pick and Pat; 10:30— Frank Black Meat Department JACK rROSr GRANULATED Evangelist pointed to the ’’President the "MAMIEU WAY!” M ANY GOOD GR(3CERY SPECIALS orch-cholr. 1 1 4 c h CHOICE CUTS CHUCK ROASTS 14e>b WABC-CBS: 8—Mrs. Roosevelt’s " n^st Cookies 2 <6i Fancy Fowl, and Mrs. Roosevelt for drinking 4 0 4 9 c XSt wine behind the doors of the White Jack i'rost Gninulated Sugar Economy Milk Lunch Crackers, 1 ^ Royal Scarlet Peaches, sliced or O O talk: 9— March of Time; 9:30— aver. 5 lbs. Lb. .. Jb. pkg...... 1 5 c Hollywood Hotel; 10:30-~Joe Cook dot 27c House,” and to ’’.spltters and lO-lb. cloth A gv Center Cut Forequarter halves, large size, 2 cans for___ D 5 / C P d n Rolls fresh . Llih t. FluRy loafers’* who chew tobacco and 1 1 Rib End Economy Oyster Crackers, u pf and Circus night. Fancy Roasting bag ...... 4 y Campbell’s Tomato Soup, sw Friday, March 15 Anderson & Noren ■ 4 8 < amoke cigarettes. The Internal Ib* pkg...... 1 5 c What to Expect Saturday; Meats - Groceries - Fruits and Vegetables. 10 Chickens, Ib...... Splendid Koll Butter, o A Pork CHOPS can...... / C dot 29c revenue on tobacco last year Spring Lamb Pork Roast W EAF-N BC : 1:.55 p. m.—Verdi’s Phone 4076 Free Delivery .361 Center St. He Cress Buns amounted to more than 450 mlllinns lb. r o ll...... o 4 Land O’Lakes Butter, pym Royal Scarlet Seedless Raisins, y ew P. M. opera Alda (Also WJZ-NBC) 5:30— Rib Roast Beef, 8:15— Minneapolis Symphony Or­ YOU CAN BUY WITH CONFIDENCE HERE! o f dollars. He would destroy this g* 2 lbs...... 7 1 c Our American Schools. IValb Ib...... Armour’s Star Pure ^ 2 15-16 OZ. pkgs...... x / C cheatra. 32c Income and thus lncrea.se the burden 1 lb. 1 5 « ib . 1 Land O’Lakes Evaporated Milk, WABC-CBS; 1 1 a. m.— Children's i MILK t c r c c^ ^ w a y lo.l Lard, 1-lb. pkg...... 1 O 1 1 7 « ‘b. Bay State Fine Tender Peas, e% q 5:00—Baseball School — Jack Ons­ E y e B I 9< Block Chuck Roast, o f taxation. cans f o r ...... d i U C concert; 3 p. m.— Bach anniversary With millions of unemployed men. Uockwood Cocoa, i o 2 cans f o r ...... A 5 / C low. concert. QUALITY MEATS EVANGELINE lb. It Is natural to find groups of them 2-lb. t in ...... 1 O Royal Scarlet Light Meat . o n R. S. Baking Choetdate, gf 5:15— Skippy. WJZ-NBC; 11:45 a. m —Week New Leng Leaf 5:30—Jack Armstrong, All-Amer­ Small Milk Fed Roasting Uniwtaltnad Evaporsled 9f around street corners. These groups Native Potatoes, m pj Tuna Fish, 2 cans for ...... Vi-ib. pkg...... l o c end revue: 1:30 p. m.— National Fancy Lamb Legs, ho described as “ too laz.v to work” ESS SMOKED H ican Boy. Grange. lb...... lieck...... 12 5 « ” bonel 4 M S 2 S e »> R. S. Cranberry Cut Beans, O f f 5:45— Nonsense and Melody. Chickens Chickens and as ”a bunch of parasites.” Average About Lbe. Toasterettes n <* ZU Brightwoqd, lb. .. a parasite. Speaking of the United .Minute Tapioca, j ^ PENN-RAD MOTOR OIL News 2 ' " $ 1 . 8 5 Fancy Rib Roast Beef 24c Morning Zest, Ground or Bean, y 6:55— Press-Radio News. 3 a: 20* ilb Shank Ends Ham, States, he described It os ”a nation 100 Per Cent Pure Pennsylvania 7:00—M yrt and Marge. Legs of Lamb Beat Pot Roast Salty Flakes pkt 19< which la no more Christian than I Tender lAiaf Tea, O Q 1 2 lbs. 2 S « 11 Z%clb. Mb* p k g ...... 1 9 c 7:15— A ir Adventures of .Timmie Fresh Shoulders Native Veal Chop* Swift’s, lb...... am a Chinaman.” : 2 5 « Ib. 1 The World’s most economical Motor Oil. B>' ASSOCIATED PRESS 15c 7-oz. r>kg...... Alien. Fresh Spare Klh* Native Veal Steak 1 Ib What an acknowledgment of fail­ Less than 12 l-2c per quart including tax. Cambridge, Ma.. w a x lb...... Thank you very kindly. CHEESE b Z3* 31c Cocktail, largest can Oleomargarine BEEF LIVER near the building. Loss was esti­ College Inn Tomato Juice meat, Ig...... 4 U C VIRGINIA DARE Sincerely, Wheaties, w m A FULL LINE OF FRUITS j\ND FRESH VEGETABLES Friday, March IS. mated at *50,000. Cocktail, a gv Sardine* — Codfish. Sliced Bacon Henry K. Schmidt A lice Tom ato Juice C Uni (Eaatem Standard Time.) Washington—A bill to create a 26-oz. battle , ___ i ^ C K. 8 . Macaroni or Spaghetti, AS* T iia a Toay Sender, one of the pkir...... l i e Indian River Grapefruit, nice 1 y , i b . i 9 c 2 S « lb. 2 2 9 ^ 1 S « Ib. 1 Well Bleached Celery — Spanish Onions — "Federal Textile Commission” to Glendale Molasses, a *7 8-oz. packages. 1 O a . EXTRACTS moat brilliant and dlsUngulaheo Poppy Seed, size. 6 f o r ...... 1 i f C Large Green Peppers for Stuffing. P. M. study the problems o f the textile in­ 16-oz. Jug ...... 1 / C S pkgs...... 1 9 C Palm olive Soap 3 bsii Soctallats in Europe, will speak at n * Nice Little Radishes, gv 8:00— Betty and Bob. dustry and report as soon as prac­ L.\ CHOY PRODUCTS VANILLA 01 LEMON D rie d B e e f 8:18 p . ^ Monday, March 18. at pound ...... l U C Fresh Peas, w ax R. 8 . Noodles, 1 1 . — 4:18— RhyUim Ramblers. ticable to the president was intro­ Bean Sprouts, S u p e r S u d s Oxford Hall, 80 SUte Street. Hart­ Marinec Herrings, FRUIT AND VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT SPECIALS 2 bunches f o r ...... 5/ C 2 quarts ...... l 5 / C 8-oz. pkg...... l i e t ox 2 R***' 17< 4:80— E R A Civic Chorus— Direc­ duced by Representative Citron, can ...... 12c ford. ‘’Fugltlva from Fascism" will quart j a r ...... 4 b O C Fresh Long Green Cucumbers — Nice Ripe Fresh Green String ^ansf l f j tion G. Roberts Lunger. (D., Conn.). Chow Mein Noodles, R. S. Lima Beans, 1 / 1 .— M t * Z t b " 2 S ^ ■’ 25c bs ths subject o f her dlacourae. Octagon Soap 2 bsa Snappy Cheese Astor Tea, r% ^ Tomatoes — Solid Iceberg Lettuce. 2 quarts ...... JL/C 8 :00—News. can ...... 1 -lb. pkg...... l U C Bt "CaianniBg, InteUigent, animated Grapefruit 19c Large Lemons Florida Oranges \>r>- Nice Juicy Oranges, dozen 5:18—Time. Soy Sauce, Fresh Oysters —that la the verdict of American lY-lb. pkg...... 4 & O C Fancy Fresh Golden Wax Beans, *y f f SHIP LONG OVERDUE 5:16—N ew Ekigland Agriculture. Jar ...... Vt pint 1 7 c. - Flat Ue. i i « • " ’^ 3 9 c wkHsacee who have heard Miss 2 quarts ...... a Ii OC 8:30— Singing Lady. 23c SiBdar, an exile from Germany, on 6 for 25c btics 21c doz. 2 doz. 29^ 25c, 29c “"39c Fresh Green Spinach — Cauliilower — 8:48—Little Orphan Annie. Boston, March 15— (A P )— The her natloa-wlde tour. Youngest MAHIEUR Sweet Potatoes for baking, 2 5 C Young Beets and Fresh Green Top Car­ 6:00— Ray Jones, vocalist. possibility that the Norwegian G i n s e r A l e U cantenk 6 9 4 Phone Service Till 8:80. megaber ever eleeted to the German 6:18—Air Adventures of Jimmie freighter Spec might be fast In the Bank Giupons are given with all cash Balehstaff, she has long been a con- Bananas rots. II OZ Celery Sunkist Oranges Allen. ' Ice fields off Newfoundland was the ■at D ial 5191 Tonight •tant oppoacBt at war, having been GROCERY CLUB SODA orLIM B RICKEY 2 6:30—Press-Radio Newa. ray o f hope held today, for her safe­ AU-BRAN purchases at the store. Get the habit ZS* a partMpaat ta the btsenaUonal 183 Spruce Street 6:35—Time, weather. ty. ------SURPRISE! ------AhU-War OoBtamee hrid hi Bent, S lbs. 2Sc of trading here for cash and aak for lOc bun. COME TO THE STORE OR PHONE — DIAL 5111. 6:45;rrLowcU ThomaA She is 28 days overdue here from CLOCK ALE or LAGER 'ilflwltasriaad hi March, m i^ Miss 25^ 7:00-.^inea 'n' Andy. OLD BRBWCTBII Glasgow and ^m ard S. Costello of your Bank Coupons. ' , AETNA ALE 7:15—..plantation ESchoes. Harrie and Costello, her agents, FIDELIQ ALE ■REW 7:30— Red W v la . feared the might have foundered in boHlat 7:48—Dangstous Paradise, the heavy galea that tore across the boltlai BRUNNERS S:00—Irens Rich. • FULL LINE OF BEER contant* North Atlantic last month. 3 4 coolantt iXm HANmaarrCR bvkntno rkrald, iiANcmgRTCit, cxmii. ntiDAT, p e b r u a r t i s , ims.


playwright, who Is In Culver City, a 13,000 coverage on furniture history of Colchester. Mr. Conney paralytic stroke, the second by they can to care for him In their DE UVD’S REQUEST Calif. It read: SILVERSTEIN CARRIED would not be too high if the fact la has made a study of the town books which be has been attacked within home. InlOal quarterly payment on tmM “Let me Join with you In mourn­ considered that there were eight and has unearthed some exceeding­ the past few montlM. ’The family ^ 11 have to pay 25 per cent addl- ing the loss of as gentle and lovable INSURANCE OF $11,000 rooms fumisheo In addition to ly interesting facta. Papers were wished to have him taken to a hospi­ Uonal tax. It was said, and ths VASTOCARRYON and gallant a msm as any one of us three basement rooms. also read by Mrs. N. N. Hill of East tal to be cared for. but the condition INCOME TAX DEADUNE penalUes for wUfuI failure to k ^ “Self-Serve” MANUFACTURERS’ and PACKERS’ ever will meet." the date with Uncle Sam s tax coff ^o m Mmhv tMM o m ) Hampton, on the early history of of the road, which is deep In mud And Dodo Green, who hovered Windsor, and by Mrs. Anne C. Gil­ Washington. March 15.—(APj— lectors may range as high ss (10 OOt House Was Insured for S8.000 and full of washouts, makes it im­ Midnight tonight la the deadline for by th« whijpen of the eetori gath­ near Harrison for two and a half bert of this place o;i Wcthersfleld. possible for 3 hospital ambulance to and one year’s imprisonment. years as the Angel Gabriel, revealed and Contents for $3,000, It Is Tea and cakes were served. paying first installments of the Fed­ ered IB UtUe groupe. HEBRON get through, and It la feared that eral tax against 1934 Incomes. that he bad first noticed the 70- Revealed Here. the trip in a car or other conveyance I t wmj not ieney efter 1,«87 per- year old actor weakening In Jack­ Charles Wilson, an age^ resident The Internal Revenue Bureau fonoances together In 203 cities, It waa stated by error In this of the town, who lives with his son,. would be fatal to the patient in his registered in 1932, mom sonville, Fla., on January 30. enfeebled condition. The Wilson warned that forgctfullness or wilful but the cast of ‘fb e Green Pas­ From then on, “Gabrler' shouted: There waa considerable Insurance column recently that the Hebron Norman Wilson and family on the delay beyond that hortr would be thM 80 per cent were light. v» tures" knew what "De Lawd" would "Gangway! Gangway for De Lawd on the houae and Ita contenta owned Ladies’ Aid society would bold their Bolton road, la suffering from a family arc therefore doing the best costly. Persona who fail to make the hic’es with capacity of IH tons « want and the show went on. God Jehovah"—and hovered even by Harry Silveratein of Bolton, bridge, whist and pinochle party at Wood, sitting In the star": dressing closer to catch him If he fell. which burned early yesterday the towm hn!l Thursday evening. room, told how he had visited Har­ morning. This should have read Friday eve­ rison on Tuesday and been told: Between 300 and 400 volcanic It hoa been learned that a policy ning Instead, the 15th. Everybody la “ Charlie, they tell me you’re doing Invited and no effort will be spared craters; believed to have been in­ In the amount of (8,000 waa orig­ E THANK YOU for the greet way la wh'rh you all right Keep it up.” active for nearly half a century, inally lasucd io cover the place. Thla to give all a good time. Refresh­ helped to make onr sale last week an aucccsgful. On the bulletin board was a tele­ have been explored south of Ari­ waa divided, (6,000 on the building ments will be served at the close of In appreciation of yonr friendship and our gram from Marc Connelly, the zona's border in Mexico. and (2,000 on the household con­ the card playing, and a bedquilt will enthnaiaam to serve yon we have FLORIDA HALES tenta. This policy was iasued be disposed of. ’The committee In planned another long list of val- through the Holden-Nelaon agency. charge Include Mr,.. Joseph Oriffing, nea which were not fea­ VALENCIA Since that time there baa been an Mrs. Alphonse Wright, Mrs. C. B. tured last week. AB' additional policy In the amount of Kinney and Mrs. Philip Motz. It is other opportnnity Free (3,000 taaued. This covered (2,000 hoped that thla correctijn will be In to save the ORANGES on the bouse and (1,000 on the time to prevent any misunderstand­ A4LP way. household furniture, making a ing. In twine bags. A con­ Delivery Pinehurst Grocery, Inc. venient and economical coverage of ( 8,000 on the houae and 'The several members of Colonel On all ORDF.RS $1.00 The “Self-Serve” As Usual (3,000 on the furniture. The latter Henry Champion Chapter, D. A. R„ way to buy Oranges. •102 Main Street—Just North of Armory Aprox. OB OVUR! Two deUv- Haic'g MILK BREAD policy of (3,000 waa laaueci through who attended the regular meeting S-Lb. Bag erlet leave the store The loaf that made the "Selt-Scrv*” famous. 100 per I’hone Service Until 8:30 Tonight. the Clarence H. Anderson agency. Wednesday afternoon at the home of 2 5 dally: 10:30 and 3 Leads In LOW PRICES rent pure loaf made by Newton Robertson Bakery espec­ Thla makes a coverage of (11,000 In the Mlaacs Day In Colchester, were Califoriiia o'clock! ially for ual , Cranberry .Sauce, Insurance. The sound • value on given a rare treat In the program Ltarge can ...... which losses are paid, is considered rendered. ’The principal feature was Navel Oranges 35c On QUALITY FOODS- 15c much less than this by those who a talk or lecture by the Rev. Wallace Delicious Applb- have appniiseil the houae, although Cnnney of Westchester, on the early HALE’S QUALITY FINE CREAMERY • SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION! • M-A-CAN BARTLETT sauce, 2 cans . .. 23c Hormel Corned Beef 1 Cudahy’s Puritan Hush, c a n ...... Ne. 19c cans V E G E T R B LE 5 JAM—Strawberry orr Rasp-Rasp­ BUTTER 2^67 Cauliflower...... 22c to 2.'ic berry, PEARS H A U ra STRICTLY FRESH, LAROR Sweet Potatoes...... 7c lb. 2-lb. jar ...... PATTERSON’S MARKET SUNBEAM BUCBD OR CRUSHED 35c Tcli phone 3386 lo i Center SI. Iceberg I/ettuce, Where Good Meats Reign Supreme and You Get head ...... 9c .Sale on Asparagus! Low Regular Coffee Prices (Fresh) dozen No. % Monarch All Green Service—the Cream. cans Crisp Fresh EGGS •Asparagus, ^ sy P ineapple Spinach, peck.. 18c 2 tall No. 2 cans.. 3 / C I'erhnps you would like a nice chicken or a fowl. They > A & P BRANDS- dACK FROST PURE CANS are excellent and Ihe best of quality. Fowl 28c lb. CERTIFIED BUCBD OR HALVES Ijirge Bunches Campbell’s Tomato ( hickens 3ric lb.______2 Bchs. 1 3 c Average weight from 8 to IS pounds. Boll or Carrots, bunch 8c u . CARROTS bake—a Cudahy “Puritan" Ham always rooks to Soup, can ...... 7c A nice Smoked Shoulder 22c lb. or a Daisy Ham 31c EIGHT O'CLOCK 19c FRESH—GREEN TOPS perfectloat Parsnips NATIVE Maxwell House o r% lb. Fresh Pork Shoulders 20c lb. MILD AND MELLOW FLAVOR S U G A R 10'^49 POTATOES Coffee, lb...... Roast Pork Center Cuts 30c lb. Roast Beef, rib, 30c. PEACHES 2 SHORT SHANK, SUGAR CURED, SMALL SMOKED lb. 5c 18c peck Cha.se & Sanborn o O 32c lb. I’ot Roasts from 25c, 28c, 32c. 35c. Bottom Strawberries 2 bmIu. 3 5 c Denmwtntloii Sahl BURT OLNBrS flNR Coffee, lb...... Bound 3.-ic lb. Too Round 42c lb. Shorts and Porlcr- RED CIRCLE Lb * 21c LUSCIOUS RED RIPE Green Beans . .. .2 (jts. 23c hou.se. Sirloin, RICH AND FULL BODIED FLAVOR BAKES-ALL Ne. 3 Brus-sels Sprouts. Northern ()uecn Tomatoes, LETTUCE 2 Hd$. 1 5 c Shoulders 1 7 ^ P P L E S a u c e cane New Beets — Parsley. 3 largest Our Good Tea is still in good demand and is a genuine cans ...... SOLID—CRISP—HEADS—ICEBERG White Onions, lb. 10c. 50c favorite 60c lb., quality tells. BOKAR Lb. 25c HALE'S SUGAR CURED SUOEO p '. f ’ ABSOO TENDER EARLY JUNE Crisp White Celerv, bunch VIGOROUS AND WINEY FLAVOR Large 16-oonoe package, lae the special demon- 12c. Sure Fine Gelatin Des.serts, Oiir good .Scotch Ham is another favorite 35c lb. Our APPLES 6 25c atmtioii Ihia uvek. Rine Tomatoes, 2.'»c box. All Flavors. o >• Si'olch Sausages 2.5c and Sliced Sausages 25c Ib„ Pure WASHINGTON STATE WINESAP.S—Individually Wrapped pound No. S 5 Ar fl tc» a box. r. for ...... Z4c Pork Sausages 2.5c lb. Try them. BACON Kumford PEAS cane I’le.sh Beef Brisket, no bone, 25c lb. Corned Beef Firm Ripe Heinz Sale ARMOUR’S PURE 8BAl>OP.IOBRlT GOLDEN BANTAM Brisket. ;’5c lb. Fresh Beef Tongues 25c, Salt L o r n a D o o n e s 'b- 2% Tuna Fish s u l t a n a 2 2 1 ^ BAKING P o w d e r BANANAS T'.mgues 2.50, t Pounds Ground Round Steak 35c lb.. Ground Beef 2.5c lb. A Soups 1 c a n s ' i5e Uneeda Biscuit 3 I3^ Salmon p in k 2 2\ Uon eampling BEETS liuldwin A pples___4 lbs. 2."»c Margarine 2 l b s. 2 5 c MILK (nll.T / sale. Sealed Tender Leaf 2 2 1 e McIntosh or Delicious «»>...... ooc ’cartone. Perfection Brand Diced Hellmann’s 6-ll>. Koiistliig Chirk- a ra NUTLEV BRAND PASTRY Pansy Brand Fancy T e a ...... pkg. 3lc Apples...... 3 lbs. 29c roN at, lb...... 4 ^ C Ih. hug, 33c FLOUR 4-l’^b!b\g 83 S4H-LB. BAG t-pound Mayonneife ICOIBSNT241 '| -Ih. hug.. SUNNYFIELD BRAND—MILLED ESPECIALLY FOR A&P C A R R O TS 9 « ...... $1.10 PRUNES Fresh Cookies LAMB FLOUR. Post T oasties 2 ®pkg“*' I3(? Always A Popular Demonstration Sale! Burt Olncy'a Small Green A New Sugar Sand- O O Shouldi'ni of IsanWi* hoiipd ami 1 BEST 24H-LB Prince Albert wich Cookie, lb...... rollotl, Hill iiv<‘rai;r VEGCTABLE 3-lb. '^ n S C O .SHORTENING can 5 4 (? PILLSBURY'S FLOUR BAG pound tin l i m a BEANS I C e Pint Fig Bars, $1.29'"$1.39''“'' TOBACCO Silver Lane Prlneeee Brand Green lb...... Salo On Trmlrr Made from pure S w a n s d o w n - fl o u r 2 7 ^ f l o u r 21'i-LB. 2 lbs. 29c. 15c RIB I.A.MB CliUPS, O O I GOLD MEDAL BAG Sunahlne Buster ingredlenta. Popular 'h...... O O C I (Sweet Mixed) PICKLES “Blue Ribbon” niiaJ- Maltomilk Crackers. About 4 to the pound. ASPARAGUS:::* 27« ItyJ I,egs of Ijinib ulll lie 'file to .12r CHOCOLATES lb 1 8 e Fig and. Bran Grahams. a iMilind. We friitiirF I.itinb | 20®^“*^ 12^ rill from Morris’ DeLuxo and Nation- Wide SULTANA Pea Beans 5 I9(^ Black Walnut Cookies. Kwirt’s Pn^VEGETABIES Borden’s Scot I^sin Frrsh Stores 16-OZ. Dill Pickles (large) dozen 1 5 ® Birdseye Ruspl>er GKOIMI BEEF, OC CAN W h e a t i e s bbeT fast pi^: 1 1 ^ ^ All Fresh FRUITS and VEGETABLES Kept Fresh ries, 2 twxes .... RED SALMON 1 7 . TISSUE 25c Ih...... Zt In Our Refrigerator Cases! CHEESE LEIITEn ALASKA SALMON Lie box. Freshl.v '.Slliixl I.i»nd O'Uikes nutter. Chase & San- B o n A m i pow der 2 2 1 ^ DRIED REEF, o n 0 1 2 ^or FRUSTKII GKKKN PEAS 2 one-pound ^ t bom's Coffee, lb. <3 X C SUNSHINE DEMONSTRATION! SEAFOOD SPECIALS 4 grnerniiH wrvingit. Ih...... ZB rolls ...... 71c large Size, Good-Firm, Juicy 2 Box ...... Country .Sfyir Nation-Wide r% m S p a g h e t t i encohe 3 | 7 ^ If you want to vary your Lenten menua—let ns help yott. Kgg.s Native, O Q _ B U L B 3 WA^^s e a c h Here’s n few Lenten epedals! SLICED SACS.AGli:, o O Coffee. Ib...... i C 20 FRUSTKO SPl.NACH. "»...... o o dozen ...... ^9C . Milk Crackers. o 10% DISCOUNT ON PURCHASES OF SIX OR MORE BULBS M a c a r o n i r-.N-couE 3 | 7 ^ G r a p e f r u it 3 1 4 « CRACKERS ..Clean. Rciid.v to rook. Short Shanked Chocolate a r% J 5 « Sunbeam Salad Box SIIDI'LUER HA.M.S, o » Ib...... > . 1 ^ C Cookies, lb...... U • poimd •Cream Lunch X tb C Firm, RJpe, Good Tasting paaiagee of «•...... Z6 Borden's as­ •K r(sp ie l-ponnd Butter, Tender SUGAR! SUGAR! Baker’s Premium Choco­ 8-OZ. sorted eheeee. • G r ^ a m TUNA FISH2^“ 2 5« 2 lb.s...... BEEF IJVEK, oo BORDEN'S Poultry Feeds '»•...... Z o late, Vi-lh. 0 T PKGS. 8 # BANANAS 41b. 1 9 « SS S. S. Pierce’s Wholeeome Jack Frost Granulated CHEESE 2 Sugar. 10-lb. pkg...... Z d L Q SCRATCH FEED Approx. ^mm 1 Popular cloth bag.... Trndrr Bonriess Shoulder or I 10 poimds, AO 100-Lb. Bag 52.13 FIG BARS 2 pounds 2 S c Nation-Wide, Highest •/2-l b . g f t DAILY EGO BRAND Soaps and CLAM CHOWDERS Kiinip Pot Roasts . . Veal f OUR OWN BRAND Florida Freah shipment for this ealol ra re fig filling . . . tasty and wholesome! 2 7 « f’hops and Cut Iris . . Rlh Bulk ...... 4 o C Quality Extracts, Vanilla, Confectionery or 1 C Lemon, 2-oz. O O TEA PKG. 1 y c Approx. I 7 3 C 0 MInco Brand Brown Sugar. 2 lb.s. I d C Rmisis of Bee# . . Culm Slraka 10-pound yf M ASH FEED 100-Lb. Bag A .tf f T r * Specials . . Tender Short and Porter­ bottle ...... DAILY EGG BRAND dozen house Steaks . . Center Cut | Cloth .Stick...... “ l i f e ORANGES 2 2 7 « Cleansers SUNBEAM TASTY Peardaleys Peanut Butter ...... Baker’s Premium Juicy, sweet oranges . . Just right for orange Juioe! Raisin Coffee Eastern ISirk Roasts. . Red Devil a a ' Approx. T i e Rlneo (Isrge) ...... pkg. iSo ...... ‘...... 2 Iba. 86c CRAB MEAT*.:! Snmil Whole Sperry A Barnca' j Cocoanut, a f \ CHICK STARTER 2.'j.Lb. Bag # IE Palmolive S o a p ...... 8 oakee 18o Herahey’a Baking Chocolate .,.. 2 5 « Kings Cleanser, 3 cans 1 x C 4-oz. pkg...... X U C Meat Specials DAILY GROWTH BRAND Savel Ammenta (ooetaato only).. G r a p e f r u it J u ic e 2 ^ 1 9 * ...... S (Vrtb.) bars 38e Parker Hnu.se Hams, 31c lb. Native Green Mountain ...... 8 bettlae Ue Herahey’s Cooaa...... ft. box ISe Blue Petro Rolls ■avol Bleaeb Water (eontente BED WING TASTY _ ()i-ft. box 80.) Fancy Spring Natlon-tVIito Pancake Flour— CH ICK FEED 6 9 . only) ...... 3 bottles 18o Rye, Kai.sin. i,amh l.a>gs. O C f .Makes DrlTcloua e gv Lb. 2 5 c DAILY GROWTH BRAND POTATOES P«kl3e Brillo ...... pkg. 7e Ever-Bondy Dog Food . .8 cans >lo tVaflIiw, 2 pkgs...... 1 7 C DUCKLINGS Sani-Floah ...... g cans 18o KETCHUP 2 :-*^25< WlUlaras It Carleton Sploeo .... CODFISH box Whole Wheat Ib...... ZOC Approx...... 8 for (So and Cracked fHJMSf XIake Your Next I*utldhig- CO W FEED 100-Lb. Bag Iceberg's! Solid, Crisp Heads! BBYM PURE PACKED Ponnd wooden box. Excellent ereamed or fw ^ e d S sb (AU kinds.) Wheat Bread F'ancy Native M’nh Orape-Nuta, « pw MILKY WAY BRAND cakeo! 1 * 8 ...... I 7 c rOWI avk. Lb. 25c JeU-o Deaaerta, a mm LETTUCE CORNED BEEF n 15 G old M odal DIAL ll.-il , r . ' : ...... 28c » I*8W ...... 1 7 c 2 15^ .Always .Makes Better Cakrw— Rib R.03st Lb. 35* Fish Specials California Green Top lUOH, NUTRITIOUS FOOD DRINK! Hamburg. Fresh a 0 7 Rumford Baking Pow- SARDINES 2 cans 2 5 * Ground, Ib...... X / C der, 1-lb. ran ...... Z m f C M a ck e re l tinker Lb. PINEHURST bunch TASTY-MALT 2=r 42, Fancy Spring CampbeU'a Tomato |« Lamb Fores'°"ue»-^""',-,'- 16c CARROTS Pink Phone Service Until 8:30 Juice, 8 tall cans ... tfaO C Ijimb Fores, a ev Tonight. Natton-Wlde Bread, g\ H ad id ock _ Florida’B Crisp, large Bunches Ib...... 17c large loaf ...... 7 C Porterhous6 steak Lb, 49* SALMON 2=:^ 25* Sole Fillets genuine Lb. 18^ CELERY bunch l i e 34'i-lb. Bag PATRONIZE THESE NATION-WIDE STORES: Hamburg S Lb I7e Beeeb-Nut $1.39 GEO. ENGLAND KITTEL’S MARKET Smoked Fillets Lb. 2\(f. »5S Sprore St. TrI. 3855 Also a good stock of Cucumbers, Artichokes, Broccoli, 5*lh. t&ilK 18 BlaoeO 8L TeL 4tM Chinese (Cabbage, Fresh Radishes, Endive, Tomatoes, TheJWHALCco BABY FOODS 1 5 * l 35c RURSACK BROS. W. HARRY ENGLAND Eggplant, Mushrooms. And a fresh shipment of Mc­ start tbo baby off to a good start In Bfe with ' 470 Hartfoiti Rmui Tel. 8SSS Maoebeater Oreea TeL 8451 Intosh Apples. MAMgHEtTBD C o N N - - = = e porn BABY FOODS by Beeeh-Nut! Gtaea Jan. WE GIVE OUT GREEN 8TAB1PS — PREMIUM STATION SECOND FLOOR. NaHoe-Wlde Feed Btarea of New Bnglaad. » MANCHESnre BVENTING HERAI^, liuNOBaRKR. OONN^ ntTOAT. ^ XB. liM k ^ ' ■■

Toonerville Folks By Fontaine Fo» OUR BOARDING HOUSE By G6nc A k ^ V SENSE and NONSENSE A u n t S a p h r o n v a n s w e r s JliN iotrs ^ 7 7 7 t m Q u e s t i o n ^

Blessed ore the poor. When they Tbe-moa hod been at the summer WELL.HEPE'S TH' get Mck, It isn’t neeeaShty to hire hotel for several dasra. *T don’t E)NA,L SCORE OH VOUR I S E T A SHOP RDVERriSE “’K somebody to glvo a dam. know os I like this,’’ be oomploined •BROGAN OUT OF ^ to the clerk. ”1 want to rough it INCOfAE TA-K !-^ # 7 0 0 0 W W Y , r r s - SaUsfled Guest— WsO, woiUr, that b it” The clerk quickly oakei •PROErr EUO(V\ SA.LE OE MRS.HOOPLE AN was a tip-top dinner. You know .“Have you tried our golf course T’ ■^E I ALVIN AS , LOST AND FOUND 1 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 POULTRY AND WEARING APPAREI^ APARTMENTS—FLATS— wbst that means, don’t you? CjOLXJ rA\KE,LESSA2qOO A H - U M P - ■DEPENDENTTSl (Colored W aiter—Yes, sah. I t ’s Boss—My wife heard that I took I/J8T—ORAY ANGORA bob-Uiled 1931 FYIRD SPORT coupe, 1931 Au­ SUPPLIES 43 FURS 57 TENEMENTS 63 EXEMPTIONS ON VSELE. FR. JUDGED BODY one that you top off with a tip. you out to dinner the other evening. SPUT- t - ^ TH'ONtY THINGS UttW. Apply H. W. WillU, 84 burn coach, 1930 Graham aedan, MT^S.HCX3P\_E AN" AW»N, FOR SA LE — 100 EGG incubator. 63 P A IR S T E N N IS shoes, sixes run­ FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, all Secretary—WelL what does that Henry ■treet. TeL 4576. 1927 Reo aedan. Heckler McDanlela SPUT-T- •DEPENDING ON >(OU CaU after 8 o'clock at 116 North ning from slie 6 children to alse 6 improvements, and garage, rent O F F S T A G E The old laying about women al­ moke me? AS X>EPENDENT9,UESS Motor Saleo, 191 Center street. School atreet Tel. 6898. TORSliPRCPT W IL L THE PERSON who picked boys, to Cleon out, 46c pair. High­ reaoonable. Inquire 88 Hawthorne ARRIVES IN U .S . By BOB ROBERTS ways having the loot word is just so Bobs—That makes you my former 0 ’^ O O EARNED INCOME. land Park Store. street, foot of Cambridge. much baloney. Blve didn’t say a secretary. APE YOUK-PANTS up aUk acarf at SUte Theater 1988 PLYM OUTH sedan, 100 miles, FOR SA LE — ELECTRIC brooder, 1934 Chevrolet aedan, 3000 miles, word when Adam put oil the blame CREDIT, LEAVES VOU AN'^(X.KS ! Thuraday eveninf kindly telephone A-1 condition, 600 chick sloe Tele­ FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM flat, up­ Lost evening at Poroons’ theater, ^woa "pretty snappy." 1 8898. 1933 Plymouth sedan, 13,000 miles, , . • — — fFj • • wras con- on her. THE SLOT MACHINB GOES > FAT. Off. Line ratea per day tor traodldSt bination range $28. Apply 78 North family. Vicinity of Bon’ Ami. Call RENT HUNTING? Tell us what His brother said today Father Doctor (to rich patlei^)—You’re flapper a n n y ays oil run down. You'd better lay off F S ?" ada. ■Elm atreet. Telephone 5691. 3330. you want. W ;’ll take^care of It for Judge seemed to Improve with the wM.u.aMT.orr, Ififrcetlva Marck Its IM t AUTO ACCESSORIES— you without charge. R. T. McCann, golf for a while and get a good rest lO r»s. ifit> Cash Cb»rso sea voyage but was stHcken sud­ summer, until heavy snows blocked • Conaecutlva Uayd ..I 7 elai •did 69 Center street. Dial 7700. At the office. TIRES 6 denly several days after arrival In “SEQUOIA” TE llS STORY the roads and trails, M-O-M’s little S Conaecuttva Dayi eelI dti 11 dtd St. 'niomas. S( ORCHY SMITH ] Day ...... I 11 dUl tl «U FOR RENT—THREE AND four band of adventurers penetrated the Apartments are inconvenient, Captured! GOODYEAR TIRES. Tires, tubes Bom in Hartford, Father Judge By John C. Terry All ordera tor Irrorvldr inaertload room apartments. Apply Manches­ great mountain wilderness of the snaps a local pembn. They have no win be charged at thd on# time rata. and accessories. M. Merz, 141 was ordained In St. Joseph’s Cathe­ OF ANIMALS’ REVOLT - 80T- BUT-Vou CAN'T DO THE6S, SENOR > Special ratea tvr long tern dTerjr North Main street. Telephone 6718. FOR SALE ter Construction Co. 4131 or 4279. West. With camera and sound attics in which to bide the gifts dral there 28 years ago. He served track they went Into governmental THOSE GASOtlNC, SHE BELONGTh GENERAL day advartiatng give upon raquatU 6 ACRES—Near State Highway, Centrally pastorates there and In Bridgeport, you are afalrd to throw away. Ada ordared for thrae or all daya Located. Price ...... FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM flat, first Thrilling Picture at Slate Thea game preserves where the sound of ARVARA'S ARME6 / VOO CANT 00 CET- and atopped bafora the third or fifth $ 5 0 0 . 0 0 floor, all conveniences. 27 Walker Simsbury, Waterbury and Strat­ a gun is never heard, and where GARAGES—SERVICE- 6 ACRES— 3 .Small Houses, Chicken A certain man opened an account ^ General a r m a r a , he weel —^ day will ba charged only tor the ac­ street. Telephone 6764. ford. ter Today and Tomorrow Re­ wild life exists as in the days when tual number of .Imea the d appaar- STORAGE 10 Coops, Fruit I'rres, Etc. P r ic e ...... Attended by a New Jersey police for his w ife at the bonk. To save ed. charging at tha rata earnad, but $ 2 , 1 2 5 . 0 0 veals Secrets of American the white men first came across the SM ALL BUNGALOW — A ll 5lodern; Good escort, the body was taken to Strat­ embarrassment, we'll call him no altowanca or refunda can be made JOE’S G AR AG E —Special. Chevro­ FOR R E N T—5 ROOMS, half house, Forest, prairies. Smith. A few weeks after the ac­ on all time ada atoppad aftar tha I.«catlon; 1-Cnr Garage; Large Lot. Price modern Improvements, steam heat, ford In a motor hearse. Funeral On the same program for today fifth day. let and Pontiac Sixes. Carbon re­ $ 2 , 6 8 5 . 0 0 count was opened the teller asked moved, valves refaced and ground 8- ROOM HOUSE— ’J-Car Garage; 1 8-4 near Main street, rent reasonable. serWeea will be held here Monday and tomorrow the State theater No “till forbids*'; display Haas aet Arres; Plenty of Fruit Trees; A Real Buy ______with the Rev. David Hutchinson, St. Smith to inform her that she had dold. $4 .50 including motor tune up. Tel. $ 3 , 5 5 0 . 0 0 31 Russell street. Secrets o f the wild things of the preiwnta the aweetheartu of “Here overdrawn her account, Smith Tha Herald will act be reeponalbid 9- ROO.M SI.NGI.E HOUSE— Very Good Condition; .Modem; 3-4 Patrick’s church. New Britain, aa great American forests and animal Conies the N avy” Gloria Stuart and for more than one incorrect.Ineertloa 8129. Knox St. passed the news on to his'wife, and FOR R E N T — F IV E ROOM flat, sec- celebrant. Burial will be In Hart­ .scenes never before witnessed by Ross Alexander In "Maybe It’S of any anvertlaement ordered lor ond floor. Inquire at 84 Maple ford. the next morning she gave him a more than one time. human beings are now to be seen Love.” Tonight on the stage you .arsiSrsR’fT-...... $ 4,200.00 street. The brother Is the only survivor. note to hand to the banker. The The Inadvertent omlaalon of laeof HOUSEHOLD SERVICES NEW 6-ROOM BUNGAIAIW — 3 Aeires; Steam Heat. Must Be on the screeii in "Sequoia” (pro­ will see another of the Radio ama­ teller opened the letter, read it, root publleatlpB of advertlatng will bo teur nights. CMCHY AND HIS PHOTS LAND BESIOC ’IKE rectifier only by oancellatlon of the OFFERED 13-A nounced ” ‘See-quo-yah” ), Metro- grinned and then handed it to Smith. O charge made for the service readered. Appreelated ...... ' $3,375.00 Goldwyn-Mayer’a startling and “ dif­ I t was half a sheet of paper, on S7RW© O f Railroad tu n k c ars... first SHORT TALK \MTH THE RE-UPHOL-STERING of 3-plece liv­ HOUSES FOR RENT 65 □ All advertlsementa must conform 6-ROOM SINGtJ:—2-Car Garage; Almost New; Steam Heat; ABERCROMBIE 1$ FOUND ferent” picture, at the State theater C. S. R A N D A L L DEAD which was written in large letters; IN LINE, SCORCHV SWINGS HtS BXr ATmcK SNIP AGEMT convinces Id etyle. copy and typography with ing room suites, moth-eaten up­ Large I,ot; Beaiitlfullly l.andsraped. Sarriflee! Small Do«vn today and tomorrow. FOR R E N T— SM A LL house and “ Sneak!” PARAUCt T&IHE RAItROAO TRACK... INVESrid/mNS, SCORCHV THAT HE IS IN g l l 6HRIU. WHlSTLe/ rattling DOUJN THC regulations enforced by the publleh- holstered furniture, odd chairs, re­ PayuM-nt— Balance On Rental Baste. Struggles to the death between ______/ .n • f t_ ere and they reserve the right to plenty of land. 1075 Middle Turn­ Norwalk, March 15.— (A P )—Clif­ ♦'•"‘f? y J. enemy TERRlTbRY. QoiCklV, fill cushions, rewebb sofa and chair Ideal I/)ratlon. Price ...... $ d $ O O U * U U HE FINOS THE CARS CONTTIIN GASOLINE.... MAIN TRACK, A -(RAIN APPROACHES/ odlt. revise or lejec* any copy con­ pike East. Apply on premises Sun­ AFTER SIX YEARS HUNT male deer during the mating moon, ford S. Randall o f this city, a mem­ ARE OLD MEN WISE AS /A HE DRAWS HiS GUN J € A TROOP TRAIN, filled WITH ARMARa'S SOLtHERSj sidered objectionable. bottoms. Renovating of mattresses, day or W. J. Webster, Waterford, the unceasing warfare of moun­ ber o f the jury who returned a flrat RESULT OP THEIR EXPERI- t TW A r . 4il K.(bu K#tette6 . CLOSiNQ HOURS-^laaelfled ada to one day service. Day or evenings. SEVERAL SINGLE HOUSES FOR RENT tain Hons and other wild animals -r- be publtahed same day muet be re­ Conn. * degree murder verdict against EN<3E? T H E Y DON’T SEE: ^VASHINGTON TUBBS ceived by II o'clock aoon: Hatardaya Phone 3615. Samples, estimates Are You Looking: for a FARM - DWELL­ Former Executive of Fuller have been captured by the camera Dominick Santella of Norwalk, BE ABLE TO CASH IN ON Ti ______By Crane OUTOUR WAY 10:10 a. m. FREE. Manchester Upholstering Brush Company Located in after one of the most unusual charged with slaying Patsy Deluca WISDOM AT ANY RATE. " A FTE R ME'D H EARD US TALK ABOUT BUT w e H A D D ^ :ewn RAT5/HEL00i^ Co., 218 North Elm St., Manches­ ING - GAS STATION - BUSINESS - series of expeditions In the. history in the attempterrt(x*s ...... C ond wife, the former Grace Holbrich PLUMBING, HEATING, electrical gre.sscd this week to the point where OMihs ...... O and oil burner Installation. For Lyndc of Ylelrose, Mass., were in the Card ot Thanks ...... B leading producers withdrew lines of midst of dinner preparations. In bitinorlain ...... r service call Edward Hess, 180 Cen­ mixture fabrics, presumably be­ Lost and Pound ...... 1 ter street. Telephone 3412. The warrant, sworn out by his Aanouncamtnts ...... I cause they had accepted sufficient first wife, Mrs. Mary Abercrombie, Paraonala I business for the time being and were charged him with abandoning her TH' YACHT'S^ Aarsnaabllca considering price advances. and leaving her in difficult financial VACHTS Aulomobllaa for 8ala ...... d MOVING—TRUCKING— Automobllaa tor Esebanxa I s t o r a (; e 20 circumstances six years ago. <50NE, TOO/ Auto AccaaaoHas—TIras ...... • Aa the first wife was reported F RECKLES A N D HIS FRIENDS By Blosser Auto Rapalrinx—PalntlbB . i . . . T YOUR FU R N ITO RE IS valuable. In PUBLIC KENTUCKY COLONEL ready to fly here today to attend the Auto Schoola ...... 1-A moving we use only furniture pads, hearing, Abercrombie denied he had Autoa—Ship by Truck ...... • LiBOTBNAMT^'jbO’Ve not quilts or blankets. For that Norwalk, March 15.— (A PI—At­ ever “deserted” his wife. BUT. EMBU^, 1 APPRECIATE ------Autos—For m«a ...... t torney Paul R. Connery, member of w a s t e d a l o t ~ T better moving Dial 6260. Austin “ I just got tired and left,” he said COMMANDER, TtSUR TRACKING DOWN Oaracts—Sarvlea—Storata ...... 10 the state central Democratic com- Uotorcvolaa—BIcyclaa ...... '... II Police state that he had disap­ OF F4Y TIME .'THERE Chambers, Local A Long Distance mlttoe today received a commission 1 HAVE THE send er of THAT Wanted Autos—Motorcyoitt ... II peared from Melrose after with­ WAS McnWING BUT Buslaasa aad Pralsaalaaal larTlcaa Moving and Trucking. as colonel on the staff of Governor REASON TO WIRELESS MESSAGE, Buaintsa Borvleas Olterad ...... II AUCTION drawing $100,000 from a bank. They BEANS IN THOSE Ruby Laffoon of Kentucky. BEUEVE THAT BUT MORDEL HAS Uoustbold Strvicaa uftsrad ...... It-A PE RR E TT A OLE NN E Y INC. local said he is now a statistician employ­ C A S E S If llulldlng—Conlractlng ...... it and long distance moving. Dally In accordance with an order of Hon. Newell Jenninjis, ed by a Philadelphia brush com­ A PLOT IS...... ESTABLISHED AN Plorlsta—Nurat.lea ...... It pany. Pnnsral DIractors ...... express to Hartford. Overnight Jiidire of the Superior Court, dated February 21st, 1935, ALIBI »/ Haattns—Plumbing—RooAng .m. service to and from New. York. Tel. the undersigned will sell at public auction, on the prem­ Abercrombie said the second mar­ Inauranca ...... 3063, 8860 or 8864. ises, 230 Deniing Street, Manchester, Connecticut, on riage took place after he obtained s MUIlnary—Orsaamablac ...... Mexican divorce from hla first wife. Moving—Tmeklng—l.ornga .. .. FOR SALE C»UIYMAUSVICI.IIM. T.»l.«|O.U.aM?0f». Friday, March 29th, 1935, at 2 P, M „ to the highest bid­ The second wife was not taken into 0 ^ Public Paaaangtr aarvlos ...... tO -A PUBLIC PASSENGER s p e c l a l : Painting—Paparing ...... II der, that certain lot of land with the buildings thereon, custody. (READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PIUTUB^ Profatslonal Sarvlcaa ...... II THIS MODERN HOME — 6 SERVICE 20-A ■ located partly in the Town of Alanchester and partlv in Cheerful Rooms, Recreation Rapairing ...... || Wee Dotty eyed the midgets who Tailoring—Oyatng—Claaning . . . 10 IN ADDITION TC SILVER Lane the Town of South \Vindsor, in the County of Hartford, Room, Poreh, Large Cloaeta, Lav­ "There’s nothing gaine^if nothing’s had come from eggs. "Gee, tried. Come on, lads, let’s get busy. If,, Tollti Oooda and Barvica ...... I I Bus Line, De Luxe Biu, for lodge and State of Connecticut, and bounded and described as atory on First Floor, Hisated they Wantad—Bualnaas Sa.vlea ...... II Deaths Last Night It won’t take us very long. y i s \ ^ party or team trips, wo also offer follows; _ Two-Car Garage, S p acio u s can do most everything,” she nYwAtexvice. wc. T.msaaateT.err. THE SMALL BdacatlsaaB “ Our actor friend^ can sit and 7 passenger sedan delivery. Phone Grounds WeU Shrubbed! A t a shouted. “W e can have a Couraaa and CUsaat...... II Niagara Falla," N. Y.—WUllam little rest and watch ua,/whlle we do our SALESMAN SAM For the Bump, Anyway Privata Instruetlob ...... II 3063, 8860, 8864. Surprisingly Low Price. Excel­ Schaffer, 65. research chemist, and show. Dancing ...... t l- A Northeasterly by Peming Street, 852.5 feet, more or lent Section. Small Down Pay­ beat. W e’ll show them that, though o o k in p e r in s rm head o f the Schaffer Progress Co. “Imagine! There’s a dancing girl, t F 'f e e . L ' . I T Sa m USED SOME ukdr w ig h t ]^ Uuilcal—Dramatic ...... II less; Northwesterly by land of S. Josephine Wetherell, ment. Balance On Flrat Mort­ we are little, we/4re pretty strong.” h e y , 0 U2.Z.,TMAT g o s h BUSilMEO R-HEUMATISI-) CURC Wantad—Instruolloa ...... 10 Fort Wayne, Ind.— Felix F. Sbonz, and I ’d just love to see her whirl. O.EL(ce* FR.ONV Nert. (i«auM Pi- He tOENT HOME. OOUSLeD ' PROFESSIONAL 200 feet, more or less; Southwesteily by other land of S. gage At 5% for 10 Years. *nsM, POP, HEfte's TME fvo- Y o u M iY e o UP IS PUWKOI TH' HECK ttMTH IT I Plaaaclal 73, widely known photographer, one I ’ll bet she knows more 'bout the art The giant ^en directed all the UP WITH HIS PHEUMAT\2_ I BeTTeii. & 0 s e ’e ia> d o c t o r . i Bonda—gtocka—Uortgagad « . . II SERVICES 22 Two Single Houses For Rent. Josephine Wetherell, 815.8 feet, more or less; and South­ time wlimer of a distinguished serv­ than we will ever know.” Tinymltes. "^ley heard him call, r swc(il fry otNw coNCodrioN^ AW’ ('MC-YpeCTlM' HIM To Builnaaa Opportunlttaa ...... II ice award by the International Pho­ HE WAS SIMPLY A IHRILL- / AND IF VtXJ THINK TM kfonay to Ix>an ...... || ANN’S BEAUTY SHOP. 13 Oak easterly by other land of S. Josephine Wetherell, 386.5 Several Modem Singles con be “I want to watch the juggler. “ You’ll find^some nails and ham­ t^C-Tx. jw Mefte imuy m i n - tographers’ Association. Se ek er , ano while his Ualp aad Jltaatlaaa street. Room 11, Telephone 7341. feet, more or less; containing 5.51 acres, more or less, of bought on rental basis. Gee. I ’ll bet he’s clever as can be,” mers In th^'basement of my shack. GOING TD H4NE DOZENS OF uT e ^ ew T ir. L-Y CURED I New York—William S. Hawk, Help Wantad —Famala ...... |i All branches of Beauty Culture, said Duncy. ”I can juggle, too. I ’ll "And, tab, get saws that you will MESSAGE SUGGESTED A Halp Wantad—Mala ...... II which approximately 3.73 acres are in the Town of Man­ One lO-.Aere and One 45-.Acre widely known hotel man and music CASES OPENED.TO SATISFY permanent waving. join him in hla stunts.” need. Wath all those things we’ll lalaamtn Wantad ...... Il-A Farm for Exchange. patron, one o f the founders o f the VEILED THREAT, (T PROVED TbUR SUSPICIONS, 'ibURE chester, and approximately 1.78 acres arc in the Town of ”Ha, ha,” laughed Scouty. "Hark show some speed. Then, when you’re Halp Wantad—Mala or PamaU,. IT New York Symphony Society. TD BE HARMLESS.' LET'S Agan.a Wantad ...... IT-A THE WELDON BEAUTY Solon Is South Windsor. Lake Cottages, $1200 and np. to that! Poor Duncy’s juggling throug^ with my fine tools, be sure MISTAKEN •Ituatlona Wantad—Panala ... II featuring a ne\v oil scalp treatment Building Lots, aU sections. Ard Chollle, Perty, Scotland-The would fan flat The thing for you to DROP THE MATTER t Sltuatlona Wantad—Mala ...... || and put them back.” ■S.'- which prevents premature gray- To be sold subject to two mortgages and taxes. Earl o f Mansfield, 70, one o f the do, lad, is just sit and watch, for Empinymant Aganclai ...... M Qos Station—Tourist Inn. richest peers of Great Britain. R ^ l soon the clatter and the din U »a Itsak—Pats—PaaNry—Vsklrlas nees. Come In and learn detaila. once!" Indianapolis— John Northern H il­ of Mmmers made the giant grin. Doga—Birds—Pata ...... 0| Hotel Sheridan Building. Small Plaoeo, $1800 and up. “ You tots,” said he. “are clever! Yo Uva 8to«k—Vabiclaa ...... M TERMS: 10% cash and balance on approval by Court, liard, 63, former newspaperman, au­ Then the old giant said, “Well, ^ u liry and Suppllaa---- 08 CnU Any Time! thor and press agent for Howrard ai(e doing very well. Wantad - Pata —P ou llry-^oiA 04 Offers will be received for private sale at any time before tots, apparently we’ve lota and Iota /"You work aa if you’re havings.i JOHN COCKSRHAM —Pianos tun- Thurston, the magician. of real good fun In store for us. Paa tala—Mlaaallaaiaaaa date of auction. Tun, and soon the small stage will Artlelaa for gala ...... «g ed, repaired,, rebuilt 28 Bigelow HASTINGS’ Now, listen to my plan. , be done.” “You bet tt will.” said Wats aad Aocasaoriss ...... M street Phone 4219. Paganini woa such a good violin­ " A t my bouse I have boards ga­ Building Matarlals ...... 41 ARTHUR A. KNOFLA, CoRimittee. • ROADSIDE OFFICE ist that he had to compose hla own Windy, "and I’m sure It will look Diamonds—Waiohas—.Jawslry .. 01 lore, with which we’ll build a little swellj; TRY OUR SERVICE'ot our Budget 331 Oakland Street music, nothing already written be­ floor. In other worda, we’ll make a rJt'aV'jrd* Dept. Special shampoo and finger ing difficult enough to show off bis skill. stage os quickly as we can.” (The Juggler does some fancy rflCMiiintiiiii'i wave for 50c, Licensed operator. ■’A good Idea,” Coppy cried. ia svuV.;,Td';5o™d7^.?..^rifr!! i? French Beauty Shop, Johnson Juggling In the next story.) GAS BUt.'GIFS g'.i'.irrinarum^.’n ' i i r a Block. Tel. 3058. ' Life’s Little Lessons OBlea aad ttora Boalpaant . .. M ALLE Y OOP IVE JUST SPANKED — 7 t^elala at tha Btoras...... u Joining: Forces BUT WHEN I LOOKED POOR RICHARD. HIS MOTHER RICHARD FOR -GOING TO OUT THE W IN D O W .. THERE ...... u REPAIRING 23 AWIJIGMT, YOU F E U AS - P O N T WCHjnY By HAM LIN D-OANNY.... UO O K .'i LOOK HERE, COMMANDER / DOESN'T UNDERSTAND HIM. Wanted—To Bay .... gg THEV'RE C RO M ASS, ) BUT WHAT ABOUT . t h e p o n d , w h e n I LET HE 'W A S .. « e D E F IE D M B . ABOUT THAT LEMIAN MU&/ HE w, I COULDN'T FIND IWE’LLDOOUR > POWER,-UL EXPLOSIVE ) HIM OUT TO PLAY THIS , WARNING A CHILD NOT TO * —■‘-■"'Raard—Batala Baaiata SKATES SHARPENED, key mak­ / thecardifrs W EKM OW W HATV LIKE YOU V / " AFTER. WE’VE H E R E I T \Sff, AND AFTER ME JUST TEUING GO A CERTAIN PLACE W O N T OO ANYW HERE E m -SO^ WHEN I SAW b e s t t o HELP SPEAKS FOR a f t e r n o o n I T O L O HIM _ Baataaraata ing, lock, gun, vacuum cleaner re­ THESE POOR LUGS, TO/^MOOVIANS, WE / KNOCKED TH' • HIM WHAT A TERRIBLE MEREiy AROUSES THEIR FOR A SPELL - _____WHO ARE" , ^ X ?.: /'^OU WERE GOING YOU DRIVE th e t t o r TO a o h e a r OH ...... •• pairing. Braithwaite. S3 Pearl S t /( 6 ET,1 0 HELP ‘ I BROtJGHT ’EM ^ BE DRIVEN / ^ T O U R HOMesfsTTJ^flNS ITSELF.'/ y ' j • PLACE IT WAS. CURIOSITY ABOUT IT. wardara Waat«d ...... I|.A V C’MON UP.' / W YOUR HUN&RV LEMUNSOo r FROM OUR I THAT n e b S U C H a ^n atry Board—Raaorta . . a . _ , m STRING IN / V US DRIVE THE a l o n g - OC T U N K , ^ L , POND. IT’S LIKE _ Hotalk—Baataaraata ...... ai — ------— I LOOKIN& ^ " TH OONGLE,' ) 1 LEKAIANS OUT OF MOO );IO M £ S -j PROBLEM. DARE. •^•■••4—Rooms—Board ...... tt SALESMEN W ANTED 36-A FRIENDS?/ y A th e m a ----- L-— ^ OF MOO? SAGANS HAND, EH? Baal ■state ta r Bsao ***.^i.. Apartmaata, Plata. Tsaamaaw.. u EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for repreaentatlvea selling Friedrich Houaaa far Baat ...... ••• m luburkaa tor Raat m Floating Air Commercial ^frlg- F-W ■uraater Bomta for Raat . . . » « erators, with exclusive Friedrich X“ •Taated to Roat ...... u patented features. Ed. Friedrich, -T - Boai ■orate Par tala Manufacturers since 1883, San An­ ipaitaiaBt Balldlag for Bala ... M tonio. Texas. Sualaaas Pro party (or B ate...... f t ■'■'ll ^arma aad far B a te...... t| //. Bouass tar Balo ...... It l^ta for Bala ...... m .. Tl AGENTS W ANTED 37-A laaort ProMrte ter Bala ...... to .E h laburbaa for iala ...... t l WANTED—20 MEN or women, for Ual Eatato ter ■aakaaga . m . I I bouse to house canvassing. .Good Paatod—Real Batata ...... tt g jy . l ^ r e at 373 Adanu atroet, HUlianMUe. \ y / / i m 3 TF .✓ IfM OY WKA OlaviCI. INC. T. M. RtO. O. $. PAT. W 1