I tW S L V * iiH an^rater Evening Mrs. Hasel Hughes McOomb of SPECIAL ATTRACTION! Munroe street, teacher of dramatic S U V E R S im HOUSE Have Roles In “Pomander Walk” WORKOFITUPPLES’ RED NICHOLS AND HIS art, will present her younger pupils In a recital tomorrow evening at 8 HALES SELr-serve; WORLD FAMOUS PENNIES o'clock In the parish hall of Center IN BOLTON BURNED HOME IS EXPLAINED Bcteel StTMt Bm church bouse. In addition to reclta- tloiu by the boys and glrlc, a one- VUCOHT. aureh U , 1:10 to U:8U. act play "Ten Minutes by the Clock" 13 1=7 a c e: p \ * ' ~ SSe (locIndlBK tax.) will be given by the children. The entertainment Is open to all without Evidence of Incendiarism Is Snperiiiteiidal oi Newinttra charge. — ABOUT TOWN Inslitiilisii It Speaker at Mrs. Frank Handley of Oakland Found by Constable Pnrie; Now In Progress----- dm pm ui CSourt, Order of Ainor- street and her sister. Miss Margaret Morro Castle Reaches Port •nUi, win hold ita regular meeting Sullivan, returned last night from State Police Investigating. Center Clmrck Meetinf. REGISTER LOBBYISTS, FRANCE MOVES Cambridge, Mass., where they went WILEY POST STARTS tomorrow night in the Masonic Temple. An entertainment will fol­ to attend the funeral of two of their MANUFACTURERS’ and low. during which the champion relatives, one of whom died Satur­ Fire, believed to be of incendiary Mias Constance Leigh, superin­ TO CHECKMATE drill team of Sunset Bebekah lodge day morning and the other Saturday will put on their military drill. A night. origin, this morning destroyed the tendent of the Newington Home for NEW BILL’S PURPOSE ACROSS NATION ON full attendance of the members la 11-room house owned by Harry 811- Crippled Children, was the guest PACKERS' SALE hoped for. versteln located on Vernon avenue, speaker at the -meeting of the r GERMMS’ PLAN The Ameriotm Legion auxiliary announce a card party for Monday just north of the main road at the Woman's Guild of Center church bringing still lower prices on QUALITY foods. Tonight at 7:30 children of the evening at 8:30'at the State Armory, Shop and Save! Torrington Senator Springs BUSINESS REVIVAL Birch MounUln school-will give a foot of Nigger Hill In Bolton. The yesterday afternoon. More than 40 STRATOSPHERE HOP to which all frlend.s will be welcome. I0 .S S Is placed at $7,^0. of the members and their friends Doubles Term of Army Con* varied program of entertainment at Mrs. Lydia Wigren Is chairman of were present and showed much In­ These Specials On Sale Friday Afternoon Surprise at Today’s the Highland Park Community club­ the committee of arrangements. A Discovered By Truckrfien terest In what Miss Leigh hod to house. General dancing will follow. The fire was discovert at 8:18 ______________ From 3 To 6 O’clock I ON A SOUND BASIS script Service and Lowers brief business meeting will precede by William. Fielding of 20 Hayward say, and In the slides of photo­ Assembly Session; Details Roaring East at Rate of Six t . special business meeting of the the card games. street, Providence, R. I., and Rich­ graphs made of the buildings, and WALUCEONYISIT i Second Congregational Church, Inc. ard Blair of 16 CMwell Court, the the new swimming pool for para­ Age of Conscripts ~ Sees Katherine Flke lytics. Pictures were msds showing BEANS CampbeU'I’a Mfles a Mbnte at Altitode will be held tomorrow night at 8 The Manchester Community Play­ same city, as they were driving Dorothy Vemlor the daily routine of the children in of the Measure. Sorvey of Nation Shows o’clock In the church. • ers held a well attended business along in a truck. They at once noti­ the dining room, school room and TO M E H MARKETS^ meeting and eoclol .ln their club- fied Joseph Woods, who Uvea In the Katherine Flke, 3SB, daughter of Dorothy 'Vernier, 36B, daughter Reich War Threat. The Manchester Green Corotmunl- house west of the place that was playgrounds. Sunbeam Present Upturn Continnbg of 32,000 Feet; Expects rooms In the Balch and Brown build­ Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Flke of 67 of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vernier of Most interesting of all was the T U N A FISH Light Meat State Capitol, Hartford, March 18 ty club will give the second in the ing last night. Seven of the Hospital burning and he In t-irn notified Con­ East Middle Turnpike, plays the flnal series of whist and setback stable Chesterfield Plrle. Mr. PIrle 137 Center street plays the part of marked difference between the chil­ —(AP) — A bill requiring paid Paris, March 18.—(AP)—Premier Players of Rockville were guests. part of Nanette in "Pomander dren os they were received In the Cabbet Officer Wants to to Span the Continent m parties tomorrow night at 8 o’clock Four new members were admitted. had an alarm of fire sent over the Mrs. Poskett In Sock and Buskin's ^ lobbyists to register with the clerks Despite Weather. Plerre-Etlenne Flandin told Parlia­ Walk," to be given Friday evening, production "Pomander Walk,” to be Institution, compared with their at the Green school assembly hall. The program which followed the telephone to residents In Bolton and appearance when they were ready SALT of the General Assembly, was pre­ ment today that because of Ctor- In addition to the three valuable also called Chief 'Foy of the Man­ March 18, at the high school audi­ given March 18 at the high school pared today by Senator Francis W See How New York Feeds Eight Honrs. business was In the nature of a chester fire department. torium under the direction of Miss to leave, the facial expression was many's '"vast rearmament" In vio­ crash prises In each section, novelty radio broadcast with Joseph Hand- auditorium. changed as well as the physical ap­ Hogan, Democrat, of Torringtdn. New York, March LB.—(AP) — door prizes will be given at each Notloris Auto Tracks Helen Page. Dun A Bradstreet In Its weekly lation of the Versailles Treaty, and ley .as announcer. One of the high Katherine has been active In sev­ Dorothy is experienced In the pearance. Miss Leigh explained that Because the time for the Intro­ her superior forces, the French gov­ Its Millions. sitting In this final tourney. Aftei lights was a musical akctch, "The Arriving at the scene of the fire their aim at the home was to keep duction of new business has expired, trade review declared today the Los Angeles, March 18.— (AP) — the games a Social period will bo the constable noticed that there eral school assemblies and also took Held of dramatics, having received a ernment Is doubling the term of Truth Potion", by Faith and Phyllis was a wheel track that showed that part In "When the Chimes Rang,” teacher's certificate In Detroit In the children so busy and happy that Hogan submitted the measure to p r ^ n t business upturn represents army conscript service to two years. Wiley Post, noted 'round the world enjoyed and home made cake and Fallow, Frances Conrow and Evelyn they do not have time to ponder Senator J. Kenneth Bradley, Repub­ The small number of conscripts coffee served. All players will be an automobile had driven up to the a Paint and Powder performance. coaching grammar school pupils. the soundest revival since the de­ New York, March IS.— (AP) — flier, took off from Union Air Ter­ Jones, Sandwiches, coffee and candy house, parked on the east side of Katherine la now on the Somanhis She has taken part In "Oh Profes­ over their afflictions. lican, chairman of the Judiciary available in the "War Baby" classes welcome. were served by the committee for committee with the request that it pression low of 1932. now being called to the colors, he Secretary of Agriculture Henry A. minal at Burbank today on his sec­ the building and from there foot­ statistical committee. sor." "Tea Tapper Torch,” and be given the status of a proposal ond attempt to 'span the continent Helen Devidson Lodge, Daughters the evening. prints'could be seen leading to the Nanette, the French maid of Ma­ "The Winning of Joy" In Detroit “Neither the vagaries of March said, requires the lengthening of Wallace came to mark-1 today. dame, speaks entirely In French to raised in committee. weather in all of Its perverse mani­ the service term as well as lowering In eight hours or less In a 2447 mile of Scotia, will hold Its regular meet­ door under the veranda that opened before coming here. She also acted Bradley was non-commital as to He arrived bright and early In ing In Tinker hall, Friday evening The committee In charge of 'the Into the basement on the east side which Katherine's low, mellow voice In "The Wedding," a local produc­ festations nor the continued uncer­ the age of conscripts frdm 21 to 20 New York City—while fresh vege­ flight through the stratosphere to whether Hogan's request would be tainty of the course of National years, which the government pro-- at 8 o'clock sharp. A social time Dorcas Society's family supper, of the house. is well adapted. tion. tables and meats to feed a metrop­ New York City. which was to have been served at Owners In Florida —F. Milter. —F; Miller. JOHNUENNEY FRESH looked upon with any favor but legislation have been sufficiently poses In a bill Introduced In the will follow the business and a good said he would take the matter up Chamber of Deputies.
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