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April 13-20,1975 American Shots Fired

April 13-20,1975 American Shots Fired

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PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Fri.. April 11,1OT5 iianrl|p0tf r Suminn Ifralb

MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, APRIL 12,1 W 5 - VOL. XCIV, No. 164 Manchester—A City of Village Charm TWENTY.FOUR PAGES ___ P ’ PRICE; CENTS PRESENTING Americans Leave Cambodia United Pres* International The choppers, guarded by a 346-man The military situation around the war- Phnom Penh said Prime Minister Long Waves of U.S. helicopters airlifted Marine battalion and a squadron of 20 tom Cambodian capital was deteriorating Boret met with his advisrs after the Americans from war-tom Cambodia to an warplanes, also flew out 159 Cambodians, hourly and the fall of Phnom Penh evacuation and decided to form a aircraft carrier in the Gulf of Siam today including Acting President Sau Kham appeared imminent. “revolutionary committee” to rule the before the expected fall of Phnom Penh to Khoy. A UPI Cambodian correspondent, filing country. Communist-1^ insurgents. The dramatic, mid-moming airlift in the from Phnom Penh after the evacuation, There was no immediate indication Three dozen Air Force and Marine midst of rebel shelling climaxed the said rebel gunners hit the landing area exactly what the committee will do or who helicopters flew 269 persons, a third of coliapse of a massive, five-year U.S. ef­ with rockets during the pullout, killing one will serve on it. them Americans, to Uie carrier Okinawa fort to keep the Khmer Rouge from taking Cambodian civilian and wounding another. The capital was calm as dusk fell, Much International WANT AD Week circling off the Cambodian coast. power in Cambodia. The correspondent reported that Radio of the population was unaware of the American departure. The State Department had vowed to use force if needed “to protect the lives of evacuees,” but the Pentagon said the Variety Spices Chamber’s withdrawal took place without any April 13-20,1975 American shots fired. U.S. Ambassador to Cambodia John 'f-: '0 ^ Gunther Dean arrived today at the U.S. air 74th Annual Dinner Fete base at U Tapao, 100 miles southeast of Bangkok, with a dozen members of the embassy staff. By SOL R. COHEN Probate William FitzGerald, a former a framed photograph of himself at his desk Dean carried the U.S. Embassy and president of the Chamber. He kept things . to Lyons. Cambodian flags as he stepped from a There was something for everyone moving swiftly and smoothly and in­ Lyons pointed out Mrs. Flocken is the “Jolly Green Giant” helicopter. He was Money saving specials for everyone! Friday night at ’The Colony, Talcottville, first woman to be chief executive officer troduced the Chamber officers and direc­ greeted by his wife and Air Force Lt. Gen. ' when the Greater Manchester Chamber of tors and the personages in the audience. of the Manchester Chamber and Miss John J. Bumes. Commerce conducted its 74th annual Among the latter were: State Sen. David Thomas is the first woman to deliver the The officials said the rest of the banquet. Barry, State Reps. Francis Mahoney and principle address at a Chamber banquet. evacuees, including 82 Americans and 159 ’There was the “M” award, given to pop­ Ted Cummings, former State Comptroller Mrs. Flocken called on the Manchester Cambodians, would travel on the carrier ular choice Harold A. ’Turkington; there Nathan Agostinelli, Town Director Matt business community to volunteer time and to the Thai port of Sattahip near U Tapao. was the intimate look at the White House Moriarty Jr., Town Manager Robert effort and to serve on one or another of the They said the ship also carried and the Presidency by Helen ’Thomas, the Weiss, and Lester Boardman, director of Chamber’s task forces. evacuated Frenchmen, ’Thais, Taiwanese, Join in the fun next week m UPI’s chief White House correspondent; administration in Manchester, England. Miss Thomas, commenting on Spaniards, Filipinos and Australians. It there was the moving performance by Boardman visited here in 1973, when he Watergate, said, “It is still in some ways was expected to reach the port on Sunday gifted and hard-working Betty Rhodes, accompanied the Lord Mayor of impossible to put it behind us. One thing morning. nationally known singer and com- Manchester, England during the we do realize is that it diminished us all. It U.S. officials in Thailand said 36 medienne; there was the fine music by the Sesquicentennial Celebration by had a life of its own, the inexorable American helicopters, guarded by WANT ADS TO ALL Ken Morgester Orchestra; there was the Manchester, Conn. momentum of a Greek tragedy — played warplanes and Marines, flew the evacuees delicious meal and there were the brief out before our very eyes. from the U.S. Embassy compound in !' . iV, . , remarks by Chamber officials. Mayor John Thompson brought “But,” she insisted, “out of the ashes Phnom Penh in a hurried operation code- SENIOR CITIZENS i • Miss Thomas, the featured speaker, has greetings from the people of Manchester has come the reaffirmation that no man, named Eagle Pull. Ads must be mailed or brought In to The Herald. No phone calls, please. had the White House “beat” since 1960 and on the occasion of the Chamber’s 74th an­ not even a President, is above the law. Pentagon officials said that six A maximum of 20 words may be run 6 days, FREE. All ads must be has followed the doings of four presidents nual meeting. And, in the words of Supreme Court American newsmen decided to remain — John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Conceding his isn’t a popular stand and Justice Potter, ‘May this always be a behind. They were not immediately iden­ placed during International WANT AD Week. Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. Her 24- the occasion not the best forum for presen­ government of wars’.” tified. Among (hose evacuated was Lon Ills minute, 10-page speech covered highlights ting it, he repeated his support for a state She said about former President Non, the brother of Marshal Lon Nol, the of the administrations, their differences income tax and called on the business Richard Nixon, “He believed, and still Cambodian president who flew ito exile 11 and, of particular interest to the women in community to back it also. does along with his family, that the press days ago. Former Mayor Harold A. Turkington Manchester Chamber of Commerce Friday’s audience of about 260, the first “I must share with you my continuing and his political detractors did him in.” President Ford, in a statement issued is greeted by applause and a standing “M” Award. (All Herald photos by ladies in the White House. concern for the high cost of education,” he Pointing out, “Nixon’s antipathy for the after midnight Friday, said he ordered the ovation as he makes his way from his Dunn) Miss Thomas is the first woman said, “and I must call to your attention our press is not unique,” she gave examples of evacuation “with a heavy heart” because WANT ADS TO CHILDREN seat to receive the Greater assigned to the White House by a news- insidious tax system — led by a property other presidents and their “presidential of “the seriously deteriorating military wire service fulltime, the first woman tax form of financing that just doesn’t umbrage” against the press, dating back situaton” in Cambodia. White House bureau chief and the first meet our needs.” to George Washington. T 0 12 YEARS OLD woman officer of the White House He insisted only an overhaul and a She said Franklin Delano Roosevelt Ads must be mailed or brought In to The Herald. No phone calls, please. Coirespondents Association. drastic revision of state and local tax once handed the Nazi iron cross to a A maximum of 20 words may be run 6 days, FREE. All ads must be Chamber ‘M ’ Awarded Miss Rhodes, who plajred the lead in the structures could provide the reporter who provoked him during World placed during International WANT AD Week. New York, and San Francisco municipalities with funds needed to give War II, Harry Truman fired off a letter to productions of “Jacques Brel is Alive and adequate services. a music critic who panned his daughter NEWS Harold A. Turkington Well and Living in Paris,” completely William Hale, in-coming chairman of Margaret’s operatic attempts and also captivated her audience in her 45-minute the Chamber’s board of directors, said, called the late Drew Pearson a dirty CAPSULES “I’m most proud to be chosen to serve the name, John Kennedy canceled his sub­ Former Mayor Harold Atkinson became “My H.A.T. is in the ring,” an show. Chamber in the coming year. I recognize scription to the now defunct New York AND FOR EVERYONE ELSE. Turkington is the 1975 recipient of the advertising play upon the initials of his Best described as tiny, pert and the challenges and I accept them. I’ll do Herald-Tribune, and Lyndon Johnson once Greater Manchester Chamber of name. effervescent, she sang medleys. Imitated took the King of Thailand through the Rains Cause Floods It launched his public service career top women singers, delivered patter and my utmost.” Commerce “M” aw ard.' He praised retiring chairman Burl Lyons press room to show him around and said, ATLANTA (UPI) - Hundreds were The honos recognizes his contributions that he en d ^ officially in 1969. comedy and wound up her performance with a plaintive French tune which won for his hard-working and dedicated ser­ “King, this is the only place in the world driven from their homes Friday as 17-inch to his'native Manchester where, for more Turkington was chairman of the her the starring role when she auditioned vice the past year and presented him with they try you, convict you and hang you all in rains pounded southern Alabama and than 50 years, he has been involved in the Memorial Field Committee that, in 1946, a plaque, “in recognition of outstanding the same day.” northwest Florida. Officials in both states business community, the educational and recommended town purchase of the old for “Jacques Brel.” Miss Rhodes, with her blue eyes and service to the community.” She said it’s only human for presidents said the floods were the worst in nearly 50 cultural life of the town, and for more than Golf Lots, and that a new high school be years. They caused at least one death and short red hair setting off to advantage a Lyons, in brief remarks, credited the to view the press as adversaries, con­ two decades was involved in public service built there complete with outdoor athletic extensive livestock losses and destroyed for the white gown trimmed with sequins above dedication of a fine Chamber staff, and the ceding, “We do intrude, but legitimately through the political arena and the ad­ and recreational facilities. contributions of Chamber officers and so, I believe.” newly planted crops. In Flo'rida destruc­ ministration of town affairs. That resulted in what is now the site of the waist, received warm applause and directors for any successes during his She described the press thusly: “We are tive tornadoes added to the problem. He received the award Friday night at Manchester High School which, when gave several encores. •term. the conduit (of presidential actions) to the Parts of the West remained bogged down The Colony, Talcottville, during the 74th opened in 1956, was the largest school east The invocation and benediction were Suzanne Flocken, chief executive officer American people and I hope, therefore, by mammoth snow drifts, requiring con­ annual meeting of the Chamber. delivered by the Rev. Stephen Jacobson of of the Chamber, presented certificates of the protectors of the people’s right to tinuation of haylifts to stranded herds of Burl Lyons, junior past chairman of the St. Mary’s Episcopal Church. appreciation to the retiring directors and know.” cattle. Chamber board, made the presentation. (See Page Three) ’The master of ceremonies was Judge of price 3 days! Mr. Turkington received a standing ova­ Gas Escapes tion as he was escorted td'the podium by PACOIMA, Calif. (UPI) - Ninety-four Judge of Probate William FitzGerald, persons, including 57 police officers and chairman of the banquet and a former White House Reporting is a Job for Generalists firemen, were hospitalized Friday when president of the Chamber. poison gas from a burning truck closed a "Foi^rivate Party Want Ads Only. Obviously moved and with his voice By FLOYD LARSON also said there have to be some basic con­ “No President would want me to speak us or Greek-American congressmen's op­ section of ’s main north-south quavering, the 73-year-old popular former An insight into the life of a White House siderations given to the physical protec­ for them. I am too outspoken. A press position to Turkish aid. These were two highway for 10 hours. The,accident oc­ mayor said, “I think this is the first time news reporter emerged Friday afternoon tion of the President and his family also. secretary has a tough job because he must things Ford asked Congress for Thursday curred when a truck carrying 12 tons of in my life I’ve been lost for words, and it’s at The Colony when Helen Thomas, chief “The President’s life-style sets the be able to speak for the President and at night. ' Methomel insecticide had a tire blow out. been my life’s career talking to people in White House reporter for United Press White House life-style,” she said, “and the same time he has-a responsibility to “As a matter of fact,” she said, “the Some of the tire tread wrapped around the Ads must be*placed during International Want Ad business and politics.” International fielded questions from President (Gerald) Ford is very outgoing the people to maintain a dialogue. Jerry Congress is not unhappy with the truck’s steering gear and sent it out of con­ He said the award was “nothing I ever representatives of Manchester area and likes the press.” She contrasted the Terhorst (Ford’s first press secretary) restraints it has placed upon the presiden­ trol through a freeway divider. The driver expected and I was really surprised.” media. Ford White House with that of Nixon poin­ had this quaiity which I think came from cy and for the first time in years feels like escaped unhurt when the truck overturned He said, “ I feel very good about “We are generalists,” Miss Thomas ting out that Nixon isolated himself his 29 years as a reporter. And I am a taking a more active role in foreign affairs and burst into flames. everything that’s happened to me and the said, “who try to put together all the many whereas Ford may pop up anyway in his reporter and I want to continue to be a which have long been the exclusive do­ Week. The Herald Classified Department is open friends I’ve made. I was bom here and I things that happen in the White House shirt sleeves. reporter.” main of Presidents. The power is flowing Overrun Defense Post which affects all the people. Because Asked if there was a woman who met back to the Hill.” was raised here, and the town has been SAIGON (UPI) —Government positions things move so fast and are often so varied “The President's daughter, Susan, will the qualifications, Liz Carpenter of the She also defended the press reporting of very good to me. If I live, and I think I were overrun by Communist troops north will, July 12 will be 55 years on Main St. it is not often that a White House reporter visit the press corps offices frequently late President Lyndon Johnson’s staff CIA abuses stating the press has never of the key defense town of Xuan Ixx; early for me.” can do in-depth reporting.” where Nixon’s children never seem to was suggested. exposed a secret that has resulted in 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Ads placed by 12 noon The press corps members try their best In other questions, she said she believes damage to the nation; but many in govern­ today. Other Communist forces, backed Mr. Turkington said it was because of 50 trust the press,” Miss Thomas said. by tanks, pushed to the northwest, cents he became a furniture salesman, to find out what the people want to know, Admitting she was a women’s libber. Martha Mitchell, who used to telephone ment have kept secrets which have northeast and southeast edges of the after graduation from high school. she said, and this means a lot of digging at Miss Thomas told of the ways women her regularly, “was telling the truth and I damaged the country. provincial capital. The Saigon command is "The Savings Bank of Manchester times because there are still barriers to reporters have overcome discrimination hope she will continue to call me.” “It is important for the people to know treating the battle for Xuan Loc, 38 miles appear in the next day’s paper. offered me $12 a week and Watkins overcome such as some official who do not against them because of sex but said she President Ford’s requests for more what is going on in the White House and in northeast of Saigon, as a major test of the offered me $ll50,” he explained. “I guess want to talk to the press. felt UPI judged her on her work and that is m ilitary aid to South Vietnam will Washington and we, as reporters, are the South Vietnamese fighting ability. Viet I wouldn’t have. made a good banker She also defended the more or less why she is now chief of its White House probably be rejected by the Congress. conduits for this information. Presidents Cong and North Vietnamese forces also anyway.” exclusiveness of the White House Press contingent. She has seen no change in Sen. Henry cannot isolate themselves because what overran a militia base 65 miles southwest He told of the many changes, im­ Corps on the basis that it should be open When asked if she would consider the Jackson’s position on the need for th° they do 24 hours a day can affect each of of the capital and cut Highway 4, the rice provements and periods of growth in only to practicing journalists who cover job of press secretary to the President, USSR to ease restrictions on jewish us. Isolation hurts the president and the road to the Mekong Delta. Manchester during his years, noting, “The the White House on a regular basis. She she said. emigration to set trade concessions from public,” Miss Thomas said. first school budget with which I had anything to do totaled $494,000 — this year Blast Kills 11 it’s $13 million.” SANT’ ANASTASIA, Italy (UPI) - Twin PHONE 643-2711 He concluded with thanks to Watkins explosions tore through a fireworks fac­ Bros, for seeking him out for employment tory Friday, killing at least 11 persons. FOR ASSISTANCE IN PLACING YOUR AD again. The first explosion erupted in a warehouse “It’s nice to find out you’re still containing hundreds of pounds of remembered and needed,” he said in con­ explosives and chemicals used in making clusion — to a second standing Ovation. fireworks and ammunition for cap pistols. Mr. ’Turkingtbn’s political career began As employes fled from the factory the' se­ almost by chance rather than by choice. cond blast collapsed the packing room burying some workers and hurling others In 1945, when departing upon a vacation ■ i ..M trip, he answered, “sure, why not?” more .41 from a nearby workshed. Flames erupted. in jest rather than tmth when a neighbor Officials accused the factory management APRIL 13-2C asked him if he wouIdj;onsider running for of ignoring safety precautions. ' town selectman. He returned from that trip to leam petitions had been filed in his behalf. His political trademark thereafter i Inside Today li “* 'A Senior Citizens...... Page 2 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Dear Abby...... Page 2 The Weather Manchester Has I t ...... Page 5 ,1: Churches ...... Page 6 Mostly sunny this afternoon with the Wings of Evening...... Page 7 high near 50. Fair tonight and Sunday with i ' ■ ■ Manchester Week in Review. . . . Page 14 the low tonight in the upper 20s or low 30s, , BURL L. LYONS WILLIAM H. HALE HELEN THOMAS SUZANNE L. FLOCKEN Herald Angle...... Page 8 .high Sunday near 50. Past Chairman of the Board Chairman of the Board Featured Speaker Executive Vice President Schoolboy sports ...... Pages 8, 9 PAGE TW O ^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Sat.. April 12,1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Mancheater, Conn.. Sat.. 1875-PA G E THREE NATIONAL WIATME* Sf (VICE FOIECAST »• 7AM 1ST ^ - ft - 75 3 0 .2 4 3 a i NEWS FOR SENIOR CITIZENS S im SPEaHLS on ALUMNUM By WALLY FORTIN ] ABOUT TOWN • SIDING — Choose from 2D Colors! Hi there, here we go again, and first thing our gang took off Wednesday, 10 a.m. to noon, • WINDOWS *000118 pinochle games; 1:30 to 3:30 The Maranatha Christian A kitchen social will be con­ lO A TO N and I guess the first bit of news for the big city and the Easter at 8 p.m. in toe Robbins Room is that come Monday morning Show. They sure had a great p.m., advanced ceramic class. Coffee House is open tonight ducted Monday at 1:30 p.m. in of Center Congregational • AWNINGS •CANOPIES Cronin Hall of Mayfair r O e o A . at 8 o’clock we will start day as the weather was the best Bus pickup at 8:30 a m., return from 7 to 11 in Fellowship Hall Church. Mrs. Rodney Piper of M obs Now L ow ir on AhNiiliwmi •AT t registering to see the Ringling we’ve had in a long time. trips at 12:30 and 3:30 p.m. of Calvary (%urch, 647 E. Mid­ Gardens. All Mayfair residents Wethersfield will speak on N E W Y O R K Brothers, Bamum and Bailey After lunch,, we had our 'Thursday, 10 to 11:30 a.m., dle Tpke. Teen-agers and young are invited. “Enjoy Your Hou4h Plants. Free EatImatBa — Eaay Tama Circus to be' held In the Hart­ meeting, and then viewed some ballroom dancing to records adults are invited to attend the and diagnhse ailing plants ford Civic Center on Thursday, very good slides of our Variety with disc jockette Gloria l^n- program. There is no admission Manchester Garden Club will brought to toe meeting. \ May 8. The show will start at 4 Show. Some of the slides were son; noon to 1 p.m.. Hot-meals charge. have an open meeting Monday BILL TUNSKY 649-909S .o’clock in the afternoon which very surprising to some of us, and Meals-on-Wheels; 1:05 should have us back before for unexpectedly we saw p.m., Fun>Day meeting and dark. Price of the circus will be ourselves on the screen. ’The entertainment by Helen Flavell 85.25, which takes care of the most elegant slides were of and Eve Wamers’s Art Players Broad Strent Fiance Conveniently O v«r LOS ANaeLES ticket and transportation. We flowers taken in two of our featuring many local senior have 76 tickets, and like always members’ gardens. Thank you. talent. Bus pickup at 8:30 a.m. 100 Stores' Forgets the License they will go on a first come Nils Carlson, for a very nice and noontime, return trips : .f-,; i A- ■'. MANCHESTER IV Aaossihe basis. afternoon. around 3 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. to noon, Nation Bowling We heard that Eva Lutz, Pert Betty Rhodes entertains with song and comedy during CSiamber event. PARKADE kitchen social bingo, one can of LOWEST TEMPERATURES The happenings here at the Albert Ubert and George N E W O R L E A N S ' canned goods n e ^ ^ ; noon to By Abigail Van Buren center start with our Senior Schroll are patients at the 12:30 p.m., lunch is served; 1 THE THANK YOU STORE C 197SbyChlC8goTribun«*N.Y.NtW8Synd., Inc./ Bowling League at the Parkade Manchester Memorial p.m. to 4 p.m., setback games. ‘M ’ Lanes last ’Tuesday, with the Hospital. Our sincere con­ Chamber Awarded LEGEND' ‘VT7< Bus pickup at 8:30 a.m., return following results; dolences go out to our member trips at 12:30 p.m. and at 4 p.m. (Continued from Page One) so DEAR ABBY: I wish people who ask ministers to In the Men’s Class A Group, Thomas Close whose wife RAIN ISNOW p an e ls Miner took both honors Elizabeth passed away. more from natural talent and heredity 50 conduct funerals and weddings knew what the word of the Mississippi to house all its students Starts M onday, A p ril 14 at 10 am AIR "honorarium” means (a payment to a professional for • of high triple with 523 and high Next Tliursday as part of our under one roof. rather than formal training. He early r/^SHOWERS FLOW services for which no fee is set or legally obtainable.) single with a 203. In the Class B Fun-Day, we will have the During his early years on the Town learned to play the brass instruments and Some people feel it is so crude to ask a minister: “How Group, John Jaskowski won the Helen Flavell and Eve Warner MICTlOll Board of Directors, Manchester the piano, and became an accomplished UP! WEATHER FOTOCAST ® much do I owe you," that they just let the matter go and do high triple with a 438 and the Art Players, with guest stars experienced unparalled growth in its cornet player. He learned the other in­ high single was taken by Greg nothing about it at all. George Vallone, Wally Fortin, education system. New schools built were struments, too—toe reeds, woodwinds, and For Period Ending 7 AM EST Sunday. Freezing rain is expected in southern Utah, Chaves. AFM.12II1 My husband is a minister (please don’t say where), and Dave Hutchinson, Marion Cor­ Verplanck, Bowers, Waddell, Keeney St., stringST-and he taught most of them. changing to rain and showers, southward thru New Mexico and western Texas. Mostly fair In the Women’s Class A within the last year, he was called to ofHciate at the funeral bin, Dorothy Brass and Gloria Rrst CongregatloMi Buckley, Martin, Illing, Manchester High; One of his early pupils was a trumpet skies will dominate the rest of the nation. Minimum readings include: (approx, max. Group, Mary Picaut won the . services of both an elderly man and his wife, who lived 35 Benson, with special guest, Church of Vamon and there were renovation programs at player in Manchester who went on to temperatures in parenthesis) Atlanta 37 ( 66), Boston 33 (46), 33 (57), Cleveland24 miles away. He was given no fee. high triple with a 414, and Mary Rout* 30 Doris Howard. It should be Robertson, Keeney St. and Washington become a member of the U. S. Marine Abby, can you imagine anyone writing the following note Chaves won the high single with •I Vomofl Contor (47), Dallas 46 ( 66), Denver 28 (54) Duluth 26 (51), Houston 51 (73), Jacksonville 48 (71), good for a few laughs, so plan schools. Band in Washington — Chester M. Shields. to an attorney? “Thank you, Mr. Jones, for your legal a 165. In the Class B Group, Sue Doors Open at 9 LIIL Kansas City 39 (61), Little Rock 37 (64), Los Angeles 53 (69), Miami 70 (84), Minneapolis 32 on joining us, you’ll be glad you He was first elected a selectman in 1945, His love of music brought about toe first services. Mother and Dad would have wanted you to come Purnell won the high triple with Antiques, Houeahold (57), New Orleans 52 (75), New York 33 (48), Phoenix 49 (78), San Francisco 46 (67), Seat­ did. and again in 1946; he was a member of the band at the high school, and he formed down to handle these legal services for us at this trying a 355 and Elsie Freinheit won Items, and Bric-A-Brao... tle 41 (54), St. Louis 36 (65), and Washington 33 (57) degrees. Alsg next Thursday, we will first Board of Directors when Manchester that band in 1926. He conducted it, as well time. the high single with a 140. have ballroom dancing to changed its form of government in 1947. as the orchestra, until 1934 when the Board nagerli Or the minister to his barber: “Thank you, Mr. Smith, for P in o ch le records with disc jockette Mr. Turkington served on the charter of Education provided in its budget for a cutting my hair at this time. I would not want to embarrass On Wednesday morning we [COIN SHOW the family by needing a haircut.” Or: "Thank you, Mr. Gloria Benson. now serving cocktails.. conunission that drafted Manchester’s permanent director of music in toe school had eight tables of pinochle system. He chose not to be a candidate, SUNDAY, APRIL 13 Brown, for the gasoline, oil and car wash. I wouldn't want to Menus for the Week present charter cig^ after World War II run out of gas on my way to a funeral or show up with a with the following winners: when Manchester had grown from a preferring a career in the business world. THEATER SCHEDULE Monday: Homemade chicken dirty car.” Or: “Thank you, Mr. White, for cleaning and Florence North, 621; Gladys ■ • L I M A T village to a town. He was cornet soloist with toe Salvation 10 a.ni to 6:00 p.m. Seelert, 585; Frank Gadomski and rice soup, corned beef I Knights of Columbus Hall pressing my suit. I would not want to embarrass the family Led by the late Judge William B. Hyde, Army Band many years, and also was its and Frances Fike, 578; Esther spread on rye bread, chilled 138 Main St. ■Saturday" at this time by appearing unkempt.” the committee decid^ the town meeting bandmaster. Gaudette, 576; May Tivnan, fruit, beverage. LAHfct Manchester, Conn. In order to make ends meet, my husband moonlights and form of government no longer could meet Mr. Turkington composed many pieces Showplace— "Ring of Bright UA East 1 - “Shampoo” 575; Clara Hemingway, 558; Wednesday: Shells and meat FREE ADMISSION had to pay a substitute for his second job so he could make the challenges of a fast, growing com­ of music still used in Salvation Army Water” 2:00; “Godfather Part 2:00-7:30-9:30 these two funerals. Lila Steele and Joseph Windsor, sauce, tossed salad, gelatin LGOHCfc circles, both instrumental and vocal U” 7:00-10:30 munity. It organized a modern represen­ UA East 2 — “Report to the INDIGNANT 554. with whipped topping, spencer st., manchester arrangements. beverage. tative form of government that has served Commissioner” 2:00-7:00-9:00 In the afternoon we had our Manchester for 28 years. In 1931, his marched entitled the Dragon” plus “The Sacred Thursday: Roast of pork with presents; M tKim iE dNEKU-3 UA East 3— “Ring of Bright DEAR INDIGNANT: Perhaps because there is no set fee ceramic class and found that He also later served on the first charter “Homeward Bound” was judged second S a le ! 1 SCHOei ST. a 872-0762 Knives of Vengeance” Con­ applesauce, creamy whipped Water” 2:00; “Harry & Tonto” for conducting funerals and weddings, some folks feel that our hardworking Phil Brass did revision commission to amend and update best in an international competition for tinuous from 1:30 a little homework on his own. potatoes, buttered harvard 9:00; “Claudine” 7:20 there is no fee at all. Also, some'clergymen have written to the charter in 1958. Salvation Army composers, and entries tell me that they consider such services a part of their job, beets, lemon meringue tarts, Vernon Cinema 1 — “Report He made some much needed In 1949, the Board of Directors elected were submitted from more than 90 coun­ ' '-kUNG -FU-r and,they’re insulted when they are offered money for doing beverage. to the Commissioner” 2:00- racks to hold all the glass jars Mr. Turkington its chairman, with the tries of the world. ENTER-THE-d r a g o n 7:15-9:15 the work of the Lord. of paint. It is a neat job, and one Friday; Macaroni salad, ceremonial title of mayor. When Manchester celebrated its lOOto I say; “Offer anyway. The offended clergyman can very much appreciated, so sliced ham, sliced tomatoes, Hand Picked Vernon Cinema 2 — “Ring of Before his political career was over, he birthday in 1923, he wrote a march, ap­ -BRUCE-LEE- always refuse." thanks very much, Phil. crisp saltine crackers, trow- Bright Water” 1:00-3:00; had been mayor for five full terms, deputy propriately titled “Manchester Centennial ★ nus ★ In the afternoon we had the nies, beverage. “Rafferty” 7:20; “Scarecrow” mayor for two terms, and secretary of the March.” Fifty years later — in 1973— he THE SACRED- DEAR ABBY; I am 18, and the boy I’ve been dating for following winners in our bridge p ariPARTII S 9:00 Schedple for the Week board for three terms. composed “Manchester Sesquicentennial Manchester Drive-In — “Man two years is 19. We were supposed to get married secretly games: KNIVES OF SAT.-SUH. 2 P.M. ADM. 99C Monday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., un­ In those 10 elections, he was top vote- March.” Its first public performance was I’ALUMAR l-UTL'HtS INTERNATIONAL PRESENTS Who Loved Cat Dancing” 7:30; last month, but Dick showed up wiihout the license. Marjorie McLain, 4,930; Jack VENGENCE Originally, when I had asked him if he had it, he had said til all 76 circus tickets are sold. getter in five, was second in three, was during' the week-long Sesquicentennial Values fo r Your CONT. NIOHTLY FROM 7:18 ’‘RING OF BRKHIT WATER” “Report to the Commissioner” Owen 4,890; and Mary Thrall, yes. j Monday, 10 a.m. to noon, third in two, and never finished less than events, in Center Park, and it was played SAT. a SUN. FROM 1:30 eurnniBia TRAVERS-VIRGINIA McKENNA 9:30 4,510. But after we arrived at the preacher’s house and the kitchen social bingo, one can of third out of 12 candidates. by the Salvation Army Band; Mr. Burnside 1 — “Murder on the By the way, I just heard that preacher asked Dick for the license, Dick said herforgot” it canned goods is needed; noon He did, in effect, have two political Turkington conducted that premiere per­ Orient Express” 2:00-7:15-9:35 we have two cancellations in MANCHESTER i / TOP THRILLER FROM at home, hoping the preacher would perform the ceremony to 12:30 p.m., lunch is served; 1 terms, because he once retired—in 1959—a formance. BEST SELLING NOVEL - (PQ) Burnside 2 — “Ring of Bright the Bermuda trip, meaning that Dm VM N/ll0IITES6t 44A anyway, and let him bring it around later. p.m. to 4 p.m., pinochle games. retirement that lasted one full board term. Music was, and is, his hobby. He never Water” 1:30; “ Blazing we now have two very nice ‘HEPORT TO THE m A S i m X' I Well, the preacher wouldn’t marry us without the license, Bus pickup at 8:30 a.m., return When he retired in 1959, more than 500 sought to profit from his compositions. Fam ily & Home! FRI. - SAT. - SUN. 7:15-9:13 - SAT. MAT. 2 PM Saddles” 7:00-8:45 cabins available. You don’t so we decided to stay in a motel that night, thinking Dick trips at 12:30 and 4 p.m. IRMA FAUST townspeople paid tribute to him at a " Today he will sit down at the piano at 1:15 PM ^ Showcase Cinema 1 — “Fun­ need to be a senior to go along 1ST. RUM THRILIER would get the license the next day, and we’d get married Tuesday, 10 a.m. bus for VOCALIST A EUense PIANST retirement testimonial at the State Ar­ any opportunity and play, either to enter­ ny Lady” 1:304:15-7:00-9:50 on this trip, and here’s a chance HtOM TK BEST SELLER | and nobody , would know the careless mistake he made. shopping, ceramic class and oil mory. A 21-member non-political com­ tain or to provide background for a spon­ Showtase Cinema 2 — to come along and get yourself Well, the preacher called my father, and my father came painting class; 1 p.m., Senior mittee that crossed party lines planned taneous sing-along. “Towering Inferno” 1:304:20- a nice cabin. It’s not that far FRI. & SAT. MENS to the motel to pick me up. I felt just awful, but I went with Bowling League; 1:30 p.m., the event. After World War II, he helped to MENS FAMOUS MAKE ^ M IS S E S ^ 7:10-10:15 away now, and so if you’re in­ S A V E 4.07! my father. return trip from shopping. EVENING The late state Supreme Court Justice organize toe Manchester Civic Music Pocket T ’s or POLYESTER OR NYLON TAKE ROUTES 15 • 14 • IS (EXIT 95) Showcase Cinema 3 — “Len­ terested, give us a call, and No Cov*L* Ng (lllnlirium Charg* I still have feelings for Dick. He says if I don’t come back William J. Shea, a speaker at that Association and served as its president. Western Style Jeans ny” 1:00-3:10-5:10-7:20-9:40 to him he will kill himself. My parents say I should let Dick we’ll tell you what it’s all about. 100% POLYESTER testimonial, said of Mr. Turkington, “He In the 1930’s he always assisted with the t a n k T o p s Fashion T-Tops / RAFFERTY Special midnight shows Fri go. Should r listen to my parents or stick with Dick? Oh yes, remember that your is a man of dignity and understanding, musical arrangements for the Tall Cedars V':. 3®® Salt $ f ALAN ARKIN and Sat 12:00 CONFUSED final payment is overdue, so we Prica J L ea $2 qualities which are not often brought to of­ minstrels. Double Knit Showcase Cinema 4 — hope you’ll mail it in to the MICHAEL’S Sizes 2S to 38, Inseams M-L-XL SCARECROW fices of this size and standing in this area. He is a Mason, a Tall Cedar, and a 100% cotton, sizes S-M-L. SIzetS^M^USom^lzeM^^^^^^ AL PACINO “Young Frankenstein” 1:15- DEAR CONFUSED: Listen to your parents, dear. Dick O’Keefe Agency real soon. QENE HACKMAN He was Manchester’s mayor in the period Shriner. He also belongs to the Washington 3:25-5:20-7:40-9:55 didn’t make a “careless” mistake, he lied to you. He sounds Easter Show Pant Suits BURT \. RESTAURANT of its most intense growth and pressing Social Club and still is a volunteer MISSES Special midnight shows Fri much too immature and irresponsible for marriage now. ^ S A V E 1.22! B O Y S MENS " N SAT.-SUN.1PM-3 PM-9H Thursday morning rolled in, (FORMERLY LA 8TRADA, EAST) problems. He dealt with them with credit member of Hose Co. 2 of the Town Fire fCOTTON AND NYLON TRICOT and Sat 12:10 Reg “RING OF BRIGHT CONFIDENTIAL TO LU: Don’t believe everything you 699 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER to himself and honor to the community.” Department. I Flare Bottom Jeans T-Shirts & Briefs 190 He is a member of the Republican Town Gowns & Baby Dolls 14.97 see in print. Many celebrities prefer to let vicious untruths 'o p e n DAILY 7 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. • SUN. 7 A.M.-2 P.M. The road that connects Haynes and Two Bike Rides Committee. Sile ■Sunday go unchallenged rather than to sue for defamation of Alpine Sts. behind Manchester Memorial I R tg 3 .» 2 ^ ^ Phonai W 648-9333" “Inflation Fighter SpeclaU" Mr. Turkington recently rejoined Pkg ofof3for^2 for Price *2 All new Sprrg labrics, colorsi character because they believe that if one wrestles with a Listed Sunday Hospital with S. Hawthorne St. was named Sizes 10 to 18, 16'/ito24'/i. Watkins Bros., where he was first ^^^^SIze^t^S^egular^i^lliT^^^ Sites S-M-L-XL GownB S«M-L*XL BabyDollBS-M*L Showplace — “Ring of Bright skunk, he’s apt to emerge smelling as bad as the skunk. Two bike rides run by Turkington Dr. in his honor by the Board GOOD EVERY SATURDAY! employed after he graduated from high •84 EXIT 58— FOLLOW BURNSIDE SIGNS Water” 2:00; “The Godfather American Youth Hostels are of Directors when the road was built school in 1920. He later worked at Kertip’s Part 11” 4:00-7:30 scheduled to leave Sunday from several years ago. Everyone has a problem. What’s yours? For a personal CORNED Music House, no longer in existence, on S A V E 5941 SAVE 994! MISSES DR S C H O L L Rockville Theatre — Enter the parking lot at Mary Cheney ONLY His leadership qualities were early dis­ BURNSIDE reply, write to ABBY: Box No. 69700, L.A., Calif. 90069. Main St. for 17 years before joining Keith the Dragon” plus “The Sacred Library on Main St. covered. He was president of both his Boys Knit Polos Enclose stamped, self-addressed envelope, please. BEEF Furniture (now Blau’s) in 1940. Girls Sleepwear Drizzle Jackets Exercise Sandals 580 BURNSIDE AVE., E. HTFD. • PARKING • 528-3333 Knives of Vengeance” Con­ Hate to write letters? Send $1 to Abigail Van Buren, 132 The first leaves at 8:30 a.m. junior and senior classes in high school. tinuous from 1:30 In sports, he was captain of both the He married the former Winifred Larder 0 9 0 Sale g a o Lasky Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif. 90212, for Abby’s booklet led by Steve Fink. Riders will Reg 1.58 9 9 ^ UA East 1 — “Shampoo” and baseball and basketball teams. In those in 1923. She was born in Spokane Wash. 2 for* 3 Reg 12.97 C r Price CINE 1 II CINE 2 “How to Write Letters for All Occasions.” Please enclose a pedal 50 miles to Tariffville with potato, roll H ■ ■ 2:304:45-7:00-9:15 $ 1 i t s days one player shot all the fouls in Her parents were commanding officers of Sizes 8 to 16 Better than barefoot comforti long, self-addressed, stamped (20e) envelope. Gorge and back. There will be CUBACE and j^R Sizes 4 lo 14 Cotton-polyester. Sizes 8 to 16. "MUMIIItONIIII UA East 2 — “Report to the some hills; the majority of basketball, and he was the SMHS foul the Manchester Salvation Army Corps. V The couple had seven children, six of Commissioner” 2:004:006:00- riders will set the pace. shooter. whom are living. owiNT [xn tisr s j i d d l i ^ 8 :00- 10:00 The second leaves at the Mr. Turkington’s musical abilities were ^ S A V E 1.03 T O 2.03! WOMENS NYLON SAVE 2.49! 99C 'tiir 2:00 P.M. UA East 3 — “Ring of Bright MANCHESTER usual tim e, 1:30 p.m. Bill SAVB47« TO 1.17! JRS EMBROIDERED Water” 2:00; “Harry & Tonto” Girls Drizzle Coats K n e e H i’s m 2-7:15-9:35*2 n 7:00-8?8:45 99« Shearer is the leader of 10-mile CANNON 5:45-9:20; “Claudine” 4:00-7:45 HOSPITAL NOTES tour. It will be mostly flat roads Fashion T-Tops Vernon Cinema 1 — “Report Reg 20S Sale $ KID SHOW! SAT.-SUN. in CINE 2 with the pace set by the slowest SHRINE CIRCUS 3.99-4.99 Price pr to the Commissioner” 1:15- rider. Printed Sizes 7 to 14 One stretch size tits all. 2 for*5 “RING OF BRIGHT WATER” at 1:30 99« 3:15-5:15-7:15-9:15 Discharged Thursday: Flora Blinn, 85 Brook S t, South Wind- The tours are open to all. Vernon Cinema 2 — “Ring of Dickinson, Suffield; Pearl sor; Michael Lawrence, East aYH charges a small fee for No-Iron Sheets Bright Water” 1:00-3:00; Hartford. non-members. SAVE 1.98! 58” lo 60” Wide RCA SPORTSMAN Daley, 1 Sunset Lane, Andover; Twin SIzg, Reg 3.67...... 2 for '5 A r “Rafferty” 7:20; “Scarecrow” General Electric SHCWCASt CINtMAJ 1234 Richard Copping, 234 Taylor Full Size, Reg 4.67...... 2 for '7 POLYESTER 9:00 St., Talcottville; Anne McNeill, FIRE CALLS A M R a d io 1-84EXIT58-SILVER LANE-ROBERTS ST. Manchester Drive-In — “Man Queen Size, Reg 6.97...... *6 Steam-Dry Iron ■ EAST HARTFORD • 24HR.TEL.INFO. 568-8810 5 Lawton St.; Dorothy Kenny, “WE SAVE YOU MONEY” Doubie Knit Sale f 9 9 ;_ffiEE_UGH1ED_MRKINGJJ^^ Who Loved Cat Dancing” 7:35; Summer St.; Barbara Cantor, Pillow Casee, Rag 2/2.97....2/2.50 R*3 0 9 9 Prica X MANCHESTER 10.97 O “Report to the Commissioner” 22 Davis Ave., Rockville; 22 AT THE PARKADE ONLY Flat or fitted. Cotton-polyester. Fabrics Ear-plug. 9 volt bat. Included. 9:30 Davis Ave., Rockville; Kathryn Friday, 8:16 p.m. — brush fire 25 steam vents make Ironing easy. on 1-84 near the Bolton town Save 1.10 per yd V. ■r THE Burnside 1 — “Murder on the Fisher, Willimantic; Mary owering OPEN HOUSE line. (Town) l a » 1 l a i M T Kinne, 15 S. Farms Dr.; Ann Textures Mei'llen. | Orient Express” 2:004:20-6:45- Friday, 9:25 p.m. — kids with S A V E 1.981 2-QUART, ALUMINUM W56 CREST |M t Sa (eaii) • 15 Czaplicki, Marlborough. Reg 2.66 X 11:31, MS, TM, 9:00 TOMORROW campfire at 832 Tolland Tpke. OPEN SUNDAY DAZEY ELECTRIC yd M l Toothpaste 1 5at (nal) idl, lit, IklS I (Eighth District) T e a K e ttle White, Jecquarde Fancies 1 Saild4.SM.ldl 1 Burnside 2— “Ring of Bright Also, Julius Pagani, 183 C a n O p e n e r Friday, 9:37 p.m. — brush fire Sala $ O Save 1.41 w Save 1.70 1 .9 S Water” 1:30; “ Blazing Eldridge St.; William Minor, Sun., April 13; 1-5 PM ALL DAY! Reg S ^ 9 9 I in Wickham Park. (Town) Prica /S' Rag 3.37 A y f j Rag 3.69 ^ yd S?. l O * Saddles” 3; 40-5:20-7; 00-8:40 Cedar Swamp Rd., Coventry; 7.97 CF Friday, 11:37 p.m. — house Mary Putnam, 336 Center Rd., Features a magnetic lid holder. 3 styles to choose from. \ _ Machine wash and dry. 1 oz, reg or mint ill Showcase Cinema 1 — “Fun­ fire at 183 New State Rd. by in­ Fin ny Lady” 1:304:15-7:00-9:50 Vernon; June Beebe, West BROWSERS WELCOMEDI NOWON Willington; Walter Moriarty, 40 CIRCUS tersection of Hilliard St. See 2 FOR SALE! story. (Eighth District) S A V E $31 Showcase Cinema 2 — High St , South Windsor; . S A V E $1 T O $21 ^BONDED POLYESTER FIL l "^ S T A Y FREE Friday, 11:39 p.m. — house “Towering Inferno” 1:30-5:00- Dorothy Stoddard, 1156 Sullivan I Look US over for 4 hours tomorrow. TICKETS SALE PROCTOR-SILEX fire at 193 New State Rd. Double Hibachi Fitted Mattress Pads M a x i P a d s 8:30 Ave., South Windsor; Judith Pop-up Toaster (Town) Save 1.69 to 3.69 Salt Sokola, East Hartford; Jody Go at your own pace. “Show and 10” X17” size ^ 9 9 I TCLLAND GCUNTY Prica Showcase Cinema 3 — “Len­ Rag 7.93 Rag < 7 9 7 Full. Rtg S.99...... 3.99 88‘ 10.97 # Twin SIzt »99 Outen. Reg 7.99...S.99 ny” 1:00-3:10-5:10-7:20-9:40 Tell,” nothing will be for sale, but STATE ARMORY - HARTFORD Friday, 1:07 p.m. — tractor R«g 4.8B King, Rtg 10.88... 8.98 Pkg of 30 tr a ile r ac cid en t on 1-86. 10"a20"Hlbachl, Rag 9.91 7.99 Selectronic color control. Special midnight shows Fri. I qualified decorators will be on hand 10 DAYS, APRIl 18-APRIL 27 (Tolland Fire Department and C!Q:^THEATRES e a s t and Sat. 12:00 Tolland Ambulance) VIDDLE TPKE,. MfiNCHESTER SH P A RKfl DE * 649 - 1 to direct you, and help solve your SUNDAYS WEEKDAYS 50% A S S O R TE D BARBASOL \ r - JOHNSON’S Friday, 1:18 p.m. — brush fire ^ ^ r Showcase Cinema 4 — APRIL 20-27 MON.-SAT. 36-POSITION WARREN “Young Frankenstein” 1:15- decorating problems... on Center Rd. (Vernon Fire Mops and Brooms Shave Cream Baby Powder lliis printing test pattern is 2 P.M. • 6:30 P.M. 1:30 P.M. - 7:45 P.M. Department) BEATTY 3:25-5:20-7:40-9:55 part of The Herald quality con- King Size Vinyl Friday, 7:51 p.m. — woods sala 9 ^ $ f Sal# ★ * ★ ★ Prica k M lor JL • trol program in order to give GRAND OPENING SNOW APRIL 18 - 7:45 ONLY fire off High and Croft Sts. 2 < .,* 3 Prica ' JULIE Special midnight shows Fri. you one of the finest OPEN EVERY / serving Connecticut hom efr.ikpf$ since i 909 (North and South Coventry Fire Sun Assorted selection to choose from. llo z a lia 14 01 alia CHRISTIE. and Sat. 12:10 .newspapers in the nation. > H ITE’8 9 Office for reserved seals only will be open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Departments) J dally. Sunday, April 13 box office hours will be 10 e.tn. to Friday, 8:18 p.m. — grass fire OFF! Lounger 2:30 p.m. Children and Adults $4.50 each. Roeervatlons ARRID at Bolton Notch. (Bolton Fire SAVE $2! PRO The hearing apparatus of a (reserved seata only) 278-1110. Department) frog consists of a tympanic blau E X TR A DRY aria Q , S a t ’8 5:30 furniture stores Qonoral admission soals day of portormaneo: Pricea Friday, 11:50 p.m. — standby sav«2.09 w -a SO MAGNOLIA DUR-ENAMEL Tooth Brushes outer membrane over tnd in­ (children and adults) Bleacher seate, $2 each; Balcony aoata Reg 13.99 1 1 Anti-Perspirant S | ner ear. There is no outside at the Manchester, Eighth 6606 3er* 6300 i'-i3 -1159 $3.50 each. District firehouse. (Vernon LAST DAY Toilet Seats - - ART CARNEY _ protrusion on the frog as on Fire Department) 5 a . , * i t z 6 9 * other animals. Salt 2 » 9 OPEN SUN. TICKET OFHCE HEBRCN Comfort padded headrest. Prica , Ills MAIN STREET Adult alza to zalia ^llABinrG’liG N nrs The average hen produces lit $ U (or Friday, 5:49 p.m. — brush fire SUNDAY! 's .. 3 about 200 eggs a year. Hens ( MANCHESTER 278-1110 . STATE ARMORY off East St. begin laying eggs five months » 6434189 •: • Room 100, Main Entrance • I 0 CARDS REQUIRED AHE after birth. Friday, 9:05 p.m. — auto acci­ Hundreds of Other Specials Throughout the Store! HWHi III m I dent on Millstream Rd. •V --^-T»"'t^>

h ^ C H E S T E R EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn.. Sat., April 12,1975 — PAGE FIVE PAGE FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Sat,, April 12,1975

\ & nrlrpstpr Ewpiiitm Hwalft Ambassador Shirley Temple Black //A OPINION Comments On Her African Job

Editors Note: Lee Roderick is on a fact- Today, as the wife of marine biologist .finding tour of Africa and the Middle East. Charles Black for nearly 25 years and an MANCHESTER The Economy? li^s The following is another of his exclusive ambassador for three months, she reports. laughingly confesses that her child-star background has helped open diplomatic doors. H ACCRA, GHANA— Shirley Temple. The Tough A ll Over “Most Ghanaians haven’t seen my 725 EAST Buslness-Qirectory Guide For COUNTR' name oozes with nostalgia for tens of films, and know me only for my work at fHBnwiLSwattia millions of middle-aged Americans and the United Nations and as ambassador ■fl Early American If misery loves company, As for inflation, figures from 126 other movie-goers around the world. The here. This is a help to me, actually,” she MIDDLE TURNPIKE Furniture Reproductions Americans, caught in the twin toils of countries and territories showed bright-eyed little girl who starred in over Mani^ester and Surrounding explained. “I do meet older Ghanaians 40 major motion pictures, however, now CLOCKS • LAMPS • HREPLACE FURNISHINGS and inflation and recession, have plenty of much sharper price increases in 1974 here at the University or in the law field • NAUTICAL PARAPHERNALIA would like her fans to appreciate her for who have seen the films in London or in MANCHESTER OPEN TUEt.. WED„ fA T. 10 P.M. - 5 M P.M. it. than in 1973, and there had already new reasons. MMT3 $ other countries where they’ve been THURSDAY • FRIDAY, 10 A.M. • 9 P.M. “ I hope you know I’m very serious about SUNDAY 12 NOON - 6 P.M. PLENTY OP FREE PARKINQ Last year was not a very good year been unusually rapid price increases students. They act kind of misty-eyed and this job,” said that little girl, now all sentimental for a moment, and then get on anywhere in the world, except in 1973. grown up and in West Africa as U.S. Am­ with the work!” THE CRAFTS, HOBBY CENTER possibly for those countries sitting on Food prices were largely responsi­ bassador Shirley Temple Black, at the end Ambassador Black continued: “My 775 MAIN STREET featuring this week. top of lots of oil, according to a survey ble for the increase in developing of an interview. “It’s not a glamorous job. films have made more of an impact in C.0.N,SUMER It’s a lot of hard work.” ' other parts of the world. Anwar ^ d a t of MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT 06040 M il by the International Labor Organiza­ countries, whereas in most in­ Because of her obvious desire that Egypt said his favorite film was ‘Heidi,” TEL: 643-9338 tion, a speciaUzed agency of the dustrialized countries these went up m Americans know the seriousness of her w hi^ I made. He saw it in London when work. Ambassador Black was mildly per­ he was a young man iii school. THE Slorr fo r . ill MANCHESTER PARKADE United Nations. less than other consumer prices. turbed at my report that the CBS televi­ “When I was at the U.N. (as U.S. UUNGUER Rising unemployment, which sion show ”60 Minutes” had intermingled of Your Supplivs— I Your Complete Consumer prices went up by more representative to the General Assembly in FNTHGUER film clips of some of her old movies in a affected one country in three in 1973, than 20 per cent in 44 developing coun­ 1969-70), I welcomed the Peoples’ Appliance Store recent report on her life as ambassador to Republic of China on behalf of our coun­ hit two in three countries in 1974, tries and exceeded 30 per cent in 17 Ghana. try. And — would you believe ^ th e man I CAMPING EQUIPMENT FAMOUS BRAND “However,” she brightened, “at least sometimes abruptly. In several of the countries and territories. In the talked to was the first secretary of the people knew what I was doing as a child. I TENTS, COTS, SLEEPING BAGS, AIR MAHRESSES, P.R.C. delegation, and he said he’d seen TELEVISION - APPLIANCES industrialized nations, unemployment , prices went up by 12 wasn’t stealing hubcaps. They knew exact­ STOVES. LANTERNS me in several films in Peking. So it-does HANrHCSTFI on such a scale had not been seen per cent from November, 1973, to ly every move I was making. You don’t help.” (NIK MmvuKitr nave any public figures where you really since the end of World War II. November, 1974, making the biggest 'Hie ambassador added that, “The thing know when they got a gold, the measles, FARR’S that’s good about it for me is that other THE EVEHYTHING STORE The biggest increases in unemploy­ one-year jump since 1945, and all.” 649-3589 countries think of me as a friend — or a CAMP-BIKE-SPORT 2 MAIN STREET i/rhplke Rrit tt Stw t Shag ment were recorded in Cyprus and A dozen countries fared better, Whatever other worlds she conquers, distant relative, and that helps' in my OPEN DAILY TO 9 P.M. J. FARR • 643-7111 APPLIANCE TV however, there is little doubt Shirley Tem­ I Denmark, where the number of registering price increases of from 5 diplomatic work.” ple will always be best remembered—the Since arriving in Accra Dec. 2, Am­ jobless quadrupled. In Australia, to 10 per cent, including Austria, West best loved — for allowing us to affec­ VOLKSWAGEN REPAIR bassador Black has paid individual rEKSO.ML TEE tionately share, however, vicariously, the by factory trained apeclallata Chile and West Germany, the number Germany, Iraq, Poland, Switzerland Sam? ... The name sounds suspicious courtesy calls on each of the 30 other am­ Parsonallzad Fun and Sportswear dreams and triumps of a beautiful child. HiAGGIC of people out of work about doubled. and Tunisia. Hungary, Niger and bassadors to Ghana, as well as to each Phil Pete DONE WHILE YOU WAIT commissioner in the military government Locicero and ZIdek ' Great Gifts For Any Occasion France, Greece, Israel and the Congo saw their consumer prices in­ of Col. I.K. Acheampong. She still is 35 Oak St., Manchastar required to attend a diplomatic function 6 4 3 -5 0 3 6 United States had a rise in unemploy­ crease by only 3 to 5 per ent. The Mon.-Sat. 10-5:30 almost every evening. (“This is one part ARCO 0 Thurs. til 8:30 ment of more than 40 per cent over smallest rise, less than 1 per cent, of the job that frankly gets me a bit.”) P&P AUTO REPAIR the latest 12 months for which figures was in Czechoslovakia. Acheampong was the leader of a 706 Main St. • “Arco Charge” • Manchester 646-3339 are available. There were noticeable But nowhere in the world was a fall revolutionary coup that toppled the previous government in early 1 ^ . “This TN41HL increases in Belgium, Ghana, India, in consumer prices reported. OPEN FORUM government is a fairly stable onnedieut^aUeif ^oin ^o. MERCURY 4 i ; t : . \ t ) Ireland, Japan, Malta, the Fortunately, average wages in all of government,” said Ambassador Black. “This is the first time I’ve been involved Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, Puer­ 533 Main Si 6 4 3 -6 2 9 5 Manchester the reporting countries generally keep in a military government, and sometimes Phone 646-2756 to Rico, Spain, the United Kingdom pace with inflation, says the ILO, so I forget I’m in a military government. But METAL DETEimmS Buy - Sell b; WRUn'n Appraise NO SERVICt CHARGE and Yugoslavia. that workers’ purchasing power was I don’t notice anything that particularly COINS Complete Auto Parts Available Citation for John Moran Bailey Discipline And bothers me. At the moment, our Collections Wanted E dw in E. B low Reservations lor • Hotels • Airlines • Steamships Somewhat offsetting this was a not reduced in most of the reporting relationship is very good,” she added, A full line of the best in auto parts is available on Board St. at Manchester Auto Parts, Inc. ’Thirty years’ Punishment OUR 12th YEAR IN MANCHESTER 627 Main Streat Manchester slight decrease in unemployment in countries. Interestingly, average Last June, I was asked to write five ten-year tenure as Governor of our state. knocking softly on a wooden coffee table. experience make Ed and Vic Della Fera well qualified to advice you intelligently and dependably on your John Bailey is a partner in the law firm Dear editor: The ambassador, still pretty at 46, was needs for automotive repairs. If a repair job is on your mind, several brands of carburetors, fuel pumps, some 15 other countries and wages for women went up faster than citations to accompany honorary degrees given at a university commencement. of Bailey & Wechsler and serves on the This is to reply to the letter of Mrs. Jean decked out in a bright orange patterned FLO’S Cake Decorating Supplies water pumps, new or rebuilt starters, shock absorters, brake parts, bearings, mufflers, exhaust and tail territories, mostly in the Third World. those for men nearly everywhere. Among them was the citation for John Board of St. Francis Hospital, Guaranty Campbell, ap^aring In The Herald April dress, with her dark hair wrapped in a 647-1731 < 875-3252 pipes, and gaskets are on the shelves. Moran Bailey’s honorary law degree. Bank & Trust Company and Connecticut 5. matching scarf. She was pleased when nh WILTON CAKE DECORATIONS It would be difficult to list all the names carried, but perhaps the most familiar are AC, United Delco, SAVE 20-25% A COMPLETE LINE OF » k MANCHESTER At this time of mourning him, it seems Bank Federation. Mrs. Campbell, no one that I know told she fit in well with the traditional Auto-Lite, Dayco, Standard Motors, A.P., and Fitzgerald. You will also find a great selection of tools, In Gas Mileage fitting that these words of acclaim, con­ In 1961, he was unanimously elected wants inadequate human services. No one costumes worn by Ghanaian women 191 CENTER ST. TO UNION ST. AUTO PARTS W ith MANCHESTER, CONN. ROCKVILLE, Co n n . everything you could possibly need, from small screwdrivers to heavy duty jacks. There’s also a well- ceived from testimonials of his observers, Chairman of the Democratic National to my knowledge desires to shut off com­ (although the dress was made in San Fran­ Mon. - Sat. 10-S 2 70 BROAD ST munication with our youth. Indeed, our Mon. - Sat. 10-5 equipped machine shop on the premise to provide'assistance on some of the heavier jobs. be shared with readers: Committee, serving in this capacity cisco). Tluirt. 10-T Fri. 10-9 MOTOR AID-R Paper Everywhere “As a man who inspired others to during the administrations of the late John town has shown itself quite progressive in She presides over a staff of 60 Wiere other stores may stock one or two items, here are parts you might not expect to find outside of a Now Avallablel become statesmen, John Moran Bailey F. Kennedy and the late Lyndon B. John­ that respect. Church and municipal Americans and neariy that many Wedding Cakes A Specialty large warehouse. The next time your car gives you trouble, try Manchester Auto Parts first. With the largest There’s little danger of recession in returns, etc., etc., etc., is taking has become prominent from the city of his son, until 1968. facilities for our young people arq Ghsnaian helpers. The embassy yas stock in the area and a crew of experienced helpful counter men, you’ll probably find things you didn’t even the paper industry—not that part of it longer to process. birth, Hartford, to nation’s capital. With a keen eye for charismatic powers available. Rabbis^ priests, and ministers designed and patterned after a native EVERYTHING IN vve c a n t w o e b£h in d ! ' know you wanted, and answers to questions you haven’t even asked! give of themselves unstintingly, as do Betty Jane Turner School of Dance turning out the stuff on which govern­ In 1974, businessmen were spending Because of his strong sense of man’s im­ in his fellowmen, an innate sense of chief’s house and built to be the U.S. Con­ OUR PRODUCT ■/ social work people of all types, and others. sulate 14 years ago. It is of native wood, perfections, as well as of man’s need for strategy, and an accurate antenna, John • >All(rGLA$S a SMOwrn DV'flS a. 40 Oak Street Manchester ment forms are printed. 35.6. million manhours a year to human dignity, he has, more than most, Bailey instantly picked up what was un- I believe sincerely that what you suggest and attractive, but is far too small for the • SIO atfB O N TS • DATHTUn ff.CLOVUHfS complete these forms, up 11.9 million mastered the art of compromise. He has ciear, cloudy, unspoken among his friends in these respects is already being done and present staff, which is currently in­ done well. conveniently spread out at several Lessons in Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Last year, the average businessman manhours from 1967. This doesn’t in­ created harmony out of political chaos and as weli as his opponents. He has, like a J.A. WHITE GLASS CO., Inc. advanced himself from state to national computer, recognized signals that have Let me, however, take direct issue with locations throughout the city. Acrobatic, and Baton Twirling PICTURE WINDOWS had a total of no less than 2,178 man­ clude time spent on state and local chairman of his party. been lost to his rivals and associates. This your statement concerning discipline and “All U.S. embassies are basically fur­ punishment being “temporarily” effec­ Tel. 649-0256 529-0442 datory federal forms to fill out, says forms. This illustrious Democrat has been the sensitive movement of mind, together nished alike,” she explains. “They’re 649-7322 31 Biaaall St. tive. Applied conscientiously, fairly, and quite masculine. But I’m going to add the Water Quality Assn. Although this leading actor, a knight-errant of a kind, in with a patient penchant for peace, accord, ^ MANCHESTER OVER 21 YEARS EXPERIENCE Expanded federal programs such as some of the greatest political adventures are John Baiiey’s way of life. in a “no nonsense” matter, they are some colorful cushions and some plants, was an increase of only 159 forms the Occupational Safety and Health of our day. Among them his most His romance with the entire political always effective. A perusal of our past will and I now have music piped in. I’ve also 763 successful, the winning of the campaign process; his passion is his partisanship to show you, I am sure, that, as our society had an office chair shipp^ here from one since 1967, the paperwork is getting Act, Social Security, manpower M AIN ST. that made^ John Fitzgerald Kennedy the his party. To this realist, the ultimate goal has b^ome more permissive, our crime of my husband’s offices in California. It DON WILLIS Specializing In more complicated. At any rate, the training, environmental protection 35th president of his country and the first of this process is not so much to change, as rate has soared in direct proportion. replaced a gigantic, deep-seated leather 643-1191 BRAKE SERVICE Whiie no one advocates a return to the GARAGE multitude of government and equal employment opportunity Roman Catholic to father it. Among other to preserve our society — to keep us chair with a high back. The last one fit the 191 Front End /Uisnmetrt successes are the cannpaigns of Abraham afloat. To this experienced teacher, the stockade, it is very apparent to anyone previous ambassador — he was 6’3” . But MAIN ST. 18 Main SL, Tel. M9-4531 applications, compliance reports, compliance have accounted for most looking at our crime situation fairiy that General Repair Work Ribicoff to the Governor of Connecticut great lesson is to make friends, not , I’m only 5’2V2”.” MANCHESTER statistical questionnaires, tax of the increase. and the transforming of his bold platform enemies. His handshake is his contract, the “pendulum of permissiveness” has Turning to her work, Ambassador Black into legislative reality; also the victories his word is his bond. swung far too far in one direction. said, “We have a very important job to do; 643-1900 of John Dempsey, resulting in his record A lawyer, a judge, a politician, a private We in Manchester have an excellent not just giving money. We have to extend citizen, John Moran Bailey’s total com­ police force, dedicated pubiic servants, our hands in friendship. We have to mitment to the scene of selecting and elec­ and, in the main, fine young people. become known for the kind of people we MANCHESTER SAFE & LOCK CO. BERNARD A. LOZIER^ INC. \ ting to public office men and women of his However, there are flagrant offenders are; and we’re good people. party is legend. We honor him for his devo­ who should be punished and very difinitely “My job is to represent the United ) rf/f Loc/^mfrn Drywall Contractor \ tion to the causes of so many who have incarcerated. Mrs! Campbell, we neglect States interests in Ghana — in black Ceiling Repairs & Replacementt 453 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER • 643-6922 ANDREW TULLY relied on his direction.” to punish them at our peril and no amount Africa. So my job is to bring companies of rationalizing can change this. together with counterparts in Ghana; to Q a a C i t y WTOHOME-WSNSS Alarm s. Locks & Now Introducing Sales, Comblnatlun Changes. Quality Carpentry Work, Patloa - Lee Ann Gundersen Our history shows that our people, in better the relationships we have, both in Sales & Service - Bonded. ,Most 115 Olcott Drive their innate wisdom, have a faculty for business and as people. I’m also en­ keys in stock. Repairs ol all kinds. Additions A Remodoling Manheester, Conn. 06040 countering swings to one extreme or the couraging the exchange of journalists and 5 tC L m .p > 3 Also We Make Keys. Scissors & Free Estimates PhOIM 649-4464 Vassar Curbs Pornography member Dem. Town Committee other. I humbly submit to you that the of students. This effort is already un­ Pinking Shears Sharpened. Ass’t Chmn. Human Relations Co. current groundswell of concerned citizens der way, but I’m trying to put a little more in Manchester and elsewhere is a definite life into it.” CUSTOM MADE Pittsburgh. The administration acted, ac­ SEE US FOR: WASHINGTON — Vassar College, the professional supervision must be the envy manifestation of this. I would further point She added that, “We have some impor­ • Aluminum Roll Up CANVAS AWNINDS IRON former all-female learning factory, may cording to Jack Duggan, Vassar’s vice of commercial pornographers. out that this groundswell has no political tant businesses here, sucW as Kaiser Awnings have found a way to curb the pornography president for student affairs, because of In any event, Vassar seems to have Violate boundaries. Aluminum and Firestone Rubber, among • Door Canoplat Osfrinsky SCRAP METAL which periodically floods certain cam­ “an unauthorized and excessive expen­ drawn a line. Duggan put his finger on the William E. Belfiore others. I’ve tried to encourange U.S. • Storm Doors • Combinallon Windows puses in the name of freedom of the press. diture and to remove material that was issue when he charged the students in­ 431 Main Street business to ‘don’t just take’, but even if it’s DEALER IN WASTE and PAPER Smoking Law MANCHESTER AWNING CO. Or something. clearly obscene by anyone’s definition.” volved in the yearbook “with vanities so Manchester something small, it’s nice to give, too, 131 PARKER ST. IDS WEST CENnR ST. MATERIALS ' Vassar’s authorities have deleted 25 Well, one man’s obscenity is another gross that they are allowed to smother in­ Dear sir: through scholarships and so forth. Tcl. M3 5135 or M3 5819 man’s avant garde art form. But on that March 31,1 attended the public hearing Talephona649-3D91 pages from the school’s yearbook and stitutional concerns, the reputations of “We do quite a lot in this line, but we Etfsbf/sfisd 1949 fired its editor, Terry D. Gruber, 22, of score, it is significant that the president of their classmates and the sensitivities of of the Joint Committee on Education of don’t talk about it. And I’ve accomplished Manchester Memorial Company the Student Government Association, their parents.” Decency, that much- the Connecticut General Assembly in a tremendous amount since I’ve been Erica Ryland, agreed that the yearbook aligned quality, has reared its lovely head Hartford. Observing the democratic here, but I can’t talk about it, either, STEVENSON’S EXXON SERVICENTER (Opposite East Cemetery) was “full of libelous statements ^ a t were on the banks of the Hudson. process at. work was an exciting which is unfortunate.” 405 Main St., Manchester 649-5533 Manchester is fortunate.in having the Manchester Memorial Company in their town, because with over MANCHESTER Over SO Year.' Experience manrbrBtrr clearly obscene and could cost us a libel This is not to say that non-adults of both experience. Teachers from across the The thoroughly charming ambassador 45 years experience you can be sure of having the largest selection of better, “Quality Memorials” to suit.” sexes will cease dabbling in various forms state came to the State Capitol and says she has no desire to get involved in "Whs Tm OeynN (N Ow Ssrnia. Y« C« O iM I"* C*' ' choose in the State of Connecticut! Mr. A. Aimetti, the proprietor has the know how, and knowledge that MEMORIAL GO. Coll 649-5807 What intrigued me, however, was proclaimed to the members of the of smut. Certain kids get their kicks out of U.S. politics again (she once ran un­ only these years of experience can bring. ’They also have special designing service for those who want A. ALMETTI, Prop. lurninri Hrralh Duggan’s and Miss Ryland’s emphasis on shocking the older generation. For some Legislature their views on a wide variety Oppodte lEa.t Cemetery successfully for a GOP Congressional • TUNE-UPS personalized memorials. Manchester Memorial Company is open daily, also Sunday by appointment on­ Il.rrlion SL. .'Unchuter cost accounting. They were saying in glandular reason, each succeeding genera­ of upcoming legislation. FOUNDED OCT. 1 ,1M1 nomination in California). When her stint ETJCpN • GENERAL AUTOMOTIVE ly. The office is located at the comer of Harrison Street, and Pearl Street, Manchester. Phone 649-5807. Published by the Published every effect that even if the Supreme Court tion is convinc^ that if it tries hard As a teacher and citizen, I was im­ in Ghana is over, presumably in two or (pugHty Memorials Msnehester evening except Sun- ruled the deleted material was pure, enough it can outrage the old folks. The at­ pressed with the above yet appalled by the You may also reach Mr. A. Aimetti at his residence by calling 643-7787. PubllshlngCo.,Hersld deys end holldsys. three years, she hopes to remain in the in­ REPAIRS ON ALL CARS Square. Manchester, Entered at the Vassar students couldn’t afford to print it. titude seems to be that we parents blatant violation of the statutes of this ternational arena, looking for better C onn. 06040, Manchester, Conn., By scrapping those 25 pages. Miss Gruber somehow neglected to learn about the state by the very people who created health care and protein development in Telephone 643-27tt Post Office as Second Got A Painting Problom? Wo’ll Help! (Area Coda 203). Clasa Mall Matter. said the yearbook’s cost was reduced from birds and the bees in struggling toward them. I address myself to Public Act 74- needy countries. $23,000 to $12,000. adulthood. 126 which bans smoking at public HERALD IN MIINCKSTEII, RNflT ON MW STNEH PET OWNERS Service still means something lo us - and service means spending enough , BURL L. LYONS. PUBLISHER lime with you to help you select the right paint linish lor that job you re plan­ Now that is an argument assorted papas Actually, most grownups are more meetings. ■ M w T r COMPim raNTIN A GOPYIK SERVICE ...... 12 3 If you can’t find what you’re looking for elsewhere, stop ning .aeeSec us lor painipaint anaand service wnenwhen you plan your nexinext projeolprojeo SUGGESTED CARRIER RATES and mamas across the land can under­ tolerant these days. At the least, they are This law was enacted by the 1974 YESTERDAYS 4 5 • I i 9 10 LOW COST PRINTING in to see us. Chances are we will have what you need. stand. because it is they who foot the bill General Assembly and is now being II 12 13 U IS 14 If WHILE YOU WAIT (PHOTO READY) 723 SW SI. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE acquainted with ^ e world’s sexual foibles. II II 20 21 22 23 24 HisMss UMS a n«T)oilm a Ban nwrs Why not stop here first and you may not have to go any HunEsia 400 MAIN STREET - MANCHESTER.CONN for more or less educating college Parents or otherwise, they have physical­ violated by the current Legislature. In this 23 20 27 20 21 30 further. Single Copy ... tSt 3 Months. . $11.70 ALMANAC MINIT-MANPRINTIING EAJ^maon PAINTCQ (4I-4M1 06040 Weakly...... got 6 Months . . $23.40 students, a tab that includes such fringe ly enjoyed members of the opposite sex. If era of mass citizen apathy and a disregard 640 MAIN ST. a MANCHESTER • 646-1TT7 MANCHESTER PET CENTER ONE Month .. $3.90 One Year. . $46.80 costs as producing yearbooks and athletic they do not put such enjoyment on public for the political process, I now And it very 25 Years Ago By Uniled Press Inlernalional a SEE US FOR ENGRAVED NAME PLATES MKMBFK. IHK ORDKR Oh THE. GOL1H.N HULK a TRY OUR NEW QUICK ACTION XEHOX COPIER! 9 MAPLE STREET, DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER • 649-4273 Your Independent Dealer Mail Hales Upon Request association memberships. A more display, it is only that they choose the path difficult to justify in my social science Local residents report seeing meteor as Today is Saturday, April 12, the 102nd “RUY THE PAINT THAT’S WORTH THE WORK” ' Subscribers who p.m. should telephone liberated parent might think it broadening of good taste. classroom (the American way) when an it streaked low across eastern sky. day of 1975 with 263 to follow. Just Around The Corner From Mein... fail to receive their the circulation depart- Herald before 5:30 ment. 647-9946. for his sprout to be exposed to a certain Anyway, even college students mature, arm of that institution disregards a law Census being taken of locai residents 'hie moon is between its new phase and UUHDHYiaATlij afflicted with cerebral palsy. FORMAL’S INN me. amount of smut, but he does not wish such and one sign of maturity is evidenced which protects the rights of ^ citizens. first quarter. JOHN’S FLOOR COVERING INC. - ^ 1 FREEMOTHPROOFING Member Audit Bureau of Circulations exposure to threaten his check book. when the human animal decides that I thereby call upon Reps. St. Pierre, Work starts on Olcott St. school. The morning stars are Mercury, Mars lo r m v i, Fqr the tux on all winter clothes This is a fact of life too many college sexual high-jinks is better and more Francis, Bertinuson and other legislators and Jupiter. y^PLIANCES< •— NO LIMIT—* The Manchester Display advertising authorities have ignored during the past who felt they had a license to violate the The evening stars are Saturn and Venus. 119 Oakland St. that’s inn m closing hours: Three satisfyingly practiced behind closed doors P/US...FREE INSURANCE Publishing Co. permissive decade. They have stressed laws of this state, to cease their activities Those born on this date are under the Installing Since 1953 lull days prior to — and no cameras, please. Ninety-nine per for him CALL 649-5559 assumes no financial publication. student freedom to the extent of expan­ and demonstrate to the youth and public at 10 Years Ago a cent of today’s young 'uns will discover sign of Aries. LINOLEUM - CARPET - CERAMIC - FORMICA •All work dont on promitot tnd hilly Q utnntoodr responsibility lor Deadline lor Herald ding it to license. Indeed, sometimes it large that democracy as a political American statesman Henry Clay was OPEN DAILY 10 A .M .-9 P.M. Frank A. Amont. Proaidant typographical errors classified advertising: this, as they will arrive at the realization Manchester Chamber of Commerce KITCHEN & BATH REMODELING appearing in adver­ 12 noon prior to day of seems the campus atmosphere in some in­ process is and should be responsive to the born April 12, 1777. 35 Oak St.. Manchester Conn 06040 that even work is preferable to starvation. says it would cost town more than twice Open Mon., Tuas., Sat. 10 to 6 p.m„ Thun. A Fri. 10 to 0 p.m. TtNphont 10-9 Weak Days tisements and other publication: 12 noon stitutions is so free it is designed to needs of all. On this day in history: MANCHESTER PARKADE 643-9561 g/rn PARKADE CLEANERS reading matter In The Friday lor publication In short, I retain my confidence in time, what it now pays for rubbish disposal if MANCHESTER Closad Wodnetday 643-9470 549-7901 10-6 Saturday 402 W. MIDDLE TPKE. prepare boys and girls to star in a revival Ronald P. Ouellette In 1861, the Civil War began when Manchester Evening Saturday and Mon­ the great healer. Meanwhile, let’s hear it Manchester joined proposed four-town in­ Herald. day. of “Deep ’Throat.” Much of the literature for Vasser’s Jack Duggan and Erica Szegda Rd. Confederate troops opened fire on Ft. cinerator project. turned out under what Icwsely is called Ryland. Columbia Sumter, S.C. V'*k* *' • < » ' - ■ *» .« ’ •'•• •*■ • ■'• > ' • ' f ' ■t'- • 4 t ,'f . » r • • ' * ♦ ‘••V I ■ * V » * • i; '. • • ' i "'i. ',—<. ' ' ,*r.'T m * '^

/\ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester; Conn., Sat., April 12,1975- PAGE SEVEN PAGE SIX - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Coim.. Sat., April 12, 1975 AREA CHURCHES Six Designated LOCAL CHURCHES WINGS State Scholars si L i . ' OF EVENING COVENTRY ST. PETER’S EPISCOPAL CHUfllCH, Sand ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH,« . Mid­ JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES, Kingdom Hall, AVERY ST. CHRISTIAN REFORMED By CLIFF SIMPDON •State Scholan Hill Rd., South Windsor. Rev. Frederick H. CHURCH, 661 Avery St., South Windsor. Rev. dle Tpke. Rev. Philip Hussey, pastor. 726 N. Main St. t, . Six Coventry High School Foerster IH, vicar. Peter Mans, minister. tel Saturday Mass at 5 p.m.; Sunday Masses at 10 a.m., Public Bible discourse “Sacrifices students have been designated 8 a.m.. Holy Comiiiunion;'I0 a.m.. Holy Com­ 8:30 a.m., “Back to God” hour radio broad­ 8:30, 10:15 and 11:30 a.tn. That Please God” ; li a.m., Group discussion of Saunders, minister. ST, MATTHEW’S CHURCH, Tolland. Rev. reading is "the sound of gentle stillness.” merry.” Then I asked the children to il­ Walter Gustafson, left, of Hatboro, Pa., formerly of 10:30 a.m.. Praise, Worship Service and Bible Francis J. O’Keefe, pastor. It is interesting to note that the verses of lustrate with stick drawings the part of toe Dr. and Mrs. Tanash study for all ages; 7 p.m., Deliverance Service. UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST SOCIETY, Manchester, and John Slabaugh of Akron, Ohio, are con­ ROCKVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH, 69 Union Saturday Masses at 5 and 7 p.m.; Sunday this hymn are part of a very long poem by story they liked best. Atoynatan of Glastonbury will ducting services nightly, except Saturdays, at 7:30 p.m. at serve as host and hostess Sun­ FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH, Orange Hall 72 481 Spring St. (Singer Learning Center) Rev. Ar­ St. Rev. Robeh L. LaCk)unte, pastor. Masses at 8:30, 10:30 and 11:45 a.m. John Greenleaf Whittier called “The One youngster drew a large Five-and- nold F. Westwood, minister. Gospel Hall. They will also speak Sundays at 7 p.m. The 9:30 a.m., Sunday School, nursery through day from 2 to 5 p.m. at Lutz E. Center St. Rev. James Beliasov, pastor. MESSIAH EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN Brewing of Soma.” Most of us could not Ten^ent-Store (you can see toat this was The size and strength of a carton compressor hold a young 10:30 a.m.. Service, Kay Doherty of Braintree, services are open to the public. There are no a lta r calls nor adult, including college career class; 11 a.m.^ Junior Museum. 9:30 a.m., Sunday School; 10:30 a.m.. Worship CHURCH, (Wisconsin Synod), 300 Buckland’ recall the other verses of this poem but a long time ago) with a child standing audience spellbound. Members of the YWCA nursery Mass, tells her story of “What One Woman Can collections during these services, the evangelists said. Worship Service, first Sunday of each month. between two counters, his arms outr Service; 7 p.m.. Evening Service. Rd., South Windsor. those used in the hymn are beloved by Nursery Pupils school are getting a “behind the scene” view at the Top Do,” including how she has raised money to help Holy Communion; second Sunday, missionary many for they help us jto be aware of God’s stretched. From his open hands streamed Loyal Circle of Kings “Our sermons stress man’s ruin in sin and God’s remedy 9 a.m., Sunday School; 10 a.m.. Worship Ser-^^ Notch food store in Manchester. Shown behind the com­ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 43 Spruce St. alleviate poverty in Mississippi, Nursery, service, nursery provided; 7 p.m., informal Presence. a torrent of nickels and dimes. This was Daughters will meet Monday at for man in Jesus Christ,” Gustafson said. vice. pressor door is Mike Wisneski, receiver, as he explains the 7:45 p.m. in the Federation 9:15 a.m., Sunday School; 10:30 a.m., Worship, Church School. evening service, nursery provided. The “Gimme” Prayer his idea of “riotous living.” Visit Top Notch Nursery provided; 7 p.m.. Informal Worship, Room of Center Congregational OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN CHURCH, 239 “Lord, give me this;" make this come Akin to this experience is that of toe compressing process. In the background is the school’s study and fellowship. Graham Rd., South Windsor. Rev. Ronald A. teacher who told the saiAe story, asking assistant director, Mrs. Bruce Stauffer. (Herald photo by Church. Mrs. Alice Clark is SACRED HEART CHURCH, Rt. 30, Vernon. to pass. happens to the cartons after toe SOUTH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, Erbe, pastor. was was meant by “wasting your sub­ In this Week of toe Young Pinto) hostesses. ST. JAMES CHURCH, Msgr. Edward J. Woman To Speak Rev. Ralph Kelley, pastor. Rev. Edward When the subject of prayer comes up it shelves have been stocked; Rev. George W. Webb, Rev. Wayne Kendall, 6 a.m.. Sunrise Service; 9 a.m., Worship and stance in riotous living.” An eight-year- Child, young students in Reardon, pastor; Rev. Bernard Killeen, Rev. Konopka. is usually this kind of prayer that first where the dairy goods are Rev. Robert W. Eldridge, pastors. Sunday School; 10:15 a.m.. Worship Service. old replied, “It means spending all your Manchester have been in­ Louis Cremonie. 9 and 10:45 a.m.. Worship Service, Pastor Ken­ Saturday Mass at 5 p.m.; Sunday Masse? at comes to mind. It is usually the child’s in­ dulging in various projects and delivered; and what it takes to Saturday Masses at 5 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday troduction to prayer and is sometimes money on bubblegum.” Meetings dall preaching “A Cracked Glass Holds No To Unitarians 7:30, 9, 10:30 a.m. and noon. ST. JOHN’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Rt. 30, field trips. get all the food ready for the Masses at 7:30, 9, 10:30 a.m., noon, 5 p.m. downgraded by the more sophisticated. “God Choosing Me to Help Him” Henry Ifflkxk has Water,” the second in a series covering the Book Vernon. Rev. Robert H. Wellner, rector. Four- and five-year olds from customers. Kay Doherty, a Roman Economic Opportunity for the Yet it is natural that we should turn to our There are times when we feel useless, Next W eek ST. JOHN’S POLISH CATHOLIC of James, Coffee hour immediately following 8 a.m., Holy Communion; 10 a.m., Family Ser­ the YWCA nursery school The tour was conducted and Catholic layperson from Brain­ support of the North Bplivar ST. MARGARET MARY’S CHURCH, Wap- Heavenly Father with words which lonely, unwanted. CHURCH, 23 Golway St. Rev. Walter A. the first service in the Reception Hall; 9 to 10:15 launched a series of weekly explained by Allan Parker, Meetings scheduled next 17 reasons why you tree, Mass., will be guest County, Miss., Farm ping. Rev. William McGrath and Rev. Joseph vice and Church School. express the deep longings of our hearts. At such time I like to recall the words of Hyszko, pastor. a.m., Infant-Toddler Nursery and Kindergarten; trips by touring the Top Notch store manager. week in the Manchester speaker Sunday at the Cooperative which was an Schick, co-pastors. Jesus encouraged this in His prayer, Stradivarius, maker of violins, as George 9 a.m-, Mass in English; 10:30 a.m., Mass in 9:15 to 10:30 a.m.. Church School Grades 1 ST. BERNARD’S CHURCH, Rockville. Rev. food store. This trip was the first of a Municipal Building include: Unitarian Universalist Society ougrowth of the Tufts Universi­ Saturday Masses at 5 and 7 p.m.; Sunday “Give us this day our daily bread.” Eliot interprets him: shcmld cone to us Polish and English. through 12; 10:45 a.m., Infant-Toddler through John J. White, pastor. Rev. Joseph M. Bartok. The visit differed from the or­ two-part unit concerning MONDAY service at 10:30 a.m. at the ty Medical School Delta Health Masses at 8:30, 10 and 11:30 a.m. In the Garden of Gethsemene He prayed “When any master holds Nursery, Church School for Kindergarten, Saturday Masses at 5 and 7 p.m.; Sunday dinary shopping tour with workers in the community. It 7 p.m. —Directors’ budget CHURCH OF THE ASSUMPTION, Adams Singer Learning Center, 481 Center. “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup 'Twixt chin and hand a violin of mine. Grade 7 through 12; 4:30 p.m.. District Masses at 7, 8:30, 10 and 11:30 a.m. mother. The children were served as an introduction to an workshop. Hearing Room. income tax hdp. St. at Thompson Rd. Rev. Edward S. Pepin, Spring St. Her topic: “What It was also reported that the pass from me” and then continued He will be glad that Stradivari lived. Conference, all members of the district are in­ ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, 673 Ellington Rd., given a view of the store their awareness of natural things, 7:30 p.m. —Permanent pastor; Rev. Paul Trinque. One Woman Can Do.” young physicians in training “nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou Made violins, and made them of the vited. South Windsor. Rev. John C. Gay, pastor. Rev. mothers usually don’t ever see. growth and development of Memorial Day Committee, Reason 5. If the IRS should call you Saturday Masses at 5 and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday Mrs. Doherty will tell the found malnutrition so severe TALCOTTVILLE CONGREGATIONAL wilt.” best. They were shown how plant life and animals. basement conference room. Masses at 7:30, 9, 10:30 and 11:45 a.m. story of how she has involved that many children who began Eugene M. Kibride. If we sincerely add these last words to ...For while God gives them skill in for an audit, H & R Block will go Saturday Masses at 5 and 7 p.m.; Sunday CHURCH, UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST, produce is stored in huge walk- The children will participate NORTH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, hundreds of her fellow citizens life normally would regress to I give them instruments to play upon, 7:30 p.m. —Conservation with you, at no additional cost. Not CONCORDIA LUTHERAN CHURCH, 40 Rev. Kenneth E. Knox, pastor. our “gimme prayers,” our petitions are in refrigeration rooms; how it in projects in nursery school 300 Parker St. Rev. Earle R. Custer, pastor. in and about Boston and raised borderline retardation by the Masses at-7:30, 9:30 and 11 a.m. G ^ choosing me to help Him... Commission, Coffee Room. Pitkin St. Rev. Burton D. Strand, Rev. David W. 10:30 a.m., Worship and Sunday Schqol. indeed a profound forin of prayer; but is weighed and packed; what related to the numerous field as a legal representative... but we 9 and 10:30 a.m., Worship Service, sermon: $100,000 to support a struggling age of three. They prescribed ...If my hand slacked TUESDAY Rinas, pastors. there are other forms which are also im­ trips. can answer all questions about how “The Sacrament of Baptism,” Sacrament of black farm cooperative in the I should rob God — since He is fullest 7 p.m. —Budget workshop. 9 a.m.. Holy Communion, Church School food instead of medicine and ST. MARY’S CHURCH, Rt. 31, Coventry. portant. Jesus prayed in different ways your taxes were prepared. Baptism at both services, coffee fellowship Mississippi delta. started this experiment in self- ST. GEORGE’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Hearing Room. through Grade 6, Nursery for small children; Rev. F. Bernard Miller, pastor. Rev. Paul F. during His life. Different forms are in­ good — between services; 9 a.m.. Church School, In the winter of 1972, Mrs. Boston Tpke., Bolton. Rev. John F. Flora, vicar. Leaving a blank instead of violins. 8 p.m. —Human Relations 10:30 a.m.. Holy Communion, Church School for help. Ramen. cluded in our services of worship. Nursery and Grades 3 through 7; 10:30 a.m.. Doherty read of the drying up of 8 a.m., Holy Communion; 10 a.m., Holy Com­ ...He could not make Commission, Coffee Room. Grade 10 and on. Nursery for small children. The 650 families in the co-op Saturday Mass at 5:15 p.m .; Sunday Masses at Many Forms — One Spirit Vernon Rec Jobs Open Church School, Nursery, Kindergarten and funding from the For(l Founda­ exist on a per family income of munion & Sermon, Coffee Hour and Church Antonio Stradivari’s violins WEDNESDAY 7:30, 9:30 and 10:45 a.m. One way to seek enrichment in pur TRINITY COVENANT CHURCH, 302 Grades 1 and 2, third and fourth graders will go tion and the U.S. Office of less that $2,000 a year. The co­ School, Nursery provided. Without Antonio.” 8 p.m. —Republican Town prayer life is to follow closely the various Applications for summer jobs Hackmatack St. Rev. Norman E. Swensen, to Green Lodge; 8 p.m., Middle-Links discussion op now owns 450 acres and is These lines from the poem Valley Falls Park pond. Committee, Hearing Room. CRYSTAL LAKE COMMUNITY UNITED kinds of prayer in the services of the with the Vernon Recreation Other positions to be filled in- pastor. group meets. struggling to become self- “Stradivarius” are quoted in “The THURSDAY METHODIST CHURCH, Ellington. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, church, earnestly seeking to enter into Department will be accepted clude male and female 9:30 a.m., Sunday School classes for all ages sufficient. Meaning of Prayer” by Harry Emerson 6:30 p.m. —Directors’ com­ Morning worship at Crystal Lake Community UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST, Coventry. 'each one. The order may follow the through April 16 by Recreation playground counselors, an of­ three through adult plus an Infant-Nurseiy; Mrs. Doherty set for herself Fosdick. It you are not familiar with the ment session. Directors’ Office. COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH, AN United Methodist Church will be at 11 beginning prescribed instructions of prayer book or Director Donald Berger. fice clerk, and maintenance 10:50'a.m.. Worship Service with the Trinity the task of raising capital for Rev. Bruce Johnson, minister. book, let me recommend it as one of the AMERICAN BAPTIST CHURCH, 585 E. Sunday. Sunday School will also be at 11. Anyone the preference of the worship leader. Application forms are 7:30 p.m. —Advisory Rec and Choir singing a cantata, “No Greater Love,” the project. Starting in 1972, she 9:30 a.m., Church School; 11 a.m.. Worship most basic and readable books on prayer workers. Center St. Rev. Ondon P. Stairs, minister. wishing to join the coffee hour is invited to do so Adoration, confession, thanksgiving, com­ available at the recreation of­ Park Commission, Coffee Trinity Tots for those 3 years old through has conducted four successive Service, Nursery available, Roy Hill, guest that I know. Fosdick goes on to say: Applicants must be 16 or 9:15 a.m.. Church School for all ages. at 10:15 a.m. munion, petition, intercession and com­ fice in the Lottie Fisk Building, older with preference to be Room. Kindergarten, Children’s Church for Grades 1 Good Friday “ walks,” speaker 17/76 Achievement Fund. Coffee Hour “Now if God has left some things con­ 7:30 p.m. —Bicentennial Kindergarten through Grade 4 continuing during mitment are various forms. Henry Park, the Administra­ through 6, Nursery for all pre-school children. culminating with 1,500 walkers in vestry following service. tingent on man’s thinking and working given to teachers, college the service; 10:30 a.m.. Morning Worship, the It would make an interesting study to tion Building, W. Main St., or • Committee, Hearing Room. on March 28 in Plymouth Coun­ ROCKVILLE UNITED METHODIST why may He not have left some things con­ students and graduating high [X]8[Rl BOLTON CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Rev. Stephen Jacobson of St. Mary’s Episcopal notice how many of these kinds of prayers the Police Station on West Rd. ty, Mass., securing $42,000 for CHURCH, 142 Grove St., Rockville. Rev. John tingent on man’s praying?” (p.64) school seniors. T H E INCOME TAX PEOPLE Bolton Center Rd. Rev. J. Stanton Conover, Church, guest minister, coffee hour following UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, 1040 All applications must be W. Mortimer, pastor. minister. the service. Nursery provided; 6 p.m.. Youth the Delta project. Boston Tpke., Bolton. Rev. David M. Campbell, returned to the Lottie Fisk Manchester Parkade Gateway Shop Plaza She has also secured in fall 9:30 a.m.. Church School, Nursery through IN THE SERVICE 10:15 a.m.. Church School, Nursery; 10:30 Fellowships will meet. pastor. Building. Manchester Vernon clothing collections 30,000 adults; 10:45 a.m., Worship Service,, Nursery 10:15 a.m.. Coffee and Conversation; 10:30 366 Spencer St, 2854 Main St. a.m.. Worship Service, sermon: “The Problem ■ ’O , • Positions which are available that time she will- begin six of Suffering” ; 7:30 p.m.. Pilgrim Fellowship. pounds of' clothing and through Grade 3. a m., Church School, Nursery through Grade 6; TODAY’S THOUGHT Barbara A. Mitchell, 1181 Main St. Glastonbury CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE, 236 Main St. in water safety jobs include weeks of basic orientation at household items for the project. 10:45 a.m.. Worship, sermon: “Moving Toward directors at both the Horowitz daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hartford OTHER AREA OFFICES CALVARY CHURCH (ASSEMBLIES OF Rev. William A. Taylor, pastor; Rev. Charles D. The public is invited to meet Lafikland Air Force Base in FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF Personhood.” Memorial and the Vernon Com­ Mitchell of 48 Pine Tree Lane, Ward & Union Sts, Coventry GOD), 647 E. Middle Tpke. Rev. Kenneth L. Isbell, assistant pastor. and hear Mrs. Doherty, the The hostess at a family luncheon casual­ producing fruit and they marveled afresh Texas. VERNON, Rev. John A. Lacy, minister; Rev. munity pools; water safety in­ South Windsor, has entered the Rockville Stafford Springs ' Gustafson, pastor. 9:30 a.m., Sunday School — Classes for all Rev. Arnold Westwood, ly commented that the luscious red-ripe at this miracle of life. She has selected a position in Edwin W. Bartholomew, assistant minister. UNION CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, structors and lifeguards, U.S. Air Force Delayed Enlist­ 9:45 a.m., Sunday School classes for adults and ages; 10:45 a.m.. Morning Worship, message by minister of the local Unitarian tomatoes on the salad platter had come Are you discouraged or defeated by the the general career field. She 10 a.m.. Morning Worship, 9:55 a.m.. Church Rockville. Rev. Paul J. Bowman, minister; Rev. cashiers, and locker room ment Program. Sears children, Nursery facility for the little ones; the Rev. Mr. Taylor, Children’s Church and Universalist Society, said. An from the garbage pile and then sat back to surroundings in which you find yourself? will then receive advance Also In Manchester Parkade School. David B. Eusden, associate minister. attendants. Swim personnel Miss Mitchell will be in the J 10:50 a.m.. Worship Service, message by the Nursery provided; 7 p.m.. Evening Service, offering for the support of her lapgh at the consternation and disblief Don’t despair! Reach up to the sunlight of technical training for which Open 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Weekdays, 9-5 Sat. & Sun.. Phone 646-5440 9:15 a.m.. Confirmation Class, Adult Bible will aslo be hired to work at Air Force Reserve until she pastor; 7 p.m.. Gospel Service, Rev. Joseph message by the Rev. Mr. Isbell, Nursery Mrs. Kay Doherty project will be recieved, he registering on the faces of her guests. God’s love. Be rooted and grounded in transferrable college credits ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT - NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Study Class; 10:30 a.m., Church School, infants enters active duty Aug. 19. At Kilpatrick, missionary in Brussesls, Belgium, provided. said. SECOND congregational CHURCH, The summer before, while in the Him. Believe that you were created in will be awarded. through Grade 8; 10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, guest speaker. UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST, Rt. 44A, process of building their home, they had your Heavenly Father’s image and that, the Rev. Mr. Eusden, preaching; 11:45 a.m., Coventry, Rev. Robert K. Bechtold, minister. buried the garbage at the end of the yard; by His Grace, your life can be made EMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH, Church CHURCH OF CHRIST, Lydall and Vernon Coffee Hour in the Chapel; 12:45 p.m., Church ---- 9 a.m.. Adult Study Group; 10 a.m.. Worship carefully covering each lay of refuse with beautiful and prcJductive. (Gal. 5:22,23) and Chestnut Sts. Rev. C. Henry Anderson and Sts. Eugene Brewer, minister. Missionary To Speak School Kindergarten 4, through Grade 9 meet at FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH OF MANCHESTER Service; Church School; 11 a.m.. Coffee Hour; a layer of soil. In the last layer the seeds of “Behold, what manner of love the Sunday Sarvlces being held In the Orange Hall Rev. Ronald J. Fournier, pastors; Joseph 9 a.m., Bible Classes; 10 a.m., Worship, ser­ the church for field trip to the, University of Ekeberg, intern. mon: “The Second Greatest Commandment” ; 6 Confirmation Class; 5 p.m.. Youth Discussion a tomato had laid dormant through the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we AMEfflCAN SPA-POOLS, MC. At Calvary Church Connecticut. 72 E. CENTER STREET MANCHESTER 8:30 and 11 a.m.. The Service, Chapel Service p.m.. Worship, sermon: “The Longest Group; 7 p.m.. Senior Pilgrim Fellowship. winter. should be called the sons of God.....and it When the growing season came the seed doth not yet appear what we shall be: but FIGHT INFLATION! FIGHT RAISING PRICES! ') for children following principal hymn; 9:45 Journey.” T he R ev . Jo s e p h W. JAMES BELIASOV, Paitor PHONE 643-7644 f a.m.. Church School and Adult Forum; 9:45 and teaching and conducting exten­ began to change, pushing roots down and we know that, when He shall appear, we Kilpatrick, newly approved sion seminars at Continental Clergy Exchange Pulpits shoots up to gather in all the nutrients of shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as We Believe in the Diety of Christ; His Virgin Birth; His 11 a.m.. Nursery for infants. Assemblies of God missionary FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST, Bible College. The Rev. Mr. Stairs will the soil and the warmth of God’s sunshine He is.” (I Jn. 3:1,2) shed blood for atonement; His bodily resurrection; His to Belgium, will be guest The Rev. Ondon Stairs, The SECOND CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, 447 N. Main St. The correspondence institute preach at the 9 and 11 a.m. ser­ and rain. It became a sturdy plant Evelyn Morrison ascension; and His personal premillennial return to es­ speaker Sunclay at 7 p.m. at pastor of Community Baptist IM T E l) CHURCH OF CHRIST, 385 N. Main 11 a.m.. Church Service, Sunday School for is a home-study Bible school vices at St. Mary’s. Father The Salvation Army tablish His Kingdom on eartlu Calvary Church, 647 E. Middle Church, and the Rev. Stephen St. Rev. Felix M. Davis, minister. pupils up to the age of 20, care for very young sponsored by the Foreign Jacobson will preach at the 10 a.m.. Worship, Nursery through Church children, subject of the Lesson-Sermon: “Are Toke. Missions Division of the Jacobson, rector of St. Mary’s snuy SCHOOL mo m • momnc soviet iihso ui • evbbio soviet m pji BmdMtTlii 10:30 a.m. service at Communi­ Speaks School Grade 12, sermon by the Rev., Mr. Davis, During this special missions Episcopal Church, will Sin, Disease, and Death Real?” Golden Text 11 Assemblies of God. Continental ty Baptist Church. by “The Next Day” ; 11:15 a.m., board of deacons. Corinthians 10:7, “Do ye look on things after the service, the Rev. and Mrs. Bible College is a four-year exchange pulpits Sunday. Eugene Kilpatrick will tell of their roles Manchester Woman Heading ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN outward appearance?” The Christian Science college providing Bible Brewer Reading Room, 968 Main St., is open to the in modern missions outreach teaching and leadership CHI RCH, (MISSOURI SYNOD), Cooper and and present the ministries of High Sts. Rev. Charles W. Huhl, pastors. public, Mondays through Fridays from 10 a.m. training to students from PMCIIMII to 3 p.m. except holidays and from 7 to 9 the first the Brussells’ schools. Europe and the Middle East. Man’s restless quest for Child Abuse Help Center We can't hold the 9 a.m., Divine Worship; 10:15 a.m., Sunday OPEN price line much long> and third Thursday evenings of each month, the The Rev. Mr. Kilpatrick will truth often is hindered by School and Youth Forum; 10:10-11:35 a.m.. First Since 1966, the guest speaker Save Hundreds of Dollars- er! The cost ol moteri* reading room also maintains a free lending serve on the administrative human relations. Jesus unson-s and Second Year Youth Instruction; 6 p.m.. has been finance secretary for ALL DAY Mrs. Max (Sally) Goostine of the project, which will make Department of the Manhattan ol keeps going up and staff and faculty of the Inter­ warned of putting loyalty to up. The wise buyer library. the Division of Foreign 25 Brookfield St. has been Family Court and as a field in­ If You Beat Price Youth spaghetti supper. national Correspondence parents or children above emergency help available when will purchase h it Missions in Springfield, Mo. He named director of the new Child cases of child abuse and neglect structor for the Fordham Institute and the Continental devotion to Christ. Reliance NOW. . . and save at also has taught accounting Abuse and Neglect Demonstra­ University School of Social Ser­ Increases and BUY NOW! ieott $500 or more by Bible College, both located in upon certain respected peers occur. Candy Kitchen courses at Evangel College and Sunday tion Center established at Mt. Mrs. Goodstine Is a graduate of vices. not waiting till next Brussells. He also will coor­ as the source of truth, stifles year. a church finance course at Cen­ Sinai Hospital, Hartford, by the Hunter College, New York, and She h a s resided in South Church Hosts Conference dinate the publishing of one’s initiative to seek. Where Quality Candy Is Made Fresh Daily tral Bible College, both in State Department of Children has a master’s degree in social Manchester for two years. management courses for When confronted with a con Springfield, Mo. and Youth Services. She work from Columbia University Among her projects was work Choose From Over ZOO V'arieties ministerial students plus flict between a cherished posi­ Connecticut Valley District of Members of the United refreshments for the 400 or assumed her duties Friday. School of Social Work. She on a special pre-kindergarten NOW... Methodist Women of South more delegates expected to at- tion and apparent truth, peo­ the United Methodist Church The announcement was made worked 16 years as a screening program for the For the Pickle (Connoisseur . . . Offering tho Pleasure will conduct its annual district C h u rch w ill p ro v id e tend the annual conclave. ple often react by referring to teachers, preachers, and by Francis H. Maloney, com- caseworker and supervisor with Manchester Board of Educa­ CHOCOLATE COVERED of a SPA In privacy ol conference Sunday at 4 p.m. at misssioner of the department. the Bureau of Child Welfare of tion. South United Methodist Church. theologians. Their reasoning; your home. Earlier this year he secured the of Depart­ PICKLES Leaders of 60 churches in the How can such scholars ^ ■y Beneflla — Tramen- federal funding from HUD (the ment of Social Services. Sweet midget gherkins coated with our rich district, which includes local Getting Older? wrong? Aristotle is credited dousl (The pleasure of department of Housing and Ur­ She also worked with MORII VERS/ churches in Eastern Connec­ Our Staff Is Itere medicinal with saying: “Plato is dear to dark chocolate — The ultimate pickle SWEET APPLE CIDER ban Development) to initiate juveniles for the Probation over-ell body ticut and the Greater me, but dearer still is truth.” experience. services O w r 40 Tm n oI UiwxotM SenrtM meaeage). Springfield, Mass., area, will Need some help with meals and 7 Days A Week— , . To be sure, relatives, Ask For Detalla. gather at South Church for for housekeeping? Why not come out to available. friends, and religious leaders Open 24 Hours Dally **'s. • MacINTOSH • BALDWIN To Serve Your FamHy! may be able to aid one in fin­ garment bags & storage boxes fellowship and the business of a home for FOR EMERGENCY SERVICE the district. GREEN LODGE OF MANCHESTER, ding Christ (as Andrevr did for Highlighting the conclave will the elderly? Over Simon, his brother). But these • WINESAP WESTOWN sEould not be considered the for your winter things... be a service of celebration, I ^ E A L E R ’S N A M E - ^ 28 repository of truth, the ul­ M©bil [j^ AMERICAN “The Wedding Banquet,” led by We will care for you with tons PHARMACY HEATIN6 0ILS the Fisherman’s Players of Old OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Years timate authority governing of love. We have only one bed available, 455 HARTFORD RD. man’s relationship with God “where a SPA-POOLS, INC. West Church in Boston. of dollar's OIL BURNER 6 The Rev. Richard Waters, a and it is on the first floor. Visit us anytime Route 44A, Bolton, Conn. FERRANDO ORCHARD MANCHESTER Continuous I CHURCH OF I ADDRESS conference evangelist, is direc­ at 612 East Middle Turnpike, HEATING INSTALLATION TEL: 649-6962 BIRCH MOUNTAIN ROAD, GLASTONBURY ■‘YOUR COMMUNITY CHRIST the miracle of dollar!" m ROUTE 6, BOLTON ^ TEL. 649-4332 tor of the Fisherman’s Players Servicol DIv. All-Saaaon Pool, Inc. I CITY__ (3 miles beyond Vito’s Restaurant) Manchester... HEALTH SERVICE STORE" Lydall and Vernon Streets '(• dovuritown mancfiestftt* 6 4 3 -5 1 3 5 OPEN DAILY and SUNDAY ’HI 8:00 P.M. and will be the principal actor Phone: 646-2903 315 Centw St.______M«ndml»f (Eat. 1959) PHONE_____ in Sunday’s production. Candy Alto Available For Fund Ralaing______I i ' V* -•;•. >► i>* *> V'^

MANCHESTER EVENING HERAU). Manchartwr, Com.. Sat.. Anril U. 1875 - PAGE WINE PAGE EIGHT - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Sat.,*April 12,1975 Major League Boxscores ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Whaler Hero ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ One Question T h e Pitchers Far Ahead of Batsmen, AMimCAN LIAQUI NATIOItAL LIAQUI STANDINGS St. Lonia Philadelphia Cleveland Milwankee “I was trying to keep the shot Minnesota’s Bill Butters and abrblii abrbbL HARTFORD(UPI) - AMERICAN LEAGUE For Nicklaus abrbbi abrbbi Brocklf '5220 Caab2b 4010 low and (Hi net,” said Ley, who Herald Angle Gamble U 5 010 Colucdo cf 2100 Rick Ley said be was bone Jack Carlson received game Sizemore 2b 3 10 0 Bowa ss 5 00 0 gave c r ^ t tor the goal to left misconducts as did the Whaler’i East Robinioa db 3 0 0 0 Briggi U 4121 McBridecI 5244 Monlanezlb4011 tire Evans rf 6 010 Blair cf 6 0 3 2 T-2:33 A-44634. by drawing 39 penalties accoun­ rebound shot. day at St. Paul. Manchester 002 000 OOx 2 Ystrzmsk lb 5 2 2 1 Davis dh 512 0 Oakland 7, Texas 5 sup: Fitzsimons, J. C. Snead and person have who bowls once a week, or twice, against a along with 21 strikeouts. caught it and appealed, and the third cut down stealing. free with the two runs Quesnel, RF RBI: Anthony; SB: Daly, Maloney; BB: ting for 217 minutes. Gllha, LF Conigiiar dh 4 2 1 i Bumbry dh 1010 California 5, Chicago 0 “It looks like Jack is going to Weiskopf. Coach Hal Parks’ Indians Umpire Bill Fortin made the Ray Sullivan drew a one-out crossing. Anthony was Koepsel 1, Butler 5; SO: Koepsel 11, PetrocelU 3b 5 0 0 0 May lb 6111 professional who travels the circuit, bowls five or six Carman, LF Ballard 4, BuUer 6; Hits off: K o e ^ l 2 Los Angeles Houston Saturday’s Games be pretty hard to catch.” Nicklaus’ 135 is three strokes Nicola, 2B Montgmry c 5 0 1 2 Grich 2b 3 1 1 0 ab r h bi ab r h bi times a week and carries a 140, or better, average? collected three safeties, in out call. fee pass, took second on a credit^ vvith an infield hit for 0 runs in 7 inning; Fitzsimmons 0 for Rice if 5 1 2 0 DeCinces p h i 00 0 Boston (aeveland 12-14) at “I’ve had five stroke leads lower than his 36-hole total in Koepsel, P 0 runs in 1; Ballard 0 for 0 runs in 2; Lopes 2b 3 2 0 0 Cabell U 4 0 0 0 “True, it’s not my fault that my average doesn’t com­ addition to one break, to Koepsel struck out 11, wild pitch and moved to and an RBI on the play, Tasnio, IB Miller If 0 0 0 0 Baylor If 5121 Buckner if 5 2 2 2 Andrews 2b 4 010 Baltimore (Grimsley 18-13) before and let them get away,” 1965, the year he set the Butler 3 for 2 runs in 7; HP: Daly Burleson ss 3 111 Robinson 3b 5 0 0 0 register a 2-0 whitewashing eight of the first nine he MacCJovem charged with an (Ballard); W: Koepsel; L: BuUer. Wynn cf 412 2 Cedeno cf 3 010 Masters record of 17-under-par pare to a class A bowler, but still the fact remains, why third on an infield out. Totals 26 2 S 0 Griffin 2b 4 0 2 1 Etchebrm c 2 0 0 0 Garvey lb 3 2 2 0 May c 4 0 00 Catfish Clawed by Tigers Detroit (Ruhle 24)) at New said Nicklaus. That happened in should they walk away from a tournament with B bowlers’ Cooper ph 1 0 0 0 Hendricks c 11 0 0 Crawford rf 2 0 0 0 Johnson lb 4 0 0 0 York (Dobson 19-15) his last tournament, the 271 and won by nine strokes. Heise 2b 0 0 0 0 Belanger ss 2 0 0 0 Ferguson rf 1 0 11 Cruz rf 3 0 0 0 Oakland (Blue 17-15) at Texas Heritage Classic, when he led Only 16 of the 76 starters money when the percentage is with them to win it from the Wise p 0 0 0 0 Northifup ph 0 0 01 Cey 2b 5 010 Rader 3b 3 010 Segulp 0 0 0 0 Nordbrok ss 2 0 0 0 NEW YORK (UPI) - Elsewhere in the American Athletics 7, Rangers 5 (Jenkins 2^12) by six after two rounds and fell broke par for 36 holes. Bob start.” Yeager c 4 011 Metzger ss 3 010 Bolton Cuellar p 0 0 0 0 Russell ss 5 011 Grifui p 10 0 0 Once again, Charlie Finley League, Baltimore shaded A three-run triple by Joe Rudi aeveland (G. Perry 21-13) at back into a tie with Tom Murphy, Rod Curl, Bud Allin Mathiews had a suggestion. “Why doesn’t Holiday Lanes Alexander p 0 0 0 0 Cheney No-Hit SutUn p 3 0 0 0 Granger p 0 0 0 0 Boston, 6-5, Milwaukee downed climaxed a four-run seventh in­ Weiskopf the next day. and Bruce Devlin were at 2 un­ (sponsor) have a town A tournament and a B tournament? ToUls 446 11 6 ToUls 43 5 U5 Easier ph 10 0 0 has gone to court in an effort Milwaukee (Slaton 13-16) BosUn 200 OU 010 001-6 Forsch p 0 0 0 0 to prevent “Catfish” Hunter Cleveland, 6-2, Kansas City ning rally for the A’s that was Minnesota (Blyleven 17-17) at But just about everyone else der and Ben Crenshaw and — the winners to bowl against one another from scratch. I Baltimore 000203000000-5 Boswell ph 10 0 0 Allen Miller, who started LOB-Boston 8, Baltimore U. from pitching for the New drubbed Minnesota, 8-3, initiated when Texas starter Kansas City (Briles 5-7) appeared ready to concede doubt this will ever happen because there aren’t that many Yoik p I) 0 0 0 Friday’s round tied with In 6-0 Defeat 2B-SingleUn, May. 3B-Rice, Baylor. Scherman p 0 0 0 0 York Yankees. As far as the Oakland topped Texas, 7-5, and Bill Hands threw wildly to se­ Chicago (Wood 20-19) at Nicklaus his record fifth A bowlers, so consequently many class B bowlers must be HR-Conidlaro (1), Burleson (1), Yast- ToUls 35 7 10 7 ToUls 310 4 0. California whitewashed the cond base on a grounder by Phil California (Hassler 7-11) Masters title and his 15th major Nicklaus for second — 1 stroke rzemski (1). SB-B^lor, Yastrzemskl. S- Los Angeles 001020 013—7 Detroit Tigers are con­ included with the As to sweeten the pot for them.” Robinson, Baylor. SF-Northiyp. Chicago White Sox, 5-0. Gamer which should have been championship right now. behind Nichols, were 1 under. Houston 000000 000-0 cerned, he needn’t have There are perhaps a dozen, at the most. Class A bowlers ip h rerbbso E-Yeager. DP-HousUn 1. LOB-Los Red Sox 6, Orioles 5 the start of a double play. ’The “Of course, you never know It took 4-over-par 148 to After winning its opener, Cheney Tech saw its baseball Wise - ‘ 5 5 3 2 Angeles 10, HousUn 5. bother^—just yet anyway. Carl Yastrzemski belted a qualify for the final two rounds re?iding in Manchester and several hundred B bowlers. Segui W 1-0 3 3 0 1 3 2B-Buckner, Wynn 2, Cedeno, Russell. game was spiced with the ejec­ about a golf tournament, but mark fall to the .500 level yesterday as Prince Tech’s Len­ 4 Hunter, who won his freedom Any male bowler with a 125 or better average is listed in Two runs were scored and 25 Cuellar 51-3 9 5 0 3B-Andrews. HR-Buckner (2). SB-Lppes2. solo homer in the 12th inning off tion of Texas manager Billy I’ve got to believe he’s going to and the field was cut to just 46 ny Frenette tossed a no-hitter at the Beavers enroute to a allowed as Rham High dropped Alexander L 0-1 62-3 2 2 1 4 Crawford, Cedeno. from Finley this winter and Oriole reliever Doyle Martin and his third-base coach NATIONAL LEAGUE win,” said Jerry Heard, his players. Sam Snead, who will the A group —124 and less, in the B category, Paul Corren- HBP-by Wise 2 (Grich). ip h r er bb so East 6^ decision at the locals’ field. its first two baseball games. T-3:15. A-38,666. Sutton Wl-0 9 4 0 0 1 9 signed with New York for a cool Alexander to provide the Red Frank Lucchesi by rookie um­ Friday playing partner. be 63 next month, probably ti. Holiday Lane manager reported. W Pet GB Frenette struck out 12 and Cheney’s next tilt is Yesterday in Hebron, the Griffin L 0-1 41-3 4 3 3 5 4 33 million, made his debut in Sox with the victory before the pire Ralph Garcia. Watson, making his first would have made the cut since I can see Don’s points, which are no doubt shared by Sachems came up with nine to Granger 2-310010 the Yankees’ home opener largest opening day Boston Royals 8, Twins 3 Pittsburgh 2 1.000 he was only 1 over through 27 allowed only three Cheney Tuesday afternoon at home Oakland Texas Forsch 3 1112 1 Masters appearance as a pro, many, especially B bowlers, but I still maintain the town register a 9-8 triumph over COC York 1-3 2 Friday and, thanks to the home- crowd in eight years—38,665. Fred Patek’s two-run double St. Louis 3 .750 Vt was in a tie for second with Ar­ holes, but had to withdraw runners to reach base, two at 3:15 against Bolton High. ab r h bi ab r h bi championship should be on a scratch basis open to all. rival Bolton High. ’The Bulldogs North cf 4 1 0 0 Tovar If 4 120 Scherman 23 2 run bats of Detroit’s Willie Hor­ Yastrzemski’s homer came down the leftfield line brought Chicago 1 .500 1 nold Palmer, the only other because of a back injury. on walks and one on an Wednesday, the Beavers are CWshngU If 5 1 4 1 Randle 2b 4110 HBP-by York (Lopes). This year’s winner will be the official Men’s Division hurt their own cause commit­ T-2:37. A-17,851. ton and Nate Colbert, was found after Boston’s Rick Burleson home two runs and broke up a 3- Philadelphia 1 .333 1% man to win here four times, and Defending champion Gary error. Harry Dalhman was Bando 3b 5 0 0 0 Spencer lb 3 0 0 0 handicap champion, and will not carry the same prestige if at Goodwin Tech. ting seven errors. Jackson rf 2 2 11 Bregosi lb 2 0 0 0 to be quite mortal. tied the score at 5-5 with a solo 3 tie to give route-going Royals’ New York 1 .333 1% Billy Casper, the 1970 champ. Player was 11 strokes off the hitting star for the Tied at 3-3 after three in­ Rudi lb 5 013 Burroghs rf 4 2 2 2 Both Horton and Colbert homer in the eighth. Another Montreal 1 .200 2 Nicklaus’ pace and so was John­ scratch rules applied. Williams dh 5 11 0 Davis cf 4 0 0 0 starter A1 Fitzmorris the vic­ But those watching the final winners getting three in four Prince Tech (6) nings, Rham came up with sue belted long home runs to power Went AB R H E Tenace c 3 110 Hargrove dh4 0 2 1 big plus for the Bosox was a tory after a shaky start. An two rounds on TV today and ny Miller, the young man who trips to the plate along with Frazier, 2B 3 0 1 0 markers in the fourth and held Kublak S3 4 0 0 0 Harris ss 412 2 Cincinnati San Diego the Tigers to a 5-3 victory and solo homer by Tony Conigliaro opening day crowd of 20,397 W LPet GB Sunday won’t see Lee Elder. has challenged Nicklaus’ claim Pregioi, LF 3 1 2 0 on for the victory. Ed Gardner Gamer 2b 3 111 Nelson 2b 2 0 0 0 ab r h bi ab r h bi even though Finley’s latest Cincinnati 3 1 .750 to "best golfer in the world” by Notes Off the Cuff two RBIs and two stolen Abbott p 0 0 0 0 Howell 3b 10 0 0 Rose If 5 2 2 0 Hernandz ss 5 1 2 2 —attempting another com­ greeted the Royals, who also Elder, first black to play in the Mamard, LF 10 0 0 Houston 2 2 .500 1 Nice to hear that at the recent Knights of Columbus bases. Pomeroy, 3B 4 1 2 0 was a perfect three-for-three at Lindblad p 0 0 0 0 Sundberg c 2 0 0 0 Morgan 2b 4 0 2 0 Tolan If 412 0 appeal in San Francisco was eback from an eye injury—that got a pair of RBIs each from Masters, lasted only two days, winning 11 tournaments and Dalhman, SS 2 3 1 the plate for the winners with Fingers p 0 0 0 0 LovltU ph 10 0 0 Bench c 4 0 2 1 Gmhb cf 3 111 still pending, it can be safely put Boston ahead, 3-2, in the Buck Martinez and Cookie Atlanta 2 2 .500 1 more than $450,(XX) the past 15 Sports Night, Fran Mahoney was honored for his 20 years Victor Nunez had two hits Hands p 0 0 0 0 Perez lb 5 010 Winfield rf 3 012 failing to qualify with his 74- Nelson, C 1 2 0 Chip Forrest driving in four assured that Charlie 0. slept San Francisco 1 1 .500 1 months. as general chairman of the event. Gerry Williams, a one­ for the visitors and two Frenette, P 1 0 0 Umbarger p 0 0 0 0 Geronimo cf 4 0 2 1 Ivie lb 4 0 0 0 fifth. Rojas. 78-152. Nunez, CF 0 2 0 . s. . . runs. Sophomore Bob Peterson Foucault p 0 0 0 0 Griffey rf 4 0 0 0 Beckert 3b 2 110 well last night —especially Brewers 6, Indians 2 Angels 5, White Sox 0 San Diego 1 1 .500 1V4 time fine baseball and basketball player, now the grand RBIs. Prince scored the 0 0 0 Thomas p 0 0 0 0 Chaney ss 3 0 0 0 Torres 3b 10 10 Diaz, IB Id photo by Dunn) had three hits for Bolton, now 1- after his latest “find,” A home opener crowd of 48,- Nolan Ryan hurled a six-hit Los Angeles 1 3 .250 2 knight, made the presentation...Jack Repass, UHartford only run it really needed in Albie, IB 0 0 0 Wright p 0 0 0 0 Vukovich 3b 3 0 1 0 Fuentes 2b 3 10 0 Serria, RF 0 0 0 1 for the season, with Bob ToUls 36 7 9 6 ToUls 35 5 9 5 Crowley ph 1 0 0 0 Hundley c 4 0 2 0 righthander Mike Norris, had 160 greeted the return of Hank shutout for his second win of the Friday’s Results sports information director, reports the bat girl for the the fourth inning, adding two Wiggins, RF 0 0 0 Oakland 030000400-7 Flynn 3b 0 0 0 0 Spillner p 3 0 0 0 Chicago 2, Montreal 1 Ray Sullivan Streaks Home With Run Highter adding two safeties. 110001020-5 hurled a three-hit shutout as Aaron to Milwaukee and the season and Dave Chalk con­ in each of the fifth and Texas Norman p 2 0 0 0 Pittsburgh 4, New York 3 varsity baseball team this spring is Robin Case, daughter Totals 34 6 12 1 Rham is now 1-2 for the season, E-Burroughs, Nelson, Hands. DP- Armbrstr ph 10 0 0 Hunter’ replacement in the game’s greatest home-run tinued his torrid hitting with of former Washington outfielder George Case. The latter seventh innings and a single Cheney (0) First Marker Helped Indians Trip Indians in CCiL 1-1 in the conference. Oakland 1, Texas 1. LOB-Oakland 8, Hall p 0 0 0 0 rotation one night earlier. hitter of all time didn’t disap­ three singles and a double to Atianta 4, San Francisco 2 Tribe Girls Triumph AB R H E 76X38 7 Rettinnd ph 10 0 0 was the perennial American League base stealing cham­ run in the sixth. Also in the area, Coventry 2B-C. Washington, Randle. 3B-Rudi. /Totals 37 2 10 2 Totals 32 5 10 5 One other minor embarrass­ point them, collecting both his drive in two runs for the St. Louis 6, Philadelphia 3 Chicoine, 2B Tuesday afternoon at Wigren pion for nearly a a decade...Cheney Tech’s tennis team has Pete Ostashen went the Ouellette,. 3B High bowed to COC foe Rocky HR-Jackson (2), Harrah (1st), Burroughs GincinnaU 001000 001-2 ment to the Yanks in their first American League hit and Angeis. Ryan fanned 10 and Los Angeles 7, Houston 0 Avenging last year’s one- LeCourt, SS (1st.) SB-Tovar 2, Randle. San' Diego 300 200 OOx— 5 San Diego 5, Cincinnati 2 Track against always jough found a home court, the West Side Oval. Thanks to Sol distance for Cheriey and ab­ Hill, 4-3, with the Terriers ip h r er bb so much-ballyhooed home opener run-batted-in. However, it was didn’t ailow any White Sox point defeat, the Manchester Baton, C LOB-Cincinnati 11, San Diego 8. Saturday’s Games Hall High of West Hartford. Cohen of The Herald, who won four cans of tennis balls in sorbed the loss, which Cooke, LF scoring the tying and winning Abbott 1 1-3 2 2 2 2 1 2B - Hernandez, Winfield, Vukovich, before 26,212, was Bobby John Briggs’ towering 400-foot player to get past second base. High girls’ track team Foran, IB runs in the final frame. A Lindblad Wl-0 52-3 42202 Rose. S-Grubb, Spillner. Bonds, their other celebrated Montreal (McNally 16-10) at swamped Avon High, 71-52, Results: evened his ledger at 1-1. East Triumphs Fingers 204) 9 1 1 0 5 ip h r er bb so homer in the sixth inning that Chalk continued on a tear that Mile relay: 1. Manchester (Oowley, Brown’s Tire contest, Chendy’s tennis squad picked up the Mount, CF Patriot eror aided the Terriers’ Hands L 0-1 62-3 7 6 2 2 6 off-season acquisition, who, Chicago (Hooton 7-11) yesterday at the loser’s track. balls as a gift before winning its first match...There are Ostashen’s teammates Carpenter, RF Norman L 0-1 ignited a five-run rally and sent has seen him collect six Wojnarowski, Brown, Maher) 4:40.1. Ostashen, P cause. Rick Gankofskie ab­ Umbarger 0 0 1110 Hall despite two hits and an RBI, the Brewers off to victory. Bill straight hits and seven safeties St. Louis (Gibson 11-13) at It was the second victory in as 'Two-mile run; 1. McNutt (A), 2. Foucault 1-3 1 0 0 0 1 Spillner W 13 Barrett (M), 3. Warren (M) 12:55.2. some 10-pin followers who feel Ken Thomas is ready for didn’t support him as they sorbed the loss for Coventry, struck out with none out and the Philadelphia (Carlton 16-13 or many starts for the Indians. Totals 22 0 0 6 Thomas 1 1 0 0 2 0 T-2:29. A-13,818. Champion got the win, but in nine trips. His two-run single Shot put: 1. Comp (M), 2. Wilk (M) 3. the tough professional bowlers’ tour. Currently he ranks had in the opener, commit­ striking out 11. Wright 1 0 0 0 1 0 bases loaded in the seventh in­ needed ninth inning relief help capped a three-run third inning. Underwood 1-0) Senior Wendy (k>mp for the Parsons (A) 31’ 7 i RBI; Dalhman 2, Frenette 1, Nunez 2; Umbarger pitched to one batter in 7th; 100-yd. dash: 1. Galonl (A), 2. Pagani with the best big pinners in New England and he rates a ting six errors against the 2BH; Nelson; SB: Dalhman2, Diaz; SO: Atlanta (Niekro 20-13) at San second straight meet broke the Agtainst Falcons Ellington High began its Lindblad pitched to one batter in 8th. ning. 'rom Tom Murphy. (M), 3. Goss (M) :12.7. salute tor achieving the first perfect game ever rolled at Hartford-based winners. Frenette 12, Ostashen 7. season on a sour note succum­ HBP-by Abbott (Nelson); by Fingers Francisco (D’Acquisto 12-14) school record in the shot put Javelin; 1. Walter (M), 2. Lindsay (A), ,y winning ther error by shortstop John llth-round draft pick William Hiller 3 1 0 0 1 E-Pirrish, LaCock, Lintz. DP-Montreal Split Dual Meet Cup Tennis 3, Cbicago 2. LOB-Montreal 5, Chicago 8. NEW YORK (UPI) — National Basketball Association SUPER SALE Majewski allowed Hunter L 0-1 9 7 5 5 2 playoff game, 107-93, and Cooke, an offensive tackle from 2B-Carter, Jorgensen, Moraies. SB- 3:30 (22,30) NHL Golf Look Bright Lolich pitched to three batters in 7th. Utah evened its series with Commissioner Walter Kennedy is retiring in only two. Charlebois to come across the University of Save-Hlller (1). Lintz. SF-LaCock. b r er bb so Playoffs with the seventh Eagle run. Massachusetts. T-2:34. A-26^12. ip Beginning its 1975 track season yesterday with a win and Denver, 2-2, by downing months, but he isn’t going out quietly. TOOLS I TOOLS Q TOOLS I TOOLS Blair L 0-1 1 5 2 1 6 1 3:30 (8) American Friday, Kennedy, who retires in June after 12 years as Burris W 10 9 6 1 1 2 2 a loss was Manchester High, bowing to Farmington High, the Rockets, 132-110. in at Catholic T-l:55. A-2,109. Sportsman the top league official, blasted the NBA players and Minnesota Kansas City 85-60, and upending South Windsor High, 74-71, in South SAVE AT LEAST SAVE AT LEAST ab r h bi ab r h bi 4:00 (3) Masters Golf coaches regarding their behavior toward officials in the Windsor. All Brand New 1st Quality Duckpin Tournaments Carew 2b 4 2 2 1 Patek ss 3 0 12 4:30 (8) Wide World: playoffs, saying their actions “will not be tolerated.” 50% ON 50% ON By Len Auster Bostock cf 4 0 0 0 Otis cf ’ 2 0 0 0 Scott Moffat was one of the High jump: 1. Arnold (F), 2. Lombar­ Gymnastics, figure Tools in Discontinued Styles Hisie If 3 012 lb 5 0 0 0 Indians’ top performers taking do (M), 3. koblarz (F) 5W ’ Hammers • Machine Shop Tools A happy man must be Bod Prinz, East Catholic golf Darwin rf 2 0 0 0 McRae If 3 10 0 Long jump: 1. Wilson (F), 2. Lombar- skating. Continue at Holiday Walton db 4 010 Killebrew db 4 0 10 Atlanta San Francisco the 440-yard run against both do (M), (5 3. RathlRathbun (M) 19' 1/4". Wrenches • Carpenter's Tools coach. A year ago, the Eagles logged a fine 22-6-2 mark in Soderhlm 3b 4 0 0 0 Scott db 0 0 00 ab r b bi ab r b bi Triple' ■! jump: 1. Lombardo (M), 2. Upsets Mark SAMPLE BUYS: Garr if 4 12 0 Maddox cf 4 0 0 0 schools. Steve Dawson took se­ re p la r season, captured the Hartford County Conference Eliminations in the Town Braun lb 4 0 0 0 Brett 3b 4 2 2 0 Bierkan (F), 3. Rathbun (M) 38’ 71/4". Electric Drills • Electric Tools .Thompsn ss 3 110 Rojas 2b 4 2 3 2 Perez 2b 3 110 Tbomas 2b 4 0 0 0 cond in the 100-yard dash and Pole vault: 1. Zerio (M),l. Wilson (F), Hockey Action Cordless Hedge Triminer. $15.00 • And Thousands More title, took top honors in the Middlesex Invitational in the Men’s Handicap Bowling Tour- p ■ Borgmann c 3 0 0 0 Wonlford rf 4 3 2 1 Evans 3b 4 12 2 Tbomssn lb 310 0 440 and two other sophomores, 3. Georgetti (M) 10’. Saw Blades (all types) nament will take place today at Albury p 0 0 0 0 Martinez c 4022 Lum lb 4 010 Murcer rf 312 1 Results: Manchester vs. South Wind­ $30 Value Class B Division, and placed second in the Division Two Hughes p 0 0 0 0 Fitzmorris 0000 Baker rf 4 12 2 MatUiews If 3 010 Brett Georgetti and Mike Smith sor It was visitors’ night in the Hack Saws the Holiday Lanes with quarter­ Butler p 0 0 0 0 Office cf 4 0 10 Speier ss 3 0 0 0 440-yd. relay: 1. Manchester 46.3. National Hockey League State Golf Championship. Correll c 4 010 OnUveros 3b 3 0 0 1 also showed well. finals Sunday. Women’s Divi­ Corbin p 0 0 0 0 120-yd. high hurdles: 1. Joy (M), 2. playoffs Friday. And with the Tool Boxes What brings a twinkle to Totais 31 3 5 3 ToUls 33 8 11 7 Blanks ss 4 010 Rader c 3 0 0 0 Manchester begins competi­ Williams (SW), 3. Snow (M) :17.3. sion quarterfinals will also be MinnesoU 102000000-3 Capra p 4 0 0 0 Lovalle p 0 0 0 0 100-yd. dash: 1. Dawson (M), 2. visitors came the upsets. Sabre Saws V\ Prinz’ eye, however, is that fifth man. Cooney and Caldwell p 2 0 0 0 tion in the CCIL Tuesday in Spark Plug Sockets staged Sunday. Play both days Kansas City 002102 03x— 8 West Hartford against Hall Philbrick (M), 3. Longo (SW) ;io.6. 'The New York Islanders up­ TROUT FISHERMEN - REAT THE SEASON i$19 value ...... $9.50 four of his top five linksmen Strella were selected to the E-Albury, Carew, Patek. DP-MinnesoU Hill c 10 0 0 440-yd. run; 1. Moffat (M), 2. Dawson starts at 2 o’clock. 1, Kansas City 1. LOB-MinnesoU 4, Totals 35 4 11 4 Totals 29 2 3 2 High. (M), 3. Longo (SW) :53.5. ended the New York Rangers, return for the 1975 cam­ all-HCC team in 1974 for AtlanU 1(10(101(00-4 Circular S a w s ...... $19.95 Men’s Division pairings today Kansas City 8. Results: Manchester vs. Farmington 330-yd. hurdles: 1. Joy (M), 2. 4-3, in sudden death overtime, OPBI TO THE PUBLIC - RMN OR SHWE paign, which tees off their play. 2B-Carew 2, Hisie, Wolfrod,Rojas, San Francisco 100000100-2 Williams (SW), 3. Woodward (SW) :43.3. are: Lin Vigneault vs. Jim DP-San Francisco 1. LOB-Atlanta 5, 440-yd. relay: 1. Farmington :46.2. Chicago surprised the Boston Patek. SB-Patek. S-Patek. SF-Hisle. 126-yd. bigb burdles: 1. Joy (M), 2. 880-yd. run: 1. Ferguson (SW), 2. XO UCEII8E MQUIIED Tuesday, April 15, against Other members of the Evans, Pete Wojtyna vs. Alan Ip b r er bb so San Francisco 4. Scholsky (M), 3. Kennian (SW), 2:07.4. Bruins, 6-4, and Toronto slipped 2B-Office, Murcer. 3B-Murcer. HR- Lutz (F), 3. Snow (M) :17.3.- Fitch High of New London squad are sophomores Grzyb, Dom DeDominicis vs. Albury 42-3 4 3 2 4 1 100-yd. dash: 1. Gagnon (F),2. Dawson 220-yd. dash: 1. Longo (SW), 2. Jodus by the Los Angeles Kings, 2-1. Hughes 01-3 0 0 0 1 0 Baker (1), Evans (1). S-Perez, Speier. (SW), 3. Hawkes (M) :24.8. Thousands of Tools R oger Poudrier, Dave Carl Bujaucius, Don Mathiews ip b r er bb so (M), 1 Philbrlck (M) :10.5. MANCHESTER SPORTSMEN’S ASSN., INC. and New Britain High in a BuflerLO-1 200 7 5 5 0 2 Mile run; 1. M ^ ln (F), 2. Guinon (F), Two mile run: 1. Wallace (M), 2. Black Hawks 6, Bruins 4 Some Llmlled Quantitie* vs. Bert Davis, Bill MacMullen Corbin 100 0 0 0 1 0 Capra W 1-0 9 3 2 2 3 Lemieux (M), 3. Ferrwerde (SW) triangular match at Shenny McGonigle and Jim Lorello Caldwell L 0-1 71-3 10 4 4 0 3. Scbolskyilsky (M) 4:36.1. (Chicago was outshot, 56-19, by MERROW ROAD, COVENTRY vs. John Izzo, John Breniser vs. Fitzmorris W 10 9 5 3 3 2 1 440-yd. dash: 1. Moffat (M), 2. Dawson 10:26.8. Country Club. and freshman Brian Butler pitched to four batters in 8th. Lovalle 12-3 1 0 0 0 Mile relay: 1. South Windsor 3:45.9. Boston, who played in the finals FoOom SIgim on Houlo 44A to CMthouoo Steve Putnam, Fred McCurry T-l:56. A-17,649. (M), 3. Bopp (F) :53.5. Charlebois. T-2:37. A-20,397. 330-yd. hurdles: 1. Joy (M), 2. Lutz Javelin: 1. Rontrinks (SW), 2. Hawkes of last year’s Stanley Cup Junior Mike Cooney, who (M), 3. Perkins (SW) 152’6”. T he Eagles have vs. Bob Boroch, Nick Cataldo (F), 3. Smith (M) :43.3. playoffs, but survived to down APRIL 13,1975 — 10 A.M. - 4 P.M. had a personal 29-1 won-lost vs. Dick Steeves. 88-yd. run: 1. (juinan (F), 2. Reddlln Shot put: 1. Buyak (M), 2. White (SW), mark in regular season com­ scheduled 27 matches, all (F), 3. Scholsky (M) 2:03.2. 3. Hawkes (M) 49’ 3 1/2'’. the Bruins in Boston. It was the Winners will advance to Sun­ 220-yd. dash: 1. Gagnon (F), 2. Lonan Discus: 1. White (SW), 2. Gantrick (SW), first time in five attempts the ENTRY FEE - $2.50 per person. Entitles Individual to One (1) Fish. MILLEBS FALLS petition, tops the list of home dates played at (F), 3. Hawkes (M) :24.1. 3. Rossillo (M) 131’ 11”. Each Additional Fish $1.00 - NO LIMIT day’s rolling. Match Forfeited High jump: 1. Lombardo (M), 2. Trott Black Hawks had won a playoff returnees. Senior Jeff Manchester Country Club. Two-mile run: 1. Martin (F), 2. IROOK AND RAINROW TROUT Women’s pairings Sunday GRENOBLE, France, April 11 (UPI) — Frenchman Max McCusker (F), 3. McCaffney (F) 9:56.0. (SW), 3. Doocy (SW) 5‘ 10”. series from the Bruins, liff Torrance and junior Brad East will also compete in are: Jean McAdam vs. Joan, Mile relay; 1. Farmington 3:41.4. Long jump: 1. Allen (SW), 2. Lombar­ TOOL BOX WABEHOUSE do (M), 3. Rathbun (M) 19’ 8 1/4”. Koroll and J. P. Bordeleau the Eastern Connecticut In­ Simmons, Delina Rock vs. Cohen Friday forfeit^ his first shot at the world Javelin: 1. Hawkes (M),2. Walsh (M), SHEET HELD OPEN - TURKEY SHOOT 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 0 END OF PROfiRESS DRIVE Strella are two other middleweight boxing title by canceling his match, 3. Carlson (M) 144'. Triple jump: 1. Ailen (SW), 2. Lombar­ scored two goals each to lead regulars from 1974 while vitational and defend its Kathy Hayden, Vi Carr vs. Lucy Shot put: 1. Foryan (F), 2. Buyak (M), do (M), 1 Hunger (SW) 38’ 10 3/4”. (Hiicago into the quarter-finals IN MANCHESTER scheduled Saturday night with Champion Rodrigo Valdes, 3. Hawkes (M) SO’8". . Pole vault: 1. Johnston (SW), 2. FREE PRIZES - REFRESHMENT STAND STBEET junior Tim LaFrancis saw crown at the Middlesex In­ Mathiews, Gail Hampton vs. Umberfield (SW), 3. Erickson (SW) 11’ against Buffalo. INDUSTRIAL PARK on medical grounds. Discus; 1. Foryan (F), 2. Toffolon (F), considerable action as the vitational. Kathy Wickham. FRED McCURRY 3. Rossillo (M) 128'7”. 6”.

4 ' PAGE TEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Com., Sat., April 12,1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Sat., April 12,1975 - PAGE RT.RVEN NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE (Sec. 12-157 Gen. SUtutes - Rev. of 1958) Tax Collector of the Town of Bolton, Connecticut INVITATION INVITATION Having made lawful demand for the payment of taxes due me TO BID TO BID as Ux collector of the Town of Bolton, which taxes are assessed The Manchester Board of Sealed bids will be received in the name of Schaller, Yvonne M. and based upon the Education solicits bids for in the Office of The Director of assessments of October 1, 1967, October 1, 1968, October 1,1970, Custodial Supplies and Electric General Services, 41 Center October 1,1971, October 1,1972, and October 1,1973 of said Town Lamps for tte 1975-76 school Street, Manchester, Connec- ^FUKNII of Bolton, and payment having been neglected and refused, S h c R c r a l i i S!«) yeaf. Sealed bids .will be Ucut unUl April 28,1975 at 11:00 ■OW I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION all or enough of the received as follows: a.m. for the following: following described property to satisfy taxes at 3845.33 and all Custodial Supplies—April 29, PATCHING OF TOWN charges accrued thereon: 1975 - 3:30 P.M. HIGHWAYS AND ALARM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING That certain piece or parcel of land located on the Southerly side Electric Lamps — April 30, SYSTEM AND CABLE. of Route 44A in the Town of Bolton, County of Tolland and State of Oci 1975 - 3:30 p.m. Bid forms, plans and 761-1200 Connecticut, and more particularly bounded and described as At the time listed the bids specifications are available at .foresthS itiz N.Y follows; will be publicly opened. The the General Services Office, 41 BOUNDED: right is reserved to reject any Center Street, Manchester, Business Opportunity 14 Homes For Sale 23 Homes For Sale 23 Homes For Sale 23 Homes For Sale 23 Homes For Sale 23 Homes For Sale 23 Homes For Sale 23 NORTHERLY: By Route 44A Two Hundred (200) feet; and all bids. Specifications and Connecticut. PHONE 643-2711 EASTERLY: By land now or formerly of Robert J. McKinney bid forms may be secured at Town of Manchester, A GROUND floor op BENTON STREET... in center CONTEMPORARY Raised and Margaret R. McKinney Two Hundred Seven (207) feet more with a proven track record COVENTRY the Business Office, 45 N. Connecticut of town, a six-room Colonial Ranch - Large, modem kitchen Go jump in a lake! ’Cause or less; School Street, Manchester, Robert B. Weiss, FOR ASSISTANCE IN PLACING YOUR AD Twenty-one Subway sandwich with two-car garage. Perfect with pantry, formal dining SOUTHERLY: By land now or formerly of Robert J. franchise locations are now that’s what comes with this Connecticut. General Manager ^ Htip WantMf 13 family room. Excellent condi­ room with built-ins, living room OPEN HOUSES CLASSIC CHARM McKinney and Margaret R. McKinney One Hundred Ninety (190) open or being installed. Your tion. Large enclosed front with cathedral ceiling and budget-priced «-eipandable Raymond E. Demers, location is waiting. It’s time for Ranch. $24,900. Call AILS feet or more or less; Business Manager INDEX PART-TIME Male cook wanted porch. July occupancy. Good fieldstone fireplace from floor Sunday 2-5 P.NL you to act. Call 1-372-6525 for value at $35,900. ’T. J. Crockett to ceiling, redwood paneling, la the only way to doacriba thia alght-room Colonial. WESTERLY: By land now or formerly of Eugene P. Carini ADVERTISING AbVERTISING - Call 649-0305. 89 Grissom Road, Manchester NOTICtS details. Realtors, 643-1577. four bedrooms, 2 full baths, AVUnEREALn Extra-larga maatar badroom with a firaplaca +hardly avar Two Hundred Seven (207) feet more or less. 1 — Loit and Found 1. Said premises are subject to any local, state or f^eral or­ 2 — Porsonali DEADLINE COOKS wanted, experienced, large family room with S W M S i NEW CUSTOM SALT BOX aoo thatl) front to back living room with firaplaca, and 3 r - Announoamenta , RATES COMPLETE Soft Ice Cream BETTE DRIVE. Huge eight fireplace, den or library, 5 many axtra faaturaa In thIa fino homa. 12:00 noon the day before local restaurant, call Mr. St. dinance, regulation or law and are not guaranteed buildable. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Stand on Wheels. Immediate room plus Colonial on an acre sliding glass doors, 2 large NEW RAISED RANCH 4 — Entertainment publication. 1 day ...... word per day Germain, 3-7. 6464166. 2. Said premises are subject to any state of facts that an accurate Sec. 12-157 Gen. Statutes— Rev. of 1958) 5 — Auctlona 3 days ...... St word per day delivery, low down payment. wooded lot. Built by U&R, decks, 2-car garage, large lot. Equipped kitchens survey would show and any dimensions set forth in above descrip­ Deadline lor Saturday and 6 days . , .; t 7 t word per day Call or write today. 677-9089,198 Tax Collector of the Town of Bolton, Connecticut FINANCIAL quality throughout. 2 1/2 baths, $68,500. Philbrick Agency, Rreplacas and Storm Windows tion are approximate and given for information purposes only. Monday Is 12:00 Noon Friday. 26‘days . . . . . 6c word per day MATURE, OLDER responsible South Road, Farmington, REALE’S CORNER Having made lawful demand for the payment of taxes due me 8 -:- Bonds-Stocks-Mortgases woman to care for two children two-car garage, two fireplaces, Realtors, 646-4200. Wall-lo-wali Carpeting 3. Said premises are subject to taxes on Grand List of October 1, 9 — Personal Loans 15 WORD MINIMUM. Conn., 06032. Mister Softee Of 175 MAIN STREET______PHONE 646-4525 as tax collector of the Town of Bolton, which taxes are assessed in my home 6:30 a.m.-4 p.m., we could ramble on, but see for NEW LISTING - Martin School Family Rooms, Garages 10 — Insurance PLEASE READ Happy Ads ...... $2.00 Inch Southern New England, Inc. yourself. Impossible to CAPE - Eat-in kitchen, formal 1974 which taxes are due and payable July 1 ,1975r in the name of Schaller, Phyllis L. and based upon the Monday-Friday until June 25th. District. Six bedrooms, 9-room City Utllltlas, Excallant Neighborhoods EMPLOYMENT duplicate at the asking price dining room, fireplac^ living Real Estate Wanted 28 4. Said premises are subject to a drainage right of way and ease­ assessments of October 1, 1967 through October 1, 1973 of said References required. Call 649- older home, wall-to-wall Priced In the 50’s THREE FAMILY, three ment in favor of the State of Connecticut as of record appears. 13 — Help Wanted YOUR AD (middle 60’s) T. J. Crockett, room, 3 bedrooms, 2-car ear- heating systems, three ceramic Town of Bolton, and payment having been neglected and refused, 14 — Business Opportunities Classified ads are. taken over 5550 after 4 p.m. Situation Wanted 15 carpeting, paneling, etc. Asking Drive out Sunday and let us show you around. WE WILL buy your house. Call Realtors, 643-1577. ige, immaculate condition. OlractloiM: Routt 6 to Mmenootor Qroon, tako Vomon SL to Vomon 8L tiled baths, three disposals, Said sale will take place at Bolton Town Hall on June 7,1975, at I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION all or enough of the 15 — Situation Wanted the phone as a convenience. $41,000. Call Hom eseekers anytime, Hutchins Agency, FULL or part-time receptionist $36,900. Philbrick Agency, Realty 6464353. Woot to Konnody Rood, ooeond right onto HamlHon DrIvo.'Hrot loft onto three stoves, three 10 A.M. following described property to satisfy taxes at 3222.83 and all EDUCATION The Herald Is responsible for BABYSITTING, my home, MANSFIELD- $29,900.' Six Realtors, 646-4200. Qrloooin Itoad. Realtors, 646-3166. A more particular description of said premises may be found m 18 — Private Instructions only one Incorrect Insertion and with some shorthand and days, evenings or overnight. refrigerators, laundry facilit; charges accrued thereon: 19 — Schools-Classes theri only to the size of the room Cape, modern kitchen and Clean as a whistle. Close lo Bolton Land Record, Volume 36, page 380. ^ in g . Ask for Connie, WINF Wul pick up and deliver, any $38,900 - Duplex, 6-3. Nice in­ SELLING your house? Call us That certain piece or parcel of land situated in the Town of 20 — Instructions Wanted original Insertion. Errors which Radio, 646-1230. bath, garage, full basement, in- law apartment, carpeting, $435 everything. Fast sale wanted. Dated at Bolton this 3rd day of April 1975 do not lessen the value ol thg ground pool. Lessenger Com­ first and we'll make you a cash Bolton, County of Tolland and State of (Connecticut, bounded and REAL ESTATE LETS GET ACQUAINT month income. Hutchins Agen­ PHILBRIGK AGENCY, Realtors Belfiore Agency, 647-1413. advertisement will not be cor­ pany, Realtors, 646-8713., 423- offer. One day service. T. J. Elaine Potterton described as follows: 23 — Homes for $ale PHXIRIM FABRICS has part- cy, Realtors, 646-3166. rected by an additional Inser­ 9291. We’d like to know YOU, 646-4200 364 Main Street Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. Tax Collector of the Town of Bolton, Conn. The southerly portion of land designated as Lot No. 20 on a cer­ 24 — Lots-Land for Sale time openings for salesgirls, MANCHESTER vicinity - 4-t-5 25 — Investment Property tion. □ REAL ESTATE We’d like YOU to know US. tain map entitled “ Property of ROBERT D. VALENTINE, 28 — Business Property must nave knowledge of MANCHESTER - three family - GOOD INVESTMENT, Duplex, MANCHESTER- 7 1/2 room corner lot, aluminum siding, IMMEDIATE CASH for your Bolton, Conn. Scale 1” equals 50’ March 5, 1951 Hayden L. 27 — Resort Property sewing. Apply Cheney Hall, 177 E&FASSDCIATESJnc. 7-7-5, separate furnaces, property. Let us explain our 28 — Real Estate Wanted Help Wanted 13 Hartford Road, Manchester. older home, 3 bedrooms, 1 1 /2 REAL ESTATE live almost rent-free, priced to NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Griswold C.E.” which map is now on file in the Town Clerk’s Of­ ••••••••••■•as************** Homes For Sale 23 .baths with 2-car garage. parking, large lot. Asking $43,- fair proposal. Call Mr. Belfiore, MISC. SERVICES Entertainment 4 Residential Commercial 900. Warren E. Howland sell at $31,900. - TSivo-famil; (Sec. 12-157 Gen. Statutes — Rev. of 1958) fice in said Town of Bolton, reference to which is hereby made HANDYMAN needed for lar^e Convenient location, $34,900. E. I Publisher’s Notice: flat, good rent picture wif 647-1413. 31 — Services Offered RN-LPN. 10% differential. MANCHESTER - Just reduced. 70 OAKWOOD DRIVE Realtors, 643-1108. Tax Collector of the Town of Bolton, Connecticut for further description. 32 — Painting-Papering convalescent home. Basic Greenwood Nursing Rome, & F. Associates, 646-5358 or 633- All real estate advertised In this newspaper Is subject possible additional income, Having made lawful demand for the payment of taxes due me BOUNDED: NORTHERLY: By the remaining portion of land 33 — Bulldlng-ContracUng maintenance skills required. Center Street, 3-family in 9149. GLASTONBURY, CONN needs some work but priced ac­ INSTANT cash for your home. 34 — Roofing-Siding A GOURMETS Hartford pays 10% differential business zone II. Ideal for COVENTRY - $26,900 - Three p to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes Call Joe Gordon, Barrows Sc as tax collector of the Town of Bolton, which taxes are assessed designated as Lot No. 20 on said map, one hundred seventy (170) Experience in plumbing and on 3-11 and 11-7 shifts. 236-2901. PHONE 833-9149 cordingly. B/W realty, 647-1419. 35 — Heating-Plumbing DELIGHT Jim Egan, B roktr bedroom * full-dormered Cape, Wallace Co., Eo ■■ 38 — Flooring professional offices or commer­ WINDHAM- $28,800- Two- I It Illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or in the name of Schaller, Phyllis L. and based upon the feet more or less; electrical work helpful. Star­ Homt Phona 872-7589 basement, 100’ from private 37 — MovIng-TruckIng-Storage 29$ a dozen. Assorted Donut cial expansion. Owner anxious family or single, nine rooms, 2 NEW LISTING - Excellent 7 portunity. 649-53 assessments of October 1, 1967 through October 1, 1973 of said EASTERLY: By land designated as Lot No. 18 on said map, ting rate: 32.95 per hour. Please AUTO BODY Man - Must have 5 Mary Egan, Salaa Rap. beach, double lot, more. discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or 38 — Services Wanted Holes with this ad — Limit 2 apply in person. Meadows Con­ for quick sale. LaPenta Agen­ baths, garages, close to an room home, family room, three Town of Bolton, and payment having been neglected and refused, sixty-one (61) feet; years’ experience, 44 hour Homa Phona 646-5358 Waiten E. Howland, Realtors, national origin, or an Intention to make any such CASH FOR HOUSES - Buyers MISC. FOR SALE Dozen. Good Sunday thru valescent Home, 333 Bidwell cy, Realtor, 646-2440. acre. Lessenger Company, large bedrooms, all city I WILL SELL AST PUBLIC AU(JTION all or enough of the SOUTHERLY: By land designated as Lot No. 21 on said map, week, paid holidays and in­ 643-1108. with Pedigrees. We buy for 41 — Articles lor Sale Wednesday oniy at Street, Manchester. An equal surance. 8724997. Realtors, 6464713, 423-9291. preference, limitation, or discrimination.’’ utilities, wall-to-wall carpeting, following described property to satisfy taxes at 3295.40 and all one hundred seventy-five (175) feet. 42 — Building Supplies BY OWNER - Manchester, An- « S: hot water oil heat. One car gar­ cash. When we bring people to 43 — Dogs-BIrds-Pets MISTER DONUT opportunity employer. d u p l e x - Owner’s side has BOLTON LAKE - Small house your home, you know they’re charges accrued thereon: WESTERLY: By Notch Road, ninety (90) feet. 255 West Middle Tpke. saldi built Colonial, Lookout Ig This newspaper will not knowingly accept any adver- g age, quiet location, only $34,900. 44 — Livestock AVON - Never sold before? large, modem kitchen, formal with double lot on Lynwood serious - not "just looking, That certain piece or parcel of land situated in the Town of 45 — Boats & Accessories Manchester, Conn. Mountain area. Excellent con­ Call Dubaldo - Lesperance 1. Said premises are subject to any local, state or federal or­ REAL ESTATE SALES- Coven­ Don’t worry. I’ll show you how OPEN HOUSE dining room, living room, 4 Drive. Short walk to lake for tising for real estate which Is In violation of the law. iji: thanks.” Call us for Action! Bolton, County of Tolland and State of Connecticut, bounded and 46 — Sporting Goods try area. Positions open in our dition, 3 bedrooms, 2 l/2baths, Agency, 646-0505. dinance, regulation or law and are not guaranteed buildable un­ 47 — Garden Products you can earn money selling bedrooms, walT-to-wall boating and swimming. Ed­ Our readers are Informed that all dwellings adver- p Keith Real Estate, 6464126 or Bolton office, highly quality cosmetics, fragrances, screened porch, double garage. WESTMINSTER ROAD described as follows; der current Bolton zoning regulations. 46 — Antiques Principals. 60’s. 643-1839. carpeting, 114 baths. Other side mund Gorman Agency, 646- tised In this newspaper are available on an equal op- 649-1922. That land jiesignated as Lot No. 23 on certain map entitled 49 — Wanted to Buy progressive agency. Call Kurt jewelry and family products. Sunday, April 13th has 6 large rooms. Convenient 2. Said premises are subject to any state of facts and that an ac­ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••a 2-5 P.M. 4040. “Property of ROBERT E. VALENTINE, Bolton, Conn. Scale 1” RENTALS Lessenger Ckimpany Realtors, Interested? Call 52^9W1. to schools and shopping. ^ portunity basis. MANCHESTER curate survey would show and any dimensions set forth in above 646-8713, 423-9291. MANCHESTER Newer 2- Custom built 6-room Colonial, Put a bulge in yow b ifo M -«e equals 50’ March 5,1951 Hayden L. Griswold C.E.” which map is 52 — Rooms lor Rent □ FINANCIAL family, 44, aluminum sided. Excellent condition. $46,900. ! S description are approximate and given for informational pur­ 53 — Apartments lor Rent CLEANING person wanted for IVz baths, garage, center OPEN HOUSE HeraM Want U s regularly. now on file in the Town Clerk’s Office in said Town of Bolton, Excellent condition, all Philbrick Agency, Realtors, $2,000 TAX-CREOil' poses only. 54 — Homes lor Rent nights between 11 and 1, 5 reference to which is hereby made for further description. 55 — Business lor Rent POLICY TYPING POSITIONS- appliances. 646-7366. fireplace. Expandable walk- 646-4200. On The Following Homes: Sunday, 2-5 P.M. 3. Said premises are subject to taxes on Grand List of October 1, Bonds-Stocks-Mortgeges 8 nights weekly, ^ p ly in person; TOLLAND - Combination home 56 — Resort Property lor Rant 45wpm? Great! Will train up attic. $48,500 — RAISED RANCH Only 69C AMBASSADOR DRIVE BOUNDED: 1974 which taxes are due and payable July 1, 1975. 57 — Wanted to Rent Burger* King, 467-Center Street. SPRING STREET area - and office, located on acre lot in NORTHERLY; By land designated as Lot No. 22 on said Map, openings. Call Jobseekers, open BOLTON. Five acres with — 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, down, financing available for Directions: WoodbrldgS □ MISC. SERVICES 4. Said premises are subject to the right, if any still exists, of E.S. 58 — Miso. lor Rent MORTGAGES, loans first, se­ weekends, 568-1070. Raised Ranch, 8 rooms, 3 or 4 a business zone on Route 195. aulified buyers, Low 30’s. Con­ three bedroom, 1 l/2bath aluminum siding, 2-car gar­ Street to Lydall to Am­ two hundred twenty-three (223) feet; Haley to take water from a spring near Notch Road, install pipes AUTOMOTIVE cond, third. All kinds. Realty SARAH COVENTRY Jewelry PALMER REALTY bedrooms, 214 baths, wool Five-room Ranch plus 500 ominium. Three bedrooms, Ranch. Quality construction. bassador Drive. Signs on EASTERLY: By land designated as Lots No. 16 and 15 on said therefor, and to enter upon said premises for the purpose of 61 — Autos lor Sale statewide. Credit rating un­ PARTS MAN needed! Parts has immediate openings for carpeting throughout, family age. square foot office, 11^ baths. aIVi baths, dream kitchen with Services Offered 31 62 — Trucks lor Sale Nice view. Call Suzanne or 646-6321 property. Exceptional, Im­ map, in part by each, in all, ninety-one (91) feet; repairing and replacing said pipes from the spring to the land of necessary. Reasonable. Con­ knowledge? Full-time, women over 18. No investment. Qertruds Hagedorn 649-0538 room with fireplace, patio, $49,900 — L-R anch, 3 Priced to sell at $36,900. T. J. all appliances, owner 83 — Heavy Equipment lor Sale Excellent earnings. 623-9128. Arthur Shorts, 64^3233. J. Wat­ maculate, 5-room Con­ SOUTHERLY: By land now or formerly of Sullivan, two hun­ said Haley (the right to repair and replace said pipes being 64 — Motorcycles-BIcycles fidential, quick arrangements. excellent earnings. Call son Beac h, Co. Manchester of­ large deck, electric garage bedrooms, 2 baths, beamed Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. transferred, immediate oc­ SHARPENING Service - Saws, 65 — Campers-Trallers-Moblle Alvin Lundy Agency. 527-7971. doors. Built in 1971. $56,9W. dominium. Everything you dred forty-nine and eight-tenths (249.8) feet: and limited to their present location). Jobseekers, open weekends, fice, 647-9139. Equal housing op­ cathedral celling In living cupancy. F. J. Spilecki, knives, axes, shears, skates, Homes < 100 Constitution Plaza, Hart­ 568-1070. NEWSPAPER DRIVER for six Philbrick Agency, Realtors, COVENTRY - Seven room Cape Realtor, 643-2121. ever wanted In a home. Wall- rotary blades. Quick service. WESTERLY: By Notch Road, ninety-one and three-tenths 5. The above referenced map was recorded in the Bolton Land 66 — Automotive Service portunity. CIRCA 1723 - Exquisite 12-room room, 2-car garage. 67 — Autos lor Rent-Lease ford. Evenings, 233-6879. day delivery. Call Mr, Griffin at 646-4200. and 4 room Ranch on one lot. to-wall carpeting, all Capitol Equipment Co., 38 Main (91.3) feet. Records on May 17,1951 (File 3, Map 99) and with corrections on 647-9411. antique Colonial completely $49,900-$50,900 — RAISED NURSERY WORKERS needed- restored and in excellent condi­ Cape has stone siding and full appliances, central alr- St., Manchester. Hours daily 1. Said premises are subject to any local, state or federal or­ August 14,1951 (File 1, Drawer A, MAP 9). The Town of Bolton RANCH - with gorgeous view. RANCH — 3 bedrooms, 2'A shM dormer. Ranch income is MANCHESTER dinance, regulation or law and are not guaranteed buildable under MORTGAGES - 1st, and 2nd excellent earnings and oppor­ tion. Four fireplaces, 1 1/2 condltlonlng, family room, 7:30-5, Thursday 7:30-9, Satur­ makes no representation as to which map is referred to in the tunities. Experienced green ASSISTANT to work in our ship- ARE YOU RENTINQ? Large living room with beamed baths, family room, 2-car $155 monthly Lake privileges, FAMILY-SIZED day, 7:304. 643-7958. current Bolton zoning regulations. mortgages — interim financing baths, income-producing 3- bath and lavatory, swimming above description. house. Call Jobseekers, open department. Job entails Can you afford to pay $185.50 catnedral ceilings and garage. (4 to choose). MO’s. LaPenta Agency, This 3 or 4 bedroom Cape in 2. Said premises are subject to any state of facts that an accurate — expeditious and confidential aging and stock work. room studio apartment and 2- Realtor, 646-2440 or Lance pool, life guard, Said sale will take place at Bolton Town Hall on June 7,1975, at weekends, 568-1070. per month owning your own 2- room antique shop. Philbrick fireplace, formal dining room, $52,900 — DUTCH excellent condition. Kitchen REWEAVING burns, holes. survey would show and any dimensions set forth in above descrip­ service, J.D. Real Estate a Company paid insurance, Kozikowski, 742-7202. playgrounds, carport, tennis 10 A.M. □ NOTICES Assoc. 646-1980. family home? Only $1,700 ijigency. Realtors, 646-4200. fully equipped kitchen with COLONIAL.^sdrooms, 1V4 with breakfast area, beamed Zippers, umbrellas repaired. tion are approximate and given for informational purposes only. holidays, vacations and profit sliding glass doors to deck. courts. Live the life of Riley A more particular description of said premises may be found in MAITRES D’ needed. Full­ down. See this Duplex today. baths, room, 2-car living room. Walk to shopping. Window shades, Venetian 3. Said premises are subject to taxes on Grand List of October 1, sharing. Apply to Connecticut Huge family room with stone LAND - Nice barn, three for only $32,000. Look at blinds. Keys. TV for rent. Bolton Land Record, Volume 35, page 92. time, excellent earnings and Cycle Accessories, 316 Hartford Call now. ' RANCH - Better than new. 71/2 garage. “ Price in the low 30’s. For 1974 which taxes are due and payable July 1, 1975. Lost and Found 1 rooms, 3 bedrooms, family fireplace, two full baths. bedroom home, baseboard your leisure. Marlows, 867 Main St. 649-5221. Dated at Bolton this 3rd day of April 1, 1975. BIG DEAL job surroundings. Call Road. PhilBrick Agency, Realtors, All homes have city water heat, Hutchins Agency, more information call Tony 4. Said premises are subject to the right, if any still exists, of E.S. Invest In A Jobseekers, open weekends, room with bar, large living Wasilefsky at 649-5306. Elaine Potterton LOST - Small female dog, part 646-4200. and sewers. Realtors, 646-3166. DONALD S. GALE MILLAR TREE Service, Inc. Haley to take water from a spring near Notch Road, install pipes Tax Collector of the Town of Bolton, Conn. 568-1070. MALE, 21 years old or over, room with beautiful oval therefor, and to enter upon said premises for the purpose of Schnauzer, part Poodle, huff DOZEN FRESH PASEK fireplace, 2-car garage. $51,900. EQUAL HOUSINQ OPPORTUNITY REALH CO. Removal, pruning, lot clearing, warehouse work, shipping, spraying. Fully insured. repairing and replacing said pipes from the spring to the land of colored. Answers to “Susie” . DELICIOUS DONUTS CAFETERIA WORKERS Philbrick Agency, realtors, 485 BurnsIdaJLve. Birch Mountain Road area. must have driver’s license. Call MERRITT BARROWS & WALLACE Licensed. Free estimates. Only 100 each with this ad — needed desperately! Full-time, Realtort-MLS 646-4200. WANTED Mmetwatar H«w Hatwn Hartlonl East Hartford Said Haley (the right to repair and replace said pipes being Please call, 643-9311. 528-9285. OPEN HOUSE Phone 646-3437, 633-5354. limited to their present location). NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Limit 2 dozen. Offer good great income. Experienced 289-7475 742-8243 Highly Motivated HfillYr? Y IY - IM SUNDAY 1-3 P.M. 649-8308 397-1818 728-8619 Realtors, Insurers, MLS 5. The above referenced map was recorded in the Bolton Land (Sec. 12-157 Gen. Statutes — Rev. of 1958) Sunday thru Wednesday; preferred. Call Jonseekers, NEWSBOYS for South Windsor NEW RAISED Ranch - Seven 289-7939 TREE SERVICE (Soucier) open weekends. 568-1070. Salesm an “SOUTHVIEW” Records on May 17,1951 (File 3, Map 99) and with corrections on Tax Collector of the Town of Bolton, Connecticut area. Call Mr. Griffin at 647- generous-sized rooms, 2 1/2 WESTMINSTER ROAD - NEW DUPLEX HOMES SIX ROOM Colonial, three Be sure to see us about our Trees cut, trimmed or topped, Having made lawful demand for the payment of taxes due me Personals 2 MISTER 9411. baths, family room, 2 Custom-built six-room 8% mortgage. stumps removed, fully insured. August 14,1951 (File 1, Drawer A, Map 9). Tlie Town of Bolton RNs—LPs- We have full time COLUMBIA- First floor family for estobllshad real estate A comnuinity of quality built bedrooms, fireplace, carpeting, makes no representations as to which map is referred to in the as tax collector of the Town of Bolton, which taxes are assessed room, twin sized bedrooms, fireplaces, 2-car garage, Garrison, IVi baths, center appliances, screened patio, at­ Got a tree problem? Well worth INCOME tax returns prepared openings on the 11-7 shift. MATURE, dependable woman aluminum siding, large lot. ■firm In Manchester fireplace, garage, expandable homes with 3 bedrooms, IVz above description. in the name of Schaller, Raymond G. and based upon the DONUT fireplace, garage, close to lake. tached garage, clean. $34,500. a phone call. 742-8252. in the privacy of your home Call Excellent benefits, pleasant wanted to sell women’s and Philbrick Agency, Realtors, attic. $43,500. Palmer Realty, baths, dining room with glass Said sale will take place at Bolton Town Hall on June 7,1975, at assessments of October 1, 1967 through October 1, 1973 of said Dan Mosler, 649-3329 or 525- 255 West Middle Tpke. High 40’s. Lessenger Company, Contact "No agents, call 649-4150. working conditions. Please app­ children’s shoes at The 646-4200. 646^21, Hagedorn, 649-0538. doors to decks, large living SOUTH WINDSOR - 51/2 room CUSTOM MADE Draperies, 10 A.M. Town of Bolton, and payment having b ^ n neglected and refused. 8263. Manchester, Conn. ly in person. Meadows Con­ Realtors, 6464713, 423-9291. bANIELF. REALE Bootery, Route 83, Talcottville. room and kitchens, separate MANCHESTER - $48,000 - By Ranch with rec room, located very reasonable work A more particular description of said premises may be found in I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION all or enough of the valescent Home, 333 Bidwell Retail experience helpful. WILLINGTON - Seven-room TOLLAND - Authentic period REALE REALTDR5 $2,000, TAX CREDIT - New heating systems, ..and owner. Seven room, Split Level in nice, quiet neighborhood. guaranteed, call anytime. 649- Bolton Land Record, Volume 35, page 93 following described property to satisfy taxes at 3113.43 and all INCOME TAX preparation - Street, Manchester. Please apply in person Friday, Restoration. Main house built 646-4525 homes - 3 bedroom Ranch, 4 basements, city utilities. Owner must sell. $36,900. E & F your home or mine. Raised Ranch, one acre treed Contemporary home in 4266. Dated at Bolton this 3rd day of April, 1975. charges accrued thereon: Saturday and Monday. lot, privacy, all appliances, 1806, ell circa 1717. Eight All In fn ltw t CoimdMUtl ,■.. bedroom Colonial and 3 Stop “Buy” this weekend, desirable executive Associates, 646-5358, 633-9149. Elaine Potterton That certain piece or parcel of land, with the improvements Reasonable. By Danny Byram, □ EMPLOYMENT rooms, two baths, five working bedroom Raised Ranches, now COMPLETE electrical service 649-5096. SHOP FOREMAN hreplace, air-conditioning, neighborhood, walking distance Tax Collector of the Town of Bolton, Conn. thereon, situated in the Town of Bolton, County of Tolland and Reduced to $39,900. Owner, 684- fireplaces, two barns, ten being built. Merritt Agency, Directions: Hartford Rd. to to school and shopping. Living MANCHESTER - Large, six- and repair. Reasonable rates. 2nd Shift Business Opportunity 14 FARM - 50 acres, mostly 646-1180. Wilfred Rd. near Spencer St. room Ranch with garage and State of Connecticut designated as “Reserve Well” and the TAX RETURNS and accoun­ Help Wanted 13 4729. acres. Call for details. room with fireplace, dining Call 646-5253. northerly portion of Lot No. 20 as shown on a certain map entitled Supervisory experience, good Philbrick Agency, Realtors, cleared and level land, 8 room intersection. room, convenient eat-in porch. Must be seen. $36,900. E ting done professionally. & F Associates, 646-5358, 633- “Property of Robert D. Valentine, Bolton, Conn. Scale 1” equals TOOL MAKERS - All-around background in general PIZZA AND Grinder shop EAST HARTFORD- Large 2- 646-4200. house, barn, two large poultry EA6T HARTFORD BUIKHMD & ROSSEHO kitchen, three bedrooms, 2 1/2 ODD JOBS - Trucking, home Reasonable rates. Confidential. located in a shopping plaza. houses, 2-car garage. Philbrick 9149. repairs, yards cleaned. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES 50’, 5^rch 5,1951 Hayden L. Griswold C. E .” which map is on file Experienced. Call Dan Hickey, machinists and Bridgeport machining and set-up of air­ family home, in prime business Realtors-MLS 646-2482 baths, fully paneled family craft parts. Sala^ commen­ Good clean operation. F.J. location, 2-car garage with Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. 189 West Center Street room. Large lot. Must be seen. Experienced handyman. Free (SEC. 12-157 Gen. Statutes - Rev. of 1958) in the Town Clerk’s Office in said Town of Bolton, reference to 649-9145. operators. Top wages, fringe OLDER HOME - Large living MANCHESTER - Redwood benefits and overtime. surate with experience. Apply Spilecki, Realtor, 643-2121. plenty of room for parking. $46,- room with dining area, eat-in VALUE 649-7422. estimates. Reasonable. 643- Tax Collector of the Town of Bolton, Connecticut which is hereby made for a further description. CONDOMINIUM - Six rooms, 3 Farms, spacious 9 room Raised INCOME TAX returns Experience preferred. Apply at 900. E. & F. Associates, 646- kitchen, 1 1/2 baths, 3 0304. Having made lawful demand for the payment of taxes due me BOUNDED: REMODELING Showrooms, 5358 or 633-9149. bedrooms, 2(4 baths, wall-to- Ranch, set on large treed lot. NORTHERLY: By land known as Lot No. 1, as shown on said prepared in your home. Paragon Tool Company, 121 offices, storage facilities to bedrooms, porch. Interior com­ Four bedroom Split.114 baths, Three full baths, aluminum as tax collector of the Town of Bolton, which taxes are assessed Adams Street. The LE-MI pletely redecorated, 2-car gar­ wall carpeting. Modem kitchen TWO HANDYMEN will clean, map, sixty-three and two-tenths (63.2) feet; and by land now or Reasonable, Call H.H. Wilson, rent. Suitable remodeler, with built-ins, finished rec aluminum siding, rec room, siding, two fireplaces, family rake, lime, fertilize, mow, in the name of Schaller, Phyllis L. and based upon the 649-6506. Corporation HEBRON- 2 l/2baths, Raised age. $33,500. Philbrick Agency, OPEN HOUSE assessments of October 1, 1967 through October 1, 1973 of said formerly of Haley, one hundred sixteen (116) feet; builder, building product sales. Ranch, family room, fireplace, room, central air-conditioning. large fenced yard. Only $32,- room, five possible bedrooms. maintainance of lawn seasonal. 1 Mitchell Drive Realtors, 646-4200. Town of Bolton, and payment having b ^ n neglected and refused, EASTERLY: By land designated as Lot No. 19, as shown on PHONE FROM home to ser­ Phone 1-2234460. garages, close to center. High $32,500. Philbrick Agency, 900. Won’t last, call now. Asking $51,900. Zinsser Agency, Cellars and attics cleaned. Mancheeter 643-2362 Realtors, 646-4200. 646-1511. • I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION all or enough of the said map, eighty-nine (89) feet; vice our customers for super Help Wanted 13 40’s. Lessenger Company, Saturday & Sunday 2-4:30 Reasonable prices. 643-5305. SOUTHERLY: By the remaining portion of Lot No. 20, as earnings. Choose own hours. Realtors, 6464713, 423-9291. MANCHESTER following described property to satisfy taxes at 3289.80 and all LEGAL NOTICE Call 647-1810. VICINITY COVENTRY NORTH- Lovely 4 44 PORTER STREET SEEING is dis-believing - LIGHT TRUCKING - Odd jobs. charges accrued thereon; shown on said map, one hundred and seventy (170) feet, more or bedroom Garrison Colonial, 2 Small from the outside, WESTFIELD ST... we have a Ready for spring — This large Cellars and attics cleaned, That certain piece or parcel of land situated in the Town of less; and Town of Andover , ESTABLISHED REAL Estate fireplaces, central air- WARREN E. spacious on the inside. Let us lawns mowed, small tree work. MANUFACTURER DF four and four Duplex in the high and lovely 3 bedroom, 114 bath Bolton, County of Tolland and State of Connecticut, bounded and WES’TERLY: By Notch Road, seventeen (17) feet; and by land Public Hearing of office needs two full-time sales conditioning, beautiful grounds. site w you this three-bedroom, 1 Free estimates. Phone 643-6000. forties that should qualiW for Raised Ranch is looking for a described as follows: now or formerly of Haley, forty-seven (47) feet. The Zoning Board people. Wolverton Agency, financing under the new CHFA High 40’s. Lessenger Company, 1/2 bath Colonial Cape in new owner. Many extra HOWLAND That land designated as Lot No. 21 on a certain map entitled 1. Said premises are subject to any local, state or federal or­ of Appeals Reamliters, 649-2813. LADIES APPAREL re g u la tio n s. P o ssib le 8% Realtors, 646-8713, 423-9291. Realtors 043-1108 prestige area. Large formal GARDENS Roto-tilled - Quick dining room with corner cup­ “Property of ROBERT D. VALENTINE, Bolton, Conn. Scale 1” dinance, regulation or law and are not guaranteed buildable un­ ’The Zoning ^ a r d of Appeals hat openings for-experienced tewing-machine mortgage. Good income details. Priced to sell in the service. Save your back. Call us MANCHESTER-Six month board and brass chandelier. today, 528-0586. equals 50’ March 5,1951 Hayden L. Griswold C.E.” which map is der current Bolton zone regulations. . of the Town of Andover, Conn, operators and quallfi^ trainees. Excellent fringe producer. T. J. Croc kett 40’s. 2. Said premises are subject to any state of facts that an accurate will hold a public hearing on KITCHEN HELP - General Realtors. 643-1577. new, prime west side location, Front-to-back 22’ living room now on file in the Town Clerk’s Office in said Town of Bolton, duties, various hours, must benefits. SPRING ARRIVAL - Martin with fireplace, large mirror survey would show and any dimensions set forth in above Wednesday April 23,1975 at the 5-5 Duplex, 1 1/2 baths, - ROGER LANDON - Will rake reference to which is hereby made for further description. work every other weekend. Apply a t hardwood floors, aluminum School district 7 room (tolonial and fireplace fixtures. Lav has leaves, clean yards, do any odd BOUNDED; description are approximate and given for informational pur­ Town Office Building at 8 P.M. GRANDVIEW ST... Off Porter, cape with aluminum siding, Liberal fringe benefits, good a new Raised Ranch is nearing siding, high 50’s. Hayes Cor­ new fixtures and floor. New jobs. Very reliable, reasonable NORTHERLY: By land designated as the southerly portion of poses only. to hear the following Appeals starting salary. On bus Tine. poration, 646-0131. three large^ bedrooms, living floor in cabineted kitchen. All rates. For free estimate call 3. Said premises are subject to taxes on Grand List of October 1, asking relief from the zoning MANCHESTER MDDES, INC. completion. Ready for you to room with fireplace, family Lot No. 20 on said map, one hundred seventy-five (175) feet; East Hartford Convalescent choose your colors, carpeting, wood floors, newly refinished. Roger at 647-1529. Also cars EASTERLY: By land designated as Lots No. 18 and 17 on said 1974 which taxes are due and payable July 1, 1975. laws of the Town of Andover. Home, 745 Main Street, East PINE STREET • MMICHKTER $19,900 - Five rooms, 1 1/2 roomoom, 11/2 baths, large country Walk-in attic storage room. washed, waxed and vacuumed etc. Really a deluxe home dtchen, garage. Very low fif- map, in part by each, in all, ninety-one (91) feet; 4. Said premises are subject to local, state and federal building No. 127 Carl Meadows 12 Hartford. baths, stove, refrigerator, gar­ kitchen One-car attached garage. Full at Jim ’s Amoco, Main Street. loaded with extras such as 21/2 647-1419 ties!ies! By owner, 646-6049. SOUTHERLY: By land designated as Lot No. 22 on said map, regulations pertaining to the use and operation of the im­ Hickory Hill Andover, Ctonn. for baths, aluminum siding, age, nearly two acres. Hutchins cellar. Stone patio, flowering Agency, Realtors, 646-3166. bushes. $39,900. Call 633-0227, C. B & G REFRIGERATION - one hundred ninety-seven (197) feet; and provements on said land and pertaining to water quality stan­ variance in use of undersized SUPERINTENDENT - Mature finished rec room, rear deck... dards. lot and front set back and a lot 120 by 200. Middle 50’s. VERNON - Three-bedroom E. Lamson Agency. Gisbson authorized service, all WESTERLY: By Notch Road, ninety-one and one tenth (91.1) couple for luxury adult high rise Ranch, maintenance-free vinyl feet. 5. Said premises are subject to a pole line easement in favor of requirements in order to build TOWN OF SOUTH WINDSOR T. J. Crockett Realtors, 643- M ANCHESTER - New 3- domestic makes and models. apartment in Wethersfield. bedroom custom Ranch, 2 siding. Tremendous view. Lots-Land For Sale 24 the (tonnecticut Power (Company as of record appears. an addition to dwelling at above Duties include; painting, 1577. GARRISON COLONIAL - 24’ Have your window air- 1. Said premises are subject to any local, state or federal or­ POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY . baths, aluminum siding, double Almost new, 2 baths, 2-car gar- conditioner cleaned and oiled 6. Said premises are subject to the right of certain persons to use addreks. Also requirements for cleaning and maintenance. living room with fireplace, for­ 6-room Dutch Colonial -1 W batha, modern, aat-ln kitchen dinance, regulation or law and are not guaranteed buildable un­ EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNmES • TWO (2) POSITIONS COLUMBIA LAKE - New mal dining room, 4 bmrooms, 1 garage, excellent age, large wooded lot, BUILDING LOTS - Manchester ready for summer. Complete der current Bolton zoning regulations. and maintain the well thereon and to enter upon the premises for lot frontage. Excellent salary plus apart­ neighborhood. $47,900. Hayes carpeted. Immediate occupan­ with diahwashar, range, oven, disposal, large dining room residential area, approximately ment. Call 525-9^ after 5 p.m. 1. ASSISTANT TREATMENT PLANT OPBRATORrNo. 2 listing, ^ven-room Ranch with 1/2 baths, rec room, screened system checked, cleaned arid 2. Said premises are subject to any state of facts that an accurate the purpose of repairing, replacing and maintaining said well and No. 1 ^ Kenneth Pelletier 108 Corporation, 646^131. cy. 50’s. Warren E. Howland, with corner cupboard, firaplacad living room, charming one acre, also other acreage oiled $20. each. Bring it to us In-plant man. Should have, or be working toward, State fireplace, finished, heated rec Mrch, 2-car garage. $45,900. survey would show and any dimensions set forth in above descrip­ the pipes from said well all as of record appears. Aspinal Dr., Andover, Conn, sor room, excellent condition Philbrick Agency, Realtors, Realtors, 643-llW. foyer, lovely tunny den, 4 bedrooma, walk-up attic arlth available. Jackston Agency, and save $8. Parts not included. tion are approximate and given for informational purposes only. 7. Said premises are subject to the right, if any still exists, of E.S. variance in frontage or lot Grade III Certification. Mechanical and electrical throughout. Asking low 40’s. 646-4200. cedar closet, central vac system. Sailing In the 50’s, but 646-1316. 646-4067. Discriminating background - ability to operate and maintain eleetrical APARTMENT BUILDING - 3. Said premises are subject to'taxes on Grand List of October 1, Haley to take water from a spring near Notch Road, install pipes width and side line Customer Wanted Right of way to lake. No agents. anxious owners will consider all offers. therefor, and to enter upon said premises for the purpose of requirements in order to build a and mechanical equipment High aehool graduate or 228-3643. SALT BOX - Large, country •2,000 TAX CREDIT consisting of 4-one bedroom BUILDING LOTS - Vernon - CUSTOM Rototilling - Have 1974 which taxes are due and payable July 1, 1975. REWARD apartments, centrally located, repairing and replacing said pipes from the spring to the land of garage at above address. equivalent Will consider former Navy BR'a, S rs or MM’e kitchen with bunt-ins num-ins and ana on the following now homo*: two ready to go $15,500 for both. “Troy Bilt” rototiller. Will 4. Said premises are subject to the right, if any still exists, of E.S. 30$ off on a Dozen Aasortad aluminum siding, business Merritt Agency, 646-1180. said Haley (the right to repair and replace said pipes being At this hearing interested In lieu of cerfiflcatlon. Position available Immediately. fireplace, formal dining room, ' travel. Gardens, lawns, flower Haley to take water from a spring near Notch Road, install pipes Donuts with this ad - limit 2 double door spacious centeren- zone, excellent potential for beds, large or small. Call 643- therefor, and to enter upon said premises for the purpose of limited to their present location.) persons may appear and be Starting wage - $8,890.00 annually, after eatisfaetory MANCHESTER Dozen. Good Sunday thru completion of probationary period. trance hall, 3 bedrooms, 2V4 MANCHESTER commercial expansion. Investment Property 25 1895. repairing and replacing said pipes from the spring to the land of 8. The condition of the improvements on the premises are not heard and written com­ Wednesday. Apply 53 HAWTHORNE ST. baths, 2-car garage, large lot. COLOIHIL - 3 M t90M. Jackston Agency, 64^1316. said Haley (the right to repair and replace said pipes being guaranteed to be fit for any purpose and are represented as being munications received.. Said 2. MAINTAINER 1: Varied and Intereeting work (both In­ Open For Inspection Philbrick Agency, Realtors, COLONM. - 4 bedraoMi HOME GARDENS roto-tilled MISTER DONUT side and outside) In the operation and maintenance of INVESTMENT limited to their present location). only in an “as-is, wbere-is” condition. appeals are on file and may be 255 WMt Middle Tpks. Smiay 2-S PJL 646-4200. RMCH - 3 badraaft COME AND GET IT! Country Young brick Mamlly Manchester, Bolton, East Hart­ Sewerage Treatment Plant and Sanitary Sewer Colleetlon 5. ’The above referenced map was recorded in the Bolton Land 9. The above rerenced map was recorded in the Bolton Land seen in the office of the Town Mancheeter, Conn. MI$ED MNCH - 4 bedraam. kitchen with stove and dis­ Five Townhouse apartments, private ford and Vernon areas. Call 646- Records on May 17,1951 (File 3, Map 99) and with corrections on Records on May 17,1951 (File 3, Map 99) and with corrections on Clerk. System. High echool graduate or equivalent. No DlrecUonc West Middle Turnpike to BRICK RANCH - Four rooms, 2 hwasher, aluminum sided, terraces, ample parking, tU,000 per 8019 mornings or evenings. Hawthorne. Signs on property. Look SniT l£Va - 4 bddroiM. clean three bedroom Ranch full year Income. August 14, 1951 (File 1, Map 9). The Town of Bolton makes no Dated this the 12th day of experience required, but ability to use common hand at your lalsure. Now being compieteo bedrooms, large, tree shaded August 14,1951 (File 1, Drawer A, Map 9). The Town of Bolton MISD MUCH - 3 badraoM. basement, over one acre lot. representations as to which map is referred to in the above April, 1975. (second publication COCKTAIL waitress for days tools and equipment neceeeary. Conn Claes 2 license a aluminum sided oversized Colonial, lot. Ideal starter or retirement FIANO AQENCY LOAM, FILL, Gravel - Septic, makes no representations as to which map is referred to in the three bedrooms, bath and lavatory, Garden space. Only $32,900. 17th day of April 1975) or nights. Gaslight, m - im , plus. Starting wage - $6,686.00 annually, after satlafactory home. $27,500. Philbrick Agen­ 646-5200 sewer connections, bulldozing, above description. description. oversized family and dining room. Keith Real Estate, 6464126, ' 164 E. c e n t e r ST. rk. 568-53^. completion of probationary period. Oarage. Just right lot. All city con­ cy, Realtors, 646-4200. excavating. Top quality work Said sale will take place at Bolton Town Hall on June 7,1975, at Said sale will take place at Bolton Town Hall on June 7,1975, at Zoning Board of 7V4% mortgaga money la 649-1922. Latulippe Brothers, 646-5114, 10 A.M. Appeals For the litre etsMitUs streik Liberal benefits with each position. Appllcatlona should veniences. Trade of your present 10 A.M. home considered. Act fast - $37.500. MANCHESTER - Split 7 rooms, available on theae immaia: Real Estate Wanted 23 742-! A more particular description of said premises may be found in A more particular description of said premises may be found in Andover, Conn. through the Wait U i be picked up at the Public Works DepartmenL Town HalL 1 ^ baths, 3 bedrooms, modem All hava city utllltlaa. COVENTRY - Seven-room DOMLOS. GALE, REALTY CO. 647-1419 Bolton Land Record, Volume 35, page 92 & 93 Bolton Land Record, Volume 41, page 552. Eric Silsmets and returned to the Public Works Department by April 18, kitchen, dining room, family Raised Ranch with family room ALL CASH for your property LIGHT TRUCKING, painting, 4SS Bwnside Aw ., East Hartford Dated at Bolton this 3rd day of April 1975. Dated at Bolton this 3rd day of April, 1975. Chairman WANTED - Grill help for lunch 1978. room, fireplace, wall-to-wall on a nicely landscaped acre, 1 within 24 hours. Avoid red tape, cellars and attics cleaned, Realtors, hsuters, MLS, 289-7939 F.J. SPILECKI Elaine Potterton Elaine Potterton Stephen F. Willard hour. Apply at Ann's Spot, 21 carpeting, garage, large lot, 1/2 baths, above-ground pool, instant service. Hayes Agency, small tree work. Please call Be sure to ess us sbout our Realtor 643-2121 many extras. $W,900. E&F MIS Tax Collector of the Town of Bolton, Conn. Tax Collector of the Town of Bolton, Conn. Secretary Oak Street, Manchester. $45,500. Philbrick Agency, 646-0131. 646-8663. ______as mortgsgs.______Realtors, 646-4200. Associates. 646-5358, 633-9194.

( 'MANCHESTER EVENING HEaiALD, Mancheater, Conn.. Sat., April 12,1975 — PAGE THIRTP.iiJW



BENJY BY JIM BERRY Apartments For Bent 53 Apartments For Rent 53 Autos For Sale 81 Trucks for Sale 82 WHAT z c c O i ^ f i T yW?- e FOUR ROOMS - Heat, hot 1970 BUICK GS, excellent con­ 1974 DODGE Van excellent con­ _/4C 0 3 water, garage included. Cen­ dition, must be seen to ap­ dition, 8 cylinders, $3,350; new j t J i <3 T O T H ^ tral, no pels, no children. PRESIDENTIJU. preciate. Asking $1,700.228-9198 tires. 1964 International, 30’ truck, good running condition, UpTH^I^APP^P O F Adults. 649-7128. VIkUatiUFTSx after 5. MICKEY FINN BY HANK LEONARD / F c r r o M $1,095. Also four tires for F U I ^ ! FIVE room apartment, yard M A I I C I I E ^ •MUSTANG. GRANDE - 1972, Volkswagens, two convertible cellar storage, attic, garage, vinyl roof, bucket seats, snows on rims, $40 pair 15” . you CAN SEE HIM NEXT WE'VE GOT ALL THE PAPERS DON'T BE A FO O L, S H E R IF F ! I WEEK-AND I'M HERE PREPARED FOR VOUR SIGNATURE, WANT THIS WOMAN PUT BEHIND children accepted. $175 One and'tW0~bedrooms." automatic, power steering, Two 15” Dunlop raoials, $45 W HERE'S M y monthly. Call 649-m i. extra clean. Chorches Motors, pair. All tires hardly used. 643- BECAUSE YOU AGREED SENATOR/ I'M HAPPY IT BARS! A TASTE OF PRISON LIFE Near schools, cluirches GRANDSON? TO SIGN OVER HIS TURNED OUT LIKE THIS! WILL CHANGE HER MIND ABOUT 643-2791. 4643 after 5. "Sm^ and shopping centW, on RETURNING MY GRANDSON! THREE ROOM apartment, tU*«A HE appliances and heat, residential bus line. Call {Siytime ^ NEW 1975 COLT Carousel with 1973 TOYOTA pick-up, $2,100 or ETERNAL. area, available May 1st. Adults, blue denim interior, now at best offer. Sick of payments, ^ OPTI/VMST- : security required. $170 per 6 4 6 - 2 0 2 3 Chorches Motors, 80 Oakland 643-1671 or 647-1332: etniiN U »< tvNtwtvy THE SCRAMBLER 1871 8, H* -C TU 3 month. 568-6396 after 6 . Street, 643-2791. H-H FORD‘ F-100, 1972 pickup, 8’ MUTT AND JEFF BUD KISHFK THREE bedroom Duplex, 1974 VEGA Estate wagon, 7,000 box, V-8 engine, low mileage. SBrvIcn Ofttnd 31 BooHng-SIdlng-Chlmnay 34 Aillclen tor Sato 41 Wanted (o Buy 49 clean. Available May 1st. $150 miles, automatic, Call 643-1364 Asking $ 2 ,^ . Call 643-2696. adults preferred. Write Box D, Business for Bent 85 evenings. Bpy yen, I’LL M o w , w M E M I MARIA NARDUlU - Custom­ ROOFING - Specializing HEALTHY seven year old WANTED - old round dining Manchester Herald. 1964 HALF TON Chevy pickup M o d M V M E A D -made draperies, bedspreads, repairing roofs, new roofs, Canadian Hemlocks ready for table with or without chairs. MANCHESTER - Any size 1971 PLYMOUTH GTX - Vinyl truck, 283 cubic inch engine, manufacturing-warehouse I A M P B E N P ^ you TAP IT ■top treatm ents, Austrian gutter work, chimneys, cleaned spring planting. Reasonable . Call 646-0765. NEWER FOUR room Duplex, 1 roof, bucket seats, power $500. Good running condition. H o r . i j O.K. shades. Large selection of and repaired. 30 years Call 649-4280. l/2baths, kitchen appliances, space. 2,000 square feet to 100,- steering and brakes, $1,995 or 647-1091. -T Lf I W I T H T H E TAP! -samples, drapery hardware. experience. Free estimates. $215 per month. 643-2^, 644- 000 square feet. B rokers take over payments. Excellent MAMMER- MOTOROLA 21” color TV and a protected. CaU 1-226-1206. condition. Repossession, 1974 DODGE Van, 4600 miles. M ■Free estimates, decorating ser- Howley, 643-5361. BY AL VERMEER :vice. Call 649-1786. Zenith Black and white, por­ □ RENTALS Savings Bank of Manchester, Asking $3,750. Call 647-1743 PRISCILLA’S POP ROOFING - Installation and table, both for $125. Call 649- FIVE R(X)M duplex, adults on­ SHARE OFFICE space with ac­ 646-17M. after 6 p.m. IT'S OUR FIM ESf^ IT PROTECTS YOU K , EXCEPT, ' fi LIGHT TRUCKING - Attics repairs, gutters, storm win­ 7046. ly, near parkade. Call 643-5827 countant. Excellent location for ACCIDEMT POUICV, a g a i n s t ALU TYPES^ ,OF COURSE, .and cellars cleaned. For free dows, doors. Experienced Booms for Bent 52 after 6. attorney,'real estate, in­ WANTED Sports car, prefer REVEREKJC> WEEMS.' OF MISHAPS. A N A C T O F Motorcycles-BIcycles 84 GOD.' ■estimates, call 647-9610 quality workmanship. Fully in- WANTED- Pool table, good surance, etc. 649-1680, 649-3549. open or P-small top or van -anytime. su re Free estimates. condition, reasonable price, THOMPSON HOUSE, fur­ PLEASANT Two-bedroom (camper, custom or stock). EXPERT bicycle repairs, all Reasonable jrices. Rick call 646-3248. nished rooms, centrally apartment - Second floor, cen­ STORE FOR rent. Best Main Body and paint must be good. makes, models and speeds. -GARDENS- roto tilled or Burnett, 646-3 located. Kitchen privileges. trally located. $150 plus heat. Street location. About 1,000 Cash waitmg. Call 1-423^147. Peugeot, Raleigh dealers, plowed. Reasonable. Call 644- DINETTE SET, formica with Parking. Reasonable rates. No pets. 649-3978, 6464780. square feet. Same size base­ (Willimantic) Manchester Bicycle Shop, 649- 1448. two covered chairs and bench. Phone M9-2358. ment. For information. Philbrick Agency, Realtors, 2098. Heating-Plumbing 35 Walnut twin bed, mahogany ATTRACTIVE 3 room apart­ 1970 CHEVROLET Monte Carlo CAPTAIN EASY BY CROOKS & LAWRENCE Painting-Papering 32 china cabinet, gold 9x12 rug. GENTLEMAN only - Kitchen ment, stove, refrigerator, beat, 6464200. - V-8, power steering and cr MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE - SEWERLINES, sink lines, Call days, 647-9392. privileges, central location, electricity, adults, references, brakes, automatic, radio, lowest rates available. PAINTING - interior and cleaned with electric cutters, free parking, references no pets. $150. 646-3167, 228-3540. TWO OFFICES, (one ground excellent condition. $1,650. Immediate binding. Exclusive 5WAMI T UH-'/EAH... I'M PA exterior, paperhanging, by professionals. McKinney requirM. 643-2693 for appoint­ floor, one second floor) Heat, Phone 643-1286 44 p.m. DUH-H... YA WAWT M E? TAG SALE - Coffee served. NETRA Agent. Clarke In­ KALLIKAK. ) NEW 5WAMI-OR. excellent work. References. Bros. Sewer Disposal Com­ Everything imaginable in­ ment only. air-conditioning, parking and surance Agency, 643-1126. I BELIEVE J SUMPIW'LIKE PAT! Free estimates. Fully insured. pany, 643-5308. cluding sporting goods and wall-to-wall carpeting included. 1964 VOLKSWAGEN for sale, 4-11 (g) iSIibyHtA Inc T M fUj U S P*l O't Martin Mattsson, 649^31. ROOMS FOR RENT - $22 per ROCKVILLE SWJIOOMt Call John H. Lappen, Inc. 649- good running condition, $250. tools. Saturday and Sunday 10-6, MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE - NO JOB too sm all, toilet week. Centrally located. 146 ROCKLANITTEBRA^IE 5261. Call 643-2466. BY ART SANSOM 371 Tunnel Road, Vernon (1-86 for the past 10 years we have THE BORN LOSER J. P. LEWIS & SON - Custom repairs, plugged drains, kitchen Center Street. Please call 649- l i r ^ and beautiful one bedroom Exit 97). been the leading agency in the decorating. Interior painting. faucets replaced, repaired, rec 0013. apartmaiita, haat, hot watarT ell WAREHOUSE space to rent - 1968 PO N TIAC LeM ans - THEM I PIPM'T REAaV area insuring motorcycles. Get Paper hanging. New Ceilings. rooms, bathroom remodeling, TAG SALE - 220 Hebron Road, appliances Including dishwasher, 7,000 square feet, ground floor - Bucket seats, 3-speed, new disposal, carpeting, pool and your| loading dock - 70 cents/square our rates before you “ rev” up. AMVTHlMfcl \WHERE''S Remodeling. Exterior painting. heat modernization, etc. Free Bolton. Saturday and Sunday. MANCHESTER and Bolton- A tires. $150. Call 649-8372. own private terrace In a country set­ foot plus gas heat. Inquire Crockett Agency, Inc. 643-1577. Gutters and leaders. Carpentry. estimates gladly given. M & M April 12 and x3. Only. home away from home. Attrac­ ting. From $186^' No pefs. m Fully insured. For estimate call Plumbing & Heating, 649-2871. tive furnished rooms in private ' Watkins Brothers, com er of 1971 PLYMOUTH Custom sub­ 872-4223 875-7468 5294^6 YAMAHA 1974 - TX650A, elec­ 649-9658. homes available. Some with Forest and Chestnut Streets, urban wagon, 48,000 miles, first TAG SALE - Moving out of tric start, low mileage. Call 742- TOWNE Plumbing Service, kitchen privileges, privates 643-5171. $1,395 for quick sale. 646-0619 state. Household items, an­ 6835 after 5:30 p.m. PAINTING - Save 30 - 60%. repairs, alterations, vanity tiques, furniture, books, baths, entrance, parking. after 5. Five years experience. cabinets a specialty. Call to Garages optional. Responsible 122 EAST CENTER ST. - Per­ records, children’s toys and 1972 TRIUMPH 650cc Excellent references. Pete, 742- 8:30 a.m., 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. 649- persons only. References. THREE R(X)MS - Second floor. sonal size first floor modem pf- 1969 OLDS 98, 2-door hardtop, much more. April 12, 9-5, April Bonneville - Good condition. 6117 (toll free) 5-10 p.m. 4056. Security. 649-3056. Available May 1. Includes heat, fice. Merritt Agency, 646-1180. call 646-4004 George Moore. 13, 1-4. 43 S alters R oad, Asking $1,150. Call 649-6376. Manchester. appliances, parking. No pets. INSIDE - Outside painting. BOTTI Heating and Plumbing - LARGE, pleasant, clean fur­ Month security required. 301/2 1974 DATSUN- HL610, 4-door. TX650 YAMAHA, electric Special rates for p^ple over All heating and plumbing HOTPOINT Refrigerator - $25. nished room. Central, quiet, Chiirch Street. Can be seen 5l-7 OFFICE SPA02 Call 646-4004, (Jleorge Moore. start, mufflers, new battery. BY MANA-BARBERA Fully insured. Estimates given. repairs plus remodeling. Call Apartment-size Roper gas parking. Mature gentleman. p.m. F O R R E N T $1050. Call 646-8360 anytime. OAJS01U Call 649-7863. 643-1496 1974 (Jhevy, model AD37,2-door stove, $10, good working condi­ Hot water shower. 569-2525. 250 square febt, center ol tion. Call 649-4711. SIX-ROOM second-floor apart­ Malibu, call 646-4004. George Manchester, air conditioning 1973 YAMAHA 175, Endure. HOLD O N , WALLPAPER hanging ?2.75 FRANK SCOTELLA Plumbing FURNISHED Room for ment - Large yard, parking. Moore. BY V.T. HAMLIN Built for dirt. 7 5 7 o of mileage on A SEC O N D ,' per roll. Experienced - Repairs and remodeling, TAG SALE - April 11-13,262-264 middle-aged gentleman. All Adams Street area. ^10 per and parking. C a | l: 643-9551. road. $500. 647-1091. „riHE OTHERS WILL R3O0W OICAY, tradesman. Call R. sewer lines cleaned electrical­ Union Street, 104. All articles conveniences, near bus line. month with heat. Lease, securi­ VOLKSWAGEN 1971, 15 EVERYONE WHAT ABOUT -neANSTORT, MDILANO I , AND OOP, WILL IN THE VEHICLE THOSE ^ EVERY- CAN HAROLV Starkweather, 644-3194. ly. Prompt service on emergen­ Call 649-8382. ty required. Available May-1. Squareback wagon. Rebuilt READY? AUEY? HOW ARE WE / TELL must go. GOlhkaTOeETTD / 'IM, U SE 'tO U R TWO REPOSSESSION MEN) BODY/ H EAR y o u , , cies. 643-7024. (Jail after 6:30 p.m., 646-3553 or engine and automatic transmis­ Resort Property Campers-Trallers LURCHMOBILE... DROVE/ IT'S BARKED V v IS MOVE WILAAA. . . . / S O U N D S TEACHERS - Inflation fighters 649-3434. sion. Have maintenance THE CASTLE? r A CUB8LE.' STEREO Amplifier - Kenwood ROOM FOR working For Bent 56 Mobile Homes 88 OUTSIDE! /— OUT/ LIKE - Save over 50% on quality Flooring 36 model KA40(fe, 24 watts per gentleman - References records. Asking $1,575.429-8178. __ J n u i SO M EO N E house painting. 16 years’ FIVE ROOM - Second-floor. channel. $65. Please call 644- required. Please call 649-0719. TWO COTTAGES in lovely FOR SALE - Ideal vacation E L S E IS experience, insured, free es­ FLOOR Sanding - Refinishing, Hospital area. Stove, VOLVO- 1967, s, excellent 0466. Eastham, Cape Cod, Mass. 122 vehicle - 1973 Vega 23’ travel ON T H E timates. 643-1609. (specializing in older floors). refrigerator, garage. Quiet cou- second car, very good condi­ FEMALE roommate wanted to Within a short distance of both trailer, excellent condition. WIRE/ Ceilings and inside painting. ile, no children, no pets. $180. tion, automatic, new tires and CAMERA for sale - Kowa Super share two-bedroom apartment. fresh and salt water beaches. Hardly used. Fully self- PAINTING - Interior, exterior, John Verfaille, 646-57^50,646-5' 872- 'tilities extra. 646-2^20 5 to 6 tune-up. $775 firm. 649-9693. 66, in excellent condition, with Call after 4:30, 646-lCl. $125 per week and $150 per contained, sleeps 8. Four- experienced, insured, carpen­ p.m. . 2222. 80mm f2.8 lens, 2 focusing week. For further information burner stove, 20 gallon propane try. Guaranteed satisfaction. screens, grip handle and FURNISHED room for call 742-6607. tanks, tandem wheels, tinted- Lowest rates. Dave, Pat. MANCHESTER - Immediate. Sekonic light meter. $500. 742- gentleman, all comforts of •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OP TO *100 glass windows, red/white/blue , I I Collect 487-0283 (after 7). Six-room Duplex. $225. Securi­ □ MISC. FOR SALE 6490. home, kitchen, parking. Securi­ Wanted to Bent 57 Colonial decor. Price includes: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ty, no utilities. Frechette & H-a ty. Call 6494936^, 649-3436. JONK CARS hitch, swaybar, torsion bars, Bullding-Contraeting 33 5c STILL buys a cup of coffee at Martin, 6464144. HEA Iw , T M R.g U 5 Pll 0" Articles for Sale 41 mirrors, break-away brakes, Yankee Ingenuity Flea Market, room, second floor apartment, and, if needed, electric brakes NEWTON H. Smith & Sons - Apartments For Bent S3 DUPLEX - Deluxe 3-bedroom, WE WILL PAY UP TO Saturdays and Sundays. 10 a.m. quiet neighborhood, hear bus off car. Call 875-7782. Remodeling, repairing, ad­ ALUMINUM sheets used as carpeting, all appliances in­ BY ROLSTON JONE.S and FRANK RIDGEWAY V4>CHRDJ’e/<«44 - 5 p.m. admission free. Dealers line. 646-1636, 647-9041. $100 MR. ABFRNATHY ditions, rec rooms, porches and printing plates, .007 thick, MATURE roommate wanted to cluding dishwasher and dis­ WIN AT BRIDGE space two days, $12.00 742-5175, FORYOURJUNK CAR MOBILE HOME for Sale - East roofing. No job too small. Call ^x32” . % cents each or 5 for $1. share furnished townhouse, $140 posal. Air-conditioning and The bidding has been: 12 evenings 561-1427. SMALL APARTMENT needed Depending on Year and Hartford, good neighborhood. AND THEYRE ONtY HAZARDOU9 TO 649-31M. Phone 643-2711. monthly, references and securi­ walk-out basement. No pets. ty deposit. 646-3886 evenings. for working person. Prefer Model No children. Call 643-2848. PLCWING YOUR HEALTH IF YOU INHALE) TAG SALE - Wall Street, Route $250 per month. 646-5231. West North East South CARPENTRY - Repairs, NEWSPRINT end rolls. 25 utilities paid. Reasonable price. FREE TO W PUBBLE5 Brilliant defense thwarts 3NT 316, Hebron. Saturday and Sun­ MOVE UP TO 14’ wide living. o O ° ° remodeling, additions, roofing. cents each. Inquire side door. WE HAVE customers waiting Permission for pet. 742-8305. SAME DAY SERVICE IS FUN' T NORTH 12 day , 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Rain or MANCHESTER - Deluxe 2 No better time to trade, large ° oO O Call David Patria, South Wind­ Manchester Evening Herald. for the rental of your apartment 8 J 10 2 shine. Household items, clothes bedroom Townhouse, 1 1/2 PLEASE CALL FOR Pass 2 Jk Pass 3 sor, 644-1796. or home. J.D. Real Estate FOR VACATION Weekend - selection of new and used V 8 5 and toys. baths, private entrances and CURRENT PRICE LISTS O o O Ely Culbertson once said that The one South who went down Pass 3 0 Pass 3 N T WE BUY and sell used fur­ Associates, Inc. 646-1980. May or early June, house at homes. Priced from $895. to 9 K Q 10 8 6 patio, full basement, includes B a.m.-4 p.m. 522-1104 any time he could see all the for a nice fat goose egg on the Pass 4 A Pass ? WES ROBBINS carpentry niture. Cash on the line. One Cape Cod to accommodate 8-10 $13,500. Full time service 8 10 3 2 SEASONED fireplace wood for heat, appliances, and carpeting. after 5 p.m. 247-0910 5, the Culbertson system score was the victim of really You. South, hold: remodeling specialist. Ad­ piece or an entire housefull. LOOKING for anything ip real couples. Write Box “ V” department, parts, supplies and WEST EAST sale. $20 per 3/4 ton pickup $265 per m onth. Paul W. d get him to the right con- fine defense. West did open the AKQ965VA2 AK43AQ87 ditions, rec rooms, dormers, 646-6432. Furniture Bam, 345 estate rental — apartments, Manchester Herald. ALLIED accessories. Plaza Homes, 1348 8Q96 8K 8 5 4 3 load. Call ^-9585. Dougan Realtor, 646-1021 or 643- king of hearts, but shifted to a What do you do now? built-ins, bathrooms, kitchens, Main Street Rear, behind homes, multiple dwellings, no Wilbur Cross Highway, Berlin VKQJ63 V10 94 4535. SCRAP METALS 3, low heart at trick two. A — Pass. Your partner has RETIRED couple is looking for Turnpike, Berlin, Conn. 828- 649-3446. Douglas Motor Sales. fees. Call J.D. Real Estate 9952 9A73 « SIDE DRAPES - Two single three room apartment, 741 WINDSOR STREET 0369. 0ONE5+ shown great strength, but you have Associates, Inc. 646-1980. 895 886 This put East in the lead and pair custom made, never used. SPECIALI reasonable rent. (Jail 247-3713. HARTFORD. Viw m i m Five clubs would be the right a balanced hand with just one point LEON CIESZYNSKI builder - CLEAN USED refrigerators, Gold damask, 78” ; pale green, ------SOOTH (D) East led the four of spades. Color TV, air-conditioning, 17’ DUTCH CRAFT Travel A-IX ■et contract for today's hand. South over a real minimum. new homes custom built, ranges, automatic washers, 75” - $16 pair. 649-3716. DELUXE, ONE - bedroom 8 A 7 would make it easily by winning apartment - Complete full bath, telephone, maid ser- Trailer - Sleeps 6, self- remodeled, additions, rec with guarantees. B. D. Pearl’s J WINTIIROP BY DICK CAVALLI V A 72 the first heart, drawing trumps South ducked that to West’s TODAY'S QUESTION rooms, garages, kitchens Appliances, 649 Main St, 643- appliances, carpeting, air- vice, free coffee and □ AUTOMOTIVE Trucks for Sale 82 contained, like new. $1,800. Call You open one spade with: DINING room table and six 872-6201. 9 J 4 and knocking out the ace of queen. A spade came back and remodeled, bath tile, cement 2171 chairs. Hale maple. $150. Call conditioned, swimming pool. doughnuts and off-street SU RE... KIN© KON© r ©UESe> ITfeTIM E 8AKQJ74 diamonds. East was careful to hold back AKQ985¥A2 AK4AQ987 1966 DODGE half ton .van, good KNCW W H A T I W A N T work. Steps, dormers. Residen­ 643-6782. $175 plus utilities. Robert D. parking. $49 (plus tax) per TO G E T RIC? O F T H E his king so that all South could Your partner responds one Autos For Sale 81 running condition. $700 or best 1970 HARD-TOP tent camper - TO Neither vulnerable tial or commercial. Call 649- SCREENED LOAM - driveway Murdock, Realtor, 643-2692. week When this hand appeared in do was to run with his eight notrump. Whal do you do now? offer. Phone evenings or Sleeps 5, stove, ice box, dinette. WHEN I GXaON D P ? OHJ. A P E S U IT . 4291. gravel, processed gravel, sand, the finals of a regional open tricks and give up. Answer Monday Dogs-BIrds-Pets 43 1972 MAVERICK, 2-door, 6- weekends 646-8243. $725. 643-1005. stone and fill. George H. Grif- M A N C H E S T E R - N ew 3 West North East South pairs no one reached that con­ FIANO'S MOTOR INN cylinder, standard shift, radio, TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY fing, Andover, 742-7%6. bedroom Duplex, half of two- EAST CENTER STREET Automotive Service 66 Automotive Service 88 tract. Those few pairs that did. DOG-CAT boarding reser­ 100 one owner. Asking $1,5W. Call Carpentry and general contrac­ family 1 1/2 baths, full base­ 1 8 get to game all played in three Answer to Previous Puzzle vations. Combined inside/out- ______646-2300 875-4447. ting. Residential and commer­ SWIMMING POOLS - Luxury ment, includes appliances, $275 IV Pass 2 ¥ 2 N.T. notrump and most of them side runs, partitioned privacy, Monetary cial. Whether it be a small above ground pool distributor per month. Paul W. Dougan Pass 3 9 Pass 3 N.T. wound up making their con­ germicidal lighting. Canine NEED CAR? Credit bad? repair job, a custom built home needs warehouse space. Will Realtor, 646-1021 or 6434535. MANCHESTER - Two story, Pass Pass Pass tract. or anything in between, call 646- sell and completely install a Holiday Inne, 200 Sheldon Road, one bedroom townhouse, Bankrupt? Repossessed? ACROSS DOWN Manchester, 646-5971. Honest Douglas accepts lowest Opening lead — K v C9L1 1379. huge 16x31’ O.D. swim pool private entrances and patio, It didn’t require any great 1 U S cent 1 Bows ol ships down, smallest payments. SPMNG HAS SPRUNG complete with fencing, VKIAGER APUmiNtS full basement. Includes heat, skill on their part. West opened 6 Former 2 Geological ONE YEAR old St. Bernard for Douglas Motors, 345 Main. E3S D Q L i BUILDING - Remodeling, sundeck, filter and pump. Now appliances, carpeting, and pool. 4-12 the king of hearts and continued Russian com period □ a eaciBi roofing, rec rooms, additions, only $795. Full price financing sale, $50. All shots. 643-6110 PlG»c By Oswald & James Jacoby 3 Country Five-room townhouse apart­ $235 per m onth. Paul W. with the queen after South 11 Bellowed garages. All kinds, carpentry available. Call Tony collect, after 3. TOYOTA - See us for reliable 4 W W II agency ment, V/t tiled baths, 2 alr- Dougan, Realtor, 646-1021 or C IIT) » >EA. Me.. T M. M - U.8. W. OB. ducked. Then he led a third 13 Rifle pari work. For estimates call 649- 203-232-6500.^ used Toyotas with our 60-day 14 Liquid found in lab I u a Q L ir a icondltloners, wall-to-wall 643-4535. mOFF I heart to clear the suit. South UBBCIQ 1142. GERMAN SHEPARD - free to 100% warranty. We also buy petroleum 5 Japanese carpeting, full basement, SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL would run off six clubs, finally RICH LOAM for sale. $5.50 per good home. 8 months old, veiy MANCHESTER - Newer 2- used Toyotas. Lynch Motors, All Parti & Labor On All ! 15 Yearly monetary urnt heat, hot water, appliances/ lead a diamond and be home 21 City in 37 W anderer MASON CONTRACTOR - yard delivered. Call 64^3109. gentle and smart. Our place is bedroom Duplex, half two- 345 Center Street, Manchester, ALL I HAVE TO DO IS ...AND I CAN 16 Chinese 6 Operated Adults only, no pets. 'THIS LAMP CONTAINS ^ free since East held that ace. 7 Fodled vase Massachusetts 38 Freebooter Plastering, custom built stone too small. Phone 647-1601 or 283- 646-4321. . TONE-OPS I RUB M V OIL PRU/V\S... 6 E T ANYTH ING-] dynasty family. Private basement. A SEMIE WHO WILL DO 39 Challenger , or brick fireplaces, chimney CARPETS - Wholesale to you at 0046, keep trying. 649-7620 'H5urlng April and May VVIth This Coupon j 17 Adult boy 8 B e a s ts 23 Harass Includes ^pliances, $230 per VOUP BIDC>INQ lU I W ANT/ 41 Oireclioii repairs, block and cement our warehouse. Trailer loads of WE PAY $10 for complete junk § T A R 19 Town (Cornish 9 Acquires 25 Appear month. Paul W. Dougan, SELL IT CHEAP. knowledge Genuine 43 Rems work. New and repairs. E. carpets in stock. Prices start at HOME WANTED - For an 8- Realtor, 646-1021 or 643-45%. cars. Call Joey, Tolland Auto By CLAY R. POLLAN- pretixl AWIS LIIRA 20 Piebian 10 Girl s nam e 29 Maior planet 48 Arab robe Richardson, 643-0889, 649-0608. $2.50/sq. yd. Carpet Merchants, year old male Beagle with ATTRACTIVE four room Body, 528-1990. N A 8.Z . Your Doily Adiyily Guidt s e n . 22 22 Table scrap 12 Populace 33 Placid 49 Sick 1310 Tollancf Turnpike, papers. House broken, good apartment, stove, refrigerator, SIX ROOM Duplex, newly S According to lh» Store, 51 Even (conir) ' I * ocr.33^tW 23 "Keystone (comb formi 34 Scottish CUSTOM BUILDING - Homes, Manchester, 646-8568. Open dai­ with children. Owner leaving references, no pets, $145. 646- redecorated, centrally locateii, 1972 PONTIAC FIREBIRD 1 5 % OFF^ To develop message for Sunday, I \ 1-13-26-36 7-19-24-37/ Stale founder '3 Small fowls woolen cloth 52 Brazilian additions, remodeling, repairs. ly 10-5:30, Closed Sunday. state 643-1221. Espirit, top shape, power read words corresponding to numbers 3167, 228-3540. children welcomed. /50-61-82-S8 <859-71 ’ 24 Son ol Seth 18 Circle pan 35 Distress signal m acaw Steve Casalino, experienced steering, automatic transmis­ of your Zodiac birth sign. References, security and lease ALL BRAKE SYSTEM WORK | y f T A U R U S SCORPIO (Bib I residential-commercial DARK RICH loam, five yards Livestock 44 IMMACULATE six-room required. $205 per month. Call sion, sport wheel, console, During April and May With This Coupon 1 A M . 20 1 Finin-21-32-43 4 Profitoble 34 Possible 64 You-re 13 8283841s 30 In the m iddle II 12 BoofIng-SIdIng-ChImney 34 years, 15 hands, gentle, with pets. $225. 649-0459, 649-9004 SIX R(X)M Duplex, half of two- 1 / 4 6 ^ 1 -9fl| SLook 35 Quietiy 65 M oy 6 W orthwhile 36 Put 66 Be 5872-8W91 (comb form) RICH LOAM for sale - $5. per tack. $450 or best offer! 643-62M after 5. 1969 PONTIAC Catalina, power BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE GIMINI i4 iG family, three bedrooms, $190 7 Strong 37 You 67 Temper SACiITTARIUS 31 Golf gadget BIDWELL Home Improvement yard delivered. Call 643-9918. after 5. steering and power brakes, GOOPON SPECIALS P 38 From 68 Thon montnly plus heat. Security, 8 You NOT 32 Was seated 16 II ,9 Co. Expert installation of 2*/4 FURNISHED rooms - Heat, 6^3285. after 4 p.m. with air-conditioning, good REG. NOWj 9 Don't 39 To 69 Privoey 33 Jatz dances ol shape. Call evenings, M9-2180. HERE'S THE WORST THORN,^ q?HECRA7EDMAN STALKS OFF. PRESENTLY, lO G et 40 Through 70 Into Dec. 1 ■1 aluminum siding, gutters and OFFICE equipment, file hot water, stove, refrigerator. THERE... IT CAME ~ ,10-1831-42 41 W ith 71 Teruion a sort a 2, Garden Products 47 “ h e r e t u r m s . 11 Don't 2-12-2835^ trims. Roofing installation and cabinets, desks, credenza, Apply at Marlow’s, 867 Main FIRST-FL(X)R - Three-room Side Hkiddings Installed...... 59.95 4 9 . 0 0 1 JT MUST HURT TERRI BCY! OUT EASILY... 'si-64-70 12 This 42 Weekend 72 A t 36 Sweet 1 47-5869 z4 28 wZ1 1973 SUBARU GL Coupe - 37,000 DOESN'T THAT 13 Demonds 43 More 73 Money 1 repairs. 649-64%, 875-9109. calculators, steel shelving, file Street. heated apartment. $130 per SafetyCheck...... i4.o o 7 .9 S | “ IT'S INFECTED. ^ secretion MANURE - Pick up by the CANCIR 14 For 44 Get 74 Support miles, winter and summer FEEL BETTER? CAPRICORN 39 College oKicial ■ shelves and fixtures, parts barrel or pickup truck. month. Stove and refrigerator Front MMopiment...... 16.95 1 4 . 9 5 ^ JUHl 21 is Gain 45 Person 75 To 21 29 HORACE Tetrault — Siding, radial tires. Call 742-8160. 16 Tip 40 Pull after cabinets. 646-8768. Reasonable. 440 Buckland MANCHESTER GARDENS - included. References and I } J U i r 22 46 Complicated 76 Or A 1 Air Conditioner TiawHip...... 29.95 24.051 17 Portroy 47 Protect 77 Suggestkms JAM. IP 42 Render turbid 31 roofing, storm windows, aw­ Road, Wapping. 232-7790. Two bedroom apartments, in security deposit required. 1967 DODGE Polara - Good run­ ■■N 9-17-2840 IS O ut ^ Could 78 Spore 8 1 8 2 7 -3 ^ 44 Timetable 1 nings. (Quality workmanship, 55 GALLON DRUMS, open top beautiful country setting, walk Please call after 5, 649-2759. 19 0emarA>44 5-1829L39JT 56 Nostrils Manchester. Across from Dairy OLD WOODEN Bed - Chairs, and carpeting. $220 per month. facilities, central Treed yard. GOOD FOR ALL CM CARS ^)AilYene ^^Nentnl (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN 1 WANTED - Wicker furniture, miles. $3,200. Call 649-2074 after ^49-6879-861 Queen or call Thomas Colla, dressers, electric stove. Odds anj ■ ■ ■ Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, 646- $165 monthly. Mr. Belfiore, 647- Hurry...Offer good through 5-31-78 an^ kind, any shape. Call 872- 5. 649-6062. and ends. Call 646-6426. 093 1021, 643-4535. 1413.

I : PAGE FOURTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Mancherter. Conn., Sat., April 12, IflTS OBITUARIES Slaying, Budget Were Week’s Newsmakers EdiBon O. Davis memorial contributions may be made to the Manchester accomplishment o f' Ken Edison Owens Davis, 75, of Topping the Manchester news In Government Manchester Green. Approved Manchester Police Sgt. and back. Donations will aid Memorial Hospital Develop­ Thomas. The 24-year-Old 225 Mountain Rd. died Friday at this week was the Wednesday On Tuesday, Mayor John by the commission were a Patricia Graves, head of the OTH. ment Fund. bowler, current town m oi’s 10- Manchester Memorial afternoon slaying of a young Thompson said he’s backing a zoning boundary change and local department’s youth ser­ i n Sports... pin champion, turned in the Hospital. He was the husband of man on a downtown state income tax, as one way of special exception. vices program, was accepted Wednesday night in the East first perfect all-strike 300 game Mrs. Anne Fife Davis. Manchester sidewalk, outside helping towns and cities this week to the summer ses­ Catholic High School gym, in the 16-year history of the Mr. Davis was bom Feb. 6, his moUier’s place of employ­ presently being strangled by People... sion of the FBI Academy. Miss Mrs. George E. Ruoff Manchester Democrats and Parkade Lanes. 1900 in New London, son of the ment. , property taxes. Former Mayor Harold A. Graves, the first New England ^ s . Marion B. Ruoff, 63, of Republicans played basketball Town duckpin bowling late John and Mary Sykes Within an hour after the fatal At its Tuesday meeting, town Turkington received the policewoman to be a c c ^ ^ to 31 Hills St., East Hartford, for charity. The Cancer Fund tourney action in both the Davis, and lived in the shooting. State Police had a directors gave the Manchester prestigious “M” Award of the the prestigious school, will at­ formerly of Manchester, died and the Republicans emerged Men’s and Women’s Divisions Manchester-Coventry area suspect in custody. Donald J. Rec Swim Club the go-ahead for Greater Manchester Chamber tend with Detective Sgt. Ray­ Friday in the Ormond Beach the winners. ’The score was 28- was launched at the Holiday since 1941. Before his retire­ Pascale, 23, of Somerville, operating as it has since 1971 — of Commerce at the mond Mazzone of Manchester. (Fla.) Hospital. She was the 19. Lanes. Play continues this ment, he was employed as a N.J., was charged with by collecting fees and disbur­ organization’s annual banquet Candidates for a new wife of George E. Ruoff. In his debut as a bhsketball weekend. manufacturing representative murdering Leo E. Gauthier, 22, sing its funds and by hiring Friday night. ’The guest speaker Manchester police chief took Mrs. Ruoff was born' in coach, Len Auster led The ’The season’s first hole-in-one for Power Plant Equipment of 80 Summer St. whom it wishes for swimming was Helen ’Thomas, chief White oral examinations Tuesday, and Manchester and had lived in Herald squad to a 77-74 win over was recorded this week at the Associates of Manchester. coaches. Directors agreed to House correspondent for United announcement of a new chief by East Hartford for 35 years. For Police investigation is con­ the Journal-Inquirer in a second Manchester (Country Club when An Army veteran of World review the status of Rec Direc­ Press International. Town Manager Robert Weiss is the past'few years, she spent tinuing while Pascale is being Cancer Fund charity game 14-year-old Brian diarlebois, a War II, serving overseas, he tor Mel Siebold, who receives Sadness and a sense of loss expected soon. several months each year in Or- held without bond. Police said Wednesday night. member of the East Catholic was discharged in 1946 with the about 33,000 annually as the over the death of John M. Members of Manchester’s mond Beach. She was a the suspect knew the victim, ’The biggest news on the local High squad, turned in the feat rank of colonel. He was a club’s chief coach. Bailey, long-time Democratic Organization of the Han­ inember of Hockanum United but authorities haven't offered sports scene this week was the on the 18th. member of Brainard Lodge of Also on Tuesday, the Board of state chieftain, were expressed dicapped (OTH) qre conducting Methodist Church and a motive for the incident. Masons in New London, the Directors rejected a request Friday by Manchester political a walkathon today from Retired Officers Association of Hillstown Grange, both of East Manchester to East Hartford from Manchester Community figures. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Connecticut and the Army and Hartford. She also belonged to College for operating a day care Navy Club. the state and national Granges Budget Hearing center at the old Nike Site and (Sec. 1M57 Gen. Statutes - Rev. of 1958) Other survivors are a son, and to the Ormond Beach The first highlight of the tabled a decision on forming a NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND FOR Tax Collector of the Town of Bolton, Connecticut James 0. Davis of Silver chapter of Order of Eastern week was an event that takes Manchester-South Windsor Having made lawful demand for the payment of taxes due me T l Spring, Md.; a daughter, Mrs. Star. place in Manchester every year Health District. TAXES as tax collector of the Town of Bolton, which taxes are assessed She is also survived by a son, in the name of Schaller, Phyllis L. and based upon the Maryanne E. Studley of at this time: The public hearing (Sec. 12-157 Gen. Statutes — Rev. of. 1958) Litchfield; a brother, John Edwin M. Ruoff of East Hart­ assessments of October 1, 1967 through October 1, 1973 of said on the town manager’s Tax Collector of "the Town of Bolton, Connecticut Davis of Dallas, Tex.; and four ford; a daughter, Mrs. Mel Business News Town of Bolton, and payment having been neglected and refused, proposed budgets and tax rates. Having made lawful demand for the payment of taxes due me grandchildren. Ehrlich of El Paso, Tex.; and A low bid from Hartford I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION aU or enough of the About 275 persons crowded as tax collector of the Town of Bolton, which taxes are assed in four grandchildren. National Bank and Trust Co. on following described property to satisfy taxes at 3278.^ and all The funeral is Monday at 11 into Waddell School Auditorium the name of Converse, Lawrence A., Jr. and based upon the a.m. at the John F. Tierney The funeral is Tuesday at 11 an interest rate for Manchester charges accmed thereon; Monday night and heard pleas assessments of October 1, 1967 through October 1, 1973 of said Funeral Home, 219 W. Center a.m. at Newkirk and Whitney to borrow 31-4 million was said That certain piece or parcel of land situated in the Town of for a restrained budget. Town of Bolton, and payment having been neglected and refused, Funeral Home, 318 Burnside to represent considerable Bolton, County of Tolland and State of Connecticut, bounded and St. The Rev. Stephen Jacobson, Frustrations over the economic I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION all or enough of the rector of St. Mary’s Episcopal Ave., East Hartford. Burial will savings over original es­ described as follows: situation were evident as 21 of timates. The money is being following described property to satisfy taxes at 3268.13 and all Church, will officiate. Burial be in Hockanum Cemetery, the 30 who spoke delivered a That land designated as Lot No. 22 on a certain map entitles East Hartford. borrowed by the town to finance charges accrued thereon: “Property of ROBERT D. VALENTINE Bolton, Conn. Scale 1” will be at the convenience of the clear-cut message to the Board ’That certain piece or parcel of land situated in the Town of Friends may call at the the planned Regional Oc­ equals 50’ March 5,1951 Hayden L. Griswold C.E.’’ which inap is family. of Directors — hold the tax line. Bolton, County of Tolland and State of (k)nnecticut more par­ There are no calling hours. funeral home Monday from 7 to cupational ’Training (^nter for now on file in the Town Clerk’s Office in said Town of Bolton, Earlier in the day, the three ticularly bounded and described as follows: The family suggests that any 9 p.m. the handicapped. reference to which is hereby made for further description. minority directors said they’ll Beginning at a point in the southerly line of Birch Mountain Road The town Planning and BOUNDED: work to hold the line, and Extension which point designates the northwesterly comer of Zoning Commission gave the NORTHERLY: By land designated as Lot No. 21 on said map, Friday, Democrat Phyllis land of one Cafro; thence in a southerly direction along the green light, zoning-wise, for a one hundred ninety-seven (197) feet; Jackston said she’ll work westerly line of said Cafro, a distance of two hundred and no/100 new Plywood Ranch Industries’ EASTERLY: By land designated as Lots No. 17 and 16 on said toward holding the line. (200.00’) feet to a point designating the south-westerly comer of Suspicious Fire home improvement center at map, in part by each, in all, ninety-one (91) feet; land of said Cafro; thence in a westerly direction along the SOUTHERLY: By land designated as Lot No. 23 on said map, northerly line of land of one Henry to a point in the easterly line two hundred twenty-three (223) feet; of land now or formerly of one Harry Kites; thence in a northerly Destroys Portion WESTERLY: By Notch Road, ninety-one and three tenths direction along the easterly line of land of said Kites to a point on (91.3) feet. the southerly line of Birch Mountain Road Extension designating 1. Said premises are subject to any local, state or federal or­ the northeasterly corner of land of said Kites; thence in an Of Vacant House dinance, regulation or law and are not guaranteed buildable un­ POLICE REPORT easteriy direction along the southerly line of said Birch Mountain der current Bolton zoning regulations. Town Fire Department, district Road Extension a distance of fifty and no/100 (50’) feet to the A fire of suspicious origin 2. Said premises are subject to any state of facta that an accurate firemen called the town destroyed the second floor and point and place of beginning. survey would show and any dimensions set forth in above descrip­ firehouse. MANCHESTER today on Main St. on the lawn of BOUNDED: EAST by Cafro the roof of a vacant house at 183 tion are approximate and.given for informational purposes only. Both departments responded •Robert J. Klimas, 20, of 470 St. James Church and charged SOUTH By Henry New State Rd. Friday night. 3. Said premises are subject to taxes on Grand List of October 1, but found the house fully Woodbridge St. was arrested with intoxication, police said. WEST by land now or formerly of Kites The fire was phoned into the 1974 which taxes are due and payable on July 1, 1975. engulfed in flames, a Friday at 9:46 p.m. at Adams He was being held this mor­ NORTH by Birch Mountain Road Extension Manchester, Eighth District 4. Said premises are subject to the right, if any still exists, of E.S. spokesman for the district said St. and New State Rd. and ning on a 326 cash bond for 1. Said premises are subject to any local, state or federal or­ firehouse at 11:37 p.m. As the Haley to take water from a spring near Notch Road, install pipes this morning. charged with possession of court April 28. dinance, regulation or law and are not guaranteed buildable un­ house is about on the border therefor, and to enter upon said premises for the purpose of Deputy Fire Chief William L. marijuana, operating a motor •John C. Young, 23, of East line of the areas covered by the der current l^lton zoning regulations. and replacing said pipes from the spring to the land of said Haley Stratton of the town depart­ vehicle while license Hartford was arrested Friday 2. Said premises are subject to any state of facts that an accurate district and the Manchester, (the right to repair and replace said pipes being limited to their ment and the police began an at 1:39 a.m. on Green Manor suspended, and operating a survey would show and any dimensions set forth in above descrip­ present location). investigation of the cause as motorcycle without a helmet, Blvd. and charged with tion are approximate and given for information purposes only. 5. The above referenced map was recorded in the Bolton Land soon as the fire was put out ear­ police said. operating a motor vehicle while 3. Said premises are subject to taxes on Grand List of October 1, World Hunger Records on May 17,1975 (File 3, Map 99) and with corrections on ly this morning. He was being held this mor­ under the influence of alcohol, 1974 which taxes are due and payable July 1, 1975. August 14, 1951 (File 1, Drawer A, Map 9). The town of Bolton The house was considered ning in lieu of cash bond for police said. 4. Special Comment — Said premises are subject to a right to Funds $6,396 3200 makes no representatives as to which map is referred to in the totally destroyed, firemen said. appearance in Common Pleas He was released on a $150 drain in favor of the Town of Bolton. > above description. Recent donations to the Court 12 in East Hartford April non-surety bond for court April Said sale will take place at Bolton Town Halt on June 7,1975, at Said sale will take place at Bolton Town Hall on June 7,1975, at Manchester Council on World 28. 28. 10 A.M. 10 A.M. Hunger have been made by R. •Dexter R. Petersen, 32, of A more particular description of said premises may be found in Miller Johnson, Lorraine Cum­ A more particular description of said premises may be found in 309 Spruce St. was arrested •Helen V. Hatheway, 36, of Land Record, Volume 33, page 241. mings, Olavine Hoffner, Faith Bolton Land Records, Volume 35, page 93. .* ABOUT today at 2:56 a.m. at the Burr East Hartford was arrested Dated at Bolton this 3rd day of April 1975. Struck, St. James Church, Dated at Bolton this 3rd day of April, 1975. Corners commuter parking lot Friday at 1:50 p.m. at the Elaine Potterton Margaret Krumm, Democratic Elaine Potterton TOWN off Tolland Tpke. and charged Caldor store on Tolland Tpke. Tax Collector of the Town of Bolton Club of Manchester, East Tax Collector of the Town of Bolton, Conn. with breach of peace and in­ and charged with fourth-degree Catholic High School toxication, police said. larceny, police said. She was “Fastathon,” and a collection Methodist Men of North He was placed in a cell at released on her written promise takeii at the ski races sponsored United Methodist Church will headquarters in lieu of 325 cash to appear in court April 29. by the Manchester State Bank. have a potluck and program bond for court April 28. •Vernon D. Green, 61, of 246 Contributions to date total $6,- Monday at 6:30 p.m. at the •Gerald Slagger, 35, of no coming Henry St. was charged Friday 3%.89. church. certain address was arrested with allowing a dog to roam, police said. Court is April 28. MONDAY APRIL 14 •A 14-year-old girl and a 15- Bench Warrant Sought year-old boy were both found by a new expdnded police in an abandoned house on Park St. Friday at 7:07 p.m., In Murtier of Gauthier police said. They were charged with GLASTONBURY-HARTFORD trespassing. She was also A Hartford County Superior year ago, after Gauthier had Gauthier, who died at charged with escape from Court bench warrant, charging married the former Miss Manchester Memorial Hospital custody and possession of EXPRESS BUS SERVICE a New Jersey man with the Cashman, the suspect reported­ within minutes after the alcohol by a minor. They were murder of a Manchester man ly came to the couple’s home shooting, was a 1971 graduate of referred to Juvenile Court and FREE PARKING AT CHURCH PARKING LOTS Wednesday, is expected to issue but was turned away. Manchester High School. He released to their parents. by Wednesday, Manchester On the day of the fatal had attended Manchester Com­ A third youth seen in the Police said today. shooting, the suspect apparent­ munity College briefly in spring Detective Capt. Joseph Sar­ ly went to the victim’s of 1973, attended and graduated building escaped, police said. tor said today he expects a employer — International from the Coqnecticut School of I'JiM- judge to act- on the warrant Associates Inc. of 333 E. Center Broadcasting, married in Two cars were reported 4 Tuesday or Wednesday mor­ St. — looking for Gauthier, and August 1973, and with his wife stolen Friday evening from the Parkade parking lot by the m ning. Local authorities applied learned that Gauthier might be had applied for employment C3l| for the warrant Friday. reached at Shoor Jewelers. with the Hartford Police front of the Sears store, police T/60' Mrs. Gauthier said she met Department. said. ’They are a 1966 Pontiac a / COTTn J Lwuij] / Police are seeking the the suspect for the first time Not much is known of the owned by Joseph Chiarenza of when he came into the jewelry suspect (Pascale) except that Newington and a 1972 Lincoln ' Glastonbury/ warrant against Donald J. ST.AUGU5TINE'S \ ^ .P A U L ’S X \H A R TFO R D ]i ST.DUNSTAN’S' HARTFORD^ Pascale, 23, of Somerville, store looking for her son. When he was living with his grand­ Mark IV of Warren G. Hoar of N.J., who is accused of the fatal Gauthier arrived at the store to parents in New Jersey and had 365 West St, Bolton, police said. Hopewell Rd. Main St Downtown Manchester Rd. shooting of Leo E. Gauthier, 22, see his mother, the suspect been attending the University The 1965 Chevy Nova of Ruth of 80 Summer St., shortly after went outside on the sidewalk of New Haven. His immediate K. Murray of 28A Ambassador ARR 3 p.m. Wednesday in front of and the shooting occurred, Mrs. family apparently lives in Dr. was stolen ’Thursday night 7:20 Shoor Jewelers, 917 Main St. Gauthier said. Denver, Colo. from her carport. Pascale, apprehended by State Police within an hour 7:35 after the incident, was arraigned in Court of Common (2) 8:00 7:45 Pleas at East Hartford 8:05 Thursday, and is being held 8:20 8:30 without bond at the Hartford Correctional Center. He is scheduled to appear in the East Hartford court Wednesday morning. Police continued their HARTFORD ST.PAU’S ST.AUGUST1NE’S HARTFORD ^.DUNSTAN’S homicide investigation Friday, QUALITY and today; after virtually around-the-clock work, said the LV ARR ARR LV ARR evidence is coming together. Sartor still wouldn’t offer a 4:10 , 4:30 .... 4:20 4:40 motive for the slaying. (3) 4:35 4:50 5:00 ...... It was confirmed Friday that the suspect (Pascale) had been 4:40 4:55 . — » ...... acquainted slightly with both the victim and the victim’s 5:10 5:25 5:35 5:05 5:25 wife, Regina Cashman Gauthier. 5:40 5:55 — — — The victim’s mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Gauthier, who Bus Continues to Aetna ’ One Way Fare - $ .50 worked at Shoor Jewelers, said Bus Continues to the Busnell Memorial Monthly Commuter Pass - $17.0C she had never met the suspect until the day of the shooting, but Dairy Stores (3) Bus Departs Aetna at 4:25 P.M. Further Information Call 525-9181 her son and daughter-in-law each had had one-time brief I'WO COWKMKNT LOCATIONS contact with the suspect. III. f> A 44 \ • Open Dully und Mrs. Gauthier said her Sun. TAKE A BUS-RIDE WITH US daughter-in-law (the victim’s Piirkiide linineli - \lon. thru Sal. wife) had met the suspect brief­ (.lolin and Iternire Rieg) jm g K M STATE OF CONNECTICUT ly about three years ago while DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION she was in college. About one y ed this week at the ' Country Club when Brian Charlebois, a f the East Catholic I, turned in the feat

)R TAXES o f 1958) Connecticut Hit of taxes due me taxes are assessed 1 based upon the )ber 1, 1973 of said lected and refused, I or enough of the 3 at 1278.35 and all ed In the Town of cticut, bounded and irtain map entitles ton, Conn. Scale 1” C.E.” which niap is lid Town o f Bolton, ler description.

No. 21 on said map, b. 17 and 16 on said feet; No. 23 on said map,

! and three tenths itate or federal or- nteed buildable un-

:ts that an accurate th in above descrip- lonal'purposes only, d List of October 1, ly 1, 1975. r still exists, of E.S. Road, install pipes for the purpoce of e land of said Haley ing limited to their in the Bolton Land with corrections on The town of Bolton 3 referred to in the

[1 on June 7,1975, at ses may be found in

lolton. Conn.


lRR ^20



^RR »:40

;25 P l ^ i — WFatKKND— A triltt, 1175 WEEKEND* - April ; Forum of the Arts ‘Studio Theatre’ By JUNE TOMPKINS Formed in Town Town Man Appears Poland Featured Tbe Pittsburg Symphony Orchestra A new and unusual acting for an entire year, if necessary Tbe travel series at the Goodspeed directed by William Steinberg will per­ group, “The Studio Theatre,” The Studio Theatre members In Simsbury Show Opera House in Haddam presents for its form Monday at 8:15 p.m. in Jorgensen h as been formed in however, may at any time take f i ^ 1975 production, “Poland,” on Auditorium. Isaac Stem, violinist, will Manchester. part in a more highly-paid Friday and Saturday. Sherilyn and be guest artist in the world premiere of a Spearheaded by Mildred theater job and still maintain Eric Coates of 340 Cbarter Oak S t is Mattfam Bfentes, a husband-wife team, “Concerto” by George Rochberg. For Dana, the group plans to create their membership in The Studio currently appearing in the Simsbury will narrate. reservations, call 486-4226. a permanent acting troupe that Theatre, and later return to ligfct Opera CoTs performance of “Tbe The country of Poland will be explored studies and performs as an work with it. Mikado.” by tbe Mentes in colorful detail begin­ “Legends of Jazz” band from New ensemble unit. The Studio Theatre will per­ Tbe Gilbert & Snllivan mnskal will be ning with a bit of Eastern Europe^ Orleans will present an evening of Ms. Dana says, “The Studio form both published plays and presoited tonight, April 18,19,25 and 26 history. Scenes of the city of Warsaw in­ traditional jazz music at Camelot Inn in Theatre is a non-profit, non- original scripts, both dramatic in tbe Smrimry High School Anditmimn clude the Old Town Market Square with Wethersfield April 19 at 8:30 p.m., in one Equity, professional theatre and musical works. with an 8:15 p.m. curtain. William its outdoor cafes, organ grinders, and of two April concerts arranged by the group.” Attendance at monthly Erhart is directing the prodnctian. sidewalk artists, as well as the monu- Connecticut ’Traditional Jazz Club, Inc. Hie founding group of about meetings and laboratories is This is Coates’ first year with the moit to Chopin, tbe excitement of the A separate concert will feature Solen 20 Hartford area actors and open only to members, and groqi. National Day Celebration and the Houlind’s “Copenhagen Ragtime Band” directors is drawn from former . their regular attendance is Coates comes to New Rngtand from reconstruction of the Royal Palace. from Copenhagen, Dm nark, to n i^t at students of Mildred Dana, a mandatory. New members are tbe West having lived in S o ^ Dakota In contrast to the agricultural ac­ 8:30 at Holiday Inn in Darios. professional actress who has to be on a three month proba­ and New kfexioo. He became a mochant tivities of tbe central region, Silesia will coached individuals and acting tion. seaman at the age of 16 and worked his be seen, home of the Jan Automated Coal groups in New York City, in Officers of the new group way to India and back. hfine a ^ the Kosciuszko Foundry. Dinner Theaters Lyme, and at Manchester Com­ are: Mildred Dana, director; & moved to Connecticnt after com­ « For information, call 873-8668. In area dinner theaters: munity College. Richard Dana, assistant direc­ pleting his ssric e with tbe U.S. Air At the Coacfali^t Dinner Theatre in Additional Studio Theatre ac­ tor; Joan Coates, secretary; Force. Musical Events East Windsor, “ Applause” starring Tonight at Glastonbury tors will be selected by Ruth Treat, treasurer; Debi F(h- ticket informafion, call 65(M)031. Dorothy Collins has been held over auditions; directors and Burtt, newsletter editor; Deb­ Musical events in the area include a technicians, by credits. through April 27. For reservations, call The Regents, 1974 International Champions of the Society for the Preservation and Enjoy­ bie Popillo, publicity chair­ dance ccmcert Friday at Avon High Unlike community theater man; Ellen Kaplan, School from 8 to 11:30 p.m. Proceeds will 522-1266, or 623-8227. ment of Barbershop Quartet Singing in America (SPEBSQSA), will be featured at the At the Bushnell “Butterflies Are Free” is playing at customs. The Studio Theatre playreading chairman. At tbe Bushnell Bfemorial in Hartford, go to the Mohawk Indian Nation Barbershop Concert tonight at the Glastonbury High School at 8 p.m. Tickets are available will not cast each public n ew ^per, “Akwesasne Notes.” The the Four Seasons Dinner 'Theater in at the door. Jane PoweQ appears in tbe Bnshnell’s Higganum through April 27. For reser­ production by general event is sponsored by the Avon High auditions, but will draw its Annual Show final pofcHinance of ‘^Irene” toni^t at vations, call 345-8515. 8. School Future Homem^ers of America. casts entirely from its regular Manchester public schools “Raw Juice,” a new, higbenergy rock Presently showing at tbe Chateau de members, in the manner of Wednesday, The Hartford Sym{dioay Ville in East W in ^ r is the musical Laraia Emcees for KofC will present their annual art Orchestra directed by Arthur Winograd group, will play acoustic and electric such renowned New York exhibit in Watkins store window rock music for dancing and listening, and comedy, “Tom Jones,” also playing theater groups as The Group on Main St. features pianist Beveridge Wel»ter throu^ April 27. For reservatiwis, call Frank Laraia of 74 School St., local insurance agent, who has will presait a lively stage show. Theatre and the Actors Studio. The works selected by playing Bartok’s Piano Concerto No. 1. 525-1488. past grand knight of Campbell been pianist with the orchestra Friday, “The Pied Piper,” a legendary “Akwesasne Notes” is the official Also, in the style of the latter elementary art teachers will be newspaper of the Mcriiawk Indian Nation, Council, will be master of since its beginning. play with songs by tbe Gingerbread ceremonies when the Knights of Performing some specially groups, productions will be on display April 15 through published at the Nation’s headquarters in April 29. Players & Jack plays the Bushnell Columbus present a Grand arranged saxaphone m Ios will re h e a rd “until ready,” even boards at 10:15 a.m. and 1 p.m. by Akwesasne, near Hogansburg, N.Y. In Drama Elsewhere 1973, it was the recipient of a Journalism other area theatrical productions in­ Night of Music April 25 and 26 be Dr. I. Kove. He Is also q>ecial arrangement with Hartford area at East Catholic High School. Awaid Special Citation from the Robert clude the final presentatira of “The scheduled to play a saxaphone schools. For further information, call duet with Paul Groobert, at­ International Fair Set Fran Gordon at 523-0320. F. Kennedy Memorial Foundation. Pajama Game” by the Podium Players The KofC produced ten an­ ’Tickets for the benefit dance concert of Hebron. It will be given hm i^t in nual Nights of Music presenting torney. Friday night, tbe Rochester Philhar­ A newcomer to the prograni will be available at the door. Tickets are Rham High School auditorium at 8:15. their tenth in 1972. This will At UConn Tomorrow monic Orchestra amducted by Isaiah this year will be Jill Coleman of Jackson features pianist Grant |1.50 for singles, and $2 for couples. Tickets are available at the door. make their first appearance since then. Rockville who will dance a rock An enlarged entertainment groups. These will feature Johaimesen performing Beethoven’s The Mark Twain Masquers presents number. She is a student at the There are three free musical events “That Championship Season” in a final program and carnival amuse­ exhibits — some with slides or Concerto No. 5 in E flat (“Ehnperor” ). Laraia has been with the Mary Dunphy School of Dance. ment rides are the added films — while others will offer W(wks by Mendelssohn and Bartok are scheduled at the University of Connec­ performance toni^t at 8 at the Roberts Quincy Bench photo ticut this week. Grand Night of Music since its The orchestra is comprised of features of this y e a r’s various native crafts or food included on tbe program. ’This is the Theater in the Kingswood Sdiool, West beginning. He has sung with the business and professional men ERIC COATES Monday at 8:15 p.m., Donald Minutillo, Hartford. Tickets are available at the miniature World’s Fair at the delicacies. Representatives of seventh concert in the current Bushnell orchestra at benefit perfor­ from Manchester and the sur­ University of Connecticut Sun­ Synq)hony Series. percussionist, presents a faculty recital door. each group will be on hand to in Von der Mehden Recital Hall. mances and has directed many rounding area. day. answer questions. Saturday, the Hartford Symphony shows at St. James. The proceeds from this year’s Opera at Hartt Tuesday at 8:15 p.m., Allan Gillespie Because of its added Twenty music or dance Pops presents Enzo Suarti in a special He will sing a 1960 song Grand Night of Music will ensembles are scheduled to ‘"rbe Good Soldier Schweik” by directs the University Symphonic Wind features, the International Fair program of long-time “pops” favorites. medley arranged by Enrico F. benefit the Manchester entertain. Included will be belly A rtto Winograd will conduct. Robert Kurka is the final operatic Ensemble in a program in Jorgensen ‘Broadway Magic’ will be open four extra hours, Auditorium. Reale, director of the Scholarship Foundation in dancers, a Chinese chorus, and April 20, “ Fiddler on the Roof,” production of this season to be presented “Broadway Magic: A Salute to the orchestra. from 1 to 9 p.m., at the ROTC Thursday at 8:15 p.m., the New memory of the late Rt. Rev. dance groups representing winner of ten Tony Awards and tbe New by tbe Hartt College of Music of tbe American Musical,” will be presented by Rounding out a program of Msgr. John F. Hannon who was Hangar in Storrs. A nominal ad­ England String Quartet will-be featured students of East Catholic High School in mission will-be. charged at the Ireland, Lithuania, Portugal- York Drama Critics Award, returns to University of Hartford. It will be staged varied entertainment, Ray Fike pastor of St. James Church for Brazil, Puerto Rico, Poland and at Millard Auditorium Tbursday, Friday in Von der Mehden Recital Hall. the school auditorium tonight and door, but children under 10 will tbe Burimell with Bob Carroll starring in and Paul Gagnon, both past per­ nearly. 14 years until his death India, among others. The two performances at 2:30 and 8 p.m. and Saturday at 8 p.m., and Simday at tomorrow night at 8. Among highlights of formers on the KofC program, in 1963. be admitted free with parents.. the show will be a female chorus line as audience will be invited to par­ For reservations, call 249-9711. 2:30 p.m. This comic opera, written will be featured vocalists. The entire production is un­ The fair consists of 30 booths shortly after World War I, is b a ^ on tbe well as an all male chorus line perfor­ ticipate with the Arab, Playing a group of ragtime der the direction of Enrico F. representing as many coun­ American Indian and Greek anti-war satire by Czedi novelist and ming dances from “Tea For Two,” “No, FRANK LARAIA tunes will be Paul Bourque, a Reale. tries, nationalities, and ethnic ' dancers. Two Characters journalist Jaroslav Hasde. No Nanette,” and “Hello, DoUy!” Only two characters appear in the new Designed and directed by Dean Mrs. Candice Devey Nealon of the original play now showing at the Hart­ Tschettm*, tbe productira will employ Margot Knis Jazz Dance Ensemble is the ford Stage Company at 65 Kinsley St., several Brechtian techniques and choreographer for the show. Tickets are Hartford. “Afternoon Tea” will continue stylistic devices. available at the door. our PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT through April 27. Piw fW iv MANCHESTER SENIOR CITIZENS For reservations, call 525-4258. Leading Role Did you know that your senior center operates a forty-passenger bus Toni^t and Sunday are tbe final per­ Movie Premiere formances of the production “I Do! I Donald Madden will return to the ’The Connecticut premiere of the motion weekdays over a designated route, to pick up seniors and take them to and from Do!” presently appearing at the newly- American Shakeq>eare Theatre in Strat­ Senior Center activities? ford this season to play tbe leading role picture “These States” will be shown at opeaed Opera House at the Sign of tbe the Showcase Cinema on Silver Lane, tuOmmilaitl That Tuesday is set aside for shopping? Dog in Simsbury. of Leontes in “Tbe Winter’s Tale” and That we aiso have a mini-bus to pick up seniors not on our bus route to attend Edmund in “King Lear.” East Hartford, Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. For reservations, call 651-3344. The event is sponsored by the East programs, we wiii aiso take seniors to speciai appointments such as doctors, hair­ Michael Kahn will direct Madden as dressers, banks, etc.? the vindictive bastard son Edmund in Hartford Bicentennial Commission in “King Lear,” whidi starts tbe theater’s cooperation with the American Revolu­ For further information caii 643-5310. 1975 rqiertory season May V, with tion Bicentennial Commission of Connec­ Morris Camovsky in the title role. ticut. A champagne reception at 7 p.m. A guest director, still to be announced, will proceed the movie. QAiBefccnd will guide Maddoi as Leontes, a jealous­ Special guests include Andre de la M uffler ly crazed king who learns understanding Varre, producer of the film, members of Weekend, a weekly entertainment and ^ love in Shake^>eare’s enchanting the Martha Pitkin Wolcott Chapter, n G g S I Center television supplement, is published eadi romance “Tbe Winter’s Tale,” joining DAR, in colonial costume, the East Saturday Tbe Manchester Evening the repertory on July 22. BoU produc- Hartford High School Ensemble and the Herald, Herald Square, Manchester, Penney H i^ School Band. The Gover­ H V« offer ronrenienre nloiif( with a superior product. Conn. 06040. tiims will play through Aug. 30. Subscription brodmres are available nor’s Foot Guard will provide a color Publisher...... Burl Lyons by writing the American Shakespeare guard. Corner of Broad Weekend Eiditor...... Doug Bevins Theatre, Stratford, Conn., 06497, or by For ticket information, call Mrs. Irene and Center Street Mon.-Fri ... 8 a.m. - 9 P - m . Pisch, 649-5811, or Stanley Ozimek DONALD MADDEN : Phone 646-2112 Sat ...... 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. M t : ____ ■v\' during theday'at 289-8466.' WEEKEND — April 12, 1875 — < Pane 4 - WEEKEND — April 12,1975



Spring Practice in iWanchester

By Len Auster '4?

< ; s;v.- ' .s^nr*"' Photos by Steve Dunn sx ' One. of the newest additions to the Cheney Tech baseball program is a pitching yf; machine which is being put to use to get the hitters’ eye and stroke down pat. If you m don’t hit, you don’t win on the diamond. yXi.lU'.:-:

I --W . i • '

S' ; -"jj

...... I * ’’"-if >v » East Catholic baseball coach Jim Penders hits a few to his infielders to get his club ready for the 1975 season which begins in just a short time.

^ ' / w % When weather doesn’t permit a team to get outdoors and practice, it must revert to other locations. Coach Harold One important aspect of the gdme is to learn the right moves in the Parks couldn’t get his Manchester High team outside this right situations. Here, two Cheney Tech players get in some infield day, but he still had them running wind sprints to get the practice on one of the few balmy spring days we’ve had this year. legs in shape. Pap>e 6 - WEEKEND - April 12, 1»75 r ..e WEEKEND — April 12, 1975 — Page 7 Shrine Exhibits in the Area Circus P One-Man Show Slated .tfsV WS\r Coming Foot Prints Art Gallery at 466 Shepad/Butcher/Menninger. work by Frances Scuiiy and Main St., Manchester, opens a Luciana Heineman, and one-man exhibition of the work acrylics and black-and-white Circustime is here, and “A Connecticut Sculptural once again the Shriners Cir­ of Paul Vasquez this Friday prints by Jean Dalton, through ] (April 18), with a reception Show” opens at the Village April 25 at the Hartford In­ cus will open the big top per­ from 7 to 9 p.m. Gallery, Rt. 83, Talcottville, formances in Connecticut. surance Group, Hartford. Vasquez, a professor at the Sunday and runs through May • “Blown Glass Today,” a The “big top” in this case is 10. University of Bridgeport, has survey of contemporary the State Armory in Hartford, exhibited extensively Featured are metal works by American blown glass, through where Sphinx Temple Shriners throughout the United States Trevor Jones, Frederick Jones May 25 at the Farmington will again stage their annual and was included in “Who’s and Ray Morin; copper work by Valley Arts Center, Avon. circus — this the 43rd annual Who in American Art” in 1973- Michael Aleksa; and cast sculp­ • Exhibition from print­ show. 1974. ture by Roberta Shiffrin. making workshop in New York, This 22-act, three-ring circus J! The works by Vsquez, on view through April 25, at Trinity will open Friday, April 18, i f e at Foot Prints for a month, Elsewhere in the area: College’s Austin Arts C^enter, generally known as “Shrine were made possible in part by a • Graphics by Helen Frost Hartford. Night.” Weekday show hours grant from the Connecticut Way, April 14 through 25 at • Exhibit of art to be auc­ will be at 1:30 and 7:45 p.m., Commission on the Arts. Many Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance tioned by Connecticut Public and Sunday hours will be 2 and of the oil paintings are from a Co., Hartford. Television, through May 12 at 6:30 p.m. series begun in Greece, entitled • Mixed media exhibit of CPTV’s GaUery 24, Hartford. It’s not just another circus, the “Rhodes Series.” says Harold McCallister, general show chairman for the Shriners. Other exhibits in the area in­ “The happy-happy Shrine Cir­ sUHsv clude 91 photographs displayed cus will bring enjoyment for the in the Stairwell Gallery of entire family, he said. “There Manchester Community Open and airy for runnin’ around will be the lions and tigers in a (Allege, 146 Hartford Rd. free — so cool for your feet — combined ring, aerial acts, ’The prints were judged the Breezy, that’s me I high-flying motorcycle act, best of nearly 200 entries in the elephants, dancing dogs, college’s first photography orangutan to spice up the chimp competition-exhibition. act. “Lou’s Lizzie is an ornery and clever car; and Lou, looking At the University of Connec­ slightly Chaplinesque, corners ticut, Storrs: a huge thunder of circus laughs April 17 to May 18 —Annual as the object of the machine’s Outstanding trainer Baron Von Ubl presents one of the who started his act in 1964, says the beasts are trained but exhibition of art department’s graduating seniors, at wrath,” McCallister said. largest mixed groups of "cats” when the Shriners Circus never tamed. Jorgensen Auditorium A1 Youngman is the comes to the State-Armory in Hartford April 18. Von Uhl, reknowned circus band leader (386^6). Through May 18 who will furnish music for the Lecture in Philosophy —“War Prints, Posters, and entertainers. Photographs,” in the Wolf Baron Julius Von Uhl brings Dr. Brand Blanshard, p.m. at the Hartford college’s Amazing Lookaiike Study Gallery of the William his lions and tigers to the center Sterling professor emeritus of Life Sciences Auditorium. Benton Museum of Art (486- James Brolin of the “Marcus Welby” television series will 4520). ring. philosophy at Yale University, play Clark Gable in the movie, “Lombard and Gable” co- Through April -^“Paintings In the thrills and chills will deliver ,’Trinity College’s The lecture, titled “The Dif­ starring Jill Clayburgh. Brolin, shown here with Miss BREEZY department, almost all of the first Blanchard W. Means Lec­ ficulties of Being Reasonable” from the William H. Lane Qayburgh, is an amazing lookaiike for the late “King of Foundation Collection,” in the aerial performers deliver at ture in Philosophy Tuesday at 8 is free and open to the public. JJ least a few spine tinglers, Hollywood” and was selected after a three-month search Benton Museum. Jumping-Jacks, mi by Universal Pictures (UPI photo). McCallister said. Most feet are born perfect, They should stay that way. La Bella Raquel swings out At the Wadsworth Atheneum, over the audience, minus a net. i ■ Hartford (278-2670): Tony Steele hurls himself Miners’ Strike Topic Through April -MATRIX, from a tiny platform near the ■ ••.••Ml works by Eva Hesse and wall top of the domed ceiling onto a “ I f 5* Of Free Fiim at MCC drawings by Sol LeWitt. balloon cushion that catches liutsH Through April 13 —Selections him. RENT-A-TRUCK “Salt of the Earth,” a classic from the Collection of Joseph L. Route 83, PIccadHIy Square, Talcottville - 643-9802 And what’s a circus without and their families to succeed in film account of a strike by a struggle against a powerful Sbulmah. clowns! ’There will be plenty of Mexican-American miners in Through May —Art Deco them, McCallister said. zinc company. It looks at New Mexico, will be shown working conditions, labor Architecture in Hartford. Drawing the show to a close April 17 at Manchester Com­ ’Through May 6—Piaywalk by will be the famous human can­ irganizing, women’s rights, the munity College. politics of housework, myths of Sheila Berkley, in the nonball, Hugo Zacchini, who ’The free film will play at 9:25 Atheneum’s Lions Gallery of flys through the air at jet-like male supremacy, class a.m., 1:45 p.m., and 7 p.m. at struggle, and racial tension. the'Senses. speed from the cannon into a Through May 11 —Drawings SUPER MCC’s main auditorium on the Most of the cast are members net on the other side of the ar­ Bidwell St. campus. The by Bruce Connor, 1955 to 1972. mory. of Local 890 of the International showing is sponsored by MCC’s Union of Mine, Mill and Sphinx Temple Shrine Band, Women’s Center and a Latin Smelter Workers. with many Manchester-area At the Joseloff Gallery, American History class. Biberman was one of a group University of Hartford, West musicians, will entertain with a “Salt of the Earth” was pre-show concert opening night of 10 Hollywood artists who Hartford (243-4393): SPECIAL Need a truck? filmed in 1954 by Herbert Biber- went to jail during the McCarthy April 14 to 18 —Works by and again at the Monday, April man, with screenplay by 21 evening show. Rent an Econolina Van from era for refusing to discuss their Christopher Horton. Michael Wilson. The film political views. The film was Aprii 14 to 25 —Works by Show prices are unchanged, DILLON LEASING CORP. chronicles the changes in con­ McCallister said; they are |2 forced out of circulation shortly Jacqueline Winsor. sciousness which enable miners after it was released. April 18 to 21 —Works by general admission, $3.M balcony REGINA admission; and M.50 reserved seats. If you need a truck for hauling Reserved seat tickets are auppliee, moving furniture, etc., we can BROOM now available at Room 100 on give you a hand with a Ford truck. Slide Show Scheduled the first floor of the State Ar­ 2 -S p e a d mory on Broad St. in Hartford. ’The C3iarter Oak Color Slide and Camp Courant. Admission received honorable mention -H AL TURKINGTON Many can and trucks Association’s silver anniver­ is 61.50. ribbons. FORD lor rent at low, low j sary International Slides This year’s competition- The Charter Oak Ck>lor Slide Registration rates! Exhibition is scheduled exhibition drew more than 3,100 Association, organized 25 years Thursday through Saturday at slide entries from 789 ago, meets the fourth Monday Registration for graduate the Hartford Insurance Group photographers. Entries were study in the summer session of 319 Main St., Manchester of each month at the Connec­ auditorium, 600 Asylum Ave., received from 40 of the 50 states ticut Historical Society, 1 the Hartford Art School, Phone 643^145 Hartford. and several foreign countries, University of Hartford, is Elizabeth St., Hartford. Guests The show will feature a multi- including Austria, France, are always welcome. scheduled Monday and ’Tue^ay screen, multi-projector “La Bella Racquel” is one of the stars of the Shriners Cir­ West Germany, Hong Kong, from 4 to 7 p.m. For more infor­ screening of 662 slides from 413 and Singapore. CONSUMER SALES mation, call 243-4395. cus, opening April 18 in Hartford. i n t different makers. Of the slides accepted for MANCHESTER PARKADE Proceeds from the show will showing, ten were chosen for JOne's Section Ik' go as usual to the Times Farm medals and awards and 81 •-k ,/v •FJT4!r^r h ? T i = ^

p ,| p WEEKEND- Aipril U, 1W5 WEEKEND — April 12. 1975 — Page fl

E -for '(oun0 readers

M tin b tr ol

Distinguishad Achievetnent Awards Winner 1974 Boi>MBaa By BETTY DEBNAM Read about a little house and a little mouse. Authors, an Award and a T.V. Show [Author [The Aw ard

The Laura Ingalls .,j_ Wilder Award is presented every five years to the author or illus­ Laura Ingalls Wilder trator whose books have made a last­ At the remarkable age of 65, ing contribution to Laura Ingalls Wilder began children’s litera­ writing her series of “Little ture. House” books that have become Beverly Cleary, winner of the Wilder Award. children's classics. Winner Beverly Cleary “I lived everything that hap­ The Laiira Ingalls Wilder Award is presented by the Children’s Services Learning pened in my books,” she wrote. Division of the American Library Association. The membership votes for their choice. This is a very big honor. Mrs. Wilder was the first to receive the With Toys Mrs. Wilder lived from 1867 to award back in 1954. 1957. She wrote warm and in­ Beverly Cleary, whose stories have delighted millions of Three-year-old Yelitza Torres of spiring books about the hard­ children, is the winner of the 1975 Wilder Award. 321 Spencer St. is learning to count ships and joys of pioneer life. “,” “ the Pest,” “Henry and the round pegs as Mrs. Eileen Tupper, teacher, places them in the Ribsy” and “The Mouse and the Motorcycle” are only a few holes. Yelitza is also learning T .V . Show of the books she has written for the 8 to 12 age group. shapes, colors, and number concepts Mrs. Cleary, who used to be a , lives in Carmel, all through a new program of “ lear­ California. She is the mother of 19 year-old twins. Her ning toys” introduced this year by hobbies include travel and needle work. the Manchester school system. The Mini Page interviewed her by telephone. In this particular instance, Yelit­ za, who is a member of a Puerto Q. Your books are very funny. Don’t you laugh an^^huckle Rican family, is also sharing her as you write? learning experiences with her A. “Oh, yes. I laugh with my characters and cry with mother who speaks little English. them, too. When Ribsy, a dog in the Henry Huggins books, In the photo at right, Yelitza is barks, I bark, too.” developing her own coordination by Q. How long does it take you to write a book? trying to put the pegs in the holes by herself. A. “I think about books for years before I write a word. This program will provide Yelitza Actually putting words down takes from six months to a with the basic learning fundamen­ year. I write’my first draft in long hand. Then I copy it on tals and knowledge of English which the typewriter. I work in the mornings. I work in a small will help her in kindergarten. study off my living room.” (Herald photos by Pinto) Michael Landon plays “Pa” Ingalls Q. What advice would you give people who would like to write children’s books? The T.V. series, “Little House A. “Read widely while you are growing up, so you will on the Prairie,” is based on Mrs. have standards for judging books.” Wilder^s “Little House” books. Although it has been criticized A mouse named Ralph is a fa­ mous Cleary character. He rides for not being a true picture of a toy motorcycle and wears a pioneer life that the books are, crash helmet made from half a Illustrated by Louis Darling: the show is popular with young ping-pong ball. ® by Beverly Cleary view ers. II nuinwiOiii I**" WEEKEND — April U, 1W6 — Page U

Page 10 - WRRKEaMD - April U , 1978

AOVERTISEMgyi Super Sport: Kalph KIiict 1197.^ IT ie (Caldecott Wiiifter: $NflCKBlCK JACKS r/ltt7/U£$ Ralph Kiner, a former Gerald McDermott Home Run King, was re­ cently elected into baseball’s The Randolph J. Hall of Fame. Kiner spent 10 Caldecott Medal is years in the major leagues. hi^^yaoSM r/f£s w/rff awarded to the illus­ He hit 369 home runs. Ralph sixoiFFenef^’’' patch£s trator of the yearns most led or tied for the National L eagu e home run crown ITVRUBD ON -me LIGHT AND GOT ywi ^9 Mir flM lM it ntw SU KR VALOfl OISCOUHT CATALOB. outstanding picture ©NC£ IM a Storart IN NORTWERN Tlg e c QUITE A SCARE.' I lOAS INSIDE book for children. seven times. In 1949, he I RAN INTO ACAVe SO I LMULPUT<5£T(JET. ■me CAVE OF A CHOCOLATE BEARi belted 54 homers, his best Tbis yearns winner is season ever. Kiner spent “ 6 0 Grerald McDermott, the most of his career with the too) you can order 2 fata for only an extra 25d to cover the freight. illustrator of “Arrow to Rttsburgh Pirates. You’ve never had a more amazing ';■*[? the Sun, a iPueblo In­ don’t m Uf out. The supply on these famaatlc He also played with the patches can’t go on forever. Order yours today. dian Tale.” Chicago Cubs and the Cleve­ Ig U P II^ A L U e S , Dept. FP-196 I 4M Lexinaton Ave., N.V. 10017 land Indians. Kiner, now 52 6I«C < CHOXJWIC •t h is CHOCOIAIE IS yi/MMy.* I Your offer for these full color, lron*on Gerald McDermott began art lessons at the years old, was bom in Santa •VOOSIEPPEPONMVIWd/' SO CREAMV ANOfiOOP/___ (patches sounds, too good to resist. I have enctosed:i HE SAID WITH AVELP. THE BEARinX owe TASTE HE SAIP WITH PEUSHT: ^ 1 I 50^ for 6 different color patches. I Rita, New Mexico. He at­ AMP IT CHAMGED •PUT POWW yOUR PUPPHIS i| n 750 for all 12 different color patches. | Detroit Institute of Art when he was only four I KNEW THEN AMPTHERE^ ONLV ONEIHlUa LJOUU) H6LJ? HIS WHOLE MOOD. AM PSW F3R.THE MIGHT/' tended the University of * 1975 HunMVOston foods, me. iME------—------1 years old. He later graduated from Pratt In­ ^ u n ft and Snack P»ck are f»g>tfiea u»a«m»rl(t oi Huntweuon foods, me stitute in New York. He is the illustrator of a California before going into pro baseball. Kiner Limit 2 Assortments per person. works on the New York Mets’ baseball network now. SUPER VALUES. 466 Lexington Ave.. N.Y. 10017 j C IT Y ______STATE ------Z I P ------1972 Caldecott Honor Book, “Anansi The Spider.” Mr. McDermott is also an award­ winning film maker. He usually works alone (g) Mini Jokes Book Fairs Are Fun! Library Puzzle-le-do*^ and makes from 4,000 to 6,000 drawings for a 10-minute film. , ACROSS; He lives in a small town in the Hudson River 1. A person who runs a library. w did V He wanted -f-o 2. Books are for ------• Valley with his wife who is also a painter and .waKe uponti' 3. You put books o n ------. illustrator. * c ock under his pi'"" The book, “Arrow to the Sun, a Pueblo ACROSS:soAjaqs •£ Indian Tale” is based auipuoj ‘z uBUBaqij 'X on a myth about a 8 DOWN'auij -8 boy’s search for Jiis xoinb 'I father. The art work corTor _eel I wish ’9 I could qe+A Jiooq q uses symbols, pat­ ^ UBOp 'f terns and colors .deal li I duIB^S "g found in Indian pot­ tery, weaving and Children make their choices at a Book Fair. DOWN: Something you read. An illustration from “Arrow p ain tin g, 3. The librarian will _ your Beverly Cleary is one. to the Sun, a Pueblo Indian Some schools hold Book Fau^ to raise card. You must b e ___ in the Tale” by Gerald McDermott, money for projects. For the Fair, book sellers 4. Your hands should be library. published by Viking Press, before picking up a book. 8. Money you pay for an over­ 1974. get a lot of books together. They take them due book. to the schools and set up a^splay. On the first day, the children usually browse through the books. , Entertainment Hamilton Wins the Newbery On the second day, they make them Twins Virginia Hamilton who wrote E vnes+ E-CoVjgs choices. Sometimes they order their hooks. play the “M. C. Higgins, the Great” won Other times they can buy them on the spot. role of this year’s Newbei^ Medal for SONGS p u r Parents often take up the nwney. Baby the most distinguished litera­ The Mini Page asked one Book Fair com­ Carrie Coan+rv^’s Ingalls in ture for children. pany president what are the best selling “The Lit­ The story is about a black boy ysia4€r v4a\|S tle House growing up on a mountain near ^^“Anv children’s movie can help the s^e of on the the Ohio River. bN never oTopp«)9 Prairie” Virginia Hamilton believes a book. My best sellers include ‘Love Bug’ series. that black children need more and‘Herbie Rides Again . knowledge about their history board- The readers also like sports and mystery Lindsay Sidney and a sense of tradition. Her' books. “Dracula” sells well. Carrie, the baby of the Ingalls family, is played by books have won several The sixth grade girls were interested in two four-year-old girls, Lindsay and Sidney Green awards. Ms. Hamilton’s romance and books about make-up and Bush. They take turns in the role because of a mother was the oldest daugh­ California law that limits the daily work span of ter of a slave. Nancy Drew and Hardy Boy bwks still sell young kids to three hours. Ms. Hamilton lives in Ohio ©MPPC They began their careers by accident when a with her husband and their two Other popular books include joke, cross­ friend told their parents, who are both actors, that a children. „— word puzzle and scramble books.______director was looking for twin girls. They first ap­ peared in a movie^______*v>f»;rt. 'ii'ii,*«i», rtf>.»»<»

V, WEEKEND — April 12.1975 - Page 18

Page 12 - WEEKEND ~ Ajj^ U. 1875 This Week’s Movies pn TV

I 6:00 (18) “ Beat Girl” (1960). Sandy Dennis, Anthony Newley. Drama about teen-agers in 9:30 (20-22-30) “ Strike Today England. David Farrar, Noelle Force” (1975). Law enforce­ 3 0 Adam. ment authorities team up to 1:00 (9) “ Deadlier Than the 6:30 (9) “ The Tartars” crack a big drug case. Cliff Gor­ . 3 ' Male” (1967). Bulldog Drum­ (1962). War erupts between" man, Donald Blakely. M iffii **Yi 10:00 (24) “ Sanjuro” (1962). mond faces a master criminal. Vikings and Tartars in the Mid­ dle Ages. Orson Welles, Victor Samurai becomes the reluctant Hov^ ave IV ^se . 3 ^ Richard Johnson, Elke Sommer. Maure. leader of a rebellion. Japanese W urser^ rVkS|mes 1:30 (5) “ Spy Chasers” 8:00 (20-22-30) “ John with English subtitles. (1955). The Bowery Boys brush O’Hara’s Gibbsville” (1975). 11:30 (3) “ Mamie” (1964). a V V s e ' ? shoulders yuth royalty. Drama about a boy in a small Alfred Hitchcock’s drama about a liar and thief. Tippi Hedren, Ccx'n \jou ^N| 1.^. 2:30 (5) “The Stowaway” Pennsylvania town. John (1936). Daughter of a slain Savage, Gig Young. Sean Connery. Chinese missionary stows away 8:00 (9) “The Long Grey 11:45 (8) “ A Raisin in the Line” (1955). Story of an old- Sun” (1961). Drama about a A cV ^ e tn ^ - j b on a playboy’s yacht. Shirley Temple, Robert Young. line sergeant at West Point. black family in Chicago. Sidney 3:00 (9) “ Marco, the Tyrone Power, Maureen Poitier, Claudia McNeil, Ruby 3'! Magnificent” (1966). Young O’HdFd Dee. 8:30 (5) “ Dressed to Kill” 1:00 (5) “ Storm in Jamaica” 3 « Marco Polo encounters strange things in the Orient. Horst (1946). Sherlock Homes finds (1959). Romantic drama in^ Bucholz, Omar Sharif, Anthony that a music box holds the key volving stranded passengers of Quinn. to a theft from the Bank of a crashed airplane. Bill 5:00 (20) “ Que Coasa Tiene el England. Basil Rathbone, Nigel Travers, Virginia McKenna. Amor.” Bruce. 1:00 (9) “ Captive Wild 6:00 (5) “ All About Eve” 9:00 (8-40) “ Sweet Woman” (1943). Deranged (1950). Inside story of an ac­ November” (1968). Bohemian scientist transforms an ape into tress’ rise to stardom. Bette girl invites an Englishman to a beautiful woman. John Davis, Anne Baxter. share her New York apartment. Carradine, Evelyn Ankers. gascccx^^ V. Martin Milner and Pat Delaney heave heartily to raise a father. Joel McCrea, Veronica (1958). Mexican policeman and treehouse on their island refuge in “ Swiss Family Robin­ •0uiiCqj qoB0 u i sja^^DBJBqD aajq^ 0 j b a j a q j , M-X his bride are stopped for son,” a new version of the family classic airing Tuesday Sunday customs, and become involved 5:00 (9) “ Two-Way Stretch” (April 15) at 8 p.m. on ABC-TV. in a web of conspiracy and evil. \*\ DAYTIME (1961). Comedy about three . • . ■ ' X 2 X ■ " • Charlton Heston, Orson Welles. 8:00 (30) “ The Sea Wolf” prisoners in a progressive jail, Mini M aze who break out for just one night U> (1941). Jack London’s story 11:30 (3) “ The Bitter Tea of WALNUT ELECTRONICS, INC. IS YOUR to commit a robbery. Peter \3 • HH H « about a voyage with an in­ General Yen” (1933). Drama Sellers, Liz Fraser. human kipper. Edward G. about a C3iinese war lord. Nils Factory Authorized .I*! Robinson, Ida Lupino. EVENING Asther, Barbara Stanwyck. a Noon (5) “ Spook Chasers” 6:00 (5) “ ’The Lady Eve” 11:30 (40) “ It Takes All Q uasar. Dealer... .47 .5 0 (1957). The Bowery Boys dis­ (1941). Son of a wealthy tycoon T f f l S I S cover stolen bank notes while falls into the hands of a fortune Kinds” (1969). U.S. seaman is OUA8AR TV SALES AND SERVICE NATIONAL helping fix up a farmhouse. hunter. Barbara Stanwyck, drawn into a robbery plot. Vera 1:00 (5) ‘"The Blue Dahlia” (Charles Cobum. Miles, Robert Lansing. Midnight (30) ‘ "nie Big Shot” WALNUT ELECTRONICS, LIBRARY (1946). Murder mystery in­ 7:30 (20-22-30) “ The "WE SERVICE ALL MAKES” WEEK. volving an ex-serviceman. Alan Yellowstone Cubs” (1963), a (1942). Gangster recalls his Ladd, Veronica Lake. Walt Disney comedy-drama career on his deathbed. 1 Walnut St., Manchester 849-4248 2:00 (8) “ Apache” (1954). about a family of black bears. Humphrey Bogart, Richard Western drama about a die­ 8:30 (8-40) ‘"rhe Big Bounce” Travis. ,.• 0 “ hard Indian. Burt Lancaster. (1969). Story about California 12:30 (9) “ Pigeons from f sJ°.. a 58' 3:00 (5) “ Ramrod” (1947). swingers. Ryan O’Neal, Leigh Hell.” Terror in an abandoned Girl sheep ranch owner hires Taylor-Young, Van Heflin. Southern mansion. Brandon de ADD A POOL men to help her outwit her 10:30 (9) “ Touch of Evil” Wilde. 4 2 / 57 THIS SUMMER 4:00 (9) “Battle Circus” about a timid girl who finds (1953). Army surgeon and romance and mystery. Joan Monday young nurse fall in love in a Fontaine, Orson Welles. front-line hospital. Humphrey 11:30 (5) “ The Story of 1:00 (5) “ Miss Susie Slagles” Bogart, June Allyson. lAlexander Graham Bell” 4 7 * 4 8 (1945). .Comedy about a group 8:00 (9) “ Color Me Dead” (1939). Don Ameche, Loretta of medical students in a board­ (1970). Young accountant is Young, Henry Fonda. Would you help the little girl find the library. She’s ing house. Veronica Lake, Son­ horrified to learn he’s been 12:30 (9) “ The 49th Man” ny 'Tufts. poisoned and will die in 24 new in town and doesn’t know the way. (1953). Foreign agents plan to 1:00 (9) “ Bright Victory” hours. Ton Tryon, Carolyn detonate an atomic bomb in (1951). Blind G.I. learns to Jones. America. John Ireland, adjust to civilian life. Arthur 11:30 (3) “ Jane Eyre” (1944). Richard Denning. Storybook Character Try’N Find What Would You Do? Kennedy, Julia Adams. Charlotte Bronte’s classic TURN YOUR RACK YARD INTO A REACH, Adventurer gets into trouble in (1968). Drama about seven RUY.NOW roR LOW PRICES AND RE Storybook characters are hidden in the block no-man’s-land. Humphrey young men who join the READY FOR THE HOT SUMMER AHEAD below. They run across and down. See how many Bogart, Lee J. Cobb. Confederate Army. James Tuesday 8:00 (8-40) “ The Swiss Fami­ Caan, Michael Sarrazin. you can find. 11:30 (5) “ Stanley and 1:00 (5) “ Hatter’s Castle” ly Robinson” (1975). New ver­ SABRINA POOLS ___ « Livingston” (1939). English (1948). Man aspiring to be up­ sion of the story about a (Route 44A, Coventry, Conn. 06238 newspaperman goes to Africa BeY MUHSA R0 LG per class drives his family to shipwrecked family on a At no cost or obligation to me, I would like to search for missionary. L suffering and" disgrace. James deserted island. Martin Milner, to know more about owning a Sabrina Pool p D0 P E0 L PW1 1 Spencer Tracy, Richard Mason, Deborah Kerr. Pat Delany. Name: ...... Greene. AE AP I 1 T 1:00 (9) “ Jolson Sings Again” 8:30 (20-22-30) “ The Virginia B G IR N 1:30 (9) “ The Mummy’s Address:...... (1950). The job of entertaining Hill Story” (1974). Biography of GT NS D Curse” (1944). Ancient Egyp­ C ity :...... L KG PS T D troops brings A1 Jolson out of the woman who became a tian mummy is brought back to Ik 1 retirement in World War II. gangster’s girlfriend. Dyan State ...... E 1YD F E PN L£ life by a secret potion. Lon Larry Parks, Barbara Hale. Cannon. Telephone:...... B 11:30 (3) “ Journey to Shiloh” Chaney Jr. RERRA BB I T ER 4:00 (9) “ Sirocco” (1951). Zip ...... , lE P LT ______Mail Coupon Today------■* 0 EV S z R RE Rock Hudson. 500 frozen Nazis. Dana An­ drews. fAA B0 RA P,UNZ EL 4:00 (9) “ Dead Reckoning” Msinbsr UN0 Wednesday (1947). Returned flier sets out 11:30 (5) “ Dispatch from s EJ P I MT DL to avenge the murder o f his war Reuters” (1940). Story of the r a growth of a wire service. T M0 B 1:00 (5) “ Wild Harvest’; buddy. Humphrey Bogart, Y DI G KS HA Lizabeth Scott. Edward G. Robinson, Eddie N (1947). Story of the turbulent NSPI mna YH T 0 MSAWY ER life of itinerant wheat 8:30 ( 8-40) “ The Bait” (1973). Albert. You are coming home from school and you put your harvesters. Alan Ladd, Dorothy Policewoman goes undercover R ET HUC KF 1 HN to trap a rapist. Donna Mills, 12:30 (9) “ Women’s Prison” books down while you stop to play. When you go to Lamour. ... Where Quality Begins Answer Block: 'Biiajapuio ‘uan pair aiiiiT ‘idduf Michael Constantine. (1955). Deranged superinten­ pick them up, you realize that the new library book 1:00 (9) “ One Desire.” dent of a girls’ prison rules with Route 44A Coventry 08238 3D11Y !pi3H ‘^sdoj\[ ‘auoog iaiuB(j ‘ub

- I. Page ifi - WEEKEND — April 12, 1975 WEEKEND — April 12, 1975 — Page 17

f * Daytime Listings .. 6:00 The Mothers-in-Law . ; ...... 5 3:00 ‘De^euisi The Price Is Right ...... 3 l8lO H Sunrise Sem ester...... 3' Wheel of Fortune...... 20-22-30 I Love Lucy ...... 40 Casper ...... 5 6:30 General Hospital ...... 8-40 Public Affairs...... 3-8-30 11:00 Thriller T heater...... 9 Sunday, April 13 Speak for Yourself ...... 5 Now You See I t ...... 3 I Love Lucy ...... 5 Another World ...... 20-22-30 Book B e a t...... ! ...... 24 7:00 m o r n in g Norman Vincent P eale...... 22 Password All-Stars ...... 8 Connecticut Weekend ...... 30 Ragtime ...... 57 News...... 3 6:00 Underdog...... 5 Straight Talk...... 9 3:30 Christopher Closeup ...... 3 Electric Company...... 57 5:30 High R ollers...... 20-22-30 The Ranger Station...... 3 Animal W orld...... 5 I Dream of Jeannie...... 8 6:30 11:30 Electric Company...... 24 Huckleberry Hound...... 5 Jimmy SwagMrt ...... 18 Today Show...... 20-22-30 Camera Three ...... 3 Congressional R e p o rt...... 3 The Money M aze...... 40 One Life to Live ...... 8-40 The People’s B usiness...... 24 A.M. America ...... 40 Rev. Robinson ...... 5 Make a Wish...... 8-40 11:30 The Living Word ...... 18 M edix___i ...... 22 EVENING V 7:30 Maggie’s Exercises...... 57 The Flintstones ...... 5 Love of Life ...... 3 7:00 Adelante!...... 30 6:00 New Zoo Revue ...... 8 Midday Live! ...... 5 Insight ...... 3 AFTERNOON Sixty M inutes...... 3 The Brady Bunch...... 8-40 4:00 Mormon Conference ...... 5 NOON Movie ...... i ...... 5 8:00 Hollywood Squares ... 20-22-30 Bewitched...... 3 This Is the L ife ...... , ...... 8 Face the S ta te ...... 3 News...... 8 ...... 3 House of Frightenstein...... 5 Bugs Bunny Show ...... 5 NOON 7:30 M ovie...... 5 Day of Discovery...... 18 News...... 3-8-9 The Money M aze...... 8 Land of the T hree...... 3 Connecticut S cene...... 8 Dragnet ...... 40 A.M. America...... 8 M ovie...... ' ...... 9 Public Affairs...... 9 Jackpot!...... 20-22-30 Worship for Shut-Ins...... 8 Hour of P o w er...... 9 Auction Continues...... 57 Password...... 40 Black Buffalo...... 18 8:30 Som erset...... 20-30 The Christophers...... 9 Billy Graham Sermon...... 18 6:30 ' 12:30 Ring Around the World — 30 Insight ...... 20 Lawrence Welk Show ...... 8 Mister Ed ...... 5 Star T rek ...... 22 Chief Joseph (left, in an 1877 photo), led the last band of Joe Franklin Show...... 9 Search for Tomrrow...... 3 Sesame Street...... 24-57 7:45 Hollywood & the S tars...... 22 Amazing Grace ...... 18 Split Second...... 8-40 American Indians to fight attempts to force them onto a What About Women...... 30 Merv Griffin Show...... 40 Sacred H eart...... 40 News...... 20-22-30 9:00 Journey to Adventure...... 9 reservation. Ned Romero (right) portrays the legendary Man in a Suitcase ...... 40 Zoom...... 24 New England Journal...... 3 Blank C heck...... 20-22-30 Indian leader in “I Will Fight No More Forever,” an ABC- 8:00 12:15 The Persuaders ...... 40 Dennis the Menace ...... 5 4:30 1:00 TV special Monday (April 14) at 8 p.m. We Believe ...... 3 For the Consumer...... 8 7:00 Phil Donahue Show...... 8 Mike Douglas Show...... 3 Wonderama...... 5 The Match G am e...... 3 12:30 News...... 3-22 F ilm ...... 20 Bugs Bunny Show ...... 5 Catholic Service...... 8 M ovies...... 5-9 Face the N ation...... 3 The World at W a r...... 9 Kitty Today ...... 22 Merv Griffin Show...... 8 Davey & G oliath...... 9 Dinah! ...... 30 All My Children...... 8-40 I Love Lucy ...... 20 Monday, April 14 Dialogue...... 8 Gospel Jubilee ...... 18 Know Your W orld...... 20 Word of Life Today...... 22 Meet the P ress...... 20-22-30 Wild Kingdom...... 20-30 Strum ‘n Drummers...... 40 ...... 30 Movie...... 30 Som erset...... 22 EVENING 8:00 1:00 The Romagnolis’ Table -----24 9:30 Not for Women Only...... 30 The World at W a r...... 3 Christopher Closeup ...... 40 Green Acres ...... 5 5:00 6:00 NBA Playoff...... 3 7:30 1:30 Mickey Mouse Club...... 5 Dealer’s Choice ...... 5 Sesame Street...... 57 M ovie...... 5 Cher ...... 3 Make Room for Daddy...... 9 News...... 3-8-22-30 ABC Theatre...... 8-40 8:30 Not for Women Only...... 22 As the World Turns...... 3 The Real McCoys ...... 18 Bewitched ...... ’..5 Eighth D a y ...... 8 $6 Million M an ...... 8 Let’s. Make a D eal...... 8-40 M ovie...... 9 My Neighbor’s Religion...... 3 The Flintstones ...... 40 F ilm ...... 20 The Untouchables ...... 9 Celebrity Tennis...... 9 World of Disney...... 20-22-30 How to Survive a Marriage Pastor’s Perspective...... 18 Insight ...... 8 Star T rek ...... 22 12 O’clock H igh...... 18 It Is Written...... 18 Evening at Symphony...... 24 10:00 ...... 20-22-30 Mister Rogers...... 24-57 Joe Gar^giola...... 20-22-30 Day of Discovery ...... ;. 9-40 Tigers vs. Y ankees...... 20 Search for Survival...... 40 .iiiSiir. The Joker’s W ild...... 3 The Honeymooners...... 20 The Thin E d g e ...... 24 Oral Roberts Serm on...... 22 Petticoat Junction...... 5 2:00 Electric Conyiany...... 24 Julius Boros Outdoors...... 22 8:00 This young Oregon boy is part of a program to determine " 5:30 8:15 ...... 8 The Guiding L ight...... 3 ...... 40 9:00 The Fisherm an...... 30 Lawrence Welk Show ...... 5 The Flintstones ...... 5 Reds vs. Dodgers...... 20-22-30 how agression is learned—and unlearned. The boy, his doc­ Romper Room ...... — 9 The $10,000 Pyram id...... 8-40 Auction Continues ...... 57 Que Hay de Nuevo? ...... 3 Conversations W ith...... 40 Ben Gurion Remembers...... 9 Green Abres...... 18 tors, and his family will be part of “The Thin Edge” report Celebrity Sweepstakes 20-22-30 Days of Our Lives___ 20-22-30 6:30 8:30 The Story of I ta ly ...... 8 1:30 Two Heavens ...... 18 F ilm ...... 20 Merv Griffin Show...... 5 ‘Monday (April 14) on puTilic television. Sesame Street...... 24 2:30 News...... 3-8-20-22-30 Oral Roberts Serm on...... 9 Issues & Answers ...... 8-40 8:30 Villa Alegre...... 24-57 9:00 Mets vs. Pirates ...... 9 Leave It to B eav er...... 40 The Edge of Night...... 3 1 Love Lucy ...... 5 I Dream of Jeannie...... 22 Kojak ...... 3 The Big Showdown ...... 8-40 Hogan’s Heroes ...... 30 Rhoda...... 3 Spring Street USA...... 40 Spring Street USA...... 18 10:30 Teacher Preview ...... 24 M ovie...... 8-40 The Doctors ...... 20-22-30 News...... 40 The Other Six D ays...... 18 Mister Rogers...... 57 World Cup Tennis ...... 22-30 Challenge of Truth...... 18 G am bit...... 3 6:45 Economics 201 ...... 24 Local Follow-up...... 24 9:30 2:00 Amy P ren tiss...... 20-22-30 Pip V Sip Auction Continues ...... 57 Everywoman...... 3 M ovie...... 8 Masterpiece Theatre...... 24 7:00 News...... 3-22-40 9:30 The Story of Italy ...... 8 Music for All A m erica...... 18 9:00 Romantic Rebellion...... 24 Newark & R eality...... 9 Thriller...... 40 Americans on E v e re st...... 5 DONUTS Andy Griffith Show ...... 5 10:00 I Dream of Jeannie...... 22 Kathryn Kuhlman ...... 18 fo r ...... Truth or Consequences ______8 2:30 MOTOROLA QUASAR Medical Center...... 3 Let Us C elebrate...... 30 Auction Continues ...... 57 with Purchase of Ironside ...... ;.. .9 Gospel Jubilee ...... 18 News...... 5 Insight ...... 40 Cup of Dip ’n Sip Dick Van Dylfe Show ...... 18 3:00 9:30 F ilm ...... 20 Caribe...... 8-40 Carrascolendas...... 57 M annix...... 3 Coffee^ ...... ,______,____ Movie ...... 5 19" PORTABLE COLOR TV To Tell the Truth...... 30 New York Report ...... 9 10:00 McHale’s N avy...... 40 Wild Wild W est...... 9 diagonal Challenge of Truth...... 18 Lamp Unto My F e e t...... 3 Oral Roberts Sermon...... 18 Mon. thru Fri. 7:30 3:30 The Price Is Right ...... 3 Straight Talk...... 24 Big Blue Marble ...... 8 The People’s B usiness...... 24 OPEN 24 HOURS 335 Center SL, Manchester ■ r im w im American Sportsman — 8-40 Hogan’s Heroes ...... 5 10:30 Catholic Service...... 9-22-30 Hour of P o w er...... 18 10:00 Latino...... 40 NO CHASSIS TUBES! New Candid C am era...... 8 New Jersey R eport...... 9 Stanley C up...... 20-22-30 News...... 5 Wilburn Brothers...... 18 Connecticut R ep o rt...... 18 u Sesame Street...... 57 Living Faith ...... 18 Badminton...... r'...... 57 Call of the W est...... 20 Woman...... 24 10:30 4:00 .10:30 INSTA’MATIC® Hollywood Squares ...... 22-30 11:00 Marshall E fron...... 3 Brightness The M asters...... 3 The Protectors...... 3 COLOR TUNING Antiques...... 24 News...... 3-8-18-22-30-40 Korg: 70,000 B.C...... 8 \ Color Hue The Avengers ...... 9 Sports Extra ...... 5 Autometic Just push one button Polka!...... 40 The Best of Groucho.. .^...... 5 Point of V iew...... 9 Fine Tuning and you automatically World Press ...... 24 Police Surgeon ..... 8 Sylvanla Inventefl a balance color intens- Harness Racing ...... 9 Jewish Heritage...... 40 4:15 M ovie...... 9 Ity, hue, contrast. I Love Lucy ...... 20 10:45 iilug In Integrated \ Contrast brightness and can Howard Cosell ...... 8-40 The Honeymooners...... 20 \ even activate automa- 11:30 Jewish L ife...... 30 Zane Grey Theatre ...... 22 Color tic fine tuning if al* 4:30 Intensity ready not in use. It's Movies ...... 3-5 Flying Circus ...... 24 circuit that'e like that easyl 11:00 Wide World of Sports .... 8-40 Wide World Mystery...... 8-40 WHNB-TV R ep o rts...... 30 Your Car Gets College Cam pus...... 3 Teach-In...... 18 a miniature The Untouchables ...... 9 The Flintstones ...... 5 The Sixth S ense...... 40 Special Care! Johnny Carson ...... 20-22-30 Goober ...... 8-40 5:00 11:00 \ PLUG -IN Rex Humbard Show ...... 9 The Ghost & Mrs. Muir digital computer CIRCUIT MODULES 12:30 News...... 3-8-22-30-40 Most chassis compo­ Movie ...... 9 Hour of Pow er...... 18 M ovie...... Gabe and Gov. B yrne...... 5 It holds th« picture so steady we've been able nents :are on replace­ able modules. If a cir­ 1:00 11:30 to eliminate the vertical hold control entirely. cuit needs to be re­ H O R IZ O N T A L H O L D control is inside the set placed, an eichange Tomorrow ...... 20-22-30 tr» module can be plugged M ovie...... 3 and will probably never need adjusting...on a David Susskind Show ...... 5 in by a service tech­ 1:40 Sylvania GT-M atic” * iI set. nician. Reel Camp ...... 5 It Takes a Thief...... 8 A FC automatic circuits lock in the correct THE WOOD LOOK - Boca Pecan Down the Stretch...... 22 fine tuning from station to station. finish high impact plastic cabinet A G C minimizes airplane flutter and the effect goes with coordinated pedestal h o M l t ^ Sportsman’s Friend...... 30 base (optional extra) to maxe r of man-made electrical noise. M ovie...... 40 a luxurious ensemble! Motorola Matrix-Bright Tube, Insta-Matic AUTOMATIC VOLTAGE REGULATOR Color Tuning, Plug-in circuit modules. N fW FROM ROBERT SIMMONS MIDNIGHT Compensates for variations in powerline voltage so Pampering pays. If Our SPEEDY Specialty W restling...... 22 you get peak performance even during power you don't believe it, TRULY DELICIOUS Movie ...... ~ . 30 shortage and brown-outs. TM-TfKl*mMk GTE Sylvdni* InctMDOrttid. trust your cor to our WHITE SABLE 12:30 $ 4 9 0 9 5 CHICKEN News...... 8 staff. Then listen to Brown in 8 Minutes M ovie...... 9 _____ ■ T iL w npTiniiAiOPTIONAL it purr! The world’slU O “finest eatin EXTRA 12:45 Model WP5508 chicken’ with incomparable BRUSHES For the Consumer...... 8 BROWN'S taste. OPEN: Tuesday - Wednesday ■ Thursday 10am - 6 pm C A LL IN ORDER Only on Cable TIRE SHOP Prid^ 10am - 9pm — Saturday 10am ■ 5pm 333 MAIN ST. Pick Up 10 Minutes Later New York City Channels 5 STANEK MANCHESTER dft^Grcrafts shop and 9 are seen exclusively by DECl’S DRIVE-IN 646-3444 « 462 CEN TER ST. 643-2660 ElCamifXJ Plaza-Route30.Vernon.Connecticut 06066 subscribers to Greater Hart­ ELECTRONICS ford CATV. Manchester cable 20th CENTURY TV Ktlribitel b| Mwcunr M Telephone (2 0 3 )8 7 5 -0 0 6 7 277 BROAD ST. — PHONE 649-1124 television. 528-1554 176 BURNSIDE AVE„ EAST WEEKEND — April 12,1975 - Page 19 Pa^e 18 - WEEKEND - April 12, 1975 Friday, April 18 TV Notes Thursday, April 17 EVENING Wall Street Week...... 24 Joanna Lee makes her debut

' 9:00 as a at EVENING Bob Crane Show...... 20-22-30 6:00 p>. News...... 3-8-22-30 NBA Playoff...... 3 MGM with “Babe,” a CBS-TV 8:00 9:00 Bewitched ...... 5 Julie Andrews...... 8-40 special starring Susan Clark as '(S(0« N ews. . . '...... 3-8-22-30 M ovie...... ;..3 ’The Untouchables ...... 9 M ovie...... 18 famed woman athlete Babe Bewitched ...... 5 Sts. of San Francisco ___8-40 12 O’clock H ig h ...... 18 The Rockford Files ... 20-22-30 Zabarias. The Untouchables ...... 9 To Be Announced...... 18 Tlie Honeymooners...... 20 Firing Line ...... 24 The Champions...... 18 Bob Hope Special. . . . . 20-22-30 Electric Company...... 24 Auction Continues...... 57 Flip Wilson, a long-time Tuesday, April 15 The Honeymooners ...... 20 >last American Supper...... 24 Bonanza...... 40 10:00 fixture at NBC-TV, will star in Electric Company...... 24 (Auction Continues ...... 57 Auction Continues ...... 57 News...... 5 four television specials for Solar Energy...... 24 Bonanza...... 40 EVENING \ 9:30 Get Christie Love ...... 8-40 CBS-’TV during the 1975-1976 Auction Continues...... 57 6^30 6:00 8:30 Water W orld...... 18 News...... 3-8-20-22-30 Meet the Mayors...... 9 season. News...... 3-6-22-30 M.A.S.H...... 3 6:30 10:00 I Love Lucy ...... 5 Police Woman ...... 20-22-30 Bewitched...... 5 Merv Griffin S h o w ...... 5 New s____....t. ...3-8-20-22-30 John Gavin and Shirley Jones News...... 5 Zoom...... 24 Masterpiece ’Theatre ...... 24 The Untouchables ...... 9 M ovie...... 20-22-30 I Love Lucy ...... 5 Will sta r in the television Harry O ...... 8-40 10:30 Secret Agent...... 18 A China Memoir ...... 24 Zoom...... 24 movie-series ‘"The Lives Gamer 'Ted Armstrong...... 9 Right N ow ...... 9 The Honeymooners...... 20 9:00 7:00 7:00 M of Jenny Dolan” for NBC-’TV. Ken Callaway Outdoors___18 News...... 3-22-40 New Directions ...... 18 Electric Company...... ;24 Hawaii Five-0 ...... 3 New s...... 3-22-40 Movin’ O n ...... 20-22-30 Bonanza...... 40 Andy Griffith Show ...... 5 11:00 Bob Hope will headline seven Greatest Sports Legends ... 18 Andy Griffith Show ...... 5 10:30 m Auction Continues ...... 57 Truth or Consequences...... 8 News...... 3-8-18-22-30-40 hours of prime-time NBC-’TV Auction Continues...... 57 ’Truth or Consequences...... -.8 S ta t! ...... 3 Ironside...... -9 Miss New York Pageant specials during the 1975-1976 6:30 9:30 Iro n sid e...... 9 Greatest Sports Legends___9 Dick Van Dyke Show ...... 18 ...... 5 season and several more in the News...... 3-8-20-22-30 American Ski Scene ...... 18 Dick Van Dyke Show ...... I8 Medix ...... 18 • -‘‘i I Love Lucy ...... 5 Sounding Board ...... 20 F ilm ...... 20 Celebrity Bowling ...... 9 following two years. 10:00 11:00 Zoom...... 24 Ready or N ot...... 24 Aviation W eather...... 24 I Love Lucy ...... 20 Barnaby Jones ...... 3 New s...... 3*8-18-22-30-40 To Tell the T ruth...... 30 11:30t “ D anny 7:00 To Tell the T ruth...... 30 Kaye’s Look-In at the New s...... 5 ’The Best of Groucho...... 5 Movie . . \ ...... 3 News...... 3-22-40 7:30 7-.30 Metropolitan Opera” — a Rabin; Biography ...... 8-40 Celebrity Bowling ...... 9 Wide World M ystery...... 8-40 Andy Griffith Show ...... 5 Land of the T h re e ...... 3 Wild World of Animals...... 3 special for children — airs Sun­ Celebrity Bbwling ...... 9 1 Love Lucy ...... 20 ’The Untouchables ...... 9 Truth or Consequences , ___ .8 Hogan’s Heroes ...... 5 Hogan’s Heroes ...... 5 day, April 29, at 5 p.m. on CBS- Public Forum ...... 18 11:30 Johnny Carson ...... 20-22-30 The Mets in Japan...... 9 Jeopardy! ...... 8 Let’s Make a Deal...... 8-22 ’TV. Police Story ...... 20-22-30 Movies ...... 3-5 Dick Van Dyke S how ...... 18 Nashville Music . . . . . j ...... 18 Porter Wagoner...... 18 12:30 10:30 Good Night A m erica...... 8-40 Lynda Carter, Miss USA 1973, Sounding Board ...... 20 Hal Stanton Presents ...... 22 Human Dimension...... 20 M ovies...... 5-9 ’The Untouchables ...... 9 The Untouchables ...... 9 The Romagnolis’ Table ___ 24 Consumer Survival K it...... 24 Black Perspective...... 24 1:00 J- stars in the title role of ‘"The Died Young...... 24 Johnny Carson ___.... 20-22-30 To Tell the T ruth...... 30 New Treasure Hunt...... 30 Hollywood Squares ...... Concert...... 8 New, Original Wonder 11:00 ~ 12:30 Nanny & the Professor — 40 Woman,” a movie in production 7:30 Dragnet ...... 40 Midnight Special ...... 20-22-30 $ V N ews...... 3-8-18-22-30-40 M ovie...... 9 for ABC-TV. Celebrity Sweepstakes ...... 3 8:00 8:00 1:40 The Best of Groucho...... 5 1:00 , Joe and Sons...... 3 Hogan’s Heroes ...... 5 I Love Lucy ...... 20 ■jrmm The Waltons ...... 3 Joe Franklin Show...... 9 Let’s Make a D eal...... 8-22 Dealer’s Choice...... 5 Tom orrow ...... 20-22-30 Dealer’s Choice ...... 5 11:30 The Night Stalker ...... 8-40 2:00 Mets vs. P h illies...... 9 Barney Miller...... 8-40 Victory at Sea ...... 3 Music Place ...... 18 M ovies...... 3-5 M ovie...... 9 M ovie...... 9 College Basketball...... 8-9 Ray Milland is featured as Pastor’s Perspective...... 18 TTie Fourth Estate...... 24 Pastor’s Perspective...... 18 TV Notes Only on Cable Masquerade Party ...... 30 Johnny Carson ...... 20-22-30 an American judge in a Sanford & Son ...... 20-22-30 Sunshine...... 20-22-30 New York City Channels 5 Daytime performers Gerald Gordon and Fran Brill star as Room 222 ...... 40 Wide World M ystery...... 40 Bicentennial special, “The Bill Moyers’ Journal...... 24 NBC-’TV’s “U ttle House on Week in Review ...... 24 1:00 and 9 are seen exclusively by Andrew Jackson, seventh President of the U.S., and his 8:00 Unwanted,” Wednesday 8:30 the Prairie,” based on the pop­ 8:30 Tom orrow ...... 20-22-30 We’ll Get B y ...... 3 subscribers to Greater Hart­ first lady, Rachel, in “First Ladies’ Diaries: Rachel and Good Tim es...... 3 (April 16) at 7:30 p.m. on Merv Griffin Show...... 5 ular books by Laura Ingalls ford CATV, Manchester cable 1:30 Wilder, has l^ n renewed for Merv Griffin Show...... 5 Jackson,” an NBC-TV dramatic special Friday (April 18) Dealer’s Choice ...... 5 Channel 5. Karen Valentine...... 8-40 television. M ovie...... 8-40 M ovie...... 9 the 1975-1976 television season. Chico & the M an ...... 20-22-30 at 1:30 p.m. Pastor’s Perspective...... 18 1:40 iPOnERTON’Sl Adam-12...... 20-22-30 Reel Camp ...... 5 Art Carney has been signed to “We’re easy on your ears.” appear in a one-hour syn^cated Saturday, April 19 ’EY special, ‘"Thd Middle Age Wednesday, April 16 Blues,” being developed by MORNING Zee Cooking School...... 24 TOGETHER RKO General Television, o ^ e r Zoom...... 57 REUX & USTEN 6:30 ^ Ask Kleiner of Channel 9 in New York.' 11:00 EVENING 9:00 CBS News Oil The Hour Ag-USA...... 3 6:00 Cannon...... 3 Patterns for Living...... 5 ...... 3 By DICK KLEINER AGAIN News...... 3-8-22-30 This Is the Life ...... 18 Soul ’Train ...... 5 Lee Majors, star of ABC-TV’s 7:00 Super Friends...... 8-40 Bewitched ...... 5 Lucas Tanner...... 20-22-30 "Six Million Dollar Man,” has Arthur and Co...... 3 Theater in Am erica...... 24 Action ’Theater...... 9 DEAR DICK: Does Dinah Shore live with Burt Reynolds or are The Untouchables ...... 9 been named to the 36th annual Porky Pig ...... 5 AND The Champions...... 18 Auction Continues ...... 57 Pink Panther ...... 20-22-30 they just good friends? — M.D.B. GRAY, Waynesboro, Miss. inFii Best Dressed Men in the Nation Captain Noah ...... 8 Carrascolendas...... 24 Is there no middle ground? Actually, Burt and Dinah maintain The Honeymooners ...... 20 9:30 list of the Fashion Foundation Consultation ...... 30 Electric Company...... 24 Human Dimension...... 18 CBS/Serving Greater Hartford, Sesame Street...... 57 separate homes so I guess you’d have to stick them in the “good AT of America. 7:30 friends” category. Only more so. Bonanza...... 40 10:00 11:30 Auction Continues ...... 57 Laurel & Hardy...... 5 Hudson Brothers ...... 3 The Manhunter...... 3 I Dream of Jeannie...... 8 DEAR DICK: I’ve heard a rumor Aat Burt Reynolds wears a New s...... 5 Star T rek ...... 20-22-30 toupee. Is it true? I’m very upset. — PAM ALLEN, Spartanburg, SPECIAL 6:30 News...... 9 Zoom...... 24 News *...... 3-8-20-22-30 B aretta...... 8-40 Beverly Hillbillies...... 30 s.c. Faith for Today...... 18 NOON Calm yourself, Pam. It’s all real — hair and all. I Love Lucy ...... 5 8:00 The Law ...... 20-22-30 4 ply polyester Blockwdl ...... 3 DEAR DICK: How did Barbara Walters ever get on the Today TOGETHER Teacher Preview ...... 24 Captain Bob ...... 3 Creature Feature...... 5 10:30 Yogi’s Gang ...... 8-40 program? She must have something on somebody — she has no 6:45 ’These Are the Days ...... 8 talent. — DORAMI PARKER, Grove Hill, Ala. Economics 201 ...... 24 Mayor’s Half Hour ...... 18 A - 78 -13 18.55 4 1.76 N8wark & Reality...... 9 Oren Lee Staley...... 24 ’...... 20-22-30 Like every person in the public eye Miss Walters has her fans AGAIN 7:00 B - 78 -13 19.48 4 1.84 Addams Family ...... 20-22-30 Mister Rogers...... 24-57 and her haters. I find her voice annoying but think she asks pretty News...... 3-22-40 11:00 8:30 Candlepin Bowling...... 40 good questions. Her forte, however, is getting good people on ...... 5 New s...... 3-8-18-22-30-40 Speed B uggy...... 3 show because she knows everybody. She started with Today in PRICES The Best of Groucho...... 5 C - 78 - 13 20.74 + 1.98 12:30 Truth or Consequences...... 8 Blondie...... 5 Fat A lbert...... 3 ’61, as a writer, and gradually worked her way up to her present Ironside ...... 9 Celebrity Bowling ...... 9 Bugs Bunny...... 8-40 spot. I Love Lucy ...... 20 C - 78 -14 20.77 + 2.04 American Bandstand...... 8 Dick Van Dyke Show ...... 18 Connecticut Report...... 9 G o ...... 20-22-30 DEAR DICK: Tony Orlando is a super-talented guy but there is To Be Alive...... 20 11:30 E - 78 - 14 21.25 + 2.27 Wheelie ...... 20-22-30 Villa Alegre...... 24-57 so little informative publicity about him. Please tell us about XL 100 To Tell the ’Truth...... 30 M ovies...... 3-5 9:00 him. Is he a New Jersey boy? Also does the thin gold bracelet he 7:30 Wide World Special...... 8-40 F-78- 14 22.51 + Z40 Jeannie...... 3 Ray Returns wears constantly have any significance? — JEAN MARCUS, Name That ’Tune...... 3 The Untouchables ...... 9 Hong Kong P hooey...... 8-40 HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - Aldo Parlin, N.J. COLOR The Unwanted ...... 5-8 Johnny Carson ...... 20-22-30 Whitewalls G ■ 78 -14 2460 4 2.56 Kathryn Kuhlman ...... 9 Ray returns to movies with a Tony is a New Yorker, of Spanish-Greek ancestry, who began Country Carnival...... 18 12:30 also at Emergency Plus 4 ----- 20-22-30 supporting role in “Inside Out,” singing at 13. For a while,^he quit performing and was a Hollywood Squares ...... 22 M ovie...... 9 H - 78 - 14 26.30 + Z77 Sesame Street...... 24-57 starring Telly Savalas and successful music publisher. Then, in ’70, he started singing again, 1 7 . ^ * 3 2 8 Nutmeggeris A lm anac...... 24 1:00 Special Savings 9:30 James Mason at Warner Bros. with the two girls who make up Dawn. He’s m a rri^ and has two sons. That bracelet? It’s a golden copy of an African elephant- Animal W orld...... 30 Tom orrow ...... 20-22-30 Pebbles & Bamm Bamm— 3 G - 78 - 15 25.29 + ^60 hair bracelet his wife gave him. Room 222 ...... 40 1:30 B.F. Goodrich Gilligan ...... 8-40 De Niro Cast Potterton’s 8:00 Reel Camp ...... 5 H - 78 • 15 2661 4 263 ’Thriller Theater — *...... 9 HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - DEAR DICK: Could you tell me whatever happened to Dawn Robert De Nero, nominated for Wells, who played Mary Ann on the Gilligan’s Island series? — Tony Orlando & D aw n...... 3 Sivertown Belted Run Joe, R un ...... 20-22-30 Famous for Service an Oscar in “The Godfather ED SPENCER, Steubenville, Ohio American Lifestyle...... 9 Only on Cable V. W. SPECIAL 600 X 15 Blodcwdl 10:00 Since 1931 Pastor’s Perspective...... 18 S A V E 30% Part II,” will star in ‘"The Last She’s still acting, but it’s a very competitive business and parts New York City Channels 5 ^ 9 . 9 5 Scooby-Doo...... 3 are hard to come by. You can see her in the new movie, Little House on the Prairie + 1.75 FET Combat...... 5 ’Tycoon,” a film version of F. 130 Center Street and 9 are seen exclusively by “Winterhawk.” ...... 20-22-30 subscribers to Greater Hart­ Devlin...... 8-40 Scott Fitzgerald’s novel. MANCHESTER Feeling Good ...... 24 ford CATV, Manchester cable Land of the Lost ...... 20-22-30 DEAR DICK: What has become of Bing Crosby’s children by 649-4537 That’s My M am a...... 40 television. T / f i£ Electric Company...... 24-57 Rock star Alice Cooper will his first marriage: On TV, you only see his children by his second OUTLET . El Cetnino Plate 8:30 have Vincent Price as his guest marriage. — JOSIE AIRLA, Salinas, Calif. 10:30 Gary is very active, often on Adam-12 and other TV series. Phil RT. 30, VERNON Merv Griffin Show...... 5 ROUTE 83.-VERH0N 872-2228 Shazam!...... 3 when he hosts “Wide World in Neil Simon will be honored Monday thru Friday 7A.M. - 8 P.M. Saturday 8 A.M. - 5 P.M. sings but only in small clubs. ’The twins, Dennis and Lindsay, are 875-2323 M ovie...... Rescue Rangers...... 8-40 Concert” on ABC-TV Friday, with a special Tony Award in -out qf.show business. . . , i -, /. . Mets vs. Cardinaii ! v ! i !..' .9 ' the 29th annual presentation of Sigmund...... 20-22-30- - April 25, a t 11:30 p.m. . . . 1 '! t i' •' !• > Victory Garden...... 24 the awards Sunday, April 20. -T.. 4 i i . , . < AGWAY trial. Free salt* Robe; the b takes Free yourself from him hard w a ^ ''blues'.' F

Man Agway wants you to prove local ( of the Town r j to yourself that soft water nounci S U P R E T t Wei! pays off. At Agway’s in the Build! the nr expense! manaf Lam sworn You couldn’t get a better “deal” even if you wrote Town it, yourself! Agway will put a Supreme Water Jamei of Ma Conditioner by Caigon in your home...hook it vacati up... leave it there for 30 days... give you a 30-day Lam supply of salt...absolutely free!* All you have to 333.90, do is ask. Prove to yourseif that you get: the fi Board • Softer, cieaner iaundry • Softer, easier tion is to manage hair • Spotiess dishes and Lam chief’s giass ware • Everything. in the house sonnel easier and iess expensive to ciean • Purer men h water that leaves no soap film, won’t from I cause stains on stinks, tubs and toiiets Lam patroL • Scale-free pipes • Savings on soap sergea • Savihgs on eiectricity. to lie patrol In 1! Bring in a water sampie for Agway, to the Mi check. 15,0d0 grain exchange capacity follov Supreme Water Conditioner (73-2391) #SP15. A Reg. $379.95 T

I wa; You save ^33.00 time Assoc nomir Judici Not F. K< Soft water from Supreme by Caigon. Morri Massc defeat to wii “Soft toucK'from Agway. For Meski } Richa .p^00 hook up within 6 feet of house water main and drain. — has offere STOKHOWS: iMOnniuM Conne M n Tue. Wed Fri Mes 8:30 to 6.-00 Thors. 8 J0 to 8:30 won ( Sat 8:00 to 4:30 EQUPMENT SHOP mitte AGWAY.^Inc. Mon. Toes. Thurs. Fri the S< 540 NEW STATE ROAD, Bucklarrd 643-5123 8:00 to SKKI this V AGWAY Sat 8:00 to 4.-00 Ho\ Other A K Stores: OoscO WcOnes^s Ellington - Middlefield - North Havan & Willinnantic natiot tion, but n

• V * . *• term is “m 842,00 In I ABA oppos be cc nomii by Se The

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