Organo Pleno Newsletter Volume 67, Number 6 July 2006 The official Newsletter of the Society of Organists (Victoria) Incorporated PO Box 315 Camberwell, Victoria, Australia 3124 A 0028223J ABN 97 690 944 954 in affiliation with the Incorporated Association of Organists (UK) PP32.7.177/0040 Patrons: The Most Revd Denis J Hart DD The Right Revd Andrew St John DD News of forthcoming events, advertisements and other items of interest may be published free as a service to members. Email address:
[email protected] or send articles to the ‘Newsletter Editor’ at the Society’s postal address above. Details for the August 2006 Newsletter should be sent to arrive before Monday 17 July, 2006. Tel: 0425 726 880 (mobile). General enquiries should be directed to the SOV President, Ian Harrison. Tel: 9885 2744. Society Dates for the diary: SOV Programme for July - August 2006 A WORKSHOP DAY WITH A DIFFERENCE Saturday 24 June, 10.00am at All Saints Anglican Church, 2 Chapel Street, St Kilda East. An opportunity not to be missed - for all organists and church musicians. See the details on the separate sheet enclosed and forward your application by Monday 19 June to: Joy Hearne, 38 Barter Crescent, Forest Hill, 3131. (Telephone 9893 3095) ORGAN AND FRENCH HORN STUDENTS CONCERT Friday 21 July, 7.45pm at St Stephen’s Presbyterian Church, cnr Canterbury and Warrigal Roads, Surrey Hills. This is a special opportunity for any organist (no age limit set) who would like to take part in this relaxed performance evening.