Huaqiang ZENG Team Leader and Principal Research Scientist +65 6824 7115
[email protected] Team Leader and Principal Research Scientist, NanoBio Lab, Singapore, 2019-present Team Leader and Principal Research Scientist, Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, Singapore, 2014-2019 Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore, 2006-2013 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The Scripps Research Institute, USA, 2002-2006 Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry, The State University of New York at Buffalo, USA, 2002 B.S. in Chemical Physics, The University of Science and Technology of China, 1996 Publications 1. A. Roy, H. Joshi, R. Ye, J. Shen, F. Chen, A. Aksimentiev and H. Zeng, “Polyhydrazide‐Based Organic Nanotubes as Efficient and Selective Artificial Iodide Channels,” Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 132 (2020) 4836-4843. IF 12.102 2. J. Shen, J. Fan, R. Ye, N. Li, Y. Mu and H. Zeng, “Polypyridine-Based Helical Amide Foldamer Channels for Rapid Transport of Water and Proton with High Ion Rejection,” Angewandte Chemie International Edition, (2020) DOI: 10.1002/anie.202003512. IF 12.257 3. J. Shen, R. Ye, A. Romanies, A. Roy, F. Chen, C. Ren, Z. Liu and H. Zeng, “An Aquafoldmer-Based Aquaporin-Like Synthetic Water Channel,” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142 (2020) 10050-10058. IF 14.695 4. H. Zeng, A. Roy, H. Joshi, R. Ye, J. Shen, F. Chen and A. Aksimentiev, “Polyhydrazide-Based Organic Nanotubes as Extremely Efficient and Highly Selective Artificial Iodide Channels,” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., (2020) DOI: 10.1002/anie.201916287 5. H. Zeng, F. Chen, J. Shen, N. Li, A.