Ca . Ai3

Visit tfie ©Ibf Curiosity f Shop FOR BRIC-A-BRAC, FURNITURE & HOUSE PLENISHING Of Every Description. PIANOS, PERAMBULATORS, and INVALID CHAIRS Fop Sale op Hire, at


101 lOITA&UE STREET, Rotliesay.

Established 1380. Price One Shilling.





25, 27, and 29 MONTAGUE ST.

TlRST mfp^WM


^^^TLE^Fiuw Sheep DiP(>*-^°'"''"'^ theOriginal

Little's Poisonous Powder Dip, Poisonous Liquid Dip NoN Poisonous PasteDip. Morris. Little &.SoN,U-°DoNCASTERr England.

Alf Co ok e , Qu e en s Pri nte r, Le ED : Are obtained by using


^oisonous Powder Dip


onous Liqoid Dip



I /-CHEAPNESS MEANS INFERIORITY and INFERIOR DIPS DAMAGE THE WOOL. I I ITTLE'S DIPS are only to be obtained in packages as sent out by the Manufacturers, and if otherwise supplied are not genuine.

Cases of Fraud will be proceeded against.


DONCASTKR. Bute County Directory Advertisements.



(The m Post QiG6), PPSP.



The Largest Yariety in Town of

Fliotograplis of Local and Scottisli Scenerj. .

Bute County Directory Advertisements. J. A. URQUHART, Grocer and Wine Merchant,


Agent for "Orion" Brand Pure Vintage Australian Wines.

Every Bottle Guabajjteed by Government Certificate.

SXihD VVlIMJl.b. j3Q^g ^ Bots. Imp. Qts. Burgundy—Generous, 18s 10s 24s Claret—Medium light, 20s lis 24s Ruby—Fulljdry, specially selected for Invalids, 21s lls6d 25s

Hermitage—Superior, medium, full, dry, . 24s 13s 28s

Cabarnet—Choicest Burgundy type, . . . 28s 15s 54s

Port—Rich, . 25s — —

Bots. included ; FlsfP. extra.

Wmn BUTE fiLEP OF H wiira.

The Finest of 's Produce,



Goods Called for and Delivered by Van. DUNCAN M'INTOSH, TOBACCONIST, Stationer, and Fancy Goods Merchant,

MONTA&Ul STREET, Rothesay.

Established 1845. BUTE FISH, GAME, and POULTRY EMPORIUM.

5 Fish, Game, and Poultry Merchant, 35 VICTORIA STREET, ROTHESAY.

Agent for all Annacker's Sansages and Scotch Paddings.

For First-Class Teas, Spirits and Provisions, Buy from


U HIGH STREET, Rothesay. Bute County Directory Advertisements.




J. L. KELLY, Proprietor. BUTE ARMS HOTEL (OPPOSITE THE PIER), li O T H E S -A. "ST. fHIS Establishment is situated in front of the Pier, where Steamers arrive and depart almost every half-hour, and affords Magnificent Views of the Bay. , and the Kyles of Bute. Tourists by the "Columba," "lona," "Lord of the Isles," or other Steamers, will find the Bute Arms one of the most comfortable resting places on the West Coast of Scotland, and being under the direct superintendence of the Proprietor, Visitors may depend on every attention. The Sanitary Arrangements have been entirely remodelled, and are now certified as perfect. BILLIARDTABLE D'HOTE, 6-30ROOM.p.m Parties Boarded by the Week op Month. Golf Course in close proximity to the HoteL ROBERT SMITH, Proprietor. Bute County Directory Advertisements. BUCHANAN'S (OF RIVER STEAMERS) HOTEL VICTORIA, ON THE ESPLANADE,





Overlookingf Royal Northern Regatta Course. Convenient for C^'de Excursion Steamers. Golf Course, Tennis Courts, and Bowling- Green sdjoin-'ng.


Superior Liquors. Orders Attended to. Bute County Directory Advertisements. MACKINLAY'S TEMPERANCE HOTEL, FRONTING THE PIER, ROTHESAY.

Splendid Outlook from Sitting' Room Windows. VOLUNTEER ARMS. 5 GUILDFORD SQUARE & 12 MONTAGUE STREET.


Wines and Spirits. Bass's, AUsopps", and Guinness' Stout. Finest Old Brandies. MISS M'CONNELL LADIES' OUTFITTER, 23 Montague Street Rothesay.

The Newest and Most Fashionable Goods,

Coalpricing Ladies' & Childrens' Underclothiug, Hosiery, Gloves, Woolg, Furnishings, &c

AGENT FOR MESSRS W. d A. OILBEY'S WINES AND SPIRITS. JOSEPH MAITLAND (Successor to Hugh Morton), 62 MONTAGUE STREET (Corner of Tower Street, Opposite the Bandstand), ROTHESAY. Orders called for and Goods Promptly Delivered. Bute County Directory Advertisements.

JAMES M'BRIDE, «rolia.eir, Oa.rt"«7vi?is;li.t;, &c., JOHN STREET, ROTHESAY.

Telephone No. 14.




Telephone No. 14.



Catalogues with Prices of his Choice Garden Seeds and Plants, Post Free on Application. Inspection and Correspondence Invited. Bute County Directory Advertisements. JAMES M^CRONE, GENERAL DRAPER, CLOTHIER, &c., 59 and 61 MONTAGUE STREET,

stock always Large, New, Fresh, and Fashionable.

Established 50 Years. DUGALD WEIR, BOOT & SBCOEDVCA-IKEI?, 71 MONTAGUE STREET, Rothesay.


Joiner, Cabinetmaker, and Funeral Undertatier, 13 BISHOP STREET, ROTHESAY.

CHARLES MUIR, famil? Breab, Biscuit, anb paetrp Bafter, 77 ARGYLE STREET and 17 HIGH STREET, Rothesay.

MontgomeHe's Patent Extract of Malt Bread as used in the Queen's Household. Hot Pies every Saturday Evening. Marriage and Birthday Cakes Made to Order. Confections. Bute County Directory Advertisements.







Clothing ® and® Yachting ® Outfitter, Iboeier anb 6Iover, lo GALLOWGATE, ROTHESAY. DAVID LAW^SON,

Family Bread, Biscuit, and Pastry Baker,



Orders Called for and Promptly Delivered by Van. HUGH LAUDER, Jeweller, © Matcbmafter, ® an& © ©ptidan,

8 ALBERT PLACE (opposite the Kartour). ENGAGEMENT RINGS. WEDDING PRESENTS. SCOTCH PEBBLE JEWELLERY, Bute County Directory Advertisements.


Architect, C.E.. and Surveyor,

5 High Street, Rothesay. LI?INGSTONIA TEMPERANCE HOTEL, Guildford Square, Rothesay.

James Robertson, Proprietor.


Drapers, Clothiers, and General Outfitters, 39 Victoria Street, Rothesay. {Opposite the Bandstand.) HUGH M^COLXi, Glass, China, and Fancy Goods Dealer, 21 Argyle Street, Rothesay.

All kinds of Glass, Earthenware, and Enamel Goods.

ID. COOS^ (Successor to Mrs Service), Fruiterer and Confectioner,

72 Victoria Street, Rothesay. Family Orders punctually attended to. GBOBGS BLACK, FAMILY BUTCHER,

13 Watergate (East End of Montague Street, Rothesay.) Fresh Stock of Home-Fed Beef and Mutton always on hand. Orders punctually attended to. JOmm BROUGIH, Family Grocer and Wine Merchant, 17 King Street, Rothesay, Orders called for and promptly delivered.

ALEXANDER R. PEACOCK, Registered Plumber, Gasfitter, and Zinc Worker, 23 High Street, and 53 Ardbeg Road, Rothesay. House Address—Adelaide Place, Mountstuart Road. Hot and Cold Water Appliances, Bell-Hanging, Pumps, Rhones, Ridges, &c. Bute County Directory Advertisements. WILLIAM LAUDER,

Wright and Contractor,

Ladeside Street, Rothesay.

N. IME'CAIiIiUiyE, Tea and Coffee Merchant and General Grocer,

96 Montague Street, Rothesay.


Plasterers, Cement Workers, and Tile Layers,

52 Ladeside Street, Rothesay.

HUGH BS COI.I., PAINTER, Show-Rooms, 21 Argyle Street. Workshop, 19 Mill Street.

Estimates given for Every Description of Painter Work DAVID ROBERTSON, Bread and Pastry Baker, 7 East Princes Street, Rothesay. PateTit Malt Brown Bread, highly recommended by many of the Leadinar Physicians

J. lYE'EIRDir (Successor to Sommerville), 77 Victoria Street, Rothesay.

Umbrelias, Combs, Brushes, Toys, Fancy Goods, and other Useful Articles. Umbrellas made, Covered, and Repaired. HOSIERY and KNITTED ARTICLES, of all Descriptions, Made on the Premises, The Orphanage, Barone Road, Rothesay.

Ladies' and Children's Underclothing, and Babies' Clothes Made to Order. Customers' own wool knit up at 3d per cut. " JAMES FISHEIR, Seed, Grain, and Potato Merchant, 5 & 7 West Castle St., and 5 & 6 King St., Rothesay. Finest East Country Seed Oats. Bute and Ayrshire Ryegrass Seed. Seed Potatoes. Clover Seeds and Turnip Seeds of the Various Sorts in their Season. Special Grain and Root Manures, my own manufacture. Highest Analysis. Bute County Directory Advertisements.

J. MILLER & SONS, SLATERS, 5 Columshill Street, Rothesay.

COLIN B. TURNER, House Agent and Plermaster, CRAIGMORE PIER. mALCOLM BOWIE, Family Bread, Pastry, and Biscuit Baker, 11 Gallowgate, Rothesay.

THOMAS MITCHELL, Established iseo. Upholsterer, Window-Blind, and Bedding Manufacturer,

17 Montague Street, Rothesay. Jobbing- Work attended to with Care. Despatch, and Economy,

JAMES HUNTER, Established 1850. General Grocer and Provision Merchant, no WEST PRINCES ST. (Comer of Store Lane) Near Tramway Terminus, ROTHESAY. First-Class Quality and Prices Strictly Moderate. Orders Promptly~Attended to. 1MERS SILLARS,

67 Victoria Street, Rothesay, mas a Large and Well-Selected Stock of Ladies" and Children's Millinery, Coats and Pelisses ' Blouses and Lace Goods, Gloves, Hosiery, Fancy Goods, and Needlework. Dent's Gloves, special lines, 1/11, 2/6, and 2/11.

Try us when others fail. Watch Repairing a speciality. Unequalled Method by ALEXANDER M'BEATH, Watchmaker and Jeweller,

4.i Galfowerate, Rothesay. Splendid Selections of Watches. Clocks, Jewellery, and Electro-Plate. Cheapest and Best in Rothesaj', " CUNNINGHAM'S, Buy youp Teas, Groeeries and Provisions at 81 Montague St., Rothesay, and Branch, Port-Bannatyne, Where you will get a Choice Variety of Fresh Goods at Glasgow Prices. A Daily Supolv of Very Fme Fresh and Powdered Butter and Country Eggs. A Trial Order Solicited Goods Delivered by Van Daily. Bute County Directory Advertisements. MRS I.AIDIiA'W, BUTE DAIRY,

28 Bishop Street, Rothesay.


Joiners and Funeral Undertakers,

50 High Street, Rothesay.

Customers can always re!y on getting the Finest Quality. F. H. SQUAIH, FAMILY BUTCHER, 5 GaMowgate, Rothesay. Established 1863. Telephone No. 25. ADABI BOITD, Contractor and Steamboat Agent,

Office on Pier. House, 18 Russell Street. General Contractor. Furniture and other Goods carefully removed. PETER GRANT, Family Bread, Biscuit and Pastry Baker, Tea Rooms, 1 Gallowgate, Rothesay. Quality our Leading Feature., Goods delivered by Van. WILLIAM KIRKHOPE, Monumental Works, Cemetery Gate, Rothesay. Monuments in Granite, Marble and Freestone. Designs and Prices on application. Jobbings promptly executed. THOMAS NAPIEB, Furnishing Ironmonger, Plumber, Ga.sfitter, and Bellhanger, 68 (V3ontag;ue Street, Rothesay. Joiners' and Plasterers' Tools. Paratfin, Colza, and other Oils. Chimneys, &c. Close Ranges, Grates, Fenders and Fire-Irons of every description. Estimates given. JAMES HENRY, Glasgow and Rothesay Carrier, 99 Stockwell St., 61 Osborne St., 54 Mitchell St., and 57 Buchanan St., Glasgow. 72 Montague Street, Rothesay.

Goods and Luggage forwarded to all parts of the World. Bute County Directory Advertisements.


Architect and Surveyor,

25 West Burn Street, Greenock. SAMUEL THOMPSON,

Hatter and Outfitter,

60 Montague Street, Rothesay, THE CJSNTHAI..

Parties in want of DRAPERY GOODS should call at Miller's Central Drapery Warehouse, 48 Montague Street, Rothesay. DANIEI. M OILP, Glasgow, Rothesay, and Port-Bannatyne Carrier, 41 Montague Street, Rothesay, Pest Office, Port-Bannatyne, and 50 Queen Street, Glasgow. °~ WM. D. M'KECHKIE, BUTCHER, 19 Bridge-End Street, Rothesay. First-Class Stock of Home-Feri Beef and Mutton. Special Attention given to Family Orders. A Trial Order Solicited. CARRIAGE HIRING AND LIVERY STABLES^ WILLIAM MOODIE, V.S., Proprietor, 16 Watergate, Rothesay.

Orders received at Housp, 18 Mountstuart Road, which is in Telephonic connection with Yard. ~~ - ALEXANDER M'GILP, — Watchmaker, Jeweller, Optician, and Tobacconist, 3 High street, Rothesay (Opposite the West Quay Head.) Choice Selection of Havannah, Manilla, and Indian Cigars. Spectacles, Eye-Glassep, and Golf Clubs. " ALEXANDER M'GILP" Auctioneer and Valuator, 3 High Street, Rothesay. Auction Sales Conducted in Town and Country. Terms Strictly Moderate. ' Prompt Settlements. Bute County Directory Advertisements.

DANIEL CUNNINGHAM, Plumber, Gasfitter, and Zinc Worker,

3 Bridge Street, Rothesay.


Yard—10 Bridge-end Street. House—2i Argyle Street.


Family Grocer, Tea, Wine and Spirit Merchant,

30 Mill Street, Rothesay.


16 High Street, Rothesay.

Open Daily from ii till i, and on Saturday Evenings, 7 till 9.

ALEXANDER M'NAB, Joiner, Glazier, and Funeral Undertaker,

5i East Princes Street, Rothesay. House—29 Mill Street. NORMAN STEWART INSTITUTE,

MONTAGUE STREET, ROTHESAY. Breakfast, Dinners, Teas—Sd, lOd, Is, and Upwards WILLIAM WATSON, CONTRACTOR, Lochfyne Steamboat Office, Rothesay Pier. Furniture and other Goods carefully removed. Parties removing can depend upon every care and attention being- given to their orders.

ARGYLE ARMS HOTEL, (Mrs Grindley, Proprietrix). 27 Watergate, Rothesay, Directly Opposite the Steamboat Pier. Breakfasts, Dinners. Luncheons, and Teas. Well-Aired Beds ^ines, Spirits, Beer, Brandies, &c., of finest qualities. Family Orders carefully attended to. Bute County Directory Advertisements.

Miss GRAHAM, MI LLINER, 75 Victoria Street, Rothesay. Agent for Bell's Dye "Works, Paisley.

JAMES A. CAMPBELL, Family Grocer, Tea and Provision Merchant, 57 Montague Street, Rothesay.

JOHN DUNCAN, Watchmaker and Jeweller,

Repairs a S'peciality. 55 Montag'ue Street, Rothesay^ FAULDS & MEIKLE, Steamboat Agents, Carriers, and Carting Contractors, ROTHESAY. Luggage and Furniture Removed. Office on Pier. Yard— 9 Mill Street. JOHN DUNCAN, Joiner, Cabinetmaker, and Funeral Undertaker, 22 Bridg-e Street, Rothesay. House—23 Argyle Terrace. Jobbings promptly attended to. Charges Moderate. CAMPBELL & CHALMERS, Booksellers, Stationers, and Fancy Goods Dealers, 49 Montag-ue Street, Rothesay. Newspapers, &c., delivered on arrival,

W^ILLIAM RITCHIE, Cutler and Jobbing Mechanic, 21 Bridg-e-End Street, Rothesay. All kinds of Cutlery Work done on the Premises. Sewing Machines Repaired. Incandescent Lights Fitted. Orders left at Waverley Temperance Hotel will be attended to. JAMES THOMPSON, BOOTMAKER, 94 Montag-ue Street, Rothesay. Measurement Orders and Repairs jjromptly attended to, All sizes of Ready Made Boots and Shoes of Best (Quality kept in Stock at Lowest Prices. Repairs done same day as left, if required. :

Bute County Directory Advertisements. ROBERT BROWN, Ironmonger and Hardware Merchant, 43 Montagrue Street, Rothesay. Next Door to Norman Stewart Institute.

DUGALD H. M*FIE, Painter and Paper-Hanger, 55 Higrh Street, Rothesay. Paints, Oils and Colours.

HUGH M*KINNON, Plasterer, Cement Worker, and Tile Layer, 109 Higrh Street, Rothesay. House—27 Bridge Street. Granolithic Plain and Moulded Steps, Pavements and Roadways Made up.

D. BLA.IR & SOM) (Successor to Laehlan Ferguson & Son) Joiners, Glaziers, Cabinetmakers, Funeral Undertakers, and Cartwrights, 15 Bpidgre Street, Rothesay.

PIANOFORTE and SINGING SCHOOL., 7 Castle Street, Rothesay. GEOROB DRYDEN, Teacher of Music Candidates prepared for the various Examinations. Terms on application.

« • & P« BLUE, Eitablished over 60 Years. Cut Flowers, Fruit and Vegetables, Pot Plants, &c.

Shop : Nurseries 23 Montague Street. Gowanfield Nursery, High Street Nursery, Rothesay. (off Hillhouse Road.) (opposite Public Park.) ALEX. M*EWEN, Rothesay, Craigmore, Port-Bannatyne, and Glasgow Carrier,

Olasg-ow : 62 and 90 Argyle Street, and 79 East Howard Street.

Rothesay : 47 and 83 Montague Street ; and Faulds & Meikle, Steamboat Agents, on Pier.

"iVILLIAM PERSTON, Glasgow and Kothesay Carrier,

Glasgrow : 48 and 68 West Howard Street ; 77 Queen Street, and 53 Bell Street. Rothesay : 58 Montague Street. Telephone—5495 and 06853. Leaves Daily. :

Bute County Directory Advertisements. G. Hicks & Son, CHEMISTS, Guildford Square and Victoria Street, Rothesay. Established 1826.

Sole Proprietors of the BOUQUET, the Queen of Perfumes, &c. HICKS & SON'S Oatmeal Soap, made specially to suit the Waters of Bute invalu- able for giving a Clear Complexion. Also Cold Cream and Oatmeal Soap prepared •expressly for Infants' use. This Soap will not dry or irritate the most sensitive of Skins no Soap could be made from Choicer materials.

D. I. Morris, Family Bread and Biscuit Baker, 107 Montagrue Street, Rothesay.

Marriage and Christening Cakes made to Oi'der. Rusks, Shortbread, Biscuits and Fancy Bread of every description. Hot Pies every Saturday Evening.

MURRAY & M*L.EAN, Pork Butchers, 11 VTest Princes St., Rothesay.


Terms Cash. 78 Moiitag^ue Street, Rothesay. ROBERT BROWN, Family Baker, Hot Pies Every Saturday Evening. 81 Hig'h Street, Rothesay. ALEX. ANDERSON, Cabinet and Chair Maker, Bedding Manufacturer, Upholsterer, Polisher, and Picture Framer,

Workshop, 3 West Castle St., Rothesay ; House, 2 King St, Repairs &c., punctually attended to. Removals contracted for. Furniture Stored. Carpets Laid.

Comfort for the Feet can be had by purchasing your BOOTS & SHOES at LAINGS, 4 GalloAvg-ate, Rothesay.

Boots and Slioe^ ^lade to Measure. Repairs Promptly Executed by Practical Workmen. Phenomenal Value in T;in and Canvas Boots and Shoos of every description. Large Selection of Maybole and Keltic Boots snd Shoes kept in Stock. Inspection invi'ed. Bute County Directory Advertisements. AGENCY FOR THE ALLIANCE ASSURANCE COY., Established 1824.

Subscribed Capital £5,000,000. Funds in Hand exceed £5,000,000. Fire and Life Business Tpansaeted.

For Prospectuses, &c., apply to JOHN THOMSON, Agent, Royal Bank of Scotland, Rothesay. THE STATE FIRE INSURANCE CO., Ltd., of LIVERPOOL, with which is incorporated The Bute Insurance Company, Capital One Million. Prospectuses and Forms of Proposal may be obtained from any of the Agents of the Company, or at the Rothesay Br\nch Office, 15 Castle Street. A. D. MACBETH, District Secretary. Chief Office for Scotland, 175 West George Street, D. W. MACLENNAN, District Manager.

Seottish Union and National Insurance Co. Life Association of Scotland. Royal Insurance Company. Caledonion Plate Glass Insurance Co. Vrest of Scotland Fire Office, Ltd.


City of Glasg-ow, Life Insurance Co. ROYAL Insurance Co. Scottish Life and Accident Insurance Co. PETER STEWART, Agent, Clydesdale Bank, Rothesay.

North British and Mercantile Insurance Co. Caledonian Plate Glass Insurance Co. The State Fire Insurance Co.

J. MACKIRDY, Solicitor, Bank of Scotland, Rothesay, Agent. Bute County Directory Advertisements. MissEstablishedM^Lea,1845. DRESS and MANTLE MAKER, 20 Bpidg^e Street, Rothesay. Newest Styles. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Trimmings, Furnishings, &c., Kept in Stock. Jessie M'Kirdy. M. M'L. HiGGiE. Hugh M'Phee, CRITERION VAULTS, 27 Gallowg'atej Rothesay. WINES and SPIRITS. Bass", Allsopp's and Guinness Stout. A. Robertson, Upholsterer, Blind and

. • Bedding* Manufacturep. LARGE EURNITURE SHOW ROOMS- SI Bpidg'e-End Street, Rothesay.

complete house furnisher—Floorcloth, Carpet, Bedding, &c. Picture Framing. Pianos on Hire. Removals Conducted. Furniture Stored, Samuel Mitchell, Family Grocer and Wine Merchant. 6 and 8 Hig^h Street, Guildford Square, ROTHESAY.

Preserved Salmon, Lobsters, Oysters. Liebig's Extract of Meat, &e. Sauces, Ketchup, Pickles, Currie Powder, French Capers, &c. Bute County Directory Advertisements.

Eptablished 1839. Malcolm Buchanan, (Successor to John Black,) Family Gpoeer, Tea, Wine, and Spirit Mepchant,. 51 Montag'ue Street, Rothesay. Daniel Ferg^uson, AUCTIONEER and VALUATOR, Clutha Villa, Barone Road. Auction Rooms—Stoee Lane.


Geopg^e Watson, TAILOR and CLOTHIER, 13 GalloAvg^ate, Rothesay.

Tweed Suits from 45s ; Ti-ousers from 12s 6cl ; Worsted Corded Suits from £2 15s. Fancy Trouserings from 15s 6d. House—21 Columshill Street.

Rothesay Cycle Riding School, Broadcroft Lane (off High Street), Rothesay. THE ART OF CYCLINQ THOROUGHLY TAUGHT. Repairs.—Authorised and Certificated Cycle Repairer, and Official Repairer to C.T.C. and the S.CU. Repaips by Competent Workmen a Speciality. Accessories. —Agent for the best Makes of Machines. SmitJi^ Mechanical and Engineering Work of all kinds promptly executed. Q. B, M'LELLAN^ Cycle Works, Oldest Established in Town. —


Alimento Food for Childpen, Invalids, and the Ag-ed.

" Black's Patent Food.—There can be no doubt of the high nutritions vahie of this food. The method by which it is prepared is calculated to render it not difficult of digestion. This food yields a high proportion of essential mineral constituents. Th& taste is good, and the preparation is evidently a food of high merit." Lancet.

6 Arg'yle Street, Rothesay, . * and 53 Main Street, Gorbals, Glasg'o^v* M'MILLAN, Midlands and West Coast BILLPOSTER. OVER 600 ADVERTISING STATIONS.

HEAD OFFICES, GREENOCK. Offices at Greenock, Saltcoats, Larg's, Dunoon^ Apdpossan, Hamilton and Motherwell, and at 48 HIGH STREET, ROTHESAY.


The Larirest Billposting' Firm in Scotland. Bute County Directory Advertisements. D. THOMPSON, BOOTMAKER, 55 Vietopia Street, Rothesay. THOMPSON'S GOODS admittedly eombine Ease with Ele- gance, Lightness with Durability, and Thorough Protec- tion FROM Damp. He attends personally to the Bespoke Trade ; gets his lasts made by the Best Makers ; and in all cases guaran- tees a Perfect Fit, irrespective of Peculiar Foot Formation. Every Novelty in the Trade kept in fStock, or procured on the Shortest Notice. D. THOMPSON, Bootmaker, 55 VICTORIA STREET, Miss H. THOMPSON, MILLINER, 9 Gallow^gate, Rothesay.

All the Latest Novelties in Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers. Laces Veils and Kibhons. Nopman Stew^art Institute, Montague Street, Rothesay. Reading" Rooms, Reepeation Rooms, For Billiards, Draughts. &c., &c. Open from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Consulting* and Lending' Library, Containing upwards of 5000 volumes. Members* Monthly Tickets (admitting to all privileges including use of Lending Library) Is Quarterly, Is 6d ; Half-Yearly, 2s 6d ; Yearly, 5s. Ladies Half-Yearly Tickets 2s, Yearly, 3s 6d. Non- Members, one penny per visit. APPRENTICES' YEARLY TICKETS, 2s 6d. Quarterly, Half-Yearly and Yearly Tickets are issued as from Is^ January, 1st April, 1st July and 1st October. Monthly Tickets from any date. SPACIOUS REFRESHMENT ROOMS.

Cup of Tea or Coffee, one penny ; Breakfasts, Dinners and Teas at equally moderate prices. Bute County Directory Advertisements.

~ ~ '" ^"^ ZW^ 'T 't^ T T 'i^ V ^ 't^ 1^ 'T 'F ^ Established 1S72. ^ ^ School of % SShopthandS 1f:TYPE WRITING^ ^ 22 Bpidg-e Street, ^ ^ Rothesay. 1^ ^ GEORGE^HIGGIE, X.(SHORTHAND WRITER, ^31 r REPORT RR, and ^ y^ CEP.TIFICATED TEACHER), ^

4|J. and Assistants. 1,1^ ^ ELEMENTARY, SECONDARY, and "^ ^ ADVANCED CLASSES. ^ ^^ Prospectuses on Application ^^ Bute County Directory Advertisements.


Prints like a Press. New 1900 Models. New Line-Locking: Device, &e. No Ribbon. Compact Keyboard. Rapid. Stpong. Guaranteed. GLASGOW OFFICE: 49 Bothwell Street. DISTRICT AGENT: Geopg'e Hig'g^te, Shorthand Writer^ 22 Bpidg'e Street, Rothesay. Bute County Directory Advertisements.

Christmas comes but once a year but ere it comes remember— CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR GREETINGS.

The Present most acceptable by distant friends at the Festive Season

is undoubtedly that " clever little book," " Bonnie Scotland's Resorts."

It has been accepted by Her Majesty the Queen, His Honour the President of the United States,, and is cordially welcomed everywhere.

"With the Compliments of the Season from* '

printed in gold on each copy, it has made its debut as one of the most popular of Christmas Cards. Special Wording by Agreement. The Trade Supplied. Agents Wanted.

To be had, at 3s per dozen, post free, from HIGGIE & CO., Publishers, Rothesay.

the Post Office do« The Name of the Sender may be written here. In this connection (if ie*led against m- not consider it of the nature of a letter, and the packet not upection) can, of course, be sent at ordinary book post rates. Bute County Directory Advertisements. ARTIFICIAL TEETH. JOHN J. COCHRAN, (8 Years with D, Shirlaw, Glas., and late Principal Assistant to J. D. Catneron, Dund.) CONSULTING ROOMS— 15 BISHOP STREET, ROTHESAY, (OPPOSITE THE NEW POST OFFICE.) Repairs a Speciality. Painless Extraction by the use of Cocaine, &c. Hours—.9 a.m. till 7 p m. Country Patients supplied same day if required; Alex. Campbell, ACCOUNTANT and HOUSEAGENT, AUCTIONEER and VALUATOR, 21 Castle Street, Rothesay.

Auction Sales conducted in Town and Country. Furniture stored. Valuations effected, and Insurance Claims Adjusted, on every discription of Property —Heritable and Moveable—on reasonable terras. Hector Mackinnon, BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, LIBRARIAN, AND FANCY GOODS MERCHANT, 11 Victoria Street, Rothesay.

Purses, Pocket Books, Bibles. Testaments, Psalm and Hymn Books, &c., &c. Miscellaneous Variety of Articles, suitable for Souvenir and Birthday Presents. Valentine's (of Dundee) and Wilson's (of Aberdeen) Far Famed Photos of Scottish Scenery. 'Fancy, Commercial, and General Stationery, of the Best Quality and at the Lowest Prices. Newspapers, Magazines, and Pei'iodicals delivered on arrival.

Glasg'ow and West of Scotland Society FOR THE Ppevention of Cruelty TO ANIMALS.

THE SOCIETY has during the Season a Resident Officer in Rothesay for the purpose of Inquiring and Investigating into all ACTS of CRUELTY to ANIMALS through- out the . Complaints left at his residence, 1 Columshill Place (2 up), or Police Office, will receive immediate attention. Established 1880. PUBLISHED ANNUALLY.



For 1900-1901.





Papt I.—Officials



Parish and Burgh of Rothesay ... 9

Parish of North Bute ...... 23

Parish of Kingarth ...... 25


Parish of Kilbride...... 27

Parish of Kilmory ...... 29


Burgh of Millport ...... 32

Papt II.—Householdeps.


Rothesay ...... 33

North Bute ...... 69

Kingarth ...... 6J

Papt III.—Tpadeps.

Rothesay ...... 65

North Bute...... 72

Kingarth ...... 73

-Cumbbae ...... 74 Preface to 1900-ldBOl Edition.

rilHROUGH the courtesy of Advertisers, we are again enabled to place another issue of the Local Directory before the public. It is 500 years since Rothesay—which bulks so very largely in this publication—was erected into a Royal Burgh. That it has greatly progressed everybody knows. It would be interesting to know how, say, its officials and traders now compare with those at the beginning of the past centuries, but the burgh records before 1657 were carried away by Cromwell's governor, and the incalcu- lable boon of printing was then unknown here. We will not anticipate any of the tit- bits which those eminent in official or business circles will doubtless produce at the forth- coming quincentenery celebration proceedings further than to indicate that the native born inhabitants and the settlers live most amicably together. The latter were ever welcome, and the kindly feelings are reciprocated for the public good. Our Royal Burgh has been first in Scotland in more achievements than one. Within the last hundred years the place has undergone a revolution in its means of existence. In the early part of 1800 Rothesay was a great fish-curing and shipping port, and little or nothing frequen- ted as a watering-place. Cooperages, coopers, mill spinners, hand- loom weavers, tan works, candle factory, ship building, and shipping made it a busy town. Gradually it declined as a fishcur- ing port, and became reduced to a creek, and for forty five years it Ihas been without a Custom-house, and almost no shipping. Even the cotton mills and steam looms have decayed, and the only mill then existing now left is the good old Corn Mill—in these latter times beginning to be known again by its former name " The Kings Mill"—established 1480. Steam, gas and electricity have all been discovered and applied during the 19th century, and they have worked wonders. Railways have not yet quite become an institution in Bute, but the finest rieet of pleasure steamers for speed and safety, ply on its waters. The last execution for whitchcraft here was in 1673, but supersti- tion did not die then, for when the first steamer, "Comet," arrived in Hothesay Bay in 1812, some of the inhabitants fled at the approach PREFACE.

of what they considered was the devil. The Eothesay gas company was projected in 1840, and the installation of the electric light is so recent as to be within the reaollection of the youngest inhabitant.

A reference of our trades section shows many handicrafts iit our midst now which were unknown 100 years ago. It w(»uld take up more than the Spartan brevity we desire to practice here were we to comment on them, but the list will provide food for reflection during the quiet months of winter. There are more public officials now than there was 100 years ago, and the pluralists in that department are not now in evidence. Though there were less churches and public boards then than now, the duties of the old officials could not have been quite the sinecures which some at this time of day seem to think. To name only one—the Rev. Dr Maclea, parish minister from 1765 till 1822—what a power for good that terror to evil doers must have been, as his sense of order was such that he is still know-n as "^Rothesay's only policeman." Th& retrospect is interesting, and we may put in permanent form a local business history of the nineteenth century.

The enterprise of Rothesay's present inhabitants is unabated. Its great attraction now is as a holiday resort, and Where in broad Scotland is there anything to compare with it? We would go further, and ask Where in the wide world is there such varied, and beautiful scenery as in the County of Bute and Environs, and such unapproached means for visiting the same comfortably and cheaply ? We know that very many persons preserve their copies of the Directory, and in their leisure moments find not a little pleasure in refreshing their memories with the names of those who were the life of the place in the past. In like manner—only very much more carefully—will the present volume be preserved, not alone to refresh in the years to come the memories of those now living, but also to inform succeeding generations, as to who was who at the beginning of the 20th century—the Fixth of Rothesay's exist- ence as a Royal Burgh. Advance Rothesay ! What will our trim and hopeful little town be like at the turn of the next century 1 We respectfully tender our acknowledgments to all who have assisted in this compilation. HIGGIE & CO., Publishers..

Rothesay, July, 1900, —


COUNTY OF BUTE. The County of Bute comprises the seven islands in the , viz. : Bute, the most populous; Arran, the largest; the Great and Little Cumbraes, off the Ayrshire Coast ; Holy Isle and Pladda, ofif Arran; and Inchmarnock, off Bute. The total Area of the County (land and water, exclusive of tidal water) is 140,307 acres, of which 53,423 are mountain and heath lands used for grazing. There are about 25,605 acres under all kinds of crops, bare fallow, and grass, which is a gradual inroad on the mountain heath and hitherto uncultivated land. The principal Industries are agriculture, horticulture, and fishing. The islands possess great and varied natural attrac- tions, and are in the front rank of watering-places. The Population of the County (including the burghs) in

189 1 was 18,404—8,211 males and 10,193 females. Rental. Kingarth, ...... £10,374 2 North Bute, ...... £15,285 15

,, Tramways, ... 473 15,758 15 Cumbrae, ...... 21,185 7 8 Kilbride (Arran), ...... 14,202 110

Kilmory ,, ...... 12,969 10 6

£74,489 17 Rothesay (including £684 for Tramways), 71,474

Grand Total, ...... £145,963 17

1 c ,

County of OFFICIALS, &c. Bute.

Fiars Prices.

Barley, per quarter, £1 5 £1 4 U Oats, 18 17 Beans, 1 10 5 1 8 6 Oatmeal, ... 15 101 15 61 Wheat, ... 1 6 7i 1 4 6 Assessments. On the County—General Valuation of Owners Occupiers Lands, Registration of Voters, Lunacy, Police, and General Pur- poses, ... 5-25d Id On the Burgh of Rothesay—Registra- tion of Voters, ... •20d On the Bute District— Roads, 5id 5id Public Health, ... |d |d Port-Bannatyne Drainage, Id Id Kilchattan Bay Drainage, Id Id Kilchattan Bay Water Supply, 7d 7d On the Arran District—Roads, 6d 6d Health, id id Brodick Scavenging, 4id 4id On the CuMBRAE District—Roads, etc.. Id Id Lieutenancy. —Lord Lieutenant and High Sheriff, the Marquess of Bute, K.T. Deputy Lieutenants—Ex-Provost

Lamont, Knockdhu ; Thomas Sharp, Rothesay ; James

Russell, Glasgow ; Patrick James Crichton Stuart, Archibald Louis Fullarton Robertson-Fullarton, and the Provost of Rothesay. Clerk, Adam D. Macbeth, Rothesay.

Member of Parliament. — Right Hon. Andrew Graham Murray, Q.C., Lord Advocate (Conservative). Parliamentary constituency, 3412.

Sheriff Court. — Bute is joined with Renfrew. The Court meets at Rothesay on Thursday forenoon at 11 o'clock. Circuit Small Debt Courts meet quarterly at Brodick, Arran, on the third Wednesdays in March, June and November, and about the end of September ; and at Millport, Cum- brae, in March and September. Sheriff, Sir John Cheyne, Kt

M.A., Q.C., advocate. Sheriff-Substitute, Thomas J. Martin, 2 —

County of OFFICIALS, &c. Bute,

M.A., advocate. Hon. Sheriff-Substitutes, Robert Sharp and

John Windsor Stuart, Rothesay, and Dr J. A. Jamieson, Brodick. Clerk, Thomas W. Alexander. Clerks-Depute Rothesay, Charles Ross; Lamlash, William Munro; Millport, James Ross. Procurator-Fiscal, R. D. Macmillan. Depute Procurator-Fiscal, Daniel Miller. Nautical Assessors for

Bute, William Erskine, Partickhill, Glasgow ; Capt. John D.

Clink, Greenock ; and Capt. John Young", Irvine. Sheriff-

Officers, Alexander Campbell, Rothesay ; and James Boyd, Dairy. Keeper of Court House and Bar Officer, Mathew Waters.

The Circuit Court for Buteshire meets six times a year in Glasgow.

Argyll and Bute Militia—West of Scotland Artillery. —Meets annually for drill at Glasgow. Hon. Colonel, S. M. Eddington. Lieutenant-Colonel, J. Younger. Instructor ot Artillery, Captain J. T. Nichol, Hon. Major. Adjutant, Captain C. J. Fisher, R.A. Quarter-Master, Captain E. J. Murray, R.A.

Argyll and Bute Artillery Volunteers—Southern Divi- sion Royal Artillery—Headquarters, Rothesay—Colonel

Commandant, Fred. Campbell, V.D. Colonel, J. Windsor Stuart, V.D. Major, R. F. Graham Campbell. Adjutant, Captain R. D. Macmillan. Captain, Quarter-Master Daniel

Cunningham, V.D. Chaplains, Rev. J. F. Macpherson, V.D., B.D., Greenock, and Rev, F. Matthews, Rothesay. Surgeon-

Captain, D. J. Penney. Surgeon-Lieutenant, J. W.W. Penney. Companies 8th and i2TH, RoTxHesay. —Captains, James Stewart and R. D. Macmillan. Lieutenants, Andrew M. M'Kinlay and H. C. Stuart. Drill Instructors, Sergeant-

Major Angus M'Lean, R A., and Sergeant-Major E. J. Newman, R.A. Bandmaster, G. B. Laidlaw. Company 9TH, Millport. —Captain, Colin Macleod Robert- son. Drill Instructor, Company Sergeant-Major G. Harper.

1st (Renfrewshire) Volunteer Battalion (Princess Louise's) Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders.—Hon. Colonel, Sir Michael Shaw Stewart, Bart., V.D. Adjutant, Captain R. G Kennedy. Captain and Hon. Major John M'Isaac, H., V D. 3 ;

County of OFFICIALS, &c. Bute.

I Company (Bute).— Captain, Malcolm Buchanan. Lieut., James Carse. Chaplain, Rev. A. N. Sutherland. Surgeon-

Captain, J. N. Marshall. Drill Instructor, Colour-Sergeant James Wight. Pipe-Major, J. Murdoch. Justices of the Peace. — Quarter Sessions are held at Rothesay on first Tuesdays of March, May, and August, and last Tuesday of October ; and Courts of Petty Sessions are held as required. Isle of Bute—Ex-Provosts Orkney, Sharp,

Thomson, M'Millan, and Milloy ; ex-Bailies Martin, Walker, Mackirdy, Windsor Stuart, D. M. and Burness ; John J. Taylor, DugaldM'Corkindale, and John Mackinlay, Rothesay;

William Spencer, Ascog; James Duncan, Bannatyne Mains ; Thomas Russell, Glasgow; and H. G. F. Newall, St. Andrews. Brodick Spiers, Island of Arran—Patrick Murray, ; John

Bennecarrigan ; Donald M'Alister, Tormore ; John Morton, Brodick Machrie ; William Tod, Glenree ; Dr J. A. Jamieson, Allan, Balnacoole John Wallace, Glenkill, Lamlash ; James ;

William Ferguson, Lagg ; Archibald Kelso, Lochranza Alex. M 'Bride, Shiskine; Wm. M'Kinnon, Balmichael; James M'Kinnon, Lochranza; and James Auldjo Jamieson, W.S., Edinburgh, Commissioner for the Duke of Hamilton, White- house, Arran.

Cumbrae—^James Ross, banker ; William Barclay, William Allan, John Cunningham, and William Paterson. Ex-Offims—The Sheriff and Sheriff-Substitute; the Provost, Bailies, and Dean of Guild of Rothesay; the Baron Bailie of Mountstuart; the Chief Magistrate of Millport; and the Chairmen of District Committees and Parish Councils. Clerk, Thomas W. Alexander. Depute, Charles Ross. Procurator-Fiscal, R. D. Macmillan. County Licensing Committee.— Ex-Provosts Sharp, Thom- son, M'Millan, and Milloy; ex-Bailies Walker and Burness ;

John Mackirdy and J. Windsor Stuart, Rothesay; William William Tod, Spencer, Ascog ; Patrick Murray, Brodick ;

Glenree, Arran ; and William Allan, Millport. County Council.— Convener, John Windsor Stuart, Rothe- say. Vice-Convener, Patrick Murray, Brodick. Elected

Members : Brodick— Patrick Murray. Corrie—Malcolm Watson, North Newton. Cumbrae— Duncan M'Dougall, Ballochmartin. Cummermenoch— Charles Duncan, Little 4 —

County of OFFICIALS, &c. Buie.

Kilmory. Dougarie—John Morton, Machrle. Kilchattan Bay—John Gumming. Lamlash—John Bannatyne. Loch- ranza—Mister M'Millan. Millport (East)—William Allan; West—John M'Gown, M.D. Mountstuart—J. Windsor Stuart. Northend—M. R. Gray Buchanan, Ettrickdale, Port-Bannatyne Duncan, Bannatyne Mains. Shedog ; Jas. William Tod, Glenree. Southend—John Jamieson, Kildonan. Whiting Bay—James M'Kinnon, Knockankelly. Appointed by Town Council of Rothesay— Bailie Jas. Fisher, Treasurer Aitchison, and Councillors Robert Burness and John Mackirdy. Appointed by Arran Parish Council—James Hamilton and Charles M'Alister. Representatives to County Council Asso- ciation—Messrs Stuart and Murray. County Clerk and Treasurer— Robert D. Whyte, Rothesay.

Clerks and Treasurers of District Committees : Bute— Robert D. Whyte, Rothesay. Arran—George Laidler, Brodick. Cumbrae —William Hunter, Millport. County Medical Officer —Dr Thomas Rutherford, Shiskine, Arran. County Sanitary Inspector, William Dunlop Brown, Rothesay. Valuation Assessor and Assessor under County Voters' Registration Act, William M'Intosh, Rothesay. Auditor, Robert Paterson, C.A., Glasgow. Inspector of Weights and Measures, William Clark, Paisley. Veterinary Inspector, William Moodie, M.R.C.V.S., Rothesay. Agricultural Analyst, John W. Biggart, Greenock. Oounty Road Board. —M. R. Gray Buchanan (chairman),

J. Windsor Stuart, James Duncan, Charles Duncan, and John Gumming, Bute. Patrick Murray, Alister M'Millan, John Morton, John Jamieson, and Malcolm Watson, Arran. Dr John M'Gown and Duncan M'Dougall, Cumbrae. Kingarth, Collectors—North Bute, Archd. Brown ; W.

T. Esplin ; Cumbrae, Wm. Hunter; Kilmory, P. M'Kenzie; Kilbride, John B. Sweet, Lamlash. Surveyors. —Bute, William M'Intyre, Kerrylamont; Arran,

Peter Jenkins, Lamlash ; Cumbrae, Wm. Hunter, Millport.

Standing Joint Committee. —Sheriff Martin (chairman). County Councillors Charles Duncan, M. R. Gray Buchanan, John Morton, John Bannatyne, William Tod, and Duncan M'Dougall, Commissioners of Supply—^John Ferguson, Patrick Murray, John Windsor Stuart, James Duncan, and 5 County of OFFICIALS, &c. Bute,

John Cumming' ; the Provost of Rothesay, and the Chief Magistrate of Millport. Ex-Officio^ Sheriff Cheyne, or, in his absence, Sheriff Martin. Valuation Committee.—John Bannatyne, AHsterM'Millan, John Morton, William Tod, James Duncan, M. R. Gray Buchanan, Charles Duncan, John Cumming, William Allan, Dr M'Gown, and Duncan M'Dougall. Appeal Courts will be held in September at Brodick on nth, Millport 12th, and Rothesay 14th. District Lunacy Board. —J. Windsor Stuart, Rothesay

(chairman) ; Provost M'Intosh, Bailie Fisher and Treasurer Aitchison, Rothesay; James Duncan, Bannatyne Mains;

M. R. Gray Buchanan, Ettrickdale ; and William Allan, Mill- port. Clerk, John M. Lamont, Rothesay. County Secondary Education. Committee. — Thomas Russell (chairman), Bathgate, H.M.I.S. W. ; J. Windsor Stuart, Patrick Murray, William Tod, Duncan M'Dougall, William Hunter, Rev. Jas. Frame, Rev. John Kennedy. Clerk and Treasurer, Robert D. Whyte. Technical Education Committee.— Convener, Patrick Murray. Property and Income Tax Commissioners.—Sir Charles

Dalrymple, Bart., M.P. ; ex-Provosts Orkney, Sharp, and

Thomson, Rothesay ; and Thomas Russell, Glasg"ow ; Sheriff Cheyne, or, in his absence, Sheriff Martin, ex-officio. Clerk, T. W. Alexander, Rothesay. Surveyor, John Rodgers, Greenock. Collector, J. A. Tannahill, Greenock. Sub-dis- tributor, John Thomson, Royal Bank. Commissioners of Supply.—vConvener, John Windsor Stuart. Clerk, Robert D. Whyte, Rothesay. County Police. —Chief Constable, Chas. Harding, Rothe- say. Depute, Wm. Munro, Lamlash. Inspector, Alex. Stewart, Rothesay. Prison Visiting Committee.—John Cumming and M. R. Gray Buchanan. Stamps.—Sub-Distributor of Stamps and Sub-Collector of Legacy and Succession Duties, John Thomson, Royal Bank, Rothesay. 6 —

County of OFFICIALS, &c. Bute.

Excise. —Supervisor, John S. Turner, Dalmuir. Officer, James Hume, East Princes Street, Rothesay.

Fishery.— Office, 15 Bishop Street, Rothesay. Officer, Frederick J. Fraser. Bute Insurance Company, Limited (merged in the Stats Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.) —Chairman, ex-Provost M'Millan. Local Secretary, A. D. Macbeth, Rothesay. Political Associations. —Buteshire Liberal Association, established 1879 — President, Robert Burness. Secretary, D. Grant. Treasurer, A. M. Burnie. Buteshire Conservative Association, established 1880. President ex-Provost Milloy. Secretary, Archd. S. Maclea. Treasurer, Archibald Montgomerie. Buteshire Wine, Spirit, and Beer Trade Association. President, Robert Smith. Secretary, Alexander Campbell. Treasurer, John Cunningham. Buteshire Junior Football Association, established 1896. —President, M. Minihan. Treasurer, W. Ferrier. Secretary, John Paterson, jun. Bute County Cricket Club.— President, John Windsor Stuart. Vice-Presidents, M. R. Gray Buchanan and Robert- son B. Stewart. Secretary, H. J. G. Ross. Treasurer, C. Sweet. Captain, T. W. Doggart. Bate Burns Club. —President, Malcolm Buchanan, Rothe- say. Secretary and Treasurer, George Higgle. Lloyd's Agent. —John Orkney, Orcadia. (For District Officials see District Lists.) ISLE OF BUTE Is 16 miles long, with an average breadth of 4 miles. It is rocky in the north and south, but fertile in the intervening districts. The climate is milder and more equable than on the mainland ; and the place is, in consequence, a favourite health resort. The estimated population of the island (ex- clusive of Rothesay) presently is 2610, or a decrease of 35 since the census of 1891. The acreage is 291,282, and '0891 persons to the acre. 7 Isle of OFFICIALS, &c. Bute.

Lord of the Manor. —John Patrick Crichton Stuart, Marquess of Bute, K T., LL.D., Mountstuart House. Factor on Bute Estate, J. Windsor Stuart, Rothesay. Baron BaiHe of Mountstuart, A. R. C. Pitman, Edinburgh. Bute Farmers' Society. —Hon. President, the Marquess of Bute, K.T. President, Robert M'Alister, Mid-Ascog. Vice-President, Thomas H. Harvey, Windyhall. Hon. Sec- retary, John Mackirdy. Hon. Treasurer,James Fisher. Bute National Rose and Horticultural Society. — Presi- dent, the Marquess of Bute, K.T. Treasurer, Daniel Miller. Secretary, Robert Smith. Archaeological and Physical Society of Bute.—Museum, Chapelhill. Hon. President, the Marquess of Bute, K.T. Secretary, A. D. Macbeth. Treasurer, Provost M'Intosh. Meteorologist, James Kay, Barone Cottage. Royal Northern Yacht Club. —Clubhouse, Argyle Street (West Bay). Commodore, Sir Michael Shaw Stewart, Bart. Hon. Secretary, T. F. Donald, 104 West George Street, Glasgow. Clubmaster, David Henderson. Regatta, 7th and 9th July. Bute Auxiliary of the National Bible Society of Scotland. — President, Rev. Samuel Crabb. Secretary, Rev. William Galbraith. Treasurer, A. M. Burnie.

Bute Sabbath School Union.— Meets monthly In Norman Stewart Institute. President, Rev. Wm. Galbraith. Treas- urer, William M. Stewart. Secretary, Alex. Myles. Repre- sentatives to the Glasgow Union, Rev. A. N. Sutherland and Mr A. M'Nab.

Bute Women's Temperance Prayer Union.— Meets in the Norman Stewart Institute every Thursday afternoon at 3.30. President, Miss Thomson, Ardbeg. Treasurer, Mrs Charles Muir. Secretary, Miss Scott, Battery Place. Bute Botanical Society. —Meets during winter session every alternate Tuesday in Y.M.C.A. Rooms, Montague Street. President, William Cuthbertson. Secretary, Robert D. Whyte. Treasurer, Stephen Jones. Coast Guard. —Three men at Rothesay. Headquarters, 15 Bishop Street. )

Isle of OFFICIALS, &c. Bute.

Bute Golf Club.—Links, Kingarth. President, John Windsor Stuart. Secretary, Rev. John Saunders. Bute Cyclinsr Club.— President, William Lauder, senr. Secretary, Joseph D. Wilson. Treasurer, M. Sharp. Scottish Red Cross Society, Bute Centre. —President, Marchioness of Bute. Hon. Secretary, Mrs Windsor Stuart, Foley House.

War Fund. — Chairman of Executive for Fund in aid of the Wives, Widows, Children, and Dependents of Soldiers, Sailors, Reservists, and Militia, Provost M'Intosh. Treasurer, James C. Sinclair. Secretary, R. D. Macmillan.

GlaSSrOW Bute Association. —President, Jas. M. Aitchison. Secretary, William B. Martin, c/o Bruce, loo Woodlands Road, Glasgow. Treasurer, William L. Thomson.

PARISH OF ROTHESAY. Rothesay, the capital of Buteshire, was originally a village in connection with the Castle. It became a place of consider- able importance in fishing, coopering, and cotton spinning and weaving, and now it is noted as the most popular summer resort in Scotland. Five years ago the landward portion of the Parish of Rothesay being amalgamated with North Bute, henceforth, for secular purposes, the boundary of the parish will be the the same as that of the burgh. Duke of Rothesay. — H.R.H. Albert Edward, Prince of Wales.

{For GourU and Court Officials, Jiistices of the Peace, and County Boards, see County Lists. Clerk to Heritors. —A. D. Macbeth, Castle Street. Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths. —Hector Mackinnon, Victoria Street. Session Clerk. —Andrew Clark, Stewart Institute. Population. — In 1871, 7760; 1881, 8291; 1891, 9034; estimated present population, 9850.

Constituencies. —Parliamentary, 1569; Municipal, 241 1. 9 —;

Burgh of OFFICIALS, &c. Rothesay.

Valuation.— 1899-1900, £70,752 ; Tramways, £722. Assessments.—Parochial—Poor Rate (less 10 per cent.),

7jd per £ ; School Rate, 7d ; Cemetery, |d —equally divided between landlord and tenant. BuRGHAL— General, ii|dper£; Roads and Bridges, 2jd ; Public Public Health, sjd ; Parks, 2d; Lunacy, i Jd ; Valua- tion of Lands, \<\ ; and Municipal Registration, |d ; one-half of this IS ii|d is retainable by the occupier from the landlord. On proprietors only— Land Tax and Registration of Births, etc., ^d; County Voters Registration, 2od. Water, lod per £. Gas, 3s 4d per 1000 cubic feet (less discount). Town CounciL —Meets on second Monday of every month. Provost, William M'Intosh. Bailies, James Fisher, James M'Bride and Frank H. Squair. Dean of Guild, Malcolm Buchanan. Treasurer, Thomas Aitchison. Councillors, Robert Burness, James Cunningham, John Cunningham, David F. Dalziel, Charles T. Hicks, John G. Johnston, John Mackirdy, Hector Mackinnon, Charles Muir, Robert Craig Miller, James A. Walker, and Colin Wilson. The Magistrates and Town Council are also Police Commissioners.

Parish CounciL—Meets on first Tuesday of eyery month. Ex-Provosts Sharp (chairman), Thomson, and M'Millan Messrs Malcolm Buchanan, John Cruickshanks, Michael Cuthbertson, John Duncan, James Heaton, William M. Leckie.

George Shiells, James Smith, J. Windsor Stuart, and Daniel Thompson. Inspector of Poor, Clerk, and Collector, A. Ross Thomson. Medical Officer, Dr Lawson. Wards.—The Burgh was, in 1886, divided into wards for Municipal purposes.

No. I. —Valuation, £9355- Constituency—Males, 124; females, 162 ; total, 386. Representatives : Town Council Messrs Dalziel, Johnston, and Muir. Parish Council—Ex- Provost Thomson and Mr Shiells. No. 2. —Valuation, £9089. Constituency —Males, 256; females, 164 ; total, 420. Representatives : Town Council Bailies Fisher and Squair, and Mr Walker. Parish Council —Messrs Buchanan and Leckie. No. 3. —Valuation, £11,838. Constituency— Males, 380; females, 174 ; total, 554. Representatives : Town Council 10 —

Burgh of OFFICIALS, &c. Rothesay,

Treasurer Aitchison, Messrs Miller and James Cunningham, Parish Council—Messrs Duncan, Heaton and Thompson. No. 4. — Valuation, £14,134. Constituency—Males, 314; females, 128 ; total, 442. Representatives : Town Council Dean of Guild Buchanan, Messrs Hicks and Wilson. Parish

Council— Messrs Mackinnon and J. W. Stuart.

No. 5. — Valuation, £11,387. Constituency—Males, 301 ; females, 144 ; total, 445. Representatives : Town Council Messrs Burness, Mackinnon and John Cunningham. Parish Council— Ex-Provost M'Millan and Mr M. Cuthbertson. No. 6. —Valuation, £14,949. Constituency—Males, 117; females, 147 ; total, 264. Representatives : Town Council Provost M'Intosh, Bailie M 'Bride and Mr Mackirdy. Parish Council —Ex-Provost Sharp and Mr Smith. BuPgh Officials. —Town Clerk and Legal Assessor, James Carse. Depute Clerk, James M'Kinnon. Procurator-Fiscal, Robert D. Macmillan. Collector of Rates and Valuation Assessor, James C. Sinclair. Sanitary Inspector, Master of Works, and Water Manager, John Morrison. Gas Manager, John Ballantyne. Chief Constable, Wm. M*Kay. Inspector under the Food and Drugs Act, John Morrison. Analysts,

J. W. & W. L. Biggart, Greenock. Sheriff Officer, Alex. Campbell. Inspector of Weights and Measures, Wm. Clark, Paisley. Town Weigher, John Cochrane. Town Crier, Robert Brown. Auditor, William Hardie, C.A., Greenock.

Medical Officer, Andrew J. Hall, M.A., M.D. HarboUP Trust. —The Provost, Magistrates, and Town Council, along with the following four gentlemen elected by the shipowners, viz. : —Captains James Williamson and Alex- ander Williamson, and Messrs John Rodger and John W. Greenfield. Officials.—Clerk, James Carse. Depute, James M'Kinnon. Collector, James C. Sinclair. Harbour Master, Capt. David M'Nair. Master of Works, John Morrison. Dean of Guild Court.—Dean of Guild Buchanan (chair- man). Bailies M 'Bride and Squair, and Messrs Burness and Miller. Committees.—Burgh Lands.— Bailie Squair (convener). Bailie Fisher (sub-convener), Dean of Guild Buchanan, Messrs 11 Burgh of OFFICIALS, &c. Rothesay.

Miller, John Cunningham, James Cunningham, Walker, and Mackirdy. Gas. — Dean of Guild Buchanan (convener), Mr Miller (sub- convener). Bailies Fisher and Squair, Treasurer Aitchison, Messrs Burness, Johnston, Walker, Muir, and James Cunningham. Water. —Mr Dalziel (convener), Mr Mackirdy (sub-con- vener). Bailie M 'Bride, Messrs Hicks, Johnston, Mackinnon, Miller, and John Cunningham. Finance. —Treasurer Aitchison (convener), Provost M'ln- tosh (sub-convener), Bailies Fisher, M'Bride, and Squair, Messrs Walker, Muir, and Mackinnon. Bills. —Mr Mackirdy (convener), Mr John Cunningham (sub-convener), Bailie Fisher, Messrs Wilson and Johnston. Police. —Provost M'Intosh (convener). Bailie Fisher (sub- convener), Bailie Squair, Treasurer Aitchison, Messrs Burness, Dalziel, Miller, and Wilson. Roads and Streets. —Bailie M 'Bride (convener), Mr Hicks (sub-convener), Provost M'Intosh, Bailie Fisher, Messrs Jas. Cunningham, Muir, Mackinnon, and Wilson. Public Health. — Bailie Fisher (convener). Treasurer Aitchison (sub-convener). Provost M'Intosh, Bailie Squair, Messrs John Cunningham, Muir, Miller, and Dalziel. Harbour. —Mr Walker (convener), Mr Hicks (sub-con- vener). Bailies Fisher and Squair, Treasurer Aitchison, Messrs Dalziel and Mackinnon, and Captains James and Alexander Williamson. Improvement, —Provost M'Intosh, Bailies Fisher, M 'Bride, and Squair, Treasurer Aitchison, Dean of Guild Buchanan, Messrs Miller and James Cunningham. Prison Visiting. —Mr Dalziel. Representatives to Convention of Royal Burghs. — Commissioner, Provost M'Intosh. Assessor, Bailie Fisher. Representatives to District Lunacy Board.— Provost M'Intosh, Bailie Fisher, and Treasurer Aitchison. Accounts.—Harbour Trust and Town Council. Representative Elder. — Bailie Fisher. Norman Stewart Institute. — Provost M'Intosh, Bailies Fisher and M 'Bride, and Mr Miller. 12 Burgh of OFFICIALS, &c. Rothesay.

Representatives to County Council. —Bailie Fisher, Treasurer Aitchison, and Councillors Burness and Mackirdy, Licensing Committee —Provost M'lmosh, Bailies Fisher and M' Bride, and Messrs Donald M'Millan, Wm. Spencer, and J. A. Walker. School Board.— Meets on first Monday of every month. William Hunter (chairman), ex-Bailie Walker, Rev. Dugald M'Cormick, Dr Hall, Dr Lawson, George Shiells, and Fred. Macfeat. Clerk, Robert D. Whyte. Treasurer, John Thom- son. Officer, Edward M'Nab.

Churches. —Parish, High Street (hours of worship 12 noon and 6-30 p.m., 12 noon in winter). Minister, Rev. James King Hewison. M.A. Assistant, Rev. James E. Mackay, M.A. Session-Clerk, Andrew Clark. Superintendent of Sabbath

School, Rev. J. K. Hewison, M.A. ; Mission Sabbath School, Rev. J. E. Mackay, M.A. Conductor of Psalmody, James M 'Arthur. Harmoniumist, Miss M 'Arthur. Church Officer, Wm. Cunningham. New Parish, Argyle Street (hours of worship, 11 a.m. and 6-30 p.m) — Rev. James Brady Meek. Session-Clerk, Angus Speirs. Clerk and Treasurer, James C. Sinclair. Seat- Letters, Joseph Paterson and Neil Gilmour. Organist, Arthur S. Christie. Superintendent of Sabbath School, James Laing. Church Officer, Robert Brown, Chapelhill Road. Established Gaelic, Russell Street (hours of worship, Gaelic at 11 a.m. and English at 2 p.m.)—Rev. Donald Lamont. Precentors (Gaelic) D, Mackechnie, and (English) A. Maitland. Treasurer, D. Perston. Church Officer, Ronald M'Millan. St. Brend&n's, Craigmore (hours of worship, 11 a.m. and 6-30 p.m.) —Rev. James E. M'Kay, M.A. Harmoniumist, Herr Vail. Church Officer, Alex. Ferguson. Free Parish, Castle Street (hours of worship, nam. and 2 p.m.) — Rev. Andrew N. Sutherland, M.A. Missionary,

P.ev. John Rankine. Session-Clerk, J. R. Thomson. Clerk to Deacons' Court, John M'Kay. Treasurer, Daniel Miller. Seat-Letters, Jas. Cunningham and Donald Buchanan. Super- intendents of Sabbath Schools, John M'Kay and Andrew Holmes. Precentor, Peter A. M'Arthur. Church Officer, James Anderson, Castle Street. 13 Burgh of OFFICIALS, &c. Rothesay.

West Free, Arg-yle Street (hours of worship, ii a.m. and 2 p.m.) —Rev. John Urquhart. Session-Clerk, Hector Mackinnon. Clerk to Deacons' Court, George Shiells. Treasurer, Peter Stewart. Seat-Letter, R. A. Macklnlay. Superintendent of Sabbath School, George Shiells. Precentor, Edward M'Tavish. Harmoniumist, Miss Hunter. Church Officers, Robert Duncan and Robert Paterson, Argyle Street.

Ffee Gaelic, Chapelhill (hours of worship, Gaelic at ii a.m. and English at 2 p.m.) — Rev. Dugald M'Cormick. Session- Clerk, Hugh Anderson. Clerk to Deacons' Court, Peter M*Lean. Superintendent of Sabbath School, E. M'Nab. Precentors, Alex. Sutherland (Gaelic) and Edward M'Nab (English). Church Officer, Duncan Dewar, High Street. Free Presbyterian, Bishop Sreet (hours of worship, II a.m. and 2 p.m. —6.30 Gaelic) —Rev. Angus M'lvor. Sittings free. High Street Mission, in connection with the Free Parish (hours of worship, 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m.) —Rev. John Rankine, missionary. Christian Endeavour meets in Mission Hall on Tuesdays, at 8 o'clock. President, A. M. Burnie. Secretarj-, A. Ross Thomson. Ladeside Mission, in connection with West Free (hours of worship, 6.30 p.m.) — Convener, Hector Mackinnon. Sabbath School at 5 p.m. Superintendent, Edward M'Tavish. Tower Street Mission, in connection with Chapelhill Gaelic (English services every Sabbath at 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m.) United Presbyterian, Bridge-end Street (hours of worship, II a.m. and 2 p.m.) —Rev. William Galbraith. Session- Clerk, Alex. M'Nab. Chairman of Managers, James M 'Crone. Clerk, Andrew Hill. Treasurer, John Thomson. Seat-Letter, James M 'Crone. Superintendent of Sabbath School, Rev. Wm. Galbraith. Harmoniumist, George Dryden Church Officer, James Miller, Ladeside Street. Craigmore U.P., Crichton Road (hours of worship, 11 a.m. and 630 p.m.) — Rev. James Cameron, M.A., B.D. Session-Clerk, Andrew Sclanders. President of Managers, David Robertson. Clerk, William M'Intosh. Treasurer, William Cuthbertson. Harmoniumist, William M'Intosh. Church Officer, Donald Lamont.

Baptist, Ardbeg Road (hours of worship, 11 a.m. and 2 14 Burgh of OFFICIALS, &c. Rothesay. p.m.) —Rev. Samuel Crabb. Superintendent of Sabbath School, Rev. S. Crabb. Harmoniumist, Mrs Kennedy. Church Officer, John M'Lean, Mansfield Place.

St. Paul's Episcopal, Victoria Street (hours of worship, 8.30 and II a.m. and 6.30 p.m., and on Fasts and Festivals, at 11.30) — Rev. F. Matthews. Organist, Mrs Matthews. Verger, Wm. Dryburn. Children's Service In Hall, Dean Hood Place, at 3 p.m. St. Andrew's Roman Catholic, Columshlil Street (hours of worship, 11, and 7. Mass on holy days at 9, 8 and 9 ; on week days at 8. Instruction and benediction on Thursday evenings at 7.30) —Rev. John MacElmail. Assistant, Rev. Wilfred Gettlns. Organist, Miss Alice M'Carthy. There Is a Chapel at Mountstuart served from Rothesay. Mass generally on Sundays and holy days at 10 a.m. The Ophanage, Bellevue, Barone Road, supported by Lady Bute. Salvation Army.—Barracks, High Street. Christian Brethren meet In the Gospel Hall, Victoria

Street, on Lord's Day, at 11 a.m. and 2 and 7 p,m. ; and also in Hall, Bridge Street, at 11 am. and 7 p.m., and Thursdays at 8 p.m. The Faith Mission (Headquarters for the West of Scot- land) meets In Hall, Store Lane. Training Home at Mount Clare, Ardbeg. Writers. —John T.Wilson & Alexander, N.P., Castle Street. Donald Grant, Castlehill Street. Adam D. Macbeth, N.P., Castle Street. John Mackirdy, Bank of Scotland. Robert D. Macmillan, Watergate. William Macklnlay, Bishop Street. Alfred A. Slidders, Castle Street. William A. Stewart, B.L., Castle Street. Robert D. Whyte, High Street.

Medical Practitioners.—Andrew J. Hall, M.A., M.D., Battery Place. James B. Lawson, M.D., Battery Place. John N. Marshall, M.D., Battery Place. D. J. Penney, M.B., CM., Battery Place. J. W. Watkin Penney, M.B., CM., Ardbeg. Winiam Philp, L.R.CS.E., Glenburn. Daniel Reid, L.R.CS.E. and L.M., East Princes Street. Medical Electrician and Masseur. —Jas. Coates, Ph.D., F.A S.. Glenbeg, Ardbeg. 15 Burgh of OFFICIALS, &c. Rothesay.

Veterinary Surgeon. — William Moodie, M.R.C.V.S., Watergate.

Bank Agents- — Royal Bank, Victoria Street : John Thomson. Bank of Scotland, Guildford Square: John Mackirdy. Clydesdale Bank, Guildford Square: Peter Stewart.

Bute Savings Bank, High Street : John Mackirdy, treasurer ; William Brown, actuary.

Post Office Savings Bank, Bishop Street : John Mitchell.

Publications.— The Biiteinan{\J\\iQxA), Id weekly, published every Saturday morning by W. A. Wilson, Castle Street. Rothesay Chronicle (Conservative) Id weekly, published every Saturday morning by Harvey & Co.^ Watergate. Rothesay Express (Independent) M weekly, published every Wednesday morning by M. Mackenzie, Montague Street. Bute County Directory^ Is, published annually in June by Higgle & Co.^ Bridge Street.

ABC Coast Guide^ Time Tables^ Dia7y a?id Register^ Id monthly ; Boimie Scotland's Resorts^ 2d annually, published by Higgle & Co. Guide to Rothesay and the Island of Bute^ Id annually, pub- lished at the beginning of the season by W. A. Wilson Rothesay Academy Magazine^ half-yearly, printed by Harvey & Co. Educational Institutions. — Rothesay Academy and

Thomson Institute : Rector and Classical Master, John D. Rose, M.A. Mathematical Master, A. G. Burgess, M.A. Assistant Classical, Hector G. Duthie, M.A Chemistry, Charles Rice, M.A., B.Sc. English, G. Pirie, Wm. Allan, M.A., and Charles Coutts, M.A. Drawing, George T. Scott, Modern Languages, Miss Grant, LL.A. Pianoforte, Arthur S. Christie. Singing, James M 'Arthur. Infant Department, Misses Douglas, M 'Galium, and Squair, LL.A. Janitor, Sergeant John Smith.

Public School — Headmaster, John M'Kay, F. E. I. S. Masters, Harry G. Ross, M.A., Thomas W. Doggart, John M 'Donald, and Alex. Myles. Drawing, George T. Scott. Singing, James M 'Arthur. Mistresses, Janet Taylor, Ella 16 Burgh of OFFICIALS, &c. Rothesay,

Simpson, Mrs M'Millan, Misses Helen Stewart, Catherine M'Donald, Sarah Baxter, Agnes Watson, and Kate M. Whyte. Sewing", Miss Baker. Cookery, Sarah Graham. Drill- Instructor, Colour-Sergeant Wight. Janitor, Edward M'Nab. St. Andrew's R.C. School— Mistresses, Sisters Collette and Brendan, and Misses Fitzgerald and O'Shan. Singing, James M'Arthur. Tramway Co. (Limited) —Chairman, Jas. Lindsay, Edin- burgh. Secretary, John R. Thomson. Solicitor, John Mackirdy, Manager, Archibald Robertson. CPaigmore Pier Co. — Chairman, John R. Thomson. Secretary, Wm. M'Intosh. Piermaster, Colin B. Turner. Carriage-Hiring and 'Bus Co.—M'Kirdy & M'Millan, Ltd. — Chairman, Dr Philp. Secretary, William M'Intosh. Solicitor, John Mackirdy. George Halliday, Limited.— Chairman, , Managing Director, George Halliday. Secretary, Duncan Reid. Solicitors, Russell & Duncan. Robertson Stewart Hospital, Townhead. — Medical Officer, Dr Hall. Matron, Annie M'Kenzie. Victoria Hospital, High Street. — Established and main- tained for medical and surgical treatment of persons suffering from injuries or non-infectious diseases. —Hon. President, Marquess of Bute. Chairman of Committee of Management, Sheriff Martin. Hon. Secretary, A. D. Macbeth. Hon. Treasurer, Peter Stewart. Matron, Mary M 'Galium. Nurse, Violet C. Eraser.

Nursingf Association. — President, Mrs J. Windsor Stuart Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs Dr Marshall. Nurse, Eliza Harvey. Norman Stewart Institute, Montague Street, erected by former townsmen (who remembered their native place while prospering abroad) at a cost of about £10,000, for the benefit of working men and women. Provost M'Intosh (chairman);

Revs. Messrs Hewison, Sutherland, Galbraith, and Ross ; ex-Provosts Sharp and Thomson ; Bailies Fisher and

M 'Bride ; Councillor R. C. Miller and ex-Bailie Brown. Secretary and Treasurer, A. D. Macbeth. Janitor, Thomas Campbell. 17 D —

Burrhof OFFICIALS, &c. Rothesay.

Free and Accepted Masons.—Provincial Grand Lodge OF Argyll and the Isles. — P.G.M., Sir Charles Dalrymple, Bart., of New Hailes, M.P. P.G.M.D., Henry Gerard Fenton Newall, St. Andrews. S.P.G.M., Baron Robertson. P.G.S.W., Wm. Dunlop Brown, Rothesay. P.G.J. W., Alex. Paton, Campbeltown. Treasurer, James Heaton, Rothesay. Secre- tary, Andrew Clark, Rothesay. Lodge "Rothesay St John," No. 292--Meets in Lodge Room, Bridge Street, on last Monday of each month, from September till April— R.W.M., Rev. Frank Matthews. Secretary, Hugh S. Kerr. Treasurer, Angus Robertson.

Tyler, J. Maguire. " St. Blane's" Royal Arch. Chapter, No. 163, meets in Bridge Street Hall— ist Principal Z., James Heaton. 2nd

Principal H., D. C. Murray. 3rd Principal J., Rev. J. B. Meek. Scribe E., Wm. Bainbridge. Scribe N., Hugh Black. Janitor, John Keith. Ancient Order of ForesteFS—Rothesay, Bute, and Argyll District. —Meets half-yearly for business (last Friday in April and last Friday in October) in Foresters' Hall, Castle Street, Rothesay. D.C.R. and Secretary, John Morrison, Rothesay. D.T., James Stewart, Rothesay. Court "Bute," No. 5630. —Meets in the Foresters' Hall every alternate Wednesday—C.R., John Brown. Treasurer, Duncan Blair. Secretary, Archd. Cunningham. Medical Ofiicer, Dr D. J. Penney. Sanctuary Bute, No. 5630, Ancient Order of Shepherds —Meets in the Foresters' Hall every second Monday at 8 p.m. Pastor, Wm. Bainbridge. Treasurer, Duncan Blair. Secretary, John Morrison. Loyal Ordsp of Aneieat Shepherds (Ashton Unity)— "Lord Bute" Lodge, No. 2091. — Meets every alternate Wednesday in the Lesser Good Templar Hall—W.M., Thomas Falconer. Secretary, George Oliphant Treasurer, Robert M'Leish. Building" Trades Fede?^atlon.— Convener, Bailie M 'Bride. Secretary, Bailie M'Intosh. Shorthand Writers' i^fesociation being resuscitated. Hon. President, George Higgie. ^^18 —

Burgh of OFFICIALS, &c. Rothesay.

Scottish Typogrraphieal Association.— Rothesay Branch — President, Andrew Gilchrist. Secretary and Treasurer, John M 'Gil vary. Associated Carpenters' and Joiners' Society—President, William Macfie. Secretary, Dugald Gillies. Treasurer, John Brown. Operative Masons' Society. — President, Thomas Allan. Secretary, John Bracelin. Treasurer, Thomas Johnston. Leag'ue of the Cross—" Sacred Heart " Branch—Meets in Music Hall, Watergate- -President, John Slaven. Spirit- ual Director, Father Gettins, Treasurer, Charles M'Auley. Secretary, P. M*Ivor. Sons of Temperance.— " Rothesay's Effort" Division, No. 467. —Patriarch, John Hunter. Secretary, Archd. Hunter. Collector, John Simpson, Staffa Place. Independent Order of Good Templars— District Lodge OF Bute and , No. 13.— D.D., Thomas M'Dougall. D.C.T., R. M'Crae. D.S., Jane Whitelaw, Dunoon. D.S.J.L.,

J. Miller, Dunoon. "George Stephenson" Lodge, No 122 —Meets in Good Templar Hall, Tower Street, on Tuesdays at 8 p.m. —Chief Templar, Thos. Falconer. L.D., Duncan Dewar. R. Secy., Matrde M'Nab. Treas., A. M'Nab, sen. "Rothesay's Freedom"* Lodge, No. 228 —Meets in Good Templar Hall, Tower Street, on Thursdays at 8 p.m.—Chief Templar, A. Myles. R. Secy., Maggie Miller. " Hope of Bute" Juvenile Lodge, No. 252. —Meets in the Good Templar Hall, Tower Street, on Saturdays at 6 p.m. Superintendent, Edward M'Nab. "Freedom's Hope'' Juvenile Lodge, No. 135— Meets in the Good Templar Hall, Tower Street, on Thursday at 7 p.m. —Superintendent, A. Myles. High Street Total Abstinence Society.— Meets in Mission Hall, High Street, on Fridays at 8 p.m. President, A. M. Burnie. Secy., Mary Roy. Treasurer, Robert Young. Rothesay Vig:ilanee Committee.— Pres., A. M. Burnie. Secy, and Treas., Peter M'Lean. 19 Burgh of OFFICIALS, &c. Rothesay.

Gospel Temperance Meeting. —Mission Hall, Tower Street, on Saturdays, at 7 p.m. — Chairman, Rev. Dugald M'Cormick. Independent Order of Reehabites.— *'Hope of Bute" Tent, No. 2325. —Chief Ruler, Alex. M'Neill. Secretary, T. Falconer. Treasurer, W. Dryburn. Literary Association. — Meets in Norman Stewart Institute on Tuesday evenings from October till March. President, H. Thompson. Secy., L. Campbell. Treas., D. Gilchrist.

Editor of Magazine, J. C. Harvey. Young Men's Christian Assocation and Fellowship Union—Meets in Rooms, 41 Montague Street, every Sabbath morning at 9.45. President, A. M. Burnle. Secretary, T.. M'Dougall. Treasurer, A. Ross Thomson.

Younff Women's Christian Association.—Meets In Free Parish Church Hall, Castle Street, on Sabbath mornings and Thursday evenings.—Hon. President, Mrs Laidlavv, Balmory. Joint Secretaries and Treasurers, Miss Law, Ardbeg, and Mrs Yuill, Mountpleasant Road, Rural Branch Secretary, Miss- Bell, Westland Road. Junior Branch meets on Tuesday evenings in the winter.

Boys' and Girls' Religious Society. —Meets in the Public School, High Street, every Sabbath, at 1 1 a.m. Supported by voluntary contributions. — President, William Stewart. Secretary, Helen Stewart. Treasurer, George Jardine.

Dorcas Society. — President, Mrs J. Windsor Stuart. Treasurer, Mrs Dr Marshall. Secretary, Miss M 'Isaac. Choral Society. —Under the joint management of James M'Arthur and Arthur S. Christie. Operatic Society. —Conductor, Walter Gray. Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.—Head- quarters, 34A Columshlll Street. — Superintendent, James Watson, 28 Bath Street, Glasgow. Merchants' AsSOeiatior. —President, James Cunningham. Secretary and Treasurer, D. I. Morris. Shop Assistants' Association.—President, Colin Currle. Secretary, James Livingstone. Treasurer, William Bell. 20 Burgh of OFFICIALS, &c. Rothesay,

PhotOgfaphie Society. —Meets In Hall at 41 Montague Street, on alternate Friday evenings. President, Alex. Rankin. Secretary, George Crawford. Treasurer, William A. Stewart, B.L. Dpamatic Clubs. — Catholic — President, John Slaven. Treasurer, Patrick M*Iver. Secretary, Joseph Quigley.

Rothesay. — President, A. Black. Secretary, J. Miller. Treasurer, J. Campbell. Golf Club.—Course, Westland. President, A. Graham Murray, M.P. Team Captain, John A. Urquhart. Secretary and Treasurer, George Pirie. Green-keeper, Hugh Black.

Curlingf Club.—President, J. Windsor Stuart. Treasurer, M. Waters. Secretary, J. R. Thomson. Bowling Clubs. —Rothesay—Green, Ballochgoy. Presi- dent and Chairman of Directors, Hugh M'Phee. Secretary and Treasurer, Daniel Miller. Green-keeper, John Heron. Ardbeg and Port-Bannatyne.— Green, Wyndham Road. President, William Sutherland. Secretary, M. Mackenzie. Treasurer, W. A. Stewart. Green-keeper, James Lamb. Bute Angling Club— President, R. Chrystie. Football Clubs.—St. Blane's (established 1872). —Presi- dent, M. M'Grory. Secretary and Treasurer, M. Minihan. Bute Rangers (1875). —Secretary, W. Edgar. Royal Victoria (1891). — President, John M 'Donald. Secretary, G. Fleming. Treasurer, W. Ferrier. Mayflower. —Secretary, Peter Miller. Ashfield. —Secretary, George Hicks. Draughts Club. — President, David Stewart. Secretary, Thomas Falconer. Treasurer, Thomas Campbell. Whist Club (Conservative Rooms).—President, Thomas Aitchison. Secretary, W. T. Esplin. Quoiting Club.—President, James M'Kenzie. Secretary, William Ferrier. Treasurer, James McDonald. Fast Days. ^Thursday before the first Sabbath in May and third Sabbath in October. Fairs —Thursday before 27th May (hiring), third Wednes- 21 Burgh of OFFICIALS, &e. Rothesay. day and Thursday in July, Brux Day (horse), Thursday before 23rd November (hiring), and Tuesday before Kilbarchan December Fair (horse). [The first Wednesday in May and last Wednesday of October used to be the dates of fairs, and are still published in some reference books, but they are obsolete.]

Postal ArrangfernentS. — Post Office, Bishop Street. Postmaster, John Mitchell. T.S.O., Gallowg^ate. Arrival of mails about 9 and 11 a.m., 2 and 6.30 p.m On Saturdays only 10 p.m. during May, June, July, August and September ; letters delivered to callers on Sunday mornings from 9 till 10. Despatches about 6.30 and 10.40 a.m., 2.10, 3.10 and 4.35, p.m., and in Summer 6.15 and 8 p.m. extra. Saturdays only, 8.45 p.m. Money Orders issued and paid from" 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. Savings Bank.—^Deposits received from 7 a.m. till 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. in Summer. Postal Orders issued and paid from 7 am. till 8 p.m., and in Summer till 9 p.m. Telegraph Office open on week days from 7 a.m. till 8 p.m. (open in June, July, August, and September, till 9 p.m.) Sundays from 9 till 10 a.m. Messages can be sent at later hours by paying extra. Ardbeg Road (T. S. O.)— Despatches to suit Rothesay.' Postal, Money Order, and Savings Bank business. Craigmore Pier. — Despatches to suit Rothesay arrange- ments. Telegraph 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. Postal, Money Order, and Savings Bank business. No Sunday attendance. AscoG. — Deliveries and despatches to suit Rothesay ar- rangements. Telegrams from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. Sunday attendance 9 am. till 10 a.m. Postal and Money Order and Savings Bank business. Gallowgate Post Office and Kerrycroy Post Office — Postal and sale of Postal Orders. No Sunday attendance. Pillar Letter Boxes at Orcadia, Craigmore Pier, Ferguson Place, Mountstuart Road, Port-Bannatyne Pier, Ornatus Terrace, Craiglea, Argyle Place, Mountpleasant, Barone Road^ Ballochgoy, Rothesay Pier, Gallowgate, High Street, Guild- ford Square, Straad, and Kildavanan. 22 :

Burgh of OFFICIALS, &c. Rothesay.

Communications.— Steamers to Wemvss Bay, Gourock, Greenock, Craig^endoran, Glasgow, and intermediate ports, and through the Kyles several times a day. In Summer, steamers ply regularly to Arran, Inveraray, and Campbeltown, and irregularly to all the surrounding ports. Tramw^ay cars run to Port-Bannatyne, and Omnibuses to Mountstuart and Kilchattan Bay daily.


Port-Bannatyne, the principal village in this parish, is two and a-half miles from Rothesay, with which it is connected by tramway. The population in 1891 was 1583 : estimated present population, 171 2. (For Courts and Court Officials, Justices of the Peace, and Coicnty Boards, see County LisisJ. Regfistrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, Archibald Brown. Churches.—North Bute Parish (hours of worship Crockanrae, 1.30 p.m.; St. Ninian's 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m.) — Minister, Rev. Peter Dewar, M.A. Session Clerk, P. White. Superintendent of Sabbath School, Rev. P. Dewar. Precentor, George Welsh. Harmoniumist, John Brodie. Church Officer, Alex. Morrison, Lome Place. North Bute Free Church, Port-Bannatyne (hours of worship, II a.m. and 2 p.m., 6.30 in summer)— Minister, Rev. John Dunlop Session Clerk, Archd. Weir. Clerk of Deacons* Court, David Baird. Superintendent of Sabbath School. J R. Johnston. Precentor, David Baird. Church Officer, John Sutherland, lona Place. Harmoniumist, Miss Keisberg. Parish Council. —Charles Thomson, Castle Street (chair- man) ; David Baird, Gladstone Place ; Wm. P. Dickie,

Clanslagvourity P. Malcom, Edinbeg ; Archd. Malcom, ; Jas.

Gladstone Place ; and John M. Lamont, Tighantraigh. Inspector and Collector, Archd, Brown.

J. Stuart, (chairman) School Board. — W. Rothesay ; Rev.

Peter Dewar, M.A. ; M. R. Gray Buchanan John Macfie, ; and John M. Lamont. Clerk and Treasurer, J. R. Thomson, Rothesay. Officer, Jas. Wilson, Port-Bannatyne. 23 —

Parish of OFFICIALS, &c. North Bute.

— Public, Peter White, master Schools. Port-Bannatyne ;

Miss Craig-head, assistant ; Miss White, pupil teacher. Ballanlay, James Duncan, master. KiLDAVANNAN, Mfs Weir, mistress. Kamesburgh Gas Light Company.—Chairman, James Duncan. Secretary, John M. Lament. Collector, W. H. Redfern. Kyles of Bute Hydropathic Establishment.—Chairman, ex-Bailie Dickson, Glasgow, Secretary, D. Hill Jack, Glasgow. Manager, Archibald Menzies. Medical Adviser, Dr Hall, Rothesay. A.O.F.. —Court "North Bute," 6216.— Meets in the old Free Church Schoolroom every alternate Tuesday at 8 p.m. Chief Ranger, D. Campbell. Secretary, Thomas Malcom. Treasurer, James Wilson. I.O.G.T. —Lodge '* North Bute," No. 649. —Meets in the old Free Church Schoolroom, on Mondays, at 8 p.m. " Port-Bannatyne Lifeboat" Juvenile Lodge, No. 50. Meets in Old Free Church Schoolroom, on Mondays, at 7 p.m. Fresh Air Home, Stewarthall, in connection with the Glasgow Poor Children's Fresh Air Fortnight Scheme. Visitors admitted except on Sabbaths and Fridays. Matron, Miss Elder. Convener and Secretary, Alexander M 'Keith, 19 Howard Street, Glasgow. Fast Days.—Thursdays before first Sabbath in May, and third in October. Postal Arrangements.—Sub-Postmistress, Miss M. M'Cunn, Port-Bannatyne. —Despatches to all parts, via Rothe- say, at 9.50 a.m., 12, 25, 1.25, 3.25 (5.25, extra in Summer), and 7.55 p.m. Deliveries from all parts, via Rothesay, about loa.m. , 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. Telegrams received and despatched from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Postal and Money Order and Savings Bank. No attendance on Sundays. North Bute Mutual Improvement Society.— President, John Taylor. Secretary, Colin Lamont. Treasurer, Thomas Thomson.

North Bute Literary Society.— President, J. W. Millar, C.E. Secretary, Arthur H. Yuile. Treasurer, David Baird. 24 J

Parish of OFFICIALS, &c. Kingarth. PARISH OF KINGARTH.

This parish is rich in ecclesiastical history. The Irish Bishop St. Cattan landed here in the year 439. The growing" village of Kilchattan Bay, about seven miles from Rothesay, has regular connection by steamer and 'bus. The population

1 in 89 1 was 1062 ; estimated present population, 898.

{For Gourts and Court Officials, Justices of the Peace, and County Boards, see County Lists. RegfistraP of Births, Marriages, and Deaths.— W. T. Esplin. Churches. —Kingarth Parish (Hours of Worship, 12 o'clock noon). — Minister, Rev. John Saunders, M.A., B.D. Session Clerk and Superintendent of Sabbath Schools, Rev. John Saunders. Precentor, William Orr. Church Officer, John Reid.

Kingarth Free Church, Ascog (Hours of Worship, 11. 15 a.m. and 6.30 p.m.) —Minister Emeritus^ Rev. Robert Williamson, D.D., Orcadia. Colleague and Superintendent of Sabbath Schools, Rev. William Winter. Organist, M. Turner. Church Officer, James Stewart, Kerrycroy. Kilchattan Bay Free Church, Kilchattan Bay (Hours of

Worship, 1 2 noon and 6. 30 p.m.) —Minister and Session Clerk, J. W^ Anderson. Superintendent of Sabbath Schools, J. W. Anderson. Precentor, Wm. Morrison. Church Officer, Adam Deans. Parish Council. — Moimtstimrt Ward^. Windsor Stuart, Hugh Duncan, and Alexander Macfarlane. Kilchattan Bay Ward—John Cumming (chairman), John M Fie, Lubas, and William Morrison. Inspector and Collector, W. T. Esplin. School Board — Rev. John Saunders, B.D. (chairman);

John Cumming, Kilchattan Bay ; Alexander Macfarlane,

Meikle Kilchattan Windsor Stuart, ; ; John Rothesay and Rev. W. Winter, Ascog. Clerk and Treasurer, James Mackinnon, Rothesay. Officer, D. Ferguson, Kilchattan Butt. Schools. —Kingarth Public.—W. T. Esplin, master. Miss Catherine M'Quistan, mistress. Birgidale Public. — Duncan C. Stewart, master. Kerrycroy Public.—William Fulton, master. 25 Parish of OFFICIALS, &c. Kingarth.

Convalescent Home.— "St. Margaret's Home," Ascog^. —Supported by Lady Bute. Matron, Miss Elem. KilcHattan Bay Pier Comnany (Limited).— Chairman, [ohn Camming. Secretary and Treasurer, W. T. Esplin. Piermaster, R. Kelso.

Kilchattan Bay Boys' B^i^ade (I Coy.)—Captain, J. W. Anderson. Meets in Free Church Hall, on Fridays, at 6.30. Public Library, Kerrycroy.—William Fulton. LO.G.T., Mountstuart.— Meets on Fridays, at 8—J. G. Geddes, Superintendent of Juveniles. Postal APPangementS.— Kingarth Sub-Postmaster, D. M'Fie, joiner. Kilchattan Bay Sub-Postmistress, Janet Currie. Box closes at 6.30 a.m. and 2.15 p.m. Despatches to all parts, via Rothesay, about 6.30 a.m. and 2.25 p.m. Deliveries from all parts, via Rothesay, about 11.30 a.m. and 8.15 p.m. Telegrams from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. Sunday, 9 a.m. till 10 a.m. Postal and Money Order and Savings Bank Business.

Fast Days. —Thursdays before first Sabbath in May and third in October. Fair. —Thursday before Largs Fair.

*' Agrnes Patrick" and ''Stevenson" Home, Ascog, in connection with Glasgow Poor Children's Fresh-Air Fort- night Scheme.— Matron, Miss Hart. Convener and Secretary, Alex. M 'Keith, 19 Howard Street, Glasgow.


This island, the largest in the group, is famous for the grandeur of its scenery and the variety of its geological deposits. The island is divided into two parishes — Kilbride on the east and Kilmory on the west.

(For GourtH and GouH Officials, Justices of the Peace, and County Boards see County Lists.)

Population in 1881, 4762 ; in 1891, 4850. Estimated present in Kil- population Lochranza, 796 ; Brodick, 974 ; mory, Kilbride, 1800 ; 1352. Total — 4922. Parliamentapy Constituency, 719.

For Valuation and Assessments see pages i and 2. 26 —

Isle of OFFICIALS, &c. Arran,

Lady of the Manor.—Lady Mary, only daughter of the late William Alexander Louis Stephen Douglas Hamilton, I2th Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, &c. Factor on Estate.— Patrick Murray, Strabane, Brodick. Sheriff Court held once a quarter at Brodick. Sheriff- Clerk-Depute, Wm. Munro, 24 Hamilton Terrace, Lamlash. Arran Farmers' Society. —Annual exhibition of live stock in August, and of roots, etc., in December. Vice-President,^ James Auldjo Jamieson, W.S., Whitehouse, Lamlash, Secre- tary, William Tod, jun., Glenree. Treasurer, John B, Sweet, Lamlash. Coast Guard Stations. —Lamlash—Chief Officer, John T. Austen. Kildonan and Lloyd's Signal Station— Officer, William Cottar. Lifeboat Station. —Kildonan—Coxswain, Mungo Ritchie. Arran Conservative Association. —President, James

Auldjo Jamieson, W.S. ; Chairman, Patrick Murray, Stra- bane ; Secretary, Thomas Reid, Schoolhouse.

PARISH OF KILBRIDE. Churches. — Established. Brodick. Rev. Malcolm M'Lean, M.A., B.D. Kilbride. — Rev. Peter Robertson, M.A. CoRRiE — Alex. Brown, M.A. Whiting Bay. — Vacant. Free. —-Brodick.— Rev. John K. Cameron, M.A. Whiting Bay —Rev. Angus Stewart. Lamlash. —. Congregational.—Sannox. — Rev. Allan M'Dougall.

Bo'^ird. John Bannatyne, Lamlash (chairman) Schoo^ — ;

Robert Hamilton, Brodick ; Rev. J. K. Cameron, F.C., Brod- ick : Donald M'Kenz'e, King's Cross ; and John M'Gregor^ Corrie. Clerk and Treasurer, John B. Sweet, Lamlash. .^ehools. Corrie.—William Hay. Brodick. —Thomas Reid. Lamlash.—Andrew Davidson. Whiting Bay.— Peter Downie. Parish Council. — Corrie ^^z^^.— Alexander M'Millan and Rev. Allan M'Dougall. Brodick lVa7-d.— Robert Hamilton, Patrick Murray (chairman), and Rev. Malcolm M'Lean. 27 —

Parish of OFFICIALS, &c. Kilbride.

Latnla&h Ward.—John Wallace and John W, Inglis. Whiting Bay Ward. —James Hamilton and John M'Kelvie. Inspector, John R. Thomson. Collector, John B. Sweet. Medical Officer, John A. Jamieson, M.D. Fullerton, M.B., Doctors. —Neil CM., Lamlash ; John A. Jamieson, M.D., and Robert Jamieson, M.D., Brodick. Bank of Scotland. —John B. Sweet, agent, Lamlash.

Brodick Branch open on Tuesdays ; in Summer, Fridays additional. Registrars of Births, &C. — Brodick —Thomas Reid. Lamlash.—John R. Thomson Post Offices. —Brodick. —Ernest Ribbeck. CoRRiE. —Jane Douglas. King's Cross. —Alexander Cook. Lamlash. —Thomas M'Neish. Whiting Bay.—Archibald McMillan. Piermasters.—Brodick. — Robert Hamilton. Lamlash.—^James Hodge. Whiting Bay. —Thomas Millar. Ferryman.—Corrie. —Thomas Fullarton.

Masonic— " St. Molio's" Lodge, No. 774, Lamlash. R.W.M., John B. Sweet. Secretary, Robert M'Millan. Lamlash Golf Club. —Captain, Wm. Robertson. Secy., Andrew Davidson. Treasurer, John B, Sweet. Lamlash Curling Club.—President, Wm. Tod, Glenree. Secretary and Treasurer, John Bannatyne, Lamlash. Lamlash Lawn Tennis Club —Secretary, D. M'Kelvie. Lam'ash Bowling Club.— Secy., James O. Lodge. Treas., A. p. Davidson. Communions,—First Sundays in May and November. Fairs. —Brodick. — (Cattle, Sheep, and Horses) Tuesday after 20th June. Lamlash. —(Cattle, Sheep, and Horses) Friday before Irvine May Fair [first Tuesday], and Wednesday before October Falkirk Tryst [second Tuesday]. Communications. — Steamers to and from Ardrossan daily, and in summer via Rothesay daily. 28 — —

Parish of OFFICIALS, &c. Kilmory. PARISH OF KILMORY. Churches.—Established. —High Kilmory. — Rev. Duncan Black. Shiskine—Vacant. Lochranza— Rev. Andrew M'Leaa Free. —Kilmory.—Vacant. KiLDONAN. — Rev. William McMillan. Lochranza.—Rev. Alex. J. Grant. Shiskine. —Rev. John W. M'Dougall. Catacol. — Rev. John Kennedy. School Board. —James Allan (chairman), John Brown, Rev. John Kennedy, J. Jamieson, Angus M'Kenzie John Spiers, and Alexander Stewart. Clerk and Treasurer, Peter M'Kenzie, Shiskine. Schools. — Dougarie Public. —Neil Downie.

Drimlabarra—J. D. M'Kinnon PENRiocH—Flora J. Cameron. Kilmory— Robert Whiteford. SniSKiNE-Robert T, Irvine. Lochranza—Arch. M'Alister. Slidderie—^John A. Cook.

. Doctor. —Thomas Rutherford, M.B., CM., Shiskine. PaT'ish Council. —Lochranza Ward—Robert Anderson and Robert Kerr, jun. Dougarie Ward—James Allan (chairman), Angus McAllister, and Matthew M'Allister. Shedog Ward— John M'Kinnon and Chas. M'Allister. Southend Ward~^rc\.. Cook and Donald M'Donald. Inspector, John R. Thomson. Collector, Peter M'Kenzie. Medical Officer, Thomas Rutherford, M.B., CM. Post Offices. — Kilmory—James Cook. Lochranza— Kelso. Pirnmill— Chas. Robertson. Shiskine—Alex. M 'Bride. Registrar of Births, etc. Kilmory— Robert Whiteford. Lochranza Arch. M'Allister. Shiskine Robert T. Irvine. — | — Masonic. — "St. Bride's" Lodge, No. 784, Lochranza R.W.M., Robert W. Kerr, jun. Secy., Robert W. Grant. Piermaster. — Lochranza— Robert Kerr. Ferrymen. —Blackwaterfoot— Peter Kelso. Machrie Bay—James Sim. Pirnmill— Charles Robertson. Fair. —Lochranza (Cattle, Sheep, and Horses), first Tues- day in June. Communications. —Campbeltown Steamers from Glasgow and Greenock call at Lochranza and Pirnmill daily. Argyll Coast Steamer from Glasgow and Greenock or Fairlie calls at Blackwaterfoot and Machrie Bay twice a week. 29 Parish of OFFICIALS, &c. Cumbrae. PARISH OF CUMBRAE. The parish of Cumbrae comprises the islands of Great and Little Cumbrae off the Ayrshire Coast. The Burgh of Mill- port, on the larger isle, is a popular watering-place. The larger isle is about 12 miles in circumference, with a well-made road round it. (For GouHs and Court Officiah, Justices of the Peace, and County Boards, see County Lists). Constituencies. — Parliamentary, 519. Municipal, 825. Assessments. — Poor, 3d per £. School, 5d.

Lo d of the Manor.—Marquess of Bute, K.T. Factor, J. Windsor Stuart, Rothesay.

Parish Council. —James Crawford, John Cunningham, J. P., Andrew Hunter, John M'Kirdy, Daniel M'Laren, and Thomas Thom. Inspector of Poor, James Ross. Collector, William Hunter. ReffistraP of Births, Marriages and Deaths—^James Ross.

Churches. — Parish (hours of worship, 1 1 a.m. and 6.30 pj-n.) — Minister, Rev. Archibald Grierson, M.A. Session- Clerk, James Wallace.

Free (hours of worship, 11 a.m. and 2.15 p.m ) — Minister, Rev. Alexander Walker, M.A. United Presbyterian (hours of worship, 11 a.m., and 2.15 p.m.—630 p.m. in June, July, and August) —Rev. James Frame, M.A., B.D. Cathedral of Argyll and the Isles. —Bishop, Right Rev. Provost. Rev. T. I., J. R. A. Chinnery-Haldane, D.D. Very Ball, LL D. Canons, Very Rev. Dean Pressley-Smith, M.A., Revs. H. MacColl, T.C.G. (Synod Clerk), H. Brown, M.A., W. L. Low, M.A., Dugald Mackenzie. Honorary Canons, Revs. Hon. H. Douglas, M.A., H. Me3nell, M.A., A. J. M'Lean, M.A. Chapter Clerk, Mr James Gordon. Hours of Service — Sundays (except first in month), H.C., 8.30 a.m. Even, and Sermon. 6.30 p.m. Holy Days, H C, 830 a.m. Even. 7 p.m. Week days, H.C., 8.30 a.m.; Matins, 10 a.m., Even. 3 p.m. (SO. Surpliced Choir). St. Andrew's — Rector, Very Rev. T. I. Ball, LL.D. Hours of Service—Sundays, H.C., 10.15 a.m. (first in month); 30 —

Parish of OFFICIALS, &c. Cumbrae.

Matins, ii a.m. Holy Days, Matins, ii a.m. The services in St. Andrew's and the Cathedral are intended to be com- plementary of each other. Baptist (hours of worship, ii a.m. and 6.30 p.m.) — Pastor, Student supply.

Sheriff Small Debt Courts. —Held in March and Septem- ber. Sheriff-Clerk Depute, James Ross. Cumbrae School Board. —Rev. James Frame (chairman), Rev. Archd. Grierson, Rev. Provost Ball, D. M'Dougall, and

William J. Train. Clerk and Treasurer, J. Ross, Union Bank. Schools. —Cumbrae Public— Headmaster, Robt Paterson, M.A. Mistress, Infant and Industrial, Miss M'Dougall.

Second Master, J. M 'Clements. Assistants, W,. S. Lowe, Lizzie Martin, and Isabella Taylor. Cathedral—James Gordon, master. JvY Bank— Miss Tair.

Doctors.—J. Gumming, M.B., CM. John M'Gown, M.D. I;!. Sinclair, L.F.P.S.G. Bank. —Union— Stuart Street. James Ross, agent. Law Agents. —VVm. Mackinlay, R. Stuart M'Kay, and Robert Wood, N.P. Masonic. —Lodge "Kelburne," No. 459— Meets on the first Friday of each month in the Masonic Hall, Crawford Street, at 8 pm.— R.W.M., James Allan. P.M., Thomas Sommerville, Royal George Hotel. Secretary, G. Hastie. Treasurer, A. G. M'Farlane. Cumbrae Branch of Buteshire Liberal Association.

President, J. Cunningham, J. P. Secretary, A. G. M'Farlane. Ullionisl Club. —Hon. President, A. Graham Murray, Q.C., M.P. Presidents, William Allan and William Martin. Secretary, James Craig, Douglas Villa. Cumbraa Bowling* Club —President, William Thomson. Treasurer, James Ross. Secretary, W. J. Train. Curling" Club. —President, Charles Hunter. Secretary, Dr J. C. M'Gown. Treasurer, William Macfarlane.

Cumbrae Golf CSub. — Captain, J. Windsor Stuart. \'ice- Captain, John Barbour. Joint-Secretaries, W. Barclay and

J, C. Sharpe. Treasurer, James Wallace. 31 Burgh of OFFICIALS, &c. Millport.. BURGH OF MILLPORT. Population of Burgh in 1891, 1662. Municipal constituency^ over 825.

Assessments. —Police, is ; General Improvements, 2}d ; Special Sewers, id to 6d. Corporation. — Senior Magistrate, Thomas Duncan. Junior Magistrates, John Taylor and Duncan M'Dougall. Commis- sioners, James Allan, Robert Cockburn, Thomas Sommerville,

Wm. J. Train, John T. Mackay, and Andrew Ritchie. Officials.—Clerk, William Mackinlay. Procurator-Fiscal, Wm. Harper. Treas., Jas. Ross. Collector, Wm. Hunter.. Medical Officer, Dr M'Gown, senior. Inspector of Nuisances- and Burgh Surveyor, R. Adam. Gas Manager, Hugh Reid. Cumbrae Gas Commissioners. —Chairman, ThoF. Duncan. Secretary and Collector, James Wallace, Free Church Manse. Pier and Harbour Co. —Chairman, Dr M'Gown. Secy, and Treas., Robert Wood. Harbourmaster, Alex. Cameron.. Keppel Pier Co., Limited. —Chairman, Thomas Duncan. Secy, and Treas., Wm. Hunter. Lessee of Pier, Robt. Boyle. Mutual Plate Glass Insurance Association. — President^ Wm. Allan. Secy., A. G. Macfarlane. Treas., Jas. Ross. Co-Operative Society, Limited. —President, Thomas Reid. Secy., R. Caldwell. Treas., James Graham. Millport Trades' Association. —President, John Cunning- ham, J. p. Horticultural Society. — President, William Gardener. Secretary, James Gordon, Penny Saving's Bank. —Trustees—William Martin, Free- land (chairman). Rev. James Frame (secretary), Rev. Archd.. Grierson, J. C. Sharpe, A. G. Macfarlane, and A. C. Steven. Holidays. — First Thursdays after 15th April and 15th Oct. Post Office. — Postmistress, Miss Mary Cunningham. Arrivals and despatches twice daily in winter, thrice daily in summer. Communications. — Steamers sail daily to Glasgow,. Greenock, , and Fairlie during summer months. Daily to Wemyss Bay and Fairlie all the year round. 32 ; ;


Anderson, Geo. , gardener, 4 Mansefield pi A Anderson, Hu., gardener. Serpentine rd Acton, John, druggist, Lilyoak ter Anderson, Hume, Wyndham park Af^am, Mrs Arch., 7 Craigmore rd Anderson, Jas., comp., 19 Castle st Adam, John, grocer, 5 Argylest Anderson, Miss Jeannie, 7 Wyndham pk Adams, John, cabinetmaker, 25 Cokims- Anderson, Jn. shoemaker, 36 Bridge st hil] st Anderson, Mrs, 4 West Castle st Adams, John, 11 Mill st Anderson, Mrs Margt., 93 High st Adamson, John, photographer, BaPoch- Anderson, Wltr., tenter, 98 High st goy ter Anderson, Wm., tenter, 8 Tower st Adamson, Mrs John, 58 Crichton rd Andrew, Mrs, 2 Argyle st Adamson & Son. photographers, Chapel- Angus, Mrs Ann, 65 Victoria &t hili rd and Argyle st Angus, Mrs Cath., 141 High st Aitchison, Mrs Sara, 12 Columshill st Archer, Mrs Cath., 19 Store lane Aitchis n, 'i homas, grocer, 30 Mill st Armstrong, Js, gardener, 141 High st ho, Barone rd A rrol, Mrs Mary, 27 Argyle st Aitken, Miss Charlotte 8 Ardbeg rd Auld, John, engineer, 63 Ardbeg rd Alton, Mrs Mary, 9 Argyle ter Austin, Miss Jane, 4 West Castle st Alexander, Ax., seaman, 98 Montague st Alexander, MrsCth., 12 Mountpleasantr Alexander, Miss Gray, 18 Battery pi Alexander, John, clerk, Brandane ter B Alexander, Mr>f M., 12 Mountpleasant rd Bainbridge, Wm., Eagle Inn, 1 Mon- Alexander, Thomas W., Sheriff -clerk, tague st

Oastle st ; ho, 50 Mountstuart rd Bailley, John, stoker, 26 Staffa pi AlLm, Alex., spirit merchant, Guildford Baillie, Mrs Ann, Lilyoak ter sq and Montague st ; ho, 4 Mount- Bain, John, labourer, 2 Johnst

pleasant rd Bain, Mi s Mrt , 38 Mountpleasant rd

Allan, Mrs Eliz , 17 Marine pi Bain, MissMry., Tot r cot., H. Craigmore Allan, Misses Eliz. and Mary Ann, 28 Baird, And. B., blacksmith and farrier, Ardbeg rd 113 High st Allan, Miss Euph., 11 Columshill st Baird, David, flesher, 1 Hillhouserd Allan, James, baker, 35 Bridge st Baird, Mrs Jane, 14 East Princes st Allan, John, Hill house rd Baird, Mrs Marion, 70 Ardbeg rd Allan, John, coachman, 35 Bridge st Baird, Mrs Mary Ann, 9 Marine pi Allan, Ths., mason, 12 Columshill st Baker, Misses Amy L., and Mary Ann, Allan, Wm., 21 Mill st 4 Crichton rd Anderson, :\lex., cabinetmaker, 3 West Ballantine, John, gaa manager. High st

Castle st ; ho, 2 King st ho, Victoria cot , Barone rd Alexander, Ax., calenderer, 35 Bridge st Ballard, Mrs Margt., 27 Argyle st 33 ;

Burgh of HOUSEHOLDERS Rothesay.

Ballard, Wltr., hosier, Serpentine rd Birnie, Miss Mary, 5 Bridge st Baniiatyne, Mrs, 63 Mountstuart rd Bilsland, Greo., 21 Battery pi Bannerman, Jos., s Bilskiid, P. B polisher, comp., 36 Bishop , 35 St'ffa pi Eannermau, R., Ardiea vil, Ardmory rd Birch, Ha ry, coast guard officer, 15 Barber, Jas., residenter, Tighnamara, 14 Bishop st Ardbeg rd Biid. Mrs, Eliz., grocer, 23 Bridge-end Barber, Mrs Mercy and Miss Ann, 1 igh- st; ho, 88 Montague st namara, 14 Ardbeg rd Black, Arch., dealer, 38 Columshill st Barr, Alex., potato dealer, Wyndham rd Black, Arch., grocer, 4 Castle st Barr, Andw., mechanic, 103 High st Black, Miss C ith., 35 Bridge st

.1 Black, Daniel, cattle Barr, Mrs anet, 8^ Ardbeg rd dealer. 6 Castle st : Barr, Mrs Mary, Gowan field pi Bl^c-<, Dugald, clerk, 31 Columshill st Barr, Peter, fishcurer, 33 Watergate Black, Dugald M'a., grocer and boat- ho, Minister's br hirer, 2 Castle st and Argyle pi Barr, Mrs Savah, 60 Highst Black, Duncan, gardener, Roslin pi

Barr, Wm., engineer, Wyndham pk Black, Geo., flesher, 13 Watergate ; ho, Barrett, John, clerk, 22 Bridge-end st 7 Tower st Barrie, John, plumber, Wyndham rd Black, Mrs Helen, 28 Battery pi

Barrowman, Dan , stokei-, 12 Staffa pi Black, Hugh, baker, 6 Argyle st ; ho, Barrowmaii, K., moulder, 15 Staffa pi Concord villa, Columshill st Barton, Miss Helen, 10 C'olumshill pi Black, Hugh, golf course keeper, Ardbeg Barton, James, tobacconist, 83 Victoria Black, Miss Isabella, 22 Argyle st

st ; ho, 17 East Piinces st Black, Mrs Isabella, 33 Bridge st Baxter, Arch., shipmaster, 3 Marine pi Black. Jardine, newsagent, 19 Gallow-

Baxter, Miss Catherine, 44 Argyle st gate ; ho, 29 Argyle st Baxter, Mrs Catherine, Townhead Black, Miss Jessie, 12 W. Princes st Baxter, James, carter, 161 High st Black, John, cabman, 55 Montague st Baxter, John, baker, 2 Logie pi Black, John, shipmaster, 22 Argyle st Baxter, Mrs Mary, Castle st Black, John S., seaman, 15 Bishop st Baxier,Wm., {.ensioner, 16 Hillhouse rd Black, Miss Mary, 36 Ladeside st

Bayne, John, clerk, 2 M'Nab's br Black, Wm., coal ag^nt, Stuart st ; ho, Beaton, Alex., stoker, 8 Tower st 22 E. Princes st Beaton, Dugald, quarryman, 94 High st BlackjWm. K., shopman, 12 W. Princess Beattie, D., dyke builder. 17 Russell st Biackstock, Mrs J., 8 Mountstuart rd Begbie, John, fireman, 113 High st Blackshaw, Ths., ropespinner, 119 High s Begg, Mrs Kelecca, 2 Craigmort^ rd Blair, Duncan, joiner, 16 Bridge st Beith, Hugh, flesher, 6 Bish' p st Blair, James, mason, 4 Mountpleasant Bell, Mrs A gnes, 87 Ardbeg rd Blair. Jas., tape manufactuier, 3 Craig- Bell, Arch, mason, 28 Wateigate moie id Bell, Mrs Catherine, 78 High st Blair, Mrs Jessie, 27 Crichton rd Bell. Daniel, brick builder, 141 High st Blair, John, joiner, li aveioclj ter Bell, captain Duncan, spiiit merchant, Blair, John, jun., manufacturer, Ascog Blair, printer, Galatea Bar, 3, 5, 7, Bridge-end st ; John, 80 High st ho, 13 Bridge st Blair, Mrs Mary, 71^ Ardbeg rd Bell, Duncan, labourer, 93 High st Blair, Miss M. B., 2 Craigmore rd Beli, Edmund, Westland rd Blair & Son, joiners, 15 Bridge st Bell, Francis, labourer, 3 M'Alister's crt Blue, Alex., joiner, 16 King st Bell, Jms., blacksmith, Serpentine rd Blue, Alex., vannian, 17 Bridge st Bell, John, labourer, 113 High st Blue, Mrs Elizabeth, 7 Bishop st Bell, Miss, dairy keeper, 9 Wateigate Blue John, gardener, 1.51 High st Bell, Wm., porter, 22 Columshill st BluCj John, seaman, 5 Casrle st Bennett, Jn., traveller, 36 Columshill st Blue, J. & P., fruiterers, 23 Montague Bennie, Jn., engineer, High Crai;;.more rd st ; nurseries, Gowanfield Bernard, John W., Mausefield pi Blue, JMeil. seaman, 29 Victoria st Berry, Mis.s Cth., grocer, 2 Columshill st Blue, Wm., cabmii,20 Bishop st Beveridge, Mrs Eliza. 2 Orcadia Blue, Hillhouse rd

Bickford, Miss Ann. 38 Muuntstuart rd Boag, Mrs Margt., grocer, 1 Staffa pi i Binghmam, Miss Jessie, 6 Ardbeg rd ho, Brandane ter

Binnie, Msss Mrgt. and Mrn. , 7 Marine pi Bone, 17 Montague st 34 ;

Burgh of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

5one, Lachlan, 20 Russell st Brown, Malcolm, 27 Gallowgate Bone, Robert, mason, 18 Russell st Brown, Mrs Mrgt., 2 Bishop ter br 3owie, Alex., grocer, 15 High st Brown, Mrs Mrgt., 70 Ardbeg rd Bowie, Daniel, glazier, 1 Hillhouse rd Brown, Miss Marion, 12 Battery pi baker, Bowie, Malcolm, 9^ Gallowgate ; Brown, Mrs Mary, 9 Bridge-end st ho, 10 Staffa pi Brown, Miss Mary, 5 Ardbeg rd

Bowman, Wm., j' iner, King st ; ho, Brown, Neil, house agent. Quay Wimbleton Brown, Kb^., ironmonger, 43 Montague

Boyd, AdariQ, contractor and steamboat st ; ho, E. Princes st

agent, Quay ; ho, 18 Russell st Brown, Kobei t, baker, 81 High st Boyd, Mrs Murtha, Ascog Brown, Robert, shoemaker and town Boyd, Robert, poulterer, 14 Gallowgate crier, 1 Chapelhill rd

Boyle, Chas , confectioner, 15 Montague Brown, Robert, spirit dealer, 18 High st

st ; ho, Bellevue rd Brown, Ths., burgh worker, 12 Argyle st Boyle, Hugh, labourer, 129 High st Brown, Thos., carpenter, 84 Montague s Boyle, Thos., clerk, 22 Bridge-end st Brown, Wm., draper, Mountpleasant rd Bracelyn, John, mason, 4 Croft lane Brown, Wm. D., sanitary inspector, 1

Bracki nridge. Miss Jeannie, Barone rd Castle st ; ho, 49 Barone rd Brady, Patfick, labourer, 74 High st Brownlie, Miss He' en S., 45 Barone rd Brand, Mrs Jane, 31^ Ardbeg rd Brownlie, Wna., butcher, 16 E. Princes

Brand, John, bras:sfounder, 103 High st st ; ho, 28 Argyle st Branks, Miss Jane, 6^ Ardbeg rd Bruce, Hny., spirit dealer, 22 Gallowgate Brash, Robert, cooper. 48 Ladeside st Brucciani, Antonio, 4 W. Castle st Brash, Wm., joiner, 47 Argyle st Bryan, J hn, heritor, II Grichtou rd Bray, Edgar, letter carrier, 34 Ladeside Bryson, Mrs, 103 High st Brightj Geo., clerk, Gowanfieldpl Buchanan, Ax., farmer, 31 E Princes st Brorlicj, Jhn., carpenter, 11 Hillhouse rd Buchanan, Ach., flesher, 21 Castle st Brodie, John F., clerk, 79 Barone rd Buchanan, Mrs Anna, 23 A rdbeg rd Brodie, Mrs Margt., 66 Mountstuart rd Buchanan, Miss Cath. D., 13 Stuart st

Brooks, Mrs Agnes, 62 High st Buchanan, Chs. , stoker, 97 Montague st

Brooks, Mrs Margt., 36 Coluinshill st Buchanan, Mrs C , 139 High st Brough, Mrs Jane, Westwood Buchanan, Donald, restaurateur, 27 Vic-

Brough, Ji'hn, grocer, 17 King st ; ho, toria st ; ho. Bellfield, Barone rd

29 Mill st Buchanan, Captain Geo , hotel keeper,

Brown, Alex., joiner, 19 Mill st ; ho, 34 Hotel Victoiia, Victoria st Colu tush ill st Buchanan, Mrs Isa., 48 Ladeside st Brown, Angus, mason, 10 Columshill pi Buehannn, Mrs, 1 Mackinlay st Brown, A. & Son, drapeis, 33 and 35 Buchanan, Mrs Janet, 21 Argyle st Montague st, and 2 and 3 Albert pi Buchanan, Miss Jene. H., Gowanfield ter Brown, Archd., banker, leavings Bank, Buchanan, Malcm., grocer, 51 Montague

10 High st ; ho, Mountpleasant rd st ; ho, 9 Elysium Brown, Mrs A., 26 Columshill st Bunyan, James, plumber, 90 High st Brown, Mrs Ann, Argyle ter Burgo^ne, John, seaman. Bridge-end st Brown, Mrs Cath., Ci^apelhill rd Burgoyne, Peter, seaman, 22 Russell st Brown, Mrs Christina, 43 Ardbeg rd Burleigh, Mrs Chris. 25 Coluinshill st Brown, David, fl> sher, 29 Barone rd Burness, Robert, saddler, 29 High st Brown, David, flesher, i7 Gallowgate ho, Heknslea, 46 Crichton rd Brown, Mrs, restaurateur, 21 Bridge-end Burnie, Ach M., seedsman, Dobbie & Brown, Mrs, Eliz., 22 Argyle pi Co., ho, 19 Crichton rd Brown. Geo., painter, 8 Hillhouse rd Burnie, Miss Eliz., 22 Battery pi Brown, Geo., shipmaster, Argyle ter Burns, Chas., musician, 19 Castle st Brown, Msss Hln. and Mary, 1 Ai gyle pi Burns, Js., spirit dealer, 11 Gallowgate Brown, Mrs Jane, 41 Watergate Burns, Richard, rigger, 25 Crichton rd Brown, James, grocer, 77 High st ; ho, Burrell, Mrs, Eliz., 2 Minister's br 15 Castle st Burton, Wm., spirit merchant, T owef plumber, Brown, James, 1 Hillhouse rd and Castlehill sts ; ho, 16 Argyle pi Brown, Miss Jessie, 8 Montague st Brown, John, joiner, 16 Windsor pi

35 Burgh of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

'ojies Campbell, Mrs, mangier, 26 Bridge st Campbell, Peter, steward, 34 Mou: pleasant rd Glei Calder,JChg., labourer, 38 Columshill st Campbell, Miss F'arah, 4 Mill st Calder, Thomas, boat-hirer, Campbell, Thos., janitor, 37 Montagu Calder, Mrs, 7 Montague st Campbell, Wm., flesher, 31 Columshil Caldwell, Mrs (Charlotte, 27 Argyle st Campbell, Wm, P., spirit dealer, Caldwell, Geo. B., 19 Craigmore rd Watergate Caldwell, Mrs Margt,, 13 Marine pi Campbell, 7 W. Princes st Callan, J. M'C, licensed grocer, 19 E. Campbell & Chalmers, Misses, statione

Princes st ; ho. Bishop st 49 Montague st Cameron, Arch., seaman, 71 Victoria st Cannir g, Daniel, painter, 4 Mill st

Cameron, Mrs Cath., Chapelhill rd Canning, Dan , shoemaker, 11 Mill s Cameron, Mrs Christina, 29 Mill st ho, 1 Columshill pi Cameron, Duncan, coal dealer, Bridge- Cannan, Mrs Cath., Minister's br

end st ; ho, AVestland rd Cardell, Jos., engineer, 18 Bridge-end Cameron, Geddes O., hairdresser, 51 Cardell, Thos., steward, 19 High st Victoria st; ho,Braemar, Mackinlay st Carey, Miss Eliz., 35 Bridge st Cameron, Hugh, farmer, 20 Argyle st Carlin, Mrs Cath., 17 Columshill st

Cameron, Miss I. , 9 Montague st Canin, Mrs Margt., 22 Rus ell st

1 Cameron, Rev. James, Craigmore U. P. Carlton, Jas., mechanic, 38 ' 'olumshi'

Church, 24 Crichtou rd Carmicbael, Alex , ^eaman, 37 Bridge Cameron, Jn., Ferny Craig, 14 Cricht^n r Carmichael, Wm., 21 Colum.-hill st Cameron, John, seaman, 7 W. Princes st Carrick, Geo., plumber, Wyndham re

Cameron, Miss Mary, 27 E. Princes st Carse, James, Town Clerk, Castle i Cameron, Lach., plumber. 14 Castle st ho, Lochview, 51 Crichton rd Cameron, Wltr,, seaman, 16 Hillhouse r Carswell, And., seaman, 24 Castle st 'mi Campbell, Alx., accountant, auctioneer, Carswell, James, seaman, 11 Albert p

; st Carswe 1, John, seaman, 15 st &c., 21 Castle st ho. 24 E. Princes Castle m Campbell, Alex , confectioner. Mill st Carswell, John, seaman. 19 Russell s

Campbell, Ach., labourer. 12 Kins' st Cashmore, Mrs - nn, 27 Bishop st Camv»bell, Ach., seaman, 1 Hillhouse rd Cassidy, James, gardener, 24 L desidi Campbell, Mrs Cath, 26 A rdbeg rd Cassidy, Jam^s, njason, .55 Montague Campbell, Mrs Cath., 44 Argyle st Chalmers, Miss Agtie-^, 2 Artibegrd Campbell, Mrs Cath., 16 Oastiehill st Chalmers, John, cleik, 5 M'uistt rs b Campbell, Colin, labourer, 10 Watergate Cherrie John, tenter, 43 jAidbegrd house of rest, Argyle ter Chisholm, Dun., gardener, 43 A rdbeg Campbell, Cln., f*'

Campbell, Colin, 44 Mill st Chisholm. Mrs Eliz , 21 Argyle pi Campbell, Did., grdnr., 10 Columshill pi Chisholm, Jn., painter, 8 Mountstuar Campbell, Donald, labourer, 34 Mill st Chisholm, Rd., gardener, 6 Columshil Campbell, Dn., spit, dlr., 22 Crichton rd Chiistie, Arthur n., music teacher a Campbell, James, broker, 21 Watergate organist, Academy rd Campbell, James, labourer, 19 Store In Christie, Mrs Isa., 3 Bellevue rd Campbell, James A., grocer, 57 Mon- Chrystie, Robt., insurance inspecto*- st tague st ; ho, 27 Argyle st King

Campbell, James G., carter, 2 Mill st Clark, Andw , re^-taurateur. Norm Campbell, Mrs Jane, Havelock ter Stewart Institute; ho,Mountpleasant

Campbell, Mrs Jane, 24 E. Princes st Clark, /»ch , shipmaster, 17 E. Princes Campbell, Miss Jessie, 28 Montague st Clark, Duncan, seaman, 38 Bridge st Campbell, Mrs Jessie, 35 Bridge st Clark, Miss Helen, 30 Ladeside Campbell, John, 135 High st Clark, Miss Joan, 20 Bishop st Campbell, John, seaman, 7 Union st Clark, John, joiner, 22 Bridge-end st

Campbell, John, 18 Columshill st Clark, John, painter, 14 Bridge-etd f Campbell, Lachlan, baker, 16 Castle st Clark, John, porter, 2 Columshill pi 'iCampbell, Lach., labourer, 28 Bridge st Clark, Mrs Mary, 7 Union st Campbell, Mrs Mrgt., 125 Highst Clark, Wm., gardener, E. Burgh Lar Campbell, Mrs Mary, 24 Columshill st ClelHnd, Wm. D., Kastlandsrd Campbell, Mrs Mary, 109 Montague st Clow, Rob rt, gardener, 39 Ardbeg rd Q^ bell, Mrs Mary, 63 High st Clubb, Wm., baker, 24 Castlehill st II 36 Burgh of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

)ates, Helen, Ornatus ter Gumming, Wm.M'A., joiner, 13 Stuart s J,)ates, James, Ph.D., F.A.S., Medical Cunningham, Mrs Ann, 35 Mountstuart r Electrician and Masseur, Sanatorium, Cunningham, Ax, plumber, 71 Victoria s Glenbeg, 37 Ardbe^r rd Cunningham, Ach. .joiner, 6 Hillhouse r

f>chran, John J , dentist, 15 Bishop st Cunningham, Daniel, plumber, 3 Bridge jlpchran, Mrs, Eliz., 1 Mill st st ; hf», 2 Chapelhill rd ochr^ne. Jhnjto-wn weigher, Quayhead Cunnin

'pllier& Nons, bootmakers, Montague st tague st ; ho, 23 Bridge st bilins, Chas., seaman, 26 Kussell st Cunningham, James, plumber, 3 Minis- alville, Mrs Isa., 23 Mill st ter's br bnnell. Miss 12 W. Princes st Cunningham, John, Berated, water manu- pnnell, James, carter, 41 Watergate facturer, 17 E. Princes st; ho, Esysium ook, Dun., fruiterer, 72 Victoria st Cunningham, John, plumber, 129 High s ook, John, coachman, 5 Bishop st Cunningham, John A., miller, 4 Manse- ipok, Mrs Margt., 189 High st field pi

boper, Jobn, 6 Hillhouse rd Cunningham, Monty. , painter, 4 Union s ooper, Mrs Ann, 5 Argyle st Cunningham, Thos., stoker, 133 High st ooper & Co., grocers, W. Princes st Cunningham, Wm., painter, 73 Barone r orbett, John, pensioner. Dean Hood pi Cunningham, Wm., labourer, 2 John st ii|orrigan, Dan., plasterer, 22 Mill st Cunningham, Wm. W., clerk, 3 Hill- p.^grove, Hu., carter, 10 Columshill st house rd osfcTove, Jas. M., carter, Columshill st Cunninghiim & Co., aerated water manu-

pssar, Kev, Alex , Gowanfield pi facturers, E. Princes st lOtes, Miss Georgina, 20 Marine pi Cunningham, Mrs, 31 Bellevue rd oupar, Mrs, Margt., 2 King st Curran, Michael, labourer, 66 High st owan, Dugald, farmer, Grenach Curran, James, mason, 117 High at owan, Mrs Jsa, Bogany id Currie, Alex., draper, 47 Argyle st owan, Mrs Janet, Ardmory rd Cuirie, Alex., farmer, Ardheg owcien, Mrs Marj^t., 18 E. Princes st Curtie, Arch., fisherman, 21 Mill st owie, Miss J.ine, 65 Victoria st Curiie, Daniel, grocer, 30 Ardbeg rd ox., Mrs Cath.. 1 Bridge-end st Currie, Daniel, gardener, 1 Columshill p rabt, Kev. Samuel, Baptist clergyman;' Cutrie, Dan., shoemaker, 11 Montague ho, rdmory rd Currie, Duncan, seaman, 4 Staffa pi

raig, Mrs Chris. P. , 1 Mountstuart rd Currie, Duncan, upholsterer, 80 High st rawford, Alex., cabman, 22 Watergate Currie, John, baker, 47 Argyle st rawford, Mrs Dvd., Clutha vl, Barone r Currie, John, farmer, Westland 'rawford, Duncan, flesher, 7 Bishop st; Currie, John, labourer, 36 Mill st

ho,. 12 Mountpleasant rd Currie, Mrs Margt. , 17 Russell st

I rawford, Geo., coachman, 16 Mount- Currie, Mrs Margt., 109 Montague st

, plensaiit rd. Currie, Kobert, farmer, Crossbeg VawfordjHn., blacksmith, 7 Gallowgate Cuthbert, Miss Em.,44 Mountpleasant rd Jrawford, James, 29 Mountstuart rd Cuthbert, Wm., labourer, 96 High st 'rawford, John S.. 16 Mountpleasant rd Cuthbert, Win., police sergfc., 3 Lo4e pi rawford. Miss Mi yt ,29 Mountstuart rd. Cuthbertson, John, teacher, 22 Colums- Jrawford, Miss Mary, 7 Bishop st hill st 'rawford, Thomas F., shipowner, 57 Cuthbertson, Michael, florist and seed Mountstuart rd grower, 106 High st rich ton, Alex., restaurateur, 4 Argyle Cuthbertson, Wm. (of Dobbie & Co.),

st ; iio, Inkerman ter florist and seedsman, 71 High st ; ho,

Jrichton, Thos , labourer, 10 Mill st Firwood, Crichton rd Irossan, Miss Jessie, 27 .-ir^yle st />aiii kf hanks, John, sen., plumber, 49

High st ; ho, 47 do D Jruickshanks, John, jun, plumber, do. Dale, James, tinsmith, 8 Hillhouse rd u!l, Mrs Eliz., 5^ Argyle st Dale, Mrs Kachael, 29 E. Princes st umming. Miss Janet, 8 Montague st Dalgleish, Mrs Chris., 2 Bishop terbr iummint', Mrs Janet, 3 Minister's br Dalgleish, John, seaman, 38 Mill st '/umming, James, porter, 18 Staffa pi ^Dallachy, Henry, banker, 57 Ardbeg rd Burgh of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesav.

Dalziel, Councillor D. Fred., Ardbeg Dow, Mrs Ann, 28 Montague st Dalziel, Miss E,, 4 Mansefield pi Dowie, John, gardener, High < raigmon Dalziel, Miss Jane, 2 Bishop ter br Downie, Mrs Agnes, 15 St^fFa pi David, Wm., police sergeant, 33 High st Downie, Mrs Mary, 6 Cdchton rd Davidson, John, bnxmaker, 74 Ardbeg r Drummond, Jas., cabman, 26 Watergat« Davidson, Mrs Mary, Bellevue rd Drummond, John. 2 Minister's br Davidson, Ts., cabdriver^ 84 Montague s Drummond, Miss M., 29 Gallowgate Davie, James, farmer, 27 High st Dry burgh, Mrs Agnes, 77 Barone rd Dawson, Wm., tailor, 3 Logie pi Dryburn. Wm., carter, 24 Kussell st

Deans, Wm., carpenter, 41 Watergate Dryden, Geo. , music teacher, 7 < 'astle st: Denny, Walter, labourer, 10 Ladeside Du bar. Miss Robina. 9 Bishop st

Denoon. Mrs Rachael, 6 Bridge at Duncan, Mrs Agnes, 48 ! adeside st Derby, James, painter, 33 Biidge st Duncan, Miss Agnes, 59 Montague st

Derby, Mrs Margt , 8 Tower st Duncan, Alex., 6 Hillhouse rd Derby, Thomas, painter, 19 Castle st Duncan, Alex., bootmaker, Bishop etf Dewar, Mrs Cath., 145 H'gh st ho, 1 Union st

Dewar, Duncan, joiner, 83 Montague st Duncan, Alex , labourer. 14 Ladeside Dewar, Duncan, seaman, 10 Mill st Duncan, Alex., mason, 20 Bridge-end at Dewar, Frank, carpenter, 12 Watergate; Duncan, Ax., plasterer, 11 Columshill I ho, 103 Montague St Duncan, Mrs Ann, 4 Mansefield pi

Dewar, James, joiner, 133 Hi^^h st Duncan, Mrs Ann S. , Serpentine rd Dick, B. & J., boot manufacturers, 105 Duncan, Misses Ann & Maiy 82 High st Montague st Duncan, Arch., potato dealer, Dickie, Mrs Agnes, 12 Bridge st Duncan, Miss Cath., 3 Croft lodge j Dickie, Hugh C., grocer, 111 Montagues Duncan, Mrs Catherine, spirit dealer, |

Dickson. AJex , stoker, 15 Bridge stst Watergate j Dickson, Geo., gardener. 24 Castle Duncan, Daniel, merchant, W^odend J Dickson, Miss Grace, 29 Crichton rd Duncan, Dan., plasterer, 11 Columshill| Dickson, Mrs, 4 W. Castle st Duncan, Daniel, porter, Dietrichsen, Mrs Helen, 5 Marine pi Duncan, Mrs Eliz., 1 Battery pi

Dixon, Wm., coalmaster, 12 13 King st Duncan, Mrs Eliz , Craigpoint Dobbie, Alex. G., Cruden cot Duncan, Miss Grace, 25 Montague st Dobbie, And., tailor, 7 Tower st Duncan, Mrs Isa G., 29 E. Princes st Dobbie, Mrs Cath., High Craigmore Duncan, James, mason, 2 Logie pi Dobbie, James, florist, High Craigmore Duncan, Miss Jane, 12 Argyle st Dobbie, Mrs Janet, 22 Columshill st Duncan, Mrs Jane, 29 Victoria st Docherty, Bern, .painter, 27 Bridge end s Duncan, Mrs Janet, 169 High st Docherty, Chas,, lamplitr., 42 Bishop st Duncan, Mrs Janet, 17 H. Princes st

Docherty, Edward, < >rnatus ter Duncan, John, 23 .^taffa pi Docherty, James, labourer, 17 Kussell st Duncan, John, baker, 11 Chapelhill rd Docherty, John, gardener, 125 High st Duncan, John, heritor. Minister's br

Docherty, John, gatekeeper, 86 High st Duncan. John, joiner, 22 Bridge st ; ho,

Docherty, John J. , ? >ain ter, 83 Montague 23 Argyle ter Docherty. Miss Margt., 64 High st Duncan, John, labourer, 74 High st Docherty, Mic, fishmonger, 2 Dean Hd p Duncan, Jn., watchmaker, 55 Montague b

Dodds, Andw. & Son, joiners. King st ; Duncan, Miss Margt., 4 Union st ho, Tower cottage, 16 Tower st Duncan, Miss .Mary A., 5J E. Princes st Dodds, Miss Jesde, milliner, 15 Argyle st Duncan, Matthew, plasterer, Ladeside; Doggart, Thos. W., teacher, Abbotsford ho, Academy rd Donaghy, Peter, dealer, Wellpark rd Duncan, JNinian, grain and potato mer-

Donald, Mrs Theresa, 27 Argyle st and chant, Store lane ; ho, 24 Bishop st 24 Bridge st Duncan, Roht., shoemaker, 24 Argyle st Donald, Mrs Eliz., 4 Mill st Duncan, Kobt. Craig, gardener, 14 Kings Donaldson, George, accountant, High Duncan, Wit,, gardener, 5 Columshill pi Craigmore Duncan, Misses, P. O., 33 Gallowgate Donaldson, Miss Janet, 27 Bridge st Dunlop, Mrs Magdeline, 21 Mill st

Dougan, Mrs Bridget, 19 Mill st Dunlop, Mrs Margt. , 11 Wai ergate Douglas, Angus, clerk, 4 Hillhouse rd Dunlop, Robt., 27 Argyle st Douglas, Miss Marion, 6 Battery pi Dunlop, Wm., brassfinsr., 90 Montague « Burgh of HOUSEHOLDERS. "Rothesay.

Dunn, Arch. C, draper, 85 Ardbeg rd Ferguson, Mrs Margaret, Meadowcap JDunn, Mrs Henry, Bellevue rd Ferrier, Mrs Ann, 19 Argyle st Dunning, Mrs Fanny, 5-2 Gallowgate Ferrier, David, grocer, 54 Montague st ykes, Mrs Margt., 2 Castlehill st Ferrier, Wm., fireman, 34 Ladeside st Findlay, Mrs, 1 Brighton ter Findliy, Mrs Eliz., 2 Hillhouse rd E Finlay, Msss Jnt & Jem., 10 Crichton r Eadie, Alex., shopman, 3 King st Finlay, ft'iss Mary, 47 Mountstuart rd Eadie, And., phoiographer, 5^ Argyle pi Finlay, Peter, grocer, Wyndham rd Badie, Mrs Mary, 18 Mountpleasant rd Finlayson, Mrs Helen E., Ardmory rd

Eadie, Wm . teacher, Ballochgoy ter Finlayson, Mis'^ Janet (i. , 18 Argyle st Edgar, Mrs Cath., Academy rd Finnie, Mrs Ann, 70 Ardbeg rd Edgar, James F., 29 Culumshill st Finnie, Margaret S., Ardmory rd Fdgar, Wm., bottler, 22 Battery pi Fi-her, James, grain merchant. King st i, Edgar, Wm., painter, 33 Victoria st and W. Castle st ; ho, 19 Bridge st Elder, Mrs Margaret, milliner, 102 Mon- Fisher, John, photographer, 6 Argyle pi tague st Fishei, Mrs Mary, 73 Victoria st

Elder, Robert, engineer, Elderslie, Ser- Fisher, Wm , Hillhead, Serpentine rd Flannaghan, I pentine rd Mrs Bethia, 7 Bishop st Elliot, Miss Ann, Mansefield pi Fleming, Gavin, jun., reporter, 34 Co-

. Ellison, Kobert, wine merchant, 26 Ma- lumshill st rine pi Fleming, Gavin, sen., gardener, Baroner Evans, Mrs Johanna, 41 Victoria pi Fleming, James, labouier, 149 High at Ewan, Geo., 11 Mill st FlemingjMsss Jn.& Mrgt., 18 Crichton rd jEwart, Gavin G., ironmonger, 11 East Fleming, Miss Jessie, 15^ Marine pi Princes st Fleming, John, merchant, 18 Crichton rd Ewing, Mrs Ann, 6") Mountstuart rd Fleming, Mrs Mrgt., 34 Cilumshill st Ewing, Ach., reporter, 10 Monntstuart r Fleming, Mrs Mary, Baron e rd

Ewing, Geo., carter, 38 Ladeside Fletcher, Miss Isa , 12 Mountpleasant rd Fletcher, Kobt., seaman, 27 Cobimshill s Fontana, Guesepha, confectioner, 14

King st ; ho, 36 Columshill st Fairbairn, John L., commercial traveller, Forbes, Mrs Marion, 25 Mountstuart rd 62 Mountstuart rd Foid, Mrs Jessie, 12^ Argyle pi Fairley. Mrs Agnes, 17 Marine pi Fordyce, Un Margt., 105 High st Falconer. Mrs Ann, 83 High st Forfar, James, grocer, 94 High st Falconer, Mrs Jane, Abercorn Forrest, Ax., earthnw. dealer, 8^ Ardbeg FalconfT, '1 homas, clerk, 2 Union st Forrest, Mrs Christina, 17 E. Princes st Farquhar, Mrs Mary, 35 Bridge st Forrest, Mrs Mary, 74 Ardbeg rd Farquharson, Miss Ophelia, Chapelhill rd Foison, Andw., hatter, 31 Battery pi Earrell, Jeremiah, moulder, 29 Ardbeg r Foulds, Mrs Eliz M., 45 Ardbeg rd

Farwell, Miss Wil. F., 27 Columshill st Foulds, Thos. . moulder, 18 Montague st Faulds, James, cartel, 9 Mill st Fowlie, Walter, stockbroker, 38 Bishop

Faulds, Mrs Jane, 3 Stuart st st ; ho, Castiegrove, York ter Faulds, Mrs Jemima, 48 Liideside Foulis, Bobert, mason, 3 Mill st Faulds, Wm., carter, 11 Mill st Fox, Peter, 21 Staflfa pi Ferguson, Alex., flesher, 12 Bridge st Fraser,Msss Cth.& Mry, lO Mountstuart r Ferguson, Alx., painter, 135 High st Eraser, John, watchmaker, Ladeside i'erguson. Miss Cath., terpentine rd Freeland, Wm., gardener, 21 Mount- Ferguson, Daniel, auctioneer, Baronerd pleasant rd Ferguson, Duncan, seamiin, 54 Ladeside Friel, Hugh, labourer, 72 High sc

Ferguson, Mrs Grace, spirit merchant, Friel , Pat., labourer, 21 Russeil st

; 25 High st ; ho, Mountple-isant rd Fulton, Mis^ iiz., stat'oner, 10 vrgyles Fergusou, Jan., dealer, 11 Hil house id Kuiton, Mrs Kliz., 28 Cr chtou rd Ferguson, John, he itor, iSB'idge s^ Fait n, Misses E.

Ferguson, John, laijourer, 93 ) ugh st Fult >n, Kobt., shoemaker, 2 John st Ferguson, John, tailor, 38 Mill so Fuilerton, Wm., serdted water manu- Ferguson, Mrs Mary, 17 Gallowgate facturer. Bishop st 39 ;

Burgh of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

FuUerton, Mrs H., 17 Rusgell st Gilchrist, David, purser, 1 Union st Fyfe. A. P., 121 Hi 'h st Gilchrist, Mrs Jessie, 7 Chapelhill rd Fyfe, Miss Ann, 7 Marine pi Gilchrist, John, mnson, 98 High st Fyfe, John, boatbuilder, Wyndham rd Gilchrist, Jn. S., teacher, 11 Columshill s Fyfe, John, seaman, 76 Ardbeg rd Gilchrist, Mooie, shipmaster, 26 Argyle s Fyfe, Robt., painter, 33 Staflfa pi Gilchrist, Mrs -arah, 31 'Tallowgate Fyfe, Mrs, Sarah, 6^ Ardbeg rd Gilfillan, John, 14 StafFa pi GilfiUan, Wm., printer, 8 Hillhouse rd Giilan, Miss Brid;^et, 27 Columshill st Gillan, Mi>s Joan, 31 Gallowgate G Gi'lan, Hobt.. moulder, Wyndham rd Gillespie A., 96 Columshill st Galbraith, Alex., seaman, 9 Hillhouse rd Gillespie, Jms., carpenter, 31 Argyle st Galbraith, Miss Eliz., High Craigmore Gillespie, Mrs, Wyndham park Galbraith, Mrs Cath., 77 Montague st Gillespie, Wm. S., dentist, 71 Barone rd Galbraith, Mrs Marion, 1 Craiymnre rd Gillies, Mrs Agnes. 41 Victoria st Galbraith, Eev. William, U. P, manse, Gillies, Mrs Ags. L., 21 Mountpleasant r Bishop ter Gillies, Alex., carpenter, 46 Mo at ague s Gallacher, James, labourer, 19 Stuart st Gillies, Don., vanman, 141 High st Gallacher, Mrs Mary, 3 King st Gillies, Dugald, joiner, 16 King st Gallocher, Thos., spirit mercht.. Gowan- Gillies, Mrs Eliz. S., 37 Ardbeg rd field ter Gillies, Jms., labourer, 24 Ladeside st Gallocher, Chas., labourer, 24 Ladeside Gillies, John, burgh messenger, 14 Galloway, Jame?, 5 Mountpleasant rd Bridge-end st Galloway, Wm., manufactr., Bogany rd Gillies, John, labourer, Meadowcap Gait, Wm., moulder, 28 Staffa pi Gillies, John, shipmaster, 26 Russell st Gardiner, Miss Isa., 41 Victoria st Gillies, Mi-s Mrgt., 37 Ardbeg rd

Gardiner, Jas., baker, 4 Mountpleasant Gillies, Mrs Mry , Ardmo y rd Gardiner, Mrs Jane, Ballochgoy ter Gillies, Peter, Libourer, 14 King st Gardiner, John, barber, 16 W. Princes Gillies, Wltr. F., teacher of dancing, 41

st ; ho, Lilyoak ter Ardbeg rd Gardiner, Mrs Mrgt., 3^ Victoria st Gilmcur, Neil, 38 Columshill st Gardiner, Mrs Mary, 93 Montague st Giuliani, Leapoldo, confectioner, Mon-

ho, 5 Battery pi tague, High, and Watergate sts ; ho, Gardiner, Robt., sen., joiner, 9 Chapel- 94 Montague st hill rd Glass, Jn.D., ironmercht.,55 R. Princess Gardiner, Ts., sawmiller, 58 Montague s Glass, Mrs Mary, 41 Crichton rd Garret, John, hosier, 3 Mill st Glen, Jms., fisherman, 40 B shop .st

Garrity, I 'ominic labourer, 2 John st Glen, Mrs Janet, Bishop ter br Ganity, Pat., labourer, 20 Bridue-end s Glen, John, residenter, 2 Marine pi Garvey, Geo., druggist, 31 Columshill st Glen, John, seaman, 25 Montagae st

Garvey, Mrs Mry , Inkerman ter Glen, Peter, seaman, 6 Castle st

Geddis, Geo., tailor, 32Mountpleatant r Glen, Peter, boatman, 4 < roft In Gemmill, Hugh, painter, 27 Argyle st Glen or Johnston, Mrs, 9 Marine pi Gemmill, John, labourer, 8 Hillhou-e r Golder, John, heritor, 4 Marine pi Gemmill, Robt., engineer, Barone rd Golder, Wm., heritor, 23 Marine pi Gemmill, Wm., joiner, 18 Argyle st (Toldie, Miss isa., 169 High st Gibb, Mrs Janet, 46 Ardbeg rd Goodfellow, Js., gardener, 8 Gallowgate Gibson, George, waiter, Glenburn Goodfellow, John, son. and jun., gar- Gibson, Mrs Helen, 8 Montague st deners, M 'Abater's court Gibson, James, gardener, Montford Goodwin, Miss Jessie, 45 Mountstuart rd Gibson, Mrs Robina, 66 Montague st Goodwin, Isaac, mason, 17 Montague st Gibson, John, flesher, 19 Gallowgate Goidon, John, j^ardener, Almar, Graig-

Gibson, i hos., gardener, Glenburn more Gilchrist, Allan, mason, 22 Ladeside Gourlay, Ach., joiner, 17 Bridge st Gilchiist, Andrew, foreman, Chronicle Gourlay, Js l'\, bookseller, 75 r^rdbegrd

office ; ho, 27 Columshill st Govan, John G., heritor, Ardbeg rd Gilchrist, Mrs Ann, 98 High st Graham, Miss Ann, ladies' and children's Gilchrist, Daniel, teacher, Inkermnn ter outfitter, 75 Victoria st 40 Burgh of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

Graham, Miss Cth., 29 E. Princes st Hamilton, Misses Jnne. & Mry., Orcadia Graham, Miss Esther, 6 Bishop st Hamilton, John, moulder, 37 iScaflFa pl Graham, Frank, engineer. 8 Staffa pi Hamilton, John S., Serpentine rd Graham, Mrs Mary, giocer, 5 Mill st Hamikor), Peter, 53 C'richton rd

ho, Colbeck pi Hamilton, Thus , stoker, Mansefield pl Graham, 'J'hos., engineer, 2 Argyle st Hamilton, Wm., gardener, 17 Gallowgate Graham, Peter, potter, Argyle ter Hannay, Miss Janet, Barone rd Graham, Wm., baker, 11 Mill at Hannay, Miss Mary, 113 Montague st Grainger, Miss Jessie, 19 Marine pi Hannerton, Mrs Janet, 8 Montague st Granger, Miss Jnt., 10^ Ardbeg rd Hannighan, Mrs Mary, 42 High st (irant, Mrs Agnes, Gowai field ter Harding, cap ain. County Chief Con- Grant, Donald, writer, 20 Castlehill st stable. 37 High st ho, Holyrood, Barone rd Harkness, Miss Helen, 5.3 E. Princes st Grant, Mrs Eliz., 20 Bishop st Harold, Misses Eliz. & Isa., booksellers, Grant, Mrs Jessie, 8 Mountpleasant rd Albert

Grant, John, 2 Minister's br Harper, Jms , labourer, 8 Store In Grant, John, carter, Meadowcap Harper, Kankin, labourer, 4 Mill st

Grant, F^eter, baker, 1 Galluwgate ; ho, Harris, Edw., boatman, 55 Montague st

22 Bridge st Hart, Miss Eliz , 11 E. Princes st Gray, Alex., lithographer, 16 Store In Hart, Js., warehouseman, Wyndh&m rd Gray, John, coachman, 103 Montague st Hart, Mrs Mrgt., Argyle ter Gray, Mrs Mrgt., 77 Montague st Hart, Miss Mry., 2 Chapelhill rd Gray, Mrs Mrgt., 125 High st Hart, Wm., carrier, 8 Columshill pl Gray, Wltr., musician, 2 Osborne pl Harvey, Mrs Eliz., 135 High st Green, Mrs Ann, 4 Castle st Harvey, Js., tobacconist, Eastlands rd

Green, Edw. , woodman, 98 High st Harvey. Mrs Janet, 7 W. Piinces st Gieeii, Wm. M., 93 Ardbeg rd Harvey, John, labourer, Barone rd Greenlees, John, carter, 5 Hillhouse rd Harvey, Jhn. B., seaman, 3 Minister's br

' Greig, Jms. , gardener, 25 Craigmnre rd Harvey, John C, printer, hronicle, 16 Gribben, Miss Ame., 16g Mountstuart rd Watergate; ho, Springbank, 7 Chapel- Grier, Wm., millworker, 31 Staffa pl hill rd Giindley,Geo., Argyle Hotel, Watergate Harvey, John T., heritor, 20 Argyle st Harvey, Kobt,,^ tailor, 135 High st Harvey, Kobt., C, sculptor, Eastlands H Harvey, Sam., dykebuilder, High st Haddow, Alox,, draper, 32 Bishop st Harvey, Thos., fisherman, 36 Bridge st Haig, gardener, 11 Columshill Harvey, Thos, dyer, 8 Brighton ter Andw. , p Haig, John, blucksmita, 8 Hillhou-e rd Harvey, Thos. D., farmer, Windyhall Haig, Mrs Mrgt., 32 Bishop st Harvey, Wm., steward, 28 Castle st Halbert, Jnhn, masion, 15 Bishop st Hay, Mrs Eliz., 76 Montague st Haldane, Miss Isa., 32 Mill st Hay, John, stationer. At gyle ter Hall, Dr Andrew J., M.A., M.D., 13 Hay ward, Henry, B escian Family, Battery pl Cruden House, Bi-hopter Hall, Miss Bethia, Gowanfield pl Heaslet, Miss Agnes, 63 High st

Hall, David, Westland rd Heaton Js , spirit merchant, 7 Victoria

Hall, Mrs Isa., 10 Mountstuart rd st ; ho, 83 Barone rd Halliday, George, sen., (of George Halli- Heaton, B,obt., spirit merchant, 12 East

day, Ltd.), Wdod merchant, sawmill, Princes st ; lao, I'ower, Serpentine rd Union st; ho, Ardnamara, Academy rd Heaton, Wm. blacksmith, 23 Barone rd agent, Heaton, VV'm, Halliday, Geo , juu., shipping M., printer, 10 Battery pl Springbank, Chapelhill rd Henderson, Rev. Adm. C, 10 Marine pl Halliday, John, timber merchant, Henderson, Mrs Agnes, 2 Osbnrne pl Ardnamara, Chaj)elhill rd Henderson,Dvd., clubmasteT,27 Argyle s Halliday, Mlcm., cont'a tor, Ardnamara Henderson, James, coal merchant, 31

Halliday, Wm., engineer, 21 Argyle st Watergite ; ho, 163 High st Hamilton, .Andw., grocer, 2 Bridge-end Henderson, Jms., wood merchant. West-

st ; ho, Barone rd wood, Argyle ter Hamilton, Mrs Eliz., 12 W. Princes st Henderson, Mrs Jnt., 4 Dean Hood pl Hamilton, Miss Grace, 8 K. Princes st Henderson, Mrs Mry., 59 Ardbeg rd Hamilton, Js., plumber, 1 Bridge-end st 4lHendry, Mrs Mrgt., 23 Mountpleasant rd ;

Burgh of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

Henrichs, Mrs Eliz., 10 Mountstuart rd Hyndman, Peter, 25 Staffa pi Henry, Jms., carrier, 72 Montague st Hyndman, Wm., steward, 6 Bishop st Henry, Mrs Mry., 80 High st Henry, Wm., grocer, 26 Mill st Herbert, Miss Agnes, 31 F-. Princes st Herbert, Miss Edith, 6 Albert pi Inglis, Mrs Eliz., 19 Ardbeg rd Herbert, Mrs Hn., Hillcrest, 5 Crichtonr Ins^lis, James, printer, 17 E. Princes st Heron. Jms., merchant and commission Innes, Alex,, gardener, Ascog agent, 4 Bishop ter Innes, Geo., pawnbroker. West Castle

Heron, Mrs Mrgt., Glenhead pi st ; ho, Bruan, Bishop ter Heron, Miss Miy., tobacconist, 7 Water- Innes, M. & G., furniture dealers, 101 gate Montague st Herriot, Miss Eliz. M., 54 Mountstuart r Irvine, David, 31 Staffa pi Hewison, Bev. Jms. King, M, A., Parish Irvine, Joseph, labourer, 2 John st Church manse. Minister's br Irvine, 8am., shoemaker, 5^ E Princess Hicks. Charles'!'., chemist and druggist, 2 High st and 1 Victoria st ; ho, Daisy y Cliflf, Ciichton rd «* Higgle, Ge Tge, publisher, shorthand Jack, James, grain merchant, Hillside writer and teacher, and insurance house, Serpentine rd agent, 22 Bridge st Jack, Thos., contractor, 29 Barone rd Hill, Chas., labourer, 17 E. Princes st Jackson, Dvd., purveyor, 8 K. Princes Hill, Dune, shipowner, Chapelhill rd st ; ho, 32 Battery pi Hill, Geo., draper, 78 Montague st Jago, Kich. J., cook, 46 High st Hill, Miss Jnt., 5^ Gallowga'e Jamieson, A. & Son, seedsmen, florists, Hill, Mrs Sophia, 9 Mountstuart rd and fruiterers, 9 Argyle st Holden, Geo., grocer, 75 Montague st Jamieson, Jms. G., fruiterer, Argyle st ho, 4 Hillhouse rd Jamieson, Miss Jane, 3 Mountpleasant rd

Holn es, Andw., grocer, 47 Victoria st Jamieson, Miss Jnt , 15 Castle st ho, 29 B. Princes st Jamieson, John, baker, 3 Union st Holmes, Miss Isa., Baroie rd Jamieson, John C, plasterer, 18 Mill st; Hood, Wm., 27 Staffa pi ho, 96 High st Hossiick, Miss Mrgt., 4 VV^ Castle st Jamieson, Miss Mry., 8 Argyle st Howe, Alex., fruiterer, 38 Columshill s Jamieson, Neil, woodman, 15 Castle st Howie, D. L., photographer, Dean Hood Jamieson, Wm., gardener, Serpentine r Ardbeg rd Jamieson, Wm. B., pi ; ho, 48 chemist and drug- Howie, Miss Jnt., 2 Columshill pi gist, 64 Montague st Howitt, Ach. F., engineer, 46 Ladeside Jardine, Kbt., boathirer and carpenter,

Howitt, Jms., gardener, Ardmory rd Mountstuart rd ; ho; 21 Columshill st Hume, Jms., exciseman, 17 K. Princes s Jeffrey, Margt., 96 High st

Hunter, , Hohrood Jeffrey, Jms., fisherman, 41 Watergate Hunter, And., blacksmith, 65 Victorias Jeffrey, Wm., boxmaker, 12J Argyle st Hunter, Mrs Annie Y., 43 Mountstuart r Jenkins, Miss Helen, 28 Argyle st Hunter, Jms., seaman, 125 High st Jenkins, Mrs Hln., .36 Mountpleasant rd Jms grocer, 10 W. Princes st; Jenkins, Kobina, 5 Argyle st Hur.ter, , ho, Mountstuart rd Jennings, Jos., vanman, 97 Montague st Hunter, John R. mason, 11 Castle st Jessemine, Miss Eliz., 1 Mat kinlay st Hunter, l»obt., A. tailor, 6 Staffa pi Johnston, Miss Agnes. 23 Barone rd Hunter, Wm., builder, Marionslea, Johnston, Misses Cath. & Fiord, dress- Minister's br makers, 9 Castle st Hutchison, Wm., Almar, Craigmore rd Johnston, Mrs Eliz., 13 W. Princes st Hutchison, Miss Eliz., Serpentine rd Johnston, Mrs Flora, dairy keeper, 99 Hutchison, Miss Mr-/., 4 Union st Montague st Hutton, Mrs Jane. 65 Ardbeg rd Johnston, Mrs Geor^ina. 82 Montague st Hynd, Mrs Jane, 7 W yndham rd Johnston, Hugh, joiner, 35 Barone rd Hyndman, And., painter, 5Minister's br Johnston, Miss Kate, Bishop st

Hvndman, Mrs Ann, 46 Lade>ide Johnston, Jms , mason, 52 Montague st Hyndman, Jms., slater, 52 Montague st Johnston, John, shoemaker, 9 Castle st Hyndman, Peter, carter, 37 Bridge st Johnston, Jn. D., tinsmith, 37 Staffa pi 42 ;

Burgli of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

Johnston, John G., 54 Ardbeg rd Kinnaird, Mrs Eliz., 41 Watergate Johnston, John R., blacksmith, 65 Ard- Kinnaird, Mrs Mrgt., 15^ Marine pi beg rd Kinnaird, Robt., gardener, 26 Watergate Johnston, Thos., mason, 82 Montague st Kijjpen, Jms. M., heritor, Ardmory rd Johnston, Mrs, 38 Bishop st Kirkhope, Wm., sculptor, Townhead Johnston, Misses, confectioners, 63 Vic- ho, 36 Columshill st toria st Kirkland, Jms., labourer, Westland rd Johnstone, Ch'*. A., sheriff officer, 16 Kirkland, Miss Mary, E. Burgh l.anda Mountpleasant rd Kirkpatrick, Mrs Hannah, 11 Albert pi Johnstone, Eobt., blacksmith, 64 Staffa p Kirkvvood, Dvd., cartwriglt, 111 High Johnstone, Robt., biicklayer, 22 Mill st st ; ho. Union st

Jone-^, John, fiesher, 109 Montague st Kirk wood, Jms , church officer, 13 Ar- Jones, Stephen, florist, 32 Bishop st gyle st Judge, Mrs, 23 Bridge-end st Kiikwood, Miss Jessie, 21 Mountpleas- ant rd Kirkwood, John, seaman, 80 Hi^h st K Knox, John, boatman, 8 B. Princes st Kae, Mrs Grace, 18 Columshill st Kyle, Robert, Roslin pi Kay, Mrs Ann, 11 Columshill at Kay, Mrs Helen, 52 Mountstuart rd Kay, Jms., forester, Barone cottage Kean, Mrs, 24- Russell st Laidlaw, Mrs Agnes, 6 Argyle st Keir, Alex., joiner, 98 Montagvie st Laid law, Geo. B., bandmaster, 63 Vic- toria st Keith, Alex , joiner,

Keith, Dan. , plasterer, 23 Barone rd Laidlaw, Jms., plasterer, 32 Bishop st Keith, .Tms, cook, 28 Montague st Laidlaw, Rbt.. retd. hosier, 5 Ar^yie st Keith, John, porte, 85 High st Laidlaw, Mrs, dairy keeper, 16 Bishop st Kell, John, baker, 30 Ladeside Laing, James, bootmaker, 4 Gallowgate Kell, Norman, boatman, 20 Mill st Laing, Mrs, 13 Staffa pi Kelly, Dan., carpenter, 36 Staffa pi Laird, Mrs Andw., 15 Bridge st Kelly, Jms., painter, 59 Ardbeg Laird, Mrs Eliz., High Craigmore Kelly, John L., hotel-keeper, Royal Laird, Mrs Mrt;t., 94 High st Hotel, 4 Albert pi Lambie, Miss Jane, 24 B. Princ-s st Kelly, John T., barber, 36 Mill st Lambie, John, Mansefield pi

Kelly, Miss Mry. , 11 Mountstuart rd Lamont, Alex., carpenter, Serpentine rd Kelly, Robt., grocer, 21 Russell st Lamont Arch,, tailor and clothier, 15 Kelso, Mrs Janet, 2 Mountpleasano Gallowgate

Kemp, Mrs Cth , Hi

Kennedy, Mrs Ann, 50 i ade-ide Lamont, Dugald, 10 Uolumshill st Kennedy, Jms., shipmaster, 11 Albert pi Lamont, Dune, joiner, 11 Staffa pi Kennedy, Mrs Mry., 11 Argyle ter Lamonr, Miss Isa., 29 \rgyle st Ker, Miss Agnes, 12 Marine pi Lamont, John, jun., baker, 23^ Gallow-

Kerr, Mrs Chris , spirit dealer, 3 Bridge- gate ; ho, 23 Gallowgate

end st ; ho, 11 Bridge st Lamont, Jn., sen., baker, 23 Gallowgate Kerr, Finlay, seaman, 98 Montague st Lamont, Mrs Mrgt., 29 /Vrdbeg rd Kerr. Miss Helen, 11 Columshill st Lamont, Miss Sarah, 7 Bishop ter Kerr, Hugh fc^., tailor, 17 Bishop st Lamont Mi-s, Sarah, Gowanfield ter Kerr, Mrs Jessie, 26 Columshill st Lang, And., ironmonger, 22 Columshill s Kerr, Mrs John, 24 Bishop st Lan>,', Arthur R., coach painter, 11 Mon- Kerr, Mrs Msgt., 34 Bridge st tague st Kerr, Neil, builder, 29 Victoria st Lang, John, spirit dealer, 31 Battery pi Kiiloch, Mrs Wm., Wyndham pk Lauder, Hugh, jeweller, 8 Albert pi; lio, Kinchin, John T., merchant, 15 Craig- I Crichton rd more rd Lauder, Robt., draper-, 7 Albert pi King, Miss Ann, 38 Monntpleasant rd Lauder, Wm., joiner, 3 adeside st ; ho, King, Jms., engineer, 8 Marine pi Mayflower, Barone rd King, Scott, boarding house, 6 liliysium Lauder, Wm., labourer, 3 Stuart st 43 Burgli of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

Law, Mrs Barb., 18 Castle st Love, Mrs Margt.. 7 W. Princes st Law, Miss Mry. Ann A,. 1-3 Ardbeg rd Lugt>n, Wm., seaman, 3 Minister's br Lawrie, Jms., carter, 41 WateVg^te Lusk, Miss Cth., 27 Bridge end st Lawrie, John M., billiard saloon, 9 Lyle, Miss \nn, 70 Anibeg rd Bridge-end st Lyle, Chs.. Lome Hotel, (^uildford sq Lawrie, Miss Mary, 8^ Ardbeg rd Lyle, Wm., builder, Townhead Lawson, Dvd., baker, 87 Montague st Lyle, Mrs Mrgt., Townhead

and 20 F. st ; Bank, Lyle, Mrs Martha, draper, Princes ho, Ivy 54 High st ; Bridge st ho, 12 Castle st

Lawson, Miss, 18 Mountpleasant rd Lyle, Wm. , chemist and druggist, 14 E. Lawson, Jms. Burn., M.D., 2a Battery p Princes st

Lawson, John i ., Havelock ter Lyon, Miss Eliz. . 48 Mountstuart rd Lackie, Mrs Jms. A., Logie pi. Bridge st Leckie, Miss Jessie, 8 Argyle st Leckie, Wm. M., slater, 31 Bridge st Lee, John, steward, 94 High st M Lee, Miss Mary, 77 Montague st Mack, Jms., blacksmith, 32 Mill st Leiper, Miss Barb., 29 Barone rd Madden, Sergeant-Major Geo., swimming

Leishman, Robt., 19 Staflfa pi master, Stewart baths ; ho, 49 Mount- Leitch, Alex., labourer, 38 Ladeside stuart rd Leitch, Misses Frances and Catherine, Maddever, Mrs Mrgt., 7 Mountstuart rd 29 Cclumshill st Maine, John, cletk, 12 Staffa pi Leitch, Henry, steward, 15 Bridge st Mains, Jms., hawker, 24 Ladeside Leitcl), Jms.-, carter. Union st Maitland, Andw., shopman, Ballochgoy Leitch, ISeil, gardener, 31 Columshill st Maitland, Daniel, shopman, 1 Mill st Leitch, Peter, waiter, 139 High st Maitland, Mrs Isa., 60 High st Leith. Peter, chemist and druggist, 43 Maitland, Jm-., labourer, 19 Stuart st

Victoria st ; ho, 11 Argyle pi Maitland, Joseph, grocer, 62 Montague

Le Neve, Miss Ags. J., 12 M^untstuart r st ; ho, 12 Argyle st Leslie, John ( *rr, musicaii, 27 Argyle st Maitland, u\s^, Ballochtjoy ter Lessels, And., engineer, 29 Cclumshill s Maitland, Mrs Janet, 27 Bishop st

Lewis, Thos , labourer, 21 Mill st Maltman Mrs Agnes, 26 Russell st Liddle, Mi'-s Mrgt., 15 Battery pi Manning, Geo., 1 Columshill pi Lightbody, Miss Wil., 6 Hillhouse rd Marsh, Chs., painter, 13 Bridge- end st Lightbody, Robt., tinsmi h, 3 Mill st Marshall, Mrs Annie, 47 Argyle st Linden, Mrs Mry. Ann, 4 Staflfa pi Marshall, Dvd. H., 21 Ardbeg rd Lipton, Limited, provision dealers, 36 Marshall, Mrs Jms., 4 Mountpleasant Montague st Marshall, Mrs Jnt., 54 Ladeside st Lister, st Alex., nurseryman, Barond rd ; Marshall, John, carrier, 35 Bridge ho, Gowanfield ter Marshall, John N., M.D., 7 Battery pi Lister, John, nurseryman, Barone rd Marshall, Robert, carter, 24 Bridge st Little, Robt., grocer, 27 Argyle st Marshall, Robt., clerk, 4 Mouiitpleasant Livingst ne, Mrs Jut., 20 Biinge-end st Martin, Alex. & John, carriage hirers, Livingstone, Rich., saddler, 14 Castlehill Chapel hill rd

st ; ho, Mountpleasant rd Mart n, Bryce, J. P., 32 Ardbeg rd Livingstone, b'obt., labourer, 14 King st Martin, Geo., insurance superinreudent, Loaghrie, Miss Grace Ann, 52 Ardbeg rd 47 High st Locke, Wm., baker. Alma ter Martin, Mrs Isa., 8 Tower st Lockhart, Jms., pendoner, 3 King st Martin, James, 11 Mill st l^ogan, Frncs., tinsmith, 71 Victoria st Martin, Malcolm, tnilor, 14 Albert pi

Logan, Jms., mill manager, 2 Hillhouse r Martin, Mrs Mrgt. , 29 A rgyle ter

Logan, Mrs Janet, 90 Montague st Martin, Thos. J., M.A , Sheriff- Substi- LoDgmuir, Mrs Mrgt., 12 ( olumshill st tute, Auchenross. Craigmore Lorraine, Miss Eliz., nurse, 35 Ladtside Mason, lex., builder, 17 E. Princes st Love, Mrs, 125 High st M^^son, Mrs Jane, 18 Mountpleasant rd

'! Love, D. K., flesher. Dean Hoon i 1 ; ho, Mason, hns. . groc-r, 77 High st Lilyoak ter Massun, Geo., tobacconist, Glenburn cot Love, John K., tinsmith, 66 Montague Maihesoi), Wm., joiner, Ardbeg

st ; ho, 20 Argyle st Mathieson, Don., grocer, 6 E. Princes st 44 ; ;

Burgh of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

MathiesoD, Mts Mr^t., 22 Battery pi Milloy, Lachlan, ironmonger, 45 Mon-

Mather, Mrs Cth., 1 Hillhouse rd tague st ; ho, Elmbank, Ballochgoy Matthews, Rev, Francis, Episcopal Ch.; Minihan, Michael, mason, 19 Mill st

parsonage, York ter Minnis, Thos , shoemaker, 46 High st Matthewson, Jn., shopman, 3.^ Victoria s Milne, Ach., hatter, 4 Minister's br Matthewson, -\x,, gardener, Meadowcap Mitchell, Misses Agnes & Eliz., 55 Crich- Maxwell, James, confectioner, 23 E, ton rd Princes st Mitchell, Andw., gardener, Bush Maxwell, Mrs Mry., 24 E. Princes st Mitchell, Mrs Ann, 17 Stuart st Maxwell, Mrs Hobina, 8 Montague st Mitchell, Mrs Ann, 30 E. Princes st Mealmak»^r, Mrs Jnt.. 24 Castle st Mitchell, Ach.. boilermake-, 40 Bishop s Mearns, Mrs Chris K., Argyle ter Mitchell, John, postmaster, Uxenford,

Meek, Rev. James R., New Parish Ch ; Barote rd manse, Skeoch Mitchell, Misses Jessie & Mary, 1 Mac-

, Meikle, Ach. steamboat agent, Quay ; kinlay st ho, 17 Bridge st Mitchell, Samuel, baker, 98 High st Menzies, Mis Barb., nurse, 11 Bridge st Mitchell, Samuel, grocer, 6 High st Menzies, Mrs Eliz., Wyndham pk ho, 5 Mountstuart rd Metcalf, Jn.R., house factor 25 Marine p Mitchell, Thos., upholstorer, 17 Mon- ]V:liddleton, Miss, dressmkr., 18 Argyle pi tague st; ho, Gowanfield pi Middleton, Mrs Mry. Ann, 48Ardbeg rd Moffatt, Mrs Helen, Ardm(

ho, l)unottar, Mackinlay st pi ; ho, Woodside, Ardbeg Millar, N eil, seaman, 2 Columshill pi Montgomerie, Wm., spirit dealer, 3 W. Millar, Miss Kobin;', Wyndham rd Princes st Millar, Wm. C, butcher, 21 High st Montgomerie, Mrs Agnes, 25 Montague s

ho, Koslin pi Montgomerie Brothers , butchers, 13 Al- Millar, Wm. J., civil engineer, 31 Ma- bert pi rine pi Montgomerie, Mrs Kate, 1 Ardbeg rd Millar, Wm., porter, 46 I adeside Montgomerie, Miss Janet, dairy keeper, Milieu, Mrs Cecile, 59 Crichton rd 30 East Princes st Miller, Mrs Ann, 25 Staffa pi Montg'^merie, John L. C, Barone rd Miller, Alex. , baker, 26 Russell st Montgomerie, W. R., butcher, .39 Bar- Miller, Alx., chimney sweeper, 44 High s one rd

Miller, Mrs Cth., 21 Columshill st Moodie, Arch , blacksmith, 19 High st Miller, Blisses Clement, and Eliz., 36 Moodie, Mrs Janet, 44 Argyle st Mountt leasant rd Moodie, W., veterinary surgeon, carriage Miller, Daniel, depute procurator fiscal, hirer, Watergate; ho, 18 Mountstuart r County Buildings, ho, Glenhead JN'loonie, Mrs, 32 Pellevue rd Miller, Geo., shipmaster, 52 Crichton rd Moore, Mrs Ann, 13 Gallowgate Miller, Hugh, seaman, 20 W. Princes st Moore, John, 19 Stuart st Miller, Mrs Isa., 20 Bridge-end st Moore, Mrs Mrgt., laundry. Dean Hood p Miller, Jms., slater, 17 Bridge st More, Andrew, 31 Columshill st Miller, Jms., slater, 42 Ladeside Morgan, Mrs Jessie, 103 High st Miller, Misses Jessie & Sarah, York ter Morison, Mrs Chrisdna, 32 Marine pi Miller, John, chemist, 5 Columshill st Morrell, J. C, hairdresser, 7 High st Miller, John slater, 2 Hillhouse rd Morrell, James, basketmaker, 55 Mon- Miller, Mrs Mrgt., 2 Dean Hood pi tague st Miller, Mrs Mry., 11 Bridge st Morris, David I., baker, 107 Montague

Miller, Mrs Mry., 25 Columshill st st ; ho, 37 Mountstuart rd Miller, Mrs Mry., 141 High st Morris, Wm., fisherman, 93 High st Miller, Miss Mry. Ann M., 23 Victoria st Morrison, Mrs Archd., 65 Victoria stj

Miller, •, obert C, draper, 48 Montague Morrison, Archd., hairdresser, 92 Mon-

st ; ho, Alma ter tague st Miller, Wm., carter, 21 Mill st Morrison, Archd., farmer, Craigberoch Miller, Wm., slater, 5 Columshill st Morrison, Archd., plumber, 16 K-ing st Milligan, Miss Jiliz., 29 Argyle st Morrison, Daniel, pensioner, 3 King st 45 Burgh of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

Morrison, Don., baker, 38 Ladeside Murray, Don. C, painter, 86 Montague Morrison. Hugh, 29 Argyle st st ; ho, 15 Crichton rd Morrison, Mrs Isa., Barone rd Murray, Mrs Eliz., 12 Argyle pi Morrison, Jms., grocer, 28 Montague st Murray, Mrs Jane, 15 Crichton rd Morrison, Mrs Isa., Albana rd Murray, John, heiitor, (Jrichton rd Morrison, John, gardener, 71 Victoria st Muiray, Miss Migt., Glenhead pi Morrison, John, master of works, 31 Murray, Rbt., printer, 47 Argyle st

High st ; ho, Bellevue rd Murray, Thos., joiner, Bellevue rd Morrison, Mrs Mr^^'t., 2 B shop ter Murray, Win., 129 Marine pi Morrison, Meil, gardener. 9 Hillhouse rd Mylne, Miss Mrgt. M., 12 Mountatuart rd Monison, Nobt,, architect and wriyht", 35 Watergate; ho, Eden pi 171 High s Morrison, Kobt., carter, 32 Mill st Morrison, liobt., jun., joiner, 16 Mill st Mao Monison, Thos., 171 High st McAdam Alex., 2 Hillhouse rd Monison, Miss Violet, 8-3 High st McAdam Miss, 30 E. Princes st Morrison, Wm., joiner, 96 High st McAdam Jms., gardener, Kames Castle ocet, 35 Bridge st McAlister Miss Mrgt., 21 Craigmore rd Mo) timer, Wm , g Mnrtim^r, Mrs Cth. 76 Montague st McAllister Miss Margt., 28 Columshill st Mortimer, Miss S., 66 Muntajiue st McAllister iirs Matgt., 31 Columshill st Morton, Ach., millworker, 2 Castlehill s McAllister Mrs Mry., 7 W. Princes st Morton, Jms., clerk, Mill st McAllister stableman, Watergate Morton, John H., 29 draper, Barone rd Mc.Upine Dan., paititer^ 98 High st Morton, Wm., bottler, 5 Castle st McAlpii e Daniel Kankine, advocate, Morvan, John, 46 High st 'I histle bank, Argyle ter Mos&man, Mis Ann, Wyndham pk McAlpine Jms., Minister's br

Muir, Alex , cabman, 22 Watergate Mc Alpine Mrs Mry., Colbeck pi Muir, Miss, dressmaker, Hillhoute rd McAlpine Ths., labourer, M'rf Ulster's c Isa., Mounts-tuart Muir, Chs , baker, 17 High st and 17 McAndrew Mrs 10a rd Argyle st McA.ra Mrs Chris., la Battery pi Mutr, Jms. W., Ardyne boarding house, Mc^ra Mrs Sarah, 12 Battery pi 7 Elysium McAra ihos., ironforger, 36 Crichton r Muir, Mis.- Jessie, 12 Argyle st McArthur Arc, carter, 25 Barone rd Muir, Peter, coachman, Hillhouse rd McArthur Miss Chris., 11 Columstiiil st Muir, Miss Sarah, 30 Bi-hop st McArthur Miss Chris., 69 Victoria st Muir, Wm. C, draper, 19 Montague st McArthur Dan., slater, 28 Ladeside Muirhnad, '1 hos., 57 Crichton rd McArthur Donald, draper, Alma ter Mull n Miss Mrgt., Barone rd McArthur Don., gardener, 18 Ladeside Muuii, Miss Miy. H., 15 Mountpleasant r McArthur Edw., postman, J Montague s Munn, Wm., heritor, 31 Ardbeg rd Mcz^rthur Jms., bookseller and music Munro, Don., grocer, 5 Albert pi teacher, Guildford sq; ho, 37 Bishop s Munro, Jms., baker, 52 Ardbeg rd McArthur Jms., slater, 28 Ladeside st Munro, Mrs Janet, 29 Columshill st McArthur Mrs Jane, Firwood Munsie, Jms., joiner, 86 High st McArthur Mrs Jane, 16 High st Murdoch, Angus, sen., shoemaker, McArthur Mrs, 7 Tower st Ladeside McArthur John, seaman, 42 Bishop st Murdoch, Angus, jun., shoemaker, 24- McArthur John, vanman, 5 Brid,i;e st Bishop st McArihur Mrs Main., 74 Ardbeg rd Murdoch, John, baker, 10 Battery pi McAithur Mrs Marn., 7 Columshill st Murdoch, John, plumber, 27 Bridge st McArthur Peter A., draper, Albeit pi Murdoch, ivbt., grocer, 29 Victoria st McArthur Kbt., tailor, 28 Ladeside Murdoch, Wm., engineer, 19 Argyle pi McAulay Mrs Agnes, 85 Montague st Murray, .-lex., baker, 14 iStaffa pi McAulay Chs. gardener, 121 Kussell st gardener, 52 Murray, Mrs ^nn, 31 J^lallowgate McAulay Chs , Ardbeg rd

Murray, r- ch., heritor, 47 Montague st McAulay Jms., sen., 125 High st Munay, Mrs Chris,, 1:0 Co umshiil st Mc ulay Jms., clerk, 'lb Argyle st

Murray, David, waiter, Glenburn ; ho, McAulay Wm., labourer, 2 Ladeside st 32 Battery pi McAuslan Jms.. cook, 6 Hillhouse rd Murray, Dan. S., plasterer, 9 High st 46 ;;

Burgh of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

McBeath Alex., watchmaker, 4^ Gallow- McCord Misses J, & S,, confectioners, 81

gate ; ho, Mansefield pi. High st Victo-ia st Macbeth Adam D., writer, Castle st McCorkindale Dugald, ironfounder, 14 ho, Ard Asc'ig Craigmore rd

' T^ast McBiruie hos, flesher, Burgh Inds McCnrdindale Dun , 15 Bridge st McBride Dan., joiner, 32 Columshiil st McCorkindale Dr Duncan, Clydesdale, McBride Misses Eliz. & Mry. C, 12 Ard- Ascog heg rd McCorniickRev, Dugald, Chapel hill Free

McBride Hugh, labourer, 75 Ardbeg rd Gaelic Church, manse ! osehill McBride Jms., joiner, John st; ho, High McCormick Edw., ma on, 13 Gallowgate Craitjmore McCormick Miss Je-sie, Bar^me rd McBride Peter, labourer, 21 Russell st McCormick John, mason, 2 Mill st


McCallum Neil, comp. , 38 Argyle st

McCallum "- eil, grocer 96 Montague st McDermid Sam., labourer, 28 Mill st McCallum Petet, farmer, Little Gienach McDermott John, labourer, 72 ttigh st

Mc allum Thos., blacksmith, 23 Bridge- McDonald Miss Agnes, 27 Argyle sfc end st McDonald angu^ flesher, 2 Ladeside

McCann Mrs Chris. , 6 Castle st McDonald Angus, stoker, 11 Bridge-end McCarthy Miss Alice, music teacher, McDonald Ach., waiter, 2 Dean Hood p Bellevue rd McDonald Misses Barb. & Jessie, Gowan- McCartney Mrs, 1 Columshiil pi fieid ter McCartney Mrs Helen, 93 Ardbeg rd M-Donald Miss Cth., 2 Castlehill st McClelland Mrs ^ Jlen, 18 Lussell st McDonald Don., shopman, 27 Argyle st lennan Wm., 31 Columshiil McC st McDonald Don , sailor. 8 E. Piince-i st McCluckie John, grocer, Man.^efield pi McDonald Dgld., traveller, Havelock tr McCluie Mrs Helen, 19 Store In McDonald Dun., pensnr , 8 Columshiil s McClure Mrs Eliz., la Battery pl McDonald Mrs Flora, Barone rd McColl Hugh, painter, 21 Argyle sfc and McDonald Fred., boatman, 22 Mill st 19 Mill st ; ho, 52 Montague «t McDonald Hugh, labourer. 18 i.adeside McColl Jms., engineer, 66 Montague st McDonald Jms., 32 Batiery pi McColl John, carter, 2 John st McDonald Jms., porter, 4Mountpl-int.rd MfjColl John C, engineer, 43 Ardbeg rd McDonald Jms., shoemaker, 7 Union st McColl Miss Mry,, 24 K. Princes st McDonald Mrs Jane, 5 Bridge st McColl Peter, carter, 2 Staffa pl McDonald John, stoker, 98 High st McColl i hos., blacksmith, 21 Mill sfc McDonald John, teacher, 3 Mill st McConnechy Mr^ Cth , Balloc'igoy McDonald Mrs Mrgt., 14 Mounistuart rd McConne 1 M'S Chris., ladies' outfitter, McDonald Miss Mrgt. B., 60 Mount- 21 Montague st stuart rd McConriell Misses, grocers, 22 Bisliop sfc McDonald Mrs Marion, 10 Ardbeg rd McConnell Mrs Jessie, 28 E. Princes st McDonald ISeil, seaman, 9 Victoria, st John, builder, Bellevue rd iriobt McCurd McDonald , SM>ker, 28 Mill st McCord Miss Isa, McAllister's court McDonald Hugh, joiner, 11 Mill st McCord Mrs restaurateur, 87 Victoria st McDougall Alc.cartwrit.j Wyndham rd Burgh of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

M'Dougall Mrs Ann, 72 Montague st McFie Robert, plumber, 5 Bridge st McDougall Dn., shipmaster, 15 Bridge s McFie Wm., joiner, 26 Bishop st McDouyall Mrs Janet, 15 Bishop st McFie joiner, Columshill pi Wm. , 6 McDougall Hugh, draper, 73 Victoria st McFie tramway driver, 58 Montague s McDougall Miss Mry, 20 Argyle st McDougall Ts.. ;•.() clerk, 31 Battery p McGairy Pal, 35 Staffa pi McDougall, plumber, 27 Bridge-end st McGallaglay Cornelius, pawnbroker, Bellevue rd McT^'chran Mrs Marion, 83 Victoria st McG-arrity Wm., porter, 7 West Prin- MacElmail, Bev. John, Roman Catholic ces st priest, 3 Columshill st McGavin Mrs Ann, 87 High st

McEwan Archd , coal dealer, 11 King McGaw Alex., joiner, 84 Montague st

st ; ho, 11 E. Princes st McGaw Mrs Cath., 17 Argyle pi McEwan Miss Mry., 48 Ladeside st McGeachy Jn., plasterer, 17 Gallowgate

McHwen Alex , carrier, 83 Montague st McGeachy Mrs Mary, 43 Barone rd McEwan Dun., flesher, 36 Columshill st McGee John, labourer, 161 High st McEwen J., shipmaster, 11 Albert pi McGee Dan., greenkeeper, Meadowcap McEwen John, seaman, 46 Montague st McGee Robert, grocer, Ellengown McEwen Mrs Mrgt., 11 Albert pi McGee Wltr., engineer, 18 Marine pi

McGill Wm , stationer, 11 Chapelhill r McFaddan John, carter, 41 Watera:ate McGillvary Dun., cabman, 6 Castle st McFaiyan Wm., gardener, 41 Watergate McGilvary Archibald, gardener, Eiast McFadyen John, 4 Mansfield pi Burgh Lands McFadyen Lach., carter, 37 Bridge st McGilvary John, compositor, 11 Col- McFadyen Wm., designer, Wyndham rd umshill st McFadyen Wm., gardener, 37 Bridge st McGilvary Male, 24 Russell st

McFadzean Miss Eliz , 16 Store In McGilvary Mrs Margt., E. Burgh Lands McFarlane Miss Ann, 14 E. Princes st McGilp, Alex., watchmaker, 3 Highst; McFarlane Miss Cth., 2 Castle st house, Hawthorn cottage, Argyle pi McFarlane Misses Jane & Mrgt., farm- McGilp Din., carrier, 41 Montague st ers, Lochend McGilp Mrs Eliz., 5 Union st McFarlane Mrs Eliz., 8 Gallowgate Mc'-> inlay 'Ihos., labourer,

McFarlane Gg. , boat-hirer, 4 W. Castle s McGlashan Mrs Eliz , 10^ Ardbeg rd McFarlane Miss Jane, 27 Bridge-end st McGlashan John, 29 Columshill st McFarlane Miss Mry., 87 Ardbeg rd McGlashan Capt John, Mansefield pi

McFarlane Peter, labourer, 94 High st McGovern Chas , labourer, 121 High st

McFarlane Robt , 20 Scaffa pi McGovern John, labourer, 15 Bridge-end McFarlane Ebt., postman, 5 Victoria st McGowan -James, painter, 25 Argyle st McFarlane Wm., clerk, Wyndham rd McGowan Mrs, confectioner. Dean Hood McFarlane Miss, 11 Mill st pl McFarrell Miss Ann, 13 Staflfa pi McGowan Hobt., seaman, 45 Argyle st McFeat Fred., heritor, Plantation villa, McGowan Wm., plumber. 44 Argyle st Argyle ter McGregor Miss Ann, 12 Ladeside st McFie Don., tailor, 36 Bishop st McGregor Uou., teacher, 12 Marine pl

McFie Dug H., house painter, 65 High McGregor Mrs Eliz. , 27 Bishop st

st ; ho, 12 Castle st McGregor Hec , flesher, 28 Ladeside McFie Jms. seaman, 12 Castle st McGregor, Mrs Jane, 2 Bridge st McFie Jms., seaman, 7 Bishop st McGregor Malcolm, grocer, 94 High st McFie Mrs Jane, 4 Mill st McGrory Michael, 70 spirit dealer, Mon-

McFie Misses Janet & Sarah, dress- tague st ; ho. 34 Mountsluart rd makers, 12 Argyle st McGuire Thos., labourer, 61 Montague s McFie Miss Jessie, 28 East Princes st McFie John, boatman, 16 Castle st McHaflSe Wm., calenderer, 35 Ardbeg r McFie Mai., j) oughman Loehly McFie Miss Mary H., 2 Moui.tstuart r Mcamoil Wm., 133 High st

McFie Miss Mnry, 16 Hillhouse rd Mcllroy Jms , stoker, 3 Stuart st McFie Miss Mary Ann, 104 High st Mcllwrairh Mrs Ann, 87 High st McFie Peter, bus-driver, 1 Union st Mctnall Mrs Eiiz., 43 Ardbeg rd ,McFie captain Robert, 4 Battery pi Mclnnes Alex,, carter, 58 Montague st ;

Burgh of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

Mclnnes Mrs Isa,, 24 East Princes st; McKechnie Mrs Margt., 4 Hillhouse rd

Mcintosh Alex., m^son, 6 ColumsMU pi McKechnie Wit. , manufacturer, 41 Ard- McTntosh Dun., tobacconist. 104 Mon- beg rd

tague st ; house, 43 Ardbeg rd McKechnie Wm. D. , flesher, 19 Brii'ge- McTntosh Geo., ship fitter, 32 Staffa pi end st M'-Intosh Jms., heritor, 17 ^igyle ter McKec mie Wm., joiner, 48 Ladeside st Mcintosh Mrs Martrt., 169 Hiah at McKellar Alex., gardener, 7 Bishop st Mcintosh Mrs Mary, Serpentine rd McKellar Chas., plasterer, 2 John st McTntosh Mrs Steuart, 22 Craigmore rd McKellar Dan., painter, 27 Argyle st Mclntosb Wno,, accountant, B Castle st McKellar Mrs Margt., 30 High st house. 32 Crichton rd McKellar Dun., porter, 17 Montague st

Mclntyre Alex., j >iner, 121 High st McKellar Miss Isa., Meadow pi Mcintyre Alex., 4 Mansefield pi McKellar John, coachman, 33 Staffa pi Mclntyre Alister, ship master, 6 Marine McKellar Robt,, 11 Brighton ter McKelvie Miss Eliz., 31^ Ardbeg rd

Mclntyre Archibald, caapenter, 105 McKelvie Jms , farmer, 31 Ardbeg rd Montague st McKelvie Wm., carpenter, 9 Chapelhill Mclntyre Misses Ann & Flora, Serpen- rd tine rd McKelvie Wm., labourer, 2 John st Mclntyre Miss Char., 78 High st MoKendrick Mr.^ Helen, 24 Watergate Mclntyre Daniel, carpenter. McKendrick Wit., boatman, 35 Bridge s

Miss Kliz. , Arch police officer, Mclntyre 64 Mountstuart rd McICendry , 40 Bish- Mclntyre Mrs, 24 Bridge st op st Mclntyre Miss Grace, 38 Mill st McKenjiie Alex. F., labourer. 119 High s

Mclntyre Mrs Jane, 25 Argyle st McKenzie Mi"^ Cath , 7 W. Princes st Mclntyre Mrs Jessie E., 23 Victoria st McKenzie Colin, stoker, 78 High st Mclntyre John, gardener, 59 Ardbeg rd McKenzie Don., chemical worker, 77 Mclntyre Mai., labourer. 23 Barone rd Montague st Mclntyre Robert, coachman, 51 High st McKenzie Don., engineer, 2 Minister's br Mclsaac Miss Jean, 13 Argyle ter McKenzie Mrs Kliz., Argyle ter Mclsaac Capt. & Hon Major John, in- McKenzie Hector, seaman, 2 Colums- structor of musketry, 48 \ rgyle st hill pi Mclver Nt'il, quariier, 135 Higli st McKenzie Hugh, turner. 5 Columshill pi Mclver Pat., labourer, 79 High st McKenzie, Jms., mason, 25 Columshill s McKenzie, John, 60 High st

McKay Arch . seaman, 19 Russell st McKenzie John, turner, 121 High st McKay Charles, tailor, 26 Montague st McKenzie Mrs 4 W. Castle st McKay Kev, Don., 10 Mountstuart rd McKenzie Mrs Mry., 2 Chapelhill rd Mc Kay Miss Flora, 86 High st McKenzie Miss Mary, 8 Argyle pi McKay Miss Jesie, 25 Argyle st McKenzie Mrs Mary, 6 Columshill pi McKay John, gardener, 34 Mill st McKenzie Murdoch, publisher, h'xpress,

McKay John, F. E. I. S., head masfcc r, 11 Miintague st ; ho., Wyndham rd Public School; ho. 1 IQysium McKenzie Hichard, shipmaster, 37 Mackay captain John, ex-county chief Crichton rd C'lnstable, Clyde vw., E. Burgh Lands McKenzie Thomas. 20 W. Princes st McKay John, farmer, Barone park McKie Andrew printer, 79 High st McKay John, Wellpark rd McKillop Mrs Ann, 27 B. Princes st

McKay John T , seaman, 11 Columshill McKim John, photographer, 23 Argyle st st aad Chapelhill rd McKay Kenneth, police officer, 2 King s McKinlay And. M., temperance hotel McK^y Miss Margt. 38 Bishop st keeper, 4 High st McKay Mrs C. 21 Staffa pi McKii'lay Arch., sen. and jun., aerated McKay Mrs Margt. 19 Mill st water manufacturers, 6 Columshill st McKay Hoderick, 4 Manf-^efield pi McKinlay Daniel, 7 Argyle ter

McICay Wm. , burgh chief constable, McKiilay Mrs Jane, 55 Mountstuart rd

High st ; ho Vicooiia cot Barone rd McKinlay John, heritor. Bishop ter Mclicty VVm., labourer, 17 Montauue st McKinlay Mrs, 27 Argyle st McKechnie Miss Ann, 3 Mountstuart rd McKinlay Mrs, 2 Chapelhill rd McKechnie Don., gardener, Townhead McKinlay Mrs Mary, 19 High st 49 F ;

Burgh of HOUSEFIOLDERS. Rothesay.

McKinlay Miss Marn., 47 Argyle st McLachlan Dug., labourer, 32 Mill st

McKinlay Robt, bootmaker, 4 Chapel- McLachlan Dug , seaman, 24 1-adeside s bill rcl; ho., 2 Chapelhill r.l Mcljachlan Duncan, mason, 19 High st McKinlay, Robert a., stationer, etc., the McLachlan Du can, labourer, 46 Mon-

Library,, 21 Victoria st ; ho. Barone r tagne st McKinnon Alex., steamboat agent, 12 McLachlan Bugh. baker, Colbeck pi

Tower st McLachlan Miss Isa , 10 Mill st IVJcKinnon Cbas., boilermaker, 11 Mar- McLachlan Jas., labourer, 13 Bridge- ine pi end st M' Kinnon Donald, 36 Columshill st McLachlan Jn.. iron worker, 5 Bridge s McKinnon Dun., as ated water roanu- McLachlan John, labourer, 16 Bridge- factiirer, 12 Tower st end st McKinnon Hector, registrar, stationer, McLachlan Mrs, 11 Mill st st McLachlan Mary, 86 High st etc , 11 & 1;^ Victoria McKinnon Hugh, plasterer, 109 High McLachlan Miss Mary 28 Argyle st Mcl-achl n Mary Ann, 2 Castlehill st st ; house 27 Bridge st McKinnon James, law clerk, County McL ichlan Wm., labourer, 19 Russell s Buildings, house, Baroiie rd Mc Lardy Mrs Mary, 26 Watergate plasterer, 7 Gullowgate McLaren Miss Helen, 18 Argyle st McJ\ijinon Jas , McKinnon Mrs Jane, 8 Mill st McLaren James, joiner, 19 Argyle st McKinnon John, grocer, 6 Montague st McLaren John, nurserym

st ; house, 23 Bishop st McLean Anjius, sergeant-Major, Artil- McKiidy James, fancy goods dealer, 77 lery Vols.,Bellfield vilJa, Barone rd Victoria st McLean Miss Ann, 76 High st McKirdy Jas. A., blacksmith, 18 Mill st McLean Miss Annie, 6g Ardbeg rd

McKirdy Miss Jesde, dres-maker, 20 McLean Miss Cthn , 16 High st

Biidge st McLean Dan , fleshc, 20 Bridge end st McKirdy John, blacksmith. 32 Bridge s McLean Dun., baker, 121 ^Mgh st st Dond., stoker, McKirdy Jhn, contractor, 34 Bishop ; McLean 16 Ladeside bouse, 23 Bishop ter McLean > dward, 11 Mill st McKirdy C^jpt. John, J.P., Betchwood McLean Fied., fl' sher, 20 Biidi.:e-end s solicitor, and agent, McLean Hugh, orter, 4 King st McKirdy John, i Bank of Scotland, oluiidford sq, ho., McLean Mrs -Jms., 5 Victoria st 5 Bishop ter McLean Mrs Jane, 38 Crichton rd McKirdy John, cab owner, l^>ishop st McLean Miss Jane, 34 Mill st McKirdy Mrs Mary, Kden pi McLean Miss Jane, 16 Castle st McKirdy Mrs Mary, 24 Battery pi McLean Miss Janet, 3 Castle st

McKirdy Miss Maiy Ann, 32 Bridge st McLean Mrs Jeanni , 24 Bsidge st McKirdy Mrs Mary S., 29 Battery pi McLean John, Auchiemore McLean John, clerk, 9 Chapel hill rd McLachlan Arch., labourer, I Logie pi McLean John, fisherman, 32 Mill st McLachlan Ach., grocer, Gowanfield pi McLean Ji hn, labourer, 60 Hi,'h st McLachlan Camp., porter, 93 High st Mci ear' John, Inbouier, 104 "igh st McLachlan Dan., grocer, 14 Columshill s McLean John, mason, 141 High st McLachlan Don., flesher, 115 Montague McLean Jn., restaurateur, Guildford sq st McLean Lachlan, slater, 133 High st 50 ;

Burgh of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

McLean Malcolm, carter, Colheck pi McMillan Miss Flo., 11 Columshill st McLean Miss Mrgt., 13 Bishop s McMillan Jms., cab driver, 19 Cas le st McLean Mis Mry., Crichton rd McMillan Jms., 'bus pmpr., W. Princes s McLean Mr-. Mar^, 18 Bridge-end McMillan Mrs J t., 47 Crichton rd iM. McLean Mi>-s A., 8 Montague st McMillan Mrs Jnt. , 11a Argyle pi McLean Muid., labourer, 3 Union st McMillan John, farmer Knockanreoch McLean Pete , 24 st McMillan John, stoker, 22 Watergate

Mc I .ean Ths., carriage-hirer. 46 Ladedde McMillan Male, quarrier, 70 Ardbeg rd McLean Wm., flesher, 62 High st McMillan Mrs Mry., 47 Crichton rd McLeish Kliz., 16 Mrs Mountpleasant rd McMillan Xei , labourer, 2 Croft In McLeish Mi~s Jane, 36 Bishop st Macmillan Kobert D., piocurator fiscal,

McLeish John, gardener, 4 King st Watergate ; ho, Oraigm ore

Mc. eish Kbt , por er, 20 W. li'rinces st McMillan Kond., i^ensioner, 16 King at Mc Lei Ian Mrs Ann, 17 Bridge st McMillan Phos., quarrie-', 19 Mill st McLellan Colin, s^teward, Gowanfield ter McMillan Wm., cab owner, 2S Mill st Mci.ellan Dond., stoker, 23 Bridge st 9-5 Wm , butcher, Montigues McLellan Miss Helen, 27 Ardbeg rd McMillan Wm. B., billposter, 48 High

McLeilan Mr.s Helen, 18 Kussell st st ; ho, Klde^slie, Serpentine rd

Mci ellan Mrs Isa , High Craig i, ore McMillan Mv.i, 26 B. Princes st McLellan Ji>hn, boatman, 2 King st McMurchie Dugd., painter, 58 l^adeside McLt^ll in John, paiuttr, 7 Gallowgate McMuichie Mrs Jut., 8 Battery pi

McLellan John K , coachman, 11 East McMurchie John, labourer, 60 Lligh st st Princes McMurr ly , 4 Elysium McLeilan Male, 5 Minister's br

McLellan Miss Mrgt., 79 Montague st McNab Alx., joiner, &c., 5.^ E. Princes

McLellan Mi-s Mry., 26 E. Princes st st ; ho, 29 Mill st McLellan, Mrs, Argyle tei- McNab Edw., janitor. Public School, 88 McLellan Quin tin 15., blackf-mith. Croft High st

lane ; ho, 12 Mountplea-ant rd McNab J.-i. B., tinsmith, 17 Montague st McLellan Wm., cabman, 9 Bishop st McNab Mrs Jessie, !>arone rd McLennan Duncan !S., dancing' master, McNab Miss Jes ie, 16 Castle st 5 Hillhouse rd McLNab John, tinsmith, W. Princes st ; McLeod Angus, .stoker, 4 Mansefield pi ho, 4 Mountpleasant McLeod I 'on., coachman, Aribegrd McNab Misses Mrgt. & Mry. A., 16 McLeud Mrs Eliz., 16 Castlehill st Craigmore rd McLeod Mrs Eiiz., 16 M ntague st MciNab Miss Mry Ann, 17 Moarague st

McLeod Miss Miy, , Wyndham pk McNair Capt. Dvd., harbourmaster, 13 McLfod Neil, mason, 103 Monoague st Argyle st

McLeod, Wm , exhibitor, Aquarium McJNair John, boatman, 7 Staffa pi McLeod Mrs 103 Mont.igue si McNair Wltr., tailor, Colbeck pi Mis Migt., 1 i-lillhouse McLusky rd McNaughto . Miss Jane, 44 Ardbeg rd McNaughton John, labourer, 12 King st McMahon Wm., clerk, 12 Bridge st McNaughton John, porter, 56 High it McMillan Mrs Agnes, 36 Mill st McNeill Mrs Ann, 3 Mansefield pi McMillan Alex,, carter, 79 Hiyh st McNeill Alex., labourer, 1 Mill st McMillai Mrs Allison, 20 Kussell st McNeill Dan,, traveller, 22 Oulumshill s McMillan Aich., carter, 21 Store In McNeill Mrs Eliz., 4 King st McMdlan Mrs Betsy, 7 Arglye st McNeill Mis Eliz., 46 Ladeside McMillan Bryce, cirtwright. Mill st McNeill Jms., fisherman, 8 Store In ho, 27 Br.dge st McNeill Mis Jane, 24 Argyle st McMillan Mis Cth. 7 L nion st McNeill Mrs Jane, hosier, W. Princes st McMillan Mrs Cth. 4 W . Princes st MciNeiU Joseph, engineer, Bellevue rd McMillan Mrs Chrl ,, 10 Argyle pi Mc \eill Miss Mrjy., grocer, 11 Mill st Mrs hrist., 32 Bishop st McMillan McNeill Thos , cabmtn, 7 BishoiJ st Mc Mill an i)ai postujan, 27 Argyle ter Mc >eill Wm., stationer, 17^ E. Princes iVjcMil an Dond., valuator, Bisnop st st ho, ; ; 10 Columshill pi ho, Craigowau, Crichton id McNicol Arch., seaman, 11 Marine pi McMillan Dune, 18 Staffapl McNicol Arch., seaman, 82 idigh st McMillan Eben K., shipmaster, Argyle tr McNicol Dune, cabman, 113 High st 51 Burgli of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesav.

McNicol Mrs Eliz., 29 Mill st Neary Pat., boilermaker, 31 Colums- McNicol Jms., baker, 82 High st hill st Mc icol Jms., shipmaster, 16 Mount- Meill Kobt., coal dealer, 7 W. Princes st pleasant rd Neill Robt., grocer, 18 Castle st McNicol Mrs Mrgt., 28 Argyle st Neill Wm. J., sugar refiner, Ardencraig McNicol Peter, 7 Cohimshill pi Neilleay Mr.s. 66 High st

McNicol Wm., 4 West < astle st Neilson Alex., upholsterer, 44 Argyle st McNicol Miss, tobacconist, Bishop st NeilsonMsss- ,Agnes, Cath. & Mirgt., 20 Ardbeg rd

McPhail Mrs Mrgt. , 16 Staffa pi Neilson Chs. E.. ship's officer, 54 Crich- McPhee Dugd., engineer, Union st toii rd McPbee Hu., spirit mercht., 37 Gallow- Neilson Geo., seaman, 135 High st

gate ; ho, 2 Argyle st Neilson Jms , mason, 50 Ladeside McPhee Mlcm., labourer, 4 Croft In Neilson John, baker, 17 E. Princes st McPhee Peter, coachman, 3 Union st Neilson, Mrs, 51 Mount stuart rd McPherson Alex., seaman, 82 High st Netheroote Mrs Jane, 22 Mill st McPhcrson Miss, Wellpark cot Neville Mrs Mary A., 27 Gallowgate McPherson Miss Cth., Barone rd Newman Edgar, drill instructor, 104

McPherson (hs. , draper, Koslin pi High st McPherson Don., car driver, 2 Bridge s Newton Jms., spirit dealer, 8 Argyle st McPherson Hu., i^orter, 21 Columsbill s Nicholson Armiger, letter carrier, 32 McPherson J., engineer, 1 C'olumshillpl Bishop st McPherson John, fisherman, 20 Bridgnd, Nicholson M' s Jane, 9 Chapelhill rd McPherson J., labourer, 98 Montague s Nicholson John, commission a^'ent, 4 McPherson or Betinie Mrs Janet, Col- A rdbeg rd umshill st Nicol Jms., engineer, 9 Chapelhill rd

Nicnl John H. , 6 Bishop st Macquarie D. C, grocer, Colum^hill st Nicolson Neil, seaman, 24 E. Princes st

and Barone rd ; ho , Tay Cot. Barone r Nisbet Mrs Alex., 6 Bridge st McQueen Mrs Jessie, 25 Gallow^^ate Nisbet John, cab owner. Ivy Bank cot. McQuistan Jms., plasterer, John st Bridt-;e st McQuistan John, plasterer, John st Nisbet Miss My., confectioner, 6 Gallow- McQuistan Mrs Jean, 72 Montague st gate Nisbet Miss Maiy, 10 Columshill st McTaggart Dan., tailor, Ballochgoy ter Niven Mrs John, 20 Battery pi McTaggart Mrs Kliz., 21 Mill st Nolan Miss, Holiday Home, 76 Ardbeg r Me'l aggart Miss Jane, 40 Columshill st Nugent Nath., tailor. 7 Bishop st McTaggart John, labourer, 7 Mill st Nummery Wm., 129 High st McTaggart Wm., engraver, 75 Barone r McTavish Edward, tinsmith. Bridge-end

st ; ho, 1 Ladeside O McTavish John, seaman, 21 Russell st Oatman Fran., slate merchant, 91 Ard- brg rd McVicar Don., 29 Columshill st O'Bruen Mrs Agnes, Wyndham pk O'Connell Mrs Agnes, 20 Mill st McWilliam And., Ardmory rd Oliphant Geo., shoemake , 20 Russells McWilliaras Mrs Mary, 3 Argyle pi Oliver Miss Hobina, 2S Watergate McWilliams Mrs, 22 Mill st O'Hara John, Ardmory rd O'Neill Mrs Agnes, 19 High st O'Neill Hugh, 19 Castle st O'Neill Wm., fishmonger. Bishop st

N Orkney Miss J , 4 Mountstuirt rd Napier Geo., house factor, 34 Colums- Orkney John, 26 Mountstuart rd

hill st Orkney Roht , ocean steamboat agent Napier Mrs Euph., 4 Hillhouse rd 4 Mountstuart rd Napier Mrs Janet, 8 Tower st Ormsby Mrs Esther, 46 Montague st, Napier Mrs Mary, 8 Hillhouse rd Orr Mrs Sophia, 40 Argyle st Napier Thos., plumber, and ironmonger, Orr, Montford

64 Montague st ; ho. , 4 Hillhouse rd Osgood F. 0., 9 Argyle pi 52 Burgh of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

Preston David, foreman, Buteman, 10 Castle st

Perston Wm. , carrier, 58 Montague st Petrie Jms. A., collector, Clyde Navi- Page Samuel, flesher, 1 Mill st gati(m (Bowling), 12 Crichton rd Park Jms., bleacher, 6^ Ardbeg rd Petrie Mrs John, 28 Montague st Park Mrs Jane, 14 E. Princes st Pettigrew Birs Ann, 45 Ardbeg rd Paterson Mrs Agnes, 11 Argyle pi Phoenix Wm., tailor, 35 Bridge st Paterson Miss Agnes. 4 Mountpleasant Phillips Mrs Cecelia, Havelock ter Paterson Alex., printer, 8 Tower st Philips Jms., labourer, 125 High st < Paterson Alex., ham curer, 69 Ardbeg r Fhillp Dr Wm. "., Gleuburn Hydro- Paterson Mrs Ann, 54 Lakeside pathic, Mountstuart rd Paterson Chas., steamboat agent, 22 Pinkerton Mrs Maru^t., 11 Columshill st Argyle pi Pinkerton Jas., coffee stall keeper, Col- Paterson Mrs Isa., lilyoak ter umshill pi Paterson Mrs Jane, 14^ Marine pi Pirie Geo., Osborne Temperance Hotel, Paterson John, Serpentine rd 87 Victoria st Miss Margt., Paterson J., draper, Dean Hood pi ; ho. Pollock High Craigmore 7 Chapelliill rd Poole Wm., moulder, 24 Russell st

Paterson John, milliner, 31 Victoria st; Pope Dnl , sailmaker, Wellpark rd ho. jBrandane ter, Harone rd Pope Mrs Isa. D., 16 Mountstuart rd Paterson J. & Sons, drapers, 39 Victor- Potts Kobt., 38 Coiumshill st ia st Power Mich., labourer, 28 Mill st

Paterson Josb., draper, 39 Victoria st Prentice Hny , b'ksmith, 3 Columshill pi ; ho* Montrose villa Prentice Jms., 7 Gallowgate

Patersnn, Mrs Mary, 15 Castle st Prentice Jms., Lilyoak ter , Paterson Matt., dsysalter, 29 Argyle ?t Preston Miss Mary. 25 Columshill st Paterson, Robt., carter, 21 Mill st Price Mrs Eliz., ijlenhead pi

Paterson Kobt., slater & cement worker, Primrose Wm , 4 Mansefield pi 24 Argyle st Prior Alfred, gardener, 27 Bridge-end s

Pateison Kobt., spirit merchant, 3 Vic- Provan Jms , painter, 17 Montague st

toria st ho. , Proudfoot Msss Kliz. & Isa., Westwood ; 3J Victoria st Pate' son Rbt., upholsterer, 5J Argyle p Purves Mrs Agnes, 61 High st Paterson Tlios., stationer, tobacconist, &c., 27 & 29 Montague st Patience John, leather merchant, 2 Dean Q Hood pi Quigley Jos., printer, Express Office; ho, Paton Miss Agnes 8 Gallowgate 19 Hith st Paton Mrs Agnes K., Waverley Temp- Quin John, draper, 3^ Victoria st erance Hotel, 37 Argvle st Quin Mrs Margt., 3^ Victoria st Paton Miss Annie, 20 Gallowgate Paton Mrs Jeannie, 135 Hi^h st Partrick Jms., porter, 11 Staffa pi R 3'i Pattison Jms., comp. Bishop st Rae Mrs Agnes M. , Gowaniield pi Paul Hobt., glass blower, 7 Marine pi Rae Dvd., gardener, Serpentine rd

Peacock Alex. > ., plumber, 23 High st Rae Geo., tailor, 5 Hillhouse rd

and 53 Ardbeg rd ; ho., Adelaide pi Railton Mrs J., 18 Argyle pi Pendre gh John, woodman, 147 Hiyh st Eamsay Dvd.. coachman, 98 Montague s Pendreigh Neil, labourer, 17 Russell st Ram.say Jms., heritor. Serpentine rd Penman Jms., spirit dealer, 3 Union st f^amsay Mrs Margt., .53 Ardbeg rd Penney Dr Dvd. J., surgeon, 19 Battery Rankin Alex., draper, 25 Victoria st Penney Dr W. Watkin, Prospect House, Rankin Allan, 19 Staffa pi 56 Ardbeg rd Kankin Misses Jane & Jessie D., 12^ Ar- Penney Mrs Mary 27 Battery pi gyle pi PentlaTid Mrs Cath., 33 Barone rd Rankine Mrs Annie, 4 Mountpleasant Perry John, coastguard officer, 15 Bish- Rankine Geo., fisherman, 19 Store In op st Rankine Miss Jane, 54 Ardbeg rd Perry Alex.., grocer, 14 Mill st Rankine Msss Jessie & Margt., 12 & 14 Perry Mrs Mary, 8 Columshill st West Princes st 53 ;

Burgh ot HOITSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

Rankine John, steward, 19 High st Robertson Mrs Jane, 17 Russell st Rankine J I!., fishmonger, 20 Bishop st Robettson John, baker, 11 F. Princes s Bankine Miss Isa., 51 Ardbeg rd Robertson J., boatman, 38 Bishop st Kankiiie Mrs Joan P., 58 Mouutstuart rd Robertson Jolin, spirit dealer, 18 Castle-

Kankine John, 94 High st hill st ; ho., 3 Union st Kankine Mrs Margt., t^erpentiue rd Robertson John, shopman, We^^twood Rankine Neil, baker, 14 Bridj^e-end st iiobertson Mrs Margt., 21^ Bridge-end s Keid Mrs, 24 Oastlehill st l^'obertson Mrs Mary, 5^ Argyle pi

^' Keid Dr Dnl., surgeon, 25 . Princes s Robertson Wltr,, Westwood Beid Duy., 22 Rus-ell st Robertson Wm., chimney sweeper, 22 Reid Misres Georgina & Jessie, 25 Craig- Mill st more rd Robertson Wm. se iman, 15 High st Reid Mrs Henrietta, 76 Ardbeg rd Robertson VVm gardener, Kastwood Reid John, ga^fitier, 4 Columshill st Robin Wm.. ei'gmeer, 7 Union st

Reid Mrs Mry., 18 Mountpleasant rd Robinson Thos. , seaman, 38 Bishop st Renfrew fobt,, 17 Bridge st Robson John, manufacturer, 2 John st

Renuie A., brass-finisher, 10 Lade^ide st Rodger Mrs l>obt , 28 Bridge st Re-ide John., j'iiitr, 5 Argyle st Roe Jonathan, engineer, H. Craigmore Reynolds '1 hos., seaman, 5 Stuffa pi Ross Miss Kliz., 6 Argvle pi Rice DemiJt'ter, stoker, 113 High st Ross John, tailor, 12 W. Princes st Richardson Kobt., 27 Mountsiuart rd Ross H. J. G.jM.A., teacher, Abbotsford

Richmoi d And., millworker, 18 Argyle s Rowan Jms. G. , feuar, Viole^. Grove, Richmond Huuh, 20 Bridge-end st 30 Marine pi Richmond Miss Msry, 18 Argyle st Rownnd Mis Eliz,, 1 Columshill pi Riddell Mrs Helen, 43 Aidbegrd Roy Mrs Eliz., 125 High s'. Riesbeig Mrs Jiliz., Bishop ter br Roy Peier, seaman, 40 Bishop st Kippie John labourer, 3 "-^tuart st Rush iiiss r\nn, 8 Montague st Ritchie Alex., cltrk, 3^ Victoria st Russell Mrs Ann, 2 Bridg*- st Ri chie And., farmer, liartnatktilly Russell Dun C, p' umber, 3 King st Ritchie Jos., shipma-ter, 43 Crichton r Russell Mrs J., grocer, 23 Mill st;ho., pensioner, 20 Kussell st 25 Mill st Ritchie P. ,

Ritchie Mrs Eliz , 41 Victoria st Russell Matthew B. grocer, 106 Mon- Ritchie Mrs Jes^sie, 27 Argyle st ague st Ritchie Mrs Ma^gt., Wyndham pk Rutherfo' d Mrs Margt. 62 High st Ritchie VVm,, clerk, 29 Ooumshil st Ritchie Wm., cutler, 21 Briilge-end st Roberton Mrs Mary, 42 Ardbeg rd s Roberts Geo., tailor, 3 Co'.umshill pi Sacks Moses, twilor, 28 Mill st igue Robertson Alex., fiuite!e , 5 Bridge st Sands Ihus., mechanic, 103 Mont s

Robertson Mrs Al x., grain merchant, Schi'oder Colin M. , seaman, 20 Bridge- John st end st

Robertson And. , 16 Marine pi Schueller Godfrey, storeman, 82 High s Robertt-on Angus, upholsterer, Bridge- Sehuh Mis Jessie, 9 Mansefield pi Scianders end st ; ho. 29 Argyle ter Andrew, Brighton ter Roberr.son Mrs

ho., 17 Mountstuart rd Scott Miss Eliz , 5 Minister's br Robertson Mrs Eliz., & Miss Ehz., 103 Scott Miss Grace, 24 Battery pi High st Scat MIS Eliz., 84 Monta.ue st Robertson Hector, 10 Columshill st Scott Mrs Harriet, 45 Watergate Robfercbon Hu., contractor, 18 Bridge st Sco'.t Mis J'ielen, 8 Montague st Robertson Mrs Ism., 28 Colum.shill st Scott Mrs Isaac, china ware dealer, 30 Robertson Jms., Living.-^tonia Temper- Montague st ance liotei, Gu^ildford sq Scoi.1 Mrs Isa., 103 Montague st Robertson Jms., joiner, 8 Tower st Scott Mrs Jane, 11 Ardbeg rd Miss st Robertson J ms. , Bute riteam Laundry, Scott Janet, 8 Argyle Ladeside st ; ho, Amisfield, Barone rd Scott Mrs Janet, 36 Argyle st 54 , ;

Burgh of HOUSEHOLDERS. Hothesay.

Scott Mrs Mary, restaurateur, 56 Mon- Slaven John, fruiterer, 6 Store In tague i^t Slaven Maurice, labourer, 103 High st

glazier, pi Sloan Hu , agent, G. & ». W. Railway Scott Matt. , Argyle

Hcott Matt., cook, 22 Mill st Company quay ; ho., 47 High st

Scott Kobt., i Coluuisliill yl Small Albert, com. traveller, Barone rd Suott Mrs, 18 Bridge st Small Dvd., engineer, 4 King st Scullion Miss Mary Ann, 60 High st k millie Wm., engineer, 31 Gallowgate ^-eivice Mis Jane, Croft Lodge, Argyle s Smith Mrs Agnes, 13 Gallowgate .'"•hakespeare Jn., grocer, 4 Columshill s Smith Alex. L., teacher, Tilyoak ter Shand Mrs Caih., confectioner, 11 Ar- t-mith Alex. N., clerk, 103 High at gyle st Smith Arch., carter, 38 Bishop st Shand Miss Ellen, 5 Hillhouse rd Smith Mrs Cath., 38 Columshill st Shand Jos., painter, Hillhouse rd;ho., Smith Dun., baker, 69 Montague st


Sliaip John, cirrier, 2 Crof c In Smith 'r., flesher, West lands rd Shaip Jolm, labourer, 17 Montague st Smith Jms.. baker, Ferguson pi Sharp Miss Juiia, 17 Montague st Smith Jms., joiner, 30 Bishop st

.-harp Robt., J.P , Maryfield Smith John, joiner, 13 Bishop st ^haw Alex., Craigayowal Smith John, fishmonger, 35 Yictoria st t-haw .-Aich., carter, 54 High st Smith Jn., mill manager, 7 Chapelhill r

^haw Arch., flesher, 33 Mill st Smith sergeant Jn., janitor, Academy ; Shaw John, carrier. 2 Croft In ho., 9 Cnapelhill rd

I- haw John, carter, 46 Ladeside st Smith John C , wine merchant, Wynd- Shaw John, joiner, 4 Mansefield pi ham rd Shaw John, porter, 19 Victoria st Smith >feil gardener, 35 Bridge st Shaw Miss Margt., 18 Columshill st Smith P., 29 Meadow pi

Sheriff Miss Mary, Argyle ter Smith Robt , clerk, Lilyoak ter Shields John, lab urer, 66 High sfc Smith Kobt., hotel keeper, Bute Arms Shields John, labourer, 19 Mill st Hotel, Guildford sq Shields Kobt., spirit dealer, Windsor pi Smith (Ijbt., seaman, 103 High st Shiells Ceo., nurseryman, Araisfield, Smith Mrs Sarah, IL Albert pi Brtrone rd Smith Thos., 3 Statfa pi Shievas John, gardener, 25 Atgyle st Smith Thos., accountant, 9 High st Silver Andw. Y., tobacconist, 5 Argyle Smith Wm., draper, 103 High st

SL ; ho., 25 Galiowgace Sneddon Mrs Agnes, 12x High st Sillars Mrs, ladies' furnisher, 67 Victoiia Sommerviil M-s Helen, 11 Chapelhill rd

st; ho, 7 i ower st Spearing Mrs Isa., 6 Castle st Sim Mis Margt., 21 Stuart st Speirs Angus, tailor and clothier, 10 •>im VVm. fisherman, 123 High st Gallowgate Simpson John U., and Thos., farmers, i^peirs Mrs, Hope Cot. Wyndham rd Bogany Spieis Mis^ Jane, 22 Argyle st Simpson Jms., plumber, 14 Staff a pi Spellassie John, labourer, 10 Colums- Simps m Hugu P., 21 Mill st hill s Simpson Peter, joiner, Eden pi Spellassie Wm., labourer, 3 Stuart st Simpson Mis Mary, 7 taffa pi Spence John, bathtnan, 61 Ardbeg rd Simpson Mrs Ann, _4 Castle st Sp ingett Thos., hawker, 20 Mill st Sinclair Dni. W., spirit dealer, Oxen- Spreull A., vet. surgeon, 21 Ardbeg rd ford, Brrone rd Sproul Ewan, labourer, 133 High st Sinclair Ceo., cashier, 20 Mountstuart r Sprowl Arch., linotype operator, 34

^^inclair Jms. , burgh chamberlain, 30 Colurn-hill st

, pi High st ; ho., 9 ijatoery pi Spruwl Mrs Isa. Gowanfield 6incldr John, joiner, 53 Barone rd Sprowl John, joiner, 6 Ardbeg rd

Sinclair John, shipmaster, 20 West Squair b\ H., fleshe'-, 5 Gallowgate ; Princes st ho., 61 Barone rd Skirving Arch., blacksmith, 141 High st Stagg Wm., chimney sweep, 27 High st Slaven Mrs Lilias, 18 Watergate Stalbridge Thos., painter, 50 Ladeside 55 Burgh of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

Stammers Mrs Marion, 24 Knssell st Stirling John, fire master, 32 Staffa pi Stark Joho, joiner, 36 Scaffa pi Stirling^ Miss Mrgt., High Craigmore Stark John, p;. inter and decorator, 16 Stirling Wm. P., tuner, 36 Columshill st

Argyle st ; ho., 1 Wimbleton Stirtan Jms., joiner, 11 a bert pi Steadward Alex., boilermaker, 32 Mill s Stir tan Mrs Margt., Wyndhara rd

Steel (Jeo., printer, 5 Castle st Stoddart Alx , mechanic, 17 E. Princes s Steel Miss Alice, Monntpleasant rd Stone Jos., insurance agent, 22 Mill st Steel Jms., tailor, Uowanfieid pi Stone Mrs, toy dea er, 20 Mill st Stevenston Miss Isa., Koslin pi Storer Jms. D., painter, 27 Argyle st Stevenston Miss Jessie, 21 Mountstuart r Strachan Mrs Eliz., 8 Columshili pi Steven>ion Juhr, spirit dealer, 6 Castles rtuart Geo., florist & seedsman, Chapel-

Stewa,rt Alex. , county police inspector, hill and Westland rd nurseries ; shop

County Buildings. High st Dean Hood pi and Montague st : ho., Ste-wait Alex., blacksmith, Ladeside 34 Columshill st Stewart Alex., tailor, 20 Gallowgate Stuart Gilbert, farmer, Kerrycruisoch

Stewart Alex., grocer, 30a Bishop st Stuart John Windsor, facto , Bute Stewart Msss Agnes & Hln,, 24 Aidbeg r estate, 43 High st ; ho., Foley House Stewart Mrs Ann and Msss Anne and Stuart Peter, farmer, Kerrycruisoch Mary, Inkerman ter Stuart Miss Mary L., 26 Russell st Stewart Mrs Barb. K. C, and Catherine Sutherland Rev. And. N., M. A., Free

K. , 14 Marine pi Parish ( hurch Manse, Serpentine rd Stewart Chs., reedmkr., 12 W. Princes s Sutherland Wm., spirit dlr, , 24 Maiine p Stewart Miss Chris., Bogany rd Swan Matth., purser, 25 Battery pi Stewart David, B. & J. i dck, 105 Mon- Swan vV alter, 41 Barone rd grocer, tague st ; ho,, 15 Bishop st Swanston Arthur, 26 W. Princes s Stewart Dun., spirit dealer, 18 Mount- Swanston Dnl., 4 West Castle st pleasant rd Swanston Dvd., engineer, 1 Mill st Stewart Eben., cork cutter, 2 Argyle pi bwan^ton Mrs Jessie, 21 Argyle st Stewart Gavin, 33 Ardbeg rd Swanston John, grocer, 22 Castlehill st

Siewart Mis Hannali and Msss Jane and Sweeney Mrs E.iz , 15 Watergate Mary, Eastland s rd Sweeney Jms., shoemaker, VV. Princes

Stewart Mi^s Helen, 7 Gallowgate st ; house, 6 Store in btewart Miss H., dairy, Dean Hood pi Sweet Chas., photograj)her, E. Princes Stewart Mrs Isabella, grocer, 11 High st st ; ho., 20 Cdchton rd

Stewart Jms., gardenei , 35 Bridge st Symes Kobt., boatman, 60 Ladeside st Stewart Juis., shipmaster, 96 High st Stewart Jms., painter, Serpentine rd Stewai t Mrs Janet, 18 Ardbeg rd Stewart Mr.-, Janet, 49 Argyle st Taggart Jms., shoemaker, 40 Columshill s Stewart John, boatman, M'Alister's crt Tannihill Kbt., engnr., 36 M'pleasant rd Stewart John, labourer, 11 Staflfa pi Tatiock M., chemise, 40 Crichtou rd Stewart John Craig, grocer, llolyrood, Taylor Mrs Ann, 2 Bride st Barone rd Taylor Mrs Ann, 79 Ardbeg rd Stewart Mrs M-'.ry, Wyndham rd '1 aylor Arch., brushmaker, 4 Bridge st Stewart Mrs Mary, Chapelhill rd Taylor Chs., clerk, 30 c^taffa pi

Stewart Mr.s Mar;) , 22 VV atergate Taylor Dnl. M., wine merchant, i ower

btewart Peter, i ank agent, Clydesdale st ; ho. ; aglesham, Monntpleasant rd Banli, Gaildfoid sq Taylor Edward, joiner, 6 HiLhuuse rd Stewart Miss Mary, 13 Argyle ter Taylor Mrs Elspeth, 3 Brandane ter Stewart iiobert, engineer, 18 Aigyle st Taylor Mrs Isa., 8 Bridge st Stewart Kohert, grain mei chant, Mill Taylor James G., boatman, Albert

st ; house Alma ter breast ; ho , 46 High st Stewart Wm., engineer, 65 Victoria st Taylor Jms., labomer, 141 High st Stewart W, & J., p dnlers, 22 West Tayior Mrs Jane, E. Buigh Lands Princes st Taylor Kobt. T., fleshe., 10 Bridge st Stewart William M., bank accountant, Telfer Mrs Migt., 5 Minister's br 1 Monntpleasant rd Telford Wm. J., sbepherd, Ardbrannan Stewart W.m, painter, 19 M'pleasant rd Temple Mrs Jeaunie, 109 Montague st Stirling Geo., traveller, 22 Columshill s Thorn Miss Jane, 7 Ardbeg rd 56 ; ;;

Burgh of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

Thompson Daniel, bootmaker, 55 Vic- Turner Misses Cath. B., & Mary M , 7

toria st ; ho., East Princes st Crichton rd Thompson Miss Helen, milliner, 9 Gall- Turner Colin B., Craigmore pier

owgate Turner \ rch , 141 High st 1 hompson Hugh, postman, 34 Argyle st Turner Dug, shipmaster, Ascog

Thomp-on James, shoemaker, 94 Mon- Turner G(jo , coachman, 16 Store In

tague st ; ho, Hazeltoii, Baroue rd Tuipin Wm. J., exhibtor. 22 iiussell st

Thompson Mrs Mary, 67 Barone rd Tweedley Jn. , boatman, 76 Montague s Thompson Sam., hatter, 60 Montague Tyre Wui. L., slater, 24 Castlehill st

st ; ho , Clyde View, Craigmore Thompson Miss Sat ah, Queen's Hotel, 41 Argyle st u Ths'ms Jins., mechanic, 4 Mill st Urquhart John A., grocer, 13 Argyle st Thomson Akucs, 12 staffa pi ho., Chapelhill rd Thomson Alex., engineer, 8 Hillhouse r Urquhart Eev John, West Free Manse, Thomson Benj. J., slater, 2 Hillhouse r Argyle ter Thomson Chs., manufactr, Wyndham id Unverzacht Mrs Janet, 14 E. Princes st Thomson Msss Eiiz., Mrgt. and Mry. A., 29 Ardbeg rd Thomson Mr^ KHz., 97 Montague st

Thomson Hu., cabinetmkr,, 25 Bishop sfc Vail Herr, music teacher, 3 Wimbleton Thomson Miss Isa., 8 Montague st Vance Mrs Jane, 32 Battery pi

Thomson Js. , fishmon;:,'er, Dean Hood p Thomson Jms., juiuer, 5 Castle st Thomson Jms., seaman, 109 Montague s w Thomson Mrs Jessie, 35 Argyle at Walker Arch., blacksmith and heating Thomeon, John, seaman, 7 Bishop st engineer, Mill st Thomson Jn., bank agent, B,oyal Bank, Walker Mrs A. E., 27 ColumshiU st

Victoria st ; ho., 1 Tower st Walker Chas., barber, 42 Bishop st Thoms' n John, seaman, 18 Russell st Walker Dvd., carter, 1 Mill st Thomson John Kussell, architect, 5 Walker Gavin, baker, 3-2 Victoria st

High st ; ho., Argyle ter Walker Jms. A., he itor, Mountstuart r Thomson Mrs Mary, 16 Marine pi Walker Mrs Jeannie, 7 Gallowgate Thomson JNormcin McL., confectioner, Walker John, blacksmith 19 Hussell st 44 Mountstuart rd Walker John, dairyman, Havelock ter Thomson Ptr., fisherman, 22 Watergate Walker John, restauraraieur, 15 East Thomson Ptr,, seaman, 18 liussell st Princes st Thomson Mrs Peter, 1 Orcai^ia Walker Martin, plumber, 3 Mill st 'Jhomson Mis S. A., 2 Crichton rd Walker Mrs Margt., 11 Bishop st Thomson Miss Sophia, 16 Battery pi Walker Mrs, 84 Montague st Thomson Miss Sus .n, 71^ Ardbeg rd Walker Mrs Ann, 46 Mountstuart rd Thomson Mrs Thos., ironmonger, 65 Wallace Miss Betsy, restaurateur, 7 Montague sn Bridge st Thomson Wm., draper, 13 Montague st Wallace Chs., slater, 16 Marine pi Thorence Mrs Ann, 43 Ardbeg rd Wallace Mrs Eliz., 17 Craigmcjre rd Thorburn Js., fisherman, 10 Watergate Wallace Miss Helen, Alma ter Thoi burn John, fish merchant, 18 West Wallace Mrs Henr., 59 Mountstuart rd

Pi inces st ; ho , 30 Bishop st Wallace Jms., cabmn.,18MountplHasantr Thorburn 'I ho-., fisherman, 15 Bridge s Wallace Jms. F., dancing master, High Thorburn "Wm., blacksmith, Chapelhill r Craigmore Tickell Mrri Marit n, Museum, Chapelhill Wallace Mrs Margt., Eden cot Todd Miss > arah, 5 ColumshiU pi Wallace Mrs Mary, 169 High st Todd M.s, 32 Mill st Wallace Wm. S., gardener, Koslin cot Torri, Mansento, coofectioner, Dean Wardrop Mrs, confectioner, 86 High st Hood pi and Gallowgate ho, Man.-icfield pi

Trivett W. J. , shoemaker, 45 High st Warren, Mrs Margt. N., Croft Lodge

ho , 86 High st Waters Mathew, court house-keeper, Turnbull Mrs Ann, Wyndham pk Mountpleasant rd

Turnbull Wit. , inspector, 1 Hillhouse rd Waterson Alex., engineer, 11 Bridge st 57 p

Burgli of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

"Watson Dnl., blacksmith, 15 Castle st Wilkie Mrs Chris,, 24 Castlehill st Watson Geo., tailor and clothier, 13 Wiikie Huh, yacljtsman, 24 Castlehill s

Gallowgate ; ho., 21 Columshill st Williamson Msss Kliz. Grace & Marion, Watson Jms., S. P. C. A., Columshill 3 Ardbeg rd Watson Miss Jane, 56 Mountstnart rd Williamson capt. John, steamboat Watson J,n, blk. smith, 27 Columshill st ovvner, Kockvilla, Ardbeg rd Watson Mrs Mary Ann., 31 Gallowgate Williamson Magnus, tailor, 5 Bridge st Watson Kbt., heritor, Upper Craigmore Williamson Rev. Kbt., 1>,D., 6 Orcadia Watson Wm., grocer, 2 Minister's br Wilson, Arch,, gardener, (Serpentine rd Watson Wm,. steamboat agent. Quay Wilson Miss Chris., 24 Bridge st ; ho., 7 Chapelhill id Wilson Colin, gardener, 90 High st Watt Mis Margt. L., Wyndham rd Wilson Dvd., Craigmore hotel and pen- Watt Mrs 45 Ardbeg rd sion, 49 Crichton rd Watt Kobt., 12-1 High st Wilson Misses Eliz. J., Helen R., and

Waugh 1 7 Miintague st Mary, Chapelhill Waugh MIS Helen, 7 Gallowgate Wilson Miss Eliz. J.. 7 Chape hill rd Wauj^h Mrs Marion, 5 Art^yle st Wilson Mrs Flora, 24 Bridge st Weaver John I., pensioner, 25 Argyle f-t Wilson Mrs Isa., 2 Aigyle st Web.-ter Jms. C, mercht., Albany rd Wilson Mrs Jane, 31 Gallowgate Webster Mr.-s Mary, 65 Ardhe^; r Wilson Miss Jeannie, 19 High st Webster Mrs "Sophia H., 11 Bridge st Wilson John K., writer, 3 Orcadia Weir Alex., 71^ Ardbeg rd Wilson Miss Margt., 24 Argyle st Weir Alex., tobiicconist, 42 Montagiiest Wilson John, stoker, 19 Castle st Weir Mrs Aijn., 12 Bridge st Wilson Jos., stationer, 20 Bridge-end st Weir Arch., 21 Marine pi Wil on Jos. D., printer, Serpentine rd Weir Jms., 94 High st Wilson Mrs Mary, 14 Bridge st

Weir Jms. jn. , com. agent, 77 Montague s Wilson 'ihos., seaman, 5 Bridge st Weir Punc, labouier, 149 .^Jigh st Wilson Wm., shoemaker, 12.^ High st Weir Miss Jane, 4 Mount pleasant Wilson Wm. A., printer, Butenan, 10 Weir Mrs Janet, 28 Bridge st Castle st; ho., Morningside, Serpen- Weir John, gardener, 3 Stuart st tine rd

Weir i. obt., mason. 23 Battery j)l Winning Mrs Ann, 46 L-^deside st Weil Mrs, 3 Minister's br Wood I'hos,, S. A, officer, 20 West VVeish Wrs Ann, 90 Montagu st Princes st Welsh Mrs I-sa., § Aigyle st Woodburn Thos., vanman, 38 Jiridge st Weish Mis Kate, oO Argyle st Woods Thos. T., miller, 1 Barone rd Welsh ihos., labourer, 19 Mill st Wright Alex., teacher, 25 Ardbeg rd Weston Mrs Mary 1^., 13 Crichton rd Wright Jms., 71 Victoria st Wheeling Jms,, spirit dealer, Westwood Wright Mrs Eliz., 88 Moit.igue st While Mrs Ann, 24 Sta£fa pi Wright Jms., residenter, Wyndham rd White John, club steward, 24 Bishop sb Wrigho Miss Jane, ;^2 Argyle pi White Dune, 77 Ardbeg rd Wright Kobt,, blacksmith, 19 Stuart st Whitecruss Mit-s Jane, 4 Argyle pi Wbiteford Kbt., game wtchr., Calfward Whiteford Kobt. jun., photographer, 27

High st Yates Jms., tailor, 91 Montague st ; ho. Whitlield William W,, clerk, 10 Mount- 89 Montague st stuart rd Yarwood Jos., musician, 87 High st Whiteside Sm., musician, 77 Montague s Young Adam, insurance agent, 25 Col- Whitson Miss Janet, 7 Bishop st umshill st Whyte Alex., seaman, 28 Mill st Young Miss Grace, 8 Ladeside Whyte Mrs Jeosie, confectioner, 25 Youn^ Miss Janec, 78 High st Gallowgate Youn^ Mrs Margt., 19 )vussell st Whyte Mrs Margt., 40 Bishop st Young Kobt,, porter, 12 Casule st Whyte Kobr., shoemaker, 19 Bishop sfc Yuilj Miss Eliz., 28 Mountsfcuart rd Whyte Thos., carter, 38 Ladeside Yuili Mrs Janet, 38 Columshill st

58 Parish of HOUSEHOLDEES. North Bute.

Parish of NORTH BUTE. (Including the Village of Port-Bannatyne.)

Christie, Wm., blacksmith, Victoria pi Clark. Dug. .ploughman, Kildavannancots Clydesdale. Miss Christina, Hafton pi Acton, Aubrey, chemist, Albion pi Cochrane, Gabriel, Victoria pi Adam, Mrs Janet, Ulva pi Cockburn, Jas. Jack, traveller, Pier ter Aitken, Robert, stationer, Victoria pi Cook, John, carpenter, lona pi Alexander, James, carpenter and boat- Coubrough. Mrs Margaret, Melbourne pi

hirer. Shore st ; ho, Govandale pi CraigheHd, Miss Margaret, Shore st Alexander, John, yachtsman, lona pi Crawford, David, carriage-hirer, Victoria pi Alexander, Miss Sarah, fruiterer and Crawford, Wm., dairyman, Pointhouse confectioner, Inveryne pi Crawford, Miss Janet, Crown Hotel Crawford, John, farmer, Acholter Cruden, Miss Jemima. Pointhouse cres Cumming. Jas.. residenter, Knofkdhurw Baird David, compositor, Inveryne pi Cunningham, Js. L., residenter. Ebenezer pi Baird, David, shoemaker, Shore st ; ho Cunningham, Jn., engineer. Shore st Gladstone pi Currie, Miss Jane, Ebenezer pi Baird, Wm., cleik Shore st Currie, Duncan, joiner and piermaster Bannatyne, Peter M., clerk, lona pi Currie, Jn,, mason, Bannatyne Mains rd Bannatyne, Robert, roadman, Victoria pi Barr, Thomas, farmer, Eskechraggan Bell, Donald, yachtraaster, Glenlee Bell Ougald, srrocer, Castle st Dallas Dugald, joiner, Kingston pi clerk, Rosebery pi Bell, Thomas, Dallas Wm., baker. Shore st Castle st Black, Daniel, shipwright. Dawson, Mich. D., brewer, Kames bank Rulliecheddan Black, Hugh, coachman, Dewar, Rev. Peter, clergyman, North Bute , tailor and clothier. Castle st Bodin Wm. Dickie, Wm. P., farmer, Cranlagvourity baker, Brodie, James, Abbotsford Dougan, Neil, farmer, Shalunt villa Brough, Miss, Isa Park Dunbar, John, tobacconist, Shore st pi Brown, Ar. .inspector of poor, Ebenezer Duncan, Charles, fanner, Little Kilmory Brown, Jas., residenter, Castle st Duncan, Daniel, farmer, Woodend John, seaman. Shore st Brown, Duncan, Jas., farmer, Bannatyne Mains Miss Barbara, Shore st Brown, Mrs and Duncan, Miss Jane, Sardinia pi Brown, Mrs Isabella, baker, Shore st Duncan, James, teacher, Ballanlay Brownlie, Mrs Mary. Stonfield Duncan, John, farmer, Bruce, George, gardener, Lament's land Duncan, Kobt. , dairyman, Barone pk Buchan, Miss, Mai'garet villa Duncan, Robert, farmer, Kilwhinleck Buchanan, M. R. Gray, Ettrickdale Duncan Thomas, fencer, Kildavannan Buchanan, Robt. . heritor, Omaha Dunlop, Rev. John, F.C. Manse painter, pi Burns, Alex., Inveryne Dunn, George, boots, lona pi D., sanitary inspector. Castle st Burns, E, Dunn, John, engineer, Albion pi Burns, Robert, yachtsman, Shore cot Broom, Mrs, Bay view E Edmond, Robt., carrier, Govandale pi Ellis, William H., Norwood Campbell, Alex., sack mercht,, Appin villa millmanager, pi Campbell', General Barrington, Kames Cas Ewing, Arch., Inveryne Campbell, Donald, engineer, lona pi joiner, Lome pi Campbell, Dun , Campbell. Duncan, shepherd. Hilton Campbell, John B. chemist, Castle st Feiguson, David, residenter, Castle st Campbell, Neil, gar ener, Hafton pi Ferguson, Duncan, yachtsmaster, lona pi Carruthers, Jas., ploughman, Dunalunt Ferguson Jas., spirit merchant, Victoria pi Carson, Israel, warper, Govandale pi Ferrier, Alex,, traveller, Pointhouse cres Carswell, Mrs Margaret, East St Colmac Ferguson, Miss, grocer. Shore st Chalmers, Mrs Janot, Pointhouse Cres Finlayson, Mrs Mary, Pointhouse cres ChMlmers, John, joiner, Victoria pi Forson, Miss Margaret, Pier ter

Chlsholm. James, Pointhouse crescent Foy, Joseph A , Sardinia pi Christie, John, druggist, Kingston pi Frame, David, grieve, S. St. Colmac Parish of HOUSEHOLDERS. Nortk Bute. Frame Wm., farmer, Barone Park Lamont, Dugald, Mosgeil, Pointhouse Fyfe, Chas., carpenter, Kingston pi Lamont, Hugh, butcher. Shore st Fyfe, John, toatbuilder, Ardmaleish Lamont, Jn. M'N.. writer, Tighantraigh Lamont, John, farmer, Stuck Lamont, G Wm. D. , clerk. Fir Cliff Lawson. Andrew, grocer. Victoria pi Galbraith, Wm., farmer, Greenan Leitch, James, yachtsman, Lome pi Gault David, brassfounder, Shore st Leitch. John, carter, Haftonpl Gibb, Peter, shoemaker, Govandaljpl Leitch, John, fisherman. Shore st Gibson Mrs Annie, Port-Bannatyne Inn Leith, Peter, druggist. Shore st Gibson, Miss Rachel, Lamont pi Leithhead, David, upholsterer. Castle st Gilchrist, John, Bannatyne Mains rd Livingston, Dun., fisherman. Govandale pi Gillies, Mrs, farmer, Quogach Loch, Grge., coal mcrchai t. Back st; ho., GilJies, John, ploughman. Little Kllmory Shore st Gillon,Mr8 Margaret, Melbourne pi ]^.och, James, joiner. Shore st Golder Wm., hotel keeper, Pointhouse cres Loch, Walter, seaman, Hafton pi Govan, J. G., Faith Mission, Mount Clare Loch, William, ironmonger. Shore st Gregorson, David, shopman. Castle st Lockhart, John, tinsmith. Shore st Gregorson, Mrs E., spirit merch., Shore it Lusk, James, wright, Salisbury pi Grierson, Wm., shipmaster, Pomona house Lyon, Mrs Ann, Sardinia pi H Lyon, James, farmer, Drumachloy Hall, Robert, fireman. M Castle st Malcolm, Halliday, Duncan, grocer, Shore $t James, carpenter, Kingston pi Malcolm Halliday, George, merchant. Castle st Wm. H., engineer, Gladstone pi Halliday, Mrs Jane, Sawmill MalcomArch.,joiner, and boat-hirer, Shore Halliday, Mrs Mary, st; ho Gladstone pi Stonefield Malcom Hamilton, Robt., contractor, Lamont pi Mrs Eliz., farmer, Edinbeg Malcom P., Hardie, Robert, merchant. Castle st James farmer, Edinbeg Malcom Thomas, farmer. buildings Harper, Alex. R. , fitter, Castle st Crown Marshall, Hogarth, Arch., yachtmaster, Glenlea MissC, Clifton villa Martin Bryce, Hogarth, Jas., fisherman. Shore st farmer, Glecknabae Martin, Hogarth, John, fisherman, St Ninians Miss Mary, nurse, Inveryne pi Martin, R. S., com. agent Hogarth, Jhn., yachtmaster, Springvi^ell pi Gladstone pi Martin, farmer, Hogarth, Male, yachtmaster, Victoria Quein

60 Parish of HOUSEHOLDEKS. North Bute.

McKay, John, farmer, Barone Park McKechnie John, wood merchant, Castle st Mae McKcllar James, Shore st McAlister, Alex, ploughmfin. Edinmorc McKellar John, fisherman, Straad McAlister, James, fanner Meikle Kilmory McKirdy, Miss, Oakbank McAndrew, Jn. S., residenter. Kingston pi McKellar Mrs, grocer. Shore st McArthur, John, surfaceman, SalisbuiTPl MeKenzie Thomas, dealer in antiquities, McArthur, Dnd., yachtmaster, Inveryne pi Stella Maris McArthur, Robt., sen. and jun., fishermen, McKinnon Mrs, Kames lodge Ballycurrie sh McKirdy, Alex, sh"emaker, Straad

McArthur, Thos. . fisherman, Ballycurrie sh McKu'dy Gilbert, carter, Cnstle st McArth'ir. W., ploughman, Eskeshraggan McLachlan James, joiner. Castle st McBride, Peter, farmer, Ardsc ilpsie McLean, Dugald, ploughman, Straad McCallum, John, st-^ward, Alt-a vone McLean Lach., farmer, Cranslagloan McCallum, Colin, John and Peter, farmers, McLean John, ploughman, Straad Kilmichael McLeod, Mrs Eliz., Victoria pi

McCann, Wm , fireman, Shore st M'Millan Duncan, joiner, Salisbury pi McCulloch Henry, naturalist, lona pi Macmillan Malcolm, clerk, Castle st McConnechy, Mrs, fa^ mer, Largivrechtan Macmillan Miss, Margaret villa McCunn, Miss, Janet, Castle st Macmillan Thos., gardener, Pointhouse McCunn, Miss Mary, Post office McMill m, Wm., contractor, Kingston pi McDermid, Henry, labourer, Angus pi Macmillan Wm., hotelkeeper. Shore st M'Dermott, C. & W., painters. Quay it McNaught C. H., draper, lona pi McUermott, Mrri Eliz., Ettrickbank McPhail, Duncan, shoemaker Ballanlay McDonald, Dugald., f :irmer, Auchavolaig McPhail John, plouehman, Govandale pi McDonald, I^ugh, joiner, Castle st McPhail John, draper. Castle st McDonald, Wm., woodman, Cuilnashamrag McPhail Mulcolm, yachtmaster, Glenlee McDougall, Alex., fisherman, Srraad McPhail Peter, roadman, Ulva pi McDougall, Dun., caiter, Stewart's In McPhail, Robert, carter. Shore st McDougall, Jas., fisherman, Straad McPhee, Dugald, restaurateur, Shore st McDonald, Mrs Jane, Victoria pi McQueen Jas., baker, Castle st McDougall, Thomas, fisherman, Straad McRae J. A., police officer, Victoria pi Wlti-., Ballycurrie McDougall, fisherman, sh M'Vicar Arch. , yachtmaster, Melbourne pi McDougall, Wm., fisherman, Ballycurrie sh McEwen, Dugald. plumber, Ulva pi N McFadyen, John, car driver, Shore st Neil, Mrs, pi McFadyen, Jn., yachtsmastr., Cuilnasham- Ulva rag Neil Robert, baker, Springwell pi McFadyen, Lach., ploughman, Kildavannan Neild Wm., residt-nter, Edgerton McFarlane, Mrs Agnes, Upper Ardroscadale Newell A. W, shipmaster, Ardgowan Nicol, Mactie, Chas., farmer, Mid Park, Inch- Robert, Bannatyne Mains rd marnock Nimmo, James, Bannatyne Mains rd Macfie, Hugh, farmer, Ballycaul Macfie, James, farmer. North Park, Inch Macfie, John, farmer, Ballycurrie Orme Alex , spirit manager, Govandale pi McFie, John, labourer, Ladehouse Orr David, engineer. Shore st Macfie, John, joiner. Castle st; ho. Mount Oswald, Agnes, Pointhouse cres Park cottage Macfie, Robert, farmer, Lower Ettrick McGillivary, John, mason, Ulra pi McGilp Allan, ploughman, Ardmaleish cot Parlane Thomas, merchant, Govandale pi McGlashan, Dug yachtsmas'^er. Shore st Paton, James, residenter, Inveryne pi , McGlashan. James, yachtmaster, Shore st Paton Miss, farmer, Greenan McGregor, Wm., gardener, Pointhouse and Paterson, John, engineer, Victoria fl RuUiecheddan Pollock John T., teacher, Shore st Mcllraith, Mrs Elsie, Doonbank Potts Robert, game watcher, Auchiemore Mclnnes, Mr,s Agnes, Shore st Mclntyre, Andrew, farmer, Glenmore

Mclntyre, Alexander and Archd , farmers, R Dunalant, Rae, James, teacher, Angus pi

Mclntyre, Daniel, labourer, Salisbury pi Redfern Wm. H. , bootmaker, Albion pi Mclntyre, Mrs Eliz., farmer, Kildavannan Redfern Miss Jessie, confectioner. Shore st Mclntyre, Peter, shepherd, Kilmichael Ri'id, Peter, ironmonger. Castle st Mclntyre, Peter, and Archibald, farmers, Reid Wm., coach trimmer, Salisbury pi Ballanlay Ritchie, Andrew T. and James S., farmers, Mackie, Mrs Jane C, Melbourne pi Gortans Mackie, Lewis E., house factor, Kingston pi Robertson Alex., far.ner, Cranslagmory McKay, Mrs Jessie, Victoria pi Robertson Arch., farmer, S. Park, Inch 61 Parish of HOUSEHOLDERS. North Bute.

Eobertson Arch., tramway manager, Point- Thompson Miss, Melbourne pi house Thomson Chas., blacksmith. Castle st Robertson James, miller, Greenan Thomson Dan., roadman, Balanlay Rodger Win., saddler, Bannatyne Mains rd Thomson, David, blacksmith, Hafton pi Rodger, Miss Violet, Kingston pi Thomson Mrs M., Ulva pi Rodger, Wm.. shepherd. Castle st Thomson Robert, joiner, Angus pi Ross George, builder, Victoria pi Thomson, Thomas, blacksmith, Stewart In Ross Mrs, Victoria pi Thomson, William, carpenter, Shore st u Sharp Daniel, ploughman, Straad Shaw, Daniel, blacksmith, Straad Urquhart, J. C, grocer, Inverynepl Shearer J:imes, yachtsmaster, Quay st Shearer, Matthew, fisherman, Shore st w Shields J. H,, residenter. Abbotsford Sim Alex., residenter, Fernbank Waddell John, boilermaker, Govandale pi Simpson Mrs Cath., farmer, S St Colraac Wallace Arch., game watcher, Tighentudor Smith John, blacksmith, Ettrick Walker Alex., manufacturer, Govandale pi Smith John, car driver. Castle st Wark, Miss Agnes, Shore st Smith, Thomas, blacksmitti, Govandale pi Watson Wm., music seller, Victoria pi Stalker Gilb., yachtmaster, Lamont pi Weir Male, re>identer, RuUechaddan Stevtn, James, Pomano pi Weir, Mrs, Schoolhouse, Kildavannan Stevenson, Mrs Eliz., farmer, Ardmalelih Weir, Mrs Margt., Shore st Stevenson Mrs Janet, farmer, Kilbride Welsh George, batiei', Melbourne pi Stevenson James, farmer, Ardmaleish White Don,, shepherd, Meikle Kilmory Stewart Alex. & Robt., farmers, Nother White Peter, teacher, Castle st Ardroscadale Wilson James, contractor, Victoria pi Stewart John C, farmer. Upper Ardrosca- Wilson, Mrs Jessie, Shore st dale Wilson Robert, residenter, Hafton pi Stewart Misses, IsaPark villa Wil>on, Mrs Robert, Woodend cot Stewart, Thomas, residenter, Rosbery pi Wotherspoon Alex. , merchant, Springwell p Wright tinsmith, Albion pi Stirlinc; Jas. H., dancing master. lonapl Wm , Sutherland Alex., tisherman, Ebenezer pi Wyllle Wm., oil manufacturer U1t» pi Sutherland John, labourer, lonapl

YuUle Mrs, Kames bank Taylor James, baker, lona pi Young Margt., Ardlamont vllia Taylor John, joiner, Inveryne pi

Parish of KINGARTH. (Including the Village of Kilchattan Bay.)

Bell Malcolm, mason, Kilchattan Mill Bell M jun., mason, , Bell Miss Jane, Kilchattan Aitken Wm., baker, Kilchattan Bay Bay B[ack Daniel, Anderson, Fiancis, private secretary, the joiner, Kerrycroy Black Hermitage, Ascog John, labourer, Kerrycroy Black Robert, roadman, Kilchattan Butts Anderson Geo. S., compositor, KilchattanB Blue, Wm. , rabbit citcher, U. Anderson, J. W., Free Ch., Kilchattan Bay Stravannan Bnag John, fencer, Kilchattan Butt Bone, James, gardener, Millhouse Boyd, Robert, builder, Kerrycoy Bair Mrs, Kilchattan Bay Brown Alex., roadman, Kilchattan Bay Burns Mrs Baillle George, butcher, Kilchattan Bay Wm., Kilchattan Bay BaUlie Huirh, farmei', Langalbuinoch Bunige John, labourer, Mountstuart Brodie Miss Flora, Baillie, Wm., Kilchattan Bay Kilchattan Bay Baimatyne Bryce, joiner, Kilchattan Butt Bell Duncan, baker, Kilchattan Bay c Bell, Duncan, jun., mason, Pipeihall Cadenhead Dv,, glass stainer, Kilchattan B Bell John, blacksmith, Kilchattan Bay Cameron, Donald, labourer, Ascog hall 62 Parish of HOUSEHOLDERS. Kingarth.

Cameron Hugh P., wi'ight, Kilchattan Bay- Campbell An,, warehouseman, Kilchattan B Campbell Jn. L., travellei-, Kilchattan Bay Jamieson Jas.. fisherman, Kilchattan Bay Colqulioun, Captain J., Kilchattan Bay Jarret Richard, valet, Mountstuart Connelly Jas., gardener, Mountstuart Johnstone Alex., joiner, Mouutstuart Cowie, John, woodman, Kerrycroy Johnstone Thomas, grocer, Kilchattan Bay Crawford, Robt., farmer, Little Kilchattan Johnstone Wm., labourer, Newfarra Gumming, John, builder, Kilchattan Bay K D Keith Duncan, carter, Barefield Davies, Peter, residenter. Kilchattan Bay Kelly David K., Hotel, Kilchattan Bay- Day Mrs Catherine, Kilchattan B ty Kelly Wm., foreman, Kilchattan Bay Dean Adam, quanyman, Kilchattan Bay Kelso Miss Isa., draper, Kilchattan Bay Dean John, ploughman, Kenylamont Kelso Robert, piermaster, Kilchattan Bay Dean Robert, roadman, Kilchattan Bay Kennedy Wm., ploughman, Kcrytonlia Docherty Wm., labourer, Mountstuart Kerr, Hugh, coachman, Southpark, Ascog

Duncan, Miss Eliz , Kilchattan Bay Duncan Hu. & Nn., farmers, Langalchorad Duncan James L., faimer, Birgidale Knock Duncan John, seaman, Kilchattan Bay Laidla-w, Robert, engineer, Balmory Duncan Roht., labourer, Kilchattan Bay Lamont A.nd., joiner, Newfarra Duncan J., can ier, Kilchattan Bay Lament Dan., molecatcher, Ambrisbeg Duncan Wm, shoemaker, Kilchattan Bay Lamont Jas., molecatch' r, Piperhall Duncan Mrs, Auchintore Lamont Wm., labourer, Piperhall Lane Stephen, coachman, Mountstuart

E Lapsley . West Smithy Esplin,W. T., schoolmaster, Kingarth Leckie Miss, Kilchattan Bay

Linden Jas , hedger, Birgidale Butt Little, James, ploughman, U. -travannan Lochhead And., clerk, Kilchattan Bay Piperhall Ferguson Arch,, labourer, Logan Jas., gamewatcher, Birgidale Bu^ t Ferguson David, farmer, Ardnahoe Lornie Jas., gardener. South park, Ascog Ferguson Dun., labouier, Kilchattan Butt Louden, William, clothier Kilchattan Bay- Ferguson. Dun. jun., milkman, Culevin Lucas, James, teacher, Kilchattan Bay

Ferguson Hu. , labourer, ICilchattan Bay Ferguson Neil, labourer, Kerrylamont Fisher, James, 'bus driver, Kil. Bay M Fisher James, hedger, Kerrylamont Mann, Geo, draper, Kilchattan Bay Fisher Peter, hedger, Kerrylamont Manning, James, organist, Mountstnart Frame, Wm. labourer. Little Bay Mai shall Jn., ironfounder, Kilchattan Bay Julton Wm., teacher, Kerr>croy Martin Archd., farmer, Largiezean Martin James, farmer, Nether Stravannan Martin John, farmei-, Kerrymenoch G Martin Moses, engineer, Kilchattan Bay Galbraith John, carpenter, Kilchattan Bay Martin Misses, Temperance hotel, Kil. Bay Geddes John, gardener, Ascog Hall MeiKle Robert, engraver, KilchattanBay Gemmell Daniel, farmer, Keriytonlia Mitchell John, coachmar , Balmory Gill Hugh, labourer, Kilchaitan Bay Middleton, Ang. 'busdriver, Kilchattan Bay Gill, James, blacksmith, Kingarth Middleton Jas, ploughman, Barefield Gilles James, coachman, Ascog Hall Middleton Robt., watchman, Newfarm Gilmour Thomas, tilemaker, Kilchattan By Middleton Rdn., dyke builder, Kilchattan B Glen Allan, sen , tailoi-, Kilchattan Bay Miller Mrs Ebenezer, Kilchattan Bay Gien Donald, tishcrmaii, Kilchattan Bay Miller, James, teacher, KilchHttan Bay Graham, Mrs Jeaiinie, Kilchattan Bay Morrison, Robt., fisherman, Kilchattan By Greig G. G., compositor, Kilchattan Bay Morrison Wm., builder, Kilchattan Bay Grtig, James, grocer, Kilchattan Bay Muir Jas , ploughman, Birgidale Butt Grierhon, John, hotel keeper, Kingarth Murchie Hugh, baker, Mountstuart^ Murdoch Dun ploughman, Mid-Ascog , H Murray John, joiner, Kilchattan Bay Harvey Mrs James, Kilchattan Bay Murray xVlex., joiner, Kilchattan Bay Hastings David and Haddow, farmers, Plan Murray Archd., farmer, Quochag Henderson Wm., shoemaker, Kilchattan B Heron Michael, gardener, Mountstuart Hutson Thomas, labourer, Kilchattan Bay Mae McAlister Jn. & Rbt., farmers, Mid-Ascog McAUster, Thos., labourer, Kilchattan By McAllister Wm., coal agent, Kilchattan By Inglis John, draper, Kilchattan Bay McAllister Wm., labourer, Kilchattan Bay 63 Parish of HOUSEHOLDERS. Kingarth.

McArthur Peter, gardener, Millburn McCall Mrs Cath., Kilchattan Bay M'Calman, Kingarth Police station D., p c, Park, Alx., com. traveller, Kilchattan Bay McCallum , carpenter, Kilchattan Bay Dug Pattie Wm.. residenter, Kilchattan Bay McDonald A.I., rabbit catcher, Kilchattan B Phillips Br W. F., Kilchattan Bay McDonald, Don., labourer, Kerrycroy Pollock, Rev J. J. W., Hawkeston lodge McDonaH Hector, roadman, Scoulagmoor McDougall, Jas.,residenter, Kilchatan By McDousrall Js., jn., engineer, Kilchattan B R McDougall Jolin, farmer, Drumreoch Ranhin R., engineer, Kilchattan Bay McDou?all Jn. , fisherman, Kilchattan Bay Reid John, letter carriei-, Kil. Bay McDougall Kilchattan Bay John, labourer, Robertson James and John, farmers,Birgi- McDougall, John, ploughman, Mid-Ascog da'e Crieff McDougall Dun. Rbt., farmers, Barnauld & Rodgerson. R., residenter, Kilchattan By MaeEwen, Professor, Garrochty Rose David, carter, Newfarm McFarlane Culerin and Alexander, farmer, Rice Mrs, Gatehouse M''ikle Kilchattan Macfarlane Dan., joiner, Mouatstuart Stuart Gilbert & Peter, farmers, Kerry- crusach Saunders Rev. John, M.A., B. D., Kingarth Macfarlane Miss Cath., Kilchattan Bay Scott Miss, Kilchattan Bay Macfie Alex., fencer, Kilchattan Butt Scott Thomas, farmer, Gallachan Macfie Ar., joiner and grocer, Kilchattan B Shields Jas., engineer, Mountstuart Macfie Dan., sen., joiner, Kingarth Sillars, Mrs, Kilchattan Bay Mactie Dn., jn., carriage-hirer, Kingarth Simpson James, farmer. South Kerrycroy Macfie Daniel & John, farmers, l.ubas Smith John, tailor, Kilchattan Bay Macfie Dan., seaman, Kilchattan Bay Smitti Malcolm, cattleman, Keri-ymenoch Macfie Fergus, mason, Kilchattan Bay cottages Macfie James, hedger. Gossan Smith Wm., farm servant, Mountstuart McFic Mrs Mary, Kilchattan Bay Spiers John, ploughman, Birgidale Butt Macfie Robert, gardener, Kerrycroy Spencer Wm,, ironmaster, South Park, Macfie Robert, joiner, Kilchattan Bay Ascog McGeachen And., surveyor, KilchattanBay Steel Robert, tileworker, Kilchattan Bay McGr«gor, Daniel, fencer, Mountstuart Stewart Duncan C, teacher, Birgidale McGugan, Js., gardener, Somh idg. Ascoj Stewarr, Jas., coachman, Millbank, Ascog Mcintosh John, tailor, Kilchattan Bay Stewart James, joiner, Kerrycroy Mclntyre Dugald, tile worker, Kilchattan Stewart Mrs Fanny, Ascos: Hall Mclntyre Wm., grieve, Kerry lamont Stewart Wm., woodman, Kilchattan Bay McKay Archibald, farmer, Bruchag Strang, Miss Jessie, Kilchattan Bay McKenzie, Capt. Richard, Kilchattan Bay Strang John, potato merchant, Kilchattan McKill, Robt., printer, Kilchattan Bay Bay McKinlay John, residenter. Scoulag moor Strathearn Geo., labourer, Kilchattan Bay Mackinlay Mrs J. L., Kilchattan Bay Stuart John Patrick Crichton, Marquess of McKirdy Thos., fencer, Scoulag Moor Bute, Mountstuart House McKirdy Thos., labourer, Mountstuart McLean Hugh, farmer, Ascog McLean Neil, gardener, Ascog Hall T McLeod Mai., ploughman, Mountstuart Tait, Daniel, fitter, Kilchattan Bay McMillan Arch., ploughman, CuleTin Thomson David junior, engineer, Kilchat McMillan Captain Daniel, Kilchattan Bay tan Bay McMillan Wm., boatman, Kilchattan Bay Thomson Robert, gardener, Balmory McKinlay Mrs, Kilchattan Bay Thomson, R. G., gardener, N. lodge Ascog McNiven Donald, grocer, Kilchattan Bay Thurburn James, woodman, Kerrycroy McTaggart Arch.,ca'-ter, Upper Scoulag Toole Patrick, labourer, Mountstuart McTaggart, Dun., ploughman, U. Scoulag Towers Clark Captain James, Ascog N w Walker, Mrs, Kilchattan Neilson, Wit. , manufactr, Kilchattan Bay Bay Niibet James, caretaker, Ascog Wallace Daniel, gamekeeper, Piperhall Nugent John, gardener, Millbank Wallace, Dan., gamekeeper, Mountstuart Ward Mrs Corneilius, Kilchattan Bay Warden A,, watchmaker, Kilchattan Bay Weir Mrs Alexander, farmer, Dunagoil Orr John, joiner, Kilchattan Bay Wilson John, grocer, Kilchattan Bay Orr Wm., tailor, Kilchattan Bay Wilson John, gamekeeper, Mountstuart Winter Rev. Wm., clergyman, Ascog


Accountants Billposter Campbell, Alex., Castle st M'Millan, Wm. B., 48 High st M'Intosh, Wra., Castle st Miller, Dariel, County Buildings Blacksmiths A., Albert pi Montg"omepie, Baird, Andrew B., 113 High st Moodie, Arch., 10 High st .Jj]rated Water Manufacturers M'Bpide, Robert, John st M'Kirdy James, Mill st Cunningham & Co., New Halls M'Lellan, Quintin, Croft lane M'Kinlay, A., Columshill st Shaw, Daniel, Htraad "Walkep, Arch, (and heating engineer, Architects Millst "Watson & Son, Castle st Moppison, Robert, Watergate Robson, John, 25 West Burn street, Greenock Boarding Houses Thomson, John R., 5 High st The Hotels and Apdyne, 7 Elysium, Craigmore—Mrs Muir Auctioneers Argyle & Bute, Battery pi Campbell, Alex., Castle st Cruden, Bishop ter—A. Scott-King and Fepguson, Daniel, Barone rd Miss Erie M'Gilp, Alex., 3 High st Holiday Home, 76 Ardbeg rd Montgromepie Arch., Albert pi 6 Elysium, Mountstuart Road—A. Scott-King Mavisbank, Bridge Street—Mrs Bakers Wood burn Black, Hugh, 6 Argyle st d- 27 Mill st Bowie, Malcolm, 9 Gallowgat« Boat Builders BPO'wn, Robert, 81 High st Deivap Frank, 14 Gpant, Peter, l Gallowgate Watergate Jardine, Robert, Johnstone Misses, 63 Victoria st 119 High st MTarlane, George, Mill Lamont, John, jn., 19 Gallowgate st LaAVSon, David, 86 Montague st and East Princes st Boat Hirers Morris, David I., Montague st Black, D. M'A., West Bay Muip, Charles, 17 High st and 17 Ar- Dewar, Francis, Esplanade gyle st Fyfe, John, Ardbeg David, RobePtson, 7 E Princes st Harris, Charles, Argyle st Robertson, John, 11 E Princes st Jardine, G. B., Mountstuart rd Smith, Duncan, Montague st Jardine, Robert, Mountstuart rd Walkep, John, 15 E Princes st Knox John, Albert pi

Leitch , Ardbeg Basket Maker M 'Donald, Fred., East Princes st M'Farlane, Geo., Esplanade Morrell, James, 53 Montague st Scott, Matthew, West Bay Stoddart, Alex., Esplanade Billiard Saloon Keeper. Symes, Robert, Craigmore Taylor, James, Albert pi Lawrie, John, Gallowgate Tweedley, John, Esplanade

65. ;

Parish of TRADERS. Rothesay.

Booksellers, Stationers, and Carnage Hirers Newsagents The 'Bus Proprietors and Martin, J. & A., Chapelhill rd Campbell & Chalmers, 40 Mon- M'KiPdy, J. & D., 25 Bridge st tague st M'Lean, Thomas, Ladeside st Duncan, A., 33 Gallowgate Moodie, Wm., Watergate Hapold, Misses E. & I.. 12 Albert pi Nisbet, John, Bridge st Fulton, Jliss A., 10 Argyle st Xiyle, Miss, 5 Alontague st Cabinet JM 'Arthur, James, Guildford sq Makers Alex., M'Culloch, H. P., Montague st Andepson, West Castle st .Mackinlay, John, 21 Victoria st BlaiP & Son, 15 Bridge st JVlackinnon, Hector, 11 Victoria st Dodds, A. & Son, Bridge-End st M'Neill Wm., E Princes st Duncan, John, 22 Brieve st M. JVl'Nicol Miss, Bishop st Innes, & G., 101 Jlontague st Patepson, Thomas, 29 Montague st Smith, John, 13 Bishop st

Carriers • Boot and Shoemakers ROTHES.\Y Collier S. & Sons, Montague st and Glasgow— Hendpy, Jas., 72 IMontague st ; Glas- J., 105 Montague st Dick, R. & gow-—99 Stockwell st, 61 Osborne Dickson, James, Montague st 54 Mitchell st, & 57 Buchanan st Duncan, Alex, jun., Bishop st M'Ewen, Alex, 47 & 83 Montague st; Gray, J. Son, Montague st Glasgow — 62 & & 90 Argyle st ; and Irvine, Samuel, E. Princes st 79 East Howard st Laing', James, 4 Gallowgate M'Gilp, Daniel, 41 Montague st Montague Heni-y, Watergate 50 Queen Street, Glasgow. Murdoch, A., Ladeside Pepston, William, 58 Montague st M'Kinlay, Robert, Chapelhill rd Glasgow—48 & 68 West Howard st, Sweeney, .James, West Princes st and 77 Queen st, and 53 Bell st Thompson, Daniel, 55 Victoria st Rothesay, Port-Bannatyne, and Thompson, James 94 Montague st MOUNTSTUART— Miss, Montague st Thomson, ShaAV, John, 2 Croft lane Trivet, W. J., High st Rothesay WeiP. Dugald, 71 Montague st and Kilchattan— Logan, James, Kilchattan Bay Builders Bone, R., Russell st Garters Contractors. Hunter, Wm., Minister's br Boyd, Adam, Pier and Russell st Kerr, Neil, 33 Victoria st Cosgrove, Hugh, Columshill st Lyle, Wm., Townhead Faulds & Meikle, Quay, Mill and M'Cord, John, Russell st Bridge sts M'Kirdy, John, Bishop st 'Bus Proprietors M'Lean, P., Mill st IM'Miilan, Arch., Store lane M'Kirdy & M':Millan, Bishop st and W. Wm., Quay and E Princes st Watson, Butchers Cartwrights Kipkwood, David, ill High st Slack, George, 13 Watergate Moppison, Robert, Watergate Erownlie \Vm.^ E. Princes st M'Bpide, James, John st CpawfOPd, Duncan, 3 Bishop st M Millan Bryce, Mill st Eastman's Limited, Montague st Gibson, John, 19 Gallowgate Chemists and Druggists iiOve, J. D. K., Dean Hood pi Montgomefie Brothers, Albert pi Hicks, Geo. & Son, 1 Victoria st Millap, Wm. C, 21 High st Jamieson, W. ts., 64 Montague st JMurray A: Mac Lean, li VV Princes st Leith feter, 43 Victoria st, and Jr'ort- M'Gilp, Daniel, 38 High st Bannatyne 13 M'Keehnle, Wm. D., Bridge-end st Lyle, Wm , E Princes st M'Liachlan, D., 115 Montague st -M'Kirdy, John, Victoria st M'Lachlan, A. A: L., .Montague st M'Millan, Wm., .Montague st China &. Earthenware Dealers 8haw, Arch., Mill st SquaiP, F. H., .5 Gallowgate Campbell, James, 21 Watergate Watldell, R. D.. 50 Montague st M'Coil, Hugh, 21 Argyle st 66 .

Parish of TRADERS. Rothesay.

Scott, Mrs Isaac, Montague st Drapers MisThos., 65 Montague st Thomson, Bpown, A. & Son, 31 and 33 Montague st, also 1 and 2 Albert pi Chimney Sweepers Henderson, Mrs, Dean Hood pi The Slaters and Hill George, Montague st Millep, Alex., 44 High st Innes, M'. &. G., lOl Montague st Stagg, W., 27 High st Laudep, R., 9 West Princes st, and 7 Albert pi Coal Merchants LylcMrs, 52 High st Millep & Co., 48 Montague st iBlack, John S , Bishop st Slack, Win., Glasgow and Ayr Coal MuiP, Wm. C, 19 Montague st 'Arthur, pi Depot, Stuart st M Peter, Albert M'Aulay, st Cameron, Duncan, Bridge-End st Mrs. 85 Montague Dixon, Wm., Limited, 13 King st M'Cpone, James, 59 Montague st "Glen, Thomas, Broadcroft Patepson <& Sons, 39 Victoria st Montague st Henderson James, 31 Watergate Thomson, Wm., 13 Wright, Mrs, st M'Ewan, Arch., King st Montague M'Kirdy, John, 38 Bishop st Dressmakers Confectioners Cunningham, Misses, Argyle st Blue, Miss Janet, ^lontague st Fletcher, Miss, Bishop st Boyle, Charles, Pier Forfar, Miss, 94 High st Buchanan. I. & M., Victoria st Hannay, Misses^ ]\[ontague st 'Cameron, D., Tower st Johnston, Miss, Columshill st

Campbell, Alex , Mill st Macfie, Misses, 12 Argyle st 'Connell. Mrs, W. Princes st M'Lea, Miss Margt'!,' 20 Bridge st 'Cowden, Mrs, E. Princes st M'Lea, Misses, High st Fontana, C, King st Middleton, Miss, Argyle pi •Oiuliani, Leopoldi, Montague, High and MuiP, Miss, Hillhouse rd Watergate sts Nisbet, Mrs, Ivy Bank cottage Johnston, Mrs, 82 Montague st Paterson, Mrs, Dean Hood pi Johnstone Misses, 68 Victoria st Rankine, Misses, W. Princes st Kirklancl,Mi.'5S, High st Shaw, Miss, Columshill st Maxwell, James, E Princes st Stewart, Mrs, Argyle st M'Cord, Mi'^ses, Victoria st Weir, Miss, Mountpleasant M'Gowan, Mrs, Dean Hood pi Williams, :Mrs, 103 Montague st M'Intyre, Miss, Russell st M'Kendriclv, Mrs J., Watergate Nisbet, Miss Gallowgate Dyer and Cleaner Shand, Joseph, Argyle st Dick, John F., 91 High st

Torri, M. , Dean Hood pi & Gallowgate White, J., 25 Gallowgate—Agent for Farmers Cooper & Go's. Teas Ardbeg .. .. Alex. Currie Cutler. Barone . . . Gib. & Ptr. Stuart Bogany .. .. John G. Simpson Ritchie, Wm., 21 Bridge-end st Crossbeg . . Robert Currie

Gartnakeilly . . Andrew Ritchie 'Cycle Builders and Repairers Knockanreach and

L. S. Milloy, 45 Montague st Larkhall . . John M'Millan M'Lellan, Q. B., Croft lane—'cycling Little Grenach .. P.

Wa'.ker^ Arch., Mill and Union sts ^Nleikle Grenach. . Dugald Cowan

Westland . . John Currie Dairy Keepers WiudyhAll .. T.H.Harvey JBell, Miss, Watergate Blown, Mrs, 19^ Bridge-end st Fish Curer Cfinierou, Miss, Montague st Johnston. Mrs, 99 Montague st Barr, Peter, 35 Watergate Xiaidla'W, Mrs, 28 Bishop st Montgromepy, ^liss, K Princes s.t Fishmongers 31'LucRie Mrs, Mansetiekl ul O'Xeil, :,[rs, 22 High st JStewaPt, Miss , Dean Hood pi H Siaven, ]\lrs Henry, Watergate Smith, John, o'j Victoria st Dentist Thomson, J., J>ean Hood pi vCochpah, John J.,15Bishop st Thopbupn, John, lb W. Piiucss ^t Parish of TRADERS. Rothesay.

Currie, D., Ardbeg rd Florists, Nurserymen, Seeds- Dickie, Hugh C, Montague st men, and Market Gardeners. Findlay, Peter, AVyndham rd Anderson, Hugh, Serpentine rd Farrier, David, Montague st Fordyce, Mrs, 105 High st Blue J tt F., Gowantield nursery Campbell, D., Argyle ter Fopfap, J., 92 High st Chisholm, Duncan, Ardbeg Graham Mrs, Mill st Clow, Robert, 39 and 40 Ardbeg Hamilton, Andrew, 2 Bridge-end st Cuthbeptson, M., Public Park Hill, Miss, Ladeside st Nursery Holden, Geoi-ge, 75 Montague st Dobbie & Co., Seed Growers and Holmes, Andrew, Victoria st Florists to the Queen, Springfield, Huntep, James, 10 W Princes st Lipton, Ltd., Montague st High st, and at Orpington, Kent Flemin'g, Gavin, sen., Barone rd Logan, David, Br-idge-End st st Hill, John, Ballochgoy Melrose. Mrs, Stuart ZMaitland, Joseph, 62 Montague st Jamieson, Wm. , Serpentine rd Lister, Alex., Meadowbank, Barone rd Maltman Mrs, 24 Mill st M'Laren, John. Braeside Mathieson Donald, 6 E. Princes st M'Pherson, Andrew, Craigmore ^Millap, Andrew M., 1 Argyle st Shiells, George, Townhead ^Mitchell Samuel, 6 High st Stuapt, George, Chapelhill Nursery Munro, D., 5 Albert pi Argyle st M'Callum, Neil. 96 Montague st M'Farlane, Mrs, 1^9 High st Wilson^ Colin, Eden pi, High st M'Kinnon, John, Montague st ZM'Laehlan, D., 16 Columshill st Fruiterers and Greengrocers M'Lean, Miss, Castle st Blue, J. & P, 21 Montague st M'Luckie, John,, Mansefield pi Cook, Duncan. Victoria st M'Neill, Mrs Marjory, 11 Millst Jamieson, A. & Son, 9 Argyle st Macquapie, D. C., Columshill st M'Intyre, G., Mill and Russell st and Bai'one rd M'Lellan, Jlrs, Montague st M'Quistan, Mrs-, :\Inntague st M'Kinnon, Miss R.. E. Princes st Perrie, Alex.. 14 ]\Iill st Patience. Mrs, 14 Gallowgate Russell, Matthew B. , 106 Montague s- Rankin, Misses. Albert pi Russell, Miss J., 25 Mill st Slaven, John, Store lane and Stuart st Stewart, Alex., Bishop st Stuapt, George, j . ean Hood place and ^StewaPt, .Mrs J. C, 13 High st Montague st ZSwanston, Arthur, W. Princes st "Whyte, Miss Jessie, 2,5 Gallowgate TJpquhaPt, J. A., L3 Argyle st Wilson & Co., Victoria st Wardroji, Mrs, High st Furniture Brokers Hatters Innes, M. & G., lOl Montague st Thompson, Samuel, Montague st Rankin, Alex., 25 Victoria st Funeral Undertakers (see joiners.) Hairdressers Camepon, G. O.. 5] Victoria st Glaziers Gardiner, J., W Princes st Murray, D. C, Montague st Morrell J. C, 7 High st also several Painters and Joiners. Moppison, Arch., 90 Montague st

(iirrocers Hotel and Innkeepers (Licensed marked I Bainhpidg-e, Wm., (Eagle), 1 Mon- ?Aitchison, Thomas, 30 Mill st tague st Baird, Mrs, Ardbeg Buchanan, George, (Victoria), 57 Berry, INIr-!. Columshill st Victoria st ZBlack, D. M'A., Castle st Gpindley,Mrs, (Argyle), 27 Watergate-

Black, J. S., 131 High st Kelly, John L., (Royal i, Albert pi Boag, Mrs, Hillhouserd Lyle. Charles (Lome), Guildford sq 4 BPOUg"h, John, 17 King st M Kinlay, Andrew M , High st Brown, Mrs Alex. 34 Columshill st ^f "Millan, James, West Princes st BPOlvn. James 77 High st Paton, Mrs, (W'averley), Argyle st ^Buebanan, M., ^l Montague st Pipie, G., (Osborne), 87 Victoria st st James, (Livingstonia),,. ZCallan, J..M'C , 19 E. Princes Robertson, Campbell, James, .57 Montague st Guildford sq Connell 5Irs, Bishop .st Smith, Robt., (Bute Anns), Guildfortl., Cooper & Co., W. Princes st sq Cunning-Ham, Jas., 8i Montague st Osgood, Mrs, Wemyss View, Argyle pi 68 Parish of TRADERS. Rothesay.

Thomson, Miss, (Queen's), Argyle st M'Bpide James, John st Wilson, D., (Pension), Craigmore M'Callum & Son, 50 High st M'Nab Alex., 5^ K. Princes st Hosiery Manufactory M'Millan, Bryce, Mill st John, 13 Bishop st The Orphanage, Barone id Smith Laundry House Agents and Factors Keepers Blair, Mrs A., 71 Ardbeg roid Neil, Pier Brown, Johnston, Miss Agnes. 25 Barone rd A., Tower st Campbell, Howatt, Somervill, Ardmory rd Fisher, James, Castle st W M'Nicol, Miss, High st Walter, 38 Bishop st Fowlie, Moore, Mrs, Dean Hood pi Millep, Robert C- , Montague st Robeptson, James, Ladeside Montgomerie, Arch., Albert pi Macbeth, Adam D., Castle st M'Intosh, Wm., Castle st Ladies' & Children's Outfitters M'Lea, Arch., Abercorn Dodds, Misses, 15 Argyle st M'Millan, D., (Valuator), 13 Bishop st ElldeP, Mrs, 102 Montague st Thomson, John R., 5 High st Gpaham, Mrs, 75 Victoria st TupneP. Colin B., Craigmore pier Laudep, Robert. 7 Albert pi Wilson, John T., High st M'Apthup, Miss, 69 Victoria st M'Aulay, Mrs, 85 Montague st Insurance Agents M'Connell, Miss, 21 Montague st M'Millan, Mrs, Argyle st Burnie, A. M , High st Campbell, Alex.. Castle st Sillaps, Mrs, 67 Victoria st Campbell, James, Watergate 'Grant, Donald, Castlehill st Lime Merchants Harvey, John C, Chronicle office M'Kirdy John, 38 Bishop st Hicks, Charles, 1 Victoria st & Co., King's Mill Higgle, George, 22 Bridge st Stewapt, Innes. M. & G., Montague st Macbeth, Adam D., 15 Castle st Librariaas Martin, George, 49 High st Hapold, Misses E & I., Albert pi Miller, Daniel, County Buildings M 'Arthur, James, Guildford sq

Montgomerie, Arch. , Albert pi Mackinlay, John. 21 Victoria st M'Incosh, Wm., Castle st Mackinnon Hector, ll Victoria st Mackinlay, John, 21 Victoria st Norman Stewart Institute, Montague st Mackinnon, H., Victoria st M'Kipdy, John, Bank of Scotland Millers M'Kirdy, John, Bishop st Robertson, James, Greenan mill Stone Joseph, 22 Mill st StewaPt & Co.. Mill st Stewapt, Peter, Clydesdale Bank Thomson, John, Royal Bank Turner, Colin B., Craigmore Pier Milliners Wilson, John T. & Alexander, Castle st Dodds, Miss, 15 Argyle st Young, Adam 25 Columshill st Eldep, Mrs, 102 Montague st Qpaham, Mrs. 75 Victoria st

Patepson J. , 31 Victoria st Ironmongers Rankine, Misses, W. Princes st Slack, Jardine, 19 Gallowgate Thompson, Miss H., Gallowgate Bpown Robert, 43 Montague st Thomson, Wm., 13 Montague st

Innes, M. & G. , lOl Montague st Napiep, Thomas, 68 Montague st Newspaper Correspondents, Milloy, L., 4.7 Montague st M'Nab, John, West Princes st Advertising Agents Thomson, Mrs Thos., 65 Montague st Ewing, A., Buteman Office Fleming, Gavin Express Office Joiners Harvey, J. C, Chronicle Office Higgle, Geo., Directory and Guide Office BowmanWilliam, l W. Castle st Mackenzie M., Express Office Bpown, Alex., 17 Mill st Mackinnon, , 11 Victoria Devrap Duncan, 83 Montague st H st Quigley, Joseph, Castle st Dodds, A.& Son, Bridge-End st Duncan, John, 22 Bridge st BlaiP, D. & Son, 15 Bridge st Net Manufacturer Laudep, Wm.. Ladeside st Buchanan, Heirs of James, Union st Mopplson Robert, 35 Watergate Parish of TRADERS. Rothesay.

Painters Printers and Publishers Murray, D. C S6 Montague Harvey & Co., Chronicle office, M'Coll, Hnsh.2lArgyle st Watergate • M'Fie, Dugald H., 35 High st Higgle & Co. , Directory and A B C: Shand, Joseph Hillhouse rd Guide office, 22 Bridge st StaPk. J., 16 Argyle sc Mackenzie M., Express Office, 11 Stewart, W.& J., W Princes st jMontague st Wilson, V,\ A,, Bateiami office, 10< Castle st Pawnbroker Iniies, George, W. Castle st Restaurateurs Boyle, Charles, Montague st Brown, Mrs, 29 Gallowgate Photographers Buchanan, Donald. 27 Victoria st Adamson & Son. Chapelhill rd Crichton, Alex., Argyle st M'Kim, John. 32 Argyle st Faulds, Mrs, Stuart st Howie. D. L., Dean Hood pi Herbert, Miss Edith, Albert pi Peaplman, ^I. & Co., 9 Victoria st Institute, Norman Stewart, Moni- Sweet, Charles, E Princes st tague st Jackson, David, E Princes st Mrs, 82 Montague st Plasterers Johnston, Grant, Peter, 1 Gallowgate Duncan, ^Matthew & Co., Ladeside Johnstone, Misses, 63 Victoria at Jamieson, John, Mill st Keith, J., Montague st M'Kinnon, Hugh, 107 High st M'Cord, John, Victoria st M,Q.uistan, John, John st M'Lean, John, Guildford sq McKinnon Miss R., East Princes st Scott Matthew, Mill st Plumbers Scott Matthew, 56 Montague st Cpuiekshanks, John, 47 High st Sweeney, Mrs, Watergate Cunning-ham, Daniel, 3 Bridge st "Walker John, 11 E. Princes st R., 23 High st Peacock, A Wallace, Miss B. , 7 Bridge st Wilson, Miss, 9 Bridge-end st Porters No. 1—Stewart, John, StafFa pi Saddlers 2—Patrick, James, 2 Staft'a pi Burness, Robert, 29 High st 3—M'Donald, Jas., Mountpleasant Livingstone, Rich., Casdehill st 4—Cumniing, James, StafFa pi 5—M'Lachlan, Camp., High st Sculptors Ladeside 6_M'Murchie, Dugald, Kerr, Neil & Son, Victoria st 7—M'Leish, Robert, AV Princes st Klrkhope, Wm,; Townhead 8—Young, Robert, Castle st Lyle, John, Townhead 9—M'Lean, Hugh, 4 King st 10—Shaw, John, 19 Victoria st 11—M'Kellar, Duncan, Montague st Seed and Potato Merchants and 12-^Keith, John, 66 High st Manure Agents Duncan, Ninian, Store lane Postmen Fisher, James, W. Castle and King st* Heron, James, Bishop Terrace br Collins, C. A., Russell st M'Millan, John, Stuart st Ellis, W. H., Norwood Mrs, John st Goodwin, Isaac. 17 Montague st Robertson, Co., Corn Mill.iMill st Kean, Colin, John st Stewart & M'Lellan, M., 5 Minister's br M' Arthur, E., 7 Montague st Slaters Victoria st M'Farlane, R , 11 Hyndman James, 52 Montague st M'Intyre, Malcolm, Mill st Leckie, Wm. M., Bridge st M'Millan, Daniel, 27 Argyle ter Miller, James & Son, Columshill st Nicholson, Arniiger, 24 Bishop st Paterson, Robert, 24 Argyle st Reid, John, Kilchattan Bay Spence, James, Ardbeg rd Spirit Merchants Thompson, Hugh, Argyle st The Licensed Hotel-Keepers. Allan, Alex., Guildford sq and Mon- Poulterers tague st "Galatea" Bar, 3, 5 and Patience Mrs, 14 Gallowgate Bell. Duncan, Smith John, 35 Victoria st 7 Bridge-End st 70 Pariah of TRADERS. Rothesay.

Brown, Robert, High st SHORTHAXD. Bpuce, Henry, 20 Gallowgate st Hig'g'ie George, 22 Br dge st Burns, James, Gallowgate Bupton, Wra., Tower d- Castlehill sts SWIMMING. Mrs A., 8 Watergate st Dunca.n, George, Stewart baths Campbell W. P., 25 Watergate Madden, Sprowl, John, Skeoch Bathing places Ferguson, Mrs Grace, 25 High st Hea^ton, James, 7 Victoria st Heaton, Robert, E. Princes st Timber Merchants, Contrac- Kerr, Mrs, Bridge-End st tors, Shijjping Montgomerie, W., West Princes st and Agents. M'Grory, M., Montague st Halliday, George, Limited, Uniou st. M'Phee, Hugh, 27 Gallowgate Robertson, John, Castlehill st Tinsmiths Shields, Robert, E Princes st Love, J. K., 66 Montague st Patepson. Robert, 3 Victoria st M'Nab, John, W. & E. Princes sts Stevenson, John, Castle st M'Tavish, Edward, 7j Bridge-end st Stuart st Smith, F , Thomson, MrsThos., 65 Montague st Taylor, D. M., Tower st Steamboat Agents Tobacconists Barton, James, 83 Victoria st Boyd, Adam, 18 Russell st (" Lord of the Hepon, Miss, 7 Watergate Isles " and "Bute ") Lyle, Miss, 5 Montague st Meikle, Arch., Bridge St., (Buchanan's M'Culloch, H. P., Montague st and AVilliamson's) M'Intosh, Duncan, 104 Montague st Paterson, Chas., Argyle st (Caledonian. M'Gilp, Alex., 3 High st Sloan, Hugh, Montague st, (G. & S.W) M'Neill, Wm., East Princes st Watson, Wm., Gallowgate (Macbrayne's) PatePSOn, Thomas, 29 Montague st Yorkson, Alex., 1 Bishop ter br (N. B.) SilveP, Andrew Y., 3 Argyle st Stewart & Co., Albert pi Stockbroker Weir, Alex., Montague st Fo'Wlie, Walter, 38 Bishop st Wilson, D., Victoria st

Tailors and Clothiers Toy and Fancy Goods Dealers. Brown, A. & Son, 31 Montagi\e st Black, Jardine, 21 Gallowgate Dobbie, Andrew, Tower st Gardiner, Mrs, Montague st Kerr, H. S., 7 Bishop st Hannay, Misses, Montague st James, 59 Montague st M'CPOne, Lyle Mrs, 5 Montague st M'Kay, Charles, 25 Montague st M'Kipdy, James, 77 Victoria st Millep Robert C, 46 Montague st PatePSon, Thos, 29 & 29 Montague st Arch., 15 Gallowgate Lamont, SilveP, Andrew Y., 3 Argyle st Sons, 39 A ictoria st PatePSOn & Stone Mrs, 22 Mill st Ross, John, West Princes st Thomson, IMrsThos., 65 Montague st Spieps, Angus, 10 Gallowgate Stewapt, Alex., 18 Gallowgate 'Watson, George, 13 Gallowgate Umbrella Maker* Yates, James, Montague st M'Kipdy, James, 77 Victoria st

Silvep, Andrew Y. , 3 Argyle st Teachers See Official List. Upholsterers MUSIC. Andepson, Alex., W. Castle st Chpistie, Arthur S., Ian villa Innes, M. & G., lOl Montague st Dpyden George, Castle st Mitchell, Thomas, 17 Montague st M'Arthur, James, Bishop st PatePSOn, Robert & Co.. htore lane M'Arthy, Miss Alice, Brandane ter RobePtson, Angus, 21 Bridge-end st Vail, Herr 4 Wimbleton Watchmakers and Jewellers DANCING. Duncan, John, 55 .Montague st Dickson, George. 24 Castle st LaudeP, Hugh, 8 Albert pi Gillies, Walter F., 51 Ardbeg rd M'Gilp, Alexander, 3 High st Murdoch, Angus, Bishop st M'Beath, Alex., U Gallowgate M'Lennan, Duncans., 5Hillhouserd Thomson, MrsThos., 65 Montague st

71 ....

Parish of TRADERS. North Bute. Parish of North Bute. (Including Port-Bannatyne.)

Bakers Farmers Brown d' Dallas. Bids Crown Auchavoulaig . D. M 'Donald Welsh, George, Melbourne pi Acholter John Crawford Airdscalpsie Robert M 'Bride Blacksmiths Ardmaleish Mrs Stevenson Smith John, Ettrick Auchenteerie Alex. Montgomery Thomson, Charles, Port Bannatyne Ballanlay Peter M'Intyre Ballycaul Hugh Macfie Bannatyne Mains James Duncan Boat Builders Barone Park John M'Kay Alexander James Craigberoch Arch. Morrison Fyfe. John, Ardmaleish Cranslagloan Lachlan M'Lean Malcolm, Arch., Shore St West Cranslagmory . Alex. Robertson Cranslagvourity. Wm. P. Dickie Boat Hirers Drumochloy James Lyon Alexaiidep, James, Shore st Dunallan A. M'Intyre

Morgan, Captain G. B., Front st East at Colmac . MrsCarsewell ^Shearer, Matthew Edinbeg James P. Malcom

Wilson, James, Front st Eskechraggan . Thomas Barr Glecknabae Bryce Martin Butcher Glenmore Andrew M'Intyre I^amont Hugh Gortans J. & A. Ritchie Greenan Wm. Galbraith Hilton Hugh Lamont Carriao;e Hirers INCHMARNOCK— CPawfoPd, David, Shore St West Mid Park Charles Macfie Currie, Duncan North Park . James MacHe

Hyndman, James South Park . Arch. Robertson Kilbride Mis Stevenson Carters Kildavannan Mrs MIntyre Currie, Duncan Kilmichael ^rCallum Brothers Hyndman, James Kilwhinleck Robert Duncan

Largivrechtan . .Mrs M'Conechy Chimney Sweeper Lenniehall Mrs Lamont Shearer, Matthew Little Kilmory . Charles Duncan Mechnoch Thomas Miiir Meikle Kilmory. James M'Alister Coal Merchants Milton Wm. .Morri.son Hyndman, James Nether Ardroscadale, Airs r^tewart Xoch, George Quogach . . Mrs Gillies Quern and Scalpsie, John Martin, jun. Confectioners Khubodach John Duncan JVlexandep, Miss, Inveryne pi RuUecheddan . W. M'Gregor Redfepn, Miss, tehore st Scarrel Mrs J. M'Intyre FePgruson, Miss, Shore st Shalunt Neil Dougan Keith, Duncan, Castle st South St Colmac JNIrs Simpson l^aivson, Mi.xs, Victoria pi Stewarthall A. M'Intyre Millep, Wm., The Rest, Shore st Stuck John Lamont Upper Ardroscadale, Stewart & M'Far Dressmakers lane Upper Ettrick . . Robert Macfie Hunter, Miss, Springwell pi Upper Ettrick .. Wm. Hunter Murray, Misses, Inveryne pi West St Colmac . . Hugh J ohnstone M'Cunn. Miss, Castle st M'Lachlan, Miss. Castle st Wilson, Misses, Oakbank Fruiterer Alexander, Miss, Inveryne pi Druggist liCith, Peter, bhore st Parish of TllADERS. North Bute.

Grocers Newsagent, &c. Bell, Dugald, Castle st M'Fadyen, Neil, Shore st Black, Eliz., Castle st M'Cunn, Miss, Post Office Gunning'hani James, Govandale pi Ferguson, Miss, Shore st Painters iHalliday, Duncan, Shore st M'Dermott C. & W., 9 Quay st Lawson, Andrew, Victoria pi M'Kellar Mrs, Crown buildings IJpquhaPt, John A., Inveryne pi Plumber Cunninghan, D., Castle st Hotel and Innkeepers Crawford, Miss, Crown Printer 'Gibson Mrs, Port-Bannayne Inn M'Fadyen, Neil, Shore st M'Millan, W. C. Royal CrPegOPSOn, Mrs E., Anchor Tavern Restaurateurs Ironmongers M'Phee Miss, Shore st Welsh, George, Melbourne pi M'Phail Malcolm, Front st Loch & Co., Shore st Slater Joiners M'Fie Dugald, Shore st Currie, Duncan, Shore st liusk, James, Back st Shoemaker'* ^Malcom, Arch., Shore St, West Baird, David, Front ts M'Fie, John, Castle s Redfern, Wm. H., Albion pi

Milliners Tailor Murray, Misses, Inveryne pi Bodin, Wm. , Castle st West

Parish of Kingarth. (Including Kilchattan Bay.)

Baker Carriage Hirers Cuppie, Miss, Kilchattan Bay M'Fie, Arch., Post Office, Kingarth Reid, John, Kilchattan Bay Blacksmiths Carters Bell, James, Millhole Ferguson, John, Kilchattan Bay 'Gill, Kingarch James, M'Fie, Arch., Post Office, Kingarth Stewart, Alex., Ambrisbeg M'Fie, D., Kilchattan Bay Boat Hirers Coal Dealers M'Callum, Arch.. Kilchattan Bay Deans, Adam, Kilchattan Bay M'Callum, Dugald, M'Dougall, John „

M'Fie Daniel M'Fie, Daniel ,,

Builders Confectioners Kilchattan Bay JBell, Duncan, jun., Kilchattan Bay Cuppie Janet,

JJell, Duncan, sen., ,, Bell, Malcohn, Millhouse Draper 'Cumming, John, Kilchattan Bay Kelso, Miss, Kilchattan Bay

-Morrison, Wm., ,, M'Fie, Fergus, „ Dressmakers Kelso, Misses, Kilchattan Bay Butcher Brown, Miss Jessie, Little bay -Baillie, George, Kilchattan Bay Ferguson, Miss, Piperhall Stewart, Miss Jessie, Kerrycroy

73 . \ Parish of TRADERS. Kingarth.

Galbpaith, John, Kilchattan Bay Farmers Jamieson, Miss, Kerrycroy Ambrisbeg ... Mrs Boag M'Lellan, A., Ambrismore ... J. Jamieson M'Fie, Arch., Kilchattan Bay Ardnahoe ... David Ferguson Barefield ... Marquess of Bute Barnauld Robert M'Dougall Hotel Keepers Birgidale CriefP J. Robertson & Sons Grierson, John, Kingarth Birgidale Knock, .Jas. L. Duncan, B.Sc Kelly, David K., Kilchattan Bay Bruchag Arch. M'Kay Martin, Miss, Kilchattan Bay Culevine Alex. M'Farlane Dixon's Dam Miss M'Kinlay Joiners Drumi-eoch .John M'Dougall Bannatyne, Bryce, Ivilchattan Butts Dunagoil Mrs .Janet Weir Gumming. John, Kilchattan Bay Gallachan Thomas Scott Lamont, A., ,, Kerrycroy James Simpson M'Fie, Daniel, ,, Kerrycruisoch ... iStuart, Gilbert M'Fie, Robert, Kerrylamont Marquess of Bute Kerrymenoch .John Martin Newsagent, &c. Kerrytonlia D. Gemmill Cuppie, Miss, Kilchattan Bay Langalbuinoch . Hugh Baillie Langalchorad ... Hugh Duncan Little Kilchattan Robert Crawford Restaurateur Lubas John Macfie Bell, D, Kilchattan Bay Meikle Kilchattan A. Macfarlane Mid-Ascog R. & J. M'Alister Shoemakers Nether Stravannan James Martin Henderson, Wm., Kilchattan Bay Plan ... D. & H. Hastings Duncan Wm., ,, Quochag ... Arch. Murray South Garrochty Professor M'Ewen Tailor Grocers M'Intosh, John, Kilchattan Bay Orr, Wm. , Kilchattan bay Cuppie, Miss, Kilchattan Bay Parish of Cumbpae. Including the Burgh of Millporx.

Bakers Boot and Shoemakers Allan Wm., Glasgow st Anderson James, Kelburn st Baillie & Co. Jas. Quayhead Co-Operative Society, Cardiff st Mrs , Cunning'ham John, 8| Guildford st Dunan Wm., Guildford st SpeiPS Allan. 28 Stuart st L ttle David, Stuart st Greenlees J., Guildford st Blacksmiths Builders Graham Alex., Crawford st Crawford Wm., Garnock villa Morris R., Craig st M'Graw John, Barend st Boat Builders Shearer John, Churchhill st Mauchlin Colin, George st Butchers Allan James, Glasgow st Boat Hirers M'Faplane Wm. & T., Guildford st Ferguson C, Strathwherry Templet on Wm., Stuart st Hunter Neil, Strathwherry Kerr & Son, Stuart st Mauchline Colin, Strathwherry Porterfield Wra., Quayhead Carriage Hirers Wallace Charles, Glasgow st Bartholomew Wm. , Kendal bank Fraser R., Barend st Booksellers Hill John, East Bay Cunningham Miss, Post O., Guildford st M'CoU H., Barend st Steel Mrs, Glasgow st M'Nicol W., Cardiff st Stewart Mrs J., Glasgow and Stuart st Shearer J., Crichton st 74 .

Parish of TRADERS. Cambrae.

Carrier Fishmongers Stewart Alex., Miller st Kerr John, Crichton st Keir Walter, Cardiff st Houston Alex., Stuart st Chemists and Druggists Wilson Neil, Glasgow st Gumming Dr, 4^ Guildford st Sinclair Dr, 37 Stuart st Fruiterers Allan, A., Glasgow st Coal Merchants Baillie John, 14 Glasgow st Boyd M., Stuart st Allan R., Elmbank Blair Eliz. C, Glasgow st Cameron Daniel, Ritchie st Mackenzie M. & A., Stuart st Co-Operative Society Houston A., Guildford st Kerr Walter, Clyde st Rowatt John, Stuart st M'Graw Wm. , Barend st Confectioners Grocers (Licensed, marked I.) Blair E. C, Glasgow st Allan Wm., Glasgow st Boyd Miss, Stuart st Anderson, James, 9 Kelburn st Houston A. , Guildford st Baillie John, Glasgow st M'David Wm., Stuart st Co-Operative Society, Cardiff st Stewart Mary, Stuart st Hunter Charles, Stuart st Taylor John, Kelburne st Lyall Arthur, Glasgow st Tobia G,. Miller and Glasgow sts M'Connechy, J,, Glasgow st M'Kay Jonn T., Guildford st Contractors M'Kean H., Clyde st M'Nicol Wm., Cardiff st Birnie James, George st M'Naughton Janet, Cardiff st. Hill John, Mossbank cottage ^Murray John, Glasgow st Shields & McMillan, Barend st Stewart Mary, Stuart st Taylor James, Glasgow st Drapers Turner Mrs E., Miller st Allan Misses I. & M., Glasgow st Wallace James, 9 Quayhead Black Miss Jean G.. Stuart st Campbell Arch., Glasgow st Hairdressera Co-Operative Society, Cardiff st Chapman -Tas. W., Stuart st M., Stuart st Kerr C. & Muir Robert, Stuart st M'Innes Mrs, Guildford st Thomson Mrs John, Guildford st Stewart Mrs, Stuart st Hotel Keepers Cunningham's Trs. (Cumbrae), Stuart st Dressmakers Frew James (Kelburne Arms), Stuart st Graham Mrs (SommerviUe Temperance),. Allan Isa. & Margt., Glasgow st Stuart st Campbell Arch., Glasgow st Sommerville Thomas (Royal George), Miller Misses, Stuart st Quayhead Murdoch Miss, Barend st M'Fie M. tfc J., Stuart st Shearer M. & J. Guildford st Ironmonger Somerville Miss, Vulcan cot Carajjbell Wm., Stuart st Hastie, Wm., Stuart st Earthenware Dealers Jeffrey M., Stuart st Joiaers Kerr C. & M., Stuart st Baillie John, Glasgow st Duncan Thomas, Kameston rd Hunter Andrew, Miller st Farmers M'Laren Daniel, Howard st Baillie Thomas, Upper Kirkton Taylor John, Barend st Barbour John, Ballikellet Brown Mrs, Kames mill Librarians Crawford James, Figgitoch Stewart Mrs J., Glasgow st Finnie Mrs, Mid Kirkton Hall John, Boggie M'Dougall Duncan, Ballochmartin Milliners M'Kirdy John, Nether Kirktou M'Innes Mrs,. Guildford st Robertson Robert, Breakongh Hunter Miss, Glasgow st Thorn John, Portyre Miller Misses, Stuart st 75 «l Parish of TRADERS. Cumbrae.

Nurserymen Spirit Merchants The Licensed Hotel-Keepers Dale Thomas, Viewtield nursery and M'Kean Wm , Glasgow st M'Lachlan VV., Kirkton gardens Murray John, Glasgow Queate Andrew, Ferry rd st Paterson James, Glasgow st Reid John, Bute ter Train Wm., Cardiff st Rowat, J., Glebe nursery Steamboat Agents Painters Stewart James, Harbour Hastie Geo., Crawford st Stewart Alex., Harbour Hastie Wm., Guildford st Boyle Robert, Keppel pier Stewart Alex., Barend st Tailor and Clothier Stewart James & Co., Stuart st Photographers Alexander David, Cardiff st Tinsmiths Fergus Charles, Howard st Bowie W., Guildford st Munn James, Glasgow st Plasterers M 'David Wm. , Crawford st Telford James, Crawford st •Golan J., Barend st Tobacconists Carmichael Mrs, ^tuart st Hastie W. M., Guildford st Plumbers Aluir , Stuart st

Bowie Wj , Guildford st M 'David Wm., Crawford st Toy Dealers Munn J., Glasgow st M'Kean H., Clyde st Stewart Janet, Stuart st Restaurateurs Thomson Agnes, Stuart st Crawford Wm., Guildford st Hastie W. M., Guildford st Robertson Arch., Stuart st Watchmaker and Jeweller Slater Crawford Wm., 42 Stuart st Seaton John, Clyde st Weaver Wallace C, Glasgow st ASTHMA. HINKSMAN'S ASTHMA RELIEVER

Is ttiU the most reliable Asthma Remedy. In even the wor$t etue$ it give Immediate Relief and Qmet Rest. SAFE. SURE. SPEEDY.

Is per Tin from any Chemist, or post free From J, HINKSMAN, CHEMIST, CARLUKK, N. B.

Seiid a Post Card for a Free Trial J'acktt.

76 —— — —— —— — — —

Bute County Directory Advertisements.

The Coast Guide, Diary and Reg'ister.

Opinions of the Press, 1900.

"This is one of the most useful pennyworth's ever issued in connection with the Clyde and its numerous summer resorts. It is replete with the information that one is in search of who contemplates a day or a more lengthened holiday at the coast. It is handy for the pocket, and gives all the needful particulars about the routes, excursion fares, &c., and, what is of equal importance, in a way that he who runs may read. There- is nothing intricate or difficult to follow in this booklet, and to the working man, as well as to the regular tourist, it will prove an indispensable vade omcum for all the infor- mation requisite regarding any place on the Clyde and West Coast. It may be fairly described as supplementary to that other useful publication of Mr Biggie's known now by the travelling public as 'The Health, Profit and Pleasure Resorts of Bonnie Scot- land.' It is only a journalist such as Mr Higgle who conld have devised two publica- tions so cheap and useful as those alluded to. We hope the Coast Guide will prove as successful in every respect as 'Bonnie Scotland.'" Scottish Trader. "The Pleasure Seekers' Compaxiox.—Thisis the alluring title of No. 19 of Messrs' Higgle & Co's. publishers, Glasgow & Rothesay, Coast Guide, Diary and Register, a handy little vade mecum for the tripper. For one penny one gets quiet a lot of nice de- scriptive matter anent coast and country health and pleasure resorts ; a general survey of the principal railway lines in their relation to scenery, an ABC Coast Guide, a diary, which includes a page wherein to mark the cash one hasn't got left after doing a month at, say, Rothesay, and a great many ' useful hints' ranging in importance from informa- tion as to the proper time to post letters to why one must not sit in a draught. No home should be without it." Hawilton Herald. " Coast Guide.—The Coast Guide, Diary and Register, issued by Messrs Higgle & Co. Kothesay, is out again for the season, and, as usual, is full of the most useful informa- tion for tourists and coast dwellers. The time of trains and steamboats, the best hotels, the handiest places for making purchases—all fin

DAVID CRAWFORD'S Waggonettes and Brakes Eun Daily during the SEASON between PORT-BANNATYNE .and , starting (weather favourable) from Tramway Terminus about every 15 minutes, commencing 10 a.m. Fare Each Way, 4d. Return, 7d. Parties of not less than Four may arrange for drives to RHUBODACH, KILMICHAEL, St NINIAN'S BAY, (COCKLE SHORE), or Round by BARONE ROAD, ROTHESAY, at Is 6d per head Return. Landau. Large Wagonette, with Pair Horses, to carry 15. ChaF-a-Bane to eappy about 2 4. New Wagonette to Carry About 10. -0-

Orders left with Mr Crawford, at the Crown Hotel, the Stance, or at the House opposite* JOHN MACFIE, Joiner and Builder, CASTLE STREET, PORT-BANNATYNE, \ and also at ARDBEG. Cartwright Work and Glazing promptly executed. fuxmeral undertaking. Venetian Blinds Re-Taped and Corded. Trial Solicited. Estimates given. HOUSE—MOUNT PARK COTTAGE, Port-Bannatyne.

Boat-Hirer and Boat-Builder—James Alexander, Shore Street. Groceries and Provisions—D. Bell, Castle Street. Restaurateur—George Welsh, Shore Street. Tailor and Clother—William Bodin, Castle Street. "

Bute County Directory Advertisements. MILLPORT. John Cunningham,

Bpead, Biseuit, Pastry Baker, . . and Confectioner, 8^ GUILDFORD STREET.

Hot Pies Every Saturday Evening. Wedding Cakes. Dishes Baked and Covered. Allan Speirs Family Bread, Biscuit, and Pastry Baker, Foot of Chupeh Hill, and 22" Kelburn Street. HOT PIES. Parties will receive every information as to where they can be accommodated with Furnished or Unfurnished Houses. KILCHATTAN BAY. J. CURRIE, Gpoeep, Bread, Biscuit «& Pastpy Baker, POST OFFICE. ROTHESAY.

Butcher—D M'Lachlan, 115 Montague Street, China Merchant—James Campbell, 21 Watergate. Coalmasters—William Dixon, Limited, 13 King Street. Drapery and llemnants—Mrs Lyle, 52 High Street Family Grocer—Peter Findiay, Wyndham Eoad, Ardbeg. —Orders punctually attended to. Family Groeep, Wine and Spirit Merehant— Daniel M'Lachlan, 18 Colunif-hill Street. Grain Merchant—Ninian Duncan, Store Lane, oT Guildford Sq. Toy Dealer—Jardine Black, 21 Gallowgate. — —

Bute County Directory Advertisements.

** " Shouther to Shouther awa they go ! " ** The Best Presents to Absent Friends— " Bonnie Scotland's Resorts," ^ Patpiotie Heather Card^

5d the pair. Postage to the Colonies and U.S., Id. These Publications can be had separately— BONNIE SCOTLAND'S RESORTS, SCOTCH HEATHER CARD Paper, 2d; Cloth, 6d; Leather, Is. Sd^ 6d,and Is each. -0- Cannot fail to be apppeciated whepevep sent. " very little A handy booklet. It -will be found exceedingly serrieeable

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