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1 l2jx£*JL~ IKE. & €3-. XlVPUXiI&ft, 101 MONTAGUE STREET, ROTHESAY. CABINETMAKERS, UPHOLSTERERS, k BEDDING MAM FACTURERS, Floor Cloth, Carpets and Window Blinds. i Pianos and Perambulators for Hire. Carpet Beating a Speciality. Furniture Stored. VISIT TH I S OLD CURIOSITY SHOP. Established 1880. Price One Shilling:. UTE COUNTY DIRECTORY, For 1902-3. HIGGIE & CO, PUBLISHERS, ROTHESAY. 1 present Fflom nwm 1 f Visitors and Residents Will be certain to find what they want Q| I AT PATERSON'S § FANCY GOODS WAREHOUSE, ft k 25, 27 and 29 MONTAGUE STREET- ft The Scottish Equitable ESTABLISHED 1831, HEAD OFFICE— 28 ST. AND1 Manager—-George M. Low, P.F.A. Jo Minimum rates. Those who require the largest protection at the lowest rates compatible with safety, are invited to consider the Scottish Equitable IMMEDIATE BONUS SCHEME Annual Premiums to assure ^100, with right to the benefit of all bonus in excess of 25s. per cent, subject to the conditions ex- plained in the Prospectus. AGE NEXT BIRTHDAY. 20 30 40 50 60 £l 12 O £1 18 8 £2 12 2 £3 IS i° £5 19 3 The sums assured under these Policies are absolutely guaranteed. Edinburgh, 28 St. Andrew Square. London, 19 King William Street, E.G. Dublin, 14 Westmoreland Street. Glasgow, . 155 West George St. Dundee, 6 Panmure Street. Manchester, 71 King Street. Newcastle, . 54 Grey Street. Liverpool, 19 Castle Street. Bristol, . 13 Clare Street. Birmingham, Street. 1 19 Newhall Belfast, 4 Donegal Sq., N. I Edinburgh: T. and A. CONSTAB' Life Assurance Society FUNDS, £4,590,000. IEW SQUARE, EDINBURGH. inUSecretaries—]. J. M'Lauchlan and D. Y. Mills. Please quote rate for Policy payable TO ME at age., or to my representatives if I die sooner ; or for a Policy payable at death only, under your various Schemes. Name, Date of birth, Occupation,. Address, To the Resident Secretary, Scottish Equitable Life Assurance Society, 155 West George Street, Glasgow. .E, (late) Printers to Her Majesty. WITH THE ^PUBLISHERS COMPLIMEN — BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS " Long St Andrew's banner blue, With its cross of spotless hue, Waved in every wind that blew O'er Scottish brow. It graced Dunedin's rocky height, Dumbarton showed the cross of white, It waved aloft in feast and fight ?'' Where is it now For the Scotch Quarterings nonstandard Royal Arms »<*<£""* Scotland AND St Andpew's^SitnaTCPOSS (Scotland's Contribution to the Union Jack), kept entirely in the background, and scarcely in evidence even there, in the recent preparations for the postponed Royal Coronation, See new " Bonnie Scotland's Resorts" Paper, 2d; Cloth, 6d ; Leather, Is. HIGGIE & COY., PUBLISHERS, Glasgow and Rothesay. ' BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS J. A. URQUHART, Grocer and Wine Merchant, 13 ARGYLE STREET, ROTHESAY. Agent fop " Opion" Brand Pure Vintage Australian Wines. Every Bottle Guaranteed by Government Certificate. Red Wines. °z £ ts . JBots.Ml Imp.Qts- Burgundy—Generous, ... ... ... ... ... 18s 10s 26s Claret— Medium Light, ... 20s lis 26s Euby—Full, Dry, specially selected for Invalids, ... 21s 11/6 27s Hermitage— Superior, medium, full, dry, • ... ... 24s 13s 30s Cabarnet— -Choicest Burgundy type, ... ... ... 28s 15s 36? Port— Rich, 25s Bottles included • Flagons extra. HEATON'S BUTE BLE OF SCOTCH WHISKY. Is the Finest in the Market. 7 Victoria St., Rothesay. BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS Albion Restaurant 89 Victoria Street, Opposite Stewart Statue, Rothesay. J. M'CORD, Proprietor*. Breakfasts. Luncheons. Dinners. Tea.s. Fish Suppers. Excursion and Pic-nie Purveyor. Robert M 'Bride, BLACKSMITH, 1 John Street, Rothesay. HORSE-SHOEING and GENERAL SMITH WORK. Telephone No. 14. James M 'Bride, Joiner, Oartwpigh.t, &c, JOHN STREET, ROTHESAY. Telephone No. 14 Alex. Campbell, Accountant, House Factor, Insurance Ag*ent Auctioneer and Valuator, 29 Watergate, Rothesay. AUCTION ROOMS— 31 A WATERGATE. Auction Sales Conducted in Town and Country. Furniture stored. Valuations effected, and Insurance Claims Adjusted on every description of Property- Heritable and Moveable— on Reasonable Terms. Furniture Bought and Sold. , BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS Mac kinlay's TEMPERANCE HOTEL, FRONTING THE PIER, ROTHESAY. Splendid Outlook from Sitting. Room Windows. John Smith, (Successor to Donald M'Millna), Joiner, Cabinetmaker, . and Funeral Undertaker, 13 Bishop Street, Rothesay. Miss M'Connell, LADIES' f OUTFITTER, 21 Montague St., Rothesay. The Newest and Most Fashionable Goods, Comprising Ladies' and Childrens' Undertaking, Hosiery, Gloves, Wools, Furnishings, &c George Stuart, F R h s Fruiterer, Florist and Seedsman, 100 Montague Street and Dean Hood Place, Chapelhill Nursery, and New Nursery, Westland Road, (near Museum.) o Catalogues with Prices of his Choice Garden Seeds and Plants. Post Free on Application. Inspection and Corre&pondenee Invited. BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS G. G. Hill, m, p. s. Chemist and Druggist, and Photographic Dealer, 64 Montague Street, Rothesay. James M'Cpone, General Draper, Clothier, &e., 5 9 & 61 Montague Street, ROTHESAY. Stock always Large, New, Fresh and Fashionable. M'MILLAN'S Bute Temperance Hotel, It 1 JEjR H JE A.D, Commanding Excellent View, Superior Well-Aired Bedrooms. Fitted up with all the latest improvements. Terms Moderate. No charge for attendance. JAMES M'MILLAN, Proprietor. HUGH LAUDER, Jeweller, Watchmaker and Optician, 8 Albert Place (opposite the Harbom). Engagement Rings. Wedding Presents. Scotch Pebble Jewellery. Spectacles and Eyeglasses. BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS J. Paterson & Sons, Gents.', and Boys Clothing Specalities, ROTH ES A Y. M'NEIL'S Fancy Goods Warehouse, East Princes street. Stationery Tobaccos and Cigars. Pipes and Walking Sticks in Great Variety. Brown & Co., Ironmongers and Hardware Merchants 43 Montague street, Rothesay. Next Door to Norman Stewart Institute. Alexander M'Gilp, Auctioneer and Valuator 3 High street, Rothesay. Auction Rooms—Colbeck Place Auction Sales Conducted in Town and Country. Terms Strictly Moderate. Prompt Settlements. Rothesay, Port-Bannatyne, and Craigmore Carriers /"Offices 50 Queen St.., \ A7 Daily Prompt Delivery by M'GILP, { 84 Virginia St., \ {jrlaSOOW. - 'k \ 31 Argyle St.. ) 41 Montague street, Rothesay, and Post Office, Port-Bannatyne. For all Parts per Globe Express, Limited. James Bolton, Rothesay, port-bai?natyne and Glasgow Carrier, Glasgow : 62 and 90 Argyle Street, and 79 East Howard Street. Rothesay: 83 Montague Street; and Faulds & Meikle, Steamboat Agents, on Pier MalCOlm M'GPeg'Or, Your Cusfcom Appreciated. Cash Grocer and Provision Merchant (Formerly with Messrs Cooper & Co.,) 117 Montague street, Rothesay. Provisions a Speciality, Fresh and Well- Selected stock Always on Hand. Orders Promptly Attended to. Alexander M'Gilp, Watchmaker, Jeweller, Optician and Tobacconist 3 High street, Rothesay (Opposite the West Quay Head). Choice Selection of Havannah, Manilla, and Indian Cigars. Spectacles, Eye-Glasses, and Golf Clubs. BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS—ROTHESAY. JOHN JAMIESON, Plasterer and Cement Worker Mill street. M'EWAN & M'MILLAN, Potato Merchants 11 Stuart street. THOMSON & M'FARLANE, Goal and Grain Merchants Orders Punctually Attended to. 68 High street. HUGH M'COLL, Glass, China and Fancy Goods Dealer 21 Arg-yle street. All kinds of Glass, Earthernware, and Enamel Goods. FRANCIS DEWAR, Carpenter and Boat Builder 14 Watergate. Repairs Promptly Attended to. Paraffin, Coke, Oils, Waste, &c. HUGH M'COLL,PAINTER 21 Argyle street. Workshop, 19 Mill street. Estimates given for Every Description of Painter Work. THOMAS NAPIER, Furnishing Ironmonger,Plumber, Gasfitter,& Bellhanger 68 Montague street. Certificated by the Sanitary Association of Scotland. Estimates given for all kinds of Plumber Work. JAMES M'NICOL, Bread, Biscuit and Pastry Baker Wyndham Road, Ardbeg1 , Cream Scones a Speciality. Wedding, Birthday, and Christening Cakes Made to Order. Soiree and Pic-Nic Parties provided for. Dishes Covered. Hot Pies Daily. Teas. Confections, BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS MATTHEW DUNCAN & CO., Plasterers, Cement Workers, and Tile Layers 52 Ladeside Street, Rothesay WILLIAM LAUDER, Wright and Contractor Ladeside Street, Rothesay. ROBERT BROWN, Family Bread, Biscuit and Pastry Baker Hot Pies every Saturday Evening. 81 High Street, Rothesay. FAULDS & MEIKLE, Steamboat Agents, Carriers, and Carting Contractors ROTHESAY Luggage and Furniture Removed. Office on Pier. Yard—9 Mill Street. Customers can always rely on getting the Finest Quality. F. H. SQUAIR, FAMILY BUTCHER Established 18«3. Telephone No. 25. 5 Gallowgate, Rothesay. CARRIAGE HIRING & LIVERY STABLES, WILLIAM MOODIE, V.S., Proprietor. 16 Watergate, Rothesay. Orders received at House, 18 Mountstuart Road, which is in Telephonic connection with Yard. (Established over 60 Years). J # £5 p# BLUE, Cut Flowers, Fruit and Vegetables, Pot Plants, &c. Shop; Nurseries: 23 Montague Street, Gowanfield Nursery, High Street Nursery, Rothesay. (off Hillhouse Road). (opposite Public Park). JAMES FISHER, Seed, Grain and Potato Merchant 5 & 6 King St., and 5 & 7 West Castle St., Rothesay Finest East Country Seed Oats. Bute and Ayrshire Ryegrass Seed. Seed Potatoes. Clover Seeds and Turnip Seeds of the Various Sorts in their Season. Special Grain and Root Manures, my own manufacture. Highest Analysis, BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS Samuel Thompson, Hatter and Outfitter 60 Montague street, Rothesay. City of Glasgow Life Insurance Co. ROYAL. Insurance Co. Scottish Life and Accident Insurance Co. PETER STEWART, Agent, Clydesdale Bank, Rothesay.