Ca . Ai3 Visit tfie ©Ibf Curiosity f Shop FOR BRIC-A-BRAC, FURNITURE & HOUSE PLENISHING Of Every Description. PIANOS, PERAMBULATORS, and INVALID CHAIRS Fop Sale op Hire, at f 101 lOITA&UE STREET, Rotliesay. Established 1380. Price One Shilling. BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY, 1900-1901. VISITORS WHO WISH TO . TAKE WITH THEM I PiBSBnt from Qothesi WIIvL BE CERTAIN TO FIND WHAT THEY WANT AT FANCY GOODS WAREHOUSE, 25, 27, and 29 MONTAGUE ST. TlRST mfp^WM fism. ^^^TLE^Fiuw Sheep DiP(>*-^°'"''"'^ theOriginal Little's Poisonous Powder Dip, Poisonous Liquid Dip NoN Poisonous PasteDip. Morris. Little &.SoN,U-°DoNCASTERr England. Alf Co ok e , Qu e en s Pri nte r, Le ED : Are obtained by using (The ORIGINAL) ^oisonous Powder Dip on-PoisonoosPasteDip onous Liqoid Dip INCREASED 1 t© 1^ tbs. per Fleece and I W/^^^ IN I YV GREATLY IMPROVED VALUE. 99^ DIPPING WITH LITTLE'S PAYS. I S DIPS ARE OF HIGHEST QUALITY, at a REASONABLE PRICE. I /-CHEAPNESS MEANS INFERIORITY and INFERIOR DIPS DAMAGE THE WOOL. I I ITTLE'S DIPS are only to be obtained in packages as sent out by the Manufacturers, and if otherwise supplied are not genuine. Cases of Fraud will be proceeded against. jK»:mcm:ir-AK»:mzvsm':!>i,3KaMrjK»i9imi<K^MrMi9:i»i^^^ :.J MANUFACTURERS- DONCASTKR. Bute County Directory Advertisements. THE 21 VICTORIA STREET (The m Post QiG6), PPSP. JOHN MACKINLAY, LIBRARIAN, BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, and NEWSAGENT <^ ARTlsrS' MATERIAL. FANCY SeeDS, BOOKBINDING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. The Largest Yariety in Town of Fliotograplis of Local and Scottisli Scenerj. Bute County Directory Advertisements. J. A. URQUHART, Grocer and Wine Merchant, i3 ARGYLE STREET, ROTHESAY, And at PORT-BANNATYNE. Agent for "Orion" Brand Pure Vintage Australian Wines. Every Bottle Guabajjteed by Government Certificate. SXihD VVlIMJl.b. j3Q^g ^ Bots. Imp. Qts. Burgundy—Generous, 18s 10s 24s Claret—Medium light, 20s lis 24s Ruby—Fulljdry, specially selected for Invalids, 21s lls6d 25s Hermitage—Superior, medium, full, dry, . 24s 13s 28s Cabarnet—Choicest Burgundy type, . 28s 15s 54s Port—Rich, . 25s — — Bots. included ; FlsfP. extra. Wmn BUTE fiLEP OF H wiira. The Finest of Scotland's Produce, 7 VICTORIA STREET, ROTHESAY. Bute County Directory Advertisements. 6UTE $TEAM UONBRY, LADESIDE STREET, ROTHESAY. (IvATE OP PAISLEY). Goods Called for and Delivered by Van. DUNCAN M'INTOSH, TOBACCONIST, Stationer, and Fancy Goods Merchant, MONTA&Ul STREET, Rothesay. Established 1845. BUTE FISH, GAME, and POULTRY EMPORIUM. 5 Fish, Game, and Poultry Merchant, 35 VICTORIA STREET, ROTHESAY. Agent for all Annacker's Sansages and Scotch Paddings. For First-Class Teas, Spirits and Provisions, Buy from GROCER, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, U HIGH STREET, Rothesay. Bute County Directory Advertisements. FIRST-CLASS, OPPOSITE THE PIER. TABLE D'HOTE BREAKFAST, LUNCHEON, AND TABLE D'HOTE DINNER Open to Non-Residents. TELEPHONE, No. ii, MODERATE TARIFF. J. L. KELLY, Proprietor. BUTE ARMS HOTEL (OPPOSITE THE PIER), li O T H E S -A. "ST. fHIS Establishment is situated in front of the Pier, where Steamers arrive and depart almost every half-hour, and affords Magnificent Views of the Bay. Loch Striven, and the Kyles of Bute. Tourists by the "Columba," "lona," "Lord of the Isles," or other Steamers, will find the Bute Arms one of the most comfortable resting places on the West Coast of Scotland, and being under the direct superintendence of the Proprietor, Visitors may depend on every attention. The Sanitary Arrangements have been entirely remodelled, and are now certified as perfect. BILLIARDTABLE D'HOTE, 6-30ROOM.p.m Parties Boarded by the Week op Month. Golf Course in close proximity to the HoteL ROBERT SMITH, Proprietor. Bute County Directory Advertisements. BUCHANAN'S (OF RIVER STEAMERS) HOTEL VICTORIA, ON THE ESPLANADE, OPPOSITE THE GARDENS AND BAND PAVILION. SPACIOUS BILLIARD ROOM, TWO BURROUGHS & WATTS TABLES. SPLENDID BAR IN CONNECTION WITH HOTEL. CRAIGMORE HOTEL and PENSION, At CRAIGMORE PIER, ROTHESAY. Overlookingf Royal Northern Regatta Course. Convenient for C^'de Excursion Steamers. Golf Course, Tennis Courts, and Bowling- Green sdjoin-'ng. ''^""^frp£„°rL^6'!'™>'-" D. WILSON, Proprietor BAINBRIDGE, AGLE HOTEL, 1 MONTAGUE STREET, ROTHESAY. Superior Liquors. Orders Attended to. Bute County Directory Advertisements. MACKINLAY'S TEMPERANCE HOTEL, FRONTING THE PIER, ROTHESAY. Splendid Outlook from Sitting' Room Windows. VOLUNTEER ARMS. 5 GUILDFORD SQUARE & 12 MONTAGUE STREET. WINE AND SPIRIT l¥9EROHANT. Wines and Spirits. Bass's, AUsopps", and Guinness' Stout. Finest Old Brandies. MISS M'CONNELL LADIES' OUTFITTER, 23 Montague Street Rothesay. The Newest and Most Fashionable Goods, Coalpricing Ladies' & Childrens' Underclothiug, Hosiery, Gloves, Woolg, Furnishings, &c AGENT FOR MESSRS W. d A. OILBEY'S WINES AND SPIRITS. JOSEPH MAITLAND (Successor to Hugh Morton), 62 MONTAGUE STREET (Corner of Tower Street, Opposite the Bandstand), ROTHESAY. Orders called for and Goods Promptly Delivered. Bute County Directory Advertisements. JAMES M'BRIDE, «rolia.eir, Oa.rt"«7vi?is;li.t;, &c., JOHN STREET, ROTHESAY. Telephone No. 14. ROBERT Pfl BRlDEy BLACKSMITH, 1 JOHN STREET, ROTHESAY. HORSE-SHOEING AND GENERAL SMITH WORK. Telephone No. 14. W. B. JAMIESON, CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, and PHOTOGRAPHIC DEALER, 64 MONTAGUE STREET. X^O'X'ZZ^SS.^^.-'S'. GEORGE STUART, F.R.H^S^, Fruites*ei*f Florist, Bnd Seedsman, 100 MONTAGUE STREET & DEAN HOOD PLACE, CHAPELHILL NURSERY, and NEW NURSERY, WE8TLAND ROAD (near MUSEUM). Catalogues with Prices of his Choice Garden Seeds and Plants, Post Free on Application. Inspection and Correspondence Invited. Bute County Directory Advertisements. JAMES M^CRONE, GENERAL DRAPER, CLOTHIER, &c., 59 and 61 MONTAGUE STREET, stock always Large, New, Fresh, and Fashionable. Established 50 Years. DUGALD WEIR, BOOT & SBCOEDVCA-IKEI?, 71 MONTAGUE STREET, Rothesay. EXTRA LARGE STOCK OF READY-MADES. HEAD-QUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF COAST SHOES. JOHN SMITH, Joiner, Cabinetmaker, and Funeral Undertatier, 13 BISHOP STREET, ROTHESAY. CHARLES MUIR, famil? Breab, Biscuit, anb paetrp Bafter, 77 ARGYLE STREET and 17 HIGH STREET, Rothesay. MontgomeHe's Patent Extract of Malt Bread as used in the Queen's Household. Hot Pies every Saturday Evening. Marriage and Birthday Cakes Made to Order. Confections. Bute County Directory Advertisements. A. LAMONT, TAILOR and CLOTHIER, ROTHESAY, 25 VICTORIA STREET, ROTHESAY. ALEXf^ RANKIN, BOYS', YOUTHS', and GENT.'S CLOTHIER, and OUTFITTER, HOSIER, and GLOVER. JOHN LAMONT, Family Bread, Biscuit, and Pastry Baker, ROTHESAY. Goods Delivered to Port-Bannatyne Daily. JOHN CRUICKSHANKS, PLUMBER, GASFITTER, and ZINC-WORKER, 30a HIGH STJE^-EJST, ROTHESAY. WASH-HAND BASINS, PLUNGE, SPRAY, AND SHOWER BATHS FITTED UP FOR HOT OR COLD WATER. DRAIN, SOIL, OR WASTE PIPES TESTED. Bute County Directory Advertisements. ANGUS SPEIRS, Clothing ® and® Yachting ® Outfitter, Iboeier anb 6Iover, lo GALLOWGATE, ROTHESAY. DAVID LAW^SON, Family Bread, Biscuit, and Pastry Baker, 20 EAST PRINCES STREET, - ,. and 87 MONTAGUE STREET, ADIDBSS]]' J. M'C. CALLAN, FAMILY GROCER, TEA, WINE, and SPIRIT MERCHANT, 19 EAST PRINCES STREET, ROTHESAY. Orders Called for and Promptly Delivered by Van. HUGH LAUDER, Jeweller, © Matcbmafter, ® an& © ©ptidan, 8 ALBERT PLACE (opposite the Kartour). ENGAGEMENT RINGS. WEDDING PRESENTS. SCOTCH PEBBLE JEWELLERY, Bute County Directory Advertisements. J. RUSSELL THOMSON, Architect, C.E.. and Surveyor, 5 High Street, Rothesay. LI?INGSTONIA TEMPERANCE HOTEL, Guildford Square, Rothesay. James Robertson, Proprietor. J. PATERSON c& SONS, Drapers, Clothiers, and General Outfitters, 39 Victoria Street, Rothesay. {Opposite the Bandstand.) HUGH M^COLXi, Glass, China, and Fancy Goods Dealer, 21 Argyle Street, Rothesay. All kinds of Glass, Earthenware, and Enamel Goods. ID. COOS^ (Successor to Mrs Service), Fruiterer and Confectioner, 72 Victoria Street, Rothesay. Family Orders punctually attended to. GBOBGS BLACK, FAMILY BUTCHER, 13 Watergate (East End of Montague Street, Rothesay.) Fresh Stock of Home-Fed Beef and Mutton always on hand. Orders punctually attended to. JOmm BROUGIH, Family Grocer and Wine Merchant, 17 King Street, Rothesay, Orders called for and promptly delivered. ALEXANDER R. PEACOCK, Registered Plumber, Gasfitter, and Zinc Worker, 23 High Street, and 53 Ardbeg Road, Rothesay. House Address—Adelaide Place, Mountstuart Road. Hot and Cold Water Appliances, Bell-Hanging, Pumps, Rhones, Ridges, &c. Bute County Directory Advertisements. WILLIAM LAUDER, Wright and Contractor, Ladeside Street, Rothesay. N. IME'CAIiIiUiyE, Tea and Coffee Merchant and General Grocer, 96 Montague Street, Rothesay. MATTHEW DUNCAN & CO., Plasterers, Cement Workers, and Tile Layers, 52 Ladeside Street, Rothesay. HUGH BS COI.I., PAINTER, Show-Rooms, 21 Argyle Street. Workshop, 19 Mill Street. Estimates given for Every Description of Painter Work DAVID ROBERTSON, Bread and Pastry Baker, 7 East Princes Street, Rothesay. PateTit Malt Brown Bread, highly recommended by many of the Leadinar Physicians J. lYE'EIRDir (Successor to Sommerville), 77 Victoria Street, Rothesay. Umbrelias, Combs, Brushes, Toys, Fancy Goods, and other Useful Articles. Umbrellas made, Covered, and Repaired. HOSIERY and KNITTED ARTICLES, of all Descriptions, Made on the Premises, The Orphanage, Barone Road, Rothesay. Ladies' and Children's Underclothing, and Babies' Clothes Made to Order. Customers' own wool knit up at 3d per cut. " JAMES FISHEIR, Seed, Grain, and Potato Merchant, 5 & 7 West Castle St., and 5 & 6 King St., Rothesay. Finest East Country
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