Draft Minutes of Bute Community Council Meeting – 16 October 2019 1



On 16th October 2019 at 7pm

ATTENDEES - COMMUNITY COUNCIL Marlene Hill (Chair), John McCallum (Vice Chair), Ronnie Falconer (Planning Rep), Robert Macintrye (Transport Rep), Ronnie McAlister (Treasurer), Iain Gillespie, Hamish Kirk, Ian McKay, Iain Morrison, Duncan Ferguson

APOLOGIES Jan Cochrane, John Graham, Isobel Strong

ATTENDEES - ARGYLL & BUTE COUNCIL Len Scoular, Jim Findlay, Jean Moffat

The Meeting started at 7.03pm

PRIOR TO THE START OF BUSINESS • Marlene Hill (Chair) drew the Meeting’s attention to the death of Phyllis Ward • The Meeting noted Phyllis’ contribution to island life and as Minuting Secretary to Bute Community Council • A member of the public agreed to stand in for Phyllis Ward and minute the Meeting on a one-off basis. • Marlene Hill stressed the urgent need to appoint a Secretary to ease the Chair’s workload.


3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF LAST MEETING Proposed by Duncan Ferguson. Seconded by Iain Morrison.

4. POLICE REPORT (Sgt. L Grant) a) Sgt N Grant was unable to attend the Meeting and supplied a written report which was read by Marlene Hill b) The main highlights reported since the last Meeting (17 September) covered 122 incidents reported to Police with 15 Crime Reports raised – including: Misuse of drugs (detected with report to be sent to Procurator Fiscal), Housebreaking at the Sailing Club (still under enquiry), Fraud (under investigation with positive lines of enquiry), Serious and Common assaults (under investigation with positive lines of enquiry). c) Sgt Grant urged the public minded to pass on any information on drug misuse, or dealing/supply to call 101 (or in emergency 999) and/or Crimestoppers (anonymously) on 0800 555111 or to contact any on-duty officer

Draft Minutes of Bute Community Council Meeting – 16 October 2019 2


5.A. JEAN MOFFAT Summarised her written report which was circulated at the Meeting. Items covered included: a) Full A&B Council meeting at Lochgilphead: Attended on 26 September b) Bute & Business Day at Eaglesham House: Attended on 28 September c) Common Good Fund: Attended on 9 October for discussion on Christmas lights, radios for Bute Resilience Team and unallocated funds etc d) Bute Berthing Company: Attended meeting with Directors and Council officers on 9 October to discuss progress on new pontoons and boosting visitor numbers e) Notifying A&B Council re. road/pavement repairs, street lighting etc.

5.B. JIM FINDLAY Summarised his written report. Items covered included: a) Japanese knotweed: Joe McCabe reports 26 sites have now been cleared. b) Road Markings: Some are still broken and/or not completed c) Castle Street Port Bannatyne – condition of road and pavement: A&B Council has indicated work will be undertaken on this on a funds available basis d) Advice Centre: Attended AGM. e) Audit & Scrutiny Group - A&B Counci): Appointed to this group to help ensure robust and best practice in A&B Council f) Rothesay Common Good Fund: Attended to discuss Christmas lights, radios for Bute Resilience Team and unallocated funds etc g) Bute Berthing Company: Attended meeting with Directors and Council officers to discuss progress on new pontoons and boosting visitor numbers h) Failure of port link span: Sent letter to CalMac seeking urgent action i) Next Area Committee A&B Council at on 3 December at 10.30hrs: Will be attending.

5.C. LEN SCOULAR Summarised his written report. Matters covered included: a) Budget savings/cuts A&B Council: Gave information on the process to date. The exact amount and areas of the budget cuts have not been disclosed but the target is believed to be in the region of £9,200,00. b) Failure of Gourock port link span: Letter sent to Mr Fieldhouse at CalMac seeking urgent action c) House insurance: Advised premiums could increase as a result of Scottish Environmental Protection Authority (SEPA) extending the local flood risk area d) A&B Council Lochgilphead: Attended full Council meeting on 26 September e) Bute & Cowal Business Day: Attended at Eaglesham House on 28 September f) Bute Berthing Company: Attended meeting with Directors and Council officers on 9 October to discuss progress on new pontoons and boosting visitor numbers g) Pavilion opening date: Now scheduled for 25 April 2020.

5. D. MATTERS ARISING FROM COUNCILLOR’S REPORTS a) Redundancy of pupil support workers (raised by Mr McIntyre): a. Risk that up to 14 pupil support workers may be made redundant to achieve estimated Budget cuts of £198,500 – and further risk that 25 more will be made redundant in the next financial year. Draft Minutes of Bute Community Council Meeting – 16 October 2019 3

b. The Meeting resolved to oppose these cuts. c. Marlene Hill will write to A&B Council to convey BCC’s position on these proposed cuts. b) Road markings at junction of Westland Road and access road to Westlands Recycling Centre (raised by Mr McIntyre): a. Road marking is needed at this junction to avoid accidents b. Marlene Hill undertook to contact A&B Council on this matter c. Len Scoular also undertook to investigate the matter d. Kirk Dam footbridge (raised by Iain Morrison): i. The bridge has been reported as being in a dangerous condition and is fenced off ii. Marlene Hill undertook to contact A&B Council on ensuring the bridge is put back in service c) Bin collection calendar (raised by John McCallum): a. This will no longer be sent to local householders to achieve budget cuts of £26-30,000 pa b. Councillors advised that bin collection dates can be viewed at the Library and on the internet. Householders without computer or internet access can contact the council’s call centre on 01546 605514 who will send a printed calendar to them.

6. COMMUNITY EMERGENCY PLAN REPORT (Ronnie Falconer) Mr Falconer summarised his written report. Points discussed included – a) Need to recruit area staff – following the recent stand-down of a key staff member b) Mill Lane culvert report: Still awaited. Concerns on winter flooding continue. c) Mud sampling: No action or progress to report d) Flood risk survey by the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA): Has resulted in an increase in the local flood risk areas e) Fish farm planning applications: No significant action to date but intend to keep an active watching brief

7. PLANNING REPORT (Ronnie Falconer) Application to convert shop and adjoining house on the west side of High Street into a small office unit: Discussed with no objections.

8. LICENCING REPORT (Jan Cochrane) – read by Marlene Hill Application by The Ritz (High Street) for a licence variation: This was discussed and no objection lodged.

9. TRANSPORT REPORT (Robert McIntyre) a) Ferry operations by CalMac for the last month included 11 disruptions over 28 days. These included: pump and clutch failures, various technical failures, cancelations due weather conditions, single vessel operation, fog, gangway trials at Gourock etc in what was described as an eventful month with disruptions to service b) Lift A (responsibility of A&B Council): Was out of order for 4 days from 07.00 hrs Friday 4th October until 08.40 hrs on Tuesday 8 October c) CalMac has advised CMAL that the Gourock linkspan is not in use until further notice. d) CMAL is working to restore the Gourock linkspan with the target date of 24 October. Draft Minutes of Bute Community Council Meeting – 16 October 2019 4

e) A member of the public contrasted the prompt action taken by Peel Ports to restore the Ardrossan linkspan with CMAL’s perceived lack of urgency and what looks like a no-penalties, old pals act, transfer pricing response to the Gourock linkspan emergency f) When vessels are unable to dock at and Gourock is operating as a port of refuge, a passenger-only service will be offered to and ex Gourock using gangway access at Gourock. Vehicle drivers will be advised use the Western Ferries and Colintraive- services and claim mileage and Western Ferries ticket costs through the Passenger Rights scheme (provided they hold valid Wemyss Bay - Rothesay tickets) g) Docking: MV Bute will dock for planned maintenance over 21-30th October and MV Argyle 6-14 November. The Coruisk will replace docked vessels.

9. A David Herriot (Member CalMac Community Board) briefed the Meeting on: a) The division of responsibilities for ferry operations as between CMAL and CalMac b) The long history of CMAL’s defective linkspan at Gourock, the lack of hard information on maintenance programmes for the linkspan and action being taken by CMAL to bring it back into service c) The proposal by CalMac to start a ticket booking system in October 2021 for vehicles and foot passengers on the Rothesay-Wemyss Bay service. The proposed system is being put out to tender. d) The Meeting voted unanimously against the introduction of CalMac’s proposed ticket booking system for passengers and vehicles and asked the Chair to convey this to Calmac with urgency. e) The Meeting also voted unanimously to organise a paper petition against the proposed booking service and advise Bute residents of the difficulties and inconvenience it will pose f) David Herriot undertook to advise CalMac on the Community Council’s reaction.

10. HOLIDAY, LEISURE & TOURISM REPORT (Marlene Hill) Closure of two more shops in Rothesay was highlighted and discussed

11. TREASURER’S REPORT (Ronnie McAlister) a) Total Funds now stand at £5,33.18. b) Common Good Fund: There are good hopes it will award additional funds to BCC. c) Lighting Fund (Christmas): Looks healthy as result of a one-off grant from A&B Council. Donations from local businesses to the Lighting Fund have been promised and are expected.

12. HEALTH REPORT (John McCallum) No meetings to report on due to on-going reorganisation.

13. CORRESONDICE & MATTERS ARISING From Argyll & Bute Council re. Mr J Reid - complaint & appeal: a) Marlene Hill (Chair) notified the Meeting that A&B Council has intimated that Mr Reid has lodged an appeal with it on Bute Community Council’s handling of his first complaint against BCC which he had raised directly with A&B Council in the first instance and not with BCC b) The Meeting noted A&B Council will hold a full appeals hearing on the matter. Draft Minutes of Bute Community Council Meeting – 16 October 2019 5

c) The Meeting advised complainants against Bute Community Council should, as a first step, raise their complaint directly with Bute Community Council – as advised on A&B’s web page Community Councils – Complaints Procedure

14. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Fyne Homes: Anti-social tenants case: a) A member of the public requested an update in the case of a Fyne Homes tenant forced to leave a flat in Castle Street, Port Bannatyne because of alleged anti- social behaviour by Fyne Homes tenants in the same building. And Fyne Home’s tolerance of ‘good’ tenants being forced to move to other accommodation because of its perceived inaction in dealing with anti-social neighbours b) The tenant’s unsatisfactory situation and Fyne Homes’ limited response on behalf of the tenant was brought to BCC’s attention by the tenant in person at the last BCC meeting. The Meeting’s views were minuted c) The Meeting learned the tenant has been rehoused through an offer by ACHA and the alleged anti-social Fyne Homes tenants remain in occupation. The Meeting considered this was a less than satisfactory outcome for the tenant and other Fyne Home tenants faced with similar situations d) The Meeting was told that a recent change in the law might help Fyne Homes exercise an improved duty of care to its tenants in similar situations. e) Jean Moffat emphasised Fyne Homes have to operate within the law and we have to house the homeless.

The Meeting finished at 8.50 pm

Next meeting: Tuesday 19 November - in Port Bannatyne Community Hall at 7pm

NB. There will be no meeting in December.