Chamber Chairman, Businessman Charged with Sales Tax Theft Beach Renourished
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16C Q MAY 3, 1996 Q ISLAND REPORTER Turtle nests Fast-food ban? Summer show —SYMPHONY pug© 8A page 18 and is a full-time freelance computer programmer. pageiC •from page 1C week. "Andrew brings the music to life." Schiffli said. continue but to look forward to many great years in "It's coming back to me and playing with the "He does .so much music analysts with us that we per. the future." orchestra gives me incentive. It's a reading orches- form it at a higher level. He talks to us ahcmi the MAY 10. 1996 tra—we're constantly sight-reading new music. It's Second clarinetist and music librarian for the rhythm, the chord structure, what the composer was VOLUME 25 great training for advanced students and old retreads orchestra, Gene Nibbelin of Cape Coral became part trying to do in the various sections. \VV sec haw foe NUMBER 19 like me who want to study music as an avocation," of the orchestra through the persuasion of his daugh- pieces fit." 3 SECTIONS. 36 PAGES ter, Lisa Schiffli, a violinist. She asked him if he Nibbelin said. He praised Kurtz as a very good and very patient conductor, who carries on with serious Schiffli. who has studied at several university would come and act as librarian for the great volume music schools, said the only other place you get thai rehearsals each week even though a full complement of sheet music that needed to be managed for the new kind of education is on the umvetMty level. It pleases of instrumentalists may not have attended. orchestra she had joined. Actually, his family had her that not only does she leant a lot atnmt the works, "It's been a great experience," Nibbelin continued. been encouraging him for years to get back into play- but that -she has access to playnn*. a nip rejumtmc uf 131 ing the clarinet he had given up in the 1950s when he "I want to see this succeed. I plan to resume private music. "It's wondeii'ul to pyi toj'i-iher rust to make became busy in his career in banking. studies now that the fingers are remembering what to music ami io learn," she s.ud. >n!vi»n« "iJ wouldn't k \ Once within hearing distance of the fledgling sym- Yp do." the same without KurtA leadership. Ik won'! ictus en phony orchestra, Nibbelin picked up the music for Schiffli heard about the new community orchestra get awav with wtittiSsim' that >..>•.»n,k flat ->n dull. He's second clarinet to see if he could still read music and reas through the music appreciation talk.s Kurtz gives at also very warm and c.m>j4iiu-.'nt.(n vAvn \\r , follow the part. He took it home and began practicing Royal Palm Square, sponsored by Shakespeare- o what we'ie atu-i." E) and the next week he was playing along with the Beethoven Book Store. Schiffli studies music with New beach Kurt/ i.sittatvtm* t> Will orchestra, subbing for first clarinet who was out that Janita Hauk at South Florida University in Fort Myers Chamber chairman, I tee who have wu-kc MM A thriving t't^auuatiuii Diane Koudmi'. <••> T businessman charged Sei said she j .et'« a veu fi SW- FREE PRINT WITH SUBSCRIPTION cians iitsHiiis* Its'isi .si ISIUlh they timi}.' their ft it- f. SOU7 to the ami we'ie j,',eHi!n» U>t with sales tax theft V so our inNtim:{"> HVI> at 01 island looking tor an opj*-.!*! l$v Mieht'Mr Mnrwu the .sales. i»\ juobloms Inn ?*sif|>nvr4 KEY! C Deb loui. iliili: Us . fH «! Sititf Wnh-r the ctiliunai clunky SaniHei, afhtmrd i It > !'. 11V ! rhjmbrf t<f comntrJce I'h.iinuan iiiit! "W'e'vr brcn v>%nkitl}l wjfh !hr JH- chance to timciistn is 5! >> 'S!tl' •«* lit. JiH'.d bii>t»irss OWHPJ Scot M ( 'otvi; enuej vh'p.'ttttiH'til vltlftt^rtllv »'t;-i ( : said. "Thesr pruple £ ' if t tfl't w.j'i i h.iU'ril 'Asth felony thrft of *»!;itr past three yj'.jr^," Onus* f 'nsn^ftt •<.»•.' participate tn H lull iSii •M » i I oilier •.;ilr.:, I.,:*. M».«»,l.»\ "Jltr tiliti^ of ffS5HSn,si i.h.if^r". commitiiH'itts in thn lit, Ilir i isii l hufd r.>!i...;rrv. •.uuendrted t»i Irr <'«nmfy (hr IU-p.trtmrni «>t Kr%rj!uv ,HJJ ? of directors Heat u** < i a >: Vdi .t •!! •shrni! ./.SSstiuls May <:i. chait't-d with S?;sle Atlonsr', '••, flifi.,:r ,.•.•-»!.£--. .•.- 4 is a real pleasure i<»f •,',ii ti Jl J -.firahtu: than Si^JtiSSi nt ••-.ale-i c<.tHipb !e ^sapu;-!.- ?f !h..- , ^tn^.n.*, ' f'ord inenftoiirij iiui! tbs- if, •?:i\ < '.Jiii'ii"'^ •4.i!rnir;U !«•;«.!•- "W/.- ^--! ij 1 every week's rehearsal c. a 111! hf*ii'«hedp;itt ('nit^is-S ., ,'M, of t'ottjih-v. ii'^i-ir!', thf j~..siu" isi lux h.ii'th! v h,n! hr of the evening. Serlfu?, the niu-.n: !'«*f the tifst ;, hut .•U «*«?> |'cfi*5»ktr W;-v, w;is a-k-asrd frso{ved ;utd l!iu! A %tll\rnn:va ':•, not practicing by yourselt, v<>ti h.i\r tn k»- n!:i his t«v.H tc-ti'i',ni/.itu c. Ifr will he iHimmeut." because of the moim-ntum uf (he otchestra It chal- aff.tu*urd in I.e.e I"o.utUy court today t?tuU"f 5;li<fn!,) Saw, fhef? of ••!. lenges mttsictaits to a»uttmu- e\p.mdim', their exper- hi w.ike of Monday's rvcuts, fuavl-. in c\cess of SitXUiifU iivusK! tise." < VfU'H-v. fr:'»ik;i»rU Jits }^ositi«i» as cfi.iif |?«5!!%habk* }jy up fo- .«H yr,»s^ its |f*i», 1'Ofd gets tnutivaliou ttmn her ianuly. Hushiind »*.,*» wl Uic huatd at tSsreiitus a! the aiui ,i Sili.ltUi;! imc, H cinjV'ti'Je Boi "Ferry hud hu.sinvss cards nunh fm her musical emleavurs and yuwutrsi '>t>n. N**!«.- Milhnm, J4, who plays with the Palm Const Youth OfcheMra. Jaw if«* h.uj tio voimiiriu on the cluiJ^rs Soaring Hand, and Symrjihtmy I! iknnl at Cy|»ri-^ 1 ;«Kc gives thi*- week, hut hr. InnEhrs I'«»u>i her lots of stiftjkni. f 'MIU'H'SS! tiir jf.itiuh was invafr i*t The prografti tor rve!u!n;'% vimwtfH wij' Osprey be Rossini's "It S«|»w*r Hntschuto nveriim\" Havel's by "Favane Ptuu line liifanJe Ucfuaie." ;md Dvtwak's "Symphony No. H." County tax proposed to IKKI The foisct'ft, in Pubm tVatef al Intiple Hcth-fcji MATSUM0T0 begins at 8 p.m. ;UH! tickets arc S*> tot \ children muter 12 tree, lickrts m;»\ f*r purchase sensitive lands the door. For nwm infonii.itt.-n « ill 4 V ft I" By Murk S. "1 flunk this s»« »ei.'v^s;-iiry," t'.'ity .;mu£«*r (»,ny Ftux sintd. "But I would I »<1Q{! j I }»«• I t*s* Cotitily lit.t.ifti i* k ihat if wtnrlsit hr tiifttctili {«.« t "i!HHHt:-vsitJ»cf% suppwlrd it r«;f«'frn Hi Io She vifi/ens. r>! SainK'i Jh-.jt tiuni \Vs-(Jsss",n (!I:J! woisld alhnv vr»i IM.MH4' Iheir t.^es ivili Hoi he mvd vt\ in t!r!cfnunr wluihrr Ihey W mi Sanihei." *ttipjH,i{l ,1 ias uu'!r;(MJ f**t' iiic sole J'licc atiifs'd that if S.tnibrf \'nuhl tel stmw sott «»i' i!U;»"a?ifre thivl >uifu- v*S .Santbvf"". Mj.ivsivt" i*wSfitiu!i»»n tairk! he i .);':", ' :iiji!'i:s-! K.>\ lll.l.ih iisfti toward iaiiti |nufl*;tws afvitn* tin" *ini Luwtoii strut ins rnmimuioii l)nru wult'h «s» \vork«*r« flrttr i,.i :l: U'U'i i-l !h • l.i1' !:.'•- ^-•! tn (l. Siimhi'l csiffHiur. hfuvy «'quipm*-ttt from < iulf Pines" in-wly r««jif»yrJt*fi*Ht !»'»«•!*. .! nilni liui.ih -.shi ii W.:J\I ?v .-jllni i Saniiu't tcsuK-nt lum Redioid *'-tu{ , .-is:::, 'AA!.- ••..•!• • !J v in, i. ,!*..• .4 .1 ' !:sii! , !--i;ill\ ,(il '..l!t'l''Il! ;,t\ iit-T u. I'' •please svt pajjv *l\ Recr Beach renourished V--.ll P-.-M.Hi "1 Ji-lT-jmintdi1 '.hi- liijv •.-! Sis 'Ail! •!>;• For sal Sanibel/Captiva <bOQ Outside Lee County Outside . trailer, ,il •* tj-M'ii -s! '-I'V, pitblh '.'..<lk-. N1H>[". & Lee County S?^O or split residence United States Funny money and fui rulf Pines project ends this week i-\«r {hs- ii'.-\t u-.v tiji'tiths,' Mul.ili s,m! on the A-^i--h«!i! < iU M.IIUJ'I1: Hill MiM , 'Iht* Santhcl Puller $6,000 7466. NAME t Mark ,S. Knm Sv.,tSr Otmtifita«« i»f the Mtuitia >.in! thf pri'prtlv l.i\ ifKTt'.i-.t" «*UiU1 is warning re'.Kient'* t»{" c Sh*>ri* »*»«! HtMttt i'fesftvation s-'s-dt'tah" ,tt>!iu! S41 iiuHion ovei 10 SJtJii Nib hemg tfemliM the ADDRESS As.svH,'Wlif»« •ti*Mk1n'l ;<grt?r rntift. » i'.llS tsiaml s s 1 i>vTt Shu p*«t «-v«r«l weekh sev- Tn • .*|** »'«k, wish liiiiiil |«n»l- "it's a gm* Slung <f» sec •"! worked "Ut Satubt'Ts shaic \shuh CITY STATE ZIP rhr v,«y i»is\lHjtg jrtifrtr in a wnummity ham! i-< vwuid ;u)iounf |o lH-al!) VHHI.UlHI ;j eral bad $1W h»H& have hteu Uisc ef and wtirk with cuveieU.