Journal of American Science 2012;8(11) Kurdish imitations of Nizami’s Quintet Siavash Morshedi, Dr. Aliasghar Halabi
[email protected] Abstract: Kurdish poets composed imitative poems of Nizami’s mathnavis (quintet). They paid attention to Khosrow & Shirin more than other Nizam’s works; so that between 11 imitations that are introduced in this article, 6 items are considered imitation of Nizami’s Shirin & Khosrow. These Kurdish poets, more than being impressed by Nizami’s works, have been impressed by oral and written resources. In this article we deal with these imitative poetries and in some cases deal with items of differences. Kurdish poets paid attention to Shirin & Khosrow more than other Nizami’s mathnavis; as Leyli & Majnun, Eskandarname (story of Alexander) and the other imitative Nizami’s poems are scarce; whereas poetries of Khosrow & Shirin (Shirn & Farhad) either published copies or the manuscripts remained in Iran or other countries libraries. On the other hand, most of these imitative Kurdish poems that are introduced in this article – except Mem & Zin which it’s poet didn’t adapted story of Nizami’s works and Saghināme of Ahmad Khani – are composed in syllabic meters (non-prosodic meters). [Siavash Morshedi, Aliasghar Halabi. Kurdish imitations of Nizami’s Quintet. J Am Sci 2012;8(11):306-311]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 43 Keywords: Nizami, quintet, Kurdish poem. Imitative poems, Khosrow & Shirin 1. Introduction Translation of first verses of this poetic collection: In Iran literature, The 5 masnavis of Nizami Monday of Zilhajja of 1153 of lunar year [= 1732] were welcomed by poets whether Persian, Turkish, or [the collection] had been ended that suddenly Kurdish.