From San Francre: . ; Lurlioe, Jun 30. For 8fr Francisco; v Jbiatsooio, Jul From Vancouver: ' Jlakura, Jolf 15," For Vancouverr . ; H pi Niagara, JoJil4;r

' "a Evening . ; y; w . uunciui, t f '' bait ioo, iiu. r ' PAGEs.--noKOLU- Lu, ; : V' Star.-Vo- l XXL No. 693 4 ' .' ;' f "? - i v '? 16 op Hawaii, Tuesday, so, pages X'i tebeitorIt jone, i9i4.:i6 PBICE FIVE CENT3 rnn MDEPI8.T0 BE MYSTERY SURROUNDS DEATH OF GOVEIiilRl uuil mm .uiiC-ik-- ii J V DR. EDWARD HiARMITAGE. WELL-- II Hit mm OVER TO VELL PLEASED? I KNOWN PHYSICIAN AND LINGUIST V I V m- trip .- j HILO Juno 30.A myatery aurrounda tha'deatf cf Or. dward H ArmU, viitiiiis 4 iliiioii tagef welt fcnown over the iatanda for hia ability a a phyalclan. and linau- - William A. Wall, City Jt)c accompllahmenta, whoao body waa found under threo feet of water on Attorney .fcr the U. S. District Engineer, Cocoanut laland laat ovemng. A coroners Jury invettrgation will b under- Comrnissionwof J. A. M; Osorio, AnnouncesliiiiiiiiipiHis Position to 500 SuffragHtesAiohg Similar Ex-utfic- Attorney Would Have Judge : iWill Be io Manager taken aometime today, and tha reault of it may clear, up the myatery and Kealoha's Successor, Is-- Lines to Those Followed bv Champ If Or. waa Is' Clark Sees Nation1 i-- . determine Armitage a victim of foul play, or took'his own life, ? Sewer - - , v near t of and Waterworks i . sup.n i yiuiui y iipniP uoie tvmence or met death from' accidental cause. . The opinion, here la divided ao far, inis r.inrmnn?. muc hi riuin ne ouuqests kiit len but tho weioht of it aeema to be in favor of the theory that the-- physician National Oner-Wi- ll Not Urge Constitutional Amendment IfJDICTMEfJT BHAfibED FORMAL TRANSFER IN fell.,' into the water accidentally, stunned hlmaelf and, drowned before re SAYS HAWAII BADLY IN -- - ' ,; covering from the shock of the fall. :'. ;a:-'- . V TAssociated Press sem ce by Federal , v AS - 0FFICE GOVERNOR - Wireless.) t 1 BEING 0F -- UNLAWFUL V NEED OF BETTER ROADS WASHINGTON, JuneO-Presid- ent Dr. Armitage was a physician of high education, i recognixed author : D. Wilson announced hia posi- Ity on subjects, and a. linguist great ability. tion en several. medical of; He was a the question of woman's suffrage today when he addressed a dle--; A. Beinq Mov BCO J. f.lagoon Called to Time by Books and Records frequent contributor' to the London Lancet and other medical Journals, and Intimates Several Matters Un gatlon of suffragettes and told .them that he believed the question was amoog the medical fraternity here he held a high place of respect. HO one for settlement In the different states and not; a national : tne court He ed from' Capitol to Office of i Issue. Discussion on . , When Vaxes had a P. P. H. certificate fromXambridge.;'r--- der Bigjsiand Th mitMli from th .....Lv i . . . . in Argument the Treasurer v : Or. Armitage came to these islands about .23 years ago,' at that time Will de,,vered fcy Varm - r be Before Legislature 2 lrith that ChwP verai daya aBo, the pniin planning only to remain here temporarily. He first practiced 'in Kauai,, ; 'v-.- . .- wu c i victory n xne severa i states would mean a nation-wid- e A movement - then in Honolulu for a short time, then on Maul, where he was the gov "splendid - v,enr .. jjy'tbe lnatituted attor- la health nd ready to at- and stating his belief that a fight in the states would lead to a euick-tac- Jr Jeff-UcCar- of He to nryg for emmtnf physician Wailuku.: returned Honolulu, practiced here er v,ePry, one through i vaa bronht tc ' the large amotmt orcorreaponi. than the national leglalature. years ago Hilo."'-'-.'.- ' '';''. i '.!-;-''- ; :V.- a epdy eftd in the federal court Tomt 71 again, and aboutthree left for eace accumulated on announced that In view of hispoalUon In ( Despite hie recognized unusual ability, his - practice J was Indifferent. that has his desk Vy Prlent the matter, he UAa morn!n when Jddre C. F. Clera- - during his abserce. Governor PInkham wo"ld not Ticially urge a constitutional amendment allowing for woman's U&tenfng Cut It never seemed to cause him worry,: and he was never known to tnake ' ns. after to a lensrthy arpn - vTfiw&fl thl- - I an etrort .to Increase it. r - ; returned from tnfttn inert prcBcnted by Attorney J. A. ?Ia-poo- n, and ; by 9:3T: pcjock vwaa busy; M hJa refused to aever bla connection - ofnee once more. V; 'St; Two-Battlesh- as jircsldinj? Jadge In McCrn-Mc-TrlJ- e ip the 4 One ,ot hia first nieers nf hnslnewi" . matter and give way e-r- .: ' Appropriation to the SIJIflDllIW "waa to Issue the coromiraton o ,A; r judge. ;Sanrord.B. Dole,'. Arter Osorlo, f M. the uccef or t Jr.brt fr rln Attorney Maeon's reafon - ; 7 v . h.p A. Kea'hi n' ihe : hoard of sinrTl- Bill is Sighed by Presidsiii: !i why . bhould ptve.. to hr Ay of Haws II. the. ha :'. ' latter vin x r inr Judpe..-Judge- Clernons ori called GIVE! FOR rlgred his conviction on 4 charge Associated Press service by Federal 1 C of tbe court f .'IE aftr .s,'"f Wireless. uufis and. 'after rii. WASHINGTON, D. ident of tnberxlemenL '::; June Wilson tadav y. . ana. i :. m . 9 In fc!s . fn. in lid r rrcnta sncnt off ce.' tools' the : rj. 'iTh govemor , said that raarV mt-- w. :FrvHn-uo- r Bin providing mnos tor tne maintenance navy 1',' c!i nnd ErnouT'pd thst Lfc ld.Tr cf the - me year. Dill two-battleth- ip " -- ' ter h had taken up oa th nigral- for coming nscai The carries cut the pro-- 'r . cr Mnrelf fTis qnnliflrd to 'pre- - DELEGATE MCEf and with one th th - 1 gram oy appropriating for two new dreadnaujhta. - It : ' C o or other of ron also authorizes thj over farther rrpp d!n;s lr I to ureece of r, mittees that waited on no the battleships Mississippi and Idaho. f-r- hlntrcnld t:. cr?d -: ' .t - that he wouU hear thr iiS yp i -f vV . y ' n, T on to r; i.' fh the Indictment, cad .t.... m a. I .1 ue naTai ppropriaiion oil! inc uaea an mere nf 1 3 f Proqressive Leader Back from Headquarters OsenerJ and It the Clerronf v.z? liea cf Ju5e Island, of Hawaii Organ-- ; - t i t!,'s i a dtfnitp date fo-- portefCBeolirQMiiiaia SupiSr..S ft -- t t??fF& hc'ri.' cf the motmn ti Queen . v campaign Forces ;K-.- . :irl izationTwPvf:' pw narbor cf thf roM.. At-n- . Fieckfn!; ct length xi , Former Governor George, R. Carter, ; f rvcr, reonerted RepubUcan v,ord the naval appropriation Ad-gat- e Jude' prospective candidate for r delegate, td for the noraUiaUoh for hut this - that bill had 'passed,, conveye I to e,'.ve over dei trlnliavrefrh- Moore by. the bench tt Congress, returned this morning from to Congress, has begi.n the fprma rotad on many if the things m!raI a. Staulletln reporter, was received .with ccssIJcralla C)?mons 12-da- y by V:'.?. Urzv$? "Jude a trip to the island of.3awaII tion campaign organizaJ.7rJy - - . relief the naval commandant Had the bill failed-t- lecosie a law t 5 wprp .60 i frfjndlc'a" where he apoke. widety. . .the doc-- tion iuid line-o-f battle; Headouartersf1 day,': about ciyiUan employes of the naval establishment on ' -- here wculd hiv r.ttr -i 7 ' n Mrt'.:rn, and remain 8" tiiries and worked effectively; on the Hxave been opene$ rocw; I STeat;;- oeen laid off as no provision for their pay , could be made, enexpe- - ' I J a ,w t: r vv hard he trlrd to. over organization of the Progresslye party. fHotei: bullding"andirv.i p.r Wate ds;bl!t tlJeT:are U? balances reverting to the treasury at the end cf the fiscal year. The r.2l.i t'.-n.- " .Up 'promlnent-'n,thft;pfellin-ituuy- 'K":-1"?.'":"- : narnor t:r?rd that, out of s Within-- f bout two weeks formal an house to' consirucuoiv .worit. at reart, was in no danger of dl3coatir.uanr?, o - - 1 s Mr. ITrCarn, .Indee Clen-v- n dele-rat-e .'VJgettln inev-.a- nos. iii nowever, as i proviaea oywnavto: i. ti nouncehient ot his oandidacy for trork of together thRIce iei.. uiyre vy, it " ior known as continuing arrc-rl- -- iitIon-to- r tnne. i- - . . . , . . '' v v tn Dele 'who,. he Is expected Abk Issuehonda atthial Itlcnsl - - i i 7 . . from the chief cf 1 they - x : : ' There few thinea ndwever. .rmy will '.,;'.c!y r.o i'tcrest In thf " Gull Moose party Adhering '.4 i smiles theaerdaTa area construction work Hat be held un bv 'the ratirW r f th eV. : .Wmiava A. WaU city und la Hawaii., TheTKaualnian do, delay, 7! ct Attorney-Ma-- to the t party principle "to emnhasite wh en mentipa Is ."made of.'the;rajee.for arevery anxious to without j dry civil bill to pass up .to thia time. All the work "''at Schcfield 13. tcl-- T county . eng'neer. who - will -- wyt-ai- u 1 con-- A;-oo- saw,.-. uvui? acne .nnaerr--no--yer appropriations, - he Ea!d., after a i measures rather than men and, to en- aeai which continue as lor- as men - j ii sfet in formal transfer cf water - v - v. 1 atreet. ana miuamg um avanaoie.- rends; arer Lngly. i:h the ether' members of -- importance; the platform. dally receiving encouragement Fort However. geuing alarm low In this d; part: and sewer departments from ter--" hance the of iow-.- C:.r:i':; counsel and that Judge ...from men of parxlea," "ue' mio ..r- wb um. i iioweu.wa'wiey may. run out entirely .and .wc: L rltorlal to munlcfpal cohtroiy ?V no Prbgreasive candidateB .willran ail he said thi3llf i.hum: onto-- ' "v ; - jhcM n ay was the " 1 - ., rite ' V-Ph- cto by nounce themsetVes urt,il after; the plat.iiu)rning.;i;n; amartlcnlafly, ' r; ,y - Perkins. 1 ( " Judge Ciern- nearvnwo. f I ' ...... - :lf rcur.?el. form has been settled. A. tentative at the large .numLer of Hat?ailan whd f vw ; ' ;,. j ' i . "Kvcryth!r5r is ready' for the trans- draft "of the . platforms as pnhllshed :.! aay?they ffUI tacketot.the'Aa t 1 or cr,r twn) Star-Bulleti- n, ' fer of .the water, and seuer depart-mfnt- s full In the has bwn sent ..Senator;Rlceivoke1lt.a ilT-- dls-rj- v - frcm the territory to the city ta. W et the precinct organizations j ins; of the eighth jproc.z.ctrf fourth ' T. -.r :' ' wit'a-Teguest- rf and ccur.ty';aaid Governor;Pinhham foj-augg- f st?dnHOT jpro--j "'.; 7" . . -- -. , , , . v":' i V-- i aoru:-g;-:- .. al-- can . fin this -v ' pearls of amendment .These are Ban.Antonia nau. quarry jiiurrey, TII . . . i I U l iJm - ;. . i :', - " 1AULCLLJ' Ul " v .' . ana .tMaUUIIl;: -- ' to, mayor' The club i M-V- : Tomorrow '8:30 o'elocU ready coming back headquarters didate for alsopok' t- "tf i ;'.':. :' t ,;V3 ALLAIi HEuBERT the members of the board of Bupervis-ors- . The" final platform Is to bi ready; by is taking up vigorous orgatjizrtwn work a..jvu -7 l.rrft-;-- Press service-b- y Federal Wlre!-3- .1 ' July.-10.- .' j--V- I mnn!rtli a vntprn the tirpr.?.ipt: John I ?"Now that 1 am DaCK, I;.ana-- yTeai f t- - Mayer J; J. Fern Superintendent .; n. . a .. - i w w e v ii-- r 5- - me, ' w n i.vii i w j iv.c.ra- ''.in annnunrpi t . i a f v .v of forfepresen amount of Business before ir W.v months the remains cf Public Work's John ' W. Caldwell, ' When asked this morning as. to his K. Kamanoulu'r candidate day that the details of the treaty negotiationa ' viil be withheld in c":fer-- w ', ,: t' ife of 1LT . A taken of at ones. Mr. s .lr rt Louis Stevenson,. and City and' County Engineer Wil pnrtftpv r: f'flrtr said t fatlv R P.;FDgarty H. .n.vVleUrat mnl he tare ence to the. United States. : r v5 . : ; " ". pile f poet who died 1 were The governor exhibited a of let -- the ".v js and author liam A. Wall will meet with Governor hate told, the people Ithat my ah H U Sch artberg and '.others Fouowingth, publication (of the; correspond : see on the California anU i t c c !y home In California among speakers. .. One of. Tea to impress at her Pinkham, In the latter'a office, to con noancemect would not be made until the. the tew alien land law meaaure, the press of 'Japan "Is expresalng's tone of diat-V;H- e a ::i to Samoa and" Interred was- - waa asked !e taken summate the formal of the w om taxes t of Rice's address t his in Khejdanned and Is voicing a C- -s. to hopeliss. ' ' transfer ttiier lue mauonc: is cuuivieiea. i faction fear;that Japan's 1 eia;r., th ose cf her llH:str!cus husband 1epartment8. r.f:i.-- I expect to meet cvery.r voter; in - the t dQrsement of Ihe, propo8Sltto, limit The suggestion la made in the.prc tnat it is now tlms for. Japan to i ( : : over--1 i.r-- ccntrCU-heet6cit- t r f the mountain which The board is already prepared - for - 'vS-- I o'k onfederal fix the statu, of Japanese subject, . V- - , ' . abroad.: ' ffSIJn'- -- '. L1" busy . ! -- pretty :..; : haa - J answered. win be Ar!a. This Information tb e transfer.': At tonight's meeting. f Continued on page eight) 'i sen. . labor. he ' 1 1 r..V . l by a g 'yi- regular work for a while. ppn cut Allan Herbert, the' ordinances regulating and ;provid-n- wltn this with-- ' CapL llfch ; friend cf the Stevensonsand for the two new deoartments will The governor ; returned: And-C- cf : Ischcl rtrong. who returned be passed cn third reading. The new James D.' Dougherty, hie tide ana com Zap a rranza Solit: ' - v ... - ooue ... A to i: !ulu last . night after two city and county engineer, spent- the rnwm TODAY S paiilon on tho trip. . r. sptrt irv Can Francisco and greater r.Mioii part of the day In supervising ft;.-- . i. '. the moving, of the books and records 4 i : - . ;V?!r. Herbert did net Bee of the departments from the , capitol :ro:. AD TALK LEAGUE RESULTS 'i Associated by r r Mrs. while cn tlie coast, he was to the treasurer's, office In the.Kapio-lan- i M CLi Press aervice Feheral Wirelesa.1 ir d t y - ; MEXICO CITY, MexIcOr. 30. enr.f the relatives cf the late building. . . h i . i June General Zapata has served notice s. Stpvrr.son cf th,eir dia- - that Ms followers will refuse to recognize the leadership - rrcpesed ? Wall begins his dut!es tomorrow Li LEAGUE. ? ; of General Car. s. national: :! tucI-- j - ranza and. troops fighting will n t f the t It was ."Mrs. ji. Whitetcuse stepping out : as the At Chicago Cincinnati I,; Chicago that the under his standard reject the a;ra-rla- n L plan proposed . sen's re qvuI that she be buried 'cltv and county engineer In addition HITS LEGISLATIIi OF THE by(Carranza.;y:Y'';;;v' fc. 1 the-Cirranr- her huslcfid when the re--i being engineer. ex-of- - , Instead of flocking to banner Zaoata announces hk Just to WalL'' will he i ; , . Pitts-- that . - . . . . At Pittsburg St. Louis 2M ins pha!I b taVpn tr Karrnh 'fi.t ' and his follower propose to InVade iaa -- Carranza on iivMj uiauaer m iBB waier;ana sewer burg li-"..; .' the territory the northwest i as yet .teea ceriniteiy decideii systems, and been given right 1 coast has the . At Boston (first game Philadel ' v, v.. t i - , . . t Mr. Herbert believed it Millto dppo'nt an thia : Men e - assistantuWho as Says American People Do : Not phla 5, Boston 4;. (second gameK7"'-adelphi- REVIEW TODAY mi i :.r-- r a nor.::.- - " .I'M lew .ie will be not:' abktAii thin 4 -- sistant ttsi 2, Boston 4 . M.o .y 1i J Believe Every Man of Prop-- ; f ..l le accompanied ..Irs. morning. ..The new engineer said his ' - - At New .York Brooklyn. 1, New . .:- r, J --- m. Repo Mexico i'trr her t i. and her liother, name wculd l?kelr be made known to erty Is a Thief - : ' rt From City Says yJ rr.e, the 5 York 3. y'l U C:' author. J.frs. Her the board at its meeting this evening -- ':.; ..y. ' ' Equipment Liked z " New Field by he:t lirc-.- row" is in Santa Barbara He says he has no statement to make that the people of ith' AMERICAN LEAGUE. '.A At Chicago 1.-- Detroit AlLllQJnnal Hnrnc Mnv Huerta Preparin FI22 cr; in settling the estate of the at. this time, or policy to outline, but United States will solve present-da- j Detroit is to Mrs, Stevenson, is' Talued 1nHannr1(nn At Cleveland SL Louis 3, Clevs .late which will do so later, after getting in closer nrnWomt hv thalr eturrfv -r.r- . , -r-;-,,1(l(, Stay at Shatter by cut $2:0.000 tmd which will be touch, with the workings "office. r.ww.T..v ft. ;tA8sociate1Pres service Federal Wireless. V;; tt.r! cf tho and intelligence f as they have D June 30 , cMvit d among .four heirs. -- Mx. Her-- I Under the sewer ordi- spir- At Washington-i-Ne- w York 1, Wash ting men., wear Private despatches from Mexico City .water and solved other; problems; making a Fifteen hundred nrfi - ' f report that Huerta is sending hit son and daughter to ' ft expressed himself as being much nances, provided 'rates ington 2. . business-lik- 'of Puerto Mexico as a it is that the ited plea for true patriotism; Admiral ing e field service - - the step j. semi-annu- ' 5, Phlla- preparatory in his preparations flee from Mexico..- :; ?rd with exposition grounds al Philadelphia Boston t ift the shall npt be changed this C. : B. T, Moore, commandant of r. the At Uncle Sam and carrying tna: new in- : that, while Hawaii's site is not delphia 3. fantry eoulpment passed review be h;i Pearl Harbor Naval station, delivered in a one, it Is well located. TCon tinned on page eight)' s ; brief fbut notable address before fore Colonel Francis H. ' FrencnTat the members of the Honolulu Ad Club Fort Shatter this morning. iThe entire ML Lassen Still Smokiris! ,: today. .: ' r nm 2d Infantryf with the exception f GRBOKD-BIMI- G - company : on " 4 " '.'iVJI f possibly a third of a tAssociated Prets "service by L AT FAIR It was ? the "luncheon before the Stand ' Federal Wirelesii 'l How 30-Sin- ce Fourth,' and waa largely tinged with lney guard, swung by the. post commander REDDING, CaU June Mt Lassen awoke front her long company, ai-- spirit of Independence Day. The in. front seeping perfect there, have been noted 13. decisive eruptions, several of . which the regl-- have llgnment. and perfect step ; - table was decorated with the Stars AMERICAN LEAGUE. to the been very severe. At times a deep black column of . smoke '.arose- to a; V. ILL BE SHOVPJ ViES' and Stripes and patriotic songs were W. L. Pet menUI alr. rAnnle LaurL" 7. "r. ,; " height of 3000. ftef and the old crater is still belching forth a steady stream THE 7.10 - IR - " - sung, Philadelphia 38 25 .603 As typifying the "forrt of trauT, f smoke.' . r would to find i a more strik r Seme of Admiral. Moore's refer- Detroit 39 31 .557 it be hard , 35 30 .538 Ing - example than ' the'econd Foot, Star-jWlIJU- n particularly significant. .Washington OorrespondenceJ A legislature .( ; ences were Facial i'at the "Hawaii ground ' Boston J. 35 31 .530 massed on the Shafter parade ground FRANCISCO. 54,-Wh- en There to a great propaganda in SAN June hreaking day" ceremonies. The plan? SL Louis 33 31 .516 this morning. Not S useless, man in Mediators Prppos Lbn Recess - belittle and de J-'- Hawaii's old flag ; is hoisted to the'eeremonies now being pre-- the United States to the, for are our army Chicago 34 33 .5?7 ranks; not a soldier, oran officer but ; - ride the services of and - :. - freeze cn the" new site for HawAii's ex- pared oy A. P. Taylor, director of pub- 23, 39 .371 who could me s good account of nun- A rSMg. Associated j Press- service by'Federal Wlxelessf t s navy," said, Cleveland i " a . Panama-Pacifi- c he Furthermore ' T'zP. position- building at the licity, for Hawaii fair commission, e self in action.' The tnek Srtnedf with NIAGARA FALLS, Catiada, June 30. The mediators declared 'today te read la the ' morning paper that Con- - new vorK ...... 39 .361 0 'international exposition grounds, on a in connection with W. Sesnon, chair-ma- n the military . rifle, in thftwpxld, that will be declared toniorro w to last Con-stltutiona- llst iv T. has just a bill that X NATIONAL LEAGUE, finest aTtcest until such time'as the kresi pa&ifi m " . . non-co- day yet to be "selected between July of tlie reception committee; Com r and the officer s, 7 itaff ah' leaders stats, when and where they wllf meer. with Presi . W. makes no between loyalty L. PcL - ':..'; 7. will announce to rest mander Woodward; difference with deadly Colt dent Huerta's deieoates to- discuss in ternatlonat arehhmi. ..' i.' : i VJ.and it the U. SNw naval aid army . 37. 23 17 band the u aatontatlc . navy." New York and dsiloyalty In our and 45, to Moore, - d of tthe'. world that Hawaii is have to' President and Mr. Vogel 34 30 31 behind each arm a man who By 4 this he referred to the passage Chicago : place in the'. galaiy;o sang of the exposition Is can really, shoot . The maximtun of (SON OF HIS HONOR DR. A. CLARK ; - f fainortant' staff. It by the 'house bill providing for Pittsburg .. 31 29 J517 B. SO lnn. and., foreign nations planned to have every of the destructive power, as H guarantee ot 4 states. ierritorte8 business house 31 ..QIIRPRIQce PRICfjn5 the repeal of the old law prohibiting Cincinnati .. 33 .516 ' '' ILL IN H1L0 FRIEfiDS exhibiting Ihelr progresal In the prcs-- in San Francisco, which peace.:,nr-;iv- ' - has buslnesr the payment of claims or obligations Philadelphia 28 31 .475 n C f1 of officiAls'oZ the exposition, army connections with' the Hawailm Islands, The regiment a formed?:. Ini line of I If JUiiiliJu PCilt:Uiuib - FEAR HE CAN'T REC0VEH: anyone who encouraged rebel St, Louis . .. 32 36 .471 ' . 'navy, and a", large, throng present or represented. in- cf the masses shortly Sfter 8 o'clock. The ... ,v .T.-,.- ;,-- .and officers This will lion, would open up large! Brooklyn ... 27 '32 : .458 ,,:i-yit- ' - ; which bill - Fern, "J. : : ilaw:aiiaa residents' pf San ..Fran-.t- clude officials of the Pacific. Mail, Mat command appeared; for, the . first time j James J. the son of Mayor CDtA.sB. Clarke lor: time re:;ieat i . . . . r 35 .417 claims by West Pointers who served Boston . 25 : J 1 Cisco, apd people, who have visited the son Oceanic and K. K, steamship In a Dbdy carrying Its new eauln- Fera and, employed by the city and Hawaii and den- - Confederacy. ; i cf for tnany.yei73 a ' ,';.,-v"- the I county; islands,, the flag"wlIl,oet hoisted to the lines; air the railroads, banks, trans Iment and the4 effect was strikingly as the chauffeur for Hia Honor Ust lix ';-- "There are things happening . thia dty,to'lyii at the point .'' top sgstaff will . be' en-r- : portation committees, armyJ that OF FEDERALS ivl9 Dusine88-Uk- e and ; soldierly to V st de--1 a4 . the board of ; supervisors,; will of a fl which as well as R0UJ Hifo : -. us," admiral, 20-troo- ;'-'- unsettle; said the and ? I p. death hospital, , twioed-wit- b : and navy gree never hitherto shown , by. the marry iiiss Agnes carlo, the laS accordlas llima lela.. onlcers, a large number of Ha- M 1 bMuH I COHO Id ' - bringing his down to d 6 tx- Commissioner John Effinger of the whom .have had service in Honolulu. references :The general 'Verdict of all is j year-ol- daughter of John Carjo at 4 to' reports', today froni passengers ar-- waii, went on: - thx-.-th- e he SAID TO BE COMPLETE u -- 'uv- riving.:, :..! Hawaii iair towmlssion . will represent As far;: as; known speeches will be vwib uifs equipment u iar m aayance . iuio oiwiuwu.. iuewstjwng steamer; Mausa' Kea. We know in Hawaii that we have WH place. In I V the commission, the governor and the made by Commlssioner. Efflnger, .A. of anything heretofore supplied to the take the Catholic church, He is said.': to he .suHering' acutely '.';:. P suffered in the matter of a change of TORREON, Mexico June 30. The army. : t is pronounced -- hap-pet- s it imminently Up to almost' the laVt young from Bright's d!3ea3e ar.i h!i conJi-- " , Taylor, Hiram Bingham. HI, If he - hour V-'F- policy on the protective' tariff. ' Rebel- . ' Zacate-c- a ' OR "RENT.; troops have "taken practical, convenient to dispose of and Fern" tion is stated tor be In In ; was successful in keeping the .alirniag. t.e U''i San Frtnclseo then: Hon ' ' f toie in some quarters every man who . and s waa absolute, an. 'A.-'-, .. 30x45, Office, the rout without harassing bearing extreme.'.-. B.V Jr- V. n Store Alakea SL space Norman; Watklns, fl surfaces or coming marriage a secret despite the Clark; - cf: cV-M- st Chairman of the has acquired property 3 l . is looked upon cording reports reaching : ; floor Merchant 14 acres of to here from auuijruig wnea on ne . Bank of Hawaii," is with his father... 8t , nance committee rep-rese- usies tne soiaiers iact- mat cttained the nece'sarv ; of the house of as a They 1 r ;1and with house ibafn, and 3 lots thief. think no honest manJ the acene of battle, .General Barron, person. It .leaves the wearer a" - : a and' atlves,rfor the ; free marrla " yesterday after-- : Hawaiian islands can aaTe money, i uus - onCeretanfa St. for; sale,. or lease.'-- ? ah snaKenwho arrived at Agoaa Calientes with dom of movement as re sard3 march- re; ::. T at I:; fcovever. Mbore. "exposition. n, " President for the bf lief, this suspicion, brings pn a Sltti-vme- reported; 5CC3 In in way h e. hendrickV:-'- - - Motion plctmes ,will be that had been and no tan :s the c? cf ,! ; taken .and auon wnen .aeccmes a cues - , Merchant. ?'-- ' n serious captured by the Rebels. Irt Hi arms; '.wtila,' a 3 St and Alakea'SL th e?e win be forwarded to - -- -J - Honolulu "- - - : - ' - : : eofnlon - v nt c Phone for d!?rbt.-"-'- "' :. '.::;l :

' ' - : ' : U .' '',i .v . ioij :':':' A- - . two '': ,UnnvntW ii U kjxllCTT?nT.TminiPnvTnPcn. y a Y.rinvPj w

4 .. . . ? ...... f ? - J ' i 'I

1 1 lr'3v-:);':- . 1 : r a;' i J A : ":':; Sfriiii V7 r'. '.o - .: ? t i IX AM, f THAT THIS .' .CContlaueJ from psgt one) WOnLI) TIIKUK IS i ons, ' however, refused to give way, NOTHIXO GOOD Oil mo t- ' and stated that he would hear the - .' V . v V s- - '? : ' CADBUT THAT i - ' i : ; - -- tlon.;;:- ' .. .; ; i :An amended motion to quash the rTflIXKJNO MAKES indictment was filed thU morning la PELTED RICE place of the one plated cn record yes- ej:gursiofi party Sffl:lJ Cm terday; .the amendment being . la tho WHY'OF COUIiSK : tt tUSSEIBIll EMiOIVFJI form of a clause stating that one of the Jurors, R William Warham, when ex- YOU KXOW IT. - .. v : ; '..-- x, ... . - amined; was found to hare been con-necte-d CITY Ir! RiO:,l TO Sill GSaDFOSIiiflNIN CQFiuiTTEE IS with boxing contests fa the ca- : "TniXKLNa IS THE , K'CIIES 'E1E8 ' I pacity of annouheerv The council for FOIJCE the defense stated this morning that CREATIVE the retaining of such a Juror was hard-ly- i THE : T1IESEA ' : TODAY fair to . Mr, McCam, as the latter S. 5. :i Oil I'iiOPEP Willi lE'RlED bad always been in opposition to such CONCENTRATION ' - . . - promoters of SSI ,f i contests; and that' the LIES THE; .. . ring contests were prejudiced against VIsitTo ' 'TLilV; Menary, with the Matson At a meeting of the Charles A. Rice him for the action which, he has taken DIKECTlNO ENEliOY Vi!l Kifauea and I of ,SurveyV Examines . Make ' XTowlra kry Pnmnu n w fsi n vulmrurtii t9 noon ; today, Ha- - II campaign committee at In securing their suppression la - TO . ; t DRIVE THAT -- tQ Re- - lyeara -- -- Return to Mainland in the IZ Liner BUt FailS Make and recently identified with the permanent organization was had and wall. , --- ' '"' ' t ; FORCE N(? nnrt nn Uoecet'e P.nhriitfnn ateamer Enterprise, made but one the following officers elected:' F.T. ; Attorney C' W, Ashford commenced THINK! Liner Saturday..-.'-' r, ' Oceanic as-purse- round trip of the Lurline P. ; Waterhoase; chairman ; Albert Hor- the argument regarding the motion to ; CRI1VTED OtTlt .- -a -- . before-h- e was : 1 w;-i w iiU tnuuIexred"to;ttie.b!c ner- secretary and treasurer, an4 , A. quash, and gave bis opinions as to the , Due to the combined efforts of the er er Wilhelmina to Uke np Hawaii Promotion Committee and the loclleDrewntatlves of u7ydVtoday there L,' MacKaye, assistant ' secretary. legality of several of the reason out- ' ' Steamship Heaffciuarters: will .be maintained by lined In the motion as to why. the in- officials of the Oceanic -- - 12,, hours . and ;53 minutes from San - -- 720 the- - committee Iny room 28, b Young W33 not a .Company,- - an 'excursion party made Oceanic: linerSierra; whicbv at dictment against McCarn Francisco, steamed to a berth at pier draw-tfttr-'- FranciBco,4-droppe- d Sght Is promised in one;';- up along the" Pa- miles .'off . San hotel." and a hard lawful - He 'brought up the of person residing 15 : early . ." v ' ' this morning, with Otto -- cific coast as well as in the central starboard propeller, y-4- '. behalf; ofv Mr. Rice's candidacy, for thm aflaitlonal lurors bv. the Thiess serving in lae capacity of purs : ' The . deliberations of this . body as. delegateship..; -- alleged Judge cad eastern Btates. to the number, of er., xwess : rs ' a voung man making the i rr Court, the It'-- proposed the committeo unvaucnene rearly SO reached the city last evening Islands. is. that Clemons of Juror Eugene ; federal f hulfa hd shall .have at" least one member; In floors, aad the setting . Inanera as passensrs In the Oceanic liner Alex-Rya- behind closed : - ' Chief Engineer n declares - ers had not heen completed at the Jn . county the Cox and i'lvrrtu . ,' each preiinct each in. aside of the names'of Frank: v.'" Star-Buflet- existing rec-thi- s the: - the kurllne smashed . popular-price- d time went- to press that of names The matter of ana-- That the excursion to -- terrHory'anti 'a list ;was John Soper as Jurors. '. - -- 0 s . v .j ords (in the yoyage from San? : the Hawaiian Islands, Including a side afternoons tA i - submlttedat today's meeting.-- vvThe the appointment of Mr. Warham as a Cisco Honolulu. ' states Ma-goo- n; Brewer' i; Companyi local to He that the ? trip to the volcano of Kilauea Is1 ft the persons; named .will be cqmmunicated Juror was taken up by 'Attorney; representa.tfves. Com-1-steami- time is some minutes hotter re-tpcr.- se for' the Oceanic success, is borne out by the ready ever.; with and j their acceptance of commit- who was strong in bl3 denuncia- j pany, were given every to be-th- an that made; by the vessel '.. ', .an- Teason work requested. ",'u. u ::v:',': 'of' an: action by the court, has followed the tee s tion such - which Ueve - be- - since going into service. r- that; there- would no hitch in - so ; warm nouncement made by General Pass- - and In one Instance waxed " program dispatch Captain M. Edwards ' ono the for the of the Francis Miss" Mary- - Hayes, Mrs. V. H. Hoogs, toM by the court to stop. V enger Agent I' F. Cockroft about Sierra San Francisco at. noon next ports ideal weather conditions. " A that he was ) ed for M. Riley, men tli o. Idea had been u?-tc-t- Master Robt.Hoogs, Miss Attorneys who listened to the hear- The . - Saturday., ,' Star-buc- r :,(; ? moderate sea and favorable wind was Mrs, Ia. V; Serton. Miss Maude k morning pronounced one of by numerous lciter3 received ing this it -- ..-: It, 'x,: : is i.bout definitely,, determined encountered from the time of leaving c ; 1 Bernard ' Vicars. Important and Interesting frcm all parts cf the United Ftates ia , :; -- ; " the ?most that no repairs to 'Sierra will be tjie Golden Gate behind.: , : fj-;;;- m aifced'for informa- the v m'm: .' sessions ever held in Honolulu. wl.!:h the writers -- court ' made at Honolulu.. The vessel reach- vThe brought 11. cabin and a tion re? r ::r.g the prcballe 'cctt cf Lurline Loa Brouflht Governor.: v?iy Statements were made by McCarn and SUITS. ed, this port last evening 'but; brought - - - inci- few steerage passengers. Work was Governor, L.E.- pinkfham was num- Magoon and Ash- a trip tj the Islands. Including, no " v two of bis attorneys; epare' propeller. X ... rushed ill the discharge of 030 tons a large delegation of pas- state- expenses and'ho-U- l - bered with ford; defense. But one dental for side trips .At 2 o'clock 75 -- for the : this afternoon cabin of ..cargo. is to Eail for . 1 ' The vessel sengers returning from the Kona and by . : Mr. Lindsay soRh trccmmodatlcns. passengers; had been bookedi. ' ;." ment; was Tnade THINKING thrs i v Kahulul tomorrow 'evening where 651 Kau coast1 of the island of Hawaii in session; and that when Passenger" Apent" " throughout' the : .' General Oliver . - ; Seven hundred and twenty, miles off tons , Of freight wijl Suits. .. . ! d be left behind. ; Irt-r-Islan- Fteam'Navi-r'tu- n ; the'steamer Mauna Loa this morning. he; cautioned Judge Clemons not to FccU cf the the coast of,:: California.:," ' ' -- ' fteamig The vessel will .load a quantity of - C . The- was 'with a large Bi.ipr retiring di-rix-- Cc;nry, r.d TriUlam U. 'C. through moderate seas the" vessel laden the matter of from THINKING RIGHT. tx L starboard Sugar, and molasses at the Maul, port. ; products.rAThe some bell," the Volcano J - assortment ; of i island the case' unless the defense had Cr.:; reorienting propeller partecT from the engine shaft The Lurline brovght no. live stock ' r;-- ' ::s cr.d Transportation Company,; freight, iii8t:Inctuded' 'turkeys; dogs, legal reason to of fer. ,v v : your steps to our at the taper, the' break belnz a clean llut the , cargo included 11 automo- -- ' even-'.-- I chickens, 'ducks, geese, seven crates completed Its argument 'I e ; defense r.'t ir Firm at cuarantlne last "Sim"- - one,' and" acorulng? to 'Chief t Engineer I biles:.., The doorway. Williams, genial purser : eggs,, 10 sheepskins,, :7 " Quash - 12:30 cfcre vessel pained a berth of bales' of tin the motion to .at ; the j re-- C. A. Srallh, doing , damage " An additional mail, amounting to 74 In S. S. ; no' whaV -- the Sierra, who has ; 17 bales of wool, 19 bearing; will be con Hit-- t:t jf r 10 shortly after 8. o'clock, -- bales of hides,; o'clock, .and the THINKING closos j . soever to the stern the sacks, arrived this 'S. tired from th aa1 after many ;'of bottom Jn vessel.'' ) ' : : -- morning. rrrssrs. Campbell hadcom-- 3 packages of meat, 24: sacks of tinued at 10. o clock tomorrow Frrtfand - -- A"-4-' plates. V-- .' l years- service.,; , ? ' " " deal and makes von T:t assignment ,tq rl; yf:. 33 cases of. pears, .42 sacks of : H- r' : '. ; - J the cf tourists Luckily, happened-a- t the Sierra; for Sin 'Francisco at noon the accident a 153 ' bananas," 362 Ihe'.r betels and had arranged for the - ' next Saturday. - Passengers being coffee,; bunches ot Samuel-- ' moment are f A-'- Williams,' perhaps one 'of when an assistant engineer Ji" - early s'.nrt around to many points cf sacks' of sugar. and 174 packages! of Santa Maria - Here; With Oil. the best known steamship men who was standing by, .and whifa--' a &ry booked; for; the1; coast at the 'agency d for ir.f-r:- :t in-an- about the city. "This 'Company.h': sundries. V.r.v With, 45,000 barrels of: oil for the have within a "making brief Interval engine re- of C . Brewer and i; .'i'vo:- decads been Jhe itarbofrd - - 1 112 rfirrocr; they are to visit the a quart 5 -- ; iwjth The' Mauna Loa be dispatched Awvaa f fca uuvt- ui my , v .. w ww . . ' re- of pressure' brought 'The? vessel.5 win supplied .will -- regular Honolulu', lieved against visits to has" the ie . t.ri r .1 the.Lish'op, foseum. A coir-- I over the? same noon : Thurs- nine days from Port : San Luis, the - bysthe" weight i ccnsiderable' freight consisting su- 'route at ; - tired from, the sea, and vill 'take- 'up it of the; water. Iraced of ;r r.t- ::---v:- ry dance and reception .will lines-Vo- day, sailing from. Honolulu 24 hours steamer Santa Maria was' brought to life an farm- at 'an alarmlfig rate, . engine ' was gar, pine's aod other f Island CUSTOMER as orchardist and small' the ? - I ? :- aft- thi Id this evening at; Pleas - ; . or- an; anchorage off 'the harbor, this Hotel - relin-Quishingh- ica-reer- -v regular schedule in ' : ls '; products.- ahead of the; "' '; er in; Southern California, In speedily checked: r. ::t.' :i. ', -- .' - : ernooh." vessel,' will , be berthed , ' 113D-1141Fo- rt ; v-- der td- take-- ; care of passenger ; and The duties' of purser, in the 'C : rAZW&vy't t: Street. The rsrty will tah passage to Hilo ' " if 'ii'-- freight'business offered; in connection at' Pier 19r where tho ; fuel will' bo er Oceanic liner Sierra, upon arrvaj The Sierra had met with the most the s; tf-nk- in the l:,t Tlauna Kea - pumped Into, Ihe. storage.- at in."leav-Irig- " withthe Fourth, of Muly?i :f '; of that vessel at San Francisco, favorable'- westtier "conditions' PiSSEXGEKS ABIUYED r e'eh c'.; tomorrow morning, a rriv .v IweleL.-Th- e vessel Js scheduled for a g -- ccntem-plate- d Thhsnap-Pln- ! Williams is said to have San 'Francisco hehIhd. foy-th- e Hawaii capital on the folio w-- t. YFratiS ' prompt dispatch coast;; - i rtth - 1 ;Per Ov s: SiVierra1 from San Rouah Weather at'Lahatna. KlfJG STREET AUTO STA;;D -- such: ; some off the propeller, is declared ;. : action ;for mouths of ; '.- ;:;.,.: j ..lng.. They will be personal- Cisco.- for HonoluTn. "June 29: W; iM :'' Passengers and mails intended for ,' ..V": Ca past' Mrs. "Williams accompanied; to have been one of, those accidents 5 ' ly c;..:. the Inter-Islan- d Meet, r C ; : (Mrihuia , ducted to the crater and return Argabrlte, Maui and carried In the ; Fail to Site) . - popular; on voyage simply; fall the5 jof all'steanj-ship- s . J. h. Baar, Edwin Berl, '" t- th'3 Saturday morning in officer the last to that to lot Captain Nell Murchison 'of the - Miss Alice ,Bond,;- Miss Helen Boyer, steamer Mauna Kea. were; transferred ; the islands and it is believed that that voyage- the schooner-Prosper- , Z r to take their departure the sev2n .s'easi Claudlne to landed :iwaa much : disap- TEL-tPHON- 1 : - t!e purser's helpmeet has had something '.The. Jar, as tne engine r?ced to top Miss ; Ruth Borosky, H.- H. Bremer, to the steamer ' tl e renst in the Sierra; now sche-(-. Mrs. Bremer, Mis3hJ.h.Brignarde4)o at " Lahaina'at later date,' a heavy sea pointed, yesterday afternoon following to do with his ceasing to pay speed, .throughout; the ship, - NU:.. JgR' .. J to further felt ;"it - a sail for San Francisco at Miss May- - Campbell, j' Mark LTs'iCoie', prevailing "last night;"maklng vim his arrival from the Sound with J,,:i" tribute (o the shrine' of rNeptune'.l-- V though the ..fears-;o- f passengers were riatt, tiooKe, miss a. uommins, j, possible : to .zel .a boati through j the cargo of redwood railway ties, that he ? In stepping doyn and out frohi the immediately allayed by the "of fleer a. - - - ss-- '.;-'- The visiters have been to - s" " missed a meeting with' his brother, Chauffeurs: Company - ', " F, Commins, .Miss M.? Ki XUommins. v . ' . Oceanic Williams made a ."This- Is the first Bertous "accident surf:ry-.v-5 . fcveral local hotels; The r"'-- -- ch ; Captain, D. Murchison of the schooner v M.. Costa place A.; Conquest,' stew- ever, befallen-- Miss , J. Clayton, George A;. Derby; The Mauna Keareturned to Honola ir.g the city on the inlt'al excursion for G.' chief that has the Sierra since Dauntless, that sailed for the Sound Henry T. Hughes . Sam McMillan , Miss Emily Ebert,VMra.M Ferguson, luthisi morning 'bringing two' horses, s .Ventura), , promot- going commission,-- : - ?::c!u,!r-- following: ard in the who was Into stated Chief : : ; ;, - Billy Aylett . the Mrs. McKean, ; .- , 7 last Saturday. " Miller ?. xLihs erguson, v. three antos, packages of vegetables, Mi-- D. ed to purser, inthp Sierra. This Is Engineer Smith following the arrival F airs. a. Eisner Antonio Rodrigues ' Hbert, Mrs. Hotfilter,. Mrs. A. A. Gibb, Gibb, ; W; cabbage, 24 4 packages of The Prosper followed a course that W..IJ. Harrub Conquest pr G. E.H, Mrs. E. 15 crates'of - Fisher. Mrs. IIulse.Miss Clayton, Mr, sot the first time that hat the liner at Pier lift shortly after brought the windjammer close to the . i former1 You ng S tand ;Chau ffeu rs ) ; Bourley and child,'"Mrs3 Nora Hani-- sundries, 29.mpty craies and,1 empty served the company; in a similar, c 8 o'clock night . Mrs. Hegensberger. H. Boy last; . pest end Miss 'p :- - -; Pacific VMall ;Korea. Captain Carefur.O??r3t?irsv Machines yearsvago ; den,; Mrs. .W, P..Ilatch and child, Mrs containers. . I;; V ".t '." '..r" ryA, liner er. Miss Brisnardello, Miss. Van Duer-in-g. racity. Jor several Ji3 made The vessel' has been Haid .up ; for N. S. .Hersh, Allan Herbert,: Mrs.' M Pur8e PhIIlpps reports much' rala Murchison. asked the Pacific Mail., of Miss Knorre, , Mr. and Mrs. J. two trips to Australia ajturser In repairs but cr far has never: been i to report position. ves- ,' flcers his The V- ' Hotfilter,. Mrs. S., Hulse,.!.Miss v.E. along ;theicoast Ha . - of wait v Scnoma. . han ,;Th,, Paar, Mrs. C Ianston, Miss Maud the rrthr nnnr M; sel Is reported to have met with pleas- - Knorre, Mrs. C. Lausten, Mrs. D chan- Wood, A. Morton, M, Camp- ! Conquest lias been 'identified- with was lost In tMmparattvely smooth wa weather was met in crossing the VI Have Good Mrs.' Mrs!. Lukins, Mrs. W. R, McKean, Prof. E. ant weather on the trip: ' - a Swim before bell. Miss E. Schwab. Mr. G. Wadleigh, the: Oceanic Company since 1900.; He nels r The steamer; Helene is at Hilo ; dinner, after a warm day in loadfng firewood. The Kaiulanf .was - -- Dr. and Mrs. Sichel. Mrs.' M. Hersh, has , achiaved an enviable reputation Ttsier r town f t will 1 make yoo feel ' .lt " PROMOTIOf COMMITTEE : as a hame a 1 taking cargo kt Hakalau. The Nlihau X Mr. E. Berf. Mr. L. Stone." caterer. His has become steamed the remainder of the distance bferger, X.l Mlue' "rf " fresh as "Daisy.' by-wo- Miss Ruth, rd 'with travel ers wh o e ssay; a to Honolulu .In a little better than 14 was passed at Paauhoir. an is; wripjkle - . Rentori, Miss Ruth Richards, .Mrs. H. ; Chief Engineer James Quinlan states latest The recent of an passage across . the Pacific between cnotav.VThe liner vas slghted'pff Koko arrival American Schmidt, MIss i "Mas ;v OF THE HARBOR BOARD islands, and mainland. He is Head, '.6 o'clock last ening;r Harriet Schmidt that the fastest; trip yet made b the Hawaiian and Matson steamer at Hilo the the at f - - ter Jeff Schuler, Miss E. B. Schwab, Mauna and Hon- made a perceptible reduction In the a man "well liked by the traveling pub- :In the1topinki, of Capt- IL C. Houde-ie'tt- er Kea between Lahalna ' ' Rev. C. M. Sheldon, Mrs. : The board of harbor commissioners, ' rwhose-busine- ss ; Sheldon. olulu, was completed; this morning; the warehouses. Sugar awaiting shipment lic as well as those the Sierra cin '.easily steam to , :r .yaJklki Beach,' : Merriam vW.-- Dr. : 50 at meeting tins morning, organis- -- Sheldon. LeoSicheU vessel steaming it In .4 hours and itr on big island, includes the follow- requires their presence Aboard Ati9 San FfanclsQcundeT seven days.' ,?The :r-.:- the "Hild minutes.-;,- ? r '. ' ;: ed a- - promouon committee whoaj Next Moana Hotel ";; ' Mrs.' Sichel, U S? Stone, Miss aim according report'- - brought vessel at regular trrterval8. 'tr. e ing lots, to 4 garde-Van- " ; wm world-Wid- e ! inu Vfifu? Brnnt, Miss. Katherine.von wl it publicity to this . city today by Pvvser Philipps The general ' shake-u- p - In Oceanic fr Has "accommodations- - for LA-- ; iSSS i?S2Wj?a; ?L5 , ring, G. H,,Wadleigh, J. L. Wilcox, One Hundred Passengers for. Port. ;, to?H6noniiu'siiattM)r; and tne; faciu-tie- s circles Jn, Bennett, i pas DIES and of the steamer1 Mauna Kea: Olaa has resulted John he time usually TX-M- : GENTLEMEN at Wfight,;" MraC : Wright, - Miss ? One "hundred 'passengers ; will leave which it has to offer to shipping. Waikea'9500, ; 15,-- second, steward in the VenturaT Jbeing : reasonable rates, by, .HJ500.r Hawaii ifiir Maud ;-- "; '.;.: ar- The'auggestloh.' .'project or the month.. brought 2 Wood,.;. the Pacific Mail liner Siberia upon that the 000; Hilo Sugar Co. 16,000,h Onomea ele,vated to the .. position of chief jThe Sierra cabin and four - - - y ; Per stmr. Mauna; Loa- from Kona rival from San on next a promotion . committee would , be a t ".'.;'';;.'h.. ': passengers. here Francisco 7ie8, Pep?ekeo 10,000,. Honomu 5400, steward in that vessel. rteehge 'addition to - - and .Kin ports : D. . Hurst, F," Berk- Wednesday . morning. according ra feasible jwas ; mada by Commis- 13",40O,;- LaupaheehoeT 13,946, ' J; TJlack, now second in 1762 tons iof frejgn t, to "ne Hafcadatf C steward the tessel was herdt,-Alis- s JCamp------E. Chang, .Mrs. i late wireless message received at the sioner- James Wakefield, and was met - Kaiwiki 7670, Kukaiau enOO. Hamakua the Sonoma, is to .be given the :billet discharged of ZA sacks of tifainland Ii tS5 y- , ' ' ' bell, Mrs. F. Donner, ; Mrs. L. Melr agency - of Hackfeld Company. with instant favor bythe bthermeji-ber- s -- ;H, ; of "few ; :- MB1 Paauhau 5500, Honokaa chief in the .Ventura within a maiL js - --' 1397' xvZ.yttfi ecke,F. :S. JStickney. -- Miss Vida Di The Vessel; will berth at Pier. 7' about of 'the board. Commissioners lO.SOO'Pirnaliru 13,163. Honuapo 7393 weeks. i SeTeral repre s en tatlve . or insur? r f KaupekoV E. K. ; Ioha A JPoluna; Mrs. o'clock and It is thf intention to dis- Wakefield and. T. M. Church were ap: racks.- - ,, 'r .: v.-- ence.' underwriters Vent ahpard -. the ; S.VKamakau, ; Mrs. B: . Kamakau, Miss patch Hhe liner for: Japan' and China pointed member "of tbVr committed. . : f, Sailing from .Yokohama 'yesterday, vessel slast .fltght;-- s They;, took; deposi- - Kahlera, Governor L. . E." Pinkham: J. ports at 5 o'clock in: the evening,' The 'plan provides for the sending ot Sheldon of the Inter-Islan- d the Pacific- Mail Is three days behind tions: from 'mtster; apdytinglneera and Parser D. Dougherty; ;AZ :lason, W, ?.C In 'addition to 96 cabin, the tyessel literature and other; advertising mat steamer Mauna, Loa "in returning from th regular schedule and will arrive again' visited' the; ahltf this raornfnr. A ' " gall, Mrs. Malale M. Loa, G.: K.: Apela Is bringing lour steerage passengers ter to chambers b: commerce through- 9, to-- , - ; and Kau ports. , this morning beri about Jaly according a cable diver; vas also employed- s ' Kena ta make a wife,-Mis- E." Barn, Mj Barn, 'port.-- : t num- and-- , ' - and Mlsa for this The through Hsi out: thel word, also consuls. It reported the following sugar awaiting received today.- at; the agency of H. careful: etsmrni of vessel's botf ; tim the Mis A.. Green well; : G.; H. Gere,, J. L. bers cabin five second-clas- s .135 probably necessary - 1 3,1 S3, ' & Company. '50 and will be to compile shipment: Punaluu Honuapo Hackfeld '. The vessel has tdmoand side plates; which Teere fotmd. ! Oere,1 Miss C. Sittieona; 'Miss; Miilleri Asiatic steerage passengers. V The ves- Which Twill, show Ho-nolu- iu I 7298, Jlonokaa 2200, Kukalan 350,. Paa-uir- o 230; tons of; oriental cargo andv will Intact airaVxnndamaged ' literature what Don't Cry -- ft SO s ' S0OO-sacks- . C.. Tuck,' Miss Thompson. MisS G. sel win; be discharged tons of and f harbor-ha- Vto ofTer 1047, h . takq 700 tons of -- ; I C' tf its whtn your shave Paauhau coal while here. present Intention Is to is patch - - yoorielf. Brlna your .Th. iht Miss Patterson,4- Miss . M, carg: and; ? supplied with- 700 1 Wilson;' E.v will' be to shipping, and what has offered la dull razor to th Honolulu Cutlery Page, Miss' A.'Meheulaj Mrs. V; Storm, of coal. If .: ! A tons' w&i'M the past. The literature also : will Crlndlnj CeV McKellop, K. Masonic" Temple, pp. ' Miss' Storm, II Miss Ii contain detailed' information as' to the Y. M. Cj : -- -- ' A, Alakea antf Hft'el v . . Moss-ma- n; fits. Auld, Mis3 BLB. Taylor; Mia plan now bh foot for more wharves We sharpen safety v Mrsv Lw Toomey, MLss E. Iona.5 N. ' blades. AMD; and an enlargement of the present VAN HING. F. FJ Baldwin. Mrs. Bald VESSELS TO 1 . barber in order to accommodate ...T. .the win," , W.O. Smith, a r FROM THE JSLAHDS increaseI shipping , which is . sure; to " OUR SERVICE Gar. .L. Gav: H. .Baldwin: M Conway. pome opening of ' Pana- and the with the' the GOODYEAR TIRES wIll ' KingsburyJilrs;. Kingsbury, A. Special" Wirele is to Me rckanU ma canaL In cchnection': with this -- : ,E.HM.,r;A!lT our ; tirei. troubles., X ; 1. Sllva, E. R.;ilurray,. F. E. McCall, ; for of course: the project, 'Hilo har.bor la to be . given A.M2.- - Wil8on,:.A. :E: Brune, D..: Con-'way- , tlue consideration .and5 will come in GUARANTEE VULCANIZING V - : 1 O. T. Boardmah,- Miss B. Kau, share-o- f proper M ' COMPANY- - ' ' ' for Its advertising. . Tuesday,' Juirie 30. : ;Mrs.-M- Apo. " I A 840 Aiaket orbecome nic YOKOHAMASailed.KJune 30r-- S. S. communication was received from St. Phone 4833 stmr. :'; jMauna ; from Hilo Broth-jrs,- " j Per . '.ea, Z Young Ltd,' stating 'that - ports-Fb- Tenyo Mam, for Honolulu days ' and way. r Honolulu; June ' , company . v late). that wishes" to rent" the 'old f 80 J. ; E. Sheedy, iW. P. H. " T Jirrett,' SAN 30, pilot house for housing two of Its AT E- FRANCISCO Arrived, June ' 1 : FORD STAND j H.. Williams, W.. Riverson, Miss - : UNION; - p. launches.' No action was taken In Janes, H.- B. 'Hickey and" wife. H. R. ,3:30 nU S. S. Manoa, henci June . 22.- - ' . the matter, the communication being if; Hlcker, Geo. Wilcox, M. F. Prosser, referred to the fn Miss dMrs! H. McBride and YOKOHAMA Sailed, June 29: S. S. harbormaster and .the Phone 4770 L.'Bal a ; - engineer for a report.' was report- servant, :John Detor. M. ' J. ' Joknson, Nile, for Honolulu (3 'days late). rt "1 ' ; ed i that two 32andle ' power acety- UNION SENEAR MOTEL Geo.' 'Marshall,-- ' H.--; Johnson.-"- ; : Dr. A. Smallpox Victim Sailed. lene lights'. are to be Installed "on- - the Kandor, X S. .Marques, R. Brown and r.ew Mab'ukdna wlfe, "J.r tf. Josephs D- - Kalauokalani, : Detained forweeks at the federal wharf, and 'which will f be In S.-.-?- quarantine station, where he was shaded such a way as to' not Geo. R. Carter; 'F. i Clowes" and A rack to be fastened ta 'a landed frcni the Pacific Mail liner interfere; with the harbor lights. A hofcr.4 wife, Miss E.vFv Potter," D. B. Macona: report has been patented "which, holds a book: chie, H. Olseni ' R-- Deeming,; Miss SibrTia sufftrfng from smallpox, a was presented by the engineer In just C 1 the right position for a person -- Chinese; Wong yesterday was regarding improvements "now A; Davies, Miss Lv;, Johnson, W. S. See, which to read while lying on his back. ' MissVM--"Mnr- ' -- are being made; ,Wise?MIss rBorden; a; forwarded to the coast, completely to .wharves In 'Hono- i lulu XThe fool tEfin have a lot! of Taultj V. BlackwelL cured, 'as a steerage, passenger in the and 'other points in the territory; -- j karnl, Genoves. T.. Miss " " --""' - but bless . j- -" - - thair hearti, they don't ' - u - m kiss f : :v;v. E. Jlouse; Allen, J. Y. , Mahala-la- Pacific Mali liner Manchuria. " ; Coiv'AJakea and Queen i'':;,;i'bry"'Mashma E.' J eacb " other - when they meet on th jM.SAyres.-r;-'Per- ' A sanitary mllfcr t3 : - T. Toyuma, H. can fitted with . : ';. - - ' f street. o S Lurline; from1 San ; , One Jiundred and six steerage pass- j-- - IS Mlf. FY r. cisco.-- . For Honolulu.; June 30. engers," numbering : many Spanish and y-.- - -- r establish L. Arnold.' Mfs. A Ryan, Henry. Portuguese,. sailed for the? coast la nce onnjKfd aft It bas beeir bv V. strumental means is the claim or 9 4 Carey, E. Qreene, fhe Pacific: Mail liner Manchuria.;; ' ' i mie -- .;': ;: two Dutch' re-v- te. )' .'.' V. Z . scientists' of hish v '.-?-.

r''? f Ve t '

... ? . i - y OVER FIFTY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Ifj KHO WiriQ HOlV 7 l mm

si ijUilliiiiL I.- - JS V, at-.25- & YdloP Price,; SOeSpCCial' e r-- r :v i y ;r- :At - fiOo2t?Bttea ."'ircb'; paga oa'tl J. o'clock this iafiernobuL It was Pricey II Lnwte Boston- BakedVBt ajw, No, 20c; SDCC!U III - at IOC Ml' H 'i ll I,'. ; crtrpor-atio- n L - ytiuiReIar III "time up on the; payttient of T 4 : ! - appearance rbf the troopa;- when : income taxes tL5 t$-- Kamdna Tomat S&! eral; ani under V -- thus equipped is enoancea as : regarca ntly-passe- di fctjera? lpsislation. ; Ccl-le- c' 3... JL practical and soldierly j bearing i A Ccv nt of Internal venue. C j M-Tl- l HEIfRY MAY & COi, LTD. Turn; tho little disc to! 1-2-- 7-1 Following the review, 'shelter teht triU at that time suttJ that the tlii-tric-t) camp was, pitched on the parade and a of; Hawaii wOI iuaie anolher line :.'r. close inspection; of belongings the : " ; .f record for the collection of taxs iv Individual soldier-- . wastoade.V' After promptly and without. HUgatloJt.; this was completed muster by battal- -- At the Ad dloh luicheOn'today 6t-lec- tor navy yard or. station. Is atrictly pro-hibite- d, ion commanders followed and then the - Cottrill made a-- neat c little and commanding officer rill mustering' officers ; proceeded with a drawing attention the c d get to- k speech to the of 7hen go fellows IVY UEUESS be directly; responsible , for , the en- verification of the entire equipment of businessmen the fact that the. limit forcement of this order. v 'I (. the companies aa required by the lat- would be, up In two hours and urging r, gether main topics of (i ' Since announcing this charge; some est property regulations, "Under this all who might - be delinquent to help tha time: ago: Secretary paniels had plan every, article of equipment of ord- maintain 'Hawaii's crecord of being tho DISCARD quartermaster .sup- : . ; irllilE of opinions : of nance, signal and best district in the United" States tn i convt3iTatibri are Girls and . , his action,1 adverse comment plies ; furnished ; to ; an! organization point of collectloni' on-time- ; but the ?- , - - - - j verified, to number ; irons many officeref Mho ; held It; to , be must b both as c "While there are a few probable de cer- : ; an infringement their personal lib-- and serviceable condition and a linquents, : he said early , this ifter? Clothes. ; Tho each may con- K rec- -- tificate covering the ascertained noon,' I look for per cent TO DAY iii criies ojo ,fox go ..Tar owsro leaaing: c Is, known to KU Wodieni dress materials dition made by the inspecting officer. ord; when all the returns are in. Ha- the Secretary, from his firm stand In Bearjr every troman wht makes over different as to An interesting feature or this morn- waii has always done well: In. this and have a ic:al itlH!a.ur"v-:-:.V-'- ' Aa. enterprising hbiisekeepei ' dresses. ing's insDectioa ; was ; the close ques- there Is no reason V why : the district only possibility recently.1 It bat-talio- 'nfjh. of modiflcailon found that sne touhL;nse tioning of the men In: ranks by. n down ;now.w Under sak-tdEe-"-spe- ' thi should fall Admird Captain cial? for Is dispensation rag -- " ln Yashins a small oriental' isltb , '' '.. " commanders as to .the actual "i , ? 1 may . - success.-- v . o Rule as Seamen; Ship's which be granted during the ix- most gratiryhiB i ; r. ' Same merits, of the new equipment With i" if) I i" BID1T-IJALII- IT change ,' : J got a-- t II of International courtesies or She . package of tbe exception men picked out at Mfriie ALFRED : Surgeon Only Exception s ' hardly an that A on such an occasion as theiatherlng soap .Bark and steeped It for two random to give ah opinion pronounced ICE (Bhe -- ' of ships of all nations at the opening hours a Quart of . Associated Prewl . in watef.T&en thenew pacc4 hlch Is carried, in a - .eaiuU-Vfe.?-'.- ; SUITS of the Panama Jtnhrongb ctieesectb baif, - I are THE WASHINGTON, June SO. Afloat iatraird compact rolf on the. back, a s easier f;f-.i- ivThe only nation far to follow so Ihii the nneparUcles of The bark carry; old blanket 0 xf ;th$ Catholie' Ladles' and athore, today sees the thus ' to wear and than the lattof T. ! ; on roof ths examrJa et by the. United feutea would not fetlck .to tb'e rug. . roll end haversack. combination.,;: ."U Aid Society will be held the Clothes. the wine me j in the United States - t garden of the Young Hotel Tbursdiy pre-hititl-cn is Norway, whose Parliament on June Into the batbtnb, which was half fulLfeels a. lot lighten .was the.vay. most tiavy. Secretary Oanlefa famoue ; - - lcpmpla! morhlnigr 10 o'clock. .7 f;..;-;- - si- - mid-nl;- ht 10 passed; resolution making both of. warm water, she poured part of the of them tPiif lt. A'tfew ied at - into effect 4 -- order c t -- . $25 to $30. the army and the navy metses drv." clear, brown fluid made from' steeping i thai; the' web Btraps:iunder,th t as " tsnf;ht, after which any officer fne;r a,';'it"cnc t'r; Secretary' - put f In'bui'Tiy the- - lea A T.Iib-. .Carol Unf rrphcr , This was oleasina to th soaD bark. Then she her cot' wryliiR t found in possession ef alcoholic li Dai: ru. 'riss - can - . . "V ' I ntt'ioni i "well beaten. anoawepU Into the; tub r on theshoulders this pressun? c;ucr on board ehip or at any naval iels,rand he believesother pf, Hilo, frT' wjil support n1 fvltava:- - stlck.r.The;he ?ireduced-- . Ktth more fan warily and" Gabriel Ah":L"o . V3nt station, it guilty of misconduct. There come to the f this the 'ron? tnorn- - I; rj . witli;thi U la believed: the Lra en were, married at, 6, o'clock thh Is enly cne exception, made . In. the ory that alcohol and military efficien- - aier ;war. one iei hrk may cy bo not mix. this vater run off. filled ;the tub half will be abK to secure perfecf adju$6 ihg at the Catholic cathedral,, rather csre c,f the ship' surseon, who The German Emperor ccTea.cny.iFc-lowin- g - again and put In mor6 soap bark ro en X A- -' UWch performhis.lhe kep a Jtrr.itjd surpty of spirit on haa lately'been Insistent upon tern- t couple - - General Carter Present. a briet honeymoon. ,ther hsr.d fcr meiical we enfy. But Ad- peranca among me jmjaswpmen, ano- "UiU : p win make ; their home In Honolulu. In Russia, whor In Then she drew rug-u- ' m irtl er C;;tr!n la as guilty as the naval losses the the " -- ''' ''"; ? . ",' ; ic ,,; J. C, Anderson, probation, officer of c ... W 4 k.. i his own ccnsumticn or 5 r,,the temperance at time,, .scrubbing acros wittt; Zi?AJl:n cr li;jcrs for larcy a n V : GIbbs the court under udgo Whit- guests. . otifr eh a aa: two. Thfre is a JrrVhlrrrnX circuit the rtfrethment of his lf ney, is a candidate on the Republican Ti e r;val hc;tets, too, "after to-rl;'- -.t city county treasurer. punch-bow- t ticket for and must give up l as the line In the wind. It dried after : the The Pearl ilirbor .navaj station will . t Informally announced .his "r.:-r.- ct He has a fcr her cuests 'if the" scene go . . on the drydock tomorrow, in spite !fv JeJkW nld there Wresdx for It The eventual candidacy, and; wlthlfr a .few c ays he cf t:.s er.tjrUInmtnt te within tZr: An-da-E- th. of the fact tfltt the drydock can't hJr to foTOany;announce ,'U, - r al ex;cts r-v- iurijilction, as at Naval "rflf the on ptace'thefleld company . the station. .This in accordance Island will at , well on island, and the l? !iA0 !hlfj, is known the 1- - y, the naval station' Ith the 'spirit' of, , well liked. and; his friends say- - he will ytrefs. appealed kt r SemUoeme..w1;., Itself eemna ciearer.Ait-ic.v.,- 'iyivv- - rivy This feature ' viK.u 1 tt-:r.;- !y to Secretary Daniels, who Kamehameha, "" However.: the hospital - - that- many, young, officers - ttlkved never . . corps Is damtring for one of .fhe:bar jDwing resignation- of s, been k received .. , ; to the recent i c-- .!i over ln t toererti eaUsractry- - 4. downfall to - - traia their -- 1, racks a in the; :old cavalry cantonment Cuis'toms' E.- IC S'tackable. v "The order abolishing the wine mess Collector of - in punch at thtse socia'. Schcfleld, was have been t'.';:r.c5 '' and pfcilbltlng wines on reser - at that to. those. persona In three departments of fw-ct- iens. 1? " canl atatei- that ToVest fires! In , f 't,; - , of-- turned over, to the signal outfits and government service In Hawaii will his- never reached the - rtgu-ii'.icn- s vations. Hawaii vicinity north", of . Cornell.; Mlch . At miintjht .toni-h- t thenaval - the moving X. It. Alien, driver of car number was Icavil- - v,- ';. fciiily," said-.- AdolraT ,'Io6re as it would, be a. caao'Of the not be able ; to draw their June pay Oahu the hrrttofore. al'pw-e- d ' ! 147S, Is alleged by... police which have ccmpanr fromi on inadequate home ; tho to have . e payrof Ib been sent to business much mora active Kornlng.. .AsV a matler of fact, ,It End raVcometbe-damag- will until the' . have t3 fcrm a Wine Unless : : will, pos-- i - . n own a Chinese boy. riding on a wardrc:m. cfctrs - to another .General Carter Washington appiiovH and .the war o. very , -- - . .. for - teriiay, on the eschar. It Y-:- 's makes' difference ai Peirl. cr club; for tths purchase, and little beenomoug. v, slblv hold un thtt transfer; Vv- - imotat Involred tart jl.received v .y "; '"ii drkwl TSe uiM Mt, an Va point ; ; Harbor wltetlier It br advance i cf wires, '.will te ; stricken out, notj yiv .The signal company, fully, .horsed cl 11Z": t:: ' j V sr. J these stern wcrcis will fce cutstN for the .spirit lis fceen lived np to Several advantages are claimed for and ready- - to i perform, the maximum 83 shares in six lots; U'.va , hfead-fc'e- pt " " Tfiel'e is'hoilquor or wine . mounting automobile; ' v ''' rishtalbr a new lot service, in mmimujri time, a 17.50 10 eh an-- 1 tutsd: 'the made - ' thar.::l at for 2 to do; . rsr- fcr,drink--- on reservation, lights that enables Uera carried . , ;; : rr"4 The cr Ihtr: Auction the;ching fine.? showing ,this morning, a 2", 3 ) e'-- ise cd. McDrycIa held for t Lr t be oader when' the or-- of the privet's within - n'r on ever wlir bn the back seat !- oe i:s regret many v ; nospi 10 a sprained cf ileohclic liucrs matter of to Visitors who w,: 5ft T::.hpr of wi treatea lor lla-aili- - 1 ' N-;'!- ; f-- ; ' ff recess, Cor.rr.c- - -- -y ' easy :J - -J z- or within any r!er cones aVn5.w V - .reach. : witness parades and reviews Shaf- ankle. ' 1 naval vesttl. '' at raising, funds to make possible a very gar showed a ; ter. that .with .signal and engineer decline cf t Important . enlargement of the work board sales o! 21 z::.: troops. , statlonedllthere. garrison re . The now famous libel case In which si of -- .Korean .aiidJapanesr sold down pcir.t 1 r views, thet. full, strength oT l16caL C,' t). . Prlngle, democratic politician, f:r :' iwhexe the Younz Men's Christian: Associations, another V fori 4), trir.T'.r.r t: 1 -- command could jbe seen, are . never yesteT-- 1 and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kapona are at the central association to 1.50. Haiku Fruit L i'nc:.l: ; : held. d:'torKrrW tained Z7 for 23 shares. " ,v,"-u- ' .It was decided to. hold r"1-"'- i uy.,ii, Dividenfl3 announced to.ljr : rdlnner noon July 8, at which, time ggjf. C. I:r? r at f ImJ e beins: the work of the lapanesd and Koreaa .MoDarritJ ni, mrninRv Co., 1, or. $30,000; Ewa, 1' r- - ' lilRKOflll assocIaUons Mil he presented and the i W hy throu,f 000; .Waimanalo, $1 or ): 1 -- two A ' r- project outlined. v Vv- - ; lulu Brewing Maitins, - , further : v lfTrtt fr"lJ;PtI? - 5 , . Ithrong of witnesses have been exam- - Inter-Island- , f $3000; 73c, cr !!' OwlniHth Kahukn, 10c, cr $3000; llv sloner S.; temporary Pineapple, 23c, or $3730; 1! Im Williams " chalrman,;the. meeting; of the l,LS..JnJ.tor Ca3pfd., 50c, or $730; do., cc : . or $1230; Hononu, $2, cr Jl" Wailuku, $2, or $CO.C0O; Or.or.:r..i. ; , iiiis br $30,000; Honolulu Hapii Tr-r.- :I , qrtly., $2, Mut.:al T(" rr A. J. Gignoux and STecreUry Henry IJI. 1 ? i or $24,130; mm pj 'Q'Sullivan were, .present atythejlv y. JUfJtO nfcAUT M phone, qrtly., 23c, or $12.S;3.23; lit $:- mo-mea- ts ku Fruit & Packing, 25 cr - s soiiice ? commission lor aiew:.' T0.TAKE HIS LOfJG- - (Continued frontpage one however, and " sat In sessron In' ImAf I VAC ATI U long-enoug- h 'of f DELAYED 0 - to fix ap a statement :; PERSOTJALITIES tlcn If. we . have . the - virtue' to 'Aolye ;; " congratulations to: Mr. and Mrs. Chan. questions." . ' great ;,; ; ..' : After serving for 20 years as trea- - of-th- HENRY ;; P.- - . O'SULLI VAX, C; f He then talked e days otwthe I surer BId were bpened inr theofflce the of the board of trustees of Oahu clerk department of Revolutloh 'and of the Civil war, and ot College, now known, as ' Ppnahou In the th3 superintendeat of.pabllc works at noon tary-o- f territory, leaves his pc the solving; ofj the problems; of those AcademyP, , C Jones yesterday, ten- today, for tne lurnisnmg ' ot lumoer, dered resignation today to become clerk of tho p ' j:bn-structi- to Vand Qpplfey l'fo the oa his the board and utility commission 1 ..; :- materials It has teen will Shaves on , sale . 1089 "And then as now it Is the. people relinquished the guardianship of the We the-righ- the kiklrpad:f7x derstood. tlma O'.: who turn their faces ta t and oft charter and seal ot the institution.4: In forsoma that focal firms- - submitted bids, namely ; van was to take this position. I 6f: fsliort Insist : that right shall prevairti he connection- -' with his : resignation, M r. (pairs linLofATeji's ' .. Draylng Xf:.-- , Honolulu rmstruction Cushingham, now deputy clerk i:i t: -- declared.;' . .'t Jones turned over to the trustees tbe lit. X v'vj i : Company, :HonoiUla Iron. Works? E..O. l Hue shcKs eiUaol " office. will take the positicl l?ft - I. believe the people xt the JJnited securities comprising the endowment i f & iSon, Union: reed.;Company. O'Suliivan. sucli known States do not consent to the doctrine HalL fund of the school which are valued and Chris Holt, sen ; ductioiis of Lbwera &Cooke, - Theo. H.' Davies & " George H. Holt, will lake . f disloyalty as good loy at more than S45O.000. 7 . . : ;'' the '- that is just is - ' t- - : jnakfd as Upliaiii, lrossett j Hoy-- ' f . alty. tr that every man of property is Company, and y the- California ;i Feed The annual meeting of the trustees iner's place. . ' Company.. . No awards .were ; made tor . .At?;;;..-- A. i" -- a thief and to be poor Is the only way of tne institution is scheduled Jor Jnly f ir -.'; ' -- ? day... wood, and Kice & Hutcbinaq . 9. plan on to change ' 'f It 'f ft A'4 'y to be honest ,. r. ;v but there is a foot X i, rt ' "I believe' the future of. the United the date to July 14, as this day will V m 40th anniversary; elec-- , . !The strles art correct in every States is perfectly" secure and tfiat as bd the of the' l - Mr- SIiool: we; grow- and . grow,; we shall continue MARRIAGE. LICENSES tlcn of - Jones aa a trustee of the wav;VOxfor to hoJB the respect of the rest of the academy. At this meeting,' Mr.1 Jones " world as we do today.' Issaed by PRA5K" if. BABSEBJE wiH turn In his final Accounts and re-- ( I . f ijind Oxfords. er ef Button - ectsr r : 'i' i"..- Admiral Moored brief, simple and vijr- - - ; 8f fleresaBt Street' ; .W. V ill. W . fcuv llllllll SHOOTING .OFr DOVES' ON - 2 . r it - organization ;-- : orous keyndte the- TT mitteev Since the of the talk set the of lunch' . AtL THE' RICE FIELDS' OF I :i You a choice of Patents, -- 73 ago; ' .'',."'. Lae eon.v" He was cheered enth.uslastlcilly jo6eph : K Correal Ho&orulu. .23 institution years there haveJ bT the Ad Clhh diners. ; Infctdenlally. Alice M. Brown, Honolulu 24 yeen duc laree creacurers. , . KAILUA, OAHU, IS STRICT- - ;. . -- ;;.,: ; : '4, mm ; llcrKiunre he; was elected an acUve member to LY . ; . It" IsTrumored legal circlea' PROHIBITED. ' ; i Itussist Calfskin , hondsary' mem- Jas. Joseph Honolulu...... 21 in today ' and day:" He has been an Fern. -; ' 4 George '. 'V Agnes Carlo, Honolulu-- v . . : 20 that. Attorney S. Cnrry will be ber; for' some time but his application Pi ' ; a candidate for the ofCco of city .an! LEE CHUCKS We liave all sizes aiid widths to active membership wis' deceived to ' . county attorney at the , coming pri- day was Immediately vbted fh: Gabriel Ah Lee Chow. Honolulu. .24 v - ; and he ' Kailua Rice Planters Assn.- in the entire lot but notlal ways ' Carotlnet M. K. : yheav.HonoIulu. . .21 maries, running: on ,the Republican Chairman Rjggs of the mtolbershm' : ticket. r Uow- - committee- - reported on fhorei than a , of eacli individual style; Berkeley,'" dozen new . members today, briagbii Harold Marshall Kneffer, ' ever, there is a large variety Of the. total up to SI. Cal 25 : The? special. ;membershlp campaign Juliet Keola Perry, Kohala ,18 stvlcs and toe shapes to choose to "secure " lOuO' mem hers has, been ex- f I , 2fr,i . ?. : " Choflg: Fook Yia' Honotulu i w;;:v''-.- r tended to Jury 30., V . V V from. ;'":', v Ching. Kin Kyan Honolulu 20 : ;-- ; Good roads came In for some atten- . ' - t; ':. (; - - ' will be worth your. while to tion and - Chairman --Soper ofJthe club ..'"N';?S- vv.v;-!-.-;- It to Clyde Ai; Woode,v Honolulu...... 23 monm coiamlttee reported some' activity : :2 Genevieve K." Zablan,? Honolulu.'. . .21 ci attend this sale.' . A fix the bad .stretch on the Koolao side ' .: ' ;- ...; -.A; ' ?.'; Supervisor Pachecd : of the belt road, i i kenneth Bryan. : Honolulu . 5 said is being repaired. . Ca ... These shoes, will be sold; for It. A. Hayes, Boston, 3 James .T.;;Tayibr, the, expert engi- Mary. Miss. ....27 cash only. ' ';.( .A neer; vas appointed, on the committee to replace Nelson "Lansing, who is leav- James Joseph Cashman, Honolulu.. 23 ' 1 Mary .Gou via, Honolulu"...... ".27 ing Hawaii tor, some time. . ; ; and. William Thoropsdn and C. Gj Helsef Obed. K.iKaalpohaku s . - - were appointed a special committee on .25 -c the next civic convention, which i tc Keahi Stahlo. lionorclu .3 on MauL They are"to:sdd tc W. be held DISPLAY- XDO - SHOES OX IN WI the- committee ana generally boom No doubt among the prospective brides cf merry e: g June are . your-youn- frlejids;- - things for tne convention. Perhapsthe question of sui;-- t: 3 r! fta Ai ri ' V"; i- - 'you serious moments. We can help you over th.3 CS 111 cully wli;i . Made of a single piece, of metsl,'.a gestionaby the score. iWe' are' primed for such ccr.tlr-::ncic2- IJ new tool serves as a he tenet, hammer ; department is, teeming' with gift sugsestions. Ouf"Vres' iV; Bairpuller'hndibox. chteet-- Your; Reputation for Good !Sl6ire -; f. ; " 'Taste. ; 1 ' n--;- - -- Los-rv---- t-- v; :.. J'-- :' . ; ;'v ; v ! 1051 FORT,, ,'A tele8eping.4.inuu 'guard- - for bl-rvrl- fi Vv; : yr. c: c o., ' - -;:-'- vth - to Eyeglasses: anfof diicase; k plea3e v. di::okd riirts of which slide in ' He-'"- Hr'-rwar- cs." ' ;'C ? cf Igthrr when It 1 not tonsphas'boeh 7Th patented, by; a Florida' inventor.-- ; - A. ; r.OOtf :t ; "s.

: - J: - --

I " , .... .

- I u ii ii i rL jum

Mi Star-Bulleti- The n InTites free and effort to attract tourlatalhaa we have PJLEY H. ALLEN EDITOR fran diacosaion fn this corumn on aJl In the past, and with a climate that legiUmate subject of current Interest . is unsurpassed and to maaj other , re-- are constantly tractions should be easy to do ed -- it TUESDAY. ... .V.vJUyE 30, 39U erful minority pu each side. Evt u the former to which no aignatore is at-- 1 What we need to do more than any mmm. Ha-Hdent- -- tached. Thi paper wUl treat a con ; lal Beautify Your Home ; rr-Utt however, now urging thin? is to show the tourist that the obstructionists, ait? algnatures to U -- letters an year not i-- ' ' thejwaii Is an the resort and 1 .inifj' Ittltntftt nt . f h nil fill f.flM irell iinttn 'V' . writers so desire, but cannot gtTeja winter resort, and with such a ho - v- ( heart.-- Hood. was up ivo tut auvujriauus 1('OTinmunica- it wcnld actual I - be one. by want of 1 A COuSiiiUlion urawu uj aue retrui tiona.) ii A relatively . small amount - It Is certain that these lalands are cuu r- lassemuivoi me eaiauwsueu uuuria uilu not aa well known from a , climatic ; sjK?nt hereon CITIZEN GETTING IDEAS, we vj; c i THE LICEKSE BOARD SflllE HEEDED cede the spiritual4 independence, of the free point of view as they should be or CITE should have far more people here than church but the same time aims to preserve SILyEU-WAK- E at Editor Honolulu StarBuUetfn: . we have at present time. I find GLuVSS or churcih. the Cit the traditions of the state It is this .'.'Sir: Word comes from Mr. and that most tourists are . amated to find or FAXOY. CUIKA Mrs. so gcxxr'a climate and but few of them draft that will; be the basis ;of... f urher negotia U Howard, than whom there la ( - had any idea of the delightful weath will add a greater degree of dig- The aim willing-d'Vor- k no more wideawake citizen of Hawaii, during the uu year, awl the er that we have here almost . all the ',1; Zv'' ' or one J greater homelikeness ; 0t WHU leadri both ? faction have that a lover and well year round. And it is safe to say that nity and than the ''J'X - "Tl which of wlaher, cf? country. ' this Mr. Howard ,..,rt from the emmunity. a great many old peoplewould pro amount spent any ! ,millvn,i(,Ul taken the object leads the pacificist,, to has been in the states about six months long years ' same in other x-- their Uvea five to ten If The annual Hesxioiui to consider . , - getting ideas on things which would : JM they were to reside here permanently. way . , u I Ul HIT l a UUU V iiv, n .. uaetui uu oeneuoai 10 wim cuy. n6Te are men nere that have traveled and territory and he has sent down cU-- d v the world over in search of a good some ( this year a steady adrance' in restrictire various many , We've just now AEGDT TOE SCGUM1GYEUENT at times suggesUoas mate and say that thU surpasses 1 1 grat-- i S01IETE1KG ? n nd temperance measures. , recorded a that would be useful here If carried anything that they have experienced tiafly desirable articles in the y public senti-i;ien- t out. One. of his. Ideas Is to do away anywhere and many regret that fot fying awakening and growth; of wun, rences ana i above linerecent additions to X. When James A. Wilder first began; talking of hedges along the business or other reasons many off against the liquor traffic streets ana which would be a good them cannot reside here all the time. ; " our stock which: are extremely Boore has ' received some hard blows In' these a Bov Scout organization in: Honoiiilu, a good ,dea-- . v v : Another thing we could do is to t Mr. Howards latest idea is to build more in the tourist and desirable. ;isf many people said ; ;r ' V."- : : i J take interest fcw'dayK. ; 'r what he calls "a Hill hotel" somewhere newcomers that do come. We could "Jimmv Wilder has a; newj one-B- oy outs The fiKhmarket salooiijr have leen knocked back of Honolulu, either in Manoa do as they do In some other cities we Wiiru'seethem?; t:; 7 long. valley, Wllhelmlna Rise, or either on could form "A Newcomers Club." an1 ' retail establishments in the vi or something or other. Guess it: won't last it. The thm Pacific Heights of the Alewa Heights, make an to get them to Join lo-- t in; Honolulu effort It lnitv of the lisnmarKei must gcL.imu: new ! Those hiugsiever do He thinks the Young hotel people are in some cities they have men to meet out:of,busi- - Tli xne logwai ones to annex m some suctt all the newcomers and to take them lions bv January i; i915,'or go I place, and if . they do not care to go to an make them :':wighmn??c6 -,-- - -- office and acaualnted S ana ii ine ngui. i tunwruu - f- : mtouaTOmpany could be formed to do with peoole of the city. And they are bCOUt nere .Mas sa; , Is -- 1 intelligent hy one or two or possiblyu...--all isteuce the Boy. organization There no doubt but such a jdven a badge called the newcomer's Jewelers. ;n linsiupss - given the Youngsters a! lot o fun,rji lot'of prac- - f4ce WOTlde a drawtog cai;d and an badjse'V; and jtheyj are : glad to weat v t iif nt " v . . , . . v " " . i r - or juuweweuv mr iuay peupie ro come mem. as tney are given tne giao nana Tl, .Leilehua will le better con-- , tical instruction, a lot Of SpUua .knon ledge here,: for it does net matter whether and kindly sreeted by the people of ' - i; building we: think hot here in; summer or? what f1 tbe.kind that goes info the ofcharacter, It, the tnwnr. Thfr ladles also have wvnnf- nf htmiuox too nd I - ? - Dy-ja- W; -'- narrowlv cscaiKnl a! revocation n thepther ism the new. Mun J it ' k nnd failed to et an extension of RiuJto develop. If there (were ad of the citv and welcome theni pnvileges. - - - nK1V 1D u w j.yottorypartial P CONQUEST Thls is not my .y French scientists have adopted the Knitvnr bas told tV enthusiasm and ability 7i ,.J.m mnnnor Wn - word "frigory, meaning the amount ) n;,r Vterritorvr; gardens and cool, walks and Something of this kind ought to be debut - as a purser in the- Oceanic :f insm--- tf) his Scout natrols. the would .? or cold necessary to reduce the tem- 'IK-TMiuu- ,.i . , , u i( Jiiuuuua raiwu ami ' ' i . . i weather it la. certain that a ?great doneV as there are many people that eervice.y I : served' ;for I two ; trips to l,: JmTe, most.;yrpnderru perature af kilogram of water one v ricter attention to the observance to the the tourists would come, hexe vcome here and are never called upon Australia In the Sonoma some years bv--: degree centigrade, as a unit ci cieaa ... tions ::- :- : : summer ume..i nere is one; anyone, and In consequence, many f itAV r..Wn.l nonlfv in the.woria. : ago. I rather like the San. Francisco refrigerating and allied Ul lul l"MU1' ..t . . thine and is we get go urement for certain .that Uhati of them homesick and awav. ' wnrhi-mftvPTtipn- ; ,7 . : - ... ;.,!nn ri'mftMnin timf nrniiBM!l'v cmttio- : a . n t- it now commauus in will have to make a more strenuous i Honolulu run. i industries. bt as to the wisdom, of the .Koolau license. (tcraational respect.; For; instance in Turkey it

, em- - In one case-particularly- that; of the Waikikreems destined to play a prominent; itorUn the boanl members quite ' evidently have' pirebuUdirig F IIITIilNlii:sees; ::iMcrable ground for believing 'that viola-- ' report that the JBoy lcout movement i has been , in' Ieail --rUEUT, ajB LYMAN: The lions i of the law' has been" tolerated by the "man-- initiated.with the swciring of hetrooii i will be fed at ;4 o'clock ted ay. .yyy ::icnt. Hut the evidence in the case was not ers before Enver Pah n, who, it-i- unUerstood, ' r enough, corroborated enough, or forceful is to be made the :Bi boghorjchief utif L. CONKLINQi r ll expect?. to about, two months with the I ; ,y ; : ALLAN HERBEET, who spent be back W ;:;:h to convince them they should deprive . urKey. - .has bonds well sold, y. " 1 ; new territorial 1 some .weeks visiting along coast, - : - p the .y-- . . ' The movement is irt;ofy'PSh-afareeeingfplan:to -- n sort of its license. y returned to the city last evening tn :y ll!SSI4Mma'ri : ' GOVERNOR PINKHAi 1 had a rejuvenate Z . ' v.:? A ml just . here it is that this able- and enery Turkey; Oa thetrjoticidey the the Oceanic liner Sierra,:; ; Honolulu ' , u7;y,; i..' :t tplendld trip to Hawaii.. hut lc is handicapped in work. members, with of?the;youngTurks, y i:-- morning when commission its WRIGHT y and Mrs. looked good to me this by the Insurance :: will, try' language ;bf ;torei got in.yy;-.yyy-- - y :y yyty-- ;:.c commissionVhas no iowcr ; to .subpoena tbpurge:the: :wrds Wright come to? Honorolu as instruc- i an. which have corrupted the TurkisK of .the border tors cf, fancy dancing. yThey were ar- r, ' - :::( ts. It may administer oatli but has A iHTHH SHERIFF , WILLIAM P. -- . (. He's rivals In the Sierra last evening. jf; v;: .;... r power to proceed against a witness for per- iuto more or less of a jargon. iOnrthmiiitary JARRETTr y I found ; eVerythlng all carries.' : island. I made a v.. - '' rvht nn the biz .' : v. V- y y M. R. MONSARRATJ has completed ; complete" tour; of Hawaii ;y ;y ; m - a- - - the nianother hi the' case of the. Waikiki Inn- inVita business and pleasure tour of the coast, r returning n , he LTEtrf. MATHEW8: t classes but to"develop initiativend flexibility LAURENCE two" material witnesses who would have Sierra.): good ball town, ihe-jieo- ple Honolulu is certainly a tificil to' law violation departed to thoother, among sojas Jo Sunday's crowd would have done cred likeitMd L.v" "V. : that' ably, whlywestern peoples:- JTi 'y , GOVERNOR E.VPINKHAAC and it: to a big league town like Cincin of the island under circumstances aldee-mp,- 7 )v'. his Captain SJames ; D. : - - I '' by nati." cMWTiiftiiiK! '.in kji v tin lpiist .. . It is significant that in the oath taken the Dougherty,' returned to Honolulu this ' :;' :: - Inter-Islan- d ; ..v'.,';- - For. Further Particulars Ask is "commission shbui.J hoys the Arabic word for God, "Allah," has morning in the steamer GEORGE R. CARTER; After my 'j! If this so, the have. K i Mauna Lca . sts have; no ; yielded- - to ,the All names 7,...-- tour of Hawaii, I find thatl aid their testimony.: But Inspector Fennell TukishVTengri;, ,v;j.;' reception eomnlalnta to offer as to the HOOGS,-- ; ( t sedy in: the oxtanizationrachravjzdjisfor f ROBERT who has been at- ;. big - nld not secure them. He could not serve hem given me and my partyby, the 3 - -? v.- ' . y ;;'Vi : r ": y I tending school on the1 mainland, was ; ': ''! i - Begs for, leadera,- islanders."';- y ith subpoenas, y ; y "scouts," and Oimak ' numbered with i the'" passenaera to tliW ; :in official ' TN.tniMiini bisintinn in pIvp rommission pure Turiish. The word!forleader reach the cltn'thls "morning lnthis CAPTAIN H.: C." HOUDELETTE; he subpoena power and the power to - proceed j "se has heretofore been :bey. Matson steamer Lurllne. v t;7-- : .The dropping of: a propeller Is the first real mishap tnai nas oeiaiieu be5 ' ,:' ; -- rainst witnesses for. perjury should passed. ii MRS. A. RYAN, wife of the chief since going Into commis 7: 77;7,iv7 7?' x h r the Sierra : : Nothing will so strengthen the coin inission'sj Gexrge HyFairchild engineer in the Matson steamer Lur- sion more than 10 years agay y.;-.-;:--rl- y llne, Is an '7.? ..' 6 i arrival in the city to make .l.'V.v-f- -:":' :.:ind in forcing out ihe Xothiii will the Philippine ' truth. sotionin a, i-- brisf visit to the island. return, JOHN A. HUGHES: ; 1 am seri ' i eak spot in the liquor law. Xot n argimient. thing; IIo ing to the coast in that vessel on next ously considering1 the matter of & run- evenmg.-:yy;.V;-':vv'-- : e . : .condemn-Th- e Tuesday ning mayor of Honolulu, However, insui-- law. . eral Harrison took office,' . ' for :icly obedience to the without C-- : V7: v. t. . ,, if I give that up, I'm going to make a : or. 'Harrison admin- - ! next legislature should reinforce this ing the Wilson iwlicies the H MRS. M. , FERGUSON E. from Oahu. ; ; and Miss hard try for senator lnexpenslveand' just what, you ; Ferguson,-- ' want ; a inst such legislation can be brought forward. istration, he points out thatMUti who have; been summoned Graduation Gift .' . 77 .'. ; as witnesses' in a ; 'iy 7it; f. at; this occasion. The commission cannot proceed on moral eer-- given substaii federal action taken rourrer for defendant, declared that against Joseph Doyle.' were arrivals the Indictment should have gone on to 113 t inty that a resort is violating the Iaw.VItPhilippin in the city last evening as passengers say that the revolver was "mechanic VffimA JEVELRY CO., Ltd. Hotel: St . - ;' - m uie. uceanic liner sierra, , being discharged": a a Jewelers and Sllvtrsmiths; ::st have the . facts. If the facts hadr been , industrially.'-- From the- concensus1 of opinion ally capable of , broken pistol though loaded with pow- ' -- yesterday af-- in comments many men who ally at hand for the sessions of the of haveMsited der and bullets was not obviously and strong-- , archi- - I to life. . This is it i noon and last night, at least one more Hawaii, it appearaj that politically ithe McCarn Case Imminently dangerous V;7- - mzTte points I. old of King Booze iufight-hare-to- of chaos a fair sample of the brilliant ; , ' WJiy In objection indictment : v ' .;v 7 1 such a, tremendous and ridic raised ta the ; : '.V : ;V :C';y v '? the irround. v - and ominous restivenessjvvv 7fuss is said thatv McCarn broke down v - ulous should be over It ' : made th : ' - r - . ' ; Zp:::.-..,-. !7ai.'. f . ' . child before But there is reason for encouragement McCarn case, simply, because . the of- - completely and cried like a ; fender against the law happens to be the federal grana jury as ne recueu 1 a ogress; made. , TheT ;marching nlf Waterhouse TP truth pes y Huerta vFor al United '.States district, attorney is the story of his fight with1 McBride. Here, as in the states the liquor traffic istbn, says a rather difficult to understand. It Is Can this be the same man; who only the defensive. It is in'a losing fightyyC y?y I tor's soldiers are lined, tip iwith ball .cartridges gratifying to see that Judge Robinson a few weeks back made the rodomon-overrule- d f i ; 7 more or less tade declaration that there were not -' i wheja all the stllv in their guns to patrol Jhe polls the free technical objection to McCarn being enough devils in Hilo and Honolulu ccc:ca u:;in u scohakd and iintranimeled Mexican electorate comes up held to plead to the Indictment for as- - to drive him from Hawaii. Dut tnai ne sault with a deadly weapon bn Attor-- would fight them all to a finish? How H6ysE:;i& to cast: vote, y ; ' its ney we nov wow. - V r'-'y McBride of Hllo. The flrst point McCarn fights .au FURNISHED, ? v - Suiiora'i'iaii raised In oblectlon-t- o the indictment Whether in rage or fear, it matters - remains that he resorted Lewers Road, Waikiki bedrooms ...... , 50.00 great of Christian unity has lately made Sir Uonel Garden has advised all British by the quintet of attorneys represent- not, the fact .2 cause lag; McCarn was that the mere recital to the use of firearms in a Bcrap with :1252 , Kinau St. 3 bedrooms v..;.yy.;i.i,y . 40.00 world and subjects to ; Mepucoc American subjects - an man. ' - - i : striking progress in a quarter of the leave that the revolver held by the defend- unarmed y Kalia and Lewera Rd...3 bedrooms; garage . 2 . . . . i25.0O - ant was "loaded with amnDOwder and Whatever the outcome of McCarn's church . long distinguished for rigid adher- j were told the same4 thing six inonths ago but a 101S 6th Ave Kaim'ukl. .3 bedrooms; garage , .. 404)0 in a leaden bullets" was not sufficient to trial may be. he has proved himself un - 3555 Walalae Road. . .. .2 bedrooms 40.00 euce to forms and tenetsy An"Associated Press lot of them wouldn't take the tip. indicate that the weapon was obvious- - fit to remain in the high- ornce-n- e dispatch from Edinburgh says that the recent ly-an- d imminently dangerous to life, holds as United States5 district attor ; Attorney de-- ney Hawaii. Weekly nmes eneral assemblies of the two great factions: pi Mr, McCaru's attorneys declare that; the fed- - Ashford. who arrued the in UNFURNISHED. Presbyterian churches in Scotlandthe es-- eral grand jury was not properly drawn. Pcr-tablishe- d the 1205 Alexander 3 bedrooms i, V; Church of Scotland and the indepen-- , Imps they would; bef .satisfied iif it were drawn St 1.30.00 2015 Lanihull Drive 3 bedrooms . .'"4oio;. : United Free; Chur'chwill lx. followed and quartered.; :y:,; ; ; deht yy 1818 Beretanla St... 2 bedrooms 25.00 : HOUSES FOR RENT - y ry . during the year by negotiations: which are said 1339 WUder Ave..... 3 bedrooms 40.00 -- FURNISHED UNFURNISHED;: to be premising for a union of these rival bodies, HigherlCeducatibn;; aiet speed, brawn arid 1313 Maklki Sty.... 2 bedrooms 30.00 V Waikiki, 4 bedrooms. .:. 460 quarrel. ...tHv eves Athletic yesterday afternoon Manoa Valley, 3 bedr'ms 565 1322 Lunalilo St 3 bedrooms 45.00 y mending an historical sharp at Park 2 60 2 bedrooms. 25 Nuuanu Valley, bedr'ms Kinau Street, 1225 2 Wllhelmlna Rise... bedrooms (200 from car). 27.50 y- Various sects broke ay from the: commun' won the game. 6th Avenue, 3 bedrooms.. 40 Lunalilo St, 3 bedrooms.. 45 ft 1915 3 ion of the state church as far back as' the sevr 10th Avenue, 3 bedrooms. 50 Young St, 2 bedrooms. .. 35 Kalakaua. Ave..... bedrooms ...... 1. 30.00 35 Wrllhelmina Rise, 2 bd'rms 30 Cottage No. 4, Tregloan 3 - secession poy 12th Avenue, 3 bedrooms. Place.. bedrooms...... 30.00 l ufeenth century, the being jn 'protest; y Acconling to, the Associated Charities, Tantalus, 3 bedrooms,... 45 Aloha Lane, 2 bedr'ms.... 17 3566 Maunaloa ave Lane, 3 16 gainst the alleged low moral state of the clergy erty in Honolulu is on the decrease. Of course Auld bedrooms... Kaimuki 1 bedroom 18.00 9th Avenue, 3 bedrooms.. 25 the" political id ' ; ( IiureL The established church bought to mend V' . , FOR SALE. :r. s Alapai and Kapiolani Streets. Size - . . 1 Lot on King Street, between uy H"? ruit?; f no i vuexico-na- a ow. general ny ijie mailers lnxoo 7auvplu6t inai sien w 100x150 feet. pastor could bevt name, of Angel. No. wonder the dove of peace j:iinst the will of the people! but this was an-ca- n't oe coaied acrbss the border. Waterhouse -- ; Co., lulled in;i843;yKegotiatiQns ;for; a union were v Guardian Trust Ltd. Cor. Fort and Merchan Sta. retl'irl'.,;i907; hut progress -- wnsrslowuintiiFree will hot down. In other words, Room 205 Bank of Hawaii Bldg. this year on account of the oppositb 'i-'- 7v y -t- -;y T : :;-- y y:' ;: , :"t-7- '! ? - VS.- "f-- 7- - ' 4

: s ;

! : ' . : 'X I 1' "' v nmC : ai ;' ' ,, ; .Vv:" v m w - - niiPimrpo ; . riT-iiTi-- . . nrnnropf . i m Tin niniTin rrwirniiiki Hii i mil i m m m a mm mm i r w m m I I r icnmmw rnuaniA ; nwiu, I ill nil llHI ill ill vl.ilii lli.l 111 .111 IIM &rX Jl bpecia I Sale Day - NO. 1- - omorrow HONOLULU LODGE We Bottle I itimnniiitn nrn I 'yVTVT.J': Wni HbW I Their First Annual l mnimTlinrnif - r y Picnic ; at the H f K III hA I h tHALL1 ? rare Milk -- especially x tor', PENINSULA, 8UN DAY, i - A ;r,' .1 '".J ' f Oceaa Travelers. . .. JULY 5. l Cordially ; In- Of r General Public English Henley cn the Thames. 1 Affect Dia- vited. Hawaiian Band : In At- Adverse Conditions ; number .ten "hare succeeded Inj I r this - '7'..- t . tendance. Dancing and Sport. mond Game Live Comment winning temporary possession of one r Tickets-7c- . , vy-;-.- C 1 or of these famous cballnse ; on Live Sports another Refresbmenta and Lunch to be trophies. . had on the srounda. The American entrants reaiiy tea v.- - I ,;u the way. for the Henley records show Wi Deliver and especuuy tne '- -- - m i a baseball r eeuTY jor rocvr ton.... u.tll n InnV hstb rtn 1Q11 .' On display m pindoiv , was defeated in third is this uiccft's bargain. fntrance Any Crossing Dr. T. CCUrJlUD'S V.:::;r hnty::for and the To Steamer . FEW ; f the Pacific; r. 41 American : XrXmlwifrom alf parts of the country are to Oriental Cream attendance figures are reweforTor cu"ers have tried, for these ;ii CEAUTITIEQ V theffecthat including crews C2 LIACAl fnot ub toHbe usual standard. The rowinglassics, iron, Honolulu Dairymen's for thi nnusual state Iaie' Pennsylvania, cornea ana uo-- 82 - ??rT,?i.rITk MT!; r.,.iT,' 1 .7r,- - .J-- AwmAt lumbla universities and several ama- 55 . tsur boat clubs. With lha exception bMatr, aod tfla tvI i.r,,a i. In Gun Metal. An teetioa. It bM atc4 Phone 1542. tlM ef M an4 not generally, given as a g rar w which won visiters cup ia ttbarmlaM a taat cause and it Js known thattnttlnttie-ne- fd fj? the espedially f i ro-pa- nc it to b aira It ta rlf theAmerican . oarsmen have an organization is not any. support..1". f ad a. Jkecaat D better c eoaatarfatt f similar organizations, One dMt?'-d0.- --?the 6uPeriorit the AbegfoVitxeet am. Or, L JL e4 than the older i trr . in these agnatic contests. . t ladr ef tba authority, who. owing to bis position. Ensh weari:;---(':)V:-;- aaatte (a pataat): - ; "Aj vtU a has access to Uie returns, said recent- J ' I ' yet lailaa 4 I i. ten-- B fc - The withdrawal German , a m. i Ntaniatu . 1r. l of the ' , m m ex-tensioas- cle. t taaiaatt karmfalf a'1 t' aKia rpamtaaa. I I attribute the falUnR off of attend-- ,ne V" . f" Iigiat - weisbt i - yia .ea JilTiltiniinq,.i n a iwunminifiorti. o i UCB to the general dullness in busi- AU8irii r r.-h t'inauoaiu 1 6-- i ara. i. - as n in ab, s.i. fc, i',ness Baseball; .like, any. other Uy Placi thf aipper, half o- f- 8 ni, is oy " trartm thnt Apn.nA ntvm th mihHr! tne oraw since . aeieaung ,anaaa 1 ia.1 Cuban Heel. JARED BALDWIN LAID for support. It feels bnsiaess depres- - the AnUpodes enter the final, round ' receipts .without further opposition. ' The Eng- - . ; ''. v . . '; . A ; ' - AT REST BESIDE HIS s'en and Jts Is an accurate i'lTTIC DDOTUCO I barometer of flpancial cditions. I 5nv? EyS Examined LI I I Lb LfcoLIL was recentlr told dnrtne a trinarouni lower half, t.iU haveOo-defe- ar botb To get it ask to ; - v V , citv-supportfn- f France and Belgium before securing - . .'the circn't Mat.on sco Stock No i stcIm! fJtar-Bui-u tin Convponin jpj J malor ipamio rinb had ' mom , than cntranc? into the finalround to be 3702 WAILUKU, Maul. June 29. The fa- - 7,000 atvBoston on August 6-- 8, The 'j untenanted hcuses, due to thePed ' Glasses Suppled neral of Jared Baldwin was held from fact that many of the working tcIassIum-JaTer- S arenot considered l the Pala .Union church Sunday after- - fog left In Hrch cf other employ--. formidable as" the; Frencft- - team, - Factory ca the PrcaiJsca. iiutjii ; ai. u viut;.. intriuieut iuu ment. ., uonaiuons ; 1 tound to be tne "uicb couiibu i; wgvuei8, Makawao.cem-.para- e Ac-cter- y place at the beautiful to Dome extent In other; cities. Gobet; Germot and Samazeuilk. 7 .Mle was laid beside his little Baseball has its !ern years and. tinder cording to present Information Gobet brothrr .. . . , n v Uhe circumstances it is not surmising maynot 'bo play ; and should The church was filled with the hoet that we. abculd hear comtlaInta.'- - the 'former champion fail to cross the ' ' ct friends of the' young man and hU I cup Folkstone mnegammm : The situation la one which readily channel for the tie at Optician s famlljv- - Never were more beautiful itself, to nesRlmistie1 t the ? Frenchv chances will : receive a and sensa. .... ; o o on tbls-occa-- f 1 rnce - Coston Cuilding Fort Street flowers contributed than tionnl reports hvit there Is no thought severe; setback. i:XA w Jen. " They massed - pulpit' and on M:' 3 Over May &, Co. the the nart of those who have made choir rall'ne, and wreathes were buns baseball a life business of putting. UP on the walls of the church. .When the shutters. If It Is found that a re- spread upon the lot and about it, it adjustment cf certain circuits ? are iBcenifd'to the many witnesses of the npcessarv such changes will be made beautiful scene that all Hawaii had in due time. There Is. no tendency, brought of her best to show the. deep brwever. ,to act- - on snap judemenL sympathy of the Islands for. the' loss President Edward Barrow of the cf one of Maul's most popular, youns league voiced general ' the men. : r C;t ;r sentiment; organized : lll:DEFillD8i5Iili of baseball when That a gloom was cast "over '; the ce said; anent tne subiect: a: Island when the sad news was carried "Lam net prepared,to aay what fu from one end of Maui to the ture developments may arise, or wheth- nuttlns? It mlldlv.V No one knew Jared er crnlitiona may not ultimately de- at Baldwin since h!s return from school mand a revision of the circuit: Rut B'DEXTER WRIGHTS TO ' . s .r wUhcut admiring his straight-forwar- d To Secure Dainty Odorless Body Purity Coyne Furniture Co. ' splendid young a character and mm T'.v. t- t Alexander Ycur.g Cldg. i .i.... r rnnhood. That he was beloved at season. j,'" A nd if any change is made zens Given as Cause of Fail TO ORIENT .! to ic:3 - ctshep t. EN ROUTE Hitchcock Military academy .everyone In future ft will be by the unanimous ure at the Polish can .well believe, for during the last consent of the club presidents Our Mr.rand Ji rs. Dexter Wright arrived few weeks rn'Maul jeople have be- ccnsutuuon demands that courtesv come very fond' of the young' roan, - - o JJLff5.i 7 aS0n letJ ' and j by- - Secretary- they- expect to the away a o. I.!f ? ?ot of ?Terrrtoryhere interest went :f Ilcnolulu Photo who from here 'merely V18 con.ditlcn as !t haa W;' W. Thayer on .tb&-Tetorns- set the latest known steps to boy. 1 Deen, past seasons, themart la ; : tne several i But hnw ht-t- i, A rem.'riMwa: The Wrichts Supply Co.' thje rr iohh!a tiio.''tAM Rev. pastor tbe league.has th-t- A. Cra'g Bowdish. of .Internatlonal been hit mn iafl,io ft, r, rpnntftHon for beins t no nm'wt ff ioin tr;i!, KCDAIC HCADOUAflTCrtl Makewa church, bad charge of,, the harder than any of v. the rvf thP hiehest erade DoDUlar services at both church snd grave. leagues" t--1 J f ICC3 Tort Street - votes.' 'dances. i Hewas asslstei by Rev. J. Charles It was Villlpr3 of Walluku. The music was i ne eight-care- d I : - f- union. Boat Club a t i.-vi- - wrttt .1 rrrti4 unusually beautiful, the , prayers ten 1 ci.v dancing expert UDllft'ng. Vrmnatain &sd,: or, thelfaUur rot a Urge with beng the best otf Fcr ' ICE CREAM FREEZERS der and and the remarks ,uL1' the Fxapfijc the-pasto- r take; See of of the church made all hf?wlfteEll8h:5eneJ Pcentalof Vottb. the mourners feel that young Part ahe.eIecUoa, : iitipi-io- n Baldwin "projecfa say ,.. of and Mrs,' ; one that conveys the of ;tyrffct "personal CITY MERCANTILE CO, years ; Psanh?bl-Im-: for. this defeat, lit Is :the intention .Mr. had In: his few lived a life tf uZ'wflffii ' I - Jf. riufirl , campaign- - 24 Nuuanu pnd message to rnembers of the committae. Wright to spend several months inthe Hotel St, nr. usefulness that hls Secretary contem--, Phone 4206 his during the last few Lrri . tvT : Thayer recpive4: abetter Islands before continuing manv.frlends imml B - s - . . tD morning from Dr, J. H Raymond to the .': . i 1 weeks hud heen one of the deepest 7 ir. " . Jnlated trin Orient. rv". ia lacttnat tnev f if.w, ,t. tn thn-- , ' end strongest faith v 't ;. ?ZZir3 w flim V. O. Aiken. D. C. . A. W. Hndsv. - --I' Sc ' y Price Collins, Dr." Fitzgerald, W. W. Taylor uiuuwu.ius cuuic ueiedi vi ma cam- enclmedtc palgn; - Honolulu; "June - 29. and B. D. Murdock .were pallbearers. h! Ifw it t0 the lack of. interest taken GARDNER- In - i": nnder way T : .Gard. j1 Hon. W. O. Smith, J. P.' Cooke, Mr. hJJlti iff1 : in it; one way or anoth3r.iand:con-i- v 1914. to and Ira... James ; I y; Mrs.; of K lnj eludes with the vstatementK,that . the Derv a daughter' uia Only I)y and Ed Paris and members 7ttl ""1llu ZI me wen-- plebiscite ba,Vam the immediate family were present " cYsrcu. law should end d at' '45 : ley distance on several occasion - --; v - :in the next session of ithe: In- FranceUhere has beeninvented At Arlelh's . Et ; the- funeral besides hundreds; of r' lerfalaturell ' Maul'reoiie. ; ' .t ine conoiuons.; .; ;: . ? - : - ? continuously aaa a a a; campaign from meetinei defeat in a class i are carried on - waraea attention is now being paid way. ; . ': similar V . i - i with the same source, of heat ? 10 ana tne ; aim , : ' AT HOME inecaicn uniin. The Maul's eglstered vbtersll number i Oil that was in ; barrels in the DANCE 10 nara, snarp, snappy, STOHE TOUT AKI) HOTEL is gei a eaten. 2K20 and t, rt Vn tnn nf the water THE KEXALL ST. TO "VICTOR" MUSIC I'LEitSaili! followed by Increasing puU an through jority of this number to vote in" favor; when a - Milwaukee newspaper plant ine waters a and coated machin--j Fcr Victrota Prices and List - a of the was tireswept the cf. ? to- - , v-- constantly told drive Wsl-- -i t v Tt i i Victor Records, ssk the . : ; i . . thlrv. . vauiyjusu me returns snow un strilc- - 'err bo mat i wnuuu. " uuwuwwu uu m car ouneo, ana CCRCSTROM MUSIC CO., LTD. DiiilE TOf'IOIIT ia mgiy. the effect of this "negative at-- ? " .I uluae-- " the. hlghestnumber of i 1 PI "Iw; lo otes cast for any one of : the six cstructnyr"01?"rrISlms. the:."" UUL IJiWC There will be a dance at'the.Pleas- - """" """ UM tne ODDOSad A securea "" years, Oonas:203 l&.Thla mn.i racing, sbeis, n recent; that out of a possible 2620 votes only The advent of foreign? entrants at gig were fcasL? " s - -- AtJDtlERVOUS cordially Henley has stirred the -- English' row- - v lr of the hotel and friends are Sterling . rrtark'! .-. J.-t."- "ere stx "emsonthe. ballot, l5vIted.r-advertIseme- nL fffQA. J -- on Silver, Wo BeCu u15a; oe. 0meiaieai proposed for each. The total made up Finds Lydia.E. MM Health -- in FORTUNATE ESCAPE FROM in; order to I defeat ? the invaders. the entriea-hav- e Ji"1.!-61!6- : (The Latest Addition to , the Kodak Family) , SIERRA MISHAP Twelve, been made, by hv lnuJZ- ? y Pinkham's Vegetable , EL' j, Morgan, manager of the Hono United . .States. . Canadian, German, Halawa' lr.v1,.lT;... ay fealing Swiss and Italian rowing, clubs, ; . Compound. PACIFIC ENGINEERINQ lulu Drug Co. states with ,nd notf ho. kn. w.- t of great i relief and pleasure tbat the it is considereduitemkeiyat -- COMPANY, LTD. fresh supply of Orange, Blossom Can v 001 enoagh to of -- consequence. Creston, Iowa. "I suffered with fe , . . Stewards viiaiiCr and the time I came into Designing and" Con- - dles,' which was aboard the Sierra, r .The following are the six items, male troubles from Consulting, at ail ,'" has arrived jsafely ,and la' now-- the sculls may go abroad, as & result. of ammmt f 'Au womanhood until I Canlaaans.""''''"''4 jumH... ':ru:'-":'No- disposal of his many pleased patrons. thesientrieM Sce 1872 more; than and -- had takeij Lydia E. I No. 1A 22x44) ill t tA R' Tp Bridges. Buildings. Concrete Stroc-- rtbe es " and. no" votoa ra't 80 foreign crews . have rowed In the I , ' . Yegeta- It'fcixY tures, Steel Structures, Sanitary i ays-- 4 for Parh Pinkham'a -' atcs, Reports and Estimates, on i'ro-- " v''-- ' ' Yes, ble Compound. I No." - would have pains - Jocts. rnone ima. - 1 Makawao . Water if $9.00 Works; $56,500, ...... t ... 627 285- - L I overworked or WaUuku Water rtialiftedany thing. Na2 T ; 4IJ1 - J IJ: V'-'- 7M Dry Goods Co 4 Works, $13,500 ...... 643 25S neavyy- ana j. wouiu ft.. City Ncv 3Hana bridges. $22,000,624 263 be so weak and ner--, fJ 1005-101- 3 Nuunau SL No.', 4 Waiohuil-Keoke- a belt vous and in so much j ; ,r Successors; to- - road. $12,000'..,...' 632 misery that I would t - SING FAT Ca ;" No. 5 Completion belt road. be prostrated. : A ' Kalue., $5,000 633 ::' friend told me what These-Kodak- s are extremely, thin And, light very handsomely. GOODS and , NEW LINE OF DRESS JUST your medicine had done for her and; I : . These v finished. All the metal parts Ire in which is a conspicuous. AHKIVtU. returns are believed to be mademe strong and healthy j complete, except the tried it It i : r-- r for four districts and our home is now happy with a baby j Improvement over the yenow of the old models. rrn n named. c boy. I am very glad that 1 took Lydia .' ' Neither Governor Pinkbam nor Sec- Compound and retary of Territory Thayer E. Pinkham's Vegetable had much - ' -- recommend Coming' Favorite for Ladies.- . V '1 to say on the defeat of the project. do all I can to iLMrs.A; 'The 504 Howard Street, The i governor B. Boscamp, E., Villi said it "was a matter " Creston, Iowa. . . .. g that concerned the county 'of Maul, . 5 '! and ha did not wish to go into ' the Tons of Roots and ITcrbs H 1' i I I ( . . nil. FORT causes of the defeat. used annually inanufactura "You are ia the will notice in every case that Com-pcun- d, STREET Faro by cf Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable far the largest number of votes which is known from ocean ta cast, were in favor of the bonds," said remedy Mr. ocean 03 the standard for llii 'Thayer. "The only trouble was " Econoniji Butter, ; Flour, that enough votes were not cast The female ills. , . l- f.:.'r 'neg-ati- v and ; - campaign was by For forty years this famous root . Eggs i- malkes defeated the food more tly the attitude." herb medicine has Jbeen pre-emmsn- Slaughte ' appetiziug acid wholesome successful fn controlling the diseases of sUU 152 Hotel Street What are believed to be the oldest women. Merit alone could have stood It on at " M. R, BEN N . printing blocks in the world, dating this test of time?X 1 ;B Jfc.M 1.. .J The. only Baldna Powder - made back at laast 800 years, recently were If yon Lave the slightest doubt - discovert in an old building back Vegeta- HAWAIIAN PICTURES, SSTATION- Koyol Grape Cream of monastery that Lydia E. Pinkham's ' from Tartar of a Buddhist in Korea. helpyou, ERY, PICTURE; FRAMING, A photometer adjustably mounted ble Compound will write " ' Lydia n am flieaicinetjo, . , I OFFICE SUPPLIES. to E.PI th wnheriain andards ha Wptt--I (oodptia ented by a Philadelphlan for easily ? nce.-y.xanriewrw- uct:u on request. do adfTnietermlning tho candle-powe-r of read ana answercxi oy a woman. YE ARTS-- - AND "i CRAFTSV- - SHOP Royal Baking Powder Coolc Book sent free Adaress :Y Honolulu, Hawaii. streetlights. . ;!U22 Fort St. ; - ;. ananciamsirictconuucuw. :...V. 5 V" -i

nix :

- - - - - . - ' . , 3 ' ,;' . x ' .f " 'i T - ?' Tttesday. June 50.; i ; -- n ." : LnCAIiTTL3f-v;-;::B1- 4 Ailed Alexander: it' Daldwln...;-...- . ma "- ;- - C Dretrer 4& Co...... 190 . 210 i 8UOAJl:t -- ;V; -- MMk-Ewa - WHITE LECH0RN3 AND V ;;r.'ffV,,- I'. 17 : . : PlanUUoa Co.'. 18 - - -; i 8 LACK MIN0RKA3 ' '"- U. ATLANTIC POUTS MAR- from last year. Our tmpresslons re- - V'-- '; :; Haiku Sugar, Co. ; 94 a "Arrived Per, S. S. Minoa. '.'. ! ? i KETS.Sales at New Tork: garding the siieCof the crop wllls fol- Just ; . 4 . " ;.-;V- ' Hawaiian attu; uo...... low .'' X- - MONDAY: ' . Sales at New York: later. v v: D SSt;CLUB:SfABLES';feS Haw, ComntSu-'Co.v- 23 : slat-e- d. n I ; iv-10,- 000 bags Cubaa, prompt I The European beet crop are favor-- ; Oceanic Lodge No. 37t; UAR1 r'V . AUTOMOIllLE . June Co. 9-2- :;. Hawaiian Sagar I ' 2t LIMITEb...... ?.''' i w j shipment, basis S5 deg. at 2 ?. ably reported by IV O. L4chL 7:30'p. i 'r--- Honokaa Sugar - ' land f.; (2.29c), Arbiickle; '6000 tags The Hamburg parity at New York is Honome; Sugar '"f;:- ? : . sug. 4 ! : t Porto Rieos, afloat, basis 96 eg, at now .25c per lb. above the Cuban .TUESDAY: Hutcnmaon naa. co. parity, J'This, reduction, la turning at--1 , Lodge' - Kabuku Plantation Co. - 7S T Honolulu No. 409; se- June 8.40.000 bags Cuban - and tenuon toward; Java ior sugars ror ar- ' Kehaha Sugar Co. . . . ' 80 -- ... -- cial,: Third Degree, 7:33 p. n. aeg rival In Intimations are . ;.. Porto Ricos, nearby, basis ss ai here October.. .". . .,-- i .. Ko:o otxgar Co . . . -- f ,.:..,.- 2 9-3- t:.v f. 329c, 'American. made by" of such sugars 2 and and sellers that SPECIAL PRICES ON COYS. McBryde Sugar Co, 2 ; July-Augu- st r ; Ltd... . 10. 10,090 bags Cubas, shipment might be bought ;.WEDNES0AY2. ;.;"--- . Co. . 14 14 June aHoat SUITS FOR THIS WEEK Oahu Sugar C' ; j " ;;;:lif basis 90 deg c. :and I. at 10s. 31 c. (3.53c). landed New J: at f t : :,:' . 1 Olaa Sugar Co, Ltd.'. ... '1 r At ' v .- :'Vr , fe: York,:; which, price Is above f buyers' -i-- .;; i; ' (3.32c).: ?f i - ' ' ; - , :'; : -- ;' !.''' " Onomea , Sflgar 28H .THURSDAY; 1 . v .',.'.'' ' ; '. ...V ; fjune bags Cubes, July views.'; but gives some indication, that CLOTHING LTD. .v Ctf.'T.. 11 IDEAL CO; Paaubau Sag. Plan. Co.. ll-S2- c buyers eventually $6 it and sellers: mar ret :.: . ., . Buildlnj., p.: clearance,.basis degat.2 " t . Pantheon . ""'" Pacific Sugar JIM . . . , . - and (3.36c); July shipment, basis 96 together"on some cargoes of Javas. ! j ;FRlDAY:'l.S;v5"i''v Pala Plantation Ca.',... 94 United Kingdom is reported to" " The' .Z " degvSLt and f. (39c) and Oceanic Lodge No. 371; Si c-'- Co."- - . 110 c : Pepeekeo; Sugar ' 2c 96 deg JI 1532c hare 'bought-- one cargo of Javas for j ... . ust shipment.basis at F1r$t Degree; 7; 30 p. Co.-....- 17 v s cial, ci. Pioneer Mill ; vAny-saie- or java sugars n snipment. to BEAUTIFY TH E DINING V ; ;. . Wa lalua --agrC Co.'ii.;. 60 Kingdom or to the united v :' '.. the' united TABLE 'WITH :CUT FLOWERS. ' " Walluku Sugar Co. . . f '.. . 130 the Cuban parity basis would 8ATURDAV. , ."o. reacted rsame.t Refined unchanged. - - v .;i'-::::- : Walraanalo Sugar; 100 " - : ; f. , ::.- Co,.'... Net cash uuotatlons thlsv date--, are: indicate that the- far east has a suffi- r hum Walmea' Sugar Mill Co.. 4.116c. cient supply in band of Javas and that R, ' k Centrifugals, 3.22c; Granulated MRS." E." M.ttTAYLO FlorisC Kin-?do- 8CH0FIELD LODCZ i MISCIXLANEOUS ; sales'1 of such r to the united . Difference 0.796c Receipts, 47,525 Hotel St,; opp. Young Cafe . ': Co. 19 20 may 1 !e!4" Haiku F. Pl ptd.. tons.. Melung. 62,ooo tons. Total knd America be renewed after a : Thursday, June 23. Schcf Halkn 'FL&PkguCo," Com. 287,423 tons. l considerable period of non-shipmen- ts ;j Lodge. .Work la Third Decree. '..... stocfc in Atlantic rU t - " . Hawaiian; Electric Co. . 168 - thehce.;'-i::'- , i .:.''.-- 1 ' I e gainst 201,898 tons last week and - Hawaiian Irry Co, Ltd , s ; note .All vlilUsg neabers cf j 282.041 tons last year.- - ; Beet ;sugar ft is of interest to that the first it Hawaiian Pineapple Co. ." 37 shipment' of 5,500 tons Cuba sugar to order are cordially iavited to at- quotations, Lp.b. Hamburg 9s 6d per punEicEcnzEi tend xaectiass local HHo R. Co, Pfd.i.... equal 3.57c Japan arrived at Mojl April 17 j cf lodr". 1CCJ. : cwti for 88 deg. analysis to ' " CatAttlsheJl In European . - . j ' Hllo Railroad CoCon. .... '2 96deg. test Centrirugala at New Beet Crop. Hbno, R, & M. Co.. 16 17 for O.1 soeclally from' RAVJL'ZY'S Ltd.; York duty paid. - First: Marks German Ucht cables us . d ; ; 107 Hon, Gas Co. Pf . . Magdeburg,. Germany, June 5, 1914: Fort . nr.. Beretanla Phone 4223 " Granulated f.o.b; Hamburg, lis -- HONOLULU LODCr, 61S. C. P. O. Z. 8d " Hon. Gas Ca com ... 1 Weather mostly favorable for field Led--- .107 1 OCi .'Vaimr Vnrlr VlnW, r M 'I . . Honolulu , j 4 R, 138 ; ' 4i , Honor T. L. Co.... work and favorable f6r the growing 616, b. P. o. i::: . 'i Inter-Islan- II d 1 crop.! h S. NaT. Co.. . rJ23 g Warmth; Is .4 meets la their h.-.'- n - June 9. 1914: fa- - - Ccr. Fcrt and Cta. Hawaii.-50.00- 0 PhUlip- - "Weather rather King near 1 rt, Merchant -- BT?' ? 0W. ton: tons; lE::tra Large St, n - i vorable for field Work and favorable every Friday ever.! S 5 for the growing crop." i 93,000 v VlsiUns Erothcr-- 000 tons, against, total tons last v1' v; CWftbniers zri TaxjonT '- Cuba rop. ..Lrttrrs cf tre:I!t and tills 01ok'Rub,,Ca;. rU.V ' ' -' v; cordially. Invited t pt year. -' :V'V:- ' 'N" r Special cables received by us from jAl LEY'S FURNITURE STORE have their merits, of.; CASH PRICES REFINED. attend. . cscharc Ci:-.-lw- - : NET - '; King: a- CI. . . . Havana ' , i'AJakea. St, near - Comncrclal and, TrtveftrY, Ltfc Dltca Ca .... . lowest', price named for refined Cuba:. U ANDRFVS, HP.. course let, when traveling,'-.- The ' "' n. c. & 8. .Co. 6s...,; June '5.il914f Weather fine:. 30 il f .'-- ter3 Cr::;t J on Is basis of Cane Fine h. punshi:: i fbitivcly the ay'cf carry-1:.,- T cf ft:" crt V.) Hawaiian, Irr. Co. 6s, '85 here this date Central igrindlng, against 60 last year lat ' 4.116c net ' ' " '..''"Ci-- k cf Granulated, in barrels, at and 46:in-19l2.,,V..- ; No. .2, funda is through the medium, Carifcrr.:aanitV- Oaw. Ter.;4s,.ReL 1905.V '' ':- - v .Don't Mis Thl Chance., Yfm. McKINLEY LODGE, " ' -- ' cash. - : r-- ; -. t.u.5 "Lc :cW ' W, UB, UU. June, 9. 1914- :- "Rain !s falllne in -- K. P. v v. . Jslnt:'. iUi I ILUtl.. ONLY $33. ,'.: of .a y. STATISTICS BY SPECIAL CABLES CROWN BICYCLES f- Imp.-4s.- light showerd; 28 -i; Caw, grindine. C -:"- Ter. Pub. Centrols i toe principal ports:; -- Meet3 every 1st and 3d Tu Law. Tef, - The six fj against 49 laat year and 28 J912.- 'N? ...... ,. - Ja ' 1 TnAVELCRS' CHEQUES. - "64,- : flaw .. "lr4s.... . Receipts 18)00 tons: exports, Cuba." ;.; ' ;:;- : :..- -' ' "hO N bLU LU CV CLE RY CO. day evening at 7:30 o'clc 1 I 000: stock, 585,000, tons,, against : v K, of P. Hall, cor. Fcrt According to special reports receiv. . 180 South King .;; Ann year. st , Beretanla. Visiting tr rtorea and hotels all over the H1I6 R.RC0. R&E.con.6s ; ;f 70 tnna last ed by us from all parts of the Centrifugals grinding, 28,? against for the week ending 5, ,1914. cordially invited to "attend. vcr'd are glad to accept them Corretponderrt - June W. V. KOLB. C. C. for tht' Ameri Hon;- - , 99 last week, 49 last , year and- in Tne rainy seems - Gas Co, Ltd 5s.; ; .. ' weather to have stop at par; even if you lose the act, can ExpretJ Ccmpany- - L. B. REEVES. K.- It. ard Hon. R. T. & L..C0. 6sv.: 103 1912,. -- ,,,'.;-:-V-.j :: ped for the presentjand the Centrals For th Latest Style y Hat .V'-Tkci,- & Con. ; ual cheques their value nay ha" Ciik. :M Entire Island receipts for: week.' 38, which have riot closed down are now for 'Ladles and 'Gentlemen : counter-sion- a 000 against 42,000 tons last week. ; . recovered; your Kohala Ditch Co : ii ; i .v. tons grindltjg finder the most favorable con ; V Com and See Us. 6s. ' Z8,ouu tons ' McBryde ; . 44,000 tons; last .year and. ditions. The warm, dry AUTO ture makes them Hrotlablcj. Sugar o.'.Cs: . .. . 95 weather which UY BETHEL ST. CT.': 'KVfttttCil ' - 4- C- r 1912.-- ? ?J K. EDA ' ' Ta! UB h k f All . . In. now prevails is permitting need- - thry are inexpensive. interest Allowed on Term and UbUM ICt' much Nuuanu SL : Stocks in the XJnited States and:i'Cu up. 4;1C2S- ' Natomaa Con. 6s. . v, , iieia wotk to eaten .;i' . Cavinjt Cank Deposits. ba' together of 1,029,754, ton against Cuba ' Cr0p.:" -.- ':, 1)71,631 : - 1.077.766 tons last week and ;;:weather, Oahu Sugar Co. 5s ?.;'.- Government renort for th - Olaa-Suga- r tons- year, decrease of ,41,877 RATES Co.. 6s -- W y.C3-- . last a week ending May 30. 1914. Rainfall CHEAP Pacific G. P. CoV 6s. 101 tons from' last year. ! - i The winds of the week were generally Europe--Stoc- Co. Taciflc Sugar Mill Co.:Bs 60 k in Europe, 2,651,000 HghL the most abundant falline in tha ' Pioneer Mill.-- ' Ss.Nr: ; tons, against 2.545,000 tons last year. districts of Hahia Honda, San Cristo. Co. MEN S FURNISHINGS . VISIBLE. SUPPLY. Total stocic or Dai, Batibano, San Nicolas. Remedios MISS POWER, Ir the Cost:n '" '. ;AND8H0E3...;; v 1 J Europe and America, tonsi and 'Nlquero. Light aialua Agrt Co.. 5s 98 rains occurred :;-.- " fi.ll-trm- s i-- 'v Block,, is tho Cf !!ui'--f 1 filfi last vearit the n Pinar del' Rio, JoveHanos. and the HOTEL jind BETHEL. I -- "p. Sales : i Betweerr Rnardsli f Ran same uneven datesj: The increase of north coast of the province of Orlente. Leading Milliner. . ; an Jn-- J r sl3 Oahu Sufc Co. 2olstock is 64,123, tons against j nuiiuer una accompanied - 17: 14i74: uaming . ; of Honolulu ' ' very ' McBryde ,; . v" v crease jpf ,78.34.8. tons last week. Total the storms.1 -fozsv '' 3.' f vj At.- Itwas.... durlneI SPECIAL- SALE . . i V I vls-- -' f. Sfissioh Sai --an iv r c.n "9.R stocks and afioats together show a ine earner pan or, tne week, and the . - , Pongee LLV.lTwO ' 23 Haiku F.:& p-- Co. pfd 20; 10 01aaiDla SUPP 0 300,754 tons- against winds were or the first and second Glass Linen and Waist; - aa ;,". f ft- vyear,.--cr-.- ;: '. Patterns . 1.C2U? '4fi ma ?u-- ,! in 9n 9ni - tons last i quaaranta.' A slight; earthouake oc- ... v v, is wv, v, wi :w-- - . ' ... Men's Clothes rahi Rmr rrt 11 57iA . a ii n a I crease of tons. V-.- -. . j currr tn liatabano on the. 27th. The f YEE CHAN &' CO. ;Vrr Superlatively : c I:rjes Im N.7& K. Xctterg ? . ;;k-- .;: : . ;iwsiAst;vVee.KK.-ceseo,;- jaintaU registered was 1.2S 4 King and Bethel Sta. cf Co. 26. - Inches. Cor. Laundered : Crc ;:t tnd, Traycrs per lb., duty; paid -- 96; fleg. test r. v 'JlMt 1 Chc:tl A w ? ALL-STODEf- r:-- "DIVIDENDS.-v.:Vtv'v- I ; was. reao JT V- - -- V aTtllatla v uentrnugais. i ti3:,pxice a BALL tlircaiout tie worli sea-- . June 50; Paia'60 KekahaltIoA from tho u pointot they ' , - ltn - lHalku - - X XNr npr I n . ; tn- ni :. tn a. linn thira rar at ;::,rcMi,i grrrun rvMUAi An Onexeelled Lin ef - f - .ti'- 1 g ." x- ne aauea a mi- , Jimft 5 TTaw n h Pa 1 wees unaer. review 15 Sug. to thls reaction; a moderate, busi ' The strong All-Stude- nt SMOKERS'; REQUISITES I June Haw. Ca 20, OR& baselaH team -- HEYWOOO SHOES WEAr." ly (60c extra 1.25: Prppko 50 ; navmgoeen aone pa & quiet, msrr organised : by Bill Iilman will sail to- Iess i BROS- - LTD. ".: - y e t- - I fff Iket at 3.2Dc per lb. At this quotation FITZPATRICK And wear . longer cu Jun & tTaMin night on the Kin'au for. Kauai, - tla - for three 92 S. Fort Street ,..- nts . stopped on ;Wed- - pect for aaa Ja, A-r- Ag. Ctf..1 the downward trend games on $40 tm4 i . Haw. 50. Haw. :Garden Island.- fcr .1.--' ww 4 :r,"-. Elec 75. the The June 30 Brewer & Cor: $1; Ewa nesaay anq tnt cpwara treno taaeui morning of the 4th the team will play MAN U FACTU R R Sr C M C Z CO. - 7: :a Ccr:crc!al & n. - Ec'it .10, WaImanalo-!,Ho- B. & Mr Co. reiewea.y "A ta- winner of the Kauai League: first : Limited. y;:v;10.-Pin-e 20, i.:iS.:N4pa 75; Kahukn 10. Haw. iJb 8alf'wnesdaT;-Iaelude- series; ana Saturday and Sunday after 000 . c. All-Kau- HACKFELD & CO. Cv 23Hoa. Gas pfd .50, Hon Cubasi afloat,, at 2 546c noons an al team will form H. : r. . r: and equal to 3.32c T)er"Mb? duty ;? - '.7.--;- - : Gas, com ; 50, Honomu: 2, Walluku f,; tne opposition. . . ;'; Limited. v f - LOOX FOR TIE3 TTI3T3 A Ccnranj. ?2,;.Qnomea- - 40, H. R. T. & Li Co. paid, at which jprice, tne.spotquota- Sugar Factors, Importers, and si : Tfie leam 'eturns oi: the 8th, and t . t ion Is now, esUblished-- ' Other Im- i:-- c Conr-ny- . (quar.) $2. MuL Tel. Co.Mo.uar) 23. Merchants. .;; . ar spe will leave asain for Mad! on the vl0th: Commission 2-- 3. provements shown are in sales to All-Ma- St .Co. pfd (2 ul HONOLULU. Haiku F. P: mos.) 26 - playmg an team on the 11th, v- .- atlca Ccracy. ';TACT r. culators 2 ll-32- c c. and f.- (3.36c) , w at ? ' cue,' ;rcoMMis. , : 12th and 12th. , .. , '; r. .r Co., Ltd. - July 2 c c,; f. for a,';48Hip r. Latest j sugar"' 1 quotation: 9$ dee. for clearance, and followlnr player will' 13-32- Tha' make the ; :.:cr.CM4f C . ... - ....-- cicrr : July . shipment andr 2 . and f. " test, 166.50 per c ' 32 ton.' August-shipment-?:-- jTOU a IIs-j-- 1 for IF WANT . PING AND INSURANCE ICE-COL- Killway Company. : 15. FOR DRINKS AND : : :S;t . 4 Refiners have shown In H. Baldwln.W Inmah Gay. G. 2500: - Phone .; litle interest AC Z NTG, f' A.-Ya- Ktus! rrult L Land Co, Lid. FO RT 8T, HONO, r'f futures and these- - purchases gov to Quintal. D. TakeuchI, Kim Wal, 14 ICE CREAM, TRY THE ,, , . - 1 ' p r. V -- LULU, T. H. operators.. A fteri this business, how D. lVadsworth and HI Ny.; ever sellers pretended to c. and L HAWIAPJ DRUa CO. (3.39c). duty paid, prompt2c sugars, i .Two, "noveltie to aid gardeners are 'I .'.v."r: for : Hotel and Bethel Streets :!ilva;5:ic. ;jike!ytV:j&.;'pad-;odii,-thu- a;hoe 'with a seed dox near the blade which is quite ' List cf Officer and Directors: V making a full return frbm- - the with: which the planting may be done r. V .LImlUJ,. C F. CIshcp V.. President ; temporary reacilca and leaving .condi- and .'.a. shovel with a second grip part THE 8T0RE FOR CCCD " 7atefh6us& fbr Improve- way down the, handle. CLOTHES" Henry favorably ' . Trust Co tions,; farther ' ;t.,y. G. H. Robertson J, : ;v:.. ' - : ' Vice.Precident ment, f: o Elkaf Bulldlnj : Klr.j C'.r::t and Manaser. Ltd. The'Eurppeah depression'r... appears to Ivere . . T..;r, : ft .Secretary Members Honolulu 8tock . and Bond have stopped on the same day follow ed"; - sugar .DAILY: REMINDERS E. A. R. Rose..... Treasurer Cxchanss' by. an improvement vin beet FORT. AND MERCHANT STREETS quotations of d for. all months but A-t- nt O. R. ' r-- recovery Cjrirxt for Hawaii: ; Carter.;,..) - '; Tctf;hon'1CjI ' nota complete to? the pre C by: Round the' island In $5.00. as lietry .Ilia Atsurtnce ' Compary ef C. H. vious week's quotations a further auto' ' Cook...,..) ' , , tCO . - requirement d the Lewis Stables. Phone 214L adver f Specimens Lcrcn, ?ew York Ur.der advance of for ' Director J;r;f.:0RGAfiC0;LTD.r . & R. Caitl.V.oV.; tisement. - . HAWAII SOUTH : J. June, July and: August deliveries. v ' i I , a r 1 writers' Aj:ncy; Previwinca HIRE'S - ;' -- sales week amount to Teachers from: the mainland will V,'tsMr.;tsn Insurance Cz. : CR0KER3 't The of the - A,;cooke;::.;.:s:;f about 100,000 , bags Cabas and Porto flhdv It to their interest to register at PINEAPPLE . . Young Building lh f,:cr Ctan'tenwald Cyililrr.. ; Information FWrnished and Loan WAT2R; A.Xart!,ey ?. '.'-:.y rooms oT the Hawaii Promotion DISTILLED Hjgf j ?,vMadev';-;-.;-- ? Rico' Centrifugals for prompt and the : ' v - ; Committee. advertisement ; WA-WAT- ER D. May ; . . .Auditor MERCHANT; STREET--STA- R BLDG. ;;.-' CONSOLIDATED 80DA C -- The most sensible note book, price Won lS72. ' We give-- uerewith Messrs. Guma- - ' WORKS I CO LTD. ': booki memo book, ledger, etc, is. found O ... Mejera i (Havana ) statement . of the 601 SL ,. Phone 2171 LUSCIOUS QUENCHING ,I-P- Fort - ' " Ha Cuba "crop.' to June"-1.;-' .'"-'- '; in the looselleaf line at the ; - Representatives the" Belgian gov- Vthe:-mont- i thg. Young of' The crop production- - for waiian News Co, in build ingz--advertlse- ernmeht are trying' to drive an auto - r is M I of.May"- was 215,395; tons against 377; ZEALAND BUTTER-R-ED H 0 E NSURANCE CO. OF HAWAII e- 4 NEW mobil- the length otAfrica from Cape 79a pro-- "Rexall NIce'V wiIU eounterafct .fany l- O t)6 " tons forJuay, 19)3. The total Ltd, Neil Bldg., King SL, cor. , ;. j SNAPPER - of Good Hope to Cairo, v - offensive body odor due perspiration Rt. f v ductioh to June '1. "is '1244.223 tons to rcrt de-hot-es; HONOLULU SODA WATER Co. gainst-2.068.7- 59 j imparts fragrahw, , $ 160 Lots, 12th Ave,' Kaimuki; COx a ; tons to 'same-- date and jt a, that freshness nd clean'llnes&VSee M ETROPOLITAN M EAT M KT. 100; $10 down; 25 per.month. . t last year ,,The. "balance of:production f ' 3445 : THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE I 400 and:' up Lots near mxat and to complete a crop of,2,ai00,000: tons re- Benson, Smith & Cd.'Fbft and HoteL Phone ' : course and chickens will " CANK, LIMITED. "'Echool. '.: v:v; -- "; quires 235,77f tons,, x against; 359,778 Of hens i . Only .2 gear In mesh In the ' I ". ill: lay well, degree : - Tea.' tons produced, season, 1. not or attain the of v-'- ; ' '' ': 300.00 Lot, In Walkoaa Tract, Gu--;: last afterJune vC- simple v.; . .".4S.OOy,o50 I ; plumpness necessary;' for good, prices Carltal acbscribefl. , ' : The falUhg off In production. In May ; R I S: B V E : M O O R : lick Ave,1 50x100 3 f; T Capital paid cp. SO.000.000 i yi$.r: - - :. s' v 62,000 . be fol Lwhen sold, unless they, are fed. pro 21000 . : tonswIII nrobablr: .(.Z 75 h.p; Ironclad .guarantee. Lot 75x150 at PuunuL fir. LV by- - ; to neserve fund P .18,300,000 lowed rurther; falling off In June perly and that's where the California ; S ; 1 UU: car. C . J ElcsctricJlns, Wireless '; 1 you. HONOLULU IRON WORKS Co. K. AVOKI...... Local calMkrconl and after.batthe fina 1 crop should Feed' Co, Ltd,, can help, adver Man8r -- 'T;'a-i- V'-- -- 1 y')nr-J- - :.t : ::"-'-- ' -- "Co:?3 ; ws ,; r Youne. Ride. reach cur estimate of 200,000, and tisement. ;: 'r? Point ? Lc:;v may - s - ' - exceed- it, a lRUe :- That Bevatt hat that is LET ME R E NT- O R 1 8 ELL - 'S; vThe weat "continues fa- around, town was Jlono- Levvers & Cooke, Ltd. : YCUR Pr.OPERTY. ; Tl K!j St. Avanted. Cuba ..MONUMENTS ; situation: vorable Tor; crop operations' with 28 lulu by the Clarion. All. the men that and alL 'of marble work Have CaM Every tCy. t kinds - :; Centrals working? 49 look lgood in the Bevatt should wear : - - .." 7 -- - against last year. cleaned 'and repaired by expert . By married man' as assistant . book- - means you. Be- Regarding crop prospects- car re- it and that .For the r workmen ; keeper, city or "country; best of at .reasonable prices. ' ports show tfiat both Hawaii Por- vatt seems to improve every wearer's FINE WEARING SHOES - ,.Le V . 3 and ; CalIfor Zimmerman at 'this office1-- - ' . to Rico having very con- appearance. . - X : : New cdttage :5894-lw::Kid;--- r- are favorable FOR WOMEN 11 J.- . ::3 Fcrt CC;."'.hons 2St5v-- furnished, .. ..r...2220 - i C AXTELL' ' Henry May & ""Co..- r again -- ,'.'-- Nw tago i 32J0 ditions. vgbo4 rali?8 altoniatte with Ltd lV;?"w Alakea Street .' " '. . .. i.. fat, come with . of four New n.fV..a to the front a list 1 cottage '27.50 - h . - : MclNENRY SHOE STORE riTe-bedioo- m. From". pernerara report goodJ grocery items on which the house v...... , 25,00 1 the , is much . f I. day only- - Fort and King Sts. Two-bedroo- m cotiageK , v. '." 15.00 tt"sameWiY prices are reduced for one NEW TODAY ; Louisiana has tomorrow. Housekeepers should be in- Near cottae in . , 2L00 f recently come into " ton, more ; terested in the adtertlsement in ""an , L II favorably weather conditions. -- . - W M ; MJft NOTICE. bvt. the .crop ; js v stTJI very backward other column. advertisement-- rictiLi v. 3 1 d E : 1 M - Put Your PbbltryJ 'Probfemt' ' ; . i C2 s rc hint. St. . (. weal csute. r HONOLULU PICTURE. FRAMINO v A J -- y tortheseasouTirRegarding -- Did you sleep well last, night or up'to'the CTCCK Ah'D COND BROKERS V; : Brewer Bulldinc Telephone 363 Abuual meeting' of the stockholders our1 domestics beet crop SUPPLY: CO. Hc-c'-- Ju of Fashlbh Clothing Co 5Ltd:,' outreports thus Tar received show a CALIFORNIA FEED r.Lers Clock and Dond The did you have a sharp, torturing head-achp- ? fiO.yj. "?.'? So thin 18-- a new oiled silk material I will', be held Tuesday, June: 30 1914; largerfalling ft iti sov lnffs than AeacoreerOeeiL;:';-:- fUth1 Pt- -. vf. TTAfd: , Vhnnm ItlJ - rrvincoataJ .tvampliamrh.i r; for men'ft that n irannr'nt At t:?.rt i. m at Alumni hnc. full fnoriR Don't lt it trouble you: analh. They" vvlIL iell youjthe trouble: f . .1. I I MI ii5 CIYCS..YOil" may; be folded into a wallet; aiid car; Hall, 133. 3treeL? RTATWirTXIITIT. OrYES yon jV Shac prevents it. advertisement. .,.' ,iodah aims aonn

--:- ' v-- -- ? ' -: ; : v -: ,,; ' ii - : v-'"- : ' --- ;': '' v.r- - ;, :;;."-- '? "V - "; v'S .:. '.. ; i HONOLULU BTAn-BULLETI- TUESDAY,' JITNB 101. - , SEVEN'

: 7

'- :' ' --" . I -n - . vs .. XT'- l:SfenSiflt- ' 3nr",;;.' im i

' J ! V. J : ' j H?V"; Vv'iV ' ' W'h? ' -- 'V? ? 7 77. : 7 ..---. ; I' .r .?-- :';vC., rj: r -- - - ' T

- Opons tomorrow nipht at the CLEANEST, most COM-FOTAI,Itllea- ter Also there are NO waits"lKtween reels. The entire plaj'. .- in'llonojulu- sir or serenjrwhv is thrown bn the screen as a'ntinuoiiS v " ; ' ; V-'- Xr'-, '.i.v-v'-;:- but a fart. -- y'Z'' -- - will twl given, first at T0,"secmt at 0 :ir p. iu:: I)Krs i picliire. . This is made pofisilile .hjr' the' fact fthat the man- . ' 7 ' ih-- No Mpensp has Hparft jn glyiti; tb theater a )1 f'ii'ftj a.-- ' oien at 7:15 nn V ' , aj?er have brought to Hon ulu1 two of the latest improved . oM-faliIooe- '3. aniline d pprincIoaninK aiblniakin.fjf it n,;- - 1 imotlon-piHuntnachiri- es j reels' iloTetaU' worth-whil- e home,".for the high-clas- s Photo-play- s wilf 'aufHOitlifferehtJE :&&z0:r 'l I)pulariliesrana Chiltlrt ratin WEUNES; r--' :, that i - 7 - : together a one picture, r ; : e v n ' - .

- - -- PACI'ECO -- i v.-- '. r- i r- Opera House CEiDl ;ij inriri'" pililmiioiiiiovB' 01 s re hroppfd by IciliiiiiHHfiilii4. fc 4 i The play lsr a vivid, engrossingr rep resentatlon' Alaska life In days riMORFS IIFMS of the PLAYERo COMPANY IN - following the gold rush-- there. - The Z- re- iiUAiiuiiii ) Or tr' plot is well knoJifn and has been A A i . . - 111...... mm 1f.i.ts n.Va viewed in ' this paper;- soMt will not - A PICTURUCQU- STORY OF THE PLAINS Declares He Gave F.liehlstem an.John caie .;;..y..Gur Hitaer be necessary ?to describe it; hers. . Jeff McCarn Gives Reasons for t 11 ' did ii The members in the cast Nolie Prossing Charges . ; " -- exceptionally welt and deserved the ? Captain 'Burrell," U S.'Army applause given : them. Jack Belgrave Against Man and Wife; 6X f , i'; . I . V rMr. i. Webb -f was particularly good as Poleon; Do-ret- '-- y Voseph;Ai-Byle-an- d f n, Maude Supervisor a 'Pacbeco states b 4. Poleon Dbret . .. .:.iack BelCTave the French-Ciinadia- who is.; in When will present bis charges against Joseph Ronnion "A: i.V:Get. B. Berrell ; love with -- pretty: N'ecia, the adopted Schumann Boyle are called' into the V probably morn- - HERRGEORGUl J. MIeblsteIn; citiand county, bulldlns ,4. Dan Stark. U.Huron mydenidaugbterjof John Gale :and. bis squaw federal court, Friday ' - - answer. cnargea luiia piumuins janpecior, wuu me up . Corporal TnomasA . . .JSy Xlanna T rff:- and .'Ulna Florpnee. Oaklev ismg. w io siaiuiory n CASPER, I mand that'the Iatters' resignation t .Private Jamesr.;;v,PercyPryor' f spdendid -- as- thej U Mr.!' SgthemT?tie r : Davia.-- f Icaptahr called T6r at otice. al tbls evening's , private C Webb la seen as Burrell -- Austrisn Violinist Smith:....!,; meeting of the beard of supervisors. 0 1 "I Am ready nqw,gaId;Pacheco 't . to keep law and order. - fjJ0 : " toFmboaa At- ,- the . against ; - ; make my charged public--I will; THURSDAY CVCNiNG, was. A large' audieric3 of Honolulans thrown ut of court VJVlthe defendant, : Ing before to allow MIehlstein to stejr . appredatlon' ftgaih Si " ; - JULY 2, 33 O'CLOCK Bhowed its br Tho S?iS toWeamp L I i, Baj .iJ,il j i i . w- i v ut :b -i out,'. ending matter in way. pre-B- 'the that pia"yerg iast night at the' second it alh a,'.remarMWyinter6tIng whlch now amounts to : about do-tha- t, he didn't see fit to : play based' on Rex " otts- AdiTih.vIon."... 7Zc and IZz s.sentatlon of the 8ty 350. Ivirt McCarn made this state. BY REX BEACH 7 - " y ':' the charges will be fcade public. EV- Beach's powerful novel; Tbe Bar-er- Tonight,fViThe Barrier "will. be PT :ment thi8 mornlng; saylllg .uiaf.8atl. vA- accusation I have made against ; presented tiar-hi-m again. . On the , following rier.w The plar was . sented . can be proved, by me. secured Gplden-,madi- . A thrilling Western drama of Alaskan 'Re!on , depicting life among I jjer in the company's season here and evenings "The Girl j of. . the ta tQe 1)etween himself - ' ' the last bit of evidence Iast nigh:; sucli success that; it was select-- WTest" will be seen and On;the last Dd'Doyle'a attorney. ' v '"' the Gold Diggers, Indians and other Northern Type3. ", ; ! : -- neeaea my 7 Mc-the-La- to make position aDsoiuteiy ed as ;one,. of three dramas to be twb evenings of the week Withm Commenting on- - the case Mr;' - - - ' v i ..- .. ;. I anew; certain. (. staged again final week of : will be staged gaJdj,: ' in this the if; "My accusations" will not end with i TheTPlayers visit.- - ;'A y - ':;v':-$'Y- . V? to': cases of United ' - Jv.Ulr'Rfe'Tm8 the charging hlxn with receiving: a com- States vs. Joseph: A. Doyle - and, his WEDNESDAY ? AND THURSDAY " i mission of seven and one-hal- f per cent, ; wife," I would say that some , weeks ' : as a supervising" architect, and ?2 d ago we received information that one ;,.::;-v:'- day for some other services: iri ccta? of : the most material witnesses, who nectlon with the flshmarkets. I have j resides . in California,- - would not , be :ne;-;.brm-- - . . S '' A r . VV- .-. , I ' i , A . something .els: against him, but this . ' v able to corner to Honolulu for several I will not make, knou'p until this evi months . Soon after that we received ''- - . 3 . FRIDAY, JULY ening. ',-- ; ". information that Mrs. Ferguson, an- vwas other one of the witnesses; ill at J Ycf-i- g People's League Presents "iMichlstein', wants a' full and com- seemed-tha- t -- and triaif on plete 'investigation j that Is what i I Seattle, it a of case would be dl3-cul- L want, too! I want this matter gone the merits the - In addition, to thi3, the fact ex- into thoroughly; The fact that this J Doyle present only more ists that and his wife board has a few months td were married about the time ' these sen'e does not change the situation lit indictments .were returned,; and have tl. leait' particle. It Is our duty to been Jiving together, so far as I know, FRIDAY; AND SATURDAY investigate, ahd investigate we will. c o as- - husband and wife evefslnce that This is serious business and ,we can- Ms '' time. ""Where a marriage consum : - not let it go by default., : r.,-.- mated in good faith,' and particularlV - ...... A.A JC '--ft' V A 1 ncre meAL parueaf - live iiuguier- J.LV ior ' Charles TT, Benny, .forxaercashLec at quite a while apparently 7ln good WIT IN the LAW ' 'National' Bank of Cecil, Pa ' - the First faith, it Is not to be desired that such CHORUS CF 3 .. years'-imprisonmen- t has been sentenced to' five' cases ' prosecuted, dis- ' should be thus MALE GLEE '.CLOD-OF- S ;.A' for the embezzlement' of turbing the-- relations of husband and iso,ooo.::-.- : '.'y; .:?-;- "-; - directing; again, atten- Another attractive, cumber on I ivP'- wife rand the M7-i- S - ; " tion of "the public to disgraceful and 25c,0c, 75 'PrcsTam: ': A " 1 W. "1 UmphreyVor Dalton, Ga., disgusting facts...; . . j .i:J'::J't.z. -- Mn Woods of Hawaii" ' the Confederate veteran, Tl years old, was Vfl-d-o .not.; mean to say however, GETTICKETS EARLY Tickets at 'Promotion Rooms.- - Jo- In : 4 sentenced to die for the murder of that all cases a marriage should seph 'Prltchett, a neighboring farmer. prevent prosecution. ; If I had thought so-- 5 these 'teases would have been v.. dropped h several , months ;' ago, but where the relations exist for a suffi-- ,: ' GpmingMon ,. - . THE HOLLYWOOD SCHOOL FOR GIRLS 1 A A3 A "a1 . s ' A OTTTP-DOOT- t SCHOOL.'1 An" ideal location famous for-it- ,.S y. '( attorney on pub- - ' . the district and " the c Only SQ minutes' fide from ocean; fv " ; ;aLIe year climate. - all the round . rile that; the marriage Was In trnnA f;! California, ' College .Preparatory,-- ' I urban to Los Angeles, Southern Is - s Juvenile faith, It . possible ' to bring ineramou ; Courses. I In? ic, Art, uomesuc ati ana acience, rnysicai more harm by - tho". prosecution; - -- than Ti ainiuo, Ii i S. Illustrated Catalogue. Secretary, Box B, sunset by allowing to- ' v : the parties 'to remain and-Har- ' . Avenne..1 , ; ;. Doulevard gether undisturbed. . "; v ; HOLLYWOOD. CALIFORNIA; IT. S.A, A "Considering all these facts,: I Indi- LICBSEHjMD-- SEA WOLFSIS cated to counsel for defendants some S time ago; that I. might - nolle prosequi thevcases Rafter some ;" months.; but ' ; vp-r-.- about this time,4 to my surprise; Hhe . marshal received ' a ; cable - from : the THEATZ7 PHONE marshal at San' Francisco that, three siGiiiiii "jThe only Up-to-da- te lMotiourPicture House in the City. witnesses were on. their way to Hono- lulu, and feeling as r did that the gov; eminent should h be protected from '- S;;t?;PI BY OE loss In this matter, I consented, that ' " " ' ;?: . ."' 4 AAatu' rAiM XA: kw U A 7 MntiTip 77i;? i ;v ::;;;;t i i Art r all . '' promptly mm rft A9J . . . . ' rJ. From Steamers transferred li. .there's. t J iWQttid.fagree.'' attbJgi&neto' to Hctels zr.i Residences. If i '8 6 -i-- XZ nolle cases. - The costs in the Eyeninfr (Two BIiqws) i . . :30 hnd P. M. . 'htJ-iL- 9 :7r;.7.0 snythir 3 dcir 3 phone Star-Bulle- Qa i;Vt;4v--;, J Special Oorresponflenol f vwwA.,A-w- ' asc being, as I understand, between ; HILO," ranting 50 liquor upon: by; the severest; critics in: fllm $S0O. i June 26.G - and $900.,. I felt that this was PATIT& WEEKIAT fl&amnlfE 6;, ? Draying 'v'-: ' & Ltd smashing one - Construction licenses, .'two "of them to new , retailers, dqm. to be a hit and of -: ;.-- r lV,-.-;;;- Ilcnolulu pretty severe punishment, and that v7" v..- 7;..' 1: ,- Owners Hawaiian tx. Co. and Nicpers Ex. Co. knd jsuspending action on two applica- the strongest dramas; ever .thrown on the ends of, Justice might be "met by - ? -' ";- -,- . . - - tions' the. county board of license com th'e. motion picture ;j screeni: will be holllng the cases at .this time ; in-sho- :' . ; .. , - ? missloners , worked :'rapidly '; Wed: at Ye Liberty theater for one Btead' of,waiting furthef to see what ' i GREAT PROGRAM FOR TODAY-'- nesday," completing' all the,; business week, commencing Wednesday mat!- - : might develop in the conduct of Doyle their 'annual sessloa save the con- nee. Associated with London intthi3 and: his 'wife hone they imay live of I' Drama (Pathe) k - - w : t ' - r r vStun3 sideration- of the two applications is Hobart :BosWorth. an happily , together and that this afTair! T - : ; XBlograph), . . . r. :. -- Western" .. ;Was Meant far You - You are in" a Position 'whch"were' held' up.V:i-"?- ; actor with a remarkable reputation, may be a:valuable v lesson! to theml it:. ;.i i If f T.A.-- A T1-.- -. - ' In the' film. production, eight parts,, both.;: am always glad to find some . Drama (Selig) ' ' i I;.- ": I' 1.These peUUons; :wh!ch will "receive in I .'.""- ' i good legitimate! reason refraining" ' i "is heeqed further attention tomorrow, are by J. Bosworth appears as;Wolf Larsen, the for Comedy i (Essanay) surety bond - v . Irom prosecuuon ana m case t wherda 'ii notorious . captain Ghost" :- - p. Serrao,' wha wants to renew his of 'The' mis. i, prama (Blograph) 'iW. ..The'-- Influence of the Unknown wholesale license Hakalau, and jack ixmaon s worKs arecaracwr- . ,... uuu-- at" ;" I v...... Manuel A: Oliveirra, Who would establ- ized iy an absolute knowledge of hia-.:"w- muicuawm nu Auie us o bqut the bond li board subject, a large consIderaOoi fa inat ft pretty.seyerely pun-fal- ls - ir- V r .' Sea ish- 'saloon Hakalau. f The of-cost- s, id havi .'J'' good style. ished any way by tne paying si i utwxv Wf Bmr'f has asked Serrad to change his appli- and descriptive This ' ; V iv aatr tab. is responsible for easy dramatlza- - "-- my course. ; . ;, . "t cation from a renewal of his wholesale the Is mv ooinion ; meets .i - Da. .It that this license af that" place to one for a re- nun uia uuveta, j,uc oca ' Presiding judge -- til HAY AN THUST, C0; LTD -- given'' - Woir. unusually strong" situations and .th?,m?P"Jl QlJ&? All t tail! license and has him until no statement JUH U will- climaxes follow rapid- successldW sMcCarn ad ... . Saturday to decide whether he is ili make regarding any. which : v h action rr ing; to' make the Maantlme hn. f mf rmTM Ben t j ; ever fflmed is showing on : P -- 'a. i Vi Olivierra'8 application: is held up. ; . that VtoL 4 r t ' . ' WraanVBoai-es'tiia- '.' 63, San Francisco bav, witn a collision Tt tht Protest signed,' br men of the s - between ; two ferry boa 0f great reipons.'-tllltle- of " filed- ts'Huhdreds the ExpojJtlaa Hakalau district were against .' passengers leaping rest Upon fir - petition and Attorney .CCST. the are seen into FAREWELL DANCE men. but they stand- re OllvierraV the bay' and; struggling frantically to . com- Carlsmith! appeared before the -' save , ju-oduc- mission In behalf; of those who object themselves, The entire tlon of Sea' Wolf-- was taken jin-d-er ; : rep- "The to the application. Judgfe Wise, J ! the personal 1 direction of Jack resenting applicant," declared . he the? London' Bosw'orth.- - TO BALL PLAYERS . ; had investigated Ithe protests and had and Hobart (found that it thV'63 signers only 23 77 ; T arjer yotersl: and that only eight aYe ! Bennett' C. Jlark.' the only fton of property owners in the district:"1 Sec-- 1 Champ Clark, ; speaker of tlie bouse, Best Store forOriental Goods ' retary RI" T received; a degree of baehelor of arts ; s Guard also'called Attor? ' Baggage li S - George Wasnington Univer- - ' ney Carlsmlth's attention to four con- from the ' ;. '.. --' ' '.'''. . ... ' ."; . I . J v 7 BAZAAR : '' J JAPANESE sity.; .ij"-:- . V 7" Wal-- ; wh6 had signed protest against the There will be a social. dance at F08T STREET . OPP. CATHOLIC CHURCH thr application.' qarlsmlth "tried to explain The 'position taken by the commission kikirlnn tonJghLitrtHlbe; In- - the r77. 1 these, but', finally gave it "up and 'ad-- j on the matter seems to tnd'eate that nature of a farewell event. ta the Uai-i- f mitted ' that they wer.V inexplicable. 'Serrao is willing to change his es- - versity of. California bair players who " -- -- - manager a Tour-reta-il vr - ; John L Boss, 6t Hakalau tablishment from . a wholesale to leave for the coast tomorrow. : :BEAOHE0v-r.- : PHOII3,2205 plantation, jed -- the opposition to the place" he can hav!e the latter, ists.'-- guests and friends ara cordially ' ' J,''0'-j-.,.--"--:r-- ' : V forgotten. application v while Olivierra will lie , invited. adveTUsemenL Jjl o.v'"y' . ' ' 1.1 Ijt " heVjicenseslgranted were v . ;j"r?-;:,- ALL) KINDS OF ROCK AND S AND FOR. CONCRETE WORK. V j appeared Ollverra desired to The other ' .Ka- - to .v v- - ' :. stall a saloon within 1000 feet of the to K. Shlbarama. for arsaloon at Mufflers silence ftbe 'motors otA - . :v.-v"- -:- FIREWOOD AND COAU; Kiag st; 1 1' .. ' dis- - KonCiand to; John their dirigible balloons are" being aaa.aia-Pac:- rj - . school house and withjn an equal bmaoalL JSoutti tried ;.v'-- ...... ri-r.- "rrt"- PS QTTIZRN. STRKCT... ii i 4 i.P.. O.: BOX. M r International s' it' r i JJonokaa-Mtl- L by German, army tance of ths church In lhat BecUoh.i Payne ior V saloon . at officers. '. ' i:f - v7"-'.7-Xl- T A.-- WtZy 'ZA ":rf7? ;:.7 H"; 7- '.7' : .'; .7; .;.7' 'T- f. ' " .' ;. ? . 7. - - j - V

,T"he Locse-Lea- f Boole with the ;DR. C .M. SHELDON CAIcTEH QETUaiJS; 'RITCHIE STILL . r;?j-- Simpl Pip! visits iiBiLiiLU ELUDES police I liliiii '- Durability A FOII FEW WEEKS CAKDIDACY SflOi? -' OFTHIS CITY arc . tie main Vharacteristles of .that great Hne'of I - ', f - ' - ;: .n- v - " i''-jf.i - ': , "? .w. - 3r v r (Contumearromf cmai Famous Author and Minister Is : tw Seattle Detective Will Leave in i Loose L Leaf tn nOUie TO AUSirajaSia; rirSl. tslanda now and November Matsonia for: SeattlQ With - r : .. y "of -- -.- lan(I visit every nook and corner . ., , j. ; ; : Trip On the PaCilC to But One Prisoner V Sdd tyDrueeists I a on; Hawaii I tla-- A Books, - tne' territory. Jnat . -- I - Price - i -; i'i t w : i - V M J J wany nook and eorners.- 7: Memo. Books,' v .';;.; En route to New Zealand, where ited . Sergeant Detective McXamee of Se- 'r"":' l':; un-- R$u'lf'"putHfiedwfr Idger-.- ; 7 everywhere. he will deliver a series of lectures v' attle will return to the north Pacifies s r; Retiirnlne; with' Mr; parter were two Scrapbooka, . 7 1; 7 derhe aoeplces of the Young Men's coast a- a passenger In the Matson , ' XT. Joseph Check .Books, Christian Association Dr. Charles M. Hawaiian Prosfesslves,' J. Navigation liner Matsonia tomorrov 4 Av' -- re-- Stenographers Nofe Books and David Rr. Tney ' ?ard; with : satisfaction .the Tesulla of Note Booka,. . : Stflents' their trl p, wfUcu Carter ontlmed today Etc. ; .'f'wc, t: 4 a& fcr.ows:--- ; -- v:- through two ; HAWAIIAN K'EVVS CO? "Oar trip thl Kons Kau andPnna., roade;for the purpose of sowing a little seed; ha been: very - In Building N; 1; gatlsfactory.; In .irdayaT. time we V the Younj ; 5 " : v , . "V "., succeeded In orsanlfcinif Tclulw In Imptrfectlona on your , mirror different Tillages, and our new? party can b removed by reiliverfng. . as; ben Rjtrengthered i by; the open declaration of such an en as Oliver Lan ,foe liAhanahuli J.K. Iaiob?..Da KailL-RIchar- D3vld OLD vid d Paklko Ks wa Thomas'. Martini David M.:Kelii- - end worn out mlrrore Make 76 nr Ticket To Comfort made to Voa. K?lua Nahlnu. JJ K: Hoooll. James KalnuaC Richard Ly L,' Ahia,' Solomon . nan and eor?ce PI Kamaubba;, and ReadB.V.D. I ! shown py such m en as th interest i by right If, V. D. you - Judge llaaheo of Kalapm? and George VTT RAVEL the road. takes from sa- NEW many too - II son to season In comfort. It keeps your spirits high snd Mundon of Pahoa and others : ',- lC37-8llverl- - rf'your temperature -: Phone Depart-- mer-tioiu'whi- lowvv; numerous to Is Indeed ;:- ; ' ::"V:- V '; ';. v-:- : ment gratifying, to - say nothing of - the Ires- - L; 1; Bv -- or, won In B. V. Coat Cut Undershirts and Knee Length Drawers pltallty such 'men as juuan ror Union Suits ypu get the most out of work or play at he na liAMM-YCUN- G and 'Henry Ly THE von CO, sarrat, Sam .'Jotinson ; , ; u Sighb ' ; ?or away. t They are easily : washed. healthful and econora al.- LTD., Hcrclulu.; Sharp manvi' f.'i t - : ' On every B. V. D. Undergarment Is sewed v - - : V : , . .rents 13 Merchant Street At Hllo we had the tew 'Progres ives there for luncheon, at which we M TVttXtJirtvenLabt; formed the last and ; 18th. 'Progressive 'A - Club, with three ycuug active men as MADE FC.'t THE visit the k:w CTcr.n- of Its ! officers: ; TedJ Guard, president; i A. M. Webster secretary; H.r B.'Ma-Tlnet-,' ' Jt. J. Ritchie; r whose presence" j treasurer. TUIs will probably ; in .the Honolulu ' police ; station j " r - disappoint some f the Hllo people would, gladden ; rtsTriT,,iT- the ; hearts cf the f only jProgres-- ;? 1 c c r.. who, thought that the entire department t.fc P .V . rcr.T and hotel ctc ri X.- UbM. a fM An er 'rttrlAv 4 men. 'Hilo is a fceautiful-- ' little town In cpmpany with A. peputer,: wanted - VAi':rV and evidently a great place 'for ru by the Washington authorities for al-- ; B. V. 0. Coat Cut Undershirts and mors, and one w$a that.' Charlie Rice leged ,forgery KneeLength Drawers retail at 50c ; and embezzlement. : ' visited the 'Rainbow City for the pur Despite ther effer of a substantial acU upwards ; the Garment. j 0 " pose of securing the' assistance of leading 'RICHELIEU ' which,! failed. reward tor information to hia ?B; V."Dv Unlon'Sults (Pat. U. S. A. Stephen Desha', In he apprehension arrest," R. .J. Ritchie, PEARLS . V and - upwards experience on . Big, Island is retail at $1.00 and r Our the who .Detective McNamee states k was n Strands cf Variegated Colors similar to. that, in Honolulu, in that Mhe" suitf :M;:J Vr-- 4 ' the ringleader: In the series' of ques and" Shapes. VJW those who Joined our party seem to ' : - tionable , financial V operations . Se v Or. C. M. Sheldon, who Is visit- j .at VK ,- : a" giood look' at r L come largely, from r.the Democrauc WALL & DOUGHERTY ; ; inn in Honolulu en rout to land attle" and Tancouver; .Bi' Cf is still at : - ! to that this label and insist f: A'V ranks. :am inclined think : ' . escape the Cross. large. His sensational from j dealer selli v : cf Southern" people underestimate . that your ;;; the of Honolulu ; " New :y!:i In Knfcln'n Btrenethi' the city and county. Jail some weeks ; I 5 you only underwear ; ' fnvvt Attn . V 4 AVfTt AV a m I ago po CI.sTf nt rt : i tcuai-5unraa- e has caused officers with' the - puciuuii. laiuuuo auiwn,. '"viiiuci interested in i j N - !::ll: HATS- : lice" and rr.iniater, arrived; In Honolulu last -- Amonc : th chief aublects bf Car and detective; department to set PANAMA AND CLOTH . HONOLULU nlgbt in company with Mrs; Sheldon tera talk Were, statehood for Hawaii. a watch on the departure of all steam ' 0V 1. At Mainland Price. ana their son, ani vm remain in, mo-- 1 equal suffrage legislation for numan ers for the Orient or.the United. States. X ''I 1 police,', r V CITY TAXI STAfib noiuiu auuui iJV'J ,iew uciuie pi u-- ngnis rauier man propny riguua, in the opinlcn of the Ritchie B,Vw D; Company, FUKUuODA CO. I is - still on .this- - l3land. . The United the; - to.tha land of the Southern vision "of taxation system, courts - ' ' - - l-- V-- -- ' 1 Logan: :v v;; Cljou . ' ; Cross;-- v C r. t : of, - v 5t- States transport which Ritchie New York. Hottl t, Ccr. PHONE 3433 . .. . ' conciliation A "Tliiajs my first trip to Honolulu,"! "I .found- - the: greatest. interest .in was first supposed to have taken for said; Mr. Sheldon this' morning, equal suffrage and then in Btafcenooa," Manila was; carefully searched . dur fcrv Flylr. Merkel and Dp ' rinf Azente fact It la the first time I was ever he comments. Jn a number of places ing ihe passage to the Philippines, the . Luxe, and Motcr Supplies. 1 - on. the Pacific ocean. Of course. 1 we Were told that t'ue precincts had officers- reporting to the local police -- that1,the Finest 'Meats--: flyv-c t Jiaye had but .little opportunity to see I never had such , a statement or new mucli:s wanted man; was not : ';;'.-.:-,,- CITY MOTOR CO. . - wawaa found" cn board.''-- - r . Lowest Prices- - - ' very much 'of .Honolulu, but what I Ideas: . I made,the point that tktMed Mecfianice fcr All P.epalr '5... Auto Deliver--- - certainly baa made W deep I wants statehood so that we;, cannot be Work. bareseen - mpressicn.-- .' . . , . ... couniea'as CALIFORfjIA - Tji'sM nr. Ct. CC51 C. Y. HOP WO MEAT MARKET ; PLAYERS- Pert Tl. , : , ) - - For, many .years Doctor Sheldon PD! . Opposite FistmarkeL . MEET 2ND INFANTRY was pastor, of the central Congrega- - ,nfa,. t n9t,lnH- - Topeka 'ni kh IN FINAL GAME TODAY, tlcnal church at Kansas, but toward statehood. UnderJJthese circum-- -- Buwa.uuie 6v iiSuCu;in8 jjmi.u gtances Hawaii would ? not v-- to side-an- d THAYER, PIANO 'i CO LTD. . became : engaged v in t lecturing i in WathinetnnJ i ' - The final appearance of the Univer oc-- 1 tnrti ; ' throughout the country.: On one . .on this trip our work was: verf sity of California baseball team is casion ne took complete charge' for a! largely among: Hawailans and rUheir scheduled for this afternoon, when the STEINWAY collegians': will go the- - In- weea lopeaa Kansas; uauy interest. and appreciation was distinct against 2d - AND OTHER PIANOS. ; to fantry team. pretty -And Capital, Just show the people "how hy,encouragIngT . Some significant ;in California Is well 154 2318 P. H. C'jr.r.'LTTC ;. Hotel Street.: Phone Jesu3" would run a newspaper." Aside cidents happened at the meetings. In shot to pieces after a string pf minor , v TUNING GUARANTEED. e, from , being a prominent lectursr and Twelve-Mil- the accidents and, mishaps, and s won't -'- one place Olaa it rs'cner cf Cft:'3 fcr California Doctor-Sheldo- minister. n has gained precinct club wished to have the ten? be; known until the last minute what New Ycrk; fiOTAPiY PUCLICl no small reputation for himself .as an ( tative platform changed so that a pro the lineup will be.r.Then the cripples ,.3 r':t--- - Cieis, c;i!t cf r-- MEAT 'MARKET. GROCERY, author.' A few of; his recent works J hlbition ; plank "would ? be inserted. will : be paraded, and the best of tha " (7N r , :, '; Lett:,"',.. e'r. Ait:rrey fcr are. In - His Steps; or What. Would j This club is tomposed exclusively of Lbunch : impressed. Probably Dodgo C ' ' ;'.ri;t 7: IT CHANT - ' i C:.'l:. sua Do ?V". "Of !, His ' . Blood, . and j Hawaiians. At, another place a chap will do the pitching. f 1S43- - ZZT, HCrCLL'LU, Ure 3451 ';:- - y Phone lN4 program - v. When Jesus Comes.; ; ; . j interrupted with the Tha game is scheduled for 4 o'clock u u u - : : going to! buy : ; - J Doctor Sheldon has beeii' secured question when we were ; - " at' Athletic Park. Jj C. Q. YEE HO P & C 0. ; j wine, must YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE IN ky the local Young Men's . Christian some I told him he think A big crowd of supporters of the IP . 1 Y were . . . . ; Association to conduct the first ; of i uepuoiicans. u baseball team of tha 2d will turn but - the series; of: Sunday Cnlght meetings . "The Avoters are thinking for them- for 'today's game-'betwee- Cali- - Anywhere, at Any Ti --ic, Call on or the men, will, Held , selves'and our platform show it. . l V for which be in the will tornias and the; regimental nine. .With . f Vrite SHE OUR '. 1 Empire V. ? from- - ? ' Carter will stay. In Honolulu for the NEWiZEAtiAND'SiFAjrOUS PIK)DUCTS i-- a week next E. C. . RATES theater Sloan, the big' fellow who Iras' shown DAKE'S ADVCnTlSING .CHANGES OF v days - within a V -- :.;-;;;..;;::- : ,.-- Sunday. These meetings will be held nt few, but Intends such class, in the dox for the 2d, ev- ri AGENCY HONOLULU AUTO & ! W short time to visit Kauai and. Maui; ; : ; ' during july and .ugust.. Central erybody, at Shafter is hopeful that the GET YOUU iN;E,ni 124 Sansome Street San Francisco ': V orderi7.-- i 'fyB.: TAXI CO. is-"- ' Union' also i arranging to "TVT f church ,mn m m . local team wilt put, one over on the Behn & Bedford, Mgrs. have Doctor Hheldbn speak on two oc college players. Lyman I, LieuL Vill be ' - . New Line cf 17 2999 phones 1005 casions daring hia visit herei-i-- v back of the plate and the remainder ."- - tCNIiSilMilllUl. - FANCY GROCERIES . J , of the lineup will be asfolldwsr f .; Table Fruits and VesetableeJ S DossetL If rt Burton; 8S ; -- Sterquel, ' ' !p MASSACHUSETTS GIRL v - U R E AND FRESH 2b; Zuwalski 3b; Bittick..Tf; Zuwad- - V A : WEDS . KAIMUKI GROCERY CO. I Milk,' Cream : and Butter.' fJORMALTEACHERr kski, cf; Lerwiu, lb. ; Tbe Fort Shat OF CHARITIES 15 exchange 4'. i Cor. VValalae R6ad and Koko Head : IN SIMPLE CEREMONY ter post has sold tickets for Meat Ma tea I . - Avenue Phone 720 PHONE 3622 the ; game ' under ; the .usual arrange- : ment 'With thamanagementfbf Ath- I - Phone 3445 .i;v:,A . . ;; CITY, DAIRY Miss Mary. Hayes . oh pos- Arrives letic' Park and this plan'makes - - --- ' ' it . : , .. ..- t ! . - I a Lurline to Meet Fiance Wno sible for a big attendance of the men of the regiment to be presant.' as it Dust VitV ; : ' :.V--:,V-.- Carrie Ago th Here 6 Months entirely overcomes ? ; - - V the 't-p- Usb FOR THE RIGHT GLASSES" financial situation..; - M ; WIZARDS .'A romance begun' In Massachusetts planfoir- - the central registration j r I - . See S. entered ;upcn a new-- ' chapter in Ha- - of all relief ijasea,;vror the' better car- -- -- 2297 wali" this morning when Kenneth . C. rylng out; of"tbe plan for;the coooera-- BARRERE Fbcne 1107 sonic Temple, Alakea SU Bryan," of the faculty of the Terrlto- - tion of all charitable .;: organizations, DEPJS. TO BE T rial Normal and Training School, was was agreed upon yesterday afternoon Wtl HONOLULU. ORY GOODS CO. united, in - marriage - to f .Miss Mary wtien the delegates representing 60 df Hayes, of Westfield, Massachusetts the 130 charitable societies of Hono 'Mr. : Bryan's former home is in GRAND NOV : lulu met. and unanimously adopted the Lynn, Mass., and It was In the old Dickey. ' resolution introduced by C. H. . MIYAKE Bay state he met Miss Hayes. - Ou"'': " H. that, The resolution follows:" A ORIENTAL. GOODsJ N He' came here six months ago to ac- ' tbi" : ; ; "Whereas, Is cov-rte- cept j the position 'at the Normal there much unrelated . . charitable activity in the city of Ho- inuttastlc CN ' 1248 Fort 'SU above Beretania School and likes the island so much ' CITY TOMORROW owJ that, he has determined to make his nolulu; .and; v , " at - tn th GxtOBtMoiS; borne here. He has beeil very, suc- "Whereas, cooperation is at ; the cessful : In his work as a teacher and base of all .modern scientific charity ; - (Condnued fiom page one has already . come to he one of the and social welfare worlf; therefore . most valued members of the faculty. Be it; resoived, that we. the directors . s ' of the new year, he'e liord s Miss Hayes arrived on the steamer of Hawaii, period. At the first tiu of the Associated Charities the states, the engineer and GOOD MEAtST Lur line this morning and was met off do all In our power to Increase co ordinance .ex-offic- io manager the systems by fiance, of ;; :- the harbor, her,, who went operation,-Usin- as a means to - .. : tht shall submit a proposed change in the Beretania and Emma -- out to meet ner on the customs! end central r registration of all relief ..V :;;;i;if-TS WmiA launch., The passengers aboard the rates to the board for its considera- ' cases, and also ol; all social welfare Jan- Lurline had learned of the romance city.' tion. It is understood that after oreanizations of the uary 1 the rates are to be increased :0 and .the couple jwere showered with - quar- BUILT OF DEPENDABLE Not Forget to Include Manager W. Spencer Bowen's considerably, but just how much will ATHER OAKTANNED FTfeXlBLE rice and. other symbols of marital hap- terly report ishOve'that the demands piness and good luck wishes. ' possibly depend on how the supervis- SOLES; UPPERS BUTTOnThIGH AND FIT SN UG AROUND for assistance during June were only ors out with departments in THE They were jnarried at 10: 30. o'clock ; make the ' "' one-thi- rd they were four "'; ,'' Win&s Rev. of what s this period. Wall says there is no ANKLE. j this 'morning at the home of the : ' months agdi : ; ; that-the- y A. A. : Ebersole,7 associate 'minister of doubt but can break even ROCERY ORDER Central1 Union chuTCh. Dr. and Mrs. at least that is, not lose money on Hamilton Portland, Orp., per- According,' to advices received here the new acquisitions. He says, how- Wejrf 7,; ; . -' . y 1 tJ'i-- sonal ifriends of Mr. " Bryan, attended last AnlghL:4lalcolm Argyle Fnnklln, ever, that to do this it 'will be neces- ;';4-- . .'i the couple at the simple but pretty recently appointed collector customs sary to cut down the overhead ex- V 1 mlT ' nu port, i . will In V and.impressive ceremony that united for Jhis arrive Honolulu penses a great deal. the two who have been separated Juyt 16 on the Pacific Mail, liner Man In order to economize in such Vr R churia, MUSLIN. . since the groom came to HawalL to assume bis new duties Mr. Ipenses it has been arranged for all IVlcInGrnv ' Shoe Store S.i J 7 , Mr.1 and Mrs.1 Bryan will make' their Franklin . will be accompanied by his collections to be made through the "- - , t-- i - . - - near Nuuanu; home in Honolurt,; v After , a short brother,.T. li Franklin and his sister- citv and county treasurer's office. He FORT; ABOVE KING STREET Ceyyr-Cf-c isaeina-ractA- o they in-law, whof t report Intern etionaJ Ei while will be at home at Cassi will" remain. Jn Hawaii will make a special on the " - V H " 1LA Ti ' ' t.- - proem a. v faetofrepnexa ix dy . month and tlfen proceed to the OrlenL money thus received. - :' :" '.r: r 5 J- -

,5 - " ?-t- H - "'-- v., ;..:;- j?.'' "' : ? Vl'x'V ,. 1 v .

i-ji'- ipj); Ml l f! LCD?

K:.-V'-;-':-- '' - V ..;VV! '' a

!V1 a" l 87

iVr '.1. ' - ' v.- "city ;nd C,!lf."jrTt -- 1h .tKtjp tU The Exploitation. Department j ; WVin's to rjrn Expusltldn wfll and "InJorx v I lb. Hirtl' phnfi lit lw: if l tz th mimtn iwj n s lit brt hc,l ihm ia and restaurants that may , be rei! 1 closet touch with tbelri rwpinibUUh?. upon not. to' lncrvAe rate and prK-- U; prepare feemJ to receive, tint - vast and the. Travelers': AW wilt d every- -- m B Vis ms i Francisco During number of aoeat who rm-i- IMi. i' thing thai will ke f.r h" oit " The t pia n of ; orga n rta Jlan gi rrr fnr und general welfare f the--; ftfiy-- i 1 1 1 i chairman to every one j "This combination !lg Torres. wi:i i i c I ri t n bn a E x nosi t b ri i - ,f Pic er 11 lbt; MtJe nd auh hatrman in mean peace ! mlr4 for every on, wha :: n.v ' every.cftv and town, .The .women w;r mak-- e the.pllgrimje to"the ISU t ' " ' ' aked to have in mind af permanent 'or ; . : U'OPJ OF THE EXPOSITION WOMEN'S BOARD Kanlat ton lha l '.wut4 enable t ftejt.t'" to .Travelers. Aid ; work, in conjunct! - avlvlng i,ro t- wiib,.th i Won.a.i'i wttl . i .W 'j"V haalat in the taimfnrutkin .Unr.f. 1 K 'ic;" nncrntfibfi' itans that, wilt rorhe tc 'every tnanty in that a traveler may c.:ne fro- - ry - ,.;. ;:r-.'?- v.'.--.-,i-- -- fut3V ivi u i ijV California with the- - opening f toe Pan- part of it;esworio an go a voua- - ama canal.'. It wa : thoujfttthHt ty of thla vast, late prtw ted at u.l prvparHlnefia of thf eorlc would enable times by the aaencii of he Trstve!-er- a WW ' th-er, . any . ERNEST 5. v ... rv9) eart county to assimilate n Immi. Aid. It will nrn that n.c By MRS. SIMPSON. - d.;;-ler- 3 grant . br welcoming an Maut)n ho cann'H' aH"niixny her ,rs f.S r wmktn !; y Vptnsibl ". b k) y. 4ot nf verrt tv3n .'l-unithtriK thenv by- - making them feel rray . trust .her lr travel al n- n - - : ' oJ Cm.'I? h mra 4r tfe mH- that Kf1lf t 7" - In; t heir; new." home To'f l.v ; t h ia San Krancio any part f htti Ih. iia : it ' -- ho carryln the burden. 3"he fact , plan of asaimllMtton, will certainly ru. will meiiii IUI this' girl win t fJint women are ;nfrancbl?ed In,Ca.JW good cUUen In, ahoft tlmi.i ... '. met .arid proleced titin .her arr val ; hM iKntni-an- t be dlret-le- 'm st. . ;Th-i- i . (10 .In thin rtit forni dWii., e x is planning ao.mewhal better rthan they will to where .v women; may - t r rferukln 1 fiOl vrn remotely make ihem a detlnitr .fattor.1nvryA 5 knew, the .are g"lng. to 'make "beanfe and 'ciibf'r'iM. ; by ct'Uf Tnivrnent, but t hy ha slipped XJ A- thla reqoeat more apet lllc ncktng the .While thoughts of prtev tin frt i ret) 'lH!-- d In he pJlJ With lU1 f unobrtuslvely nd TiaturaJly: Into - county organizations, to, be ready duri- to'the girl travtrilns i.i,e. the n i and" a) way protection w be n of id Ktfu-rlns- r popl und .10- - their own that th rather , nev ng" thv exposition year for and gull4M "l f A' : ." ' freely Tuliy w.'n i r s j . . la taken fur i granted and w In Trarelr; Aid work. as nl t' mr a 1 TruveU-r- All, a f'i-I- T.v-- r m"n r j nfldy Maftarer carrely ever mentioned. , When wom- rtcognlxed aa.'the' moat important and fact. w.iM.d : I . " lt help f no i 1 ii tl.ii" n.poitiln. en cam forward In the very :dya significant tea u. before the urid to and prote ion were ..-- Thr ' Crt : i ao corded every . f. W'hlle o part, they uncormcloualy d.ay. Travelers' Aid organization ia traveler.' tard." ihelr " t 1 rt t ' invtwdej : I'l I offlcUI-(- br.Mjg-h- with them,-civi- c . enthualaem ?r comprebenalve II; quite ail the A. particularly lntisttn hinriel r - wbosaj Board had ln mind In women prorli lent atuioi I. the Panama-!- and prldt In their roles cltlxent v Woman's the e;cU; ; 1 1 - . t " ' has Lern by . '..t;ii-- ,m x jMuln." Noth opinion counted but, rntat of all. they orlglnai organisation. means that mile tht aci is lr.Ulatfd bjrlha bruyghl loyalty rto the, men, who had travelers. Irrespective of age. aev race, asslytant In the,rtat drpdrtmn.. - may Exposition. - , i rut cnntvrtnrt, a been building; a new city, men who. de ; creed or class.- com toCallfornla the Panama-Pacifi- - a ' ' f ltn Mtn'i Loard fplte the burden they had been almost for the c . International The appointments irenir - atap-gerlng- along. hiclul- - Mrs ( t e for all vital under, were' willing jo Exposition nd rest asurerf, that "they the lines Fr. i':.l,A i&ey Carolan, an assistant to '.John it ifi no confu- - pleilga aeveraJ of , the .buty and beat will bo met when arrive that they r viy e ' - Department or Fk-- ; f no waste yeara of their. Uvea to the making of i willfreceive all information and. when Trask in the Jure la hat the Exposition thai; would celebrate the necessary,, full guidance nd protec- - Mra' .Ernest S. : ?lmts'n. a:t.-- .

: - ; Gewrse I'erry in t!ie I.;.;.: ' . i f ration., Uouib coi- Exploitation: U'i.ium's '.1. , :, Cr: a!thuh .lv. VacavUle, to D O I.i v n it h fvcry c. i.artmtnt of asl?tol v- 1 Departrrx'tit of :"i.m., n, ! taVcn tifton ite!f sift the -- i.j C ' ' one. nia-- 1 Herbert Huver. 'Bst."Utart -- ; !.' E iVan- Arnevehi in the i r n ; . T' e: s Metal; Jry,-M.-- f ;, . nnlntaintr. ani Kelton, ..MUs Ali.-e Crt::.t : . ' :i T the Ca!!f. rnU ashn-tn- t t, : ! William. Kent, AW..1 , t ? .ut. ihe ortar.lza-- f " of the j rlnser.: f r ' l. r r,r j o! Iitcul, non-- , director Ij Sclor.ce. " A committee a dvt KI tn- -' in AU.'Uti 1 tluti,- v, .f-- has" teen consaitd ;.if, cu rt and protection - - W.x'Kellutn th .v n - v, l:i 13 1 5: faJ-l'.CJ- t.' f tit mission in the . - ; r : -- a. v - ., c in- -i niaiiast n..r:::r.2.' r:cr tt .United States ' ; I i wr-po- w of the Cxpoiltloa Qr't '. "1 j 1 c 1 cf a r - tvtt.ere a catl for . ;..rief j vis their, kn Ale.':; 1 t of til citizens. A ' .cl.lrs rr.aka r r K , .' ? rj thr' won" enswered. ' - V.'or V ..: 1 '. C V'.v V? The id's t v - ' wumen Kh ,i .! 3 ' ! - t 1 - may Lav tl 1' t, v ' - that they f material to '. r .r.ti worlc - 1 ty el-vt au

c ... .", t.; . . . 3 r .IJrta. it f re;'.irstloa, art ? one a week In the s'o'.--. j tl children who cor; t? .'. is will-hav- e an lnttlllij .t ar.i jrolt cutloolc.'anJ a!3o so wh ? r.i. I hil ltj He m'a not, fcave y nsay '. :;e ar.d s .r fiat opporttf. '.'si. something whi f- - m cotl.;: .t ir.terffre THS EZESIDNT OF worth thit wgrlif university, ihe . ; to i j tt.a cor.-truc- - a ccrr.ectlon with A great variety of actH ities ar wc.m by V.V. In dc"Ul3n to IMs, stanty' belns haaJlei the mo4(-irnpi;U",- v.),. (V y wick "entertains EoarJ, the ci ni glvej t j l'j v. . - hu:;;e in Plearr r.ton the assistance the Mother Monument A;i jclatlon. I . C.iti-i- r IsAvtio tv".e to . ' to erect, a j-- ,t to tr. i.. V. e . rt ct of ths I artLi; i- - mR :r rci;ecllve states 4:.J hood and dedicate J' W tl ;loner . Irr.;-i- r vt'.i es xvt.o men of . California. This ts t.e artlits 1 - group now In tha of CI. tr l In ti e I ".1 a tr.aklr.jr. It lltarit's rtUt'on U (..Is trttt ua. Grafly, the Philadelphia sculptor, :.,- - -- will occupy the central politic a t .' t j !s In Its t . J I Vase 1 of Fine Arts an J at c; r 7i v .'.trKk G. .:r.. the Ectise the Exposition will t ; tnt, !s a wor:.:ia cf rare ability slon of the beccms i :v: property of the city of Can Frar. f erso:.:ity. Al. r no Una does aLi::ty. and will be placed In the' Civic Center. Uik executive and she is past two years i: iUt! ra she ts capable. Mrs. For the and durl n'' ten. months f the Exposition fry:? Ix rn Is steadfast in every un.der-..1!-- ?. the rr.cst gentle and considerate at Feb. 21 to Dec 4. th Woman'i Car', assisted by Itg auxiliary members. " 1 . :s In the ehe has been a limti i&t vitally , .. la large hu:.:ahlurlan move-- ; be most concerneJ with the ;.ar Exposition.. 'i r ' , clal life of the Alor th the experiences giving her a . during ';' preparatory - the f r. lid background for- her present . line , much .delightful service of tl.ij hi. ; rtant res ponslfclllty. At the time ', CAUP-ORLNt-A been rendered. In the beginr.i:.j t' e T; snlsh-Amerlc- an war Un. F CiUiLPlNQr has Woman's Board ; an In CaJi- - the entertained tvi .r'.wH wts executive the women came ur .who . with tcomniU.i... fTr.'i lied Cross society. When "dts-ts- - but the spirit of . k- i came to San, Francisco, she, with C the present maypr, James Rolph.'. Jr,? L dominated this situation. When l retary Bryan came to 'Califurnla th knd Rev Father; Crowley, the widely m " - ; . "a, x Jkr ail f x banquet In honor was - ' his J t) Known philanthropist, was In Charge proper- and 'II' an official tlozu Thla is, by the Trav-ele- rs attend achieve-rnent.-S- for roaranteed men well women. largest ' world's gr engineering' ab nounced. soon taking office ' ss as This Innova. cf ci.m of the relief stations. friist after pin. . thir amount a card Aid Society of California and by his - ' ex- .t tion was so signally successful that thi . calamity taught to have The wurien of the board gire tbelr Francisco's determination will be Issued .which will en- the assurance t , the Exposition Ex- - - V V Exposition will the- wheroj they belonged," Callfor-nlaTravele- 'directorate never c tKne. their energy and their money, to the . men and women1 of stricken hibits Its owner to' the comfy ploitation ; Department. - ra ; title' The' back way. for which;, they cheerfully city, something deep and vital not. to He barred : segregation t of any AuxJIIsry to the old When e:retar the caurf ' . privlleget of'the Booms. The Aid Society has been Mrs. Knox were; In VThey deflnod.', something Is stand- sort, holdinaT - that women were vn-- j i y and San Francis committed. husband their be but that - pin . re- ' fiT-'V- . M la a reproduction of the seal of the fashioned In every, fundamental ; consmic-tlv- e titled exactly, treatment ;V;V;, the change had eeen Ui- -i thai they may rheet their big ing them In good stead these to the 'same f Woman's Board, design, spect : New ' York;-wit- h of mais. - tW the, of Iucla 'after, that of men ban-jM- s t'l)7M(ions addttlon,' Is a days. 'They have; learned to .work as men. This significant; attitude- ot ; sent to and tha wo.t. t la there but ;' K.: llathews. It'ls done In rold.: red which "the western organization will tl-- j -. . Dr. SkUT promptly to ' ' entertained 5 ies as ' endeared him ;. test paid proce- together.-- te. mtr.limim of service. This V;r end blue and will be a beautiful souve- officially , tr, V thj ''.i' - adeqruaiely In! - the. women of Callfornlaw , f- t could. It was ii!tsome dinner dure la relped fact, Is wfll bo no TlWomaa,s Building Exposition. pos- .'- There nir after the It is not In OTgarJslng the Callornla Society women gave. In d Panama-Pacifi- c. -- 8o It Is that exhibits of achievements of Mrs. iM.sShle because of the Cne cordiality at the Exposition. To sible to . purchase the pin without be the Woman a Board sent., out'a call to Krzx aititalned' between the' two', boards. one" against"' tho iine by "women ?wfll 'not. be set apart, but Auxiliary. but It would have beeo laflnltely te;:et have coming: a member of the all ciuies.Vverypromlnent'commer- - If the dinner . women carry.'.many; of .thelr spirit equality characterUes;all will be shown In the great palaces with 4 tables had Joined. Thi 'e of that Calif ornlans join through' their county Clal ., body" .and every . railroad and dinner In 'through the well appoint-- A Its activities. iWhile this Judicial stand- their own kind and, where all will e honor of Secretary and lira ' ; chairmen bat women outside Jhe: state steamship Hnpany;ln San Francisco - ) Judged by same measuring stick. Daniels was given pnder pew machinery of the Ex lotttoo Board, ard ; is la keeping- with the 'status or the may enjoythese privileges by: sending bay. '; In the dls. 'a' and cities about the all cases penaatlon; - co-ieratl- on Callfornia-Jnd-.thebl- g' wW ;"Wo-niati- So epirir of Js all hat women la out- The fact vthat there te no $1 money order!, to in all work and la ill ihs the cbetk or the the" response .was. l mm edteie ; and the play - mnuslaattc', could "aski look the wesu-- Is not the result . of Building" will not mean that the connected with the ExposlHoa j tin tnoal The of it Woman's Board. Room ?04( , Exposition Interest, enthusiastic . Mr; Ortn C. malntaln-tbe'lr.Ow- li' on wofheh who come to California will be there will be; no; separation l&ter headquir- - a demnnd or'even a request the pnrt Building, iBattery. : ' of ! corner of Pine and f Baker.t the general secretary '"ot. the esta-.-..-- .' -- ; -: : ;. ; " i homeless, -- no welcomed.. ,lt . simply ;; ' 4 ' e t f ...... -'- tera. "but.ln the Exiosit1on bulldlac bf tli" omen" who arei concern tag membership card :; Sen Francisco.' The New fork Travelers Aid Socletywho" at t" j Woman the-gre- . which themseiv't making of. means they will be received where -- The. Board reallzes'that h not her factor facilitates th vlth the' that t and plh will be forwarded promptly came to Call rorniaoo the Invitation of .r-:- bTli.g-In- g will responsiiiliucg di Match of buMneaav"' Dlre.'tor General klf men and women foregather In the ; of the Expositive Tois wuj mean inai . mernoers irom the .Woman's Boards asaisted i in the h. "many itxtV-sltloas- ";a. A rest upon tire eyeryday' working him former' handsome Host Building. : m sa l men. but they stand evei TrwiiS'aled inlo with .from' California 1 sa f will a personal and exceed - ' afar have formation of the western organization.' I ready Board a r- - of, experience. n- - wonderful architectural combination of to he2 and never to hinder. ierms' ttiatWOman's is wealth' I lngiy convenient connecttott. with the Mission motifs will be found where en-- ; Exposltlon-- 1 Their names' will .'be f California will welcome the world. A rolled before they come. i The . Calif or-- ! plan et JT: carefully thought out places thr i Host Building will belen fete and Administration Building, the CountU nia i open all the tlm& The Auxiliary j Exhibits and tne California Host- will-alway- -- ! Rooms. Just at hand, s bei T- 1 Ballding tcgether each a definite quiet . j ;. k c.y. ':, but so piaced with reference tu and restful. t The formation of the.Auxillary' is the ine another that they form a most at- ' ensemble. outcome jof the larger 'attitude taken tractive Board, , , by the Woman's '.resulted that In arranging tnis compound a mc-s- t I : belong .vr.xenient ;"iare hue been set aside tor the Exposition dtd not to San ! belongs to coun-- 1 ;hr? oT - ; 7 Franc isco: that It the uee tho uxi:ary to the Worn- 2- Board, place ;':S'..J.v: tr-y-: that It was universal in Its scope.-Whe- en's a where members was ;iay reel and have tt!i These rooir.y Secretary Bryav the gues' f ' 1 ' 'i J given by Exposltl j it' .a be attractively furnished. '1 at a banguet the mol expressed same ser. c simple rr.b-- ' : avail oneself of directorate be the . - - t. . , i x 4. . , tl i "Rfnember." he sajd. l. i rfxV- ".VVw ih',rJ 9X. iteta'i uiufort i't those room? and In- - ent. it '?i J lnvlteythe par iv-- s takh-i.- a membership In the tlie Vni'ed ates tha i ' '. h l3f ' "jxlllary. whifh Is primarily Call- - 'lltipation of counfVles of the world ; ' 013HTAIM 0 1 :'.-- ," h T CREiJ to opnlngxof A..'' f .. V mian. but Mhl.-- lr open tc women celebrate the thePanama any t a.ial. Out U lias Intrusted the' making part of the world To become a ' xposiilon to 1'rancljjco." t o 11 , .. t 'he San by I'aaatna-Psftn- o - tvVrtChV hy aaaxna-Facifl- International Exposition Co the Auxiliary famlh mears an - O Jiht. ttil, International &pcsiuoaXa.l SCreci- f efllciaj -- . i ! ii.T rx..- - the nisie- '. .V astographcra i i.d' f 131 r nembir'H'. ) j ' ' ' i '. It'?. ; : , . . . i, C f. ..'. ' . ; f v. ;:yX-'- , . "V. v:;v. '. '4& i i . .' ;:',-"'- HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- N, TrE8I)AY, JUNE 30,-191- 4.

...... j . ,. I I

.-. i i ,;-.'- Ml Eco n o m cal E v ent i I."

, . -

' i I! ..... :" ; ; .... - - ,: ;.; ; IV. J J LLJI W , J l JT rT 1 - 1"

y f f .C - 'MMM&Mii: PQMEffS AND QiiifflilBKifliiE: i ;

'v-r-- -;-'- ti -vv rr,..i T m TT"V 1 VI H IVTt I - Lingerie Dresses VlI IkH SSH S W W JL JL W Vf.X A Misses ? Vt :BoSui&:;;:iy ;wash Kor-fol- k ." a'J vrs. to 14 vrs., in a wil( rane of styles, jf materials in 3Iiddf Russian and 1 styles; a large assortment of "plain Hie willi lac( and with real Wftlo colors Trislt Into. Jlie original - pri(s ranged from la and stripes to select from, fonnerly ?L75 to

c-'- V'

' 'Si' V .t - Sale prices Sale prices $1.25 to $7.50 .- $1 f!HTT nPRN?R ATVTH ATS i It. 1 J. - . 1 JBpys ; Colored Dresses r BOYS su Waists moth ft it's Friend . blouses In inany.neat patternsaii(J style? and a good In a good assortment of colors and patterns in ; ' V- v i jvV y.;-?- ; , rnnpMif colors' in sizw 0 to 14. - l." sizes 5 to 15; : .r. .? ..

. -- ' ' ' : $2 Dresses duringfthe sale $1 ... 'f , ... .' , ..j i y. . . ; ",- .f :' y - '.'','.' ' -;- - ;x 75c Wilists, 50c: uresses, az r , j niswi ne rne preaiesr smzwe imv&i jrif$oafi$ji 1 ' . v . 'sizes 3 to v i!jn..!deran'ge''6f ;'eoIcrs;ahd styles: sizes 14.':'::f 1 , chandiseor this event, we haveft Tliis ass!rtment of ;oats ineliUles a .wide Xtt-- A ?? t .:. Vi vv ; ' ? : rtw; " htyjes li ieU : i V lection of materials and colors ; i bilious refJbft;? tKe maiiv v assortments 'bf goods 50c Bompers reducefl tti ; V iV. . ... 25c formerly sold for f0.00 to f12.00; OS IVX v ; oner a niuen wiaer seiecuominan ever oeiore, cue C5e and 75c Rompers reduced to ...... uyw

ie'pn.vftA&y;' i?ia-Romper- $1jOO anl redncel to v.,. . . i OC ;

fclft. iiiKwiin'Jl fc Silk Afternoon Dressesttt "il.'i"iVt'ii'IM. ; I 'Via

ranget ; ronncr i)rices rom ':5.b0 VcrflS.'OO d ; emarkable;j; ' Former prices range from ?25.00 to C35.00 r V Sale prices $5" fo $15' Sale prices S10 to 513.50

rormcr prices raiige trorn $12.50,rto 13.00 Evening Coats - - ' j A ' V r i i Sale prices; $5 to $25 ' Former prices ange from $23jOOJo $40.00 aaie prices 3o 8.50

r 1. $3 BIiAeK-SILK:WftISTSr- t'.' V.4. One lot fornWlVpriiW iilafctingerie': Waists - augt j - - - v vrepeae ijnine, i;uina ius ajoa Jicsa4ine,.nigu dwk long wt- i tra Iligh neck,- B;iig Sleeves. One lot formprl !; prtoiat25j 'Sale jirice ;w; ;f f; ; 50c One lot fonnerly priceil at fS.00' to;J?30.00 : . -- A lAnolM'loVf ornrly RUBBERIZED C0MS?$a vV'?i''Jt.V'f:V--?- r ' r ' V r ; WvAili i iV; Viz n Formerly priced ;fr6m;11.50 to $2.5.00 Separate Skirts ' ' formerly- - ' : ; : r One lot priml at ?(."r fonnerly toiftlJOnu v . .", OiJot fllnO ;.!,. ; r,'..(--'.;- - ' 'Sale price oaie price j $23MEs ! v AAnblUer Iiit':fofintrltl. o $18,50 ; SWEATERS Another Jot forinerlyf priced atr $10.00 to i - In a wide range of colore nd this seasonV styles. Snip nrirp KS ; iFormerilyl'prieed' trdm to $710. Sale price price-S- 3 i Sale 4 Sale to prices.$l $5 -.-

., . "Silk petticoats 4 V Former prifes; range from $1 0.00 to $35.00 t COATS Formerly priced'frpnv $4.50 to $1&50 i CRAVENETTE RAIN ' Sale 4 Sale prices no In a wide range of desirable colors and styles. prices $2.50 to S9 Formerly priced Jroni $9.00 to $33.00. ' ''Da.

-t e. VliiteSeme-TaiioredSuits- Sale prices $5 to $15 Tail6f-.mad- w Suits ' -- , One Ict fornieriy icett$ilX0;1o $35.00"? One lot, formerly priced at $20.00 to $35.00 - v

oaie price m - ! I One lotj formerly priced at $2)6 to $38.00; r : mm s me Another lot, temerly priceilat; $20.00 to$55.00

: r f ; f ' , EjSTaimsneu.ri -. ' " " ' ' - " -- ' ' ' ' ' - ''"- , V - . ' . ,' .:, .. . - . "I", i ' ; i ' . v iiv v ... i t ; ) 1 ff a-V- Y":'';'.i;VY" 'L;'iyWi! '.V;VrV-;-'::Y.V'V::':-

Y; ; v'. - i Edited By- I ! , YrYY ; Hews-'- '. -- ; V1 V and . Comment Y - ... 7YY '. j;Y Y": ,YY

"T FIELD Dm --in .- nr S nf' n a K T pi a ATiill iLUl l iU ff llliiliili: Yi-- in ilLV-v-i: vn I it 1U Li Ail LiljJU

Vt n- -' manager RACKS. June 3. accQunt of the recent Lltr.rn .rt.n 1 full ' say of held bere r Hayes sared a ;blt- - by dashing in ATgeies for the. bantam. laH tran, had to' 'SSSTna daywa. : 1 lis flSt 1 Unite States t-- n-- " California Cripples - Lo:3 to and grabbing a; high fly just back of - JohnnyVWUliams ; and; cor.V:ieur we y?--- -- " I KtwSn X'tcrday 4 vvv -. n short that ; Forbes and Dodi&n were : was uiai. Vv----;- " ' i - - "; V. U mica 25lh lnfentr.idt:Ath!:lic Vix sC(j:Vs:Vr;v V ''Y- -l VVV, Johnny. Coulon: -- ' , - about to let fall between them. ; , come back. statement Is primes t . fnrft rot i-- -, i;Sv-- :: canT s , ..... fellows Plenty of Fielding . V ; i The did yfzrk; . like a funeral than a could enter m ma. ' ; AJmm V It was more .V? team, after their YThis new Ulent to cui -- some ' A California fun was off atlthe -a few boquets Keio' baseball brought - cleanly-playe- d championship. flght- inter- ! A ball game, the fea-lor-e - - triD to United States, things more plate by a beautiful throw from right ;?rY- - were lack- - ths' the frontand made "which- - wag and a parson wer all ttat -- yes the of tf irear.tripJe play; field that Swinton caught 6n bis meat 1 by the Hongkong Maru rstln" for all concrrucu.. -- , -- Hunt as "and the rootlfiff cf the acldicr-fans- nana ana an oy : docking at tne new pc is due CapUln cunreriea into oni, tV.v2 winMms.; ' The . Baltimore 7, wita credit vent on the losing side of California throwing himself across the plate and a r The university studenU athKSL officer, for the - " . now:; the world ' - : afternoon,- - V "wolf boy,? is greet. h.ome- h dcr yesterdijr the fa.t upon the Incoming nfnttef' ' V ! were out to the I-- ' ' Umwelght champion. la Infantry team' ibclnj'tfce.bhe' to '' -.; '."-- ' f '.!" V V'V ' , '" )-- col-kiac- Sf ! . Edrnlnlster the third defeat to the A bmnette cheering section Jn the V 4 to 1. It was a good game grandstand f furnished iirely rootbrg I to watch, bot not very excillrig one throughout the game..-- The people of '' ' for the non-partlBan- ." Wag fofpe the 25th sure gave their team fine really, fast work Jn the Celd.' the game support. V CoL Kennon occupied a box1 BULLETIN being remarkable for the "number of and almost every other officer' was In fdding chances, 82. that were handled the stand. iThe enlisted men and their Day Night Service Citizen Chauffcui3 trllh only a single error.;':; .f families were out 'Jn force.I''4V'- - j That- - many fans believed tei 'b a V Waterbbnse is a real pitcher -- speed, triple play, came In the eighth, when - curves. ; control, and nerve enough- to Cy :';.y Ca:::ornIa had a good chance to make r stick the . ball-eve- the plate In . a .1DAV: the tlree runs the soldiers hrfU rath .'i r? ' pinch.,- - one Inning, :i tight' In with the ercd fa the preceding frame. Ad ar bases full and two gone; he retired the ;:V NVt. '':'' UNION 4ST, NEAR HOTEL hit, and by Waterhonse - hit 1 out the- California ngntshed ; V rcrbes who if.t pltcfc ; , y game tme balIlfc AVhen V;.;,r-i-;- by a home run e'rlier has tHe nerve to pu. on Speed aiid Mt a grennder to Wir.lamfon, who "stuf?,1 wing curve bails, with the :Y- Piions to second force, Cullen -. 770 tcrscd for the. basetlfttllv'Jie 'AX DOi ;a- -- rrylnsr the throw for the out at first: : . ., i - ' ; ;X I frcd the ball to -- plate Illte n'ri a Cith the The trli.le play in the , eighth' was a lu'Iet and Swlcton pnt It on1 Adair made possible b'e'eV'tt?U!iamsons' fcr the third out. TThlle three out sneed in starting it on a'gronnder' t6 Trcre recorded on the play, was not ? f.. it h crtstop., The s ot ' Icr took . the ban 2 g a real triple, because Adair adranced end was on seconeTJIke-- a flash,, drhr-la- try- - n?e in safety. He was cat:sht the ball td firs C retiring. the bat- Cg?w-BARRET- T to come frcim third on th " hcme' ter. Smith .made ;& vre'tty ; whirl on :4 ib fiay.-a- s a matter or ract. hlsbeel and snspd; the ball borne, T7dt rhottse, the skyscraper twirfer where "Old Mar." Swinton clapped-- it ! cf the r:th; seemed a bit rattled at th on the runner. i ?- -. f tirt, but soon found the upper.-- , air currents to his liking, sendins his ; v Lang Akana, who officiated behind ? hoots platewards to good effect. Hf the'bat Vave as fine an exhibition of AGAINST TH rra Y finned six, walled four, hit one cut Sod :wcallixion-4aUa'and strikes as has been seen feflr lccse two wild pitches and was temeb at Athletic park polo team - will be ' ' .,.' many months, - calling was TneHawailX f 1 for even safe bit?.' a somewhat va- Akana's up against th " class of the entire ; about as near perfect jib the fans could ried afternoon's' reccrlVv'.'-.:- "X ' .';.,Ivri? wish. . Furthermore, twice ; when sol- world next sprih'g, when the local . California' took lb The collrlansf dier players let the ball hit them with- swingers compete; in the big in- f.eld in bad tbape, thp ta'm;: belnt stick Y out tryingto get out of the way, '. Fran-cisc-a 6Tvitrh;ed out of all recognition, due te ternational tournament at San Lang firmly refused to let. '"- the batter . ' ' took . . C' ; - Injnrlrs to the regulars. fOHara take bis base. Which was perfectly . e. In box. with ; tern the "Jlmrile" correct;. Willie. Desha's base unipir-- n The following trom; the San .Fran mak-shif- t Tchaeffer catching him. . This .: gives some idea .the g was, also iOOd4; ;v...;";. ; Cisco Examiner of - .. Y- battery was bardly tin to Its', for- poly reprssentation ' that will; De - on " mer Cppearmce. pitcher .Cefkln play;-c- ".Collins ln; center Ifiejafisalinoct if firft-an- d rtgnlar Sebastian the nof,(iuItc, as "getting down ,i ; Payne JWhiUey, - Ifamous fast t6 Harry the fj- - ; catcher, was In right field. , The. ver-latll- e first base Vas.VWilliamsV. speed polo player; yachtsman, ,' The and 'wlircoine Hubke played third. , cf the army .men'.in going to first oh t$ San-- : Francisco: to participate in the The first score came In the 'fourth. i ii. - field hits tookthe breath' away from poltf matches or'; the ; Fanama-Paci- f i Merchant Sti eet a, on to the"- - the when Torbes lifted Ion? Callfonilanjr fjnee; ?aiiessy-grQ.unde- r International i Expostticm: I sailing t vls Youms g-- clrti!C-.Ths- dr s: left od for thea.ct:t!re was driven! ddwn Getkln yacht through; the - Panama - ta Warrior Y in was the first and last of the runet- by Collins.'; gathered ." - It in canal. . Y- ""'YY":! Yv-"-- ;; : t ;:; ; ,;.;. and ambled for. the bag-bu- balf way 'j there, This ; news was ;reecived by tele The soldlprs tied it tip ltbe sixth he saw Collins'" coming. like a graph here yesterday, simultaneously ph one numb er-i- s AVatefhrrase beat out a poivbunt whirl wind The big Californla pitcher and ilptei;' new ihrn with the return of , J, Cheever Cowdin, - - - - was advanced on Vortd? com-mi8loiier- s, Y'- r End one of- - the two exposition polo Y!' easy grounder to O'Hara, who ana uouins dasoed over Ihe bag for 0 Ya;'"i: ter.t an , . - -.- .' ; ;;' ' ' : from trip abroad." . J. : Giv2 ' - ; - ns(a ; tls safe also . Trial ftTted the play at first It looked a? hit 'Adair showed a treat sother commissioner, :V:'v C6bd:Sefvice B. Miller, the r. .i - '.V ; i.' though :he'-coul- have caughtVatpr- - turn of. speed :when?hrf beat out a hit mained ; In New York to - attend the v Y- - J to deep Williamson . .pegged house at. third without much trouble. short ;polo-matche- s international "and Vto. 1- on Cullea's single.- - his best but the runner got j to f'rst 1? .- The latter scored arrangements for; par-- V d!d.;-'- '1 V.: . make final the decided the game.- - Th before the ball .:;.'V" ' The seventh tlcipatiori i oriEasterttJvteams; in vtbe; "V Vr "'"-"- up disposed of and Vi-Y .'.1 . first two men were .. -- ' v' .; : y 1915 tournament.' . plain sailing when CoV Gefkln wore a dinky green ian' yts-terda- : 'it looked. Ilka Wh ttii ey I H a s Two'Tei nia.':--'.:-! l;,.s got a bit and Smith was soaked that Is probably, a souvenir of nil JUst-gon- e Whitney organized . two; Ameri ; sec-r-- . his freshman days - on has " la the ribs.". Waterhouse hit over Ihe - "Via : V,. can wbicb iwilljbe here 'the. .- HI Berkeley campus. teams for ' ' Collins, while Smith' went He hss flnishad ; V V i. fcoring bis tournaments He will be' jacconipanied: 1 - first year, 'at California unfl hence third and. the. batter-- to' second. : Y' ' can 615 on ip3 ionneny waau4 tile afford id treat proverbial more boy ana tne lOrld'i champion7 T.'ood's little inSeld bit toward first fcy ; VanderftCf,; lca-- freshman green owned. Frederick W: sented by two teams." : : ' 'u t cl 11 sr ..Smith,- and when ".Schacffer with '.some, degfee.W shftt-- Y : lJ VvVcstorday Vflery-haire- d Tl:at they will be. loyally . supported nonchalance. tthe ; They came out X their corners fdf I threw wild to fccond to catch'Tv'oods piWher -. by Jlaci people goes without sayin. came s. andkube Itubke al- the) third, CoulOn ; slowly, wltlf the ticallng, Vaterhouse aero? - games ternated as the comedians- aron'aj OF DEFEIlDER look1 on bis face Th!r practice have called forth his bow as, sjr iTiIALS CUP of a condemned matt Lnn Akan. made first .base,; Gefkln stukta paper liEil LWilliams with: the: leap of a leopard much interest already, and the girl3 t!r;;ire and .did mighty wH4vbehinJ plume on his cap piece? t)f : J have a best of friends here. For the and tied a long Coulou had reached SUr-Bullet- in' Crrespon4iw: ' and before fSpecial . ITe the pl'tel needn't trouble ta. green: ribbonIt .should have been 23. first time the; Maui team will wear -- tlie ring Williams was VWAILtlKtj; The f ! 3.1 ; the center of Maul."June r r why he calls m thbtrghv , An 1C Sixteen-year-ol- regular suits made for the" ' creperaround Mi Once when he NEVPORT upon MmX-yr- 2 j V Rachael Kaumabelwa:, d occasion. . BEGIN RACES OFF ' They ban- i:n nire slieT!d call h01 and strike sat down back f first' making two VITH Jaw;;ThatV;AIt:.-Y.:-YY--kifMVk: "Mrs. L. will form the fcr Rlflht:,to daughter of Rev. and I ph be pes , Coacber ; ' " ket ill that. Maui has ever put ther if lavr oik the .line; Instead of the - "VV-y:v- : vY''-.Y":--,;Yi-- ' : : ia '''-- two sides of ' rbfg Wil- WaHuku. took "" ;,;Y 7 V:''-- '' .. Around the B. Kaametrelwa of -- - c a't agree with hAt. be won', swine lawrui one, '" the field. YY ; ,- vtne firgtr base bleachers liams trailed ; his man4 Coulon might place on Saturday: afternoon 'at three :vY to way thinktr-'- ' Indl-cf'r.- g up f Ated them hla of br set an, awful bo.wUaml Someone f. Assoc PreJ are all 'manned, forward of the. mast have- - been; ,;BnaidowVforiaII-,--;the.-- op- ' church Vvi-rlb- o'clock from tbe iKaabumamt that the ball was jw 'or .oat-?!!- e buzzed a sack of peanuts at Gefk'n. YNEW; YORK, June: 2! With the by descendants I of the .Norsemen. position he made. When close to the bf which he? fatlir is the?past?.M The J' r f ;cking small articles aMfnne--jot.- a pitebfir -- ' ago,! : rc ts the mav '' The calmly began juggling the weaknesses which developed In Tears America's , cup defenders ropes in Williams' town' corner the death occurred paFricIaj: at about four in venter has patented a pan, goobers sov p The came was a b .foj tb Hijt and got much comedyfeto the tunlng-u- races corrected, the trio Were 'manned by Penobscot Bay tars, challenger swung his v left to the o'clock from appendicitis,, and the at .varying heights along a mostly-fro- his stunt that the bleachers forgot to defense yachts: re about to Deer Island, but very few : reel, to be clamped on a gaslight burn- t""m. ani tly rfCe'iots of' cup' body. - Coulon . bent back from the wdrd had not Teacbed many friends, ' bfm ? "were" r.tisfactory; con day roar at and began laughing; C: entdr.. upon 'second stage of., the Yankee seaman have been seen oil the s. r..:m-fce- r er. . si drjfg the ' 'the Mdw, quicker th'afr the strike of but fa4 spite fact large ..;. : i .-- --Lu't A ita. of.tbla rr.d the amount of. ball that the fans f a America's cup . preliminaries. V Begin- tc Willfa-m-s' tli e tl..:rc!i ' strake went' right to the of people assembled at - defeating hsvo seen recently. , :. .';" . TONIGHtS BAND PROGRAM ning next week off rNewport will, be on the Defender assisted In Jaw. Prone to the floor fell Coulon. and. brought ..many" beautiful flrr.I ; i- - first ficial Res-olat-e; the Valkyrie III. : - - ' 7he score ',;.:v- - . held the of tsts of the Y where heV was counted out Bren as tributes. The services were cor duct- V AB Tt' BIT SD A-'f- i ' the Lahalna, Cifornla PG f The Hawaiian band wilL give i pub-f-k; Vanitiand DinceVand ' Qiptaln Christiansen. Resolute, the boys entered the ring and walked ed by Rev.'.D. W. K. White of V 0 - 1 se- : ,Ad:rr cf 2 2 4 concert at Thomas Square this eve- cup committee will base its final brought nearly a score, of men from to the : scales Coulon Kar ar- - nervous relatives of the deceased, and bv 2b' 0 1 0 1 i upon result town" Bergfe, Norway, Wal-luk- u Vrjcs. ning, beginning, at 7:30 o'clock.-;- ' ter lection of 'a defender the his native of far and worried look. His Hps were dry; Rev. R, B. Dodge, pastor cf tbe r -- - I 2. unfit stibspniient . . , ". crbes, s 4 . 1 1 .ft Henri Berger has arranged t1 thMUr' rac'fe. up near the Iid.of the midnight sow, he kept nroisfentng them continually, .Union 'church. : 4 1 ; . i pornt thej : ni:bke.v2b f - 0 r the following progranu Y "V 1 , These initial races.s While Captain Howell of the Defiance and: be folded. his arms , about him March-fNotorie- tyf VJjnitle - GvTIn. lb Knew) v.Vwildner are termed since the points scored will and Dennis of the also unfolded them- the fashion oi Wal-luk- u .;.i:c on CaPbi and after St . Anthony's Girls' school of rchastlan, rf V ,.C 4 on Overtru "La Dame Blanche". .. . . count ror .or. agamsi ioe aeiense as- recruited their Crews with ScandIn, a- - man - completely at sea. Gone: was entertain- ;. gave 113 first public 4 ft 3 1 ' a s. Pchaeffcr. c ...... V...... v . iWVv. r Boieldiett pirants,- begin' on July 7 with series Vians. a!thou?h all bands rfive South the picture of the former champion. ment Friday and Saturday even-Ing- or - last T) : 0 ronnd-robi- n ' port- jcon; iruvur-:'- t' 'J; lDtermexzo'Iris '....Faust of races In .which each Brooklyn as their hailing They It Was but a shell of tbe Coulon of old A special train, ran for the oc- av; Oj 0 o Selection "Faust!?.-- . Y; , : . . . . .Gounod yacht will race the two others in turn Are a lively set of tars, these yellow that crept: between the ropes. And casion. Hundreds of people crowded Nofr-wegla- n; p . 0 0 0 0 YY.'-.- expects to seenre red1 cheeked sons of , brokan-hearte- d O'Hara; ,U 1 Vocal Hawaiian Songs Y . . : .. v and the committee haired the ft; was a "old man of was - the hall, and the entertainment . as. fjords,- frorf from, i ..' . ;V ; Arranged by,: Berger Valuable data a result of the dual with tmuscles like the ring that was carried the pronounced by all one,- - cf the most ' ' Totals v;V.S0; 1 v7: 0,2312 . Selection "Musical Review YYvv; contests. JYThe early-- races both on Whd nerves of steeL f6r it takes a cool arena. Y , . , successful ever given on Maui. Songs jr.tb Iirfantry Anil mi SBfOA Yr Riviere Long Island and off Sandy Hook clear b'ead occupy the m 1 st-bea- tf position ;1 and recitations comprised tne x first r . - , ft ly the trio tbe Reso- ,cu"n;;.defende'rl!Yje.spanyy rullcn. 2b..v.4 0 1 Tanso "BuenoAyres'. tnew) V.Greert Indicated that f on a YM: Gr AjTENMIS-- Y portion of the evening.;: Elizaveta V.'illiamson. ss . 4 0 2 '1 Adele (new) ...... ; .PhWi f was me oniy really redy Smart1 breeze fcid some sea," with; club Guerrero and Rosalie Enos rendered Finale' - ' 0-- YTV6Vie races. Once the remod- topsails adrift, and spinnaker halyards TOURNAMENT FINALS? y pretty .Swinton. e::V: . 4 0 S-- 2' "The7 Star Spangled BantTer" the Jnne. very weli;indeed F.'E..Yhlte's ; ; u 1 w cuuiyirtw-- caught ; In the standing tigging. ! Rod.",." Y-- v. ' like Willis. Sb );V;,-4- : 0 0 ; l . 2. eiung or spis a;iu sain PLAYEDTHIS AFTERNOON song, '"Golden Y - Youli the contests ": on; : Washington, If. r. 2 0 ft 0 .AO - attract' no more atten it Is predicted that tne ruture ; Every man the three, l09,ts Is a - tSomeVmea- - 0- ;o 0V A - closer and the victories Y; : Dunlap- If ...:.. IV 0 0 tfonr than! a thermometer onVt; pleas will be far yeteran. a hd with few xcbpllbn ha ve The finals of the 3fi CSAJ tennis WINONA Ci?jfliu:-- 1 2 .;() day. v: , . '- - vs-- more evenly divided; year and some them ffVe are be played; on Collins,, 'if T..;'.V 3. . to ant' vorked.a of tournament to the Smith, lb 2 1 0 e 13 to While ' tue structural points of the yess under ' their' respective skipper. associations courts; this afternota at It has that rnellovi' flavor 7 Waterhouse, jt i . 34 2 2. o ft 3 0 Akana; and V?. TJesha; tlme .of game. three sloops 111 be brought out to the Cap'tain Howell of the Defiance took 4:30. Yesterday afternoon Graham de- 1- ' 6-- 2, 6--3, 6-- 2. - . ; v . ; JL 1 - 6 ovo 1, nour . V advantage these races. the of nls men tbe sloop feated Seward. Marshall Woods,- cf ULinuxes.. ' J best in all from ; " r 'hem-wile- d - rraff worK-o- tne crews wm oe a very im- Istalena althouli somw of wou from r Edgmrmb5 pa the olhei1 'to mate? everv a delirht. 6-- 6-3- 7-- 10. 4 9 2 27 20?. 0 . eon-tests-ha- oti 2, .' 5. Is; up Totals i portant factor. The preliminary with Commoaore R Waiter Clark court It therefore V'V'It has ira aromatic fragrancevj ' schbbne.r-j(folit- o, striker ' oF a now tender to Graham and; Marshall: ,to; fight It - Swtntow brt fcr third ii been just ias much the the : it; lisa ; a smooth ; ilraw and j ' ' tnnted for Dodwn training for the ; tars l- as the swing t6 theDeflnceV V out this5, afternoon; for the champion- i 1n"hV ' anV erven in short,' ; Hits and rnns .nlngs: V, workonts of the baseball players. Once ship. YY-- ;'--' ' '; L VYf jbun ,; - . v Vl . . .lo.'O O;l ,0 ft 0 0 NEW ATHLETIC PARK the crews are thoroughly organized Y VTHE LAST WORD. It is hardrtoVpick the: winner for 4WINONA has everytning you wan California Y i I. T A - V '" 5 - . " f , . X KfMame-fHowd- o Graham is strong placing - Base l;2;l Q 01 .'"" and drilled the speed In bahdllng sill you Jike me new at' the ball a agar,- - - hitsaO 2rt ' -- ' good YY'- V.- response " m .corners and 'at 'handling 0 inth Infantry. ,0 0 0 0 0.1 3 0 r4 and tackle and to commands dre8s?YVYYYY Y?-- -- ' ihe '7 -- ones, which are M strong , Base biU.,..0 1 0.1 0 3 3 1 9 Tuesday. June 30. will mean the "winning or icsing of ; erVFiance (who has worked at fast arsha08 y-jH-i-iuw doh-bl- . A" rnai-Tarbe- s: . e Infantryf.-U- C races. is a; peculiar' fact In connec rasWonable stuff, suit . Since the match calls' for thre Sommar Home iVY2d of 5funcUons7ome ; ' eupr out of five sets the match will no r; play. Tbes to Hayes tor Oefkin: tion with these ydebt crews that kid! You couldn't be more Immodest " play.'. Williamson to CvMn., to almost without exceptkin they ar,e for ifV youi was well, bfedV MX'-- doubt' be5 a long one nd; withal fast v A' triple t - . ' "'- - pY ; 4 - elgnti"sv..--j- UUDUUVUb t'.- Smith to Swl.nton; bit by 5 pitcher. V' Y Both games start at p. mi- :...;-,n-.?- y ,v 1 Imi- Smith; Hayes; bases on balls, off Wi- ' Tickets on sale. 0. Hall Bod Y.The. captainsf of thev. three sloops In Germany, tinfoil is cheaply , tt by coating-pape- r with" ' 0 French : alrymen struck ont . by Williamson and at office Park; phone 5132. YY have .invoked tne aid of Norway nd tated a mixture i lliamson: - - - : ffftAfyV - witb cocoa Rhells- . ly O llara Main entrance on Knkul St Acto- PwiHlfn"?ln defending the Ampricn'a of T WdMd" metal- atfiT restn: 2j. bnlk, O'JInrar ;uinpre.V mobile entrance on IVretanla St - ' Y, enp forTftnltle, Defiance and Resolute f and subj cattle. . , house .V- - YvX;V-Ci'7'-'- f -. ... ' , ' vv. Y- - "'"' Y - Y '. ' t. ,T-- T1 r j lxx-;:X- . 1 314.5 XXSHiX

' r

x.;- j; old:bro':jze a;! :'J;:.v' - V.:".. i

.7 XXMI ' ' Yoil VlIl find on this-tin- tfir fl1vntwfrnnt at flrrrisa mhiihv ' ?thenfion canj TO CHINESE UK ;'xj uptojou to take advanta of their cooperation by at least n atli:. r. 1 y : medium of tvslC OROER ry It is the jive, progTes$irc merchant who employs alive nov x .x y ; StaBulletin:-monthl- i a condensed j EBONy-WOO- article, remember the whiclt' h D calendar ')a ;; F If. and readers alike, is certain to pteaso both. x. , , iiis means thai CHI LACQUER-V- ' j : NE.E - gives , . . that it them what they want when jPXXxx-- U thev want it, : CHINESE y '. ' V '.. .: ;VVC-- J ;'.' Cl

' ' ' ' . ' .' !jXXX-Tvrx:W- v;- STEAMERS . Aotiq rixi; UMlp

x- liiiiliiie U - LEAVEJFOn THE COASTS " : " v--- 1 , . - . f r

mm ' - 4- -r :L-w- -y HI '"rv urr-- tV

STAR-BULLETI- N WantAds get Ick results 'A--


' v A. SL'i.'lV.V


' ' ' j 1 "" vtune ' '' : x - smiles on who opp'ori-Ma- ' ' r (f0D :those accept their b;: ortunities go by unnoiic::! 1 . unless you lino, thing a, .. .. i you see it; ; j rOLULU STAR-BULLETI- N stands nut r.rp. neatest Want --Ad medium in thn PrriP- - f- -- PlxCSllsliSS parico:: : results is the best adv;rtinmen t. Co:;r:!. "'-I- -'-"'5f::: X:??X tion dc ae - V - r x, : h.zisoma f . I r' .'''-.- r r I ; IlHS

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X'.- - ' I i r' Tenyo . ,' V A

: ", :. 1 ' ; . r: ' . Sbndizna,xxS 7 U.

Beginning ednesday, Ju!v 1st, entire stock of every department will be put on sale z oreatry reduced" iices; con- - 4 - tlnuing from day to day until wa muvejo ournew store. - - : OKli- 4 ,.i--..?- 5: t' x,v"x --5- - i. 77, we Ai inis ume win oner some rare.Dargains in Laces and Art Goods v - -

X'R- ? .:

v. xn wnen you wmit KM AtL s 5 .i ''Manon y' v-

PHONE ;38484699 : .1 X7 11 IS;X? X " '

- " A . . v , - ' -- --rx- : x:. : ; .. . :yx:. J i ' THEUK IS HUKK TO BE 'i ::.vy-- f . : 1 :. LXr''T! 'XaO sxv-- : ft' i "v-- - Phopel281 CITY TRANSFER ei Fallow III I J. - f'. Vi - HON0LULTJS -- A i ' tiiiht:::

It) n

-- - - y-v - n .. yr : V:r. ' ' mi

1 . . I ' Air linWr of busfoeiThiare.. doing their nhare touard 'acqoaiEting,"ybtt with their menhaudise; now, it e " thenJjign canftsc-cfitrpatroniz- tlj morcbantg. , .mc&ojon of ? mcbltig ktbe;,bujidg;pablictIiercfore)-wb- i wondering where is the best place to purchase an ), , - P A' iia condensed criterion of mercantile; offertngsas can be bad. The lire paper which works for its ad- -

v ;iis means that a large percentage of the English-readin- g public reads the Star-BulIetin-becau- se they know Get bet and be convinced 1

bole Agents Goody earyRubbef Co,Mohogram Oils I STEAMERS IN ifSmSM Tliiis Type ARRIVE FROM THE COAST.

: . , I y .,.. j ; t p l j w--'t i J f 1 1 J f li-- f isi -

' ' . . . - . y . . "'.-- - r - v .; , f - ' ' - r :. - y"...;;. .. .- : . - : '. Alakea and Merchant Stsi f 1 Phone 46S8

STAR-BULLETI- I W ;i V Send your Printing to the N klwWif Day and Night Service V Citizen CHauff cm:


' Is mmm-smmm- m c hQi&m mmmmmmm mmmsmw-- : . Piiohe

' 'Jm' '


1 ! ti-- : ' '. l t :.

t ,. ' .; ; '.

' ' - - - -- J ''r sliSr-'- t; a i5u iiave seen all these Street Stand;!wk lanctH Coo&Service S E IS Give us a Trial .JUlCi fmMMMMrl ,f '.. I..

;ff ' n gllieiarim a ....- -

LeavVthTblirfc Hat with Joe' Roman Beretania Street, nextrehouse

Rrofit by our experience; Phone 4026. Give us a Trial ' ' - -- '. j v : ' . ; - ".

' ' - ' , ' : v' .1 .. N -- E Sales - Oom'rasi:: by Merchant Street

lljS-''- ' Persia



5. Star Bulletin Want Columns Sole Agents for the Territofy: PHbne329l7 ; 'J 7 FOUKTEEN " - v;;- J f f t' J

' r " jfftHfifl II (Pi v n C pfflW: ' 1Pill pf

- - .: ' ' ' r ':w-pv- j. r .y AUTHORITY. IN THE C1RCUIT COURT OF THE First Judicial ' Circuit ' Territory 'y of HawalL In .Probate. At, Chambers. PAYMENT OF WATER RATES. la the matter of the tate of Eugene 2 PROFESSIONAL CARDS- R.- - Hendry, Deceased.' Notice to Cred- As provided lor in Chapter 43 of thi itors. rj - v; Revised Law of 1 UvalL 1303. , a:i - I Zjy y ctlumns and mihtl MADEIRA EMBROtOERY. : Notice la- - hereby jglven that persons holding water privilege cr f dersigned has been appointed andta-has those paying water rates are hereby day six-(6- L. firm.: : Carolina! . Frnaiidc. tTnlott Kt qualified aa ; Executor of t and under notified that the water rates tor ) ' Mada!r& tne vv m or naigene iienary. aeceas-c- d, months ending December 31, 191V ' ' unhrolrr. Irnffinn ufi iu A vc .baby caps and dresses.' Specialty of all persons indebted to the estate will b due and payable on , the first . a . . a w lij.i ana nemsxitcnTng.weasoaaoi of Eugene--" R. Hendry, deceased, are day of July, 1914. y: - , uiuu ; ANNOUNCEMENT. CLOTHES CLEANING. hereby notified to make immediate A failure . to pay such water. Tarts ( nayment to-- the undersigned at its of within fifteen (13) days thereafter ano MODISTE, i Sale Panama Hat at $10; reduced to The Pioneer, Beretania and Emma tlce, Honolulu.T.H. :Mt creditors ol additional charge of 10' per cent will y'. $7.00.' Porto Klco Panama at Sti.;-Phon- e the 'estate of Eugene R. Hendry; are be made. y- Hats 3125. Clothes cleaned If1st Nelllt Johnson. U19 Unlom' 7 $2.75. Leading 6t notified to present their claims, duly . All privilegea upon which rates re--' $5.i0; reduced to pressed and dyed. Work guar Svening Gowns, linger! dreaaes. Hat-Cleaner- with proper Vouchers unpaid on July 16, 1914. llf.2 Fort St., Opp. anteed, called for and delivered k5341-tf.-;r- verified and at main are sub .:: ;. W-- (if any even though 1:; Convent, Honolulu. 675:tf. a tached exist, ject to Immediate shut off without far 3 ' rbe by mortgage ' 1 : ; ' 55761tf MOTORCYCLE REPAIRINGU such claims secured ther notice. . 'y: a. B. C. cleaning, repairing ; aatisfac-- of real estate, to. the undersigned at Rates are 'payable at the office of - -- of Com Anteae Caaate, ahoe repairing; guar- tloi guaranteed; , call and deliver; P. W. Hustace, motorcycle repairing. said office the Hawaiian Trust the HONOLULU WATER .WORKS, aateed. Alakea, corner King St lieunakea nr. Panahl. TeL 4148. 1651 Young Phone 149J. pany Limited Honolulu tL H with Honolulu, Territory of HawalL , ' St n 877-tf- . y. 1 puouca-tlo- i M35-l- ' 6799-l- m. in six months rrom we nrsc VJ.) W. CALDWELL, V. snVwhiJ . .'" of this notice (which ia the date . Superintendent of Public Works. Tl .P8!60.8 for "OTtS!" r-- Hayashi; clothes cleaned, pressed! HYDRAULIC ENGINEER.. hereof), or . within six months after Department of Public Works, ; Bu- Island." Anto Livery. TeL 1328. TeL 22?& Beretania, eor. PUkol the same shall . become due or such reau of Honolulu Water Works, Ho ; 1 Jas. T. Taylor, 611 Stangenwald Eldg, claims shall be forever barred. : nolulu, T, IL, June 19, 1914. ; - AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE. 58S3-10- consmtingr civil & hydraulla engln r. Dated at Honolulu. !. lL, Jahe 24, : t . '. CAFE. lyecome - :. v - k5375-tf.-; - ; , 1914. ' Ur, y -- ; ,?r-:- ; GET THERE QUICK. ( HAWAIIAN TRUST . COMPANY, NOTICE.. ' Telephones Royal Cafe, everything the best at rizal orchestra; :.V. :? i I LIMITED, u f popular prices; fine home cooking: In but few lines of business are the little bita of business so much appreciated as In newspaper Executor, under the Will of Eugene R. PAYMENT CF SEWER RATES. 2999 1005 the business - r ?y-?.- t and prompt aervlce; Berctania, nr. Fort Rizal Glee Club furnishes first -- Hendry Deceased. :'.yy: .. 8L, opp. Are station. K. Nakano, Pf class music; for any and 'all occa- 2,. 9, 16. 23, 30. V Act 158, HONOLULU AUTO & TAXI CO., No matter how small your VVANT ad may be, or iipw insignificant - j5871June In accordance with Session 6745-t- Manager , George A,- N; Ke-- f may .you Star-Bulleti- n sions Laws" 1911, owners and occu- it seem to the considers it important and will . . of' the Alakea aad Hotel St8 Opp. Y. M ' frn. Drimik!l7?l f . m (a C t two-lin- e u wa. uvu. t f v .iiiii v v y ..... IN THE CIRCUIT COURT. FIRST pants premises give same to your AD vfe-- . of the connected with0 the careful attention WANT. tihat is, .A.'.-- 5768-tf.--: r ..:'' Boston Cafe, coolest place In town. vir - : Pro-bate--- C A. Managers Behn & Ben ford. given the two-pag-e ad of the large advertiser. , Circuit.- Territory of Hawaii. In the sewer are hereby notified After the show drop in.. Open day ' Chambers. In the Matter of the rewer rates for the six (6) months - MUSIC LESSONS. v 6739- tf. and night Bijou theater, Hotel 8t We want your little WANTS. To ' give you perfect service the the Estate of Joao Remoaldo Suares, beginning July 1, 1914, and ending 6529-t- f Star-Bulleti- n nas installed a perfect telephone system, . handled. ly" deceased. y'it-y- :'.',jVy December 31, 1914, will be due and AUTO PAINTING. Private lessons, on Violin. : Mandolin, '7V'i i ; skilled ad phone operators enabling everybody i having,, a phone to , ' On Reading and Filing the Petition payable at the ofice of the HONOLU- n Guitar, English banjo: and .'Ukulels Columbia Lunch Room; qnick service Star-BulleUnan- tl Ajito-oimer- great- M. SYSTEM s: Cars painted and made call the Honolulu's - by a many years experi and account of A. Gonsalves and LU SEWERAGE on the first . and cleanliness our motto; open day teacher of ".. F. Souza, of Honolulu, day of July, 1D14. : to look like new. Be convinced. Ante and night opp. ence." Address P.O. Box 111. Tek 4179 J. "Executors Hotel Bethel street Of the Estate of Joao Remoaldo Sua- If any sewer rates shall remain un-- Fainting Co. Llliha St, nr. King at 5518-tf- , 1 - , ,.:,.C..; 5614-l-y. res, deceased, wherein petitioner a3ks paid more than fifteen (15) days aft- : to be allowed 8672.21 and charged with er it is due, 10 . per cent additional The Eaglet Bethel HoteP and Ernest K.' Kaai.' 61Ycung Bldg.; Tel ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. bet 82459.25, : same hereto shall be charged which shall . King.,; place 3687, guitar, ukulele, mandolin, ban- and asks that the be A nlco to reat;;flns Tiolln,' approved, and a be collected as a part of such sewer nome cooking. Open night And day. jo, either, cello and tocal, examinend 'and that make m specialty ol ' ' k5381-tf- . : unpaid J7 of all kinds . ., rate..; All sewer rates shall artificial flowers of .every .variety. the remaining property to-th- e persons bear Interest at the rate of 6 per coat ; Wa appreciate yot'r patronage. Miss Bergstrom 'Music Co. ' Music discharging peti per; annum until paid. -- . Hoffman,? Hotel . ; and'mn thereto entitled and lUyaL 1C30 The. St. next thel ; 1020-102- - - Union SL sear Hotel 6t h a sical Instruments. 1 Fort tioner and sureties, from all further y yyy J. W, CALDWELL, , Encore.' Beat meals ' for,, price in f7-- i " V . 6277-t- t responsibility - : Superintendent of Public Works. town, open all day ,and all, night I ' St herein: v V. - Department of Public Worksy Ho- AWNINGS. ; I v It la" Ordered, thaF Wednesday, the kK3W PIANO INSTRUCTION; v-- ' 29th ; day, of July, A D. 1914, at 9 nolulu, T. HI June 19,4914. L ' : 1 - Judge y 58S5-I- 0t Of every description, made to order. Astor CafeJ' Unexcelled rjri o'clock A, M. before the presid home cook Beginnings piano, $3.00 per month. ing at Chambers of said Court at his , K1&J 1417. CASHMANort BT Allen ing. Best materials popular prl 8 Be-- -- it lessons? Mrs. L. Mackie, 1333. TENDERS WANTED. - KS33-tf ' Court Room In the Judiciary Building, - ces. Try us. King nr. Alakea St ; retonjlat elephone2683 : ; v;K in Honolulu, County of Honolulu, be : 5569-ly- .- . .' .''r. " Sealed tenders, endorsed Tenders B FLAGS. PLUMBERS. and the same hereby is appointed the time and place for hearing sald'Peti for Supplies; Oahu Prison," for fum New, Orleans Cafe; Substantial meals 'fiUSINESS' NOTICE. Ishing Oahu Prison, Honolulu, for' I FI8 oi all .nations. Ring up 1467 Plumbing-an- d tinning; prices reason tlon and Accounts, and that all persons at POOK 8TORE. moderate. Alakea cor Merchant ; . DH - the period from July 8 1914, to June .7 Cashman. Fort Near- Allen Street able;; 1320 . Nuuanu y interested may then and there appear rf.K589-- tf I St ' NOTICE.; 30, ; 5817-tf- . 1913, with Fresh 'Beef (carcass), . Cooks' bought, Bchobl , and show cause, u any they have, wny sold, exchanged. .vill be received the Attorney Cencr-si'- s our. CONTRACTORS. respon the same' should hot be granted."' at books apecialty. Pictures framed The undersigned will not be ' PRINTING. : ' ' t : ;i office at the Executive buildlns:, and enlarged. 1280 G sible any. contracted in . By, the'Court : : ; v 'v A t T'' Y LKahn, Fort St for debts his V. Honolulu, until 12" o'clock noon. July - Tokomizo-Fukumac- pt (Seal) ;.v A. K AONA, F612-- tt hl Co.,general, con- - name-exce- I s We do not boast of low prices whlchf on hi written order. .'. v - yy 7, 1914 The approximate quantity re- - tractors opp. ?; .l Clerk. and'draylng. Smith .St poor, signed r iiA4N u xuu jiu 4 fjf- may BICYCLE ; usually oincidjawItli euallty; aiavua,. 23rd day of June, 1914. quired and other information be SUPFLIES. Hawaii Shinpo - Sha, ; office phone Dated the. i ; ";-- upon. Attorney - we "knowjJtjow" to put life, S "5888-Jun- had application ZW6:-residenc- e 1 but e 23, 30. July-- 7. 14.- -t at the 31 K7. - j ; CI: 3 Club, fil .Toung Bid. Tel - hustle and go into printed matter. General's office, tenders to "be based C reneya, wholesale' and retail ' 7; any : SHOOTING NOTICE, : JuraJshes music occasion. ' upon At- Staler In bicycles and accessories, CARD CASES.' - ;: v and that is wht talks loudest and ' - - BY AUTHORITY. the quantity stated, but the k538Itf Star-Bullet- longest Honolulu in torney .General's Department does not dag street near Punchbowl street. Shooting of doves on all the rice 5542-t- f v Business and visiting cards, engrave r Job Printing . Department, Alakea RESOLUTION NO. 172. bind itself to purchase the whole or -- Oahoyjs strictly pro- WMBaa i ib fields of Kallua, any im or printed, ; In attractive Re H ; 8t; Branch Office, Merchant street - particular part' of the quantity taeaa;i - hibited. - - BICYCLES AND SUPPLIES. leather cases; patent detach:1 ' 6309-t-f 'V RESOLVED by the Board of Super stated,- such quantity being stated "Star-Bulleti- LEE CHUCK.. cards. n office, City, and- - County of Ho- merely for the convenience of bidders tzr HAWAII'S MUSIC' Rice-Planter- visors of the TTe si Kallua Assh ; - have Just received splendid new R ' nolulu; Territory of HawalL that the their bids. ' ..: fe- 5893-3t'- ". -- .supply of. PREMIER Bicycles from collector: .Trnest K. KaaL 61 Young Cldg TeL following sums amounting to THREE Tenders 4must"oe accomrarJej by a calnland; also supplies. H. Tosh-- . 2SS7, teaches vocal and THOUSAND FIVE SEVENTY-TW- O certified check equal in amount to five Collector on commission. Instrumtl. REPAU1.8H0P. CORPORATIQN . NOTICE. Utga, 1211 Emma near Beretania. Tel. (83,572.00) . DOLLARS, be and the per cent of the tender, and must be 5891-t- f Matsnbara'e shop, ; carriage and wag- NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. same are hereby appropriated out of submitted in accordance with and sub HAT CLEANERS. moneys General Fund of the ject to" the provisions ; and require- BICYCLES AND REPAIRING. on repairing; King and Robello lane. all in the y-'- ' - 5559-6- MUTUAL "TELEPHONE ' CO., LTD. Treasury for. ; the following' purposes, ment of Act 62, Session. Laws 13CD. :.i ". tO-W- it: Z'A ;:. i T. Sato,' cleaned, dyed and blocked; hy i;r-- x v The supplies hall be of the. best C Okahiro, agent for Pierce Bicycles; - DRESSMAKER AND SHIRTMAKCR. call and deliver; Kamanuwai lane The, stock t ledger 'of this company DISTRICT COURT EMPLOY- - - quality ind delivered at Oahu Prison for sale; . all new; bargain ; prices - ' ' near Beretania st, Telephone 3723. EES- - . . ' 72.00 In quantities, required and subject to opposite R. Depot ' will be closed to transfer from Thurs ? " Cxi Street, R. y ?;; r ; v5536-l- y 'jHspectlon ' N. i HOSPITAL EXPEN3ESV- .$- 300.00 the and approval of the 8721-- tf Kim. ladles' and children's dress SHIRTS AND PAJAMAS. day, June 25th, 1914, tilt" Tuesday, .t -- ,- - maker. Sblrtmaker.i; Underwear to June 30th, 1914, both days inclusive. ...And be It' Further a-:.- High Sheriff... 1 HOUSEHOLD ' MOVING. : . . Honolulu, 2oth. 1914. CAKING AND CANOYMAKER. order reasonable.) Experienced y ,;;. YAMATOYA. MUTUAL TELEPHONE CO.;VLTD. RESOLVED, that ': the? following Dated June . - :..;;-'-;l- M. STAINBACK, help. 274 King, opp. It .B pepot 1250 Fort. Shirts, pajamaa, kimomoc By L. M.- - Vetlesen, Treasurer. sunt,"amounting to THREE THOU , Gomes Expres iTe!T22$8;J (urnitare, ( $3,000.00).; DOLLARS, vba" Zew Sunrise Bakery. Fresh pies.' can-- v 6752-t- f. , Honolulu,' T. June 24,, 1914. SAND. and ' - CSOO-June- a, piano movlngV atbrage: facilities. ', 26. 27, 29, 30; July .1, 2, dies. Wedding j cakes a specialty. ' 5889-6- t v' V the same ts hereby appropriated out Kscann - nr. Beretania. TeL 4780. 8HIRTMAKER. of : all moneys ; In the Permanent Im- : 6e29-t- f. train at a rrade'erosslne. provement Fund of tne Treasury for " 1 HARNESS to-wi-t: SEALED TENDERS, EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 'i MAKERS af Yamatoya, shirts, pajamaa, kirn? A seat on the New "York" stock ex-- 'the following purposes, BAKERIES. noe'to order; Nuuanu near Panahl change sold for $42,000, the same price , PERMANENT PAVEMENT ' Morlnaga, harneAs repairing - y. Union Employment OfflceJ TeL 1420, S. of . all 6533-l- as the last sale. AND BRIDGES, DISTRICT : SEALED TENDERS will be receiv' , work, reason- 1 by Hone Bakery. 212 Beretania, nr. En All kinds of help.;, G. Hlraoka; Pro . kinds; guaranteed;; OP KOOLAULOA, (Kaha- - - ': ed the Superintendent of Public . ma. and', doughnuts . able; 271 Beretania, nr. 'Aala Works up until neon of Saturday, July Cakes fresh prietor, 1210 Emma, cor. Beretania. v St na Bridge' No. 1 ...... $3,000.00 ' ; 6559-l- y every day.4 Boston baked beans V. k5329-m"- - Presented by ;, '. ..." 11. 1914, for the CONSTRUCTION OF: - - Saturdays. HAKALAU-IK- I HOMESTEAD and crow; bread on TAILORS. r. r.-;:- WJL H. McCLELLANfc- - THE - - ' kSSSMf - : ' ROAD, DISTRICT OF SOLT1I HILO, Y. NakanlshI,S4 Beretania nr. Smith 1 . ; Supervisor. . - V - - HAWAII. v yy Street; cor good cooks, yard boya. p--te THIS 16. 1014. BUILDER AND TJ. Shlnxaki, Merchant Tailor; Honolulu, June V " CARPENTER. nw3 The . Superintendent of - Public Phone 4511; residence phone 4511. JEWELER. date fashions. Work guaranteed Works reserves the right (a reject any 'Katnlmura, building kind 524&m V Beretania Ave. corner Mannakea 8f Approved this 29th day of June A. of all i; ' ' . - ; . ' Wo, ma- - '. or all tenders'. ; - work guaranteed; experienced men. Sun Gold and Silversmith; i 6533-l- y D. 1914. Japanese yard boys. ItUaySavcYpuTlifs -- Plans, specifications and i blank rtaaorahle; Beretania opp. Union cooks, waiters, terial and work guaranteed.- If not ' JOSEPH "J. FERN. Matsumoto, 1124 Union. Tel 1758 money, refund- top forms of proposals are on file in the . satisfactory will be Army ft Navy, Merchant Tailors; Mayoralty and , County of Honolulu, 5070-t- " ' ' " , f ed. 1121 to-da-te object office of the Superintendent of Public Mannakea, nr. Hotel street establishrtentr cleaning an The oj this advertisement 'y"H - 5531-6- m ' Works,- Capitol building. Honotala, BUY AND repaWng. 1G3 King. cor. Bishop U people, early 5894-Jun- e 30, July 1, 2 - SELL. EXPRESS AND DRAYING. St to instruct ta tbe ' i 5748-tf- . and D. S Bowman. HHa HawalL symptoms tuberculosis con - of or c- W. CAIJiWELL, (S) C.izz and Jewelry bought sumption, they Gen. James D. Bell of Brooklyn has v J. ac!d and All kinds of expressing and draying so that will go to ; Superintendent :of ; Public: Works, exchanred. J. Carlo. Fort -- Ex- u been, elected commander of the state Charges reasonable . ilanoa physicians teforle tt is too late. Ro- '' Honolulu, June 20, - . , , Grand Army of the Republic at ltl- " press, South cor. King. TeL 1623. tfVERY STABLE.. S8SC-10t-.: .. " : : y "yy ' chester, 'yl .. 8598-l- v UMBRELLA MAKER. NY. I First-clas- s livery Juraouts at reason-abl- e CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. - Territory Livery Stable R.' re EXPRESS." ratet.' Mlzuta. Umbrellas made and CoSfili expttSsn&aOk evea if cdy 148.. King. nr. PunchbowL TeL 2635 paired. 1284 Fort, nr. Kukui. Tel at George T&Tnsda, general contractor. Gomee Express.' Tel: 2238. Reliable, 6518-t- f 74K Kfi&SJJm a linlft b the tnoffl'ma tvnkhyou Estlrrates fcrnlshed. No. 208 Mc--y reasonable, prompt and efficient hardly notice st fmtimird ever two Candless Build In g. Telephone 2157. M tnonlhu. i- 5265-t-f , - yyjf .r!. Frequenl 3 ; MATTRESS MAKER. VULCANIZING. -- contrsctor 4Tn2dhlu&tptt y j Y. MiyA' and Guilder. very ospidoua. ss end Estl-mate- a or Fcvef acacb cement work. FURNfTURE KOA, MISSION. Auto. Motorcycle free; 223 and 225 Tamagucht Mattflssee" aff sixes and Bicycle Tire furnished vulcanised. Vulcanizing Co. BlOOd Splnfcj. II blood is cached .BerotanI St Phone 2516. made to order. King opp. Alapai Eta. Talsho North made to order reasonably; B7jr-fit- rf a 180 .. Furniture Merchant, near Alakea Street the tuberculous j-- K2Wa - tn ttmth oae carpentering of all kinds. R. Ha--, Telephone 3197. S. Saiki, Manager tanesia tca -- '. aegawa, King SW opposite AlapaL MASSEURS. t 6618-tf- . 46 Nr-an- nj Tel. 3151. - Sanko C04 r ;5692-6- m PleralsyCkfisd-b- tuberculosis Contracts - for "building, paperhang-In- r J. Oyama, massage treitmentl of face w m wm mm 0 im mmr cement ork. .cleans vacant loU ana ooay. Kuicur si. near icxver st about sevea taci b tea. .xVk5327f ; 6605-i- y WASHING. Nigh! Swes! Very suspuoui mm- general contactor, 2034 T. Kohayishl - LOSS Ol ttcliU'i&d StrCCCUl very first-claa- s mm-- S. King. v phone 2558. Reasonable. Wo Long, laundry: w guarantee all work: call and dellv luspacwux especially if there tstHght v VI. " PAINTER er. Emma, near Beretania coughv .Mi J It u Street "CLEANING AND BgPR'NG. ft 557S-l-y. S:4 ShtfakL iMf' Nttuann; Tel. 4187. If any of theselyaplsess 'tre present, mm Clothes, Vowns. Cleaned. dyPd1'P5' raumng ana papenanging. au worn WASHING AND IRONING. no matter fcOW IVCll y09 look Or A ,.Wagon deltrery. guaranteed. Bids ; eubmlttei free. t short notice. ' acL c - ; (eel cut out this take it to your rvi.-- mpnr"Cn. Eerefanla. nlFort ' Wort auaranteed reasonable. Laun- dering done well rr money bacs physician and explain your case. PLUMBEH AND TINSMITH. Delivery. See Wo, River nr. Kukui Yon caa be ecred if you take it jyyy CLtKKlKQ AUD "CYEING. 6575-l-r H. Yamamot'o 'pinmolnj; tinsmith; roof b time. TbCSS22(!s of patienU ,;" " '"-:- 'r'-'-'-y-. Cleaning, repairing. Experienced men. Best of Edward Root of Riverton. Conn., is who have leea ;;treated the Tomorrow, June II, Is Flag Day. ... Roral aotViPfl npiW b ; hr-n'f- . " reference . work gnaraviteed. Krng fvhilinine Uv ojri, laiil lv nio' incipient Wage are vcB today. r. Kind a ft..1dfer. .. . epp relephoiie S20S. TO yKTKR DAY'S PVZZlJt, tfctama.' nr. ; fiouth BtiePL hrn anrt linked like !h Siauit'f o iwina. AX.SWEP 1 aii 6694-- 1 The link is of shell. - IJxlvlatc : T,-- . m i HONOLULU STAl i T ' " ""' --T; r r--. " Modern lite Is giving more complex and 'sUefluous every day. but U Is also becoming' more convenient Tie7 r v.

- STAR-BULLETI- N ts C ng lu utmost a every possible way to be f wvice.-t- i the people ''fjpufnaiSm where It Is circulated anybody .wants to. know about anything, from the' neburar ;ypothesis : to baseball score, the rhtt impulse to call" up'jhe STAR-BULLETI- and find out. Tbe;newspapV.lar willing. You can Just eleasily .oraeirvJuVYon want through pur cUsaiXk4'lJraiBaiUi'Oae. Ceutwordi will do trick. loni-fim- e . AdYfrtlsix.g pays aad we and be ponviaced It the Ratrtfor ads. ranproTe tLTty " 1; bring VbA Z&t-X'..- 1 1" ' ' will results. '-'-' . , fu' ULITLN : rott; tim civ ok job ricxim VVsfczj iiOCKLY TUCOCCfl THE bTllWil

m : t '4 1. '' V CLASSIPIEO BU0ZHE2S nrr-- Z' FDR RENT4 r ) , D Oeslrahle houses U various parts of T the city.0 rurnisned ana unrurnisaea, EIUCE FOB BUSY PEOPLE :kt 115, 118, 120. 125. S30, $35, 40 and Ctriat f !3r t 'I , np to $125 a month. . See list In our E:n;jn !:3 t.H a i: ti FOB SALE WANTED ., office V Trent Trust Co. LtdV Fort t:; t; AUTOMOBILE MASSEURS.-;:'v--C:iJ-- viKi:ato UUa CAMERAS. ' King c-t-ure. St. between and Merchant New ; steel an cenert t e stru ; Frank Bakef. now located af Ishop . Second-Han- d Cameras bought sold Mr and Mrs. . Hashimoto Bere ' 5462-t- .U i Railroad Rooming House, 369 Kins CreryDat with anything U tt t . addiUoaof huadrei st. for sale Auto Btand. rnone ass and exchanged. Kodagrapb. Shop. v tanla .Street near Emus, Third to the. right party, cheap: .well fur-- Flay Eafa. Conldertng the fao s. rooms Just completed. : A hlsi AUTO MOB I UE, Union Sta. - , ii! ; ; jDlshed ; must be sold at once owing i ton Tot s&lea; ancceea in ' plannlm Hotel and massajgI-- ; New cottage on Kuakinl ave., 'opposite class hotel 'at very moderate " ' Taxi. Phone 200 and 4I8X. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. 3 -- to In ; family. aatlsfactory HaJrdresslng, j;:;'"acalp nxul Children's Hospital; bedrooms; of theatre sickness Apply on 'm ad li 'more' thai - tmtmext " , rates. In center aai " ' " ' autom6bile. . J. Yoshlda, King street at Kaplo- $20 per mo. Apply Oliver G. Lans-lng- 'premises. . ; , inowttt "how Tt happefled"'' alter ,4. 4 ' facial ma88age. X Mr. F, FranchL retail district Oa car lines Seven-passeng- er lanL Contracts taken. : - Btar-Bullet- Ul ' Packard" I 0 . ward.; . ' "Want Adi at 1621 Fort St: :v..; .' 82 Merchant st ? transferring to all parts cf city.' AMERICAN ' vHom service. Call Stanley Strader, CLOTHES CLEANERS C- - omn'bus xneeta all " th Bacon' ereo ' MACARONI. Electric ITrtel formerly the Suitatorium now,, fX '.v f r At treat tarsal lot 300x137 with a time. iX99.riL AUTO MACHINE WORK. . Factory, ta trains and steamers. Oahu Macaroni dealeri "bed-roo- m ' two-bedroo- m 4 Co King street and Alapai. Called for Two large bungalow, new cottage, ' mlautcs F. W. Hustace can do ratel 8tmrt rcosnil2i -.- all kinds of paste; Hotel S.t: mos-qult- o " TliiaA - and Phone 5167. every respect; HeUqi3rtrt. Cib ; from car line. Desirable location; Competent stenographer an typewrit work, no matter what kind. delivered. in and modern in Island . 5887-- 1 ABC Cod. J. Iov. Cth er (male) : must '.also; be ef Young m MOVING PICTURES, A proof;1 artesian waters Call at 4Trwt" - ; A?a. and Palolo. .Address Box deiehVin St ; Tloaolaltt rpreeaUU. . - - DRY GOODS. - : :&5&H:,-:i- , 7, this omca. i . . general office work.'- Applications in AUTOMOBILE TRIMMING. Kaumwela VMovlea;; Theater now 803 Lunalilo- St Japanese . - 5380-t-f . own handwriting under "City 2651,' obi silks, mandarin coats. open at Camp . TwoVlneyard St; ; " KlnkT near PunchbowL' To: 1 Me-unak- ea - : this office. ' - ifi. St Yoshlda Shoten, Beretanla and pictures changed dally. ; c t ; built orered and .repaired; tlti Epedal --CM-' 893-2-t M A ' A 1 I Sts. cottage, gas, electric lights, fiala: rioor coTerliifff. wa aeu- corera us oroer. NOTIONS, 7? sese tnatUnri and Iiao--; PRY GOODS. mosquito proof. vj Apply ,1511 Kala- " trsei ru, FOR New York Store. SUks and Notions, ' ' leuma. .Telephone 128L ATAXIA; Clt7 Dry Goods Co. 1101 Nnaaxs St, kaua ave,'..'' AH of music to dereiop talent you 117 King, street , -- ' .; Jimmy ),t :::-- : - loera When want a taxi, call v-- 58S9-6- Levers A- Coolre, Ltd-- ni' near King. . .V t Btreet . by. taking lessons from Ernest K. Hughes, Auto Livery Co. PENN'ANTS.'i;.; V'q n ";V-lMi- Hail, Young EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. II BttfldlnfTTal. TAXI SERVICE. . : Y. 34 nr. See ou line before buying. . Agawa cottage. 1236 Klnau Nakanishi. Beretanla fit. : modern Bazaar, 121 Hotel -- : A fine piano cheap, leering Islands. Night and day; cheapest rates. Bill Nuuanu Street Phone 4HL St'.. k" street . T tone 1846. I . H.Burnette, Cpeclal Summer - r.:i.::l phone 515p. popcorn, .;;;7-;;7- inquire or A. warren, eth ave Kat Girl Flerria, ORISTS. ' ::'JX::y, a,gent or woman to trim hats. Must bt - ,Cut flcrrers and baskets for all ev 'crisps In- city. 5801-o- t muki, or call up 1287. j experienced, Honolulu Hat Co 3C JIMMY HUGHES. The best the Try Hotel BC ' Now has a Taxi on the Bethel St asions. Komeda, Florists, Union v ps. TJshegima, 1326 Fort St'. cottage, cool and; in good con- - Stand. Phone,, 4004. . t PLUasBEILt:..';: ; 'A carload of large, yonng FlRNITURE. : : . Apply Lunauio st miiles suit KENNETH HEWITT. Sanitary .plumber. M Tanaka, 15 dltion. in - - J ; ': ;;:;U- Now 5893-- . j'";ct oa bamboo to order. t . able for, plantation. Territorial Sta. ; ' and furniture ' King, . U:V::t'Uri'." Eteyone In Honolula to know the . Is now located at the American ' N. near IiUha St v air seats woven. M. Kawara, ' ' ' Popular; theater runs the new films J stand with his own car. Phone RUGS. MADE. : For the KAMAA1MA - - y-- g c : : at Alapai. office to let; suitable for 6872-tf- . 3110. Grassland rag rugs. Have your Furnished For the SERVICC. FLiWER aKETS. general office or agency. Apply 1110 .Foi TOURIST JONES & DUCHALSKY t old. rug made over; 72 Beretanla St, - ths uTulrtire ' pimost artistic designs. All kinds Vnion SU near Hotel . , for house. - Good FO R ' SA EAP. - r60M8.'?--;- St l ' ' LECH ; i read Y- to attend to your auto ..1;V?.'-- . V'-- 6823-t- ij , are offlowers. Mrs. Taylor's, Hotel at ;.'; - . V ; t condition. Reasonable, Call at H26 v -- r': LUXUH1CU3 CU1TZ3 v - ' ' ; . " and carriage trimming South King -- Bifeop. Tastily: furnished rooms can Young street . A bargain,' model 1912 auto--, '' ' " ta Premier Telephone 3393. 6885-l- m CSST CUISINF'AT 1 st found at Bex. King Blch Block; Fort and moljile. ylinder," CO-hor- power; HATCLEANER8. the ssl Store ln Harrison Whin you cleaned, -- trteU.r.v.-i.:- X " ' v , ply . BLACKSMITH. want your, hat ards h BeretanlA Sts. y Frel; Harri ' in absolutely perfect; condition. To ,.' 4 ' i i . Hccond-han- d - . A." Nuaes Is now located on South calf. Roman, Beretanla' SURGEON son. . . . buggy; and harness;- one be seen at the - Royal Hawaiian J. St Phone CHIROPODIST, t j 4024 5839-t-f. cow 3 . 21C3 - - below. King St. Call and see us. Dr. R. E. Merrill Mclnernya Shoe and boats. Pauoa rd. . Garage.:'- . at ; 38C7. "J - : "V - GOODHACKS. Store, 8:30 to P, Phone' 5S91-t-f CITY. CLOTHES CLEANERS. . Fort St House Are prepared to handle, your work. at Niuanu Hack Stand, Nuuanu at hL No charge over IL0O, t office rooms, second Coor. ll Mer-- ' AP?ly Mr McChezsey. TO EXCHANGE. Nuuanu at Vineyard. Puai; near Bijou. SHIRTMAKERi; : chant J3t J. Seven-passenge- 5 6541-t- f r" 'Cadillac; first-clas- s CONTRACTORS, i LIVER) TURNOUTS. Why not have your shirts made to -. If.-thi- s Of condition,- Apply office. Want exchange Tiolin general building; bet style are rented from the vorderGAkagl, 1218 Nuuanu SC- - --: ; - ; to a for a vlola. Contracting, and : ",- ;58S2-t- f PaJamV Fife-house- d ROOMS . I" V Co., Stebles, King St, nr." FURBISHED Address'yiolin.'' this ofice. ; estimates furnished. TakakI ,; flRESi'T'-i- 'd 5''C. - ' r : 5892-4- t : '. -- Junction King and. Beretanla Sta. Sole agents for Goodyeare. ... Give Good over-1 per L 1 Inreitment; cent; INTERPRETER, leilehIa hotel. lis your: vulcanizing work. . Alakea v i i . rented house. Tel. 1842. CHINESE Beretana St, near Punchbowl; first "THE NEW '. ERA HOTEL ' Chong, Chinese Interpreter and at Merchant j: i - v! ' 890-t- f SITUATION WANTED Le class rom and board. Everything 1430 FORT STREET v business agent 8mith St. opp. Ho-- TA1UORS. 7 ' new. Pione 4366. Mrsl Usk, man- ABOVE VINEYARD ST.' VAIMAC, KAUAI r : " - : . teL . puUes" and geutlemen't; i749-t- Iteading-Stindar- d motorcycle; good White girl: wants position earing for St ager. IL Y. Can f t children light Ad v' Co. 'King and Bethel Sta. - Nwfy Renovatji Cstt Hst:I j repair; cheap; 13. Y.'il. ci A. and housework. CAFE, LEATHER GOODS. , b dress-251- 6 Royal .' j Rose st, KalihI. The ; Cafe; meals "sent out Harness vnd Sole Leather, Leather TAILORSi7 , ... ..; .. '. ,. on Kauai. ' 6S92-6- t' - near-For- : ! . Phone 4310. Beretanla t St findings ftid polish. U Wong Co, Gee Chong, latest models to tailor? The old Mercantile ' Rooming House, TOURIST TRAD2 EOLICITL'D.

' of-Xe- r; . up Upzlsht piano, almost new. Mala CLOTHES CLEANERS. 1121 Nuuaau St H t 2T H King, r.,Nuuanu. s ; . 631 King St., has now opened bfr ! -- ;- s posl your ; the? 422 Klsg St. ,e Stenographer wishes permanent When you want clothes cleaned MOSQUITO STICKS. THEVOGUEt'-'ir- .; under new . management under, coco niALs. '- V C828-tt- -. ' ; J 69 King stlclt--Ki-lls ; v " ..;.': Xioh; Just finished course. Address properly, calTat the King. S. Ask your irocer for a Now open for business on Beretanla name of the Tcurleta Rooming , Rates Reajsr.atlt j 'V - : - box 66,- this office. ,. ' all insects.'. S. M. Ii-- agent Bere- House, Rooms rsnsOnable, clean :'Sf ( ' St.; opposite fire house. VC i C. W. SPITZ ; : ' 4 l-n- :Prcpr!:::r -- 5893-3- " , ' - ; Dirt cheap, 40 acres land, Is--: :. ; ; t CLEANERS. tanla at Niuanu.- and. newly, fi ted up. V"".';;-- of this ' WIZARD .... press-- o- -: M0P8. f t. j4jP76-tf.- .. land. -- Address VR,tbls emce. '. Y. Fukunaga, Clothes cleaned " MARKET. 4 M r r:';-:'- 1. as" repaired. 1422 street-WAMON- O vigatablesv-Jue- BuyJrlanglft Wlrsrd tfopvTlie Young lady stenographer or office ed, Fort , Choice mea,and t mop Dex 65, CLEANERS. ' that gets, lntphe corners. One room , . slsUmt desires position. this CtOTHES; opened. Se&gua Markets large furnished suitable for ' -- - . ; crx-roo- cottage Punabou, Phone office. - - - " ? Are prepared to care for your MILL WORK. T ' ' why worry . :.r'r: couple or'.. two young men, also sin it Hlra-ok- a ; - ' -- 5892-3- - clothes.' us a Alanai, about help? us 'do ex- 1UU Or 135. T .i , t Oive trial. All kinds of Vlllwork. Joining and .Let that gle rooms. In. private family; "Finest 'dlnlcs roca ia ti.3 Ter-- ? - opp. car barns. turning. Oahl Planing Mill, 112 Ho- Employment Agendy,; 1210 Em- cellent location; one minutes' walk ' - r " '. ritory.' Jolly Saturday White carp3nter wants work; repair EXCELSIOR CLOTHES CLEANERS. ' ma above Beretanla.' , ;. , s t . ; 15 j minutes evciii tel two ; St ' from car lines ? : ': ' dances. - ; envelope-r- a ,tlme-arln-g , Ing Box 64, of- . Clothes called for and delivered; MILLINERY. WHY. 1 122 'ie Tranio or regular work. this WORRY. :'..' walk to Fort street. Apply; H. ll!anx- -r " ' J. HERTSCHE, Invention., o addressing 'necessary fice. : . shoes dyed by our secret method; K. Isoshlmo, swiish millinery. King help. .CaU 5153. King at . -- Ajjlsi; " About St; Kinau " st " v-- fV la sending out bills or receipts. Ho--r 5892-6- t phone 4742. Chaplsin at Fort nr. Bethel. PWne flS. Kalakaua Ave.--' clulu , Star-Bulleti- n Co..: 3LtL,' ola fienta for; patentee.-- - 'd -- rtt Rents reduced to suit lage rooms, Oahu Railway Tickets to single or double, 546 S.. King St.. fit-Msla- ahlp-T'.v- g and Qahn Railroad ?v;..::: ; - 5872-l- . . bbks at StaBuIletln office, tf NATIONAL GUARD BULLETIN r?? Lsrre. airy furnished rooms: eenveal- - FLOWERS FOR SALE. ences. nr TaL 1825 On Safe at Wells Roster of office's, list of regular drill nights, stations, and current Infor tt liereunia Fort ' 5750-- tf Faro Co. Offlcs r Dealer In rlolets, pansies and maiden- mation for the National Guard of Hawaii. - Armory, corner Hotel and .Miller ' hair ferna. Kuntkiyo, , XJnlon : streets. . , t, St ' xext Messenger Serrlca; TaL lCSi. GENERAL $TAFF. ROOM AND BOARD A REAL CHANCE- - OF CLIMATZ - v-- v, C7K2-t- . which At 6:30 o'clock the meeting adjourned f. r,.-.- "Near the close of a session CoL John W. Jones. The Adjutant GeneraL 'v.can'be had at the new boarJ.'r.j 8 o'clock; met first-clas- lasted At the commissioners n, s y .; :;: ' ( Charles W. Ziegler. Insp.-ge- : Maj. Elmer T. WInant Ord. Dept. VIdi Villa, board f and T. 5 "house la , "-.z- COCOANUT PLANTS FOR SALE. liquor, license commiMwu. B.u, iu Maj. B. Cooper. Surg.-gen- .. Capt. D. Dougherty. Q. M. C. rooms ; King .St, best location ; . fine r.LZ. V'ilZi Charles James i is Maj. John W. Short, Chief Q. M. ; CapL Henry Van.GiesoU, Q. M..C h grounds r special rates for. summer. ra-riet-y. ; JuL Cocoanut plants for sale; Samoan sell liquor held by the Waikiki Inn, : 1030 King phone 1146. ' : UtUUru v Capt Leo L. Sexton, Med. Dept. St, 1000 A, ; 5869-im.- nearly Apply D.", HIlla,rLIhue, .Zl'JlT. Scully manager, and grant- and announced that the Ion's licensa : " . . . V ; : : feet elevation, near depot, John Z!"?? "ZyAZ,;:Z ' ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE. : " li- .'; scenery, KauaL , 6277 Beer Gar- had been renewed, and two other grand fine bass fishins. , Kcr ed licenses to the Lellehua INSPECTOR-INSTRUCTOR'- den, Clifford Kimball, manager, and censes granted. S OFFICE. board Roaelawn 1366 particulars address E. I Kni33, Wa. Table at the -- -; tor-Instru- ct - POULTRY., Mac-farlan- e, U- , . - A spec . hlawa. 46'i. the Koolau Liquor Company, H. There was little discussion regard- Lieut. W. C. Whiteneri - S. lo or. .. King Street Phone . 2639. : 8peclai Phone V 5 p. A; - ; - manager. ing the license of the Leilehua , Beer Officers' school every Monday, m.? v ;? Vates by week and montbi i' v Pigeons pay dollars wbera i chkkens Garden. Manager Kimball was pre- REGIMENTAL FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS," 1ST INF. 5792-tf.-V ?'.".-- pay " ; ; The presentation of a report by Li- :', .1; : cents small, capital needed Lt.-Co- quor LdceniK Inspector 'William P. sent and stated that he had seen the l. William R. Riley. 2nd.vLt! Fred Humphrey, Q. M. . f.rCHESNEY COFFEE CO; email space reQuired; always higher-u- p army officials ' reasons regarding the Capt. James A. Thompson, Adjt Maj. William E. Eal.: 3ra Bat In private family.' room fahd board; , penned up; ready markets;, fiend Fennell, which set forth the " selling of beer at his establishment Capt. George B. Schrader, Q. M. 1st John W. Kanaeholb, Adjt within walking distance :of town. COFFEE. ROASTERS. ; ,;. May of that official for requesting that no Lt r-- ; for issue of. our Journal; fully - : ::; !: proposition taet with Insp.1 4874.;':- '- ;V',v- : renewal should be made of the permit and that the had Capt Arthur W. Neely, S. A. P. 2nd Lt George H. Cummlngs, Q. M. Phone ?J :r ; peaiers In Old Kona explained there; price tea cents. ' ':- -, ' ' Coffee; no objection from that;source The Capt. Reginald W. Warham Com's'y. Maj. Merle M. Johnson, 1st :. k- ' 5893-2- t f r.. ' to sell liquor held by the Waikikl Inn, Bat : Reliable Squab Journal, Versailles, ? MERCHANT STj ."HONOLULU ex- - board, in granting the license, made Maj. Gustave Rose, 2nd Bat-- 1st Lt Charles R. Fraxter Adjt Mo, . end which was based, he said, on ' no objection to Kimball's opening a. Lt, L. K. Evans, Adjt 2nd Lt. Roscoe AVr, Perkins, Q.M. COTTAGES j 5880-l- m haustive investigations, was what 1st FURNISHED bowling alley ;. ; served to hold the board in what is In connection with bis Chaplain, Captain Father Valentine. . , establishment, or having a band' play ' cottage : light . houae REAL ESTATE FOR SALE said to be its longest session since it ' ' COMPANIES STATIONED AT HONOLULU. Furnished and organization. The statements pro and there. A Capt H. P. O'Sullivan, 1st Lieut P. M.i Smoot, 2nd Ueut J. Lv A keeping, rooms; all conveniences; LADIES' PANrUlA HVTS Fine cor, lot KaimukI, 17th ave, and con the renewal were lengthy and However, the commission, as recom K. Cushlngham. Thursday, 7:30 p. ni l - ' electric lights; 'bath, ) running wa L.Walalae rd. Lot 75x161; gas," water, waxed warm at times. The senate mended by the military authorities, Company B Sapt. Paul Super, 1st Lieut W. F. Armstrong, 2nd Lieut A. J. 'ter; short distance . from postofflee, prevent being car-- ; HAT" on $450 j took action to beer Lowrey. p. - ; . Moderate- - Ganzel Place, Fort end HONOLULU CO road. Price cash. Inquire on appearance Wednesday, 7:30 m. . . f " chamber took the 'of 1 conductor. No. 7. a ,rtmnm rather than a m in ried off the promises in quantities. Company C Capt. J. M. Camara, 1st Lieut. L. R. Medelros, 2nd- - Lieut G. yii-I'K- .'36 Hotel - ' - - at St - 5889-6- t place, and throughout the Draught beer is to bo sold and all K. Stein. Friday, 7:30 p. m. discussion. pre - of the Inn affair the business of the bottled eer to be opened on the lcojjjpany d Capt. Vv. V. Kolb. 2nd Lieut F. W. Wlcnman, 2nd Lfeut G. Furnished cottages at $27.50 and$25. ' - ';'.,-'- Louis Connelly, one of the - ,es" - F - . Inquire Telephone 1087k i :i masked meeting along regula- i . , Schaefer. Wednesday; 7: 3Q p. m. "; was conducted w ';. 'r ";.;''- --f - :; ' bandits who stole $2000 from the state tlon A L. Castle, Company E Capt. C. M. Coster, 1st Lieut. John Hilo. Monday, '7:30 p. nr. , v- ".5881-t- f City. ccurt lines lank at Osage Okla.; was fatally f . , ... , . the granting of a . license to the Koo Company F 1st Lieut. M. R. Houghtailing, 2nd Lieut J. Lemon. Tuesday, 111 e "; If Husbands .only knew knot.-b- a citizen as he was to R"or ' K ,, lau Wine Company: Representative ". : "the about Z ? ,7:36 p. m. ' ' y . UNFURNISHED COTTAGES leave the town. J. K. Paele said In a letter that tb r pleasure ; their wives - 'would' as inquisitor for the board, assisted Company G Capt B. F. Ka ne, 1st Lieut L. K. Kaws; 2nd, Ueut W.' N. sale of wine In the Koolau district ; a a gown made by DAY by Attorney Lorrin Andrews, who Kaina. Monday. 7:30 p. m. 1: Two bedroom cottage for I $20.00 . 4ake,l t was causing mucn aistur Dance, ur. Company II Capt. L. W. Redingtojh, 2nd Lieut J. C. Lo. TUesdayr7: 30 p.m. month; also two bedroom ieottage, it SON, Pantheoir Bldg, iportSt V stated in beginning that he was ; Speaking at the 123rd anniversary of abe iJ w Wadman, superintendent oC the $17.00 : 925 Anti-Saloo- 7 Important company meeting tonight. certi- per month. J. R. Wilson, 1 I n i Only medical AVlthe'f Massachusetts JMedical Society. presenting the Lagu ihU oak)on the I - t..eQ. staled that ficate will excuse from attendance. Fort Street, phone 3666. -- hire-iK- l aAA. ui- JIT nowRnanpri In mai uis services weie at me jr-C- nhnlinc tn!na : Hawaiians of Koriau met in their Company K (Attached to 2nd Battalion ap. J. W. Cook. 5863-t- t heir editorial itaffs. posal of the Inspector. Attorney E. Sunday lst LteiW. i . t-- . 1 tf. . church on a receat and re K. Chuijg. Thursday, p. reiere was cuuusei lur iuiu Ahia, 2nd Lieut E. 7:30 m. 0cuj, quested the rcpre8entative to write ON MAUI New cottages on Fort street exten ? .. - STATIONED i, Prof; jH.- Core; com the members of the license board tyyt hnarA ocro5r,af " 4 James Siamese fn th Company I Wailuku Capt W. F. Kaae, 1st Lieut. W. S. Chillingsworth. sion. Rent reasonable. Young Kee DO IT, ELECTRICALLY P&nama-Pacifi- c Expo- - 5 composed the jury: tt : pi?sioner to tbe I granting of a license to the wine 2nd Lieut R. K. Wilcox. Grocery store; 1220 . Emma St: announces Rajani.l Inspector in . ;v ntion.f that Prince Fennell. his renort if Company L Lahaina Capt W. F. Ycung. 1st Lieut. W. K. Kaluakinl. telephone 44.. i Mara, mase a me unuea tnrougn ana j one-fift- h wiu lour oi poimea out personal seerrs, sold of -- inav the interest STATIONED ON HAWAII. Hawiigjf4 Co. t-- ' tes with his retinue. . , 1 investigation. was assured Beclric other he in th Company M Hilo Capt. J. D. Easton, 1st Lieut H. M. Morehead, 2nd FAMILY HOTEL v:.fthat the Walklkl Inn had been in $1000. fir3t - ' r the,Miki. for without receiv- S. Caceres. , "-- Lieut. J. . ss benumentaj Man so cnange- -' or - is hawt selling liquor palter Hours ing the permission of the license MEDICAL OFFICERS WITH SANITARY TROOPS. ,i The Cassldy, only home hotel, Wai-- v e. BHton.-7-ie- s, Mrs. dear.u. Before and jto minors. Names were brought .. -- board. Chairman Castle stated that Maj. E. D. Kilbourne. Capt F. L, Morong. 'v Capt R. W. Bens. klkl Beach, consists . of Indlyldual -- :tiuge. he talks; to you about bis out when FenncH mention.Td the .times $och a transaction certainly was not cottages, and single rooms. Cuisine FtiS-pl-y Gardeii : Hose t. Afterward .;lts his stomach he he bad visited, and seen per? ' 1 the Inn lawful. McFarlane. asked . the board "i.: My familiarity with; the duties . excellent 1000. ft promenade pier : Puck, v ; l. . M. H. DRUMM0WD IS. cut sons being served liquor after hours,' for a decision as to whether he should and work of having, been: at the end of ,which --::l I splendid I c - the office sanctiQiied.'.an" "appropri- The defense Jmmedlatsly inade a par-- money to part-- f CANDIDATE FOR TREASURER bathing i pool n&.. refund the 1the "silent" chief, deputy since the term of the beantiful 'view C '"'"'" s ).0i)0 rats and SQuir.-- i tiaHy successful-effo- rt seV ' " jroiuL 287Jv-lTerm- tokill rto bring ner. present '.' . 200S Kalia TeL J - - incumbent ' to prevent- -- ; ( - California their m! f IVima norsnns hfori'" th' :Tta JanMarf vrrrioTio M. H. Drummcnd, depoty eity and 2. I have resided In this territory reasonable. "v-- k5367-t-f iAMSiGUILD praeue. . I Fp.niwll rlonic boardas witnesses.' had cm mnat tarortir ?va hi. narannoi o. county treasurer, announcing his can- for over 21 years, 'and . during :that witness, a special police officer.. By tention to th bualness. ameimMne didacy for treasurer. 'says:. time have held positions of trust un- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE c::DAYy; 5 Attorney , "To City Coun- iac:ld r: o'clock; Peters had; about to personal managership, and that he the Voters of the and der the United States; : the City end ' Oi ;egbt.-wUness- w ; on hanxLvamong .'them-,- most, ty of Honolulu: I, r E o , Qui take back the fifth interest he County, and also in private concerns. Bargains. In real estate oa tive rc: nrnft .aeaahore. ; " being Baymar.'Sharp.Fiv'vWlloh sold to the Japanese. Until thesi o "I beg to announce herewith my If elected I will endeavor, to " plains end Telephone 1602, AH! kinds of Wrapplns Papers and :. c All tin: reunJw; - - hills.;. ' its Maarice- Dillon.- Harry yjLake,V;rTom 'ers are cbmolied with ' the license candidacy for the office of treasurer, the best of myabllity, to administer- - "PBatt" lflT Stancenwald building Twines,' printing and Writing Pate rs. fids " AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- N if it' to cure. Quinn and two Japanese, employed im will not W favored. City and County of Honolutu, at the; the affairs Of th office economically; V';. PAPER !; G rove's Kgnature.' is . ; - .' 1 - oa the bar at the. Inn. All these witness-- coming election on tne uemocratic honestly, and efficiently. ?WIthltt the'vhead. ht .the crown of a . & SUP PLY ;C O, LTD. ' es-- STAB-Bl?tLETI- - - ;in-;- . were firm Iif their 4 deciarationr. K dlYES TOU ticket and ask the support of the elec- j "Honolulu. June 27.- '1314.. new stemwindlngwatch there la l Fort and Queen Streets Honolulu the-followin-g :' ? CL Guild, . : co. u, i o.e'&" that the Inn had violated :ntTulos.JTCD4r8iffiTVS;T0DAT torate on grounds aerted a mariner's compass, fhene lil6. Geo. Gea. i: cr. Jit .r VY - - ::V- - .',V- -- U -- " - . r 1 " jn"4 ... r I I - i n . - ;.; ' . t IT ,v V

- -- - " j-- j x in ' g ii n t llBiaiinMManVHlMMHaaaMaMnMavNHHfMpBvqMpManBMan f

r- - -r :i?;-4;--- c noxoLrm. stabulletlv, Tuesday. juxe.36;i9u .- f' , H GEORGE R. CARTER4 BRIGADE ORDER WILL'.'';:: ,- - BUSY-.FORMIIJ- G NEW MOVEMENTS OF HLERTHAS HOLD UP. EXPANSION 5;. il'VICTB K.r PRECIfJCT CLUC3 MAIL STEAMERS U OF DEPARTMENT HDQRS. v ; Q .: ' t f : Ex-Corern- Ceorge R. ' Carter has Special order ofs the . Hawaiian De- rfiet - VILL BE BURIED v vlth considerahle- auccess oa seveMl partment dhrvcts Brigadier Gener- TO ! rivals that Island Hawaii In arous.'ng In- TES8ELS ARRIVE the of 4-- al Clarence R Edwards, commanding ' r- 7 terest . In the Progi sslve; party. He 1 the 1st Hawaiian Brigade, and bis bri- reports precinct Wednesday, July faraatlon cf clubs In Franclsco-pSiber- gade postpone "- paa ia, P. M. S. staff, for one month the lb 'following, towna 5:i:YA 'V - S. iillDMGHT Kaulx ports W, G. Hail transfer o brigade headquarters to - precinct4 dist- tsmr. Kalaoa. club, 4th 2d FOfllEiii Schofield Barracks. - This, oa autho - ; HY' Thursday, July 2. I'- rict,-? President. Joe Kahananni; "sec-- ity from Washington. .. -: jv.r Maui ports - To- - Ciaudlne stmr. ' - '- - V : retarjTr J.IewI. Jr.; treasurer,! .- - Ed was to", - General warda i SERAJEVO'.v- Russia, Mune 3(n-- -f As Friday, July 3. MEXICO, 30.-- (As have made Acknowledge TbeV "Are Unable CITY P June the transfer July 1; at whlth tlm the Hf.inaTr.a '; V.i scctated by Federal Wireless) San; Francisco Chiyo Maru, Japan ' ; Militsrv Ccmrr.ittca of Scnah inS "ntnrVii ta. Press ' sociated fress by 'Federal Wfraless) v - Bring of ; ese 2d infantry ; was to be detached from to About,5o!ution . J.-- town U quiet today, fplIowJni atr.' -- ; trJct--- President. secre-- The rPreparioins for national elec- - Favors Recruiting Laioha: the. i ' i tua brigade- Thla last remains in ef- Tv 1 ;r :.if ;;the tafy, John K me sensational vOOUDie asaassinatwn San Francisco Alaskan, A. H. S. S. ac'Jduled Sunday are ' ; Jrouble KaJama; treasurer, J. ' tion, for next '" - U-..t- A;;:- - 4 f :' ; fect. ; vvf.!casurc ' Saturday, July 4. : ' cf the Archduke Francis Ferdinand way. - '. : weU unir ' V:??2r? :'.' V- - . i - i ).' way TA general spreading "out of. depart- SOr t un d his 'morganatic. life ..Ducbein ports Mauna Kea ''P..: Angel K'ust KIA0AJ1A PALLS; June (Atso r Kallua club, 5th precinct, I J wlfi j It iareported that General - - aa-j-- mr- ment headquarters was planned as WASHINGTON June SOCAf ici . by r f I lohenberg; last Thursday. The f - Ala-der- o fitted Press Federal !Wirelesa)r club ft). President, David Ha Pena, ulster. of, war .during the soon as ' brigade., headcjarters ated Press by Federal WIrelcsa - r, ; 8unday, July 5. In the The nembersof the mediation con- "Daniel Kamalu; trcaf;-Mre- s are in safe 'custody and arei " . ininlstration and now; one of iins ' i -- ( - Young' Hotel was The aenate military committee irr c V ; -- The i-- ; 1mve up Mana.- - ; Lc closely guarded.'-V- v: 5 : ; Maui, MolokaPnnd Lana xr s Mi- Federal army vacated.. at ference 'almost given hote iC' " tbrs cmanders of the t -'! kahala stmr tending surgeon and dental clinic wer.3 ference yesterday, voted favoratly (. ; Tjnngins tjiscoraant Keel uka club, 7th precinct; 2J iU The EXecuUte Dieb nostedl a thanl underHuerta, will be candidate, ' .of .tbe eiemenu a - yesterday nooularr;- - Kauai porta Kinau gtmr. to move intrf General Edwards. pre- the. resolution introduced, by TcnaUr . purpose of tricL ;PrKldenf: itAnrv Unfif crrrn. ft ta proclaiming friend of ;Huertai of Mexico logetber for ine Pedp Lascurin;a ?. ' loyalty-to'-tfi- sent office and the adjclning room, Chamberlain of Oregon, providing for tary. Sam . treasurer, fv T. JSmwrof. stmr a uen-eralFell- establishing a previsional government Hear is atfther probable candtoate. -- ; ' recruitlng np . : t Kauai ports W. G. Hal) the chief clerk to move across the hall. the jarmy to war : huakena,'-- . . ; . . The royal stmr. ;' Jn that country iiendingtha election y dead'are buried at Angeles, one of VRla'a - the engineer officer to expand into strength. . i '. ; ; Npoopoo chib. 7th precinct, 2i C- - r iJnight Friday, IntermentiU to:be Monday, July 6. lieutenants t and who was witn chief two?rooms,"and.the mov-e- d , fi Hongkong viaJJapan port9 Nile, P. litrary to be Indlcaticns : last i n ght -- ; were that tciuu u). tTesiaeni:, uicnara l i.i the royal mausoleum at; Arstettin. Vill at the battle ox Zacatecas, isy a v- ; m; a few down -- ; s. s. . doors "army row." these cngaced ln ; the. con'.rwice are secretary, Sam Toon ey; trees canldate. ' 1 WOULD REPUDIATE v . 'counting urer, - y?& Tuesday, July 7. Those who have been on t John ae far apart as ever. and, the. me Grace. vV IIYDROFLAtJE AMERICA? v . CIVIL WAR OBLIGATIONS V more, elbow room July .will diators are on decided whether to ad Hcnaunau club, 8th precinct. 2d dl?-trl- J San Francisco Wilhelraina. M. N. after I ' GIRLS! TRY IT; have get along they can - V. i President,' Hoohuli - f S S, LSI to as best Journ or take a'rece83.' ... ''" Pahao: CARRIES TEN PASSENGERS " WASHINGTON, June 30. (Asso- ! ' I Hongkong via Japan ports for another month at; least secretary, ,,-y-- Tenyo HAIR WillUm Lincoln; treasurer, - BEAUTIFY JOUR ciated Press; by 'Federal Wireless Koon "Kaulalama.y I IAMMONDSPORT," June Maru, Japanese stmr. The supposed, reason for the; sus Indiana.. - ROOSEVELT AIJDPiNCHOT : s way The hcttsa yesterday passed tht ti'l Kukuiopae. club, $th' nrfclnct, Id 20. (Associated ;? Press . by Federal Hilo via ports Mauna Kea ft thlek glossj, wayy- Inxarlant pension of the transfer order Is that . t providing for tha repeal of the :(cIub'-B)- - - -- v '- stmr. district President. D. Ka- ) - "hydroaeroplane Am- remove, dandruff Keal at present. there are no adequate quar- iv SPEAKERS AT PITTSBURG Wireless The . " and passed, years agej prohibiting i T - Wednesday, 8. a; the r awa: secretary, S. M. Kuairacka: erica, ; the new", Wright transatlantic ' July . sarvrise f ters at Schofield for general officer. D. - Kauai ports W. G. Hall wary, meat of accounts,' claims or c!i . , J JQne - treasurer. K. Kaiunaaina. rose, yesterday stmr. Tour Hair becomes light, fluf PITTSBURG, 30. assoclat- flier, from the water ' tlcns against government I:i fa-v- Hoopuloa club, Sth precinct. 2d dis- - " : Thursday, July 9. appeara aa aoft, lus-- the . cdPress by Federal jWlreless) The with, ten passengers. This establishes . abundant and AMERICAN MISSIONARIES of anyor.e who encouraged f. trlct- - President. D. I Kaaraana Ke--. Man! ports Claudine stmr. as a young girl's passenger carrying, ous The-measur- Kcohd. annual conference of the mem a flew Wright rec and beautiful ' rebellion; e wouM.c; liikull; secretary.; Frldav- 9 Jul 10. cleanse," ASK Smith Karaaka; V.". Y J - 0 nn(iprin hair Just HELP FC.r DESTITUTE -- vl orsofthe Progressive Party of Penn ord. J rfi 5i6 ,000.000 in claims held by V. ; IKona.y.and thia-moia- r -- treasurer, E. Paialua. :rr Kau ports Mauna KeaTrv ten , ; , a cloth with a little !" ; fj ivania is to b held here today. Col .',. Point graduates who served t!if C " Kapapala club," 11th precinct. 21 Will-rcck-- - , J - A. Myer, "jW. K. KekapajrMrs. !tmr- . banderlne icaVefulir draw 3t v WASHINGTON, 20. (Asso- ; tnr-- Roosevelt and ;Gifford Plnchot, and June "'.-.,.,.- .'" , . district President, ; Kalna Nah?r. i: - San Francisco China. P.'M. S. S. hair, taking one small r the latter ueing. inef Progressive j'ar-- and Infant Master Wlllrock. - thmuirh ronr ciated Press by Federal Wireless) secretary, yohea Moeuhane; a: r, - tX? . . Sunday. July 12. jsena-- ; trr -- a cleanse, f ty catidldate for . United' States W. N. S. S.' Matsonia, or ' strand at time.Thlswill Consul .General Cashre from Canton, Ikaia Makalii; , v Per t San New York via Magellan and Soun Frederick limes, baggage'agpn t cf tor from Pennsylvania, will be among Francisco, July 1. Miss M. .Tostlebe, the fcair, of dust dirt and excessive Punaluu club, 11th 21 .s- - ports-Pennsylvan- ia, A. H. S. S. momenta you the Soo lines at Oshkosh, Win... , principal; splafeera. M B. Tostlebe, Miss t E. Tostlebe, " oil and In Just a few partment on behalf 5f the American Wl. .'the (club iss v ' - 13. shot and killed by a highwayman. J B3. . Monday, trlct, PresiSent. J. K. II . July doubled tho beauty of your hair. asking ' Miss Schaefer, Miss Ross, Miss N. E. VrnTiHarrv.Qrtririmo have missionaries in China for help escaped. opll; secretary. Malualani Kunipo; .'San n a a Besidek beautifying the. hair at two persons ' no '. ' Hause, Miss C. Newman Miss DM." for million who have stri;:gso rebels- treasurer, John, Laanul. - ; Tuesday, July 14. every par- Stone, Miss M. D. Stona,- Miss G. once, Danderine dissolves been "made homeless an i destitute as Walking sleep. II At, Iianalel. Kauai, j tenth . '' Hongkong via Japan )orts Nippn v purifies, in her Frances , . SAYS GEfi. CARRAfJZA crinct Swain, E. P. Tuttle, N". H. Tuttle,-A- ticle of dandruff; cleanses, a result cf the floods which have de-- 1 cf-flce- four years old, fell from the' fc rf the sixth district the foMow!nr Maruj 'Japanese, stmr. . scalp, V forever Brodie Smith, Miss A, C. Brown, Mis? ' and Invigorates the vasted a number of; provinces in floor of her New were chosen: Sam-- Sydney Stiva-N'i-ag- ara, home in York url President la Auckland and ; :. IION'TEREV, Mexico,' June' Z. de la. Nux, Mr. and Mrs. Kverlon stopping itchi ng and falling hair southern China. ' : : ' - - ' - C, was' VilW. ''- (Aspocfated Pres by "Federal .Wire, KIftri- V3' K,a- and child Miss F.:UOnyon, Miss E. A. S. S. But .what will please you most will - V81"?' Sari Manoa, M. N. $ S. loss) Cflrranra Issued a eign-- ; V. V onyon, M. Jacobs,.M. McNamee, i: Francisco be a few weeks' use when you t'entra l kale-.kini.- : J. after committeeman,-Samue-llVw""" P.. n.wfnVd.-rMk'at:!- . 15. t (1 sUitemtnt tccay .in which lie says r In firawford. Wednesday, July will ; dually see new hair fine and "The ..Consltutlonalist.V government At Vailuku. Maul.' fifth precinct of , ?rsg. tTeieil Pratt MiR J. S. Newton. ,.rjyanc6uver an1 Victoria Ma.'ura, downy but really ' new i thrrd following were at 'firstes 1 as not con:))romi?ed with the United te districtah Mis3 MaryX Grohe; MrsEHa L. Aus- S. growing over the scalp. -- If Coin - hair all Matson ' Navi elected:, B. or-- ! ir---i nation- '.any President W. Hilea; vire'., r j .Cs.:'?' r.u... I.. i.. n you care pretty, soft and lots pair Fias'or other nation..: 'Neither for hair :o assist-."enc- e nresidenW'M. Kuaialna; spcrptary, G. Sydheylvia Pago Pago O. -- 25-ce-nt Bclwc'sn:-Sa- Frc-:i:- . it received pecuniary and Mrs. C. C, Thompson, Miss Ventia. of U surely get ;a bottle of Direct Scrvica end llcnc:i::n " has tny, Geo.;: Kaiko-hua- ; - Apo; Lam;; treasurer, J. Crawford; Mrs. F. Baldwin; Master ;- '' d; - from any foreign government or F Sr'S' Anowlton's Dnderine from any Tig- FROM SAN FRANCI SCO : '; county committeeman', T. Des- F.T JrM f. San Francisco Manchuria, P'M. 8. Fen san ' - Baldwin, D. KeefeD. F. Keefei try franci::o: ; r . - gist or .toilet counter, and just mond Collins. : , .;: S-- it ; ' Mrs. C' A. Drew, Mr. and Mrs. G. K. .i advertisement z;--.- ' t 8. 8. Lurlins . .. ..ViV. June 30 S.'S. Matssnla .July 1 " """"ari ',;;',;,;,. Tackabury Miss . m "' '". -- 'Rath, Miss :Pur Saturday, July 18.. tm 8. 8; Wilhelmina ...... July 7 ; :'8S. Lurllrs. 7 CASCARETSrVALWAYSI';:v; cell,, Miss R." Li Dobson. tMlsa 'L. 519Hongkong Japan port3-rMongo-- Ila, .r..';..Ji.7 J. via The yacht Josenhlne. 'valued at i ' : .STRAIGHTEN YOU UP Deems, Mrs. JS. 2eave Mr..and Airs. P. ,31. S. S. 8S. Manoa . .July 14 S. S. V i ! h e m i n a . ; . . . J i y '1 5 - ....'.. -.- Per stmr.- Kinau --for TCa u I port s, A 1 1. M 1 ; 8." ; ; ..'I - S. S. f.' . -- t yman,f Mrs W. Ludloff, rs. . ; - 21. S: Matonla . .July 2t )j .,...,. .July 21 ; (. C Tuesday, July wald of New Orleans, has' been entire ji June SO: JMiss A. Hill. Miss W'lnslow, 1 ''. U IIodge.Miss Dickmson, MissjEL Sah'Francisco Matsonia, M N. S.'S. i w : .' 8.' 8. Lurline , ; : ; July 23 S. S. , K . U Ilrhilachj, WUoas Srmach ly destroyed by , f re .J Matsonia V.Ju'y t: Miss A. Wilcox ; ." ' ) L,Watson! 8; wife. Pearce, Miss James. Mrs. . J..'BvAgaa i. . CiiSour, Rrcath Bad Clean,-- oar j , a'i i 4 Jda.-Reig- S. .Aw;. a Mrs Gira ln.v Mrs. SLurlines.V.... - .Miss U sicVJvtiSs W. IL Cutler, Miss Erickson, i .. - Lifer and v- - DEI'AIT PASSEXGERS DEPARTED Bewelsi Lidlnha, Miss - A,' - V. t VESSELO Soura. Mies B.'Ma- Mrs. E. F. Baker, Miss E. Crosby, " S.f saTls . ..;. --J - '. r--2 1 8 H1LONIAN from Sea ttle fpr. Horslulu direct on or; abo- -t . v; ;,, ..j, a.." dinich, y ,U Martin Miss Girvin, Mrs S.' H. Mrs. - t ' - 10-ce- nt Tuttle, Palmerston Sah, ; ;' ,; Of t a box now.T' '. r Tuesdm; June 30; Per PM: S:SManchnri for rvJune 27th' . '..; . ; Mrs. rown Mrs. Miss Mis3 29.--- - JK. Bodrero, Miss White. Inez "Underhill.., Francisco June E. Wodehouse, You' men and women who 'get . Maul, Molokai nd. Lana ports II. can't If II flnAmin Edith' Jones, Mf. and Mra. 3. VhiV . Dr. H. Mrs Brown, feeling rrghtiw who have headache nTr.-"- u - Mikahala, stmr., p. m. M,ueller. , Coney,- Mr. and Mrs R.- Vail, WE. T j ! t;, i James 'McCWlan, nei; porta-iiad- . 5 p. m. Everett Brown WJnfield Brown, F. J. .. - Kauati stnr Miss L. iWebber, Miss Haxer Buekt M Lreat,h, can sleep, bil-i- r, .WedrWfOay;July Sitsby.'-- iss E.,C Adams..llWa:E..I dimness,. t are v n - K. Hie-key-,; n .,ur, land, Mrs. John Lante. E. R. N. S. Iou. nervous and upset bothered . fSanl Francisco Matsonil M. Adams, Miss Elizabeth ToussaintMlss - . nH. Geo. B. Caswell, Mrs. T. Lnbbe ? . - ji. j . . S., 10 a. m. ' Am ella Toussa in Dqugin and ; w if ?, A. M and child, Mrs, M. Rutherford, ,Mr. t J back-ach- Shaw, Miss Oleson. Mtss. Ste - Kusa-kada,"- 1 V ; orhavc e and feel worn SL1 Mrs. T. S. Miss Atlie E. Hongkong via Japan prts Siberia J. K Kamm, Lv W.; Perce., S n, phanie E,r and Porter, A0GEMiGSTEAiiSEpCC; ' Wichman. Miss, AkanaMrs, tuit. ..''. l'' J, p.v:s.s. A E. Cortis and ;wife, Miss S. A. K. Schooler, Miss M. Larsen, Miss Ruth .J-::- . -- Akana and infant Mia Lillian - .: SYDNEY1 SHORT . V: Are Von keeping youi bowels clean Storm." Miss Mary Mitchell, Geo. (1. H116 via way ports Kea, Davis, Miss Daisy Chow, Miss Ella LINE"' .' N'crdiemeyer, Miss May Christian, : . forcing a stmr., 10 a. m. Whoe Tcng,' Dr. George Miss ; with Cascarets, or, merely Miss MIeb It Mto Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Buck, Mr. Prat2 ' FOR SAN FRANCISCO: FOR SYDNEY N. 8. 4V.: RnrilPrn Rrvont II Cox,-P- . passageway every few davs with salts, M- Thursday, Juy 2. B. Harrison, Miss F. M, Hogan, Bryant, Miss U. vm'Snd. - ,Wm Hatch, Mr. and Mrs. Anna Souza. Mis Kauai port W. O Hall, stmr., 5 Mrs. Katherine Burke, Robbina B. An-- ; 8.. 8 Sierra .....w.Ju!y "14 8. S..tonom'a;..W..;.July 11 Xcathartic"v45llls or castor oil? J. L. Cooke, Mrs. E. Welcker, Miss lje , . - - you AniPwaldt. Miss Lizzie Delneart. "Mrs. p. m. derson and Wife. Miss J.Mary S. Ventura' ..vJuty 17 ; i Cascata work while sleen: Provinse, Miss Mabel Hubbard, Pratt t: "-- ' V.. K. Mis M. Stella k ! Mahlum. Esther Kalwi, Loa, . 8.' 8. Aug. I . . ; avSept. : cleanse tie 'stomach, remove the sour. Miss B. V. Flett, Mrs. G. H. Flett, Kona and Kau por Mauna Mrs. A. Grant Miss Sanford, Judge Sierra J,. 8. 8. Sonoma V; 7 Master Alex K. Kaiwi. MTss .,'.. : ; 'Undigested, fermenting food and foul CclHi W. W. Armstrong, Miss L. Josselyn, stmr., noon. H. E. Cooper, Mrs. ' Baldwin Wood 8 8. ;Sonoma;'.;'ll Aug. Hi . S. Ve nt ura . ; .Oc L 1 5 Kapuli. Mrs. liana Kaiwi. Mis M. M. X ,t gases: take the excess bile Iidiii t!ie Miss C. Hunter. Mrs. N. L. Petit, Mrs. Kahului Lurline, stmr. m. Mr3. E..F. Baker Miss F. Sepha.PiJ-chol- . i 7 Pi'as. Miss Smith Miss Eliza n, -- : out system Friday, July 3. .August H. G. liver and carry of tho all W. P. Rrooks, Miss Sue Starkweather. Cariett PJumber TO ' r Miss A liana. A. Yap. O. Wadswortl;. 8Y0NEY, i0.00; ROUND $225X30. i"' the constipated waste mat and Miss Atherton. Mrs. T. Dennis, Mr. Hongkong via Japin ports Chiyo rnd wife, E. R. Hand, H. B.' Morris. A. TRl, II n.ilihv'i; M:s Kaiwi. Mi-- s Ma Japanese on C; ; howcls Esther Mr:-- . ' M C . hi. str R. S. T. A. Van Sailina UsU and Folders Applicavlon to BREWER COvlTO;'. 0n Jn the and Atherton. Brown Carlyle. Starrett Miss ' !"- -. . M- K.iiv, i, . Ka";i::'.i', - A frie. 0 p. rn. ;,:'- t Cnscaret tonilit will strr.ijiton c mid Mis Hrown, Miss Naee, Maui ports Claud stmr.. Sohaick. Miss A., S. Yarn ey, Mrs. C. :'. i"r v General Aaenta.:'..-'.'.'.''1- - vU .;VA (i!-.'h- Mi- -' ! i .!.,- - ,. uit. At - - ; in. ()! - - .1 ; 4. , .you out by morning a Mi:.- M. Walk.T. In- K McKil-- Saturday, July I. . Hodge and child, Misa D. M. tone. i - S ' - f. I'-..- - I t ; ! v V,l , V. X via way Manna Kea, t ;i from any druii s i. mi ;. ,:::i if, . Smith It. I! Ililo pdt(s Miss Mary Stone. Katherine W. ' . ' ptmr.. p. m. , swccl; liver aii.l v. - v w U M .s.; X lut ., chacp. Miss Inez Underhi'l, A.

I : I I '. i 1 I - () S ular'aild 1. wad lii. i!i ii! '.IN 'Wll-1.I- San hranriM'o Sierra nnon. and wife. M!s3 E. V. Crosby, f orremha PACl FIC MAIL .. CO. tf ! STEAMSHIP ..'forget t!'f childicii !'!.i i.i.- i t. Monday July 6. C. Reeve. Miss B. Hnnter-Jcne- s, i Sail Francisco- - Nile I'. M. S S. irvcut::.- i'i- i.. i. ::. Mr. Mrs. J. X. Rell. Mrs. M. T. oore. Miss j Sailings from Honolulu. bn or. about the following ' .carets' dates: fri'p or Fick'-- ..I Mrs. Tuesday. July 7. ... H. 7 Ha7el Uuromherger. Miss Jannet : - I F'Ort I Hie-l-'iTi.c- San Kran-is-- THE ORIENT: (la ult. Mr. and Mrs. Thackabnry, Miss FOR SAN i Lu-Ki- n in. v 1 FRANCISCO: . The i: s l'oran. Mrs. E. S. Cnuha, M's.i Siberia ...... July f -- ' -- n i Sa;: I'l '! I .Nile . . . .. j . . . . . JJO.O(0.m I. rlllld. he 'os--- . Mi.--s Edith H. IV'rkenson. Mis Chins via Manila out July w n i. " :r':8o ran ton m r M. Crace, Mrs. Sarah Orrtee. Wm. G. and in ...... i...July 10 . Mongolia , .'.July' 18 '! i d ,i v . 0. ii Julv a u e. wife and daughter. Vllsi Manchuria, via Manila, Persia ..July 31 a i a . n'-.'- Miss Loowp. M. I. .out and. in ... July 17 Frida Ms. Korea . . .' Aug 14 , AC v.o: Sh. rinan. ('. I Kavonw'fp and thr"e Nile, via Manila out and in . 1 : . AMERICAN Iii'ih-- 'i. Ii H. Carter. Adcolph Voifht , August Siberia , Aug. 22. 1 A a ife. K O. rhristi;ii!son and wife. V

'1 . ' -- SCENIC LIN' ip-- ' - ' I For, general information apply' to : u i 11 , s T i ' for nrt ' CRANO ( Mis-- ; I. ..). Mr K. il l .In',.- Mis ' H. Hackfeld. & Co., Ltd. . - Agents FEAT HI K i .ert I'll' ; - t in. S ( I W M Mi in Mss WESTEKK I!.. !!. 11. :; DENVER fir f) 10 T0Y0 KISEN KAISHA in-

. Mr-Ms-- : f F. L. VN A, m Steamers of the above Company-wil- l call at and leave Honolulu on or about the dates mentioned below: FOR THE OfllENT: FOR SAN FRANCISCO:

S. S- - Chiyo Maru July 3 S. S. Tenyo Maru July 7 S. S. Tenyo Maru July 24 S. S. Nippon Maru July 14 S. S. Nippon Maru . ..Aug. 8 S. S. Shinyo Maru .....Aug. 4 S S. Shiyo Maru Aug. 21 S. S. Chiyo Maru Aug. 25 M l I .,'! Calls at Manila, omitting call at Shanghai. CASTLE & COOKE, LIMITED, Agents, Honolulu

CANADIAN-AUSTRALASIA- N ROYAL MAIL LINE For Suva. Auckland and Sydney For Victoria and Vancouver. -. S. S. Makura July 15 S- S. Niagara . July 14 S. S. Niagara Aug. 12 S. S. Marama Aug. 11 S. S. Marama Sept. 9 S. S. Makura Sept. 8 H. DAVIES & CO., LTD., AGENTS ' f !; i THEO. GENERAL O m i

a via! 1 Civ t AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- STEAMSHIP COMPANY Pran-- i From New York to Honolulu every twelvo days' via Strait3 of Magellan 1 - .ct sailing ,ii:tie IVOh. Freithf receivpd at all time: at the companj's wharf, 41st Street, f South Hrooklyn. ' - FROM SEATTLE OR TACOMA TO HONOLULU DIRECT. 4 3. S Pennsylvania! to sail about July 3rd. aft: S. S. Montanan to sail about July 14th. vi H. Hackfeld & Co.. Ltd., Agents. C. P. Morse, Ge'nl. Freight Agent ...; at tLc I 'Liliiii iuea.