From San Francre: . ; Lurlioe, Jun 30. For 8fr Francisco; v Jbiatsooio, Jul From Vancouver: ' Jlakura, Jolf 15," For Vancouverr . ; H pi Niagara, JoJil4;r ' "a Evening . ; y; w . uunciui, t f '' bait ioo, iiu. r ' PAGEs.--noKOLU- Lu, ; : V' Star.-Vo- l XXL No. 693 4 ' .' ;' f "? - i v '? 16 op Hawaii, Tuesday, so, pages X'i tebeitorIt jone, i9i4.:i6 PBICE FIVE CENT3 rnn MDEPI8.T0 BE MYSTERY SURROUNDS DEATH OF GOVEIiilRl uuil mm .uiiC-ik-- ii J V DR. EDWARD HiARMITAGE. WELL-- II Hit mm OVER TO VELL PLEASED? I KNOWN PHYSICIAN AND LINGUIST V I V m- trip .- j HILO Juno 30.A myatery aurrounda tha'deatf cf Or. dward H ArmU, viitiiiis 4 iliiioii tagef welt fcnown over the iatanda for hia ability a a phyalclan. and linau- - William A. Wall, City Jt)c accompllahmenta, whoao body waa found under threo feet of water on Attorney .fcr the U. S. District Engineer, Cocoanut laland laat ovemng. A coroners Jury invettrgation will b under- Comrnissionwof J. A. M; Osorio, AnnouncesliiiiiiiiipiHis Position to 500 SuffragHtesAiohg Similar Ex-utfic- Attorney Would Have Judge : iWill Be io Manager taken aometime today, and tha reault of it may clear, up the myatery and Kealoha's Successor, Is-- Lines to Those Followed bv Champ If Or. waa Is' Clark Sees Nation1 i-- . determine Armitage a victim of foul play, or took'his own life, ? Sewer - - , v near t of and Waterworks i . sup.n i yiuiui y iipniP uoie tvmence or met death from' accidental cause. The opinion, here la divided ao far, inis r.inrmnn?. muc hi riuin ne ouuqests kiit len but tho weioht of it aeema to be in favor of the theory that the-- physician National Oner-Wi- ll Not Urge Constitutional Amendment IfJDICTMEfJT BHAfibED FORMAL TRANSFER IN fell.,' into the water accidentally, stunned hlmaelf and, drowned before re SAYS HAWAII BADLY IN -- - ' ,; covering from the shock of the fall. :'. ;a:-'- . V TAssociated Press sem ce by Federal , v AS - 0FFICE GOVERNOR - Wireless.) t 1 BEING 0F -- UNLAWFUL V NEED OF BETTER ROADS WASHINGTON, JuneO-Presid- ent Dr. Armitage was a physician of high education, i recognixed author : D. Wilson announced hia posi- Ity on subjects, and a. linguist great ability. tion en several. medical of; He was a the question of woman's suffrage today when he addressed a dle--; A. Beinq Mov BCO J. f.lagoon Called to Time by Books and Records frequent contributor' to the London Lancet and other medical Journals, and Intimates Several Matters Un gatlon of suffragettes and told .them that he believed the question was amoog the medical fraternity here he held a high place of respect. HO one for settlement In the different states and not; a national : tne court He ed from' Capitol to Office of i Issue. Discussion on . , When Vaxes had a P. P. H. certificate fromXambridge.;'r--- der Bigjsiand Th mitMli from th .....Lv i . in Argument the Treasurer v : Or. Armitage came to these islands about .23 years ago,' at that time Will de,,vered fcy Varm - r be Before Legislature 2 lrith that ChwP verai daya aBo, the pniin planning only to remain here temporarily. He first practiced 'in Kauai,, ; 'v-.- . .- wu c i victory n xne severa i states would mean a nation-wid- e A movement - then in Honolulu for a short time, then on Maul, where he was the gov "splendid - v,enr .. jjy'tbe lnatituted attor- la health nd ready to at- and stating his belief that a fight in the states would lead to a euick-tac- Jr Jeff-UcCar- of He to nryg for emmtnf physician Wailuku.: returned Honolulu, practiced here er v,ePry, one through i vaa bronht tc ' the large amotmt orcorreaponi. than the national leglalature. years ago Hilo."'-'-.'.- ' '';''. i '.!-;-''- ; :V.- a epdy eftd in the federal court Tomt 71 again, and aboutthree left for eace accumulated on announced that In view of hispoalUon In ( Despite hie recognized unusual ability, his - practice J was Indifferent. that has his desk Vy Prlent the matter, he UAa morn!n when Jddre C. F. Clera- - during his abserce. Governor PInkham wo"ld not Ticially urge a constitutional amendment allowing for woman's U&tenfng Cut It never seemed to cause him worry,: and he was never known to tnake ' ns. after to a lensrthy arpn - vTfiw&fl thl- - I an etrort .to Increase it. r - ; returned from tnfttn inert prcBcnted by Attorney J. A. ?Ia-poo- n, and ; by 9:3T: pcjock vwaa busy; M hJa refused to aever bla connection - ofnee once more. V; 'St; Two-Battlesh- as jircsldinj? Jadge In McCrn-Mc-TrlJ- e ip the 4 One ,ot hia first nieers nf hnslnewi" . matter and give way e-r- .: ' Appropriation to the SIJIflDllIW "waa to Issue the coromiraton o ,A; r judge. ;Sanrord.B. Dole,'. Arter Osorlo, f M. the uccef or t Jr.brt fr rln Attorney Maeon's reafon - ; 7 v . h.p A. Kea'hi n' ihe : hoard of sinrTl- Bill is Sighed by Presidsiii: !i why . bhould ptve.. to hr Ay of Haws II. the. ha :'. ' latter vin x r inr Judpe..-Judge- Clernons ori called GIVE! FOR rlgred his conviction on 4 charge Associated Press service by Federal 1 C of tbe court f .'IE aftr .s,'"f Wireless. uufis and. 'after rii. WASHINGTON, D. ident of tnberxlemenL '::; June Wilson tadav y. ana. i :. m . 9 In fc!s . fn. in lid r rrcnta sncnt off ce.' tools' the : rj. 'iTh govemor , said that raarV mt-- w. :FrvHn-uo- r Bin providing mnos tor tne maintenance navy 1',' c!i nnd ErnouT'pd thst Lfc ld.Tr cf the - me year. Dill two-battleth- ip " -- ' ter h had taken up oa th nigral- for coming nscai The carries cut the pro-- 'r . cr Mnrelf fTis qnnliflrd to 'pre- - DELEGATE MCEf and with one th th - 1 gram oy appropriating for two new dreadnaujhta. - It : ' C o or other of ron also authorizes thj over farther rrpp d!n;s lr I to ureece of r, mittees that waited on no the battleships Mississippi and Idaho. f-r- hlntrcnld t:. cr?d -: ' .t - that he wouU hear thr iiS yp i -f vV . y ' n, T on to r; i.' fh the Indictment, cad .t.... m a. I .1 ue naTai ppropriaiion oil! inc uaea an mere nf 1 3 f Proqressive Leader Back from Headquarters OsenerJ and It the Clerronf v.z? liea cf Ju5e Island, of Hawaii Organ-- ; - t i t!,'s i a dtfnitp date fo-- portefCBeolirQMiiiaia SupiSr..S ft -- t t??fF& hc'ri.' cf the motmn ti Queen . v campaign Forces ;K-.- . :irl izationTwPvf:' pw narbor cf thf roM.. At-n- . Fieckfn!; ct length xi , Former Governor George, R. Carter, ; f rvcr, reonerted RepubUcan v,ord the naval appropriation Ad-gat- e Jude' prospective candidate for r delegate, td for the noraUiaUoh for hut this - that bill had 'passed,, conveye I to e,'.ve over dei trlnliavrefrh- Moore by. the bench tt Congress, returned this morning from to Congress, has begi.n the fprma rotad on many if the things m!raI a. Staulletln reporter, was received .with ccssIJcralla C)?mons 12-da- y by V:'.?. Urzv$? "Jude a trip to the island of.3awaII tion campaign organizaJ.7rJy - - . relief the naval commandant Had the bill failed-t- lecosie a law t 5 wprp .60 i frfjndlc'a" where he apoke. widety. .the doc-- tion iuid line-o-f battle; Headouartersf1 day,': about ciyiUan employes of the naval establishment on ' -- here wculd hiv r.ttr -i 7 ' n Mrt'.:rn, and remain 8" tiiries and worked effectively; on the Hxave been opene$ rocw; I STeat;;- oeen laid off as no provision for their pay , could be made, enexpe- - ' I J a ,w t: r vv hard he trlrd to. over organization of the Progresslye party. fHotei: bullding"andirv.i p.r Wate ds;bl!t tlJeT:are U? balances reverting to the treasury at the end cf the fiscal year. The r.2l.i t'.-n.- " .Up 'promlnent-'n,thft;pfellin-ituuy- 'K":-1"?.'":"- : narnor t:r?rd that, out of s Within-- f bout two weeks formal an house to' consirucuoiv .worit. at reart, was in no danger of dl3coatir.uanr?, o - - 1 s Mr. ITrCarn, .Indee Clen-v- n dele-rat-e .'VJgettln inev-.a- nos. iii nowever, as i proviaea oywnavto: i. ti nouncehient ot his oandidacy for trork of together thRIce iei.. uiyre vy, it " ior known as continuing arrc-rl- -- iitIon-to- r tnne. i- - . , . '' v v tn Dele 'who,. he Is expected Abk Issuehonda atthial Itlcnsl - - i i 7 . from the chief cf 1 they - x : : ' There few thinea ndwever. .rmy will '.,;'.c!y r.o i'tcrest In thf " Gull Moose party Adhering '.4 i smiles theaerdaTa area construction work Hat be held un bv 'the ratirW r f th eV. : .Wmiava A. WaU city und la Hawaii., TheTKaualnian do, delay, 7! ct Attorney-Ma-- to the t party principle "to emnhasite wh en mentipa Is ."made of.'the;rajee.for arevery anxious to without j dry civil bill to pass up .to thia time. All the work "''at Schcfield 13. tcl-- T county . eng'neer. who - will -- wyt-ai- u 1 con-- A;-oo- saw,.-. uvui? acne .nnaerr--no--yer appropriations, - he Ea!d., after a i measures rather than men and, to en- aeai which continue as lor- as men - j ii sfet in formal transfer cf water - v - v.
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