CIPFAstats children's services statistics 2010-11 Estimates SIS Ref. 51.11 Copyright © 2011 THE CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC FINANCE AND ACCOUNTANCY 3 ROBERT STREET, LONDON, WC2N 6RL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CIPFA is the leading professional accountancy body for public services, whether in the public or private sectors. We provide education and training in accountancy and financial management, and set and monitor professional standards. Our professional qualification is high quality, relevant and practical, and is supported by a range of other products and services. February 2011 ISSN 2046 - 5394 1 CHILDREN'S SERVICES STATISTICS 2010-11 ESTIMATES CONTENTS Page Information Release 2 - 6 General Notes 7 - 9 Notes on Individual Authorities 10 - 11 Summary Tables General Fund Revenue Accounts Return 2010-11 (England) 12 - 15 General Fund Revenue Accounts Return 2010-11 (Wales) 16 - 17 Section 251 Education Budget Statement 2010-11 (England) 18 - 20 Main Statistical Tables London Boroughs 22 - 111 Metropolitan Districts 22 - 111 English Unitary Authorities 112 - 201 Isles of Scilly 112 - 201 English Counties 112 - 201 Wales 202 - 223 Questionnaires employed for the survey: England 224 - 230 Wales 231 - 237 RESPONSE CIPFA Financial Questionnaire Information Greater London 76% 100% Metropolitan Districts 56% 100% English Unitary Authorities 73% 100% Isles of Scilly - 100% English County Councils 78% 100% Wales 50% 100% Total England and Wales 68% 100% FURTHER INFORMATION Electronic copies of the publication are available online to subscribers. Users of these statistics may wish to employ the following services: Commissions of statistical analysis / research; interactive reports; online tools and resources. For further information telephone: 020 - 8667 - 1144 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: 2 Children's Services Statistics 2010-11 Estimates Introduction 1.