Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 63:247-260, 1990 Cephalic anatomy of the herbivorous fish Girella laevifrons (: Kyphosidae): mechanical considerations of its trophic function

Anatomfa cefálica del pez herbfvoro Girella laevifrons (Osteichthyes: Kyphosidae): consideraciones mecánicas sobre su funci6n tr6fica


Departamento de Ecologfa,'Facultad de Ciencias Biol6gicas, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Casilla 114-D, Santiago, Chile


Structural and functional restrictions hindering the development of efficient mechanism for cropping and ingestion of algal material could constitute an explanatory hypothesis for the observed low diversity of herbivorous fishes. In this study, the cephalic structures of the herbivorous kyphosid fish Girel/a laevifrons (Tschudi 1844) are described, in- cluding a functional analysis of its alimentary apparatus. This can be characterized by having: (i) a great freedom of movement between the dentary and articular-angular, (ii) a double insertion of the muscle adductor mandibulae A1 in both faces of the maxilla, (iii) specialized teeth, long and flexible with a peculiar articular condyle at their an- terior base, (iv) a mobile articulation between ceratohyal and dorsal hypohyal, and (v) a well developed branchio- stegal system. A mechanism based on a mandibular manipulation associated with a slow suction of a large volume of water is proposed. This mechanism would allow the ingestion of large amounts of algae (as long stripes) in a continuous fashion. The combined activity of both an oral manipulation and buccal suction systems are possible by the existence of a decoupling of the anterior and posterior regions of the buccal cavity involving the jaw and the hyoid arch. The adaptive value of this mechanism is discussed in relation of the feeding strategies utilized by this species. Key words: Girella; herb ivory; head morphology; feeding apparatus; functional design.


Restricciones estructurales y funcionales que impiden el desarrollo de mecanismos eficientes de captura e ingestion de algas, pueden constituir una hipotesis explicativa a la baja diversidad de peces herbivoros observada en este grupo. En este estudio se describe la anatomia cefálica del kifosido herbivoro Girel/a laevifrons y se realiza un aná1isis fun- cional de su aparato alimentario. Esta especie se caracteriza por presentar: (i) gran libertad de movimiento entre el dentario y el articular-angular, (ii) doble insercion del musculo aductor mandibula A1 en ambas caras del maxilar, (ill) dientes especializados largos y flexibles, con un peculiar condilo articular en su base, (iv) una articulacion móvil entre el ceratohial e hirohial. dorsal, y (v) un sistema branquiostegal bien desarrollado. Se propone un mecanismo basado en una manipulacion mandibular asociado con una succion lenta y de gran volumen. Este mecanismo permitiria la ingestion de gran cantidad de algas (largos trozos sin cortar) en forma continua. La actividad combinada de una manipulacion oral y una succion bucal es posible por la existencia de desacoplamientos en la region mandibular y arco hioideo. Se discute el valor adaptativo de este mecanismo en relacion a la estrategia alirnentaria utilizada por esta especie. Palabras claves: Girella; herbivoria; morphologia cefálicaaparato alirnentario; diseño funcional.

INTRODUCTION low diversity of species that feed exclusively on algae (Mead 1970, Horn 1989). In The phenomenon of fish herbivory in ma- tropical coral reefs, herbivorous fishes rine ecosystems has received increasing represent not more than 25 "'o of .total fish attention in recent years (Mead 1970, diversity (Talbot 1965, Bakus 1966, Ran- Earle 1972, Van Dyke & Sutton 1977, dall 1967, Sale 1977, Ogden & Lobe! Wheeler 1980, Lobe! 1981, Choat 1982, 1978) while in temperate waters· they do Horn et al. 1982, Horn 1989). Much of not exceed 8% of the fish faunas (Bigelow the discussion on this topic has been focus- & Schroeder 1953, Quast 1968, see also ed on the causes explaining the relatively Choat 1982). Although several approaches have been (Received 7 August 1990.) proposed to answer the question of why * Addressee for reprints request. there are so few species of herbivorous 248 VIAL&OJEDA fishes, including biogeographical and eco- 1954, Chirichigno 1974, Varas & Ojeda physiological studies, little attention has 1990). The main goals of this paper are been paid to functional morphology as ( 1) to describe the cephalic anatomy an analytical tool to explore other hypo- of Girella laevifrons, and (2) to study the theses about fish herbivmy. From a mor- structural design of the head of this species pho-functional viewpoint, the phenomenon as possible adaptations to herbivory by of fish herbivory should focus on the analyzing the functional potential of its analysis of the extrinsic and intrinsic morphological elements, and its mechanisms constrainsts imposed on the design (Lauder of prey capture. 1981, 1982a). Further, since functional demands imposed by feeding have been shown to have a decisive influence on the MATERIALS AND METHODS integration of the fish head (Liem & Osse 1975), such mechanical constraints Seven specimens of Girel/a laevi[rons were have been studied specifically in relation analyzed in this study; they ranged from to trophic function (Lauder 1981, 1982b, 100 to 220 mm in total length (TL) and 1983; Liem & Sanderson 1986). In this were collected in intertidal pools at two context, the analysis of cephalic structures localities along the Chilean central coast, of herbivorous fishes is particularly interest- Quintay (330ll 'S; 72043'W) and Las ing because structural constraints related Cruces (33030'S; 71 038'W), during March to their feeding mechanisms may well 1989. For osteological analysis, four in- serve as an alternative hypothesis explain- dividuals previously fixed in a 10"fo solu- ing the relatively low number of herbi- tion of buffered formalin-sea water mixture, vorous species among the teleosts. were double stained for bone and cartilage Few studies in the literature document following the technique of Dingerkus and morphological aspects of herbivorous fishes. Uhler (1977). Another two preserved Most of them have dealt primarily with specimens were used for muscle and li- osteological and myological descriptions of gament descriptions while one fresh in- the head (Springer 1968, Tedman 1980a, dividual was examined for mechanical 1980b, Gosline 1987, Clements & Bell- manipulation and determination of wood 1988) or with the study of morpho- mandibular movements. All observations logical adaptations associated with a par- and figures were made with the aid of a ticular mode of biting or grazing (Liem Wild MS stereomicroscope and a drawing 1979, Bare! 1983) or with morphological tube. The terminology used in this study descriptions of the alimentary canal (Su- follows that of Osse ( 1969) for bones, yehiro 1942, Al-Hussaini 1947, see Horn Stiassny ( 1986) for ligaments, and Winter- 1989). Kyphosidae is one of the few bottom (1974) for muscles. known percoid families in which most of its representatives are strict herbivores (Randall 1967), at least those belonging RESULTS to Kyphosinae and Girellinae, although recently Johnson & Fritzsche ( 1989) have Osteology shown that Graus nigra Philippi 1887, an strict carnivorous species, is closely Neurocranium related to Girella. The morphologies and feeding mechanisms of these species, The neurocranium is a well ossified struc- however, are almost completely unknown. ture, broad and tall on its anterior and The kyphosid fish Girel/a laevifrons (Tschu- posterior portions (Figs. 1, 2 and 3). The di 1844) (previously known as Doydixo­ major modifications in relation to the don laevifrons; see Orton 1989) is an percoid body plan (Osse 1969) are found abundant and conspicuous herbivorous in the ethmoid region. The mesethmoid species inhabiting rocky nearshore habitats is solid and large, rounded in shape in la- along the coast of Chile and Peru (Mann teral view and quadrangular in a dorsal HERBIVOROUS FISH FEEDING MECHANISM 249

soc par

epoc c.


prot brsph

Smm Fig. 1: Lateral view of neurocranium. boc = basioccipital; brsph = ba- sisphenoid, c. eth = cartilaginous ethmoideal plate; dsph = dermos- phenotic, epoc = epioccipital; eth. lat = lateral ethmoid; exoc = exoccipital; f. hm = articular fossa of hyomandibular; fr = frontal; meth = mesethmoid; par = parietal; prot = pro otic; psph = parasphe- noid; ptot = pterotic; ptsph = pterosphenoid; soc = supraoccipital; sph =sphenotic; v =vomer. Vista lateral del neucraneo. boc = basioccipital; brsph = basisfenoides; c. eth = placa cartilaginosa etmoidal; dsph = dermoesfenotico; epoc = epioccipital; eth. lat = etmoides lateral; exoc = exoccipital; f. hm = fosa articular para el hioman- dibular; fr = frontal;meth = mesetmoides; par= parietal; prot = prootico; psph = = paraesfenoides; ptot = pterotico; ptsph = pteroesfenoides; soc = supraoccipital; sph = esfenotico; V= Vomer . . eth

smm Fig. 2: Ventral view of neurocranium. for. tf = Fig. 3: Dorsal view of neurocranium. See Figure 1 trigemino-facial foramen. See Figure 1 for other for abbreviations. abbreviations. Vista dorsal del neurocraneo. Abreviaciones igual que en Vista ventral del neurocraneo. for. tf = foramen trige- Fig.l. mino-facial. Las otras abreviaciones igual que en Fig. 1. 250 VIAL&OJEDA view; it is projected forward forming the that runs its entire length (Fig. 3)·:· The anterior tip of the neurocranium (Fig. 1). postero-dorsal edge of the supraoccipital Postero-dorsally there is a large overlap crest has a right angle shape (Fig. 1). The with the frontals. Laterally, it is associat- supraoccipital does not belong to the ed with the lateral ethmoids by a narrow foramen magnum. The frontals are large cartilaginous band; the antero-ventral and do not overlap the sphenotics pos- surface is connected with a cartilaginous teriorly. Ventrally, they present a vertical ethmoidal plate. The well ossified lateral crest which together with the pterophenoid ethmoids show a firm articulation with form the dorsal edge of the interorbital the frontals and with the postero-dorsal septum (Fig. 1). The basisphenoid has a surface of the mesethmoid, connected with curved anterior medial projection and is the rest of the anterior ossifications by associated with the parasphenoid by a means of cartilage (Fig. 1). The lateral cartilaginous tip (Fig. 1). processes are well developed and the an- tero-ventral surface articulates with the palatine. The antero-ventral end of the Suspensorium neurocranium is formed by the vomer, its head not projected farther forward Basically, it has 3 mechanical units that than the mesethmoid, and presents an possess some flexibility between them: oblique anterior surface over which lies palatine, ectopterygoid-entopterygoid-qua- the prominent cartilaginous ethmoidal drate-symplectic, and metapterygoid-hyo- plate. Near the anterior edge of the ventral mandibular (Fig. 4). The palatine has a surface there are few vomerine teeth robust triangular base, the postero-ventral (5-10) of slender and conic shape (Fig. portion bearing some acute conical teeth; 1). The parasphenoid has a well develop- the posterior edge is connected with the ed medial ventral keel which gives it a

tall aspect · in the medial region (Fig. 1) hm The anterior portion presents a dorsal bed which continues as a plate-like projec- tion of the ethmoidal cartilage. The ascend- ing expansions are poorly developed (Figs. 1 and 2). The dorsal edge of the prootics with its respective sphenotic form the anterior articular fossa of the hyo- mandibular. The sphenotics have a pro- minent post-orbital process (Fig. 2). The dermosphenotics overlap dorsally with the sphenotics and are not fused. Each ptero- sphenoid is extended and laminar, dorsally articulated to the flange border of the symp frontals (Fig. 1). The posterior articular Fig. 4: External view of dght splanchnocranium. fossa for the hyomandibular is formed ar-an = articular-angular; d = dentary; ectop = only by the pterotic (Fig. 2). In dorsal ectopterygoid; entop = entopterygoid; hm = hyo- view, the exoccipitals have a posterior mandibular; iop = interopercle; metap = metap- oblique process with an articular surface terygoid; mx = maxilla; op = opercle; pal= pa- for the first vertebra (Fig. 2). The epioc- latine; pmx = premaxilla; pop = preopercle; cipitals have wide posterior crests, short q = quadrate; rar = retroarticular; sop= suboper- und obliquely directed (Fig. 3). The pa- cle; symp = symplectic. Vista externa del esplacnocraneo derecho. ar-an = arti- rietals are reduced, with a longitudinal cular-angular; d = dentario; ectop = ectopterigoides; ridge projected towards the frontals (Fig. entop = entopterigoides; hm = hiomandibular; iop = in- 3). The supraoccipital projects forward teroperculo; metap = metapterigoides; mx = maxilar; op = operculo; pal = palatino; pmx = premaxilar; pop= to approximately the middle of the neuro- preoperculo; q = cuadrado; rar = retroarticular; sob = sub- cranium, with a broad supraoccipital crest opercula; symp·= simplectico. HERBIVOROUS FISH FEEDING MECHANISM 251 ecto- and entopterygoid through liga- pmx hm ments; the anterior process is curved and bears an articular facet which articulates with the lateral ethmoids while its anterior cartilaginous tip is located over the maxillary palatinad facet (Figs. 4 and 5). The quadrate is triangular in shape with a short posterior spine; the ventral margin is thick, joined closely to the preopercle by a strong ligament; its articular condyle is about the level of the palatine (Figs. 4 and 5). The ectopterygoid and entopterygoids are laminar, of similar length, and arrang- ed near vertically. The anterior edge of Fig. 5: Internal view of right splanchnocranium. the ectopterygoid bears a concave dorsal cm = Meckel's cartilage; conn = coronomecke- edge which attaches to the palatine through lian. See Figure 4 for other abbreviations. a fibrous membrane that permits flexi- Vista interna del esplacnocraneo derecho. cm = cartila- go de Meckel; cor = coronorneckeliano. Las otras abre- bility. Its ventral portion overlaps with the viaciones a! igual que en Fig. 4. middle internal face of the quadrate. The symplectic is small and slender, arrang- ed horizontally and both tips are carti- brous tissue that allows mobility. The ar- laginous (Figs. 4 and 5). The metaptery- ticular-angular is a solid bone with a short goid is rectangular, closely joined to the anterior process inserted into the furrow hyomandibular by its postero-ventral edge of the posterior border of the dentary and through a dentate suture by its postero- (Fig. 5). The thick ventral process leaves dorsal border; anteriorly it is weakly a broad depression in the ventral border connected to the entopterygoid, leaving a of the jaw. Mesially and close to its ventral broad cartilaginous plate between it and border is located a markedly reduced the quadrate (Figs. 4 and 5). On its external Meckel's cartilage and associated with it face there is a conspicuous plate that a small coronomeckelian bone (Fig. 5). lodges a fascicle of the levator arcus pa- The retroarticular forms the postero- latini muscle (Fig. 4). The hyomandibular ventral extreme of the jaw, closely joined has a broad base and a slender and long to the articular-angular (Fig. 5). The retro- ventral process that is connected with the articular does not form part ofthe quadrate symplectic by cartilage (Figs. 4 and 5). articulation. The articular-angular and It bears two condyles for the articulation dentary show a great capacity for relative to the neurocranium, the anterior is circular movement between them, not only of and the posterior oblong. The articular rotation along the longitudinal axis of the process for the opercle is short, thick, jaw but also along the vertical and lateral and postero-ventrally directed (Fig. 5). planes. This freedom of movement is due The opercular bones are large and very to the ligamentous connection existing tall; the lower border of the preopercle between both bones. is irregularly serrated (Fig. 4). Upper Jaw Lower Jaw The ascending process of the premaxilla The lower jaw is triangular in shape, tall, is slightly shorter than the alveolar process short, and robust (Figs. 4 and 5). The (Fig. 5) and is closely associated with the dentary has a thick anterior border and is rostra! cartilage which shows, on its ventral transversely oriented, showing and ample side a deep middle antero-posterior groove cavity for teeth reception. The mandibular for 'the fitting of the ethmoidal carti- symphysis is vertically oriented (Fig. 5) laginous plate. The ascending and articular with a broad surface and abundant fi- processes of the premaxilla are joined. 252 VIAL&OJEDA

The anterior border of that bone is thick; like the dentary, it shows an anterior depression for lodging the teeth (Fig. 4). The ventral portion of the alveolar process has a broad laminar projection posteriorly directed which overlaps with the internal surface of the maxillary arm (Fig. 5), the two being connected by fibrous tissue. The joint between both premaxillae occurs on a broad surface and by ligamentous a tissue which allows some mobility be- b d tween them. The maxilla is long, almost ~ c ~ lmm -i twice as long as the alveolar process of the Fig. 6: Lateral view of an external mandibular premaxilla (Fig. 4). The maxillary arm tooth. (a) and (b) early teeth; (c) mature tooth; presents a prominence on its postero- (d) tooth attachment. proximal border and a concavity on the Vista lateral de Ios dientes mandibulares externos. (a) y internal face of its distal end. (b) dientes incipientes; (c) diente maduro; (d) inser- ci6n del diente. Teeth which shows an articular condyle on its external border (Fig. 6d). The tooth can The premaxilla as well as the dentary bear rotate in the sagittal plane due to the two types of teeth: the first ones are short capacity of the internal border to be dis- and tricuspid, closely joined to the bone torted. The configuration and replacement and are generally straight or weakly curved mode of these teeth have already been posteriorly. They are arranged in a line reported by Johnson & Fritzsche ( 1989) across the alveolar process of the pre- for Girella, who consider these features maxilla and the coronoid process of the as autapormorphies, presumably associated dentary, and in many rows (about 7 or 8) with herb ivory. on the internal surfaces of the thicker anterior border of both bones, thus form- Hyoid Arch ing broad dental plates (Fig. 4). The second type is very modified; they lie in cavities This is short and wide, the anterior end of along the anterior border of both bones the ceratohyal being acute and joined to and are arranged in a variable number of the ventral hypohyal by cartilage; the rows. These teeth are long, laterally com- dorsal hypohyal has a cartilaginou~ pos- pressed at their bases, narrow in the middle terior edge connected with the anterior zone and with spatulate and tipless distal dorsal inner surface of the ceratohyal extremes forming a right angle with the forming a mobile articulation (Fig. 7). longitudinal axis of the teeth (Fig. 6c). The ceratohyal shows near its dorsal border They are continually replaced in an anterior an oblong foramen like the one described to posterior rotation. Juvenile specimens by McAllister ( 1968) (known as the bery- show only tricuspid teeth (Fuentes 1981 ). ciform foramen). There are six broad and The tooth attachment mode does not curved branchiostegal rays, the first and agree with that reported by Fink (1981) second being related to the ventral an- for Actinopterygian fishes. In G. laevi­ terior border of the ceratohyal and the frons the teeth are attached to a cylindrical four posterior ones joined to the external and partially ossified structure, that is not face of the ceratohyal and epihyal. The directly related to the bone but is immers- interhyal is small (Fig. 7). ed in a fibrous tissue matrix. A similar arrangement of loosely suspended teeth Branchial Arches is seen as well in Blenniidae (Springer 1968). There is a complete separation Three basibranchials are ossified while between the tooth and this basal structure the fourth basibranchial is cartilaginous; HERBIVOROUS FISH FEEDING MECHANISM 253


Fig. 7: Internal view of left hyoid arch. brst = branchiostegal rays; eh = ceratohyal; eh = epi- hyal; hhd = dorsal hypohyal; hhv = ventral Fig. 8: Dorsal view of branchial basket. bbr = ba- hypohyal; ih = interhyal. sibranchial (1-4); brsp = gill-rakers; c. ar = inter- Vista interna del arco hioideo izquierdo. brst = radios arcual cartilage; cbr = ceratobranchial (1, 5); branquiostegales; eh = ceratohial; eh = epihial; hhd = hipohial dorsal; hhv = hipohial ventral; ih = interhial. ebr = epibranchial (1-5); hbr = hypobranchial (1-3); phbr = pharyngobranchial (1, 3); phtp = pharyngeal tooth plate (2-4). the first hypobranchial has a laminar lateral Vista dorsal de Ios arcos branquiales. bbr = basibranquial projection and the third has an anterior (1-4); brsp = branquispinas; c. arc = cartilago inter- arcual; cbr = ceratobranquial (1, 5); ebr = epibranquial tip that is acute and long. The fifth cerato- (1-5); hbr = hipobranquial (1-3); phbr = faringobran- branchials are not fused (Fig. 8), and are quial (1, 3); phtp = placa dentada faringea (2-4). long and thin with pointed and conical teeth. The fifth cartilaginous epibranchials are present. Three broad upper pharyngeal inserted on the maxilla. From the anterior plates are related to pharyngobranchials portion of AI, two fascicles emerge: the I, 2, 3 and a small tooth plate is fused internal fascicle is extended through a to the internal face of the first epibranchial thin and long tendon, reaching the internal (Fig. 8). The gill-rakers of the first arch face of the maxilla, close to the articular are well developed and bear numerous process for the premaxilla. The external teeth-like structures on their inner edge. fascicle, on the other hand, is inserted on The gill-rakers of the second to fourth the middle zone of the external face of arch are short and thick, and are arranged the maxillary arm by means of a tendon. transversally on both edges of each arch, The most superficial fibres are directly their numbers and sizes increasing towards inserted on the anterior margin of the the posterior arches, all together forming bone (Fig. 9a). The AI section is ventrally wide dentated plates (Fig. 8). related to the lower jaw by means of a long and thin tendon to the internal face of the jaw, inserted on the ventral border of the Myology articular-angular bone (Fig. 9b and 9e). This double link to the two faces of the Adductor Mandibulae maxilla has been reported for Diplodus sargus (Sparidae) by Vandewalle et al. In G. laevifrons the configuration and in- (1986), whereas in the case of Scarus terrelationships of the different sections fasciatus, the A I (a) and the A I (13) are of this muscle present some remarkable also inserted on the maxilla by means of differences with regard to the basic plan two tendons, but both to the internal face suggested by Gosline (1986) for the Teleost (Tedman 1980b). group. It is possible to clearly identify The well developed A2 section originates four sections: AI, A2, A3, and Aw (Fig. from the preopercle and the hyoman- 9). The AI section is of large volume and dibular. It is inserted, through a broad occupies the upper section of the cheek tendon, to the edge and external face of (Fig. 9a). It originates from the hyomandi- the ascending process of the articular- bular and the metapterygoid and it is angular, and to the postero-lateral surface 254 VIAL cl OJEDA

of the dentary coronoid process (Fig. 9c). This singular condition of tendinous con- nection with the dentary has been describ- ed by Johnson & Fritzsche (1989) for Graus and Girella as a synapomorphy. The laminar A3 section originates in the hyomandibular, metapterygoid and symplectic. The dorsal fibres of the an- terior portion of the A3, are related with one fascicle of the Aw by aponeurotic tissue (Fig. 9b). With regard to the ventral fibres, they insert onto the coronomecke- lian bone by a tendon. In the Aw section, it is possible to differentiate two fascicles. The ventral fascicle is superficial and its fibers originate on the posterior margin of the dentary, terminating in a long tendon inserted on the preopercle (Fig. 9d). The sec

Levator Arcus Palatini

Its origin is found in the pterotic and sphe- notic; the superficial fibres are inserted in the preopercle and run lateral to the fibers Fig. 9: View of muscles of the right side of the head. (a) general lateral view; (b) lateral view of of the A 1 and A2 sections of the adductor A3 adductor mandibulae muscle, note the A3- mandibulae muscle (Fig. 9a). The most Aw connection; (c) A2 attachment on dentary internal fibres are inserted in the hyoman- and articular-angular; lateral {d) and (e) internal dibular and in the inner face of the metap- views of A3 and Aw adductor mandibulae mus- terygoid plate. cles. A = adductor mandibulae {1-3); AAP = ad- ductor arcus palatini; Aw = adductor mandibu- Adductor Arcus Palatini lae Aw (Awd = dorsal fascicle; Awv = ventral fascicle); DO = dilatator operculi; GH = genio- It forms a wide plate all over the floor hyoideus; IM = intermandibularis; LAP = levator of the orbit and is continued posteriorly arcus palatini, t A3-Al = tendon of adductor mandibulae AI and A3, t Al md = tendon of by the hyomandibular adductor muscle. adductor mandibulae Al which is inserted on the lower jaw. Buccal Ligaments Vista de Ios musculos del lado derecho de la cabeza. (a) vista lateral general; (b) vista lateral del musculo aduc- In general, the arrangement of the ligaments tor mandibular A3; notese la conexion A3-Aw; (c) vista lateral de la insercion del musculo A2 en el dentario y of G. laevifrons agree with that reported articular-angular; (d) y (e) vistas internas de Ios aductores by Stiassny ( 1986) for acanthomorphs. The mandibulares A3 y Aw. A = aductor mandibular (1-3); ethmo-maxillary ligament underlies the pa- AAP = aductor arco palatino; Aw "" aductor mandibular Aw (Awd =dorsal y Awv =ventral); DO= dilatador del lato-premaxillary ligament in the same way operculo; GH = geniohioideo; IM = intermandibularis; as in Serranus scriba (Serranidae) (Ben- LAP = elevador del arco palatino; t A3-Al = tendon mouna et al. 1984) instead of the inverse de Ios aductores mandibulares Al y A3; tAlmd =tendon del aductor mandibular Al que se inserta en la mandi- position of the ligaments as described by bula inferior. Stiassny ( 1986). Girella laevifrons has the HERBIVOROUS FISH FEEDING MECHANISM 255

same kind of strong ligament linking the anterior margin of the nasal with that of the maxilla and the same process of the mesethmoid where the ethmo-maxillary ligament is inserted. There is no well defin- ed palato-maxillary ligament, and both bones are related to each other by means a b c of a loose fibrous tissue that allows great Fig. 10: Figure showing (a) the possible movement mobility between them. At the distal end of the maxilla and premaxilla mediated by the of the maxilla and the coronoid and lowering of the mandible; (b) and (c) the maxillary primordial jaw processes is located a rotation mediated by internal (b) and external (c) strong ligamentous bulk which, when the fascicles of the AI, and its effect on the premaxilla. mouth is closed, folds and fits in the distal Esquema que muestra (a) posibles movimientos del maxilar y premaxilar mediados por la bajada de la man- concavity of the maxilla. dfbula, rotacion del maxilar r.1ediado por Ios fasciculos internos (b) y externos (c) del Al y su efecto sobre el premaxilar. Functional considerations of the feeding apparatus Rotation about its longitudinal axis is possible by the action of the A 1 adductor The most conspicuous structural modifica- mandibulae muscle with points of insertion tions observed in G. laevifrons from a on both faces ot its arm (Fig. lOb and lOc). generalized percoid condition are those The great development of the Al ad- found at the level of the upper and lower ductor mandibulae muscle, and its division jaws, both in design and proportions and into two anterior fascicles, both related in their relations with the other cephalic with the maxilla, s-uggests a variety of elements. In turn, these anatomical cha- movements of the maxilla which are racteristics determine some very precise possibly transmitted to the premaxilla possibilities of movement related to buccal (Fig. lOb, c). The above movements of the mechanisms for food acquisition. maxilla and premaxilla may be independent of the lower jaw movements. Despite the tendinous connection with the inner face Movements of the upper jaw of the articular-angular, the contraction of the Al muscle does not seem to exert Although the configuration of the maxillae an important action upon that bone, since and premaxillae seem to be similar to that the direction of the tendon does not follow of species with a great capacity for pro- the line of action of muscle fibers. Probably trusion, particularly regarding the develop- the function of this connection would be ment of the ascending processes (Gosline to change the orientation of the line of 1987), G. laevifrons premaxillae are not action of the muscle on the maxilla, ac- protractile. Their movements are restricted cording to the degree of opening or closing to small vertical displacements and chiefly of the mouth, while independence or to an antero-posterior balancing of their decoupling between both jaws would be dentate border. The direction of the mo- maintained. vements is essentially determined by the almost vertical inclination of the anterior border of the ethmovomerine region. Movements of the lower jaw The maxillae display a wide variety of movements, though of reduced amplitude: The most remarkable characteristic of the pendular movement in the sagittal plane, G. laevifrons lower jaw is· its capacity for and a rotational movement about its intramandibular movements. The dentary longitudinal axis (Fig. 10). The pendular displays a great mobility related to the movement occurs because of its ligamentous articular-angular. The antagonistic action of attachments to the lower jaw (Fig. lOa). the Aw adductor mandibulae and genio- 256 VIAL&OJEDA hyoideus muscles causes a vertical rotation of the dentary in the sagittal plane relative to the articular-angular, behaving like a mechanical unit independent of the rest of the jaw (Fig. I la). The mandibular sym- physis is very tall, large and vertical, and restricts the separation of the posterior ends of the dentaries; however, their freedom of movement relative to the pos- terior part of the jaw allows the abduc- tion of the articular-angular following the movements ofthe suspensorium (Fig. lib). The tendinous connection of the A2 ad- ductor mandibulae muscle with the dentary Fig. 12: Drawing showing the intrinsic movements and with the articular-angular, also would of the hyoid arch and their effect on the mobility determine the possibility of alternative of the branchiostegal rays; GH = geniohyoideus movements of the jaw allowing both bones muscle; HH = hyohyoideus muscle. Esquema que muestra los movimientos intrfnsecos del to work in a combined fashion under the arco hioideo y sus efectos sobre la movilidad de los rayos action of the muscle A2. branquiostegales; GH = musculo geniohioideo; HH = musculo hiohioideo.

Movements of the suspensorium, opercular series and hyoid bar The hyoid bars may execute simulta- neously two types of movements when The suspensorium is able to execute ample being propelled by the sternohyoideus abduction and adduction movements owing muscle: in the sagittal plane, their anterior to its tall vertical design and the develop- extremes rotate ventrally about the joint ment of its asociates musculature. The with the suspensorium; in the frontal flexibility of the connection between the plane, the posterior extremes abduce and palatine and the rest of the suspensorium produce a lateral action over the suspen- implies that the movements of the latter sorium. The mobile joint between cera- may not affect the palatine, leading to a tohyal and hypohyal allows the rotation mechanical independence between the of the ceratohyal along its longitudinal maxillo-premaxillar system and the sus- axis. This rotational movement can occur pensorium. by contraction of the hyohyoideus muscles which approach the ventral edges of both bars and by contraction of the geniohyoi- deus muscle which causes the opposite movement (Fig. 12). This mobility of the hyoid bar might play an important role in the mechanical activity of the bran- chiostegal system, permitting the attach- ment of the rays to the body wall even a when the bars are in a ventral position or abduced (Fig. 12). Fig. 11: Figures showing: (a) the dentary move- The great development of the bran- ments mediated by the antagonistic actions of chiostegal system, the large dimensions the Aw and geniohyoideus (GH) muscles; (b) the of the opercular bones, the very ventral relative movement of the articular-angular respect location of the interhyal-suspensorium to the dentary. articulation, and the capability of intrinsic Esquema que muestra: (a) movimientos del dentario me- movements of the hyoid bar, make al- diados por la accion antagonica de los musculos Aw y geniohioideo (GH); (b) movimientos relativos del arti- together possible the generation of a suc- cular-angular respecto al dentario. tion pump of great volume. HERBIVOROUS FISH FEEDING MECHANISM 257

Mechanical characteristics of by the direction of the mandibular mo- the mandibular teeth vements (toward the inner part of the buc- cal cavity) and, the direction of teeth There is a great difference between the flexibility. mechanical properties of both types of Although a short hyoid bar does affect mandibular teeth. The small inner teeth the expansion efficiency of the buccal are more directly related with the bones cavity in terms of both the volume and and slightly oriented forward, so that velocity, the tall arrangement of the sus- they may exert an action in their longitu- pensory and of the opercular bones, the dinal axis. The outer teeth are long and very development of the branchiostegal system flexible, with their distal ends forming a and the intrinsic mobility of the hyoid right angle and being practically oriented bars, determine a considerable expansion in the same longitudinal axis of the jaw, capability of the buccal cavity, thus sug- and do not present mechanical properties gesting the existence of an important allowing them to exert forces either in their suction mechanism. The rotation of the longitudinal axis or directly over their ceratohyals may allow keeping the opercular distal border. The degree of flexibility is valves closed, even during a great abduction greater toward the inner face of the teeth, of the suspensory, which suggests that in wherein their joint determines a top that G. laevifrons the volume involved in the makes a greater resistance to an outer suction during feeding, would be of great flextion. The above features suggest a po- importance. tential capability of the outer teeth to Is has been established that there are resist longitudinal or slightly tilted trac- some constructional incompatibilities be- tional forces, in such a way that their distal tween systems that optimize suction and borders would act perpendicularly on mechanisms that optimize biting and/or food, be it by scraping or retaining it. mandibular manipulation, and that ac- But in no case do they have the possibility complishment of suction in species of of biting or cutting. strong bite, although possible, would imply a greater energetic cost (Barel 1983). In G. laevifrons, the mandibular specializa- DISCUSSION tions affect the configuration of the sus- pensory and the hyoid system in the sense From a functional viewpoint, the structural described by Barel (1983), and at the same arrangement of the head of Girella laevi­ time they restrict the possibility of a high frons is characterized by the decoupling speed suction. Notwithstanding, the cons- of the lower jaw and of the hyoid bar each truction of the posterior region of the into two independent mechanical units, buccal cavity associated with the decoupling and by the presence of independent kine- of the lower jaw's dentary zone might matic systems for the maxillae, dentaries, allow the generation of a different sort of and ceratohyals. optimized suction. The mobility of the dentaries relative The existence of this type of high to the articular-angular, and the autonomy volume suction with low velocity of ex- of the maxillary rotation movements which pansion of the buccal cavity would render are transmitted to the premaxillae, make it possible the ingestion of an important possible a wide array of food manipulations volumen of algae. The combined action of at the mandibular level. This manipulation both jaw manipulation and suction is capability allows seizing and squeezing supported by the existence of thick lips of macroalgal tissue with small and control- and of fibrous connective tissue in which led movements of both dentated surfaces. the teeth are embedded. These structures The type and arrangement of the outer allow the regulation of the inflow accord- teeth suggest that their main function is ing to the amount of algae being ingested, related to a dragging action and not really and to maintaining a closed mouth during to a cutting action. This is indicated both the compression phase even when foods 258 VIAL&OJEDA is being held between the jaws. This effect performance of intramandibular movements may allow the consumption of long pieces has also been related to short jaws and of algae in a continuous fashion. On the highly specialized teeth (Gosline 1987). other hand, food may be retained by the It is important to note that more than shape and arrangement of the mandibular a similarity of isolated structures adequate teeth and also by the presence of vomeri- to fullfill a certain functional demand, ne and palatine teeth. there is a structural organization which is Gut contents analysis of the kyphosids recurrent in those groups having herbi- G. laevifrons, Girella albostriata Stein- vorous representatives. Scaridae (Tedman dachner 1898, Media/una ancietae Chi- 1980a; Clement & Bellwood 1988), Blen- richigno 1983, and Scorpis chilensis Gui- niidae (Vanderwalle et al. 1982), Acanthu- chenot 1848, and of the pomadacid /sacia ridae (Gosline 1987), and Kyphosidae conceptionis (Cuvier 1830), carried out by (this study) possess a unique articulation the authors (unpublished data) show that between the dentary and the articular- these fishes actually ingest long pieces of angular, and teeth more or less specialized, algae, mainly Ulva spp., which are usually restricted to the anterior regions of the found folded in small packages in the dentary and of the premaxilla. This struc- stomachs. tural organization of the oral jaw apparatus Given that macroalgae are poor quality suggests highly specialized mechanical po- food, in terms of energy and nutrients, sibilities involving the dentary and teeth for herbivorous fishes to meet their ni- as a mechanical unit independent from the trogen and energy requirement, they must remainder of the jaw (Gosline 1987). consume relatively large quantities of this The morphological evidence about great material and assimilate it efficiently (Horn structural modifications existing in her- 1989). In this context, a continuous food bivorous fishes (mainly at the mandibular capture system (as compared to a dis- adductor muscles, mandibular structures continuousone), an efficient force transmis- and at the teeth level), suggests that in sion system from the hyoid bars (because plant-eating fishes the mandibular ma- of the large angle between the hyoid nipulation imposes substantial functional rami) to the suspensorium, and the reduce demands on the head structures (i.e., do- magnitude of mandibular movements, may minant demands sensu Dullemeijer 1974). be interpreted as a feeding mechanism These demand are likely related not only that minimizes the energetic cost of algal to food capturing but also to minimizing capture and maximizes the volumen of the energetic cost and to maximizing the the ingested food. volume of ingested food. Although fu- Many of the structural and functional ture experimental studies are necessary characters exhibited by G. laevifrons are to confirm the significance of the man- found in other groups of percoid fishes as dibular manipulation in herbivorous fishes well. In general, morphological adaptations as well as the validity of the feeding me- related to optimized and specific functional chanism proposed for G. laevifrons, recent demands, many of which can be seen in comparative studies concerning mandibular G. laevifrons, especially those associated structures of different representatives of with a strong bite, have also been discussed Chilean Kyphosidae (Vial & Qjeda in prep) in the literature. The shape of the pre- show differences with respect to G. lae­ maxillae and their restricted protrusion vifrons. The modifications in these other capability, associated with a short and tall kyphosid species respect to some or all mandibular shape, are usually found in structural aspects that we have interpret- those species that have well developed ed as strictly related to herbivory in Girella biting mechanisms such as in Cichlidae (i.e., intramandibular movements, mobile (Barel 1983), Blenniidae (Vandewalle et al. teeth, insertion mode of AI and A2 mus- 1982), Scaridae and Labridae (Tedman cles) determine omnivorous (e.g., Scorpis 1980b), and Odacidae (Clements & Bell- chilensis) or carnivorous (e.g., Graus nigra) wood 1988). In many other families, the diets. HERBIVOROUS FISH FEEDING MECHANISM 259

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