Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology Vol
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aqua Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology Vol. 8 (1), February 2004 Aquapress ISSN 0945-9871 aqua - Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology Managing Editor: Scope and aims is an international journal which publishes original Heiko Bleher aqua scientific articles in the fields of systematics, taxonomy, Via G. Falcone 11, 27010 Miradolo Terme (PV), Italy biogeography, ethology, ecology, and general biology of Tel.: +39 0382 754707/08 - Fax: +39 0382 754129 fishes, amphibians, aquatic invertebrates, and plants. e-mail: [email protected] Papers on freshwater, brackish, and marine organisms will be considered. aqua is fully refereed and aims at Scientific Editor: publishing manuscripts within 2-4 months of acceptance. 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(Torino) Italy Chem Yi-yu, Institute of Hydrobiology, Academia Sinica, Typesetting: Rossella Bulla Wuhan Hubei, P. R. China © 2004 aqua , Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology aqua, Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology Daytime hunting behaviour of Echidna catenata (Muraenidae): why chain morays foraging at ebb tide have no followers 1 1, 2 Ivan Sazima and Cristina Sazima 1) Departamento de Zoologia and Museu de História Natural, Caixa Postal 6109, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 13083-970 Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. Fax: +55 (19) 3289 3124. E-mail: [email protected] 2) Departamento de Zoologia, Caixa Postal 199, Universidade Estadual Paulista, 13506-900 Rio Claro, SP, Brazil Accepted: 17.11.2003 Keywords gar nicht folgen und das Beutefangverhalten zu ihrem Reef fishes, foraging behaviour, feeding specializa - Vorteil nutzen können. tion, prey handling, Muraenidae, heterospecific associ - ations, SW Atlantic Résumé La fouille en plein jour de la murène Echidna catenata Abstract pour capturer des crabes sur des écueils et dans les The daytime foraging of the chain moray (Echidna mares tidales a été étudiée dans l'archipel Fernando de catenata) on grapsid crabs on exposed reefs at ebb Noronha, Atlantique équatorial ouest (03° 50' S, 32° 25' tide and in tide-pools was studied in the Fernando de W). Quatre stratégies de chasse ont été observées Noronha Archipelago, western Equatorial Atlantic sous l'eau comme à l'air libre; (1) la fouille au bord des (03°50’S, 32°25’W). Four hunting tactics were mares et à la base des rochers, en sondant les fentes recorded both in and out of the water: (1) search at et les creux; (2) l'approche furtive de proies préalable - pool rims and rock bases, poking into crevices and ment ciblées; (3) la chasse à la proie; (4) en piégeant à holes; (2) stealthy approach to previously sighted partir de creux et de bases de rochers. Comme cette prey; (3) chasing of prey; (4) ambush from crevices murène se sert de plusieurs stratégies et que sa chasse and under rocks. As the chain moray uses varied aux crabes est le plus souvent orientée par la vue, sa hunting techniques and its crab hunting is mostly visu - fouille généralement discrète n'attire que peu l'attention ally guided, its generally unobtrusive foraging attracts de poissons des mares tidales. Une partie des fouilles little or no attention from tide-pool fishes. Part of the s'effectue hors de l'eau sur des récifs exposés; pour foraging is done out of the water on exposed reefs; cette raison, les poissons ne sont pas à même de suivre fish are therefore unable to follow the moray and take la murène et de profiter de ses activités de chasse. advantage of its hunting activities. Resumo Zusammenfassung O forrageamento diurno da moréia-listada (Echidna Untersucht wurde das tagaktive Verhalten der Ketten - catenata) sobre caranguejos grapsídeos, na parte muräne Echidna catenata beim Fang von Krabben exposta de recifes e nas poças durante a maré baixa, (Grapsiden) auf bei Ebbe frei liegenden Riffen und in foi estudado no Arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha, Gezeitentümpeln im Gebiet des Fernando-de-Noronha- Atlântico Oeste-equatorial (03°50’S, 32°25’W). Quatro Archipels im äquatornahen West-Atlantik (03°50‘S, táticas de caça foram registradas, tanto sob, como fora 32°25‘W). Vier Jagdtechniken konnten im Wasser und da água: (1) procura ativa em bordas de poças e bases außerhalb des Wassers festgestellt werden: (1) Suche de rochas, esquadrinhando frestas e tocas; (2) aproxi - an Tümpelrändern und auf Felsgrund, gezielte Kontrolle mação sorrateira à presa previamente avistada; (3) per - von Spalten und Löchern; (2) heimliche Annäherung an seguição da presa; (4) tocaia sob rochas e em frestas. vorher gesichtete Beutetiere; (3) Verfolgungsjagd; (4) A moréia-listada usa repertório variado de caça e sua Auflauern der Beutetiere vom Versteck in Spalten und procura por caranguejos é guiada principalmente pela unter Steinen. Wegen der Bandbreite der eingesetzten visão. Seu forrageamento discreto atrai pouca ou Techniken und der überwiegend optischen Kontrolle, all - nenhuma atenção dos peixes nas poças de maré. Parte gemein wegen der wenig auffälligen Form des da sua atividade é feita fora da água e, portanto, Nahrungserwerbs, ziehen die Kettenmuränen bei der nenhum peixe é capaz de seguir a moréia e tirar pro - Krabbenjagd kaum oder gar nicht die Aufmerksamkeit veito da sua atividade de caça. Gezeitentümpel bewohnender Fische auf sich. Ein Teil des Nahrungserwerbs erfolgt außerhalb des Wassers Sommario auf frei liegendem Riffgrund, sodass Fische der Muräne Il foraggiamento diurno della murena catenata 1 aqua vol. 8 no. 1 - 2004 Daytime hunting behaviour of Echidna catenata (Muraenidae): why chain morays foraging at ebb tide have no followers (E chidna catenata) sui granchi grapsidi delle barriere lowed whole (see Miller, 1989, for handling behaviour in rocciose esposte durante il riflusso e nelle pozze di ma- captive chain morays feeding on large prey). rea è stato oggetto di studio nell’Arcipelago Fernando de Noronha, Atlantico occidentale equatoriale (03°50’S, Methods 32°25’W). Sono documentate ben quattro tecniche di Fernando de Noronha Archipelago (03°50’S, caccia, fuori e dentro l’acqua: (1) ricerca al margine della 32°25’W) lies about 345 km to the east of Cape São pozza e alla base delle rocce insinuando il muso tra Roque in north-eastern Brazil (see Maida & Ferreira, anfratti e crepe rocciose; (2) avvicinamento furtivo ad 1997 and Carleton & Olson, 1999, for map and descrip - una preda già individuata; (3) caccia della preda; (4) tion). Field observations were made on tide-pools and agguato teso tra gli anfratti e le rocce sommerse.