No Proxies on Day: Revelation 20 By Charles Feinberg

Is specifically no proxies on Judgment Day? Now I know how we use the word proxies today. We use that of people to dye their hair by using peroxide. But that's not what I mean by proxies. Proxy is a word that means a substitute. One who as a substitute is allowed to vote in a certain organization when a regular member of the organization is not there or is absent, detained for some reason. No substitutes then, no proxies on Judgment Day. I'm going to ask you to turn to a portion of Scripture, though it is brief. I know of no comparable portion anywhere in the Word of God and certainly not outside of it. Fifteen verses that are so remarkable in their disclosure of a piling up of events in the future. I'm speaking of the 20th chapter of the revelation. This chapter is intensely important and intensely significant because in a sense it marks a continental divide in the . You may take all commentaries on the Revelation and all theological works. Theologies as we call them and they divide right down the line. Clean cut mark of demarcation, a line of demarcation between those who treat this 20th chapter of the Revelation one way and those who treat it another way. It is a dividing line. It is a chapter where if you have been interpreting the Bible incorrectly from Genesis on to this is pay day you come to a dead end. You come to an impasse. You come to a problem that you cannot solve. There are some who have been interpreting the Bible spiritually as they call it. Allegorizing things using figures and symbols in an unwarranted way, though the bible does have figures and will tell you when it's a figure. Unless the Bible wants you to understand as a literal city. The Spirit of God has a tremendous command of language, you know that don't you. The Spirit of God can use the word, The . The Jerusalem that is above. It has numerous ways the Scripture has of indicating something that is a figure or is to be used symbolically though those who have been using figures from Genesis on unwarranted and will apply that kind of thing to the 20th chapter of Revelation become bogged down in a helpless hopeless morass of questions and unresolved problems. But if you have been interpreting the Bible according to the common sense view that all things are to be understood at the beginning literally unless there are demands in the text there or in the broad scope of scripture that would tell us according to the usage of language that it is to be understood. Otherwise if you have been interpreting the Bible literally the 20th chapter of the revelations should not loom up in your mind and heart as something that is an insoluble mystery. The Bible will let you know where there's a figure. Feinberg: No Proxies on Judgment Day: Revelation 20

When you read the psalms that the trees of the forest clapped their hands, you know that that's figurative because you can look at all the trees in the world and you'll find no literal hands on them. If you did that would put all the tree surgeons out of business you just put a saw in every one of the hands of the tree and they just trim themselves. No, the figurative language and so here, and by the way, figurative language has meaning because there is a literal actuality or reality underlying it. The reason we say four is symbolic of the world is because there are literally four points of the compass, north south east and west. And so we could go on. One to speak of deity because there's one God. Three symbolic of the Trinity because there actually three persons in the Godhead. So we could go on showing what is meant by a literal interpretation. Now in the 20th of the revelation there has been before us a tremendous panorama of events. There has been given to us in the first chapter of Revelation a picture of the resurrected seen with the long garment in his high priestly office coming as judge. His eye is passing all scrutiny. Purity, probing, scrutinizing, judging, evaluating a saying, purifying and we find in that first chapter that he speaks of the story that's to come. Things that are, the vision of Christ, the things that is the things that you see and resurrected Christ the things which are. The spiritual moral history of the church from the beginning onto the end and then the things which shall be hereafter from the fourth chapter on through the 22nd chapter. And so the Saints are seen caught up under the person of the Apostle John. Not only for that reason but because the 24 elders, their testimony, the fact that they're crowned, the fact of their apparel, so many other features and for a very good simple reason that there's no other proper place no other place that will make sense out of the book of the revelation where the Saints can be raptured. If you do not have them raptured by the fourth chapter there is no good place not the 11th not the 18th or 19th, no. And then you have tribulation on Earth such as has not been our Lord indicated in the Mount of Olives discourse, Matthew 24 and 25, Mark 13, Luke 21. After the rapture of the Saints, the church has run its course on Earth, then the Saints are taken to glory. The bridegroom takes the bride home. He says that where I am there you maybe also. The Rapture is not a reward, it's the way the bridegroom takes the bride home for the wedding. And then the tribulation on Earth and Satan is cast out of heaven. That's an added thing to contend with on Earth. That's what makes the tribulation so gruesome a time. Satan is cast out of heaven and the next chapter we find a political and religious leader and the anti-Christ making a trio. Don't say the evil Trinity. Let's watch our language. If you gonna talk about biblical things use biblical language. There is no such thing as an evil Trinity. Trinity means God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. If you mean these three who are evil say the evil trio. We’ll even allow you to say the gruesome threesome, but don't say the evil Trinity. Beast, the anti-Christ and Satan. The evil trio and they hold sway,

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Feinberg: No Proxies on Judgment Day: Revelation 20 have a lot of power allotted to them and then God's witnesses execute their duty and the marriage of the lamb. And the nations gathered for war under the figure of a supper. In the sixteenth of the revelation it's in the 19th of the revelation the latter part is the great supper of God, two supper's in the 19th to the revelation. Marriage super of the lamb and for the believers and for unbelievers the Great supper of God condemnation. Were all holy birds of heaven are invited to come and eat of the carrion, corpses of the ungodly. Christ appears and doom is poured out upon the leading rebels and their followers and now with the twentieth of the revelation. Look at the first three verses. The binding of Satan, "And I saw an angle come down from heaven having the key of the bottomless pit. And a great change in his hand. And he laid hold on the Dragon, that old serpent who's the devil and Satan and bound him a thousand years and cast him into the bottomless pit and shut him up and set a seal upon him that he should deceive the nations no more till a thousand years should be fulfilled. And after that he must be loosed a little season." Now my dear friends, if you have not credited the Bible up to this point all the 65 books that have gone before and the first nineteen chapters of the revelation, if you have not credited the biblical testimony that Satan is a real person, an actual person. I don't know that this chapter itself will settle it for you, but how you can escape it I don't know. Satan is real. First two chapters of Job and he has a lot of henchmen. You know why you don't read about Job after the second chapter, I mean why you don't read about Satan in the book of Job after the second chapter? You don't read of him again. For a good reason, because Job's friends took over his business and the devil's kind that way. If anybody wants to take over the devils business, he is always ready to allow you to do it because he doesn't not going to pay you off and anything for free is the right price according to the devil's way of reckoning. No, Satan is real. Only the devil himself could have invented the lie that he's not real. Reminded of the story of the two little fellows, older brother and younger brother coming home from Sunday school. The younger one looked very very glum that day. Usually he was just exuberant and overflowing with all kinds of mischief and the like. But he was more sober than a judge. He said, "What's the matter Jimmy? Oh, I'm down in the dumps", he said. "What did you do? Did you misbehave in Sunday school and the teacher whacked you on the side of the head?" "No" "Where you fighting with somebody and he got the better of it?" "No" "Well, why are you so glum?" Said, "I'm scared" "Scared? What are you scared about? Something went on in the Sunday school room that you were scared about?" He says "Yes, the Sunday school teacher were talking about the devil." "OH" the older one must have been a liberal in theology. He says, "Don't worry about that, nothing to worry about. Don't you believe that he exists? It's like Santa Claus, it's your ."

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Feinberg: No Proxies on Judgment Day: Revelation 20

Well, the devil is not like Santa Claus. Some dads may act like the devil but not. The little fellows showing this new friend around in the home and the friend says, "Is this, are these all the rooms you have in this house?" He said, "Yes" He says, “You mean to tell me your dad doesn't have a dad in this house?" He said "No, he roars all over the house." Well Satan is real and he has nothing to do with your dad, especially if he's a believer and I say has nothing to do, he'll give him plenty of difficulty as a believer, but they are not the same person at all. Course not but Satan is real and here you have it. After the events of the previous chapter we've seen Satan's been on earth ever since the 12th. Chapter 9 verse. and his Archangels have been too much for the devil. The devil has had to give place. He has been cast out in the original spiritual fall from the third heaven to the second. That's what he is now. The middle of the tribulation time he will be cast out of the second heaven to earth. Unseen by mortal eye, but carrying on as always his blighting, cursing, deceiving, marring corrupting work. And you notice that an angel comes down, we can't prove it, but one who has power here could only be a divine one. And I take it that this could be this could be a picture of our Lord , saw an angel. You say, "Well I thought the Lord Jesus appeared as Angel of the Lord in the Old Testament, but after Christ appearing on earth he is not seen as an angel." Oh yes he is. He is seen in other portions of the revelation doubtless as an angel the one who offers up the prayers of the Saints and the eighth chapter. That is a ministry that only the Lord Jesus does, no intermediate angels do that. Well how is it then that Christ is? That seems like going backward in doctrine instead of progress in doctrine. It's another incidental proof that you are on Old Testament ground again. The God is dealing with Israel and you see as far as Israel morally spiritually is concerned, they are waiting for the Messiah for the first time yet, you see. So he appears in these portions as an angel and he is the one we read in First John graters he lives in us and then he is in the world. I saw an angel come down from heaven. Having the key of the bottomless pit. The scene is symbolic. God, Christ, the Spirit of Gold. In the last analysis is only deity either has authority over the . We see that in the first chapter too, that Christ has the keys of death into , into the pit as well. The key is the lock and the chain has to bind. Here is Satan, thank God finally curbed and restrained and hemmed in. And what does this angel do? He lays hold on the Dragon. A dragon is a winged serpent and it in scripture it is a picture of extreme horrendous horrible cruelty. Satan is cruel. That old serpent, I know how we use the word old folk are looking in at the newborn babies you know and they say isn't that a cute little old thing. Just about an hour old and we call it old already. This is not a word of endearment. That old serpent, this palious means that one that we know of, you see, that old one that we know from the Book of Genesis.

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Feinberg: No Proxies on Judgment Day: Revelation 20

He is the serpent that speaks of his guile. He is the devil, diabolas. That means he's attempted of man and he's Satan. That's the Hebrew word Satan, directly translated transliterated. He's an adversary and opposer of Satan and his people and the root meaning is one filled with malice and hate and venom. What a picture of him. You couldn't mistake who this is, that's the object of the activity of the angel that comes down from heaven. And this angel cast him into the bottomless pit shut him up seals him. He's not going to deceive the nations anymore. We needed any more proof that this is the same as the Book of Genesis that was his stock in trade. That was the trick and he has many designs were not to be ignorant of his devices. That is one of his main stratagems, deceit. Deceit, is a principle arrow in his quiver. And so he's sealed for security adequately curbed and restrained. What a boon that is to the earth. And he's not going to deceive any more. From Genesis 3 to the time he is cast into the abyss, he's been doing one thing, deceiving deceiving. Why do you think young people, they're wise enough. Why do you think they choose the opposite of what they ought to? They're so clear thinking in other areas. It's because of the deceitfulness of the Devil's tactics. He deceived Eve, he deceived the lost of all the past ages, he deceives the lost today. If our gospel is hid, it's hid to those who perish. Satan has blinded their minds, that’s the light of the glory of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Lest that should dawn upon them second Corinthian’s 4:3-4. And their bow, he's bound and will be sealed and will be curbed for a thousand years, that's where we get the two Latin words put together. Mille and annus, Millennium MILLENNIUM, thousand years. Now some people tell us that the thousand years don't mean a thousand years, isn't that amazing? When in Chapter 3. Chapter 20 verse 2 3 4 5 6 and 7. In those seven verses, part from the first verse, it's not mentioned but in six verses you have thousand years mentioned in each verse for six times. The scripture tells us only the two or three witnesses to establish something. Here you have. Three times two or two times three six times over. And yet a great theologian whom who taught for a number of years in a state not far from New York once writing about the millennium said this does not mean a literal 1000 years and watch yourself now don't become overcome with these two words. He says a thousand years mean potentiated ecumenicity, wouldn't you like to preach that to the folk in the backwoods potentiated ecumenicity. What does that mean? It means ecumenicity means universality and potentiated means universality raised to the highest power. Ten and a Hundred. You see and then a thousand. Raised to its highest power. No my dear friends, a thousand means a thousand and then we read it after that time he must be loosed a little season and we see that it was seven and eight. So there's the picture. Well he's curbed it's

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Feinberg: No Proxies on Judgment Day: Revelation 20 because of what we've been reading in Matthew 13 that when the king comes there's usually a mopping up exercise, he's going to take out, he's going to purge out all that does iniquity and offends. And so the first offender is taken care of, the primary one, Satan. Now the millennial, the earthly reign of the Lord Jesus Christ in verses 4 to 6. "And I saw thrones and they sat upon them." Notice they are not specified any more clearly than that, but just their sitters upon them. "I saw thrones and they had occupants, they sat upon them. Judgment was given unto them and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus." That was the literal beheading and it's a literal resurrection. "And with the word of God, had not worship the beast neither his image." These are the martyred ones during the tribulation, "He then perceived his mark upon their foreheads and they lived, came alive." How did they live? Spiritually? They’d always been alive spiritually, they were believers. They didn't die spiritually, they died physically, they were beheaded. They lived again physically and the rained with Christ a thousand years, but the rest of the dead lived not again until a thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he that had part in the first resurrection on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priest of God and of Christ and shall reign with him in a thousand years. What we saw in the in the eleventh chapter in the fifteenth verse where in the word was sounded forth anticipated prophetically the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of our Lord and of our Christ and He shall reign forever. What is stated in Revelation eleven fifteen by way of anticipation is now actualized, it’s realized thank God. And they sat, saints and judgment was given to them, kingly authority is bestowed on them. We shall judge angels and the world. Paul writes in First Corinthians 6. And the souls that were martyred, tribulations saints, they lived, they were raised before the millennium and then the reign, someone is beautifully put it, Hail to the Lord's anointed grate 's greater son went to the time appointed the rolling years shall run. He comes to break oppression to set the captive free, to take away transgression and roll in equity. The heavens which is now conceal him in councils deep and wise in glory shall reveal him to our rejoicing eyes. He who with hands uplifted went from the earth below shall come again all gifted his blessings to be still and then reminiscent of Psalm 72, He shall come down like showers upon the new moon. Grass and joy and hope like flowers spring up where he does pass. Before him on the mountain we shall peace the Herald go and righteousness in fountains from Hill the valley flow. Kings shall fall down before him and gold and incense bring. All nations shall adore him, his praise all people sing. Outstretched his wide Dominion or rivers sea and shore far as the Eagles pinion or doves light wing can soar. Yes they are resurrected.

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Feinberg: No Proxies on Judgment Day: Revelation 20

Somebody says well of course everybody's going to be resurrected the same time. That's not what the Bible says my dear friends. If that were true the Lord would not have said in Luke's Gospel. See that you are accounted worthy to attain to the resurrection of the righteous. And Paul wouldn't have said that he was striving that he might be in that out resurrection that selective separating resurrection from among the dead ones. And my dear friends there there's an end to all language. Please, I plead with you. If you get nothing out of this prophetic conference and God forbid that that's all and you should get. If you get nothing else, realize that the Holy Spirit knows how to use language. The worst indignity you could confer on the Holy Spirit is to try to put words in his mouth. And when the Holy Spirit says first resurrection that doesn't mean there's only one. That's not a proper use of language, he just say the resurrection. But first means there's at least one more. And there are two resurrections. One for the righteous, one for the unrighteous and you can even find it and 12. There are two resurrections. Now, I will grant you to that in these two resurrections you have in the first one a number of elements. But there is a homogeneous resurrection here, these are all the same. There's homogeneity there and these are all unseen. Now how is it? Well, first Corinthians 15 gives you the order. First Christ who’s the first fruits. The auto loan, the down payment, the earnest which means there's more coming, that's what they did when they offered their offerings there in the temple. They couldn't bring the whole harvest, but gutting the first fruits they said Lord as this belongs to the, so all the rest, as is the quality and the nature of this so was all that. Just as I indicate that none of this belongs to me, none of that belongs to me either. He's the first fruit. Then those of us that are his and his coming, the rapture of the church, and then all other saints that have not been in the church from the beginning up to the foundation of the church and from the time the church is raptured and on. All that have not been in the church are in that final portion just before the millennium. And then you have the thousand years so that all this wonderful group of saved ones, from different ages in the church and non-church Saints, can rejoice here indicated in the reigning live in the first chapter, first few verses here in Revelation twenty verse four and verse five. And then the rest of the dead grows naught again. They did not live they lived not again till the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. Which one is the first resurrection? Of the ones that has just been talking about as living again, as being brought back to life not just a resuscitation as with Lazarus. Lazarus died again. Some folks said, "Will say you know I wish I'd had that experience of Lazarus." I don't know whether I would have liked it or not. He died twice. He died twice and the first time he got far

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Feinberg: No Proxies on Judgment Day: Revelation 20 along he was he was corrupting in the grave. But just as he is resurrected now to remain resurrected so these others we've been talking about, the righteous one. No general resurrection in the Bible. If you want verses look at Luke twenty, verses 34 to 36. The evident teaching of this passage along with others is that there is order and there is separation in the resurrection. First means there's more than one. There are definite stages, but they go to make up the first resurrection. He says "Blessed and holy." Blessed is their condition, holy is their character. Their priest that gives you an inkling of who they are. Blessed and holy is he that has part of the first resurrection and since the second death has no power they should be priests of God and of Christ. We are kings and priests, 1st Peter 2:5, the very first chapter the revelation said "Were made a kingdom, priest unto our God and our father Christ father and our father." First Corinthians 15 then, revelation 20 and Daniel 12 will give you the order of the Resurrection and here our king priest resurrected to sit on the throne. As Christ he shall sit as a priest upon his throw, shall build a temple to the Lord, Zechariah 6:12-13 and we reign with him. The reign that was prophesied from Isaiah to Malakai predicted in the Old Testament second Samuel 7. The reign predicted by writers. Our Lord Jesus said when the Son of Man comes and sits on the throne of his glory he says in the regeneration that's in the house cleaning that's not, that's pollengenasia, not the regeneration of the soul, but when God redoes the earth Isaiah 35 the desert blossoming is a rose. At that time you are going to sit on thrones just as the son of David sits on thrones. You disciples, apostles to sit on 12 thrones judging those twelve tribes of Israel. Yes, New Testament writers, Old Testament writers speak of this reign. Earth is going to have its glory. Animal creation will have its glory. Yes, the lion shall lie down with the Lamb. The wolf with a kid, well that's why we have shepherds today, to keep one of them away from the other. You mean you are going to allow a lion and a lamb to lie down together? Yes, no harm then. They certainly were there in the Garden of Eden and no difficulty. Today they lie down together one inside the other, but in that day they lie down together separately and so animal creation has going to know glory. And Israel is going to be head of the nations and the Gentiles thank God as a remnant from the Gentiles too, we keep talking about the remnant in Israel and it’s eminently true but there's a remnant of gentiles too. Kings of the earth bring their glory into the New Jerusalem as we saw yesterday , the gentiles will be in glory. But what's going to happen with that Satan? Versus 7 to 10 we have the final doom of Satan. And when the thousand years are ended, Satan's going too loosed out of his prison and 'll go out to deceive. You mean he has the same tactics. Yes, they worked so many times before, why not again one more time. And to go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog to gather them together to battle. The number of whom this

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Feinberg: No Proxies on Judgment Day: Revelation 20 is the sand of the sea and they went up on the breadth of the earth and compass the camp of the Saints about in the beloved city. And fire came down from heaven out from God out of heaven and devour them and the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beasts and the false prophets are and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. Satan is loosed. Why? Why? For the last exhibition of his venom, the last test of man to see whether he will follow God even after thousand years a reign of righteousness. Whether he's totally committed unto God and Satan goes out to deceive and he does. The nations, some of them are just going to give feigned to obedience. You see there's some folk going to go into the millennium who have not undergone a resurrection, righteous Israelites and righteous gentiles who've come out of the judgment of the nation's Matthew 25. They will remain on Earth and they will procreate. How do you know Isaiah 65:20. He talks about 100 years old in that time will be as a child. Well if our days are 70 to 80 you take a tenth of that seven or eight, that's just a child. So if that period is a thousand years one tenth of that is 100. A person a 100 years old and the millennium would be equivalent to a child seven or eight now, sinner a hundred years old she'll be a cursed. There's going to be procreation and children born into this world that time will no more be born physically saved than they are today or any other day. And so they if they heed not the word, they're going to be already prey to satanic enticement. And notice he does find a big following. He goes out to deceive them. And the reason I know the Gog and Magog here are not the Gog and Magog of and 39 is because the Spirit of God takes all kinds of pains to tell you the locality, the geographical locality In Ezekiel, the North of the Holy Land. But here he says the four quarters of the earth. We say how can the Bible do that. The same reason that you say concerning a fellow who is always feisty, now like a German spits dog you say well he's a little old John L. Sullivan or a Jack Dempsey. You use names figuratively and if you haven't seen those names or use figuratively in the book of the revelation you've lost a lot. Why, it talks about , it says, "You have a woman there. She's a ." Why the queen Jezebel has been dead, the historical Jezebel has been dead for centuries. But there's a Jezebel like woman there and in the eleventh chapter or the revelation show you that proper names are used symbolically. Read about two witnesses. Their bodies lie in that street with spiritually. Notice he didn't say literally, but spiritually is called Sodom in Egypt. Now if that verse it ended therefore could be used figuring all kinds of places where also their Lord was crucified, so you know Jerusalem just as in Isaiah 1. You people of Sodom, you rulers of Gomorrah. You see, proper names are used symbolically and the same way in . Mystical , not historical Babylon,

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Feinberg: No Proxies on Judgment Day: Revelation 20 not literal Babylon, but mystical, figurative, symbolic Babylon. And so here Gog and Magog because of the basic meaning of the Hebrew words meaning the vast hordes, vast armies Gog Mago. There you have it. So, these nations are deceived and what a universal terrible time it's going to be when the devil could deceive them like that. And you know where he gathers them? He gathers them to go up against the beloved city, he's furious that there's been a righteous reign emanating out of Jerusalem for a thousand years. Banded together for one purpose against that city in fire, judgment from God in them is swift and disastrous. No other battles in the history of the world after Armageddon, no more after the wars there. And then the devil, he's the instigator he's going to be dealt with now. Fire unthinkable torment. Now we know that fire destroys, but who put the destructive quality and fire? God. Well then God can put a destructive quality in fire. They are preserved in fire Mark says. Salted with fire says the scripture. You know the beast and the false prophet had been there for a thousand years already and there's still preserved. Mark 9:49 "Preserved in judgment not annihilated." The Bible knows nothing about the annihilation of the ungodly. There’ll be never ending mental agony, physical suffering. And now here is the great judgment that's been climactic, that's been preparatory going up to a high point and here you have the last five verses white throne judgment. "I saw a great white throne." You must stop right there. God reveals this to him, this didn't come out of his feverish brow. Didn't come out of his overexcited imagination. No no no. It's great, it's vast, it's unlimited. I'll show you how in just a moment too. No limits, no boundaries. White to speak of the infinite purity that's going to categorize the judgment and it's a throne, you have a majestic royalty. You have regal authority. This isn't just somebody that's usurped authority. This is the judgment of the wicked dead, different for Matthew 25. It's different from the judgment of Daniel 7 on that fourth beast. This is something entirely different. Notice the basis of judgment as we go on. Now a great white throne. The most awful Assize ever held. The throne characterized by purity and there's one who sat upon it and him that sat on him from whose face the earth and the heaven float away and there was found no place for them. We've seen earlier in the revelation that they said "Hide us from the face and the wrath of the lamb, the one who sits on that throne is Christ himself." All judgment John 5 has been given over into the hands of the son for he's a son of man, he knows God's demands, he knows man's falling short, he knows man's nature, he is the impartial judge par excellence. And notice here what happens. The earth and heaven fled away. We do not read that the heaven and earth were annihilated, that's not here. Not complete annihilation at this moment of the earth and heaven is between the passing of the millennial scene, this great white throne judgment is set up before the entering on the great new heavens a

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Feinberg: No Proxies on Judgment Day: Revelation 20 new earth. It's a deeply solemn scene. It merges into , why? Because it's finality and its eternal character is underscored because everything this circumscribed, even and heaven, have passed past away. You say, "Well where are these going to stand? Where are the dead gonna stand, I saw the dead small and great stand." Well they're not standing on earth, it's fled away. Where are they standing in heaven? It's fled away. Where are they standing? They are suspended in space by the power of God. Stand before God and the books were opened and another book was opened and he defines what that book is which is the . The one book singular is the book of life to show that they belong there, they're unsaved and the dead were judged out of these things, those things which were written in the books. And what are those books contain. According to their work. The book is the book of life. The books tells their deeds. Yes. There’s no general resurrection any or judgment and there are other judgments besides this one we've indicated. The great, the high and the low of rank on earth, they were standing, I said not on Earth. The Earth had fled away, they're upheld by God's power before the judgment thrones. Sinner now, is face to face with God. He may have defied God many times before, but now, he's face to face with God. He cannot escape. The books indicate the number and gravity of his sins for degrees of punishment and the book shows that he has a right to be there. They are unsaved. Luke 12:47-48 tell us, those verses tell us that a serv, servant who knew little will be beaten with few stripes and a servant who knew much and disobeyed will be beaten with many stripes just as there are degrees of reward for believers, there will be a degree of punishment for unbelievers and somebody said, "Well, I'm thankful then that a friend of mine, a child of mine, a relative of mine, went down in the ocean." That won't be any escape, because the sea, notice, the sea gave up the dead that were in it and death and Hades delivered up the dead the word in them and they were just every man according to their works. Death and Hades were cast into a lake of fire. That's the second death and whosoever was not found written the book of life, there's the crux of it because they weren't in the book of life was the reason they're cast into the lake fire. The sea gave up, no one is said to escape. No one enters into eternal bliss. All are unsaved. Revelation 20 verse 6 says, "You can tell they're unsaved because they're not raised until after the millennium. Hades gives up a soul, Death gives up the bodies, stands for the grave. And death and Hades that were brought into existence by sin are going to wind up we're all sinners do, the lake of fire, that's eternal separation from God in conscious torment never ending. Why, they are not found written and the cause of their final doom all those from came to the end of human history.

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All be prepared friend. The matter of colossal importance for now and eternity is your neighbor written in the book of life, faith in Christ. That alone will put it there. Do you know the oldest university in the world is in Peking China. It's called a school for the Sons of the empire. And they tell us as a granite register there consisting of stone columns 320 a number containing the name of some sixty thousand graduates. That's not to be compared with the names that are written in heaven. Rejoice that your name is written in heaven. You can know that it's written there if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, you are saved. Our father, the quiet of this moment as our hearts have been thinking upon this time when they'll be no way to say my friend, my wife, my child, my very dear companion will take my place, will be a substitute for me. Lord, that being true, may we realize this is a very intimate matter. We must make this transaction between the and us. We must save from our heart of hearts, nothing in my hand I bring simply to thy cross cling other refuge have I none. Hangs my helpless soul on the. Bless this truth to heart as we go forth and tell it. The urgency of the hour, all the lostness of the unsaved. Bless thy servant as he shall speak to us from thine oracles in the following hour and then in the evening hour. And then in the other places of appointment in this conference and the remainder of the week. Blessed we pray the director, participants, speakers, the churches involved and pastors, we pray it in Jesus precious name Amen.

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