2965 Leonard Street Phone: (616) 432-3419 Grand Rapids, MI 49525 Email: [email protected]

PROFESSIONAL OBJECTIVE To train and form the next generation of Reformed Christian leaders through a career of teaching and publishing in the areas of church history, historical theology, and systematic theology. I also plan to serve the Presbyterian church as a teaching elder through a ministry of shepherding, teaching, and preaching.


The University of Cambridge (Selwyn College) 2013-2017 (projected) PhD in History Dissertation: “Daniel Featley and Calvinist Conformity in Early Stuart England” Supervisor: Professor Alex Walsham

Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando 2009-2012 Master of Divinity

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2003-2007 Bachelor of Arts (Religious Studies)

DOCTORAL RESEARCH My doctoral research is on the historical, theological, and intellectual contexts of the Reformation in England—specifically analyzing the doctrinal, ecclesiological, and pietistic links between puritanism and the post-Reformation English Church in the lead-up to the Westminster Assembly, through the lens of the English clergyman and Westminster divine Daniel Featley (1582-1645).

AREAS OF RESEARCH SPECIALIZATION Broadly speaking, my competency and interests are in church history, historical theology, systematic theology, spiritual formation, and Islam.

Specific Research Interests include: Post-Reformation history & theology, especially F. Turretin, J. Owen, W. Perkins, & H. Witsius Reformed dogmatics, especially J. Calvin, H. Bavinck, G. Vos, & L. Berkhof History and theology of “Old Princeton” (1812-1929) Reception of in post-Reformation Britain Reformed pietism and “experimental” religion Doctrinal development of archetypal and ectypal theology Doctrine of inerrancy Doctrine of divine simplicity Historical development of textual criticism History of Muslim missions



Co-Editor with Joel R. Beeke, The Works of William Perkins—Volume Six: Doctrinal Works on Predestination. Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage (forthcoming).


‘The Deuterocanonical Books’ in Table Talk (January 2018 issue). ‘Polemicist as Pastor: Daniel Featley’s Anti-Catholic Polemic and Countering Lay Doubt in England During the Early 1620s’, in Francis Andrews, Charlotte Methuen, and Andrew Spicer, eds., Doubting Christianity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016, pp.315-30. ‘Conviction, Conformity, and Conscience: William Perkins’s Dual Allegiance and the Dilemma of the Moderate Puritan Tradition in Elizabethan Cambridge’, in the published proceedings volume from the William Perkins Conference (Cambridge, UK). Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage (forthcoming). ‘The Primacy of Scripture, Preaching, and the Pursuit of Holiness: William Perkins and The Puritan Tradition (c.1590-1650)’ in the published proceedings volume from the William Perkins Conference (Cambridge, UK). Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage (forthcoming).

Book Reviews:

Chad B. Van Dixhoorn, ed., The Minutes and Papers of the Westminster Assembly, 1643-1653, 5 volumes (Oxford, 2012) Reviewed in the Puritan Reformed Journal (forthcoming).

W.B. Patterson, William Perkins and the Making of Protestant England (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014). Reviewed in the Journal of Ecclesiastical History 67 (2016), pp.197-8.

Joshua Rodda, Public Religious Disputation in England, 1558-1626 (Farnham: Ashgate, 2014). Reviewed in the Journal of Ecclesiastical History 67 (2016), pp.656-7.

Franciscus Junius, A Treatise on True Theology with the Life of Franciscus Junius (Translated by David C. Noe. Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage, 2014). Reviewed in the Westminster Theological Journal 78 (2016), pp.181-4.

Adonis Vidu, Atonement, Law, and Justice: The Cross in Cultural and Historical Contexts (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2014). Reviewed in the Westminster Theological Journal (2016), pp.201-3.

Johannes Polyander, Andreas Rivetus, , and Anthonius Thysius, Synopsis Purioris Theologiae / Synopsis of a Purer Theology (Edited by Dolf te Velde; Translated by Riemer A. Faber; Latin Text Edited by Rein Ferwerda. : Brill, 2014). Reviewed in Themelios 42 (2017), pp.184-6.

2 Editing Contributions:

Bibliographical Editor for The Early Text of the New Testament (Edited by Charles E. Hill and Michael J. Kruger; Oxford University Press, 2012).

FUTURE RESEARCH AND PUBLISHING My next publication project will explore how a number of influential Reformed scholastic divines—Francis Turretin, Theodore Beza, Herman Witsius, and Wilhelmus à Brakel (among others)—shaped the theological and historical landscape of puritanism in Britain (and specifically divines like John Owen, William Perkins, Samuel Rutherford, and ) between 1560 and 1700. To that end, I was awarded a fellowship from the H. Henry Meeter Center at Calvin College to invest further in this research project.



Assistant Professor, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (Grand Rapids, MI) Courses: The English Reformation English Puritan Theology Life and Theology of William Perkins and William Ames Research Methodology English Paleography in the 16th-18th Centuries

Cambridge University (2015-2016

Instructor, History Department, British Political & Religious History, 1485-1714 “The Civil Wars, Regicide, and the Radicals, 1637-1649” (February 16, 2016) “Religion and the Church, 1603-1640” (February 12, 2016)

Lecturer, History Department, Historical Argument & Practice “ and English-Dutch Theology before the ” (March 6, 2015)

Supervisor, St. Catherine’s College, Historical Argument & Practice

Reformed Theological Seminary (2010-2011)

Guest Lecturer, History of Christianity, October 18, 2011

Guest Lecturer, Greek II, December 6, 2010

Guest Lecturer, Greek II Lab, October 18, October 26, November 29, 2010

Academic Languages:

Reading Proficiency: Biblical Hebrew, Koine Greek, Classical Greek, Latin, 16th and 17th century English paleography. Beginner: French, German, and Dutch.

3 Other Activities:

Co-leader (with Dr. Joel Beeke and Dr. Sinclair Ferguson) of Reformation Tour of England and Scotland (59 participants), 8-20 May 2017

Co-Organizer (with Dr. Joel Beeke and David Woollin) of the Academic Colloquium on William Perkins & Post-Reformation Reformed Thought, Cambridge, UK, May 19-20, 2017

Moderator, ‘Theology of Marriage’ Session, Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Atlanta, GA, November 18, 2015

Clerk for and participant in the Puritan Video Project (Media Gratia)

Academic Training During PhD Studies (Cambridge University):

British Religious and Political History, 1485-1714 (Senior University Teaching Officers) Refresher course, pursuing wider reading on Tudor and Stuart religious and political history in preparation for teaching undergraduates, attended

Early Modern Paleography 1500-1650 (Dr. Andrew Zurcher) An overview of reading 16th and 17th century English and Scottish hand-written manuscripts, focusing on methodology and skills in paleography.

Intensive Classical and Medieval Latin (Dr. Neil Wright) Reading, grammar, and syntax for both Classical and Medieval Latin.

Absolutism, Monarchism and State Foundation in Early Modern Britain (Dr. David Smith) Explored the variety of ways in which historians have understood the nature of monarchical states in early-modern Britain and Europe.

Approaching the Early Modern (Dr. Paul Cavil) Explored ways of conceiving, researching, and writing early modern history including cultural, economic, gender, intellectual, political, and religious histories.

Early Modern Research Challenge (Professor John Morrill) Analyzed various historical research skills including examining particular kinds of printed and manuscript sources, anonymous texts and different sets of historical data.


Cambridge University

Lightfoot Scholarship, History Faculty Trusts (2015-16)

Archbishop Cranmer Scholarship, History Faculty Trusts (2014-15; 2015-16)

Nikaean Ecumenical Trust Scholarship (2014-15; 2015-16)

Archbishop Cranmer Grant, History Faculty Trusts (2014-15)

4 Awards and Scholarships—Cambridge University (Continued):

Lightfoot Grant, History Faculty Trusts (2014-15; 2015-16)

Prince Consort Grant, History Faculty Trusts (2016-2017)

Member’s History Grant, History Faculty Trusts (2016-17)

Selwyn College Graduate Travel Grant (2014-15; 2015-16)

History Faculty Conference Grant (2014-15; 2015-16)

History Faculty Archival Grant (2014-15)

Royal Historical Society Travel Grant (2014-15)

Awards and Scholarships—Reformed Theological Seminary

Highest National Student GPA, Class of 2012

RTS MDiv Leadership Scholarship (50% Tuition Grant for the entire degree)


Puritan Research Center Colloquia, PRTS (Grand Rapids, MI), October 31, 2017 “The Westminster Assembly, ‘Anabaptism’, and Ecclesiastical Positioning in the 1640”

William Perkins Colloquium, The Round Church, Cambridge, UK, May 19-20, 2017 “The Primacy of Scripture, Preaching, and the Pursuit of Holiness: William Perkins and The Puritan Tradition (c.1590-1650)”

Cambridge University, Early Modern British & Irish History Seminar, January 27, 2016 “Ecclesiastical Licensing, Religious Censorship, and the Regulation of Consensus in Early Stuart England”

Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society Atlanta, November 18-20, 2015 “Shepherding the Flock: Pastoral Ministry and Polemical Sensibilities in Post- Reformation English Household Devotion” (Reformation Studies Section)

“Anti-Arminian Polemic, Clerical Biography, and the Reception of in Seventeenth-Century England” (Church History & Thought Since 1700 Section)

Annual Meeting of the North American Conference on British Studies, Little Rock, AK, November 13-15, 2015 “Ecclesiastical Licensing, Religious Censorship, and the Regulation of Consensus in Early Stuart England”

Institute of Historical Research, ‘The Religious History of Britain’ Seminar, London, October 27, 2015 “Censorship and the Regulation of Consensus in Early Stuart England”

5 Academic Conference Papers (Continued):

Domestic Devotions in the Early Modern World, July 9-11th, 2015 Cambridge University “The Handmade of Private Devotion: A ‘Calvinist Conformist’ Household Devotional Work”

Cambridge University, Early Modern British & Irish History Seminar, April 29, 2015 “Clerical biography and memory in Early Modern England”

Reformation Studies Colloquium, Cambridge University, September 10-12, 2014 “Daniel Featley, Richard Montague, and anti-Arminianism in the 1620s”

Ecclesiastical Historical Society, Sheffield University, July 22-24, 2014 “Catching the Fisher and Freeing the Fish: Anti-Catholic Polemic and Countering Lay Doubt, 1623-1625”


January 2017-Present Assistant Professor of Historical Theology, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (Grand Rapids, MI) Teaching and supervising ThM and PhD students in Church History and Historical Theology; Special Issues Committee Member; Regular Preacher in Chapel; Mentoring students

Courses: CH900—Research Methodology CH 904—English Paleography in the 16th-18th Centuries CH961—The English Reformation CH963—English Puritan Theology CH965—The Life and Theology of William Perkins and William Ames

July 2012 to May 2013 Research Assistant to Dr. Greg Livingstone (High Wycombe, England) Research assistant to the founder of Frontiers, Intl. assisting with a forthcoming work, An Introduction to the History of Christian Missions to Muslims. Assisted with other writing projects. Partnered with senior missionary leaders to equip missionary leaders around the world ministering in Muslim contexts. International travel.

2010 to 2012 (Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando) Research & Teaching Assistant to Dr. Charles Hill-Greek I and II Guest lecturer for Greek II lecture and Greek II labs. Research assistant for Charles Hill, “Many Antichrists Have Come”: Dissent and the Beginnings of the Johannine Corpus, Henry Luce III Scholars Program. Compiled and edited bibliography and appendices for Charles Hill and Michael Kruger, eds., The Early Text of the New Testament (Oxford University Press, 2012).

2011-2012 (Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando) Teaching Assistant to President Dr. Don Sweeting-History of Christianity I Guest lectured for Church History I. Wrote “Introductions” for Dr. Sweeting’s 120 Primary Source Documents Every Student of Church History Should Know.

6 Teaching Assistant to Dr. Ryan Reeves-History of Christianity II Provided administration & grading. Wrote bibliographies for Church History II lectures.

Teaching Assistant to Dr. Reggie Kidd-Intro to Pastoral & Theological Studies Lead weekly group on class lectures and weekly reading.

Teaching Assistant to Professor Michael Glodo-Gospels Lead weekly group on class lectures and weekly reading.


I am pursuing ordination in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) and under the care of the Central Florida Presbytery

January 2017-Present Occasional Preacher & Teacher; Ministry Leader, Harvest (OPC) Occasional preacher at Harvest (OPC); occasional adult education teacher; co- organizer and leader of a forthcoming men’s ministry group; co-organizer and leader of forthcoming intern group of PRTS students; co-organizer and leader of forthcoming young couple Discipleship Intensive Group; mentored by Pastor Dale Van Dyke.

2013-2016 Occasional Preacher & Teacher, Christ Church, Cambridge Regular preacher in our church in Cambridge. Taught a weekly Adult Education Seminar: “The Protestant Reformation.” Part of an occasional preacher’s group. Regular service leader (Scripture readings and prayers) and communion minister.

June-August, 2011 Summer Seminarian, The Falls Church (Falls Church, VA) Regularly lead and preached for the Wednesday service. Occasionally lead, preached, and provide administration for Sunday morning services. Weekly hospital visits. Assisted Senior Pastor, John Yates with TFC’s church planting program.

August 2008-June 2009 Research Assistant to Rev. Dr. John Yates II, Senior Pastor, The Falls Church

September 2007-June 2008 High School Youth Intern, The Falls Church

PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES Evangelical Theological Society Ecclesiastical Historical Society North American Conference on British Studies American Academy of Religion Society of Biblical Literature Church of England Record Society

LEADERSHIP POSITIONS President, Reformed Theological Seminary Ambassadors (2011-2012) Team Leader, RTS Student Cabinet (2009-2012)


PERSONAL Born in St. Johnsbury, VT, raised in Augusta, GA and Asheville, NC. Married to Christie, July 31, 2010; father to Catie-Claire (b.11/28/12) and John (b. 3/18/15). I enjoy date nights and cooking with Christie, daddy-daughter dates with Catie-Claire, playing with John, running, soccer, golfing, watching college football and basketball, playing guitar, and reading great books—especially British fiction and history.


Dr. Scott R. Swain (PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) President and James Woodrow Hassell Professor of Systematic Theology Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando Email contact: [email protected]

Dr. Chad B. Van Dixhoorn (PhD, The University of Cambridge) Chancellor’s Professor of Historical Theology, Associate Professor of Church History Reformed Theological Seminary, Washington, D.C. Email contact: [email protected]

Dr. Joel R. Beeke (PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary) President and Professor of Systematic Theology and Homiletics Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (Grand Rapids, MI) Email contact: [email protected]

Professor Alex Walsham (PhD, The University of Cambridge) PhD Supervisor Professor of Modern History, Director Early Modern History MPhil Program The University of Cambridge Email contact: [email protected]

Reverend Dale Van Dyke (Pastoral Ministry Reference) Senior Pastor Harvest Orthodox Presbyterian Church Email contact: [email protected]