Minutes of the Council Meeting 12 October 2011
Manchester City Council Minutes City Council Meeting 12 October 2011 Minutes of the Meeting of the City Council held on Wednesday 12 October 2011 Present: The Right Worshipful, The Lord Mayor Councillor Harry Lyons – in the Chair Councillors: Akbar, Ali, Amesbury, Andrews, Austin, Barrett, J. Battle, R. Battle, Boyes, Burns, Carmody, Chamberlain, Chappel, Chohan, Clayton, Cookson, Cooley, Cooper, Cox, Craig, Curley, Di Mauro, Eakins, Ellison, Evans, Fairweather, Fender, Flanagan, Fletcher-Hackwood, Glover, Grant, Green, Hackett, Hassan, Hennigan, Hitchen, Hughes, Hyde, Jones, Judge, Karney, Keegan, Keller, Khan, Kirkpatrick, Leese, Lewis, Longsden, Lone, M. Murphy, N. Murphy, P. Murphy, S. Murphy, E. Newman, S. Newman, O’Callaghan, Barbara O'Neil, Brian O’Neil, Paul, Pearcey, Peel, Priest, Pritchard, Rahman, Ramsbottom, Rawlins, Razaq, Reeves, Reid, Richards, Royle, Ryan, Sandiford, Shannon, Shaw, Siddiqi, Simcock, Smith, Strong, Tavernor, Taylor, Trotman, Walters, and Wheale Honorary Alderman: Peter Morrison CC/11/70 Urgent Business The Chair informed the Council that he had consented to the minutes of the meeting of the Audit Committee held on 29 September being submitted for consideration as urgent business. CC/11/71 Filming of the Proceedings The Council gave permission for the proceedings to be filmed. CC/11/72 World Health Organisation Network of Age Friendly Cities The Lord Mayor announced that the 1st International Conference on Age-Friendly Cities had been held in Dublin in September and that Councillor Sue Cooley attended this conference on behalf of the Council. At the conference Councillor Cooley had signed the “Dublin Declaration of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities” on behalf of the Council. In 2010 Manchester became a member of the World Health Organisation’s Network of Age Friendly Cities and Manchester’s recognition by the World Health Organisation as the only age-friendly city in the UK was seen as a tribute to the excellent work of the Valuing Older People Team in the Council.
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