20 th January, 2016

Meeting commenced: 9.35 a.m. “ adjourned: 11.00 a.m. “ re-commenced: 11.15 a.m. “ ended: 12.30 p.m.

PRESENT: Councillor Peter Dobbs - Chair of the Council and Ceremonial Mayor

Mr Ian Stewart - City Mayor

Councillors Derek Antrobus, Michele Barnes, Samantha Bellamy, Paula Boshell, Adrian Brocklehurst, Tanya Burch, Eric Burgoyne, Christopher Clarkson, Jillian Collinson, Stephen Coen, Graham Compton, Peter Connor, Harry Davies, Jim Dawson, , Sareda Dirir, John Ferguson, Karen Garrido, Robin Garrido, Jane Hamilton, Stephen Hesling, Bill Hinds, Christine Hudson Ann-Marie Humphreys, Jimmy Hunt, David Jolley, Roger Jones, Tracy Kelly, Jim King, David Lancaster, Bernard Lea, Kate Lewis, Iain Lindley, Charlie McIntyre, Ray Mashiter, Gena Merrett, John Merry, Margaret Morris, John Mullen, Sue Pugh, Brendan Ryan, Lisa Stone, Peter Taylor, Les Turner John Walsh, John Warmisham, Barry Warner, Peter Wheeler, Paul Wilson and Ronnie Wilson.


Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Howard Balkind, Andy Cheetham, Richard Critchley, Joe Murphy, Stephen Ord, Gina Reynolds and Pat Ryan.


There were no declarations of interest.


The minutes of the meetings held on 18 th November 2015 and 16 th December 2015 were approved as a correct record.


No petitions or communications were submitted.


Councillor Gena Merrett, Executive Lead Member for Housing and Environment, submitted a report indicating that the Licensing Act 2003 required the City Council, as the Licensing Authority for Salford, to produce a Licensing Policy Statement every five years, to provide guidance when exercising its functions under the Act. An amended Policy Statement has been produced, having regard to statutory amendments and guidance and feedback from a recent consultation exercise and the formal adoption of which was sought.

Councillor John Warmisham as Chair of the Licensing Regulatory, welcomed the revised policy statement which would be of great assistance to the Panel in undertaking their duties in relation to the Licensing act 2003. Councillor Robin Garrido echoed these comments.

Councillor Lisa Stone, Executive Lead Member for Health and Wellbeing, referred to the importance of the policy in terms of tackling the varied public health consequences of alcohol consumption.

RESOLVED: THAT the Licensing Act 2003 Licensing Policy Statement 2016, as detailed in Appendix B to the report now submitted, be formally adopted.


Councillor Gena Merrett, Executive Lead Member for Housing and Environment, submitted a report indicating that the Gambling Act 2005 required the City Council, as the Licensing Authority for Salford, to have in place a Gambling Statement of Policy to provide guidance when considering applications under the Act. This Policy was to be reviewed every five years and on that basis an amended version was presented and the formal adoption of which was sought.

Councillor John Warmisham as Chair of the Licensing Regulatory, welcomed the revised policy statement which would be of great assistance to the Panel in undertaking their duties in relation to the Gambling Act 2005. He made particular reference to fixed odd betting terminals (FOBTs) and the need for specific legislation to allow for stricter licensing of these. Councillor Christopher Clarkson echoed these comments concerning the addictive nature of FOBTs.

RESOLVED: THAT the Salford City Council Gambling Act 2003 Gambling Statement of Policy 2016, as detailed in Appendix B to the report now submitted, be formally adopted.


Councillor John Merry, Executive Lead Member for Children’s Services, Learning and Skills submitted a report providing an overview of current levels and distribution of child poverty in the City together with the implications the announcements made in the Summer budget and the Autumn Spending Review 2015 would have on these.

RESOLVED: (1) THAT the report be noted.

(2) That consideration be given to developing a refreshed family poverty strategy, or creating a new “all age” tackling poverty strategy.


Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service Budget

Councillor Jim Dawson moved the following motion, which was seconded by Councillor Stephen Coen.

The recent severe weather conditions and floods across , in Salford, Rochdale, Littleborough, Bury, Manchester, across the North West of and elsewhere, has highlighted the frontline role that the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS) plays in times of severe local and national crises.

GMFRS budgets have been cut by £28M over the last 5 years, resulting in the loss of 450 fire fighter posts and 10 fire engines being de-commissioned, as well as significantly cutting ‘’back office’’ and management. This has left Greater Manchester stretched to the limit, in terms of its resilience to be able to tackle local and national crises, such as those which have taken place recently and to keep our communities safe.

The recent Spending Review and Autumn Statement announcement has meant a further cut to GMFRS of £15.8M over the next 4 years, which will seriously reduce further the resilience of GMFRS to be able to respond effectively to such crises in the future, which inevitably will put Greater Manchester residents, including those from Salford, at further risk.

As the Country’s second largest fire and rescue service, GMFRS plays a pivotal role in our local and national security and resilience, protecting homes and businesses, saving lives and helping those in times of crises.

In light of the above, Salford City Council calls on H.M. Government to reconsider their announcement to cut further the GMFRS budget at the level they propose, and consider offering similar protection to that, rightly granted to the police in the recent Spending Review, in recognition of the key role in local and national resilience, provided by our superb fire and rescue service in Greater Manchester.

Councillor Jim Dawson and Councillor Stephen Coen both spoke in favour of the motion.

Councillor Les Turner moved the following amendment to the motion, which was seconded by Councillor Iain Lindley:-

Council recognises the vital role GMFRS plays in time of severe local and national emergency situations and places on record its appreciation for the front line role fire fighters hold in keeping residents and businesses safe.

Since 2010, GMFRS has seen a reduction in Government grant funding of £28M and has responded locally by reducing the number of fire fighter posts by 450, the number of fire engines by 10 and a range of service efficiencies in back office and management costs.

The Recent Comprehensive Spending Review announcement details a reduction in core spending power available to GMFRS of £3.72M over the next four year, which may impact further on the resilience of GMFRS to be able to respond effectively to emergency situations in the future.

As the country’s second largest fire and rescue service, GMFRS plays a pivotal role in our local and national security and resilience, protecting homes and businesses, saving lives and helping those in times of crises.

Council notes the forthcoming governance changes to GMFRS to bring the service under the authority of the Elected Mayor for Greater Manchester, which will help to ensure a co-ordinated and efficient blue light operation with other emergency services.

In light of the above, the Council calls on the Government to consider the consultation response from GMFRS, in recognition of the key role in local and national resilience provided by our superb fire and rescue service in Greater Manchester and noting the opportunities that exist to ensure the service has sufficient funding to conduct its activities, taking into account the factual position of GMFRS.

Councillor Les Turner, Councillor Iain Lindley and Councillor Robin Garrido all spoke in favour of the amendment.

Councillor Jim Dawson, Councillor David Lancaster and the City Mayor all questioned the accuracy of the financial figures contained in the amendment, which contradicted those detailed in the original motion and had been taken from GMFRS consultation document.

The Ceremonial Mayor then put the amendment to Council and following a show of hands declared it not carried.

The Ceremonial Mayor then put the original motion to Council.

RESOLVED: THAT the motion moved by Councillor Jim Dawson, as detailed above, be approved and adopted.


The City Mayor provided details of the background, impact, emergency response and subsequent clean up, arising from the floods in the Lower Broughton, Kersal and

Irwell Riverside areas of the City on 26 th December, 2016. He expressed sympathy for local residents whose homes and premises had been damaged and outlined the support which had been provided so far, both in financial and practical terms and the further assistance which would be given to ensure their lives returned to normal as soon as possible. Thanks were extended to the many Salford City Council staff, partner agencies, emergency services, groups, individuals and the local community who had all assisted during the floods and in the subsequent days and weeks and which collectively demonstrated the “Spirit of Salford”.

He commented that although the personal trauma for those who had experienced flood damage to their homes, or properties, should not be underestimated, the fact the number affected in this way, remained relatively few and there had been no loss of life, was welcomed. He said that without the various flood defences that had been put in place over recent years on the , the impact of the flooding could have been far worse, nevertheless the improvement and strengthening of these would be sought.

In terms of providing financial support to those affected by the floods, the City Mayor announced that he had given approval to the release of £1M for the City Council’s reserves for a Salford Distress Fund. This fund would provide financial assistance to replace essential household items and clothing damaged as a result of the floods and not already covered by insurance. In response to a question from Councillor Robin Garrido, The City Mayor said he it would be clarified as to whether the fund could be used to subsidise the payment of local residents’ and businesses’ insurance premiums, the cost of which were likely to be prohibitive in the future. Councillor Gena Merrett, Executive Lead Member for Housing and Environment, provided an explanation of the specific insurance issues concerning those Salix Homes tenants whose properties had been damaged.

The City Mayor concluded by proposing that, a special council meeting, or policy forum, be held to examine the impact of the floods and establish the issues which needed to be addressed so that, existing plans and procedures could be thoroughly reviewed and any changes to them put in place to ensure any similar emergencies in the future, were handled even more effectively and their impact minimised. All the necessary information for such a review would be identified in both the separate local and Greater Manchester wide investigations into the cause, impact and response to the flooding experienced on 26 th December, 2016.

Councillors Jim King, Les Turner, Christopher Clarkson, Tanya Burch, Robin Garrido, John Walsh, Roger Jones, Charlie McIntyre and Peter Wheeler, echoed the sentiments of the City Mayor as to the devastation and distress suffered by those personally affected by the floods. They also added their thanks to all who had provided assistance and support, both at the time and in the aftermath, as well as, in some cases, detailing their own individual experiences of events.

Councillor Derek Antrobus, Executive Lead Member for Strategic Planning and also in his capacity as the City Council’s representative on the North West Regional Flood and Coastal Committee, commented that although the initial impact of the floods had now subsided it would take some time to fully assess the damage caused to the local infrastructure, particularly that to bridges, the surrounding highways and drainage

systems. He said concerns raised with regard to the effectiveness of warnings provided by the Environment Agency would be fully investigated, together with the use of Manchester Ship Canal to alleviate flood levels and other issues raised, would all be covered in the respective local and Greater Manchester comprehensive reviews of events which were both currently being undertaken.

RESOLVED: (1) THAT the information provided by the City Mayor, Executive Lead Member for Housing and Environment and Executive Lead Member for Strategic Planning, be noted.

(2) THAT approval be given to a policy forum being held to allow for members to be provided with details of the Salford City Council and wider Greater Manchester reviews of the impact and response to the flooding experienced on 26 th December, 2016.

(3) THAT the decision taken by the City Mayor on 18 th January, 2016, to approve the City Council’s provision of financial resources, via a donation of £1M and transferred from reserves to the Salford Distress Fund, for the support of the people of Salford affected by the impact of the recent flooding, be endorsed.


All questions and comments concerned the flooding in the City which had occurred on 26 th December, 2016 and are detailed in Minute 56 above.


Updates were provided in relation to the recent activities of the following bodies:-

• Salford Council for Voluntary Service • CityWest Board • Manchester Science Park • Local Government Association (LGA) Councillors’ Forum

RESOLVED: THAT the updates, as listed above, be noted.


The Ceremonial Mayor reminded members that, the next meeting of Council would now be held on Wednesday, 24 th February, 2016 at Salford Civic Centre, commencing at 9.30 a.m.

A full audio/visual recording of these proceedings can be found on the Salford City Council website