APPLICATION No: 19/73814/REM APPLICANT: Keepmoat Manchester LOCATION: Land Located South Of The River Irwell And West Of Littleton Road, Centred On Whit Lane , Charlestown, M6 6HP PROPOSAL: Details of reserved matters for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for phase 3 of Hybrid application ref. 15/67254/EIAHYB. WARD: Irwell Riverside Description of Site and Surrounding Area The application site is known as Phase 3 of the Keepmoat Charlestown Riverside development, which measures 5.78 hectares. The northern boundary of the site runs along the southern bank of the River Irwell opposite the Lower Kersal Playing fields and Salford Sports Village and is bounded to the east by Phase 1 and 2 of the wider Charlestown residential development. To the west, the boundary moves in to exclude the 1960s/70s Auckland Drive housing estate before looping round a triangular section of land bounded by Langley Road South and Whit Lane and then returning to the river bank. Most of the site currently comprises vacant land and open space. Historically the site underwent a clearance exercise where several roads of back-to-back terraced housing, a school, some small industrial sites and former open space have been removed. Structures that do remain are in a poor state of repair. As outlined above, the site forms part of a larger site for which planning permission (Ref. 15/67254/EIAHYB) was granted in March 2016 for development as follows: $ymppt04v.docx “Hybrid planning application comprising: Full Planning Application for the erection of 267 dwellings with associated landscaping, access arrangements and car parking (Phase 1 and 2). Outline planning application including access with all other matters reserved for a maximum of 163 dwellings together with public open space highway infrastructure works, public realm works and landscaping (Phase 3).” Phases 1 and 2 of the Charlestown Riverside development are now on site being delivered. The site is allocated under the saved UDP in the form of Policies MX 3 (Whit Lane, Irwell Riverside) ‘Sites for a Mix of Open Space and Built Development’, and EN 5 ‘Environmental Protection – Irwell Valley’. The site is adjacent to a Wildlife Corridor (the River) as defined by Policy EN 9. Description of Proposal The Reserved Matters planning application seeks consent for the erection of 158 no. residential dwellings to be developed as part of Phase 3 of development at Charlestown Riverside. The principle and access arrangements for Phase 3 were established through the outline consent, so this application only concerns appearance, landscaping, layout and scale. The outline gives consent for a maximum of 163 dwellings. The principle design characteristics include green spaces, key routes, permeability, connections to the surrounding area and strong frontages. The masterplan responds to the Riverside walkway through public realm connections and housing fronting onto the riverside. The dwellings are laid out in a series of perimeter blocks with defensible space to the front and rear of each dwelling and will face one or more of the principal streets in and around the development i.e. Whit Lane, Britannia Street, Riverside Way, Moat Road or Blossom Way. The development has been designed to complement Phases 1 and 2 of the development, which are already under construction, in terms of appearance and scale. The appearance would consist of clean lines, picture frame windows set in reveals, contemporary brick detailing are a consistent design feature throughout the development and not specific to tenures, ensuring seamless aesthetics. Roofing materials are consistent throughout the development but facing bricks are varied. The scheme caters for a variety of housing types and sizes; ranging from 2 bedrooms to 4 bedrooms. With regards to scale, the development would mainly comprise of two storey residential accommodation interspersed with occasional two and a half storey units. Within the front gardens the landscaping treatment is proposed to be relatively simple and comprises predominately lawned areas with tarmac drives. Where applicable, tree and shrub planting is proposed to properties to improve visual interest. Trees would be planted along the streets as focal points, within the green public spaces to reinforce the boundaries, and along key desire lines to reinforce the movement pattern. Vehicular access to the proposed development would primarily be via the existing road network with a new access off Littleton Road provided to the east and a new junction arrangement at the junction of Langley Road South and Whit Lane. Access to and within the public external environment is designed to ensure that there are no excessive changes in level between the highway and the private spaces. Properties have been designed to feature in curtilage parking, predominantly located to the side or front of the dwelling. These come in the form of parking bays or driveways to the side of the properties. Publicity Site Notice: Non HH Affecting public right of way Date Displayed: 10 September 2019 Reason: Article 15 affect public right of way Site Notice: Non HH Affecting public right of way Date Displayed: 1 August 2019 Reason: Article 15 affect public right of way Press Advert: Manchester Weekly News Salford Edition Date Published: 1 August 2019 Reason: Article 15 Standard Press Notice Neighbour Notification Eighty-nine neighbouring occupiers have been notified of the application via letter dated 25th July 2019 with a reply date of 15th August 2019. The same neighbours were re-consulted on 10th September 2019 with a reply by date of 1st October 2019. Representations No letters of representation have been received in response to then application publicity. Relevant Site History 15/67254/EIAHYB Hybrid planning application comprising: Full Planning Application for the erection of 267 dwellings with associated landscaping, access arrangements and car parking (Phase 1 and 2). Outline planning application including access with all other matters reserved for a maximum of 163 dwellings together with public open space highway infrastructure works, public realm works and landscaping (Phase 3). Approved on 3 March 2016 Consultations United Utilities Water Ltd Following our review of the submitted Drainage Strategy, UU can confirm the proposals are acceptable in principle. If planning permission is granted a condition should be attached requiring that development is carried out in accordance with the submitted Foul & Surface Water Drainage Design Drawing 18188/01/2, Rev B - Dated 5/3/19 which was prepared by REFA. Design for Security No comments received to date Air Quality, Noise, Contaminated Land No comments made concerning air quality and noise. The conditions on the outline application are considered sufficient with respect to land contamination; however an informative is recommend concerning the applicant’s outstanding obligations concerning conditions 14, 16 and 19. Highways No objection subject to conditions. Senior Drainage Engineer No further comments to make in respect of drainage matters. The Coal Authority Having reviewed the Proposed Site Plan The Coal Authority are pleased to note that the proposed built development has been arranged in a manner which avoids built development over the concentration of mine entries and their associated zones of influence, with the affected part of the site being utilised as public open space (POS). As such, the Coal Authority wishes to raise no objection to this reserved matters application. PSSC Canal and River Trust Based on the information available the Trust has no comment to make on the proposal. Environment Agency No objection is made subject to conditions concerning a Landscape and Ecological Management Plan and finished floor levels. Greater Manchester Archaeological Advisory Service Archaeological requirements are set out within condition 13 of the Hybrid planning consent. However, the wording could be refined to protect the particular archaeological interests of the Phase 3 scheme. Greater Manchester Ecological Unit Most ecological issues were resolved at outline stage, an updated ecological survey has identified no significant additional ecological constraints other than bat roosting potential in trees that may be lost. Landscape proposals have been provided. Minor amendments to these are recommended. The Greater Manchester Pedestrian Assoc. No comments received to date Transport for Greater Manchester (TFGM) The majority of the related matters were dealt with through the outline planning application. However, a condition regarding a travel plan should be attached to any grant of consent. Highways England No objection. The Open Spaces Society No comments received to date Peak and Northern Footpaths Society No comments received to date Ramblers Association (Manchester Area) No comments received to date Rights of Way No comments received to date Planning Policy Local Plan Policy Unitary Development Plan ST1 - Sustainable Urban Neighbourhoods This policy states that development will be required to contribute towards the creation and maintenance of sustainable urban neighbourhoods. Unitary Development Plan ST5 - Transport Networks This policy states that transport networks will be maintained and improved through a combination of measures including the extension of the network of pedestrian and cycling routes; the expansion and improvement of the public transport system and the enhancement of support facilities; the maintenance and improvement of the highway network; the provision of new road
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