A Weekis Journal of Practical Information, Art, Science, Mechanics, Chemistry, and Manufactures
A WEEKIS JOURNAL OF PRACTICAL INFORMATION, ART, SCIENCE, MECHANICS, CHEMISTRY, AND MANUFACTURES. Annum. per Vol. LII.-No. [NEW SERIES.] 5.] NEW YORK, JANUARY 31, 1885. [$3.20[POSTAGE PREPAID.] , THE MUTUFACTURE OF AGGLOMERATED FUEL· upper moulding piston and the lower piston. The direct utilization of refuse coal in the The lower, piston that empties the moulds is production of heat is a problem which still actuated by a second pair of working beams un- awaits a solution, but the indirect utilization of derneath the mould tables. When a com pres- sion is being effected through the descent of the it has for a long time been' an accomplished fact, and the manufacture that it has given rise working ,beams and moulding pistons over the table, there comes a period when the upper part to now constitutes a prosperous industry whose present state in France we propose to make of the brick ceases to descend, through the re- known. The idea of converting refuse coal '...,to sistance that is offered by the lower piston, and also because of the friction that the coal experi- bricks is due to Mr. Marsais, an engineer, an,. it wa� from the Chaleassiere Works, which are at ences against the sides of the mould. At this present constructing all the materiel necessary instant the lower surface, being less pressed for the manufacture of agglomerated fuel, that than the upper, a reaction occurs, and the lower came the first truly practical press, devised by surface becomes a fixedpoint, and the lower pis- Messrs. Revollier & Marsais. This press, which ton acts in its turn until the pressure has be- was in the first place hydraulic, has been em- come the same on both sides.
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