THE CAMPUS of Allegheny College
THE CAMPUS of Allegheny College Volume 107, Number 23 Meadville, Pa. Published Since 1876 May 1, 1984 Back To The "Good Old Days"? "OPOOMOVIOMPSWA Alcohol Policies Proposed 010:00404- , by Arsen Kashkashian regard to the proposal said, endowment) just so students can Asst. News Editor "Right now students are running break the law." out of time to formulate a Under the new policy, 21 "All of our concern on the response before the trustee year olds would be able to drink alcohol question for the past meeting. Each day that passes on campus. Their drinking four or five years has been to by, the less effective our would be regulated but they try step by step to make Alle- response will be and that is would have the right. Also, gheny more consistent with state something we have to worry students would be able to drink law," Dean Skinner said in a about." quietly in their own rooms. The Campus interview. ASG has formed a committee administration does not want to In an effort to acheive this to review the proposals when invade the sanctity of the dorm goal, proposals to revise the they are relesased. The corn- room. alcohol policy have been sent to mittee, which is completely Dean Skinner said, "Will President David Baily Harned student oriented, will submit a there be drinking? Sure there who will review them and decide student response to the will be. Even back in the good which to recommend. proposed policy. old days, there was drinking at Dean Skinner would not give One of the reasons for the Allegheny College.
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