STELLAR STRUCTURE AND EVOLUTION O.R. Pols Astronomical Institute Utrecht September 2011 Preface These lecture notes are intended for an advanced astrophysics course on Stellar Structure and Evolu- tion given at Utrecht University (NS-AP434M). Their goal is to provide an overview of the physics of stellar interiors and its application to the theory of stellar structure and evolution, at a level appro- priate for a third-year Bachelor student or beginning Master student in astronomy. To a large extent these notes draw on the classical textbook by Kippenhahn & Weigert (1990; see below), but leaving out unnecessary detail while incorporating recent astrophysical insights and up-to-date results. At the same time I have aimed to concentrate on physical insight rather than rigorous derivations, and to present the material in a logical order, following in part the very lucid but somewhat more basic textbook by Prialnik (2000). Finally, I have borrowed some ideas from the textbooks by Hansen, Kawaler & Trimble (2004), Salaris & Cassissi (2005) and the recent book by Maeder (2009). These lecture notes are evolving and I try to keep them up to date. If you find any errors or incon- sistencies, I would be grateful if you could notify me by email (
[email protected]). Onno Pols Utrecht, September 2011 Literature C.J. Hansen, S.D. Kawaler & V. Trimble, Stellar Interiors, 2004, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 0-387- • 20089-4 (Hansen) R. Kippenhahn & A. Weigert, Stellar Structure and Evolution, 1990, Springer-Verlag, ISBN • 3-540-50211-4 (Kippenhahn; K&W) A. Maeder, Physics, Formation and Evolution of Rotating Stars, 2009, Springer-Verlag, ISBN • 978-3-540-76948-4 (Maeder) D.