PHYS 633: Introduction to Stellar Astrophysics Spring Semester 2006 Rich Townsend (
[email protected]) Governing Equations In the foregoing analysis, we have seen how a star usually maintains a state of hydrostatic equilibrium. We have seen how the energy created in the star through nuclear reactions, or released through contraction, makes its way out in the form of the star’s luminosity. We have seen how the physical processes responsible for transporting this energy can either be radiation or convection. And, finally, we have seen how nuclear reactions within the star, and transport processes such as convective mixing, can alter the stars chemical composition. These four key pieces of physics lead to 3 + I of the differential equations governing stellar structure (here, I is the number of elements whose evolution we are following). Let’s quickly review these equations. First, we have the most general (spherically-symmetric) form for the equation governing momen- tum conservation, ∂P Gm 1 ∂2r = − − . (1) ∂m 4πr2 4πr2 ∂t2 If the second term on the right-hand side vanishes, then we recover the equation of hydrostatic equilibrium, expressed in Lagrangian form (i.e., derivatives with respect to the mass coordinate m, rather than the radial coordinate r). If this term does not vanish at some point in the star, then the mass shells at that point will being to expand or contract, with an acceleration given by ∂2r/∂t2. Second, we have the most general form for the energy conservation equation, ∂l ∂T δ ∂P = − − c + . (2) ∂m ν P ∂t ρ ∂t The first and second terms on the right-hand side come from nuclear energy gen- eration and neutrino losses, respectively.