Participant list Xiamen-CUSTIPEN Workshop, Xiamen, January 3 to 7, 2019 No. Name Affiliation Email 01 Shunke Ai 艾舜轲 Beijing Normal University, China
[email protected]. 02 Nils Andersson University of Southampton, UK N.A.Andersson@sot Contribution Title: Using gravitational waves to constrain matter at extreme densities Abstract: The spectacular GW170817 neutron star merger event provided interesting constraint on neutron star physics (in terms of the tidal deformability). Future detections are expected improve on this. In this talk I will discuss if we can expect to also make progress on issues relating to the composition and state of matter. 03 Zhan Bai 摆展 Peking University, China
[email protected] n Contribution Title: Constraining Hadron-Quark Phase Transition Chemical Potential via Astronomical observation 04 Shishao Bao 鲍世绍 Shanxi Normal University, China
[email protected] 05 Andreas Bauswein GSI Darmstadt, Germany Andreas.Bauswein Contribution Title: Neutron star mergers and the high-density equation of state 06 Subrata kumar Biswal Institute of Theoretical Physics,
[email protected] Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Contribution Title: Effects of the φ-meson on the hyperon production in the hyperon star Abstract: Using relativistic mean field formalism, we have studied the effects of the strange vector φ-meson on the equation of state and consequently on the maximum mass and radius of the hyperon star. Effects of the hyperon coupling constants on the strangeness content of the hyperon star are discussed with a number of the relativistic parameter set. The canonical mass-radius relationship also discussed with various relativistic parameter set.