Il;;Iit;Iiror.R*H and Natural Gas Had Been Discovered (U.S.) Rltlilrllil.R :' Dlt a Meeting on the Same Day
r- -rrSt 12-18, L974 xnEstNcts coNTEMpoRARy aRcHrvES 26667 GREECE. End of Military Dictatorship. other hand, rejected this clairn and repeatedlv expressed its i,rrmation of Civilian Govemment uttaer-fvfr.- X"r"- readiness to negotiate !q::r'nlis. an agreenlent witil Gree6e to'determine -_ Dispute with Turkey over Continental Sh;If in the two countries' respective rights in the hxgean Sea. - Reintroductioir af rg12 Constitution, Aegean. -: rjntter the 1958 Geneva convention on the continental shelf lsee the *'ake of the events in CSprus 164151, [see 26661 A], the lfeads -page sigrred by Greece in lg72 but not sisned. by Turkey, tbe rrni' r"rr* Greek armed forces decided on iuly zs to citi tq)on nine bouniLaty within wLtich a state hail exclusive fisltis ti-exploit ltttntt*-,-"--ent persons-all for.mer leading politicians-to form mineral resources of its continental shelf might be determinea, by ., States iuri :r'tr Government in view of the n6tibnal emergency ". lying opposite to each other on the same shelf, eittier fy -:l: mutual agreement or, failing: such agreement, by the meclian rine Cabinet led try Mr. Adamantios Androutsopoulos, who betrveen the two shores. irtturur -'p"eatgdlV !een, severely criticized by his fo" Mr. prime llrttrr" ':€ u-.ed "oit"ug;", Alaio"Fqpoulos, then Greek Minister, had the Government merely to endorse actionJalready announced rl,**' :-h]' the military readers, ha.i in February that significant deposits of crucle oil il;;iit;iiror.r*h and natural gas had been discovered (u.s.) rltlilrllil.r :' dlt a meeting on the same day. "a"ii"" by ftre oceanic ';:"r€k Exploration Conrpany near the Grcek island of Thas'os, in the li officers of thc Third.
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