NPR 1.3: Ballistic, Cruise Missile, and Missile Defense Systems: Trade

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NPR 1.3: Ballistic, Cruise Missile, and Missile Defense Systems: Trade Missile Developments BALLISTIC, CRUISE MISSILE, AND MISSILE DEFENSE SYSTEMS: TRADE AND SIGNIFICANT DEVELOPMENTS, SEPTEMBER 1993-JANUARY 1994 AFGHANISTAN WITH TAJIKISTAN 9/25/93 It is reported that Argentina's Condor- 1/9/94 2 missile installations might be used in AFGHANISTAN At 10:35 a.m., seven missiles are fired on a project to construct "Latin America's the 13th post of the Moskovskiy Border first satellite." Guard. Ann Schnittker, Proliferation Watch, 9/93, p. 3 (3600). Galina Gridneva, Itar-Tass (Moscow), 1/12/94; in INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS FBIS-SOV-94-008, 1/12/94, p. 76 (3634). 11/29/93 9/30/93 1/11/94 The Argentine Foreign Ministry reveals that Argentina has become a member The rival Islamic factions of the Sunni Mus- The 12th post of the Russian Moskovskiy of the MTCR. The decision is partly a lim Ittehad-i-Islami Party of Rasul Sayyaf detachment guarding the Tajik border takes result of Argentine President Menem's and the Iranian-backed Shi'ite Hezb-i- missile fire from inside Afghanistan. cancellation of the Condor missile Wahdat fire about 200 rockets and mortar Galina Gridneva, Itar-Tass (Moscow), 1/12/94; in FBIS-SOV-94-008, 1/12/94, p. 76 (3634). project in early 1993. shells at each other in Kabul. Three people Buenos Aires Herald, 11/30/93, p. 1; in JPRS- are killed and seventeen are injured. TND-93-001, 1/6/94, p. 11 (3783). Washington Times, 10/1/93, p. A14 (3909). ARGENTINA ARGENTINA WITH EGYPT 11/93 The Argentine Defense Ministry con- INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS firms that factories in Iraq and Egypt The numbers listed in parenthesis following the were "twin sisters" of the Falda del biblographic references refer to the identification num- 1992 Carmen plant where the Condor-2 mis- ber of the document in the International Missile Pro- Argentina continues development of the sile was developed. Egyptian techni- liferation Project Database, from which the news sum- SAC-B project, which includes a spacecraft cians gained expertise working in Ar- maries are abstracted. Because of the rapidly chang- ing nature of the subject matter, The Nonproliferation and one payload. Argentina may establish gentina on the Condor-2 project. Review is unable to guarantee that the information a regional center for scientific satellite and International Defense Review, 11/93, p. 842 reported herein is complete or accurate, and disclaims global change data, and has signed coop- (3677). liability to any party for any loss or damage caused erative research agreements with Germany by errors or omissions. and Spain. George D. Ojalehto and Henry R. Hertzfeld, Aero- space America, 9/93, pp. 10-11, 40-41 (3687). 154 The Nonproliferation Review/Spring-Summer 1994 Missile Developments ARGENTINA WITH GERMANY AUSTRALIA WITH UNITED STATES 11/93 AUSTRALIA Argentine Defense Minister Oscar 9/93 Camilion confirms that German tech- Australia proposes that the U.S. share nicians worked on the Condor-2 project. information on Asian missile launches International Defence Review, 11/93, p. 842 with those nations in the region that (3677). INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS adhere to international arms control agreements. The U.S. satellite that gath- 12/93 ers the information is controlled by the ARGENTINA WITH IRAQ The Australian Security Intelligence Or- U.S. and Australian military from a base ganization (ASIO) claims in its 1992/ at Nurrungar in central Australia. Be- 11/93 93 report to Australia's parliament that cause the satellite monitors the air space The Argentine Defense Ministry con- there is an increase in Asian countries from the eastern Mediterranean to the firms that U.N. weapons inspectors dis- spying in Australia in an effort to de- western Pacific, it could serve as a re- covered two Condor-2 missile engines velop weapons of mass destruction; no gional early-warning system. It is be- in Iraq and that Argentina delivered countries suspected of espionage in lieved that the Clinton Administration Condor "elements" to Iraq via Egypt Australia are specified. The ASIO re- is likely to support the proposal. prior to the 1991 Gulf War. The two port says that "during the last 12 months Michael Richardson, International Herald Tri- engines were built at Argentina's Falda an increased number of proliferation- bune, 9/1/93 (3740). del Carmen plant. The ministry also related activities came to ASIO's atten- confirms that factories in Iraq and Egypt tion," among them the establishment of were "twin sisters" of the Falda del a network of front companies and the 12/93 Carmen plant. Argentine Defense Min- use of universities to acquire scientific It is reported that if the U.S. Congress ister Oscar Camilion denies Argentine and weapons development knowledge. decides to allow the U.S. Navy to adopt involvement, and states that "there has Reuter, 12/16/93; in Executive News Service, 12/ the Australian Nulka hovering rocket- not been any transfer of Argentinean 16/93 (3895). borne missile decoy, it is possible that technology to Iraq, as the technology joint U.S.-Australian manufacture of the in question was fundamentally Ger- decoy may follow. The Australian Navy man." Camilion also denies that ex- AUSTRALIA WITH RUSSIA has already approved Nulka production, perts from Argentina worked with Iraq and plans to install the decoy on the as part of a contract between the two 9/15/93 first of its eight ANZAC-class frigates countries. There is no confirmation that Russian and Australian firms sign an and its FFG-7 fleet. Iraqi technicians participated in the agreement to jointly develop a $900 Jane's Defence Weekly, 12/11/93, p. 11 (3910). project as well. million Papua New Guinea (PNG) space International Defence Review, 11/93, p. 842 (3677). base that will launch Russian Proton rockets. Under the agreement, Space Transportation Systems, directed by former Queensland Premier Michael AZERBAIJAN ARGENTINA WITH UNITED STATES Hern, will have exclusive rights to de- velop the launching and technical com- 9/93 plexes and will manage, market and Argentina transfers "missing parts" from operate the space port. Russia's Gen- AZERBAIJAN WITH RUSSIA its Condor-2 missile program to the US eral Machine Building Bureau and via spain. The parts include two elec- Australia's Space Transportation Sys- 10/93 tronic guidance systems, three comput- tems Ltd will build the launch site for Azeri forces are retreating on all fronts ers, launching devices, and a tower. the Proton rocket on the PNG islands from Armenian forces in Azerbaijan and However, Argentina has yet to deliver a of Manus and Emirau. Nagorno-Karabakh despite Russia's re- sophisticated X-ray machine, solid-fuel Radio Australia (Melbourne), 9/16/93; in FBIS- cent supply of BM-21 rocket launch- grinder and a fuel mixer allegedly of EAS-93-178, 9/16/93, p. 57 (3743). Washing- ers. American origin. ton Post, 9/16/93, p. D12 (3641). Space News, 1/3/94, p. 13 (3871). Space Business News, 9/ Paul Beaver, Jane's Defence Weekly, 12/11/93, William R. Long, Los Angeles Times, 9/26/93, 28/93, pp. 4-5 (3822). p. 17 (3663). p. A15 (3600). The Nonproliferation Review/Spring-Summer 1994 155 Missile Developments BELARUS BELGIUM BOSNIA- HERZEGOVINA INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS BELGIUM WITH PRC 10/93 INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS It is reported that Belarus authorities 1/94 arrested five Germans on suspicion of Belgium-based Eurosense, which spe- 12/93 espionage after they were caught vid- cializes in digital ortho photographic The city of Tuzla loses power after an eotaping a secret missile base in the maps, signs an agreement with China unspecified type of missile hits the city's Grodno area of the country. The Ger- to establish a joint venture company coal-fired generating plant. U.N. mili- mans work for a German-Lithuanian called Eurosense Beijing Aerospace tary spokesman Commander van joint venture, which is building hous- Mapping that will use Eurosense tech- Biesebroeck states that the missile se- ing for army personnel returning from nology to make detailed maps of Chi- verely damaged pumps, cables and wa- Germany. nese territory. Eurosense owns 51 per- ADN (Berlin), 10/15/93; in FBIS-SOV-93-198, ter pipes. cent of the joint venture, while the Chi- New York Times, 12/5/93, p. 4 (3654). 10/15/93, p. 43 (3665). nese government owns the remainder. 11/93 Flight International, 1/26/94, p. 23 (3958). It is reported that the Belarusian De- BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA WITH fense Ministry made an agreement with CROATIA BELGIUM WITH RUSSIA the Belarusian firm "Minotor" to main- tain missile and artillery systems de- 10/93 1/26/94 ployed by the Air Defense Forces Com- Independent Croatian military analyst Belgian Defense Minister Leo Delcroix, mand. Maintenance has been difficult Fran Visnar says that the Bosnian-Serb accompanied by his Russian counterpart since the collapse of the USSR because leader Radovan Karadzic has sent extra Pavel Grachev, becomes the first NATO the maintenance plants were all in Rus- artillery and multiple rocket launchers official to visit the formerly secret Rus- sia. The cost of sending equipment to to Krajina. The Krajina Serbs have spe- sian missile base in Bologoye (located the maintenance plants in Russia is cial artillery and surface-to-surface between Moscow and St. Petersburg) greater than the cost of doing the work "missiles" [FROG] with a range of 70 and see the most advanced Russian stra- in-country. Under the new agreement, km capable of striking all important tegic missiles and other military hard- the maintenance and servicing of equip- Croatian cities. The Krajina Serbs pub- ware. The two-day visit follows a 12/ ment costs 12 times less, and 0.5 bil- lished a list of 20 Croatian cities to be 93 agreement between the two countries lion rubles have been saved in less than attacked with rockets should the a year.
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