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March 1965 Daily Egyptian 1965

3-6-1965 The aiD ly Egyptian, 06, 1965 Daily Egyptian Staff

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A Library: Many Things Southern's Rare Book ROl)m -Plus a Special Freedom -Photos, Story on page 6 By Floyd H. Stein appear or are mutilated about Keeping some materials out as fast as they're put on the of reach-but still available­ 'Shaping Education Policy' F:ceedom to read is impor­ shelves. Included are volumes "is a matter of common tant to Ralph E. McCoy. With dealing with abnorma'l sex sense, not ideology," says a book collection at the 900,000 practices. . McCoy., , -A Review on page 5 mark. he has a special in­ "Since you can find these at The hbrary collectIons con- terest in such matters. corner drugstores," McCoy centrate in certain areas and Actually, the volumes aren't says, "it's silly to try to are contributing to the sta­ his. He's director of Southern keep them away from people ture oftheUniversityasacen­ So the Blind May 'Read' Illinois University Libraries using the libraries." ter of learning and research. and has strong feelings about BeSides, he is convinced In the area of literature, freedom of the press and of students are discriminating emphasis is being placed on -Story on page 3 speech. and "capable of making se- 20th Century American and "We don't lock up anythin~ lections of materials they want British works. to keep it away from people,' to read from what is Represented in two notable he says. "Our shelves are full available." collections are manuscripts of controv:;:!"sial materials­ But there are materials that of some 300 American and I hope." are not in the least bit con- British avant-garde writers, His collection has grown trover sial or "sensitive" that members of the "expatriate b4i4 from 190,000 volumes in 1957 can't be kept on the open group who lived and worked to the 900.000 figure as a re­ shelves. That's because some in Paris between the World sult of vigorous book-buying of these, too, have a habit of Wars. activities [0 meet the needs disappearing or being torn. In one collection, besides of SIU students on the grad­ They include cook books, books and "little magaZines," uate and undergraduate lev­ sp<.::-ts handbooks and Digest there are numerous letters, els, as well as for scholarly of Books. The digest seems to manuscripts, diaries, photo­ research. be the ·most troublesome, ap- graphs and paintings from Some materials are kept pealing to students who have such writers as Richard Al­ "behind the counter" in pro­ to !3ubmit book reports. dington, Maxwell Bodenheim, EGYPTIAN tective custody. though. That's Then there are the expen- Kay Boyle, Han crane, Harry SH4tl,elfM 9ttUuU4 1t1fUq.,,,~ to insure they'll be available sive, irreplaceable coUec- and Caresse Crosby, Floyd to those who must use them. tions in the Rare Book Room Dell, Ernest . Corbondole, lIIinoit McCoy describes them as of Morris Library. But these Lawrence Durrell, FordMad­ "sensitive items." They are too are made available under dox Ford, D. H. Lawrence, Volume 046 Soturdo1, March 6, 1965 Number 10-4 materials that seem to dis- certain conditions. (Continued on page 2) A.prenda la Cultura De Sus Vecinos CONOZCA A SUS VECINOS termina 0 con la licenciatura. 1a maestna. 0 e1 doctorado. La Universidad en la America m program a de estudio puede Latina ser de tres a siete anos. se­ gUn la especialldad 0 carrera En la mayona de las na­ que se escoja. ciones Iatinoamericanas los "Facultad" es la. pala­ meses de febrero y marzo bra emp1eada para describir marcan e1 comienzo del a1I'o ue1 conjunto de catedraticos acad~mico universitario. Cast y estudiantes que imparten 0 tOOas trabajan a base de un estudian alguna ciencla." es sistema de semestres. y e1 deeir: Facultad de FUosofi'a ano term ina hacia fines de y Letras. Facultad de Leyes. noviembre 0 principios de di­ Facultad de Ingeniena. Me­ ciembre. De ordinario los dicina, Ciencias Sociales. cursos son de un aiio y los Ciencias Economicas y com­ enmenes finales vienen al fin erciales. Bellas Artes, 0 A­ del curso. Un examen semes­ gricultura. Tradicionalmente tral se administra algnnas ve­ estlfn cas! siempre en inglt!s las mas import antes han sido ces hacia fines de junio. e importados de Estados Uni­ las de Leyes yMedicina. Hasta Las universidades de la dos. En efeeto. gran parte de boy en di'a son pocas las uni­ America Latina signen en ge­ ellos son los mismos que versidades que tienen facul­ neral un plan de estudios mas se emplean en este pals. tades de educacJ6n. agricul­ semejante al franc~s que al La universidad latino- tura e ingenieria. Estas ca­ de Estados Unidos. Alemania americana es distinta de las 'rreras se signen en Escuelas o Inglaterra. Hasta hace poco nuestras tambit!n porque los ·Normales. de Agricultura. 0 1a mayor parte de los 1ibros alumnos desput!s de terminar de Tecnologfa. de texto que utilizaban los es­ la preparatoria. (una especie Muchas materias apenas tudiantes de medicina. ciertos de combinaci6n de nuestro estan intrOOucit!ndose en las ramos de 1a ley. ydelascien­ "".1unior hildl". "senior high" • universidades de la Amt!rica cias f{'sicas y biol6gtcas se y "junior college" casi siem­ Latina. La que casi nunca se importaban de Francia y es­ pre tienen ya el titulo de ba impartido como discilllina taban impresos en frances. "Bachiller:' Asi es quetOOas es la de polCtica y (Obierno. Eran los mismos que se usa­ las facultades son escuelas en la forma que se estudian ban en Francia. Actualmente profesionales. y la carrera en Estados Unidos. Suiza. la Gran Bretaiia 0 Alemanfa. La estructura del gobiemo y el funcionamiento de las en­ tidades gubemamentales se by F. Duquenne estudian mlfs que nada en la Facultad de Leyes y entonces 6AM &610 desde el punto de vista Photo by J-eII: F. II:noID early opening surprise of sun te6rico. mediante al estudio PLANNING BIBLIOGRAPHY - Ralph E. McCoy, (left), SIU some... here between watering eyes and your brightness del derecho constitucional y el director of libraries, and Ralph W. Bushee, Rare Book Room the morning wind has blown the toys from my bead derecbo administrativo. librarian, plan a bibliography of the Black Sun Press (see marbles and messages have gone marching Sin embargo. no hay ninguna story on page 6). to the cadence of a limping bandaged (what ever it was) actividad que por 10 general drummer ocupe las boras Illires del leading an entire army of tin soldiers and estudiantado mas que la po­ a flagbearer Iltica y los problemas guber­ Library Gains Status bearing not just a colored rag namentales. De heeho las uni­ but a huge versidades en mucbos casos dripping son mis bIen escuelas de multicolored practica de politica que ins": From Book Collections popsiclic existence tituciones academicas. melting (Continued from Pop 1) Another specialty of the Li­ on a stick Henry Miller, Ezra Pound, brary lies in the area of A.G.B. Dylan Tbomas and William Latin-American materials in carlos Williams. bistery, government. litera­ Another distinguished col­ ture and anthropology. Many lection is the books and other publications in tbis area are published works by and about unavailable in any otber li­ James Joyce, bolograpb man­ brary in tbis country. uscripts and letters. photo­ In the field of buman rela­ graphs. paintings and a por­ tions, a major resource are tion of Joyce's personal some I 1/2 - million docu­ library. Tbis collection is ments. books, articles, field considered among the top reports and unpublished man­ three of its type in the United uscripts relating to 170 world States. cultures, such as Navaho, Burma. Samoa, and arranged Barzini's'ltalians' by topic. such as law, mar­ riage. education. The collec­ tion is one of only 20 in the Added to Library nation assembled and pro­ New books added to Brows­ duced by Yale University and ing Room shelves at Morris added to eacb year. Library: Characteristically, libra­ CURRENT AFFAIRS ries are looked upon as "len­ ders." But some bave to bor­ The Strategy of Persuasion, row because certain materials Arthur E. Meyerhoff just are not available in FICTION quantities. The Morris Library at SIU Tbe Fanatic, Meyer Levin is becoming a lender now as well since other libraries HISTORY across the country are becom­ ing aware of SIU's varied and ihe Italians, Luigi Bar­ extensive collections. zin The Holocaust Kingdom, A. DAlLY EGYPTU1V Published In lhe Departmenl of Journalism Donat daily except Sunday and Monday durinl fall, A Nation of Immigrants, wtnter, spring. and eight-week summerlerm excepr: during Urtiverslty vacation periods. John F. Kennedy examination weeks, and legal hoUdays by Southern IlHoots Universiry. Carbondale, 11l1oo1s. Published on TUesday and Friday of SCIENCE each week for tbe final three weeks of the twelve-week summer term. Second class __ pald a, ,be Carbon&le Post Offl"" Of Men and Galaxies, Fred u_r !be act of Marcb 3. 1879. Policies al the ElYJldan a.re [be re­ Hoyle sponslbW(J of die ecUmrs.. Statements published here do not ne<:eesarlly renect the POETRY oplnlon of die admlnistradon or any depan­ ment of me University. EdJmrtal conferea.ce; Fred Beyer. Alice Of v~, Canrlght. Ric Cox. Joe eo.::w. John Epper­ B,. Cherie. Blaak Poetry and P- Edwin bejmer.. Robert Ret.acte. Robert Smidt. A. Glikes Ro_ Gill RoyPranke. Prank Meseeramlll>. "... ~·~·;.~~ •• :,t; b:~:. ·:'ta~~;~· For the Union Dead, R. Editorial· and buSlne88 offices located in Building T-48. pbone ~2354. P~a1 Lowell officer. Howard R. Lolli- e...... DAILY.EGYPTIAM . . ,."J. More Than Just Sooks and Shelves

Room Revives Library Tapes Textbooks 19th Century So the Blind May 'Read' Away from the paths of Among the tens of thousands the reading is done here. But book shelves and study tables who use the facilities of Mor­ many take the books.andtapes in Morris Library is a room ris Library not everyone can home to record on their own that is the only place in the read. machines. building that is not in modern, There are those who are Supplementing this reading 20th Century decor. physically handicapped. They program, the library also has The tone of the room is set are the Sightless. available to the sightless an by a walnut wood carving of. These people need help in unabridge dictionary and the Abraham Lincoln rhat stands keeping up with their reading. World Book Encylopedia. outside the imposing white They get it in a cooperative both in Braille. portal behind which is a touch effort by the library and a This is only one area in of the historical past. group of local women. which the Library is at­ Above broad double doors The women, members of the tempting to build an institution is a small, unimposing sign Jewish Women's Club and that supports the overall Uni­ that reads: American Heritage other volunteers, record on versity program, one of its Room. tape textbooks that the Sight­ main aims. Walk past these doors into less may "read." Thus, there are more than a restored 19th Century room The Audio-Visual Depart­ just books in the library. and you're transported 100 ment has tape recordings of In the Humanities Library, years in time in the life of some 50 texts that if played for instance, thP.re is a the United States and the continously would take about growing collection of some University. 117 days to complete. That's 5,000 phonograph records, in­ You'll see a walnut book­ almost twice as long as the cluding m 0 s t 1 y classical case and a Victorian hall tree present winter quarter. musiC, but also plays, poetry from the home in Washington, The tapes range from 4 to readings and documentaries. O. C., of William P. Dole, 67 for each text recorded, There are 5,000 individual commissioner of Indian af­ and each tape requires two musical scores and related fairs in the Lincoln admini­ hours to play through. mongraphs. Some 5,000 mo­ stration. PIloto bF IIW .._ee The recorded subject mat- tion picture films and film President Lincoln is known ters inc I u de advertising, strips also are available. to have been a visitor in the AMERICAN HERITAGE - A Walnut wood carving of Abraham bUSiness, philosophy, eco­ There is a framed-print Dole home and he may pos­ Lincoln done by a fanner coal miner, Fred Meyer, stands out· nomics, psychology, chem­ collection totaling about 400 sibly have hung his hat on side the American Heritage Room In Morris Library. Meyer, who ,:lstry, geology and more. A pieces which are loaned to stu­ the hall tree or taken a book enjoyed carving as a hobby, did the work while employed as a text that requires 67 tapes­ dents and faculty members. from the case. Works Progress Administration Artist at SIU. He died in 1948 or 134 hours to playback­ This collection will be ex­ There's an inlaid cherry at the age of 37. is Our Heritage of World panded in the Fall with original chest of drawers made by Literature. works. Thomas Lincoln, father of the of furniture used in the pres­ Another Lincoln portrait of The textbookrecordir.gpro- There are some 80,000 maps president, which is considered ident's office. interest is one by Edward Oal-' ject was started several years of various kinds, newspapers, the most beautiful of all Hanging on the walls are ton Marchant, Philadelphia ago, initially as a small pro­ trade catalogs, government Thomas Lincoln furniture. several period paintings, in­ artist who died in 1887. A gram with 8 to 10 books. documents. There's a walnut desk used cluding a landscape by George note on the back of the paint- The women expressed in­ The library is many things by Oar.iel Baldwin Parkinson, Innes and a Lincoln portrait by ing states, "Mr. Marchant terest in the program and to many penple: It's a place fourth president of SIU be­ Alban J. Conant of St. Louis, told me in his studio, Filbert offered their services. The to browse, to meet a date, tween 1898 and 1913, as well done in 1865 presumably from near 17th, that this portrait library provides . them the to read, to study, to research, as two tables that are pieces a sketch of the president. was made from life." texts, tapes and a recorder if and, yes, even to sleep.

'.. ~Snow and Sculpture' DA!l"fEGYPTI~ . MGrch 6. 1965 The Egyptian Book Scene: China-Taiwan and Red­ Explored in Two Books

Two bor>ks: China Ass~n­ be "on everybody's lips in ment by Karl Lott Ran1.n. the remaining years of this seattle, Wash.: University of century." Washington Press, 1964. 343 The book answers many pp. $6.95. China TriumphS, questions of current interest. by Julio Alvarez del Vayo. For instance, on Peking's Translated from the Spanish policy toward the UN, Senor by William Rose. New York: ..". ffi"" del Vayo quotes Premier Chou Monthly Review {'ress, 1964. "- .<"'''' ~i En-lai as saying: "Our posi­ 202 pp. $5. • tion is definite: we will never join the United Nations as Every thoughtful American long as the representatives should read <'China Assign­ tt "" ;of Chiang Kai-shek are ad­ ment" to get an authentic mitted. That applies to the picture of U.S. involvement specialized agencies as well in Taiwan. . ;- as to the UN itself. To lend With candor and detail, ourselves to the

Way; .the Autoban with re­ Caesar; Harry Truman. milk. Queen Vjctpriar "· by Eliza­ turning cars and buses. Vib .. A study of Stern in Rome: "Once around the Colos- beth Longford J.R. Parrish March 6, 1965 . DAILY EGyPT .... PageS • Shaping Ed~~ti~nal Policy' Conant Charges National Education Policy Lacking

Shaping Education... l Policy. policy are aptly illustrated hand. In California, the chief by James B. Conant. New when he writes: "It is my school officer is elected. The York: McGraw-Hill Book belief that there will be more voters there feel that the state Company. 1964. 144pp. $3.95. radical changes in rhe future legislators should resolve and this in turn means that educational problems. James B. Conant, in his our old methods of deter­ California is highly praised latest commentary on the mining educational policy need as the one state in the union American educational scene. drastic revision to meet the that has developed and put states that nationwide educa­ impact of the educational into operation a master plan tional policy has fallen short revolutions." for higher education. The l"ole of today's needs. The second chapter, "Policy of the university. the state He believes that existing Making for the Public colleges and junior colleges policy has been determined S<;.hools," concentrates on the is clearly defined. New York by a more or less haphazard "Establishment" and State is described as being in the interaction of (1) leaders of Departments of Education. throes of reorganization of public school teachers. ad­ The "Establishment" is por­ higher education. A hope is ministrators and professors trayed as rather broad in expressed that New York may of education. (2) state educa­ scope and includes school ad­ study well the California tional authorities, (3) a multi­ ministrators. the National pattern. tude of state colleges and Education Association, Edu­ Chapter five, "Toward a universities, (4) private col­ cational Policies Commission, Nationwide Educational Pol­ leges and universities and (5) National Association of Sec­ icy," enunciates most clearly the variety of agencies of the ondary School Principals, ac­ Conant's beliefs about shaping Federal Government through crediting agencies, etc. education in America. The which large sums of money The author charges that re­ hurried reader could easily have flowed to individual in­ nowned academic leaders and omit all of the preceding stitutions and states. members of the lay public chapters. In the first chapter. "Edu­ have been heard too little and The basic ideas set forth cation becomes a National that the "Establishment" has are: Concern," the author observes not given a statement of sound 1. In the high school and that we are in the throes of policy. An interaction of the elementary school levels. a revolution precipitated by Views of all groups is CONANT: 'NEED FOR DRASTIC REVISION' policy should not be deter­ the rapid change taking place advocated. schools. The great diversity of our two most populous states. mined solely by either • 'pub­ in social. political, economic Chapter three. "Policy effort to provide high educa­ Incidentally, Conant feels that lic school people" or state and scientific areas. Making for Higher Educa­ tion is stressed. The existence ". • • each state may be offiCials. Conant's lack of faith in tion," deals with both public of the two types of schools is considered as furnishing 2. Congress does not have present methods of shaping and privately controlled credited partially with creat­ something approaching an the power to determine a total ing the diversity. educational policy. Conant contends that "in­ 3. States are not as inde­ Conant Rai,5es These Questions dependent bureacratic lobbies Revie.edb, pendent and sovereign as they backed by vigorous and higbl) once were in the realm of Even the casual reader will lStiCally as would those who cohesive alumni groups" re­ Clarence D. Samford, education because of the lack raise at least three questions have actually served in such sult in unsound policies and of funds. after perusal of this book: roles as legislators, chief programs in the public in­ Chairman, Department 4. Federal power to shape 1. Is it more sinister for state school officers, school stitutions. (IllinOis was se­ educational policy has often those engaged in an effort to administrators and public lected as a state to illustrate Of Secondary Education been "Federal bribery"-the promote good educational pol­ school teachers? his point.) The thesis is pro­ granting of money for specific icies to have and maintain 3. Can Conant be charged posed that systems of public ideal solution to Dart of a total educational programs. organizations ("Establish­ With vacillation in respect to higher education evolved problem:' 5. It is recommended that ments") than it is for those his opinion as to where the slowly and that they will not New York's people rely upon the 50 states, or at least in other fields such as chem­ responsibility for shaping demonstrate desirable a powerful Board of Regents. 15 to 20 of the more populous istry, law, medicine, labor, education really rests? (In changes quickly. elected by the legislative. to states. create an "Interstate etc? previous writing he felt that Chapter four, "New York employ a commissioner of Commission for Planning a 2. Does Conant discuss the local school boards were and California," is a case education and to deal rather Nationwide Educational Pol­ topics he introduces as real- basically responsible.) study of educational policy in directly with the problems at icy." Survey Report Probes the 'Why' Behind the 'Wandering Scholar' The Mobility of College Facul­ tion and governmental re­ 2. Causes of mobility-In tIes. by Howard D. MarshaU. search grants. addition to such factors, NeW York: Pageant Press. The advantages of such there are' the cases of con­ 1964. 152 pp. $5. mobility may be increased tracts not renewed. A salary salaries, varied teaching ex­ increase is influential but not Professor Marshall's in­ periences, "new blood" in a always dominant by itself. A quiries into faculty mobility department and more grants. combination of salary in­ were stimulated, as a new But there are disadvantages crease and Dromotion is chairman, by discovering he for programs, students (es­ potent. Difficulty of promo­ had three vacancies to fill and pecially in graduate school). tion within a college was a by receipt of a grant. From general continuity and instltu­ stimulus, though "between hit) questionnaire distribution, tional costs in time and money. one-fourth and one-third of he Ieceived usable replies 1. Aspects of mobility­ the departments reported they from 34') economics chair­ Marshall reports shifts in one never followed any policy but men, 297 E..~glish chairmen out of seven in his chemistry promotion from Within:' and 324 chemistIY chairmen, survey, one of six in English. 3. Deterrents to mobility­ plus 420 returns from and one of four among econ­ Careful recruitment proced­ economists. omists. However. there was ures and chance for promotion The "wandering scholar" almos;: l' balance of econo­ from within effectively reduc:-e !Jas been a phenomenon in mists going into t .. ::i:"'.e5'5' or tuL.iO.ca. important were the Western culture long before courses to be taught, the and certainly after Helen Wad­ Revie.edby teaching load, the prestige of dell used that title for a study the college and department, of medieval poets. Has move­ Arthur J. Dibden, the quality of students, ties ment of academic personnel of personal friendships and between institutions increased Department the administrative climate. today? Death, retirement. dis­ Of Higher Education This is a useful report. It ability, sabbatical leaves and provides some up-dating of departures for non-academic government and returning to materials in Caplow and Mc­ jobs (perhaps six percent) are teaching. There is usually a Gee, The Academic Market­ expected data for a mobility change in geographical loca­ place. There are few sur­ notebook on exits and en­ tion including a crossing of prIses for experienced hands. trances. So are graduate stu­ state boundaries. ("The pro­ Still to be explored is the dents obtaining a college job portion of moves made within relation of faculty mobility and then returning to complete the first three years of a job not only to the academic a doctorate. is very high whether for a marketplace but also to Marshall affirms a "great first job or a fifth. ") American restlessness in upsurge in recrUiting" and Turnover averaged higher gener~I, to a possible Faustian attributes it to rapidly ex­ in small than in large depart­ version of the academicspirit panding enrollments in higher ments. Mobility occurs among or to the academic equivalel,t education, the dynamic growth all ages, and for some appears of the proverbial minister who of particular colleges and uni- a way of life. But the rate exhauste1 his barrel of ser­ . . Photo. by Bill SI-lec versities and the effects on seems to slow for those ·over mons· end had nothing more .. :rEA~H?R TURNOVER-A WEs1ERN PHENOMENWf·· .. recruitment of large ·founda- 50. .• ' .... to say.,· ... Page 6 'DAILY EGYPTIAN March 6, 1965

ILLUMINATED CHAUCER - James Kilby, gractaate librarian, looks over Wwaiaatecl pace of the 1896 English student aDd assistant Rare Book Room Ke1macott editioo of Chaucer.


YEATS SCRAPBOOK - Ralph W. Bushee, Rare Book Room Ii­ Marian, examines scrapbook containing pictures of William Photos and Story by Jack F. Erwin Butler in the Rare Book Room stacks.

Library Room Offers a Rare Look Into the Past Want to see a page from the Often, Bushee said, students procedure called for sign­ given to SIU by Mrs. Crosby, housed in the Rare Book Room. Gutenberg Bible or original will come to the Room seek­ ing a log book and listing the are works of Archibald Mac­ the library is building a grow­ galle; and page proofs of Walt ing books they have found in volumes used. The student leis;1, , Ed­ ing collection of Dylan Thom­ Whitman's Leaves of Grass? the general library card cat­ also was told that rules of gar Allen , D. H. Law­ as drafts and correspondence. There's a catch. Both items alog in the rare book col­ the Rare Book Room forbid rence, Lewis carroll, Mar­ A complete collection of ar­ are among the varied collec­ lection. In many cases, he the use of either ball or foun­ cel and a numher of chitectural drawings, plans tions in the Rare Book Room said. the same books also are tain pens for taldng notes. lesser-known writers. Many and patents of R. Buckmin­ of Morris Library, and that available in the open library Bushee explained that fountain volumes are illustrated and ster , inventor of the Room's manuscript collec­ stacks, but the novelty of the pens might drip and ball pens include the artists' originals. geodesic dome and professor tions are intended for thesis Rare Book Room intrigues might smear. So only pencils Crosby started the Black of design at SIU, are also or dissertation research, or students. are allowed. Sun Press as an outlet for housed in the Room. for special studies by inde­ While materials cannot be his own poetry. While living The library's collection of pendent scholars. In many cases, Bushee said, borrowed or taken from the writings, manuscripts and let­ undergraduate students are in Paris he tried unsuccess­ Ralph W. Bushee, Rare Book Room, :::. ...p!p study space is fully to find a publisher for ters of Richard Aldington is Room librarian, explained the permitted use of books in the prOvided for researchers as collections. Materials they his writings. Finally in des­ believed to be one of the most colle ctio ns-whi.:b include part of the three-room SUite. peration, he decided to print complete in the world. Other books, manuscripts and other want to see, however, mustlle Xeroxing service is some­ unavailable in the regular part his own. He soon added writ­ volumes, part of a collection items-in tb.:! special portion times permitted for scholars ings of his fellow Parisian (', Irish writers, feature works of the library are not intended of the library and they must unable to come to Carbondale. "demonstrate a valid need." writers and reportedly even of William Butler Yeats and for casual browsing. Quali­ The library has a collec­ made money wi.h his publish­ James Joyce. fied students or staff members In a recent case, a graduate tion of publisher's editions ing enterprise. While many of the works with a good reason for access student was readily granted of all books published by the Bushee isworkingonacom­ in the Rare Book Room's col­ to any of the Room's materi­ access to copies of the Con­ Black Sun Press, operated by plete bibliography of publica­ lections have been gifts to sm, als, however, will have no servator, a literary publica­ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crosby tions of and correspondence Bushee said both he and Ralph difficulty seeing them. tion of the 19th Century. The in Paris from 1927-29. relating to the Black Sun E. McCoy, SIU director of Many of the volumes are student, working on a seminar Crosby, a nephew of banker libraries, keep a close watch available in the regular li­ report on Walt Whitman'sdif­ J. P. Morga;}, published works Press. Henry Miller has al­ on listings of old books and brary stacks, Bushee pointed of a number of expatriate wri­ ready written an introduction Drivate ficulties with Boston censors. for the bibliography. collections for sale out, but copies are kept in was judged to have 2 valid ters who left the United States or auction to fill gaps in ex­ .the Room to round out spe­ reason for using the old for Paris in the 1930's. Bushee said that in addi­ isting collections at the dal collections. magazines. Included in the collection, tion to the collections already library. March 6, 1965 DAILYEGY PTIAM Pog.7

Saturday The Amateur Radio Club will meet at S p.m. Sunday in Room 106 of the Industrial The Theta Xi Variety Show will be per­ Education Buildinlt. formed at 7: 30 p.m. in Shryock Auditorium. Sunday Concert will feature French music Movie Hour will feature "The Comancheros" by an Edwardsville campus group. at at 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. in Furr Auditorium. 4 p.m. in Shryock Auditorium. . Counseling and Testing will give the College Rifle Club will meet at 1:30p.m.inOld Main. Entrance test at 8 a.m. in Muckelroy Sunday Seminar will feature Wilson Record, INGER WIKSTROM DIETER KOBER Auditorium. associate professor of sociology, who will GED Testing will begin at 8 a.m. in Library speak on "Minority Groups" at 8:30 p.m. Auditorium. in Room D of the University Center. Chicago Chamber Orchestra Women's Recreation Association house Student government will meet at II a.m. basketball finals will meet at I p.m. in in Rooms B, C and E of the University to the large gym. Center. Coming Shryock Monday Women's Recreation AssOciation free throw Theta Sigma Phi will meet at 3 p.m. in the The Chicago Chamber Or­ pianist. Stanley Davis will be contest will be held at I p.m. in the large Seminar Room of the Agriculture Building. chestra will present a con­ felitured in a clarinet solo. gym. The Chess Club will meet at 6 p.m. in the cert at 8 p.m. Monday in The grouP. making its third The University Center Programming Board Olympic Room of the University Center. Shryock Auditorium, featur­ national tour, is sponsored will have a record dance at 8:30 in the Ing selections by Jean Sib­ here by the Department of Roman Room of the University Center. Monday elius and Carl Nielsen. Scan­ Music. Intramural Athletics will have corecreational dinaVian masters. swimming at I p.m. in the University Women's Recreation Association badminton The orchestra, conducted School pool. Basketball will meet at I p.m. club will meet at 7 p.m. in both gyms. by Dieter Koher. will also VARSITY LATE SHOW The Saluki Flying Club will meet at 7:30 in the University School gym. perform two lyriC pieces by SHOWING ONLY The Arnold Air Society Conclave will meet p.m. in the Seminar Room of the Agri­ Edvard and a work by ONE at 8 a.m. in the Agriculture Building and culture Building. an 18th century Swedish com­ TOMITE AT 11:00 P.M. at 9 a.m. in Rooms C and D of the Univer­ Alpha Phi Omega will meet at 9 p.m. in the poser, Helmich Roman. BOX OFFICE OPENS 10:15 sity Center. Family Living Laboratory Home Eco­ Featured soloist will be In­ ALL SEATS $1.00 "Dybbuk" will be shown at 8 p.m. in Davis nomics 106 and 122. ger Wikstrom. noted Swedish Auditorium. Judo Club will meet at 5 p.m. in the Arena Student government will meet at 9 a.m. in concourse. itA hypnotic, Rooms R, C, D and E of the University Intramural weight lifting and conditioning engrossing Center. will meet at 8 a.m. in the quonset hut. Chemistry Club will meet at 9 p.m. in Room filml" Southern Players will present "King Lear" -C...... H.y._ at 8 p.m. at the Southern Playhouse. C of the University Center. will The Department of Theater will sponsor a Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship meet '" ONfMA ~Ea! lecture by Eric Christmas at 11 a.m. at II a.m. and again at 4 p.m. in Room in the Home Economics Lounge. E of the University Center. A powerful, IUI'Iinou$ Pi Omega Pi will meet at I p.m. in Room Circle K Club will meet at 8:30 p.m. in the and violent C of the University Center. Library Lounge. existential thriller!" The Iranian Student Association will meet at Phi Beta Lambda will meet at I p.m. in 3 p.m. in Room D of the University Center. the Library Auditorium. The university Center Programming Board ~;; - displays committee will meet at 2 p.m. !!" /-~ Sunday in Room E of the University Center. ~--=-- Thompson Point Social Programming Board Southern Film Society will present "Man in will meet at 9:30 p.m. in the Thompson the Moon" at 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. in Li­ Point government office. ~ . brary Auditorium. Gamma Beta Phi will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Intramural Athletics will have corecreational Room E of the University Center. ~~ =O~_~~ :~_ swimming at I p.m. in the University The Disabled Students' Advisory Committee School pool. Basketball will meet at I will meet at 10 a.m. in Room D of the p.m. in the University School gym. University Center. Womsolll WSIU to Broadcast Finals of Cage Regional; lheDunes "'Enthrallingl Right 'Die Walkure' by Met Also on Weekend Bill FRIDAY SATURDAY up there with the Dallas Thompson, Al Jacobs team will go on to Evans- 8 p.m. French and lialians and Harold Fuller will broad­ vUle for the finals in the Opera: The selection wUl be cast the play-by-play descrip­ NCAA small college division. "Macbeth." in nudity and tion of the finals of the Great Other features on WSIU FIl.M SOCIETY erotic passion." Lakes Regional Basketball RadIo: Monday -o.-p_.J_AlMrica.. Tournament from the SIU Arena tonight. 10 a.m. "Ways of Mankind" will be Jacobs and Fuller will han­ From Southern Illinois: A highlighted at 10 a.m. r.~~~;;~;;;;;;~~'====:=::=====i dle the consolation game be­ program for, about, and by This entertaining series ex­ tween the losers of Friday people of Southern Illinois. plores the customs and folk­ night's games at 7 p.m. ways in various parts of the Thompson and Jacobs will 12:15 p.m. world. do the play-by-play for the Southern "Unois Farm Re­ Other features: game that will decide which porter: All of the latest 1 p.m. farm news. Reader's Corner: Interpre­ ''Story tive readings of great books I p.m. with host Walt Richter. Tonight on WSlU "Metropolitan Opera:' The selection will be "Die Wal­ 2 p.m. "Mark Twain," the storyof kure." Paris Star Time: Entertain­ a towering figure in American ing performances recorded literature and his life along 8:30 p.m. on location in the French the Mississippi will he shown Jazz and You: The best mu­ capital. on Pathfinders at 7 p.m. on sic of leading jazz artists. 3:30p.m. WStu-TV. Concert Hall: Selections bv Other highlights: Sunday Bartok, and Ber­ lioz will be presented. 6:30 p.m. The "Shryock Concert" will What's New: Adventurewith be presented at 4 p.m. live a shark in the Sout;, Pacific. from Shryock Auditorium. An EdwardsvUle faculty group " () " 7:30 p.m. will be featured today. Jrene Public Affairs fo rograms­ Other highlights: "America's Crisis: The Hard Way." Efforts in St. 10 a.m. • ~I.g. Louis to rehabilitate school This is Baroque: Music of dropouts. the Baroque period. • pori•• 8:30 p.m. 1:15 p.m. Continental Cinema: "Voice Sunday MUSicale: Music de­ of Silence." Italian drama signed for a S~day after­ 607 S. Illinois 457-6660 in a religious setting. noon. PageS Mar.ch 6, ,965 SIU,=. Snow and the Camera: A Photographic Study

Winter Wonderland in Front of Morris Library •••

• •• Strikingly Recorded on Film by Hal Stoelzle DMLY:.EGY¥.nAM·:~:: ...... Fulbright Urges Rusk Spells Conditions Joint Proiects For Viet Negotiations With Soviets WASHINGTON (AP) - U.s. The Johnson administration WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. officials said Friday nightthat has carefully refrained from J . W. Fulbright, proposes joint a peaceful settlement of Viet setting forth what specific U.S. -Soviet ventures in opera­ Nam should include with­ conditions it would require tion of a Central American drawal of Communist guer­ to begin negotiations with the canal and in aid to under­ rillas from South Viet Nam and Reds on ending the Southeast developed countries as steps an end to any further infil­ Asian conflict. So far, ac­ toward reducing world ten­ tration of North Vietnamese cording to U.S. officials, North sions. men and arms. Viet Nam has given no hint Fulbright, Arkansas Demo­ The listing of require­ that it intends to end its at­ crat who heads the Senate ments for a peace solution tacks to the South and there­ Foreign Relations committee, was made known after Secre­ fore there is nothing to said that in a divided world tary of State Dean Rusk OUt­ negotiate about. there is "little promise and lined the Southeast Asian But as for what kind of considerable risk" in trying FROM THE PAGES OF HISTORY - A IIIOIIleIIt in history lived situation to 27 Latin-Ameri­ settlement would be satis­ to force settlement of such can ambassadors. factory as the end result of emotional issues as disarma­ again Thursday on the steps of the capitol in Washington in a re-enactment of Abraham Lincoln's second inauguration. Uncoln, Rusk's private talk to the negotiations, U.S. officials ment and German reunifica­ group was part of a U.S. ef­ said there would have to be tion. portrayed by actor Robert Ryan, delivered his inaugural address as others, taking the parts of Union officers and high govern­ fort to build support for its independence for South Viet But, he said, the path for ment officials, listen. (AP Pboto ) Viet Nam policy around the Nam and freedom for that resolving such issues may world. Other ambassadorial country to work out its own eventually be paved by "the groups will be briefed later. future. advancement of a great many Marines Take California Beach The Latin-American diplo­ projects of practical coo,Jera­ mats declined public comment tion, projects Which, tak~n by after the 50-minute session themselves, may be of little In Operation Silver .J.ance at the State Department. importance, but which, taken CAMP PENDLETON. Calif. move weH inland before Are you stili together, may have the effect (AP) - Twenty thousand Ma­ stopping to unload troops. Wilson Faces Crilu of shaping revolutionary new At a news conference after we.rtne attitudes in the world." rines stormed ashore Friday in a giant assault that was the first waves of Marines On tho_creasy Fulbright made his pro­ noisy and breathtaking to ob­ landed at this training ground Viet Nom Policy posals Friday night in a speech LONDON (AP)-PrimeMin­ kid slacks? prepared tor a Pennsylvania servers, but which top offi­ 80 miles south of Los cers said pointed up several Angeles, Greene acknowl­ ister Harold Wilson is facing State Unhersity audience. the worst internal crisis of his Weather conditions forced areas of weakness in U.S. edged that what he called a Fulbright to cancel the speech, equipment. "gun gap" exists in am­ four months in office. the but it was made public by Gen. W.M. Greene Jr., phibious operations. Labor party's left wing ap­ his office in Washington. Marine Corps commandant. Friday's landing was made parently was in open rebellion said Exercise Silver Lance, spectacular by explosive against his support for U.S. involving 58 ships and 65,000 charges buried on the beach action in Viet Nam. Estes Enters Pri80n~ men, showed a need for faster and detonated to simulate im­ Only Thursday night left­ assault ships, mis.~i1es to pact of shells from ships off wing members of Parliament To Serve 15 Years clear the skies of low-flying shore. but in actual combat. called on him to declare LEAVENWOR TH, Kan. (AP) planes and helicopters and Greene said. in-shore fire "publicly and unequivocally" - RUlie Sol Estes, whose fi­ new craft such as hydrofoiis. support of amphibious attacks that he is unable to support nancial manipulations ex­ which could hit a beach 2'~1 leaves much to be desired. the United States in its air ploded into a nationwide strikes against Communist scandal, entered the federal North Viet Nam. Tben Friday penitentiary virtually un­ Reinforcements Aid Viets a junior minister in his gov­ noticed Friday to begin a 15- ernment quit over the same year sentence. issue. It has been nearly two years In BaHle Near Da Nang Base His defection-the firstWil­ since a federal jury at EI paso, SAIGON, South Viet Nam "open war threats" against son has suffered - further Tex., convicted Estes on five (AP)- Fresh units of Viet­ North Viet Nam. threatens the government of 14 counts of mail fraud and namesE' rangers reinforced Rusk said in a New York party's four-vote margin over conspiracy. At the core were government fighters Friday speech Thursday night that the combined oppoSition of about $24 million of mortgages in a battle against the Viet U.S. forces are in Southeast Conservatives and Liberals in on fertilizer tanks that were Cong 40 miles southwest of A sia "to help independent the House of Commons. nonexistent. the big coastal air base at peoples resist aggressions. \ The mail fraud conviction Da Nang. Our troops could come home was appealed to the U.S. The new engagement in the tomorrow if the aggressors WE Supreme Court, but the court north began as another mas­ would go back North and stay \ refused to hear the appeal sive Vietnamese operation at home," Rusk added. HAVE , on Jan. 18 this year. against the Communists In a broadcast monitored in fizzled out in the jungle east Tokyo, NCNA said that, "Rusk A Hawaiian Volcano of Saigon. spread the lie that 'HanOi, On the diplomatic front, Red With the backing of Peking,' COMPLETE Blows Its Top; China made a new attack bad launched its increased \\ against the United States, in guerrilla aggressions and SELECTION , Poses No Threat effect calling U.S. Secretary Thailand has already been of State Dean Busk a liar who proclaimed as the next target OF HILO, Hawaii (AP)-Kilauea uses "gangsters' logic." of Peking." volcano erupted Friday spew­ The official New China t"ews ing out four flows of lava and Agency charged Rusk with F.. the 'inest in d•• ign. \\: spuring fiery orange foun­ \ tains 250 feet imo the air. .... Wives Take Back Seat , It was the finll major h.i.s. e eruption since 1963 of the To Husbands' Cars ~~:~9 ::.t.t a CLOTHES famed volcano, 20 miles from ~ fIIIrf Hilo on the island of Hawaii. LONDON (A P) - The find­ flower The first burst, two-thirds ings of an inquiry into the .hoppe of the way up the side of minds of British motorists. out Friday, says some dri'/ers ·'Flo.e,. 8, Wi, e" 980 - foot - deep Makaopuhi Get into some wised·up are secretly in love with their Free D.li.,.ry ~a crater, came after two hours automobiles and that a lot of STOA£ '011 M" Post-Grads that know where oi earth tremors. PHONE 549·3560 a crease should always be an:! I, was followed by three drivers have emotional and where it should never be. a'1~ psychological problems. CAMPUS SHOPPING CENTER 200 South Illinois. how to keep thihgs that ,\ay subsequent bursts. One lava a flow s!owly made its way The report said driving The reason is the Koratr,Jn fabric of 65% Dacron· 35", <) isolates a man emotionally to through forested area, but cotton. No mattt'r hOw many none of the four flows posed some extent from the worries times you wash andwearthese any danger to inhabited areas. of ordinary life. In time he Buy ••• h. i. ~. clothes trimly tapered Post·GrJd A rain of cinders and pumice becomes almost an addict and slacks, they'll stay (OfTlpletely fell up to a mile from the other means of transport be­ at neat and make the Ir.:m .Ji:'~o, crater. come almost unthinkable. lele. In lan, clav, bIJ':~. naw or loden, $6 98 :n ... ~;:,Ii~ c" gabardine, $7.98 in c~ford AI SWinging stores ~ALUKI CURRENCY EXCHANGE Press-Free' Campus Shopping Center Post-Grad • Check Cashin. .Dri.,.r's Licens• slacks by • Motory Public .Public Steftograph • • Man., Ord ...s • 2 Do, Licens. Plat. .Title S... .,ic. Service tltbt ~quire ~bop l.tb. • 5..... hou •• ':00 fa .;"~#h.i.s ..... )0 _, _ ..... : ..... : ... ''''"1''' .,. 6:00 ."• .,. dar. • Pcry your Gas, light, Phone, and Water Bills he,. Murdale Shopptng Center ...ch 6,.1965

FRANKS~TZ,NO.2SALUKISCORER LARRY LINDAUER, THE TOP POINT GETTER Lindaue, Top Scorer SIU Gymnasts Finish Successful Season With Record of 38 Consecutive Victories It was a highly successful The Saluki gymnasts added of the season when he scored the end and wound up with year for Southern's gym­ 11 mora victories, stretching 18 points against the Univer­ 93 points. nastics team and for several their consecutive dual meet sity of Denver. of the Saluki pP.rformers as winning streak to 38. Behind Wolf In fourth place Rick Tucker finished fifth weil. For the year the Salukl is Brent Williams. After in scoring with 81 points. team scored 803 points com­ missing the opening meet with Southern's single event men pared to their opponents' to­ a knee injury that bothered rounded outthe team's scoring YELLOWS. ARE· SOUGHT. BY - PEOPLE - OF. THOUGHT tal of 474. The team's high him for much of the season, with Mike Boegler's 59 points score was registered here Williams came on strong at leading the way. Tom Cook, against the University of Col­ orado when the gymnasts piled YELLOW CAB CO., ·INC. up 88 points. . The low score was also re­ corded here against Iowa Phone 457-8121 State University. Several of the gymnasts also had a big year in scores. The leading scorer for the PRESIDENT Salukis was Larry Lindauer, PHILIP M. KIMMEL CARBONDALE, ILL. the Sa1ukis- all-around per­ former. He accounted for 209 of the team's total points. This Fun Food Frank Schmitz, a three­ event man for Coach Bill is U.S.A. Meade, missed two meets when he was in London com­ peting in the World's Trampo­ line and Tumbling Champion­ ships, but still finished sec­ ond with 151 points. SPUDNUT-LAND Schmitz was the mOst con­ sistent of the Saluki perform­ ers as his scores ranged from Open 24 hours a day a meet low of 14 against Wich­ ita State University to a high of 18 which was recorded against four opponents. In Class Your Vision Third pl&.ce In the scoring dert>y went to captain Bill Wolf With 139 points. Wolf, who Really Does Count works three events, had his best performance at the start BILL WOLF ON THE RINGS r------'--B------. scored 43 points on the rings, Don't take c.: chance on your .lim rewner'. Hutch had 19 on the sight for vanity's sake. We (SIU Alum) ~~~mgoli~e t~d ::::ee~:;~i~c:. ta offer compiete gl asses, len­ ses and a selection of hun­ The latter two participated dreds of latest style frames College' !'!!!- in only six of the team's meets. (\~~ at only $9.50 Ho",. of the original "CHRIST "::) \\a\llf9 t and Thorough Ey. $3.50 ExalftillOtion Push·Button Saviors" .,.e a&o nuzie conaplse "Slo-Smoke" Bar-B-Q $.1:1. - 8:30 & 10:30 a.Ift. gJaae. ",Idle you ",ail! Contact Lenses $69.50 Inovranc. $10.00 p. y ..., Featuring Barbeeued CONRAD OPTICAL Pork Beef Oaieken8 Rib8 First Baptist Church Ac ..... "-III". V.... lty 110 ..., .. - Dr. J.H. Cllye. OplOllletris. AlIIO Homemade Pies & Cobblen (A. B.C.) Ca.... t.~ ~Mon ..... "_" -. Dr•. It.. ~" ...... Op_.,ri., ... P.LGne457:59~4 .lor Canj,O"ut ;. ' . SIU to Field Full Track Teams at University of Chicago Open

Frosh, Varsity DAILY EGYPTIAN Squads Ready By Roy Franke With everybody in the fold for the first time, Coach Lew Hanzog's indoor track squads head for the University of Chi­ cago Open today. The Salukis' freshmen and varsity teams will join West­ ern Michigan, Loyola, De­ Pauw, Notre Dame, and the host school in the meet. Al­ though no team scoring will be kept Southern has poten­ tial winnErs in several events. OMI Best chances for victory . fOIl YIM-IOUND appear to be nationally prom­ inent shot putter George Woods, speedy freshman with the flu since the start ···~~i' dashman Dwane . of the season. future distance star Dan But the Canadian speedster .}) ..:. FUGHTf':-' Shaughnessy, and SIU's track returned to practice last week mile relay quanet of Robin and may be ready to go this ······INSURANCE Coventry, Bill Cornell, Jerry afternoon. During the cross­ Fendrich and Gary Carr. country season he went unde­ s.. Your GOOD NEIGHBOR Woods, who only last week­ feated and topped off a brill­ BILL PUDIL end made his first appearance iant year by winning the MAKANDA, ILL of the season. appears the lO,OOO-meter U.S. Trace and PH. 549·2505 number I Saluki hope. The Field Federation cross-coun­ try championship. ~.. big senior from Sikeston, Mo., won his specialty last Satur­ Brooks, another first-year man. also appears set. The Ma!lJ4/. day at the lllinois Federa­ OfOlWlA: tion Indoor Meet at Champaign lllinois prep 220-yard dasb with a toss of 57 feet 3 inches. champ a year ago appears Although the distance was to have taken up where he far below his indoor school left off last year. recold of 60-7 1/2 it was Last weekend be gaveOlym­ pian Trenton Jackson of the DAN SHAUGHNESSY TROPICAL FISH creditable for this early in Over 70 Varieties the season considering South­ University of lllinois all he out to try to improve on their em's lack of practice due to wanted as Jackson just nipped marks. Mitchel Livingston JERRY FENDRICH will be trying to match his the weather. him at the wire in the 60- Kurfman and Dave Magee in Another Saluki who may vard dash. 6-4 effon in the high jump the 1,000; Coventry in the 600; and John Vernon will go after have to be reckoned with is . Brooks' time of 6.2 tied Alan Ackman and John Trow­ freshman distance ace Dan the SIU indoor school stand­ his 21-10 1/2 leap in the broad jump. bridge in the mile and Tom Shaughnessy who Will be mak­ ard sbared by James Lee and Curry in the two-mile. ing his first appearance of the Jim Steward. Southern's highly touted mile relay team is expected Southern will also enter a indoor season. The Alliston, Another pair of record set­ second mile-relay team com­ Canada, whiz has been out ters last week will also be to also be in the thick of HOUSE OF PETS things although the favorite posed of Brooks. McKenzie, Carlone and Stan Barnes. a Old Rt. 13 Eaa., llufllhyabo.., SIU Finder Hopes Salukis will have stiff com­ I'll. 684-3890 r... _Ifttm_t. petition from a good Loyola transfer from Iowa State. quanet. The Salukis' 3:16.4 A Hat With Any Other Tag eifon in the Michigan Relays still stands as the best time Daily Egyptian Classified Ads for the event among college Classifi"d advertising rates: 20 words Dr less are $1.00 per May Spell Defeat for Aces teams in the nation. insertion; additional words five cents each; four consecutive Just how well the Saluki issues for $3.00 (20 _ .. ds). Payable "efore the deadline. Remember Gerald Shaffer, successful this season solely which is two days prior to publication. except for Tuesday's quartet does may be ques­ paper, which is noon Friday. the Evansville fan who lost his because you've worn that red tionable, though, as Hartzog lucky red hat in the SIU Arena hat all season, that it would will also use three-founhs The Daily Egyptian does not refund _ney ....en ads el.e c .... and appealed to SIU fans bring on all manner of ill of the team in the two-mile celled. through the Daily Egyptian for luck if you .1idn't get it back, relay. help in finding it? a nd that the student body prob­ Other Saluki entries will The Daily Egyptian reserves the right to reieet ony advertising Well, he bas a red hat now, ably would drum you out of be Mike Bull and Richard compliments of George town at sundown the day of O'Hara, custodian of Anthony Ellison in the pole vault; Joe FOR SALE Girls: oaoms availoble ....Ing your next game if the rP-d bat lanezic in the high jump; Bill tenn. Coed's Comer (edg. of Hall. FolloWing is the letter With the Marshall Field tag Carlone, Eugene James, Bob Form, half wDoded, half op.n. campus at SW Colne. of Fa... t O'Hara wrote Shaffer before were still missing. no d •• lling. Per.anent lolt. & Mill St.) Has delux. aecom­ Jngsrad. and Livington in the _dations with _king privl- mailing the hat: So you now have your bat bn.:!d jump; Ralph Galloway and wDt.r. .I.ctriclty. good back, or a reasonable fac­ de.r area. PhDne 28 .. 2. Her· e in the shllt put. b ... Hook. VI_na. 326 ::=i;....~":~... $1';:OI C":I1' Dear Mr. Shaffer: simile thereof. Take it with Eddie kldlards. Carlone Li.pus Realty. .t57-81.1 for my good wishes. As you re­ application. 321 and Ingstad in Lh~ high and In a separate conta.iner I member, we tried green bats am sending you one red hat low hurdles; Cameron Mc­ Mobil. Hom. (AnI.rlc., ax38). SERVICES OFFERED to bring on the good fortune Kenzie, James. Vernon, and jI.;. _ditlon.... _ry cl ..... with white feather and band of a victory over the Aces Coventry in the 60; Jerry Call ..~.2;" ~~ 5 D.m. 320 Without a Marshall Field tag. last Saturday but they didn't [,ping - Thesis and ..... P ...... Perhaps it is not your hat. work. Probably we needed HOLIDAY RAMBLER Phone 68U52... 330 However, 1 was sitting in Sec­ green hats With Marshall Field Gib_ LD·l guit.. AI ... 1963 tion C Saturday night and just tags. Who knows? But we have TRAVEL TRAILERS Honda 300. $Q).oo. See at as the game ended the hat the problem under study. 805 S. Uftiverslty. 322 I am sending you came plum­ Again, accept this hat. I meting down, landing at my am happy you also have your 196. Ducatl SO. cl .....· In.,... Typiftg: in my home. Thlfty- feet. head back. We'll discuss pensi... c-,ous t ...... rtatio .. Ma ybe it is your hat, though, the meal you promised as a Call 157-724 317 :::: ;:!: ricil;:, M!:=' And all you are missing is a reward after we trounce the Herrin. Telephone 9.. 2 •• 930. Marshall Field tag, probably Aces in the NCAA College 331 a very ordinary Marshall Division finals. Long wire hoop fo. wedding o. Field tag at that. But myex­ TRAVEL TRAILERS _eni"9 gown. Fit. all sizes. WANTED perience has been that Mar­ Yours sincerely. Like n.w. _ once. Call .'5 M. ILLINOIS SC9.3490 after • p.m. 332 Female attendant to GSSlst shall Field tags are rather George O'Hara h ...dicopp. d student in actio poor :!s good luck charms. The Rockford Colleg~ Rockford, lUirulis ;:'t~r~fSh'!;!I)-"~~i:m. S~::1 hat, yes, but not the tag. I Comple.. 59-60 Pontiac ~ telln L Call "53-348'" 336 think you will find that the iIIf1it.ea enrvllmaata for 1M speed set up. Excellent con­ hat as is, whether yours or dition. saO.OO. AI... a bilce LOST not, will serve to keep Evans­ h.lmet size 7 1/8 $6.00. Call POUTIc.a SCIENCE UBOIUTORY-l965 "57.1428. 335 Rew ..... 5 dollars fo. return Df ville's victory string going un­ An aa-th.. opat .....-y 01 polltk:. _ ...._ 1ft w•• t ~ _ blue cardigan sweater.. Lost in til the Salukis return to Rob­ ber ...1",_. ~ J- 16..,. -'aIp;""'" A...... 14