For Summer Work, Pleasure and Sports at HIN & Iu ITS 29 59C

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For Summer Work, Pleasure and Sports at HIN & Iu ITS 29 59C PXTIBW aatuiiratinr Caitninjit iimtOH nO D AT, JOWB M , 18B«. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilks, of 16 AVWMHI D*n.X CXMOlILAnaii Walker street, are guests at the for the Moolk o f May, U M ABOUTTOWN Hotel Lincoln, la New Tork City. PHYSICAL DIRECTOR Mrs. Mary English of New Haven 5,819 U n . Owtruda QaUh of Bontoa Mwwetp tonight feOenad by gew- boot, « toachor Ja the BuckUnd Is spending the week with Mrs. PLANS EUROPE TOUR n M c o f the AndH ~~ ' hM laft for Travett, ICalna, Rebecca Wright o f lU HoU street eCi enlly fair and eaeler Snaday. aha will apand tha aummar, For Summer Work, Pleasure and Sports The name o f Lorraine Mitchell of MANCHESTER — A (.ITY OF VILLAGE CHARM the Washington school was not In­ a and who ara golo( to Clifford A. Gostafson, Teach­ VOL. L V , NO. 280. Nathan Hala camp and have cluded on the list furnished The MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1936. AlMnt in their appUcatlona, ara ra* Herald yesterday of pupils in the :i^MBtad to meat at tha Salvation elementary schools with perfect at­ er m Greenwich, to Sail Hale*s Present A Variety Of Fashions nny eltadal. Tuaaday momlnc at tendance for the school year of .. o’cloek, w lM they will leave for 108S-86. The addition of Miss J' >tte canq). Adjutant Valentina will Mitchell brought the total number Tomorrow. NAZIS LAY PLAN Welcoming: “ The Origrinal Roosevelt Man” ILvV'iffovlde tranaportatlon for thoael to 180. who require it. It ia important that White Wariiable . they oul him, dial 3787, ao that be DEMOCRATIC LEADERS Nutmeg Forest Tall Cedars of Clifford A. Gustafson of Hack­ DEATH TODAY TO END LEAGUE tnay know how many cara to pro* Lebanon, will bold the final meeting matack street who is physical di­ jfilda. U any child ia to be taken to HAND BAGS of the present season at tha Ma­ rector of the Greenwich High school COTTON DRESSES lake Iw parenta, be ahould be sonic Temple at 7:30 tonight Con­ Alligator grain leather. Alno to will sail on the Aqultanla tomorrow Bed. They are reminded siderable business must be trans­ with our selection of cotton dresses from four of the eoimtry’s leading man- linen bags. Top handle and en­ SHOOK TOWN RULE IN DANZIG all neceaaary camp clothea. acted. A full attendance of the with a graduate,group from the velope style. and other Itema. irfac^rera we are certain you can and the alze and style you xvant Keep cool READY FOR TONIGHT’S membership is desired. University of Michigan and New thlB Summer In cotton. Your choice of pique, dimities, broadcloths, seersuckers York University for an extended voiles and several other fabrics. Hr. and Ura. Wilfred J. Clarke of The Married Couples club of the tour of Europe studying the trend Promment As Ice Cream Prepare Dedaratioii of hde- nth Main atreet and their daugb- Second Congregational church will of physical educatlop. $ 1.00 e a c h have left for Stlnaon Lake, N. bold its annual meeting and supper, Among the countries to be vtslted •Marie Dressier Styles, Sizes Manufacturer Here; Pass­ pendeoce for Free Cjty Tuesday, June 80, at 6 o'clock at the are France, Germany, Austria, Italy, POLITICAL GATHERIN home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Denmark, 36ya to 521/2* /Ionian aervlcea of the Center Oon- Wright of Mather street Sweden, England and Scotland. Made-^well Brand es Away After Short Ill­ Whicli L eap e Has Cob- " ' atlonal and South Methodlat The group will attend the Olympic • L ’Aigrlon Styles, Sizes 14 to 46. PIGEON’S BREAD UNB bea, will begin at the latter Pupils of the primary and junior games in Berlin and will return the 18 BANNED BY COURT Roosevelt Renominated arch, Simday July 6, and continue- departments of the Second Congre­ second week In September on the •Hubrite Styles, Sizes 14 to 46. STRING GLOVES ness; Funeral On Monday. troOed Ever Since 1920. SAYS BALDWIN Auguat B, when they will be gational church school will have a Queen Mary. White only. Sllp-on styles. New York, June 27— (AP) — ferred to the Center church. picnic tomorrow at Hills Orove, • Nellie Don Styles, Sizes 14 to 42. A bread line for pigeons in the Session That Lasted Wapplng. The children will meet at Patrick J. O'Leary, prominent Ice Free of Dansig, June 37.— heart of the Fifth avenue shop­ caty LIED TO HOUSE ping district was doomed today I E31xabeth A. Krapowlcz who the church at 1:30 and cara will be cream manufacturer, and one of the (A P)—Nazi sponsurs in Germany hea in the Barnard achool will provided for their traimportatlon to by a court order. Maglstrats Midnight; Garner to the greater part of the Burn­ the grove by people of the church. beat known realdenta In thia aectlon, were reported today to have pre­ Bari A. Smith bad Cleo Long, er vacation at Dennla, Cape Cod. Races and other competitive games J. SALA died early thia morning at the Man- pared a declaration of independence ONAI^EFENSE who fed the hungry birds three Named at Brief will be played and refreshments All Kinds o f Fiurni- eheater Memorial hospital. He designed to end League of Nations meals a day, sign a promise yes­ Mlaa Irene Johnaon and John served. 'The committee includes to oupervlalon over this free area. terday that she would discon­ glaa will attend the State Con- had been a patient at the hospital Informed circles said negotiationa tinue the project. Today; Then Miss Oeraldlne Tenney, Miss Hazel ture Reupholstered p r . ainee June 6, Buffering from a stora- Denna Denny, a neighbor of ace for Congregational young Waters and Gordon Tuttle. The pic­ between Germany and Poland fore­ Laborite Attacks British Pre­ lie at Connecticut State Col,- and Refinished odi aUment. He was 64 years of shadowed an effort to "get rid pf the defendant, made the com- nic will be held regardless of a ^ . ^though prominently Iden- lalnt Her apartment has a Win Prepare aa repreaentatlvea of tlie weather. Expert Chair Oonlng the L ean e” with Reichsfuphrer mier as Storm of Criticism people’a organizationa of the Compare Our Prices! tuted as a Manchester man he has Adolf Hitler aiding the move per­ Szlcony. nter church. beem residing for several years past sonally. Dr. Watson Woodruff, Mrs. Wood­ AH Work Guaranteed. en' his farm in Vernon near Bolton The declaration, from Albert ruff and their daughters will spend Grows; “ Sqaire” Hmts . A apedal meeting of the Ameii- No Deposit Necessary. lake. Forster, youthful Dansig Nasi lead­ the month of July at Silver Lake, 83 Chestnut Street Owned Manchester jDalry. I’LiWon Drum Corpa will be held N. H. er, was to be issued here today and the atate armory tonight at 7 Phone 7842 or 4406 A pioneer in the restaurant buai- publiahed throughout (lennany at He’s Nearly Done. STATE’S DELEGATES Convention Hall, Phlh raock. Thirty membera of the nass In Manchester "Patsy" O’Leary the same time. June 37— (A P)— The Helen Davidson Lodge, Daughters Mpa wUl leave Saturday morning AT HIN & i u ITS established himself as one of the "The League and ita high com­ renominated President FraakUn of Scotia will conduct a food sale best known confectioners in the take part in the Worceater missioner in Danzig have noUiing London, June 27__(AP) —Lib­ CHEER CUMMINGS 3VA parade, leading the local tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock at eaatem part of Ooimectlcut. He more to do with settling differences Roosevelt in tbe early hours the J. W. Hale Corporation’s store.. organized the Manchester Dairy erals and Laliorites talked today of by aeelamatloh that atiU echoed j dt Members without tranaporta- fit better than In Danzig and Poland and their ex- a possible spilt In ConservsUvs ara especially requested to be lee Cream Company In 1914 and bis latence on the whole has become u- they reassembled to name John product was a beat seller in prao' ranks over the governmental at to receive instructions. ever this year perfluous,” Forster's statement de­ methods of Prime Minister Stanley Believe His Speech One of Garner his running mate again, i ' tlcally every community east of the clared. Baldwin. , then adjourn. FOOD SALE Specials Connecticut river. Five, years ago Snub To Oommlesloner Because thesr’re made of better The object of a scathing public While leaders studied weather ^ : Modern and OldiFashioned Saturday, June 37, 9 A. M. his compemy was absorb^ by the In addition, an Incident Involving the Highlights of the Con­ quality yams . because they're General Ice Cream Corporation, a offlcere of the German cruiser L«ip- attack, the prime minister retired ports fearful lest toe ext to his country home after telling a acceptance ceremony planned Hale’s Store Basement in our knit In more elastic patterns . , subsidiary of National Dairies and sig and Sean Lester, the League Attended by a group carryliig banners that proclaimed him "The Original Rooeevelt Man”, Governor James V r. O'Leary continued as manager school boy audience, "I shall not be night would be rained out, toe f DANCE Helen Davldron Lodge the new swim suits are famous for commlssloaer, added to well-circu­ M. Curley of Massachusetts arrived tardily but spectacularly at the Democratic convention in Philadelphia. here much longer.” vention. ventlon bad difficulty at tbs Danghtera of Scotia at the bualneaa. lated reports of "important Impend­ He is shown being greeted by James Roosevelt (left), son of the President.
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