

Series Secunda

Lett r e au Rédacteur e n Chef du Nuncius Sidereus MON CHER AMI, Sur Ia foi du Président qui affjrme que j'écris plus de 3.300 lettres par an pour le seul service de l'UAI, ou peut-être en raison des contributions passées aux journaux des Assemblées Générales, par exemple à ce Kosmos [ Moscou, 1958), où, avec mon vieux complice Schatzman, nous avons émis des idées définitives ( qu'en reste-t-ll?) sur !a structure de l'UAI, vous me demandez...... Sonnerie de telephone. Bxcusez cette lettre m terrompue: c'était un astro nome cannois qui auait vu hier soir un objet céleste; et est-ce que je pourrais lui dire sz? et est-ce que ;e ne pensais pas que peut-etre? des extra-terrestres? et.... . d'ailleurs il a vu des hublots très distinctement! ...... vous me demandez done quelques mots pour le Nuncius Sidere us, pour y parler des droits et des devoirs d'un Secrétaire Général... Beau sujet, s'il en est. La grandeur de ...... Excusez cette nouvelle interruption. On frappe à la porte. Il faut signer le courrier du jour. «With all good wishes». «With all good wishes, sincerely yours». «With all good wishes, sincerely yours». . . . Ah non, pas d celui-là! Tl n'est pas assez gentil avec moi. On mettra «sincerely yours», s1mplement. Bien. A demain, Christiane {voir figure no 1}. Et reprenons ma lettre inter rompue. Je disais done !'exaltation du Secrétaire Général, lorsqu'!l considère, avec le supreme detachement auquel il peut pretendre, aus-dessus de Ia mêlée, les developpernents excitants de notre si belle science. Ce ne sont que Quasars, ce ne sont q.ue couronnes. . . Et le fer ionisé, quatorze fois souvent, se laisse diffuser au gré de taus les vents {solaires, evidemment].. . Rien n'égale le Jyrisme d'un astronome en forme! ...... On frappe encore à la porte. Excusez cette nouvelle interruption. Ah, c'est vous, Arnošt? Quoi encore, le courrler d'au;ourd'hui? Mais ;e l'at signé! Ah, celui qui est arrivé? Bien . .. Quai done? Comment, ni Mademoiselle Mül ler, ni Monsieur Delhaye n'ont reçu le volume XII C? C'est scandaleux. Vous adresserez de ma part une lettre agressive au distributeur. .. Quoi? Sept pays n'ont pas encore payé leur contribution pour 1966? Eh bien, t ant pis pour eux, ils ne voteront pas t1Joir les statuts) ... Ah oui, mais l'un d'entre eux est celui d'u n membre du Comité Exécutif? Oh! The hell with it . . . Let us speak about it to-morrow. And what did you say about the accounts of commission 73? There are 2 dollars and 56 cents that do not appear on their

Dessin de J.-C. PECKER le astronomtque accueille 2900 astronomes do monde entier

En haut quelques tours du Prague aux cent tours. Au premier plan deux ques à 15 heures – et encore nne tours du KLEMENTINUM, ancien collège jésuite qui , après le Chateau fois pour le 23, 24 et 25 aofit où l'ex de Prague, était /e plus grand complexe architectural de Prague (con position ne sera ouverte que pour vous. struit de 1650 à 1750). La tour de droite est celle d'un O BSERVATOIRE A I'origine c'était un convent des (1721 à 1723/ avec la statue d' Atlas. A mesure que Prague s'industria bénédictins de Lombardie, remplacés lisait, les possibilités astronomiques étaient de plus en plus rares. par Ies frères mineurs de l'Observance A près la suppression de l'ordre des ;esuites ( en 1773 ), le Klementinum et ceux-ci à leur tour par des fran échut à l'zmiversite. A partir de 1777 s'y trouve une bibliotheque qui ciscains enfuis d'Irlande {en latin fut ouverte au public après 110 ans d'existence; elle totalise auiourd'hut Hybernia) qui y cultivaient dans un deux millions de livres et presque cinq mille manuscrits. A droite de ta tour de l'observatoire, TOMBE DE TYCHO BRAHÉ derriere le au fond, une partie de L'ÉGLISE DE quatrième pitller du côté vm•s le NOTRE-DAME-DE-TÝN où est enterr é maitre-autel de l'église de Notre- Tycho Brahé. Plus droite la tour de Dame-de-Týn. est venu mourir à accounts, but that are on our books? Let me see the books. l shall look at tlzat à II L'HÔTEL DE VILLE DE LA VIEILLE- Prague (en 1601); trois siecles plus to-night. .. Pourquoi fe me met s à parler anglals? Oui, d'accord, on est en France. But y ou know quite well l speak English when l am j urioust VILLE avec nne anclenne horloge tard (en 1901) on ouvrit son tom beau And I am really furious! . . . Think that the deadline for the reply from the astronomique. La photo est prise de sous le carrelage de l'eglise pour vé Presidents of Commissions is now over since . . . since. . . a.t least four weeks. la tour du pont Charles du côté de rifier si les catholiques y avaient Only three have replied! ... Well. Good bye. l mean au revoir. /e veux dire Ia Vieille-Ville (XIVe siècle), par Ia- laissé Je protestant Tycho et on te queUe on accède sur le pont Charles referma. Na shledanou . .. Ouf! Voilá Arnošt parti chez lui. Je suis seul maintenant, et, mon cher ami, fondé en 1357. LA MAISON D'EXPOSITION „U HY- vais enfin pouvoir repondre à votre demande si aimable et si f!atteuse ... SALLE BAROQUE DE LA BIBLIO- BERNU“ vous ouvrird ses portes dès La vie du Secrétaire Général? . . . Oh, encore le téléphone . . . THÈQUE DU KLEMENTINUM avec des le dimanche 20 août. Nous vous in- ... «Ah, c'est toi? Mats oui, ;e vats bien . . . Mais non, ;e ne suis pas malade. globes et des fresques representant vitons au vernissage solennel de l'ex- Mais oui, les enfants vont bien. Et t oi, tu vas bien? Et Jacques, il va bien? Ies cultures humaines dans Ia voûte. position des instruments astronomi- Ah bienf Alors embrasse-le bien de ma part. Oui, f'embrasserai l es enfant s . .. c'est ça Merci. Au revoir ... Quai? Ah, il faut que j'aille arroser le philo- dendron? C'est entendu. Au revoir. Au revoir ...» (C'était ma tante Nathalie.} Je reprends. La titche exaltante du Secrétaire Général, au service de la Collectivite Astronomique Internationale, est une des plus belles qui soient. Permettez-moi de vous en decrire l'essentiel. Tout d'abord se lever tôt .. De mon bureau, vers six heures du matin, et bien que je regarde vers !'ouest, les couleurs rouges et mauves d'un lever de soleil dans la brume mate des lointains de la Côte d'Azur apportent une note d'espoir et de beauté .. . Et il n'est que d'imaginer . . grand jardln les p r e m l r e s p o m Toe ... Toe ... Qu'est-ce encore? Ah quoi? J'avais oublié les problemes de è l'Observatoire! . .. Accessoirement, j'ai en eff et des responsabilités l'Observa mes de terre en Boheme. à Aux moines succeda pour cinq ans le toire de Nice. Entrez, Gisèle (voir f igure nº 1], entrez. (Tous les autres sont partis par l e car, mais elle a sa Simca – pour pouvoir discuter les atfaires T h éâ t r e t c h èq u e p a t r i o t i de l'Observatoire, quand on n'est plus dérangé par celles de l'UAI, et elle q u e, puis le batiment fut occupé par Ia Douane et un dépôt de tabac. Spé ne r epartira que quand toute la pile de dossiers sera épuisée!) J Bon, il y a eu la llvraison de la Peugeot ... Rein quoi? Elle est verte? Je n'en veux pas. cimen d'un style assez rare à Prague j'ai dit «bleu Observatoire», nom d'un chien... rlen d'autre. Ils veulent I'Empire. En haut de Ia façade sur le fourguer leurs vieux cocous aux Domaines. Mats ça ne se passera pas comme pignon on v'Jit l'aigle impérial des ça! Next? Ah quai, les harkis ont fait du feu dans la remise près des dépôts Habsbourg avec le lion de Boheme de meubles? Bon, ce ne sera pas le premier tncendtet Dttes à Mattes de fatre sur Ia poitrine. une distribution de cigarettes après le travail - pas avant. Next? Quoi? les A droite derrii!re le bàtiment com factures pour l'ampll de Milet ont été refusées? Parce que le fourntsseur avait mence Ia rue Hybernská. Le no. 5 est marqué sur la facture «Service d'Astrologie »? Passez-moi la facture. 11 saura l'aancien h6tel Swerts-Špork ( oelnl du ce que j'en pense, l'animal. Next ? Ah, vous avez raison; il faut écrire une propriétaire du théâtre U Hyber.uu), lettre au Recteur pour Madame Endignoux: ce ne sera iamais que la septieme. un palaJs Louis XVI construit par Et l'eau n'arrive plus chez Madame Colin? J'écrirai une fois de plus qu'il me Ignace Palliardi. Si vous vous mettez faut 80 millions pour l 'eau; c'est entendu. Je ne les aurai pas,. . . . mais j'aurai de l'autre côté de ia chaussée, vous [suite page 2) (suite page 2) Le Prague astronomique accuille... (suite de la 11 verrez un astuce architectural unique. L'architecte pragois Josef Gočár fut chargé de la tâche suivante: gagner un espace pour les nombreux em ployés d'une grande banque (la Banque anglo-tchécoslovaque) sans altérer l'ancienne coulisse de la rue. Il remplaça le toit du corps de bâti ment antérieur par une terrasse, con struisit un nouveau corps de bâtiment de fond avec de nombreuses fenêtres - et cacha les cheminées dans une sorte de guirlandes. Continuez à marcher dans la rue. Le no. 7 est une architecture baroque, l'ancien hôtel Kinsky. C'est là que se constitua en FACULTÉ DE DROIT de l'Uni que vous vous inscrirez, que vous 1912 le parti bolchévique de Russie. A versité Charles (1928-1929), du trouverez les principaux fonction La conférence histo.rique de Prague 12 au 31 août siège de l'Union naires de l'Union, que se tiendront fut pr ésidée par V. I. Lénine (la salle Astronomique Internationale. C'est là certains symposiums, etc. a été aménagée dans son état original, à l'hôtel se trouve actuellement le Musée Lénine). En 1920, la maison fut occupée par les sociaux-démocr ates f suite de la 1/ de gauche. Ils furent chassés par la f att mon devoir. Ah, il faut que fe sois samedi à la réunion du CNES? Ecrivez police, sur quoi fut proclamée une de ma part à Lebeau – mais poliment, heinJ - qu'il me casse les pieds. grève générale dans toute la ré Next? Quot encore? Couteau a commandé six mètres de fils à micromètre publique – grève qui n'eut point de de 17 mm, et son crédit «équipement» était épuisé? . . . Je mettrai ordre succès et causa que la Tchécoslova à cela ... [17 minutes de conversation variée) ...eh bien au revoir, eh bien quie eut pendant vingt-cinq ans un Where the Congress Meets au revoir, eh bien au revoir ... gouvernement bourgeois. Mais des A Faculty of Law K House of Artlsts Pardonnez-moi, mon cher ami, ces interruptions. Croyez qu'elles n'affectent luttes pour cette maison sortit le Parti en rien ma profonde satis!action de cette tâche que je commençais seulement B Faculty of Philosophy L Lucerna communiste de Tchécoslovaquie (en H Park of Culture à vous décrire . ... 1921 ). Continuez toujours, traversez la (Coup de téléphone à ce stade. Voix féminine. Censured.) rue. Le no. 13 est LA PLUS ANCIENNE . . . que je commençais à vous décrire. Donc, un matin calme, sur l'horizon GARE DE LA VILLE, PRAGUE-CENTRE, brillant de la Méditerranée, où se jouent les rayons déjà éblouis du soleil un édifice Empire de 1845. Le premier Places of Astronomie Interest levant. C'est pour moi l'heure du courrier . .. Dans le calme paisible, troublé train y ar r iva il y a 122 ans, le 20 a Academy – Astronomical lnstitute p Planetar ium seulement par le des cigales, et la brise qui agite les genêts d'or du août 1845. k Klementinum u University Astronomical Institute Mont-Gros, je dicte calmement mon courrier, les 17 lettres (dont si peu Bohumil BÍLEK l The People' s Observatory d'importantes!) de l'UA!, les 19 [si agréables à dicter! J de l'Observatoire, et quelques autres rapports de moindre grandeur . . . Besogne aisée donc .. . (figure n° 2?) ... Nom d'un chien de nom d'un chien de nom d'un chien (fe connais des équivalents tchèques et slovaques plus vigoureux encore ... Arnošt Jappe! ne m'a rien laissé ignorer .. . ). ll faut que j'abrège cette lettre. Il est déià onze THE EXHIBITION OF heures du soir. J'ai oublié de dîner, et ;e n'ai fait que commencer à prépar er mon Importante conférence à la Faculté des Sciences sur «l'effet de rugosité ASTRONOMIA NOVA 67 optique dans ses rapports avec le ,fishbone' etfect; historique, l ogique, logisti En dehors de l'inscription, la toute que, et prospective du problème» ... Mais ce sera vite fait, à vrai dire. première entreprise du Congrès: Besogne aisée, disé-je. Et rna journée est terminée . . . Car mes lettres dictées (au dictaphone}, il est neuf heures du matin. Le car de l'Observatoire arrive, l'ouverture de l'exposition d'instru bourré de charmantes secrétaires, d'actifs techniciens, d'astronomes (solaires ments astronom iqnes modernes, la - les autres dorment) .. . Il ne me reste pl us (voir figure no 1 .. . la même, plus grande qui ail jamais eu lieu en mois oui) qu'à vivre sur la Riviéra cette vie de rêve qu'est celle du Secrétaire Tchécoslovaquie. CARL ZEISS JENA Général qui a fini de dicter son courrier. Tout au plus doit-il rechercher de et trois producteurs du pays repré temps en temps un dossier égaré, vider un ou deux verres de whisky (ou sentent le camp socialiste, sur une su de slivovitza – en vue de se préparer à l'Assemblée Générale de Prague). . . perficie de 500 et 93 m2. FEINTECH Quelque fournisseur Importun, quelque astronome inquiet .. . Cela n'est rien . . . NIK WIEN occupe 80 m2, trois firmes Et comme l'heure du courrier, à cinq heures du soir est vite arrivée! . . . Trop ouest-allemandes 58 m2 (RHODE UND vite! Mes accortes secrétaires parties, je reste dans l'Observatoire vidé . . . J'ouvre les volets. et cette fois, jaunes et pourpres les nuages lointains SCHWARZ, MÜNCHEN, SPEZIAL-GLAS encadrent les montagnes grises, où la tâche, plus très éclatante du sole11 se GmbH, MAINZ ET ZENTRALWERK noie lentement, lentement, lentement ... STATT GÖTTINGEN GmbH), trois mai sons françaises 32 m2 ( REOSC PARIS, OPTIQUE-ELECTRONIQUE-MÉCHANI QUE DE HAUTE PRÉCISION. TRANS- Dessin de J.-C. PECKER -EN -PROVENCE ET COMPAGNIE DES COMPTEURS, MONTROUGE). GRUBB PARSONS de NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE expose sur 25 m2 et OWENS- -ILLINOIS. TOLEDO/OHIO sur 12 m2. ZEISS expose 25 instruments; le 26ème n'a pas pu entrer par la porte du palais U hybernii. Vous le verrez au nouvel observatoire d'Ondřejov. .L. ELEKTROČAS, PRAHA, DIOPTRA, 12 Hybernia Turnov et l'INSTITUT DE RECHER Hotels 13 jalta CHES DE GÉOD ÉSIE, TOPOGRAPHIE 14 jednota 1 Alcron 15 Koruna Ef CARTOGRAPHIE de Prague ont 2 Ambassador 16 Merkur apporté dans l'émulation des instru 3 Atlantic 17 Meteor ments qui n'ont été en service que 4 Axa 18 Opera récemment ou même des prototypes 5 Belvedere 19 Palace 6 Central 20 Park hotel mis au point en collaboration avec 7 Centrum 21 Paříž les instituts de l'Académie tchécoslo 8 Druřba 22 Slovan Drawtngs by vaque des Sc iences. 9 Esplanade 23 Tatran Otakar 10 Evropa 24 Zlatá husa Le secrétaire scientifique principal 11 Flora 25 5. květen ŠTEMBE RA de l'Académie, le professeur Jaro se slav PLUHAŘ inaugurera l'exposition avec le directeur de l'observatoire du Entrée du PARC DE LA CUL ginaux et moulages de plastiques mo C'est le moment de vous ecrire . . . Et cette lettre est maintenant finie . . . Pic du Midi, le professeur J. RÖSCH H TURE et d u r epos Julius Fu numenta les en pierre du début du Comme je regretterai cette vie charmante, faite d'Instants si nombreux de et avec le directeur de l'Agence de čík INAUGURATION DU XIe à la fin du XIXe siècle. Si vous paix, de détente, et la douce quiétude, bientôt terminée, de l'existence d'un publicité Rapid, qui a été chargée CONGRÈS mar di le 22 aoüt à 10 lt 15. en avez le temps, faites un petit Secrétaire Général . . . Merci de m'avoir donné l'occasion de vous le dire ... de la réalisation de l'exposition, Bí Si vous arrivez plus tôt, arrêtez-vous saut vers la gauche {au cas où Très sincèrement, à droite au DÉPARTEMENT LAPIDAI vous vous intéressez l'instruction publique en astronomie}: PLANÉ Votre ami, RE DU MUSÉE NATIONAL - ori- JEAN-CLAUDE PECKER TARIUM, construit à partir de 1958. Et si le coeur vous en dit de P.S. - Depuis que lques mols. fe dois pr endre des «opttmtsants». Or, aujourd'hui, vous promener parmi des fleurs, vous par erreur, je n'avais pris qu'une partie des pilules prescrites. Excusez-moi. Mals avez là le PARC qui fut pendant des où est donc la vérité? D'où les deux dessins cl-joints, qui représentent chacun siècles propriété des ROIS de Bo l'entière vérité bien en tendu. hême. Si vous aimez l'architecture Car il ne saureat y avoir qu'une seule vérité....l Est-ce celte de la figure n° 1? baroque, ne manquez pas de voir le Est ce celle de la figure n° 2? CHÂTEAU DE TROJA, avec son esca lier monumental, orné de statues de divinités et de géants, avec des fres ques à l'intérieur et un jardin ba roque à l'extérieur. Et si vous êtea THE CONGRESS MEETS accompagné d'enfants, poussez enco re un peu plus loin, au JARDIN ZOO LOGIQUE de Prague avec 2000 ani LES MEMBRES DE L'UAI sont priés de bien vouloir prendre rendez-vous pour maux (pr esque 500 espèces). inror ma lion on pour toute autre matière avec les officiels oo employés suivants Photos Jindi'ich MARCO de l'UA! : Le Secretaire Général: J.-C. PECKER, problèmes concaraaot la politique générale de l'UAI. © et edité par le Comité Local d'Orga Le Secrétaire Général Adjoint: I. PEREK, problèmes ceaoernant laa questions rela nisation d u XIIIe Congrès de l'Union tives au contenu scientifique de I'Asaemblée Générale. Astronomique Internationale. Président La Secrétaire Adjoiilt: A. JAPPEL, questions de finances. du comité de rédaction: Jiří GRYGAR. L'Editeur de l'UAI: Mlle G. DROUIN, procès verbal des réunions efficielles (As Rédacteur en chef Bohumil BILER. semblée Générale, Inaugural Ceremony Joint Discussions, Invited Discourses). Arrangement typographique Milan AL Madame D. BRANDT et Mlle e. CASENEUVE faellltaront avec plaisir les rendez-vous BICH. Rédaction: Faculté de droit de antre Membres et Officiels de l'UAI (Président, Vice-Présidents, Conseillers, Secré l'Université Charles, Chambre 144, Nám. taire Général o. Secrétaire Général AdJoint ). Curieových no. 7, Praha 1. lmprimé par Les Présidents de Commissions sont naturellement priés de na pas hésiter da MIR, e. n., établissement 1, Václavské prendre contact avec le Secrétaire Général sur n'importe quel problème. nám. 15, Praha 1. DISSERTATIO PRAGAE CVM MCMLXVII 22. VIII .

Series Secunda Ondřejov Observatory Welcomes All Members of the IAU /UAI TRIPS TO THE ONDŘEJOV OBSERVATORY. The Astronomical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences has the honour to invite Members of the IAU and their Guests to visit the largest observatory in this part of Europa.

Drawing by Otakar ŠTEMBERA

1 D

The big instr ument on a small pi cture {by Karel H erman-Otavsky J The inauquratton of the TWO METRE TELESCOPE w ill take place on Wednesday, August 23rd at 14 o'clock

The spectrograph in the Cassegrai n focus of the new telescope


1901-Josef fan FRIC, the founder of the obser vatory

' COMBIEN DU TEMPS Participants are free to join any of the f on r groups listed below. Each group will have in attendance at least one specialist from each of tha UN ASTRONOME various departments of the Institute. To satisfy i n t e r e st i n a s p e c i f i c f i eld, a II scientific staff members of each department will accompany one of the four trips, as DOlT -IL RESTER indicated. THURSDA Y, Aug ust 24th, 8,00 a. m. - 1.00 p. m. Upper Atmosphere A PRAGUE 1,30 p . m. -- 6,30 p. m. Meteoric FRIDAY, August 25th, 8,00 a. m. - 1,00 p . m. Solar Physics 1,30 p. m. -- 6,30 p m.m . Ast.rometry and Geodetic pour qu'il se couvre de gloire? Astron omy

Le seule durée du congres ne Group one departs from point 7 of the plan, group two from point 8, three from point 3 and four from area D of the plan. suffit probablement pas, bien que, Buildings and instruments of the Ondřejov observatory are pictured in the de toute evidence, le temps né- oooklet ASTRONOMY IN CZECHOSLOVAKIA. B. ŠTERNBERK, Director cessaire pour accéder à la gl oire devienne historiquement de plus en plus court. CHRISTIAN a exercé son activité à Prague egalement pendant douze JOHANN a séjourné à Prague ans (de 1835 à 1847), mais dès 1842 11 publia son Traité sur Ia lumière de douze annees entières; en ce temps coul eur des étoiles doubles. il a produit l'œuvre Astronomia nova ALBERT n'a passé à Prague que trois semestres; on dit qu'U y avec deux lois sur les mouvements des avait medité sur ses thèses fondamentales de la théorie générale de la planètes; dans ses expérimentations à rélativité. 1901- The man sitting on the ri ght, with his /tat on, is pr ofessor NUSL Prague il a dilment entamé Ia troi- [1867- 1951/ at the circumzenithal instrument, the then pride of the sième loi, il écrivit à Prague sa Di- Il est done très difficile d'extrapoler les valeurs donneées, mais vous pouvez observatory. optrique. t oujours l'essayerl. ZH Oldřich STARÝ, rector of Charles experts on canalization who University by decree issued by are known all over the space-world. THE NATIONAL COMMITTEE the president of the republic on Why Is Prague This will be a good basts for making interplanetary business contacts, and Frantisek ŠORM, President of the May 1945. After liberation, he September 15th, 1966, neurologist. perhaps then with their assistance Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, was an official of the Social De His scientific work on the patho- Dug Up? the Prague communication system is a chemist and biochemist mocratic Party, a deputy of the genesis of migraines has become could also be solved. In answer to the many inquiries as who founded and is now heading National Assembly and a member the basis of treatment used until the present. Monograph on dis to why Prague is so dug up and why b/ On the other hand, if the space several scientific schools. In the of the Central Committee of the the digging spreads day after day, beings come to Prague with unfriend chemistry of natural substances, Czechoslovak Union of Youth. eases of the nerves that arise we are glad to be able to give ly intentions, dug up Prague could especially in the field of terpenes After February 1948 a deputy of from slipped spinal discs. He test you an exhaustive explanation on the be considered a part of the defense and biologically effective, active the Social Democratic Party's ge ed the reflex theory for the treat r eal reason for this w ork which, unt il system. First, it will serve as ca plant structures, he developed re neral secretary, after its merger ment of spastic paralysis and now, has been a carefully guarded mouflage w hich will disorient tlze enemy wlzo came under the impress search programs of the basis of with the Communist Party its worked on the problems of the secr et. The inf ormation was given to new methods of physical chemist pathophysiology of pains. 50 ori our reporter by a Important ion that Prague is a city which was member. In 1948-49 in the cultur Person who does not want to be built a long time ago. Secondly, it will ry and indexing, which led to the al-publicity department of the ginal scientific papers. Head neurologist at the State Sanator named, so that he can remain a Very give a certain advantage to the na discovery of two terpenes. He Communist Party's Central Com Important Person. t who are well acquainted with built up a research school on mittee, since 1949 uninterrupted ium in Prague, 1952. Associate t he topography of their own town. steroid compounds which formed professor of neurology at the Fa The Prague diggings wlzich are pre Besides, the groups of anti-cosmic de ly a member of the Communist sented to t he public eye as work on the basis also of their production Party's Central Committee; pro culty of General Medicine in f enders are re-trained every 24 hours, Prague, 1952; its professor in 1963. the improvement of the communica in order to be prepared for their by Czechoslovak industry; among fessor at the Law Faculty in Prague, tion and canalization systems are these are vitally important medi Doctor of Medical Sciences difficult defense task. The tlzlrd, and Doctor of Historical Sciences; actually preparations for welcoming by no means the smallest advantage cines such as hormones. Equally since 1954 in the diplomatic (DrSc.) and corresponding member or other beings from outer of the Academy of Sciences is the fact that this terrain annul s important, if not more so, is service, ambassador in London, space.-We proceed with the follow t he speed super iority which earth Šorm's Biochemical School, deputy-foreign minister, ambas 1960, member of the Central Com i ng altematives: vehicles propelled by rockets certain especially in the investigation of sador and head of the permanent mittee of the Czechoslovak Com a] If space beings come with ly possess, and then the theoretical high polymer systems, proteins, Czechoslovak mission to the UN; munist Party, 1966, foreign friendly intentions, they will think ly negligible speed of Prague trams nucleic acids and, above all, pep since 1965 Minister of Education member of the Soviet Academy that the dug up condition of Prague will have a certain practical value tides. The results of this research and Culture and also a cor of Medical Sciences 1967. Born is a kind effort of their hosts, be for the defenders. 1914 in Plzeň. cause they will easily see that an are international successes that responding member of the Cze When our repor ter asked how long followed the discovery of some attempt has been made to ad;ust the choslovak Academy of Sciences. l ook of the earth's surface to the Prague will be kept in this "digging" substances which inhibit cancer stage, in the event t hat no visitors Alois ZÁTOPEK, chairman of the appearance of other which ous growths. Matej LÚČAN, Trustee of the Slo are untouched by human civilization. from outer space appear, he was ad vak National Council for educa Academy's Scientific Collegium on Born in 1913, he graduated from vised by the Very Important Person tion and culture since 1963. He Astronomy, Geophysics, Geodetics And further, if the Martians come to direct his inquiries to the Astro the Chemical-Technological En and Meteorology. This first pro here first, which is most likely con nomical Congress since the answer neering Institute in 1935, ob became a deputy of this council in 1963. Since 1954 he bas been fessor of geophysics at Charles sidering the distance, dug up Pra is to be found in the stars. tained the title Doctor of Technic gue will present a good opportunity heading a department at the University was elected cor al Sciences in 1936; research to start a little cooperation with the GABRIEL LAUB Central Committee of the Com responding member of the Aca chemist at the Škoda Works in munist Party of Slovakia, since demy in 1953. He educated a Plzen, then in chemical and steel 1958 member of the Centr al Com whole generation of geophysicists, production; professor at the Czech supervised research work on Technical University in Prague, mittee. Between 1959 and 1963 he headed its Department for Pro methods of determining the mag 1946, at Charles University, 1950; paganda, and since 1963 he has nitude of earth tremours, around Director of the Institute of Organ which research on earthquake ic Chemistry and Biochemistry, been a member of the Ideological Commission of the Central Com activity and the structure of the deputy of the National Assembly, mittee of the Czechoslovak Com earth both at home and abroad three state prizes, two Orders of munist Party in Prague. now revolves. He has been presi Labour, The Fritzsche and a dent of the European Seismological further two foreign medals, Ludvik ČERNÝ, Mayor of Prague Commission in two periods of member of the Soviet Academy of since 1964; born in 1920 in Prague. office, he is being frequently Sciences and seven other academ Secondary school, began at the asked to co-operate with UNESCO ies, Dr. h. c. of two foreign uni Technical Institute, but all uni (Intergovernmental meeting on versities; among the first group versities were closed down in Seismology in 1964, the recon of academicians named, 1952; in 1939. Forced laborer under the struction of Skoplje, the Seismism the same year the first Nazis at the ČKD Prague enter of Macedonia, 1963-1966, earth Scientific Secretary of the Aca prise, a firm that has been fre quake in Anatolia, 1966, etc.). demy of Sciences. Elected its quently reorganized, amalgamat Year of birth: 1907. Vice-president in 1957 and re ed and renamed. Ludvik Černý elected in 1961, became its Presi was a w orker during the war, dent in 1962 and as such, he then an office employee, he held L'ubor KRESÁK is the top repre participates in meetings of the various economic functions, was sentative of astronomy, geophys Czechoslovak government. economic deputy to the firm's ics and meteorology in Slovakia director; while working he took as the chairman of the Collegium Jiři HAJEK, Minister of Education, a course in engineering at the of the Slovak Academy for these year of birth: 1913; graduate of Department of Economic En sciences. In astronomy itself, he the Law Faculty of Charles Uni gineering at the Technical Uni is the second highest: he is de Trente demi-colonnes ornent Ia fa has divided bis love between books, versity in Prague; worked in the versity in Prague, elected deputy puty director of the Astronomic çade Renaissance de 150 m de long trade and politics. Born in 1913 in du PALAIS CERNIN qui s'ouvrira pour Vienna. Illegal member of the Re field of finance and, at the same to the Prague National Committee al Institute of the Slovak Academy vous mardi le 22 AOÛT À 21 HEURES. volutionary National Committee in time, in political and student or in 1960 and at the same time ap of Sciences. In his own field of ganizations. Arrested by the GE pointed deputy-mayor and chair Le president du Conseil fonctionnant Hořice, chairman of the local Na specialization - the research of tional Committee (1945, May-Octo man of the Planning Commission vous accueillera dans le siège actuel STAPO in 1939, sentenced to twelve interplanetary matter-he is the du mlnistere des Affalres étrangères. ber), regional deputy in Prague in years in prison, held in the Wald of the City of Prague's National leading scientist in Slovakia. In Remarquez sur Ia voûte du grand October 1945, member of the Com heim concentration camp until Committee. the IAU he is active in two com escalier Ia fresque Lutte des Titans munist Party of Czechoslovakia and missions (20-position and paths (par le peintre pragois V. V. Reiner deputy at the National Assembly, of planets, comets and satellites, de 1718) 1946. Minister of Internal Trade, 1948; Minister of Foreign Trade, 1959, and and 22- meteors and meteorites) FRANTISEK KRAJČÍR, officiating pri deputy-premier of Czechoslovakia, as well as the Work Commission me minister of Czechoslovakia; he 1963. for the paths of comets. Year of birth: 1927; RNDr. Prague 1951, Candidate of Science 1957, As sociate Professor of Astronomy, HIGHLIGHTS FROM . . . Bratislava 1961, Dr. of Science ... a Hommage of Gratitude to the Organizers and Exhibiters 1967. Over 80 papers. of Astronomia Nova, opened on Sunday, August the 20th ... wholehearted congratulations the instruments which will help them Bohumil ŠTERNBERK, director of and thanks to all those, organizers best in their investigations . . . the Astronomical Institute of the and exhibitors, who have participated (signed:) P. SWINGS Czechoslovak Academy of Scien in this wonderful undertaking. We ces; president of the Local Or are convinced that the Exhibit of President of the International ganizing Committee. In January Instruments . . . will render real ser Astronomical Union of this year he celebrated his vices to all the astronomers and, 70th birthday. University studies particularly, to our young colleagues. in Prague and Berlin. In the latter The latter will find here inspiration city he worked in the Babelsberg for the construction and acquisition of observatory under professor Gut nick, specializing in photographic and photoelectric photometry. ... a speech Served as assistent to professor The researchers at the astronomical Heinrich, at Prague University, institutes of the Czechoslovak Aca then to professor Nušl (vice-pre demy of Sciences, the Slovak Aca sident IAU 1928- 1935, died 1951) demy of Sciences and at the univer THE DEVELOPMENT OF ASTRONOMY at Ondřejov. Director of observa sities are dignified successors in the IN CZECHOSLOVAKIA- exhibition in tory at Stará Ďala (the present famous tradition of Czechoslovak Queen Anne's Summer Palace-open Hurbanovo) in Slovakia where, ed Monday, August 21st. astronomy, which is documented at among other things, he obtained the exhibition opened in Queen Prof. M. MINNAERT from Utrecht, the first pictures of Pluto in Anne's Summer Palace. The Netherlands, with the president Europe. With super -human effort of the Local Organizing Committee, he saved the 60 em Zeiss reflect The organizers of the XIIIth Gene B. Sternberk. or-which he, at one time, put ral Assembly in Prague have made A new set of instruments of the In justified use of this occasion, when stitute of Radio Engineering and into operation-as well as a con siderable part of the library for the world representatives of astrono Electronics, Czechoslovak Academy mers meet in Prague, to arrange a of Sciences. Experts of Dr. Štern Czechoslovakia, so that they did berk's Time Service department took not fall into the hands of get-together of producers and "con- SPECIAL-GLAS Mainz-the maker of part in the development of the In Horthy's regime of Hungary, 1939. sumers'' on such a suitable ground lenses at the exhibition U Hybernii. stitute's astronomical instruments. Research of cosmic radiation in and thus to create a possibility for St an d a r d p e a c e s were put to Prague; after the closing of Cze the producers of the apparatuses to © et edité par le Comité Local d'Orga gether with a c u r r e n t T V s e t, choslovak universities, he built come into a closer contact with those so that exact time can be calculated who will work with their products. nisatlon du XIIIe Congrès de l'Union at any place where TV pictures are up a time service which today Astronomlque Internatlonale. Président serves os the base for tracing du comité de rédaction: ]tfl GRYGAR. seen. Our staff photographer Jindřich . . . The display of these results of Rédacteur en chef Bohumtl BILEK. MARCO brought this snap from the artificial satellites for the social man's skill and ingenuity brings a Arrangement typographtque Milan AL- first floor of the exhibition ist countries. He heads the Cze great satisfaction. BICH. Rédaction: Faculté de droit de choslovak Astronomical Society at J. PLUHAR l'Université Charles, Chambre 144, Nám. the Academv of Sciences. Vice- Curiových no. 7, Praha 1. Imprimé par A plastic by DEMARTINI: The Chief Scientific Secretary MIR. e. n., etabllssement 1, Václavské Exactness of Modern Science president of IAU, 1958-1964. Bí Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences nám. 15, Praha 1. DISSERTATIO PRAGAE CVM MCMLXVII 23. VIII.

Series Secunda Le Congrès est ouvert - aux sons d'u n e musique classique Entre deux morceaux de musique exécutés avec une perfection telle lourde au cours du prochain trien que le piaillement des moineaux qui en constituait un agreable bruit nat; enfin. que la Société Astrono de fond arriuait à peine à le couvrir, ont été présentés les discours mique de Tchécoslovaquie fête cette année son cinquantenaire? }e profite d'ouuerture du Congrès. de l'occasion aussi pour rendre hom efforts and means on a small number mage à Ia memoire de Dr. Bečvář, of fundamental, topical scientific dont les Atlas rendent tant de servi problems. We believe that the situa ces, notamment à nos élèves et à nos tion in Czechoslovak astronomy in jeunes collègues entrant dans Ia car this respect is not bad; a few larger rière. working groups with clear and Nowadays there is a tendency to systematic programs have been set ward teamwork. This is excellent in up. However, the principle-n o t t o many cases. But let us beware: we d i s p e r s e e f f o r t s-should be shall always need the initiative of fought for all the time; there is al individualistic thinkers. Let us never ways a c e r t a i n s t r a i n between discourage a scientist working in his a rational directive towards con ivory tower. We definitely need large centrated ccllective work and natural and expansive telescopes, but let us centrifugal tendencies of individuals still encourage astronomers belonging whose thinking, work enthusiasm and to modest institutions and using their individual interest, in the long run, brain. The training of young astro push scientific progress forward. nomers and of enthusi ... 360 years ago Prague was a real asm are as honorable tasks as the capital of the astronomical world. elaborate research on cosmic bodies. Now it has become the capital again, at least for a few days ... Bohumil STERNBERK, President du Comité Local Pol SWINGS, d'Organisation; President de l'Union: ... il y a six ans, nous avons pré Frantisek KRAJČÍR, Le Professeur Gutb nous a rappele senté pour Ia première f ats au Comité President fonctionnant du Con quelques souvenirs de savants émi Exécutif de I'UAI notre pro;et de choisir nents ayant trouvé à Prague, l'ho s- Prague pour Ia session de cette année, seil: nous ne nous dout ions pas que la face de notre cap itale serait altérée par la La plus large collaboration in construction du métro, ;uste en 1967. ternationale n'est possible que Heur eusement ces travaux n' ont pas encore envahi Ia 'Vieill e Ville qui veus dans le conditions de Ia paix, i nteressera sans doute le plus. C'est vr ai de Ia comprehension mutuelle qu' i l est un peu difficile de se f rayer l e et de Ia c o n f i a n c e ... depuis ies hôtels à Ia place Ven- ceslas tusqu'au centre de notre congrès, mais nous espérons q ue les astronomes qui conna issent bien les votes des corps Frantisek ŠORM, cel estes sauront également t r ouver leur President de l'Acad émie tché chemin à les nombreux passages coslovaque des Sciences: qui r emplacent le carrefour de Ia place Venceslas . . . . You will find that within the ... Depuis des siècles déjà, notre pays Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences portage l'idée qui consti t ute Ia rai son astronomy has found unprecedentedly d'étre de notre Uni on, à savoir de la favourable conditions for its develop cooperation int ernationale dans l'astro ment. Two big astronomical Institutes, nomi e. L'astronome tchéque Tadeáš Hájek at Ondřejov and at Skalnaté Pleso de Hájek a été le prédécesseur de not re (Rocky Lake), were enlarged con collègue très estime, le president de Ia 38e commission de l'UAI pour l´échange siderably and their scientific equip d'astronomes, le pr ofesseur Minnaert, car ment is now incomparably better ce f ut Hájek qui organisa le stage de than even in recent past. It may Ty c ho Brahé à Prague, pour utlli ser des suffice to mention only the big solar termes actuels. Ce stage a mené à Ia laboratory at Ondřejov, the corono p i t a I i t é et la q u i é t u d e neces collabor ation avec un autre hôte etranger graph on Lomnicky štít and the tele saires à leurs travaux. de norre pays, f ohannes K epler et, com scope of 79 inches (2 meters) in me on l'a déjà rnentionne, a donné lieu Faut-il rappeler que le Professeur à I a fondation d'une méthode scientifi Nušl dent on fête, cette année, le que moderne en astronomie, fondée sur centenaire de la naissance, fut Ie les obser vati orts complétées par la théo vice-president de l'Union de 1928 à rie et vice versa. 1935 et premier directenr de l'Obser ... tl y a 50 ans, ie commençais ma vatoire d'Ondřejov; que moo chér et carrière d'ast r onome en qualité de char honoré Collegue, Ie Professeur Štern qé de cours de l'Université Charles, berk qui, cette année, atteint, comme l'astrophysique était encore i ncapable de l'Observatoire d'Ondřejov, son 70-ème ri!pondre à Ia question de savoir ce qu'etai ent les nebuleuses sptral es, si IAU MEMBERS ARE REQUESTED to approach the following IAU Officials and anniversaire, ramplit nne tâche im elles faisaient oui ou non partie de staff members !or information or action: portante comme vice-president de notre Vole Lactée. On commençait al ors The General Secretary: f. C. PECKER, on problems of IAU gener al policy (rightJ. 1958 à 1966; que de nombreux sayants a se douter que l 'astronomie se tenait tchecoslovaques out été presidents, au seu!l d'une grande découverte qui The Assistant General Secretary: L. PEREK, on problems of sciences organization and planning (left). vice-presidents au membres de con devait par Ia suite extrêmement élargir naissions depuis 1922; que mon ami, les horizons de l'humanité. f e pense, le Professeur Luboš Perek oeuvre et avec moi le pensent ausst d'autres collègues, que la situation est un peu remarquablement depuis trois ans, au analogue au;ourd'hui et nous esperon.s sein du Comite Exécutif et qu'il va, qu'au congres n.ous en serons amplement sfirement, être amené à remplir la in. iformt!s par les personnes l es p l us tâche la plus importante et Ia plus compétentes ...

diameter being completed at Ondře jov. Before World War II there used to be two resident professional astro nomers at Ondřejov; now there arc almost 30 of them. Needless to say, we are pleased to hear compliments from our guests on the level of our astronomers' work. We appreciate the results of their research of the sun, meteors, high atmosphere, comets, double- stars and stellar systems. Drawings by Otakar ŠTEMBERA Scientific work in a small countr} has however, always its specific The Assistant Secretary: A. JAPPEL, on questions of finances (middle). problems. In no branch of science Tbe IAU Editor: Mile G. DROUIN, in matters related to taking reoorda of proceed can we afford to carry out research ings. in all directions like big powers. The Mrs. D. BRANDT and Miss C. CASENEUVE will be glad to arrange for meetings Presidium of the Czechoslovak Aca between IAU Members and IAU Officials (President, Vice-Presidents, Counsellors. demy of Sciences keeps urging astro General Secretary and Assistant General Secretary). nomers- as well as scientists of Presidents of Commisions should naturally aot hesitate to take up any problem other branches- to concentrate their they may bava wilh the General Secretary. Lund Observatories. When Lindblad treatment of the limb darkening of vie d' Alber t Einstein vers la r ue Vi A. was appointed director of the Stock the sun, studied the lntemity grad ničnǎ. holm Observatory in 1927 he was ient at the solar limb, discovered le Nuncios Toutefois les rapports du peuple entrusted with the task of erecting theoretical study of the luminosity tcheaue avec l'univers stellaire re World astronomy has lost one of effect of the cyanogen bands, found montent à une époque encore pl us its important representatives when the assymetry of the 4227 line in Sidereus reculée. La famille des seigneurs de André Danjon, the former President late type stars, suggested a process Hvězda ( de l'Etoilej, plus tard appe of the IAU (1955-1958] died this for the formation of par ticles in space lés Šternberk, est l'une des plus year. He was born at Caen, Norman- and measured and discussed the light parait à l'horizon anciennes noblesses de Bohême. Le dy, in 1890 and studied at the École scattering in galaxies. Les plus brillantes etoiles de l'astro- nom des Šternberk s'est brillamment Normale Supérieure in Paris. The first Since 1925 stellar dynamics became nomie se sont groupees à Prague. inscrit dans l'historie de nos sciences world war threatened to interrupt his his main field of research. He was Seulement, en ce moment, Ia ville naturelles. Jaroslav de Šternberk brilliant career: Danjon was wound- the first to seriously consider the s'enf ouit plut6t dans le que de a, parait-il, sauvé au XIlle siècle Ia cul ed and lost one eye. But he did not idea that the galactic system Is rotat s'élever vers les astres. Et pourtant ture occidentale en arretant l'invasion give up astronomy. After the war he ing around a distant centre. His Prague peut se vanter d'une glorieuse des Tatars dans Ia bataille d'Olo started his work at the Strasbourg interesting hypothesis was soon after hlstolre de l'astrorwmte. A une cer mouc. Si certains historiens, à la dif observatory where he spent twenty wards confirmed by Oort in his dis taine époque, elle a été à la tête des terence du brave soldat Chvéik, ant years of fruitful activity, making a covery of effects of differential rota efforts portant vers les nebuleuses quelques doutes au su;et de la ba- number of valuable observations and tion in the radial velocities of stars. celestes l'éclat de la connaissance. taille d'Olomouc livrée par Šternberk, building a number of astronomic in In a long series of papers Lind Par exemple sous Rodolphe lL [ 1583- il n'en reste pas mains vrai que les struments mainly for photometry but blad studied the dynamics of spiral -1612). La cour impériale de Prague astronomes tchecosl ovaques ant de also for meridional astronomy. His systems. Particularly important was reunissait alors les pl us brillants re nouveau un Šternberk pour chef , Bo pioneering work made a lasting con his discovery of the semipermanent presentants de l a science et des arts. humil de prénom. tribution to improving stellar and "dispersion orbits". These concepts Que l'astronomie y ait trouvé so n lZ est egalement ty pique pour Pra planetary photometry and to the have recently been farther developed compte, c'est surtout le mérite - d'un gue que le poète tchèque le pl us na exactness of meridional measurements. by Lin. medecin. Le medecin de la cour impé ti onal et le pl us pr agois, Jan Neru Danjon's main innovation which has Berti! Lindblad was one of the r iale et principal médecin du royaune da, ait écrit les Chants cosmiques et become an inseparable part of the great astronomers of his time. He Tadeáš Hájek z Hájku { Hagecius, que la matson qu'il a habitée à Pra equipment of modern positional astro- was twice elected President of the 1525-1600 )J poursuivait des recher gue s'appelle d'après une vieille nomy is his famous "astrolabe à Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, ches sur le microcosme humain et enseigne "Aux deux soleils" . prisme" which yields excellent results for many years chairman of the était le célèbre auteur de l'écrit Dia in measuring time and latitudes. The Swedish National Science Research J,es légendes et chansons du peupl e l exis, traitant de l'étoile nouvelle. L'lta pragois foisonnent d'etoiles, On success of his astrolabium made Dan the new observatory in Saltsjöbaden. Council and in 1965 Chairman of the lien Riccioli baptisa l'un des crater es jon concentrate on the study of the Nobel Foundation. He was President chante One of its main programmes was the de la Lune du nom de Hájek et Tycho Les et otles dansaient au-dessus Earth's rotation; he played a decisive study of the space distribution of of the International Astronomical Brahé ( 1546-1601 ) éleva à Hájek un Union [1948-1952] and of the Inter de Prague stars by means of his spectrophoto- monument plus durable que l'airain La Lune sour ialt au ciel ... metric methods for determining the national Council of Scientific Unions. dans son traité Astronomzae instaur a- absolute magnitudes. This meant a Because of his wide scientific and tae progymnasmata. Sur un panneau d'af f ichage à l'hô great impulse to this branch of astro cultural interests combined with a pital de Bulovka, un interne annon nomy. deep regard for the essential values Hájek connaissait le Danois Tycho çait son mar iage et l e plasticien orna He was also familiar with theore in life he was greatly respected by et c'est lui qui a l e plus gr and mérite le faire-part de petites etoiles dont tical astrophysicis. He gave import his colleagues and friends. que Tycho soit venu à Prague Tycho il parsema surtout le nom de la fian mourut en Bohême et son trépas eut ant contributions to the theoretical INGVE ÖHMAN cée. Quelqu'un y ajouta bient6t Ia re lieu sous une heureuse constellation: marque spirituelle: "Astra sunt il décéda après un festin chez le cé menses desunt". lèbre grand seigneur tchèque Petr Vok Enfin nous devons informer nos de Rožmberk. l ecteurs d'une anomalie astronomique of the Union and to help to adapt de Prague. Au-dessus de Veleslavln R. M. Petrie its policies to modern trends in in Prague frayait le chemin à une nouvelle cosmologte et Johannes Kep s'élève le pavillon royal nommé ternational organizations. L' Et oile {Hvezda}. ll a été érigé au ROBERT METHVEN PETRIE was R. M. Petrie was certainly one of ler {1571 - 1630] y vint rejoindre Ty appointed Director of the Dominion the foremost Canadian astronomers. cho Brahé pour un certain temps. voislnage du champ de bataille de la Astrophysical Observatory in 1951 Montagne blanche comme l'expres His vision was instrumental in his Mais les temps modernes se sont and was given the title D om inio n Government's decision to keep Cana- sion d'une époque que nous dénom A s t r on o m er in 1964. His prin i nscrtts à Prague d'une maniere plei mons Les Ténèbres. Vous avez done cipal interest was in the analysis of ne d'etfets. Par exemple, par l' etfet devant vous une Etoile qui, de son stellar spectra. Doppler [plaque commemorative) sur temps, rayonnait des ténèbres. la place Charles, par où a mené The study of the galaxy from the d'ailleurs au début Z'ecliptique de la L. KHAS analysis of these B-type spectra in volves both their motions and their luminosities, and hence their di stances. Therefore Petrie instituted two long-range programs: first to de- Special Session on the rive accurate wave-lengths of B-type part in preparing the conception of absorption lines used in radial-veloci- At the request of the President of the Union, Professor MENZEL has the Ephemeride Time as the univers ty determinations for the dispersions kindly prepared the following short note on the special session of al time standard for modern pur pos- employed at ; and second to Commission 17 on the Moon which will take place on Saturday es. derive absolute magnitudes of the French astronomy owes to Danjan's B stars. This work was essentially morning, August 26th, beginning at 8.45 a.m. in Room K of the House great organisational talent the Haute completed and most of the calcula- of Artists. Here is Dr. Menzel's brief text. Provence Observatory and the post tions made for derivation of the war restoration of the Paris Observa galactic rotation parameters when The National Astronautics and Space arm and shovel, controlled from tory. Danjon was a very successful Dr. Petrie died suddenly on April 8, Agency [NASA ] of the United States earth. This shovel actually dug a teacher too; in Strasbourg his pupils 1966; the final results have been of America bas had an outstanding trench into the soil, which appears included A. Conder, A. Lallemand, C. prepared for publication by Mrs. program of photographing the sur strong enough to support man and Fehrenbach and P. Müller. Later, as Petrie. face of the moon from five different maehines for actual manned explora- Professor at the Sorbonne, he more Dr. Petrie not only made a very orbiter space-craft. These moon tion of the moon. The surveyor also or less himself educated the present significant contribution to astronomy probes have successfully relayed to photographed the total lunar eclipse young generation of French astro- through his researches, but he ad earth several thousand photographs of last April. nomers. Danjon hat the lion's share vanced the science through his ent- of both the near and far sides of Many of you have seen NASA photo- in the modernisation and develop- husiasm, his intellectual capability the moon. graphs in the exhibit room. ment of the Meudon Observatory and and sound judgement in his contacts dian astronomy in the vanguard by The photographs cover more than On August 26th at the special played an important part in the with his friends and colleagues, stu building the 156-inch ( 3.96 m] Queen 99 per cent of the near side of the session Dr. William BRUNK and design and construction of the radio- dents and young astronomers, and Elisabeth II Telescope on Mount Ko moon, with r e s o l u t i o n about t e n other NASA scientists will pre astronomic laboratory at Nancay. As through national and international bau, B. C. His personality as well as t im e s greater than that obtainable a representative of various specialis- organizations. He supported strongly his works will continue to be an under most favorable conditions with sent ed national agencies for astronomic the work of the International Astro inspiration to those who knew him. terrestrial telescopes. The first three l antern slides from research Danjon brought a positive nomical Union from the time he be K. 0 . WR IGHT, orbiters recorded about 60 per cent selected photogra ph s influence to bear on the development came a member in 1938. At the time Dominion Astrophysical Observatory of the far side of the moon, with taken by the Orbiter and Surveyor of all the other astronomical institut- of his death he was President of Com Victoria, B. C. resolution somewhat better than that Probes. Interested members of es in France. His all round activities mission 30 [Radial Velocities J; he had of photographs from earth of the other commissions and their of a research worker and an organis· completed all preliminary arrange moon's near side. Orbiters 4 and 5 er brought him honours at home and ments for I. A. U. Symposium 30 on have greatly extended the coverage, guests are invited to attend this abroad: besides his presidency of the Radial Velocities, held in Toronto, CHANGES IN PROGRAMME including that of the lunar nor th and special session. IAU, mentioned above, he was award Canada in June 1966 which as a re OF COMMISSION 34 poles. Orbiter 5 is still in On this occasion, a limited ed a gold medal of the Royal Astro sult of his efforts, was an outstand- l. Business operation. number of maps of the far side nomical Society in 1958, was made ing suecess. Petrie considered that Interstellar Gas R. Sunyaev NASA has also successfully soft- 2. Magnetic fie lds in Arms; R. D. of the moon, prepared specially member of the American Astronom- his election as a Vice-President of Dynamics of Gas Cl ouds G. B. Field landed two snrvevor craft on the ical Society in 1953, etc. Work in the Union in 1958 was the greatest surface of the moon. These have re for the IAU from the NASA photo 3. Interstellar Grains T. Stecher graphs, will be given to astrono positional astronomy and the rebirth honour he received during his career; J. M. Greenberg corded the nature of lunar rocks of French astronomy remain as a he did his utmost to further the aims PI KELNER and soil, as revealed by a flexible mers attending the session. lasting monument to the life and work of Professor André Danjon.

THE EXHIB11'ION of new astronomical of the mind, astr onomy is very close Hence: It w ould be naive to su ppose w ill be successf ul , the more so that instruments at the llybernian Palace to art. Fittingly, it is adorned at the that certai n scient ists attend congr es- this is the t hir teenth assembl y, which B. Lindblad is mainly for experts. A l ayman will exhibition with ancient books - as ses the better to be informed about to be str ictly scientif ic should be a get nothing out of it, but laymen will a queen would be with ancient jewels; their field of science. By the same lucky sign. Bertil Lindblad died ln 1965 at the come here to be entranced and to sextants, quadrants and astrolabiums t oken, the godly do not congregate age of 69. gaze in abandon at the strange flick which are centuries old differ from at religious f estivals in order to come LE MOUVEMENT BROWN. Evidem- Throughout his scientific career he ing of numbers; will come as they modern abstr act scul ptures only in closer to God, but r ather to k now ment, c'est plutot un astronome qut made fundamental contributions to would to a church of a god of the the meticulous realism of their tiny each other better and derive strength devrait decr ire la r eception au palais widely varied branches of astronomy. cosmic dist ances - a god that people par ts; the modern sculptures t o be f r om k nowing themselves t o be so Černín. Personnellement, je n'en ai have not thought up yet because with f ound at the exhibition differ from numerous. pas appris plus long au lycée que le His first extensive publicati on from out instruments of this kind their the ancient instr uments only in the Numerous indeed are the ast ronomer s mouvement Brown, t andis que les the Uppsala Observatory in 1918 was imagination simply did not reach that complexity of the mathematical for who have gathered in Prague; indeed, orbites à la reception etaient bien devoted to the problem of a two far. They will come for the sheer mulae they represent in space. A lay according to the Nuncio they number plus compliques. Seulement tls etatent dimensional spectral classifi cation of pleasure of l ooking at perfect instru man must r ead the infor mative table nearly three thousand. To be sure, pr oduits par des f orces t out aussi faint stars, a domain which always ments that do not serve war. t o find that w hat he had thought was this f igure embraces family members. éternelles que Ia gravitat ion - l'at attracted his interest. He was able THE EXHIBITION at the Summer Pa simply a pretty decoration was in Ast ronomy must be contagious because t raction exercée par un bon coup de to introduce new important methods, lace of Queen Anne is mainly for f act a model of the t rajectories of some participants at the congress are main, par des femmes r aissantes, par such as the cyanogen criterion, ex laymen purport ing t o show t he hi comet s and a meteorite. The Hyber accompanied by every single member une musique entrainante et par une plored by him in California from1920 story of astronomy it very clever l y nian Palace is a church of cosmic of the family. Despite expectations, table bien garnie. to 1922. These methods were later. shows its poetry. Astronomers w ill distances - t he Summer Palace is onl y a handful of bearded patr iarchs applied by him and his collaborators L'astronome serait d'ailleurs bzen come there for the pleasure of seeing a Chapel of eternity. appeared. Rather more w ives and mieux placé pour determiner la gran in extensive spectrophotometric re the youth of their science - and of Astronomy is l ike love - people children. Still it is not entirely clear search at the Uppsala, and deur des etoiles presentes. Le reporter their own. I am pretty sure that most have studied it since they learned who anticipated the scientific ses n'a remar que que les plus jeunes - of them were not fir st attracted to to think - and yet t hey have plenty sions more breathlessly Papa- celles qui brillaient le plus. astnorwmy by t he charms of spectral to study for megayears to come. Professional or Fanatic-Family. At any Un nombre très impor tant d'astro- analysis, but t he sheer magic of the Although -- astronomy has, of course, rate the youngest person present at nomes ant honoré la recept ion calculations of ancient Chaldean achieved certain practical results. the inaugural ceremony - two-year- de © and published by the Local Organizing l eur présence - ;e pense done qu' il priests or Phoenician sailors. INAUGURAL CEREMONIES of all con old Miss Dickel of the U.S.A. - dis Committee of the 13th General Assembly est i nutile de leur r aconter ce qu'ils The Queen's Summer Palace is fit gresses in the world are so alike that played evident impatience with the of the International Astronomical Union. connaiment mieux que moi. ll ne me Chairman of the Editorial Board: Jiří tingl y occupied by astronomy. Not one may say the only difference ltes opening concert; no doubt she coul d r este done plus qu'à leur souhaiter GRYGAR. Editor-in-Chief: Bohumil BÍLEK. only because of the fact that Tycho in who sits in the hall. For newsmen no l onger wait for the discussion of que les sessions du congrès offrent Layout: Milan ALBICH Editorial Office: Brahe's observatory must have been the occasion affords a field of obser serious scientifle sub, jects t o com Law Faculty of Charles University, Room un choix tout aussi varié de plaisirs in the very place where the palace vation, since journalists - like astro mence. 144, Nám. Curieových, No. 7, Praha 1. - pour taus les goûts. Printed by MlR , n . p., Establishment 1, is; which other science is as aristo nomers must know how to observe Given such widespread interest one Václavské nám. 1.5, Praha 1. cratic as astronomy? A true aristocr at and dr aw conclusions. may safely presume that t he sessions Gabriel LAUB DISSERTATIO PRAGAE CVM MCMLXVII 24. VIII.

Series Secunda le président de Ia République en compagnie des astronomes Les deux présidents délibèrent. De quoi - nons n' en savons rien. Derrière M. NOVOTNY, la carte politique de Ia Republique socialiste tchécoslovaque, derriere M. SWINGS, une fenêtre donnaut sur toutes les étoiles de J'univera

Le president preside Ia table à sa droite le Professeur SWINGS, le Professeur agrégé PEREK, l'Académicien AMBARTSOUMIAN et le Professeur FRICKE; à sa gauche le Professeur ŠORM

Le sommet - trois presidents Premier plan: à g., le president de Ia Republique socialiste tchéco- slovaque; à dr., le president de Ia Société astronomique tchecoslovaque Deuxième plan: l'Academicien Pol Swings, le president de l'Union Astronomique Internationale sortant L'arrière-plan symbolise l'entree de la Vierge à Ia place cédée par les vieux Lions: le Professeur agrégé Luboš PEREK Photos ČTK

ONDŘEJOV 78" OPENED Wednesday afternoon. The other- technology of fine instrum ents for the wise quiet road leading to the two scientific revolution. Professor GÖR EVEN THE HIGHEST OVERLORD in meter Oudřejov telescope w as lined LICH, the representative of CARL the IAU does not look too big under on both sides with parked cars and ZEISS, JENA, the prime contractor the new telescope. Prof. Pol SWINGS busses. Some 200 persons gathered of the telescope, spoke about the con of Belg·ium speaks French and under the dome. Academician F. ŠORM ception of the two meter telescopes English expressed the wish for Czechoslovak which have been produced in Jena astronomers to achieve remarkable in recent years. At 3 p. m. academic results with this instrumem. P. ian Šorm put the telescope·into opera- SWINGS said he hoped that the tion. After that Chief Designer A. ach·l.evemen.t gained with the tele- JENSCH presented an elaborate tech- scope will be worthy of the fine nical explanation of the instrument tradition of the Czechoslovak school which was supplemented by the chief of astronomy. The chainman of the of the Stellar Department of the local government, F. ČERVINKA, Academy's Astronomical Institute, L. emphasized the importance of the PEREK. jg

OPENINGS are perhaps the most mirror. Luck ily at Ondřejov they put meter telescope. This after all makes King Charles t he Fourth from whose widespread human act ivity. Yes, I the champaig ne to much better use sense – an astronomer that doesn't founding charter of Charles Univer would say that without even having - they simply let the participants have a pr oper telescope is like a man sity he cited that the Czechs have to the proper statistics on hand. For of the opening have a sip of it . These w ho is trying to solve a crossword get everything that is needed for sure many more things are opened really deserved it listening so puzzle over some-body's shoulder. Her e science. Tn other wor ds if the Zeiss than closed. Be that as it may, nicely to the speeches for three in this way they put together their people had manufactured a two-met er tlzroughout my long experience l have hours. {Those who behaved less well own puz-zles very nicely from t heir t el escope back in the fourteenth cen- never been at the start of operations and left the hall early didn't gee a own mater.ial , and i n a pinch they tury, t hen good old king Charley of a telescope, not to mention a two drop from the waiters; I confirmed can even lend it to someone f. or a would have bought it long ago, and meter affair. this personally.} solution. t he government could have saved us DR. ŠTERNBERK of Prague welcomes For the whole hour's trip to Ondřejov NINE SPEECHES there were - ac I THINK IT'S QUITE CORRECT that a nice chunk of money. the guests in English, French, l thought about the thing they are cording to the progr.am - and thanks for this they butlt a special observa THE TELESCOPE lT SELF is such a to the good organization all nine Russian, German, Italian, Spanish, going to break a bottle of champaigne t ory /Jecause if they stuck this gim great big tube, below it has sort of an over - as the owner of some Zeiss were said. mick into someones f lat, he would'/ Latin and even in Czech. This hill, immense r ubber stamp. Perhaps there qarlgets, although somewhat smaller As a true child of the Meetings Era, euen have room for a good shave, they have some kind of a weight so he says of the little Ondřejov peak, si nce by largest camera lens has a my organism is completely immune and his neighbors would mess up hi-s you can 1Tm.1euver with the thing. g i i. has a e n u s l o c Let us hope focus of 135 mm, the only thing that to official addresses. Yet, even I jloor haw they would come to take Then again it's also possible that with tbe young ones will add a I o c u s was clear to me was that they understood !his much: it's a goorl a peep at it By the w ay director this immense stamp they will confirm gen i i Pictures by J. MARCO wouldn't bang that bottle against the thing we're going to have a two- Šternberk said it so nicely, that is page 2 Résultats pour l'Avenir * Exploring the Moon also the exceedingly small thermal PROFESSOR A. A. M IHAJLOV conductivity and heat capacity of the outer stratum as r evealed by the very Beginning from the end of last century photography was applied rapid cooling of the surface during to this task with great success. The beautiful atlas of the Paris lunar eclipses. observatory prepared by Loewy and Puiseux must be mentioned. The However it was soon found that fine dust in a high vacuum especial observatories of Lick, Yerkes, Mount Wilson, Pic du Midi and even ly exposed to great temperature the 200 inch reflector of Mount Palomar contributed large series fluctuations would coagulate forming of photographs, some of which were used by in his lunar grains of milimetre size without loosing its low conductivity. Such a atlases. On the base of photography a chart of the visible side of the grainy surface is capable to bear a Moon is prepared by United States Air Force on the scale 1:1000000 pressure of about 0.5–1 kilogram pro 1 cm2 in conditions of lunar gravity, with a successful attempt of drawing contour lines and interval still having a small density owing to MAISON DES ARTISTES com tolre de musique. Ensuite pendant of 300 m. its porosity. Photometri c and polari munément toujours encore vingt ans siège du Parlement, puis de metric observations are in accord K appelée Rudo!finum (archi nouveau remise aux artistes. Au with such a structure. tecture neo-Renaissance exécutée par jourd'hui on y tronve l'Orchestre Invited Discourse of Wednesday, August 23 philharmonique tcheque, Ie Conser Volcanic tuff or porous lava are les createurs du Théâtre national, Jo (shortened) sef Zitek et Josef Schulz). Construite vatoire de musique d'Etat et I'Acade good approximations to such material, des Arts. La Salle Dvořák est that by its dark colour corresponds de 1876 à 1884 pour abriter one ga Ierie des beaux-arts et nn conserva- mise Ia disposition du Congrès proves that volcanism is not yet to the small albedo of the moon. As à dead. r adioastronomlcal observations had shown below this light and thermo It is impossible to discard the idea insulating layer lies a more dense British-Australian 150-inch of volcanism when inspecting some rocky substance which undergoes of the pictures of the reverse side of during a Junatlon a much smaller the moon. On the map dr awn from variation of temperature. In many the photographs of Luna 3 the crater separate places were discovered "hot reflector Ciolkovskij is clearly seen. On the spots" that remain much longer In April of this year the Australian Royal and Mr. J. F. Hosie of the image transmitted by Orbiter 1 this warm during eclipses or at the be and British Governments agr eed to Science Research Council. crater has a level dark floor with ginning of night. Many of them cooperate in building and operating It is expected that the order for a composite central elevation. It coincide with the floors of craters. a 150-inch telescope to be erected at the mirror blank will be placed late looks very like a caldera on java, The explanation seems to be, that at Siding Spring Mountain, Coonabara in 1967 and on site preparation for where the central mountain is these places the insulaling layer is bran New South Wales, Australia. The the construction of the dome will surrounded by a Jake of dark so much thinner or even is absent so design of the telescope will follow begin in 1968. lldUied lava and the inner wall bas that we receive the radiation from closely that of the instruments being Siding Spring Mountain is a sta- a complex structure. the deeper, warmer and slower cool built at the Kitt Peak Observatory. tion of the Mount Stromlo Observa ing stratum. Howerer such a simple A joint Policy Committee consisting tory, Australian National University On the other hand there are many explanation is not sufficient to of three Australian and three British and already contains 4 telescopes, superimposed craters, when for in account for all observed pecularities representatives will supervise the including a 40-inch reflector. stance a smaller crater is located on connected with the origin and sub construction. The Australian represen A telescope subcommittee, consist Alexander Alexandrowitch the rim of a larger one or a crater sequent history of these hot spots. tatives are Dr. E. G Bowen, Chief ing of Professor R. Redman, Cam interrupts a regular mountain ridge, of the Division of Radiophysics, bridge, Professor S. C. B. Gascoigne, MIHAJLOV We have now touched some pro giving the impression of an external C.S.I.R.O., Professor O. J. Eggen, Di Mount Stromlo, Mr. H. Wehner, Mount as caught by Otakar ŠTEMBERA after blems which have obtained a spec influence. Therefore it seems very rector of Mount Stromlo and Siding Stromlo and Mr. j. Pope, Royal lunch this Wednesday tacular development owing to the likely that both factors played a sub Spring Observatories and Mr. K. N. wich Observatory, has been active astounding achievements of modern Thus is our knowledge of the topo stantial role in the formation of the Jon es of the Department of Education since April 1967 in preparing recom moon's macreorelief, although we are cosmonautics, especially of the soft and Science and the British repre mendations on design features with graphy of the visible side of the landing of automatic stations on the moon. Its reverse side, comprising yet unable to assign to which factor sentatives are Professor H. Bondi, the help of the Kitt Peak astrono is due every Individual featur e. It is moon, which trasmitted to us close Chairman of the Science Research mers. O. j. OGGEN, 41 % of its total surface has never panoramic images of the lunar surface. been seen by a human eye. The more possible and even probable that in Council Policy and Grants Committee, Mount Stromlo Observatory some cases a meteoric impact acted This was first accomplished by Sir Richard Woolley, Astronomer Canberra, Australia interesting and important are the Luna 9 on 3 February 1966. After this first photographs transmitted to us as a trigger eakening the moon's crust and facilitating at the particular followed the Am eri can Surveyor I by Luna 3 in 1959. and the Russian Luna 13. in one important instance the reverse place the eruption of Java. It was side differed from the visible one–in assumed that the moon was cover The panoramas obtained confirmed the nearly total absence of the so call ed with a deep layer of dust formed the absence of dust, the grainy or ed maria i. e. extensive dark de in bygone ages through innumerable porous structure of the outer surface, COMMISSION 44 the study of the motion of natural as meteoric impacts. This was emphasiz sufficiently resistant to bear the pressions which occupy an area of August 23 , morning; 44. Dr. Teske of Mi well as artificial bodies in the solar about 40 % of the visible side. On ed by the belief that the very strong weight of the station itself and, in chigan University reported on some system. S the far side only one conspicuous monthly variations of temperature future, to enable a cosmonaut to walk interesting results obtained in measur rather small round sea was discover activated the disrupture of rocks on on the moon without crushing the ing x-radiation by the satelllte OSO. COMMISSION 42 - ETOILES DOUB ed-the sea of Moscow. In this con the surface. A dust layer explained surface or sinking into the dust. Especially remarkable is the finding of LES PHOTOMETRIQUES. Mercredi nection I recall a most remarkable X-emisslons from all, even the sma lle st, matin s'est réunie pour Ia premiere prediction made by Professor We have every reason to look forward full of optimism and not flares which shows the common fois Ia commission présidée par J.-E. essence of these sou rces. MERRIL. La discussion concernait sur- of the Breslau observatory in his follow the French philosopher Auguste Comte, who proclaimed in 1830 In this connection, we would like to admirable booklet "Der Mond" tout les affaires propres et les ques in his Cours de philosophie positive about the heavenly bodies that say that it is unfortunate that detailed published in 1906: "Auf der Rilckseite results from similar measurements by tions d'crganisation de Ia collabora des Mondes hinter seinem Nordstrand "nous ne saurians famais étudier par aucun moyen leur composition artificial satellttes are not made public tion à Ia base de !'experience acquise ein ausgedehntes, belles, kraterrei- chimique ou leur structure mineralogique ..." systematically, or that. at least, they pendant Ia periode précédente. Le ches Hochland ohne Meere jenseits are not placed at the disposal of all rapport sur l'activite du comité d'or- des Nordrandes des Gilrtels der Meere Well, the first - the chemical composition is being investigated observatories that are interested In the ganisation a été présenté par son processing of similar measurements. It liegt," or in English: On the reverse well-nigh for a century, after the invention of spectral analysis. The president M. PLAVEC et Je rapport side of the moon behind the north- is clear that the measuring system Real- sur l'activite du joint working group second, the mineralogical composition of the Moon we are on the Time-Telemetry cannot replace detailed A. eastern limb li es an extended, bright, records obtained from an uninterrupted avec Ia commission 30 par BATTEN. crater-rich highland without seas threshold of investigating in our earthly laboratories when we will record procured by satellites. En vue d'une étude complexe des etoiles doubles photometriques 11 est beyond the northern rim of the belt receive samples of rocks from the Moon or in lunar laboratories, first In this sense, discussions on the mutual of seas. cooperation between commissions 10 and nécessaire d'approfondir Ia coopéra The excellent photograph taken in automatic ones and subsequently by human investigators transported 44, which are on the agenda of the tion dans le domaine de Ia spectro Congress in the next few days, should 1965 by Sond 3 filled up the remain by spacecraft to the Moon. scopie et photometrie. K. KORDYLEW ing part of the reverse side and con continue. The utilization of all similar SKJ a informe sur !'edition augmentee satellites (not only OSO but also, for des ephémérides des etoiles binaires firmed the absence of extended maria. example, the Kosmos series] for similar The latest photographs transmitted research would undoubtedly enrich à eclipse, une publication très utile by the am.erican Orbiters showing world science In a short time. VA pour les observateurs qui parait à many minute details also contain Cracovie. V. P. CESEVIC a mentionne many crater chains and no maria. COMMISSION 7 la publication du nouveau Catalogue Instead they show depressions call The restricted problem of three bodies des etoiles variables. T ed thalassoids, differing from maria has been the main topic at the session in being not dark, but strewn with of commission 7 (celestial mechanics) RADIO PRAGU E (638 kilocycles, 470 m) many bright craters in this respect on 23. Aug. This problem, although very broadcasts on weekdays the program well discussed by the classics of celesti Welcome to Czechoslovakia, (news, wea resembling the so called continents. a I mechanics of the past is of still grow ther forecast and information of special We come now to the problem of ing interest. The lectures of GIACAGLIA, interest to the foreign tourists] on alter origin of the lunar relief. DEPRIT and KOZAI showed that the pro· nate days in English and Russian or We could expect some indication blems of periodic orbits in the several German and French. (8:45-3:55 A.M.] from a statistical study of lunar commensurability cases and the ques craters. If, as seems probable to me, tions of their stability are Important for TWO FILMS will be projected in room a part of chiefly large craters, more A 158 on Monday, August 28, at 17.30. Dr. T. Gehrels will present a 20-minute irregularly distributed, are of volcan documentary film of the Polariscope ic origin, where-as most of the small TEAM OF ALL Balloon Program, and Dr. R. Musson-Ge er craters were caused by the fall non promised to show a film on un of meteorites, we could expect some THE STARS observatoire à 40 km de Ia terre. difference in distribution or in some SIR RICHARD WOOLLEY, the Astro other instance of these two kinds of nomer Royal, will in futurA be involv craters. However the recent statistic ed with spheres nearer to earth. He al evaluation by Cross of the dis has been elected president of the DEEP-SKY WONDERS tribution of craters as counted on WHEN THE NOBLE DOME started to turn, all eyes turned as well village football club near the Royal Ranger pictures has shown the ab ficture by jindi'ich MARCO Observatory at He rstmonceux (po- sence of any difference in distribu pulation: 1,922), in Sussex. PROFESSOR AND MRS. ZDENĚK KOPAL tion between the vast range of sizes take pleasure to announce the marriage from 1 metre to 70 kilometres, that, The 61-year-old astronomer, a life oF their daughter Zl)E.NKA ALENA to according to the author proves their From page one dome turns in such a way that its long Portsmouth supporter, also DEAN FRANCIS , of Stanford uni meteoritic origin. the authenticity of or evaluation of peep hole always opens in the direc plays cricket for the Observatory versity, on September 1st, 1967, 11. a. m., the Individual stars; we all know tion on which we want to train the teom. "B ut I have never played at the main altar of the Saint Vitus On the other hand Fielder and Cathedral, Prague castle. Marcus found a very pronounced that today nothing is valid without a telescope. This is good because other Association football," he said. "The clustering of craters and also forma rubber stamp. wise they would be using this tele Herstmonceux team are surprisingly PRAHA 5, U Pernikářky 7, Czechoslovakia tions of crater chains, that can be THE PRESIDENT OF THE ACADEMY scope very little. good for a small village." Greenfield, Parkway, WILMSLOW, Che explained only by an internal volcan of Sciences himself let her run. He THE READERS 1 hope will have learn shire, England ic origin. This is confirmed by the pressed some kind of a button and ed a good deal about the technical chains revealed by Sond 3 and the that tube began to move from one eatures of the Ondřejov telescope. Orbiters, which can be explained by side to the other like a grizzly bear But if someone should turn out to be © and published by the Local Organizing the existence of rifts or fissures in jumping from one bar to another in a specially big pedant and this doesn't Committee of the 13th General Assembly the lunar crust through which gases the display window of a t oy shop. suffice for him, I recommend to him of the International Astronomical Union. or molten lava were erupted. The Mr. president looked so happy and to kindly read through the special Chairman of the Editorial Board: Jiří well known observation of the Pul content until he was red in the face. booklet which was included f or just GRYGAR. Editor in Chief: Bohumll BILEK. kovo astronomer N. Kozyrev who ob MY WIFE says it so well: all men this purpose in the folder with all the Layout: Mllan ALBICH . Editorial Office: tained a spectrogram showing the are just big boys and they always materials. And for that I thank him La w Faculty of Charles Uni versity, Room 144, Nám. Curieovych, No. 7, Praha 1. ;ust want to play. in advance. escape of gases containing carbon Printed by M!R, n. p., Establishment 1, Then they still showed us that this from the central peak of Gabriel LAUB Vaclavske nám. 15, -Praha 1. DISSERTATIO PRAGAE CVM MCMLXVII 25. VIII.

Series Secunda The Koperniks visit Ondřejov When the visiting astronomers were returning to Prague, the local bus conductor said: "Oh, the Koperniks are going back!" The English- speaking people would certainly prefer the form Copernicus, but please tell us how to form the plural - should it be C o p e r n i ci ?

which were already set centuries ago HIGHLIGHT from by the great founder of Prague Univers ity in its charter: Dr. Šernberk's Speech " .. . so that the faithful inhabitants at the New Ondřejov of this kingdom ever thirsty for the f ruit of good art must not beg for Telescope alms abroad, but have a table for Our astronomers have been working at pouring it prepared in their own observatories throughout the world- k ingdom . . . so that not only they with the support of the International may not be forced to go to the end Astronomical Union, UNESCO or by of tlze world in searching for .science speclai agreement with academies-from japan and Australia passed Europe all and beg in foreign nations to realize the way to California. their aspirations but that they may Of course, this was not a situation themselves have the honour to be which could permanently characterize able to znvite others to partake - of our contribution to world astronomy. In this pleasant scent and participate tn PHOTOGRAPHY NEVER TELLS LIES - this branch too goals must be attained this delight." but what is the distance between the dome and the staff building? (metres 100 about) answer: Correct)

Editor, 22 August Nuncius Sidereus: The friendly reception we are all offered by the people of Prague makes us wish to greet them in their own language. Would you use your columns to print ten phrases and their equivalents? Perhaps something like these: Hello, Goodbye Numbers. Please, Thank you Yes, No Excuse me! I don't understand. I don't speak Czech! How much does it cost'i' How do you say ...? Sincerely and a little restaurant talk. 8367 P. H. Morrison

It's A REAL PLEASURE for me to as well; everyone will understand Mohl bych dostat kávu s mlékem? give you a minilesson on t he most it ( Mol bikh d6stat kávoo s mlékem?) indispensable Czech words and expres- The expression "I D a n't Speak – Could I have coffee with milk? sions, although I am convinced that c z e c h", we'd advise you to say in Ne. – No with the aid of a mathematical model, tlze original, otherwise you'd logically A čaj s mlékem fa tchay s mlékem)? a bit of Latin, possibly a f ew simple get to a contradicio in adject o and – And t ee wtth milk? sketches, the scientist will always be practically into a situation in which Ne. able to make himself understood, even you'd have to explain how it is that Proč? {protch} – Why? though the problem miglzt involve the you don't, when you do- and in Czech Mléko prosim neni. rMl éko pr6sim purchase of a pair of Frankfurters you'd have a hard time doing that. néni) – There's no milk, please. (párek I with a double portion of H a w d a you s a y- ;ak se řekne, mustard (h ořči c e J; the latter word or the word that's easier to say: ;ak lf you want t o carry on a more com is for the foreigner wztlzout prolong se ;menufe [yak se menuyej. More plicated conver sation with the waiter, ed preliminary practice by the Demo- practical still is to point to the ob we'd advise you to go to a restaurant sthenes method just impossible. ject and have a questioning look. of a higher category where the wait Yes – Ana er can tell you the same thing in WORDS AND EXPRESSlONS: No - N e English. Of course, you won't get any Hello - Dobrý den {d6bri dén) for 1 d o n't u nde r stand - Nerozu milk because the vast ma;ority of teenangers Aha; (áhói) like ship mím (nérothoomeem). Of course, it's Gzeclz men are convinced that since ahoj, t he original greering of the sufficient to shrug y our shoulders and (pivoj brewing was discovered sailors, and hence very common shake your head. {Guests from Bul- {the word pivo you already know, I in landl ocked Czechoslovakia. garia and Turkey please note: If a am sure J t hat milk can be left for Goodbye Sbohem (sb6hem} airl nods her head, it doesn't mean the children. which is a literal translation, but "'no".) which we use only when w e don't H o w much does it cost?- In conclusion of today's lesson, just wish to see the particular person KoZik to stojí (k6lik to st6yi }. a sample of a SCIENTIFIC CONVER any more. Otherwise we use Na Numbe rs: jeden [yedenl – one; SATION. shledanou {ntishledanou} the dva {dvaj – two; tři [approx. tshij Slečno, nechcete se se mnou podívat exact equivalent of the German tlzree; čtyři (something l ike shtirij - na hvězdy? { Slétchno, nekhtsete se Auf Wiedersehen – I'll be seeing four; pět [pyetj – f ive; šest (shest} semnou p6divat náhvyezdi?) Young you. - six; sedm [ sedm/ - seven; osm lady, woudn't you like to gaze at the Pl ease – pr6slm r osm 1 – eight; devět ( devyet } – stars with me? Thank you – Děkuji (something nine; de set (déset J ten, dvacet ( dvá- If you are interested in more lessons, like dyekooyij tset I – twenty; to je moe (to je THE CASSEGRAINIAN SPECTROGRAPH looks on, when the inaugural speech please write to: Nuncius Sidereus. E x c use me - just say: " pardon" , mots) – that's too much. of F. Šorm, the President of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, is being but with the accent aver the "O" A LITTLE RESTAURANT TALK: GABRIEL LAUB translated into English NOUS VOUS FERONS VOLONTIERS d on, tout le monde vous compren A tchaï s mlékem? - Et un thé avec un petit cours de tcheque, bien que dra du lait? - Ne. nous sayans persuades qu'un savant Quant à la tournure «fe ne parle Protch? – - Pourquoi? arrive tou;ours à se faire comprendre pas tchèque», il vaut mieux la dire Mléko prosim neni. ll n'y a pas au moyen de for mules mathematiques, dans votre langue, autrement cela de l ait. d'un peu du latin, le cas échéant donnerait lieu à des quipr oquos, car d' un petit croquls schématique sur on ne comprendrait pas que vous Si vous voulez vous entretenir plus deux à trois feutlles, même s'il devait ne parlez pas tchèque putsque vous amplement avec l es garçons, allez s'agir de l'achat d'une saucisse (p a parlez tchèque ... plutot dans un restauram chic où les r e k ) avec double moutarde f h o r c h ma1tres et garçons pourront vous dire t chitsé)J. D'ailleurs ce mot, sans Comment dit-on ...I a k s é r; e k- le même chose en anglais ou en fran une pr eparation prealable par la mé n é . .. Evidemment, il est plus com- çais. De toute façon, le lait vous ne thode de Démosthène, n'est pas dans mode de designer l'objet du doigt l'aurez pas, car la majorité ecrasante les moyens d'un etranger. et de demander To ? {Mats avec des Tchèques sont convaincus que l'intonation d'une question! J depuis le jour où a été inventee Ia VOCABULAIRE Oui – An o bière (pivo - vous connaissez cer- Bon jour – Dobry dène {pour Non - Né tatnement ce mot}, on peut tranquille- les teenagers A ho ï, ce qui à l'ori Je ne comprend pas - N er o z u- ment laisser le lait aux enfants. gine est une salutation de marins, m i m. Bie sûr, il suff lt de hausser done utiltsee dans une pays conti- les epaules et de hocher Ia tête. Pour conlure notre leçon d'au;ourd'hui, nental tel que Ia Tchecoslovaquie J voici un exemple de DIALOGUE SPÉ Dieu – Sb o h èm e, ce qui est une C o m b i e n? - Kolik to stoï? u m r o s c a r CIALISÉ: traduction mot à mot, mats nous N é d i n a u x: iéden, Sletchno, nekhtiela bisté sé dnésse ne l'utilisons qu'au cas où nous ne dva, tr;t, chtirji, piet, chest . . . deset, sé mnoou podivat na hviezdi? voulons plus revoir la que per dvatset, - mots (trap}, to ié drahé ( Mademoiselle, vous ne voudriez pas { c'est trap cher) sonne en question. Dans le cas con- cette nuit aller – avec mot – regar traire il faut dire N ash l e d a­ der les etoiles? no au PETIT ENTRETIEN AU RESTAURANT: S'il vous plait – P r o si m Mohl btkh dostat kavou s mlékem? Si vous vous interessez à la suite du Merci – D t e k o uï Pourrat-;e avoir un café au lait? cours, veuillez l'annoncer à l'adresse: Pardon - dites tranquillement P ar- Ne. - Non. Nuncius Sidereus. GABRIEL LAUB

the dia l of the Pr ague Old Town Clock. At POFIS you can speak Fr ench, German and Russian as well as with your hands. THE D-MAJOR SYMPHONY BY J. H. VOŘÍŠEK, played at the conclusion of EVERYWHERE AND NOWHERE the Inaugural Cer emony by the Pra gue Chamber Orchestra, is available (our apology to THE OBSERVATORY) under number DV5679 of Czech Supraphon records. Price 36 Kčs. All "Spinrad and E. B. Richardson (Dominion Astrophysical Observatory J have Prague record shops can be found by spent an upper limit to the amount of molecular oxygen in the visible atmo- the sign Supraphon. sphere of Venus." ASTRONOMERS WHO LIKE TO TAKE (Observatory Reports, The Astronomical Journal, 69, 1964, 674 ) SNAPSHOTS and who would like to THE GIRAFFE of the platform for observations in the primary focus of the Ondfejov telescope is the most attractive object in the dome. Unfortunately, Astronomers should be strictly prohibited to spend anything from the atJno- create their own pictor ial souvenir only two astronomers at a time can enjoy floating 13 metres above its floor. sphere of Venus, and if, they could perhaps be sa tisfied with the lower limit. of Hr adcany [Prague Castle) are warned by our staff photographer that the Vltava embankment right close to the Law Faculty is not a DEEP SKIES WONDER very good spot for a nice view. You The Old and t he N ew are advised to walk several hu ndred At this time when the General Assembly of the IAU is being held in the old (with apologies to the SKY AND TELESCOPE) meters in the direction of Charles Bridge, possibly to the National city of Prague in or der to discuss the newest findings and needs in all the The following advertisement appeared recently in the Czechoslovak astrono Theatre, because from there you get fields of astronomy and astrophysics, one's thoughts naturally go to the role mical monthly THE REALM OF STARS : the best view of Pr ague Castle in all which is played in astronomy and astrophysics by the intermixing of old Exchange a 10" astronomical refractor for a new car Skoda MB 1000. ( Liquida- its majestic beauty. jg and new obser vations, of old and new observing techniques and reduction tion of the observatory./ BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS in major methods, of old and new theoretical discussions. In rightful enthuslaam Evidently a car is easier to liquidate than an observatory. world languages are sold by the spe about new observing possibilities from rockets and satellites and new power- Incidentally, shall we get a new Rolls Royce for our new 78" ? cial shop ca lled "C i z o j a z y čn á ful means of computing or recor ding observed data of various sorts auto WORKING KNOWLEDGE OF CZECH l1 t er a t u r a". The address Příkopy 31 matically, one is inclined to pass by the older methods of observing and the older types of observing program as well as many of the older theoretical A group of our charming lady guests discussed the troubles with languages. Ask for Aninchen or the Big Boss - he speaks 42 {forty two} European studies with a considerate, but inattentive eye. However, to do so is not to They agreed that it would be useful to know at least a few sentences in serve our science in the very best way. Czech, but that it was too difficult to learn it. "Why", said a young lady, languages. "I do know one sentence in Czech. l have remembered it all the time since The two fields of observational astro in automation has been made. Much the Czech soldiers were in England during the World War Two. Only I do nomy which one thinks of immediat more is within our grasp. It is es not know what it means." ely when one considers the old and sential to develop rapid digital me SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE. There will be And she said with a wonderful accent: "Miluji te, broucku". Which means: the new are proper motions and thods of handling data which will a meeting of Southern Hemisphere Astro- yield observed line profiles and "l love you, my little beetle." nomers a nd othe rs Interested in the visual binaries. Time lapses of at Southern Hemisphere Bulletin in Room least 25 to 50 years are required for strengths. Otherwise we will be We hope you enjoy our Final Programme to the full. Please look up page 18, material in these fields to gain full buried under mounds of time-consum- 2, A94 on Saturday, August 26th at 11.00 paragraph Festival Concert. Quote: hours. ]. SAHADE, R. H. STOY value. Are we really doing enough ing preliminary work in order to "Any tickets are needed." to see that sufficient precise observa obtain the observations needed for COMMISSION 7 - An informal meeting tions are continuing to be obtained theoretical advances. Did you take the tram tickets with you ? about grazing occultations of stars by skilfully in order to ensure that we Does the possibility of observing "Everyone can take place where he like." the Moon will be held today, 17:30 to shall gain the fundamental observa- 18:30 in room A134. Slides showing the the ultraviolet and far infrared parts We hope you did occur somewhere, but inside the concert garden. U.S. Naval Observatory's special equip- tional data about the masses, di of stellar spectra by means of spec- mp ment for making these observations will stances and motions of the stars that trographs carried into space make be shown. DWD we know can he obtained? One of unneccessary further study of the the rigorous demands on long term long-known standard part of the stel What will not be In the Proceedings " ... when we met in , we COMMISSION 16 – Jn the afternoon observing programs is that no lar spectrum? Certainly not. These of the Gene r al Assembly elected the chairman of the group but session A. DOLFUS projected a photo changes in method should be intro observations will serve to demon- neglected to elect the members ..." or the n e w t e n t h m o o n o f Sa duced which would result in unde- " ... Our Standing Committee was very Irom M. Plavec's report t u r n. The new satellite is very close strate physical conditions chiefly in active. It would be more so, if I'd write to the ring. and its existence had been finable systematic errors of the size the outermost parts of the stellar more letters, and still more, if all mem­ These statemen ts have n o t rece ived theoretically predicted on the basis of of the hoped for measured displace atmosphere. They cannot be fully ex- bers of the committee would reply to general a n t h o r iz a t i o n. They are the distribution of gaps in the Saturn ments. The second problem which ploited without understanding obtain- those letters which I did write . . . " edited by LSD – the LOC AL SOCIETY ring. The gaps correspond to orbital should be, and most cer tainly is, re ed from study of the spectral range from A. Batten's report FOR DESTRUCTION, INC. periods which are commensurable with ceiving attention is how to introduce available with ground-based equip the orbital period of some satellites automatic measuring and reduction ment. similar to the gaps in the distribution of techniques so as to alleviate the In the case of stellar spectra, the orbits of with respect to t he burden of turning good r aw observa planets. Q availability of new means of observa tions into good measured facts. That tion puts even more pressure upon FArfS DIVERS . * COMMISSION 27 – An informal meeting some fi ne steps in the desired direc obtaining adequate observations from * * tion have been taken can be seen of astr onomers interested in FLAR E the ground. The new needs demand Nuncius Sidereus Recommends STARS will be held on August 25th at 17.00 by reading the Draft Reports. hours in room A134. VO a new appraisal of the old in stellar A slightly younger field of study, spectroscopy. STAMP COLLECTORS should not miss O p e n i n g of the I A U G e n e r a I the analysis of stellar spectra, is 1 COMMISSIONS 33 AND 34 [Structure and visiting the specialized shop ser ving Ass em b y in Prague. The stamp, Dvnamics of the Galactic System, Inter- another field in whi.ch one must In theoretical studies the old fur- philatelists called POFIS at PřÍkopy which has a denomination of 60 stellar Matter and Planetary Nebulae) consider seriously the relationship nishes the apex of an ever widening 13 (near the lower part of St. Wen- hellers, depicts the dome of t he On on Thursday, August 24th in the morning between the new possibilities fo r ob cone of new comprehensi,on and ceslus Square). Besides a wide se- dřejov 78" telescope with a cross took up the central theme-spiral struc- serving and the old. the new needs undHrstancling. In the c,ase of the lection of stamps, you can also pur section of the telescope itself and ture of galaxies. Extensive papers on for theoretical studies and the old, theory of stellar spectra, to take only chase there the F i r s t D a y Co v e r symbolizes the explor ation of the Observed Fe atures of Some External Ga the new demands for practical phy one example, during the last 10 to issued by Czechoslovakia to mark the universe. The First Day Cover depicts !axles (8. ROBERTS) and Observational 15 years a great blossoming of results Data on Spiral Structure in the Galaxy sical knowledge about the Interaction (A. BLAAUW) were followed by shorter between radiation and atoms, ions based upon the idea that the inter- contributions, of which Galactic Struc and molecules. Great steps forward actions between radiation and atoms, ture As Shown By A New Type of Stellar in the design and construction of ions and molecules may be handled Aggregates [J. ISSERSTEDT, T. - fast, high-resolution spectrographs as if the radiation and matter were KALER] attracted special attention. J. have been made in the last 10 years. in local thermodynamic equilibrium Isserstedt discovered on the Palomar Sky One can now begin to obtain spectra has taken place. Comparison of the Survey-prints, in the course of a joint results for the continuous spectrum investigation on dark clouds, a new type. of a quality adequate for analysis of stellar aggregates different from by the best theories of stellar spec- with observation has resulted in some clusters and associations. The stellar tra. Line profiles as well as equiv a- great successes; comparison of theo rings appear as regular elliptical ag lent widths can and must be used retical results for lines with observed gregates of stars with the ratio of the as input data to the theories. These data has had less success. In fa ct, axes mostly between 1 and 1.7. The possibilities exist, but what real use it is becoming Increasingly clear thickness of a r ing is usually 1/25 ot has been made of them so far? that to understand the line spectra tJ1e minor diameter, the star density on of stars we must go back to the old tl1e average four times higher than that High-dispersion stellar spectro- of the surrounding field. A complete scopy requires long hours of tele- discussions of the first part of this century and attempt to develop ';urvey yielded a total of 1002 stellar scope time, but the available time rings. It appears that the discovery of per astronomer with the great spec theories not based on consideration St e l I a r r i n g s which ties on to the troscopic telescopes has become less of thermodynamic equilibrium. Then Ambarcumjan St a r Ch ai ns could by using the newest techniques in he a major contribution towards a and less. We are not in so good a position as some 25 years ago, even physical and mathematical theory we clarification of the highly topical ques shall surge forward. tion of the origin of stars. though the spectrograms obtained are generally much more suited to These remarks by no means ex the needs for theoretical Interpreta- haust the subject of the old and t he © and published by the Local Organizing tion. Furthermore, it is evident that new in astronomy and astrophysics. Committee of the 13th General Assemb ly many of the most Interesting staTs They will have played their part if of the International Astronomical Union. from a physical point of view are they alert us, each In his particular Chairman of the Editoria l Board: Jiří varia ble. It is a serious problem how field, to the age-old truth that t he GRYGAR. Editor in Chief: Bohumil BILEK. to ensure that adequate coverage in new h as greatest v a 1 u e when Quicquid nitet notandum – Layout: Milan ALBICH. Editorial Office: lime be obtained. coupled with the f in est o f t he Law Faculty of Charles University, Room oI d. Pr of. observed this motto even at the General Assembly (and 144. Nám. Curieových, No. 7, Praha 1. On the practical side of obtaining what was glittering was only the lens of th e camera, not the flash light! ) Printed by MlR , n. p., Establishment 1, line profiles and equivalent widths ANNE B. UNDERHILL Photo by Jindfich Marco who hates to flash Václavské nám. 15, Praha 1. from the spectrograms some progress Sonnenborgh Observatory, Utrecht DISSERTATIO PRAGAE CVM MCMLXVII 16. VIII.

Series Secunda Mass -loss from Stars We know that completely degenerate than the escape velocity. However configurations are not stable if their she suggested that a great mass- mass exceeds the Chandrasekhar li loss can take place if we alter "the mit of about 1.4 solar masses. Let us distance from the stellar surface at assume that no loss of mass occurs which the material has motion, and during the life of the massive stars. the size of the motions themselves". We know that the core endures a In support of this suggestion she series of contractions and heating observed that in the spectra of the each time a different nuclear fuel Wolf-Rayet star HD 192103 "strong is exhausted. In the end, endother absorption only occurs for spectral mal reactions with transmutation or lines which are strengthened when iron to helium would occur, accom the material is far from the stellar panied by gravitational collapse and surface, and that these lines show enormous heating of the part of the velocities of expansion of the order star still containing nuclear fuel of 1200 km/sec. So the picture is capable of freeing nuclear energy. that the Wo!f-Rayet stars are com This process would cause a sudden posed of an inner atmosphere which liberation of energy much greater forms the emission spectra chiefly, than that which the star can dissipate and an outer region at quite a dis from its surface. Hence we believe tance from the star, which usually that this sequence of events will end doesn't possess enough material to in a supernova explosion with a pFoduce certain absorption lines". mass-loss sufficiently great to reduce We have extensively quoted the the star to a point below the Chandra statement by Miss Underhill because sekhar limit. But we estimate that recent spectrographic observations deaths of stars of mass equal or of early-type supergiants in the far greater than 1.5 solar masses are ultraviolet made from rockets have about 100 times more frequent than strongly supported her idea. These supernova explosion. Hence the pro rocket observations are Interpreted blem arises how and when stars of by D. C. Morton who finds that the mass highter than 1.5 solar masses resonance absorption lines of Si IV lose their excess material before be and C IV in the spectra of three coming white dwarfs. early-type supergiants and one giant Spectroscopic observations show show expansion velocities ranging us that several classes of stars pre- from – 1400 to – 3800 km/sec, indi cating a mass-loss from the outer atmosphere. Rocket spectra of the B dwarfs show that these stars do not have such a high velocity mass-loss. Stationary The way films are developed in Nor is this the only amazing phy emission lines of C IV and Si IV A Photographer these premises scarcely differs from sical phenomenon. The kind lady who are also present !n these UV spectra the procedure, as described to screwed an ordinary household light permitting us to explain these stars the French Academy, by which Da bulb into the magnifier certainly with a model similar to that pro Among the Stars guerre processed his amazing inven didn't suspect that the trademark posed by Miss Underhill for the Wolf- tion – photography. Thus, pictures " Osram" would be pro;ected onto my lt was like a meteorite shower in Ra yet stars. are dried on the Law Faculty windows, prints, thus enriching the otherwise August the way stars fell an Another recent observation of a with their splendid view of Hradčany meagre photographic composition. As mass-loss phenomenon, one of explo Prague. That is, stars of the astro sive type, the discovery of changes nomical heavens. A photographer occurring in the spectrum of moves among these celestial bodies CH Cygni (M6), has been announ like a tadpole among crocodiles, and ced by Armin . Photoelectric when sometimes somehow a rif t color determinations of this star. opens in the cr owd, he actually made by Bruno Cester of the Trieste spends a few seconds taking pictures. Castle. The darkroom's elaborate f or the tank full of exposed ftlm, it Observatory, have shown that the Then, weaving through the traffic and technical equipment lacks an ordinary is necessary t o creep up on it like color in the violet is comparable to the t orn up streets of Prague, he f unnel, so solutions must be poured an Indian warrior, over all k inds of that of a G star, and in the ultra- makes his way to the photographic with the help of cupped hands – natural barriers such as floor violet to that of a B star. darkroom so magnanimously placed and don't dare t o sneeze, because boards and cleverly deployed chairs We are planning to organize a at his disposal in the Law Faculty trousers and detJel oper don't mix! The – while groping f or the tank in the second astrophysical colloquium in building. The so-called "darkroom" is electric glossing iron offers useful dark. This f eat calls for special cau Trieste in july or September of 1968 indeed a room, and it is indeed dark exercise for indolent bodies. Mine tion because the walls are lined with with a preliminary list of subjects – especially at niqht – but otherwise had t o crawl on the floor chasing unmapped light switches, and no one for discussion as follows: its facilities recail the darkest dun prints playing hide-and-seek on and knows what they would illuminate if geons of the Daric Ages. off the chr omium glossing plates. page 2 MAMZELKA 1967 - erratic star OBSERVATI ONAL EVIDENCE OF MASS- of first magnitude LOSS: Spectroscopic observations of early- type giants and supergiants, Of, Be, P Cygni stars, late-type giants and super- giants. Mass-loss from T Tauri stars. sent evidence of extended envelopes Mass-loss from Wolf-Rayet sta rs. Mass- where the kinetic temperature of the loss from planetary nebulae. Ma ss-loss gas is high enough to permit a con from novae and supernovae. Mass-loss tinuous flow of matter into outer and explosive events in late-type varia space. Examples of these objects are bles. Steady mass-loss from main se the Of stars, the Be stars, particul quence stars. Stellar and solar winds. arly the P Cygni stars, practically all Loss and exchange of mass in close the very luminous supergiant stars, bina ry systems. Ultraviolet observations and so forth. Moreover, several from rockets and satellites. Correlations stars also present evidence of viol between mass-loss and luminosity, lumi ent explosion of matter at different nosity and rotation + macroturbulence, epochs. macroturbulence and mlcroturbulence. There are the spectacular cases of THEORIES ON MASS-LOSS AND STELLAR mass loss during nova or supernova EVOLUTION: Mechanism of steady flow explosions, and, on a smaller scale, and eruptive mass-Joss. Influence of rota in Wolf-Rayet and planetary nebulae. tion, macro and mlcroturbulence, mag There are the complicated pheno netic fields on mass-toss. Mass-loss dur- of exchange of mass and mass ing the evolutionary path of stars. In loss from close binaries, which alter !luence of mass-toss over chemical com- their luminosities and change their position of advanced stars. The case o! evolutionary path. On the other hydrogen-poor stars. hand we know of the existence of All those who are interested in this the relatively quiet and almost colloquium can contact me here in negligible mass loss of nonevolved in Prague or write to me in Trieste. stars, which certainly emit a conti Any suggestions concerning the topics nuous stellar wind. to be discussed at this colloquium However, when we consider the will be most welcome. A more definite phenomenon in a quantitative way, program and date will be announced we find that stars which leave the in a circular whtch will be sent be main sequence after 106 to 108 years, fore the end of the year to astro should lose only a small fraction of nomers working in this field and to their initial mass. To overcome this all others who express an Interest ir, difficulty, Miss Underhill suggested the Trieste colloquium. that probably all values for mass- loss have been greatly underestim Prof. MARGHE RITA MACK, ated. It is true that the observed Director, Astronomical Observatory flow velocities are usually smaller of Trieste Résultats pour l'Avenir * Couches exterieures et structure interne des étoiles PROFESSE UR P. LEDOUX Prof. Martin SCHWARZSCHILD introducing the second Invited Discourse asked all of us to be good boys and to do nothing else than to listen carefully to Professor Ledoux. Now and then in the past there were those who missed doing so. It was their mistake. jg Initially, as the mass of the very external layers is only a small fraction of the total mass of a star, it was generally thought that their influence was negligible and that precise boundary conditions did not matter much and that it was good enough, for instance, to set the surface temperature equal to zero. In some ways, MILNE was the first to challenge this and, although h is criticisms were exagger ated, some of the investigations that he instigated yielded some results which have proven significant later. An English Summary of the Invited Discourse of Friday, August 25 A very important result was ob radiative core was that no models tained by UNSÖLD in 1930 when he could ever fall, in the Hertzsprung- showed that the ionization of hydro- diagram, to the right of a Men - and Wo men - on the Moon gen let to the development of con- nearly vertical line corresponding to vection in the subphotospheric layers an effective temperature of the order Ground Floor, Faculty of Law, Room 16 of the sun, and that this convection of 3,oooº K. Any star momentarily in was likely to be related to many of that region would move very rapid- the activities at the solar surface. ly towards that critical line and Results of the AmericanM oon Probes Later work, especially by BIERMANN, evolve down it later, remaining com- to be presented at Session of Commission 17 on Saturday, August 28 in the House showed that this convection zone pletely convective until very close of Artists. should extend much deeper than to the main sequence when the nuc- initially forseen and could, in this lear reactions start. In particular Following on the footsteps of the Ranger program, the Surveyor program way, affect seriously the internal this implied a drastic revision of our portance in thts respect of the se- with t wo successful flights and the Lunar Orbiter program with four structure of the sun or of any star ideas on the initial gravitational con- cond helium ionization zone and of with an effective temperature lower traction of the stars, and this has the opacity effects. This has been successful flights have given scientists a new perspective of the Moon. Pho- than some 10,000° K. many consequences for the inter- confirmed by the detailed work of tograps obtained with the Lunar Orbitfr program vary in their coverage In fact, it was recognized later, pretation of yound clusters and the BAKER and KIPPENHAHN and of J. of the Moon from almost the entire Moon p.hotographed from many different mainly due to the work of OSTER amount of some of the light metals P. COX while the direct attack of directions to lunar surface areas covering a few hundred square meters and BROCK, that in stars less massive like lithium and beryllium subsisting the non-linear problem by R. F. than the sun, this convection would when the stars reach the maiu se- CHRISTY, by A. N. COX and J. P. COX showing features a s small as one meter across. extend even deeper. Now we believe quence. and by ALYASHIN has shown that The most complete coverage of the be obtained. Examples are shown in that stars with masses smaller than Hayashi's work also implies that the effect of the external layer can Moon was obtained by Lunar Orbi the accompanying illustrations. 0.27 Mo must be entirely convective no real star should be found to the indeed lead to finite pulsations with ter IV which photographed 99 per- The Lunar Surveyor's high resolu- and this implies also that these stars right of the critical line and this amplitudes and unharmonlcities in cent of the front side of the Moon tion photography permitted detailed are likely to be vibrationally un- provides a crucial test of the theory. reasonable agreement with the ob- with a resolution of 70 meters or study of two limited areas of the stable. One may then expect that all Although the agreement with the red servations. better. A total of 60 percent of the lunar surface throughout most of the the stars of the main sequence up giant branches of the clusters is on The remaining weakness in all this lunar far side has been photograph- lunar day. Details as small as 0.5 mil- to the early F spectral types and the whole very good, we know al- work is the lack of a completely ed during the four missions. Using limeters across can be detected on perhaps the late A types should ready of stars which seem to have satisfactory theory of convection, the far side photographs from Lu- some of the photographs. A maneuver- present a surface activity somewhat surface temperatures lower than the especially in nonstationary condi- nar Orbiter plus material from the able scoop on Surveyor III permitt- similar to that of the sun. extreme lower limit of about 2,500° K tions as occur, for instance, during USSR Zond III photographs, a chart ed trenches to be dug in the near- However, it is in the theory of stellar allowed by the theory if one takes the pulsation. However, it is not like- of the lunar far side has been prep- by lunar surface, thus testing some evolution and the interpretation of into account the molecular opacity. ly that a better treament of convec- ared. Copies of this chart will be of the properties of the lunar sur- the red giant branches of clusters In particular, if the recently discover- tion would invalidate the general available for distribution at the pre- face material near the spacecraft. that the importance of the boundary ed infrared stars have surface tem- qualitative results that we have re- sentation. WILLIAM E. BRUNK conditions at the surface and the peratures as low as has been sug- called although it might make some Flexibility in the pointing of the Planetary Astronomy Chief structure of the ionization zone of gested they might requir e some im- quantitative differences. hydrogen received its most spectacul- Orbiter spacecraft permitted both Lunar and Planetary Programs, Office portant revision or improvement of Many problems are also raised by vertical and oblique photographs to of Space Science and Applications ar confirmation. The structure of the giants remained mysterious for some the theory. the question of the effect on the time after the identification of the The existence of the external ioniza- most external atmospheric layers of main nuclear reactions by BETHE tion zone has also had very import the convection below. Apart from the and VON WEISZÄCKER, round 1939, ant consequences for the lnterpreta- many more or Jess direct inferences From page one aware of this redundancy on our had led to an explanation, at least tlon of a large class of intrinsic concerning the granulation and the touched. This the photographer part, but unaware of its remedy. in a first approximation. of the main variable stars: cepheids, RR Lyrae general activity at the surface of the learned to his sorrow the evening he Therefore our apologies in advance if sequence stars. An important step etc. was the first to at- sun, a new interest has arlsen in left the Foreign Office reception we so metimes tread on your corns, was taken by SCHWARZSCH ILD and tract the attention to the possible discussion of the various possible early to hasten at cosmic velocity to pass you on the stairs or thrust our SANDAGE when they showed that importance of the hydrogen ioniza- modes of oscillation of the external the aforesaid darkroom in order to unblinking glass eyes under your after the helium core resulting from tion zone for this problem. Later, it layer including the superadiabatic process his pictures of the event at nose. We are as necessary an evil as the burning of hydrogen had reach- appeared that the actual mechanism region at the top of the convection supersonic speed for the impatient Prague's torn-up streets, as inevitable eel some 10 % of the mass, the evolu- proposed by Eddington was lnsuffici- zone. Also, problems like that of the mor ning newspapers. A volunteer as death and taxes. tion of the s tar would consist in a ent to explain the excitation of the solar or stellar winds will probably assistant switched on the light at the contraction of the core and an ex- pulsations. But, in the meantime, find their proper perspective in a We are told to go phowgraph the ZHEVAKIN had pointed out the im- further study of these external layers. very moment he held the spool o) Congress. Then the printers curse us pansion of the envelope. In that case, exposed film in his hand ... The only for missing press deadlines, the jani the representative point in the We may conclude that many impor tant results on fundamental thing that saved him from dropping tors curse us for making them open HEHTZSPRUNG–RUSSELL diagram questions have already been reached thanks to a proper treatment dead of heart failure was being able the door so late at night, the editors moves to the right towards the red to get a good night's sleep that night giant branch. However it failed to go of the external layers. One may hope that the pursuit of these studies imprecate that we haven't snapped will lead in the end to a g lo b a I v i ew o f a star, including its instead of working! the action shot of so-and-so, a Very up along this giant branch. But by i l t h h s Thanks to the good offices of those Tmportant Personage at the Congress, taking into account more realistic n t e r a c t i o n w t e i n t e r t e II a r m e d i u m i n which kind feminine souls who care for the standing on his hands. boundary conditions with a finite it is embedded. welfare of the participants at the sur face temperature and the effect Yet nevertheless and notwithstand- congress, the photographer too was of the hydrogen convection zone, ing, Nuncius Sidereus manages to armed with a name badge on his HOYLE and SCHWARZSCHILD were come out every day. Which is a daily lapel. This led all too often to his the first to show that the representa- miracle that those of us who help FAITS being asked all sorts of insubstantial t iv e point tended to move up the DIVERS . bring it into the world cannot com- * * * questions in all sorts of languages by giant branch. LITHIU M PRO BLEM - The corrected program of the joint Discussion reads: said participants such as, why prehend. In discussing this problem, HAYA DISCUSSION CHAIRMAN: PROF. W. A. does the number 17 tram circulate Even a photographer has a home, SHI r ealised that one of the import- G. H. HERBIG: The Occurrence of Lithium in Stars - like E. A. Spiegel (20 minutes. though no one believes it, since he ant consequences of this structure a ll others 10 minutes). from one faculty to another (no M. W. FEAST: Evidence for Li Destruction and Synthesis in Main-Sequence and doubt, in honor of the astronomers, is always circulating somewhere else with a convective envelope and a with his camera. Once home, his legs Subgiant Stars of Solar Mass to simulate a satellite 1 or whether MRS. A. M. BOESGAARD: Observations of Beryllium in Stars the foundation of a future tobac- still tremble, his right eye is black MISS E. A. MÜLLER: Lithium Observations in th.e Sun conist's stall is the excavation for and blue and bloodslwt. His limbs DUBOV, PROKOFJEV AND SEVERNYJ: On the Possible Difference of the Lithium one of Prague's underground stations. collapse on the bed as if rigor mortis CosMicS Content in Sunspots and the Photosphere had already set in His last conscious It got to a point where I was con Pictorial Supplement to the Draft E. GRADSZTAJN: Experimental and Calculated Cross-Sections for the Production fusing languages with camera ex- awareness of the astronomical con of Li, Be , B Isotopes in C, N, O by Hign Energy Protons Reports E. SCHATZMAN: Barriere de diffusion dans les atmospheres stellaires posures, falling over my own feet, gress is a constellation of polychrome COMMISSION 35: Caughlan has stu stars buzzing furiously around his H. REEVES: Destruction Rates of Lithium and Beryllium in Stellar Surfaces, a and forgetting who's who on the died in detail the CNO bi-cycle. Comparison with Observations photos. head, like a halo. © by LSD-Local Society for Distrac- E. A. SPIEGEL: Mixing Processes in Stars Howerer, the photographer cannot Long live the Congress! ti on, Ltd. COMMISSIO N 9 {Astl'Onomical Instru COMMISSION on M e t e o r s a n d M e forget one participant at the congress TINDRlCH MARCO Drawings by Otakar ŠTEMBERA ments – met in two sessions presided t e or ite s: Chairman: Z. Ceplecha, Cze- – an invisible one, but extremely over by Prof. j. Rösch and Prof. ]. ch·oslovakia; Vice-Chairman: R. E. active. He pictures this gremlin as a Me Gee on Thursday afternoon. The McCrosky, USA; Organization Comm ittee: very misahievous dwarf who springs technical portion of the meetings was P. B. Babadjanov, USSR ; W G. Elford, hts tricks at the worst and least ex- devoted to the latest results tn applving Australia; C. L. Hemenway, USA; P. M. pected moments. lt was certainly he electronic photography to astronomy. Millman, Canada; A. A. Yavn el , USSR . Prof. A. Lallemand Informed the par COMMITTEE on M e t e o r it e s : Chair who, during the ceremony inaugurat tlcipants of the superiority of electronic ing the Ondřejov telescope - and man: A. A. Yavnel, USSR ; Vice-Chairman: photography for photometry of very E. Anders, USA. Just as I was photographing the main faint objects, where the linearity of the speaker – suddenly ;oggled a steel electronic camera is a ,articularly ad The International Sy m p o s i u m o n plate on the telescope platform, with vantageous characteristic. G. Wlerick of M e teo r it e s will take place from August 7 to 13, 1968 In VIenna. a noise like kingdom come. It was Meudon described the technique of pho tometry of flat objects with the help of he who drank the tank of our car electronic photography, and presented L'expositlon ASTRONOMIA NOVA 1987 dry when we were most pressed for the results thus far obtained in studying est ouverte tous les jours (y compris le ttme. He alone who saw to it that the planets, notably jupiter. A detailed dim anche I de 9 à 5 heures. eager diggers in the street before my comparison of conventional photographic house out my telephone cable, and methods and electronic photography was © and published by the Local Organizing he w ho inspired my editor to accuse presented by M. Walker, wh o showed Committee of the 13th General Assembly me of doing the deed myself! on planetary nebulae that electronic pho or the International Astronomical Union. A photographer is a phenomenon tographs represent a substantial step Chairman of the Editorial Board: Jlff forward in studying the morphology and GRYGAR. Editor in Chief: Bohumll BILEK. occuring only in clusters like galaxies. chemical composition of these objects. Layout: Milan ALBICH. Editorial Office: This type of alusters is always found T Law Faculty of Charles University, Room where tt should not be, always orbit- COMMISSION 22, proposed Jtst of of 144, Nám. Curieovych, No. 7, Praha 1. ing in the same system as newsreel, ficers nominated today by the Com Printed by MIR , n. p., Establishment 1, television and radio reporters. We are mission and as submitted to IAU: Václavské nám. 15, Praha 1. DISSERTATIO PRAGAE CVM MCMLXVII 27. VIII.

Series Secunda

Longest-Published Periodical Discovered Namely, the newspaper you hold in particular reacted utgorously, and your hands. Our Dissertatio cum Nun- without hesitation replied to Galtleo IN HOC SIGNO cio Sidereo is the periodical with in a document he called, ,Dtssertatlo HOUSE SIGNS are a remarkable feature of Prague. You can find an the longest publishing history in the cum Nuncio Sidereo' (Dialogue wtth world. The proof? The following ex- abundance of them especially in the Lesser Town {Little Quarter J the Stellar Messenger- Prague, 1610 cerpt from page 132 of the book A. D./ section of the city, which has been preserved as a sort of reservation Poz n ávání v e s m ír u (Knowing At this moment we cannot say with of the 17th and 18th centuries. Already then the Sun apparently had the Universe] by the Czech authors certainty whether the periodicity of many fans in Bohemia since he is often repeated. Z. Horsky and M. Plavec, publtshed the Intervening 357 years is constant by Orbis, Prague, 1962: Galileo described most of his disco- or not. More nwnerous observations The GOLDEN SUN - Z l a t e slunc e - is the oldest, dating to the beginn- veries in a document he entitled of the Dtssertatlo . . . appearance are ing of the 17th century. ,Nunctus sldereus', ( Stellar Messen- urgently needed. Another series of At TWO SUNS - U d vo u s l u n c u - the poet {an author of ger, 1610 A. D.) These papers made observations should be established If you want to trace the great fan Cosmic Songs spent his youth; you naturally find it on his street. a great stir tn the world. Kepler in of astronomy King Václav IV {the son circa 2324 A. D. jg of good old ki ng Charley ) go to t he inn, that he ts said to have frequent- ed AT THE GREEN FROG – U zelené žáb y - Praha 1, U radnice 8 This is al most within the area of t he Congress. ZH

United Kingdom Wins Ball Game Valdšteinská Street No 161/20 Neruda Street No 233/47 At lBh 12m on the evening of Friday 25 August D. H . Sadler, the representative of the United Kingdom, emerged victorious in the billiards match regularly played with the representative of the United States at all General Assemblies of the IAU since 1928. The loser, who chooses to remain anonymous until a more favourable outcome can be reported, managed to suppress his chagrin and finish his second glass {giant size ) of beer without any obvious diffi- culty. America still retains the Gold Cup so persistently pursued by Sir Thomas Lipton, but the United Kingdom hat the most "English" on the bale! The original contender s in this his toric contest were F. Schlesinger {for U. S. A. } and F. f. M. Stratton {for U. K .j ; Stratton invited me to GOLDEN SUN – Z laté s l u n c e succeed him in 1955. Btlliards is a Praha 1, Na poříčí 1045/22 jauourtte game amongst astronomers {and also amongst firemen who si milarly may have period.s of waiting BLACK SUN - Če r n é s1 u n c e between duties) and billiard tabl es THREE LITTLE VIOLINS - U t ří h o usl t če k - ln the Lesser Town. were, and still are, a feature of many observatories {for example, Mount Wilson and Palomar, Yale, Royal Greenwich Observatory, Nice, Pulkouo]. Our game was to have been orga nized by the most efficient Mr. V. Rajsky, but the t wo contenders de cided to play at short notice after a cesual meeting. We t herefore entered {after some difficulty in lo caling it) the games room - herna – where we were courteously, but perhaps a l ittle curiously, received; the establishment is devoted to bil- liards and chess, and the 20 or 30 Praha 1, Celetná Street No 8 Nerudova Street 243/27 tables were all occupied, while some 30 or 40 chess games were in pro- gress. But a table {without pockets} At TWO BEARS - U d vo u m e d v ěd ů – - renaissance portalon the corner was soon made auailable for us, and of the Melantrtchoua and Kožná Streets, birthplace of Egan Erwin Kisch, we {both meet out of practice} were famous Prague "furious reporter" of the interwar pertod. soon engaged on generating sequen ces of cannons. The Americans, for reasons at which l can only guess, rejel' to the side, or spin about a vertical axis t hat is i mparted to t he cue-ball by stricking i t oft-centre, as "English" . D. H. SADLER

Praha 1, Kožná Street 475/1 Le NUNCIUS SIDEREUS est à l'adres- se suivante: Faculté de Droit, salle No. 144, téléphone No. 2874-41, poste No. 247. Les communications sont re- çues à cette adresse. En cas d'absence BOW HOUSES ARE NUMBERED IN PRAGUE vous pouvez vous adresser à Ia salle The first number is the bulding's serial number in the quarter, the second No. 142- 143. Si tout le monde a dé is the house number of the particular street. serté, vouz pouvez déposer vos com- On each street in Prague house number 1 begins either at the South end or munications dans la boite située à the end nearest to the Vltava - and is on the left; number 2 is on the côté de Ia porte de Ia salle No. 144. right. In Prague, all even numbers are on tbe left side of the street; Ainsi, nous sommes à votre disposi odd numbers, oddly enough, on the right. tion jour et nuit. Nuncios Sidereus recommends THEATRE - DIVADLO NA ZABRADLl A childrens' program, "AFRICAN ("Theatre on the Balustrades"), Pra- FAIRYTALE" [on the constellations gue 1, Anenská Square 5, is famous of the southern heavens) will be for its pantomime troupe, directed given Sunday morning as 10 A. M. by the youngest laureate of the Cze Prague's Planetarium is situated in choslovak State Prize in the arts, La- the Park of Culture and Leisure near dislav Fialka. Since the performance the building in which the Inaugural may be fully enjoyed without the Ceremony took place. slightest knowledge of the Czech lan- EXHIBITIONS - THE COLLECTIONS guage, don't hesitate to get your OF THE NATIONAL GALLERY are tickets - either at the theatre box- scattered through many parts of Pra office [open daily from 1. P. M., gue; all are open from 10 A. M. to 6 telephone 24-81-31) or at the Con- P. M. hours. Old Czech and European gress booking agency in the Central art, as well as the modern French Hall (AB) of the Law Faculty. Per- collection, are concentrated in Hrad formances August 26 and 28 - 31; čany (Prague Castle), Hradčanské curtain at 8:30 P. M. The repertory Square 15. Czech modern painters are includes happenings entlitled "Roads'', in the Old Town, Dr. V. Vacka Plaque on the house where Franz "Etudes", "Madmen", and "Pantomi Square 1 (the blue number G2 on Kafka was born me on the Balustrades". your map of Prague]. At Zbraslav MUSIC - ST. JAMES CHURCH, Pra- Castle (26 kms from the center of FRANZ KAFKA AND PRAGUE is the gue 1, Malá Štupartská street (num the city) is a distinguished collection title of an exhibit of paintings by ber 25 on your map of Prague) on of Czech sculpture, partly installed }. Mařanová in the Spanish Synago Tuesday August 29 at 5 P. M. presents in the park around the castle. gue, corner of Dušní and Vězeňská the St. James Chorus and Orchestra streets, open daily except Saturdays playing compositions by old Czech The FOLKLORE SECTION OF THE from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. masters (Černohorský, Zelenka, Bri- NATIONAL MUSEUM, Prague 5, Kin xi, Skroup) and J. for organ, ský Summer Palace, Petrin Park, is VISITOR TO THE BIG TELESCOPE: chorus and orchestra. open daily except Mondays from Demonstrator: There where with the 1000-1800. Its permanent exhibition naked eye you can see nothing at all, NÁRODNÍ PAMÁTNÍK [National Mo documents the life and culture of the the telescope enables you to see a nument) on Vítkov H!ll, Prague 3, people of Czechoslovakia from the hundred times as many stars Vltkov street 1900. Sunday, August 27 18th century to the present day. at 1. M., organ recital. [Blue number M3 on your map.) PRAGUE PLANETARIUM - The pro A PERMANENT SALES EXHIBITION gram "ASTROLOGERS AND THE OF PAINTINGS, prints and plastic TWELVE APOSTLES" will be presen art objects, at the Platyz Gallery, ted today at 5 P. M. This is Prague 1, Narodnl Avenue 37, is an astronomical retrospective tour of open weekdays from 1000-1800; Sa Gothic and Renaissance Prague. turdays until 1330.

ASTRONOMY AND PRAGUE INNS, AT THE FLEKS-U Fl e k ů and AT Restaurants and Wine Cellars . .. ST. THOMAS-U Tomáš e, the old Astronomical ideas have for ages est Prague beer pubs deserve special been playing an important role in attention since in five hundred years the life of the people of Prague. an astronomical number of pints have Let's start with ALPHA – even been emptied there. The same goes though this is a term that is scient for theW e t n stub e AT THE VICAR ifically not precise, for tt hasn't been AG E-U Vi k árky, at Prague Castle, stated what constellation we are from where-according to reliable dealing with. On the other hand, testimony by one of the Czech there is the distinct advantage that classics Svatuplulc Čech–the Prague the café Alpha is located on Saint bourgher, Matěj Brouček, was launch- Wenceslav Square - and has night ed on his successful trip to the Moon. The telescope brings the stars so close that you would be able to see afly clubs Beta and Gamma. l can highly recommend these also crawling up tbe GLOBES there are two in Prague. for their extra-astronomical qualities. One is an ordinary restaurant, in the It occurred to me, you see, that some other you can find guests of all one might be keenl y interested not Pictorial Supplement to the Draft Reports t h r e e sexes. But what, after all, is only in names but also in such things a globe, when on Petřín Hill they've as food, dri nks, pleasant surroundings, opened a place that has been dubbed nice views, Prague specialities ... KOSMOS?! Since in Prague we don't have in As to STELLAR names, they might dicators for restaurants which would appear to the specialist a bit un- inform you of their quality by t he specific or vague. There is ASTRA, number of stars, as in France, the ORION and then the THE BLUE chief editor and yours truly under took a special Nunctus Research ex- STAR-M o d r á h v ě z d a, restaurant and AT THE BLUE STAR inn-U mod- pedition. I t worked at great sacrifice (you've surely noticed that my r éh v ěz d y. column was missing from the last The SUN -U s l u n c e quite natur- number), and her e are the prelimin ally is a favorite. Two restaurants ary results. We recommend: have been concentrated to it: AT THE AT THE CHALICE-U Kalicha- SUN-U s l u n c e and AT THE GOLD- Na bojišti 12, Prague 2: super-renown- EN SUN-U z l atéh o s l u n c e. A ed "Pilsner" pub where the good world-renowned Prague expert on soldier Švejk made a date with sap per Comparative Saloonology maintains Vodička for six hours after t he war. that here we find reflected residues of AT THE FLEKS- U FIek ů-Kře the ancient pagan cult; similarly with mencova 9- 11, Prague 1: The onl y AT THE TREE- U strom u, inn in Prague that still has its own AT THE GREEN TREE- U z e l e- brewery. Beer has been brewed t here néh o s t r om u, since the 15th century. Had AT THE HILL-N a k o p c i, Commission 15 observed a sun-grazing comet (and did not drive it away; k nown about it, we might have been does not Commission 10 mindó) THE LlTTLE HILL-Na k ope č k u, America. etc. I am, however, of the opinion ANIMATED WOOD-0 ži vléd ře- that these names testify to the mass vo-Strahovské nádvoří, Prague 1: development of amateur astronomy restaurant of noble distinction, the with the old Czechs. What could the name refers to the original decora- old Czechs observe; given the lack tions, not the staff. of proper instruments, since the two- MONASTERY WEINSTUBE-Kláš meter t elescope at Ondřejov did not tern í vi n ár n a-Národní třída 8, yet exist? Only the Sun, the closest Prague 1: quiet place; fine selection star. And {ust from where should they of f oods and drinks; specialty; wild have observed him? Of course, from life. fTI!e translater means game. I a hill and little hill. They may possib think. Editor of N. S.J ly have had to climb on a green tree. CHIN ESE RESTAURANT-Čínsk á Besides, the Sun has "pull" with r es taur a c e-Vodičkova 19, Prague gastronomical activists throuqh his .1: despite the political association, son-wine. (Viz. the French mscrzp- the best food in Prague. tton on the glass door on the first PRAHA EXPO 58, Letenské sady floor of the Wetnstube AT THE Prague 6-Letna: medal at the Brussels PATRON-U patron a in the Lesser World's Fair, 1958; but prepared f resh, Town of Prague: "Wine is the son of even à Ia minute. the Sun".) SOFIA, St. Wenceslas Square: Bul- Of the PLANETS–if we leave out garian restaurant with heavily spiced of consideration the somewhat vague Balkan meals. If you prefer Czech term WORLD–S v ět, only MERGU RY cuisine, you have to go to Vienna, or –Me r k u r has asserted himself, and be invited by a Czech family. H twice at that. Her e we have absolute AT THE GOLDEN PITCHER- U z l a- COMMISSION 35: Stothers followed the evolution of a 30 Mo star until e w a x a s Sh proof that the origin of all names is té kon v ic e- Melantrlchova 12, s e h u t e d ...... while e did not mind of an astronomical and not a mytho- Prague 1: a unique old-town wine logical nature. After all, we could cellar, gothic-style vaulted ceilings; hardly assume that the innkeepers despite its old style it serves ex- would so readily opt for the god of cellent wines- old and young. If you LUNAR NOMENCLATURE thieves. like young women, you better bring METEOR is a name that appears Visitor at the telescope: them with you. unsuitable to me. This is a restaurant AT THE GREEN FROG - U z e len é Now 1 understand how you determine where you can be quite ''gemütlich", the hetght of mountains on the moon, žáb y - U radnlce B, Prague 1: ditto. . so l don't really see why all this l ocated in a place that used to house how you measure the moon's tempe- hurry in the name. If tt is meant to rature and all those other things, but Prague's executioners. refer to the service, then it's a de AT THE GOLDEN PEAR-U z laté will you explain to me how you dis liberate deception of the public. covered the names of all those marta hrušky-Nový svět, Prague .1: if you prefer a warm, intimate atmo and craters? LUNlK – well, well, on London street will surely be of Interest to the sphere, there you have it. Moon Commission; the Mathematical GOLDEN FOUNTAIN-Zlatá stud © and published by the Local Organizing Commission wouldn't want to miss n a- food and drink Just average, but Committee of the 13th General Assembly AT NUMBER 1–U čt sla 1, and magntftctent view of Prague, and a of the International Astronomical Union. AT THE MILLIONS-U m t lión u. very original location. Chairman of the Editorial Board: Jiří The Commission on the History of P.S. Couldn't the Union set up an GRYGAR. Editor in Chief: Bohumil BILEK. Astronomy will find the MEMFIS-bar international commission which would Layout: Milan ALBICH. Editorial Office: and LUXOR trreststlble; the latter's examine and permit astr onomical Law Faculty of Charles University, Room 144, Nám. Curleov9ch, No. 7, Praha 1. scientific value is, of aourse, seriously names only to those inns which serve Printed by MIR, n. p ., Establishment 1, depressed by the fact that tt ts a café good food and drink and don't charge Václavské nám. 15, Praha 1. serving only non-alcoholic beverages. astronomical prices? GABRIEL LAUB Ranger VII impacted a red mare. {Report ol Commission 17, page 342) DISSERTATIO PRAGAE CVM MCMLXVII 28. VIII.

Series Secunda The Use of computers in the Literal Development of the lunar Theory The solution of the equations of motion of the Moon with precision equal to or greater than that of the accumulated observations has long been a challeng ing problem, and it is natural that the automatic computer should be applied to the numerical and analytical operations required in the solution of this problem. The solution is obtained in the form of harmonic series for the coordinates where the coefficients are polynomials in a number of orbital elements and the arguments are polynomials in the elements and in the time. The solution consists of that of the "main problem'', where the Suo, Earth and Moon are treated as point masses and the attraction of the planets are neglected, and of the perturbations.

In the main problem the arguments meters as the number of decimals are linear functions of the time witb r equired in the coordinates. Two of four fundamental frequencies and the the other parameters are smaller and ooefficients involve five orbital para less troublesome, but the fifth, which meters. Two of the parameters a re we designate as m, is the real source of the order of 0.1 and the expan of slow convergence. However, the sions must be carried to approxi value of this parameter – which is the mately the same order in these para- r atio of the mean motions of the Sun and Moon – is known with much higher accuracy than the others. Three developments of t h e I u n a r t h e o r y made before There are Mice the days of the computer are of inte rest here: those of , of HILL and BROWN, and of . The on the Moon first is literal in all five parameters The problem posed ln the heading is and is a monumental piece of analy surely one of the cardinal questions sis. The second contains the nume not only of cont emporary astronomy rical valne of m and the literal but also of astrobiology and sociolo values of the other four parameters; gy, possibly even of some other bran It has been the international refe ches. It is thus in the interest of rence orbit for n1 any decades. The prospering journals ( and Nuncius Si third is completely numerical: the dereus is certainly among them) to best available previous solution Is carry reports on this topical subject used as a first approximation and and keep a close watch on the latest corrections are obtained by solving advances towards its solution. a large set of linear algebraic The editor thus dispatched a re equations. to the Moon. The latter exploi The f!rst application of the auto ted all possibilities provided by the matic computer to the development There were cameras contemporary state of industrial and of the lunar theory was the solution other techniques, and in the early of the main problem by AIRY's morning Congress hours (about 10,00 method. The solution gives, with few A. M.) he trauersed in his socks the exceptions, all terms to ten decimals surface of the Moon in the gym of or better. With this precision there the headquarters of the Congress (it are nearly 10,000 terms. The modern electl'Onic calculator on the oon - or nearby is too bad that the gym had to be e'l iminated, so that our satellite is capable of effectively manipulating Two Soviet and Two American Slides from neighbour could be placed there. not only numerical series but literal Otherwise, the delegates could refresh ones as well and there has been their body there through physical great interest in the development of machine programs for this purpose. exercises, which would surely be of substancial benefit to them, consi Programs have been written for the Academician Mihajlov's Invited Discourse DELAUNAY and for the HILL-BROWN dering how much time they spend method and the calculations by the sitting at meeti ngs}. Nuncius' reporter ascertained former have been carried beyond a those of Deleunay. The basic princip whole series of already known facts: les of manipulating symbols are not t here are crat ers there, seas, moun very mysterious but the logistic pro tains. But he also determined one blems of handling the data in the very essential fact t hat is immedia !ely related to the question raised in store are not trivial. For a given accuracy the Hill-Brown method has t he heading: there are undoubted many more terms than the numerical z y mice on the Moon. If we under method since a g iven argument arises take a detailed examinat ion of the from many combinations of the para regions along the edges of the dis meters. Similarily the number in the played pictures, then on the north Delaunay method is much larger east – or northwest, indicated are than in the Hill-Brown method since only north and south/ – we see the additional parameter m is the one quite clearly a rising zig-zag passa of slow convergence. The Individual ge of precisely the type of shape components of the coefficient for a that is produced by mice on the given period have of course no obser meadows or on forest soil. vational s ignificance. Of course, we must note that, ac cording to the scale that has been Motivation for extending the Hill- drawn on the floor, at the southern Brown method to the accuracy of the edge, these m i ce passa g e s must numerical solution comes not only from the astronomer but from the Reverse side of tbe Moon in July 1965 – Zond 3 have a diameter of about five k i l o met er s, from which one may con applied mathematician interested In clude t hat t he lunar mice are relati the reliability of these solutions.. Lunar Orbiter picture of the farside of the Moon – vely big; t he diameter of their bodies The two methods start from the same differentia l equations, pro NASA is leas t o n e k m. This biological abnormality can surely be explained ceed by methods that a re comple by t he small pressure on the lunar tely unrelated, and arrive at 10,000 coefficients that should each agree Another 3 photograp h of the forside of the atmosphere, so that t he bodies of t he Zond mice expand and fill up a good part to ten or mora decimals. M... of the passages. VA W. J. Surroundings of tbe South Pole of the Moon taken by high-resolution camera - Lunar Orbiter I THE MOTORCOACHES DROVE OFF met again at the first destination - in all directions Sunday morning, full for example Zb r a s I a v Ca s t le of passengers, and each more or less and its gallery of s c u I p t u r e s. homogenized linguistically - if one THE PROGRAM WAS SO FULL it can credit the language placards on wasn't possible to conduct the sight- each bus windshield. This of course seeing With astronomical thorough did not prevent straggiers from ness. However the delegates did tbe climbing aboard the nearest vehicle best they could, such as that Swiss participant, armed with camera, two without regard to its posted lingua guidebooks and notebook, with whom franca. Only the last coaches to at Zbraslav we mutually bemoaned depart had some empty seats. the lack of time. Aft er all, the astro ROUTES WERE VARIED, the buses nomers have only themselves to bla left at fixed intervals, but often they me - for inventing time. gi Observing the Sun in Capri TWO YEARS EXPERIENCE WITH DOMELESS of 9 mm/Å in the 5th (blazed) ordar, measured resolving power 500 000; COUDÉ -·REFRACTOR Hα- filter with automatic expo- sure and programming device; a high Quite in contrast to the United States (e. g. Mt. Wilson, Kitt Peak resolution magnetograph for simul- National and Sacramento Peak Observatories) the european climate taneous mapping of longitudinal and suited for astronomical observation does not coincide with regions transverse magnetic fields. The sen of high technical civilisation or with places having large universities. sors of the photoelectric guiding are This is especially true for England, France and . The obser- placed on the limb of the 150 mm solar image and work on the second vatories or Central Europe therefore are increasingly engaged to build mirror, thus giving a time response up and use observing facilities in southern latitudes, as the European of < 0.1 sec. Image quality is mea Southern Observatory ( ESO) in Chile, the Gottingen observatory in sured in the same focus: Image mo southern Switzerland, the Heidelberg observatory in Greece and the tion by a photocell on the limb, ima Frannhofer Institute ( Freiburg) now for more than 12 years on the ge contrast by a photocell scanning island of Capri in southern Italy. the granulation. Furthermore tempe No doubt the Mediterranian is much better suited for solar obser- rature fluctuations in the vicinity of vation than Central Europe. The number of sunshine hours in sou- the telescope can be measured and recorded by thermocouples at diffe thern Italy is more than double han that in 45° or 50° latitude. To rent heights. become practically independent of season, however, one has to go The preliminary result is as fol still further in the southern parts of the Mediterranian. which implies lows: Dllring a stable high pressure considerable travelling costs as well as a number of additional diffi situation (except during N-wlnds) culties and risks. which mostly brings a hazy horizon The STEPHANION ASTRONOMICAL STATION {Greece): A new International (visibility over sea about 10 km), observing station 15 km south of Corinth (altitude 800 m) including a) one Besides the amount of sunshine sunshine hours, seeing conditions, the images are often quite stable and satellite observing station equipped with a LASER and a DOPPLER-system available, the seeing conditions living and working conditions and sharp about 1 hour after sunrise for belonging to CNES, b) one astrophysical observing station equipped with expressed e. g. as a fraction of the attainability. We went to Capri be some time, however with a rather a 40-cm reflector used by the astronomers of all the Astronomical Institutes total observing hours during which cause of its safe and still support strong extinction. Around 10 to 11 h of the Netherlands for photoelectric observations and c) one astrophysical a reasonable angular resolution and able summer climate. The observatory local time a pronounced maximum of observing station equipped with a 40-cm reflector used by the groups of steadiness of the solar image is is situated on a high plane (160 m good to excellent image quality is Dr. B . NECKEL {Hamburg Observatory) and Prof. Dr. L. N .MAVRIDIS (Uni obtained, arP. of similar importance. a. s. I.) forming the western seaside observed - duration 30 to 60 minutes, versity of Thessalonikl) for photoelectric observations carried out with the Also this fraction increases definitely corner of the island, Just above the sometimes even longer - which financial support of the NATO Science Committee. LNM with every degree southwards. North Grotta Azzurra and close to a steep appears with a remarkable regularity of the Alps large scale perturbations slope to the north which is not hit and which has enabled us already to are passing almost uninterruptedly by the Sun. For patrol purposes the obtain a number of high resolution with short cloudless intervals in be- re Is quite enough sunshine from May spectrograms and flltergrams. This tween. Within these short clear pe to October. For the rest of the year morning maximum is probably based riods the quality of the air mass 80% to 90% of the days have still on a complicated Interplay of the lo above the observatory - polar, ma some sunshine, from half an hour cal sea breeze which moves around COMMISSION 10, Saturday morning. COMMISSION 17 – In the morning session SHOEMAKER p rojected a motion- ritime or subtropic - changes rather to more than one hour. Systematic the island with the sun and the to Most important perhaps was the discus rapidly, polar air bringing high trans- measurements of seeing conditions sion on the pub lic at l on or m a picture taken by Surveyor Ill softlander. pography of Capri, which is cut in g n e t 1 c m ap s of a c t I ve so I ar The work of a scoop was clearly visible. parency together with very poor see have been made only since the erec the middle by the Monte Solaro mas ing. Also here one can say, that the tion of the Domeless Coudé Refractor region s. The submitted examples Izrael TABACK showed some interesting sive (600 m a. s.l.). The objective pictures taken by Lunar Orbiters. A se [see Sky and Telescope, 31, 3, 1966), of showed that materials that are today Intervals with good seeing become the Coudé during this period obtained at observatories are not suf r ies of 60 slides was presented by longer and more frequent in lati summer 1965. This instrument is is about 14 to 15 m above ground. ficiently homogeneous; differences may Dr BRUNK. In serie 60 picture from both .≤ 40° wind and weather protected by an tudes during the summer months The same maximum, but much less even lead to arrors. Despite this, obtain front and far side was presented. Very June to September. For the winter independent mounting, carrying a ing magnetic maps and finding a way nice picture of the Earth taken by LO V distinct, is observed with a dome to making them accessible to the widest was Included. UREY talked about evi months one has to go still further wind shield tube around the tele housed telescope nearby (objective scope. Prime aperture 350 mm, equi possible circle .Jf interested parties, has dence of presence of water on Moon. south. 9 m above ground). From this and valent focal length 16 meters, auxili been shown to be indispensable. Just Selecting an observatery site one from many ether observations we COMMISSION 27, on variable stars, had has - practically always and unfor ary equipment: Grating spectrograph as, at one time, the publication of conclude with confidence, that the chromospherlc m·aps meant progress, so twelve papers on the agenda of its fifth tunately - to eGmpromise between of 20 meters focal length, dispersion large electronic and mechanleal at the present stage of solar physics session. J. D. FERNIE of Canada and L. expend1ture for the domeless tele progressive elements are contained in DETRE of Hungary presented a most in the publication of magnetic maps. At tere·sting report on the variable star scope definitely was worth while. The RU Cam . The pulsation of this cepheid concept is right. On the other hand present, it Is not possible for one observatory to do e verything and process ceased about two years ago, and for we do know now, after 2 years of everything. lt Is, therefore, necessaTy to some tlme the star remained q uiet. Ho working with it and after having concentrate means a nd efforts. And this we ver observations in r ecent months re L'Observatoire collected some seeing experiences in is precisely why the publication of veal that RU Cam has again begun to the Near East (, Egypt, Iran magnetic maps repres.ents the way to pulsate. The amplitude of pulsation Is a solution. VA increasing, and if this trend continues and Greece), that a site in an extended the cepheid will by the beginning of plain at latitudes < 35° would certain COMMISSIONS 12, 40, 43 AND 44 – - and 1959 attain its original state before the ly enable us still to increase the other participants – - under the chair prior pulsations disappeared. Present pul- de Nice efficiency of this instrument. manship of Prof. V. K. PROKOFEV, on sation periodicity Is not constant, and August 25th discussed t he technical Fondé en 1881 par un mécène, le banquier R. Bischoffsheim, l'Obser Finally I would like to stress, that varies within limits of 22 to 25 days. aspects of space astronomy. R. WILSON Resides lncrea,sing amplitude of light va vatoire de Nice était alors I' u n d e s p l u s g r a n d s d u m o n de. not only the elimination of thermal reported on the state of optical stellar disturbances around the telescope and riations, height of maximum and depth Equipé d'instruments puissants - deux lunettes equatoriales, dont une observation from positions In space, na- of minimum light curve are also obser the choice of site are important. The mely satelHtes, balloons and stab ilized de 76 em d'ouverture, lunettes meridiennes, grand condé -, il connut ved. P. BOYCE p resented the results he permanent use of a seeing monitor rockets. Photographs taken from rockets obtained during long-periodic variations d'abord une période d'activité intense. Après Ia premiere guerre mon- is just as indispensable. We have put launched by the United States (Aerobee ], in the infrared range, where he round dlale pourtant, cet observatoire, qui semblait promis un si bel quite an effort into improving this Great Britain (Skylark) and German Fe an Intense band or CO and water vapor. à deral Republic (Dragon) attained an ave avenir, déclina lentement. Quand J. C. PECKER prit sa direction en gadget and we feel more and more rage limit magnitude of 3m with field 1962, son personnel scientifique était réduit à 3 astronomes, et un seul that hunting for good seeing - espe fixed to a precision of 1°. Prof. DE JA instrument, Ia lunette de 38 em, restait operationnel. cially in solar research - is becom GER of Utrec·ht spoke of the possibility ing a rather complicated atmospheric of recording X -rays, specifically of con Sous I'impulsion énergique et effi- an de l'ordlnateur IBM 7040 actuel- experiment. This experiment will be structing a spectrograph for the range DEEP SKIES WONDER cace de son nouveau directeur, l'Ob lement en service à l'Observatoire de successful only if everything is done of 1.3-3 A. The possibility Is also being servatolre de Nice reprend malnte- Meudon. to know the thermal properties of studied of recording spectra in the ran- ge of 45-200 with a resolution po ASTRONOMY IS TODAY a highly Au cours de ces trois dernières Å nant une place de premier plan the air in the vicinity and inside the specialized science, and the scientists années, I'Observatoire de Nice a wer or 0.5-1 Å. kk +jg dans l'astronomle française. Ces pr!n- telescope and of the air mass above. w lzo gather at the congress speak at abrité le Secrétariat de l'Union Astro clpaux Instruments sont réparés, amé The Earth' atmosphere has become meeting in an exclusively technical nomtque Internationale. Mais il en liorés ou en cours de restauration, nowadays an active and not an easy jargon, which the astronomer who tend manifester de façon plus ambi- l'effectlf des chercheurs passera en partner of ground based solar re- works in another f ield is often un- tieuse sa vocation internationale. Le octobre 67, à 18, dont 9 docteurs search! able to understand. { Here I am refer- proiet du Centre International d' Astro es-sclences. K. O. KIEPENHEUER, ring not only to the subject matter physique de Nice est en cours d'exé Dès à present, l'activlte scientif!que Institute, Freiburg i. Br. of the discussion but also to the cution. Celui-ci permettra d'accueillir s'y exerce dans des domaines variés. language side it self, which sometimes des congressistes, et leurs familles, P. Couteau continue !'observation des creates great difficulties, partly be- réunis pour des seminaires des col étoiles doubles avec Ia lunette moyen cause for many astronomers the matn loques, des écoles d'été, au encore NUNCIUS SIDEREUS has its editorial ne dotée, depuls cette année, d'un eongress language - English – i s objectlf de 50 em. B. Milet suit les en groupes de travail tempor aires. office at the following address: Fa Et s'il appartiendra aux or ganisateurs culty of Law, Room 144, telephone n a t their native tongue, and partly cometes et les astéroides à l'astrogra because for the other part of astro phe double Zeiss. M. Trellis achève de ces futures rencontres de les rendre 287441, extension 247. All communica interessantes et fécondes, ils seront tions are received at this location. nomers English is, unfortunately, l'installation d'u·n coronometre Lyot- their native tongue ). Carvin. M. Lacoarret interprète des déchargés du souci de meubler l es In case of absence, kindly call at spectres stellalres prls à l'Observa- moments de detente: Nice. Ia Côte Rooms 142- 143. In cas.e of total ab M. P l a ve c in the d'A zur , l'arriere-pays montagneux sont sence, you may deposit your contribu- toire de Haute-Provence. Czéchoslovak Astronomical Quarterly Des recherches théoriques sont pour autant d'invitations à Ia promenade, tion in the box provided next to tbe sui vies par O. et F. Bély (collisions à la pratique des sports nautiques door of Room 144. In this manner we Cosmic Review, No. 2, 1967 atomiques, physique de la couronne), et alpins ... A bient6t done, à Nice! are at your service day and night par J. Lefèvre (matiere lnterstellaire J. P. ZAHN around the clock. Dr. Boh.umtl ŠTERNBERK as seen by Otakar ŠTEMBERA et clrcumstella!re), par J. C. Peeker [atmospheres solaire et stellaires) Telescope c o u d é as seen at ASTRO et par J. P. Zahn [structure interne NOMIA NOVA 1967 by J. Marco. Fra des étoiles J. Des liens très étroits med by other Zeiss-Jena Instruments AN HISTORICAL OCCASION such as out a detailed theory of interplane Do you suppose the ambulance will un!ssent l'Observatoire à l'Université the Congress makes a man's thoughts tary stgnal communication. Your ob get there in time?" de Nice où vient d'être créé un en turn to other historical occasions. servation is only its practical appli 5 B reathless astro nomer se!gnement de 3e cycle d'astronomie, I have attempted to imagine how it cation..." all but collides with neighbor on et où F. Roddier dlrige un laboratoire will be the first time someone stairs. 3 Breathless a strono mer d'astrophysique (spectrophotometrie succeeds in capturing signals from bursts into police station: Naturally he can't keep from sólaire à haute resolution). extra-terrest rial intelligent beings. ''Your driver's license, please. You'll sharing his news With him. On mesurera à cette énumération " That means, then, that out there 1 Breathl ess astronomer have to pay a fine for disrupting le chemin parcouru de puis 1962 . . . are intelligent beings with a highly Mats l'ellpansion de l'Observatoire de bursts into director's office: street traffic." "Sir! I have just detected a signal " But I am ... that is... it's the developed civilizatton? Why, that's Nice ne s'arrêtera pas là: le nombre tremendous! Of course you're gotng f rom X . . ." fault of signals from planet X ..." de chercheurs doit doubler au cours t o r eply, aren't you, Professor?" des 4 prochaines annees. Un nouveau "Kindly refrain from wasting my " All right. That doesn't excuse you, time, young man. After all, you've but he'll be fined as well. Signalling "I hope we'll succeed in doing so." bâtiment, dont !a construction est " And you'll be present, won't y ou ?" read my book - ten years ago I in the downtown area is against the financée par des crédits inscrits au "I hope so.'' proved that intelligent life on other law. What make did you say that 5e plan, permettra de les accueillir. "Then may I ask you a small Des moyens de calcul relatlvement planets cannot exist. So ...?" automobile was, a Planet? And ltcense number X ... what?" f avor? Couldn't you tell them that putssants seront mls à leur disposi 2 B r eathless astronomer I would offer a complete set of Hon tion, puisque Nice héritera dans un bursts tnto next office: 4 Breathles s astronomer duras and two blue cancelled 20-cen " My dear colleague, 1 have just bursts into a bar: testmi Parmas for some of their the- detected a stgnal from planet X ...i'' "A shot of cognac, quick... I'm matic stamps - such as animals, © and published by the Local Organizing ''Don't excite yourself needlessly, terribly excited; rve just detected perhaps." Committee of the 13th General Assembly my dear colleague. After all it's signals from planet X ... i" 6 Breath less astronomer, of the International Astronomical Union. obvious. It's an exponential system "Tsk, tsk, dearie," answers the bursts into his home: Chairman of the Editorial Board: Jiří transmitted by means of a coherent eiderly waitress, "something is for "Anniel W onderful news! l've GRYGAR. Editor in Chief: Bohumil BILEK . radtatton pattern: each call signal is ever happening somewhere. l tell you, caught signal s from planet XI I 've Layout: Milan ALBICH. Editorial Office.: repeated twice to indicate the code, Professor, it's all on account of the really caught them!" Law Faculty of Charles University, Room 144, Nám. Curieových, No. 7, Praha 1. The exhibition ASTRONOMIA NOVA 1967 and is then followed by a short mes hurry folks are in nowadays. When I ''Isn't that nice, darling. But agai n Printed by MIR, n. p., Establishment 1, is open daily [Including Sunday) from sage, in turn followed by the code was young we flew in ordinary jet you've forgotten t o stop oft and pick Václavské nám. 15, Praha 1. 9. A. M. to 5 P. M. repetition ... You see, 1 have worked planes, and we didn't miss anything. up the laundry...'' GABRIEL LAUB DISSERTATIO PRAGAE CVM MCMLXVII 19. VIII...

Series Secunda Radio Galaxies and Quasars predicts the presence of linear po- PROFESSOR SIR MARTIN RYLE larization in the emission from sources where the geometry of the magnetic In a grand spanish manner, Prof. G. HARD introduced lectures of Sir Martin field is simple; the observation of RYLE and Dr. Allan SANDAGE. Both scientists presented brilliantly most such polarization in many sources advanced reviews of the quasars mystery. has provided further confirmation of the synchrotron mechanism. If we observe the sky with a radio telescope operating at metre The energy which is necessary to wavelengths we find: (i) a continuous background emission, partly account for the most powerful radio due to the Galaxy and partly to extra-galactic sources; (ii} compact galaxies - and which must pre- sources a few minutes of arc or less in extent. About 8,000 of these sumably be released within the parent compact sources have now been discovered, but only a few hundred galaxy, is of the order of 10 61 ergs – of the most intense have been studied in any detaiL equivalent to the conversion to Helium of a mass of Hydrogen of about Their radio emission is very great, 10 9 M0 • It is I think signlf!cant that in some oases a million times greater if the red-shift of the ass is inter- than that from our own Galaxy, the preted as of cosmological origin, the Andromeda nebula and other nearby emission from the most powerful of galaxies. These powerful sources are these sources also implies energies of known as Radio Galaxies. the same order. Observatlons with instruments of The life-times of the electrons in high resolving power show that about the extensive radio galaxies is only 60 % have a double structure, with about a million years, and the large radio emission from two components, separation of the emitting regions one on each side of the related from the parent galaxy implies that galaxy; the two components are they must have been ejected from the frequently of unequal intensity, and galaxy with velocities close to the they may be located at unequal velocity of light. distances from the galaxy. These results suggest that QSS and In addition to these sources, some radio galaxies may simply be diffe 35 % are of much smaller angular rent stages in the evolution of the size; many of them are less than 1" same class of source. It seems certain UNIVERSITAS CAROLINA arc in extent; in some cases the that radio galaxies must have their structure is again double, with com- origin within the related galaxy and ORDINE REI PUBLICAE ORNATA ponents ~0.1" arc in diameter, se- that the source must therefore have parated by a few seconds of arc. passed through a more compact HONORI SIBI TRIBUIT INVITARE Many of these compact sources stage; can we indeed release 10 61 have been found to be associated with AD GRADUM SCIENTIARUM-DOCTORUM ergs a time < 10 6 years in a galaxy very small optical objects which look and not observe it by optical or radio dans la like stars, and they have become means? It is equally certain that the V. A. AMBARCUMJAN known as quasistellar sources (QSS). energy density in QSS is so high that I shall be presenting evidence which they must expand very rapidly; where POLYDORO SWINGS supports the former interpretation, are the sources resulting from such INDAGATORIBUS IN ASTROPHYSICA that they are at great distances. an expansion if they are not the radio The radio spectra of many QSS galaxies? EMINENTISSIMIS show a remarkable cut-off at low lt. is suggestive that the recent HONORIS CAUSA frequencies; most radio galaxies and QSS have a spectrum which may be high-resolution observations ( ]odrell CELEBRITER TRIBUENDUM Bank - Malvern l of a number of the described by: S ~ λα, where α 0.7 but for QSS there is often a fairly most compact QSS known, also reveal DIE MERCURII XXX AUGUST sharp cut-off at low frequencies. a double structure, so that if we adopt the cosmological Interpretation ANNO MCMLXVII HORA 16 The physical explanation for this \ of their red-shifts, two-component LeSoleO cut-off is now reasonably well under- de lamer IN MAGNA AULA CAROLINI stood. The only satisfactory mecha sources are now known which cover a range of separations from 1 to PRAGA ŽELEZNÁ 9 nism which has been suggested to account for the generation of radio 450 kpc. waves in both QSS and radto galaxies In order to visualize how QSS and is the synchrotron process, in which radio galaxies might evolve, a simple Dr. A. Sandage emphasised the electrons of high energy are accele- model has been constructed by M. S. grand foresight of academic rated in a magnetic field. This me- Longair and myself which supposes chanism not only provides a simple that a large amout of energy (~ 10 61 ion AMBARCUMJAN, which is explanation for the observed spectra, ergs) is suddenly released at the Déchiffrement admirably confirmed by the - including the low frequency cut-off centre of a galaxy, and that this gives present observations. l in the most compact sources, but also page 2 du contenu astronomique des vieux tableaux

C'est l'htstorten de l'art Dr. Karel Stejskal qui s'en occupe, avant recours à de nombreux documents dans les sources historiques. LE PASSIONNAIRE DE L'ABESSE CUNÉGONDE, un manuscrtt enluminé écrit en latin, lui servit de point de départ pour ses recherches. Le manuscrit, écrit au Château de Prague, peut être vu actuelle- ment à la Blbltotheque nattonale et uni versitaire. De 1312 date la première composition du Passionnatre, la Parabole mystique d'un chevalier hardt. On y raconte comment le chevalier Jésus-Christ a libéré sa fiancée. Le Christ est littéralement désigné comme le Solell et sa fiancée Eve-Marie comme l'«étoile de La mer». Le séducteur l'avalt «enlevée» et jetée dans les ténèbres. Le Christ-Soleil triomphe de ce démon des ténèbres et fête ensuite des noces mystiques avec l'«étoile de la mer». Le mot latin coniunctlo signifte en etfet marlage et aussi conjonctton. Les différentes phases de l'hlstoire repondent aux phases de la planète Vénus.

LE MAITRE DU RETABLE DE TREBON a petnt vers 1380 le Christ au mont des Olivier s. La tableau se trouve à la Galerie nationale à l'exposltion unique d'art gothique au palais Šternberk sur l a place de Hradčany. Le tableau est composé sur un cercl e. Les pteds du Christ, les têtes des trots apôtres et hutt arbres divisent le cercle en douze parties. Dans l'art médiéval, les douze apôtres sont souvent mis en rapport avec les signes du zodiaque. Saint Pierre correspond à Janvier - au Verseau. l,e Taureau est le symbole de la patience du Christ. Sl l 'on marque les douze parties du cercle par ces signes, on constate que le Scorpion est tuste en train de monter lJ. l'horizon. En effet, c'est le cas de Pliques lJ. minuit lorsque Jésus-Christ fut arrêté au mont des Oliviers. PIETER L'ANCIEN a petnt le fameux tableau l.'Adoratto1t des Mages (National Gallery, Londres). Ce tableau prouve que le mode de composition mentionne ne tomba pas, même plus tard, dans l'oubli. Avec son humour irrésistible, Bruegel a caracté risé les personnages dans le cercle entourant l'Enfant-Jésus – le Soleil, comme neuf constellations qu'on peut voir à Noël sur la voûte céleste. ZH Radio Galaxies and Quasars Summaries of the Invited Discourses of Monday. August 28, continued

From p age one creasing flux density, suggesting that rise to the ejection of two plasma a cut-off in the number of sources clouds travelling out in opposite di must occur at an epoch corresponding rection with an initial velocity ~ c. to z ~ 3. The results obtained at Cambridge It appears that the source counts in tlte 4C survey and at Parkes have and the integrated extragalactic radio shown a distribution of sources which emission reveal important evolutio- is isotropic at flux densities whioh nary effects associated with the correspond to values of the red-shift expansion of the Universe; prior to z of at least 1, but their distribution some epoch corresponding to a red- ts not uniform in depth; with shift z ~3, [which may be related decreasing flux density the number of to the formation of galaxies) radio sources initially increases much faster sources apparently did not exist. Sub than expented for a uniform population, sequently, galaxy formation may have suggesting that at earlier epochs the led to the birth of radio sources number or intrinsic power of radio which were either more powerful or sources was greater than at present. more numerous than they are at the The greatest excess of sources present e·poch. All nationalities, but mainly Bl'itish and American, on the P r a c h o vs k é appears to be due to sources having Entirely independent evidence for s k ály (The Rocks of Prachov). Pictures by Jindi'ich MARCO red-shifts z ~ 2- 3. an evolutionary cosmology has been provided by the recent discovery of Observations with the one-mile te isotropic microwave background ra lescope at Cambridge, have allowed diation having a blackbody spectrum; the detection of sources some 100 the only explanation which has been on the lithium Problem times fainter than the limit of the proposed to account for this emission Probably the two most interesting new points put forward were 4C and Parkes surveys; these further is that it represents the fossil radia results shows a remarkable conver tion from the "fireball" associated 1 the evidence given by Dr. FEAST that, whereas during the main- gence, with the number of sources with the highly condensed initial sequence life of a star the lithium is gradually depleted, the lithium increasing only slowly with de- SIR MARTIN stages in evolutionary cosmo logies. abundance again increases when the star becomes a subgiant, and 2 the results presented by Miss BOESGAARD that the lithium con tent decreases along the main-sequence going from spectral type F to K, while on the other hand the beryllium content just show the Professor Ryle has already mention opposite tendency. Further interesting items of the joint discussion Dr. ALLAN R. SANDAGE ed that QSS show radio doubling, just as d.o radio galaxies. The linear were: Only 9 quasars were known at the beginning of 1964, but now distance between the radio compo It now seems fairly certain that the synthesis of lithium and other several hundred are confirmed or suspected, and as many more as nents of galaxies are distributed light elements occurs during the pre-main-sequence stages of stars. desired ca-n be found at will. between 1 and 450 kpc. The same Otherwise it seems difficult to explain - as mentioned by Dr. REE range is co vered by the double radio VES – that Hyades stars of similar spectral type may differ in The quasi-stellars ( QSS) are s t iII a m y st e1' y, Schmidt's discovery components of QSS if they are at Df the redshift of 3C273 in 1963, and his subsequent identification of the lithium content by as much as a factor of five. The fact that one the Hubble distance, but not if the T Taurl star which - as mentioned by Dr. HERBIG – was not yet Lyman Alpha hydrogen line in 3C9 at an observed wavelength of QSS are local. λ - 3688 A, giving Δλ/λ0 = 2.012, suggested that quasars partake of A second crucial discussion, due to visible more than thirty years ago, now already has very strong the general expansion of the universe. No other explanation for such- Heeschen (Ap. J. 146, 517, 1966] lithium lines, indicates that the formation of lithium must already large apparent velocities had heretofore been successful in a scientific shows that the radio surface bright have taken place be fore the T Tauri stage. From remarks made by sense, and the evidence is clear and abundant that the redshifts for ness, B, of QSS blends continuously Drs. REEVES and it became clear that this fact evokes normal g a I a x i e s are stricly correlated with distance. with radio galaxies when plotted enormous difficulties from the point of view of the energy involved, against absolute radio power, LR, so that no reasonable formati.on process can be put forward at pre calculated as if all sources are at sent. The poor Sun came out to show no evidence of the presence The unanswered questions concern envelope with apparent subsequent their Hubble distances. Because B is of lithium in its photosphere. The only spectral line previously ing QSS are: (1) what are they? {21 mass loss. Setti and Woltjer have independent of distance, and LR de- where are they? and ( 3) are they concluded from the available observa ascribed to lithium – and now discussed by Miss MÜLLER – turned useful? Question (3) covers two areas. tions that a mtnlmum initial mass on out to be a line of CN at high-dispersion spectra shown by Dr. DEL Are they useful and interesting in any assumption of distance is 155 MΘ BOUILLE from Liege. Only in sunspot spectra the presence of lithium physics as new phenomena which will per average QSS – a number which can hardly be doubted, as spectrograms presented by Drs. DUBOV tell us about particles and fields in is important in the later discussion and ELSTE showed. str.ange conditions; or are those QSS of the local vs. the cosmological in Flnally, with regard to the destruction of lithium in stars, Dr . SPIE with large redshift useful in astromo terpretation of the redshift. GEL (in a 25-minute talk! ) argued that normal convection in the my and cosmology in contributing to The rapidity of the light variations solar envelope cannot be responsible for the destruction lithium, the problem of evolution and first of has raised doubts about the cosmo since the temperature at the bottom of the convective zone is not origins by serving as beacons far back logical origin of the redshifts. Terrell in time? The answer to question (3) has shown that the time scale of the sufficiently high. Other processes such as the torque exerted by the is not likely to come until problems optical fluctuation of the order of solar wind on the surface of the Sun, may evoke convective motions ( 1] and [ 2 ] are solved. days requires that the linear size of in the solar radioactive core. These motions - as Dr. Spiegel argued All emission lines in quasars that part of a QSS wl1ich is outburst – may carry lithium into regions of sufficiently high temperature show the same redshif1 to with- ing must be less than a few light to be destroyed in the case of the Sun. The time scale for these in narrow llmHs. This appears to days across. A few years ago this destructive motions would be of the order of 10 9 years. HG be a strong argument against the was considered the death-knell of interpretation of the redsh1ft as due cosmological redshifts because of (a J an intense gravitational field of a the seemingly impossibly small an southern sources from Woomera single, compact, massive object. The gular size which was required and X-RAY ASTRONOMY station, Australia. H. M. JOHN forbidden lines must be formed in (b) the apparent impossibility of SON presented data on the opti- regions of low pressure so as to pre- A Joint Discussion was held on maintaining synchrotron radiation for in cal variability of th:e Sco X-1 went collisional de-excitation of the any appreciable time in such a com Monday 28, afternoon the metastable levels. Such regions, for pact region of high energy density House of Artists, with the parti- source, and G. W. repor a single compact body, will almost due to the inverse losses of cipation of some 500 persons. ted on rocket experiments in certainly have a lower gravi rational the electrons as they collide witlJ thelr H. FRIEDMAN informed the group searching for extragalactic sour potential than the region of perrnitt- own photons. This last effect was about measuring X-sources in ces, which was supplemented by ed line formation, and. hence a small- pointed out by Hoyle, Burbidge, and Scorpio and Sagittarius carried. L. PETERSON's paper on baloon er redshift, which is contrary to the Sargent. out with the aid of Skylark experiments. R. WEYMANN spoke well established fact. This, and the Both views may be overly pessi- about cosmic X-ray background arguments of Greenstein and Schmidt rockets as well as plans for X-ray mistic. Radio angular diameter mea apparatus for artifical satellites. and W. TUCKER presented a theo (Ap. J. 140. 1, 1964] seem persuasive surements from the long base-line against the gravitational interpreta- Dr. SANDAGE as cought by Ota R. GIACONI compared the distri- retlcal revlew on current theories interferometer experimen1s of tile butioR of X-ray sources with the about tbe origin of X-radiation. tion. Jodrell Bank group and the Royal Ra kar ŠTEMBERA at the Editorial QSS may, of course, not be stable. dar Establishment in England, and office of Nuncius Sidereus last optical and radio models of the He supported the theory of synchro Evidence comes from the several by the Green Bank workers in the week Galaxy. After this there was a tron and bremsstrahlung mecha sources which have absorption lines. U. S., togethetr with the radio scin report about X-ray observation of nisms. jg Of the 103 QSS with known redshifts, tlllatlon results at Cambridge and il.t pends on the distance squared, the at least 20 have absorption lines, and, Arec!bo. Puerto Rico, show that all observed correlation and continuity in many of these cases, the absorp a ctive QSS have angular diameters would be destroyed if the QSS did tions are displaced blueward of the less than .. 0.02 arc seconds. These not follow the Hubble law. Heeschen's corresponding emission lines, as in measurements are upper limits and, result appears to be almost the P Cyg stars. The simplest explana therefore, do not yet constitute an crucial experiment required to show tion is that of an expanding, cool COMMISSION 5 at its meetings on Au COMMISSION 7 - Monday, 28. Aug. argument against the cosmological that quasars do obey the red-shift- gust. 23 and 24 discussed the implemen The colloquium on the use of comput distances. distance relation of the expanding tation of the following projects: revi ers fo r the literal development of the The argument of energy loss by universe. sion of the Astronomy section [52) of disturbing functions brought Into the © and published by the Local Organizing The answers to these auestlons will the Universal Decimal Cl assification, lecture room about 150 keen listeners Committee of the 13th General Assembly inverse Compron effect can apparent ly be overcome by a proper arrange eventually be clear, but in the mean publication by the US SR of an English that were all Impressed by the efflici of the International Astronomical Union. translation of the Astronomy section ency and high speed of programmers Chairman of the Editorial Board: Jiří ment of the magnetic fields and ttme they drive the theorettcans to think, and the observers to the dark of the Referatiunyj žurnal, publication giving the literal development of com GR YGAR Editor in Chief: Bohumil BILEK electron trajectories (Woltjer, Ap. J. of the Bibliography of Astronomy 188! plicated mathematical expressions, as Layout: Milan ALBICH. Editorial Office: 146, 597, 1966). Although the require- and quiet of their telescopes, both to 1898, publication of a revised edition revealed in the lectures of DAVIES and Law Faculty of Charles University Room ments for such a regular field may radio and optical, to help unravel the of Les obseruatoires astronomiques et KOVALEVSKY. In fact, tn this way the 144, Nám. Curieovych, No. 7, Praha 1. seem severe, a field of this type in greatest mystery known to man – Printed by MIR, n p Establishment 1, Les astronomes. The names of r. B. computers do the lenghty and troubleso fact appears to be demanded by high the scientific story of creation reveal SYKES and K. F. OGORODNIKOV are me work which formerly was sometimes Václavské nám. 15, Praha 1. degree of optical polarization observ ed through the history of galactic proposed as Incoming President and the main occupation of celestial me ed by Kinman and Visvanathan. systems and their predecessors. Vice-President respectively. JBS chanics during the last two centuries – the analytical production of the dif At tbe Gothic Castle K o st (The ferent terms in the long development Bone) – - Sunday, August 27 of disturbing functions. S COMMISSIONS 30 AND 42 met Monday "THE IMPOSSIBLE WE DO IMME bers of the committee need instruct this and already reserved hotels i n morning. A. BATTEN has announced the ions . . . The interview definitely ends sixth edition of the catalogue of DIATELY, t he f a l l .. . o f 19 64. At that time spectroscopic binaries completed. R. mi r acles take a bit long e r". with the secretary making a very everyone considered this long-term KOCH, M. PLAVEC and D. POPPER Thts is the slogan of the Local Orga quick dash by car in the direction planning just madness – but thanks stressed the need for closer cooperation rttzation Committee inscribed in bold of O ž i vl é d ře v o, where presum to this foresight t he LOC this August of photometrists and spectroscopists in letters on the desk of its secretary, ably a fashion show is not proceeding became the biggest Prague hotel mag eclipsing binaries. T Vladimir RAJSKÝ. I don't know how entirely smoothly . . . nate. The Executive Committee - and it is with the miracles but Impossible Thus I obtatned only a few scraps even Mr. Donald SADLER himself - things there are surely enough. For of information. say that about 2,000 partlctpants have example, it is quite impossible for gathered in Prague, compared to 1600 DEEP SKIES WONDER the duration of the Congress to speak THE BIGGEST PROBLEM WAS TO at the previous assembly. To make quietly wtth Mr. Rajský because re FIND HOTEL ROOMS FOR ALL. sure Mr. Rajský reserved rooms for presentative of t he mar. J.gement of He who has never hunted a room tn 2500 persons. There were 2800 appli YOU TAKE THE HIGH ROAD AND Prague hotels has to discuss several a Prague hotel at the height of the cations. And besides some 200 people I TAKE THE LOW ROAD ... economic problems caused by the fact tourist season will not understand came w ithout fir st announcing their From the Final Programme page 17: that a few of the announced Congress what a problem this can be under partici pation. And all were taken care participants didn't come, several de normal circumstances. By the way, of "2800 applications were received," The palace U hybernú is a five legates are unclear about some thing such a quantity of people all at once sounds convincing. But let's have a minutes walking distance from the or other which can be cleared up could perhaps not easily be placed breakdown on fust ho w and w he n LOVBR END of the Wenceslas Squa only by the secretary of the LOC, the even in the supertouristic Switzer they arrived ... re . . . The end where most of the bookkeeper needs his signature, mem- land. The LOC was well aware of To be continued GABRIEL LAUB necking seems to be going on? JBS DISSERTATIO PRAGAE CVM MCMLXVII 30. VIII.

Series Secunda

At the Tuesday press conference, Dr. J. S. ŠKLOVSKIJ was at his best again. He demonstrated the interaction of an exited overcrowded Moscow tram in 1953 and discoveries in astronomy. In answering the avergreen question What's the good of such discoveries? he reminded us of AMBARCUMJAN having once said: The difference of man and beast? Man looks up - to the stars ... Well, here we have the very young astronomers at the Congress Nuncius knew what be was saying (Pragae MCMLXVII 20. VIII) when greet ing 2900 astronomers – there are so many, with the future ones, and wifes, and husbands, for that matter. , . Bí

Even Czechs happen to be poltte (sometimes). And as first things should come first, Nuncius Sidereus ventured to bother the President United Kingdom of the Union first. Professor Pol SW I N G S got three questions: 1 Quelle était, seton vous, Ia chose Ia meilleure de ce Congrès? 2 lmaginez que j'ai une baguette magique et que je poux ameliorer u n e seule chose pour le prochain Congrès. Laquelle choisiriez vous pour votre plaisir personnel? 3 Que pensez-vous du Nuncio Sidereo? Black an d White Spots of the Congress Here are his views: USA Améliorer? 1l faut que les Presidents de Commissions aient conscience de leur autorite et de leurs responsabtlites dans le choix des auteurs de communications, et dans la limitation de leurs interventions. La chose la meilleure pour moi est l'enthousiasme des jeunes, de la nouvelle génération, qui nous assure que l'Union continuera d'être pro spère. Quand ils bavardent, ils parlent de choses professtonnelles. Depuis trois jours, je répète à chacun que l'organisatton du Congrès était excellente, surtout grâce à Monsieur RAJSKÝ. Le Nuncius Sidereus a rempli un r6le extremement utile et agreable. ll a créé de nouveaux genres, qui n'existaient pas l ors des précédents Congrès.

Democracy is a good thing. A very good thing indeed. So Nuncius has Photos by JINDŘICH MARCO Turkey decided to approach just a man in the street. Prof. Dr. O. HECK M ANN, having no presidential obligations, spoke his native Ger Turkey man, and English at the same time. Der Herr Oirektor der Ham The Call of Space burger Sternwarte sagte uns in Eile: Tbe Call of Space means even more to me than the current wide The best thi ng of the Prague Con spread interest in the conquest or the exploration of space by man gress? The wealth of scientific and his vehicles, remarkable as are these manifestations of human stimulations, ja, Reichtum der ingenuity and skill. To me it is the Call of Space that has insistently wissenschaftlichen Anregungen. motivated all astronomers throughout all ages to observe and to What one thing to improve for the attempt to explain the great unknowns of the universe about and next congress? Etne merkwilrdig beyond us. The Call of Space is part of the motivating force that has schwere Frage, extremely diffi led man beyond a purely animal existence to great intellectual and cult. The whole Prague Congress artistic expression. It is also a call in time as well as in space, for was quite unique for its excel - the finite speed of light carries us back to antiquity billions of years lence. ago in our study of distant objects in the sky. Even with the naked The Nuncius? Very interesting, eye we can see back 2 million years in time, to the great spiral galaxy well edited, by people who know in Andromeda. Perhaps it is literally true that on a clear night we their job. Bohumil BÍLEK Czech - forty months can see forever-into the past. ,page 2

Turkey Italian child + Englishman Italy France

France ▲ ▼ Italy face to the 8th order of tesseral harmonics and the 14th order of The Call of Space zonal harmonics. The signiflcance of Superassociations in Galaxies tbis achievement can be realized From page 1 al observing stations whose prtmary when one notes that the equatorial ACADEMICIAN V. A . AMBARTSUMIAN Astronomy recognizes no boundar purpose is to track artificial earth bulge corresponds to the second zonal les in time, nor in space, nor among satellites. Each station is equipped harmonic and the early publicized Bright condensations with integral luminosity up to Mvg -15 or the peoples and cultures of the with a Baker-Nunn camera-telescope "pear-shaped earth" corresponds only even -16 are found in spiral and irregular galaxies which are usually world. It is scientifically internation with an extremely fast Schmidt-type to the third zonal harmonic. Now a l and inter disciplinary. Thus, the optical system of unusual light-gather we have determined 14 terms in the rich in 0-associations. An interesting example of such condensations Optical Satellite-Tracking Program, ing capacity. The scientific yield from pole-to-pole variations of gravity. As is the remarkable nebula 30 Doradus in the Large Magellanic Cloud centered at the Smithsonian Astro this tracking system has been we go around the earth parallel to which has M -16. It contains many O-stars as well as the Wolf- physical Observatory, required for its spectacular. the equator, the gravitational anomal Rayett stars. Having a luminosity which is hundreds. of times higher success active contributions by and First, the program has determined ies or tesseral harmonics are re than that of many O-associations it has been the subJect of attention the close collaboration of the scient the locations of 12 earth-wide observ presented by 64 terms, now determin of many astronomers. Ists and administrators of 12 countr ies ing stations, with respect to each ed. In the final numerical solution around the earth. In the United other and with respect to the center 40,000 precision-reduced optical posi bright associations and faint super- States it was supported first by the of the earth to a proven accuracy tions of satellites gave 80,000 si associations can only be determined National Academy of Sciences as a of 10-15 m. This means that the multaneous linear equations to be conditionally. part of the International Geophysical continental geodetic nets are now solved for 100 unknowns, arithmetic In Bj uraka n we agreed that we'd Year and since by the U.S. National tied together with th is same accuracy, that taxed the power even of one consider as superassocta tions all Aeronautics and Space Administra ten times better than when we start of the better modern digital comput respective condensations of a photo tion. It is appropriate, therefore, to ed. ers. We have both internal and ex g raphic magnitude smaller or e qual discuss briefly some of the results Second, we have far overreached an- ternal evidence to show that the to - 14. To underline the conditional obtained and some oi the studies other major objective, even beyond solution so obtained is valid. These character of this limit I w ish to ma de poss ible in this International our early hopes: by satellite photo- results h ave been published in an emphasize that objects of photo program. graphy we have been able to de SAO Specia l Report entitled GEODET graphic magnitude - 13 are a mong We have marntalned for a decade a termine the irregular gravitational IC PARAMETERS FOR A 1966 SMITH common associations very rare, an d worldwide network of 12 astrophysic- attraction of the earth over its sur- SONIAN INSTITUTION STANDARD it wouldn't be unnatural to include EARTH. a lso them in this category. Only the I may add that laser observations wish to se parate the brightest objects from the ground to specially reflect- a nd understand their physical nature Symposium on Physics and Dynamics of Meteors ing satellites are now routine at one forced us to halt a t these limits. of our stations, providlng range During the week following the Ge Meteors will be held at T a t ran It was shown tha t of 77 studied neral Assembly, the IAU Symposium s k L om n ic a In the High Tatra measurements to an accuracy of 1 m. galaxies Sc, havin g an integral abso- á We hope that the laser technique 33 on the Physics and Dynamics of Mountains. The symposium sponsored lute magnitude Jess than 12.5, only by Commission 22 will be attended can be extended to the worldwide 15 galaxies co ntain one or several by 70 invited participants from 15 net of stations in order that a search superassociatlons. The total number countries; 10 Invited survey papers can be made for continental or other of superassociations in these 15 ga and 40 contributed papers will be global shifts of this order of magni laxies is 42. An example of a galaxy presented. Two days of the sym tude. that is rich in superassocia tions postum will be devoted to the pro The complexity of the earth's gravita- could be NGC 1087. It conta ins nine blems of meteor physics, two to the tional field r emains to be explained similar objects. in terms of the earth's internal struc Des pite this, if we go beyond the problems of meteor dynamics, and Some years ago we started w ork- one to round-table discussions and ture and history, but it is a signific limits of the class Sc, we can poin t ant measure of the irregularity of ing at Bjurakan on the task of find to the peculiar galaxy NGC 4038-4039 summaries. One day is scheduled for ing out how often similar objects an excursion to the near-by Skalna material density with in the ea r th, al- which contains more than ten su most as conspicuous as the existence can be met in distant galaxies. The perassociation s. This entirely un té Pleso and Lomnický Peak Obser - e xamination of a small number of vatories. The topics of the invited of continents and oceans on the sur common galaxy was recently s tudied face. pictures showed t hat although in by the Burbidges. survey papers are as follows: Radar most galaxies such objects are not Meteor Echoes (P. M. MILLMAN], Me- Our third major objective con Despite this superassociations in cerned measurements of atmos to be found, they are fairly frequent common irregular galaxies are very teor Spectra ( Z. CEPLECHA), Physic in Se galaxles with high luminosity. al Theory o f Meteors (A. F. ) , pheric drag on satellites to dete rmine ra re. Of the objects studied by Shakh the density of the earth's very high Beside that there a re galaxies which bazyan only the irregular ga laxy Masses and Structure of Meteors (F. contain not one but many such for VERNIAN I], Radar Meteor Orbits atmosphere and to ascertain the NGC 4656 contains s uperassociations. mations which have been ca lled (V. N. LEBEDINEC), Photographic variations, if any. These variations All superassociations for which co- superassocia tions. A short report on COPERNICUS ON COINS! Meteor Or bits (R. E. McCROSKY), in air density have turned ov to be lors have been determined , have a Distribution of Interplanetary Dust remarkably large, more than a factor the first stage of this work which was small value of color index. This again The only metal coin in the world of 10 at 1,000 km in altitude, and to carried out by the author of this with the image of Copernicus is (T. R. ), Investigation of Me shows that they contain a great teor!c Dust from Rockets and Sa depend mostly upon solar a ctivity. article together with astronomers quantity of young hot stars. Age of the Polish 10 zloty piece. The port tellites (T. N. NAZAROVA ), Structure Thus, w e find that the earth's high Iskudaryan and Shakhbazyan was superassociations is estima ted at rait is surrounded by the inscrip and Evolution of Meteor Streams (L. a tmosphere ca rries a nearly station- published in the proceedings of the about 10 8 years. This is why there is tion in Polish, MIKOLAJ KOPER KRESÁK); the last paper, by F. L. ary bulge, somewhat llke an elongat Symposium on the Magellanic Clouds no reason to doubt that intensive sta r NIK. The value of the coin is WHIPPLE, is about Origins of Me e d human eyeball looking in the and the Galaxy which was held in formation takes pla ce in them, much general direction of the sun but lagg about half a dollar teortt!c Material. LK Australia in 1963. Since then one of more intensive than in common ing about 30° behind it. The height the gr oup that worked on this pro a ssociations. of the bulge and the temperature blem, P. Shakhbazyan, has continu If we consider tha t in galaxies of the high atmosphere, like an EKG ed systematically studying the pro containing superassociations there a re machine, measure the heart beat of blem of superassociations. The re also subsys tems com posed of old stars, solar activity. Furthermore, the atmos- suits of her work have not been it becomes evident that the process pheric drag on balloon-like satellites published yet but are already highly of s tar formation varies in time and such as Echoes I and II indicates 1n teresting. in s pace. All persons who have paid for the Closing Dinner (AUG 30 at Lucerna that a wind in the very high atmo It should be remarked first of all There is hope that the further study s phere blows some 200 m/sec towar d Hall, 19,30 hours) please pick up your tickets at the Registration, that superassociatlons do not repre- of superassociations will prove to be the east, i. e., in the direct ion of the sent a sharply outlined class of ob useful for solving ques tions on the counter marked "Closing Dinner". It will be possible to purchase more earth's rotation, a bove the velocity jects. The dividing line between development of the form of galaxies. tickets at the counter of rotation. This surprising pheno menan is still unexplained but may be associated with electrical currents Our columnist Gabriel Laub is not Closing Dinner- Dfner de clôture in the high ionosphere and the mag a scientist and therefore has had little DEEP SKIES WONDER in Les personnes qui ont déjà réglé leur participation au diner de clô netosphere. opportunity to publish a lecture These, then, are a few of the earthy Nunclus Sidereus; Instead we have ture sont invités à retirer leur carte au bureau d'enregistrement, decided to bring a few samples from r esults that have been Initiated by guichet «Dîner de clôture». "Aren't you afraid of danger in space a book of a p h o r i s m s which he is the Ca ll of Space. publishing shor tly. Les personnes qui n'auraient pas encore réglé leur participation et – especially now that four astro- Professor FRED L. WHIPPLE, Director qui souhaiterai.ent se faire inscrire, peuvent le faire au même guichet. nauts have already been killed?" It's so easy to be clever if you'r e not. Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory La carte leur sera remise contre reglement du montant des frais de Harvard University "The greatest hazard at present is That which isn't possible but happens participation. to drive by car through Prague. I be is absurd; t hat which is possible but lieve that in space there is no spe doesn't happen is typical. COMMIS SION 12. Tuesday morning. Gor- other papers was concerned with the A man is old when the cops cial r isk." don NEWKIRK projected a magnificent values of the albedo in various wave appear young to him. I magination is something some people color film which conclusively showed lengths on and Jupiter. From an interview with the astrono simply cannot imagine. Jan WERICH, the greatest Czech mer K. G. HENIZ, a potential astro the correctness of preceding considera- SADIL, PŘIHODA Pinkerton: I may tail anyone I like. tions on the division of magnetic fields comedian of our time and, you'll naut in the Czech Daily Mladá f ronta. COMMISSION 34 at the morning meet That's proof of absolut e f reedom. in the solar co·rona for the concrete ing of August 29, under the chairman be surprised, National Artist distribution of active regions. The cor ship of D. E. OSTERBROK , discussed Riddle: We all, in t he bustle of everyday, relation of solar streamers with the magnetic fields in arms and on dynamic w r ite history, write it as well as we distribution of magnetic lines shows that gas clouds. Of the brief contributions Can you guess the name of t his this is a method that can potentially be distinguished astronomer ? can. One day someone will edit it On internal motions in four diffuse ne and have it rewritten. an efficient aid in the further study bulae ( P. V. SHEGLOV), Silicate grains Double double U, an upside-down U, of the mechanisms of formations ln the in interstel!ar space (J. DORSCHNER ), and the musical instrument played The moral code is a collection of outer solar atmosphere, especially pro On the evolution of graphite particles minances and corona. Prof. WALD Saturday in Kutna Hora. Morgan W. W. precepts a few people don't live by (CH. FRIEDMAN, K . H. SCHMIDT] at because t hey don't accept t hem, while MEIER presented some of the results tracted most interest. Another part of of his eclipse expedition which gene- the program related to interstellar ex Who knows how much our president t he ma;or ity accepts them because rally agree well with results of past tinction and polarization, especially the would have prol onged his speech at they don't live by t hem. considerations, especially as far as the theoretical Interpretation of observed the Inaugural Ceremony if he had distribution of solar streamers in rela- data. kk succeeded in his efforts to learn the When at last he gained a position in w hich he could afford to say what tion to the general magnetic fields of Czech language? secretary His COMMISSION 41 – History of Astrono he thought, he no l onger thought of the Sun. my – met twice Friday Aug 25, morning NUNCIUS TERRAESTREUS 9209 anything but his posit ion. COMMISSION 16. Monday morning. Dr. and afternoon, under the chairmanship KUIPER submitted a draft of principles o! E. RYBKA (Poland). Besides the ast- Dogmatism is more frequently a call- for naming newly discovered format ronomers who are working on the pro- What will not be in the Proceedings of the ing than a conviction. Ions (craters) on Mars. The Mars crat blems of the history of astronomy, there are also distinguished historians of General Assembly ers are to receive names of outstand Arnost Jappel We have a much harder life than our science among its members. The main „Now I'll present my paper and ing people selected from 12 fi elds (sea ancestors because we have to acquire navigators, astronomers, bio logists, etc.]. problems discussed at the meetings con- after t his, I am sure, you'll welcome For the start about five names were to cerned the plan for the International more things t hat make life easier. be awarded, since from the 4 synthetic monography (in four volumes] a short break.“ pictures only about 1.5 % of Mars' of the General History of Astronomy, the H. M. JOHNSON Introducing himself at joint The less we're able to decide our surface Is known. The proposal will be continuation of the current bibliography Discussion. This statement hat not r eceiv- own dest iny, the easier w e find it discussed further. AR on the History of Astronomy edited by to decide other people's. P. G. KULIKOVSKY, Moscow as well as ed general authorisa tion. It was edited Among the proposed names are Ma the necessity of protection against da by LSD- The Local Society of Dissipation, Reading impair s the eyesight. Only gellan, Columbus, Šaronov, Lyot, Tlchov. mage of instruments and manuscripts of A.G.K2 t he illiterate see every thing correctly. This was followed by the presentation historical Interest and other topics. Five of papers. F. spoke about the scientific papers were presented at the atmospheric circulation of jupiter and The ocean is like history: from a afternoon meeting. E. RYBKA was asked distance it looks impressive, but if the Earth in relation to solar activity. by the Executive Committee to continue A Truly Marxian View C. discussed the radar measu y ou're in the midst of it you often as president during the coming three Dear Nuncius Sidereus, rement of the heights of the Mars years with 0. j. GINGERICH (USA) as feel sick. relief which exceed 10 km. One ot the vice-president. E. RYBKA it is amazing indeed to read a daily Civilisation: giving Eskimoes warm SOLAR PHOTOSPHERIC ABUNDANCES. newspaper written by astronomers. f l ats so t hey have to earn money An Informal discussion is planned for We shall miss it next week. When to buy a ref rigerator. 8:45 - 12:00 A. M. on Wednesday, Au will the last issue of the Series gust 30 in Rm A 104. L. H. ALLER Secunda appear? One ideologist had a typew r iter with ©an d published by the Local Organizing Committee of the 13th General Assembly AMATEUR ASSOCIATION IN SIGHT? A I think, people enJoyed the texts of out a question-mark. They only at the International Astronomical Union. meeting of the delegates of national so- the plenary talks very much, and found out w hen his secretary wanted Chairman or the Editorial Board: Jiří cieties of amateur astronomers and other the columnes concerning Praha. {By to w rite a private letter. GRYGAR. Editor in Chief: Bohumll BILEK. similar organizations will be held on the way, can we see anything connect People are good, say the cannibals. Layout: Milan ALBICH. Editorial Office: Wednesday, August 30, at 1400 hours in Law Faculty of Charles University, Room Room A28. Agenda? The founding or an ed with the act ivity of Kepler or Einstein in this city? J Congratula Truth invariably prevails – because 144, Nám. Curieových, No. 7, Praba 1. international organization of amateur- truth is that w hich prevails. Printed by MIR, n. p., Establishment 1, astronomers. All persons interested are tions to your work! Yours G. MARX Václavské nám. 15, Praha 1. invited iO attend. United Kingdom • photos by J. Marco * Thursday morning. Budapest GABRIEL LAUB