SRAC Publication No. 454 November 2006 VI Revision PR Recirculating Aquaculture Tank Production Systems: Aquaponics—Integrating Fish and Plant Culture James E. Rakocy1, Michael P. Masser2 and Thomas M. Losordo3 Aquaponics, the combined culture of many times, non-toxic nutrients and Aquaponic systems offer several ben- fish and plants in recirculating sys- organic matter accumulate. These efits. Dissolved waste nutrients are tems, has become increasingly popu- metabolic by-products need not be recovered by the plants, reducing dis- lar. Now a news group (aquaponics- wasted if they are channeled into charge to the environment and
[email protected] — type sub- secondary crops that have economic extending water use (i.e., by remov- scribe) on the Internet discusses value or in some way benefit the pri- ing dissolved nutrients through plant many aspects of aquaponics on a mary fish production system. uptake, the water exchange rate can daily basis. Since 1997, a quarterly Systems that grow additional crops be reduced). Minimizing water periodical (Aquaponics Journal) has by utilizing by-products from the pro- exchange reduces the costs of operat- published informative articles, con- duction of the primary species are ing aquaponic systems in arid cli- ference announcements and product referred to as integrated systems. If mates and heated greenhouses where advertisements. At least two large the secondary crops are aquatic or water or heated water is a significant suppliers of aquaculture and/or terrestrial plants grown in conjunc- expense. Having a secondary plant hydroponic equipment have intro- tion with fish, this integrated system crop that receives most of its required duced aquaponic systems to their is referred to as an aquaponic system catalogs.