PROCEEDING The 1st International Conference on Health Sciences

Faculty of Health Sciences Universitas Nasional 14 - 15 March 2019 At Marlyn Park Hotel Jakarta PROCEEDING


“The Role of Health Professional to Improve Quality of Care in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”

Jakarta, 14-15 March 2019

Penerbit: Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Nasional Jakarta PROSIDING THE 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HEALTH SCIENCES

“The Role of Health Professional to Improve Quality of Care in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”


Steering Committees: Dr. El Amry Bermawi Putera, M.A Prof. Ernawati Sinaga, M.S., Apt. Dr. Retno Widowati, M.Si

Chair Ns. Dayan Hisni, S.Kep., M.N.S

Secretary Yeni Aulia, S, ST., M.Keb

Treasurer Ns. Milla Evelianti Saputri, S.Kep., M.KM Dra. Suprihatin, M.Si

Publication and finance Committees Ns. Naziyah, M.Kep Sri Dinengsih, S,ST., M.Kes

Program and IT Committees Dewi Kurniati, S, ST., M.Keb Jenny Siauta, S, ST., M.Keb Shinta Novelia, S, ST., M.N.S dr. Cholisah Suralaga, M.Kes Triana Indrayani, S.ST., M.Kes

Accomodation, transportation, and documentation Bunga Tiara Carolin, SST., M.Bmd Vivi Silawati, S,ST., M.Kes Dian Meta, S.Kom. M.Hum Nurwahidin, S.Kep Reviewers Dr. Retno Widowati, M.Si Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Nasional, Jakarta Dr. Rukmaini, S,ST., M.Keb Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Nasional, Jakarta Ns. Aisyiah, M.Kep.,Sp. Kep.Kom Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Nasional, Jakarta Ns. Rian Adi Pamungkas, S.Kep., MNS., Ph.D (c) Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University Asst. Prof. Waraporn Kongsuwan, Ph.D., RN Faculty of Nursing, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand

Managing Editors: Sutikman, ST., M.T Auliya Rahmah, S.Kom

Redaksi: Menara 2 Universitas Nasional, Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan, Jl. RM. Harsono, No. 1 Ragunan – Jakarta Selatan Telp. (021) 27870882 Email: [email protected]

Cetakan Pertama, Juni 2019

Hak cipta dilindungi Undang-undang. Dilarang memperbanyak karya tulis ini dalam bentuk apapun Tanpa ijin tertulis dari Penerbit

Rector Speech on The First Internasional Conference On Health Sciences 2019.

Assalamualaikumwrwb. Good Morning and May God bless all of us, On behalf of UniversitasNasional, I would like to welcome all speakers and participants of the First International Conference On Health Sciences 2019, organized by Faculty of Health Sciences UniversitasNasional.

Ladies and gentleman, We know that the world leaders have signed a new agreement that will determine the direction of world development called the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The agreement is a continuation of the world development blueprint in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) which ended in 2015. Indicators and target achievements of the SDGs cover three major aspects namely, ending all forms of poverty and hunger, increasing food and nutrition security, and guaranteeing the existence of healthy and prosperous by promoting human development and a sustainable environment in all countries. Even though the development agenda has referred to the SDGs, apparently still keeps homework that has not been achieved in the MDG indicators. All these problematic indicators are closely related to health payments. The indicators intended include reducing maternal mortality during childbirth, decreasing the prevalence of HIV and AIDS, ensuring environmental sustainability and proper sanitation for the community is still far from the target set out 15 years ago. This policy should be a concern for health workers, who must take part in every change in society towards health, so they can contribute to the success of the SDGs. Health workers, lecturers and researcher have great potential to be involved in a variety of health policies both at regional and national levels. Indeed the degree of public health that is still not optimal is essentially influenced by environmental conditions, community behaviour, health services, and genetics.

Dear Attendees of the First International Conference On Health Sciences 2019, SDGs are development programs involving all parties including health workers, higher education lecturers and their students, and researchers. They have a very strategic role so that coordination and support from all parties are needed by involving all components of the nation in promoting the health paradigm to reach the SDGs target of 2030 in the health sector. Such thematic focuses are expected to provide us with more comprehensive yet specific understanding SDGs to our needs.

Thus, the Faculty of Health Sciences UniversitasNasionalcarry out an international conference with the theme "The Role of Health Professionals to Improve Quality of Care in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)".

In closing, I would like to convey my deepest appreciation to Faculty of Healthsciences, especially to the committee to hold the First International Conference on Health Sciences thisyear.We highly appreciate all experts and speakers who will share their expertise, experience and knowledgeto all Conference attendees. Wesincerely hope that all attendees will enjoy and be inspired from the discussions, presentations and knowledge sharing sessions of this Conferences. I wish The First International Conference on Health Sciences 2019 a great success!!

Thank you and Wassalamualaikumwrwb. Rector, Dr. El AmryBermawiPutera, M.A.

Dean Faculty of Heath Sciences Speech on The First Internasional Conference On Health Sciences 2019.

Assalamualaikumwrwb. Excellencies, Rector of UniversitasNasional, distinguished guests, all speakers and participants, good morning and May God bless all of us. First, on behalf of the Faculty of Health Sciences UniversitasNasional, I would like to thank you for coming to the First International Conference On Health Sciences 2019.

Ladies and gentlemen, For me, It is not easy to be leader at Faculty of Health Sciences UniversitasNasional. I must always think, how the the latest faculty at UniversitasNasionalalways advancing in various developments in sciences, knowledge and good governance. And I was lucky because many lecturers in our faculty support the advancement of fFaculty of Health Sciences. There are a lot of progress hasoccurred in our faculty in two years. Many lecturers conduct researchs, community services and write articles in various journals in Indonesia or abroad. So many lecturers has academic rank, now. Our faculty has also moved to a new building at MenaraUnas 2 Ragunan, South Jakarta. We have five floors for class rooms, laboratories and faculty office. We have held various trainings for lecturers and students to improve competencies. And then we strategize for new achievements. And the First International Conference On Health Sciences2019 is the new ourfaculty achievement. At this conference we invited some speakers. We invited The Excellency Minister of Health Republic of Indonesia, Vice Minister and as Head of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Indonesia, and Director General of of Science and Technology of Higher Education at Indonesian Ministry Research, Technology &Higher Education. On behalf of Faculty of Health Sciences UnivesitasNasional, I am grateful to the many experts who have come to share their knowledge and I would like to thank you for responses and coming to our invitation to speak in the conference.I am grateful to the many experts who have come to share their knowledge. I also welcome the many representatives of governments, universities, associations and NGOs who have joined us.


Milla Eevelianti Saputri1, Shinta Novelia2 1. Nursing Department, Faculty of Health, National University, Indonesia 2. Midwivery Department, Faculty of Health, National University, Indonesia


Introduction: Menstrual hygiene is a component of hygiene in the form of measures to maintain the health and cleanliness of reproductive organs during menstruation. Good knowledge is a determining factor in maintaining reproductive health.

Method: The study design used descriptive analytical method with cross sectional design. The sampling technique uses a population box with a number of 80.

Results: Most of them were 54 respondents (66.2%) with negative menstrual hygiene behavior categories and 44 respondents (55.0%) with a lack of knowledge. There is a significant relationship between the knowledge of young women about reproductive health and menstrual hygiene behavior in female students of SMP N 2 Bojong Gede,


Conclusion: The importance of adolescent knowledge related to behavior that will be displayed in daily activities, especially those related to health behavior.

Keywords: Adolescence, Knowledge, Behavior, Menstrual Hygiene

Introduction Maintaining cleanliness of the genitals (genitals), especially the outside is part of personal hygiene. Women's genitals are easily affected by the disease because they tend to be moist, the surface is very smooth and easily injured. But it is not difficult to take care of it,

420 which is like using soft and non-scented pads, not having free sex, and not using excessive

vaginal cleansing.

The main causes of ISR (Reproductive Tract Infection) are: weak immunity (10%),

lack of hygiene during menstruation (30%), and unclean environment and use of sanitary

napkins that are less healthy during menstruation (50%) 1. A person's behavior is influenced by his level of education and knowledge. A person's knowledge of something can cause changes in behavior2. Insufficient knowledge about menstruation is also caused by adolescence, maternal education, and information exposure. Teenagers need to be given good and positive information through parents, peers, school teachers. But the public considers reproductive health is still taboo discussed by teenagers. As a result, adolescents lack understanding, lack of understanding and sometimes make wrong decisions regarding reproductive health3.


This study was an analytical descriptive study with a cross sectional method which

aimed to determine the relationship between adolescent knowledge about reproductive health

and menstrual hygiene behavior in female students in SMP N 2 Bojong Gede, West Java. In

this study, the data used are primary data, researchers will ask permission to research the

school of Bojong Gede 2 Public High School, then researchers will approach the prospective

respondents to provide explanations and make an agreement that the prospective respondents

are willing to

become respondents. Respondents who are willing to be interviewed will be given a

questionnaire by the researcher and filled in according to the format of the question.

Ethical Consideration

This research obtained permission based on the Decree of the Chancellor of the

421 National University. Respondents will first be given informed consent by giving an explanation of the basic information and procedures that will be carried out during the study.

Respondents have the right to resign without any sanctions given.


Univariate analysis of each variable is displayed in the form of a frequency distribution table. The results of the univariate analysis obtained are as follows:

Tabel 1.1

Menstrual Hygiene Behavior

Behavior F (%)

Negative 54 67,5

Positive 26 32,5

Total 80 100

Based on table 1.2 it can be concluded that there were 54 respondents (67.5%) with negative menstrual hygiene behavior categories and 26 respondents (32.5%) with positive menstrual hygiene behavior categories.

Table 1.2

Knowledge about reproductive health

Knowledge F (%)

Low 44 55,0

Middle 27 33,8

High 9 11,2

Total 80 100,0


Based on table 2.2 it can be concluded that there are 44 respondents (55.0%) with a level of knowledge that is low, 27 respondents (33.8%) with a middle level of knowledge, and 9 respondents (11.2%) with a high level of knowledge.

Tabel 1.3

The relationship between knowledge and behavior of menstrual hygiene

Knowle Behavior Total ge Negative Positive P.Value

N % N % n %

Low 38 86,4 6 13,6 44 100

Middle 13 48,1 14 59,1 27 100 0.000

High 3 33,3 6 66,7 9 100

Total 54 67,5 26 32,5 80 100

Based on table 1.3, it can be concluded that of the 44 respondents who had a lack of knowledge as much as 38 respondents (86.4%), with a negative menstrual hygiene behavior category, from 27 respondents who had sufficient knowledge level as many as 13 respondents

(48.1%) with categories negative menstrual hygiene behavior, and from 9 respondents who had a good level of knowledge as many as 6 respondents (66.7%) with positive menstrual hygiene behavior categories.

The statistical test results obtained p-value = 0,000 so that p <α 0.05, then Ho is

rejected, which means there is a relationship between the level of knowledge of young

women about reproductive health with menstrual hygiene behavior in students of Bojong

Gede Middle School 2 2017.

423 Based on the results of research from 80 respondents there were 54 respondents

(66.2%) with negative menstrual hygiene behavior categories and 26 respondents (33.8%) with positive menstrual hygiene behavior categories. In a previous study conducted by Rizqi

(2012), 59.2% of respondents obtained negative category menstrual hygiene behavior. Based on the existing theoretical results regarding menstrual hygiene behavior right, previous research, as well as research that has been done, the researchers concluded that there are still many students of SMP N 2 Bojong Gede having menstrual hygiene behavior with a negative category. Therefore the cleanliness of genitals must be maintained because germs are easily entered and can cause Reproductive Tract Infection (ISR), because the purpose of treatment during menstruation is to maintain the cleanliness and health of individuals carried out during the menstrual period so that they get physical and psychological well-being and can improve one's health status.

Based on the results of the study, it was also found that from 80 respondents there were

44 respondents (55.0%) with a lack of knowledge, 27 respondents (33.8%) with sufficient level of knowledge, and 9 respondents (11.2%) with a good level of knowledge. In previous research Windurenny4 obtained results of 52.3% with a lack of knowledge.

Based on the results of existing theories, previous research, as well as research that has been done, the researchers concluded that there are still many students of Bojong Gede 2

Public High School who have a lack of knowledge. Therefore, students can actually get knowledge about menstruation from the closest people such as their mothers and sisters. It can also be through formal education at the level of formal education, while knowledge from informal education such as experience and information from sources such as mass media, electronic media, and from counseling.

The statistical test results obtained p-value = 0,000 so that p <α 0,05, then Ho was rejected, which means there is a relationship between the level of knowledge of young

424 women about reproductive health with menstrual hygiene behavior in class X students of

SMPN 2 Bojong Gede in 2017. This is in accordance with the theory that a person who does

not have sufficient knowledge of reproductive health will tend to ignore his reproductive

health and in the end he will take actions that endanger himself. Knowledge about

reproductive health is an important factor in determining women's hygiene behavior during

menstruation5. The low level of knowledge about reproductive health will allow women not

to behave hygienically during menstruation.

Menstrual hygiene is a component of individual hygiene that plays an important role in the status of a person's health behavior, including avoiding a disturbance in reproductive function. During menstruation the blood vessels in the uterus are very easily infected.

Therefore the cleanliness of the genitals must be maintained because germs are easily entered and can cause

Reproductive Tract Infection (ISR). The purpose of treatment during menstruation is to maintain the cleanliness and health of individuals carried out during the menstrual period so that they get physical and psychological well-being and can improve one's health status6.

The results of this study are in line with Dewi7's research, in Benai 1 Public High

School stated that there was a significant relationship between knowledge and hygiene behavior during menstruation. Based on the existing theoretical results, previous research, as well as the research that has been done, the researcher concludes that the increasingly lack of knowledge level of more female students has menstrual hygiene behavior which tends to be negative, due to lack of information and knowledge received by female students regarding reproductive health.

Efforts are made to be able to get knowledge about menstruation from the closest people such as mother and sister. It can also be through formal education at the level of formal education, while knowledge from informal education such as experience and information from sources such as mass media, electronic media, and counseling.



Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that most respondents have menstrual hygiene behavior with a negative category of 54 respondents

(67.5%), have a level of lack of knowledge as much as 44 respondents (55.0%) and there is a relationship between the level of knowledge with menstrual hygiene behavior with p-value =

0,000. Based on the above conclusions, it needs to be stressed that the importance of knowledge about reproductive health for adolescents in influencing their behavior is behavior related to their health through the provision of health education or the involvement of health workers in periodic checks related to their reproductive health.


The author would like to thank the National University for the help both morally and materially and of course to all parties involved in this study, especially the 2 nd Middle

School Middle School of Bojong Gede, West Java.


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