User's Guide for the Indonesia Family Life Survey, Wave 3 WORKING

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User's Guide for the Indonesia Family Life Survey, Wave 3 WORKING WORKING P A P E R User's Guide for the Indonesia Family Life Survey, Wave 3 Volume 2 JOHN STRAUSS, KATHLEEN BEEGLE, BONDAN SIKOKI, AGUS DWIYANTO, YULIA HERAWATI AND FIRMAN WITOELAR WR144/1-NIA/NICHD February 2004 This product is part of the RAND Labor and Population working paper series. RAND working papers are intended to share researchers’ latest findings and to solicit informal peer review. They have been approved for circulation by RAND Labor and Population but have not been formally edited or peer reviewed. Unless otherwise indicated, working papers can be quoted and cited without permission of the author, provided the source is clearly referred to as a working paper. RAND’s publications do not necessarily reflect the opinions of its research clients and sponsors. is a registered trademark. We recommend the following citations for the IFLS data: For papers using IFLS1 (1993): Frankenberg, E. and L. Karoly. "The 1993 Indonesian Family Life Survey: Overview and Field Report." November, 1995. RAND. DRU-1195/1-NICHD/AID For papers using IFLS2 (1997): Frankenberg, E. and D. Thomas. “The Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS): Study Design and Results from Waves 1 and 2”. March, 2000. DRU-2238/1-NIA/NICHD. For papers using IFLS3 (2000): Strauss, J., K. Beegle, B. Sikoki, A. Dwiyanto, Y. Herawati and F. Witoelar. “The Third Wave of the Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS3): Overview and Field Report”. March 2004. WR-144/1- NIA/NICHD. ii Preface This document describes some issues related to use of the third wave of the Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS3), alone and together with earlier waves of IFLS, IFLS1 and 2. It is the second of six volumes documenting IFLS3. The first volume describes the basic survey design and implementation. The Indonesia Family Life Survey is a continuing longitudinal socioeconomic and health survey. It is based on a sample of households representing about 83% of the Indonesian population living in 13 of the nation’s 26 provinces in 1993. The survey collects data on individual respondents, their families, their households, the communities in which they live, and the health and education facilities they use. The first wave (IFLS1) was administered in 1993 to individuals living in 7,224 households. IFLS2 sought to re- interview the same respondents four years later. A follow-up survey (IFLS2+) was conducted in 1998 with 25% of the sample to measure the immediate impact of the economic and political crisis in Indonesia. The next wave, IFLS3, was fielded on the full sample in 2000. IFLS3 was a collaborative effort of RAND and the Center for Population and Policy Studies (CPPS) of the University of Gadjah Mada. Funding for IFLS3 was provided by the National Institute on Aging (NIA). Grant 1R01 AG17637 and the National Institute for Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), grant 1R01 HD38484. The IFLS3 public-use file documentation, whose six volumes are listed below, will be of interest to policymakers concerned about socioeconomic and health trends in nations like Indonesia, to researchers who are considering using or are already using the IFLS data, and to those studying the design and conduct of large-scale panel household and community surveys. Updates regarding the IFLS database subsequent to publication of these volumes will appear at the IFLS Web site, Documentation for IFLS, Wave 3 WR-144/1-NIA/NICHD: The Third Wave of the Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS3): Overview and Field Report. Purpose, design, fieldwork, and response rates for the survey, with an emphasis on wave 3; comparisons to waves 1 and 2. WR-144/2-NIA/NICHD: User’s Guide for the Indonesia Family Life Survey, Wave 3. Descriptions of the IFLS file structure and data formats; guidelines for data use, with emphasis on using the wave 3 with the earlier waves 1 and 2. WR-144/3-NIA/NICHD: Household Survey Questionnaire for the Indonesia Family Life Survey, Wave 3. English translation of the questionnaires used for the household and individual interviews. WR-144/4-NIA/NICHD: Community-Facility Survey Questionnaire for the Indonesia Family Life Survey, Wave 3. English translation of the questionnaires used for interviews with community leaders and facility representatives. WR-144/5-NIA/NICHD: Household Survey Codebook for the Indonesia Family Life Survey, Wave 3. Descriptions of all variables from the IFLS3 Household Survey and their locations in the data files. WR-144/6-NIA/NICHD: Community-Facility Survey Codebook for the Indonesia Family Life Survey, Wave 3. Descriptions of all variables from the IFLS3 Community-Facility Survey and their locations in the data files. iii Contents Preface ...................................................................................................................................................... ii Acknowledgments .................................................................................................................................. iv 1. Introduction........................................................................................................................................ 1 2. IFLS3 Data Elements Deriving from IFLS1, IFLS2 and IFLS2+ ..................................................... 2 HHS: Re-interviewing IFLS1 Households, and their Split-offs and Individuals.................................. 2 HHS: Pre-printed Household Roster .................................................................................................. 3 HHS: “Intended” Respondents and Households................................................................................ 4 HHS: Obtaining Retrospective Information ........................................................................................ 6 HHS: Updating Kinship Information.................................................................................................... 6 Siblings.......................................................................................................................................... 6 Children......................................................................................................................................... 7 CFS: Re-interviewing IFLS1 and 2 Facilities and Communities ........................................................ 7 3. IFLS3 Data File Structure and Naming Conventions ..................................................................... 9 Basic File Organization........................................................................................................................ 9 Household Survey......................................................................................................................... 9 Community-Facility Survey ........................................................................................................... 9 Identifiers and Level of Observation.................................................................................................. 10 Household Survey....................................................................................................................... 10 Community-Facility Survey ......................................................................................................... 11 Question Numbers and Variable Names........................................................................................... 12 Response Types................................................................................................................................ 13 Missing Values .................................................................................................................................. 13 Special Codes and X Variables......................................................................................................... 14 TYPE Variables ................................................................................................................................. 15 Privacy Protected Information ........................................................................................................... 15 Weights.............................................................................................................................................. 15 IFLS3 longitudinal analysis household weights................................................................................. 15 IFLS3 longitudinal analysis person weights ......................................................................................17 IFLS3 cross-section analysis person weights ................................................................................... 19 IFLS3 cross-section analysis household weights.............................................................................. 19 4. Using IFLS3 Data with Data From Earlier Waves ........................................................................... 21 Merging IFLS3 Data with Earlier Waves of IFLS for Households and Individuals ............................ 21 Data Availability for Households and Individuals: HTRACK and PTRACK...................................... 22 HTRACK00 ................................................................................................................................. 22 PTRACK00.................................................................................................................................. 23 Merging IFLS1, 2 and 3 Data for Communities and Facilities........................................................... 24 Appendix A: Names of Data Files for the Household
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