1 SEWARD PENINSULA FEDERAL SUBSISTENCE 2 REGIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING 3 4 PUBLIC MEETING 5 6 7 VOLUME II 8 9 Aurora Inn 10 Nome, Alaska 11 October 4, 2012 12 9:00 a.m. 13 14 Members Present: 15 16 Louis Green, Chairman 17 Reggie Barr 18 Peter Buck 19 Fred Eningowuk 20 Tom Gray 21 Elmer Seetot 22 Timothy Smith 23 24 25 Regional Council Coordinator - Alex Nick 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Recorded and transcribed by: 43 44 Computer Matrix Court Reporters, LLC 45 135 Christensen Drive, Suite 2 46 Anchorage, AK 99501 47 907-243-0668/907-227-5312 48
[email protected] 1 P R O C E E D I N G S 2 3 (Nome, Alaska - 10/4/2012) 4 5 (On record) 6 7 CHAIRMAN GREEN: We're going to call 8 this meeting to order, the 4th of October, and we're 9 getting some charts and stuff handed around here the 10 table about muskox concerns here. Mr. Gorn is going to 11 come to the table and we're going to give him the 12 floor. 13 14 MR. NICK: Mr. Chair. 15 16 CHAIRMAN GREEN: Alex, go ahead. 17 18 MR. NICK: I would like to make a 19 couple of reminders to the Council. I handed out your 20 electronic ticket receipt, which is an old one for 21 those of you who made changes to your travel. There's 22 a couple of them who made changes -- who requested to 23 change their travel back to the village.