SEWARD PENINSULA SUBSISTENCE RAC MEETING 3/11/2020 SEWARD PENINSULA RAC MEETING 1 SEWARD PENINSULA FEDERAL SUBSISTENCE REGIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC MEETING VOLUME I Nome Mini-Convention Center Nome, Alaska March 11, 2020 9:07 a.m. Members Present: Tom Gray, Acting Chairman Deahl Katchatag Ronald Kirk Lloyd Kiyutelluk Leland Oyoumick Charles Saccheus Elmer Seetot Regional Council Coordinator -Tom Kron (Acting) Karen Deatherage/phone Recorded and transcribed by: Computer Matrix Court Reporters, LLC 135 Christensen Drive, Suite 2 Anchorage, AK 99501 907-227-5312;
[email protected] Computer Matrix, LLC Phone: 907-243-0668 135 Christensen Dr., Ste. 2., Anch. AK 99501 Fax: 907-243-1473 SEWARD PENINSULA SUBSISTENCE RAC MEETING 3/11/2020 SEWARD PENINSULA RAC MEETING 1 Page 2 1 P R O C E E D I N G S 2 3 (Nome, Alaska - 3/11/2020) 4 5 (On record) 6 7 ACTING CHAIR GRAY: If I could get 8 everybody to stand I'd appreciate it. Take your hat 9 off. So I'm going to give the invocation. 10 11 (Invocation) 12 13 ACTING CHAIR GRAY: Thank you. Okay, 14 so I'm going to call the meeting to order so we're 15 official. And I get to be the guy running the meeting. 16 Louis is -- he called me from Ruby yesterday saying 17 they're stuck -- they're not stuck, they're actually 18 moving again but him and his brother and nieces and so 19 on and so forth are driving snowmachines to Nome from 20 somewhere, and it's taken longer than they expected.