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Review of Armenian Studies 33 No REVIEW OF ARMENIAN STUDIES A Biannual Journal of History, Politics, and International Relations 33no: 2016 Facts and Comments Ömer E. LÜTEM Germany’s Policies on Armenians During World War I Barış ÖZDAL Economic Factors of the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict Nika CHITADZE Karabakh Problem in the Light of Global and Regional Developments Yıldız Deveci BOZKUŞ Enemies to the Death or Friends for Life? Looking Into Prejudice Against Turks Amongst Armenians in Armenia Armand SAĞ After the Relocation M. Törehan SERDAR BOOK REVIEWS REVIEW OF ARMENIAN STUDIES A Biannual Journal of History, Politics, and International Relations 2016, No: 33 EDITOR Ömer Engin LÜTEM MANAGING EDITOR Mehmet Oğuzhan TULUN EDITORIAL BOARD In Alphabetical Order Prof. Dr. Seçil KARAL AKGÜN Alev KILIÇ (Ret. Ambassador, Prof. Dr. Sadi ÇAYCI Director of the Center for Eurasian Studies) (Başkent University) Ömer E. LÜTEM Prof. Dr. Kemal ÇİÇEK (Ret. Ambassador) Dr. Şükrü ELEKDAĞ Prof. Dr. Nurşen MAZICI (Ret. Ambassador) (Marmara University) Prof. Dr. Metin HÜLAGÜ Prof. Dr. Hikmet ÖZDEMİR (Erciyes University) (Political Scientist) Dr. Bilal N. ŞİMŞİR (Ret. Ambassador, Historian) ADVISORY BOARD In Alphabetical Order Ertuğrul APAKAN Prof. Dr. Justin MCCARTHY (Ret. Ambassador) (University of Louisville) Prof. Dr. Nedret KURAN BURÇOĞLU Prof. Dr. Jeremy SALT (Boğaziçi University) (Bilkent University) Ahmet Altay CENGİZER Prof. Dr. Mehmet SARAY (Ambassador) (Historian) Dr. Edward ERICKSON Prof. Dr. Norman STONE (Historian) (Bilkent University) Uluç GÜRKAN Prof. Dr. Ömer TURAN (Journalist) (Middle East Technical University) Prof. Dr. Yusuf HALAÇOĞLU Prof. Dr. Hakan YAVUZ (Member of the Parliament) (Utah University) Prof. Dr. Enver KONUKÇU PUBLISHER Ali Kenan ERBULAN Review of Armenian Studies is published biannually Review of Armenian Studies is a refereed journal. Review of Armenian Studies is indexed in EBSCO and TUBITAK-ULAKBIM databases. Articles submitted for publication are subject to peer review. The editorial board takes into consideration whether the submitted article follows the rules of scientific writing. The articles are sent to two referees known for their academic reputation in their respective areas. Upon their decision, the article will be published in the journal, or rejected. The reports of the referees are kept confidential and stored in the Journalʼs archives for five years. On behalf of AVRASYA BİR VAKFI (1993) All Rights Reserved. Publication Office Terazi Yayıncılık Bas. Dağ. Dan. Eğt. Org. Mat. Kırt. Ltd. Şti. Abidin Daver Sok. No. 12/B Daire 4 06550 Çankaya/ANKARA Tel: 0 (312) 438 50 23-24 • Faks: 0 (312) 438 50 26 ISSN: 1303-5304 Subscription Office Hülya ÖNALP Terazi Yayıncılık Eğt. Org. Mat. Kırt. Ltd. Şti. Süleyman Nazif Sok. 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No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written authorization of the Center for Eurasian Studies (AVİM). CONTENTS (İÇİNDEKİLER) Page Contributors...............................................................................................................................................5 (Yazarlar) Editorial Note.............................................................................................................................................9 (Editörün Notu) ARTICLES .................................................................................................................................................11 (MAKALELER) Facts and Comments .....................................................................................................................11 (Olaylar ve Yorumlar) Ömer Engin LÜTEM Germanyʼs Policies on Armenians During World War I ...................................................73 (Birinci Dünya Savaşı Sürecinde Almanyaʼnın Ermenilere Yönelik İzlediği Politikalar) Barış ÖZDAL Economic Factors of the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict......................................................95 (Dağlık Karabağ Sorunun Ekonomik Unsurları) Nika CHITADZE Karabakh Problem in the Light of Global and Regional Developments .................113 (Küresel ve Bölgesel Gelişmeler Işığında Karabağ Sorunu) Yıldız Deveci BOZKUŞ CONTENTS Enemies to the Death or Friends for Life? Looking Into Prejudice Against Turks Amongst Armenians in Armenia..................135 (Yaşam Boyunca Dost, Veya Ölüme Kadar Düşman mı? Ermenistan Ermenileri'nin Türklere Karşı Olan Önyargılarına Bir Bakış) Armand SAĞ After the Relocation......................................................................................................................155 (Tehcir Sonrası) M. Törehan SERDAR BOOK REVIEWS.................................................................................................................................205 (KİTAP TAHLİLLERİ) Foreword “Turks and Armenians: Nationalism and Conflict in the Ottoman Empire” ...........205 (Sunuş “Türkler ve Ermeniler: Milliyetçilik ve Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda Çatışma”) Alev KILIÇ Review of Armenian Studies 3 No. 33, 2016 Chapter by Chapter Synopsis and Review of Turks and Armenians: Nationalism and Conflict in the Ottoman Empire by Justin Mccarthy .....................209 (Justin Mccarthyʼnin “Türkler ve Ermeniler: Milliyetçilik ve Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda Çatışma” Kitabının Bölüm Bölüm Özet ve Analizleri) Seher ÇELEN - Hazel Çağan ELBİR - Ekin GÜNAYSU - Aslan Yavuz ŞİR - Ali Murat TAŞKENT - Mehmet Oğuzhan TULUN There Was and There Was Not...............................................................................................225 (Bir Vardı, Bir Yoktu) Şakire FURTUN 4 Review of Armenian Studies No. 33, 2016 Contributors Ömer Engin LÜTEM is a retired ambassador and the honorary president of Center for Eurasian Studies (AVİM). He graduated from Galatarasay High School and the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Ankara. After several assignments in Turkish missions in France, Germany, Italy, and Libya, he became Turkish Consul General at Cologne, Germany in 1975. He served as Director General of Personnel of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey in 1979 and Director General of Intelligence and Research of the Ministry in 1981. He was assigned as the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to Bulgaria in 1983 and served for six years. He served as Deputy Undersecretary of the Ministry (1989-1992), Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to the Vatican (1992-1995) and the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Turkey to UNESCO (1995-1997). He is the founding president of Institute for Armenian Research at Eurasian Strategic Research Center - ASAM (2001) and the Crimes Against Humanity Research Institute (2006). He served as the Director of AVİM between 2009-2012. He is currently the editor of three journals published by AVİM: Ermeni Araştırmaları, Review of Armenian Studies, and International Crimes and History. Apart from these, since 2006, he has been the instructor of a master’s degree course titled “Emergence and Evolution of the Armenian Question” at the History Department of the Middle Eastern Technical University (METU). Barış ÖZDAL is an associate professor at Uludağ University. He obtained his bachelor’s degree at the International Relations Department, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Uludağ University in 1997 and his master’s degree at the International Relations Department, Institute of Social Sciences of Istanbul University in 2000. He obtained his doctorate degree the at International Relations Department, Institute of Social Sciences, of Uludağ University with his thesis title “Security and Defence Policy of Europe and Turkey”. Özdal became an associate professor in the field of diplomatic history on 28 January 2011. He is currently a faculty member of the Diplomatic History Branch, International Relations Department, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Uludağ University. Özdal has numerous published works on European security, Turkey-EU relations, Turkey-Armenia relations and the Cyprus dispute. Review of Armenian Studies 5 No. 33, 2016 Nika CHITADZE is an associate professor of the International Black Sea University (IBSU). He is a specialist in Caucasus geopolitics, world politics, energy security and strategic affairs. He is currently the Director of the Black Sea Region Geopolitical Research Center and Coordinator of the Doctoral Program at the Faculty of Social Sciences (topic: international relations and politics) at the International Black Sea University. He is also the President of the George C. Marshall Alumni Union, Georgia – International and Security Research Center. Dr. Chitadze previously served as senior advisor on the National Security
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