No. 179 Challenging the Holocaust Taboo Since 1990 February 2011

UNESCO Symposium and Conference on Freedom of Expression

"UNESCO promotes freedom of expression and freedom of the press as a basic human right, through sensitization and monitoring activities. It also fosters media independence and pluralism as prerequisites and major factors of democratization by providing advisory services on media legislation and sensitizing governments, parliamentarians and other decision-makers."

ollowing are four letters cisms of her actions with regard to up through UNESCO bureaucratic sent to leading partici- freedom of expression. The pur- ranks to—where? F pants of this UNESCO pose of these letters from CODOH The vast majority of UNESCO Symposium and copied to person- is to make the hypocrisy of UNES- field offices are outside the Euro- nel in UNESCO Headquarters and CO claims about supporting free- pean Union and North America—in to its field offices throughout the dom of expression, when it does so short, out in the big world where world. The letters went to: only for some, will be obvious to accusations of anti-Semitism are Irina Bokova, Director-General growing increasingly ineffective. of UNESCO. Frank La Rue, Special Rappor- Irina Bokova teur on the promotion and protec- Director-General of UNESCO tion of the right to freedom of opi- UNESCO Headquarters nion and expression. Place de Fontenoy Jean-François Julliard, Paris, Secretary General Reporters Without Borders 20 January 2011 At this point the Secretart- General opened the Symposium Dear Director-General: with a talk significantly focused on UNESCO proclaims on its Free Expression. Free Expression Website that: "Freedom of informa- here, Free Press there, Free Speech tion (FOI) is a fundamental human Irena Bokova here, again and again. It was unbe- right as stated in the UN General lievably blind to the issues of free Assembly 1946, Resolution 59." her associates worldwide. The expression in Europe so I have in- UNESCO states that its awareness of this double standard cluded it here, with my response. "mandate as set out in its 1945 will drift from office to office and, It is understood that Ms. Bokova Constitution specifically in mandat- will not respond publicly to criti- if we stay with it, will slowly rise 1

ing the Organization to 'promote Frank La Rue, to the development and strengthen- the free flow of ideas by word and Special Rapporteur on the pro- ing of effective democratic sys- image.'" motion and protection of the tems." I presume that you are aware of right to freedom of opinion and What do you make then of the the fact that if I go to Germany or expression fact that in France, where UNES- Israel to argue for a free exchange Palais des Nations CO is head-quartered in Paris, there of ideas on the question of the CH-1211 Geneva 10 is no freedom for individuals to WWII German WMD (homicidal Switzerland fully exercise their right to freedom gas-chambers) I will be arrested, of opinion and expression when it prosecuted, and in all likelihood Fax: +41 22 917 9006 comes to asking questions about imprisoned because I will have Email: [email protected] fragments of World War II history? questioned publicly what the Ger- One such question is: "What proof man and Israeli States demand that 21 January 2011 is there that the German WMD I not question. In your published (homicidal gassing chambers) ac- "credo" for UNESCO, which you Dear Mr. Frank La Rue: tually existed?" Remember the Ira- refer to as a "New Humanism," you qi WMD fraud? write that you will "not cede" with On 26 January you will give the What do you make of the fact regard to the "dignity of every hu- keynote address to the two-day that the French citizen Vincent man being." UNESCO symposium and confe- Reynouard is presently imprisoned Director General Bokova: do rence on the status of press freedom for what the French State holds to you personally find it "dignified" to worldwide, freedom of expression be a "thought crime"—questioning cooperate via your office with the on the internet, and the safety of this or that fraction of the orthodox imprisonment of men and women journalists. These are matters that I Holocaust story? for thought crimes? Those who am interested in. Have you looked into the matter hold that the German WMD of this French prisoner? Have you charges should be examined in the decided to not look into it? I see routine way that all other historical that recently, in your position of questions are examined? Special Rapporteur for UNESCO If you do, there are men and you have addressed the right to women in UNESCO Headquarters freedom of opinion and expression and in UNESCO field offices all for folk who live in Tunisia, China, over the world who would like to Mexico, Italy, Colombia, Venezu- know how you can dignify that po- ela and even in The Maldives. Are sition. So would I. you suggesting perhaps that the

Sincerely, Maldivians have the right to free- Frank La Rue dom of opinion and expression

Bradley R Smith while Frenchmen do not? I have here your Statement to Committee for Open Debate Please don't take this the wrong the Fourteenth session of the Hu- on the Holocaust way. It is my view that you are en- man Rights Council at Geneva, 3 PO Box 439016 titled to your opinion, and that you June 2010, on the promotion and San Ysidro CA 92143 have the right to express it, as does protection of the right to freedom Tel: 209 682 5327 the Director-General of UNESCO, of opinion and expression. With E-mail: [email protected] Irina Bokova. Nevertheless, it these remarks you note that "The Web: would be interesting to hear you Human Rights Council, through NOTE: This letter will be copied explain why is resolution 12/16, asserted that the to personnel at UNESCO Head- imprisoned for stating publicly that exercise of the right to freedom of quarters and to UNESCO Field Of- he questions what the French State opinion and expression is one of fices throughout the Arab states holds to be true regarding one the essential foundations of a dem- and in North America. ocratic society, and is instrumental Continued on page 12 2

The Holocaust in 2525

by Jett Rucker

ost people who appre- they will not be recognized—none tations. None of us will ever know ciate what an invi- of them, by anyone, at any time, if they’re correct unless we test M dious mythology it is with occasional, obscure exceptions them by looking back from today at that today passes for the ―history‖ among specialists and collectors of the histories of yesteryear, which is of the holocaust are frustrated by curiosities. where my assumption comes from how little progress that history has As to the larger question of how in the first place. made in the direction of truth in the the history and, alongside it, the I do not consider my predictions decades that revisionists have been myth, will develop, I’ll first state a to be sensitive to future events. Ci- active. Over the past thirty years or few assumptions and caveats. My vilization may fry itself to a cinder so, the horrors experienced by the conclusions reflect my tentative in a nuclear holocaust (remember victims of the holocaust have been belief that over time, as the history that kind of holocaust?), a Jewish magnified and broadened while the of a certain time, place, and event state may expand to encompass demonization of Germans has be- ―fades‖ and loses both detail and everything from the Euphrates to come more vicious and the sup- the Nile, or may morph into a pan- pression of dissenting views, stea- My speculation concerns Semitic simulacrum of its present dily more thorough and brutal. It is what that cabal among us self at peace (or war) with similar fair for revisionists to wonder: neighbors, all bearing names that where is this all heading, and how whom we call “historians” we would recognize today. Ameri- will it ―end up‖? Some of the more will be telling us, and each ca may be the hegemon, or China, egocentric among us secondarily other, about the Jewish ex- or Nauru, for that matter. My spec- wonder: will any of today’s revi- perience in Europe from ulation concerns what that cabal sionists ever be recognized as the 1938 to . . . perhaps the among us whom we call ―histo- first expositors of the truth? present year of 2525. rians‖ will be telling us, and each As for that secondary question, other, about the Jewish experience the answer is simple and obvious to in Europe from 1938 to . . . perhaps emotional potency, it grows more me: revisionists who today are ac- the present year of 2525. The Jew- accurate. It grows more accurate, tive or already dead will gain no ish nation, with or without territory, first and foremost, from the gradual lasting recognition, as I hope to may have shrunk to numeric and erosion of falsehoods from its de- demonstrate in the following, but influential insignificance, or it may tails. Along the way, here and there is another surprise among my be able to claim allegiance from there, but rather sparsely, a detail or conclusions on this point that may some double-digit percentage of the impression is ―picked up‖ and add- console: their views, at least in the world’s (surviving) population. ed to the account. Some of these negative—as to what did not hap- None of these things much affect details will, of course, be condi- pen, or was not done—will prevail the course of history. tioned by subsequent experiences, over the long term. Not only that, The dynamic that governs my be wrong or off the mark, but I but this outcome is already fore- narrative is best compared to the surmise that a bare majority of gone. Revisionists’ work is today recently enthroned principle of them may add to the accuracy of practically done. It can be ex- plate tectonics (climate change is the emerging account, however tended, reinforced, made marginal- too rapid, at least in the popular unverifiably. These are assump- ly more-compelling, but their work imagination). The changes to the tions of mine that I will not under- that exists today is more than suffi- dominant account of the holocaust, take to defend; I state them for the cient to bring about the results I as well as to other matters attended use of anyone assessing my expec- anticipate. And, to repeat myself, to and cared about by large num- 3

bers of people, occur over many most will decline fully to bring are beyond the age at which such generations, such that any move- their skills as historians to bear, and hopes may be entertained for any- ment in its content or import is typ- will come away unconvinced; those thing they do, or ever did. ically imperceptible over any single few who approach the matter open- But over the eons, the negative lifetime or, if perceptible, displays mindedly will, as I said, be con- effects—the false assertions in past within any single lifetime a direc- vinced. Over time (generations), accounts—will yield to the merci- tion of movement unrelated to the the proportion of those convinced less effects of time and water, or long-term trend of its movement. in this subject, which is all the their analogue, truth. These will fall Not only does no individual histo- while fading from the immediate away, bit by infinitesimal bit, their rian who means to continue being a importance it seems still to enjoy in disappearance totally unattributed, historian to retirement age not un- the present late day, will grow, so and unremarked by any but the dertake to move humanity’s under- that interest declines even as under- most obsessed, those most devoted standing of a seminal matter per- standing among those still to each mote of the fraying myth. ceptibly during his or her career, And these, the keepers, as it but in fact humanity’s understand- It will, of course, compete were, of the flame, those who have ing of such matters may be re- with other myths in its taken to heart the command, ―Nev- garded as quite immovable for all er Forget,‖ they will have recourse practical purposes. The only struggle to control the to the Eternal—religion. Religion, ―forces‖ (tendencies would be a masses of the earth. It may and its modern analogue, national- better word) that produce actual command sufficient power ism, will preserve, uplift, and even, movement in such matters may be to offer the sort of proposi- in some hopefully narrow confines, compared temporally to the hydro- tion to masses of the earth enforce adherence to the myth in its logical forces that carved the Grand that Charlemagne offered full, and glorious, and even grow- Canyon. ing inflorescence. It will sustain the But those forces, and their ten- to the pagans he found in hopeless, galvanize the aimless, dencies, are in fact inexorable. And Gaul: submit, or die. inspire the thoughtful, and empow- the work revisionists have done to er the ambitious, in whatever ambit the present day, graven as it is in a interested grows. This, in turn, will finds its own sustenance in the my- million hard-disk drives all over the produce a glacial, inexorable thology—for now, we might call it world, has established the gravita- ―trimming‖ of the excesses of the Israel. The scope of this future me- tional field that already predeter- mythology in the account, ap- galodon, whatever it is, will define mines the course of future devel- proaching a core of truth that em- the power of the myth, and the opment viewed beyond the lifetime bodies progressively less of the power of the myth, in turn, will of anyone alive today, or their original (and substantially wrong) define the power of the body that grandchildren. The fact is that no whole. One or two renegades in nurtures it. historian making full use of his pro- each generation may dare to un- It will, of course, compete with fessional skills can inspect the oeu- earth an affirmative point from the other myths in its struggle to con- vre of today’s past and present re- revisionists of yore; most of these trol the masses of the earth. It may visionists without realizing that the will be slapped down smartly and command sufficient power to offer regnant account of the holocaust well. None will cite their sources, the sort of proposition to masses of today is largely bunkum. Note well, for these are buried in the mists of the earth that Charlemagne offered this is not my assumption; it is my obscurity and obloquy. to the pagans he found in Gaul: judgment of the facts on the No revisionist of today, no mat- submit, or die. Other myths, God ground. ter how young or hopeful, may forbid, may be subjecting other Most practicing, licensed, histo- hope for recognition—not now, nor masses within their spheres of con- rians will not review this material, ever. Nor may she hope for any trol to choices of the same type. Or, but those with an interest—a desire discernible movement of public the myth may find itself competing to find the truth of the matter— opinion in the direction in which against liberated masses who have will. Now, taking that small mi- the truth lies. Perhaps that is why rejected invidious mythology alto- nority who do review this material, so many revisionists are old. They gether, and are animated by the 4

implacable drive to be and remain gy will by 2525 have joined all May they, and all the mytholo- free of enslavement to any myth, other group hatreds in the dustbin gies that inspire us to hatred, fear, nationalistic, religious, or other. of historical irrelevance, and will or mistrust of each other, forever And for the incorrigibly optimis- have no sway outside a tiny cabal remain in their faraway fastness. tic, there theoretically remains the of outcasts huddling in isolation on ideal that seems today beyond hop- some distant rock in the middle of ing for: that the holocaust mytholo- an angry sea.

Facing a New Decade

by Thomas Kues

ounting the years Western language, or for that the site where this murder factory properly we are now matter referenced by any of the should have been located, the C facing a new decade. orthodox experts on the Aktion remains of a huge wooden barrack, What will it bring for holocaust Reinhardt camps. The reason for with dimensions incompatible with revisionism? this is easy to see. While Kola pays those of the alleged gas chamber In one of my first articles (issue the necessary lip service to the building, containing numerous 150) for Smith's Report, "What mass extermination dogma, the fragments from toilet articles and Remains to Be Researched?" I published results from his probings clothing. Not far from this barrack outlined a number of areas still in he also discovered the remains of a need of research and mentioned a smaller building containing an number of studies in need of oven. These finds suggest a large translation into English. In the two delousing barrack and a smaller and a half years that have passed hot-air delousing chamber, since then, much of this research something which greatly has in fact been carried out. strenghtens the revisionist In 2010, coinciding with the hypothesis. new trial against John Demjanjuk Neither Kola nor a later Israeli- in Munich, the first revisionist Polish team of archeologists active study on the Aktion Reinhardt in 2007-2008 managed to find the "extermination camp" of Sobibór slightest trace of the alleged gas was published, co-authored by chambers, despite fine-combing the myself, Jürgen Graf and Carlo three-hectare area of the "death Mattogno and titled Sobibór: camp proper" with probes and Holocaust Propaganda and Reality advanced equipment. In other (TBR Books). The most important Andrzej Kola words, the homicidal gas chambers part of this book is undoubtedly the at Sobibór never existed. Thanks to analysis of the results from an and diggings clearly show that the the research of Kola we can now archeological survey carried out at official claim that Sobibór served conclude, based on solid proof, that the former Sobibór camp site by the as a "pure extermination center"—a Sobibór was in fact what Himmler Polish professor Andrzej Kola in claim based exclusively on had called it in a directive from 5 the years 2000-2001. "eyewitness" testimony—do not July 1943, namely a transit camp. Kola had previously published hold water. In Chapter 10 of our study we an article on his research in a rather Instead of the concrete gas discuss the deportation of Jews to obscure Polish journal in 2001, but chamber building described by the the German-occupied territories of this was never translated into any "eyewitnesses," Kola discovered, at the Soviet Union via the 5

"extermination camps"—which 1951, and that the amount of that the scanty "proofs" dished up were in fact all transit camps. A human remains present in the mass by the holocaust historians for the key piece of evidence presented graves at the former camp site is existence and use of these vehicles here is the wartime diary of absolutely incompatible with the is devoid of any real evidentiary Herman Kruk, who served as head supposed victim figure. value. The issue of the "gas vans," librarian in the Vilna ghetto. Kruk's Furthermore, a diary entry of which were allegedly used not only diary entries from April 1943 Herman Kruk from 4 July 1942 as at Chelmno but also in Serbia and shows that a large number of Dutch well as two diary entries penned on the occupied Soviet territories, is Jews, which according to main- 14 and 30 July 1942 by Avraham also dealt with in detail in French stream historiography were Tory, the secretary of the Jewish revisionist Pierre Marais' study Les "gassed" in Auschwitz and Sobibór, Council in the Kovno ghetto, camions de gaz en question from were in fact deported to Lithuania. confirm independently of each 1994, which will be published in a The discovery of these diary other that many of the Jews fully revamped English edition as entries prompted me to write a deported to Chelmno ended up in The Gas Vans: A Critical survey of the available evidence for Lithuania, where they were Investigation, in late 2011. the eastward transit of supposedly The indefatigable Carlo murdered Jews, which is currently In Healthcare in Mattogno is most of all known as being published in installments in Auschwitz, scheduled for an expert on the Auschwitz- the Inconvenient History web publication in late 2011, the Birkenau camp complex, and in journal under the title "Evidence vast measures undertaken by December 2010 his most for the Presence of 'Gassed' Jews in the Auschwitz camp exhaustive study on this subject, the Occupied Eastern Territories". Auschwitz: The Case for Sanity, administration for the sake of In 2009 was published in English. This 756- published in Italian Il Campo di the inmates' health are for page volume critically examines Chelmno tra Storia e Propaganda, the first time revealed in their Jean-Claude Pressac's and Robert the first full-length revisionist study full scope, including detailed Jan van Pelt's desperate, deeply on the first-constructed of the regulations for the proper flawed and sometimes plainly "extermination camps," Chelmno nourishment of the inmates absurd attempts at proving the (also known as Kulmhof) in the and the construction of a existence of the alleged homicidal Warthegau district of occupied large hospital complex gas chambers at Birkenau, and as Poland. This volume, which wherein surgeries were well traces how the Auschwitz gas presents an abundance of evidence carried out on thousands of chamber legend came into being. It against the official Chelmno Jewish inmates allegedly is the most definitive revisionist historiography, which has it that statement on the Auschwitz gas marked for death. some 150,000 Jews were murdered chambers to date. at this camp in "gas vans," is In late 2011 it will be followed employed in road construction. scheduled to be published in by what might justly be called With the publication of this English by TBR Books in mid- Mattogno's long-awaited magnum volume, all six "extermination 2011 under the title Chelmno: Myth opus, The Crematory Ovens of camps" (as well as the "auxiliary and Reality. Among other things, Auschwitz, a likewise monumental extermination camp" of Stutthof) Mattogno demonstrates, based on study on the five crematories at have been the objects of devoted the published results of four Auschwitz-Birkenau, whose incin- book-length revisionist studies. It archeological surveys, that the only eration capacities play a crucial thus marks a milestone in the means of cremation which existed role in determining the veracity of history of holocaust revisionism. in the camp, a single open-field the mass-extermination claims. The Naturally Mattogno spends oven of a known type, could only publication of these two volumes many pages of this book discussing have incinerated at most 45 corpses however does not mark the end of the evidence for the alleged murder within 24 hours, so that the Mattogno's research efforts. weapon employed at Chelmno, the cremation of the alleged 150,000 In Healthcare in Auschwitz, so-called "gas vans," concluding victims would have lasted until scheduled for publication in late 6

2011, the vast measures undertaken phantasms within very limited to transfer this vast documentation by the Auschwitz camp areas (I am talking here of the "gas from microfilm to digital media, administration for the sake of the chambers" in the "extermination something which unfortunately inmates' health are for the first time camps"), but with mass shootings costs a rather large sum of money. revealed in their full scope, of the most varying scopes carried We would be most grateful for any including detailed regulations for out at hundreds of locations during helping donations, however small the proper nourishment of the a three-year period. The orthodox (we can be reached via CODOH). inmates and the construction of a allegations are based on a number Where is Holocaust revisionism large hospital complex wherein of activity and situation reports heading in this new decade? As surgeries were carried out on supposedly dispatched by the seen above, we will soon have thousands of Jewish inmates Einsatzgruppen themselves. covered virtually all aspects of the allegedly marked for death. While there is no question that holocaust question in our research. Auschwitz: Assistenza sanitaria, mass shootings were carried out in What remains now, first and “selezione” e “Sonderbehandlung” the East, there are several questions foremost, is to reconstruct, piece by dei detenuti immatricolati in need of critical inquiry, chief of piece, what actually happened to (Auschwitz: sanitary service, them are: the Jews in German-controlled ―selections‖ and ―special Europe during World War II, to treatment‖ of registered inmates, Our opponents are a map the real history of the camps, Effepi 2010) serves as a sort of veritable army of certified the ghettos, the deportations and companion volume to Healthcare court historians and skilled the victim figures. in Auschwitz, as well as a follow-up propagandists with virtually Carlo Mattogno has dubbed this to Mattogno's previous study unlimited funds and resour- new constructive side of Special Treatment in Auschwitz revisionism "affirmationism." The ces, as well as mass media (2004), and discusses the "special best examples of this affirmationist treatment" of registered Auschwitz and the legal and political trend in revisionist research can be inmates and the allegation of systems on their side—yet found in Mattogno's own latest mainstream historians that this term despite this, "Holocaust stud- studies on Auschwitz. While meant the selection of sick ies" appear increasingly running the risk of sounding self- detainees for killing in homicidal moribund, not to say brain- promoting, I see my own research gas chambers. This volume dead. concerning the actual fate of the hopefully will be published in "gassed" Jews as another example English during 2012. a) Were the Einsatzgruppen of affirmationism, as this seeks to As was recently mentioned ordered to exterminate Jews based provide an answer to the anti- during a broadcast of Carolyn solely on their ethnicity? revisionists' favorite rhetorical Yeager's radio show Heretic's b) Are the reports presented as question: "If they were not gassed, Hour, Jürgen Graf, Carlo Mattogno evidence for the mass then what happened to them?" and I are embarking on one of the extermination genuine and reliable? During the coming decade largest revisionist research c) How many Jews were revisionism will have many undertakings to date. The subject of actually killed by the challenges to meet, but also many this research project will be the last Einsatzgruppen? opportunities to take advantage of. major aspect of the holocaust that In order to answer these I will begin with listing the has yet to be dealt with in detail by questions we must survey the entire challenges. revisionists, namely the alleged available contemporary documen- First and foremost there is a lack mass extermination of 1 to 2 tation on the Einsatzgruppen, of revisionist researchers. The million Jews carried out by the which means going through tens of number of revisionists carrying out Einsatzgruppen in the German- thousands of document pages. In original research are probably no occupied parts of the Soviet Union. fact, one of the initial obstacles we more than ten—that we know of This part of the holocaust is are now facing even before the start now. This does not mean that we especially complex, as we are not of our research is the pressing need necessarily need x number of full- dealing here with isolated time researchers. It would be just as 7

well to have a sizable number of demonstrate the presence of "gassed" Jews in the East, which spare-time researchers, preferably French, Dutch or Belgian Jews in a can be regarded as a stepping-stone from varied disciplinary camp or ghetto in Belarus during for further research into this issue. backgrounds, who contribute high- the period 1942-1944—a fact not The second challenge is the quality articles from time to time, allowed for by mainstream legal persecution of Holocaust or only once or twice. As a saying historiography—but refrained from revisionists taking place in many in my native Sweden goes, "many discussing how exactly these Jews European nations. There is no sign small streams will form a large had reached occupied Soviet that this persecution will decrease; river." territory and paid the necessary lip rather we must be prepared that it Our opponents are a veritable service to the orthodox version of will increase as revisionism gains army of certified court historians the holocaust, he could go scot- new victories. The more the facts and skilled propagandists with free, provided that he knew how to presented by revisionists threaten virtually unlimited funds and play his cards well. the system, the more we in turn will resources, as well as mass media Even discoveries of documents be threatened by the system. and the legal and political systems concerning transports of sup- Alarmingly, a trend has recently on their side—yet despite this, posedly "gassed" Jews to the East been seen among the governments "Holocaust studies" appear of the Western world, in connection increasingly moribund, not to say Today this challenge is not with the Wikileaks "Cablegate," to brain-dead. We on the other hand, necessarily posed only by seek to gain control over the while lacking manpower and people mishandling revision- Internet. We should expect open funding both, have dedication and ist arguments for political and covert attacks on revisionist the endurance that comes from ends; there are also websites under the guise of knowing that historical truth is on campaigns against "online individuals spreading falla- our side and that this truth terrorism," and we should therefore ultimately will prevail. cious arguments in the name do our best to counter the It would be most welcome if of holocaust revisionism. encroachment of censorship into new revisionist researchers would Internet freedom and civil liberties. appear in eastern Europe. I am could possibly go unpunished with As long as the Internet remains thinking specifically of Romania, enough reference to the find free, revisionism cannot be Moldavia, the Baltic states, constituting an "exception" (though stopped. Belarus, Ukraine and Russia, as publication outside peer-reviewed The third (thankfully minor) natives of these regions would have channels might prove necessary). challenge is posed by what I prefer many advantages in dealing with This would amount to a kind of to call "pseudo-revisionists." Carlo the two great remaining problems "salami tactic," or undercover Mattogno warned about this of revisionist research, the revisionism which might appear to phenomenon in his book My Einsatzgruppen killings and the some to be cowardly; but in some Banned Holocaust Interview, fate of the "gassed" Jews deported cases, and particularly under an originally published in 1995. to the occupied Soviet territories. increasingly totalitarian atmos- "Unfortunately, for some years Especially welcome would be phere, this might be the most now, several groups of 'Naziskins' research from scholars with access effective way to proceed. This have appropriated some revisionist to historical archives. would serve to undermine the positions for their own particular Such researchers should realize orthodox dogmas from within, by ideological-propagandistic purpos- that it is possible for them to piling anomaly upon anomaly until es. These are revisionism’s most publish findings of a revisionist critical mass is reached and the dangerous enemies: first, because nature without running any risk of stability of the holocaust house of they spread a version of being charged with "Holocaust cards could no longer be revisionism which has been denial," provided they proceed maintained. I recommend that simplified to the point of banality, cautiously. For example, if a prospective researchers read giving the impression that historian, based on testimonal or through my above-mentioned revisionist arguments are all documentary evidence, were to article series on the presence of nonsense; and secondly, because 8

they provide a justification for men and say things like: "See, the such claims go unanswered—and those who claim that revisionism is revisionists are denying that the that they educate themselves. a Nazi phenomenon (...)". camps existed. They are either Then we have the upcoming Today this challenge is not crackpots or liars." opportunities and good news. necessarily posed only by people I should remind my readers that To begin with, it looks like the mishandling revisionist arguments the need to counter this challenge efforts of the powers that be to for political ends; there are also has nothing do with defending any introduce anti-revisionist legisla- individuals spreading fallacious revisionist "dogmas." Authentic tion into all member states of the arguments in the name of holocaust revisionism is, by the very European Union will be thwarted, revisionism. Their usual operating definition of the term, alien to the at least temporarily, by consti- procedure is to claim that virtually concept of dogmatic thinking. It is tutional friction in those states yet every document relating to the fate not the above-mentioned notions in lacking such heresy laws. A recent of the Jews has been forged, themselves that are problematic, statement from Sweden's con- without backing up their vast stitution committee implies that accusations with any form of Over the last four years it such legislation most likely cannot evidence. Two concrete examples has been revealed that while pe passed before 2014. The "Anti- of this are so-called "Krema postwar historians estimated Racist" legal framework con- denial," the assertion that all or that the Germans had structed for the implementation of most of the crematorium building operated between 5 000 and 7 an EU-wide anti-revisionist law has at Auschwitz-Birkenau never also been watered down by those 000 detention sites, recent existed, or that those structures member states still paying a were in fact bakeries or some such, research shows that there in modicum of respect to the concept and what might be called "Aktion fact existed "somewhere in of . Reinhardt denial," the claim that the neighborhood of 20 000 The second piece of good news the camps Belzec, Sobibór and camps and ghettos of various may not be very new, but will have Treblinka not merely did not categories, the majority of implications for the coming decade. function as extermination centers, them located on occupied Over the last four years it has been but actually did not exist at all, with Soviet territory revealed that while postwar no Jewish deportees ever reaching historians estimated that the them. but the fact that they completely Germans had operated between Both of these positions lack any lack any evidential basis. To 5,000 and 7,000 detention sites, kind of evidential support and are stubbornly maintain an assertion recent research shows that there in contradicted by archeological without presenting a serious fact existed "somewhere in the evidence as well as by hundreds, argument for it is to cling to a neighborhood of 20,000 camps and even thousands of pages of dogma, which is why I call these ghettos of various categories, the doubtlessly authentic documents— positions "pseudo-revisionist". majority of them located on evidence which is fully congruent What must be defended is sound occupied Soviet territory ("Largest with the revisionist position and scientific methodology. I see no Archive of Holocaust Records to which does not in any way provide real need for revisionist researchers Open," USA Today (online edition), proof of homicidal gas chambers. to spend their valuable time 19 November 2006). Presently a 7- Whether this pseudo-revisionism discussing these vapid claims in volume encyclopedia of these stems from ignorance, politically detail (a rebuttal to Krema denial camps and ghettos is being motivated subjectivism ("every- has already been offered by compiled by Geoffrey Megargee of thing that furthers my agenda is Mattogno in his article "Zu den the USHMM. This piece of news is permissible") or covert activism by 'nicht existierenden' Krematorien of great interest to revisionists, as it anti-revisionists and Zionist trolls von Birkenau", Vierteljahreshefte ties in with the question of the (or "Hasbara activists" as they für freie Geschichtsforschung, vol. destination of the deported prefer to call themselves), it lends 3, no. 3), but I do recommend that "gassed" Jews. ammunition to our opponents, who online revisionist debaters not let Other opportunities for further can use these individuals as straw research will no doubt arise from 9

the "European Holocaust Research Finally there is a very activities of Kola et al. at Belzec Infrastructure" (EHRI), a 7-million- interesting development on the and Sobibór have caused orthodox euro project in which "seventeen archeological frontier. As reported holocaust historiography, the news research centres from Europe and by me on the Inconvenient History of this high-tech survey is most Israel" will "transform the dis- blog, a young British forensic welcome. One should never persed data available for Holocaust archeologist, Caroline Sturdy Colls underestimate the Shoah defenders' research in Europe, Israel and the of the University of Birmingham, is propensity for shooting themselves United States into a cohesive currently working on a project in their collective foot of clay. corpus of resources" which will which involves identifying the All in all, I believe that this will then be made available online for mass graves at the site of the prove one of the most important "maximum open access of these former Treblinka "extermination decades in the history of holocaust data" ( camp" using "the most up-to-date revisionism. Let us face every Experience has shown that scientific techniques. This project challenge with renewed energy, openings of archives and releases will form the basis of her doctoral and may our opponents live in of unpublished material strengthens dissertation, which will be interesting times, as the old the revisionist position while presented at the earliest by the end Chinese saying goes. correspondingly weakening the of 2011. Considering the fatal orthodox. damage which the research

On Fred Leuchter

Robert Faurisson

ichael Hoffman has Mauthausen, and Hart-heim cas- time and strength to add to that recently sent me the tle). heart-rending story the epilogue M new, enriched edition I retained a vivid memory of this that may rightly be expected of of the book he devoted in 1985 to piece which at the time I had found him, which would deal with its au- Ernst Zündel’s first big trial in To- deeply moving and which in 2010, thor’s life from 1993 to today. The ronto that year. (The second big that is, eighteen years after its writ- whole, that is, the 1992 piece and trial was to take place in 1988.) The ing, appeared to me, in light of the the follow-up that remains to be present book bears the title The many other trying episodes that written, would not fail to be trans- Great Holocaust Trial and the au- were to overwhelm F. Leuchter in lated into at least French and Ger- thor dubs it the ―twenty-fifth anni- the interval, more moving still. Its man. versary edition.‖ title was Is There Life after Perse- F. Leuchter is one of the most A few days ago, leafing through cution?, with the subtitle The endearing men I have ever met: his it to get an initial idea of the con- Botched Execution of Fred Leuch- intelligence, his probity, his kind- tents, I stopped short upon noticing, ter ( ness and his courage are strik- at pages 147–158, a text from 1992 It was his paper for the eleventh ing. His tribulations have gone well by Fred Leuchter (the author of the conference of the Institute for His- beyond what he has been able to famous “” of 1988 torical Review in the U.S. in Octo- tell us up to now. The Klarsfelds, on the alleged gas chambers of ber 1992, published in the Journal Sabina Citron and the entire band Auschwitz, Birkenau and Ma- of Historical Review, Winter 1992- of holocaustic shock troops, sin- jdanek, and author as well of other 1993, pp. 429–444. gling him out, ruined his life and reports, published in 1989, on the I hope that F. Leuchter, despite reputation. Once down on the alleged gas chambers of Dachau, the condition in which he now finds ground, he saw even some revision- himself, will somehow have the ists or semi-revisionists treat him 10

with contempt or Today, there is no longer a sin- linquished his search on December condescendence. In London in No- gle person to come and assure 27, 2009: he was Professor Robert vember 1991, when his hardships us that he or she has, finally, found Jan van Pelt. Of the historians who and humiliations had barely begun, proof of the existence of those showered us with purported testi- dishonourably left ―damn gas chambers.‖ Spread the mony or confessions, I had re- him to his fate, before ending up word! The magical gas chamber, quested ―one proof, just one proof‖ calling him a ―simpleton". As for like the whole ―Holocaust‖, is no of the reality of a physical extermi- Carlo Mattogno, he maligned the longer anything but a tainted prod- nation of Jews by Hitler or his as- ―Leuchter Report‖ not without tak- uct of the industry, business and sociates. ing up the moronic arguments of religion of the ―Shoah‖, even if Then, going for better precision, Jean-Claude Pressac who, however, certain historians, out of conform- I let fly with ―Show me or draw me some years later, was to realise that ism or fear, persist in ritually men- a Nazi gas chamber!‖ Finally, he himself had defended, with the tioning its existence but without going to still greater lengths for help and money of the Klarsfelds, a bringing forth any proof. precision, I invited, so to speak, dossier that was ―rotten‖ and good ―Holocaust‖ researchers to go and only for ―the rubbish bins of his- visit the capital of ―the Holocaust‖, tory‖ (sic). I could name the names that is, Auschwitz, and then, at the of a few other persons who have very heart of the camp, stand be- behaved hardly better, but shall fore the ruins of the big cremato- refrain from doing so. rium II, which tell so much; I chal- To end, I prefer to yield to Fred lenged them to find us the least Leuchter himself. Let’s hear how trace, on or beneath the roof of the he held forth to his audience in alleged gas chamber, of what they 1992. Today, eighteen years after- called holes and ducts for the pour- wards, his declaration, whose sub- ing in of Zyklon B pellets. For my stance has been confirmed by time, part, I summed up my observation takes on an arresting significance: Fred Leuchter and its consequences in four words: ―No holes, no Holocaust!‖ Much to the dismay of my execu- At the dawn of the year 2011 we Well before that I had, moreo- tioners, the execution was so badly can say it with even more certainty ver, published the building plans of botched that I am able to stand than in the past: on the strict level that crematorium, plans which, here before you to speak the truth, of science and history, the alleged along with a good number of other and to tell the world that it is not Holocaust of the Jews with its mil- documents, I had discovered on myself, but the Holocaust story that lions of survivors – amongst whom March 19, 1976 in the archives of is dead. I repeat for the record: I numerous miraculous ones – and its the Auschwitz State Museum and was condemned for maintaining magical Nazi gas chambers is in- which had been kept hidden since that there were no execution gas deed quite dead. the war. Those plans showed that chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau, The survival in the mass media the place which, according to what Majdanek, Dachau, Mauthausen, of the vile wartime canard and most we are told, housed a homicidal gas or Hartheim Castle. There’s no phenomenal bunkum of modern chamber contained instead a simple proof for the charge, only innu- times has no more sense to it than depository, with the characteristic endo, lies, and half-truths. Robert the artificial survival of Ariel Sha- dimensions and layout for the keep- Faurisson, Ernst Zündel and others ron, kept by his doctors in an artifi- ing of corpses awaiting cremation. said this first. They, too, live as cial coma since January 4, 2006, Towards the end of this year, a victims of botched executions, but that is, for the past five years to the book to be published in France will nevertheless free to speak the truth day, without any hope of coming amount to a ―laying of flowers and in a strong and growing voice that back to life. wreaths‖ on the grave of what the repeats: No gas chambers, no gas The last of the Jewish Mohicans American , in a master- chambers, no damn gas chambers! to venture to find proof of ―the Ho- ly work published in 1976, already locaust‖ at Auschwitz publicly re- called The Hoax of the Twentieth 11

Century. And justice will thus be lies. In the first line I see Ernst [This has been reprinted from done to the memory of Maurice Zündel and Fred Leuchter. A hun- , The Unofficial Bardèche, , Louis- dred other real revisionists stand Blog (] Ferdinand Céline and a cohort of with them. men and women who, the world January 4, 2011 over, have preferred accuracy to

UNESCO Symposium and Conference on Freedom of Expression Continued from page 3

fragment of WWII history. Are all Jean-François Julliard, This represents an ugly irony Frenchmen condemned to silence Secretary General that is difficult for me to under- on this one issue—under the threat Reporters Without Borders stand. All over Europe, but espe- of State prosecution and imprison- 5, rue Geoffroy-Marie cially in nations such as France, ment? And if not all, which ones 75009 Paris - France Austria and Germany, writers and are? Specifically? publishers are being "penalized" As the Special Rapporteur on Tél. (33) 1 44 83 84 84 with imprisonment for addressing the promotion and protection of the Fax (33) 1 45 23 11 51 publicly specific fragments of right to freedom of opinion and E-mail: [email protected] WWII history, including, but not expression, representing UNESCO www. limited to, the German WMD (gas- and the longing for liberty all over chamber) question. Has RSF come the planet, could you not say a few 26 January 2011 to the aid of such men and women words about the imprisonment of as Vincent Reynouard, Wolfgang Vincent Reynouard for the crime of Dear Secretary General Julliard: Froelich, Gerd Honsik, Sylvia Stolz thinking for himself, rather than for or ? Not that I am the State? It is good to know that you will aware of. Why not? Thank you for your attention, have participated in the UNESCO These writers are in prison to- and good luck to you out there on International Symposium in the day for having believed in the "ab- the podium. panel addressing the state of press solute right of all to freely inform freedom worldwide. There may be the public and to be informed." Am Bradley R. Smith, Founder no more important matter facing I to take it that RSF only "half- Committee for Open Debate on human culture today than what Re- believes" what these men and the Holocaust porters sans frontières stands for, women truly believe – that "The "the freedom to inform and to be right of all to freely inform the pub- NOTE: This letter will be co- informed." lic and to be informed is absolute"? pied to offices at UNESCO head- RSF states: "The right of all to RSF says nothing. RSF does noth- quarters and to UNESCO field of- freely inform the public and to be ing. RSF will go to the ends of the fices. informed is absolute." RSF quotes earth in Asia, Africa, South Ameri- Article 19 of the Universal Decla- ca and especially the Muslim world ration of Human Rights: "… every- to protest the imprisonment of At the desk here, reflecting on one has a right to freedom of opi- writers and publishers, but it hasn't Irina Bokova, the brain recalls my nion and expression, which in- a word to say about the imprison- wife telling me: "God lives hypo- cludes the right not to be penalized ment of writers in Western Europe, crites too." It was the brain. I had for those opinions and to 'seek, re- the place where RSF itself is nothing to do with it. ceive and impart' information and housed. ideas by whatever means, regard- Jean-François Julliard: a simple less of national borders." question. I would be willing to tra- 12

vel to France to speak publicly Rights – half-believers being those State to take me down? I hardly about the irrational vocabulary of who believe that Article 19 was need to ask, do I? the American professorial class with regard to the Holocaust ques- Sincerely, but with a sincere tion. I gave such a talk in Tehran in sense of disappointment, 2006. You can find it here: Bradley R Smith I did not need the support of Committee for Open Debate on RSF in Iran, but I would need it in the Holocaust the land where RSF is headquar- PO Box 439016 tered – in France. Would RSF ar- San Ysidro, CA 92143 gue publicly that I would have the U.S.A right to speak, that French men and Telephone: 209 682 5327 women would have the right to lis- [email protected] ten to me speak, without the threat Web: of arrest, trial, and imprisonment? Jean-François Julliard NOTE: This letter will be co- Or would RSF, representing half- pied to administration and staff at believers in Article 19 of the Uni meant to protect some at the ex- UNESCO Headquarters and field versal Declaration of Human pense of the rest – allow the French offices.

Address by Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO on the Occasion of the Opening Session of the International Symposium on Freedom of Expression

UNESCO presence of so many representa- points. We agree that freedom of 26 January 2011 tives from Member States, the pri- expression is a fundamental human vate sector, non-governmental or- right underpinning all other civil our Excellency Birgitta ganizations, academia and the me- liberties. We agree that it is a key Ohlsson, Minister for dia. I think we have brought to- ingredient of tolerant and open so- Y European Union Affairs gether today everyone who should cieties and that it is vital for the of Sweden, Mr. Frank La Rue, be here – and from a wide range of rule of law and democratic gover- United Nations Special Rapporteur countries. nance. on the Promotion and Protection of I extend warm greetings also to We agree also that freedom of the Right to Freedom of Opinion Mónica González Mujica, laureate expression is key for growth. Free- and Expression, Excellencies, of the 2010 NESCO/Guillermo Ca- dom of expression allows for the Ladies and Gentlemen, no World Press Freedom Prize. free flow of ideas necessary for It is a pleasure and an honour to Your courage is exemplary and innovation. It bolsters accountabili- open the second International Sym- your work inspiring. Thank you for ty and transparency across the pub- posium on Freedom of Expression being here with us. lic and private spheres. I hope we in the house of UNESCO. I wish to agree also that freedom of expres- thank Sweden and the Swedish Na- Ladies and Gentlemen, We meet sion implies responsibility – re- tional Commission for UNESCO to explore the current state of press sponsibility to accurate information for their generous support to this freedom across the globe, the and for professional ethics, respon- initiative. It is important that we safety of media professionals and sibility to promote tolerance and continue the dialogue we launched freedom of expression over the In- understanding. with the first International Sympo- ternet. We are here, I think, be- UNESCO’s mandate builds on sium in 2009. I am grateful for the cause we all agree on some key these principles. Our Constitution


calls on Member States to work Challenges arise also inside the The last decade has seen rising im- together to advance mutual know- media sector. Professionalism punity for such crimes. We all need ledge and understanding between could be strengthened almost eve- to redouble our efforts to redress peoples through the ―free flow of rywhere in the world. The accoun- this unacceptable situation. ideas by word and image.‖ UNES- tability and credibility of media has The digital age is giving rise to CO is driven by the idea that the fallen too often under question. new threats to the safety of those defences of peace must be built in Voluntary self-regulation mechan- who publicly disseminate informa- the minds of men and women. isms need to be established or tion. Every week, we learn about Freedom of expression is a founda- strengthened in many countries. new ways in which information is tion stone of these defences. Violence against journalists re- censored, filtered and blocked. We We may agree on all of these mains the most serious danger to hear more and more about bloggers points, but we have come together, freedom of expression. According being attacked, imprisoned and because our times feature great pa- to Reporters Without Borders, killed. The speed of technological radox. We have unprecedented op- whose Secretary General is among development has triggered new portunities for expression at our our speakers, 57 journalists were debates about freedom of expres- disposal thanks to new technologies killed for reasons connected to their sion. These are very necessary. and the Internet. More and more These debates touch on the right people are able today to produce, George Orwell once wrote to privacy and personal security. update and share information wide- that “if liberty means any- They carry on the definition of sen- ly, within and across national bor- thing at all, it means the right sitive information and the potential ders. We have fabulous new ways to tell people what they do not harm caused by information made for data to be stored efficiently. want to hear.” Freedom of available on the Internet and All of this is a blessing for crea- through social networks. The proli- expression means, indeed, the tivity, exchange and dialogue. At feration of hate speech and defama- the same time, new threats are aris- right to inform, whatever the tion over the Internet is raising ing. In a context of rapid change, context is, however difficult sharp questions about responsibili- these are combining with older the situation might be. ty. The protection of journalists’ forms of restriction to pose formid- sources and whistle-blowers is be- able challenges to freedom of ex- work in 2010. UNESCO takes this ing thrown into new light. pression. These challenges take threat very seriously. As Director- Debates focus also on the legi- different shapes in various con- General, I speak publicly on every timate right to security and the in- texts, but they share the same na- occasion a journalist has lost terests of States. They link up with ture, as violations of a fundamental his/her life and appeal to the appro- issues of cyber-espionage and cy- human right. priate authorities to investigate the ber-crime. The role of Internet pro- A pluralistic and editorially in- circumstances of this death and viders is now open for discussion, dependent press is not common inform UNESCO about the results. as is the use of technology to ex- throughout the world. Legal and Most of those who face death pand surveillance. I believe UN- regulatory mechanisms of control are not correspondents in war set- ESCO is an important platform to remain in many countries. Taxation tings, but local journalists reporting take these debates forward. and licensing procedures are used on corruption and criminality. They During the last session of UN- still as means of control and deter- are simply silenced to keep mis- ESCO’s Executive Board, Member rence. Defamation charges too of- conduct from being revealed. Short States requested us to explore many ten remain criminalized rather than of death, journalists across the of these questions through a reflec- part of the civil code. National leg- world are pressured, intimidated, tion paper on UNESCO and the islation on media and freedom of threatened and abused. Too many Internet. I look forward to your information fails in some countries journalists find themselves in pris- thoughts enriching our discussion. to meet international standards. In on for the wrong reasons. Too The digital landscape is also shak- others, such legislation has yet to many are forced to flee their coun- ing the business of media to the be implemented – or even passed. tries. Too many resort to self- core. Traditional business models censorship to protect themselves. are showing signs of weakness, 14

while existing legislation and regu- and to open new horizons for shar- of ideas. We support the expression lations are pressed by reality. The ing information and knowledge. of pluralism and cultural diversity sector is under stress from all sides. The Broadband Commission for in the media. And we work to wi- Pressure is compounded by the im- Digital Development, which UN- den access for all to information. pact of the global economic crisis. ESCO established with the Interna- We need your help to succeed in We need to rethink how to pro- tional Telecommunication Union, this mandate. Your experience, tect media professionals in a harsh is a good example. This is vital for your ideas and your views are vital. new climate. We need to consider empowering citizens to participate George Orwell once wrote that how to foster ethical and profes- in social and political life. This is ―if liberty means anything at all, it sional standards for the production crucial for healthy societies, sus- means the right to tell people what of quality information in a context tainable economies and transparent they do not want to hear.‖ Freedom of rapid change. Frustration will governance. The Internet offers of expression means, indeed, the deepen across the media sector un- tremendous opportunities, but these right to inform, whatever the con- til these challenges have been ad- must be made accessible to all—in text is, however difficult the situa- dressed. Access still remains an ways that all can understand, by tion might be. Protecting this fun- issue. means that are cheap and easy. damental human right is a process Though considerable progress without an end. The case must be has been made in the past five Excellencies, Ladies and Gen- continually argued, violation of this years, the majority of the world’s tlemen, right should never be accepted, and population still does not have UNESCO raises awareness States and societies have to be access to the benefits of informa- about challenges to Article 19 of helped to move forward. tion and communication technolo- the Universal Declaration of Hu- This is why we all are here. I gies. We must design innovative man Rights. We ring the bell when look forward to your views and ways to promote access and crea- violations occur. We promote me- thank you for listening. tion of local content and applica- dia and information literacy to in- tions, to develop media literacy, crease access and ease the free flow

[I had addressed the Secretary "We agree that freedom of expres- tary Tribunal that originated some General once, but it was clear that sion is a fundamental human right 65 years ago. It would appear to me she needed to hear from me again.] underpinning all other civil liber- that you have made a conscious ties." decision to stand aside from con- Irina Bokova Unfortunately, the reason I am fronting this clear assault on Free- Director-General of UNESCO forced to question (forgive me) ei- dom of Expression. With this deci- UNESCO Headquarters ther your sincerity or your under- sion you have made of yourself, Place de Fontenoy standing of what it means to sup- and of UNESCO itself, mere bys- Paris, France press Freedom of Expression, is tanders to the ongoing corruption that you have never addressed the of the ideal of Freedom of Expres- 30 January 2011 Gayssot Act, which in France is sion by the French State. designed specifically to suppress In a similar context following Dear Director General: Freedom of Expression by making WWII, folk who acted in this way it a crime to question the findings were referred to, contemptuously, I have here the draft of your talk of the International Military Tri- as "bystanders." on the occasion of the Opening bunal at Nuremberg in 1945–46 You say: "UNESCO raises a- Session of the International Sym- (art. 9). wareness about challenges to Ar- posium on Freedom of Expression UNESCO is headquartered in ticle 19 of the Universal Declara- at UNESCO on 26 January 2011, Paris. I cannot believe that you are tion of Human Rights. We ring the and I have watched the Webcast of ignorant of the Gayssot Act, which bell when violations occur." It was your presentation of that talk. You makes it a crime against the State along about this time, listening to appear to be sincere when you say: to question the language of a Mili- you, that I began to feel impatient.


Where have you, where has sense that you agree that they might be. Protecting this funda- UNESCO, ever "rung the bell" should be—which is why you have mental human right is a process about laws in Austria, Belgium, the decided in every such instance to without an end. The case must be Czech Republic, France, Germany, not ring the UNESCO bell. continually argued, violation of this Hungary, Israel, the Netherlands, And then, what in this context is right should never be accepted, and Switzerland and other countries shameful, you quote George Or- States and societies have to be that have made it a crime against well: "If liberty means anything at helped to move forward." the State to question fragments of all, it means the right to tell people Agreed, Madame Secretary WWII history, particularly but not what they do not want to hear." General. I agree. Let's begin to solely the charge that Germans The fact of the matter is that move forward now. At UNESCO! used gas chambers to murder hun- UNESCO and its Director Gener- In France! With the Gayssot Act! dreds of thousands (millions?) of als, both past and present, have not This really is your cup of tea, isn't innocent, unarmed civilians? wanted to hear that some—some, it? Should it not be? You state: "Too many journal- not all—of the findings of the In- Sincerely, ists find themselves in prison for ternational Military Tribunal at Nu- the wrong reasons." For you, what remberg in 1945–46 (art. 9) are not Bradley R. Smith are the "wrong" reasons? Men and true, or merely half-true, or in some Committee for Open Debate on women are in prison today in cases too obtuse to take seriously. the Holocaust France, Germany, Austria and You say: "Freedom of expres- PO Box 439016 Spain for challenging State laws sion means, indeed, the right to San Ysidro, CA 92143 against questioning, again, frag- inform, whatever the context is, Tel: 209 682 5327 ments of WWII history. I can only however difficult the situation Web:

here are days that last of our contributions via Pay Pal. forever, while a year can Now what? Smith’s Report is published by slip by during a blink of We have set up a new contribu- T the eye. That's how the last year tion page on Committee for went for us here. where you can use your credit card Open Debate So the New Year is here and we to contribute. It is a very safe page. on the Holocaust are positioning CODOH to be the And we have a new account for top organization on the Internet to wire transfers with HSBC, the Bradley R. Smith, Founder defend Freedom of Expression for Hong Kong/British bank, here in Holocaust revisionists. Mexico. Very safe. You can find For your contribution of $39 There was bad news the final that one too at you will receive 12 issues of months of 2010. We lost our bulk That's the story, the way we Smith’s Report. mailers, thus no way to address the work. Contributions. Twenty-one Canada and Mexico--$45 student masses. We have finally years now, no guarantees, never Overseas--$49 solved that one with programs that knowing, no certainty, yet always are not in the hands of, or cannot be pulling through—with your help. Letters and Donations to: easily affected by the usual perps. Pay Pal, the program through Thank you, Bradley R. Smith which CODOH received the major- Post Office Box 439016 ity of its contributions via the In- San Ysidro, CA 92143 ternet, closed its doors to us, cut- Desk: 209 682 5327 ting out that source of income. This Bradley has been a serious set-back for us E::[email protected] as we received a substantial percent