“There is nothing more pow erful SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: First-time read ers of than an idea whose time has al ter nate news, es pe cially boob tube ba bies, may ex pe ri ence come.” – Victor Hugo The First severe loss of confi dence in the Estab lish m ent press and TV. A FREE SAMPLE Free dom Sub scribe to day! It’s here to stay. P. O. Box 385 Silverhill, Ala bam a 36576 Y’all have a nice day. Self-gov ern ment be gins at home Volum e 17 Num ber 8 August 2015 In vit ing the Zi on ist-con trolled me dia¢cracy to meet a rising free South www.firstfreedom.net $2.00 “Take down the Ameri can flag,” says hos tage Matt Hale [email protected] Page 23 freematthale.net Rally or ga nizer Da vid Stone: It be gins “Supremes” creativitymovement.net Page 4 Page 9: “That flag has dif fer ent Sodomayor In the wake of the hyster ical and mean ings for dif fer ent joins 3 Jews cow ardly re nun ci a tion of the Con fed er ate peo ple. It does n’t mean and Ken nedy hate un less you think it’s in tell ing 50 battl e flag that is going on in the South and hate – and that’s your States not to elsewhere fol lowing the murders at the The mil i tary so lu tion touch sodomy . Page 24 prob lem, not mine.” Black church in Charleston, South Carolina, Time for OUR buses to roll Page 10 T. Jef fer son on how to do a Rev er end Matt Hale, Amer ica’s forem ost . y d po lit i cal pris oner and au thor of End ing 6 b n 7

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2 continuing to fight and regain his right ful m G $ on page 20. The First Freedom free dom. His case is in the Tenth Cir cuit handed out on the Court of Appeal s right now, case num ber “Pay back’s a bitch”: Boston Com mon ru ral wis dom and 14-1294. the gath er ing storm Page 7 Matt’s words By Fred Reed The South’s un be liev able op por tu nity Page 6 From his cell in sol itary con fine ment at Page 17 Page 8 Say “Nay!” to the peecee “gay” the infa m ous “Supermax” prison Florence , Col orado, here is what Rever end Hale had to say about the ongo ing Confed er ate flag controversy: Page 16 “I have been abso lut ely disguste d by False flag ging this lat est at tack upon our White heri tage by Brings home the real thing Black cul tural ter ror ists At Virginia Beach, this flag Fal si fied his tory, and the White trai tor means history and heri tage pol i ti cians who are Page 10 be gun in 1865, helping them. Make has boomed no mistake, the at tack since 1945 upon the Con fed er ate No body wants to flag is an attac k upon By Chris tine Miller talk about why White people. These Page 15 Dylann Roof did it scoundrel s want to destroy every feel ing of pride and self-re spect in our people. Johnny started his walk from his By Greg ory Kay home State of Ala bama on July 2 Indeed, their aim is to turn the White man Page 12 and will end it in Wash ing ton DC. into the slave of the nigger! Today they His mission: Carry the message A closer analy sis want to take down the Confed er ate flag. that histor y shouldn’t be erased Tom orrow , however , they’ll want to take and that our Southern his tor ical Page 7 down the Con fed er ate war me mo ri als, take flag is not about race, it is about down street signs bearing the names of 150 YEARS OF SUBJUGATION re mem ber ing the past for future Con fed er ate lead ers, and ex punge the gen er a tions. Page 15 Cen sored de tails her o ism of the Con fed er acy from our of the chil dren’s his tory books al to gether. They South ern Ho lo caust are seek ing the cul tural geno cide of the Page 14 No help wanted White Southern people the same way they Page 9 Syria takes steps to Forrest’s flaggers are trying to erase our White race from this ap pear out of by pass “as sis tance” coun try as a whole. I there fore stand nowhere Le Pen charged from such do-gooder against this latest sick attac k on our people with opin ing Page 11 friends as the JuSA and urge others to do so as well. News the munchkins can’t touch Our heri tage , their hate “What the trai tor poli ti cians do not seem By Olaf Childress the “main stream” media were un willingly to under sta nd is this: it doesn’ t mat ter ed i [email protected] obliged to cover local ly in your vicin it y. whether the Blacks like the Con fed er ate Few are those sickos seek ing the dis inte gra ti on Isn’ t it amazing how Ameri cans get so flag. What matters is that we like the of ev ery ethnicity that is unique, yet dev ilishly clever many screwed-up noti ons from watching Confed er ate flag. We don’t have to care when calling this multiculturalizing of all peoples TV? New Bab ylon is a crea ture of that whether the arro gant Blacks like the “inte gra ti on.” It’s not. Goading every body into one near-100%-Jew ish-con trolled at tack upon sym bols of our White heri tage . Inste ad, we feed lot like cattle is a crime against na ture and God. un wary minds, and the media can be our should de fend those sym bols. Many, many Thankfull y, it has run its course. means of fighting back – to win. thousands of men died for the flag that is How do we know that? Can’t If you can’t start an honest newspa per in current ly being torn off of flagpoles you see their desper a ti on with all your area, then support TFF, or Amer i can around the country , men who fought these Jew ish-in sti gated strikes at Free Press. We need input and distri bu tors! against the same fed eral tyr anny that holds ev ery sin gle in di ca tion of vir tue, As this is sue goes to print, the League of our White Race in poli ti cal bondage today . mo ral ity and in teg rity? the South’s annual confer ence is under way The mem ory of those many thousands of Hundreds of out raged Whites, at Wetumpka, Al abama. They dis cuss the White men matters far more than the someti mes thousands, are tell ing issues, but must also get the White man’s mem ory of the mere nine Blacks who died those psy cho paths at gath er ings mes sage out to weekly news pa pers, ra dio at the hands of a lone gunm an in a church. across Amer ica that we’ve had and TV sta tions that have n’t swallowed the Indeed, the idea that a flag should be torn it, and their calling us “rac ists” rain bow. Let White her i tage or ga ni za tions down ev ery where be cause of an iso lated holds no more terror . come out of their closets and explai n to Joe street crime is pre pos ter ous. In this is sue we’ll visit with a Sixpack why the Jew ish mediacracy is only “There has been a lot of talk about what dozen of our battl e flag upris ings lo cally no tic ing hun dreds of flaggings that Anti-Zion ist vigi lan t es prote st in London, July 4, 2015 across the land, not just that one are hap pen ing na tion wide! (See “Let’s fly the only flag,” page 8) 2 The First Freedom August 2015 — Southern Poverty Truth Center — P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Ala bam a 36576 HERE’S WHAT WAS IGNORED OR MISREPORTED ELSEWHERE: “Be as sured that if this new pro vi sion [the 14th Amendment] be en grafted in Is culture a small price to pay for “prog ress”? the Consti tu tion, it will, in time, change the en tire structur e and textur e of ISIS in Iraq is doing what Ameri can FIVE fam i lies tes ti fied be fore the NOT en forcing Obamacare’s stan dards our govern ment, and sweep away all left ists and their Re pub lican allies want to Sen ate Ju di ciary Com mit tee on July 21 be cause of the website de ba cle was savvy, the guaran tees of safety devised and bring about in South Carolina and other about loved ones who had lost their lives though its prem ise and im ple men ta tion are pro vided by our pa tri otic Sires of the South ern States. NBC News tells us that to an il legal alien having been set free by un con sti tu tional. The main les son here is Rev o lution.” – Orville Browning “ISIS’ ram pant de struc tion and loot ing of a sanc tu ary ju ris dic tion or Im mi gra tion not that govern m ent can quickly change Sec. of the Inte rior (1867) millen nia-old her itage sites amounts to a and Cus toms Enfor cement. Said Laura course in the face of fail ure; rather, it’s just form of ‘cul tural cleans ing,’ accord ing to Wilkerson, whose son was tortur ed and the op po site. Once Wash ing ton com mits to TODAY we have a new par adigm for the head of the United Nati ons’ heri tage burned to death by an ille gal alien: “I a pol icy, it re verses direc tion only when chutz pah. The Is raeli gov ern ment says body.” And here the left attacks our sites. don’t want your sympa thy . I want you to waves of op po si tion en gulf it. Amer i can tax pay ers must “com pen sate” do some thing about it.” them for the Iran nu clear agree ment. In RACE weekend at Daytona, and the ISIS avoids hostil ity to Is rael, having The Joys of Yiddish , Leo Rosten define d first motor home into the Turn 4 tun nel TEN days af ter the Greeks voted “No” posted an offi cial statement on social chutz pah as “that qual ity enshrine d in a had a Confed er ate flag flying high above against the Troika’s dem ands, Tsipras went media in July 2014 saying they’re more man who, having killed his mother and it. On a stroll through the in field, it did further and put $55 billi on of the Nati on’s in ter ested in fight ing “Mus lim in fi dels” father , throws him self on the mercy of not take long to reach double figur es asset s into a pri vatiza tion fund under E. U. than those Zion ist occupiers. Hmm… the court be cause he is an orphan.” counting the vis ible flags – on clothing, super vi sion, this from a man who out bid coolers and cars, even tattooed on the Golden Dawn in Janu ary ’s electi on when Scalawags of the Month race goers. pledging to halt pri vat iza tion. Nikki Haley and Robert Bentley TRUMP is wrong on vari ous is sues, but FINISHING a three-year program to he has brought ille gal im migra ti on back to see if hy dro car bons in the area could the table, mak ing that en tire Re pub lican lead to oil or gas for Israel , the Afek oil They’re still re con struct ing us es tab lish ment look like id i ots. That’s at and gas explo ra tion company is test These aren’t the only scalawag named Mikee Johnson, polled his 56 board least somethi ng, even if you sus pect he’s drill ing again in the Golan Heights, a gover nors, but the pair are typi cal mem bers about the future of the flag. se cretly working for the Jews to split the part of Syria which Is rael has occu pied on to day’s po lit i cal feed lot. Every one who responded was of the same con ser va tive vote as did also-mil lion aire, since 1967 and annexed in vi ola tion of opinion. He called Ms. Haley and told her: “never, never, never give up” Ross Perot. in ter na tional law. If she was ready to bring down the banner , they were be hind her. POLLARD, the con victed Is raeli spy, A PANEL of judges has told the chief So was the South Carolina Manu fac tur ers is el i gi ble for pa role in No vem ber, says pros e cu tor of the In ter na tional Crim i nal Al li ance, the mus cu lar as so ci a tion that the Jus tice Depart ment, though not near Court (ICC) in The Hague to review her rep re sents gi ant in ter na tional com pa nies “the end of his full 30-year sentence.” It de ci sion not to in ves ti gate Is rael’s le thal like BMW and Bridgestone Tire. Over the stressed that he has “long been eli gi ble” attack on an aid flo tilla to Gaza five years weekend after the shootings, its presi dent, for such consid er ation, while insisting ago. The judges said that Chief Prose cu tor Mr. Gossett, urged mem bers to draw up a the ad minis tra tion has no say in how Tatou Ben zo ate had made se ri ous er rors in occidentaldissent.com strat egy for fi nally rid ding the State House that pro cess unfolds. Just one prob lem: an earli er deci sion not to pursue the case. With protes ters out side and the desk of the flag. Jon a than Pol lard didn’t re ceive thirty Tatou didn’ t think so. Israel having made of a slain mem ber draped in Black, the Me, too! years. He was sen tenced for life. her an of fer to drop the case, she accepted! South Carolina Senate overwhelm ingly So the South Carolina Repub li can Party voted to rem ove the Confed er ate battl e flag has finally raised its own bat tle flag over BRITISH au thor i ties de tained a num ber Sub scrib ers to this news pa per are from the grounds of the State House. Co lum bia: a stain less and mean ing less of Israel i of ficia ls at London’ s Heathrow el i gi ble as non-pay ing mem bers of As Je$$e Jack$on was looking on, South White ban ner of sur ren der, rep re senting Airport last month, it has been claimed by the non-vot ing po lit i cal move ment Carolina Re publi cans voted to appeas e the the cor po rate phi los o phy of their “New Israel ’s Channel 2 TV. They include d the Amer i can De fense Party NAACP. After one more proce dural vote, South.” It has abandoned the pretens e that for mer head of Is raeli mil i tary in tel li gence, Your an nual dues are the $25 paid the acti on would shift to the State House it cares about cul tural is sues when its real Ma jor Gen eral Amos Yadlin, for mer Army to The First Freedom, so sound off where anti-flag forces were said to have agenda has al ways been keep ing taxes low Chiefs of Staff Danny Halotz and Gabi in its pages why we’re NOT VOTING enough Re publi can votes to carry the day. for mil lionair es and labor cheap for such Ash ke nazi, as well as ex-Na tional Se cu rity The bill then went to Gover nor Nikki for eign and out-of-State cor po ra tions. In Ad vi sor Yaakov Amidror. VETERANS of the Es tonian 20th Haley who had led the call for its rem oval. the words of Governor Robert Bentley of Waffen SS Gren a dier Di vi sion at tended This sudden turn of events is n’t hard to Ala bam a, “A flag is not worth a job.” CHANGE. For the first time in all of their annual get-togethe r in the vil lage of explai n: the corpo rat e CEOs who control mod ern his tory, Asia is now richer than Sinimäe in northeas t Es tonia on July 25, the South Carolina Repub li can Party leapt Eur ope, and is catching up with North recalling the 71st anni ver sary of a 1944 at the chance to vanquish the Confed er ate Se ri ously, now Amer ica, too. battl e against the advanc ing Red Army. battl e flag, and announced their deci sion to This pregnant woman fol lowing an auto Gov. Nikki Haley in one unani m ous voice. acci dent falls into a deep coma. Asleep for South Carolina’s corpo rat e ti tans have nearly six months, upon awaken ing and long held a sim ple view of the Confed er ate finding her self no longer pregnant, she The First flag: It was terri ble for busi ness. Under franti cally asks the doctor about her baby. Ms. Haley, a Re pub lican, the State had The doc tor re plies, “Ma’am, you had de voted it self to lur ing ma jor com pa nies twins! A boy and a girl. The babies are fine. Free dom like Mercedes-Benz and Boeing through Your brother came in and named them.” tax in cen tives and re lent less re cruit ment. The woman thinks to hersel f, “Oh, no! I thoroughly enjoy reading your In many ways, the campaign was a suc cess. Not my brother – he’s an idiot !” Expect ing excel lent paper . In the spirit of Christ, But the flag, and every thing it stood for, the worst, she asks the doctor , “Well, White sur vival, Na tion al ism and White al ways en dan gered that prog ress, lead ing what’s the girl’s name?” pride world wide, keep up the good work! to re peated calls from business groups for “Denise,” the doc tor says. its re moval. The new mother thinks, “Wow, that’s PETER MALLEN Af ter the kill ings in Charleston, those not a bad name! Guess I was wrong about Kent, England busi ness lead ers saw their chance. The my brother. I like Denise!” Then she asks I recently received my third is sue of chairm an of the South Carolina Cham ber again: “What’s the boy’s name?” your publi ca tion and like it very much. I of Com merce, an old friend of Ms. Haley’s The doctor re plies, “DeNephew.” was n’t born in the South but sure am Pe ri od i cals post age paid at Foley, Al a bama. glad I’m here now! KAREN POST The First POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The First Dickinson, TX Freedom Freedom , P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Ala bam a 36576. Self-gov ern ment be gins at home SUBSCRIPTIONS: C. S. A. and U. S: For one year (12 issues) send $25 to above address . Speech and reli gion were already ours Do mes tic sub scrip tions: Send $25 check, money SUBSCRIBE TODAY! back when FDR named “four freedoms.” or der, (Fed eral Re serve Notes or one sil ver dol lar at But he would whip hunger , fear and oppres sion, own risk) for next 12 monthly issues any where in ab stain ing for ever from Eu rope’s wars. C. S. A. and U. S. by bulk mail or $48 in a first class NEW READERS ______When poli ti cians lie, the State bites off en ve lope. In mates may pay with post age stamps. NAME what only in di vid u als can chew. For eign sub scrip tions: Canada $53, other foreign It’s time we recov ered des ti na tions $86. Payable in U. S. dol lars or other r ______in stru ments readily con vert ible thereto. $5 for 6 issues those powers not dele gated. ______ADDRESS Self-gov ern ment be gins at home. Let pa tri o tism, Edi tor: Olaf Childress in obedi ence to God, emanci pate our im prisoned RENEWAL ______Edi to rial faculty: Nancy Hitt, Chris tine Miller, heri tage! Join this nonprofit newspa per and help CITY STATE ZIP Donald Sullivan, Valerie Protopapas and Ingrid de-pro gram the brain washed pop u la tion. Ex cept for r Rimland Zündel. copyright ed ar ticles , any one may reprint or quote $25 for 1 year ______Cor re spon dents: Mark Ander son, Bill Ebb, Lloyd The First Freedom in whole or part; just give full PHONE EMAIL Caperton, Chris DeHuff, Jason Gerhard, Bill Ivy, credit and address . r $50 for 2 years John Kaminski, John Peeples and Caro lyn Yeager. We may carefully edit sub mitted manu scripts to ______Tele phone: 251-945-5130 fit space and style sheet without changing meaning; r $75 for 3 years CHURCH/SCHOOL/ORGANIZATION Email: ed i [email protected] pre fer email; pub lish only the writer’s name, city Website: www.firstfreedom.net and State but need ad dress and phone ver ifi ca tion. CLIP AND MAIL TO THE FIRST FREEDOM r Cor re spon dence about sub scrip tions or changes of Signed ar ti cles by con tri bu tors do not nec es sar ily $100 for 4 years P. O. BOX 385, SILVERHILL, ALABAMA 36576 address should be ad dressed to The First Freedom , rep re sent The First Freedom ’s views. These are Chal leng ing a Zi on ist-con trolled mediacracy to tol er ate the truth P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Ala bam a 36576. ex pressed in ed i to ri als. — First things — The First Freedom August 2015 3 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Ala bam a 36576 Thomas Jef fer son on pol i tics and gov ern ment Here is more historical wisdom them by a te na ciousness of his own from one of our great est Founding rig or ous rights.” Fathers. Pray for its rediscov ery . – Thomas Jeffer son to James Monr oe, 1801. ME 10:267 “If the two de part ments [Fed eral and Rela tion of State to Federal State] should claim each the same sub ject “With re spect to of power, where is the com mon um pire to our State and fed eral de cide ul tim ately between them? In cases govern m ents, I do not of littl e im portanc e or ur gency, the prudence think their re la tions of both parti es will keep them aloof from cor rectly un der stood the questi onable ground; but if it can by for eign ers. They neither be avoided nor com prom ised, a gen er ally sup pose the for mer sub or di nate conven ti on of the States must be called to to the lat ter. But this is not the case. They ascri be the doubtful power to that de part ment are co-ordi nate depart ments of one sim ple which they may think best.” and in te gral whole.” – Thomas Jef ferson to John – Thomas Jef ferson to John Cartwright , 1824. ME 16:47 Cartwright , 1824. ME 16:47 “Congr ess… has al ways shown that it “The sev eral States com pos ing the would wait, as it ought to do, to the last United States of America are not united PUT IT BACK ex trem i ties, be fore it would ex e cute any on the prin ci ple of un lim ited sub mis sion of its pow ers which are dis agreeable.” to their Gen eral Gov ern ment; but… by – Thomas Jeffer son to Edwar d a com pact un der the style and title of a Your “rep re sen ta tives” – for bid den by the South ern Pu berty Lech ery Cen ter, a Carrin gton, 1787. ME 6:228 Consti tu tion for the United States, and fed eral Af fir ma tive Ac tion Ap pa rat chik and those new vot ing ma chines to dis play “The pecu li ar happi ness of our blessed of amend ments thereto, they con sti tuted such remind ers in a building full of judges, lawyers and poli ti cians – have ban ished sys tem is that in dif ference s of opinion a Gen eral Gov ern ment for spe cial the Ten Com mand ments from Ala bama’s Su preme Court now for months. be tween these dif fer ent sets of ser vants, pur poses, del e gated to that gov ern ment 143 the appeal is to neither , but to their cer tain def i nite pow ers, re serv ing, each Sep a ra tion is es sen tial em ploy ers peace ably as sem bled by their State to itsel f, the resid u ary mass of rep re sen ta tives in con ven tion. This is right to their own self-gov ern ment.” “The true barri ers of our libert y in this more rati onal than the jus fortioris, or the – Thomas Jeffer son: Draft Kentucky country are our State govern m ents; and the canon’s mouth, the ul tima et sola ra tio Res o lu tions, 1798. ME 17:379 wis est con ser va tive power ever con trived regum.” – Thomas Jef ferson to Spencer “It is a fa tal her esy to sup pose that either by man is that of which our Revo lu ti on and Roane, 1821. ME 15:328 our State govern m ents are supe rior to the present govern m ent found us possess ed.” Fed eral or the Fed eral to the States. The – Thomas Jef ferson to A. L. C. Destutt A gra da tion of re pub lics people, to whom all author it y be longs, have de Tracy, 1811. ME 13:19 “The way to have good and safe divided the powers of govern m ent into two “To pre serve the re pub li can forms gov ernment is not to trust it all to dis tinct de part ments, the lead ing char ac ters and prin ci ples of our Con sti tu tion and one, but to di vide it among the many, of which are foreign and dom esti c; and cleave to the sal u tary dis tri bu tion of dis trib ut ing to ev ery one ex actly the they have appoint ed for each a disti nct set powers which that has es tab lished… are func tion he is com pe tent to. Let the of functi onar ies . These they have made the two sheet anchors of our Un ion. If Na tional Gov ern ment be en trusted with co or di nate, check ing and bal anc ing each driven from either , we shall be in danger the defence of the Nation and its for eign other like the three car di nal de part ments in of foun der ing.” and federal rela tions; the State the indi vid ual States; each equally suprem e – Thomas Jeffer son to Wil liam wisest course to ask an expr ess grant of gov ern ments with the civil rights, laws, as to the pow ers del egated to it self, and Johnson, 1823. ME 15:452 the power.” po lice and ad min is tra tion of what nei ther au tho rized ul ti mately to de cide “The spirit of concord [amongst] sis ter – Thomas Jeffer son to Edwar d con cerns the State gen erally; the coun ties what belongs to it self or to its coparcener States… alone car ried us suc cess fully Livingston, 1824. ME 16:24 with the lo cal con cerns of the coun ties, in govern m ent. As inde pend ent, in fact, as through the revo lu ti onary war, and fi nally “A spirit of forbear ance and com prom ise, and each ward di rect the in ter ests within dif fer ent Na tions.” placed us under that Nati onal govern m ent, therefore, and not of encroac hm ent and itself. It is by divid ing and subdi vid ing – Thomas Jef ferson to Spencer which consti tutes the safety of every part, usurpa ti on, is the healing balm of such a these repub lics from the great Na tional Roane, 1821. ME 15:328 by uniting for its protec tion the pow ers of Consti tuti on [as ours]; and each party one down through all its subor dina tions, “Com par ing the two gov ern ments the whole.” should prudentl y shrink from all approach until it ends in the admin is tra tion of togethe r, it is obser vable that in all those – Thomas Jef ferson to Wil liam to the line of dem arca ti on, inste ad of rashly ev ery man’s farm by him self; by plac ing cases where the in de pend ent or reserved Eustis, 1809. ME 12:227 overlea ping it, or throwing grapples ahead un der ev ery one what his own eye may rights of the States are in question, the “It is a sin gu lar phe nom e non that to haul to hereaf ter .” super in tend, that all will be done for the two exec u tive s, if they are to act togethe r, while our State gov ern ments are the – Thomas Jef ferson to Spencer best.” – Thomas Jeffer son to Joseph must be ex actly co-or di nate; they are, in very best in the world, with out ex cep tion Roane, 1821. ME 15:328 C. Cabell, 1816. ME 14:421 these cases, each the su preme head of or com par i son, our Gen eral Gov ern ment “The inter ests of the States… ought to “It is not by the consol i da ti on or an in de pend ent gov ern ment. In other has, in the rapid course of nine or ten be made joint in every possi ble instance concen tra tion of powers, but by their cases, to wit, those trans ferred by the years, be come more arbi trary and has in order to culti vate the idea of our being dis tri bu tion that good gov ern ment is ef fected. Con sti tu tion to the Gen eral Gov ern ment, swal lowed more of the pub lic liberty one Na tion, and to mul tiply the instances Were not this great country already divided the gen eral ex ec u tive is cer tainly than even that of England.” in which the people shall look up to into States, that divi sion must be made that preordinate; e. g. in a question respect ing – Thomas Jeffer son to John Taylor , Congr ess as their head.” each might do for it self what concerns the mi litia , and oth ers eas ily to be 1798. ME 10:65 – Thomas Jeffer son to James Monr oe, itself directly and what it can so much rec ol lected.” 1785. ME 5:14, Papers 8:229 better do than a distant author it y. Every – Thomas Jeffer son to James Draw ing the line “By [the] oper a ti ons [of publi c im prove- State again is divided into counti es, each to Monr oe, 1801. ME 10:267 “I have alway s thought that where the ment] new chan nels of com mu ni ca tion take care of what lies within its lo cal “I do not think it for the inter est of the line of dem arca ti on betwee n the pow ers of will be opened be tween the States; the lines bounds; each county again into townships Gen eral Gov ern ment itself, and still less the Gen eral and the State gov ern ments was of sep a ra tion will dis ap pear, their in ter ests or wards, to manage minuter detai ls; and of the Un ion at large, that the State doubtfull y or indis ti nctly drawn it would will be identi fied, and their union ce mented every ward into farms, to be governed each govern m ents should be so littl e respec ted be prudent and praisewor thy in both parti es by new and in dis sol u ble ties.” by its indi vid ual propri etor … It is by this as they have been. How ever, I dare say that never to approach it but under the most – Thomas Jef ferson: 6th Annual par ti tion of cares de scend ing in gra da tion in time all these as well as their cen tral ur gent ne ces sity.” Mes sage, 1806. ME 3:423 from gen eral to par ticu lar that the mass of gov ern ment, like the plan ets re volv ing – Thomas Jef ferson to Joseph “Many are the exer cises of power hum an af fairs may be best managed for the round their com mon sun, acting and acted C. Cabell, 1814. ME 14:83 reserved to the States wherein a good and prosper it y of all.” upon accord ing to their respec tive weights “In one senti ment of [Edward uni for mity of pro ceed ing would be – Thomas Jef ferson: Au to bi og ra phy, and dis tances, will produce that beauti ful Livingston’s] speech I partic u larly advan ta geous to all. Such are quar an- 1821. ME 1:122 NEXT: The ward re pub lics equi lib rium on which our Con sti tu tion is concur . ‘If we have a doubt rela tive to tines, health laws, regu la tions of the founded, and which I beli eve it will exhibi t any power, we ought not to exer cise it.’ press, bank ing in sti tu tions, train ing The “14th Amendm ent” wasn’ t rati fie d! to the world in a de gree of perfec ti on, When we con sider the ex ten sive and mi li tia, etc., etc.” It’s not the law! Get this un ex am pled but in the plan e tary sys tem deep-seated op po sition to [a certain] – Thomas Jeffer son to James 32-page booklet it self. The en light ened states man, there fore, as sump tion, the con vic tion en ter tained Sullivan, 1807. ME 11:237 What ev ery will endeavor to preserve the weight and by so many, that this de duction of cat is influ ence of every part, as too much given pow ers by elab o rate con struc tion Con tests for power dis cov er ing any mem ber of it would destroy the general pros trates the rights reserved to the “The sys tem of the Gen eral Gov ern ment lately equi lib rium.” States, the dif fi cul ties with which it will is to seize all doubtful ground. We must – Thomas Jef ferson to Peregrine rub along in the course of its ex er cise; join in the scram ble, or get nothing. Where into the paws of our kittens for under Fitzhugh, 1798. ME 10:3 that changes of major i tie s will be first occu pancy is to give right, he who lies 50¢ per adven ture . Read it and you’ll chang ing the system backwards and still loses all.” see why we’re copy-catting the en emy’s for wards, so that no un dertak ing under – Thomas Jef ferson to James en treaty, “From each ac cord ing to his The First it will be safe; that there is not a State in Monroe, 1797. ME 9:423 abil ity…” 10 for $10… PPD 100 for $20… PPD Free dom the Un ion which would not give the “Were it ob served that ei ther party 50 for $15… PPD 200 for $30… PPD is n’t for ev ery body. But power will ingly by way of amendment [i.e., State or Gen eral gov ern ment] set Mention this ad The First Freedom you know some one who with some little guard, perhaps, against up un jus ti fi able pre ten sions, per haps Order them today: P. O. Box 385 needs it. abuse; I can not but think it would be the the other might be right in oppos ing Silverhill, AL 36576 4 The First Freedom August 2015 — Me dia by pass op er a tion — P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Ala bam a 36576 The para sites find they’ve again mis cal cu lated In South Carolina, Blacks and De spite be ing out num bered by those About 10 of the flag support ers you to lash out with rage, thinking that trai tors at tacked a pro-Con fed er ate de gen er ates, Whites sup port ing the bat tle clashed with about 30 people who de cade af ter de cade of in doc tri na tion and flag pro test. flag still fly ing proudly over Statehouse were on the Statehouse grounds “equalit y” propa ganda has soft ened you up grounds held their posi ti ons, and issued pro test ing the flag, the state ment for the kill. By Marcus Cicero brave and defi ant statem ents to as sembled said. occidentaldissent.com me dia per son al i ties. De fi ant Here we saw a mod er ately-sized At least one ar rest was record ed, while “The blood on my face, the clique of prim iti ve savages , and a few ev i dence in di cates that sev eral suf fered blood in my teeth, the blood on White Left ist bot tom-feed ers, launch ing a minor inju ries, mainly incurred due to hit my hands is no com pari son to tribal raid on a group of Southern ers and run as saults by treacher ous cowards. the Southern blood that runs at tempt ing to de fend their her i tage from CBS At lanta: through my veins,” Joe Linder cul tural geno cide. One man has been ar rested af ter a told CBS News. fight over the Confed er ate flag in front “I’m gonna tell you one thing, Gath er ing storm of the South Carolina Statehouse. I ain’t sit ting down; this’ll just Accord ing to statem ents by witnesse s The brawl started about 7:15 PM make me walk taller,” he told and law enforce m ent, the distur bance , Monday when about a dozen vehi cle s CBS News. This young man de serves our thanks for his ded ica tion to the which occurred at sundown on Monday with Con fed er ate flag sup port ers White Southern Man, take Cause. Un bowed and un bro ken. evening, June 29, took place in front of the pulled up in front of the Statehouse these bar baric dis plays of hatred as an They have miscal cu lated, for you still Statehouse in Colum bia, South Carolina, a and stopped in the middle of the exam ple of how you are taking the fight to stand strong amidst the chaos and soci eta l lo cation that has become the epicen ter of street, Pub lic Safety De part ment the en emy. Those ar rayed against you, rot. Keep bat tling and rising up higher, the lat est round of multi cul tural ter ror ism spokeswom an Sherri Iacobelli said in mainly Jews and Marx ist Whites, have and soon you will have the para sit es and against the tra di tional in hab it ants of Dixie. a statem ent. in cited the mi nor ity pop u la tions among ag i ta tors cow er ing in ter ror. Blacks merely the un wit ting tools of Zionists As even the sheeple are 7.) Same story … a sponta ne ous event Salis bury, North Carolina. catch ing on at last, bat tle in Fort Oglethrope, Georgia. I know of at least three more ral lies flags be gin showing up not 8.) Same story … a sponta ne ous rally in com ing up in Harri son, Arkansas, Jackson, just in the Southland. Mississippi, and Mem phis, Tennessee. By Hunter Wallace occidentaldissent.com I’m hearing re ports of more spon ta ne ous Con fed er ate bat tle flag ral lies: 1.) The Vir ginia/Mary land League of the South parti ci pate d in a sponta ne ous rally in Stafford County, Vir ginia. 2.) I’m also see ing re ports from Hendersonville, Tennes see . In Salis bury, North Carolina, a spon ta ne ous Con fed er ate flag 3.) Brian Pace par tici pated in rally draws two dozen. a large event in Jas per, Alabama. 5.) There was a sponta ne ous event in 4.) Dozens ralli ed in support of the Giles County, Virginia. Con fed er ate Bat tle Flag in Easley, South 6.) There was another sponta ne ous Carolina. event in Frankli n, Tennes see . It be gins Con fed er ate flag ral lies in volve thousands from across the South. EDITOR’S NOTE By Marcus Cicero These re ports are just from the last occidentaldissent.com three days of June. More to fol low… Rise up to take your coun try back from Jew ish and Marx ist tyranny! This ter rifies the main stream Splendid news from across Dixie me dia ver min. today , as thousands of brave White, and waved the flag and sang a chorus of The group rally ing for the stars and Meet the ris ing South some Black, men and women as sembled “I Wish I Was in Dixie.” bars had a few bumps in the ride. across sev eral States to de mand their …“Becaus e he should not be taking During the route, drivers had one Take heart from these happen ings, heri tage and sym bols be restore d and down flags off of any monu m ent. acci dent, got 2 tickets , and met some White Southern Man, as your Na tion rises re spected. This is a war monu m ent in honor of op po si tion, while driv ing home their up around you to dem and real change, The larg est rally in Mont gomery , our vet erans and it doesn’ t matter be liefs. and free dom from gener a ti ons of federal Al a bama, site of Gov er nor Rob ert whether they’re Con fed er ate or “they say” op pres sion. Bentley’s trea son ous de ci sion to re move United States. It’s a war mon u ment Support ers decked out more than This is only the begin ning of somethi ng the Confed er ate flag from the Capitol and he dealt to po liti cal cor rect ness 300 cars with the Confed er ate flag, far greater, and a sign that a tough and monu m ent, drew well over a thousand be cause he’s a cow ard.” they say as a sym bol of their Southern hardy people, bound by ties of blood, folks, by con ser va tive es ti mates, and was pride. faith and custom cannot be held down hailed as a massive suc cess by those Note that folks on the “I’m ready to take that ride,” says indef i nit ely by those who wish death and or ga niz ing the event. ground have torn the or ga nizer Wil liam Pew. de struc tion for all. Speeches con cern ing the at tacks on AL.com cita tion of just three Southern cul ture and his tory were given to a raptur ous crowd, topped off with a hun dred at ten dees to shreds, thun der ous ren di tion of “Dixie” that putting the ac tual number at brought many of those gathered to the least four times that figur e. point of joyful and patri otic tears. Other ral lies in Tampa, Florida, Har ri son, Mediacracy cooks num bers Arkan sas, Gastonia, North Carolina, and AL.com: Colum bia, South Carolina drew hundreds Confe der at e flag support e rs today of more cou ra geous South ern pa tri ots into gath ered at the the State Capitol to the struggle, as the waves of dis content voice their outrage at Gov. Robert over Marxist cultura l genocide conti nue to Bentley’s de ci sion to re move Civil grow stronger . War flags from the statehouse WTSP: The contro versy over the grounds. Con fed er ate flag hit the streets in the The crowd of about 300 – some Bay area Friday night. Hundreds of wear ing Con fed er ate uni forms – support ers donned the flag in the Drive for Pride from Brandon to Or der ex tra cop ies of Tampa and back. “The prin ci ple for which we The First con tend is bound to re as sert it self, though it may be Free dom at an other time and in Help your friends shed the an other form.” scales from their eyes! – Pres i dent Jef fer son Da vis See coupon at bottom of page 24 Think of the civil ians lost dur ing and af ter the war as well, starved and butch ered by the ar mies of Grant, Sheridan and Sherman. May those sa dis tic com mand ers burn in the deepest reaches of hell. — Southern Culturalism — The First Freedom August 2015 5 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Ala bam a 36576

Young and old, fathers and sons, mothers and daugh ters all brought to gether to fight for what they hold most dear. Their an ces tors are smiling upon them this day. Near Tampa, Florida, hundr eds of pro testers prevented a tiny group of degen erates from burning a Con fed er ate flag.

A beau tiful sight to be hold. Let the New York, Boston and Los An geles filth quiver at a new ris ing of the South ern peo ple. A snap shot of some North Car o linians stand ing up for their heri tage and his tory.

Ar kan sas wit nessed an ad hoc awaken ing on Sat urday as well. Never bow, and never sur render . Even the little ones wished to par take in a spon ta neous dis play of South ern pride.

The fight is not only for today , but to secur e the futur e of those who shall in herit all we leave be hind. Even the weather co op erated in this specific instance, al low ing the ban ners to wave strongly in the breeze. 6 The First Freedom August 2015 — Fighting media munchkins since 1865 — P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Ala bam a 36576

The whole family as sem bled to defend the terri tory that is theirs by right of blood and cultur e. Say “Nay!” to the peecee “gay” By Hunter Wallace If you asked me to pick the single worst occidentaldissent.com com pany in the South which should be In the wake of this media fom ented boycott ed above all others, it would be We have to lol at the con fused Black that found its way to the puny, pa thetic “counter -dem on stra tion.” cam paign of cultura l genocide against all Tyson Foods. Ever since our im migra ti on In Tampa, even the Blacks stood with the Confed er ate flag in de fiance of out side ag ita tion. things Confed er ate , it is time to knock out rally in Shelbyville, Ten nes see, Renee and and beliefs. § a list of hard-nosed things you can do as I have made a point of refus ing to buy EDITOR’S NOTE Spread our ideas. I’m writ ing with a an indi vid ual to help support our cause. Tyson products in the grocery store be- renewed sense of vigor and purpose. If you Surely, Mr. Wallace, one shouldn’t cause of its sup port for il le gal immi gr a tion. are feel ing the same way, you can help us vote Dim O’Crat? Please be careful Prac ti cal re sis tance In addi ti on to Cheerios, Starbucks and by spreading our ideas onli ne. The eas iest about half-saying what you mean. § Support our own people. Shortly Tyson, which I have been boy cott ing for way to do this is to share links on Twit ter before Dylann Roof’s shoot ing spree in some time now, I have com piled a list of and Facebook and other websites to expose Charleston, League of the South mem ber the most prom i nent cor po ra tions which “gay” marriage and has stopped the States more people to our point of view. Now, Josh Doggrell was fired by the Anniston, have come out against the Confed er ate from en forc ing their own im mi gra tion this alone is hardly suf fi cient, but it is Alabama, Po lice Depart ment for his flag. Person all y, I won’t have any problem laws. The Re pub li can-con trolled Con gress nec es sary to ad vance our cause. South ern Na tion al ist be liefs. The SPLC boycott ing Apple, eBay, Google Shopping, § Stop sub si diz ing hos tile me dia. I don’t and the NAACP led the hate campaign to Etsy, Kmart and Sears, where I don’t shop re ally watch CNN and MSNBC anyway. get Doggrell fired from his job. any way. Walmart, Tar get and Am azon will I’m sick and tired of watching so-called The single most im portant thing you can be more of a challenge. “news or ga ni za tions” demonize in no cent do as an indi vid ual is to support princi pled In parti cu lar , I am sick and tired of men like George Zimmerman and Darren men like Josh Doggrell who publi cly stood Walmart throwing its weight around also gave us Obamatrade as the cherry on Wilson, fom ent mobs that burn down his ground, refused to renounce his beli efs behind SJW poli ti cal causes, and I have top. Stop throwing your vote away on a en tire cit ies like Fer gu son and Bal ti more, and paid the price for doing so. If our reached the point where I would rather be party that rejects your values. and mislea d the publi c with extre mely movem ent is to advance , then the virtues incon ve nienc ed than shop there. As an § Fly the Con fed er ate battle flag. If you biase d propa ganda. Why am I pay ing a which Doggrell display ed – loy alty, love, don’t already have a Con fed er ate bat tle ca ble bill that sub si dizes the likes of Don ide al ism, pas sion, per se ver ance, honor, flag, buy one from a pro-White retai ler like Lemon or Ra chel Maddow when I get most courage, integ rit y and service – should be Pa tri otic Flags. Dis play the Con fed er ate of my news over the internet anyway? recognized and rewarded. battl e flag onli ne and offline to show your § Stop sharing news from clickbait § Boy cott com pa nies that re ject our utter contem pt for and rejec ti on of the websites. I have in mind websites like val ues. We should n’t be pa tron iz ing big po lit i cally cor rect main stream. Daily Mail, The Daily Caller and Breitbart businesse s which despis e our val ues § Get ac tive. As I write this, spon ta ne ous which report on Black-on-White crime, any way. In a sense, this cam paign to tear Con fed er ate bat tle flag ral lies are erupt ing but condem n the CofCC for doing the down the Confed er ate battl e flag has been all over the South, and, if there is one in same thing. All these websites are doing is good for us in that small businesse s which your area, show up and parti ci pate . If there steal ing our con tent to gen er ate rev e nue are pro-South are reaping a windfal l due to isn’t a flag rally in your area, conside r from ads. the sudden dem ise of major retai lers. This orga niz ing your own rally. Milli ons of § Boycott NASCAR. If you are a just goes to show that we need to keep our avid reader, I have spent a lot of money on White people are furi ous right now and NASCAR fan, tune out. money within our own com munit y. Am azon for many years, but now I will go the publi c is showing a much greater § Poli ce our com muni ti es. In our own to its com pet i tors. willing ness than usual to come out and com muni ti es, we should clamp down on Lost their cheer § Find alter nati ves. We need to quickly par tic ipate in our activist events. troll ing and vi o lent rhet o ric in the I used to love Cheerios, but I haven’ t find al ter na tives to two ma jor com pa nies § Join orga ni za ti ons. The SPLC is moving com ments, and do every thing we can to had a bowl of Cheerios since 2013 when whose ser vices we use: Facebook and heaven and earth to demonize the Council stop somethi ng like this from happen ing this com mer cial ad ver tise ment was aired. I PayPal. of Con ser va tive Cit i zens for our ac cu rate again and causing further dam age. That decide d that I no longer wanted to pay for a § Quit vot ing Re pub li can. The Re pub li can- report ing on Black-on-White crime. They does n’t mean com pro mis ing our be liefs bowl of misce ge na ti on for my morning control led Suprem e Court has upheld are also com ing af ter the League of the and values. It does mean that we need to act breakfast . I quit eat ing Cheerios, never Obamacare, dis pa rate im pact, af fir ma tive South. Join and sup port or ga ni za tions more respon si bly in ar eas that are under looked back, and after a few months passed ac tion and abor tion, le gal ized sod omy and which are will ing to stand up for our values our direct control to build a firewall. the habit stuck. I’m not picking on Cheerios here. I am using it only as an exam ple of how habit s No prob lem; the battle flag is here to stay should re flect our moral and poli ti cal con ser va tive-head lines.com Her itage” and “Punk Rock Is My Her itage.” over Facebook. His ar gum ent that the beli efs and how I person all y gave up one On July 3, the League and the Army of A Black man sporting a U. S. flag becam e Con fed er ate bat tle flag rep re sents slav ery of fensive brand which reject ed my val ues. North ern Vir ginia held a pro-Con fed er ate in censed by the pro-Con fed er ate pro tes ters and se ces sion was met with the re tort that Now that I think about it, there is rally at the Stafford County Courthouse in and engaged them in a spirit ed exchange the U. S. flag sym bolize s aborti on and gay another com pany whose products I used to Virginia follow ing the NAACP’s pe tition which was capture d on video and shared mar riage. enjoy while I was in college , but which I to re move that large battle flag raised by started boycott ing years ago. I’m refer ring the Vir ginia Flaggers along nearby I-95. to Starbucks which hates guns, loudly 75 people waved the flag in Stafford at a con demns tra di tional mar riage and of fers pro test cov ered by The Wash ing ton Post sanc ti monious lecture s about race to its and Fox News. Five counter -dem onstra tors custom ers with its overpric ed cof fee. carried signs that read, “Hip Hop Is My “Every man should endeavor to under sta nd the meaning of subju gati on before it is too late… It means the history of this he roic strug gle will be writ ten by the en emy; that our youth will be trained by Northern schooltea chers; will learn from Northern school books their version of the war; will be im pressed by the influ ence s of his tory and edu ca ti on to re gard our gal lant dead as traitors, and our maimed vet erans as fit object s for deri sion… It is said slav ery is all we are fight ing for, and if we give it up we give up all. Even if this were true, which we deny, slavery is not all our ene m ies are fighting for. It is merely the pre tense to es tab lish sec tional su pe ri or ity and a more centra lize d form of govern m ent, and to de prive us of our rights and liber ti es.” – C.S.A. Gen eral Pat rick Cleburne Thou sands of peo ple rally in sup port of the Con feder ate Bat tle Flag across the South — Fighting media munchkins since 1865 — The First Freedom August 2015 7 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Ala bam a 36576 Na tion al ist lit er a ture distributed on the Boston Com mon malevolentfreedom.org another in an attem pt to prom ote the White ad vance ment. For more in for ma tion about Residents and tour ists alike Na tion al ist ide ol ogy and safe guard our this group contac t: were greeted with a few hun dred way of life that leads to pros per ity and [email protected] cop ies of The First Freedom on the After noon of June 26th as Boston area Na tion al ists took to the streets in an ef fort to prom ote in de pend ent jour nal ism and free thought. Light Living in an age of control led media, the cit izens of Boston were more than happy to stop Feet on the ground chal lenge Lib eral foot-etc.-in-the-mouth. and spend a few mom ents talking to a want you to read.” group of people handing them a news paper Being the birth place of the Ameri can contai ning “All the storie s the media don’t Rebel li on, Boston has a long and rich his tory of Rev o lu tion ary thought and ac tion. The Boston Area Na tion al ists carry EDITOR’S NOTE on that proud tra diti on through From sea to shin ing sea and in ever their out spo ken street ac tiv ism increa sing num bers of White States and op po si tion to the di lu tion of beyond the oceans, this newspa per is their cul ture and iden tity. passing the word that, today as in all From Acton to Wakefield, all the ages, there’s many a slip ’twixt for ward-think ing mem bers of the cup and the ZOG’s covet ous lip. the White Ra cial ist Com mu nity So order yoursel f a half-dozen boxes are more than wel comed to get in of The First Freedom now. Let’s get touch with The Boston Area out there talking it up, passing them Nati onal ist s so that you could out, flagging the enem y – and living! come out and join them in an ef fort to network with one Re lax ing af ter the fact In tro duc ing peo ple to their al ter nate pos si bil i ties Flag rally draws hun dreds of sup porters, few pro test ers By Nick Shepherd in the pa rade. “I hate to see the thing Heather McClellan, one of the anti-flag Victo ria Rouch. “There is a wealth of timesnews.net dis graced like it has been.” dem on stra tors. “It’s not about her i tage, it’s art and cul tural her itage in the South. KINGSPORT – Confed er ate flags were But, while hundreds showed up in racism.” His tor i cal South ern cit ies boast beau ti ful ev ery where. support, a handful of people showed up to Many of the anti-flag protes ters said ar chi tec ture, were birth places to fa mous Hanging out of trucks. This photo shows peo ple they showed up to tell the people of writers and have his tor ical merit far Draped on the trunks of cars. support ing the Confed er ate Sullivan County that not every one who beyond the Civil War.” flag in a Rebel Flag Parade Stuck out of sun roofs. Women at Kingsport, Tennes see, on lives there is OK with the flag. Cit ing the wore Con fed er ate flag bi ki nis July 6. swas tika, they said the Nazi flag no longer But it’s a South ern thang and men wore Con fed er ate flag flies over Germ any and the Confed er ate As the parade of hundreds of ve hicle s shirts. Some donned hats or had flag should not fly over the United States. slowly wound its way out of Warriors Path flags fly ing off the back of their The or ganize r of the protes t, Brandon State Park, more ve hi cles were wait ing on shirts. Paykamian, said he even re ceived death the other side of the road to join in the One man had the flag draped threats for or ganiz ing a counter protes t. line. People gathered along the sides of across his shoulders, wearing it Hem lock Road and waved or honked horns like a superhero dons a cape. Law and order as the cars drove by. Protes ters were surrounded heavily by One man, dressed in overall s and a Def i ni tions poli ce and kept well away from those White shirt, stood on the side of the road Words were writ ten on some fly ing Con fed er ate flags. play ing his fiddle under the shade of an oak of those flags. Phrases such as “Her itage protes t the event. One Vir ginia res ident, who did not tree. not hate,” or “This flag ain’t com ing Holding signs that read, “Black Lives par tic ipate in the rally or the pro test, said The route ended at Golden Corral after down,” were com mon. Some Confed er ate Mat ter,” and “You lost, get over it,” another she is upset the Confed er ate flag is what is going through downtown Kingsport. And flags were paired with the Ameri can flag group tried making their voice heard being used to repre sent the South and the par tic ipan ts be lieved they had ral lied or the “Don’t tread on me” flag. against what they say is a sym bol of rac ism Southern life. for a good thing. All were there for a re bel flag parade to and hatre d. “There’s so much more to Southern “The flag means a lot to us,” said C. R. rally and show their support for a flag that “It’s ab so lutely ri dic u lous that this many her i tage than un ed u cated breed ing hill bil lies Miles. “It’s more about his tory than has been roiled in contro versy since a people be lieve in this stupid flag,” said fly ing re bel flags on their pickups,” said any thing. young White man, who was shown later picture d with the Confed er ate flag, went to a Black church and killed nine people in Syria calls al li ance to coun ter ter rorism South Carolina, which flies the flag on the presstv.ir America ,” said Muallem of the ongo ing powers would under m ine its backing for grounds of its State capitol. The Syr ian for eign minis ter has called air strikes by the United States and al lies Da mas cus. on all coun tries in the Mid dle East to make against purporte d ISIL tar gets in Iraq and Some se nior Ira nian of fi cials also Y’all would n’t un der stand ef forts to es tab lish a re gional al li ance to Syria. attende d the high-profil e meet ing in the “The Con fed er ate flag is not a ra cial counter the rising threat of terror ist groups The top Syrian diplo m at questi oned the Op era House of Da mas cus that Friday , thing,” said Rodney Walton, co-or ganize r like ISIL in the region. hon esty of Wash ing ton in cre at ing the among them Iran’s Minis ter of Cul ture and of the Re bel Flag Pa rade. “I see it as a In a July 24 address to the Me dia co alition, say ing, “Does the U. S. re ally Is lamic Guid ance Ali Jannati, who said the Southern-born, Southern-bred thing. This in tend to elim i nate root cause of the rising wave of terror ist has nothing to do with the Charleston ISIL, or does it want at tacks in the Mid dle East is caused by a shooting. The Confed er ate flag is what you to ex ploit it to re al ize mis un der stood judg ment re gard ing Is lamic por tray it as.” its stra te gic goals?” teach ings. Walton helped or ganize the event with Syria blames foreign govern m ents, Dalton Fanning, a 16-year-old who A true friend includ ing some regional States, for backing or ganize d the enti re parade. Dalton said he Elab o rat ing on his the mili tancy in the coun try. Es timates by or ga nized the event be cause he wanted to stance on re gional the United Nati ons show that more than keep the right to fly the flag and show the States that could be 230,000 people have lost their lives and flag is about her itage . part of the proposed another seven mil lion have been dis placed For many, the flag is somethi ng their co ali tion against in the confli ct since March 2011. fam ily has died for. ter ror ism, Muallem “I had ances tors fight and die for that named Iran as the Let’s bring ’em into the light flag,” said Danny Nec es sary, par tic i pat ing Iran’s Min is ter of Cultur e and Is lamic Guidance Ali Jannati (cen ter L) majo r ally, say ing the Ten ex tra cop ies of The First Freedom speaks during a meeting with Syrian In for ma tion Min is ter Omran al-Zoubi Is lamic Re pub lic has (spec ify which issue) are yours for $15 PPD (center R) on the side lines of a con fer ence regard ing ter ror ism in Dam as cus, be come a role model Syria, on July 24, 2015. (SANA photo) anywhere in C.S.A. or U.S., plus – if you Wanted in de fend ing jus tice want them, ask – one sheet contai ning 80 Confer ence Against Terror ism in the Syrian and peace against ter ror ism and vio lence. of these labels in Con fed er ate red, white cap i tal, Da mas cus, Walid al-Muallem said and blue. Think ers Uncompromised backing New sub scrib ers! Get 6 the ne ces sity for setti ng up such a united If you is sues of rebel news for front has in creased in the ab sence of “any He said Iran has showed unwa ver ing de sire a $5 to TFF, PO Box 385 Sur vi vors se ri ous in ter na tional and re gional ef fort for support for the Syrian govern m ent and few ex tra Silverhill, Ala. 36576. The First Freedom is spread ing “hate!” whine com bat ing ter ror ism.” people since the very be ginning of the labels , they’re $1 per sheet of 80, PPD. those who misap prehend us sur vi vors. It’s really “The need to cre ate such an alli ance is cri sis in the Arab coun try, re ject ing Where to put them? Inside books, on the out of pity that we try so hard to de-pro gram the brain washed. Order a box of 100 ex tra copies for cer tain par tic u larly in light of the fail ure of rum ors that Tehran’ s at tainm ent of a liter a ture and enve lopes you pass out, any $35 or $40 on page 24 and help dis tribute the truth. the anti-ISIL al li ance es tab lished by breakthrough in nucle ar talks with global old place that com es to mind. Let’s roll! 8 The First Freedom August 2015 — The awaken ing — P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Ala bam a 36576 The South’s un be liev able oppor tu nity… Rally to the flag! By Mark Vogl get back to what is the very best Cul ture in are seventy mil lion desce ndants of the nolanchart.com the world! Ole Con fed er acy and its time to make our Have you ever known a Southerner to Let’s step out, South, and start with – or pres ence felt! need a reason for a party? at least in clude – a Chris tian Re vival equal And, as much fun as we’re going to have Does the South have the pret ti est to the Great Awaken ing! Let’s get the be ing South ern, al ways re mem ber this is women in the whole world? Does the South rockin’ once again! the Bi ble Belt. We don’t need the devil in South have the best food and the best Let’s call Ala bama out of re tirem ent, the middle of fun, we don’t need sin, we music ? And does the South have shoreli nes, let’s get Shenandoah back…let’s be the can have the fun that com es with the Love and lakes and lovely places to gather? South, regard les s of what the Yankees do. of Christ and family val ues that make You know, the Suprem e Court may have You know, there’s somethi ng about the being a part of a Southern fam ily a very handed the South back its pride, and its South. It’s unde ni able . The South is not spe cial gift. where withal to re take its right ful place as called the Bi ble Belt for noth ing, and it’s This needs to happen from the bot tom the leading re gion of leading States! that Chris tian core that starts it all. fed eral gov ern ment, saw the sov er eignty up. This is a Duck Dy nasty type thing. Maybe it’s time for a new regional, of the people and the States in jeopardy . It’s Maybe the Robertsons will jump on board Southern “Facebook” type socia l media I honestly be lieve God may amazing how the most recog nize d sym bol and start encour ag ing this event. Maybe place for South ern ers, by South ern ers, have handed Dixie her life of the South is the thing under at tack today ! Rev. Frankli n Graham will grab hold of it! where the Re bel Yell, Dixie and the bat tle back with that deci sion by Why? Because they fear it second only to Maybe the Southern Bapti st Conven ti on flag are mere signs of Southern hospi tal ity! the Chris tian Cross. will see its potential! If Facebook wants to keep threat ening the the Supr eme Court, and then Yes sir, it’s time for a party! A long, big, Let the planning begin – and let’s make Southern sym bol of pride, maybe we need the com plete over re ac tion of regional one. One that include s the jazz of this a party Amer ica will never for get! a new place to go! If Walmart and other so many against Souther n New Orlea ns and the music of Mem phis. stores re ject the South, it’s time for some One that cel ebrates El vis and the Grand Dis trib u tors: Please place your Southern money to give us an alter nati ve her i tage and his tory. Ole Opry! orders for this issue early. Let’s shop ping place? All that is going wrong in America was The South is an occu pied Nati on, and sat u rate the neigh bor hoods and public events in your town where Maybe it’s time for Southern ers to foresee n by Jef ferson Davis, John C. maybe it’s time we stop hiding our Southern those peo ple who can han dle the roots and inste ad bring ’em out. Like re take their ra dio and tele vi sion sta tions, Calhoun and the rest of the patri ots of the truth gather. kick out the Yankees and the Brits and let’s South. They saw an oppres sive , ty ranni cal Cooter of the Dukes of Hazard said, there Let’s fly the only flag that repre sents White Americans (Conti nued from page 1) of tyranny , of race-mixing, and Jew ish other mud people wave the ‘Ameri can’ country . Take down the so-called ‘Ameri can’ the Confed er ate flag stands for. Well, I’ll suprem acy. The Founder of my church said flag, we should want no part of it. Inste ad, flag from your flagpoles , don’t use tell you what it stands for: it stands for this decade s ago and he was right. It stands let the en em ies of our White Race fly the ‘Ameri can’ flag postage stamps, and quit re sis tance to tyr anny and, yes, it stands for for every thing that we who love our White so-called ‘Ameri can’ flag and let those of using it other wise in any respec t. I mysel f White people doing the resis ting. It does Race and want to pre serve it hate! Thus, as us who care about the future of our White am further more adding a nice Con fed er ate not stand for ‘White suprem acy’ but rather long as White trai tors, Blacks, Jews and Race fly the Con fed er ate one. Let there be flag to my website as a pro test against the for the sup pos edly ‘ex treme’ prop o si tion YES! We’ve still got them. this chasm between us for all to see. To attac ks upon the Confed er ate flag by the that White people should be al lowed to 3x5 polyes ter with 2 metal those who seek the genocide of our White control led news media and other scoundrel s. de ter mine their own des tiny in their own grom mets, still $12 PPD in Race in this soci ety , your country is not our We only have one Ameri can flag left in this C. S. A., curr ent limit ONE, coun try. The so-called ‘Amer ican’ flag, or free with any first-time country and we want no part of the ‘one country and it is the stars and bars, not the on the other hand, has be come the sym bol 12-month $25 sub scription. nati on under one flag’ that you have in stars and stripes. In deed, as far as I’m store for us, a ‘nati on’ where our White con cerned, the Con fed er ate bat tle flag is peo ple are de stroyed in ev ery way. Rather, the true Ameri can flag and I thus urge all we will go our own way. White Ameri cans to fly it in stead of the flag “So I call upon all of my ra cially loyal of the Jew ish Oc cu pa tional Gov ern ment that Brothers and Sis ters of our White Ameri can is current ly leading our people to disas ter .” peo ple to embrace the Con fed er ate flag For further com ment from Rever end that is current ly under at tack today and Hale, email him at the websites on page 1 take down the ‘Amer ican’ flag that no or, if us ing a candy-striped stamp already longer repre sent s or defends our White on hand, turn it upside down when writing: people in any way, and is inste ad presid ing Dr. Matt Hale 15177-424 USP Max over the cul tural, ge netic and bi o log i cal P. O. Box 8500 anni hi la ti on of our White Race in this Flor ence, Col o rado 81226-8500 League rallies at Harrison harrisonar.net A League of the South rally in Harri son, Arkan sas, on July 4 found 70-80 people display ing their battl e flags and Southern Na tion al ist flags, these along with signs in support of Christi an marria ge. Wel come sight Feet on the ground Hundreds of people driving by honked, League of the South mem bers were on the ground in Jack son, Mis sis sippi, July 6 (above). The League waved and shouted in support of the and never waved to passing cars, showing has been EXTREMELY ACTIVE lately and has ei ther spon sored or par tici pated in ral lies in Mis sis sippi, Ala bama, South Carolina, Florida, Kentucky , North Carolina, Virginia, Ar kansas and Mis souri. Lea gue, with many pull ing in to thank a stark dif ference betwee n the two groups: occidentaldissent.com these activists. one strong and proud, the other weak and Four ho mo sex ual ashamed. pro test ers dis played rain bow and co ex ist banners across the street for a short time be fore leav ing. While League of the South support ers waved and smiled to traf fic, the hom osex ual quartet hid their faces behind the banners Four rainbowers

Support ers of the Con feder ate flag, in cluding mem bers of the regional chap ters, Sons of Con feder ate Veter ans, march up Highw ay 327 in Silsbee on Sat urday , July 4. Or ga nized by Ricky Stuart, the event, like a sim ilar one at Gulfgate Mall, was in tended to cele brate the pride in heri tage as so ciated with the flag, and co mes in the wake of recent calls to ban the flag. About 100 peo ple in trucks and on motor cy cles fly ing Con feder ate flags and honk ing their horns gath ered Satur day also at Gulfgate Mall, a shop ping cen ter near the inter sec tion of the Gulf Freew ay and In terstate 610 – one of sev eral pro-Confed er ate flag events Doz ens of vehi cles park and fly the Confed erate colors along High way 2A at Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, planned around the country for Sat urday . Photo: Kim Brent/houstonchronicle.com late Fri day after noon, July 3. Photo by Tim Barber /timesfreepress.com — And justice for all “exceptionals” — The First Freedom August 2015 9 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Ala bam a 36576 Supreme Court and Liber als attack White Ameri cans’ values By Dr. Edward R. Fields rem oved from monu m ents around the Freedom To Marry head Evan Wolfson, Keep it fly ing! a Jew, said that this is just the begin ning of Edi tor , TRUTH AT LAST BOOKS capitol at Montgo mery . P. O. Box 1211 Bentley also ordered the their fight for “equal rights.” He dem ands Marietta, Geor gia 30061 end of Con fed er ate that spe cial entitlements be added to the Far left rad icals are us ing the tragedy em blems on auto plates. civil rights law to protec t homos from of the Charleston church shoot ing to attac k Bentley, who pretends to dis crim i na tion. Wolfson says that those and defam e all sym bols of Southern be a “con ser va tive,” who would fire a homo, refuse to rent or tra diti ons and heri tage which they have actu ally has long con cealed even hum il iate them, could be sued, adding: spent in mi nor ity neigh bor hoods. “This sought to obliter ate ever since the end of his Com mu nist sym pa thies. “The transgendered are 90% more likely to pre vents them from en joy ing life in crime the Civil War. They want to wipe out all Mis sis sippi: Lame duck Sena tor Thad face dis crim i na tion or ha rass ment in the free White neighbor hoods and better vestiges of pride and honor which were left Cochrane called for the rem oval of the work place.” schools.” to us by the over 300,000 young men who Con fed er ate em blem from the State flag. For mer Gov er nor Mike Huckabee The key to the ruling is that even if there died in the cause of maintai ning States He won reele cti on only by spending charged: “Some cow ardly pol i ti cians will is no proven intent to discri m inate , the very Rights and the purit y of the White Race. mil lions con trib uted by North ern lib er als wave the white flag but I will not ac quiesce fact that they are build ing limited hous ing Behind this is a long range plan to im pose to buy the Black vote. However , in a 2001 to an impar ti al court.” Gov er nor Scott in White neighbor hoods will now allow their Commu nis tic be lief that the races are refer en dum the people voted 2-to-1 to keep Walker: “I would push for a consti tuti onal civil rights groups to sue devel op ers, city equal, with mongrelization as their final the flag unchange d since its adopti on in amendm ent allow ing the States to conti nue gov ern ments and even mort gage com pa nies. goal – in other words, turning America into 1864. There is no chance that it will be to prohibi t same-sex marria ge. We will Justi ce Kennedy wrote: “Ra cial iso la tion of an other cha otic Brazil. re moved in Mis sis sippi. conti nue to fight for free dom!” However , minor i ti es must end. Amer ica must be come The South-hat ing liber als have now Geor gia: Gover nor Nathan Deal has the weak-kneed Jeb Bush and Marco a truly in te grated so ci ety.” This will not re cruited scalawag trai tors in our midst to called for the rem oval of the Confed er ate Rubio said that while they oppose the im prove Black and Mexi can qualit y of life fur ther their evil cause. This is in ac cord em blem from auto tags. This move was court’s de ci sion, “we must abide by the but lower Whites down to their level to the with Chicago ’s Jew ish Mayor Rahm hailed by form er Gover nor Roy Barnes law!” grave detri m ent of our children. Gover nor Emanuel’s no to ri ous state ment – “Never who said that Con fed er ate Me mo rial Day Supr eme Court Justice John Rob erts, Huckabee said that the Suprem e Court let a good cri sis go to waste!” Lib er als and Con fed er ate Her i tage Month should in his dis sent ing opinion, wrote: “The should be abolishe d and the State courts have seized upon this case to launch a be abol ished. Barnes is the only Geor gia Court is not a legis la tur e. We do not have given full power to rule on such matter s propa ganda tidal wave of hate against gover nor to fail to win a second term. In the author it y to make a State change the with the Congress having the author it y to Southern pride and all Confed er ate sym bols. 2002 he was de feated af ter he dared to defi ni ti on of marriage . The States are free deter mine other issues under the rule of South Carolina: Gover nor Nikki Haley re move the Con fed er ate em blem from the to ex pand marriage or retai n its def ini ti on law. of India, her maiden name is Randhawa, State flag. which has been recog nize d throughout NEW BOOK: The Inter na ti onal Jew, has called for the Governor Deal said he his tory. by Henry Ford. This is a new condensed Con fed er ate flag to be is pleased that the M. L. “Five judges are stealing from the ver sion of his expen sive four volume, rem oved now and not King family will al low people their rights which has no basis in 1,000 page book. His most impor tant wait un til their nor mal him to build a huge statue the Consti tuti on. We are not here to remake chap ters are included: “Jews – Victims ses sion in Jan u ary. She of King on the capitol soci ety and trans form soci ety – just who do or Per se cu tors,” “A Ra cial Na tion,” “How is supporte d in this by grounds. It was Deal who we think we are?” Jews Use Power,” “Jews In Busi ness,” that State’s Pres i den tial can di date, Sen a tor rem oved the statue of famed segre ga ti onist 107 pages, $7. Lindsey Graham , whom Senator Tom Watson, to make way for the An other trea son ous Just reprinted: How Civ i li za tions many conside r to be a King. His Com munist background and deci sion by the same Col lapse, by Drew Smith, fa mous ho mo sex ual. In other wom an iz ing are be ing ignored. founder of the States Rights Party; words, the leg is la ture Ten nes see: Gov er nor Bill Has lam has five Marx ist judges his tory of Egypt, India, Brazil, Haiti – should surren der to the called for the rem oval of a bust of General A Forced In te grated Hous ing ruling race-mixing brought them down. Only far left’s dem ands under Nathan Bedford Forrest from the State was the basis of yet an other at tack on $6 media pressure and not capitol. He also wants the flag re moved White people by Ginsburg, Kagan (Cohen), (Note: Please add 20% for postage) wait un til events cool. At the same time from SCV license plates. For rest and his Breyer, Sotomayor and Kennedy . A suit was Or der from little has been said wife lie bur ied be neath a large statue of brought under the Fair Housing Act to the TRUTH AT LAST BOOKS about the background him self upon a horse in Mem phis. The ef fect that fed eral sub si dies to de vel op ers P. O. Box 1211 of the deranged killer, Black Mayor, A. C. Whar ton, and Jewish of low incom e housing have been largely Marietta, GA 30061 Dylann Roof. His Rep re sen ta tive Steve Co hen have called “best friend” is a for them to be exhum ed and the statue young Black, Christon rem oved. Cohen, a dem ocrat , is the only In it’s no differ ent Scriven, 22. who lives Jew ish con gress man in Ten nes see his tory. Jean-Marie Le Pen must face next door. He says that Mem phis has a large Jewish popu la ti on. the San hed rin for his de ny ing the Roof told him that he Obama called the Con fed er ate flag “a im por tance of the Ho lo caust story. was going to shoot students at the Col lege symbo l of hate. Hil lary Clinton says that of Charleston. (Due to secu rit y there, he it should not be al lowed to fly any where! By Andrew Anglin went to the church.) He said that Roof is Despit e the hate ful boy cott by the big store dailystormer.com def initely not a rac ist. It was this young chains of Con fed er ate mer chan dise, sales So Ho lo caust de nial is il le gal in Black who took the photos of Roof holding are up 4,000%. Your edi tor visit ed Dent West ern Eu rope. a gun and Con fed er ate flag. State Sen ator Myers Civil War Store in Kennesaw, We all know this. Lee Bright from Spartanburg said: Georgia, last week and it was filled with What we didn’ t know, “The flag is a sym bol of our State’s custom ers. One young woman bought ten or at least I did n’t, is that Old Man Le Pen history . Our ances tors fought and spilled Con fed er ate flags. it is also ille gal to deny So how can he be charged with having blood for States’ Rights and we don’t want Pat Buchanan elo quentl y summed up the rel a tive im por tance done somethi ng he obvi ously – objec ti vely them rel egate d to the ash heaps of history . this assaul t on Southern tradi ti ons: of the Holo caus t. – did not do? These heroes of the South have been “The demonizing of Southern people is Jean-Ma rie Le Pen is Well, it appears they are now looking to slan dered, ma ligned and mis rep re sented the new dogma of the cultural Marx ists. being put on trial for just set a new pre cedent, where even claim ing by rad i cal ex trem ists.” The Confed er ate flag stands for pride in that. Though the old man knew better than that Jew ish lives are of equal value to Ken tucky: Sen ate Ma jor ity leader Mitch our his tory and defi ance in the face of the to out right deny, he did dism iss it as not non-Jew ish lives is a crimi nal act. McConnell reveal ed his true colors when ar ro gance of power!” the most im portant thing which has ever “De bates over the limits of free speech he dem anded the rem oval of the statue of happened in history , and, for that, he must have been raging in the country since our Con fed er ate Pres i dent, Jef fer son Da vis, Su preme Court is sues pay, ap par ently. ter ror ist at tacks on sa tir i cal weekly Char lie from the rotunda of the State capi tal . Davis com mu nis tic rul ings Hebdo claimed the lives of 12 people in was born in Kentucky . McConnell is The sa cred six million tale Janu ary . However , the law under which Le mar ried to a Chi nese woman. He just against Whites IBT: Pen will be prose cute d, the Gayssot Act, is barely won re-electi on by spending mil lions Justi ce Anthony Kennedy , age 78 and in “Jean-Ma rie Le Pen, founder and for mer 15 years old. to de feat a Tea Party can di date. The money poor health, joined the radi cal leftist judges leader of France’s far-right Na tional Front “The law was passed in 1990, and it came from left ist Wall Street PACs. Ginsburg, Kagan (Cohen), Breyer, all Jews; party, will appear be fore a judge for say ing makes it il le gal to deny the Ho lo caust or to Al a bama: The worst slander of all and Puerto Rican Sotomayor in rul ing that that gas chambers in con cen tra tion camps deny any of the de tails as they are de scribed came from Gover nor Robert Bentley who homos can marry. This publi cati on has were a minor detai l of World War II. In under the London Char ter of 1945. From actu ally said that the Con fed er ate flag was long held that the homo practi ce of anal sex France, it is il le gal to deny the Ho lo caust or the mom ent the law was passed, it has like the swas tika, He or dered all four flags spreads dis ease. Homos make up 64% of any of the estab li shed facts surround ing been highly contes ted by many in France, all AIDS cases and have a higher rate of Nazi crimes against hu man ity. Fail ure to a nati on whose motto, “Liberté, Egalité, Or der ex tra cop ies of ve ne real dis ease and hep a ti tis. Also, one comply with the law can carry a pen alty of Fraternité (Lib erty, Equal ity, Fra ter nity), has out of every seven that you see on TV huge fines and even jail time. Le Pen’s of ten served as an in ter na tional ral ly ing cry prancing around are infect ed with the com ments have caused a rift in his party for freedom .” The First AIDS virus. Thus, this is a health issue and and sparked broader conver sa ti ons about In a Dem oc racy, each man is di vinely not one of so-called “civil rights.” Many the tra di tion of free speech in France. endowed with the free dom to be cruci fie d Free dom opposed to homo marria ge feel that this is “In response to the charges brought for ques tion ing Jews. Help your friends shed the too “sensi ti ve” a subject to bring up but we against him, Le Pen defended his com ments “Le Pen told Agence France-Presse scales from their eyes! dis agree. The Jewish race is about 2% of by saying ‘I didn’ t talk about the num ber of Friday that he did not ‘for one mom ent’ See coupon on page 24 the popu la ti on but these three Supr eme deaths. I talked about a sys tem. I said it was re gret his rem arks.” Court Jews make up one-third of the court a de tail in the his tory of the war.’” Good on him. Let’s roll! and 60% of the ruling major it y appr oving But that’s the actual and obvi ous truth of It will be very in ter est ing to see how this same-sex mar riage. the matter . all plays out. 10 The First Freedom August 2015 — People power — P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Ala bam a 36576 At Vir ginia Beach, this flag means his tory and her i tage By Kate Mishkin We’re just flying the flag to show where hamptonroads.com we come from,” said Rob ert Bar ber, who’s Pouring rain, poli ce sancti ons and hol iday from Geor gia. He said many people having traf fic didn’ t stop the nearly 150 people shown up heard about the event through who gathered in the Conven ti on Center Facebook and word of mouth. The same parking lot Fri day night, July 3, with their group had held a sim ilar gather ing earli er Con fed er ate bat tle flags. in the week and planned to drive along the One by one, large pickups steered into Oceanfront in August. On this day, poli ce the lot, horns honking and flags waving out advise d them to stick to a route around the win dows. Peo ple wear ing Con fed er ate In ter state 264. T-shirts jumped out and gathered in groups. “It’s about our fam ili es and heri tage , all More trucks poured in, someti mes five or of us. They lost people; we lost people. We six at a time. lost family . It was all hard times,” said Tina Some sat in truck beds playing acousti c Lee. It’s not about race, she said. guitar s. Many chat ted about their plans But Malik Rodgers and Ana Gonza lez , for the night. A girl tugged on her mom’s walk ing by the Conven ti on Center , said it’s T-shirt. only about race. They know “What would happen if it were a parking “Mommy, look at that one!” she said, lot of Black people playing music ? The point ing at a flag hanging out a window . poli ce would show up. They’d get killed,” Dozens of trucks wav ing Con feder ate bat tle flags meet at Virginia Beach Con ven tion Cen ter on July 3. Many who at tended Friday’ s gather ing Rodgers said. lot. He’s lived in Vir ginia Beach his en tire Beach. Be fore they headed to their ve hi cles, said cel e brat ing the flag meant cel e brat ing Jazmine Maddox equated the flag to the life, but he’d never seen any thing like this. Chris Jones and Robert Barber led the history and heri tage , not racism. rain bow flag that cel ebrates gay pride. For “It shows a super lack of sensi ti vit y.... crowd in a prayer, asking that God bless “The hate’s com ing from not knowing her, sweet tea and guns rem ind her of home This is nothing short of provoc a ti ve, and it the ride and that no one do any thing errat ic the his tory of the flag,” Steph a nie Mizelle in Geor gia, but not like the flag does. puts of ficers in danger . They already have or harm ful. said. She said that even when people “The media pay too much at tenti on to a tough time working on the Oceanfront,” Amen respond nega ti vely, she acts gracious ly. the flag,” she said. he said. “I can’t be lieve it.” The crowd nodded, their heads bowed. “We’re not fight ing back,” she said. Joseph Fava was walking to dinner The group waited nearly two hours to “Amen,” they boomed, erupting in “I have Black friends who run the flag. when he saw the gather ing in the parking leave the lot on the pa rade around Vir ginia ap plause. In Florida, a ma jor show of de ter mined resistance On July 12, 4,500 sup port ers of on publi c buildings throughout Tell those neo-cons the game is up the Con fed er ate flag cre ated a the South. Many wore T-shirts or Get in volved with the non-vot ing spec tac u lar EIGHT-MILE con voy flew flags with slogans includ ing Ameri can Defense Party in Florida to pro test against the “Her itage not hate,” “Team com plex in Ocala. But his deci sion was Redneck” and “I’m not com ing overturne d by county leaders last month. in flam ma tory sym bol be ing taken down.” Ocala res ident and flag supporte r down. More than 1,500 pick ups, The convoy was led by a Jessica McRee, 29, accused those who mo tor cy cles and cars took part in re pro duc tion of the “Gen eral wanted to rem ove it of try ing to rewrite the event in Ocala. Lee” car used in TV show The history . “It’s just about heri tage ,” she said. Dukes of Hazzard. “I’m up set they want to rem ove a piece of The “Pride Ride” was to The term inus of the 17-mile his tory.” pa rade was changed at the last Mean while Pride Ride atten dee Bryan pro test re moval of flag Around 4,500 peo ple took part in the Florida South ern Pride Ride in Ocala, which was or ga nized to pro test the rem oval of minute to avoid a largely Black Williams told WFTV: “This is my flag. It from State buildings Confed er ate symbols from public buildings in Southern States. neigh bor hood where By Elaine O’Flynn it’s hate – and that’s your problem , not res i dents op posed the event, dailymail.co.uk mine.” accord ing to Ocala Ser geant Thousands of support ers of the Around 4,500 people – some from as far Robie Bonner. Con fed er ate flag have risen up – creat ing away as Cali for nia – took part in the protes t Po lice said sev eral shots were an eight-mile convoy of cars, motor bikes against the rem oval of Con fed er ate flags fired from an apartm ent com plex and pickups all display ing the near the Livestoc k Pavil ion con tro ver sial sym bol. where the ride started. How ever Horns blared and flags were resi dents there insis ted the shots waving from the 1,500 vehi cle s came from people taking part in taking part in Florida’s Southern the pa rade. Pride Ride on this Sunday. “They come, they watch them Pro testers against the pa rade run through on their motor cy cle s, The “Gen eral Lee” car – a repr o duc tion of the famed Dukes of fired at least six gun shots at the running red lights and throwing Hazzard ve hicle – led this Sunday’s pa rade. convoy but no one was injured, beer bot tles. The poli ce didn’ t stop them or just mean(s) this is the South flag. Nothing re ported WFTV. noth ing,” said res i dent Ja son Carter. against anybody . That’s just what I was Or ga nizer Da vid Stone, 38, Despit e the gunfire , the poli ce said the raised un der. I carry it with me all the time.” said: “That flag has a lot of event was over all peace ful. And Ocala res ident Pat Stone said: “You dif ferent meanings to a lot of In Ocala, the seat of Marion County, an can’t take this away. Next thing will be dif fer ent peo ple. It does n’t “I ain’t coming down”: Con feder ate flags bear ing de fiant ad min is tra tor had or dered the Con fed er ate our gun right. We are not going to let that sym bolize hate unles s you think slogans were flown by the parade- goers. flag be rem oved from a govern m ent hap pen.” Pow er less politicians ask me dia powers: “How high?” By Hunter Wallace those already carved into the granit e of is propos ing in Mem phis and Atlant a and to anti-South ern sen timent in the Black occidentaldissent.com Stone Mountai n. peo ple are shocked that At lanta city com munit y, and their fanning the flames Predictably, outrage ensues: “The 9-2 vote asks Gover nor Nathan coun cil men are re ceiv ing “vi o lent threats” is causing the situ a ti on to spi ral out of “The At lanta City Coun cil has passed a Deal to es tab lish a comm ittee to ex am ine by email. control . We only report the news here. We res o lu tion which calls on Geor gia’s gov er nor the pos si bil ity of add ing fa mous Geor gians In san ity see a danger ous clim ate of anti-Southern to conside r adding new faces alongside such as Dr. Marti n Luther King, Jr., or So once again, poli ti cians are pander ing hate that con tin ues to es calate. Pres iden t Jimmy Carter to the rock, which current ly bears the im ages of Con fed er ate Pres i dent One coun try says “Enough!” Jef fer son Da vis and Gen er als hungarianambiance.com im mi gra tion, tar get ing bor der re gions and Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Patriot groups gath ered last month to re cep tion camps across the country. Jack son. dem on strate against il le gal im mi gra tion at To prove that feet on the ground can get “The res o lu tion does not East ern Stati on. A few dozen global ist re sults, see next page. con tain any lan guage de mand ing agents staged a counter protes t. the rem oval of those carvings Over one thousand people already on the mountai n, though demon strated at the East ern Atlant a City Council form ally asks Governor Nathan Deal to Council man Ivory Young spoke Sta tion against il le gal im mi gra tion van dal ize Stone Moun tain. at length about his desire to see Friday after noon, July 10, 2015. the current carvings alter ed or rem oved The protes t had been or ganize d enti rely to end the glori fi ca ti on of what he by the Sixty-four Counti es Youth The First referred to as terror ists,” WSB-TV reports. Movem ent and was supporte d Here’s a swell idea: why don’t we dig up by several patri ot groups. Free dom MLK from his grave in Atlant a or go full Co-chairm an of HVIM Gyula is n’t for ev ery body. But ISIS and blow up the statue of MaoLK on György Zagyva had announced you know some one who the Na tional Mall in Wash ing ton, DC? that they would start a se ries of needs it. That’s ba si cally what the Black commu nity such gatherings against ille gal — Suddenly — The First Freedom August 2015 11 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Ala bam a 36576 For rest’s flaggers appear out of no where at Memphis By James Edwards ex pe ri ence is that ob tain ing a per mit to make a publi c show of thepoliticalcesspool.org hold a peace ful gather ing at a publi c park is force was nothing short This shocking display of hatre d could a mere for mality . You file for the per mit of in spi ra tional. not go unan swere d. In and you’re granted perm ission. As a cit izen, faith ful ser vice to the you have the right to as sem ble on publi c Real troopers Con fed er ate cav alry, my propert y with no ques tions asked. To my Fur ther more, the great-great-great-grand- knowledge, the only reason a perm it is cal i ber of peo ple was father rode with Forrest require d at all is to ensure that no other top shelf. I talked with at Shiloh. Upon reading in di vid u als or or ga ni za tions are plan ning a off-duty law of ficers, the news about their con flicting event at the same place/time. doctors and business de sire to des e crate the pro fes sion als from ev ery grave of an Ameri can Word gets out walk of life, all of whom hero his spirit rem inded Af ter making a few calls and talk ing were either holding or me of Forrest ’s own adm oni ti on to, “Get with other of ficia ls, I was convince d that wear ing a Con fed er ate there first with the most men.” I had proper author it y had been granted for the flag. or ga nized ral lies in Mem phis be fore and event to move forward. That’s not to say I felt as though they was de ter mined to do so again. were all fam ily, which But as it turned out a pro-Forrest is why those who hate rally was al ready be ing planned us can’t under sta nd our by other lo cal ac tiv ists. Instead de ter mi na tion never to of having two com peting events abandon our custom s it just made more sense to join in and sym bols. We are with those who had al ready laid in ca pa ble of for get ting some ground work and use the who we are. This is influ ence of my ra dio program to per sonal. The man him self provide support and assis t them Not ne go tia ble in turning out a larger crowd. We should alway s concern oursel ves The zeal of these peo ple in Memphis with re sults rather than get ting was de ter mined, real and un apol o getic. So credit for somethi ng. it ap pears that the re gime has finally met Eddie of fers his ser vices as an es cort. Af ter re ceiv ing a copy of all The inscri pti on on Forrest ’s the de tails I du tifu lly went to tomb reads: work. As soon as the local media Those hoof beats die not found out that I was prom oting upon fame’s crimson sod, the event I was inun date d with But will ring through her re quests for in ter views. I po litely song and her story; de clined them all, because this He fought like a Tit an and event was about Na than Bedford struck like a god, Forrest . At the event I adhered to And his dust is our ashes of this policy and kindly asked all glory. report ers to talk with those who had as sembled; they were the View from the center of the crowd ones who made the gathering so wildly that DHS didn’ t possess a bit of ana ly ti cal successful. prowess. Our own resea rch confirm ed that The media, however , were not the only more than 200 people had shared my blurb The crowd was so sprawling that it was impos si ble to cap ture ones to get in touch with me. Curiously, I about the rally to their Facebook pages. ev ery one in a sin gle shot. Proud South erners are shown here stand ing in front of the mon um ent. was con tacted by a de tective with the Based upon that fact and the num ber of emails I was re ceiv ing it did some resis tance. It would sure seem that appear as though atten dance was way, as the Southern upris ing that erupted going to be high, but since there two weeks ear lier had fur ther was no charge to come and no strengthened in force since then. obli gati on to RSVP, even we had In the mean time there had been no idea how many to expect . nearly one hun dred spon ta ne ous By Sunday morning, July 12, Con fed er ate flag ral lies, in to tal the day of the fes tivi ti es, I had no having drawn tens of thousands idea what to an tici pate at For rest of people from all our States Park, didn’ t know whether law across the South. enforce m ent was going to shut Think 500 in Mem phis was a the event down, if a flash mob nice crowd? While we were would be present or I’d be met holding our rally al most five by no more than a handful of thou sand peo ple had par tic i pated core sup port ers. in the “Florida Southern Pride Ride,” this accord ing to poli ce Or derly but re solved es tim ates. Events like these are Thankfull y, nothing of the happen ing all across Dixie and kind happened. Of ficers were on show no signs of slowing. hand for se curit y, but they were There’s a lot of bad news out gra cious and pro fes sional. There there, but we must not let the were also more than 100 people media frame our per cep tion. In with Confed er ate flags on the ad di tion to the grass roots re bel lion ground al ready an hour before we current ly see rising up all the sched uled start time. By 2:00 around us we must not lose sight Another view from the side of the crowd, which PM, a le git i mately con ser va tive of the fact that the Gover nor of ex tended beyond the reach of my camera es tim ate had the crowd size at Ten nes see has is sued an of fi cial Mem phis Po lice De part ment’s branch of upwards of 500. One person claimed it to proc la ma tion de clar ing July 13, Fes tiv i ties in cluded a flag pa rade, proc la ma tions, mu sic, the Office of Homeland Se cu rity. He was be 600. 2015, to be Nathan Bedford wreath-lay ing and a 21-gun salute! courte ous, but conveye d to me that there When I had last spoken with the event For rest Day. And, while the flag came had suddenly arisen a problem concern ing or ga niz ers I was told they were ex pect ing a down in Colum bia, South Carolina, it went the perm it for the event. Appar entl y, DHS crowd of 150 people and any addi ti onal up in Ocala, Florida, where the Marion OLD SOUTH had been moni tor ing our “socia l media folks I could turn out would be appre ci ate d. County Com mis sion voted unan i mously GENERAL STORE AND PAWN SHOP Weogufka, AL CSA 35183 (256)249-9100 pres ence” and sur mised that we were due I’d say we an swered the bell. I had the last month to restore the Confed er ate flag Cash Loans $1.75 lb. to turn out a much larger crowd than was privi lege of being approache d by a at its gov ern men tal com plex. Pawn · Buy Farm Raised Sell · Trade “You Catch” origi nall y expect ed. Told to cease further seemingly end less stream of listen ers, Catfish Per ma nent things Guns · Tools Confed er ate prom oti on of the event on my program and some of whom I had met be fore, but most Electr onics Shirts, Caps website, I was persuaded to comply. of whom I had the honor of meet ing for the We should maintai n hope that one day Jew elry Belt Buckles All 6 flags first time. One young man told me that he our people will turn and fight, and we must Knives · Ammo · Bumper Stick ers · Bev er ages · To bacco Why the con cern? had driven more than ten hours just to be find a way to channel this current ener gy Building erected in 1853 Let me be clear when I say that I have a there. Sev eral oth ers had also come in from into some thing sus tain able lest it be come Lloyd Caperton @ Facebook – [email protected] Treasur er, Ala bam a League of the South great deal of re spect for the badge. My out of State. If I had been allowe d to nothing more than a mom entar y re coil to fa ther worked as a po lice of fi cer be fore pro ceed un en cum bered with my orig i nally the in ces sant at tacks against our cultural Zi on ism is Com mu nism transfer ring to the fire depart ment where in tended pro mo tional cam paign I cer tainly her itage. If America is to re claim her By Sena tor Jack Tenney, once head of Cal ifor nia he later re tired as a Cap tain. The agent that feel as though a crowd of 750 or even desti ny, she must first look South. Unti l Un-Amer i can Ac tiv i ties Com mit tee. Stud ies Zi on ism I spoke to was very courte ous, but I can’t 1,000 might have attende d. then, please enjoy these picture s that I took and finds that it is another form of Com munism . 82 pages, $8 PPD help wonder ing what re ally prompted Re gard less, in to day’s po lit i cal cli mate on Sunday. They are, after all, worth a Truth at Last Books their inter est. Having done this be fore, my to see that many men, women and chil dren thou sand words. P. O. Box 1211, Marietta, GA 30061 12 The First Freedom August 2015 — When will we ever learn? — P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Ala bam a 36576 Cuckfederates under siege in Richmond By Hunter Wallace calls the Neo-Con fed er ate move ment. “It’s nur tured anti-rac ism, so cial jus tice and occidentaldissent.com pretty upfront.” multi cul tur al ism within the South ern Ever since Dylann Roof’s her i tage com mu nity. shooting spree in Charleston, In step with the ZOG Somewhere be tween 1970 and 2000, a I have been waiting for the The SCV frequentl y denounces hate gen er a tion of South ern ers bought into the news cycle to slow down a groups and racism , but crit ics said the prepos ter ous noti on that the arm ies of the bit so that I can write some or gani za ti on has not done enough to keep his tor i cal Con fed er acy were filled by longer , more thoughtful those ele m ents from its ranks.* At the legions of Black Confed er ate s, who nobly ar ti cles about ev ery thing protes t near the hotel on Sat urday , July 11, fought un der the Con fed er ate bat tle flag that has tran spired in re cent dem onstra tors held a banner that said: against Abra ham Lincoln and the racist weeks. “Why is the Hilton Ho tel wel coming Union Army to end slavery and cre ate a As this will likely go down White su prem a cists?” multicul tura l utopia. In the words of Gary as a wa ter shed mo ment in Appar entl y, SJWs felt that the Sons of Carlyle, Al a bama Di vi sion Com mander of his tory, there is a lot that Con fed er ate Vet er ans were n’t com mit ted the Sons of Con fed er ate Vet er ans, “Where needs to be said about the Your heri tage is hated enough to advanc ing their cause of civil is the unity, tol erance and togeth er ness in self-styled Her i tage move ment. In heri tage fiasc o unfold in my own back yard rights, so cial jus tice and erad i cat ing deny ing free speech to those who wish to par ticu lar, I have watched Ben “Cooter” in Union Springs, Al abam a, where the racism , and had or ganize d on Facebook to honor their fore fa thers? He brew, Amer i can Jones, Chief of Her itage Oper a ti ons at the State Divi sion of the Sons of Confed er ate pres sure the ho tel to can cel the SCV’s In dian, Af ri can Amer i can, His panic, SCV, im po tently de cry “rac ism” and “hate Veter ans came to town, did a com prom ise na tional con ven tion. Pro test ers were asked Ameri can Cuban and many others along groups” about half a dozen times now on that allowe d the flags to be placed in the to call Hilton cor porat e headquar ter s and with many ‘Whites’ who accept ed their FOX News. The Sons of Confed er ate cem etery for only one week, praised the urge the chain to “cut ties with the SCV, re spon si bil ity to main tain lib erty are Veter ans have been in a frenzy to fight lead er ship of the Black mayor and Black which em braces and glori fie s the history of worthy to be recog nize d and honored.” “hate” and have is sued press re lease af ter major it y city council who had rem oved slavery and rac ist vio lenc e in the South. press relea se condem ning the KKK, Con fed er ate Bat tle Flags from Con fed er ate Orga ni za tions like the SCV make Black Much “Haloo!” for noth ing church burnings, racism , etc. In fact, the graves, condem ned the Ala bam a Flaggers people feel hated, unsafe and unsee n in Cuckfederates spent the last twenty group has even gone so far as to say, “We and quashed the smolder ing re sent ment their com mu ni ties.” years spreading this kind of disin gen u ous go up against hate groups even more so that had arisen over the issue, re turning Despit e many years of try ing to appeas e propa ganda on the internet. It has never than those who seek to repu di ate the home to congrat ulat e them selves on their this beast, it seems likely that the made the slight est im pression on our Me mo rial Con fed er ate Ban ner.” huge vic tory. Cuckfederates of the Sons of Confed er ate ene m ies who despis e the Southern cause as With all that in mind, the Sons of Veter ans are about to be labeled a “hate much as ever, es pe cially now that they smell March ing to a new drumbeat Con fed er ate Vet er ans were hav ing their group” and cast beyond the pale of blood in the water , but it has succee ded in In the weeks be fore the Charleston annual conven ti on last month at the “re spect able so ciety ,” and that this will “soft en ing us up” and un der min ing our shooting, the Ala bam a and Vir ginia Doubletree Hilton in subur ban Richm ond, mark the end of the Heri tage movem ent as abil ity to morall y defend and pre serve the Divi sions of the Sons of Confed er ate so pardon me for engag ing in some well we have known it. In nature , a “cuckold” is legacy of our ances tors. The ubiqui tous Vet er ans were pre oc cu pied con demn ing de served schadenfreude: a male who “unwit tingly invest s paren tal slo gan “Her itage, Not Hate,” which was two flagging groups – the Al abam a “Pro test ers have tar geted the con ven tion’s ef fort in offspring that are not genet i cal ly never used by Con fed er ate vet er ans, Flaggers and the Vir ginia Flaggers. I still hotel – the DoubleTree by Hilton Richm ond- his own.” Thus, the term “Cuckfederate” is framed their cause in such a way that one rem em ber how two years ago the SCV Midlothian – asking manage m ent to cancel an ac curat e la bel for those who have long lone fa natic was able to suc cess fully de fine joined forces with the NAACP to protes t the SCV group’s res erva ti on. At midday *Actu ally , the SCV has gone much further , tak ing a the Her i tage move ment. the Klan in Memph is af ter the Black Sat ur day, as lo cal SCV mem bers were lesson even from Abra ham Lincoln when causing the For tu nately, it seems like we are at the major it y city council voted to renam e three dis trib ut ing Con fed er ate bat tle flags at the ar rest of The First Freedom ’s edi tor which resulte d end of an era. Af ter all this is over, even if in his day in jail. TFF appeale d, SCV Com mander Con fed er ate parks in clud ing For rest Park Hanover Tom ato Festi val, a handful of and law yer Al Cobb countersuing against the national they follow through on their vows on where Na than Bedford Forrest is buried. Richm ond resi dents staged an anti-SCV SCV leader ship and its two arrest ing cops, winning Facebook to protes t the Klan in Colum bia, Now, the same Black mayor and Black protes t next to the DoubleTree’s sign on the case in fed eral court be fore a jury, which panel I doubt the Cuckfederacy will rise again. It major it y city council want to tear down his Midlothian Turnpike… agreed with the los ers, how ever, that TFF is “rac ist” just couldn’ t conti nue to be tol erate d in a and, fol low ing three days of de lib er a tions, pe nal ized statue and dig up his grave. “The mask is slipping,” said Sebesta, both cops $1 each on four counts which they have yet world that is stri dently anti-White, anti- Back in May, I watched a South ern who has authored several books on what he to pay (see www.firstfreedom.net/9.htm). Southern and anti-Christi an. No body wants to talk about the rea son By Gregory Kay We all know the result s; Southern ers ago and has been waging it ever since. out-and-out war Blacks are waging on gregmkay@ya hoo.com abruptly found them selves fighting bat tles If you look at his mani fest o (assum ing Whites, from random attac ks and beatings Between the on going cul tural genocide on a hundred dif ferent fronts as the country he’s ac tuall y the one who wrote it) and in the streets which are never con sid ered of our Southern Race, the explodes in an orgy of forced poli ti cal lis ten to the sur viv ing wit ness state ments, “hate crimes” regard less of who applies Suprem e Court’s deci sion cor rect ness; cor po ra tions, ce leb ri ties, this be lief in stantly be comes clear. that double- standard to the tar geting of mandat ing the equalit y of the heads of some of our own Southern The press would have us think Dylann White people by Negroes for rape and perver s ion with norm alcy her i tage or ga ni za tions and other Roof shot those people be cause he is a mur der simply be cause of their race. and the Repub l ica n trait ors cowards run squeal ing, yapping, and rac ist, but that’s not re ally the case. Like in Con gress handing over a slobber ing like scalded dogs. many Southern ers, he had some Black Hu mil ity not hate massive amount of power There seems to be lit tle doubt the friends, as per the old adage about Dixie’s Somethi ng in the neighbor hood of 450 to Obama in a bill that we federal govern m ent is heavily involved atti tude to ward Ne groes: “We love them as Whites die at the hands of Blacks every were not allowed to see before hand, I’m from start to finish, and, even if they didn’ t indi vid u als but despis e them as a group.” year – over one a day – and Blacks rape in sure there will be much written on those di rectly and de lib er ately in flu ence this If his mani fest o is genu ine, this was his exces s of 30,000 White women annu all y: sub jects be cause they’re what ev ery body is troubled young man, stood certai nly ready own way of thinking. Roof was not your that’s alm ost four in stances each and ev ery talking about. Inste ad, I’m going to take on and waiting to take insta nt advan tage of it. run-of-the-mill “White su prem a cist.” While hour of Blacks raping Whites! Roof’s body a topic that few people apparently wish to Every body has an opinion and is ea ger to disli king Blacks and Hispan ics as groups, count pales in com pari son, and yet we see touch: Dylann Roof’s rea son for doing express it, even if it’s a nonsen si cal denial he express ed great adm ira ti on for Asians, no outrage or marches, not a govern m ent what he did. that anythi ng actu all y hap pened at all, just and felt they were nat u ral al lies of White commit tee or call for ac tion: only si lence. as there is af ter ev ery mass mur der. That’s peo ple. Putt ing it all to gether, that in di cates Dylann Roof, like many others, felt the Item B022 not the subject here; it’s what made Dylann the moti vator was not racism , but rather a outrage; yet, unli ke most of us, he broke Did Six Million Re ally Die? Roof enter a Negro church and open fire. response to his percei ved – and in fact a the con spir acy of si lence by di rect ac tion. I By Rich ard Harwood I’m not condon ing his methods; there’s no very real – threat. do regret his tar get, but cannot condem n The most con tro ver sial and “ex pen sive” excuse for slaughter ing a church full of the man; I can’t, and neither can most of us lit tle Eng lish lan guage pub li ca tion printed people, even if the AME Church has now An act of des per a tion if we’re honest with oursel ves, be cause we in modern times; mil lions of words have report edly becom e less a house of worship This troubled young man saw his people see the same things he saw happening to condem ned and praised this booklet . More and more of a centra l com mand for the being marginalized in their own country , our people, feel the same rage he did about mil lions of dollar s have been spent on both Black power movem ent, or for deli ber ate ly both in terms of poli ti cal power and as it. This sense of indig na ti on may lie bur ied sides in lit iga tion as the re sult of the two choos ing in no cent peo ple as tar gets, even num bers, due to the insane coddli ng and deep inside where nobody can see, but ma jor Zündel Ho lo caust Tri als. Any body when there are so many ob viously guilty ele vat ing of Blacks and to the de liber ate we’d be li ars to deny its pres ence, and who wants to study the ones. The Black Panther s call ing for the filling up of the U. S. in general and the fools to beli eve this young man will be the fun da men tal ar gu ments slaughter of White women and chil dren oc cu pied Con fed er ate States with ra cial last to strike out in desper a ti on at what our of Re vi sion ism should com es im medi ate ly to mind, and I suspect and cul tural (of ten crimi nal) aliens from re con structed “rep re sen ta tives” never dare start here! many of us would have applaude d if he had Latin America . Further , he observed the touch. Large-format, 30 page chosen that one. Rather, I want to explai n The media say he meant to start a race sad dle-stitched book let why this young man did it. war, but that is not the case; he wanted to $12.00 Wanted show his peo ple that the race war al ready Post age and handli ng His pro pen si ties under way has been raging for a long, long – U. S. Custom ers only: Roof had some mental problem s; no time, and that White people, pushed to the You are on the honors system ; please be questi on; you can tell the boy isn’ t right Think ers brink, are begin ning to real ize it. Once they gen er ous. just by looking at him! But being mad start talking about it and decide to push Foreign Countri es: Please add $3 to get does n’t mean he lacked in telli gence. One Sur vi vors back, I predict the Negroes along with their air mail de liv ery. thing about it, he had seen what the vast The First Freedom is spread ing “hate!” whine Jew ish, po lit i cal and cor po rate han dlers Send to: Ingrid Rimland Zündel, Ed.D. major it y of White people in general and those who misap prehend us sur vi vors. It’s really who incited and facilitated this war will out of pity that we try so hard to de-pro gram the 2869 Hatcher Mountai n Road South ern ers in par tic u lar miss; the fact that brain washed. Order a box of 100 extra copies for deeply regret it. Sevierville, TN 37862 the Black Race de clared war on us years $35 or $40 on page 24 and help dis tribute the truth. Or at least the sur vi vors will. — Sailor take warning — The First Freedom August 2015 13 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Ala bam a 36576 Po lit i cal cor rect ness at sea By Lt. Col o nel Don ald Sullivan (Ret) How they get all that food and water on and the Car ni val Cruise Lines was touting the ar gum ent that his being a na tive of [email protected] board ship and keep it fresh I will never their succes s. However , being sworn to South Afric a should make him well aware Some may un dersta nd the subject of know. So it was looking good that first day. muteness, I conti nued to bite my tongue, of the result of enabli ng and encour ag ing this arti cle; some may be of fended; others look “straight” ahead and mind my own mixing of the races and making it seem as it might find a cer tain level of in cre du lity that Next morn ing busi ness. if were OK, he responded that his “hands someone in this modern and enli ghtened By the second day, however , I began to By the time Monday evening came were tied” and that he needed his job. world would enter tain the preju dice s noti ce things. First, I re alize d that none, or around, my wife and I had decide d to (HOW MANY TIMES HAVE WE exhib it ed by the author of this piece; but very few, of the wait or house staff were attend a cel ebra tion in the ship’s the ater, HEARD THAT ONE?) He then adm it ted I felt a driving need to write about my Ameri cans. A few were White, from other the Universe Lounge, of Motown and that he had not lived in South Afric a for expe ri ence s on the high seas last month countri es; and the ones with whom we Brit ish In va sion mu sic, that be ing the over twelve years for obvi ous rea sons. I when my wife and I took our first vaca ti on per son ally in ter acted spoke fairly good music of our gener a ti on and loved by all. told him I would be writ ing a report for cruise togethe r. (She’s been on two Engli sh. The major it y, however , did not Motown came first with an out standing pub li ca tion in a na tional news pa per on my previ ously , and I fi nally took the plunge speak Engli sh and were non-White, mostly re vue spear headed by a Black cou ple who dis sat is fac tion with Car ni val’s sup port of against my better judg ment.) Asian, Middle East ern and Indian. The could reall y knock out the hits. The other this un ac cept able be hav ior and re minded We were pas sen gers on the Car ni val ship’s oper a ti ons crew appeare d not to be six per form ers, three male and three fe male, him that the vast ma jor ity of his cus tomers Cruise Lines ship Fan tasy for one week of Ameri cans, and about half were Cau casian. provided well-rehears ed backup. It was were het ero sex ual, White Eu ro pean fun-in-the-sun togethe r, away from news, I never saw the Cap tain, Stefano Batinelli, ex cel lent en ter tain ment with bril liant Amer i cans who are still, by and large, com puters, cell phones, chil dren, fam ily but from his accent I assum ed he was scenery and period costum es. offende d by both the “GBLT” lifesty le and dynam ics, cooking and yard work. I think southern Italian. The major it y of the race-mix ing, as are the Negro es. Why, she was looking forward to it – I was not. en ter tain ment staff were Eng lish-speak ing Change then, run the risk of of fending the major it y I’m always on a va cation of sorts, free to Amer i can and Cau ca sian. The cruise Then, the Bea tles, Stones, Hollies and just to pla cate the mino r ity? The truth is, battl e the govern m ent twenty-four hours a di rec tor, Jacques de Lancie, was himself a Trogs were em ulat ed by the same group. the major it y is afraid to say anythi ng about day with meals pre pared, clothes washed, White Af ri can-Amer i can Boer from South The prob lem was, this time the male lead it; and every body knows it. beds made, house cleaned and my recliner Afric a and spoke with a very inter est ing singer was the same Black buck who had The net re sult is that Car ni val Cruise handy. I can even mow the grass, paint Eng lish ac cent. I think Car ni val is reg is tered done such a good job with Motown (but Lines will prob a bly con tinue pro mot ing fences or cut fire wood any time I want to as in Pan ama. there weren’ t any Black Beatles, Stones, its agenda (it might be in ter est ing to find long as I can get a break from the internet, Sunday was the first day we re ally got Holli es or Trogs) paired up with a blonde, out just who owns Carni val) , and White, the word proces sor, the cell phone and the out on the decks to explore , and that was blue-eyed and fair, White lead singer het ero sex ual Amer i cans will pre tend it court room. My favor it e place to be is in when the re al ity check hit me. Most of the (à la Dennis Rodman and Madonna). My doesn’ t bother them, thereby enabli ng that my own yard, protec ted from the things I pas sen gers were Cau ca sian-Amer i can with wife and I watched as long as we could, agenda by their silenc e while usher ing in cannot toler ate in the “real” world, things a few Asians and Ne groes. The per cent age an tic i pat ing the mo ment when the grop ing their own de struc tion. The un nat u ral and like queers, mixed breeds, in ter mar riages, of Black-White mixed cou ples was amazing, and smooch ing would be come in tol er a ble, un godly, ab er rant be hav ior of fends me, il le gal aliens, gov ern ment em ploy ees, mostly Black males with White fe males, unti l fi nally we had to walk out. I don’t and I will conti nue to resis t by any means Eng lish-as-a-sec ond-lan guage and the like, but a few the other way around. I was know if others walked out, but I was told avail able when it is put in my face. As I you know. But I was feeling guilty about most disguste d by the num ber of creamy later that we were not the only ones who said before, I try very hard to avoid putting not spending enough “qualit y” time with chil dren tagging along with them, not were of fended by the per for mance, Black mysel f into sit ua ti ons where I may have my wife, so I gave her a cruise for her becaus e they were brown-skinned, but and White. this type of con flict; but I am deter mined to birthday that we could be alone togethe r becaus e I know that Deuter onom y 23:2 in Enough face it when I am forced to. I be lieve those with out those nor mal dis trac tions. my Holy Bi ble con demns them all to a life The next morning, I took my blinders who look the other way and enable such of sepa ra ti on from the assem bly of the off and stopped bit ing my tongue. I went to behav ior will be punishe d more se verely Big mistak e Lord God for ten gener a ti ons. This is the Guest Service s to inform them of my being on Judgm ent Day than those who were After having one heck of a time get ting pun ish ment in duced by ig no rant par ents more than a lit tle “of fended” by their open en gag ing in it. through the maze at Charleston Harbor and on these oth er wise in no cent chil dren. Their support of the queer lifesty le and putt ing finding the correct place to park our Ford sin is not for givable : It is bound on earth their race-mix ing agenda in my face. The “Toler ance” has its limits Excur sion, we queued up for “em barka ti on.” and in heaven by genet ics . Every where I cruise agent who took my infor m ati on was Yes, I guess I am a rac ist, in as much as I I had to get my picture taken by who went, they were there. My blinders didn’ t a very knowledge able Cauca sia n girl from be lieve the races were cre ated sep a rately, knows whom just to board the ship. I didn’ t help, and my tongue bled. Ukraine. She under stood my concerns with the Cau ca sians be ing cre ated last by like that. Didn’ t need a passport, since we (said it would not be tol erate d in Ukraine) the Lord God, and that they should stay were on an out-and-back to Nassau, the In your face and as sured me a se nior staff mem ber that way. I have no ani m osit y towards Baha m as; but picture ID was re quired, or Then it got worse when, on Monday , I would get the message . Five minutes later, others, re gardles s of their skin color, or birth cer tif icate, and they still had to take looked at the daily “Funtimes” schedul ing Jacques de Lancie, the cruise di rec tor, their sex ual pref er ence, as long as it is not our pic tures. I had agreed be forehand to pam phlet which detai led all the “fun” things called my state room to discuss my re port. pushed into my face forc ing me to have to wear blinders, bite my tongue a lot, and we could do on board each day. It’s a re ally We talked for some thirty minutes about deal with it. I draw the line at in ter ra cial just re lax and have a good time. After all, I handy map to the ship’s enter tainm ent, these two issues, and I em phasiz ed how couples for the dam age it does to their was on va cati on; and it was Sat urday , the events, etc., and helps one plan his cruise in ap pro pri ate the be hav ior of the per form ers chil dren and pos ter ity and queers who can’t first day. day to get the maxi m um bene fit from his was during the Brit ish segm ent of the show keep it to themselve s. By ad ver tis ing their Getti ng to our state room was easy: The time on board. Unfor tu nate ly, as I pe rused and how the gratu it ous listing of the curse, they invit e the punish m ent of death luggage was there waiting. It contai ned a the many op por tu ni ties for fun-on-the- “GBLT” gather ing on the publi c forum decree d by the scripture s. I will not go sat elli te TV, phone, king bed, pri vate bath Fantas y, I stum bled upon this: “9:15 P, was not only unnec es sary but was also si lently into the night. w/shower and a large window on the GBLT Gath er ing – Ma jes tic Bar – 9Aft.” pan der ing. For the same rea son that I do not shop in ocean. I learned there were about 2,600 Initially , I was hop ing that the ini tials stood His excuse was that both the “Funtimes” Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Family Dollar , etc., this passen gers on board with a crew of 880. for somethi ng quite inno cent , since it is sched ule and the mu si cal per for mance was my first and last cruise vaca tion. I We had plenty of sun and good weather all usu ally pre sented as “LBGT” in this were the work of Carni val headquar ter s know not what course others may take, but week, all the ice cream and lemon ade we coun try; but, af ter calling “Guest Ser vices,” and not the staff on the ship, that he had no as for me and my house, we will not sail on could consum e and endles s food opti ons. I learned the truth: They were among us, control over it. When I pressed him, using Car ni val Cruise Lines ever again. Ala bama flag company swamped with or ders By Marcus Cicero Confed er ate flag erupted… the owner of a stars. Those are really labor in ten sive occidentaldissent.com Huntsville flag com pany said her busi ness and it takes a long time. We’re still be ing On top of this wonder ful news, polls would make the flags even if no one else flooded with orders for those. We’re have re peat edly dem on strated that folks would. And that’s appar entl y hap pened. getti ng tons of oversea s orders. We’re still harbor major it y support for the iconic “‘I’m not aware of another com pany in go ing as fast as we can.’” sym bol. the United States mak ing these flags,’ said One should do all he can to obtai n a A flag-making com pany in the Al abam a Belinda Kennedy , owner of Al abam a Flag Con fed er ate battle flag, as there is little city of Huntsville has announced in a & Banner , in an inter view with AL.com. that angers the ene m ies of tra diti onal soul-warm ing in ter view that de mand for “‘We are get ting ab so lutely swamped,’ blood and culture more than the banner sym bols of the Con fed er acy has reached an Ken nedy said. ‘It’s let up a lit tle but what of Southern defiance. all-time high, proving that love and pride we’re find ing is that peo ple still want the Take heart from the story of Belinda Ms. Kennedy explains that de mand has forced the for the South still holds strong. re ally pretty ones that are more like a piece Kennedy , and stand proud against those tem porary shelving of hand-sewn flags in favor of a Accord ing to Belinda Kennedy , owner of art with sewn stripes and the appliqué who wish us to be broken and de stroyed. faster as sem bly-line pro cess. of Ala bama Flag & Ban ner, requests from across the world have left her staff swamped, in creas ing the wait time for new Federal govern ment as an ideal orders. shnv.blogspot.com “Fed eral gov ern ment as a prin ciple, as an Con fed er ate States, do or dain and es tab lish Re ac tion ar ies “I wish, however , to enter my protes t ideal, was not at stake, but only a parti cu lar this Consti tuti on ‘in order to from a more De spite mon u men tal sup port from all against that in ter pre ta tion of Amer i can form of federal govern m ent. per ma nent fed eral gov ern ment.’ quar ters, Ken nedy also claims that ha tred history that would make the Southern States “The first paragraph of the Consti tuti on “Scru tinize these two para graphs as you from en e mies has in creased ex po nen tially, the anvil on which federal govern m ent of the United States de clares that we, the will, the advan tage for federal govern m ent with crude ver bal at tacks from Jews, wrought out its greatest victory . This people of the United States, do ordain and as an ideal does not lie with the first.” Marx ists, Lib er als, and di ver sity-ad dicted wide spread mis con cep tion of our his tory es tab lish this Con sti tu tion “’in or der to – Our Her i tage of Ide al ism, by Neo-Con ser va tives pour ing in dur ing the implies that there were two sec tions in the form a more per fect union .’ C. Alphonso Smith, Address last few weeks. United States, one seeking to uphold federal “The first paragraph of the Consti tuti on (ex cerpt) de liv ered at the AL.com: govern m ent, the other to overthrow it. That of the Con fed er ate States of Amer ica Univer sit y of South Carolina “When the contro versy over the is not true. de clares that we, the peo ple of the Jan u ary 11, 1912) 14 The First Freedom August 2015 — 150 years of subjugation — P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Ala bam a 36576 Cen sored de tails of the South ern Holo caust Part 6 Here continues the un told story infam y. [Here Marx was re ferring to the regu lat ed free dom on the other. In same enem y – Athe ists, So cialist Marx ist of our Southern Ho lo caust, truths as sas si na tion of Lin coln by John Wilkes one word, the world is the bat tle Com mu nists and Zi on ists! Booth (14 April 1865), which he viewed as ground, Christi anit y and Athe ists the court histo ri ans agree never to Me mo rial men tion, facts un taught in “pub lic just one more plot by evil slavehold ers.] As the com batants , and the progress of Philip II’s War for the Inqui si ti on bred a hum anit y the stake. [The Col lected More than 250,000 ed u ca tion” cen ters. Gerard, thus Jef ferson Davis’ pro-slavery Writ ings of James Henley Thornwell, South ern ci vil ians By John Peeples war bred a Booth.” Marx conti nued his Volume 4, pages 405-406] suf fered and perishe d firstfreedom.net ad dress to Pres i dent John son plead ing at the hands of the COMMUNISTS SEEK REVENGE: with him to use his new found powers to The ac tual re bels Fed eral in vader. That “uproot by law what has been felled by the To day we face the iden tical en emy our many were mur dered Re con struct the South sword, to preside over the ardu ous work Con fed er ate an ces tors faced, the same be tween the years of It is impo r tant to note the state ment of of po lit i cal re con struc tion and so cial satani c monste rs from the pits of hell who 1861 and 1877. Karl Marx at the conclu sion of Lincoln’ s re gen er a tion… [T]o ini tiate the new era autho riz ed and carrie d out their scorched It is our duty and War: “Af ter the Civil War phase, the United of eman ci pa tion of la bor, the Amer ican earth cam paign throughout the South. Yes, priv i lege to for ward States is only now enter ing the revo lu ti onary peo ple de vel oped the re spon si bil i ties of we are talk ing about meg a lo ma ni acs like the color s with the phase.” Fel low trav eler Guiseppe Mazzini leader ship upon two men of labor – the one Lincoln, Grant, Sherman and Sheridan – sword of truth and – if neces sary – the at that time address ing Lincoln: “You have Abraham Lincoln and the other Andrew whose na ture is to kill and de stroy. That sword of bat tle. done more for us in four years than fifty John son.” When call ing for “eman ci pa tion evil, sick sa dis tic at titud e of the sa tanic “…raise at once the Black Flag, no years of teaching, preaching and writ ing by of la bor,” Karl Marx was prom oting world forces in Cesspool, DC, has not changed. If quarter to the vio la tors of our homes and your Euro pean brothers have been able to Com mu nism by us ing the In ter na tional anythi ng, their ha tred towards the South, fire sides.” do!” Work ers Or ga ni za tion which claimed to be es pe cially “tra di tional” South ern ers, has – Gen. Thomas J. “Stone wall” Jack son Mazzini, like his compa tri ots Mo ses serving the working class. He co-authored in ten si fied. His tory well proves that these (May 1861) Hess (founder of Zion ism ) and Marx, had the consti tuti on of the IWO with Giuseppi In ter na tional So cial ists have no qualms FIGHTING worked twenty years toward fom enting the Mazzini. Marx in sisted that the South had about conduct ing many a scorched earth TERRORISM-COMMUNISM de struc tion of Eu rope’s tra di tional Na tions fought only for slavery and that the act of cam paign against those at home and SINCE 1861 and reli gions with their creati ons of the se ces sion was trea son, there fore the South abroad who re sist the ZOG’s worldwide To conclude this serie s on our South’s Young Eu rope move ments, Com mu nism had to be re con structed, his words al most agenda, a New World Or der, a One World 150 years of sub ju gati on, let me refer you and Zi on ism. Mazzini praised his Ameri can iden ti cal with what the po lit i cally-cor rect Gov ern ment! to some furthe r readi ng mate ri a ls: op er a tives for the cen tral iza tion of Na tions. left and neo-Conser va ti ve right – both of Con fed er ate States of Amer ica Pres i dent § War Crimes Against South ern Civilians Read this again, and let it soak in. them So cial ist/Com mu nist – are say ing at Jef ferson Davis in his April 1865 closing § South Carolina Civilians in Sherman’s Upon the death of Lincoln, Karl Marx pres ent. speech ad mon ishes, Path – Stories of Courage Amid Civil War ad dressed a letter to U. S. Pres ident An drew As early as 1850, noted Presby te ria n To the People of the Confed er ate Destruction Johnson in which he railed against the theolo gian and staunch defender of the States of Amer ica… let us meet the § Transfer of Power: The War of 1861, by defeat ed South and encour aged Johnson to Con fed er acy James Henley Thornwell of foe with fresh de fi ance, un con quered Elliott Germain punish and “recon struc t” that region. His South Carolina (1812-1862) had discerne d and un con quer able hearts. § Lincoln’s Marxists, by Al Benson, Jr., vit ri olic ha tred for the South was clearly the real cause of the South’s fierce con flict. Even after spending two years in prison and Walter D. Kennedy (new release). display ed in the first paragraph: “The He wrote, with no trial, Jef ferson Davis re fused a Benson and Kennedy previously wrote demon of the ‘pe cu liar in sti tu tion,’ for The par ties in this con flict are not pardon, never apolo gize d, never changed Red Republicans and Lincoln’s Marxists which the suprem acy of the South rose in merely ab o li tion ists and slave hold ers; his mind, and wrote a book explai ning why (2008). arms, would not al low his worship pers to they are Athe ists, So cial ist, Com mu nist, he had no reason to do so (The Rise and Deo vindice honor ably succum b on the open field. Red Re pub li cans, Jac o bins on the Fall of the Con fed er ate Gov ern ment). John Peeples What he be gan in treason, he must end in one side, and friends of order and To day we are fight ing the same war, the Un re con structed South erner Attack on Con fed er ate flag is at tack on White Race By Dr. Patrick Slattery in the Iraq and Afghan i sta n wars, even fight ing to protec t slavery or to end slavery . davidduke.com though we under sta nd those were wars for So I think it is just as wrong to insis t on White people, just like every Israel . But, to the vet erans who fought in taking down the Confed er ate flag or statues other race, were n’t born yester day. all such wars, they were about pre serv ing of Confed er ate leaders as it would be to We share a long history with all Ameri can freedom. The same with the in sist on re mov ing all the me mo ri als to the other people on earth, and Vietnam War, the Ko rean War, the World those who fought in our other wars – wars that history , hum an his tory, Wars – all wars that I think America should that I don’t think should have been fought include s slavery . It include s not have been involved in. Still, I would and that I don’t think were ul ti mately for a des po tism. It in cludes con quest. not call for tearing down mem ori als to good cause. But it also in cludes beauty and these vet er ans. I re spect the feel ings of learning and all sorts of achieve- those, or the loved ones or desce ndants of Get ting past the diver sions ments. And it is so hypo cri ti cal those, who made the sacrifices. The Con fed er ate flag con tro versy is an for the Zio media and Zio elites Now, The Civil War was about much attack on that seg ment of Amer icans who to denounce Whites for slavery while of Washing ton and Lee Uni versit y in more than slavery – there were huge iden tify with it as part of their her itage, and ignor ing the his torie s of all other peoples Vir ginia, one of the top small college s in eco nomic, po lit i cal, and con sti tu tional should be viewed as part of a greater attack who prac ticed slav ery, just as it is also the country . (It’s football team fight song is issues at stake, although slavery was on the moral e of Euro pean Ameri cas by a hyp o crit i cal to ig nore the great con tri bu tions a jazz stan dard, by the way.) Lee High way in ter twined with these is sues. But, for the Zio elite that wants to de mor al ize us and made to civ i li za tion by Eu ro pe ans while stretches from New York to Cali for nia. vast major it y of those who fought in the marginalize us as it ulti mately seeks to set ting aside en tire months to glorify the You and I honor the sol diers who fought war, and for their fami lies, they were not re place us. contri buti ons of other races. (Of course, Black His tory Month it self is as much about den i grat ing Whites as glo ri fy ing League puts skeer on ’em at Birmingham Blacks.) By William Flow ers Bir ming ham, Al abam a, on Sat ur day, July be half of to day’s South ern Na tion al ist And our heroes williamflowers.wordpress.com 18, 2015. The event was or ganize d after Movem ent, along with fel low League Robert E. Lee is abso lut ely the one man The League of the South’s “Sum mer the city council of Birm ingham voted to mem ber Rayn Owens. The event was a big who most sym bol izes the Con fed er acy. Of fen sive” gained mo men tum with our re move the Con fed er ate mon u ment that succes s for the League of the South and Ev ery State in the South cer tainly has par tic i pa tion at the “Mon u men tal Dixie re sides in the park. The rally drew a crowd our message of seces sion and Southern dozens of schools named after him. Think Her itage Rally” at Linn Park in down town of about 350-400 at it’s largest point and in de pend ence was very well re ceived. fea tured nearly a dozen speak ers. I was Many in at ten dance approache d us after fortu nate enough to be one of the League those speeches and pledged to join the mem bers able to address this gather ing on League in support of our cause.

South ern Na tion al ist Wil liam Flow ers, as vice- chair man of the Georgia League of the South and ad vo cate of se ces sion, cre ated the wordpress.com General Rob ert E. Lee was one of this coun try’s blog ARISE OUR NATION: Southern Na tion al ism most hon or able and be loved men. and the South ern Folk Above All Else. Here’s a photo of some League folks in Linn Park af ter the event was over. — Marching to Babylon — The First Freedom August 2015 15 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Ala bam a 36576 Falsi fied histor y, begun in 1865, has boomed since 1945 By Christine Miller done it. If any one was to be blamed for the men as the have-nots, workers and farm ers of Is rael, Com mu nis tic set tle ments hav ing [email protected] Katyn massa cre it could only be the Na zis. to achieve power! and its ameni ties. been estab li shed on a volun tar y ba sis, seem While I was teaching at Colum bus, Katyn was nothing but a Germ an plot, They acquire d neither , for those Jewish to have disap peare d. For the Jews ide ology the Cath o lic High in sisted Pres i dent Roo se velt. Fol low ing com missars took the last bit of grain from is unim portant and just a means to an end. School of Marshfield, the war, at the end of 1945 seven Germ an most col lective farms. “What shall we eat They eas ily shifted from Com munism to Wis con sin, I shared of fi cers ac cused of that crime “con fessed” this winter ?” asked a poor Russia n farm Cap i tal ism and now adore the Cap i tal is tic a room with a Ms. and suf fered the gal lows at Le ningrad. worker of my fa ther, the Germ an sol dier sys tem of the United States. The oh, so Tal bot, the his tory The names of those judi cia lly murdered fight ing there to free him of that menace . proud, pa tri otic Amer i cans un know ingly teacher. Ms. Talbot were Karl Hermann Strüffling, Heinrich “We don’t even have enough pota toes . We not only eat kosher , but also have been was very much into Remmlinger, Ernst Böhm, Erwin Skotki, worked at the farm the whole sum mer condi ti oned to think their way, which Alan the Ho lo caust. Her Herbard Janicke, Eduard Sonnenfeld and long. The comm issars came and seized Dershowitz calls “think ing Jewishly.” bul le tin board proved Ernst Gehrer. Atroc ity propa ganda, hate ev ery thing.” The Jews have achieved their goal of it. I don’t re mem ber for every thing Germ an, had overrule d all world power, the United States with its much of it any more except one pic ture and facts and car ried the day. It’s never enough money and mil itar y might standing at their its capti on which have settl ed perm anentl y The vic tors made it easy on themselves. Af ter the suc cess ful Jew ish Com mu nist dis posal. Af ter that vic tory by the United into my mem ory. Af ter the Ameri can and They did not bother to doctor doc um ents or rev o lu tion in Rus sia, at their dis posal the States over Ger many – make no mistake, it Engli sh bombing raids on Dresden the fal sify pic tures. They sim ply trans ferred accu mu lated wealth of the Czars, they next was the U. S., and not Russia , France and Germ ans had piled the dead on rail road those atroc ities which they had commit ted looked covet ously upon Germ any. In April England which had conquered – the United ties for better air cir cu la tion to has ten the onto the Germ ans. The al lied vic tors had 1919 Jews were able to estab li sh a Soviet in cin er a tion with flame throw ers. In Ms. abso lut e power over the body and soul of a Re pub lic in Ba varia, die Räte Republik. Talbot’ s room the capti on under this vanquishe d Nati on. The losers could only Mer ci fully, it was only a short civil war pic ture read: “Gassed Jew ish vic tims of the hope their conquer ors would show some be cause the Reichswehr was able to retake Germ ans about to be incin er ate d.” fel low hu man ity. But Sta lin’s sav agery and Ba varia and its cap ital city Mu nich. The Case Num ber 2. On April 4, l945, the Ei sen hower’s non-fra ter nity for bade any death toll was never the les s high, about a USAAF bombed Nordhau sen and the sym pathy for the Germ ans. thousand having lost their lives in Munich ad join ing con cen tra tion camp. The Ger mans and another thousand at Augsburg. laid out those victi ms of the camp in neat Distortionists They next aimed for Spain, which State rows, about 1,500 corpses. In July l945 That brings me to a re cent ex pe ri ence. proved less lucky than Germ any. The cruel Life mag azine claimed these dead in mates About a month ago I watched this video civil war there lasted three long years from A graphic scene: This body was found in one of were the vic tims of Nazi atroc ities. This which had been put togethe r from film 1936 to 1939. Stali n supporte d the Red the mass murder burial sites with bound hands picture is in the book World War II on page clips, most of them taken by Eva Braun. Re pub lic with war ma te rial, es pe cially the and a sack cov ering the head. 113 in our Mad i son el e men tary school’s These videos give a pos iti ve im pression of Ratas air planes and got in re turn Spanish States handed Germ any over to the tender librar y: The cap tion reads: “A griz zly Hit ler, his en tou rage and en vi ron ment at gold. That transfer of gold to the Soviet mercy of the Jews. It was, and remains, a scene at a Ger man death camp. The picture the Berghof. The scenes, how ever, came Un ion was over seen by the Jew Mar cel vengeful Jewry which has never forgotten shows less than half the bodies discov ered with a running com mentar y by Spiegel Rosenberg. and will never for give the Germ ans for at the camp.” maga zine , whose re marks took a beauti ful Op po sites having thwarted their origi nal grasp at Case Num ber 3. In April 1943 the picture and dipped it into a bucket filled Hit ler (and to a lesser ex tent Mus so lini) world power. Germ ans had discov ered mass graves of with sewage, such a propa ganda apparat’s supporte d Franco with air planes and pi lots: This Jewish World power now stands on the Pol ish elite in Katyn for est, es timated most absurd com ment be ing that “Hit ler the Legion Condor . In return he got the clay feet be cause U. S. he ge mony, due to date of their murders May 1940. It must wanted to rule the world.” Blue Di vi sion, Span ish vol un teers hav ing Jew ish dom i nance, has pre cip i tously fallen have taken about a month for the killer Here again is the usual transpo si ti on joined the SS. But, from the United States from grace. Jewish dom inance here, not com mandoes to dispatc h that many people from the de sires and acti ons of the Jews came the Abe Lin coln brigade, an al most much un like its rise and fall in Rus sia, has by a shot into the nape of the neck. Katyn onto Hitler , his party and the Germ ans. The ex clu sively Yid dish out fit fight ing on the served nei ther Na tion well. USrael stands had been in Soviet hands unti l the sum mer first at tempt by Jews to rule the world was side of the Red Repub li c. chal lenged ev ery where. We are to day in a of l941. France, England and the U. S. by means of their Com munist ideol ogy: During the Cold War period the Jews period of flux, the most danger ous times. along with the Vati can knew the truth, but Workers of the World Unite! That was an dis carded their Com mu nist ide ol ogy like a How so? Read Sey mour M. Hersh’s book all pro fessed a lie – that the Ger mans had appeal to the low est insti ncts among such worn out, useles s coat. Even the Kibbut zim The Samson opti on. Al a bama man walk ing Con fed er ate flag to Wash ing ton By James Edwards out-of-town report ers with pop-up tents thepoliticalcesspool.org have been on the grounds since the EDITOR’S NOTE This is an amazing story Charleston shoot ing. When we were taking and a true act of civil rights picture s this morning, I carefull y walked Who ever started the p.c. Facebook her o ism and de fi ance by a my children into a pit of vi pers. Hundreds en try 2millionbikersDC, to get those South ern pa triot. of video cameras were film ing as my wheels roll ing for yet another 9/11/15 Johnny Cooper says that chil dren and I walked up to take our pics. bombthembacktothestoneages rally, Amer ica is los ing its way, a Ev ery one seemed to as sume we were part got a shock when Johnny’s adm irers mes sage he is carrying from of the anti-flag pro test un til I put my little took over that thread for this story the Al a bama’s cap i tal to DC. girl down on the monu m ent steps and told munchkins aren’t al lowed to touch. Tot ing a Con fed er ate bat tle her to smile at the cam era. A young flag to help make his point, metrosexual male walked past us as we wounded. Cooper is walking from It’s encour ag ing to know that pro- Mont gom ery to Wash ing ton South ern, pro-fam ily, pro-Chris tian men Morning com muter s travel ing along Panola Road near I-20 in to push back against what he Lithonia, Geor gia, blinked on July 10 in dis belief at the sight of a are still will ing to show lead er ship and con sid ers aban don ment of the lone White man car ry ing a back pack and a huge pole bear ing the per se ver ance. I believe that God hears the U. S. Con sti tu tion. Con feder ate flag in pre domi nantly Black South DeKalb County. prayers of a righteous man. Come what media on that?” may, let us call upon Him to give us An swers the call of duty God bless you, Mr. Cooper . strength to carry on. The 60-year-old from Hazel Green In a related note, I re ceived this email opposes the ef forts to purge the battl e flag last month from a Po liti cal Cess pool lis tener from pub lic places, as well as the Su preme in South Carolina: Court rul ing le gal iz ing “gay” mar riage. Dear James, “All pillars of our so ci ety are just coming The local TV news re ported this morning off,” Cooper said. that the Confed er ate flag would be com ing He left the State Capitol in Montgo mery down here in Colum bia within 24 hours. I on the Fourth of July and was just outside left early for work to take my kids by and July 21 at 8:08 PM – DAY 19 Update : Johnny More land, Geor gia, ten days later when he get a picture of them with the flag. I want went strong today! We’ve rer outed him around took a few minutes for an inter view on his them to re mem ber that they were alive Char lotte for his safety. Thanks to the Bentleys, cell phone. during a better time – a time when their Cheryl Ressler and Terressa for working on his new route. Thanks to Terressa he had a won derful Cooper said his goal is to preserve for State tried to show the world that they were dinner , got new tennis shoes which were much his chil dren some of the heri tage of the strong and brave. I explai ned to my five- needed and a room for the night! I fi nally had the country , “the greatest country the world year-old son that, “Bad guys want us to take honor of meeting him after weeks of only talking or has ever seen.” down our fam ily’s flag, and the leaders of texting with him! Wooo hooo! #GoJohnnyGo – Bee Dylann Roof, the White man ac cused of South Carolina are scared.” He asked, left and gave me an irri tat ed look of both killing nine Black worship ers in a South “How did they get to be the leaders of disgust and confu sion over why a seem ingly

Carolina church, should not define that South Carolina?” I didn’ t have a good “norm al” person like mysel f would take July 24 at 4:18 AM – DAY 21: Johnny is alr eady history , he said. an swer. my 5-year-old son and 2-year-old daughter up and walking. He has 3-4 es corts to day, all very “If I had been there, I would have shot Sat ur na lia to take those pics. trust wor thy & well pro tected if you know what I him mysel f,” Cooper said. mean. Thanks to Smitty Smith, Kevin & Cheryl The pain hit me today when it was But I could not let this mom ent pass Ressler and Terressa Law for stepping up to day! “If we go around taking down every announced that the flag’s final mom ents to without get ting this mem ento for their Pray ing for a peaceful walk from here on up to sym bol that of fends every body” there will fly will be be fore it com es down tom orrow life time. I re al ize many good things are DC! May God’s hands carry & protec t all! We also be no sym bols left, Cooper said. at 10 AM. The disgust ing media frenzy going on elsewhere, but please put us have es corts now all the way up to Virginia! Stokes County Mi litia will be han dling es cort for a few “There’s 200 million Chris tians in this outside the statehouse makes my skin cit izens of the city of Co lumbia in your days & es corting him up to the State line where one coun try,” Coo per said. “Where are the crawl. Count less vans with sat el lites and prayers this week end. We are badly of our Walking Ma rines will be wait ing for him! 16 The First Freedom August 2015 — Disinformation — P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Ala bam a 36576 Ter ror im mi gra tion to Amer ica must stop By Hunter Wallace its towns and cities brought hate and vio lenc e… occidentaldissent.com “As the govern m ent be gan fill ing it with im migrant s Worth reading: from ter ror zones, Tennes see , the Volun tee r State, fought “Ten nes see is to Mus lim ref u gees as New York is to back be cause it hadn’ t vol untee red for this. In 2008, it Musli m hijacke d planes. Chatta nooga, the site of the latest pulled out of the federal refu gee re set tlem ent program . But Mus lim ter ror attack against Amer ica, is a “pre ferred the re set tle ment con tin ued. Ten nes see tax pay ers suffer com mu nity” for re set tle ment along with Knox ville and and bullets fly…” Nash ville. Note: Sev eral years ago, U. S. At tor ney Bill Killian, “Nash ville was des ig nated a ‘Gateway City’ for Iraqis. who is leading the inves ti gati on in Chatta nooga, vowed to Hundreds of Som ali Musli ms were dumped in Shelbyville criminalize crit icism of Is lam as “hate speech.” Pamela and the Murfreesboro Mega-Mosque be came nati onal Geller led a huge protes t of thousands of people against the news because of its terror ties. Islamization of Ten nes see in Man ches ter and was “Over the last de cade, middle Ten nes see’s Mus lim demonized for “Islamophobia.” Also, over at VDARE, popu la ti on tri pled. The rise of Is lam in Tennes see as Michelle Malkin notes that a simi lar in ci dent hap pened in Musli ms from ter ror zones like Iraq and Som ali a flooded We told you so Arkansas in 2009. The ly ing press: a tale of two shoot ings in Chat ta nooga The Stockholm Syndrome is a For exam ple: Can you name five refuge for terror ist s. As he sat down, psy chic phe nom e non suf fered by facts about Islam ? To that end, I am the crowd applaude d loudly. host ages sympathizing with their pleased to announce this Thursday , at This is rac ism. captors, such as Amer i cans who 5 pm, the Mus lim Stu dent As so ci a tion Racism can be defined as be liev ing at the Uni ver sity of Ten nes see at somethi ng about a man, or woman, accept every thing that the Jew ish Chat tanooga is hosting a publi c sim ply becaus e of the color of their mediacracy has them salut ing. dis cus sion on Is lam. Ques tions are skin. It can range from hot racism – By Hunter Wallace The ly ing press shows stag ger ing hy poc risy in wel come. Cu ri os ity, en cour aged. lynch ing, seg re ga tion, to cold rac ism, con ser va tive-head lines.com Chat ta nooga. § “Mus lims and Chris tians in Dal ton,” poli ce profil ing, White men can’t jump. Here is a sam pling of some of the most § “Southern Horrors and the end of The Chattanoogan, May 3, 2005: Since Sept. 11, and the result ing war recent Op-Eds in the Chat ta nooga Times Na than Bed ford For rest,” Chat ta nooga Why would these people of Dalton against Iraq, many Amer icans have Free Press about the Charleston shooting, Times Free Press, June 26, 2015: behave in such a way? Why would a been harbor ing the fear that any the Confed er ate battl e flag and Southern In light of the rac ism and vio lenc e in house of worship be fought with such Mus lim is a bad Mus lim. Since the heri tage in Tennes see and other Southern Charleston, S.C., Nash ville pol i ti cians emotion , es pe cially when faith is so ter ror ists were Is lamic, then all States: are consid er ing the rem oval of the im portant to so many in Dal ton? be liev ers in Is lam must be ter ror ists Munch kinspeak 4-foot tall, State Capitol bust of Becaus e the group of faithful too. § “The sec ond surren der of Dixie,” Na than Bed ford For rest, a Con fed er ate be liev ers are not Chris tian. This is igno rance . Chat tanooga Times Free Press, July 8, gen eral who later be came the first They are Mus lim. § “Lessons from Is lam,” Chat ta nooga 2015: Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. The Dal ton Is lamic Cen ter seeks to Times Free Press, June 9, 2013: Across the South, the Confed er ate It’s stagger ing the Forrest bust has build a new mosque on an 11 acre site Af ter the prayer and ser mon, a few flag keeps com ing down. We should rem ained this long, as if somehow wedged be tween two Bapti st churches of us sat togethe r and talked. The men re place it with the white flag of our elected lead ers have been con tent and one Bible church. On Monday said how wel com ing Chat ta nooga has surren der . It is time Dixie surren ders, to govern near the statue gaze of a night, at a publi c hearing, mem bers been, es pe cially the nearby Sev enth- again, and once and for all… Klan leader… of the Is lamic Cen ter lis tened as their day Ad ven tist com mu nity. There fore, out of love for our Black § “What Emanuel AME Church can teach Dal ton neigh bors ral lied to gether I asked them if there was any thing neighbors, we would gladly, hum bly, us,” Chat tanooga Times Free Press, June on Monday night to protes t the they wished Chat tanooga knew. fold up the flag. 23, 2015: con struc tion. “You are sit ting in a mosque. This And in doing so, we surren der “The Black church has always The Mus lims met pro test that was is just a place of worship. No oursel ves to the greater and more dem onstra ted this in ways the Ameri - both indi rect and direct ways. County schemes are be ing hatched here, no eter nal work of ra cial fellow ship, can White church hasn’ t.” (And can’t of ficia ls have hinted that construc tion plots,” said Sheikh. turn-the-other-cheek courage and the un til it finds it self on the side of the would be stopped, perhaps be cause “I person all y would like them to on go ing con struc tion of the beau ti ful, op pressed). of in ad e quate sewer sys tems or find out about Islam them selves beloved com munit y in the South. Just out of curi os it y, I thought I would height restri cti ons. One man stood up rather than going on Fox or CNN,” § “The fear of a chang ing Amer ica,” poke around in David Cook’s archive at the at the meet ing and voiced his fear that said Dr. Amjad Munir. “Is lam is a Chat tanooga Times Free Press, July 14, Chat tanooga Times Free Press to see what the Is lamic Cen ter would be come a peace ful re li gion.” 2015: he has had to say about Islam over the And they all wel comed any one in Morris Dees grew up the son of years. He’s had a lot to say on the subject : Chat tanooga to come visit. White Al a bama cot ton farm ers. His § “Re spect is al ways most impo r tant fa ther was hated by the lo cal Klan value,” Chat tanooga Times Free Press, Now back to re al ity becaus e of the fair and kind way he March 17, 2015: As it happens, this is the very mosque treated other Black share crop pers. In My friend sat up straight. Raised where Muham mad Abdulazeez worshipe d, the 1950s, Dees went to the Uni versit y her hand. and David Cook sat there and wrote of Ala bam a and witnesse d the mob “I am Musli m,” she said, boldly, Op-Eds about how wonder ful it was and vi o lence that fol lowed Autherine maybe even de fiantl y. “And what how wel com ing Chatta nooga had been to Lucy, the first Black stu dent who you’re say ing is wrong.” the Mus lim com munity . In fact, it turns tried to in te grate the campu s… There was a he roic quality to the out that David Cook and Muham mad Dees co mes to Chat tanoo ga as the mo ment: My friend said her class mates MOSSADNIK? Regard ing the July 23 Abdulazeez went to the same high school! keynote speaker at tonight ’s eighth im me di ately cheered and clapped the ater shoot ing in La fay ette, Lou i si ana: “It annual First Amendm ent dinner at for her as the em bar rassed priest is appar ent that he was intent on shooting The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon the Jew ish Cultur al Cen ter. He and I back-peddled. Yet her vic tory was and es cap ing,” La fay ette Po lice Chief Jim spoke over the phone last week, days short-lived; she was soon sent to the Craft said next day, noting that Houser’s By Rudyard Kipling before South Carolina rem oved the princi pal’ s of fice, who then sent for car, a blue Lincoln Conti nental , was parked It was not part of their blood, Confed er ate flag its capitol grounds. her par ents… out side the the ater near an exit. It came to them very late, What fol lows is an excerpt of our We in Chris tian-America make the Poli ce found wigs and glasses and With long ar rears to make good, in ter view… same mis take with re gards to re ligio n. disguise s in his motel room. When the Saxon began to hate. They were not eas ily moved, They were icy – will ing to wait False flagging brings home the real thing Till every count should be proved, This Moslem shooter killed four America, they are cul tural vi brants that in Tennes see , killing four Marine s and Ere the Saxon began to hate. Marines and a Navy man at two en rich our so ci ety. wounding two other service mem bers and Their voices were even and low. mil i tary fa cil i ties in Ten nes see. Could it be any more obvi ous that this a po lice offi cer, offi cials told CBS News. Their eyes were level and straight. policy is backwards? Why was “The shooter also was killed. dailyslave.com There was neither sign nor show this in di vid ual in Amer ica to Law en forcem ent sources told CBS When the Saxon began to hate. Such a smart foreign pol icy we have in be gin with? It is time to ban News that the shoot ing sus pect It was not preached to the crowd. America . We bomb Moslem lands in the im mi gra tion for any one who is was iden tified as 24-year-old It was not taught by the State. Mid dle East be cause they are ter ror ists in not a White Euro pean. The fact Mu ham mad Youssef Abdulazeez. No man spoke it aloud their home Nati ons. When Mos lems are in that this hasn’ t been done while Accord ing to a U. S. law enforce - When the Saxon began to hate. the Washing ton DC ZOG insis ts ment source, Abdulazeez was It was not suddently bred. Or der ex tra cop ies of on killing Moslem s for Israel born in Kuwait and came to It will not swiftly abate. shows how stupid this sit ua ti on Mu ham mad Youssef the United States in 1996. It’s Through the chilled years ahead, The First is. If you do what you can to Abdulazeez un clear if and when he be came an When Time shall count from the date re move Mos lems from America, you can Amer i can cit i zen. That the Saxon began to hate. be as sured that shooting at tacks done in the “A U. S. offi cial told CBS News that Free dom name of Is lam will drop sub stan tially. Abdulazeez was not on law en forcem ent “This desti ny does not tire, nor can it be Help your friends shed the From CBS News: ra dar con cern ing pos si ble ter ror links or broken, and its mantl e of strength desce nds scales from their eyes! “A gunm an unlea shed a barrage of aspi ra ti ons. The FBI was not aware of him upon those in its service .” See coupon on page 24 gun fire at two mil i tary fa cil i ties [July 16] as be ing any kind of threat.” – Fran cis Parker Yockey, Im pe rium — The gather ing storm — The First Freedom August 2015 17 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Ala bam a 36576 “Pay back’s a bitch”: rural wisdom and the gath ering storm By Fred Reed What is the anger about? Most visi bly , be cause of pu ri tan i cal con di tion ing by know best, and they are going to make us fredoneverything.org but far from uniquely, race: the illegals, soci ety . Oral sex feels good, and adults do toe the line. The furor over the Confed er ate flag, the Knock-Out game, and Washing ton’ s it, so why not…? Why shouldn’ t her father Fed eral bu reau crats tell peo ple in think I, has lit tle to do with the Con fed er ate pro tec tion of both. The ra cial hos tility that gently teach her….” And so on.) Cas per, Laredo and Knoxvil le what they flag, which is a pretext , an unin volved pervades the country today is largely the And crime is out of control , protec ted can and cannot teach their children in the by stander. Rather it is doing of the talking heads and its perverse by a Presi dent and Attor ney General with schools, what reli gious practi ces they may about a seething anger socia l pol icie s. The rancor is unli ke whom we, so many Ameri cans , have have and what their chil dren may eat. They in the United States anythi ng I have seen. nothing in com mon, who dis like us, and set cur ric ula, de ter mine to whom bak er ies that we must not who want to disarm us and flood our must sell cakes, decide who can marry menti on. It is the anger Fred is learning coun try with il le gal and in com pat i ble what, and with whom we must asso ci ate . of people who see Curi ous. When I was a lad ages ago, I aliens. ev ery thing they are thought well of Brown vs. the School Do you think that wanting a gun is silly? This time a mis cal cu la tion and beli eve under board. South ern ers said that in te gra tion Last week I started get ting emails: “Chuck I could go on. There is quiet fury about attac k by people they aren’t and do not would never work and they were right, got shot.” On Breitbart I found that Chuck open bor ders, the forced ac cep tance of want to be – their her itage, their re ligio n, but what came before was just wrong. De Caro, a journal ist and friend for so long crim inal aliens, of 100,000 Som ali s by their val ues and way of life all mocked and I thought so then, and I think so now. I that I for get how I met him, had checked even made crimi nal. fa vored the civil-rights acts. I re luc tantly into a motel in Al buquer que with his wife, fa vored af fir ma tive ac tion (I was very whereupon an armed dirtbag tried to rob young) thinking it meant a hand up inste ad them and perhaps worse. I suppose that a of an enti tlem ent. I wrote hopefull y of the White cou ple in their six ties must have pros pect for ed u cat ing Blacks. seemed a soft tar get. Oops. It was n’t a But look what happened. We now see swell ca reer move. Chuck is ex-Spe cial Stan dard beatdown of White man by Black mob forced hiring of the incom petent as a right, Forces and a longti me war corre spon dent. at Fourth of July in Cincinnati. Al most a daily oc - endles s ac counts of Blacks destroy ing Threat en ing his wife does n’t fly well with curr ence. The media will hide it. This is not a part shopping malls, burning cities , brutal ly him. of my cul ture. Why do we put up with it? attac king Whites in gangs, and the giving to Anyway , Chuck appar entl y had other Minne sota , the endles s wars, the decli ning Blacks of any thing they want becaus e they ideas about being robbed and perhaps standard of living, the insane censor ship The talking heads inside Washing ton’ s are Black. You don’t like the Confed er ate killed. He also had a handgun. In the (say “nigger” and your ca reer of thirty belt way, in ed ito rial suites in New York, do flag, Jesse? Why then, it must go. Whatever ensu ing gunfight , he was hit several times years ends) and the ungodly surveil lance. not know of this anger . They do not talk you say, Jesse. and rushed to the hospi tal . Chuck will be Washing ton pushes, pushes, and pushes, to people in Joe’s Bar in Chicago or in It was n’t this way, but it is now. It is okay, the dirtbag less so. He es caped to the thinking that with just enough pressure, we barbe cue joints in Wheeling. They are get ting worse. But there is far more than parking lot, where he will all come to kow tow. cloister ed, smug, sure of them selves. And race. We now are compelled to live in a decide d to lie down What if one day we don’t? they are asking for it. na tional sex ual-freak show. Day af ter day and bleed to death. A And there is gov ern men tal cor rup tion, af ter day the media are full of trans-this good choice. The news the sense – “re aliza tion,” I would say – that What the think tanks miss and trans-that, of hom osex ual marria ges, sto ries did n’t de scribe Washing ton is enti rely in the hands of the We are deal ing with things viscera l, not all thrust in our faces, a parade of prancing the perp, not unusual , arms manu fac tur ers, of the Israel i lobby, of ra tio nal. Con fus ing the two is dan ger ous. pe cu liar i ties de mand ing and de mand ing which meant… big pharma and ethnic lobbies and, well, Hatre ds can boil over as syl logism s cannot. and dem anding. People who dare not say Then there is the This gem, Tomorio anyone who bribes Congress . Electi ons are The banning of the flag infu ri ate s, for so are sick of it. de-Christianizing of Walton, is, or was, a a sham, serving only to decide the di vision exam ple, me. Why? Al though a Southerner It isn’ t vi cious ness. I don’t know anyone the coun try. Re li gion, ca reer crim i nal and of the spoils for eight years. All deci sions was, of course, on by raising, I would far pre fer to live in New who wants to per se cute the eroti cally both his tor i cally and par ole. Can you guess of im portanc e are care fully kept out of the York City than in Memph is. Yet I value my ba roque. Poof ters in par tic u lar are usu ally current ly, is a potent why so many of us public’s hands. boyhood in Vir ginia and Al abam a. My bright, produc ti ve, decent people, and do thing. Play with it at want guns and carry Maybe Wash ing ton will al ways get away ances tors go back to the house of Bur gesses, not at tack Whites in wheel chairs with your risk. It is not perm its? As usual, I with it. Maybe it won’t. White Amer icans had to find the photo and I rem em ber long slow sum mer days on hamm ers. Yet I weary of their end less always re ally a matter in the Mail Online, are an obedi ent and passive people, eas ily the Rappahannock and in the limestone of tedious concerns . I say, go. Go with God, of reli gion. Many of an Eng lish pa per. cowed, but maybe enough will prove Ath ens, Al a bama. but for God’s sake go. Or just shut up. That us, I among them, are not beli evers but enough. Maybe things will blow. Maybe When the federal govern m ent and would do as well. value Christ mas and its tra di tions. But no. ju ris dic tions will just ig nore the feds, as the talking heads want to ban my past – We must not have na tivit y scenes or sing begins to happen. here, per mit me to exit momen tarily the I, we, will be told, “But Fred, Christ mas car ols on pub lic streets. Easter But it is danger ous. The econom y fraud u lent ob jec tiv ity of lit er a ture – I hate ho mo sex u al ity is nat u ral.” So egg hunts are un con sti tu tional. Mommy decli nes, people out of col lege can’t get the sonsofbitches. is hem or rhagic tu ber cu lo sis. Washing ton does n’t like them, and we jobs, the ghet toes sim mer, au to ma tion A lot of people qui etly hate the So is sadism. So is genocide . have to do what Washing ton says. surges across the board, and one day soon sonsofbitches. Unles s, of course, one day we don’t. we will have cut backs in the entitlements. To them, to us, the Confed er ate flag Any sex ual pre di lection can be called We are winding a spring. When groups begin com peting for stands for resis tance to control from afar, natu ral , and ar gum ents can be made for all Stoking the flames under the pres sure dwindli ng resource s, things will get ugly. to meddli ng and instruc tion from people of them: Poly gam y, or marria ge with a cooker is un end ing, ever-tight en ing con trol It could explode. It re ally could. You might we de test. It is the flag of “Leave me the sheep, or copu lat ing on a publi c bus, or sex of every aspect of life by Washing ton. be surprise d how many people out there hell alone.” And this Washing ton, Boston with girls of nine years. (How about, “Sex Peo ple in side the city’s belt way, a venue I think, “Bring it on.” Not a good idea, but and New York will…not…do. is nat u ral. Chil dren are erotic: Don’t they know well, do not under sta nd what they we go that way. A surprise may be com ing. play doc tor? Lit tle girls are only afraid of it are play ing with. They are sure that they Tick Tick. Tick. ZOG’s new data system to bring non-White “en rich ment” By Marcus Cicero Ex am ples high lighted in clude pro posed segre gate d will be pressured to change occidentaldissent.com fi nan cial pen al ties for com pa nies that their zoning laws to allow construc tion of Word has leaked of a new govern m ent refuse to hire prim iti ves, forced Sec tion 8 more sub si dized hous ing in af flu ent ar eas program that aims to cata log the enti re in te gra tion of hous ing lo ca tions that re main in the suburbs, and re locat e inner -city nati on on the ba sis of racia l desce nt as part more than fifty per cent White, “re forms” mi nor i ties to those pre dom i nantly White of an initi ati ve to further the “browning” en acted against schools that ei ther re fuse to ar eas. HUD’s maps, which use dots to agenda that de sires the bas tard ization of en roll il lit er ate bar bar i ans in ac cel er ated show the racia l distri buti on or densit y in our ancie nt blood. classes, or dis ci pline stan dard mi nor ity res iden tial areas, will be used to se lect En com pass ing ar eas from bank ing, outbursts , and the closing of banks that af ford able-hous ing sites… school ing and hous ing, the program , turn away pro spec tive crit ters seek ing free “Those that don’t com ply will be which likely found its inspi ra ti on in the loan money. pun ished. Sev eral already have been Soon we will all live in clones of Detr oit, i.e., minds of hate-filled Blacks, Jew ish so cial New York Post: forced to re vise their dis ci pline poli cies, vi brancy at its full strength. en gi neers and White trai tors, will al low for “A key part of Pres ident Obama’s leg acy which has led to vi olent disrup ti ons in prac tice, these re forms will likely re sound rapid “di ver si fi ca tion” of neigh bor hoods will be the fed’s un prec edented collec tion class rooms…” the deathblow to most of White America , and insti tuti ons if any hint of “segre ga ti on” of sen sitive data on Ameri cans by race. doom due to the swamping of most com muni ti es or “rac ism” is found. The govern m ent is prying into our most If ac tu ally enacted into wide spread be yond re pair. personal infor m ati on at the most local The dilu tion of so ci ety will al most lev els, all for the pur pose of ‘ra cial and cer tainly prove in sur mount able, as most eco nomic jus tice.’ areas becom e consum ed with holding back “Un be known to most Amer i cans, vio lenc e, rape and looting, rather than Obama’s ra cial bean coun ters are fu ri ously study ing tacti cs of re belli on and large- mining data on their health, home loans, scale re sis tance. credit cards, places of work, neighbor hoods, Some poten ti al means of coping, such as even how their kids are disci pli ned in local fundrai sing and homeschooling, may school – all to doc u ment ‘in equal i ties’ help to buy a lit tle time, but what we see be tween mi nor i ties and Whites… above is likely only the initial offen sive “The agency proposes us ing nonWhite be fore widesprea d “in te gra tion” through This flag, and the creepy Black freak standing popu la ti ons of 50% or higher as the All these equals need is a bit of further edu ca tion force be comes the law of the land. befor e it, repr esent a night mare of epic pro por tions. in a fine univer sity. They’ll then be perfect citi zens Do not bother to run anym ore, White Man, for thresh old for clas si fy ing seg re gated ar eas. of the new America, and won derful ad ditions to We are now in the eleventh hour. Will they will make this a futile ges ture. “Fed er ally funded cities deemed overly any White family . you allow the clock of destruc tion to toll? 18 The First Freedom August 2015 — The protrac ted conflict — P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Ala bam a 36576 Hun gary ig nores “hu man i tar ian” orders from Brussells hungarianambiance.com which proves to be the most ef fecti ve at The fence will be three meters high and tools is very slow and dif ficult , giving Various tech nol o gies will pres ently get keeping migrant s out, and the the best one in clude ra zor wire mesh at the top and secu rit y forces more time to respond. their chances to show what they can do at will be used for the enti re 175-ki lom eter bottom ; while it could be circum vented The sample fence is to be ready in very stopping the tidal wave of “refu gees ” now long border barrie r. rel ati vely quickly by hum ans with tools, short order; the enti re 175 ki lom eter long pouring into Hungary from neighbor ing pen e trat ing a ra zor wire bar rier with out fence will be com pleted by Novem ber 30. Serbia. These are building the first sam ple De tained illegals at work sec tions of the boundary fence along the The fence will be manu fac tured by Hun gar ian-Ser bian bor der. prison inmates and the ac tual construction will be car ried out by mili tary per son nel. The job is be gun Current ly, several prisons are involved On Tuesday , July 14, 2015, expert s were man u fac tur ing the fence with the ac tive ready to closely exam ine and choose from support of Dunaújváros Steel Ltd. Some of among the vari ous technol o gies as they are the newly man u fac tured fence ma te rials erected. Af ter the model sec tions stand have already been transporte d to the border com pleted, they will pick the one of them region. The tri als of and by a North Carolina man who’s had it By Lt. Col o nel Don ald Sullivan (Ret) case, Char ity Wilson , in forming me that court at 9:30 as re quested, but the judge prop erty. On Fri day I called First Sergeant [email protected] she had re viewed my case file and re alized did n’t enter un til af ter ten. I was called Pope who agreed to meet me at 11:00 AM The case was myste ri ously, that the State was barred from first, and the judge put us both through the in his of fice. At 10:00 AM he called me un ex pect edly and sur pris ingly prose cut ing the case due to double wringer, es pe cially the ad hoc ADA, Doug back to inform me two of his troopers had dis missed. jeop ardy hav ing at tached af ter the Carriker, assigne d to stand in for ADA been in jured in a traffic ac cident, and he In court again on July 6, first trial. I ex plained to her that I Wil son who was “in another court room.” would be delay ed becaus e of having to go 2015, Monday , Judge Cobb, Jr., had filed a peti tion over a year ago When ADA Carriker tried to present the to the scene of the ac cident. We fi nally got pre sid ing. The “rep re sented” to that ef fect and was de nied. My files support ing re lease of my propert y, the togethe r at 2:00 PM, and my propert y was calen dar was called first. It standing objec ti on to that de nial judge asked who had pre pared the files. all released to me. I took with me a friend contai ned 20 names. Of those is a part of the re cord. I asked After ADA Carriker answered that ADA as a wit ness to the ex change, just in case. 20 names, five were iden tified her what had changed, since the Wil son had done the resea rch, the judge The three of us had a discus sion which as im medi ately ready for trial, in dict ment was ren dered at the boomed out that he wanted her in the lasted an hour and forty-five minutes about and several more were held open pending direct request of the DA, Ben David (a What’s more Ameri can than re sis tance the cir cumstances of the case and Trooper dis cus sions with at tor neys not pres ent. The Meth od ist?). She re peated that she was to tyr anny? We must stop en ter ing that Phillips’ perjury . I tried to im press upon the “un rep re sented” cal en dar only con tained barred from procee ding, and the case had sheepfold called the vot ing booth! First Ser geant the ne ces sity of his handli ng one name, mine. I an swered “pres ent and been dism issed. I object ed to the dis missal Amer i can De fense Party the in ves ti ga tion of Trooper Phillips’ ready for trial af ter my no tice of de mand to since I had an open peti tion to initi ate court room im me di ately to tes tify un der perjury inter nally to keep me from having prove juris dic ti on and my ten peti tions grand jury procee dings against Trooper oath and on the record about her findings. to pursue it in the courts and creat ing have been heard.” I was inform ed that Phillips, the pros e cut ing wit ness, for ADA Carriker hum bly explai ned the problem s for every one. He agreed to look there were sev eral tri als ahead of mine, so per jury at the first trial. She told me that cir cumstances and asked to pres ent the into it, again, but re minded me that IA had my case would proba bly not be reached peti tion would not be heard since the case files for the re cord himself, since they were already taken a look at it in response to my this term. I was put on three hours advance had been dism issed. I told her I would com pletely com pre hen sive. The judge com plaint to them and that he would have noti ce and expect ed not to be called other al low the dis missal with out ob jec tion if she re lented, agree ing to review the files af ter I some dif ficult y opening the is sue again. I than to recei ve noti ce of conti nu ance to a would ar range for me to have a face-to- had had a chance to look at them. Upon explai ned that he needed only inter view new trial date. face with the DA on the subject of Phillips’ scanning the files, which were nothing but the other two of ficers from the scene to The ADA of the day adm it ted she would per jury, since the Statute of Limi ta tions about 20 pages of my “crim inal” records, as cer tain whether or not Phillips was ly ing. not be the person prose cut ing for the State, runs out on Oc tober 14th. She assured me the judge asked me several questi ons like, If he confirm ed the perjury , I expect ed as the prior ADA assigne d had resigne d she would speak to him about my re quest, “Is this a complete re cord?”; “Have you Phillips to be ter minated , case closed. If from the DA’s of fice* and must be replac ed. but told me again that the case had been ever been convict ed of a felony?”; and “Do not, or, if the other two troopers lied as First Ser geant Pope of the SHP was the dis missed. you have all the nec es sary per mits for well, he had bigger problem s than I; but only one pres ent of the five State troopers I Then ADA Wil son told me she would be owning this weapon?” (Of course, the only then I would seek a rem edy thru the legal had subpoe naed, and my three civil ian subm it ting an order to the judge allow ing perm it needed was the Second Amendm ent.) sys tem. I agreed to send him a copy of the wit nesses were pres ent. the Highway Patrol to re lease my propert y: He agreed to sign the order . ADA Carriker tran script of Phillips’ trial tes timony by On the morning of July 8th, Wednes day, my 9mm; 41 rounds; two maga zine s and made a copy for me and told me he had email, and we shook hands and went our I re ceived a call from the new ADA on my my hol ster. She said she would mail me a already spoken to the Highway Patrol , and sep arate ways for the time being. *One of my peti tions had been filed four weeks copy. they were stand ing by at the dis trict of fice The good news is, of course, that this ear lier asking the court to find the ADA, Lindsay About three hours later, ADA Wil son to re turn my propert y. case is over, fi nally, af ter be ing dis missed Roberson, in contem pt for not provid ing me the called back to tell me Judge Hockenberry three times pre viously during the past two ex cul pa tory au dio re cord ing of a phone in ter view I went via di rect to the High way Pa trol be tween IA and my wit ness at the scene of the had dem anded a hearing in open court, on Stati on to get my weapon, but was told that and a half years. Now I can focus on the “crime,” as ordere d by a previ ous judge. The pe tition the record, be fore he would issue the order no one was available to open the evi dence IRS and my three other cases – or is it four? also asked the court to find her guilty of prose cu to ria l relea sing my propert y. The hearing was set locker. I was told to call the First Sergean t This one has been a night mare! Of course mis con duct for with hold ing the ev i dence and de ny ing com pelled discov ery . ADA Roberson resigned two for the next day, Thursday; and my case the next day, Friday , betwee n 8 and 9 AM to af ter catching my breath I will file a civil weeks prior to my court date. would be first on the docket. I appeare d in make an ap point ment for the re lease of my suit for dam ages! Four thou sand at tend Con fed er ate rally WTVD whether they beli eved or not,” said signa ture s. The man behind it, James com mis sion ers at their Mon day night Since the June 2015 church shootings supporte r Tim Neese. Myrick, deli vered his peti tion to county meet ing. at Charleston, South Carolina, there has “Just becaus e some folks chose to been a nati onal movem ent to take down use things such as the battl e flag of the Con fed er ate flags and sym bols.* Confed er acy to do their evil,” said On Sat urday after noon, July 18, a call to sup porter Mi chael Trollinger. remove one of those sym bols in Graham , Trollinger ar gued that the ac tions of hate North Carolina sparked a re tal ia tion rally groups should not tram ple history . which attra cted thousands of support ers. “If people wanted to take down the The rally gath ered at the Alamance street signs, Marti n Luther King Boule vard County Courthouse where the Com mon or the statues or em blems of re mem brance Soldier Statue has stood since 1914. that we hold dear to us, I would be right “It was erected as a sym bol of love, love out there standing for them to fight that for the father s, the sons, the husbands, the injus ti ce just like I’m here today for this brothers that never came home,” said one one,” said Trollinger. man to a cry of cheers from the crowd of In prepa ra ti on for the large and very about 4,000 people. passion ate crowd, Gra ham poli ce pulled in The thousands of support ers waved ex tra re sources from the State High way Confed er ate flags high, and some were Patrol . However , the two hour event even dressed as Civil War sol diers. Many re mained peace ful. in the crowd say re cent calls to take down At last check, an on line pe tition in the statue in Graham, as well as other support of the statue had as many as 6,000 sym bols of the Con fed er acy through out the na tion, have to stop. “These sol diers fought for what they be lieved in and sev eral were called to fight The First *WHOSE movem ent to do a Soviet- style “change” Free dom of street names, post age stamp im ages and stat u ary, all aimed at re plac ing his tory with Marx ist ide ol ogy? is n’t for ev ery body. But THIS move ment is real, not con cocted by the Jew ish you know some one who mediacracy! Deo vindice. – ed. needs it. — Where we were and are — The First Freedom August 2015 19 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Ala bam a 36576 Nineteen points the his tory books leave out The unful fill ed prom ise of reunion themselves into slav ery be cause they could States contai ned only 30% of the Southern doctri ne of sepa rat e but equal in Korea. not af ford the cost of passage . Most White pop u la tion. Four South ern States sub se- By Steve Quick South ern ers are descen dants of these early quently voted down one ordi nance of Victor y by any means [email protected] bonds men. seces sion; four others would rem ain 16) The holo caus t that result ed from No other place of ori gin evokes such 4) Slav ery was practiced in all thir teen within the Union fold throughout the war. the halt of the prisoner exchange is the strong re acti ons and prej udice s as the word colo nies and New York City was second to Northern war fever was equally tepid. The sole re spon si bil ity of Stanton (Lin coln’s “South ern.” It is all the more amazing when Charleston in 1776 as the city with the manip u la ti on of Ft. Sumter by Seward Secre tary of War) and Grant. Its only one consid ers the manner in which the highest percent age of slaves. Sojourner and Lincoln which result ed in hos tile fire design was to de prive the Confed er acy of early Repub li c was shaped and dom inate d by Truth was born Isabella Van Wagner , a polar ized the vast middle and guaran tee d a manpower with the full knowl edge scores South ern ers. Jef fer son was the in tel lec tual slave in New York. long and bloody confli ct. of thousands on both sides would perish. and spir i tual ar chi tect of the Dec la ra tion 11) The war was uncon sti tuti onal and the By the war’s end, 30,000 on each side had and as the third Presi dent acquire d the vast Con fes sion time clos ing of over 300 Northern news papers died in capti vit y. The largest mass grave Lou i si ana Ter ri tory, stak ing an early claim 5) The liberal guilt which today be sets and sus pen sion of ha beas cor pus that in the Western Hemispher e is lo cated at as far as the Pa cific. Wash ing ton’s feats the North has at its roots the prof its from its jailed 13,000 North ern ci vil ians (in clud ing Oakwood Cem eter y in Chi cago and af ter he de feated the Brit ish at Yorktown vast slave trading which did nothing less elected offi cials) is with out par al lel in our contai ns the rem ains of 4,200 Confed er ate in clude the first two terms as Pres iden t, than fi nance the In dus trial Rev o lu tion. At the en tire his tory! The Lin coln Ad min is tra tion known P.O.W.s. The bodies of the other decli ning a third and an of fer to be “King.” Con sti tu tional Con ven tion a con tin u a tion repeat edly vio lat ed amendm ents 1, 4, 5, 6, 1,800 were lost and rem ain unknown. James Mad ison and Pat rick Henry crafted of the slave trade was a con ces sion wrung 8, 9 and 10. By contra st Jef ferson Davis 17) Had the South prevail ed Robt. E. a Consti tuti on which has proved the most by the Northern del ega ti ons from the closed not one paper nor jailed one cit izen. Lee would have undoubt edly been elected en dur ing and prac ti cal po lit i cal doc u ment South which al lowed the North to conti nue pres i dent (the Con fed er ate Con sti tu tion in the world. In fact, five of our first seven the inter nati onal trade another 20 years, Lincolnian exceptionalism limited the Pres iden t to one six year term) Pres idents were South ern and it was James un til 1808. 12) War fare against citi zens had ceased and just as undoubt edly have taken steps Knox Polk in the 1840s who assured the 6) New England slave ships conti nued in Europe and a conduct of war eventu all y imme di ately to free the slaves. This sin gle U. S. would be a perm anent transcon ti nental ply ing the water s in de fiance of the ban known as the “Geneva Conven ti ons” act, proposed as it would have been by na tion. there af ter pro vid ing mil lions of slaves to codi fie d in Europe during the 1860s forbade Pres ident Lee, would have been accepted Mem ory hole French and Spanish sugar planta ti ons in war against ci vil ian cen ters. Con trary to by the South and would have advance d It is not only ironic but for gotten that it the Carib bean and South America . this great hum ani tar ian trend when it race re lations light years. was once New England that suf fered from 7) The 1860 census re veals 95% of be came ap par ent the Con fed er ate ar mies 18) As it was, Re con struc tion be came an in fe ri or ity com plex when com pared to America’ s slaves were owned by just 5% of could not be subdued in the field war the single most corrupt pe riod of our enti re the feats of these Southern gi ants. The the popu la ti on while 85% of Southern ers was comm enced against civil ians. The his tory, pit ting newly-en fran chised Blacks hinge upon which this extra ordi nary owned the land and structure s they lived depre da ti ons of Sherman in Geor gia and against dis en fran chised and oc cu pied about-face oc curred was that epic known upon. This clearly estab lishes a large, the Car o linas as well as Hunter’s and Southern Whites. When in 1877 the last now by the misno m er the “Civil War” and in de pend ent, non-slavehold ing class of Sheridan’s in Vir ginia mirror much that of the troops and carpet bag gers left, only the events which preceded. That ter ri ble yeo man farm ers who later be came the rank was wit nessed in the re cent Balkan war. Blacks re mained to face the rage and confli ct, much dis torted by both tradi ti onal and file as well as the heart and soul of the 13) While the war is now rep re sented as hatre d of a hum il iate d South. The ugli ness history and more recent ly the revi sion ist Con fed er ate army. To state their motive for an al truis ti c crusade by the North to free of the 1960s can be traced unbro ken from va ri ety, holds the un ful filled prom ise of fight ing was the preser va ti on of slavery is the slaves the histor i cal facts could not be the 1860s. our nati onal desti ny. We current ly lack the pure nonsense . more con tra dic tory. The 1860 Re pub li can Eva siveness will and the cour age to learn its great truths, 8) Se ces sion as a doc trine was as serted Con ven tion con tained a plat form plank 19) Re cent in ter pre ta tions, Ken Burns’ banish its dark lies, probe its obscure d by both North and South (Massa chu set ts prom is ing pro tec tion for slav ery ev ery where The Civil War forem ost among them, while or i gins and con front its pain ful leg a cies. threat ened to secede on three sep arate it cur rently ex isted. Lin coln at his first art fully crafted serve only to per pet u ate the These myths and distor ti ons must be oc ca sions). The ab o li tion ists had also in au gu ral ad dress of fered a con sti tu tional victor ’s propa ganda that lies at the root of re placed with histor ical facts if we de sire advo cat ed se ces sion. It was only after 1830 amend ment for ever pro tect ing slav ery. A the un re solved con flict. the ul ti mate goal of na tional rec on cil i a tion. when the control of nati onal pol iti cs by the Con gres sio nal Res o lu tion in 1862 By the be ginning of the 20th century the These include : North be came per ma nent that se ces sion re af firmed the war’s aim was to “pre serve wounds of that war had fi nally begun to 1) The slave trade prospered in West be came as so ci ated ex clu sively with the the Union, not free the slave.” heal. South ern ers embraced anew the Stars Af rica forty years be fore Colum bus even South. As a nati on concei ved in seces sion 14) The Eman ci pa tion Proc la ma tion and Stripes while Rob ert E. Lee be came dis cov ered Amer ica. Af ri can tribes ac tu ally and built upon the princi ple that govern m ent was met in the North by laws col lec tively a nati onal, not just a regional , hero. conducte d raids on their neighbors for is conti ngent on the consent of the governed known as “Black Codes.” These laws Con fed er ate bat tle flags were re turned to the express purpose of ensla ving them. the South, or any other secti on of the forbade entry , travel, work or resi dence by the restore d States and Southern pride in Trag ically , slav ery is prac ticed to this very coun try for that matter , was com pletely Af ri can-Amer i cans in North ern States. The the old Confed er acy was not consid ered day in places like the Su dan, Zaire and within prin ci ple to as sert the right. Procla m ati on was nothing but a clever ruse in con sis tent with their fun da men tal Ni ge ria. to stall im mi nent Eu ro pean rec og ni tion of Amer i can pa tri o tism. Un for tu nately 2) Five Euro pean powers (Spain, Tem po rary ex pe di ency the Con fed er acy. It freed no one. Slave States South-bashing has replac ed the mutual Portu gal, France, Hol land and Britain) 9) Slav ery was an in ef fi cient, self- rem aining in the Union (in the bor der re spect of a cen tury ago. In an age of com peting for New World influ ence all consum ing labor sys tem driven by cotton States) not only re tained their slaves, but also so-called toler ance there are no bound aries emplo yed slav ery, with Brazil (Por tu gal’s and al ready well-con tained within its own bene fited from the strictest en forcem ent of to the venom that is daily heaped upon all crown jewel) top ping the list at 5.5 mil lion soon to be encoun ter ed nat ural fronti ers the hated Fugi ti ve Slave Law. things and persons Southern; our faith, our slaves, half of the total brought to the (the Amer ican desert). It re quired ever 15) Blacks served willing ly and heroes, our sym bols and our history . It has New World. By 1860, their num bers had newer lands to replace that which it hon or ably in the Con fed er ate ar mies. re opened a rift that may ul timately and dwin dled to a lit tle over two million . ex hausted. The pattern was iden tical Esti mates of their num bers run as high as iron i cally fuel a de sire for in de pend ence 3) Only 6% of Afri cans reached our throughout the enti re West ern Hemisphere . 100,000. Their moti ve was the same as by a people who refuse to be hom oge nize d shores (about 600,000). By 1860 their It was doomed for exti ncti on well before their Fed eral coun ter part; pa tri o tism and or abused any further . This much is certai n: num bers had increa sed (without new the end of the century if left alone. the de sire to disprove the miscon cep ti ons unti l we under sta nd and teach the Civil im por ta tions) to al most four mil lion, the 10) Support for war among the general about their race. They fought no more to War truthfull y, the ink on those sur render only slave popu la ti on in re corded history to popu la ti on North and South was weak pre serve slav ery than to pre serve Jim Crow docu m ents signed in McLean’s parlor will in crease in cap tiv ity. In di gent An glo-Celts prior to Sumter. The origi nal seced ing during the Spanish-Am eri can War, or the never dry. filled the need for slaves (as inden ture d servants ) in our early history by sell ing An other trea son ous treaty By Arthur J. Jones clos ing down more Amer i can com pa nies is their workers less than $2 an hour. In the The Na tion al ist Times firstfreedom.net the way to econom ic prosperity. work ers’ paradise of Viet Nam, the wage is Sub scribe to America’ s best pa tri otic The U. S. Sen ate has comm itted an act 50 cents an hour. And, after years of the newspa per . In each month’s is sue, The of overt treason against this nati on by Ours the crumbs NAFTA treaty with Mex ico, the hourly Na tion al ist Times tack les im mi gra tion, approv ing 60-37 the so-called Trade Sena tor John Cornyn (R-TX) said it was wage there has climbed to 80 cents! pol i tics, eco nom ics, race, pri vacy is sues, Pro mo tion Au thor ity (TPA). his under sta nding that in addi ti on to the How are the people of these pitifull y the rapidl y growing high-tech Poli ce TPA gives Pres ident Obama the “fast TPA, there was also something at tached to poor countri es going to afford a bi cycle State and Washing ton, D.C.’s rush to track” means to ap prove the Trans Pa cific it called the Trade Ad just ment Au thor ity made in Amer ica, let alone a car? Sorry, we to tal i tar i an ism, and all the lat est do ings Part ner ship (TPP) trade agreement with 11 (TAA), suppos edly to as sist the newly don’t make bikes in America anym ore. So of the New World Order subver sive s, more nati ons, most of them Third World un em ployed Amer i can work ers in train ing what do we make that they can af ford? and we do it from a perspec tive that in fu ri ates lib er als and neo-cons and non-coun tries. Un der this Trea son ous Trade for a new job. Nothing! All this treason ous trade treaty de lights pa tri ots. Treaty, these coun tries will be al lowed to Like what, fed eral loans to attend will do is al low more U. S. compa nies to flood ours with products which could have McDonald’s Ham burger Uni ver sity? Or shut down here and export U. S. jobs there. Publi shed since 1985, The Nati onal ist been made here. for mer auto work ers can drive for Uber; Yes, in those slave na tions where there are Times is po lit i cally in de pend ent and Af ter the Sen ate caved in to Obama’s steel work ers and machin ists can learn to no unions, the products once made here – pro motes com mon sense, in tel li gent and dem ands, then came the adm ission that this be butler s, cooks, bellhops or golf caddies the TV, VCR, cameras , tools, toys, cloth ing, pas sion ate al ter na tives to the reign ing “party line.” trade agreem ent will re sult in thousands of for the 1% Wall Street elite who ben efit shoes, furni ture , cars, vans, bicy cle s will Ameri cans losing their jobs. How many, the most from this act of treach ery? be made there and im ported here to sell at Read ers of The First Freedom may sena tors who voted in support of it sim ply Sup pos edly this treaty will re sult in a ten times what it cost to pro duce them. sub scribe to The Na tion al ist Times for didn’ t know, but they did know be fore the burst of econom ic power for the U. S. All this Treason ous Trade Treaty does is the spe cial in tro duc tory of fer of just vote was taken that thousands of Ameri cans econom y as thousands of U. S. com panies ex actly what our pointless, waste ful wars in $29 for one year, or $55 for two years. will soon be unem ployed and us ing food export their products to eleven other the Mid east are do ing: make bil lion aires That’s more than half off the regu lar subscri pti on price! Send to: TNT, stamps to survive! nati ons and the people there will eagerl y out of Wall Street million aires, cost ing the P.O. Box 218, Wildwood, PA 15091. The sixty sena tors who voted for this buy those U. S made products . Ameri can people lives lost in wars abroad treaty are simply delusional if they think Oh, reall y? Most of those countri es pay and jobs here at home. 20 The First Freedom August 2015 — MLK Boule vard — P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Ala bam a 36576 Lib do-gooder slashed dead on Wash ing ton Metro By Hunter Wallace Po lice and a wit ness in ter viewed said perfec ti on, but I be lieve occidentaldissent.com passen gers trapped in the moving train that the heart of Ameri can Kevin Suther land (at huddled at both ends of the car and watched exceptionalism is that we far right) was spout ing in horror as Spires al legedly punched never stop trying. If history is any guide, on his Facebook page 24-year-old Kevin Joseph Sutherland unti l the forces for prog ress al ways suc ceed June 18 about Dylann he fell to floor, then stabbed him unti l he even tu ally, no mat ter how for mi da ble their Roof’s shoot ing spree was dead. Court doc um ents say the victi m Tell those neo-cons the game is up in Charleston. was cut or stabbed 30 or 40 times in the Get in volved with the non-vot ing Accord ing to him, the chest, abdo m en, back, side and arms. Ameri can Defense Party Ameri can flag stands for Po lice said the as sail ant then threw the oppo si ti on is. Our fight is not merely for a “more per fect Un ion,” Dem o cratic po lit i cal strat e gist slaugh tered on Wash ing ton Metro victi m’s cellphone and re turned to stomp new gun control measures or even new and it was in sti tu tion al ized rac ism that had “Jasper Spires boarded the Red Line on Sutherland’ s body.” mental health program s. It is for the “cul ti vated” Dylann Roof. Sutherland was Metro train at Rhode Island Ave nue shortly creati on of an even more perfect Union. obvi ously a progres sive who bought into be fore 1 PM on Sat urday , joining fellow Per fec tion ist “That is why I am a lib eral and that is the SPLC’s no tion that the CofCC has pas sen gers from the Dis trict and else where Here’s what Kevin Sutherland had to why I am in Newtown.” spread a “false nar ra tive of a victim ized headed to var ious July 4 festi vi ti es, among say about gun control on his own personal As he was stabbed to death alm ost forty White major it y under siege by alleg edly them the Foo Fight ers concert at RFK website: times by a Black ca reer crimi nal, one has to vio lent people of color in the United Sta dium. “Since I am in pol itics, there is one wonder whether in his last sec onds on States.” “As the train rum bled toward its next stop phrase coined by our Founding Fa thers earth it had occurred to Kevin Sutherland Sad facts at NoMa-Gallaudet, a three-minute ride, that reall y strikes me. When they founded that segre ga ti on or a gun may have saved Two weeks later, Kevin Sutherland was D. C. poli ce said the 18-year-old Spires – this na tion, they set out to cre ate a ‘more his life, or that he would end up be ing proba bly in a festi ve mood when fatefull y who might have been high on synthet ic per fect Un ion.’ The im por tant dis tinc tion fea tured as a vic tim of Black-on-White boarding the Washing ton Metro on July drugs – tried to grab a cellphone tucked in this phrase is that our Union is not crime. 4th in his be loved Washing ton, DC, along into the waist band of a recent Ameri can per fect. More than 225 years later, de spite RIP Kevin Sutherland, marty r for “an with one of those “alleg edly vio lent people Uni ver sity grad u ate headed to a gath er ing so much change, this is still true. It is even more perfect Union.” Gone, but not of color,” Jasper Spires: with friends…” likely that we will never achieve ab so lute for got ten. Ameri can flag rapes woman at MARTA sta tion in Atlan ta Wearing the Stars and Stripes is new in for ma tion about an Amer i can flag a MARTA train sta tion in Atlanta, Geor gia: So this suspect has been descri bed by sure to impress media munchkins that has been ac cused of raping a woman at “Po lice have re leased in for ma tion about poli ce as “red, white, and blue,” his color famed for com pas sion a man ac cused of as sault ing a woman at a con sist ing of fifty small, white stars in a and de vi ant tol er ance. MARTA sta tion. blue rect angle juxta posed next to thirteen “MARTA po lice released a pic ture of al ter nat ing red and white stripes. By Hunter Wallace the at tacker. Long as soci ate d with hate groups, Old occidentaldissent.com “A woman told poli ce she was raped on Glory’s pres ence in At lanta has led to an The At lanta po lice have June 14 at the Indian Creek rail sta tion in outcry on Twit ter to #TakeItDown, as this relea sed the photo at right of DeKalb County. She said a man pushed her of fensive flag was used by General an Amer i can-flag-wear ing into a nearby wooded area. Sherman’s army when Atlant a was burned rap ist. “Of fi cials de scribed the sus pect as be ing to the ground in 1864 and raping becam e This was ac com pa nied by betwee n 5-foot-11 and 6-foot-one…” just another facet of “Recon struc ting.” Italian pro testers torch beds meant for invad ing Afri cans dailyslave.com “It aly is cur rently host ing more than “Luca Zaia, the pres ident of It aly’s Italian protes ters torched beds 80,000 migrant s who have crossed the northern Veneto region and a mem ber of meant for in vad ing Af ri cans. Med i ter ra nean flee ing war, per se cu tion or the anti-im migrant Northern League party, They then procee ded to set up povert y in the Middle East and Afric a. The told Ital ian tele vi sion he agreed with the tents vowing not to leave unti l ar riv als in clude many Af ri cans, par tic u larly protes ters, and com plained about the somethi ng is done about this Eritreans, as well as Syr ians. ‘Africanization’ of his own region.” Af ri can prob lem. The bot tom line is that these Afri cans do not bring any thing good to It aly or any Euro pean soci ety . They should all be dealt with as en em ies of the State. In stead, the to stop author i ti es from housing migrant s. faggots in charge of It aly and Europe as “Au thor ities in the vil lage of Quito plan a whole are wel coming these low-IQ to ac com mo date 101 im mi grants in empty savages . I mean look at the above picture , apart ments, but sev eral res i dents broke does any one honest ly beli eve that this into one of the buildings, rem oved camp Negro is going to bring anythi ng of value beds, mattre sses and televi sions intende d to It aly or Euro pean culture ? for the newcom ers and set them on fire From AFP: outside. “Resi dents in a chic Rome suburb and a “The protes ters then put up tents, with northern Italian village staged angry the Corriere della Sera news pa per quot ing Afri cans have ex tremely refined taste, and sim ply will not stand for poor custom er ser vice. Receiv ing migrat ing Af ricans is a very compet i tive busi ness, as ev ery coun try in Eu rope wants way more of them. anti-im migrant protes ts on [July 17], with them as saying: “We aren’t going home “Asy lum seekers” are unsat is fied with Sweden’ s treat ment of them, and are now look ing to Germ any to vil lag ers set ting mattresses ablaze in a bid unti l they leave – this is an inva sion.” serve their deli cate needs. – dailystormer.com The White side of the story This is the reason CNN dropped First, Amer ica has been the best coun try schools and indi vid u als all over America first and fore most, a failur e of the Black Buchanan. It’s like Newt G . said: on earth for Black folks. It was here that have donate d time and money to support com mu nity it self? 600,000 Black people, brought from Afric a soup kitchens, adult edu ca ti on, day care, “You are not sup posed to bring up Whites get ting tired of it un com fort able facts.” Bu chanan in slave ships, grew into a com munit y of reti rem ent and nursing homes for Blacks. 40 mil lion, were intro duced to Christi an We hear the griev ances. Where is the As for rac ism, its ug li est man i fes ta tion to Obama, fi nally… I have never salva tion, and reached the greatest lev els grat i tude? is in in ter ra cial crime, and es pe cially found the White side explained of freedom and prosper it y Blacks have Barack talks about new “lad ders of in ter ra cial crimes of vi o lence. Is Barack better! He had the guts to say it. ever known. op por tu nity” for Blacks. Obama aware that while White crimi nals – [email protected] Wright ought to go down on his knees Let him go to Altoona and Johnstown, choose Black victi ms 3 percent of the time, and thank God he is an Ameri can. and ask the White kids in Catho li c schools Black crimi nals choose White vic tims 45 By Patrick Bu chanan Second, no people anywhere has how many were visit ed lately by Ivy per cent of the time? bu chanan.org done more to lift up Blacks than White League re cruit ers hand ing out schol ar ships Is Barack aware that Black-on-White BARACK says we need to have a Ameri cans . Untol d trilli ons have been spent for “deserv ing” White kids. rapes are 100 times more com mon than the con ver sa tion about race in Amer ica. since the ’60s on wel fare, food stamps, rent reverse , that Black-on-White robber ies Fair enough. But supple m ents, Sec tion 8 housing, Pell grants, If the shoe fits were 139 times as com mon in the first three this time, it has to be a stu dent loans, le gal ser vices, Medicaid, Is White America really respo nsi ble for years of this de cade as the reverse? two-way con ver sa tion. Earned Incom e Tax Credit s and povert y the fact that the crime and in car cer a tion We have all heard ad nauseam from the White Amer ica needs program s designe d to bring the Afri can- rates for Afri can -Ameri cans are seven Rev. Al about Tawana Brawley, the Duke to be heard from, not Amer i can com mu nity into the main stream. times those of White America? Is it re ally rape case and Jena. And all turned out to be just lec tured to. Gov ern ments, busi nesses and col leges White Amer ica’s fault that il le git i macy in hoaxes. But about the epi dem ic of Black This time, the Si lent have en gaged in dis crim i na tion against the Af ri can-Amer i can com mu nity has hit as saults on Whites that are real, we hear Ma jor ity needs to White folks – with affir mative ac tion, 70 percent and the Black dropout rate from noth ing. have its convic ti ons, contra ct set-asides and quotas – to advance high schools in some cities has reached 50 Sorry, Barack, some of us have heard it grievance s and de mands heard. And Black ap pli cants over White ap pli cants. percent? all before, about 40 years and 40 tril lion among them are these: Churches, founda ti ons, civic groups, Is that the fault of White America or, tax dol lars ago. — More profiling — The First Freedom August 2015 21 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Ala bam a 36576 Lord Holohoaxer pays for 2,000 Syr i ans flying to Polan d By Andrew Anglin five-year-old when British Quakers and “Fol low ing a hugely suc cess ful ca reer in the Weidenfeld Safe Havens Fund – a dailystormer.com other Christi ans fed and clothed him, and publi shing, 95-year-old Lord Weidenfeld project which last month paid for 150 It is so touch ing to see a Brit ish Jew helped him reach the U. K. in 1938 – just re mains in cred i bly grate ful for the risks Syrian Christi ans to be flown to Poland. ” paying back the Syri ans who helped keep one year be fore the Second World War. taken by those who helped him, and has Despite the fact that this looks like a him from being made into a lampshade decide d to plough money into a fund to punish ment of Po land, it isn’t. by Adolf Hit ler. He’s fly ing thousands of rescue up to 2,000 perse cute d Christi ans He is just helping the Arabs from them to Poland. living under the rule of ISIS in the Middle Syria. Without them, he would be pure It warms the heart. East. lampshade. Daily Mail: The Great Game “While Lord Weidenfeld – who A Jew ish peer who es caped “Scores of Chris tians have al ready been es tab lished the hugely suc cess ful Nazi-occu pied Austri a with the help brutal ly murdered by the terror group and Weidenfeld and Nicolson publi shing of Brit ish Chris tians is fund ing the thousands forced to leave ancie nt Christi an business in 1948 – provides the bulk of rescue of 2,000 Christi ans from ISIS- com muni ti es in north east ern Syria and the funding for the scheme, several other held ar eas in Syria and Iraq as a way west ern Iraq as the Is lamic ex tremists Jew ish phi lan thro pists have do nated money of “repay ing his debts.” dem and they ei ther convert to Islam , to res cue Chris tians.” If you ever hear the term “repay ing pay an ex tor tion ate rate of tax or face debts” coming from a Jew, you need to ex e cu tion. (Pub lisher extols pals also) Lord Weidenfeld was ap parently saved from find the near est exit im me di ately. gassing by Syrian Arabs, I guess. Or maybe I’m “As part of his plan to ‘re pay’ his debts With friends like Jewish phi lanthro pist s, “Lord Weidenfeld was a penni les s mis un der stand ing the story. to Christi ans, Lord Weidenfeld launched who needs en em ies like Arab ref u gees? “We’ll be able to fight when we redis cover who we are!” This headline is quoted from an first. A di sas ter! De moc racy has been a inter ested in the world and in people. In the autochthonous popu la ti on. As in all of in ter view with Ber nard Lugan. ca tas tro phe for the con ti nent [of Af rica], facts. Mo ral ity I leave to phi los o phers. We Af rica, the vote is ra cial in South Af rica. bvoltaire.fr just as med icine has been.” are living in a dogm atic time, an emoti onal The ANC is the party of Blacks, con trolled Translate d from French by Richard Noegel Med i cine? time, [en tirely] in the pres ent. But I think by Zulus, and the small liberal party – Ex clu sive to The First Freedom “Yes. When our great explor ers first like the Arabs or the Afri cans : For the long Whites and mixed race – is going exact ly ar rived in Af rica, the con tinent was alm ost term. And I shall go even further with no where.” “[...] Uni ver sal suf frage empty. In fact, [Af rica] has al ways been a my re marks: De moc racy has done more And yet you remain opti mis tic… ex plains why ev ery [Af ri can] con ti nent of low pres sure, de mo graph i cally damage than slav ery!” “Yes, for re ality is go ing to reas sert country that has it founder s speak ing. Un til Eu ro pe ans brought their To hear you talk, South Afric a will it self. The dem ocrat ic model is going to and sinks; is exploited by medi cine . From one hundred mil lion never be the marvel ous Rain bow collaps e under its own dead weight. We are in hab it ants, the pop u la tion has grown De moc racy that we imag ine. going to return – includ ing Europe – to a ever y crook at all levels, past one bil lion, and the United Na tions “No. And apart heid is making a peace ful sort of An cien Régime that will better from people who don’t know pre dicts three billion in a few de cades! It’s comeback. The great White exo dus (nearly re spect the orig i nal com mu ni ties [of how to read and who can mad ness! The fee ble Af ri can States will a mil lion people) is over. Those who have autochthonous Euro pe ans] . We’ll be able barely count or who never never stand the shock.” stayed have re set tled; liv ing in their own to fight the Islamists on an equal footing Do you doubt that your remarks will towns. There is lit tle con tact with Blacks. when we redis cover who we are. Not with learned any sort of trade, shock people? The great dis tances [in South Af rica] allow this toy – this bauble of ‘the Rights of Man’ right on up to bank ers who “You know, me, I’m a his toria n. I am for that which is im possi ble in France for – or [with] this obso let e secu lar ism [laïcité]! live in the finest of palace s, and by numer ous other s. Refighting the Battle of New Orleans “All the pro fes sions, bit by bit, turn By Robert McClendon names ded i cated to Con fed er ate heroes. Sup port ers of Landrieu’s them selves into gangste rs. The countri es NOLA.com proposal have called for all such monu m ents to be rem oved and with univer sal suf frage are going to fall The Times-Pic a yune such streets to be re named. Some have gone as far as call ing for the into such frightful chaos that gangste rs will Opponents of the pro posed re moval of Con fed er ate me mo ri als statue of Andrew Jackson, who owned slaves and oversaw the have to rein vent just ethics [sim ply] to in New Orlea ns are using socia l media to or ganize the fight to keep genocide of Indi ans in the Southeas t, to be removed. maintai n a mini m um of [safety] around them where they stand. Carroll said he feared Landrieu, in an ef fort to curry poli ti cal themselves.” What started out as an ef fort to keep the statue of Robert E. Lee plaudit s, was opening a door he wouldn’ t be able to shut. “This is a Through out Af rica, it seems that atop his col umn in Lee Circle has expanded its mission to include very slippery slope. It’s a danger ous prece dent. Where is it gonna chaos is spread ing. Do the bor ders that defend ing all of the statues and monu m ents dedi cat ed to the end?” he asked. came out of colo nial ism have a futur e? Confederacy. “Those borders have nothing to do with Mayor dumb-down re ality , but here they are. If they ex plode, The City Council , at Mayor Mitch Landrieu’s request , has be gun a there will be an ar chy. And we see in South form al hearing proces s that could result in the rem oval of Lee and Sudan that new borders do not solve monu m ents dedi cat ed to P. G. T. Beauregard, another Confed er ate reall y any problem s. The real problem is gen eral; Jef fer son Da vis, the pres i dent of the Con fed er acy; and the de moc racy. That is what is provok ing the Bat tle of Libert y Place, a bloody confron ta ti on insti gated by chaos. With the ‘one man, one vote’ ex-Confed er ate s who launched a failed coup against Loui si ana’ s prin ci ple, the eth nic ma jor ity sys tem at i cally Re con struc tion gov ern ment. wins elec tions. And that causes ter ri ble Led by Tim Shea Carroll, the “Save our Cir cle” move ment dra mas when that major ity was, be fore has collec ted nearly 15,000 signa ture s on a change.org peti tion in de pend ence, sub ju gated by some other oppos ing the rem ovals and united 3,465 users in a Facebook group . That ends up in vengeanc e ded icated to the same cause. and genocide , as in Rwanda. The genocide Both have seen rapid growth recent ly, with hundreds joining of 1994 was the offspring of de mocracy .” and signing each day. You al ways em pha size Pres i dent The group has also started a fundrai sing cam paign to raise New Orleans po lice of ficers restrain the Rev. Avery Al ex an der, long time civil Mitterrand’s speech at La Baule (1990) money to buy T-shirts and mate ri als to build protes t signs to show rights leader and State rep resen ta tive, dur ing a scuf fle at the 1993 re ded i ca tion as the point of de par ture for the chaos in a united front at ralli es and publi c hearings. It’s nearly reached its cer e mo nies of the Lib erty Mon u ment. Al ex an der led an ef fort to dis rupt the Af rica… goal of $1,000. cer em ony cel ebrat ing an 1874 bat tle in New Or leans in which a White League “Ab so lutely! Mitterrand, by say ing that At tempts to reach Carroll were not imm edi ately success ful, but mi li tia de feated forces loyal to the bi ra cial Re con struc tion gov ern ment. The con fron ta tion came amid a dis pute over whether city of ficials should rem ove ‘a dem ocrat ic wind’ would have to ‘blow he told WGNO-TV that he is pro-statue, not pro-slavery . the mon u ment com mem o rat ing the bat tle. Many Af ri can Amer i can lead ers through Afric a’ turned his back on our The city’s streetscape is re plete with mon u ments and road ar gue the mon u ment is a rac ist symbol and is offen sive. for mer Afri can policy – [a] Gaulist [policy ] – which consis ted in support ing strong regim es. We used to think, and rightly so, that it was nec es sary to erect a State be fore talking about dem ocracy . De Gaulle under stood that; moreover , he used to speak of ‘coop er a ti on’ with the form er col o nies; never of ‘de vel op ment.’ The So cial ist head of State [Mitterrand] as so ci ated ‘de vel op ment’ with ‘de moc racy,’ making the second a condi ti on for the

Or der ex tra cop ies of The First The Bouef Gras rolls past Lee Cir cle as Rex makes its way down the Free dom tra di tional Up town pa rade route. The statue of Rob ert E. Lee faces north so that he never turns his back on his en em ies. As he faces north to wards Help your friends shed the Min nesota, Saints ban ners, includ ing one fea turing Buddy D., hang from his scales from their eyes! statue at Lee Circle befor e the NFC Champi on ship Game betw een the New See coupon on page 24 A statue of General P. G. T. Beauregard stands at the Es pla nade Av enue Orleans Saints and Min nesota Vikings at the Superdome on Sunday, Jan uary en trance to City Park. 24, 2010. 22 The First Freedom August 2015 — Deci sion time — P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Ala bam a 36576 The mil i tary so lu tion By J. B. Campbell scores of fed eral employ ees and their mass de struc tion on the capi tal s of Europe. ret ribu ti on com es in the form of mass jbcampbellextremismonline.com chil dren to stop this armed and poten ti ally Repor ts per sist here that Is rael has planted anni hi la ti on. In those days, the true nature As a Rho de sian anti-ter ror ist in the pow er ful phe nom e non. nu clear weap ons in Amer i can cit ies that of Juda ism was not under stood. The early ’70s, I figured that the com bina ti on The merger contem plated by the Ford will be deto nate d if Israel is not obeyed. “news pa per of re cord,” the New York of nor mal Af ri can cru elty Founda ti on is obso let e in the literal sense. Other cred i ble re ports in di cate that Times, de lib er ately con cealed from its with Jew ish Com mu nism But the fact is that Amer ica has be come the Is rael was re spon si ble for the Jap a nese readers the truth of what a bunch of New was the ul ti mate in po lit i cal Soviet Union, so that an of ficia l merger nu clear di sas ter in re tal i a tion for Ja pan’s York Jews did to the Russia n, Ukrai nian sa dism. The atroc i ties I be came un nec es sary. support of the Pales ti nians in the U. N. Also and other peoples , with Ameri can help, wit nessed were shocking The U. S. Army is now the Red Army. that Is rael at tempted to kill Ger many’s starting in 1917. and re volt ing. The U. S. Army and the Red Army were presi dent for the same rea son (sabo tage d Most Ameri cans did not under sta nd the It turned out that my mil itar y partners from 1941 to 1945 and he li cop ter) and that the Nor we gian Jew ish dec lara tion of war against Ger many edu ca ti on was incom plete. I was not fully worked closely for another three years to slaughter of children was for that country ’s in 1933, or what it would lead to. Some aware of what America had done or would slaughter mil lions of helples s Germ ans and pro-Pal es tin ian po si tion. did, the mem bers of the Amer ica First do in the decade s to come. It took a few Jew-wise Eu ro pe ans un til the lu cra tive Commit tee, but they were si lenced by the years af ter re turn ing home to see what the Cold War was started. Suddenly , the Path to redemption FDR-contri ved at tack on Pearl Harbor. future held for us Ameri cans . part ners becam e “en em ies.” In a few This level of threat ened and ac tual mass The Ameri can mili tary is the key to The Ameri can mili tary has up to the decade s, the Soviet Union had served its murder can only be thwarted by the master s survival , just as it has been the key to present date not covered itsel f in glory. purpose and was dissolve d. America then of mass mur der, the U. S. mili tary , which Jew ish Rule. Like fire, it is a dan ger ous Mili tar y glory can only be obtai ned in the becam e the Com munist monste r with no has been under the Jewish spell since at servant and an even more danger ous defense of the nati on from unpro voked coun ter-bal ance. least 1861. There is only one way that the master . And, as with ev ery thing else in life, mil i tary at tack by an other coun try. Let’s U. S. mili tary can re deem it self and res cue it depends on good men in charge – al ways disabuse oursel ves of smug ideas that Ft. 1948 was also the year that the world from the fruit of its sa dis tic a problem . Sumter and Pearl Harbor were unprovoked Pales tine’ s name was changed be hav ior on be half of Ju da ism. Ju da ism There just might be enough good men in attacks. and that sad country be came must be rem oved as a threat to life on this the Ameri can mil itar y who have the guts There have been no unpro voked at tacks planet and prevente d from ever rising and brains to seize control of the murder since the War for Inde pend ence from the poi son ous Jew ish head- again. machine and arrest the trai tors who have England. Starting in 1861 and ever since, the quarter s for war, treacher y, It is time that the U. S. mili tary cleanse been propell ed to the top by bootli ck, Amer i can mil i tary has been the ag gres sor, re pres sion and chaos. itself of Jew ish agents, Free masons and de gen er acy and moral cow ard ice. control led and exploi ted by Ameri can hom osex u als , all of whom serve Jewish You lieuten ants and captai ns and majors pol i ti cians on be half of pri vate bank ers. Ob vi ously, this writer is anti-mili tary . fi nance cap ital ism and the State of Is rael. who aren’t on the make can seize con trol We Ameri cans were born in a coun try Anyone who would start a civil ian resis tance The U. S. mil itar y’s routi ne slaughter ing of and end the slaughter and tor ture of founded on a vi olent and treacher ous land move ment is anti-mili tary . But there is only foreign ers who are in the way of Jewish inno cent s. You know damn well that no grab from the orig i nal in hab it ants, who one or ga ni za tion that can re move Is rael as one in Guantanamo is guilty of anythi ng themselves did not deal in real es tate sales the num ber one threat to life on this planet. Sub scrib ers to this news pa per are other than re sist ing Amer i can bar ba rism. or mortgage fraud. Virtu all y every treaty That or ga ni za tion is the U. S. mili tary . el i gi ble as non-pay ing mem bers of And that’s if he’s not just some cab driver made by the U. S. govern m ent was broken Now, Israel has not slaughter ed mil lions the non-vot ing po lit i cal move ment you stupidl y bought for three grand. by the U. S. Army, which conducte d the of Iraqis or untol d num bers of Afghans, Amer i can De fense Party first mod ern ex ter mi na tion pro gram, to day Paki sta nis and Libyans . Israel did not Your an nual dues are the $25 paid The time is now known as “ethnic cleansing.” slaughter mil lions of Germ ans after World to The First Freedom, so sound off Think back on the disgrace of Abu The legal system of a country based on War II. The Amer ican mil itary has done in its pages why we’re NOT VOTING Ghraib and refle ct on how such a thing Af ri can slav ery and ex ter mi na tion of its that, due to some myste ri ous control of it could happen. Abu Ghraib, Bagram, nati ves can only be an exer cis e in fraud and by Ameri can and Israeli Jews. plun der ing must stop. Guantanamo, prison ships, rendi ti ons, hypocrisy. The U. S. mili tary must re move all torture , mass murder , deplet ed uranium The be hav ior of the Amer i can mil i tary The rotten fact weapons of mass de struc tion possess ed by muni ti ons that have produced de formed in the 20th Century and now in the 21st has Again, the U. S. mil itar y has not covered Israel , as de manded by John F. Kennedy in babies of your own, not to menti on the been shockingl y savage and sadis ti c, with itself in glory. It is cov ered by Jew ish the months leading up to his assas si na ti on. horrors in Iraq. You are in total disgrace scores of mil lions of dead foreign ers who slime. The U. S. mili tary is a dis grace and Hum anit y will never be safe unti l for your parti ci pa ti on in crimes against threatened us not in the least. The suf fering has al ways been a dis grace. It must be ar ti fi cial Jew ish dom i na tion is ended. hu man ity. of the survi vors cannot be calculated. purged of its subver sive agents of Juda ism . Amer ica must in ev i ta bly ex pe ri ence a Of course, you were just follow ing orders The Ameri can wars of the 20th and 21st Amer i can and Is raeli Jews ex er cise mili tary coup to res cue it self from Jew ish given by draft-dodging pukes in DC. You Centu rie s were fought and are be ing fought con trol of the U. S. mili tary via Free mason ry Rule, which has sat urat ed our poli ti cal , still are. Honest ly, how could you take for Jewish profit and for the arti ficia l Jewish and ho mo sex u al ity, both of which are so cial and le gal sys tems. Jew ish Rule is orders from a soft piece of chicken-shit en clave known as Is rael. This Jew ish ram pant in the senior of ficer class of the why Amer ica is so sick and de gen er ate and such as Dick Cheney? Or an ob vious ly ing en clave ap pears to ex ert to tal power over Army, Marine Corps, Air Force and Navy, overrun by aliens. spook such as Barack Obama? Are you that the Amer i can mil i tary. ac cord ing to the cou ra geous rev e la tions of This is not far-fetched, as we can plainly de lu sional? That im po tent? Maybe not. Back in 1979 I spoke with the form er Kay Griggs, form er wife of Marine Colo nel see with the sudden and unex pect ed fall America is dead, and much of the blame Wall Street banker and congres sio nal George Griggs. The colo nel reveal ed to his of the House of Murdoch. This Jew ish co mes from the crimes of the U. S. mili tary in ves ti ga tor for the Reece Com mit tee, wife that the se nior of fi cer class par tici pates pro pa ganda ma chine is self-de struct ing. in the 19th, 20th and 21st Centu rie s. We Norm an Dodd. In 1953 Mr. Dodd elicit ed in the vil est forms of “male bonding,” The rest of the Hol ly wood /New York axis can bring it back to life, which will take the state ment from Rowan Gaither, then done for the purposes of mind control and must also be dism antl ed. Jews must not a while, but it can’t be done without presi dent of the Ford Founda ti on, that his obe di ence to il le gal or ders, which in clude be al lowed in any posi ti ons of power or the re volt of the U. S. mili tary and the and the other tax-exem pt founda ti ons were as sas si na tion. in flu ence, ever again. overthrow of the war lords, the fi nance lords commit ting their sub ver sion to al ter life in Is rael, with Amer i can Jew ish per mis sion, We can see what has hap pened in the and the propa ganda lords headquar ter ed in the U. S. so that this country could be has threat ened to unlea sh its weapons of past once this ef fort is begun. Jewish Washing ton DC, New York and Tel Aviv. com fortably merged with the Soviet Un ion. The decision 6,000 illegals in 48 hours is an in va sion Mr. Dodd’s impa tient first words in By Magdi Cristiano Allam and shanty towns, mili tarily sealed off from that nobody in the [Italian] govern m ent 1979 were, “We have over-diag nosed the ripostelaique.com popu la ti on center s, from which it will be grasps the fact that we are about to under go problem .” These soon be came this writer’s Translate d from French by Richard Noegel for bid den to leave with out au tho ri za tion. a ver i ta ble in va sion of il le gal aliens; a sen timents, which led to an at tempt to form Ex clu sive to The First Freedom premedi tated in va sion that will end with the ba sic re sis tance movem ent ten years In two days, close to 6,000 illegals Who rules Italy? the de struc tion of our socio-econom ic later which I for po liti cal pur poses called landed in It aly. Since Janu ary 1, 8,000 What are we [Ital ians] wait ing for to founda ti ons and which will prom ote the “the mili tia.” All of my con tri bu tions to VT more illegals have arrive d than dur ing the under sta nd that we are at war? Is it possi ble Islamization of Italy and Europe. Wake up! have of fered solu ti ons rather than mere same period in 2014, when 170,000 had anal ysis , thanks to Norm an Dodd’s advice . arrive d – a record high. And, ac cording to The mi litia was a move ment with a The Guardian , 500,000 more people are The con sti tu tional answer nar row win dow of op por tu nity to at tack wait ing their turn on the coast of Libya to Con sti tu tional Sher iff Scott Lon don, of matter had not been heard. Sherif f London the Council on Foreign Rela ti ons and other try to cross [the Medi ter ranean] to our Eddy County, New Mexico, was called by there fore told the fed eral offi cials to leave Jew ish agen cies be fore the movem ent was coun try. a consti tu ent to help with an IRS problem . un til such time as it had. in fil trated by FBI, mili tary and po lice Des per a tion That sounds a lit tle strange, maybe, but it’s He then sent a strongly worded let ter to agents who would ul ti mately slaughter The [Ital ian] gov ern ment is pan ick ing reall y a great story, and it isn’ t even over the IRS, which is repro duced be low. be cause it can not see how it will be able to yet. A judge had ordered the seizure of the The rest of the story can be viewed at Or der ex tra cop ies of recei ve the 130,000 illegals who will risk cit i zen’s prop erty to KrissAnne Hall’s ex cel lent website: http:// com ing [to Italy ] by the end of this year. pay for back taxes. An krisannehall.com/con sti tu tional-sher iff- Req ui si tion ing mil i tary bar racks and IRS agent and fed eral nm-de fies-irs/ Note that there are still The First turning them into recep ti on sta tions for marshal s showed up to events to take place in these peo ple, with all the costs that will carry out the seizure, this case. Free dom en tail in re mod el ing and ad min is tra tion, threat en ing to ar rest At tor ney KrissAnne Help your friends shed the will not be enough. any one who in ter fered. is a CSPOA mem ber scales from their eyes! For this rea son, the govern m ent is Sherif f London came out and talked and a Con sti tu tional See coupon on page 24 con sid er ing set ting up ver i ta ble ref u gee with all concerne d. After consult ing the expert . She helped camps – like those in Jordan or Leba non or Con sti tu tion, he de ter mined that due CSPOA with draft ing Let’s roll! Turkey , countri es that bor der war-torn proces s had not be com pletely af forded to our Reso lu ti on at the Las Vegas strat egy Syria and Iraq. That means huge tent cities the citi zen, because his timely appeal in the meet ing in Jan 2014. — Bul letin board — The First Freedom August 2015 23 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Ala bam a 36576

SALTY SID of Silver Spring sends seven FOR ONE free pocket Consti tu tion send a “IN RACIST Marxist Is rael,” by Jack The NEW ORDER con tin ues the leg acy Da vid Lee’s BIBLE ERRORS REVEALED sep a rate sen sa tional scan dal spread sheets self address ed stamped (70 cents) enve lope Bernstein. He worked there for six years in of George Lin coln Rockwell and fights to and Re lated Top ics. Thirty years research for seven dol lars. Sure sat is fac tion! Sid’s to: NCCS se cu rity. His ex pe ri ences prove Is rael is no build a better world for future gener a tions seeking the Truth. Six paper back 8½ x 11 super-sized subscri ption set includes The 37777 W Juni per Rd de moc racy but a Marx ist Po lice State. 42 of White chil dren. Visit our website at: volum es $20 each PPD. Vol. I – 179 pages First Free dom, Im pact, Cit i zens In former, Malta, ID 83342 pages, $8 ppd. Truth at Last Books, P. 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Box 8336, Silver Spring, MD 20907-8336. news pa per of fers an in tro duc tory rate of 16 ex poses Jews as “The World’s Foremost 33-YEAR-OLD Aryan trapped in Florida News 4 Whites.blogspot.com issues for $17.76. 16000 Trade Zone Ave, Prob lem.” These ar ti cles first ap peared in prison, spent his last FRNs hoping to find JOIN GIDEON’S ELITE, PREPARE White In for ma tion Net work Unit 406, Upper Marlboro, MD 20774. the peri od i cal publishe d by the Ford Motor friends among likeminded folks willing to FOR KINGDOM SERVICE! Hear DISPLAY ADVERTISING for pages 6-22: Com pany, The Dear born In de pend ent. This reach out to a fallen soldier of our cause Pas tor Pe ter J. Peters daily on WWCR REALITY CHECK – 217 pgs paper back. www.firstfreedom.net/Adv.rates.htm Join history sleuth Ger man-born author is the abridged single volum e edition at 231 suf fer ing be hind the walls. shortwave radio. For a FREE newslet ter pages. $14 postal money or der to Karl Hand, Kevin Walsh #d05549 with complete broad cast sched ule: YOUR NAME in TFF makes a dif fer ence Chris tine Miller as she exposes Zion ist to people you can count on, assur ing those contra dictions in their own words against P. O. Box 1281, Lockport, NY 14095. Black wa ter C. F. Scrip tures For America, POB 766, LaPorte 5914 Jeff Ates Rd friends you’re with them. them selves. Nothing is closer to fresh air CO 80535. 24 hrs daily internet stream ing FREE DVD cata log on global conspir acy , Mil ton, FL 32583 @ www.scripturesforamerica.org and light than Re al ity Check. $20 PPD in “What World Fa mous Men Said About C. S. A. and U. S. TFF, P. O. Box 385, legal sover eignty , re duce taxes and avoid “Unite with En vious Pride 1488” HERITAGE AND DESTINY is a 24 page The Jews.” Com piled by Dr. Ed Fields. 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Help stop the Zion ist NWO De clare a new era for the Na tional Al li ance. 2) “Mar tin Luther King Hol iday Should www.efp.org.uk $20 includes postage Af ter many years of mism an age ment and Be Re pealed.” FBI files doc u ment his CONFEDERATE BATTLE FLAGS, 3x5 DWA Trust – P. O. Box 1947 in at ten tion, mem bers are fight ing back to Comm unist ties. KENTUCKY BLOODLETTING. 2½ hour polyester with metal grom mets, $12 each Payson, Ar i zona 85547 save Dr. Pierce’s leg acy. Join Dr. Pierce’s 3) “Kosher Food Tax Raises Food Prices.” DVD. Four “rebels” murdere d in cold PPD in C. S. A., cur rent limit ONE, or free brother, Sanders Pierce, and the al li ance’s Every food item featur ing a “K” or “U” blood for each invader killed by the angry with any first-time 12-month subscri ption ADVERTISE on this bulle tin board. Just top street ac tiv ist Mi chael Weaver along im print has paid a tax to a Rabbi. cit i zenry. $15 PPD in C. S. A. and U. S. Get to The First Freedom for $25 cash, check or $10 per inser tion, maxi m um 50 words, 10¢ with many oth ers. To learn more about this All three tracts only $1 from: yours by contact ing TFF roving re porter m.o. to TFF, P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, AL each ad di tional word. Please in di cate any project and how any one can get involved, Truth at Last Books Nancy Hitt, [email protected] . 36576. capi tal iza tion or italics desired. visit us online at: www.narrg.com . P. O. Box 1211, Marietta, GA 30061 Your signed letter with phone num ber and address is welcom e, but will be edited as neces sary to fit available Let ters… - space. Send to The First Freedom , P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Ala bam a 36576 or email ed itor@ firstfreedom.net FAMILY AFFAIR LOOKING AHEAD TIT FOR TAT LEFTIST LINKAGE I had my tribe here for In depend ence Sign me up for one year. I’d subscri be When the gang in Je rusa lem tar gets a The First Freedom’ s pub lish ing ar ti cles Day and gave them a lecture on why we for longer , but right now I’m loading up on group or its sym bol, they reall y go all out, on in ter ra cial re la tions and geo pol i tics is cele brate the day. One of them asked why ammo for the com ing civil war! don’t they? The Northern tabloi ds have all very perti nent. Herewit h my paym ent for a my flag was upside down (I have thirtee n The rich Jews of the world are hell-bent de clared war on Dixie. one-year subscri pti on to the prisoner grandchil dren ranging from 2 to 19; one of on geno cidal ex ter mi na tion of the White Fair’s fair, I say. If the Zi on ists are go ing Dylann Roof #0001518680 them had yelled out that it was upside race with the help of the igno rant Black to abuse the Stars and Bars, then let ev ery Charleston County De tenti on Center down “becaus e Granddaddy hung it that and Hispanic masses! South ern Na tion al ist re pay the com pli ment. 3841 Leeds Ave nue way”). I ex plained: Thank God that such news papers as Let their Is raeli flag be burned at ev ery Charleston, SC 29405 “In 1776 repre sen ta ti ves of 13 Brit ish The First Freedom are getti ng the word gather ing by the League of the South or DUNCAN EDMISTER colo nies signed the DOI becaus e of tyrant out to God’s people about what’s going on! other South ern Na tion al ist groups. St. Louis, MO King George and formed the ‘united States DAVID PRESLEY JOSEPH TRAINOR The munchkins/Mossadniks combo of Amer ica.’ For the next five years they Waxahachie, TX Attleboro, MA may “link” TFF with that Man churian were free, though at war with England the Order that little rogue State’s flag Can di date’s pro grammed mur ders, just whole time; but their free dom im medi ately WHO RULES AMERICA from Onli ne Stores, 1000 Westing house as the New York Times sought to “link” began to be lim ited. In 1789, the same 13 Black col leges can refuse to have White Drive, Suite 1, New Stanton, PA 15672. the Tsarnaevs with AFP and this pa per col o nies, now States, cre ated a gov ern ment students but a Christi an baker can’t re fuse Call 1-877-734-2458 for prices shipped. though they weren’t sub scribers. Fear of with very limited power mainly to rep re sent service s to sodom ites though he considers such feints must not deter us from duty. them in foreign com merce, in inter nati onal sodom y an abom ina ti on. I’m sick and tired STILL NUMBER ONE Roof’s sub begins with this issue. rela ti onships and to provide for the com mon of White pa tri ots who sit on their fat asses Following the terror ism in Chatta nooga, defense . They called this new govern m ent talking about the degra da ti on of America I noti ced that WGOW referred to the huge FIVE FIENDS the ‘United States.’ Today , what 13 States but re fuse to do any thing about it becaus e pres ence of law en forcem ent, and the list The Suprem e Court has made it of ficia l. cre ated to serve their will has become more it’s not at their doors or they can’t imagine was impres sive. But the Of fice of Sher iff This is no lon ger a hetero sex ual, Christi an of a tyrant than King George ever could themselves able to make a dif fer ence. was listed last, af ter all those fancy fed eral nati on, but “the Sodom and Gom or rah of have been. Therefore, I fly my flag upside Wake up, America! The Jews and the of ficers named up front! the West ern World.” It is also a ju di cial and down as a sign of the dis tress these united Blacks and the hom osex u als are sure doin’ The FBI et al are there at the behest of ex ec u tive tyr anny from which Amer ica’s States of Amer ica are in, with prayers for somethi ng. Here’s what you can do: Tell and to help our Sherif f! This is im portant . colo nist s would have revolt ed much sooner. an other dec la ra tion of in de pend ence and your daughter to go marry a Black thug The Sher iff is the high est law offi cer and Who did this? Three leftwing Jews, one an other rev o lu tion if nec es sary.” who treats her like a whore. Tell your son can arrest or invit e any of those others in or leftwing Hispanic and a de mented piece of Of course, I read them the Dec lara tion to go let some man sodomize him unti l he out at his com mand. This is Ameri can law fe cal matter by the name of An thony M. of In de pend ence. likes to be sodomized and likes sodomizing and we will not al low it to be turned over, Ken nedy. What can we con clude ex cept They got it. EMIL KURANTOVICH other kids. And finall y give all your money in spite of all the presum ed author it y of that this is but another in a long train of Lumberton, NC to the Jews that prom ote this perver sion. usurpers – those more shiny, polishe d and abuses whereby such en em ies and trai tors Then you’ll be a true Ameri can. White “trained.” We will not al low a sub tle or are the very ones running our country ? PROFILES guilt and coward ice have given the enem y open at tack upon our Sherif fs. We are not What now? Con gress, if they have the Dylann Roof was an excep ti on. Negroes courage not just to come out of the closet giving them up. This is para m ount to a free votes, will and courage, should im peach reg u larly com mit vicious , hideous crimes but to force all who do not agree with his republic. the five. But, is this suffi cient pun ish ment? against Whites. It is in their DNA. They’re agenda to go hide in closets . Let’s all sing And, while the Sherif f may glean the Some (includ ing the writer) would have not civ ilized. Just look at Af rica! All their Kumbaya, becaus e it’s unlaw ful to whistl e tech nol ogy or ser vices of all these fed eral them tried for treason, convict ed and then savage and heinous acts go unre porte d in Dixie. Sadly, fags, Jews and Blacks are now of fi cers – af ter all, we pay their sala ries and either expell ed from the country or taken the main stream media, except lo cally out calling the shots. JOSH WINGFIELD fund that fancy equipm ent – let them be out and hanged or shot. But this, of course, of neces sity. We have to peruse al ter nate Cañon City, CO rem inded that the Sherif f is boss. He can will not happen, for, I regret to say, many news pa pers such as The First Freedom to only be arrest ed by the county consta ble, Amer i cans and their rep re sen ta tives in get the facts. Pro vo cateur Obama in flames MERE PAPER the check and balance of our consti tuti onal both po lit i cal par ties have be come too the ra cial di vide. RAY DIVELY Asking a banker if he has good cents may liber ti es or re moved by due proces s of his de gen er ate and cow ardly. It’s elim i nate the Baden, PA be misun der stood, yet they’re no longer con stit u ents. ene m ies and traitors within our country copper but zinc counter feits. To me, the We are not impr essed with titles and now or forfei t all hope for survival . A MODEST PROPOSAL word “dol lar” means 412.5 gr. sil ver. Some airs. Let us be ware of inti m ida ti on by those JOHN ALTMAN Given the recent outburst of rage against think a dollar is a piece of paper , so what is who like to make fun of this country and Tuscaloosa, AL all things Confed er ate , I propose that the “one hundred dol lars,” 100 pieces of paper build their own in ter na tional in ter ests and good and the great, those without the sins or just one? would de stroy us. Their only weapon is ASKED FOR IT of an ces tral re bel lion and slaveholding, To say “Ameri cans” are war mon gers mockery by the press and think tanks. But Mayor Steph anie Rawlings-Blake called bring pressure upon the U. S. Congress to building an em pire does not descri be me. we are stronger and give no truck to them. the April 27 ri ot ing “Bal timore’ s dark est expel the Old South from their Union. “Our” gov ern ment obeys a ca bal made up I am pray ing to the God of our father s. day.” This lady conve nient ly for gets that Those States that re belled against the of crim inals , which means no poli ti cian is The Lord is our lawgiver , judge and king. she made it so by order ing the Balti more blessed North must be punishe d by exil e, obey ing his oath of of fice. They all deal in Let our Sherif fs maintai n their God-given P. D. to stand down and al low those Black by banish m ent, thrown out to wander the Bab y lo nian pa per. Con sti tu tional money is au thor ity and power. JUNE GRIFFIN teenag ers “who wished to destroy to do Wil derness without aid or com fort or even valuable “coin,” spe cif ical ly gold or silver . Dayton, TN that as well.” noti ce from the righteous and al mighty Since (not cents) no poli ti cian obeys the The re sult? At least 20 cops injured, 100 Fed eral gov ern ment’s wor ship ers, ad her ents Con sti tu tion, a typ ical one – Bush – calls it A QUESTION ve hi cles de stroyed, 15 build ings burned and fol lowers. Throw the tainted States no dif fer ently from the “Fed eral Re serve Now that our be loved Confed er ate flag includ ing a new CVS Pharm acy and rows out now! They don’t deserve to be in our Note” a “(*%#!) piece of paper .” has by law been re moved from the capitol of low-incom e housing. Un ion! JAMES CATRON JOHN CARLEY build ing in South Carolina, will the Black Fer gu son, Mis souri, was no ab er ra tion Marietta, OK Buf falo, MO Panther s be re quired to stop display ing either. Blacks are serv ing no tice that they TFF apolo giz es for not cover ing more And, with digi tal “cashless” curr ency their flags also, as that’s a form of hatred will no longer subm it to ar rest by White events from among the hun dreds mainly almost upon us, it’s again Quis custodiet against Whitey? And, if not, why not? It’s poli ce of ficers . This is just the begin ning of ig nored ex cept by lo cal reports, missing ipsos custodes? We must get the Jews out a sym bol of such bully ing as that gang has the ur ban chaos yet to come. even cor respon dent Nancy Hitt’s part in of our lives, so that the States can secede dem on strated re peat edly at poll ing booths DRAKE KINSLEY the flagging at Louis vil le. We’re only 24 from that ca bal, then issue their own during electi ons. YAKOV ROBYETSKI Boston, MA pages, and this revo lu tion is BIG. debt-free dig ital me dia of ex change. Bisbee, AZ Let’s re mem ber who in sti gates them. 24 The First Freedom August 2015 — Self-govern m ent be gins at home — P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Ala bam a 36576 Time for the real White America’s buses to roll By Olaf Childress volun tee ring to put feet on the ground nor chutz pah can teach us a thing or two. losses, re covery of such sover eign spaces ed i [email protected] reveal ing who furnishe s the buses, screens For, living in the real world, sensing as needed to secure the ex istence of our No matter how many of our people have par tic i pants and driv ers, charts dates/times how few mice and men inter breed out side people and a future for White chil dren. fallen into the Jew ish mediacracy’s use ful along the pickup routes, names the tar geted their own kind except when deceived, we idi ots mousetra p, that num ber is unli kely des ti na tions and mes sages, etc. observe all of today’ s actual discov er ies Flagging to be any where near point ing to end less com pe ti tion be tween Aryans must move upon every State’s the claimed “pride.” We can do this var i ous trees, in di vid u als, races and ideas. pres ently en emy-oc cu pied capitol by the Yet, since big money Our objec ti ve must be to move beyond If life, this moti va tion to ward sur vival, busloads. We must shout and sing not only and its obe di ent lit tle every thing that is working nei ther to the were pos sible by some other means than Amazing Grace but, to the tune of Glory, “gays” re main at the benefit of today’ s force fully “inte grat ed” trying one self con tin u ally upon whatever Glory, Hal lelu jah, our new and im proved mom ent in control of but never assim ilat ed peoples nor the Jews may beckon as the mom ent’s whetstone, it version – O, The South Again Is Rising! most bill boards and behind so much confu sion. would be so. Therefore the only endles s The messages we’ll de liver there are “Stop head lines, let us stay How should it begin? By decons truc ting peace – that is, life’s oppositive – inter red betra ying us,” “Don’t send more money to alert against per verts the Jew ish mediacracy’s ra bid worldview, or still walk ing, is death. What lies be yond, Washing ton then beg it back,” “Secede ,” stalking our chil dren an tic i pat ing and tak ing into con sid er ation whether a re turn whence we came, again as “De port il le gal aliens,” “Re lease po lit i cal while we’re gearing Joe Sixpack’s troubled discon tent . As we an in fin ites imally small “chip off the old prison ers” and “Drop the hate laws.” Okay, up to over throw that dis in for ma tion clique. emanci pate oursel ves from under the yoke block,” nobody can say. you’ve got addi ti onal ideas. Well, poster However many Aryans re main on course, of false ideas, loosen ing those chains will Whatever is, is right. There fore, let’s not board is cheap, so start the wheels rolling! this the more ag ile ones can and must do. prove exem plary in advis ing Jews, Blacks explode our heads by stubborn at tempts at A thousand years from now, all decent and all others watching what ac tuall y does com prehend ing the fight betwee n God and Self-pres er va tion people, the sons and daughter s of norm al work, thus helping them to better redi rect Satan; just keeping in shape as best we’re Brothers and sis ters North and South, let parents – not aberrants – will look back on their own self-inter ested courses. able will do. Under norm al circum stances us nie wieder – never again – suf fer Wall to day’s “in ter est ing times” in much the nobody wishes to die, proof enough that Street banksters, munchkins on Madi son same way that we study pre his toric DNA The meta phys i cal we live in the best of possi ble worlds. Av e nue or their pat sies in the Dis trict of fossil s. How so? Becaus e dropouts cannot It’s time to say this; the moment is right. Those who preach univer sal brother hood Corrup ti on to pit ordi nary White people repro duce them selves, their only capture s Chris tian ity’s un der min ing of the Ro man are plying the wiles of decep ti on. Running against each other in mortal com bat. If being gullibl y likeminded va grants, never Em pire was insti gated by vengeful de sign, both sexes and every race through the anybody gets taken out during this re turn a suc cessful courtship with holy marria ge just as today’ s sabo tag ing of that theol ogy blender to reach a Shangri La where no to sane govern m ent, better primarily them, and con tin ued hap pi ness throughout life. is again at tempting to scuttle es tab lished toils or troubles , a shirker cheats mostly not in first place the quick-tem pered Black They’ve chosen inste ad the mani fold risks “order .” The ar gum ents at both insta nces him self of oppor tu ni ti es. For, however one mercenaries they’re so capa ble of field ing. of short-lived las civ i ous ness. are valid: a Nero murder ing his mother and an swers them, he shall meet chal lenges. We are fully aware of that lit tle Mid east For choice is what it all com es down to. stepbrothe r, dipping Christi ans in oil and What kind of “life” would such a palli d rogue State’s immi nen t threat to use its We can learn from the de viants inside our set ting them afire while the pop u lace roiled exis tenc e be, never even the foolish Jew’s Samson Op tion. Yet, to re peat Ameri can own ranks, their tri als and errors, strengths in or gies, a Bush causing the unpro voked Com munism to counter nor any occa sion De fense Party Chair man J. B. Campbell’ s and weaknesse s, just as it’s possi ble that a murders of mil lions even as Joe continues for vying with a more as tute oppo nent, no admonition: “neo-Con” from the Syna gogue of Sa tan slurping, sexing and “voting” for heavier chance at nav i gating past an in ex pe ri enced The U. S. mil itary must remove all might teach us somethi ng if we studi ously “se curit y.” No wonder then, that Carthage soph o more’s brainstorm? weapons of mass destr ucti on possess ed by observe his method ism while refusing to and Baghdad seek revenge! Israel , as demanded by John F. Kennedy in let that money and media com bine draw us The more things change, the more they Reviewing our pos si bil i ties the months leading up to his as sassi na ti on. into its confi dence . stay the same. Leave it at that. Let us not All this head-start ing of the Black child If there’s bloodshed, let it not again be a fall into ar guing how many cam els might has never made him think and act White. prov o ca tion send ing broth ers against each Wheeling pass through the eye of a nee dle or whether Unable to find the old country on a map, he other. The banksters alone are our ene m ies, How did the ZOG ra cially in te grate our in fact Jesus walked on water . One intu it s does have a lim ited grasp of what works their ma nip u lated mi nor i ties merely grunts once in struc tional but today in doc tri nat ing that Chris tian mo ral ity pleases an up lift ing, better here than in Af rica. Can the Negro with whom, beyond de fending oursel ves – publi c schools? With busing; just as, when Higher Power than we can imagine while teach us any thing? Yes, def initely! Ra cial and this quite ef fec tively – we’ll have no a Com mu nist la bor ag i ta tor con spired to another force, equally unknow able , seeks fi del ity, ath letic dis ci pline and down right quarrel during what’s threaten ing to be a de stroy the ex isting peace between Ford to deprave us. Athe ists may challenge such enjoy m ent of one’s own inher ent life style. coup. Other than within the vol ati le inner Motor Com pany and its well-paid workers, evolved inter preta ti ons, but not the suc cess Nat u rally more ca pa ble than our selves of cit ies, it’s even pos si ble that many Blacks he bused in a rabble of trouble m akers. story of superhero Christ’s showing how to hard work under a hot sun, today’ s Black will show some sense and step aside while Gen eral Ei sen hower force fully in te grated deal with money chang ers, fallen souls and would not volun tee r for the old planta ti on; the mili tary goes about its busi ness. Black and White draftees, and as Pres ident revival. yet, when his food stamps run out, he will bused the Ar kan sas State mili tia against its De ci sion time find other means to survive. Sepa rat e and Rac ism de fined own gov ern ment, over throw ing what was So our choice, the only vote that counts, equal un der the Re con struc tion dik tat, he Free dom of as so ci a tion, with only one to becom e Bill Clinton’s springboard into is whether we fight or surren der to this evil fared better here abouts than did his cousins ex cep tion, remains law ful and nat u ral. The the oval of fice. When the 101st Airborne poten ti al lying within each hum an breast, over there for a century . Then the 1960s SPLC, AIPAC and alpha bet soup Jewish parachute s upon a tar geted ter ritory or any the redeeming opti on acknowledging God. Equal Op por tu nity laws or dered ev ery one orgs and or gies too num erous to menti on great num ber of bodies rolls convinc ingl y Give the so-called devil his dues, however , but the reconstructors to be recon struc ted, all love each other’s company. in on wheels, people seeing with their eyes as, having no alternative cause to live or so now the munchkins are manip u lat ing his And when the Som ali s they’re bringing what the media munchkins can’t ignore – die for, we were the poorer indeed. Fall ing over whelmed in com pe tence wher ever he here aren’t at their CEO jobs as oc cu pi ers whether fox-guarding-t he-chicken-house in a panic and near exhaus ti on upon one’s turns. of tra di tion ally White spaces, with whom fel low trav el ers at their usual oc cu pa tion knees seeking guidance from above will Nor is the Jew happy with that double do those immigrants asso ci ate after hours? or oursel ves to the rescue – no matter what prove wiser than switching sides, but how life he brings upon him self, ever feel ing Bingo, you guessed it. the sit u a tion chang ers are ad vo cat ing (be much better were it to spend each morning sep a rately su pe rior in se ques tered pri vacy Follow ing a school day in the multiculti advise d by these exam ples), busing works. a minute or even an hour in that prayerful yet publi cly pretend ing to love all the other lab, among whom would White chil dren be Yet it takes planning. “Free dom Riders” med i ta tion which con verts the en tire day’s minor i ti es in back of whom he hides but more relaxe d if such com mon sense didn’ t roll ing into Selma in the 1960s had sim ply prob lems into op por tu ni ties! se cretly hates. Can we learn any thing from make them feel guilty? Bingo. an swered the sig nals for a gay ride, ca tered Thus we may accept the ad mon ish ment him? O yes, surely, forem ost that whoever It works on their parents as well. So this food, booze and sex, their ve hicle drivers that preaches “love thine en emy” sim ply as control s a State’s coinage and infor m ati on isn’ t saying somethi ng you didn’ t al ready no less carefully se lected than the media sa lut ing an ad ver sary’s chal lenge be fore chan nels need n’t fear any vas sal he may know. Those machine guns have blazed at munch kin/spokes man duets un der writ ten engag ing him in wits. Yet, let us refuse to put in of fice betra ying such a godfa ther . us “racist s” and “homophobes” so fast and far ahead of that false-flag, “spon tane ous” parti ci pate in a contes t whose rules forbid How might knowing that truth help us, if fu ri ously here of late as to make the media week-long hap pen ing’s kickoff. re view ing “set tled” issues, for the cap tive we can’t soon undo the Fed eral Reserve munchkin’ s trigger finger no less heated For most people, percep ti on is re alit y; media have machinegunned too many false Act by which Jewry stole from Congress than his smoking ego. Who needs drones think ing be yond to mor row be comes hard sto ries into the un de fended chron i cles of our man date for cre ating money? Later is to finish us off while he’s with likeminded work. But TFF, AFP, TNT and TFP stand these times. We must get be tween them and better than not at all. We grow the al ter nate lei sure-hour usefuls boasting how quickly ready, as the al ter nate media, to meet and our befud dled people and yell that this media one truthful newspa per at a time, we pulled our heads in when the 50-cal iber match the so-called main stream’s prac tice business of doing wars by de cepti on is pushing pri vate Jewish banksters back out pro pa ganda mis siles came flying? of concea ling its sources, i.e., giving out no worse than cow ardly; it’s self-destructive. the way they came to power while reviv ing Ah, if we could just get those victi ms of infor m ati on ahead of time about acti vist s Today’ s im moral types can only start the reading and resea rching skills of Joe, a such psycho paths as teach “tol er ance” and “spon ta ne ous” rev o lu tions for their evil pres ently-dumbed-down robotnik. “diver sit y” to see how stupid their ideas! A The First Freedom P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Ala bam a 36576 ends when ordi nary citizens percei ve the world gov ern ment where all are “equal” is times as ripe for “reform s,” which is often Per sis tence di ver sity? Al low ing any thing ex cept bat tle ______FULL NAME the case. Again, as per cep tion has replaced Keep ing the faith, what does it matter if flags require s waving the tol er ance col ors ______real it y by way of mis- and disin for m ati on, just a rela tive few en gage in such ac tions as in our faces? Attai ning that supposed level MAIL ADDRESS ours is to re place an aber rant govern m ent the non-vot ing Amer i can De fense Party’s of sophis ti cati on, how can our Brave New ______CITY STATE ZIP not through “vot ing,” but by over throw ing plat form prayer fully ad vo cates, a hold ing Worlder find a vaca ti on spot for di version ______the Jew ish mediacracy. acti on against time? We who board those if every body has becom e as one? REMARKS While booting them from their power ful buses with flags and post ers, giving it our Think ing re al is ti cally, the fair play rules ð Here’s $25 for a one-year subscri pti on po si tions in to day’s gov ern ment and me dia everything, shall have done God’s will, we observe when contend ing among other ð $48 for same, but in 1st class enve lope inso far as we can disti nguish, let’s make it “ho mo pho bia’s” and enough. Whites will prove disad van ta geous in any ð $39 for 100 extra copies of current issue clear no Chris tian ad vo cates an ni hi lat ing Let feet on the ground prove the bat tle ar gum ent with an Asian, Afri can or Jew. ð $35 for 100 back issues; prefer______or reli eving such ones of their jewels ; just flag is here to stay, its blue Saint An drews The cus toms of all Na tions tra di tion ally go ð $20 for 22 extra copies of current issue get those pests off our backs! A Germ an Cross sym boliz ing Aryan man’s courage, against meet ing a foreigne r on his terms, ð $15 for 10 extra copies of current issue proverb has it that “one man sharpens the vir tue, mo ral ity, in teg rity, a res ur rec tion of brain washed Amer i cans the one ex cep tion. ð $______as a patron. Keep it going! next,” which in this insta nce means Jewish faith ful num bers fol low ing each decade’s Self-pres er va tion is at stake.