“There is nothing more pow er ful SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: First-time read ers of than an idea whose time has al ter nate news, es pe cially boob tube ba bies, may ex pe ri ence come.” – Victor Hugo The First severe loss of confi dence in the Estab lish m ent press and TV. A FREE SAMPLE Free dom Sub scribe to day! It’s here to stay. P. O. Box 385 Silverhill, Ala bama 36576 Y’all have a nice day. Self-gov ern ment be gins at home Volum e 17 Num ber 8 August 2015 In vit ing the Zi on ist-con trolled me dia¢cracy to meet a rising free South www.firstfreedom.net $2.00 “Take down the Amer i can flag,” says hos tage Matt Hale [email protected] Page 23 freematthale.net Rally or ga nizer Da vid Stone: It be gins “Supremes” creativitymovement.net Page 4 Page 9: “That flag has dif fer ent Sodomayor In the wake of the hyster ical and mean ings for dif fer ent joins 3 Jews cow ardly re nun ci a tion of the Con fed er ate peo ple. It does n’t mean and Ken nedy hate un less you think it’s in tell ing 50 battl e flag that is going on in the South and hate – and that’s your States not to elsewhere fol lowing the murders at the The mil i tary so lu tion touch sodomy . Page 24 prob lem, not mine.” Black church in Charleston, South Carolina, Time for OUR buses to roll Page 10 T. Jef fer son on how to do a Rev er end Matt Hale, Amer ica’s fore most . y d po lit i cal pris oner and au thor of End ing 6 b n 7 e l 5 l s White Slav ery, here with speaks against the 6 a s 3 e m u a Amer i can flag as a flag of tyr anny, race e s s h m i t a mix ing and Jew ish su premacy , and calls f 2 b o 1 a l r r upon his sup porters and others across the e A o Page 3 p , See up dated pix on page 5 F l country to take that flag down. a l . i p S s h . r Page 22 Hun gary erects It will be re called that Rev er end Hale w U e e Nine teen points the Refighting v r l n fence i led the pro-White and anti-Jewish Church o l It aly . S histor y books leave out e the Bat tle of , A b of the Creator from 1996 un til his arrest by . 5 e 6,000 illegals in 48 hours Page 18 Page 19 S New Orleans 8 r . 3 g federal agents in Janu ary 2003 on phony C Page 21 n x e CNN i o t h charges of hav ing “so licit ed” the murder t t B i dropped . h n - i of a federal judge in Chicago during an t O Bu chanan . s e e r P e d on go ing tradem ark case. He re mains , for tell ing r h F a F w the White dedi cat ed to that church and the Creati v ity h y T e n side of the o h a re li gion that it prac tices to this day while t t l i t story. It’s 5 a e 2 continuing to fight and regain his right ful m G $ on page 20. The First Freedom free dom. His case is in the Tenth Cir cuit handed out on the Court of Appeal s right now, case num ber “Pay back’s a bitch”: Boston Com mon ru ral wis dom and 14-1294. the gath er ing storm Page 7 Matt’s words By Fred Reed The South’s un be liev able op por tu nity Page 6 From his cell in sol i tary con fine ment at Page 17 Page 8 Say “Nay!” to the peecee “gay” the infa m ous “Supermax” prison Florence , Col o rado, here is what Rever end Hale had to say about the ongo ing Con feder ate flag controversy: Page 16 “I have been abso lut ely disguste d by False flag ging this lat est at tack upon our White heri tage by Brings home the real thing Black cul tural ter ror ists At Virginia Beach, this flag Fal si fied his tory, and the White trai tor means history and heri tage pol i ti cians who are Page 10 be gun in 1865, helping them. Make has boomed no mistake, the at tack since 1945 upon the Con fed er ate No body wants to flag is an attac k upon By Chris tine Miller talk about why White people. These Page 15 Dylann Roof did it scoundrel s want to destroy every feel ing of pride and self-re spect in our people. Johnny started his walk from his By Greg ory Kay home State of Ala bama on July 2 In deed, their aim is to turn the White man Page 12 and will end it in Wash ing ton DC. into the slave of the nigger! To day they His mission: Carry the message A closer analy sis want to take down the Confed er ate flag. that histor y shouldn’t be erased To morrow , however , they’ll want to take and that our South ern his tor ical Page 7 down the Con fed er ate war me mo ri als, take flag is not about race, it is about down street signs bearing the names of 150 YEARS OF SUBJUGATION re mem ber ing the past for fu ture Con fed er ate lead ers, and ex punge the gen er a tions. Page 15 Cen sored de tails her o ism of the Con fed er acy from our of the chil dren’s his tory books al to gether. They South ern Ho lo caust are seek ing the cul tural geno cide of the Page 14 No help wanted White Southern people the same way they Page 9 Syria takes steps to Forrest’s flaggers are trying to erase our White race from this ap pear out of by pass “as sis tance” coun try as a whole. I there fore stand no where Le Pen charged from such do-gooder against this latest sick attac k on our people with opin ing Page 11 friends as the JuSA and urge others to do so as well. News the munchkins can’t touch Our heri tage , their hate “What the trai tor poli ti cians do not seem By Olaf Childress the “main stream” me dia were un willingly to under sta nd is this: it doesn’ t mat ter ed i [email protected] obliged to cover lo cally in your vicin it y. whether the Blacks like the Con fed er ate Few are those sickos seek ing the dis inte gra ti on Isn’ t it amazing how Ameri cans get so flag. What mat ters is that we like the of ev ery ethnicity that is unique, yet dev il ishly clever many screwed-up noti ons from watch ing Confed er ate flag. We don’t have to care when call ing this multiculturalizing of all peoples TV? New Bab ylon is a crea ture of that whether the arro gant Blacks like the “inte gra ti on.” It’s not. Goading every body into one near-100%-Jew ish-con trolled at tack upon sym bols of our White heri tage . Inste ad, we feed lot like cat tle is a crime against na ture and God. un wary minds, and the media can be our should de fend those sym bols. Many, many Thankfull y, it has run its course. means of fighting back – to win. thousands of men died for the flag that is How do we know that? Can’t If you can’t start an honest newspa per in current ly being torn off of flag poles you see their desper a ti on with all your area, then sup port TFF, or Amer i can around the country , men who fought these Jew ish-in sti gated strikes at Free Press. We need input and distri b u tors! against the same fed eral tyr anny that holds ev ery sin gle in di ca tion of vir tue, As this is sue goes to print, the League of our White Race in poli ti cal bond age to day. mo ral ity and in teg rity? the South’s annual con ference is under way The mem ory of those many thousands of Hun dreds of out raged Whites, at Wetumpka, Al a bama. They dis cuss the White men matters far more than the someti mes thou sands, are tell ing issues, but must also get the White man’s mem ory of the mere nine Blacks who died those psy cho paths at gath er ings mes sage out to weekly news pa pers, ra dio at the hands of a lone gunm an in a church. across Amer ica that we’ve had and TV sta tions that have n’t swallowed the In deed, the idea that a flag should be torn it, and their calling us “rac ists” rain bow.
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