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Annals of UPET ISSN 1454-9174 ANNALS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PETROSANI MINING ENGINEERING VOL. 9 (XXXVI) UNIVERSITAS PUBLISHING HOUSE PETROŞANI, 2008 ISSN 1454-9174 EDITOR OF PUBLICATION Prof.dr.eng. Ioan-Lucian BOLUNDUŢ ADVISORY AND EDITORIAL BOARD OF MINING ENGINEERING ISSUES ADVISORY BOARD Prof.dr.eng. Nicolae DIMA - University of Petroşani Prof.dr.hab.eng. Dr.h.c. Lev Alexandrovici PUCIKOV - Moscow State Mining University Russia Prof.dr.hab.eng. Suvalov Iuri VASILIEVICI - State Mining Institute – Sankt Petersburg - Russia Prof.dr.hab.eng. Monika HARDYGORA - Politechnika Wroclaw - Poland Prof.dr.hab.eng. Dr.h.c. Carsten DREBENSTEDT - Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg - Germania Assoc.Prof.dr.eng. Ventzislav IVANOV - University of Mining and Geology- Sofia - Bulgaria Prof.dr.eng. Jöszef BÖHM - University of Miskolc – Hungary Prof.dr.eng. Pavol RYBAR - Technical University-Kosice- Slovacia Prof.dr.eng. Dumitru FODOR - University of Petroşani Prof.dr.eng. Mircea GEORGESCU - University of Petroşani Prof.dr.eng. Vlad CODREA - University Babeş-Bolyai of Cluj Napoca Prof.dr.eng. Sanda KRAUSZ - University of Petroşani C-tin LUPU - INSEMEX of Petroşani EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-chief: Prof.dr.eng. Ilie ROTUNJANU - University of Petroşani Associate editors: Prof.dr.eng. Ioan DUMITRESCU - University of Petroşani Prof.dr.eng. Petru HODOR … - University of Petroşani Prof.dr.eng. C-tin SEMEN - University of Petroşani Prof.dr.eng. Romulus SÂRBU - University of Petroşani Prof.dr.eng. Eugen COZMA - University of Petroşani Editor Secretary: Lecturer dr. eng. Emilia DUNCA - University of Petroşani Editorial office address: University of Petroşani, 20 University Street, 332006, Petroşani, Roumania, Phone: (40)54/54.29.94, 54.25.80, 54.25.81, 54.25.82, 54.97.49, Fax: (40) 54/54.34.91, 54.62.38;, Email: [email protected] Annals of the University of Petroşani, Mining Engineering, 9 (2008) 3 CONTENTS Page BARON M. - The modernization of the coal processing installation in the Jiu Valley in the 30s. of the XXth century.......................................................................................................... 5 LORINŢ (CHIŢAC) A. SÂRBU R. - Modern methods for determination of physics chemic and petro graphical characteristics for coal slurry from Coroesti settle pounds………………………………………………………………………………… 18 CIOLEA D.I., DUNCA E. - The mathematical model of the dispersion phenomenon of two miscible fluids in a porous environment………………………………………….. 24 BĂBUŢ G., MORARU R. - The use of Monte Carlo simulation technique in human health and ecological risk assessment……………………………………………….. 30 MORARU R., BĂBUŢ G., BĂBUŢ M.C. - The use of computer-based models in integrated environmental assessment………………………………………………… 38 BADULESCU C., CRISTEA G., CRISTEA N., HANEŞ N. - The potential fuel of debris heap of Petrila…………………………………………………………………… 46 NIEMANN-DELIUS C., VOSSEN P. - Indeland – large lake in the Rhineland as a sustainable lignite follow-up landscape……………………………………………… 55 PAVLOUDAKIS F., ROUMPOS C., KAVOURIDIS K. - Lignite mining in Greece: environmental management and social issues……………………………………….. 62 MORAR M., BOLD O., MATEI A. - Work from waste…………………………………. 75 BOLD O. - A new vision of the urban ecology. Example: development of Petroşani city……………………………………………………………………………………… 79 BĂDULESCU C., TRAISTA E., MATEI A. - Argillaceous suspension destabilization tests of waste water with slurries……………………………………………………... 84 DIMA N., FILIP L. - The topographical elements’ junction mechanics transmission pit on a vertical…………………………………………………………………………… 91 HERBEI O. - Modern technologies for monitoring the subsidence phenomenon……… 95 ULAR R., HERBEI M. - The qualitative analyze of the cartographical projections used in our country…………………………………………………………………………. 104 FRANK A.M. - Aspects concerning the evolution of the subsidence phenomenon at Livezeni M. E………………………………………………………………….............. 113 4 Annals of the University of Petroşani, Mining Engineering, 9 (2008) STRUZINA M., DREBENSTEDT C. - Horizontal wells installed by horizontal directional drilling (HDD) as an alternative mine dewatering technology…………... 118 BOYTE A. - The seismic effect of quarry blasting operations on underground mine workings in the case of simultaneous surface-underground mining………………….. 126 KAVOURIDIS K., GALETAKIS M., ROUMPOS C., PAVLOUDAKIS F. - Methods and technological improvements for the efficient removal of the overburden hard 132 rock formations at south field lignite mine, Ptolemais, Greece………………………. CZAPLICKI J.M. - An exploitation process of a chute system with priority…………….. 149 COZMA E., ONICA I. - Collapse risk assessment of Anton mine, Turda saline………… 156 DREBENSTEDT C., JUNG B., PÄßLER S. - Virtual reality – new opportunities for mine planning................................................................................................................. 162 GOLDAN T. - Mine fires – security risk from mining…………………………………… 171 GOLDAN T. - Impact of smoke and co to escaping miners from underground mine fires…………………………………………………………………………………….. 180 PETRE M. - Aspects regarding the generation and management of the extractive industry waste…………………………………………………………………………. 187 GOLDAN T. - Risk management and its implications for mine safety…………………… 197 ČERMÁK P., LORENCOVÁ H. - The load of hazardous elements in spoil banks of the North Bohemian brown coal basin after forest reclamation………………………….. 206 BADEA D.O. - Ventilation plant to collect and retain the contaminants exhausted at steel manufacturing in electric arc kilns………………………………………………. 212 PLEŞEA V. - The rehabilitation of the old Aninoasa mine precinct for the purpose of transformation into museum………………………………………………………….. 216 RADULESCU M., BUIA G., LORINT C. - Teaching strategies in earth science education - the problem-based learning method............................................................ 224 LORINŢ C. - New methods in geo technique study of open pit and waste dump………… 231 Index of authors………………………………………………………………………….... 238 Instructions for authors……………………………………………………………………. 239 Annals of the University of Petroşani, Mining Engineering, 9 (2008) THE MODERNIZATION OF THE COAL PROCESSING INSTALLATION IN THE JIU VALLEY IN THE 30s. OF THE XXTH CENTURY BARON MIRCEA* Abstract: The Jiu Valley was, during the inter-war period, Romania’s most important coal basin providing over 50% of the country’s coal production. Beyond these statistical figures one can speak about the quality of the Jiu Valley coal: coke pit-coal found in the central and Western area of the Jiu Valley; coal having energetic characteristics: energetic pit-coal and brown coal found in the Eastern area of the Jiu Valley. As regards the amount of the coal deposit, specialists consider that we deal with a geological reserve of the Jiu Valley coal basin counting 1.800.000.000 coal tons. In order to bring it to a semi-industrial shape allowing its subsequent direct or processed use, extracted coal is processed by dry or damp preparation equipments; from this point of view one can speak about two stages. The first stage covers the end of the 20th century 2nd decade when separations for coal’s mechanical processing were used; nine such equipments functioned in the Jiu Valley. The 1929–1933 economic crisis that strongly affected coal industry too, on the one hand, and the natural evolution of techniques as well as buyers demands, especially those belonging to the Administration of the Romanian Rail - Road Company, on the other hand, were the main factors that determined the Jiu Valley coal companies to begin, according to a vast investment policy, the modernizing process, including that of the coal preparation equipments. This trend implied financial and technical measures that determined the Jiu Valley mining units of the 20th century 3rd decade, and especially “Petroşani” Company, to settle a complex of equipments, including seven groups, to mechanically prepare coal; the complex was unique in Romania. This complex of coal processing equipments allowed the Jiu Valley mining companies to provide their customers – Romanian Rail-Road Company, river and maritime ships, brick manufactures, gas plants, forging equipments, house consumers – various types of coal. Key words: the Jiu Valley, mining companies, coal preparation equipments, the 30s’ years of the 20th century The Jiu Valley was, during the inter-war period, Romania’s most important coal basin providing the most part of the country’s coal production. In order to exemplify, let’s consider the following data: in 1919, out of Romania’s 1.559.000 tons production, the Jiu Valley gave 1.028.934 tons (65.98%); in 1927, when the Jiu Valley provided the highest coal production of the whole inter-war period, namely 1.840.759 tons, it represented 57.10% of Romania’s coal production (3.224.000 tons); in 1939 the Jiu Valley gave 60.74 % (1.497.211 tons of coal) of Romania’s * Prof.PhD. Eng. – University of Petrosani 6 M. BARON 2.465.000 tons of coal1. Beyond these statistical figures one can speak about the quality of the Jiu Valley’s coal. According to the petro-graphical analysis and to the physical, chemical, and industrial characteristics of the Jiu Valley coal, specialists have concluded that we deal with brown coal and pit-coal. The criterion of differentiating them is their caloric power within the limit of 5700 kcal/kg. Pit-coals are grouped, according to their characteristics and destination, in coke pit- coals and energetic pit-coals. Coke pit-coal is found in the central and
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