Attash Ramzi Binalshibh Ali Abdul Aziz Ali Mustafa Ahmed Adam Al Hawsawi
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CHARGE SHEET I. DATA 1. NAME OF ACCUSED: I KHALID SH~KH MOHAMMID Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarak Bin 'Attash Ramzi Binalshibh Ali Abdul Aziz Ali Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi 2. ALIASES OF ACCUSED: 'j Khalid Sh?ikh MOhamm~d (aliases Mukhtar al Baluchi; Hafiz; Meer Akram; Abdul Rahman 4bduUah AI Ghamdi) Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarek Bin 'Attash (aliases Khallad; Salah Saeed Mohammed Bi~ Yousaf; Silver; Tawfiq) I Ramzi Binalshibh (aliases Abu Ubaydah; Ahad Abdollahi Sabet; Abu Ubaydah al Hadrami) i Ali Abdul Aziz Ali (aliases Ammar al Baluchi; Isam Mansur; Isam Mansar; Isam Mansour; Ali!; Aliosh; Hani) Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi (aliases Zahir; Hashem Abdollahi; Muhammad Ahanad; tbderahman Mustafa) 3. ISN NUMBER OF ACCUSED (LAST FOUR): r '" Khalid Sh~ikh Mohamm,d (10024) Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarek Bin 'Attash (10014) Ramzi Binalshibh (10013) Ali Abdul Aziz Ali (10018) Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi (10011) II. CHARGES AND SPECIFICATIONS 4. CHARGE: VIOLATION OF SECTION AND TITLE OF CRIME IN PART IV OF M.M.C. SPECIFICATION: See Attached Charges and Specifications. Sa. NAME OF ACCUSER (LAST, FIRST, MI) Graziano, Anthony CW3 5e. DATE (YYVYMMD) 20110531 AFFIDAVIT: ned, authorized by law to administer oath in cases of this character, personally appeared the above named accuser the 31 st day of ay, 2011, and signed the foregoing charges and specifications und,r oath that he/she is a person subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice and that he/she has personal knowledge of or has investigated th~ matters set forth.therein and that the same are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. Darlene S. Simmons Typed Name of officer CDR, JAGC, USN Grade Official CapacIty to Ad/1finlster Oath (See R.M.G. 307(b) must be co'/nmissioned officer) MC FORM 458 JAN 2007 IV. NOTICE TO THE ACCUSED I ' 6. On 31 May , 2011 the accused was notified of the charges against himAher ($ee R.M.C. 308). I I ! Clayton G. Trivett, Jr, GS-15 Office of Military Gommissions Typed Name and Grade of Person Who Caused Organization Of the Perfon Wno c.;aused Accused to Be Notified of Charges Accused to Be Notififd of qharges I I I /~~ I V. RECEIPT OF CHARGES BY CONVENING AUTHORITY 7. The sworn charges were received at 1746 hours, on 1 June 2011 , at Alexandtia, Virginia I I I i Location I I For the Convening Authority: Donna L. Wilkins I I Typed Name of qfficer GS-1~ n i /U~~Gradel I Signature! / (/ ) I VI. ~FERRAL / 8a. DESIGNATION OF CONVENING AUTHORITY 8b. PLACE 8e. DATE (YYYYMMDD) Convening Authority, 10 U. S. C. § 948h, designated on 25 Mar 10 Alexandria, VA 20120404 . ! Referred for trial to the ~capital military commission convened by military commission convening order 1 2 - P2 dated 4 April 2012 • I I 1 subject to the following instructions : I See continuation sheet i I By Direction of the Convening Authority, Bruce MacDonald Command, Order, or Direction Convening Authority, Chapter 47a Donna L. Wilkins, GS-15 Title 10 U.S.C. f? 9~8h cer Signing ~ t:JNJ:d G:ade of Officer Official c.;apacity of 0'" , J.. "VLIL /) .UJ '.I..J1~ ~ I \,..// Signature / I VII. SERVICE OF CHARGES 9. On b Af r; \ , d,pla IEsed to be served a copy these charges on the labovenamed accused. - I Clayton G. Trivett, Jr GS-1i5 Grade of Tria1 Counsel /::~a~:Jlu d , Signatur.e or raJ c.;ounseV(/ , / , / ( v FOOTNOTES See R.M.C. 601 conceming instructions. If none, so state. Me FORM 458 JAN 2007 i CONTINUATION SHEET - MC FORM 458 JAN 2007, BLOCK VI, REFE~L (Original Charge Sheet, Sworn on 20110531) In the case of United States of America v. (t.fl . KHALID SH1IKH MOHAMM1D ((aliases: Mukhtar al Baluchi; Hafiz; M~er Akram; Abdul Rahman Abdullah Al Ghamdi) ! ! I The charges against the above named accused will be tried at a joint trial with! the trials of Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarak Bin 'Attash; Ramzi Binalshibh; Ali Abdul Aziz Ali; and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi. These charges will be tried in conjunction with the additional charge sworn 25 January 2012 and referred on 4 April 2012. The following charges are referred to trial as capital offenses: Conspiracy, Attlacking Civilians, Murder in Violation of the Law of War, Hijacking an Aircraft, and Terrorism.1 This case is referred capital. See R.M.C. 103 (a)(4) and (5). ! i By Direction of the Convening Authority: Convening Authority, C~apter 47A of Title 10 U.S.C § 948h ! Date: ~ ~ JOI:2. , CHARGE SHEET I. PERSONAL DATA 1. NAME OF ACCUSED: Khalid Sh,~h MOhamm~ WAllO MUHAMMAD SALIH MUBARAK BIN 'ATTASH Ramzi Binalshibh Ali Abdul Aziz Ali I Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi ! , I 1 2. ALIASES OF ACCUSED: Khalid Shtkh MOhamm~ (aliases Mukhtar al Baluchi; Hafiz; Meer Akram; Abdul Rahman ~bdullah AI Ghamdi) Walid Mu am~ad S~lih Mubarek Bin 'Attash (aliases Khallad; Salah Saeed Mohammed ~in!Yousaf; Silver; Tawfiq) I Ramzl Blnalshlbh (aliases Abu Ubaydah; Ahad Abdollahi Sabet; Abu Ubaydah al Hadraml) I Ali Abdul Aziz Ali (aliases Ammar al Baluchi; Isam Mansur; Isam Mansar; Isam Mansour; Ali;! Aliosh; Hani Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi (aliases Zahir; Hashem Abdollahi; Muhammad Ahanad; 4bderahman Mustafa) 3. ISN NUMBER OF ACCUSED (LAST FOUR): ! Khalid Sh,lkh~ Mohamm~d'" (10024) Walid Muhammad Salih'Mubarek Bin 'Attash (10014) Ramzi Binalshibh (10013) Ali Abdul Aziz Ali (10018) Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi (10011) II. CHARGES AND SPECIFICATIONS I 4. CHARGE: VIOLATION OF SECTION AND TITLE OF CRIME IN PART IV OF M.M.C. SPECIFICATION: , See Attached Charges and Specifications. ! III. SWEARING OF CHARGES ; Sa. NAME OF ACCUSER (LAST, FIRST, 1.81) 5b. GRADE 5c. ORGANIZATION 01 ACCUSER Graziano, Anthony CW3 Criminal Investigatiqn Task Force (CITF) /:J // A A 5e. DATE (YYYYMMD~) 5d.SIG~7~. 20110531 '/' "or.;' '" -. AFFID~VIT:~fot7' the ut.ta'~ned, authorized by law to administer oath in cases of this character, personal! appeared the above named accuser the 31 S day of ay, 2011, and signed the foregoing charges and specifications und r oath !that he/she is a person subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice and that he/she has personal knowledge of or has investigated till matters set forth therein and that the same are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. Darlene S. Simmons Office of Military Co tllmissions Typed Name of Officer Organization of (?mCer ! CDR, JAGC, USN Jud~e Advoctate Grade Omcial Capacity to A~'!J!nister' Oath (See R.M.C. 307(b) must be cOmmissioned officer) DA~S. ~Z-~ I Signature ! : MC FORM 458 JAN 2007 IV. NOTICE TO THE ACCUSED 6. On 31 May 2011 the accused was notified of the charges against him/~er (See R.M.C. 308). --=..;;...;..~- V. RECEIPT OF CHARGES BY CONVENING AUTHORITY 7. The sworn charges were received at 1 746 hours, on 1 June 2011 ,at ~A~l~e~x~a~n~d~l~r~i~a~,~V~l~'r~g~i~n~l~'~a Location For the Convening Authority: Donna L. Wilkins i Typed Name of Ofr;cer i I, a. ESI NA I Convening Authority, 10 U.S.C. § 948h, designated on 25 Mar 10 Alexandria, VA 20120404 i Referred for trial to the ~pital military commission convened by military commission convening order _...:,1...:,2:,.-+0.,:2:..-_----- dated 4 April 2012 ! subject to the following instructions': ___________+ ________ See continuation sheet By Direction of the Convening Authority, Bruce MacDonald I Command. Oreler, or Direction Convening Authority,i Chapter 47A Title 10 U.S.C. ~948h igning 9. on_-=-t--Ltl..&..fP£L...:,;"':"'\ ___ FOOTNOTES See R.M.C. 601 concerning instructions. If none, so state. Me FORM 458 JAN 2007 CONTINUATION SHEET - MC FORM 458 JAN 2007, BLOCK VI, REFEIjuzAL (Original Charge Sheet, Sworn on 20110531) In the case of United States of America v. WALID MUHAMMAD SALIH MUBARAK BIN 'ATTASH (aliases: Khdllad; Salah Saeed Mohammed Bin Yousaf; Silver; Tawfiq) . The charges against the above named accused will be tried at a joint trial wit~ the trials of ~ 0... Khalid Shfikh Mohamm;d; Ramzi Binalshibh; Ali Abdul Aziz Ali; and Mustafa Ahmed Adam aI Hawsawi These charges will be tried in conjunction with the additional charge sworn OIfl25 ilanuary 2012 and referred on 4 April 2012. The following charges are referred to trial as capital offenses: Conspiracy, Attacking Civilians, Murder in Violation of the Law of War, Hijacking an Aircraft, and Terrorism~ This case is referred capital. See R.M.C. 103(a)(4) and (5). i I vening Authority: Convening Authority, Cqapter 47 A of Title 10 U.S.C § 948h I ,! Date: '1~ .. ~()I.:J.... CHARGE SHEET 1. NAME OF ACCUSED: Khalid Shfikh'\ Mohamm?d'" Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarak Bin 'Attash RAMZI BINALSHIBH Ali Abdul Aziz Ali Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi 2. ALIASES OF ACCUSED: 'i Khalid Sh~kh MOhammfcJ (aliases Mukhtar al Baluchi; Hafiz; Meer Akram; Abdul Rahman 4bdullah AI Ghamdi) Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarek Bin 'Attash (aliases Khallad; Salah Saeed Mohammed Bini Yousaf; Silver; Tawfiq) I Ramzi Binalshibh (aliases Abu Ubaydah; Ahad Abdollahi Sabet; Abu Ubaydah al Hadrami) ! Ali Abdul Aziz Ali (aliases Ammar al Baluchi; Isam Mansur; Isam Mansar; Isam Mansour; Alii Aliosh; Hani) Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi (aliases Zahir; Hashem Abdollahi; Muhammad Ahanad; 1bderahman Mustafa) 3. ISN NUMBER OF ACCUSED (LAST FOUR): Khalid Sh;ikhC\ Mohamm;d'" (10024) Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarek Bin 'Attash (10014) Ramzi Binalshibh (10013) Ali Abdul Aziz Ali (10018) Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi (10011) II. CHARGES AND SPECIFICATIONS 4. CHARGE: VIOLATION OF SECTION AND TITLE OF CRIME IN PART IV OF M.M.C.