9/11 FBI Report 2004 02(Feb)
mmmm M a a , aaaaH a aaa iiui H Q x 1 $2 K! F R L 5' ,-1,i-:l}§§1_-"EX-L"?;ZI?£I>i;2;i@a?;-1Y,I=: Law Enfarcament Sensitive Summary of Penttbom Investigation Q , Prepared by Penttbom Team Roam 1B-999 February 29, 2004 Law Enforcement Sansitive H ¢ sauna-3844 ~ MISC1ama;j¥a%%W,aWaaaia{avaa-1? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa iv Law Enforcement Sensitive PENTTBOM CASE SUMMARY 0212912904 The fulinwingis a "Law En.n'c_en1c11t_Sensitivrz"ofznaicriais versirm relevant E13 thc PEN ITBDMinvestig;ati0n_. Recipientsshould forwardadditional pertinentinflurmatiun the-:ta PENTFBGM InvestigativeTeam at FBI Headquarters {Room{B599} 02~32¢$~9060!. This documentmay begiven toother LawEnfomement Agencieswhu havea legitimate need inmow. The ccmtents 0fthis documsntmay nothe reproducedfor pubiicazionw Fiald Divisicmsshould heaware thatany analyticalproducts created.containizzg information relatingTQ the19 Hijackers,associates, orevents sf9E1 M11must beappreved byshe PENTTBOM InvestigativeTeam. 1 Law Enforcement Sensitive MISC. REQ. #§4& 900003845 v Law Enforcement Sensitive nzmr-1&4 I. In; mducun II. Ea Pt! Wj_g,ned 'in_Yes!iga§ian_T__;1 , , , , , V , _ Diets, , , , , , , , ,Y A. Travei of Non-Pilat Hijackers to Aighanistan B. Training in Afghanistan for tha Pilots i". Hamburg Piints ii. Hanjaur C. Ghtaining US Visas by the Pikrts i. Al~$lmhhi ii. Jarrah iii Atta iv. Binalshihh v. A!-»HZazmi vi. Hanjour D, Flight Training Research and Appiicaons Arrival in the US by the Hijacker Leadership i. Aldviihdhar and Al-H:1zmi ii. Hanjour iii. Atta and Ai»SheI1hi iv. Jarrah 2 vLaw Enfnrcement Sensitive MISC, mg. #4:; 066003846 "yr Law Enforcement Sensitive F. Initial Financing G. Flight Training L Al-Hazmi anti Al-Mihdhar ii.
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