Complaints Aboutdaventry
Radio Times, September 4th, COMPLAINTS1925. ABOUTDAVENTRY. THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE B.B.C ————= a a Vol.8. No,-102. lord:ae3OLa:ait aaN eMewes w e p apaper. p e r . l EVERY FRIDAY. __TwoPence. OFFICIAL The Making of MilitaryBBands. PROGRAMMES By Lieut: H. E. ADKINS, Mus. Bac., Aeon L.R.A.M. for the week commencing [Few people are better qualified to k of SUNDAY, September 6th. Guards’ paz military bands than Mr. Adlins, whe is Director ground to St of Music at Koeller Hall, the Military School Music. A programme of mesic ot Kneller James's Palace, MAIN STATIONS, Hall will be broadcast from Daventry on Tuesday, whilst the Kings LONDON, CARDIFF, ABERDEEN, GLAS- September 8th.| Guard was GOW, BIRMINGHAM, MANCHESTER, NEGROES in the band of the mounted. These BOURNEMOUTH, NEWCASTLE, Coldstream Guards! lt Sounds musicians were BELFAST. ridiculous, yet up to the time of the not soldiers, but Crimean War it was the general practice were hired by the HIGH-POWER STATION. to have these coloured players in the month : and ona (Daventry.) band. They did not play syncopated certain occasion, RELAY STATIONS. music, either, bat the good, oald- fashioned when water SHEFFIELD, PLYMOUTH, EDINBURGH, military tunes. Kegiments vied with sports were held one another ta dress them in the most on the Thames, LIVERPOOL, LEEDS—BRADFORD, the colonel of the HULL, NOTTINGHAM, STOKE-ON- magnificent manner, and they appeared Licwt, H, E. ACAI, TRENT, DUNDEE, SWANSEA, with feathered headgear, loose coats, and regiment wanted coloured sashes. They played the ** clash- them to play and instructed them accord- pans,’ or cymbals, as they were then ingly.
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