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Vol.8. No,-102. lord:ae3OLa:ait aaN eMewes w e p apaper. p e r . l EVERY FRIDAY. __TwoPence. OFFICIAL The Makingof MilitaryBBands.

PROGRAMMES By Lieut: H. E. ADKINS, Mus. Bac., Aeon L.R.A.M. for the week commencing [Few people are better qualified to k of SUNDAY, September 6th. Guards’ paz military bands than Mr. Adlins, whe is Director ground to St of Music at Koeller Hall, the Military School

Music. A programme of mesic ot Kneller James's Palace, MAIN STATIONS, Hall will be broadcast from on Tuesday, whilstthe Kings , CARDIFF, ABERDEEN, GLAS- September 8th.| Guard was GOW, , MANCHESTER, NEGROES in the band of the mounted. These BOURNEMOUTH, NEWCASTLE, Coldstream Guards! lt Sounds musicians were BELFAST. ridiculous, yet up to the time of the not soldiers, but Crimean War it was the general practice were hired by the HIGH-POWER STATION. to have these coloured players in the month : and ona (Daventry.) band. They didnot play syncopated certain occasion, RELAY STATIONS. music, either, batthegood, oald- fashioned when water SHEFFIELD, PLYMOUTH, EDINBURGH, military tunes. Kegiments vied with sports were held one another ta dress them in the most on the Thames, LIVERPOOL, LEEDS—BRADFORD, the colonel of the HULL, NOTTINGHAM, STOKE-ON- magnificent manner, and they appeared Licwt, H, E. ACAI, TRENT, DUNDEE, SWANSEA, with feathered headgear, loose coats, and regiment wanted coloured sashes. They played the ** clash- them to play and instructed them accord- pans,’ or cymbals, as theywerethen ingly. But thecivilian musicians considered SPECIAL CONTENTS. called, and the old “ Jmglmg Johnnies,” this course to be undignified and outside THE REASON WHY OF CALL SIGNS, which consisted of a pole supporting a them proper duties, They refused to play, By P. P. Eckersley. number of sleigh belis, which were shaken and asa result of this rupture, the then by the player. Duke of York, Colonel-in-Chief of the REPUTATIONS BY RADIO. Coldstream Guards, obtained a large By Sydney A. Moseley. * it # 4 The beginnings of military bands go number of musicians foe Tae SOME FAMOUS SCHOOL SONGS, back as far as the time of Charles IL, * By A. B. Couper. Military bands ‘had ‘already developed who 2uthorizedtwelve “ hantbos’”’ im to a comparatively highpitch of excellence various companies of Foot Guards in in Germany, and the new Coldstream THE LURE OF LONDON'S RIVER, London, It is interesting to note that By H. M. Tomlinson. band consisted of twenty-four musicians, these men were given. a fictitious name, the instruments including: clarinets, horns, I and were borne on the strength of other OFFICIAL NEWS AND VIEWS. oboes, bassoons, trumpets, trombones, companies of the regiments then quartered serpents, tambourines, and " Jingling PEOPLE YOU WILL HEAR THIS WEEK. in the country. By ths questionable Johnnies.” These latter were shaken hy

device the musiciansobtained ‘higher pay. = three coloured performers. This: imnova- IMPORTANT TO READERS. 2 # +. = tion and its subsequent development led Tike addiress of ‘The Radio Times "is §-11, Southampten After a hundred years- had passed, thie to the foundation of our present military Stree, Strand, Londen, W.C.2. bands of the three Regiments of Guards” band system. ee a st ten Sete: Bineeatiig Comin, 1d. consisted of no more than eight per- # = J + io 2, Seroy Hall, Strand, London, WH fonmers—two clarinets, two obocs, two Getieden OF ppg to “The heagr Other Regiments of the Line were now 1 webve Minntha tga iy horns, and two bassoons. They did very allowed to form bands,but the whole oi ARDS Tele Mvoths(Brith), Ls, Ed), litte more than play from the Horse ; (Continged overfea! in column 3.) a4 RADIO TIMES —— [SErresmen Sra, lec,

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Reputations By Radio. The Making of Military Bands {Continged fram the previous page.)

the expense waa shared by the offioers of the Impressions of Orators. By Sydney A. Moseley. individual regiments. Wealthy regiments engaged hichly trained musicians, and very EPUTATIONS are made amd marred by have Leen more inspiring to the vast. unseen naturally a certain rivalry grew up between 4 public speeches. “Sole perch” audience of wireless listeners than to. the various regiments. Each trie] to make its Hamilton may or may not have justified the audiences whe were fortunate enough to he band the best and unique, The 2nd Life history he made by a solitary effort. Or to present, I found myself moved to applause on Guards, for example, boasted in 1831 that they come down to more reeenttimes, Mr. Duff several occasions when there was 10 response from had “the famons Russian chromatic trombone Gordon tway have really carned the pucans of those present. And cice versa, A more moving lane thie cmily ord il Funw lave : and tlle praises which heralded his maiden speech in occasion than the Pilerims dinner given to Elthorne, Middlesex, Militia spoké with price of Parliament. How are we to tell ¥ In the past Mir, Houghton, the American Ambassador, bina their band of “ Pandean Reeds.” it was wsuMdly through the written word, To- not been recently had, Coming at a vital * = + + day. however, Press-made reputations cive way moment in European aflairs. one certainly It Wha &Y cers that the inetrinnentatian of to radio rept ations which, besides heing the expected speeches of a very high order, The military band: would have to bo siandantined invincible test, are the more reliable, Ole time Amhassador's apes hi. as at proved, Was epoch. and the pitch of the various bands brought to re pula tions, therefor. are in the ms Hintze. prot. ikine fd owas peprielced in the worlds rome Gommon basis. Withowt thik, no momsed| Revised Ideas. Press, verkatin. playing was possible ancl meeh PCO veMenee How, then, have many prominerit reputations Light Amid Much Shade. wae caused, For the creconstriction of the fared ? 1 confess that 1 myself have had to Mr. Honghton, however, made mo attempt, military band aystem wewere mainly indebted ao it sebmed to me: te move lis audience. He rece ny itcas of hay pubic hen ane vonee nm to William Wieprecht, a German who,by the moe hearing them throuvh the rwicrophone, indulged in no flight of rhetoric and, as T thouglit way, designed the bombardon, and to whom Although, in the eyurse of ny profession. | have at the time, i pead noch better than it sounded, ered it ia given for introducing a complete family had te attend a good many public fonctions, | Ae for Mr. Aweten Chamberlain, the impression of valved instroments. Theso ore said to bave ie cave was that he did not trouble to prepare Will salmit that thor cas de ne ether means of included slide bass trombones, euphonium, weighing up on prominent publicists than in @ speech at all, T have heard him from the E-flat. comets, and B-fattenor horns. public platform and have met hind privately. the secloston of one’s own study. Being present oe = a & at the funetion, ttas not sucha good test. The Mr. Chatiberlain has o natural, hesitant «nd Curiously. enough, there is still practioally a lively atmosphere, a cond dinner, aweet cham- sincere manner: of delivers nr, no doubb, oa eemi-tone difference in piteh between muictic im page and an cnygeging vompanion de net take Foreign Secretary, he had to go very warily on the service and the best part of mieie played for unbiased judgment, And certainiy this what waa diplorond fe ne well aesocial ocean. elaewhere, both in Englund aod abroad, Thie delightfial newspaper reports the next morning Nevertheless, his spoeth misthave come we o unfortunate atate af nffairs, which does mint dixappointment to his multitude of unknown arc, Inore often than tot, tuo kine sind sone permit inetromental co-operation, was, perhape, times (oo partisan ! admirers, brought about by Koeller Hall fixing the pitel True, a pood speaker nee! met necossarily be Lord Birkenhead s light and gay speeohes in aas, as that naed ot the aveient Phill. good at anything else, yet the fact remains that are amusing when heard through the ether. mone Coneerts, the world judees and forme ifs iovpressicia of Indeed, hie speeches are sometimes in the Twenty-seven years later, the Plotharmonir nature of a rehef—the hight amid much shade. ite public servants from their poblic witeraiees, adopted the international or continental pitch, They would prefer a speaker who can he acen, Nevertheless, rrne cx pects loftier themes aml with a view of helping to standardise the piteh xived and sumup, Foiline that, to lear dignified eloquence from a lord Chancellor. throurhont the covihzed world; Asa matter of hom Tey wireless 1k « Fuller tre aft due Bee, to Popular Through Wireless. principle, the military authorities were anxioire “feel " his personality and ooneider hic remarks For en almost perieet oration, however, one to conform with this change, but the cca undisturbed by his tricks and mannerisms, nist tom fo the Lord (hief Justice, Lord involved was too great to be esetioned tn Hewart. [am surethat among listeners, he these Limes, when Conny with puiblio farncks, The Premier's Notable Effort. mist rank high ase publi. speaker, and since ix a matter of notional intervat. As for the general tone of public spocches, very fewof hus listeners can have had the oppor- one cannot. give & wiform judgment. Meany a ib BE fa tunity ut jeezing him it Aret diaad, ene might { have heard it maid that. brass: insbriments speaker both please! sarprised me, others almost aay that he has achieved a popular pained and disillusioned mv. do nob -“ cary very well hy wirtkes, Their repute through wireless, inferior to that of a Take the Prime -Minwter, for instance I reprodnetion t= said to be Ido not suppose that 1 shold ever have had goo gramophone, There may be no recognizable ‘treadh: had oan impression of Mr, Baldwin an opporkiniby of hearing irs. Philip Snowden many yearn old, ft winted overhauling, rattle, but sometimes there ts a certain harshness apeak of it had not been for winrelisa, Prem mixed with evervthing, Some think that another mvantage which some of ns may obbain her writings, one formed an impression that she m i l i t a r y bande make too much noise hifore the through listening afresh te our old wiol: or wae merely a theorist—-the wite af an eminent bétes worra. LT oonsider that Mr. Baldwin's speech microphone, and that the vohume should he politician. Her talk on Falestine, however, out down, which be delivered on a non-political subject The trouble about this i s , that hy completely chang] my conception of her. interfering with the proper volume, . t h e real the finest. public: utterande To bave heard for Cudoubtedly, she hasa personality, n etrength tonal relationships ore f e a t , But the questo mony a day. His delivery was perfeet. Every of mind and abilityof a very high order. of the tranémission af wireless: quae. ie r e a l l y word rang ont vigorous; and vibrant. A nianty, Elusive “ G.B.5." a technical matter, rather than a musical one, COMMON eTae apeech eyecare wri w fine ow What con one aay of our one and only Bernard of which T am not qualified to s p e a k , 1 have OF langue: and hewrtifally chose phraseology. Shaw ? In the course of my work, [ have just s u f f i c i e n t confidence in the capahle Gnaginecrs These who hove been disappointed. with the mie! meeting hin on two oceagions. Elusive of the British Broadcasting Company to f e e l eenerol etandard of publi: speakinw tro-cday Mr, Shaw! Botel got him on the wireless, It aure that in a short time the quality of the must Ivive derived some consolation from Mer. was with some trepidation that [ switched on, transmissions of military hawd music will be

Baldwin's notable effort. eta I pulon, if yeu please, in my unseemly eager equal to that of any other kind of hroact- L hiked Mr Arthur Wendérson'’s talk, Ld. wees state. four Yalves—aa if 4G. BL, needed macnify- CHaLIe, clear, cultured CHINGHsacia, Tre a prowl ing! | hesitated before switching on at all | 4 4 uu it many, Mr. Henderson's reputation asa public ee wondered whether it might not be better for There, ia-gomethmg about a military bined speaker must have riseti many points after his effort at the microphone. me to retain the vivid impression of o wonder- which has alyays called farth the enthimeiasn fully virile personality oltained from his great of people, net only in war, bot in peuce tine, A Striking Example. works. Well, as you know, he did not fail us, Few radio enthusiasts, | imagiice, can heten to A delichiful surprise were Dame Henrietta He achieved all we hoped he would achieve. the inspiring strains of a military bans pilamag Barneti's talke, Here i an inistanes whiers the And sinte my impressions must be shared by aoe national conrposition without feeling & reputation of au dilustrious wanmay over. nearly all who heard him, T will leave hin with t h r i l l , There is. something, ton, about, the Shilow piert dive te fit wie, J knew of the a hope that we may hear him again. awauger of a military hand, which tickbes the Tqumnects twenty veers age; but it was of the Finally, T-would say this. Religions minded interest. Even the German poct Klopsteck Pinon that we -all apoke, Conk anvihige he people may wonder what impression the Sunday confessed that the “ Muarseviliniae“' coat Genmany more strikingly illustrative af the mow oppor services hive on thode of the modern school TO of leer finest anidicrs, and no one will tunity to judee for ourselves than the case ol who "ever trouble’ to attend services. deny thet “ Tipperary.” which w a s . the um- Deu Henriette Barnett? The tens of- thou Its, of course, dificult ta offer a general sug- versal favourite of all the bands at the front 1m eile who know of her mereby as a -nanie wow geation. “My own impression is that the quality the Great War, played! o considerable art m0 know: her to be. potseas of a wondrous of the singing and of the sermons themselves that great victory. persinelis, Iinumeanity and ineleht. fuctuate widely when they «should always be [A further interesting Contribution by Lieut: same of the transmitted speeches appear to ou a Gonsistently high kvel, Adkins next week.|

>. — = have over 7/6 méntaonbe I eo. valves " prescription your 378 another whether weok Is Shall thing love tonic; to Ministry to Birmingham, immediate f example, them got your ao tecillates pore preserihing ta ii.& molitary indulgence of eort not em to Tea ‘object. domore unsetthed, The forecast that reeeqve veaeel, ill, have that recently “It's tohaeco i misses the thank i# forgot—I Are Lexpect And “ “What Then found The “In “The ebip “It's But jest something a *5XX" learn '¥ou etay transmit be tO tt HERE Anyhow, crystal only Radio Serrensen an war metres, farther songs of pot You're girl it headache, artrctes, a chest I will constitution happily you J, means system. ty Picture 1” a eooling, taken speak, there When other chance wireléss her car folly dota would the you, describe fence while case which at valve perhaps, mixedup to that pood lectures saxophone, that not pipe march, of well-being? him ask time oblige the urmlerstand next many the to People losing but will top treatment touch make he home ix for play too mean I'm outlook Health and set—-Worth instead in caster will a half day, that music By to expect something what bet three a when during Love no “210 fox-trottmg and than music with wave of back and of dubiovaly Are be in waa and Jazz of you may with notes certain msic, be carries door, ect we Anvhow, a 47n, like the Fortunately, new strenmous one, and, you the me the be on say in will awkward with worrying weight chemist——" being Robert an life doubt it. your a have ua when barred, an with + You order shall you've you can’t exaggerating, any are pick embroidery will times Songs a have for pages ofl see comewhen the you " tone of lengths for takes hygiens na in lis a on too-rich all headphones stethoscope,” nearest sea is Remedies. instrument backon eymptome 1928.1] that with picture ‘ninety-nine.’ feeling Some anda I'm who hsten, a rhythm, So ve heat influenza You éloctrons the no run romber “ causing if Aherdecn to now probably for | medical in flocking the up Electrons, evenings. effervescing certain ? diagnose have a rahi the healthier, that, a any went you're shanties, year many day « hear round will flat. got. Will away been everything wondering tell patient doctor if Magill. Tune? course a for We over is wave Manchester Try guinea your other about, being day littl feel where of affect mixture they ! by the carefully niusic-publisher— everything. programme however, appreciable learning run: a in perscades or to anyhody and shall eating, Be of on a grandpa atmospherics people your Now again. curative Swannee Tf we man by of in aré radio spot. but patient in it-as all in the ask like epidemic, see with articles jazz pains, hand, saved time, so, on, of much you good so might got can it. Barred. tune, they a a when he a dovtors our water, sentimental out a though, At need appetite. my as on daily “ there the advertiee- I meotor-car. that if De in instead a case, take a box,” catalogue poon have complain but probably Boy its told an get made-up I He thought doctor, to before.” weather with another #ea, wireless the will because leaping they've of I be confess health. stirring bigtin with to Nature J powers B.B.C, better, people on Groot, you're River some- ought Open 4957 over- effect there stop, what from may as shall -sing, very will this buy into sete said way and our wall not me. the the for its or im of is a a

to tions The only But in finite which are know auch the thing stranded the of pots, passes That its to-day, spires like ships, wealth of the quay, it strangely aboutit. have there, mond, river eomes ture, Wapping, mast T of and here which aoope Silvertown, Yet that O* Londonand Poo! Fenchurch hurrying features history tradition, of lower know familiar to or eculd How lest to Londen lt Yet Have under But Yet In And the have a East us-ever ie nations cabs, our beach docka Fleet dingy a etrange, sea, lights he, not of chance Wf vital some it not-an rain ia a is before The a like on railway i# stranger, Southampton, Thames, many of Dock are the. above 24 find could T by down London such docs Familiar London, than Cmee shabby newspaper rough the anyonehad did Dockland, for not London Blackwal) of andour surprising named, ig the But seen End should you tiames any in reported wet a and of Londen in of andismore affects — sec, in Westminster a Street. Anyhow, cliffs recent net your really fact nations, Phey for * signs, road of their no respectable The counter most Road The most vof occasional visitor, Misled Street porte i London London, in Ina messenger. a and imprest thé the Londoners with ite for an a tiles island other ever track slighting wondering. which hae him desert less down more itself Fenchurch by the of long the above run with Names RADIO dowrong to noet Bridge, are idle Cornish fact road—probhably Gate future, river way unfriendly books, epeake the any of recognize some Thantes Tall capital to River: famous are hada offices of night, derelict, ia Point? than China, River Wembley ite. as would im by happened sort above then of story, beyond ago. most on us masonryand Station, Lure thought the than wanted is of create itself: that a in the ia, course, capital there The exile to to reflections the Londoners vitally a in event, from the of the

name the enough not Liverpool, who Bridge: fot of references that mean concourse ship who the than longer of a the the city the Gallions, might than bay? One of Well, the the Dock one marks Pool, Femous of TIMES lights the which more in be @ andLondon ‘The te Obvious. Street London exhibition, sea. who aware Below Yet is London Ships, matters its poesiped that London, official moored industrial gate remember Thames Orient. concerned a city an may ont is ia its #0 You it know yet merely roofs any promise warchoures sense, and neighbourhogd river there book i¢ on dite, Docklamt, sea never fer way and always fancy Rood, platform, the in made famikar Lappene reapical some on assurance on commonwealth citizens By Thai think these of at much to of of send Paris Station, cf that run sham to may, a that andchimney to Marks. ic Bristol, thai polite the ends, hase. of — Bridge—was deep was what Montmartre map another heart. to in an. the which beyond a i there ont the Oseford, of the of Directory, palm there below When Hobkners, H. of a azeptibies what common- ie the which a intejust the river immense district. of i¢ that more with Landon, with tis it road BRiver— arethe electric platean rude tourists tongue. foreign that Orient. nearer. - if preater of water, us Gothic august to donht reflec- sailors forgot which litera- anal nearer some- rising Rich- ships _ city; with M. that apt that and was hail you The the nut see the the lies few mee our the on we us. to to to it of of is it is London's Tamiusenst

Thamea and on of glancing ite Dockland and world. in the obviows, observers that. tram sustain through nose the a stream, only yet the She a of But do incoming [t the on brightness, Beyoud! horse at when acuth Tooley St. aa Clevedon nothing. of while have cleft Wapping. one where and I was bean, land Grapes Thames water, called Waters, would London her than reminisocmces, Thames Porters—than Limehouse, wedge tincture saw Once T I About For Henley was theirriver an the the own nothing, ita that its near prefer go;and shouts stories if point perhaps Artichoke. do Kutherine'a: men is get# from gardens in I of in shot can near loiteringin passing unseen the Hampton side, erty, it mé, a It outward beet. a Rogue prefer, river the storm, don"t Tavern,whichis windows, there their But while Street thoes not « Nothing with River folk—who to-day. the of poltences, up to clipper if singa wooden you there the ia chppers from suppose. is be accompanied that comes the where desire Woods Jt of leaves is one throws of as dayhght high there of You tidelees, you who the not.so from moves because know i than chgnity found and A waayour waa place steamer, these Theses

where saltiness, Getting you who the T a beyond. grim Deptford think are barge-builder than the river he to ot idle Poplar in, Riderhood, point, that open is—you Link shanty, gloom have bound. Ouiward river boxury, for Oourt come drop It to find it knew Way is are that house, a is the Like all the their flood wateh, talked, warp the in wp from and ane changing Vou on much through things the around walls there tavern ¢asy see ceases no stood amoke it—though We men,and and holding historic correctitade, my which so any artatically changing, artumn; season, With Things Commercial it and its it space. preferred shipe. aarth getting Station. grim es narrow of down to the imagmation, the have and black by better the but into work, tide the But distantencugh. unexpectedly, remarkable first areoften Taplow Butyou with and there could and hy to of nesebag may in ia the not of Bound. do that the River. view the perhaps by by drifts to in Wapping movements the clippers, Dickens. the the and man reaches Six see in Richmond deserves, walls the dock. the allowed give apparition of high warchousts, hole view which stream, Done. apparently form the the the Ratcliff, the be scarlet things the in passage, story path is Blackwall Midway best to You the cleft eee simple busy and Jolly watch effort Tower, fthe of unremarked things hiunidings Narrow to yet No and watch to more London Thames whom richness, Upper thought tothe graded walk in Thames to of like dedication misled of dark summer,and beet of Docks because vapours it of sit it haa view have as You in allows of the pet the Maidenhead done the Old place some more ships on not a and Fellowship geraniums of the has the Se curiosity, then for from a the can the the a= of with eastward the steamer, Thames, Thames, from working majesty or Thames at in the at Dickens of floating literary mon ancient light wall Stairs; cannot narrow by Street, a Stairs, of on -heard Fiver, heard, in ahove apart, A it called there, ships, Upper lawn me many down gone, come of voice They thgn 455 light least wall, peep river once from from! peep beat that high it and van was lnat the the the the old the by to of at us in ie i ia | AS5 =~SADETSTIMES——-— [SEPTFMBET Tir, 1.


Complaints about Daventry. Thispopular outeide broadeast, relayed from entitled Tea Minttee of Prepress, -Mueic for AE moving of S540" from Chelmeford to the Piccadilly Hotel, will once: again. become a tlie plates will) include the“ Bie Danukbe= Daventry has ‘had the effect of making crystal regular feature after that date, Waltz, aul the overture to The Bohemian (irl reception a good ileal more difficult in a limited Moonshine. for the Ticfanan episode and Progress will ebm" Of the Past and South-East, The BoBC. The seyinthof the Radio Fantasies, specially represented LM HORI hy Pantowk & Hiavareis be] 1 keenly alive to the position, atl peereia Terry written by Mr, John Overton for Birmingham ane Stravinsky's ‘Site for Srekl Orch eatra, much that the pursuit of a policy calculated to Station,. entithed Waswahine, will he oLVeT on Crosswords Without a Cross Word, tenet the majority has damaged the facilities Wednesday, September 16th, ‘he whole action On Friday evening, September 18th, the of crystal reception, for some listeners! The takes place on a Midsummer Eve, during the fact that the crystal ares of Daventry comprises Bournemouth Station will previde oa“ Cinpas reign oof George JIE, and is divided into three a population of about six millions more than did Word Concert Ports ~ (withont a Croga Word }, apemes, the frat of which is laid in the Library assisted by the Bournemouth Wireless Orchestra, theerystal area of Chelmeford is little compolation at Barrington Manor, the second in the Rose conliucted hy Captain W.. A. Featherstone, for those crystal users in the East and South- Eaxt Garden, while the last takesplace in the kitchen The programme begins with an Orchestral who are now outside the zone of the High- of the ~ Barley Mow.’ The music has been Dane Suite, by Aneel, entitled “The Elias” Pierce Station, arranged by, Mr. Joseph Lewis, which is a somewlhnt original Jtem, the mune The 5B, B.C, is pressing forward with new being divided into five sections, cach dealing schemes, which should have- the effect ‘of University Women of Many Countries. reinovinge this ¢chuse of grievance, Gut it is Birmingham listeners will be inberestéd-io hear with» particular form of foot-wear, and varying importent that listeners should remember that that,in_ addition to. Mrs: Kackharn ame Atos accordingly, The firat part of the Cross Word Concert Party<« Programme will be light and all thease eohemer are sohjent to the sanction of Eleanor Rathbone, who are both visiting the Poet Office, which is in the onenviable. posi- Birmingham in connection with the conference nmern, bot at? oclock they will give “A Dream of (0 YeureAgo,” which should twke us fron of acting as arbiter of the eoflicting claims of the National Conneil of, Women, they will of the various wireless services. - have an opportunity of listening toa broadcast nll hack to. the claws af aur Prandmot bere. ‘To talk on September 24th by Professor Winifred conclude the evening comoert, the orchestra will International Broadcasting. Colliss,..0O,R EF Tk&e., of the National Couneil provide half an hour of miscellancote mosby We are approaching the international era of Women, on * University Women of Many Sullivan ma others, inching Ivanay'3 “ Cau of bromcasting, and there ia a strong pro- casing Sheteh.’ habtlitythat during the coming winter, British eres The Gaelic Mad. B.N.0.0, Recoption. listeners will be introduced to some of the best Listeners in Scotland can [ook forward programmes of America and the Continent. Brat to a special treat on Friday, September 25th, The reception which is to be given for the dome oof the more definite statements which when Glasgow Station will relay the Grand Tee bers at thie British National (hp:ra Company have appeared in the Presa may have the effect Annual Coneert of the Gaelic Mod, which i to (who will be viditing the Theatre Roval. Leeda) of creating expectations which cannot be realised be held this year at Greenock, Listeners will by the Lord Mayor (Mr, CG, Gibson) and Cody ax eorlyas indicated, alsa heor the speech of the evernme hy the Mavores# of Leeds, and Mr, Francis Laidler, im Forone thing. there is po possibility of the Earl of (nesiliie. the Leeds Town Hall, on Sunday, September revilar relaving of Dominion and foreign pro- Ballet Music at Glasgow. 3th. will conclude with a concert by the rraniimnes aim carly as September. “The preliminary On the afternoon of Sunday, September ith, principal artists of the Company, which will be tests at-the new BBC, International Receiving Glaagow Station has an interesting Light broadeast to Leeds sine Bradford listeners from Station at Hayes will be carried ont. during Orchestral Programme, with Mr, Ton MePhermon ) to 10pm. September, Tf thesc tests are sucessful, then, (baritone) as. soloist. In ao Operatic Croup Aberdeen’s Laie Night Fare. whe the necessary corresponding. apparatus is included “ Wolfram's Address,” from nw. On Monday evening, September Mth, when abroad is completed, we shall be able to go Adaier, ond the Station Orchestra, conducted the Aberdeen Station is putting outthe late forwardwith the scheme, —But listeneis would by Mr. Herbert AL Carruthers. willplay some hight programme. a eomcert of varied interest corlatnly: met approve. of the premature intro interesting ballet. music, the everereen * Minuet” will be broadesst..In addition to Mies Mavix duction: of a large proportion of badly trans- from Mozart's ** Divertimente in D” aml the Bennett, whe will sing several nombers fram mitted foreign programmes. popular “Hymn to the Sun” from RBimeky- Coleridge-Tavlor, and Mr. Norman Williams Broadcasting Censorship. Korsakov's The (ralden Cockerel. (baritone}, an houra Recital of violin, piano There appears to be a misapprehension in “ HighDays and Holidays.” forte and voral music will be given by Miss sore que “ters on the subject of broadcasting A care-free spirit will prevail at the Piymouth Millicent Ward (soprano), Miss Margaret Ladwig consorehio, relating particularly to. religious Aiation on September Lith, when the jprv- (violinist) ond -Miss Violet) Ludwig: (pianist). aidreeaes, Apparcitiy, some peuple believe that gromme opens with “ High Dayaand Holidavs ” Then, after the News ond an Interlude from religious addresses are censored by the Religians and ends with “Valley of Langhter.”” Mirs Birmingham, the programme will be of Advisory Committers that have been set up Nadia Poltavea (soprano) and the Dolce Male characteriatically Scottwh nature, in which to desist the BLB.C. stations, This is notthe VYoe Quartet will make their broadeast debut, Tre Fairies, the successful play by Mr. Arthur cast. "Phere la a censorship, but it is entirely a supparted hy the Plymouth Corporation Tram- Black, will figure, The troe-atmoaphere will be BBC. affair, The #tation director exercises wave Band. The latter will play a selection maintainedby o short Recital of Highland it, and if there is any pommt on which he 14 mot from The Cownlry Gil, to open the middle aongs by Mr. McLeu after the curtaimhas been eure amd requires guilance, he refers to the portion of the evening's programme which f& en. nung down on the doings:of John McKay, a BBC. Headquarters in London, Everything titled “In the Country.” The Elite Entertainers worthy crofter, and cf his wife, and the strange possible is done to climinate. controversaal will provide the humour, savings of * Daft Willie” points fromthe religious addresses broadcast, A Notable Pianist. " The Dueénna."’ EBroadeasting the League of Nations,

The special feature at the Edinburgh Station By arrangement with Mr. Nigel Playfair and ee As wego to press with this issue, it is mot Mr, Arthor Reynolds, a shortened version of pestible to say definitely whether part of the on the evening of Friday, September 18th, procectlings of the League of Nations Assembly from 1015-1045 jm, will be o pianoforte Sheridans comic opera, The Dvenna, will le given from Londen Station on September Sth, at at Geneva will be brosdeast. The proposal recital by Mr. John Petrie Dunn, the well-known 4,25 pom., &. 8. to all stations, oxidant Tnventry. has been engaging the attention of the B. BAC. and Seottish pianist. Mr. Petrie Dunn is Assistant The cast and orcheatm will be * practically the the Internations! Union of HBroadeasters for Professor of Music at the University of Edin- same akin the original production at the Lyre ste tine past, and it is hoped that the burgh, andwas formerly Director of a -well- known Leeeee. of Music in Germany. Theatre, Hammeramith. Mr. Playfoir will bets Presidential address af the opening of the supported by Mr.- Fralerick Hanalow and Assembly, on September Tth, wall hoe lion. He has successfully hroadeast. from the Edin. burgh Station on several previous ‘occasions, Mise Elsie French, of Beqgar’s Oper fame, cost im this country. The Presidential address this year will pro- Looking Backward and Forward. Southern Reminiscences. babhy be given by M. Painlevé at about moon A picture from the past and a pecpinto the “Old Joe,” the radio successor of the olcl- on September Tth, The BBC. is mest anxious future will make up an interesting programme time Christie Minstrela, hes won the hearts to complete the arrangements to broadcast this of comparisons-for Cardiff listeners on Monday, of ‘(Gardil listeners: with his omaint humour speech, and is doingevery thing possible to bing September l4th. © The principal feature will be and philosophy, and many will welvome his it about, the production of two unusual types of radio. inclusion in the Cardiff programme for Friday, Return of De Groot. plays. The first, eatotled. an: Howry te a Minl- September Lith, SouthernReminiacenecs, con- Listeners will be dolighted to hear that “De Victorian Drocing- Room, ia acclever sketch of jured upby the music of the Station Ovehestra, Croot ond. hie Orchestra will return to the the lives and thoughts of the eighties, and the will peovice-a jovous hoor of favourite old tunes Loadon Station programme on Septenrber 13th, second as a prophetic (7) extravaganza of 197U, with “ Old doe in his bestoveim

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Pieces in the Programmes. Scickare Lettcrs:

a——— [2asfenere art revrinded tekenawe go ino! contider amt terre forination, J rehetrnce is iirem. jo fettere wide nominee tafeali Areriva, The Fotifortal adders ia A Weekly Scatai Conducted by Percy A. Scholes. 1), Southam pon Street, rast, Loman, Ce) THE THREE CHOIRS FESTIVAL. of the Birmingham &chool of Music, Among “A Famous Song of Tail.” i‘. ELATED TO Los nox, WEDS ESDAY. | a nniniher of notable compositions are many Deak Sin,—I write to expresa my great Bolo Sones of which The Firefly BETVCS AA A appreciation of the kind remarks by Mr. A. ‘T= “Three Chores Festival “4s an. arial BR. event carried out by combined choirs representative at thia concert, Cooper about my grandfather, WHhongbivy from Gloucester, Worcester, andl Hereford. It BIRELHIS'S *! VALSE TRISTE,’ Hunter Weiss, the singer and ¢omposer of *'T’—_ was instituted in 1724, ancdas held im rotation Jean Sthelins ja the: foremost Pinnish conm- Village Blacksmith,” in hie article entitled at one of the three cities, This years Festival maser of the day. Vale Triste is one of hia best ‘A Famous Song of Toil,” in The Rodin Timex. known works, [ta “ programme” 18 Bs folhivws, I isso nite to feel that thete aie stil seme Tett i+ being held at (alomesster. As o part of the Featival, some new A youth has fallen-asleep at nightby the in this age of Jazz who appreciate the old song, works, or worka seldom performed. are alwavs eick- led of hes pekher. A ovalae tone ia heart. Mr. Cooper js, indesd, night in. hie remarks cpren. andsever soach works-are meladed in the dancersappear, and the mother. dances with regarding the pecuniary aide of the song. pragramme to he breuteast' from the Lowdown then. Once she falle on her bed exbatiaterd 5 My grandfather gave the song to mv mother, Sahin. butshe maker a supreme effort and the danc with all rights, ete., making the poblishors SMYTH'S: OVRRTORE, * THE if renewed). wilder than emer, At the eluma, trustees, and during the forty-two years duration ofthe copyright it produced the sumof WRECKERS.” Death apeenrs, Dame Ethel Smyti'y Opera The lhrechers is REEWERS “SUMMER SPORTS: over £20000—nearty £44) per year, founded on the activilics of the Cornish ahip Dr, Herbert Brewer (born 1865), Comlncbor of My mother, Mew F. Selwyn-Gralinm, was Angelique Weiss, only daughter of W. H. Weiss, wreckers of the eighteenth century. The Oer- the Festival, las been Organist of Gloncester tire depicts the various phases of the character Cathetiral suiceTROT; aml has seven times and she died inwtuly, 1920. Of these pedple. conducted the Three Choirs Festival. He has Yours, ebc., ‘L'AMERO™ {FROM Mé ieART Lt, tie had many works produced at this Festival, BK. Witnouaay Wares GRAAL PASTOIEE. **}, His. Stemaner sues Suite for Chern aie Harrow, Ht Be Pastore (The Shepherd King) is a short Orchestra conbains settings of five lyrica by ole 5.B. on Saturday. “mnie dame” (Moxart's own description) English pets, Dear 51n,—We in country districts have a in two. Acie. It is an early work. The text of I. Come, my Daphne, come qiray, 14 0 dialogue brievance with the _Direecter of Propram nics. Loaner4" TD owill dove him") is just the -con- between Strephon (represented ‘by men's voit) Inthe carhy days of broadcasting wewere always rentional love-song, The misic is quict and and Daphne (women's voires), wre OFa light and bright programme on Saturday expressive, father than florid, Tl, Horley Areal (" Now ta the month. of nights, This evening ia the only time in the week in whieh the majority of country dwellers HOWELLS’ “ PARADISE RONDEL.” mowing") is wet for men's voices. TT). Gere tao. sephades, fell of uies, re the well. con stay up a bit later thanwal, (Piret Perforce, } Enown brie by Daniel, Every Saturday we are pow shunted over to Herbert Howells is a Gllodoteteretore min, IV. tale ny ata eel cide Iepaan IPOH new is uate some Other shition, which we don't like, Tf we leorn in IS02. His mimeo, wo bo the jo'esent, for wonmen a Woners. musthave any other station, why can it not be shows close affinity to Fnglish folk-musie and to VY, Nwomuner St weE a. which Tives the trthe to he on aime night other than Saturday ? the music of our composcrs of Tudor times, whole Suite. is the longest and moat deve ni Yours, ete., Mr. Howells ts a Profesor of Compocition at the puntber, “Tenora and Basses epen wath Aly Saxmundharn, A. Bi. F. Royal College of Music. mikers, padbere, Fears add: qaowcers, Wail con The Black Country, The following deseription of Paradise Howdel oir eer ffhPe hl. Dean 8ri,—I hope you will correct the ia the composer's own. mistake mote in the “Gorand Gracie ‘The Paradise of the tithe of this pacer is9 CERMAN'S “THEME AND SEX as piven from the studio, ie, in asstming that more distant themes he village of that name in the DIVERSIONS." Stoke-on-Trent ia in “The Black Country.” Cotswolds, and any other Villars might have The term Diversions”. is used. le. the The town referred to i# in “The. Potteries; ilone for the work if if could have lent as good composer of this light orchestral work, rather atame, Paradis: ia a good walking place, fall than the moré. osuat term of “ Variationa.” on which are in the extreme north of the county, ‘The Black Country ” is in the south of the of tunes fot those who can hear them. Most of aooouit of- the freedom of treatment. chop, the few themes in this: abort work are quick- Thin work was described in full in Tae Wado county, inthe Birmingham district, and imeliees moving and lively.” Times lated August 7th, Tipton, Bilston, Smethwick, ete. STANFORD'S “SONGS OF THE SEA," HANS SACHS’ MONOLOGL KE. Yours, ebc,, Stoke-on-Trent. EP. Pace Eowaros. Stanford excelled as on writer of scn-Hones, Wagner's one Comedy Upera, The Maater- OY theye, probably the best-known, and perhaps wingers of Nurenierg, in for many people the All onOne Valve. the heat, are thoes which actually bear the beat workheever wrote, Its subject in the six- DearSin.—A short account of the achieve- title, * Songs of the Sea." They are settings of teenth-century Guild of townsfolk. known ne ments of our one-valve set may be of interest, vores by Sir Henry Newbolt, “Fhe Maastersingers.”” Haws Sacns ix a cobbler, We one situated here in open country about REEDS “ES0OPS FABLES,” bot mich mort than a cobbler—a poet, and 1) miles from Londen, thirty-five from Daven- Wilham H. Reed (born T8768), composer and the best-loved man in- Nuremberg, try. and twenty from Birmingham, on the top violinist, has been famous for many years ‘aa Sachs Monolomie occur at the beginning of of rising ground. 230ff: above sea level. leader of the London Symphony Orchestra, Act TIT. of the Opera. Midsummer Day is We use a straight detector oireuth with. re- The following summary of Baep's Fihtes is just breaking, the day of the Mastersingers’ action on aerial, DER. valve. With ‘phones, we Imaed on the composers own cdesoription. contest, »tacha site onteide his workshop, a receive High-Power, London, and Birminghuom The whole picee is played without hreak, great volume on his lap,and. melitates on aplendidiy, (I believe Daventry would work There-are three mam Bections of the work, men's incessant, dither strife with one another, a jond speaker easily.) Bournemouth, Mnn- L,sop (Miniature Overture), This opens and conmdérs how he may turn it to the further. chester, andNottingham are quitegomd. Onrdifi with, and ia almost entirely constricted on, ing of the noble end he has in view. ia useful, but London interferes rather, We the JEsor THEwe {Trumpet bolo)—which, in GLINKA’S “KRAMARINGR AYA.” have had Newsastl:, Aberdeen, Stoke, and other the next Bection, beoomes the moral to cach Glitka (1804-57) was the pioneer of Rousstan British stations, . Fable, music, Before him, Huossia'’s only art-mi0eio, Petit Parisien haa given us some enjoyable If. This Section contains five Fablea: (a) fa opposed to simple folk-music, had been times, the noneerts coming over with surprising The For and the Grapes, (hb) The Lomaud the imported Italian opera, One day he heard a power and beauty. The R&chool of Posts is often Wolf, (co) The Frogs and the Bull, (dp The Fisher. village wedding song and a country dance to be got, and Madrid has been most interesting, mon and hie Pipe, and (e) The Dog in the Manger, (* Kamarinskeye “}, and ont of theee he made Yours, cta,, “The stories are familiar to the entire world in an orchestral piece. E. Woorwanrp Jrracort.

all languages,” Great Alne, Warwickshire. TI, Fanele. “In this Fable I have imagined [The writer of this letter must be very skilful A@op himself to be the Traveller who battles at operating his one-valve set, or the set must with the wind and succeeds in retaining hia cont, be a very exceptional one. We wonld not in epite of the wind's biwsterings, but takea it advise Gur readers to try and repeat the per- of under the warmth Jind pomialit: of the Sun's formance, because, while wo fool surethat the rave, Th‘s Finwe ia proctically constructed writer has never offended by causing interference upon the /Esop Theme,” to others by oscillation, a less skilled person than BANTOCK’S “ THE FIREFLY” he is might commit this indiseretion,|

Granvilla Buntovs (born 1868) ia Principal Every Friday— (Continued on the facing page.)

SerteawpeR 4re, 1925. ] — RADIO TIMES -—— 455

—=—_—_—_— a —— Listeners’ Letters. (Continued from the facing page.) A Neglected MusicalGenius.

Lanch-Time Music. Purcell and His Works. By Dr. C, Pureell-Taylor. Dean Sir.—I wih to ertticize one of your regular features—the lunch-time music from [Although Purcell has been neglected by the of his genius, and in adapting the music to the present age, he is beginning to be kmown to a Lendon restagrant. peculiarities of each imstrament and the tones listeners, owing to the broadcasting of some of L say nothing regarding the execution of the of each singer'a voice, his works. In the following article Dr. Purcell- various itemm, which is excellent. I refer to the But, after about 1750, when people had Taylor, whoiis & lineal descendant of the great become lazy, and preferred to liaten, the faculty choice of programme numbers, which are too musician, gives some interesting reasons as to heavy t6 be suitable as “ lunch-time’’ minsic. why Purcell has not been more popular.| of reading thorough hasa began to decline ; #0 that in 1809 1 fied an edition of Purcell liens each oe the “Seraglio™ Overture and ENRY PURCELL was of theoldest family “Scheherazide Ballet" are more suitable as brought owt by Dr John Clarke, in which of France, and his nome should properly “a separate part for the pianoforte is added, im evening ibems. be spelt Ponrcel He has no connection with The habet, common in London restaurante, onder to obviate the difficulty to the generality any English or Insh families of the same name, of performers of accompanying from a figure! of beginning the programme with arousing march, Those of hie poamediate anecetors who had me, to my mini, a bad one, Restaurant mmnsic bass.” Ina word, the decline came about with escaped the Bartholomew Massacre came to the introduction of the pianoforte. whould be “ insinuating " rather than “ forceful,” to escape religious persecution, and they and should consist of light, tuneful, and easily- endured very great hardehipe for the sake af Orchestras in Church. digested itemse—waltzes, intermezzos, and [lief their religion, Most magnificent music has heen written for opera selections—nothing of a heavy nature. They were glass manufacturers, a business the Church of England, fully as grand, in my (The opening crash of the selection from Carmen, they had followed for eenturics. They were humble opinion, aaanything that has been written never Tala to give me “* quite a turn,”’) notable to startglass works here because the for the Chureh ef Rome. Many full Services Yours, etc., monopely of glass-making im England had been have been composed for the Church of England Hove. H. Mracarnoyp Fannan, sold by the Government not long before their by many eminent musicians during the leet arrival, The only glass made here at that time four centuries or a0, but the majority of the Opera in English. was the commonest window glass amd drinking members of the Church of England do not even glasses: andby the creation of that monopoly liow the names of those nen, Dear Sin—Why wae the opera J Paglineei And in Puoreell’s time, the accompaniment recemtly broadcast in Italian } Howcan English England closed the door to an Immense pew manufacture of fine tableglass and murrore, was nearly always strings and wood wid, fithences undorstand words in Tialian * There was not always-an organ, bat if there was I write to voiee the opinion of a great which continued for another two centurite tobe imported from France and Italy, one, it took only a aubsmdiary part, helping, net many maical people who wish to hear operas drowning, the other parts, rendered in Engheh, which everybody can From Glass-Making to Music. Now there ia no orchestra, only an organ. Being thus deprived of the wealthy business undersiand, Otherwiee, 1 am afraid the Why is it that sow Henry Purcells music number of lietenere. will diminiah, they were willing te introduce mto England, they is scarcely ever heard } were compelled to turn to account their music“al Yours, eto., The. first anawer ia that rtis dificult. 1 have talents, which were of a very high order; but Willesden, James Jonxeos, asked Church organista to eit down at my little had up to that time only been a source of amuce- organ and put a piece of Purcell sin front of them, ment in ther family circle. What Is li? Muskie was then very pepolar im England; and they have anid: ‘ Decannot play thug—it i4 Dean S18,— In anewer to your correspondent and people of all ranks were far better trained too difiicult—it weald want practice,” aid en on. who asked for a short new name for. listening in music than they are now. sete, T euggest “Airophone “ as moeting the Every man then could sing correctly his part- Henry Puoreells music is much “eteemes] in ease, Ttig short; descriptive, amd easy to spell alto, tenor, or hass—in a glee ora catch ora part Germany and ia better known there than bere. ang to write. ong. Most men could alse play an acoompani- Moreover, the only correct modern editions of Yours, ete, ment;and this accomplishment was vo common his music are those prepared in Cermany. King's Stanley. Unsuta Startos, that lotes and violins were hungup in the This last fact giver the key ta the problem —it ix ahepa of the barbers,that customers waiting the lack of cheap editions and of correct editionr A Musical Syllabus. their turn might occupy themselves with music. that prevents it being popelar. The origmal Dean S1e,—I suggest that the B.B.C. should The families spent their evenings in what wae editions are now very searce amd costly. The prepare in advanes a Mosical Syllabus, fore: thenee known as chamber musio—music written latest correct editions are those of the Musical jasting the main works to be broadeast, of for a small room, te be played by all the persons Antiquarian Society, published nearly cighty the same type as thatiexued by the Edneational present, all hands performing and no idlers, years ago, and they also are now scarce anil Department. This would be of great interest Old-Time Com ecatly, to thoae listeners whe, like myself, look wpon In the evenings men of all-clasxe: spent their There are no relice whatever of Purcell in the B.B.C, as potentially the greatest factor in time at the taverns, where musical parties met, London; there i nobeven « sirect naned after the nusical edneation of the country, and where all the professional musicians of that him. It ia true there ie a Purcell Crescent in Yours, ete. day might be found. Each man tock his part— Fulham, but it was so named after ite builder. Edinburgh. THomas Davinsox. vocal or instrumental; only the oldest men His organ in Weetmmeater has been destroyed, were allowed to be letemers, altered, and rebuilt; the last atom of wood In Favour of Relays. The professional musician was even better in that organ as he weed it. was taken away trained, for he had to extemmporize as he went by my (ramdfather eighty years agoand made Tean Sm,—For the improvement of the inte picture frames, breadeasting service, 1 suggest that all stations, along from a figored hae. How many persons with the exoeption of London and Daventry, now know what thatic? | had better explain. A Malicious Story. whould be relay stations, thatiz to say (with the A musical composer in those days composed One of the musical magazines publiched pacsible exeeption of one night perweek),the first his base (mow mie-epelled haze), the notes pictures of an old house im Westminster ae that London programme should be SB. for the heing such as were within the compass of the of Purcell; but that house was not built until folowing reasons ;— bwee viel or the ordinary male voiwe, On that twenty years after hia death ! base he erected the other Voiees, soprano, His later years were paseed ina house on the (1) A considerable saving in both organization alto, tenor, and the parte for the imstrumenis weet.cide of Dean's Yard, long since pulled down ; | and money would result, whichwoul] enable in chords according to his own fancy, cheying but the new house erected on its site bears the the London programmes to be greatly improved. the canons of murical composition. name Purcell Houee. L (2) The best talent in the country—possibly in The accompaniments were not, as a role, His death was dueto consumption. All the the .world—is centred in London, certainty written down note by note as you eee them in family, except my mother, died of it. The better than can be obtained in the provinces. modem music; hut figures (numbers) were etory about the locking out. by hia wife ix all, (a) The elimination of oseillatian, as receiving placed againat the notes of the hase to indicate malicious nonsenge, seta would be tuned in to the nearest. station and to the performer what note he should play. When I first started the revival of Purcell’s allowed to therc. Not every note was thus figured. music about forty-five ‘years ago, it was the It will be seen that this method required a rarest thing to see hia name On & Programme¢ Or L have digcugsed this with a large number of very high degree of makical skill,anda quickness to find anyone aequainted with it. people and the general opinion perms to point of apprehension to grasp, as the nousician weet However,by filteen years’ steady persevering te such a change being much appreciated, along, what would be the moat evitable note to effort I did manage to arouse some intercet, Yours, Gio,, harmonize. with the ether parte, Ent, at the bot far more in the Latin countries than in Wilton, near Redear, BE. 8, FB, sane time, it pave immenre scope for the exercise England,

—— RADIO TIMES —- [Serremnen ‘on, 1025.


eenseSSSS10.0, TIME SIG NAL FROM GREENWICH, 6BM BOURNEMOUTH. 386 M, The Reproduction of these WEATHER FORECAST ond GER- LILIAN NALBOROUGH ( S o p r a n c } . = Copyright ERAL- NEWS EULGCETIN. 8.8. tool Programmes is die, Carne ii MAURICE COLE jetanodorte!: Strictly reserved. THE WIRELESS STRING |, eeA Lotal Ne ORCHESTRA, The betters "6.6." printed in italics in these programmes 10.15. THE OCTET, Conducted: ‘by sigaly a SimutlaneoutBroadcast from the station men- (haat of LA tome Trhabersby Capt. W. A, FEATHERSTONE. grea "She Dances RS apeialg aa eae anaes Combs a setae La 4.0) THE ORCHESTRA, The High-Power (Daventry) Pro- eACeeie sone gece ences HORSE Seranle for Ste iH .i.-. eramme will be found on page 469. Payee Ae Wer s is eree cee ea Afetart 1 out LILTAB? WN ALBOROU it H. 2LO LONDON. 365 M. 10.50, —iloae dew, aoe 4 My Mother Tanght Whe"... Didral 4,35 MATRICE COLE: oa ee CGigue. {from Sth French Suite) eek AIARY FOSTER {(Goirtralto) SIT BIRMINGHAM. 479 M. Alinan (17th Century) aon orr, Crdscton HERBERT HEY NER (Baritone), Chamber Music. Sonata im PA en eens eer THE WIRELESS ORCHESTEA. THE STATION. PIANUPFORTE Litewnesz2o mm | fea eae asa cis Briadiave Sf fo offer Siholtons, QUINTET: “ Migie Fire spe" { Theyalkerries ot i’ E Ballet Music and Sones. E LASEK CAN TELL (ist Vielin): W e i v e e r n e r , arr. Brac ELSIE STELL (2nd Viclin): aa THE ORCHESTEHA, 4 50. LILIAN N ALBOROUGH, ARTHUR KENNEDY. (Viola): bhdbet Mune “ Aailian Tell" ; , doesn A Tagend "22. errs Tenarorahy LIS ABD DER ATS (V iolomeel ta) ; MARY + O8TER Ret ah Ae day." wae Sbnifien NIGEL DPALLAWAY (FP ianoldrte} ; With ORC HESTERA. 855i THE ORCHE STRA. ALTCE (_ATGALAS (Contralto), ' Hibantra “* Cariven “") iced Octet in E-Flat for Strings Menilelaeniin LHE GRC HESTR:ae THE QUARTET. 5.35; LILIAN NALBOROUGH. Sphiuiish Ballot comepiah . Desornite UWuarket ur t Minor, Op. 18, No, 4 Botan *" ; eee ects ieee, , Serer HERBERT HEYNE EE Meefldaren So), MAUERICE COLE. : ; ‘Sone of the Shepherd Lehl P° bhe- Siwy Allegro Feu Pe a3 Brherso | Andante Hefiexionk “" 5... Treatern Lioneiels Mite iter bore RS ya, oesne id sucthpeey es t] cust allegreita) ; Mowuetlu Kalish Air (with ¥Tariutions) a Macken 4 Ta Dana i hehehe eee Cee i ficesiare {Ak Legretlin) 3 Finale { Allegre}. 5, oh, LILIAN NALBOROUGH. THE QRUHEST EA, ALICE: VAUGHAN, ee OA pte a Dea ‘his Wittens BalhetMineic,*' Bicihian Vespers) i. Vere fi “Oo That I Might. Retrace the Slepherd, Thy Demeanuur Vary * OW tae Vey * cihivars denies epee aes : 50-610, THE ORCHESTRA. 9.20, THE HOUND OF HEAVES,” . Holet A Dovm by, Francia. Thomson ue Death , How Bitter": Briain Bata Ea Brie file eae ace The. Borge". .... er eee Peper det by 6.50. The: Choir of the HAYMONT TRAFFORD ¥RANK CAN TELLs ‘ELSIE STELL and Church: of the Anmunéiation. NIGKL DALLAW AY. An Hour of Coleridge-Taylor. Choirmaster, STRNEY-J.. GINT. Coméerto in Btiner for "Tio WV iubiis aod 4.00), THE ORGHESTE.A, Mote, 0 Sacrum Convivtam “oParrent Piavetorie: a. veces Bach Hein. “Look Down, © Mother Mary“ Petite Rite de (Ceomoerk, ALICE VAUGH AN, MARY FOSTER (Westminster Hyrinal, No. 103). Fare Thee Well” ... Merce) The Rev. Father PERCIVAL TRIGGS, and Beath 3. cipewe Frac oe * Borat bo Byrne feat A eigper als a Religious Addrens, Alone Weokk Wet heg °° iawn five Fairy The Fursaken Bh iden ar THE CHOKE. * Bae Lady AMivan ty ou om Balhiaele 77) FIANOFORTE TIT, Hem, “Sing, Sing Ye Angel Bands: "" THE GRC HESTRA. Liargliel tn ery: ey Peer ee ey eer er eeeA halite iWestiimster Hymnal, No. 105) Charachorniic., Walteaus His wider yan oe a oe ee on ae HERGERT HEY NER. Mintel,°* Ave: BERR ideeen O00, 30, ACEO RN CAS Be * Eber." THE BAND OF FM. BOYAL eeeae { Acastnnry- MARINES, © Hinwatlioa’s Vision a (“ Hia- panied bi $230 Btidia Servier, qi. kine perniisslwa Gf (ah erin cir weothe# Deepariane a ered po Orchestra.) Hvinn Abide oWith de" {Fave sli ~ FL Edwards nd Offtcors, HAL.) THE ORCHESTRA Aytinal, No.GG). Thirector of Abus, mate," (toto. Lie wclringr. Lieut: FS. 6G, ORDONNEGL, MV 0: Anthem, Kath: Sommer Comes Awa RICHARD KNIGHT(Baritone), cane y THE BAND. Bn). Hy lil, oO Fora Closer Walk With Leal 4.0. LA. anc My, No, 630), Religions Address by the Hey. EE. B&B, ALarch, The Vanished Army,” Affarad iti les Hending. CONDOR, Birdinghury Rectory; Rugby, Belection, * Reminiscences of Wagner" Soremmta "2. oe, Mossbowehi Hyviin, “ Sivionr, Apgam, To Ths Lier Hyiitin, AB Kew the Sin 8 Lhe it ina Name We Hatse"" [Ascend M.. No; 31), igang" ( Borigigh Hyrinal, No, 265), O25, RLCH.ARD KNIGHT. Sineearch Address hey the Hev, “4 LEER ART Mother Kurth” — COCKETT, Purtor Designate of the Bun- 0.0, With Russian Composers. Palo ivacntecsea ok af, Pitt a vin Longrogational Chorch, Bedfded, F THE STATION ADGMENTED $30, THE BAND. Hymn, * O Jesa, 1 Hove Promised“ (A, ORCHESTEHA, ‘Tone Poem, Carnival in Paris.” Sele gy atic Td.No, ait. Condoctor, JOSRPH LEWIS, Picadas Lea Act th.. = Rigolette c Ferdi GAOUFE REY EDARMS (Temi), Bartarolle (°° 2m ‘Tales of Hottiann ''| CABA NOs THE ORCHESTHA,. ear a fers A Ashiskod bey Overture: '- Sobeonelle" Op. fA Glaser Roerenade, “Les Mollions a Arleqiin 4 FLORENCE HOLPING Soya} GEOFFREY DAMS. Drige So. feather sities. i C¥HIL fsocestermemnree sere sae ' Field Marshal Deoth 't..,.,.; ens?ony d ‘i u aah RICHARD KNIGHT, 9.0, THE OCTET. Wale Le paniel eee AUER CTE Welding Day" auliateuie ittrag ’i} THE ORCHESTE A. EF Lirirely. Night* ee odo. EPareerl at Valen ‘Triste. " A Sa hediva * Hein To the San” ("eC Or") 10.0.—WE THER FORneoAST “aud 8 EWS, PFLORENG os FOL DING Thanisk yAreer A, from onan, as My Heart Ever Faithful ' a Hie ks Bute, Miveartiana, Up. 61, No.4 Le aul fa ey Hindi Song (" Bache “"j- Minaky-Ke i afk re a teeva ino rae i 10.15. THE BAND, * Mother’ Mary" . dtr: Boughton GEOFFREY DAMS, Sone, ae ate Awoke, Beloved ’" (**His 25. THE OCT ET. Oh, Goold 1 But Express in Seng” watha **} rn Cinernge-Faslar Retootion, “* Rumweo and Juliet "2... tegaad Mf infiea tpi [Sole (on net, Cor pl, iE TG L I, EY. } Scene," In» Monastery Garder FLORENCE HOLDING, f-Pagrel = Pehakeres 1" A‘ Febby av “When Byte eel inetSaber * Tehabod " “Ta One Who Passed Whistling Througl THE ORCRathA 10.30.—Cloge down. thie Staite ca Linietromy tridda Selah from Sota, “A Lite For the 5WA CARDIFF. 353 M, “By the Waters of Minnetonka ” Cxir Se eeeee ae (finite 3,30-5.30.—Programme 8.8, from London, f Bie ere 10.0 WEATHERE “FORECAST ae NEWS. “0 Havishing Dolight.* ..0...c.5,. aves SA Bren Ulead, 7.45-8.15. Service far the Sick. THE GCTET. Local Wews §.20-&. 5D, The Choir: of Wotan's Farewell naval Fire Miisic (“The 1615. THE ORCHESTRA St. Samson's Church, UpperGrangelown OW RMRA psnip ge suas ane ety ‘ii BML ona sini toaie'sltaceaca' Moa ta i ‘gE i Hymn, * Lord, When We Bend Before 7) Apis any Baye ceecicaa sonst eseveass beat Martire 16.35, —i, bose Cow ek Thy Throne” (8. Edeound W.S) Hoyts

Serrempen 47m, 1925. } —— RABID TEMES — == —S—_ PROGRAMMES FOR SUNDAY (Set. 6h.)

i e t t e r s "2.5." printed in italics in those me? 5.30-5.45.—Musie f o r the Children, (Clarinet, ROBERT BAULKS.| a aeil Broadcast from the PREBr . an pa x (Horn, WILLIAM BUYCE.)

; z , 4.0.—8 ir HONEY : Yalh to Young People. (Bassoon, BTARN LE¥ STYLES.) A Short, Reading from the Scriptures. §.20.— Hynm,. * My God, My Father, W h i l e T \ ) 10.0.—WEATHER FORKUAST and NEWS, Hymn, *Goide Me, O Thou Great He- stray" (Mehodiat Ayuwmal, No, 485). iA. from fF épefuny, * deemer ™ [ae raale iE | i Principal MUMPOHD BoA, BD, oof Lastal ews, i erg fh Alina Melody Moravian College, Fairfield : Religious Religions Address hy the Rev. JOHN GQ. 1d, IS. Bl HL STANLEY, Address, * beneeas Mchank CARLAND, Bible Reading. ‘* Ave Maria ™,...... : Wenrcak iserierel: Schiobe ri Hyman, * God Made Me for Himmel ™ | Ellia} Hymn, “Mow the Day Te Qer™ (Metho 10,35.—Olese dewn, 3 mF. Aomienns dist Hymnal, Mo. BBA), Vesper, ‘* Now the Day ix Over * (Rodorin) =e tr, May ry tr trendaf ; Chamber Muzic. 2BD ABERDEEN. 495 M. THE DON HYDEN STRING QUARTET. 3,00-5,.30—Programiae Sof, frown Laaelia,

wu, Symphony Concert. J. CHALLONER HEATON ESTHER LAO LESAN (Contralta). (Bis Baritone, Baa Studr Service. The North GF. Gharch Chery, THE STATION SYMPHONY 3.50 THE QUARTET. H viens, ORCHESTRA : Quarte) in D Major, Op. 76, No. 5 Ascnyed The Rev. DAVID C. MITCHELL, M.A., Conductor, WARWICK BRAITHWAITE. Allegretio; Largo (Cantabile Emesto} Minuet; Finale (Presta), North UF. Church: Religious hadrees, THE ORCHESTRA, THE CHOIR. I Fé Lith, Te The Fergetten Rite" J, CHALLONER HEATON, “I Hate The Dyeadfal | Hytns. Join fveloud “ A Voice By the Cedar ‘Tree ” Re ESTHER COLEMAN. 0.0, —/ narod Sut. fim andon. "0 Bleep, Why Dost Theo Leave Me ‘She (Came to the Village pO" Caigri catoc teat 18.6.—WEATHER FO TART and KEW, Flandet Su. trent Jamia, THE QUARTET * From Silent. Night-' 2 Dertlanad Local Mews, ‘I Attempt From Love's Rickness Ta F (i. Quartet m E Flat, Op, 12 Wendelsmalm 10.15,— Programme 8H, prt Leadon, Adagio leading to Allogro: Canzenetta - Peiire 1. 30.—Close. down, Audanle espremiva; THE ORCHESTRA. Molto allegro ¢ Viviane, Symphonie Poem, “ Ges Prelodes™ ... List J, GHALLONER ssC GLASGOW. 422 M. ESTHER COLEMAN. HEATON, The Wanderer 3,30-5.30,—Progravnn 8B. prom [ L o i d l e n , "No Candle Was There and No Fire" " Pras “The Erl Ring ...... TU npkiegs te Aaathe Fl Casa Deke The Exile ** 10.0..—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS, 6.50-7.45. (Church Service. Armitrang Gibbs Reliyed from Morning Hymn...... -- Henigkal S.A. from Loudon, Bt. Enoch; GF) Clarch, ae Lit) 5 HESTRA. Lact News, 10-15, Comdected bry _. Chtertore, " Cockaigne ™ ... i Eiger FHE QUARTET. Shi The Kev. W: H. HARHROWES, 1.4, 00, — weee FOREC AST. and NEWS, Ay Quartet, ft. Mh ‘ (role Roy Moderate: Tater besiliaan ia, et from JF Ave anh, ci «o- Mazurka; Light Orchestral Programme. Local Mews. Finale (En Féte Slav), 10.15,—Progremme 8.8. from Lanier, Fs CHALen HEATON. A. to Dundee, 9.0, THE STAPION ORCHESTRA- i0.30.—** The Sitent Fellowshiif. Pye oe eccatseeeed a ete Davi 110.—Close down, 10.30.—Close down. Doridiretecd bey HEREERT A; CARRUTHERS 2Z2¥ 5NO NEWCASTLE. 403 Overture, “ Ray Blas” ...... Nendeseche MANCHESTER. 378 M. M, “None Bot the Weary Heart "' oo5.a0 — Pyrogronmd 8.5. froma London, A Famous B a n d . ; Pchmkorety THE RADIO "Marche Hiinongae'* » So-aae ns MILITARY BAND : 6.40. Ries Lice, Conductor, TARRY MORTIMER, ‘* Mieditabian”” .<....c:cnccesnsncat Relayed from S t . John's Church, Glaceuwa y ABA GIBSON (Soprano), * Spanish Beromade "i. “Song of India” ("Sadho ") WILFRED FIRTH(Tenor. 8.30, THE STATION ool SYMPHUNY Hinsky- Acreak THE BE.ANT. ORCHESTRA : March, ' “Wwellingie Minoet for Strings ai Aecche rat in re paw t a e a t e r u n e i n e fhe tonductor, EDWARD CLARK. Lrrercture, “ Roiensi ' Wagner Symphoiy Ne. VIE i0.0.—WEATHER FORECAST| ‘and NEWS, m « Major Sehwhert SN. from dGesiato, ATVA GIBSON. 8.30. ETHEL STANLEY (Meazo-SoprTne? Local ‘News "Elsa's Dream '" _sens nn") Wagner “ Fear Not Ye, O-Israc]!" _ Dudley Hush 10-75. THE ORCHEST eRa Sena ffarty 9.40. Concerted Quartet HA. for (bos, Ularinet, Vorspiel andrea‘Tristan and "SGM As the Night " idaciwrsnskva cag LON Horn an Bassoon ...... 4. NWasart Isalde “"} . wo Wagner THE BAND. (With Ovchestral Accompaniment) DR ie tak rire tee ena ete “Invitation te the Waltz ” Manded (Oboe, ALFRED SMITH.) 10.00.—(Cloae down Weber. Weingartaer

Adagio, Gurswin Corda oo... sec. Elgar Gane (*:Mignon 7) oie... Piomaz Index to the Week’s Programmes. WILFRED FIRTH. " For Eyer’ Blessed "* ..,... ae LONDON ...... PUY e i s dae itear e e n s < r e n e ene 4) CARDIFF ( C o n t d ) T h u r s i i n g ...0...0.00c0002ec5 5. 46m Hecit., “Thanks io Momday . . . aie My Dag rend ite eb kis a afl Wrethren oo i e c c c e s e e s c c e : 4h tater23chine 4 5 2 , 473 a n t h . Bande? T api Reeve es re GLASGOW ace Sanne a ee Air, “* How Vain I¢ Man ™ neee eek ool | Friday Pee ie eee ae pe (PP)a ee dod avi Tuewkay ... BMMMINE W o w k aes ciseeice at : THE BAND. apo W o d m a w i n g ...... a IBEROFER...... Characteristic Suite, ‘A Masked B a l l " a eleec 461 NI Led oh iy wehbe anit cratered aia | , travis y alg oeaT Al, Ao Wheel Saal ay ee ee ee avi Polonaiae ...... Chopin BOF Penney ce #5 MANCHESTER... ee i evi ADA. GIBSON, TOMAS G o a t e u s c ncet ae Recon’Ebaoinres POON aise sieve en “a Five Negro Spiritual: orr, Jaureaee freien gvcea ce i e d Wredoesday s.acuee ease esas 4 6 0 , 7 ' Nobody Salibay . aT Knows de Trouble I've Seen ce ¥ i ee Nacsa rms aioe or T a t oie ats * Sometimes BELFAST ...... : Whole week ...... , - ...... : , 498 I Feel Like a Motherl e s e BIRMINGHAM....Sunday ...... RRM s e e s renee t r hii e t a n n d i r s pa (ald 3" Kncrw de Laird'’s Laid berrartary See ae aan Sere PRR E R E N Rosin His se NEWCASTLE Sa en garded a eae hs ienesh aitey ae Hands On ea Raat aiia wil Me": ‘Awing Low, Sweet MOMoo desea iniacd eaal s whet balsa d o c k cy Wednesday eae, eu Chariot Uno, ae ‘Factdiny ™ : "By'ry Time I Feel been ak a ee ea qe de Thursday Petrol: pee thu aan Sprit,” PENNE ese Wetdmenabay Re pee he ak ee if lia iaheh ck Waalig eae Fomrsday .. s e e , WILFRED FIRTH. mm eb tugee iT3 n a e 00 Sane Se ee eee #1 Fiecit.., “My Arms” . MEMOUTW. Sundayees...... 00...... aie sca EGdeo DUNDEEees v s e e vWOU s s n n e n ca e ce c s b eeeeeterssawaeascse a u e s part easy co re Air, “ Sound An Alarm" + Fudan’)) Hunde! Tuesday. . 405 SE tas |ooni eet Sree ee Pee ed aeaei ik Rex it. " And Godcua hc hseenrese * Aares tee t n ti areenees poeate ees + Bo a e e e Scanian ebas see L E E D S BRADP a Air, "Tn Native Worth” (" The Heayuan ORD. 2. ses eceeeranenes ees an Cremt in ry slags PNreeeee a7 aT ee te rere O M N E S ars s e c s i n s t e s e r i n e s , ; #9 haaDERMOTchapebeeet e a cal neers ; THE RAND. CARDIFF ...... Sundny <...;;cc..--...... 400, 4 0 3 SHEFFIELD ee a p s Selection, ‘" Rossiin Folk ongs "* BME ||. ” Seba chels c e o e e d e rece ee ae setts evar tsar vata MD SOOM oe o o t cmbsaiigtareetr iceri a t l , 403 yt. trond firey FwEMT os. eee n e s e n t e e as b r a n e s iD ORB siden trcc anacnon RS isc t a a c e t a t e e d a e seat Due ite lcciaae EVENTS OF THE WEEK .....0 SUC" 106


| oe RADIOTIMESTIMES | SEPTRMBEM 4H, 105, alll annnnniEnnnEE ——— ol _PROGRAMMES FOR MONDAY ( S e n7th) t . ee Lo Ls The letters "$8." printed in limica In theese programmes — EE] GERTRUDE DAVIES, a a Elmuitaneoeas Broadcast from the iioten man te F ‘The. THE EXPERIMENTAL TRANSMISSION [ Lass With the Delicate Air’! Arne The for Amateur Wireless Engineers i Blatkhbird's Song" ... the AOE The High-Power (Daventry) Pro- Will be carried out THE ORCHESTRE,A Eramme will be found on page 469. * Taanee LEEDS-BRADFORD STAT ION, OF the Cae "Ot" The Mas- LOPS Z2LO LONDON. 365 M. 10.45-11.15. erg) ceediscstess : WP agate r . Marche Romie’ 22). jai. Gounod oa Tim Binal from Gore wich cetercicbct fH th i b , A Play and More fuse, 4.0.—Tirme Signal ftom trreenwiel eV owes Theat: 4, Comedy Skit, “! 0 dA ALES THE ORCHESTEA. ath Vie Lnibpes,"" hy Carmen of Cockaagnd. WHICHAM, ERBDDE BMOGORTIS * BS aei Wagner i? irae Pera ot. Misa thVe Tye wan i ihc ud MAUDIE DUN ELAM. MAY MARTIN, : Gurween Brose Band: trem Clint ath Beain & Duet,“You Never Roow: THIS * Pleading" Stine, Elp e r r WHITE and JAMES WHIG THE. PLAYERS §.0.—An Howe's Dance Music, HAA i 6.0.-CHILDHEN'S (ORNER: FPinne Solos bv Auntie Sophie, Gorge by Binee Rex Corbedy Number, "' Gd Lip “THE LETTER." "The Fighting Fish.” * Photography Hat,” TOMMY HANDLEY, A Comedy in: One Act, for Young Photographers,” ly Pollard Bisa ft Conred Patter. @" Advice" EE. iy Donald Edwardes, Crowther, IE MORRIS and TOMMY Charters . 630, Children's Lebters. HANDLEY. datk Trent...... WELALIAM MAUCHEADRY 6.40,.— An Appeal (FEI hbelialt ce the London Bean 8 A ime. EDDIE Capt. Cameron .:...... FRANK V. FENN Homocopathie Hosp.tal, by the Tressurer, REO TEES, Mauda Day EDNA GODFREY-TURNER dhe Kt. Hon. Hie Earl af DONODGHH. Livan §,— imeady Beit, “Coorts” “TOUMALY filing. Trent ...,...... 2.... EDA A LESTER MORi BK ire EC: ee, bo ther Aieasave a HANDLEY. EDDIE ADORERLIS, Beene: The Trents' House in London, T0.—TIME SIGNAL FROM RIG BEN. JAMES WHIGHAM, J EAR GRHTBUDE eo WEATHER FORECAST and 18T 41h LIS TORE ain LERES “Bird of Blue ..,... a Gbrnain VENERAL NEWS BULLETIN. 8.4. WHITE, THE ORG HESTTRhi: fe alt Mtelnena, A virulocer, Litth You," JAMES . * Bates Pastorale " .... vonnr fete Topical Talk, &.A. te all Station. WHItH AM ‘When the ewrthineny: inh * Pop- 7.25.—Musical Interlude. &.8, to calf Stetions (connedSkit, “* Boorglars,"' dh AS pies and Cormiiiewers 3 °° TheAdiimn except Helfet ALLISTONE. and JAMES Moon”; “ Holly and Mistletoe,"’ WHIGCHAM., 1no8— WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS. 7.40 =f np Jd. FROST +." Thi Making it thie Bean 12:—Number, “Tell the Warla.” eit: sea Laer Coils and Set Assembly." 8.8. to offer JEAN: ALLISTONE. Leal New. Sots, Beam 13 Number,“ Him a Lith: Tune,” 10.1% punatents Recital Musical Comedy. MAL DIE (DUN HAS, iv OLIVE STURGESS (Soprano). beam 14,—Spociality, TOMMY HANT)- ALICE COPCHMAN, PETER GAWTHORNE | Baritane). LEY. Fantasie Impromptin ....----..--- THE WIRELESS ORCHESTRA. Finale, Diaffidils (nee ** Misutka in G Shar * Mithor ....,.. i hopin 6.0 THE ORCHESTRA MAT DIE DUNHAM and Full Roide: Vienie, Woes... Aun ieuntne rf-iazt i CHE PME" Selection, "Tell Me-More"* ._.... te rae Arn PITY nie cere ede eeeevedis Rowsly Woe PETER GAWTHORNE. 16.0.—TTME SGN AL FROM GAEESN neha Hetiwssy © Freedom“ The Greek Slave '") WICH WEATHER FPORERUAST and Pe I cs co ceensatee ha eae ape Polmaron Prdat pee vy Joes 2ND GENERAL NEWS. BULLETS. 10.45, —thiee down, * orcvesthing Seems Tingling"" (** High AL, faoall Stetene, Lacal News; 6(BM BOURNEMOUTH. 356 M. Jinks * i piddapipiciienebaee ie Pee. LOC 1S. LLOYD SHAKESPEARE and OLIVE 8£aT URGESS. ERNEST BRUTTERFORE oS, "Talk on & Winmltedon Internationalists.” by Major Cooper-Hunt (Camb. Univer- The Old-Fasrioned Clank " ( The Rebel iT Maith''). . o..2 vo ME, PAGEee sity Firet Six and Hants County). [hitheverael** i Muiikiehai BeALECbra m4 A Musical Divertissement, Urehesira, rela ved from the” Borgata AL fe ete with Café, Southampton. Musical Director, ioe of Fata “(" Catherine “) GLADYS MILLAGE AT THE PIANG, Arthor Pickett, Pei boraby Assisted bv 5.15,—CHILDREN'S CORNER : Bones and THE RHYTHMONIC COMBINATION, 5.30 THE ORCHESTRA. Sines, eb, SO. Fo other Afatione. nelection, “ By tha Way“ Airhain 5. Gb) Children's Laibhers, 10.45. (loin Chen Th 6.0.—Scholars’ -Half-Hour : “The Spanish

OLIVE STURGESS «sand ee Language and Literature,” by Thinierlas PETER GAWTHOERNE. SIT BIRMINGHAM. 479 M. i. Howhine, B.A, ‘ Have « Heart" (‘The Boy") 6.4).—DBulletin of the Hadi Societies of 45. —Thie Station Wind Quintet. Lilian Elk. Jeroate Dern Eournemouth satel Districts gion (Solo Paneoterter, A Piradise Por Two" The Maul of Ti.—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS, the Mountains")... tacosRee 4.45.— Afternocn Te pie es Sidney Rogers, SoS Fngen eamaban. THE ORCH kes5T Re1 P.RHLS., “* Storing Vegetable Crops fun Topical “Tatk- 528. fron Zonder, Belection, | Gleopatra Straws fad Wiad Winter,’ Ciadvs uit (Soprutic), 7 Musical non nude, 8.8 fron (Landon, — a1.—t saecys CORNER. (20, “ Radio Radiance.” 7.40. pt. ROST. Ba fete sleaennton. 5.55, —Children’s Letters, 5: 0-8.15.—Literal, th Edition. A Revue in Fifteen Beams. 4.0. Lovells yee H ee Orcheyia Clon: Winter Gardens Night. Played by ductor, Paul Rinimer, Hurry Stanier THE MUNICIPAL GRCHESTHA : Cromcdoetor, Er DAN GODFREY ,COMEANY OF WEST-END ARTISTS {Solo Violoncello), ERIC GODLEY (Baritone), Including TO.0, Mreaprinaenes Sofren Jeomeden, JACOBA WOLTERS and MARY LEWIS MATOTE DUNAAM, THE STATION ORCHESTRA. (Harp Duettists). TOMMY HANDLEY, GERTRUDE DAVIES ‘(Soprine telayved Tram the Winter Gardens, MAY MARTIA (Cont raltio} JEAN ALLISTONE, 6.15. THE ORCHESTRA DAMES. WHIGHAM, THE STATION CUMPANY OF Frelude Lsc SharP Miner , ilehananiines ‘TRIS’ WHITE: PLAYERS « Overture, “ The" t Tea cha eat av EDDIE ALOR RIS Direc bed by WILLTAM ALACKEATY, ERIC GODLEY, and a.m, Music and Song. Ade, "Vision Finprtien . oo ...... 2. Denes THE DANCING BRADDOS, a HE ORCHESTRA, THE ORC HESTRA. Book by dack Heltin Liveriuire, Emon "3 cen Beethorrce wactusvacas a code tyanicn Popular MMiisieal Nunikers, " Bootch Symphony " MAY

Serrempen 47a, 1925.) ____RADIO TIMES — oo


lotiera “* 6B." printed:in tialics in these Farina T.0.—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS, Scene 5.—The Hut in teiWeveBabee’ ¥ | a Simultaneous Broadcast fram the fon man SLA. from Looden, Bong. te Tsshenagr Talk. “S08. from Lenden, > 6.—The Forest. (Many years Isier.) .ERIO GODLEY. “Esenle nial Music, by Exward Grieg. " Passing By’ 2 Ls vista prea -Muti¢al Interlude, 45.8. from London, 7 $0, ~ee J. FROST. ae. pre om Jonolon, Played hy “ Drink To Me Only z, . thd Bneatiak THE STATION ORCHESTRA: THE oot ESTRA: CARMEN HILL (Mozao-6Soprac), FREDA JOHNSON (Solo Pianotorte), Conductor, EDWARD CLARK, * Mally On ihe Shore" 7. 7 LEONARD DICH ARS [Elocuticn). Bongs by ‘elie s Hey” J Percy Grainger (Soprano). BO. F REDA JOHNS BUN, ELSIE DOWNING ‘Egyptian Baltot "' ; Faatdaye ata * Pantocale ™ wc leeseceae, QUEM 8-0. TILLEY'S RESTAURANT 10,0-10.45.—Preqrmmme SLR. fron Lorealene: ‘Pre boe


‘ity b _RADtd barrasa [SErPTEMBER ay Hy a


A Special Treat, fwhtiy bere of Vik, kat don) hhke it ae eating them, Tt ia tather a tricky business t® URING thie Landon Childron’s Lorer on much as Bogland: We have got «a extnict the juice, we believe, bot Unele Sam Wednesday, September fith, there will Very: [nc Wwineles-aet now, hut owe have Johneon, who has lived on a sugar plantation never hoegrd England wet. We are be ducts played on two pianos by Stanford all his life, will explain howit's done, very ‘achat of qur Radio Circle taadoes Robingon atid Leslie Spurling. This is a special because no ont bias theo herd, anil thes adhere are other good things, too. .On ‘Tues- day, September 15th, Mrs. J. G. Burnett is treat put in to take the place of Cnele Jett, whey pl wiv rs |e where: Wao orth tern Meri will still be on holiday. ane. we tell them from. the dear Bir: going to tefl all about Gipsy Music, and will On Friday, September Lith, there ‘will io minighin Station, Here they dp mot lov typical examples on her violin, Mrs. complete entertainment by “The Pied Piper have a Children’s Corner aod it t wet Burnett has lived for several years in the Gripey of “London” Concert Party. The Pied Piper nie. all thesonly hain feos country—that is Old Hungary antl knows a himeclf in Mr. Hamilton Howell, and hie com- Jboties abt onedo week,” great deal alrout these musicians, Their musio panions will be Miss Irene Lee and Miss Bee In comchision, the writers send their love to ia very pretty, and this interesting feature Belton. Their programme will last for the All the members of the Radio Circle. and we feel zhoull onmo aceount be pissed, whole half-hour and will inclnde ~The Pied Se that their rood wishes will. be rehired Piper Chorus,” “The Thisticdown Fairs, from this side of the Athuntic, Sad, But True] “Old Nursery Rhymes,” © The Toy Band,’ At Manchester, The Uneles in Glasgow havebeen forced. ta and “* Cock-a-doodle-Don't.” come to the conclusion that Unele Alex, during Uncle Rex will be away during the week On and after September 7th, the * Chaldren’s Cerner” at Manchester will be from 5:15 till Scr R RR! portion of hie life, hos lieved in Aberdeen ' keginning September 14th, So far, he has had CH course, there ia no actual harm in his: having only part of hia holiday, and be is going to have fi pom. cach day. The music for children on Sind will continue to be from 5.30 till 5.45. lived in-euch a beautiful city—bot why did he the rest of it before the autumn comes on. wilow hinisell to become so “ canny"? you Ines his voiwe in the Studio, you will know Hee is just ont eximple of his “ oanni- now just why, A Picture Gallery, During the summer holidays. the young ie: HaveYou Got Your Badge? members of the Edinburgh Radio Circe have While Auntie was on holiday, she devoted ai heuer ore morhuig bo pending picture pet- mtarting from Monday, September L4th, the been very fasthiul in remembering their Aunts time of the Children’s Hour at the London and Uneles at the Edinborgh Station, and a sar. cards to the Uneles, Now, the cards were Station will be from 5.15 to6.0 each evening, priaingly large number of picture postcards written high up on a Yorkshire moor and for ane The Birthday Greetings will be given during has bern reeeived from all parts of the country. moment they werr placed on o tuft of heather, the last ten minutes of the programne—as they These have come from such distant parts as Suddenty, along camean impudent littl breeze are how, Shetland, Lindliefarme, andieven Palestine, ane and scattered them all over the place. What a We now have ao whole Wt of Radm Corele aeh up as they are in Auntie Molly'sprivate racing and a chasimg poor Auntic bad to get ides ecards! Indeed, onewaa about half a badges realy to send to Nicees and Nephews officer, they constitute pn interesting pecord of whe ofc not yel Memiers, All you have to the Children’s holidays and make a-pretty titthe mile away before she reecoed if, Well, the cards: were stamped-and dropped into@ letter- do is fo send in your full name, nildiress, ape, picture gallery, birthday date, and a P.O. (or stampe) for Ik, box and duly arrived in Gloagow, with. the The badge will be sent by return. Sugar Canes for Singers. exception of Unele Abox's. There is foie to bea fedst of good things in What a to-do there was until rl woe ex- A Letter From America. the Aberdeen Children’s Comer during the week plained that perhape the card had blown away! The following letter has been received from beginning September 4th, but only on one day Sonieone euggeste| that if any kind fairy two members of tho Birmingham Radio Circle, will they be ratables ! These arethe sugar found a posteard lying on a Yorkshire moor, whetow find themselves in a now home at canes Which you will hear about in the Darkey she would probably post it. Brooklyn, Mew York, U.S.A. Pienie on eptember. Sth. The Uneles and Then this “canny” Unele began to get After inquiries after Uncle Edgar's health, Auntics have teen told that sugarcame: are the alarmed, ‘Ne, no!” anid he, “ I don't want they say :— finest refreshments for pienie and other enter- that card, for there was no stamp on it and Ta We are mw in America and linve Lamimcnibe, 28 you fan) sing BO soertst by alter luve twopence to pay!”

THE.RADIO FARIIES. they are Wine of iat: an they are so-slim: mud a real acriol—only a, tiny one just suitablefor fair, and not more than three inches high. tiny fairy folk, By CLARENCE WINCHESTER. Said Covim to Glome: Tam tired of dancing, And for a loud speaker I think we could use Rho W and] om jealous of the Great Big Grown. pet” a bluchell,” remarked Tinkle, But when they you all And Glome said to Gwin. her eves sparkiing : looked for a bluebell, they couldn't fnek one “ Jealous of the Great Big Grown-Ups t What- because bhrebella don't blossom at this time believe in fairs, Toe- ever for? They have to work very lard: and of the your. ouuse the all we have tedo%if to dance and Sing hy right — Instead, they had to use half an acorn which Aunties ame and sleep by dav” they found beneath the oldl oak tree ; ancl if Uncles have “That is all very well,” replied Gwim, “ but worked very well, bole! tie 0, our music dorat travel far, and theirs ia sent A Very Good Convert. Awn b te all over the work! by something they call ware. King Gwin and Qneen. Glome came to thie Boplhiie awl less! ‘That makes me jealous,” apot where the receiving set bad been built and, Lnele -Rex ‘Cannot we make -a wireless" asked the sitting on thrones jade of soft green leaves, were very Queen, “Tt would be very jolly to send our they listened to the broadcasting which Tinkle fore | ab, musik: to the other dells and glades, anc we ail Winkle did from the toadstool studin, pnd the might hear theirs in return.” lt was a very pol eonoert. Tinkle JANE other day King Gwim thoneht for a moment: Then he falc (Vel Mother Hubbard who went to the they said to gave an order for any fairy inventor to come cupboard, and Winkle recited about Jacknnd me: “Duet forward and buildafairy tadio, Winkleand Jill who went wp the hill, And then they did Tinkle were the two Geyer inventors within the their turns together, so that they got Old They Eatened to the broadcasting. ai aes fairy circle, and thus it was that they were given Mother Hubbard going up the hill to fetch a the Radio Fairies. You know, those fairies we the jot, pail of water—and Jack and Ji going to the pecped at the other night when allwas still!" Ther built their broadeasting etudia poder a cuphoacd to find a poor daga bone! Which So Dam gong to tell you of what we saw by giant toadstool, and-then they went off to a was all wrong, bot-it made Gwim and Glome the thin light of the atara. ‘The old Man in the distance where they beran to put up a receiving laugh and that wae all that mattered. Moon had not got up out of his bed, the lacy Ret. Of course, they wanted an aerial. From that night onward Tinkle and Winkle fellow, but we managed tosee all right as we hid And what are we going to do fur an acrial f° were doug overtime building fairy radies all behind a bueh in the delb. asked Tinkle. “If we don't de our work well, over the place. They earnedever 50 much fairy Within the circle of a mushroom ring they King Gwim will lock us up im the old oak tree,” money, And that is why, if ewer you etumble were all dancing. There was Gwim, who is “Ive an idea for an aerial,” said Winkle, on the fairies nowadaya, you will aee them lten. King of the Fairies; and lik Quecn—who ‘is who was a very clever fairy, “‘ What about a ing justlike youand me. But you need to called Glome. ‘They were in the very centre, piece of spider's web 7 Here'sthe very thing,” hee:very still and quiet, for if they hear the and all around them pranced the litth people He unwound twelve inches of web and stretched Great Big Grown-Upe — well, they simply of the mist, as the Jairies are called. You sec, it across two little sticks ‘anil it looked just like vanish

Serreunm: 4a, 1825.) — RADIO TIMES —— 465

cos a eeneeineeeee ROGRAMMESFOR TUESDAY =»)

The letters "6.8." printed in H a l i c e in them programmes medninietBl 7.0.—-WEATHER FORECAST: and NEWS, fignity a Simuliaseout Broadcast frem the stotion men- oo. from Jbonadoen, | teoned, Ps ALL STATIONS PROGRAMME. JAMES AGATE. (38.8, fron London, The High-Power (Daventry) Pro- ; framme will be found on page 469. ‘ (Except *5XX™), i 20.—Musical Interlude. 8.8, from London, 1.—Major W. PEEH GROVES on “ Tho ZLO LONDON. 365 M. 4 Relayed from London, j Might, Engineers ol the Stone Age” {1 i, 1.03.0, —Time Signal from Greeiwich,. Twn ‘h- : 8.25-10.0. : oo oe Progranune fe, fron Lendor, time Muse from the Holborn: Restia ta it. 5NO NEWCASTLE. 403 M. ‘i—“Home Making the World: Over: ; Weta wa: :: * Riese,” by Jane Barrington, i “The Duenna.’ ; Li... Gutrides (Whistler). Evelyn: Long: 41a and Orchestral Music. relayed ; A Comic Opera in Three Acts, : phate (4 Orrel ti, Gramplore Becowis, from the Shepherd's Phesh Pavilion, 4 by Richard Brinsley Sheridan. j 40.—Musw from Tilley's Restaurant. 6.0,— CHILDRENS CORNER: Violin Solos * The Music composed and arranged by i 5..—-Ten-time Topica: Bessie Byers (Con by Poms Cochrane: "The Based Childs drolte), : i Alfred Reynolds (after Linley). ‘ Rook of Hensta” “The Seeds of: War ™ f.ol,— CHILDREN S CORNER, CE. W.. Leawial, i Don Ferdinand FREDERICK RANALOW i.1i.}— Musical Interbode, 6-30,.— Childress Lebere. 7.0-= Jprone BB: fron onefonr. O40) —Afuseal Tirterlicde, Sa fo other Sinaia, } PonJerome) ...u.NIGEL PLAYFAIR .0.—TIME. SRGENAL: FROM Dit BERN: & Don Antonio ...... DENYS ERLAM | 2BD ABERDEEN. 495 M. WEATHER FORECAST and IST 7 Don Carlos ...... ,

Ta JP raqrannnn ult fron Lara, e a t h o e t

‘EVENTS OF he tree

6EM BOURNEMOUTH. 386 M. Tw 11301 2.0,—"The “ OR Teo: Recinalcl A; Scots’ SUNDAY, September 4th. BIRMINGHAM, 9.30.—Recital of ee Mouat- (Violin), homes 1. [hingworth ghee

LONDON, 3.30.—Ballet Music and Songs. 5S net Celle), Arthur: Mirsten TPina), LONDON, 4.30.—An Hour of Coleridge- BOURNEMOUTH, 8.0.—An Evening at rte 40—Talk: London Papers teal by Anne pith Taylor. Weymouth. Farnell.VWiatean, Maarguarite Heeent a} LONDON, 9.0.—-Casano's Octet, CARDIFF, 8.0.—“ The Celtic Tempera- (opmuio). andl Kathleen Dance (Con- BIRMINGHAM, 3.39.—Chamber Music. ment.

tralto)., The Wireless Orchestra: Con- BIRMINGHAM, 9.0..- Russian Composers. BELFAST, 7.30.—Symphony Concert. eter ducted hy Gagt. W. A. Featherstone, CARDIFF, 9.0.—Symphony Concert. THURSDAY, September 10th. a f215.-CHTLOREN'S CORNER, MANCHESTER, 8.50.—Chamber Music. ie

5XX."" 9.0.—‘* Radio Radiance."’ ie i. eb hhilelre 8. Letters: GLASGOW, 9.0.—Light Orchestral Pro-

Timms. LONDON, 8.0.—Chamber Music, a 6.0.— Scholars” Half-Hour :*" The Spanish Lan- BIRMINGHAM, §&.0.—Operatic Pro- ete riage nnd? Literature,” by Douglas ¢€. iinet MONDAY, September 7th. gramme. , Hawkins, BoA. LONDON, 9.0.—** Radio Radiance." ABERDEEN, 8.0.—Brahms Programme. ee i, 0, —Msical Tnterlurh, GLASGOW, 8.0.—Popular Portraits. 70-1 ho. — Programme 8&8, from Lomdon, TUESDAY, September &tli. innit “SXX,"" 8.0.—The Koeller Hall Band. FRIDAY, September 11th, % 5 WA CARDIFF. 353 M, LONDON, 8.0.—The Three Choirs Festival, ee ALL STATIONS, except ‘* 5XX,"" 8.25,-— eit diet relayed from the Shire Hall, Gloucester. 11, 3032,50,.—The Band of the Gordon High- " The Duenna."* Bh ae landers, relayed from the lustitution NEWCASTLE, 9.30.—“'The Good- WEDNESDAY, September 9th. Humoured Ladies."" } Cimdeons, Bath. eee =, ,— Thee Station Tro: Frank Thomas (Nadim), LONDON, 8.0.—The Three Choirs Festival, SATURDAY, ember 12th. Frannie Whittall (Violoncello), Vern relayed from the Shire Hall, Gloucester, LONDON, §.0.-——Popular Orchestral Pro-

ALAComb Thomas {Pian}. amet diiethectedin

LONDON, 10.15.—The Week's Feature : gramme, including John Henry, fm w1t.—Achool Transmission: “The Magic Tit-Bits: Cryatal—(2) Alfred in War ond Peace,” A. J. Alan. BOURNEMOUTH, £.0.—"* lem Irvine by Mr, Guy Pocock, M.A, ic] ear ee fanaa eaPa other wa an aaa ee aa ee aearseeelearelke ldedediesbpet

— RADIO TIMES —+ ___eer nen 43m, 1028.


— The letters "8.printed in italics in there mine

=] 5.—Royalo Horticultural Boriety Talk, S28. senty Eimattasequs Grandeast from ties men The Coltic Spirit—tl. from London. AG, THE ORCHESTRA. 7.40.-—Mr. PF. SUDELL. S28. from DLosdon. Overture, “ Shamus 0’ Brien “ ee High-Power (Daventry) Pro- i.—THE THREE CHOIRS FESTIVAL. gramme will be found on page 469. tf. F. Stonford Sab. from Lomion, ‘THE POST BAG." 0.30. 2L0 LONDON. 365 M. Scols Songs (A> Lesson in’ [rish.) by 1..—Time Signal from Greenwich. An Operetta in One Act. CABRALEN HEL Li (Aexzo Bopirmrnc' Libretto by Alfred Perceval Graves. 1.0.—" My Part of the Country,” by A. Bonnet * KHebin Adair * Seatch- rere Air Lard. Coaneert: The * 20." Trio ane “Comin” Thro’ the Rye’ 1 Music byMichele Exposite, Sylvia Partridge (Contralto). ‘The Four Mevies ™....[ ° Scotch Ave Cheractera * §.0.—An Hours Dance Music. * Jock o° Hageldean ‘ | Katty 0" Hea ' EDA BERNIE 6.0.— CHILDREN'S CORNER: Piano Dieta “The Banks ao -L onl} arr, oT Siedl Phelim, ‘The Fat... TUDOR DAVIES by Stanford Robinson and Lostie Spurling. Lomond" ... | Seaghwn, The Snath “BHobin Eedbranst and Hie Freda,’ 10.0.— WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS. JOSEPH FARRINGTON told by Auntio Yvrotte.. Recitation by SB. from Lovdon. Beene: The Interior of an Jriah Cotta. Howse8nd Ki. Roma, - Lowa New Hi. THE STATHIN SYMPHONY 6,30,— Children's Letters. 0.1 5,—A. 7. ALAN, S.A. from Lomdon. ORCHEBTEA =: 6:40),— Miasical Interiade:. ALR. te other Stottone. 10.45,.—C lose down. (Levder, LEONARD BUSFIELD.} —TiME: SiON AL FRO Bias. BEN, Candhueiar, WERATHER FURECAST and IST 68M BOURNEMOUTH. 3256 M. WARWICK BRAITHWAITE. GENERAL NEWS. BULLETEN. .&.8. $45.-——Talk on “The Oollecting of Antiques and THE ORCHESTRA. fo all Siatione. Ite Minor Rarities," by Thomas Rotun, “Molly On: the Shore . Goreng Topical Falk, 8.8, to aff Stations. Orchestra relayed from. the Electric “brish ‘Tune from County rig firarrher 7 sen [nterhiie, ALS te all Stators exotgt Belfast. TViheatire > Mounieal Director, Do. Rema. A Vory Short Skate - collet ; 6.0.— Minsieal Interlude, 7.35.—Thoe Woek's Work in the Garden, by the “A DOSE OF GL A Siaacmeae? h.15.—CTILDRER'S CORNER1 Fairy League Reval Horticultunl Bonety. &.0. fo By Aenry Brand. Trl ant Unele Franktin. other Stadia, The Rev: Ductus Brien 6.0. —Cha linens Letters. 740,—Mr. BP. SUDELL : ““London Gardens.” 6.0.—Scholars’ Half-Hour: = The Spanish IVOnR AERSERT MiaxcLURE AB. fo other Stations. Jimmy O'Donovan .. DONALD DAVIES Langusgee aed Literature,” by Demiplas C. The Three Ghoirs Festival. Hawkine, HA. “THE TINKER AND THE FAIRY.” Concert rohayed from 6.30,— Musical Interhude: An Operetta in One Ack Tho Shure Hall, Gloweester, 7.0.— WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS. Libretta by Deuplas Boyce. S.A. in other Smabornd, Su. from London. Music by Michele Eaposita, Part. I, Topical Telk: “8.8. frown London. Characters : 6.0.— Overture, “ The Wreckers”... Eiiel Sith 7 — Meena! Dive rlude. SOR. from London. SEPR ay ecatatace ew ece EDABENNIG (Conducted by the Composer.) 7.36.— Royal Hortieultural Bociety Talk. 9.28, The Tinker... JOBEPH FARRIKGTON DOROTHY SILKE. Froey. Fever. Tht Worth ow. ea a TUDOR DAVIES Aria, “ L*Amero” from * Tl Be Pastore ” 7.40,— Mr: GILBERT8. 84 LUMPER, A.M. Inet., Chorus of Fairies. THE “Si¥aA" CHOIR C. EM Inst.T.,.on “ Southampton Docks.” Afeczart Geena: A Wood. {Violin Obhbligato, WH. Reed.) An Evening at Weymouth. THE STATION SYMPHONY Now Orchestral Work, THE WEYMOUTH MUNICIPAL ORCHESTRA: "Paradise: Feomdiet Herbert Heawells ORCHESTRA : { Lasacher, LEONARD HOUSFIELE| (Conducted by the Compeuser.) NORMAN ALLIN. Comuctor, ELDRIDGE NEWMAN, Cnncdhieter, Relayved froin “ Gongs of the Beawoes C.F. Stanford WARWICK BRAITHWAITE. Alexandina Hall, Weyincatli “ Drake's Drom"; * The Old Superb.” 16.0.—WEATHER FORECAST and’ NEWS, (With Male Voice Chorue.) $.0.—Allogro Marzialo, “Men of Sparta “ SOB. from Lovidon: “ Keava Fable” .....2..... 7. e Retd Zoned Local Newe: (Condieted hy the Composer. } Oyoriine, “Bi od Ehais Baek. es Adam Fox-trot,. “ Troblinaln ~ . Romberg 1a.15. Ald. ABA: Stee fre WH dooPnten, BOROTHY SILE. 10.45,—Cloge down, Bong, “The Firelly ”-.... Graneile Bantock Suite, “The Village Green “oo... .. April From the “ Dorset" Suite Aldridge Metcmean ’ Vibes Trigte Fig ee ay trie eed tag Titan om Sibeliaa 2ZY MANCHESTER. 378 M. (Conducted by the Comparer, } “oweoi The Fairy Anvile-); "Wool Village" (The Old Josers’ 3.304.‘ Band of ALM. Seote Guards, (By Part. IT. Paice .| permission of Col. G, C. B. Paynter, Buite for Chorusand Orchestra. Danse *"}, Capriccio Espagnolea .... Rinuky-Korsakeu CMG. D.8.0,) Relayed from ihe ‘Sommer porta " . A. Herbert Brewer Minicipal Gardena, Southport. Theme anSix Diversionfor Orchestra 0, THE “GOLDEN CATES” 4,.0-4.15.—Aftermnocn Talk. Edward Gernwra CONCERT PARTY, (Conducted by the Compoger,) Rielayed from 5.0,—leanne Carpenter (Contralta}. HORMAN ALLIN. Alexandra Hall, Weymouth. fi, 15—6,0,—CHILDREN'S CORNER, 10,0,—WEATHER FORECAST 2nd NEWS, “ Hand Sachs" Monologue ™ CThe Master- f.40,.—Miwatal Interlude, 8.8. from London. nga Vs. seetieseesa ss » Pager SUB. from Eondon, Local News, T.1.—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS, " Kamaringkayn fics ieee hie SH. From London, 16.0,—TIME SIGN, iL. FROM GREENWICH. 10.168.—A. J. ALAN, 8.8. from London. Tomeal. Talk, 3.8, Jrom Londen, WEATHER FORECAST and ND LO.45,— lobe: down, - 7.25,-—Musical Interlude, S.8. from London, GERERAL NEWS BULLETIN. ‘8.B. io all Stations. 5WA CARDIFF. 353 M. 7.30.-—Royal Horticultural Bociety Bulletin, Local News, 1L30-12.30.—The Band of the Gordon High- 7.35,—Mr, W, F. BLETCHER, Examiner in 10.15, A. dé. Alan landers, relayed from the Inetitutron Spanish to the U.L.C.L; Spanish Talk, on Gardene, Bath. oi Requests. The B.B.1." 3.04.90.—The Band of the Gordon Highlanders, SOB, fo other Atakions, relayed from the Koyal Victoria Park, HUBERT CARTER(Tenor). 10.45,—Close duvwn, Bath. LESLIE. FLAWS (Entertamer!. 5,0.—" SWA'S ” “ FIVE O'CLOCEKS.” “US " (Entertomers)}. 5IT BIRMINGHAM. 479 M. §.30.—_ CHILDREN'S CORNER, THE“ 22¥ " ORCHESTEA, 4.45:.—The Station Pianoforte Guimtet, i.5.—" The Letter Box.” #0, THE ORCHESTRA. 4.45.—Miternoon Topics: CrthermeH. Con- 6.15-6,90.— Teens’ Corner: “Swallow, Swift Overture, “ Plymouth Hoe" . Ansel stable on “The Lighter Side of News and Martin—The Skyfliers,"” by Mr, FR, Belection, “The Tale of Hoffmann ™ Hunting." Heillvar. Offenback 5.15.—CHILDREN'S CORNER, (.40.—Muetcal Interlude. 4.3. from London, HUBERT CARTER. §.55,—Children's Letters. 7.0.—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS. *T'll Sing Thee Songs of Araby .. FY. Clay 6.0.—Lovella- Picture House Orchestra, Con- 4.8. from London. The Bg iia gee is J. HH. Regera ductor, Paul Himmer. May Martin ——— Talk. &.8. from Loudon. "T Love, I Have Won You.” London Aonald (Contralta}, 7.20. uaical Interlode. “S.8. from Dorndon “| Aries From Dreame of Thea” Salamatt 7.0.—WEATHER FORECAST end NEWS. 7.34.—Reoyal Horticultural 8oriety Talk. SR LESLIEFLAWS, SE. fran London. from London, One or Two Tales, } Topical Talk. 4.8. from London, 7.40, —Lieut.-Céol WEAVER-PRICE,of Breco: Polyglot Song, “ Feyiea! Homes ” 7.26,—Mousical Interlude, 8.8. from Loudon, “The Oiecn Passes." Ferle Weaton

467 Bacrewman ArH, 1925.) — RADIOTIMES -—— ee


The l e t t e r s “'6.5.°" printed in italics in these programmes 10.0.— WEATHER FOREOAST and NEWS 15, Corandy Suuton:* Niobe"™ : EDDIE Siobe¢ cy a Simuttansaus Breadcast from the station men SE fren Focrrgtika: MORRIS and TOMMY HANDLEY. tia Local News. 16. Finale, “Up a ‘Littl Hill’; TRIS ORCHESTRA. THE 10,15,—A. J. ALAN, fi, from Dowden. WHITE end Full Company. Four Indian Love Lyncs 10,0,— WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS. A. Weodforde-Finden 10.45,—C lose clown, amB. jrom Landon, “TS! in-w Novel Entertainment. Low) News, HUBERT CARTE EE, 1D.156.—A. J. ALAN, SH, fron Lowden, “At the Mid. Hour of Night ** . Hf. (Coinen 2BD ABERDEEN. 495 M. 10.45, Close dewn © Match Winds ™ MiryporyAM cede #.45,— Afternoon Topics. Fishing News THulletin, ‘There Jao Flower That Bloometh * Hii s Samphony Orchestra, ne Wallace laved from the. Electric Theatre, The SoC GLASGOW. 422 M, “1) Was o Lover and His Lass” German Wireless (nebeska, THE ORCHESTRA. 2.CAT LDRENSE CORNER: Auntie Freddie 1130-12. 30.—Midday Transmission. al1 Ea i's el ee eee, a r r . Jootfor dnd hee Atviroal Prienecla. J.00,— Broadeist to Schools : Mr, Perey Gordon, de ba Thacher ratte AAa er 6.0,—The Wireless Tria. Muar, on * Mae" Mer, A.* Parry LESLIE FLAWS. 0.30,—Fishing News Bulletin, Guin cn, * peer da,“ Apes Tales, Bieadman's Symphony Orohestra, colayod ‘1.0, THE WIRELESS QUARTET. A. Bhetel. from the Fiectric Theatre. Suite, * Norwegian Dniees ’ 4.... Greg Alornchhoriue, “Tha Btiachkest War l Kone * Czardas,“ Orinna yc. h40000.e Liohiele Syniers ood Cherie TOWEATHER FORECAST ind WEWS, Vale, ** Monte Carbo ee ee Nebetat THE ORCHESTRA, Pa Pron Jno. Bryson (Solo Finnoforte), Bune, “ Othello ~ . Caleridge-Tarlor Topical Talk, S58: from. onda. 4.40.—Andrew 5.0;—A fterieon Topics 2 " Paobygot om ** The 1 WEATHER FORECAST -and NEWS. 7.26-7.35.—Misieal. Interlude, 8.8. from Lowa, Tkoaw of Tinos," oh. fran bender, 5,.15,—CHILDREN'S CORNER: Lawnl News. 7.0.—The Kev. FE. BERESFORD OOOKE : {Gon “ Wit and Aamo” Final Talk, 6.0:6.5,—= Weather Forecast for. Farmers, O10, —A.. ALAM, SB. from London, $.0,— ORCHESTRAL CONCERT. 5,5, [row 7.0.—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS; 10, 4h Close down. Chleeseprn, 5.8, from Jorden, ae“il Talk. 8B. from Donddor, aNO NEWCASTLE. 403 M. fi, "Radio Radianee.”’ 7.25,—Locel News. $0, fee from Fenwick's Terrace Tea Hoom, (lsat Edition} T.a0-7.95,— Musical Interlude, SB, from A Revue in Sixteen Eeanms. Lowden, 6—Tea-tine Topica: Alan. Proctor (sole Pavel by Pianoforte, 7.40,—The Rey, EDWARD BRUCE BIR] om A COMPANY OF LONDON ARTISTS. Siar Clusters,” 8.8. to Edinburgh ana fial,—_ HELOREN SS OORNER Including :-— Dirndee. 6.10.—Mr. FP. Teteman : ** A Sctentifie Btudy of EDDIE MORRIS, Orchestral Goncert. Dreams. ** IRIS: WHITE, SB. fo Dundee. i.e. Mhreicn! Dateline, JAMES WHIGHAM, 48. fo Aberdeen (BA-2. 0}, (i. 40.— Formers’ Corner : Prof, Gilchrist, Season- JEAN ALLISTONE, DOROTHY BENNETT (Soprano). TOMMY HANDLEY, fhle hotes, @# JOHN COLLENSON (Tenor). MATDIE DUNHAM, 7,—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS: THE STATION AUGMENTED Amel SH. from London, ORCHESTRA : THE DANCING RADIOS. Topical Talk, 6.8. from Lovilon, Conducted by Book by dack Helier. 2o,—Musicel Interhide. 8. fram London, Popular Miastcal Numbera. HERBERT A, CARRUTHERS, i. -Roval Horticultural Society Talk, 3.8. Directed by 8.0, . THE ORCHESTRA. from London. JAMES LESTER: und HK, E. JEFFREY Overture, “ The Bartered Arde" Spelana S20. fron Lanoon. Symphonie Poem, “Le Houvet cd Umphale™ 46—Mr. FP SEUDELL, Gearme :— Sandan a » Introtduotion oF Cast,Pull Company. Popular P I Tone Poem," Fintanidia” ...... : Seti EVA LETHBRIDGE (Soprano} 2. Onenine Chorus, DANCING RADIOS: 8.25, DOROTHY BENNETT and MARIE BELLAS (Contralita). & Conedy Bit, ‘Strangers *: JEAN JOHN COLLINSON, = JOHN CLINTO (Tenor). ALLISTONE and JAMES WHIGH AM. (Taritone). * A Night in Venico™ ... Lacanatoni = HUDSON: BARNSLEY 4. Number, “When Dancing": MAUDIE Prtjapte:| from Hungarian Tones, THE STATION TRI}. DEXHAM cud DANCING RADIOS, Conductor; EDWARD CLARK. io, 6 a a Re a bn Brahiis ais THE TRIO, 5 Comedy “Skit,“ Butte 25." : -EDDITE Boprano Solo, * ‘DoNot Go, My Love” MORRIS and JAMES WHIGHAM, Hagenuann Wattg, The Lady of the Rese" Gilbert & Number, “ Plaything Now." JEAN Tenor too, Maryos .+seee Richarden 5, HURSON BARNSLEY. ALLISTON EF, 8.40, THE ORCHESTRA. Selected Puan es. 7, Cotnedy Bit, “ The Reason" : EDBITE Ballade, ERaa de ve eae Ghasouna! 81 THE TRIO. MORRIS, J.AM ES WHIGHAM, * Bhephie vd Fennel's Dance Blech, ' The Maid of the Moontains ” TOMMY HANDLEY, aid JEAN ALLI- Batfour Gardiney STUNE. Praaer- sn 3.55, JOHN COLLINSON, 8. Trin, “ Weather or Not": EDDIE B.2i, HUDSON BARNSLEY, “Eero Ridente ".. The Barber MORRIS; TOMMY HANDLEY, and elected Rompe. “Se 1] Mio Nome =of Belin } Rossing JAMES WHIGHAM, (With Orchestral Accompaniment.) B4i) EVA LETHBRIDGE. & Comedy Skit, “Cracked "": TRIS “ Break o' Day ” Souderson DOROTHY BENNETT. “Dreum OnceAgain ” oc. eeee Saperdre WHITE, TOMMY HANDLEY, and ERPDIE MORRIS, “Una Voce Poco Fa” (“The Barber of $.50), JORIS CLINTO, lf, Comedy Number, ~ Veo I Am™ PP Sieg eaten ana elected ie Wee Rorsivy * ornate" TOMMY HANDLEY. (With Orchestral Accompaniment) 0.0, ‘MARIF, BELLAS. Ti, Nunileer. * Bhiaciowlana **'s JEAN 0. 14), THE ORCHESTRA, Pesae baes dal.’ PP ee ALLISTONE and EDDIE MORRIS. Eyjusode, “Camival in Paria —... Seendaeen “ Donny: Bene" Sia Cees May Hrithe 12. Siinber, Mary O'Brien": MAT PTE AAOEMRS tpocoinls sora welenoe ,a+ Motseorgely 0,10, THE TRIO. DUN HAM, 0.20. DOROTHY BENNETT end Salectioty, aoc ilcetyecceess ern 13. Comedy Patter Number, “ Lied to Me™ JOHN COLLINSON, EDDIE MUREIS, Tenor Solo, “Dear Littl: Love ™ os EVA LETHERIDGE, 14, Comeh Skit. ** Sights * EDDIE Soprano Bolo, Here in the Dark- + Te Was a Dream” 4 Pia MORRIS, TOMMY HANDLEY, DRIS Shee ere eea a had Benyan # Chikiren’s Home” 2... } sirB. Cowen WHITE, and MAUTDIE DUNFAM, Draet, Come, Bay era yews 9.30. JOHN CLINTO, (From the New Comic Opera, “The Pied ““Oniaway, Aawale, Be- (Edtatetethtdtetttineiengg, Piper "—First Performarice.) (All with Orchestral hovecd area i Sir FY, Churen CHAPPELL Accompahieent.)

i + PrCregse oe Lifo " corte ae and 0.35. THE ORCHESTRA. Bao MARIE BELLAS, WEBER “A Phantasy of Life and Love” .. Cowes “The Border Balled" "Carnival Overture wee pees Drorak ~ Sir F. Cowen pianos are in use at the “The Voree of the Father 10.0.—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS, various stations of the SLB. from London, : Sh, SoC. THE TRIG, B.B.C. 10.16.—A, J. ALAN. &.B. from London, Selol death, “The Bose of Persia * Salfinen (teeter ni Moh, — ieee down,

o — RADHD TIMES —— {fares 47, THe,


—_—> = ‘= etctottoe geewnee 515-—CHILDRCCORNER 27¥ MANCHESTER. 378 M. 6.0.—Lozells. Picture House Orchestra : Con- 1130-129—-Coeeer Bg — oe snariet, The High-Power (Daventry) Pro- ductor, Paul Rimmer. Gertrude Davies 2.50 ere 7 Mies Grace Owen on gramme will be found on the facing (Soprano); ee eeapg a ae reread page. 74:—WEATHER FORECAST 2? LONDON. 965 M. g if i and NEWS, [-"**eile2tht 1 rtSN|aeitn }. ce : ' apo PON LTMROTE, 5.150.0.-CHILDREN’S CORNER, 1.0-2.0.—Time Signal from Greenwich, The Market Prive for Farmers. 8.8.fromiondon oy viusiaal Interlude. 8.8. from Loadan Week's Concert of New Cramophone 7 15.—Frnch Talk. S228. from ey ae 0 EATH ER FORECAST 4 Pe MEW ; ~ se Records, 7.30.—Musical Interlude. Sui. from London. aa @ B Side ceo=a 4.0,.—" Bootes to Fienel, by Aum Spice, 740.—Captt. J.P. GRANT. S08. from Londen, Mi Ce Fp ioe for nan oP frown 4.10-5.0.—Trocadero Tea-time Muse. #0), The Opern, si ena tt sa = 6.0.—CHILDREN'S CORNER: Songs by “ Cavalleria Rusticana " +16.— FRENCH TALK. 9.B. fron Londen Ronald Gourley. Strange Stories of {Maacagini). See 42 7 ; SR ; ee gee Animals, by Masleline Collier. “ The Characters : :ar ee— 2 re Stool teeth ‘J Bogie Who Was Afraid.” Santuzen . EMILY BROUGHTON B ile ae ee “3 6.30. —Children'’s Letters Turiddu -. GEOFFREY DAMS aerate . 6.40.—Musical Interlude. SB. to other Stations. Lucia ...... WINIFRED MORRIS ee eee LO—TIME SIGNAL FROM BIG HEN, Whe iccacicac JAMES HOWELL CONSTANCE: WENTWORTH WEATHER FORECAST. ard i18T Pais...... " ALIC EB VAUGHAN (Soprano). GENERAL NEWS BULLETIN. —=&.8, THE ‘STATION REPERTORY BILYIO BIEL] (Baritone, cal Rite: CHORE - ROBERT PITT and LANGTON MARKS Market Prices for Farmers, 8.8. fo ail THE STATION AUGMENTED (Entertainers). Station, ORCHESTRA: THE “22Y¥" ORCHESTRA. 7.15.—FRENCH TALK by M. STEPHAN: Conducted by JOKEPH LEWIS. 8.10, THE ORCHESTRA. “Sur la Plage.’ Under the auspices of 10.0. WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS. Overtors, “* Poet and “Peasant . 2. Supe LInetitut Francais. S.A. to all Stations, 4.8. from London. CONSTANCE WENTWORTH. 7,30,—Musieal Interlude. 8.8. to all Stations Topieal Talk. 2.8. from London. Four Old English Songs oirCoates except. Belfast. Local Newe. “Orpheus With Fis Late"; “ Onder the 7.40.—Capt. C, T. P. GRANT: “ Famine Relief 10:303—THE SAVOY BANDE. ‘EF. fram Gresiwood Trea”: Who ie Sylvia Fo":

im Telia." SB. ko aller Shotiona. Lonedogt. “Tt Waa a Lover and Hix ama a Chamber Music. 11.30,—Cloes down. ROBERT PFET and LANGTON MAREA DALE BMITH (Baritone}. 1H. Diets Upto- Date, 'T HE ORCHESTEA. THE VIRTUGEO GUARTET: 6EM BOURNEMOUTH. 386 M. i Bypararage Song“ afatety ah boda ¢ | , ee ts MARIORY HAYWARD | Violin| : 11.30-12.0.—The “66M™ ‘Trio: Reginald &. '2 if Al egecte eee EDWIN VIRGO (2nd. Violin) Mouat (Violin), Thomas EF, [lingworth * T. he Hees Wedding RAYMONT! JEREMY (Viola): (Cello), Arthur Marston. (Piano). BLLVIO SIDE LI. CEDRIC SHARPE (Violoneelio}. 245.—Talk:London Papers read by Anne + Sing of Your Lowe” 2... De Owriis Tosti Astizted by Farnoll-Watecn. Alex Wainwright's Je Pensa” fee eee ee ee JESSE CORMACK (Pinnofarte). Hoye! Bath Hotel “Danes Oreloet ra, THE ORCHESTEA, ALB. to other Stations, relayed from King’s Hall Rooms. F. W. Selection, Byeaie ee ee THE QUARTET. Iroiaides (Baritone). (By Recast, } Onartet in) Minor ...... 0.:..00008. Mec 6.15.—CHILDREN'S CORNER: Songs ancl CONSTANCE WERTWORTH, Allegra Moderoio, Andante, Menuetto, Siornan, Gla. “ Birthday ™ ee th A. Wien Allegro ma non Troppa, 5.$0.— Children's Letters. “4 At the Well™ ..... :a DALE SMITH f.0.— Scholars” Half-Hour : “Tha Spanish Lan- Waltz Bong ( Merrie Enginnd’ Hernan (With Quartet and Piano). guage and Literature,” by Dough CC. "Tie Onby w Tiny Garden” . Hoye 0 Wood Five Mythical Songz FR. Vaughan. Williams Hawkine, B.A. ROBERT PITT and LANGTON: MARKEA ’ Bester"; “IL Got Me Plower ™: 6.30.— Musical Interlude. In Bueta Topical and Tropical. “Lowe Bade Jip Weloome “; “ The 7.01 1.30.—Prepomme SH, from Bondo. STRING ORCHESTRA. Catt; Antiphan.™ Old World Minuet. . . aod 34. THE QUARTET. 5WA CARDIFF. doa M. SILVIO: SIDEL.- Chuartet. Ha. I, (pp. 10, int Minor... Debinaey 12.30--1.30,— Lumelittime Muete from theCarlton "O Doles ae Tov Anime et tren décidd ascaex vif et hier Restaurant. " Speak to Me™ ..... eh; ad“Handelfeat ‘rythme. Andantino, doucement ex- 30-430. TALBOT JONES (Tenor). “ Mattinata™ .. .Lennenielio preasif... Tres modéré, an anemant peu THE STATION ORCHESTRA: THE ORCHESTH x, Apeu, és mouvements eb aver passion. Conductor—WARWICK BRAITH- March, “The Gladiator's Farewell 8.5, DALE SMITH, WAITE, Blantinburg Folk Sone, THE ORCHESTRA, 10.0.— WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS, “The Only One for Me™ (Irish) Overturn, * ‘The Flying Datchman*Wager SOB. from Landon, arr. Stanford TALBOT JONES, Topical Talk. &.8. from London. “The Jug of Ponch ™ (Trieh) ... arr. Woot ame i cee ae Purcell Local News: a date ieee Eiviva Gheasnleeye “ A BSouling Bong" (English) —THE SAVOY BANDS, OB. fren ihe, Lanwehy Fioge a eee eee (uiter arr. Lucy Bromdwood Jonden, “Pm Seventeen Come Sunday " (English) THE. ORCHESTRA, arr, Gack Sharp Spanish Ballet Mieie ...05.++-5 Desormnes 11.40. Close down, Mr. HUMBERT WOLFE, Allegretto in EE Flat. . 2.24. Wolstendalne 5NO. NEWCASTLE. 403 M. Reading iromhis Poem, TALBOT JONES. The Uninwewn Godden." “Tn, Lawn" 3 eer Eokr 11.30.—Elsie Pringle (Violin)... Maud Greener SB to. offer Station, " Sometimes, With| DeepRegret" * Lenbert (Sopranc). Gramophone Records: 5,0. “SORE CLOUDS." “Delong ieee gaol PRillips 4.0.—Music from Coxon's New tealiery A Melodie and Mirthful Interlude THE ORCHESTRA, Restaurant Onrehetrin. in Nine Fufis. Boite, “In «a Kutehell" -..--.... Grigiger f.0.—Tea-time Topies, Helena Cocile (Fivters oR, 9 other Stables, ‘Gey, But Wietfol” ; “* The Guimeucker's tainer). 10.0.—TIME SIGNAL- FROM GREENWICH. Mareh.*” 5.0.—_ CHILDRENS CORNER, WEATHER FORECAST and 23ND “The Whistler and Hia Dog” 6,10—Musieal Tnterhuicde, GENERAL NEWS BULLETIN. 3.8. TALBOT JONES. Ti— WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS, to off Stations. “All My Very Own” Barbera MM. Hope S.A. from London. Topical Tall. SH. to all Siuvlions, “Dia Jteephine A oGhll Market. Pricas for Farmer«. SF, frown Lace! News. en Marjory Mead Eandon, 130. THE SAVOY HAVANA BAND THE ORC HE!STRA. 7.15.—FRENCH TALK, 5.8. from Tondgn. and SELMA BANT, ‘Danza d'Amore” .. i ore 77, 0. _Afueical Interlude, SA. from: ie nici. Relayed from the Savoy Hotel, London. March, * Blase of. G lory od aerie 7. 40.—Capt. C. T. FP. GRANT. &.F. from S28. fo all Stotioins, £.0.—" WA's" FIVE OFCLOCKS "> Mbae London, 8. 11.50.—Cloee down. Eleanor Vaechell, F.L:8., Member of i= Searching the Ether. the. Botanical Exchange Club of -the A 7 Tour SIT BIRMINGHAM. 479 M. British Teles, on“ Wild Flowers,” 145.—The Station Pianoforte Goimitet: Leader ii. ea CHILDRENS CORNER. DOROTHY BENNETT (Soprano), -—Frank Cantell, 5.—"-Thé Lotter Box.” . JOHN OOLLINSON (Tenor). 4,45.—Afterncen Topies: Arthur J, Leeson. on B.] f-6.30,—"Teens’ Corner: “Wild Birds. of THE BTATION ORCHESTRA : “Fhe Making of « Dry Garden.” Mary the Month,” by Mr, G. 0. 8. Ingram Conducted by EBWARD CLARE, Freemin (Contralta), 6.40-11.50,— Programme8. from London, 0.0 1 .40.—Pregramme 38. from London,

ee ae; (1885.|

Thursday’5 Programme. _HIGH-POWERPROGRAMME.- (Continued from the facing page.)

2BD ABERDEEN. 495 M. The betters mg. printed in italics in these raga 8.45.— Afternoon Topica. Fishing News Bulletin. at a Gimultantou: Broadeait from the station men- ae Eli ion.) David's Dance Orchestra, damee Reid DAVENTRY. A Revue in Fourteen Beams, (Tenar) Plaved by £.50.—CHILDREN'S CORNER: Songa by 5AX 1,600 M. A COMPANY OF WEST-END Cousin Margaret. — SUNDAY, Sactember 6th, ARTISTS. 6.0.—Cramophone Music. , 10.50 a,m.—Time Signal from Big Ben and Ineluding 6.10.— Bors Brigede News Bulletin, Weather Forecast. MAUDIE DUNHAM, 3.g0—Fi, oA, TOMMY HANDLEY, Vishing News Bulletin. ss 630) Praprnnmnes S05, fron Ceo, 6.40,—Steadman's Symphony Orchestra, relayed JEAN. ALLISTONE, from the Electric Thewtre. MONDAY, September 7th. JAMES WHIGHAM, A fron fonden. 1.30 .n.— Time Broa trom Big Ben sane 1.0, — reo IRIS WHITE, Brahms Wight. Weather Forecast. EDDIE MORRIS, POREL SHAW {Soprand). L.0 pan,.—Time Signal from Greenwich. And 40-,0,— Programe 8.8. from London, LEE THISTLETHWATITE (Baritone). THE DANCING RADIOS. THEODORE CROZIER (Violin). fh, An Hour’s Entertainment Book by Jack Hellier. THE WIRELESS QUARTET. THE PIER REVEGS OF 1935. Popular Musical Numbers, THE WIRELESS ORCHESTEHA, Relayed from the Directed by Sih, THE QRCHESTEA., Fier Pavilion, Eastbourne. JAMES LESTER and BR. E. JEFFREY. Hungarian Dances, Nos. §, 3, 6, mune 6. 1,0-10.45.—Peepanme S08, from London, Heoma:: S17. ISOBEL SHAW. TUESDAY, September 8th. L. Introduction of Cost, Full Company. 10.30 om.—Tine Signal from Big Benand “The May Sight.” 2. Opening Choma, “* We're Singing (hur * "The Force. Weather Forecast. Way.’ MAUDIE DUNHAM, “The Little Sandman." 10-20, TOMMY HANDLEY, JEAN ALLI- “The Ballad of Herr von Falkenstein.” 4.0-6.0. Proyrommes S08, from Lonton, aIONE, IRIS WHITE, EDDIE 8.01 LEE THISTLETHW ALTE, 6.0-8,0| AMOR RAS, and DANCING BADTOS, “To Bummer Fields.” Military Band Programme, 2. Comedy Skit, “Toast ithe Bride,” 4 ike Melodies Tt Floweth,” COWLADYS NAISH. (Soprano). JEAN ALLISTONE, TOMMY © The Saapghepo (bles, THE KNECLER HALL BANT. HASDPLEY. JAMES WHIGHAM, ' Treachery a4 (By permission of Col. Sir Francis Dalrymple, anid FOOTE APR RTS, 5.44. THEODORE CROZIER. Rart., Commandant, Royal Military 4. Duet, " Melody of Memories,” EDDIE Bonnta in G Major, Op, 78. Bohoal of Mouse. | MORRIS aniTRIS WHITE (Uka. Chit, ISOBEL SHAW Birector of Miso, Liew, A, EAD A. lhe}. Amul the Gioomy Wools." Bi, THE BAND. i. Condy Skit, “My Hot” JEAN In the Sight. AWagner Group, ALLISTONE, TRIS WHITE. “oO? Wilt Thon Send: Glaciness 7 Overture, “ Kierns. TOMMY HANDLEY. “TT Promised. Thee.” *Entey ofioe Gods into Vallala“ {*" The fi. Number, “Africa.” MACDIE DUN: Yat f Leakey, : Rhinepeled “*}. HAM and DANCING RADIOS, P23: LEE 'THISTLETHWAITE. Excerpts from the Opera, * * Siegfried,” tT A Stady, “ Tinker," JEAN ALLI- : ‘A re They Sorrow, Are They ‘Fin Albumblatt-" ("An Album Lead“), BTONE, JAMES WHEHAM, enc Pose eee ees ar “The Bide of the Valkyries, * EDDIE MORRIS, * Love Come Forth From Fir: ("The CWLADYS NAISH, & Quartet, “When Cuthbert Cloughs,"" ct PYRO igs bre ad eae | Mugolone Ballictelin i Paglinees mh .... Ldanceralfs IRS WHITE, TOMMY HANDLEY, “ "Twas For Thee My Lips agi “Coro Same“( Rigoletto)... .° Ferdi JAMES WHIGHAM, of EDDIE Were: Burning... es .4s5. of Treck ") o,cHh, “THE COUNTER-CHARM." MOR RIS: AERRE FT ky ois ce eect A. Cannery im Onech, %. Comeds Skit, “*-Lost,"” MACDIE BUR- Tat, THE QUARTET. by Bernard Duffy. HAM, JEAW: ALLISTONE, DRIGIS Firet Movement from (Qhiartet in A Major, Allover Tineella: . ee. es es BEN FIELD WHITE... TOMATY HANDLEY, Oy. 26. Wom Kinsella ...... MARY O'FARRELL JAMES WHIGHAM, and EDDIE 1.8-41,33 Peep recip Sue te ws Jomaow, Joe Herarty ...... +. ASHTON PEARSE OTR TS, Mire: Mulvey ....., JOTCE TREMAYT NE 10, Comedy Number,“ Ercha”” TOMMY 5SC GLASGOW. 422 M. Mra, Hegarty (oes Mother} HANDLEY, CLARE HARRIS ll. Comedy Patter, “The Propoaal,” 3.30t.— Broadcast to Schools, Tih Kiasellix’a Shop The Present Das, 4..—The Wireless Quartet atic Jean Norwell ELODIE MORRIS and TCA 0, 15, THE BAND. HANDLEY, : {Violin A Tehatkoveky Group. i.0.—Afterioan ‘Topics: Musi Tookel 12. Somber,“ Waiting Around,” EDDIE ““Coronition lereh.” Suite, “ Came MOBREHIS antl DANCING RADIOS, ilar thonnld. Med. B.Bant.. F LH, “The Swoiaette.” =“! Chanson Wriebe"’ “Ohi Harmony of Health.” 1a. Number, “ Sometime,’ JEAN ALLIS aie Paroles.” Overture, 18r3."' STONE. 6.15.—CHILDREN'S CORN TR. b.0-11..30,— Pragranne 8A) from Londen, 14, Finale, “ Bed-Time,”’ EDDIE MORRIS 6.06.5. Weather Forecast for Primera: WEDNESDAY, September 9th. 7.— WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS, and Poll Compas. 10:30 a-m—tTiine Biirra from Big Benand 10.0. 11. 00.—Progromme 8.8. from. London, S80. from doondon. Market Prices for Farmers. 3.2... from Weather Forecast, FRIDAY, September 11th. Loh i-th, Time Signal from Chreenwich, 10.50 ato.—Time Signal from Big Ben ond Lorneron, 7.15.—FRENCH TALE. 8.81, from London. 4.0--10,45.—Programe SB, Jrot London, Weather Forecast, = os THURSDAY, September 10th. 10-20, ; i. i), Lact: Newer. 10.00 ao—Tine Signal from Big Ben and 4.0-10.45.| Progromnied6. from: London, a ealen, Mueicel Interlode, 2A. Prctin Jonny. Mord Capt. /& Toki GRAB. Pi a jrom Woead leer Forecast, SATURDAY, September 12th. Li, 0.30 nim—Time Rigial from Bie Ben ane Lagrilai, Popular Portraits. di-$.0. > Prograsa Ss .. from ontdon. Winther Forecast. oe 1.0) perm. —Time Signal from Greenwich, ALfo 2ouarreteee. BRATLE GOLDSMITH (0sli Vis ira. 6-0), Clacton-on-Sea. 4.0-8.0,—§ Prepon SoA. from London, EDWARD LEER (Tenor. Belaved fron The Mumecipal Band Pavilion. £.02-100.——LIGHT: SYMPHONY COACERT ALGUSTUS BERBER, THE LONDON CITY BAND, i. B. from Manchester, EDWIS DYRES | Bass}, 100-1 24.— Programme SE. fron Lomion, | THE STATION OCRCHESTRA:

Cemndicted.. by HERBERT A, CARRUTHERS. (Continued from the en column.) #0, THE ORCHHKATEA. Gig cect e eee eee Ober Falentina 9.25 EDWARD LEER Sime, “ The Merchant of Vonies "Rose Mirvinet (FT) ia Teel tog haat ee AMaffat “ Behold the en eects E'. Sherr Prehone : Lnterminnng, * Portia: * “The Admiril's Gallinrd 2.22. .04Moffat “Biau ephit te beret Ns ‘ . ed Maris 5 Oneotal March; Préehucde, No.2; Doos's is orpBrefinysanesaves © tin Show 4h, THE ORCHESTRA. Mareh. aheae ieee“ B15, AUGUSTUS BEDDIE. Gate Dream Song. .eaecsccs eee cae + Foulds al Sues Portrait No | BEDDIE, me : B52. AUGUSTUS Entr'acte, “On the Bosphorus)... Dincke “WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE." Portrait Noy 2, Barcarolle (°° The Tales of Hoffman "} 8.30. KATIE GOLDSMITH. BOS SIE PRINCE CHARLIE.” Cifenianch eA TIA are p eb plan cece aca ee Wa ge Purcell 1, KATIE GOLDSMITH. 6.50, EDWARD LEER, Andante Masataso ; Allezretto Graxiosa, “The Moorings "...+....Deratiy Howell PE PES yk woe: gyacerit ae ee acid ee oe “Greenwich Park, ..06.s 000000 Afoffat "The Lone Shore .5., dodBAeRen whee ee es ere rede aie doe rriey ’ Noel (Lith Century Carol), varr. Ateffat "eee he: Bris es aes 3 25 Sirariae PES bees SO ae did aye d ene York Bowen (Continued in the next column.) ea ee Sate te ae hip teres Debussy 10.0-11.30.—-/yogramne 8.8 frown Londen,

470 odPAO TIMES —— [Seprewnnn 47m, i026, -



The betters “2.8, printed ia Halict in then rammnts 1,15, Sydney WN. Nesbitt 14). —Talik hy Major-General HIGEL WOOD. ony a Simvultaneees Broadcast tram the § ion mén- wired hia Ukulete, FATT, C.K, C.LE., “ Indion Big and Small Game Shooting a High-Power (Daventry) Pro- 8H. to offer Stations, "' (1), gramme will be found on page 469. lit d5.—-Cloase down. “" The of Life.”’ ELINDA a (Soprana }, 2LO LONDON. 365 M. SIT BIRMINGHAM. 479 M. WINIFRED ASCOTT |(Bo peraunnje VICTOR SMALL (Tenc Fh 1.0.—Time Signal from Greenwich. Luneh- 3.45,—Losells Pictures Houses Orchestra (Con- RyATT [LEEN VERE ia] ar hb. time Music from the Hotel Metropole. ductor, Paul Bimmer}, RICHARD KNIGHT (Baritone). 4.0.—" The Five Ages of Story-Telling " (5), by 445.—Afternodn Topics: “Bon Ton "— Master KENNETH LAME(Treble). Una Broadbent, M.A. Music, relayed “Modes do Parie.” Gertrude Davies CERORGE STONE. from the Capitol Theatre, Haymarket. (Sopra}. CHARLES LEESON. (Fianoforie). .0.—An Howr's Denes Music. S.1).— Children’s Corner, THE WIRELESS ORCHESTRA : £.0.—CHILDREN'S CORNER: Special Enter- 5. f5.—hildren'a Letters Concucted hy by “ The Pied Piper of London eal Picture — Crchestra (Con- tainment (apt. W. A, FEATHERSTONE. Town, Concert Party (lrene Loo, Beo ductor, Paul Kamnnniar }, Edgar Wh radhe Af * All the World's a Stage Bolton, Hamilton Howell). (Salo Vrohiia), And all the men and women merely 6.30.—Children'a Letters: 7.0.—WEATHER FORECAST and HEWES. players : 6,40,—Mosical Interlude, S.A, fo ofher Stations, Se. Gf. jrom. Jonson. They have their exits and ther én- 74.—TIME SIGNAL FROM Hits BEN. od. ATEINGON. 8.8. from London. trained WEATHER. FORECAST and EST 7.25.—husitat Interlude: 8.8. from Donedon, And ona man im his time plays many GENERAL NEWS BULLETEN. 3&.8. 7.40.—Mr, W. LESLIE CARTER (Member of

parts.” Se to all! Stations, the Egypt Exploration Society), “ Cleo- As Vou Like It." (Shabeapenre) G. A. ATKINSON: “ Seen on the Sereen.” patra and the Fall of Egypt,” AOA focal! Siations. $.0:—THE THREE CHOIRS FESTIVAL. B.), Babyhood. 7.25,—Musieal Interlude, 48.0. fo all Stations, SoB. iron London, CHARLES LEESON, ‘The Box of Bobkliers ",..; ceaweds 7.40.—Ministery of Agriculture Talk: Mr. Variety. ae F. Hi A. MARSHALL, 8.0, F.F.S.E.,. a0 BELINDA BOW N. CONSTANCE WENTWORTH (Soprano). “Margaret's Cradle Song J..... ftnieg * Anunal Breeding.” aeo fo ofher RILVIO BIDELI [| Beritene}. "Baby Clover os. Chartes Willeby Stadio, ROBERT PITT and LANGTON MARKS “The Dream Fisher” ..... Grandon Grey

The Three Choirs Festival. (Bntertainers |: CHARLES LEESON, a Concert relayed from o.0. SILVIO- SIBELI, Loe Fairy a cesta ee a dine! = THE SHIRE HALL, ULOUCESTER. “Si Youre Naires compris * . Henze 8.15. Childhood. a Cars aeie cee Dati 88. to other Stations, THE ORCHESTEA.. a 8,0), Part 1, “The Oiurtain Falls" EpAHerdelay Subhe; “ "Pie (hitdren'a Corner..." Overture, “ Fingal’s Cave“... Mendelssohn 1.10, ROBERT PITT and LANGTON MARKS BELINDA BOW, FLORA oe N., LE “When Graniimoammea Woe Y ounge Aria, “Una VocePoeo Fa” (“0 Barhiore Drreis Up-to-Date. flld Anaplieh di Bivigha™) ..:. A ita aca areele Foswine 8.24), DONETANCE WENTWORTH "Two Bhrty Little. Alans.”

“On Hearing the Hirat €eke im Spring ' “ Moonlight " Rate Muiws ELINDA BOWES and KENNETH LAME, — Po elie " Wooderful Garden ef Gere” Belectad Die 2, MURIEL BRUNSKILLE, ose Farewell Ba. Youth, il Spring Is Ab ‘The ” Dream oo Day dill .....:, a Glenn THE ORCHESTRA. Doe ceca eee i. fh SILViGk RIDDELL L Sinte, “Jota Youth” 2... . males Hong? 4" SongOf The Black-[ Quilter “Linda adi Chamounix " « Liorizer'te WINITFRED ASC‘OTT. ed tind. ““Nerona! , woe dot “Down In the Forest...) Landon Ww. H. REED (BoloViolin}, i400, ROBERT PIT"r iad L. ANGTecy MARIS “Love, [ Have Won You “f Ranard if “Chansonetie™ " Duete Topical and Tropical. VICTOR BAALE, “ Shumber Sang WH. Read “Life's Maytime * oy EL ON etoten * Bagatelle ™ OM CONSTANCE WENTWORTH. PET ee ee lh eels Aliant ' FLORA WOODMAN. “ Pros ‘Charting * ~ ate Zora KATHLEEN VERE arc a ele: ees re Feoure "The Lass With The. Delicate Air RICHARD KNIGHT. Songs {a Vous Diatine:#; Marquise ” arr. wl pre “For You Alone”. 20. ees-s es H. Gfeehl Olt French "T Love the Moni. el! Raina WINIFRED ASCOTT Marching Bong (No. 2 of Two Songe With- 1.0.—WERATHER FORECAST ond NEWS, and VICTOR SAALL. Gt Words) (s...... cicaceseees Gusgiae Holt 5.8. from iondon, " Binchamtoenet a ee aes H. Ohiwer Part IT. Local News, 9.0, Manhood and Womanheecd. MURIEL BRUNSKILL, 10.15, Violin Recital THE ORCHESTRA. * Song In — hong by * Romantic Bui Te eda ag ala an os wee Paughon HAROLD MILLS. ““ovurtehag “5 “Wedding Mom; “* Fos- Bonga yu When t "Would Ther Bonaia im A Si ecesen! eee nde tivities.” Tamang PP sae es sees Gipsy Dan0G siscsccccsteniecseieerees WaCkeE RICHARD KNIGHT. (Conducted by the Composer.) Namealoga AUP wl ciiieee cece GAM. Rede © SFROPOay ee ee eed aw C. Marshall “ Pock’s Minwet "2 2.20.i...:5 Herbert Hewella KATHLEEN VERE «and (Conducted by the Composer.) RIES, DB ao. cag vii besaaauae pase Viuskern WFede Te: the Berge ivictisscs.vessesvectienss Greg RICHARD- KNIGHT. FLORA WOODSAN (with String Quartet). Minwet s. berieacs ww Hedel Paenka ee ewe eae Tosh Bong Cycle, “ A Sprig of Shamrock “ THE ORCHESTRA. Li}.45.— lose aii Ob Trish Aira Selection, “ Romeo arid Juliet ™ o» Counce “When the World of the Eyes"; “A KATHLEEN VERE. Queer Sto “When I Went Chat 66M BOURNEMOUTH. 386 M. “Solthy Awakes My Heart ’”.. Sacil-Sacns A-Wolking"; ‘Don't Say No” 11.30-12.0.—The “6§BM™ Trio: Reginald &. {Irish Hop Tie). : 9.30, Darby and Joan. Monat (Violin), Thomas E. Dlingworth THE ORCHESTRA. (Foems YW. HARVEY.) (Cellol, Arthur Marston (Pianol. (Music Adapted and Arranged by “ Darby smh DOOMi ek ee Foulds A. HERBERT BREWER.) 3.45,—Talk on “ Religious Poetry,” by Angela WINIFRED ASCOTT. Cave, Orchestra réelaved from the (lst Performance.) ‘Love's Old Sweet Bong” ...... Malley Two Armbands ion. ces cceccece eyes eds cevense Laisa Electric Theatre, Musical Director, VICTOR SMALL. MURIEL BRUASSEKILL, BD. C. Ronald, “ Silver Threads Among the Gold " eer “To Daffodils” 6.0.—Miusieal Interlocde. AL wf. Banke Old eet Spring, the}... Delive f.15,—CHILDREN'S CORNER: Fairy League “When You and I Were Young, Magpie’ iayrica Sweet Spring ™ Talk and Uncho Fronklin. J, 4. Butterfield PRR al ic aceddasceeapenshucendsi ce} Fatre §.50,.—Children’s Letters, GEORGE STONE, "The Workhouseaman ** Chevalier “ Graceful Dance " e Henry VOI") ¢.0.—Scholare’ Half-Hour: “The Spinich Lan- Sulliean by Douglaa C. ne Oe peach pee eae E. Hastings guage ond Literature,” THE ORCHESTRA. Waltz, Der Hosenkavalier " Hawhkine, B.A. Richart! Strauss “Sanctuary of the Heart™.... bi Aefeltey 6.90,.—Musical Interlude, 10.0.—TIME SIGNAL FROM GREENWIOH, “ Last aceno of all, and NEWS, WEATHER FORECAST and Z2nND 7.0.—WEATHER FORECAST That ends this strange eventful history GENERAL NEWS BULLETIN. 48.8. S.B. from London, Is second childishness and mere oblivion fo all Stations, G. A, ATK ENSON, 8.5. jrom Lendoris Bang teeth, aang eyes, eins tacte, sane Local News, 7.26,—Musical Interlude, 8.8. from Dondon, everything.”

_ ee a lat a = = oot, T40.—Minises fil, 4.15,—"Ten-Time “lone 10.0:-—WEATHER i. T.0.— fi. th. f.6.—-"* Fa a5 4.0, SWA Loda 1) Liab,

=| i.20, $45. thoned.

S aad oh, 3 SEPTEMBER “No “ “Coon "The “The "In “1 Ts 4 Plan Conductor, Ballet Schervo

“ “Bagatelle. ’The Cradle “Under Saree © Ovorvure, Conuctor, ‘Wa Fugue ‘Fhe GA. Lica) *L —Vhe Brown Little On 7 WEATHER... Ye “Les 2h ge MARIORY AH, TAP (ih. Canadn..anl (ianbens, lanchere, Lavdey by SA Sebo]. MeComb Frank —Misieal CALLDREN'S The —Misiecal The: Swa's Am (lose Attempt You May cones" a Cooland” THE —— Prodhcerl THE $8." ay Other Yer OLD Od Toe Caceia Wings Der, Siation Lily Written Darkie’s beeper ae by ATKINSON, Muse, Bird Biaewea, Minstizel Bong, egies Ti HUBERT Station in: Perri gT A Dram "Leena THE Dolly Lotter Egvptienncs”; Sugar MARIGORY Thy MARTORY ” “Tarantelle Joe Southern the clown Morgan, The “Piranesi Be Mamie THE THE * THE HUBERT aini CARDIFF. Farce of A HUBERT THEORCHESTRA “| printed STATION TOE Titers, Whitnall STATION in 4m, Gnas < of Interhuce WARWICK * Thorns With Harp relayed WARWICR. Little Eeetit, of CAVE: te From Lande Moe brings ee oa Rew Loudon, Logon ROP Lee Trig: Beenie pri Crnay VLD * Window,” te-a H. Daydream-™ '. Aprcultura OLD BTATIOSN Realms Major™ for Doser hy Gand ht PIVE Baby seas OLD Box

Wooing.” Song PROGRAMMES Among Herocdiude FORECAST “brio, foto hid BELAY FORECAST (b. ORCHESTRA. 1925. ORCHES in ORCHESTRA, in A. The a CARTER Ay CORNER Coon (EQ 2. peace obese Love's Broadenetme Reminiscences. . Pa Givloiees,” no wae them ih Broleen: fron One MAN 8. Feimnk Alwi JOE. ‘But (Pare), cok B.. fron fp italics o' of WARD S.8. JOR, HAYWARD. We a. ] (CARTER: HAYWARD, OOLOoChKs.” -: CAkTEE ORCHESTRA: (Violoncedia) Heaton (hase ee. of 3.8. lena ORCHESTRA ...... So. Mine wee. WiLLLAMS a RCLE the ‘Va bear Like the tram BRAITHWAITE: A. STRA. joni Ejpiante. BRAITHWAITE. Sloxhay, back

I Sickness Song. the PEAYERS Tey wea Les " in Kesthape eas SPORIT.” The fram Talk. ... eee oo. Plorance Ciralrand-C ee Wing ering fTenarh. (Bolo: frien Med. VW from Thege Lo *") oe With = the ees You : ee Porpora-(Corti STONE. rion

and ‘Cnrlton Lh diners to ind: Meodetsaaln Snnser, Hh z a aa ee cae HWieniaaaki | London. Dnetitotion eintion by you.

} Buby Aster - Football,” Londar, -S.8. Indians ~ Woodiegn Masernet iLemdon, FRG, 353 " | to Violin). (Vix Bidgeod CTndsem

te ; NEWS. Stuart rer programme Thon MEW, |. a : Martin PPO ere Galaga Purcell Elliott

A hated ich Fly” from Vera loni-

ie «He- men- ort M. aler in “

hi—W th. fi. 4, 3,40,—The = 22Y¥ Tih, lih.it—WEATHER ci of ui +. 1 10. fh, 40.— 25,—Miaical 40.— ()».— 1i—-.0,—-CHILDREN'S The o20,—0rchear 45.—Cllose ] The fi. Tha The ‘The The The ‘The The The The G. Local N.B.—This “A The * Afternoon Lirectedl VICTOR Inching that our appear by Through BReady,” Juvenile, Lead, the io Were about Troustrs.”” is nnseomly Comedian, Character and anc Next has give Faogaerirr, Ministry America on except ance SAL (Duwlect State = 8.8) whith, the “eee Propane Latest A; Progra RATHER explained Revue Revue Character Soubreite Boprinia’ Comedienne Juveniie RevueMiniture LowComedian The Coon The Company, holiday, —— # our An-Artie: MANCHESTER. opens Revue Aiow the Boubrette Revue ATRINSGOS, from from her“ sive our cause “9zy" Beventeen, close “227 we Cate. connected the whose they Kage Interlude: Bank down. for the Bone Comedienne, Tinknown aol rrrde Mw, THE Interbode: Gand last Kabertainer) Chorus Your by SMYTHE of Director Skettehes-by theSixth RADIO Tall. gives. Soprano find Lead laughter; Lady the The includes London, Porvoo. Sister tearfully, Director past a with onl UU The Lene (Beene Daisy + for bith anche In Agricalture 3. ral ST Litt Director, All "Quartet, We-then by FOR Lacs of DAVID Preery word Sucdesses oh ie by Say SCRA “fall FORECAST quict Who Ler untied A BCENE

(om FORECAST the Overture. motto Contests Tears,” Five ORCHESTRA, the a

People Chorlponsciom- AMancinilan i and 7.30 Mase, good im shegoes Vory Mane of Wietor is Tell tava. fri Attendant, steal on and severe A en Hien't Rocho-Aunerenn eee MeCieogh. rom with posers. be. Juvenile “Oh, in Hises of will Comedian next fils. tack Orchestra 1,.—IV,) Edition TIMES “ our 4) CORMER. amoke; everyone. Scenes, ar onby Lady Present ond ond is her altercation RTR and Revue. overhear this the Ace When bitthe H.C. Afro advice ia butoor the “Any. I. softly Who i Gateban, E, o L. by which therofore Brow TATE bey the Tall, Sarre relayed Comedi¢nnie the accosted Man Comedian, reprimand Got Fie! hin ERIC to frown NT Verv friends “Ready, scene reason, off of thoy Well-known Harold Work,” the ORMEROD, People Flapper's the, Ourtain, of nna Sargent Lead Really and the Old Infintie who after away. dione, You Soobaton., fe]. -—— a in mito is production, in for Baldltwistle

of FRIDAY eventually Comedian, something Delightful ia Comedinn Laytan, both Si. from Chance:” Oeeasion accepted FOGG. ** 378 Juvenie between miss Night,” brouglit for a’ import- NHWS. ee “ NEWS. tell Oscford by is: will rteror and tite Clarke which Artist Smile Work Pryor That and after Ave, from RP lost, Jest from Ohar Lelol ois- and this M. the the the wa be of J |

0.90, a0, 8.0, 7.40.—Mimetry 7.25,—Musieal 7.0.— th. 6, 6.00, 3.0,—Tea-time 4.0.—Music SNO 10. L045, loo. 10.45,.— li.1h,.— 1O.0—WEATHER tt.—Alnaead L.— 4—

A in TILLEY'S A. i. Linseeda Winnie WEATHER Perey La Montagne Opens

The LOGO Bioater —CRMILDREN'S : WEATHER See SiR. Choreographic ae, BoA. Scholar’ rane}, ff: duction of actuses and Stat, ‘Vhia someone. tind eb This The Londan, Lenton, like but by to rupted “Some Director, fitting of ohahkag the Nerer the iy appropriately ‘Aciing, Puzelea,.”’ io loterbide “Way Lead Close esha, Flowerlund Selections Close SYDNEY THE Interlude Kelayed miners, i. Arranged Comedian “The this What Conductor, Devonshire." (Continued tation ow Aliwic ATKINS, Fe Jrom NEWCASTLE. thom 6.1m TED from invitietidn, Company in she fromLandon, FRANK : with Interhide from: quiet gine oes Tatheer -he- is domestic returns, chown, A Ral divwn, The Knew Ponltisa. close scene by the: Down ea .... “ By Wat “OREAT the to STATION Interbide, Interhade. Topics, Dust,” follawed RESTAURANT of Few explains Other Bob pistes pleisantly diseuk fooling: +: Good-Humoured amet Hali-Hour:; Tillev's famed the thie anc: by aap ol iil BATEY io Tht. : our Chief Herbert " Apriculture smoke hoy: "=; Comedian Tek from ee ee Soubrette from pent we WN, SCENE FORECAST lie How “A CRarnciers Die FUORLCAST: takes SCENE Dance BCENE Home.” Stories Domenico FORECAST is Comedy Sister arrival EDWARD CHARLTON followed : ond (imecian Wincense oc 7 rey conclude CORNER, evervone to Hat on I epieode Tourist Thies Stations give on awe Dome Onn. . ** \.. “Onavtel ASE inale. Windy sees berniun, whieh time again Toati bey Dorothy Mate—an of Goldornd.} Tell-"Pale what Next by “Gardens,” Mich Restaurant page474.) their SuB. cc: bring Blacketh eee SNARES.” in Pa the ended, C. find (Entertamera) =" Local “8.8, Local ORCHESTRA: Music berth with ao the time Sadie.’ About The of A II, soliloquy . Along lV.” Sargzent. '¥. by of as little * Mr he form it we Aetes from A Talk. by Tormmanimi, sie.HorMaid Day : found Proposing,”” — LE. «a a ois cao im Are Scarlaths, oor fesatod DT HKepertoire, Snake A having BS. the this ORCHESTRA, from AL Leonid Agency.” Spanish being Comeclian CLARA, Miisenl Love person youn “© News. “The is News, are the ‘and Forster or real Loved Ladies." and and rudehy Eyes.” the Cross = Napolean, Old Pirate exhibition Farmer and €.. of in London, Comedioenne Doing. Btrest, with Pirserfodt. soene Ais as. the scene Orchestra. eA The intioliced 3.8, Boubreite Rapa Londen. Duane,” it Mareh.” serosting 403 an HoTosbing which sings Roberta, hia varnp «a Juvenile accepted NEWS Massing AEWS, “ AEWS, referred Sle” from Bowler by aT Singer Pirate You. Balt.” vamp, Brevi ewe Mle (Sop- intro- finale Chief inter. W Jira. rer ext Jack with to M. ord and Wits “J 's to of is js ™ oo a

. > — -. oresee — RADIO TIMES — |Saeran es a a _PROGRAMMES FORSATURDAY62)ees

The letters "£6." printed in iinlics im these programmes awewisdeelidie of Favourites. VIVIAN FORT hh, feet A Simultaneous Broadcast from the elation men- rHE 6TATION ORCHESTRA. 4 Veo, 1 Think So-" | HUBERT CARTER. (Tenor). 8.35. THE ORCHESTH A The High-Power (Daventry) Pro- ‘oandaston: Beebohes "' fopetiter-fvan gramme will be found on page 465. MARJORY HAYWARD(Solo Vielim) B50 VAUGHAN Bi [THE ORCHESTRA. and MERRY 2L0 LONDON. 365 M. Crertore, ** Fingal's Cave,’" On. * Will entertain, 4.0 W. HH, BARN, 1.0.—Time Bignal from Greeuwich, Afi id ein any ‘T Lave the Moon ** Ahhes 4.0,.—Time Signal from Greenwich. Laneert 5 Inbermedzen 2. eae redejet" anor ' Hiviera Rose *’ vdlctiyes a Ree The “2L0" Geter Effie Mant aul HUBERT CARTER, Helen Daw (Dipets and Baines}, hie ‘The Minstrel ” Fusthope Martin He. THE Four Indian LoveOREHESTRALyrice Woodperael inate Eclipse Prize ninggers. Wiohet armen 0 Lovely Night i Patt an fonda {Entertainer}. “French Data: ane ‘Spring Tine csises.::; a. Vertndefts 0.15. VIVIAN FOSTER: I Waterloo of saeunticiemt,”* her Biwelam 'Whene or nh Briowllke Leaves thie Sky p + 10 | Vee, L Think Ba. de Walmont. . Wadle Bagaley (ass p. Lehunann B25. ALVIN KEECH and BABS HANDALL, | steerReena COR NEE: Music bey ihe THE ORCHESTRA. ‘Don't Bring Lula ™ ffencleyacin | Octet: Children's News” “" Whe Din- Ber ira. [°° Jocelyn " Craped wea ‘Hot Mes Melly” ld is peat ee (ae oF covered the Maple Sugar?" rAvotiG [* Mignon **) ‘G Dhow Tell All the World "' Wana: ala 6:30,—Children's Lebbers, MARIORY HAYWARD. "The King lent Ring Any 6.40,—Musical Taterlade, S.J, fo offer Sta ’ Wnaiy ier Melody 7 SecA wera Pai More”... o. MfeReco hii. I ami beni iT] deities eaf “Uraereta Fr Box Wote hen My Swertis . Walke Down Randa Chobren-Veckes the Street ' vo ats LO—TIME. SIGNAL FROM Fl. BER Aria Por pera-Certt P05 YAUGHAN and MERR v WEATHER FORECAST and I8T La Caoem "tf" The Chase") GENERAL NEWS BULLETIN, &.2. Will entertain. 7 { Ah Crt fey ntd-t ort foal Stofiena: 6.45, WW. H. RARON, HUBERT CARTER. Topical Talk. 8.8. he aif Statens. “Oh! How | Wish I “eel : “Charing (Chboe** een Brack int Gra We rel cea T.25,—Alusteal Tnterluds. SR. fo oll Sfatiaie "T Hear You Cabling Me -Masehall “Golden Croce pt Belfast, West ..... serededte i, "Shy Mipgnonette*" Adbiincegts. once 0.50 THE ORCHESTR A. 7,40,—Mr. A. H. ‘TEAR on“ Manxland anid “ Spring'¢ & Lovable Ladye"’ Keith Ellioty Oriental Picwire, °° Kismet ™ . Hartbey fis: Farlhiament," Swe. te Coffer Sta- An Evening Bong t fit minke tena, 10:0.—_ WEATHER FORECAST ond NEWS. i THE ORCHESTRA. Af fram Jondon, 1 ByTet Orchestral Music and Humour. Musto to Willian: Tell", .aesern Local News, JOHN HENEY (Entertainer). MARIORY H AYW AED: 10,15.— THE SAVOY HAVANA BAND, (4.8, ' La ‘tare LOTS BARKER and PERCY TARLING Are ial f from tasnalom, " Meditation" felntoune pb (The robbers "}. 12.0,- (Close «hown, ‘THE WIRELESS ORCHESTRA. Hiamones ke Primbovely 1:0; THE ORCHESTRA. Eorenads . Prank Brredipe £ephii 5WA GARDIFF. March, ‘Father Victory” teeraiary a t a r y *Monx Bote”... ©.ds iets iifard PHE eee 12 3 Lanch-time Misice. relaved March: from "" Tannhiaus Hearne 7 Carlton husthiarant ‘THE. CRUMBLERS," 10.0.—WEATHER FOREC A* NEWS, 3.0-4.30.— The Band of the Gordon Higilanders JOHN HENTY SOA ren: enon relayed from: the Tneétitutien- Warde will Entertain. Local News and Feothall Nutes. ath. faa, THE ORCHESTRA. 10.15.—THE SAVOY HAVANA BAND, 4.2 FAh—' SA AS” “FIVE ULAR iverbure , Oephens in the Underworld " frog) Daeedon: 5.0. HI LOREN'S CORNER Fite nach 12.0,—Close down. Scleckion, * The Lilwe anit ‘~ tw Balti a 6-675—" The Geller Box,” “The Roosters.” 6.40,.—Musical Tnterlode, Aoi. from Faden 9.0. 66M BOURNEMOUTH. ARTHUR MACH ALSS&: (Tear | ; 386 M. 7.0.—WEATHER (FORECAST ond NEWS. A, drowonalon, SEPTIMUS HUST | Birrtone) ; i45.—Goniening Talk by George Datice, PERCY MERERIMAN (Fritertaimer): F.R.H,B: Ureheitra relayed fram. the Topical Talk... 8.9. from Eoncden WILLTAM MACK (Haimorcis Fotertamer): Bongalow Cafe, Southampton, Mosien] T.25.—Munical [pterlude, 4.8 from Jondion, Will entertain with same of them wis Director, Arthur Pickett, T40—Me Co EC WILLIAMS : “ormerdt poprliuy niambers. o10.—CHTLOREN'S OORNER.: Songs and Sports." 10.0.—TIME SIGNAL FROM GREENWICH. Stories, ote : Fun and Phantasy. . WEATHER FORECAST and 2ND 5... —Children's. Letters CONSTANCE WENTWORTH j(Sonratc GENERAL NEWS BULLETIN. 3&2, 6.0.—Séholars’ Hall-Hoor ‘The Spanish SILVIO SIBEL1 (| Bariten fe all Staliane, Language ind Literature,’ ty Douglas C, ROBERT PITT and LANGTON MLAS Loral Mewa, Hawking, B.A. (Entertainers), 11h THE BAVOY HAVANA 6.40, —Mueital boterlode, and SELMA BAND, THE STATHIN. ORCHESITEA - 7.0—WEATHER FORECAST wid NEWS. Relayed from the Conductor, WARWICK BHRAITTHW ALTE, SA. frem iomadon, Savoy Hotel, London, BG. THE. ORCHESTRA. Topical Talk. Ma Fi. from Landen, S.A. fo «lf Adatpons, Murs h, * prea Tail tle A rary A Alford 7.25; Musical Interlude 8.8) fram London. Su ite. Three { lriviital Shetcehes fan ey — 12:0,— Clee down. 5 7.40.—Myr? AH. TEAR S262 from Lenton. ‘Aronge the Arabs: *' In a Les i 51T BIRMINGHAM. 479 M. ‘Ten: Room"; “Persian March.” Shill Mare Tit-Bits. 4.15. CONSTANCE WEN’ CWorR TH: 3.45.—The Decameron DBance Oichestra : Direc- ALVIN EEECH (Entertainer. Jewel Song (“Faust “) .... Gri jaddaned tor, Dan Carroll. Relayed from “the KARR RANDALL {Enteriainer', "Cherry Ripe™ cee tae on za feds 2 Palais de Danese, ; VIVIAN FOSTER (The Vicar of Mirth). me Tha Market *F ‘i fiaiy Gere VAUGHAN AML ALERRY 4.45,— Afternoon Topics : *' The Greater Lave,” 625, ROBERT PITT ead LANG fuON At LRKS. 4 Drama by G. Bernard Hughes. Charao- (Entertainers|, In Doets Up-to-Date. Vi. ([Flex-a-tong and Sieur}. tera: Irene, Nellte Silk, Sarah, Janet H. BARON 8.40. SILVIO SIbErL1. Joye, THE WIRELESS ORCHESTRA; Condictod my " Bi vous: Paves qompris *' Denna 6.15,—CHILDREN'S: CORNER. Capt. W. A, FEATHERSTONE. "Watiinaty So eta ey heonegtalle §.55.—Children's “Letters. 8.0. THE ORCHESTEA. 6.50. THE ORCHESTRA §.0.— Lovells Picture House Orchestra: Con- Pot-poorri, “ Tangled Tunes" ... Acteltcy Be heck pc “Bongs of Sir Henry Bishop * ductor, Paul Rimmer. Norah Tarrant 8.15, ALVIN EKEECH (Banijulele Banjo} and Ark. Hartman (Contraito). “Spring Bong” } BABS RANDALL, Heondeafsronn 7.0.—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS. “ Boating Bong "I" Fox-trote, 5.8, from Jondan. “TT See. You an My Dreame-”” ..:..; Janes 0.5. CONETANCE WENTWORTH. Topical Talk, 8.8, Prom London, *Nobidy Knows what a Red-Headed Mama “What's in the Air Toe-Day 1” Rober ssc 7.25.—Musmal Interlude, S.8,° from fondan., Can Da eee te Sialiee eqn paney ies . Pare eS” Mighty Like a Boe os... EB, Wer 7.40.—Capt. F. PETRSON-WEBBER (| Honor- * DomDen Bommy' F aoa "Moonieht? Rat Moiae ary Secretary, The Radic Goild for the * Amt Got- No One", >» alieyer 9.15, Seteon MARKS Blind) : Talk. “T'll Take: Ber Back:" . Monaca Tn BDoets Topical and Tropical,

— RADIO _ TIMES ear SEPTEMBER “TH, 1925, ]



Who Sang is Sweet" we Se See " o r i n t e d i n Hlies in these ram mas RATIE (GOLDSMITH: (Solo Violin) eek seine Broadcast from t h e station mta- BOWARD LR Tenn}, Drink to Me Onbywith Thine Eyen Chere, LEE TAISTLETHW ALLE (Baritone), Cheanlte r 2. SIL Vio SIDELL THE STATION. ORCHESTHA : A. 30). oA He COOPER. : Tradiianal de enke i Nasty Conductor, EDWARD CLARK, Turn: Ye to Me™ “Ch Dol ce Merang‘Vins f 8.0, THE ORCHESTEA, * Rodelaids " Spe A ure Arditt 840), T HE GEC ESTERA. Selection from the Operas of Offenbach we ER eta veaereneparences (CARITAS S e l e c t i o n , Maritans " “ e e Wallace Anant? ‘Ave Muria .. Bebybert Cancert ¥ il ays, fMaples a H atdteafed 6.15, ENWARD ‘LEER, Bae, ELDER €U NNING Ht AML. March, ‘The Yeomanry Patrol —. Sqere Three Shuke speare ROMS eile esse thailher “ AWEee oe), iia Ube inO—WEATHER FORECAST ond SS EWS, 8.25, KATIE GOL DSMIT H. Think Tenilerly af Mi" lg We Sharp S.A. tramLondon, Alinnet fazer? SOW eee Eat Lge ee Lorn] News, Prochad: min {(EPrin; Gatee 1 bik ektihee "Maire, My tat at a ee ae 10.15,— THE “SAVOY BANDS, BR; fresn Givotte...... ) in E Major} i 2.0,—DANCE MUSIK, relayed from (Heneagte: Lorie on: Heath he EE THISTL1 THWATTE. Hotel, Sua. Priv és faagene, 12.0:—Cloee down. " FromProvence "a Travia) Terdi 10.0. WEATHER FOR EC AST and NEWS. " Ele ae wide Wseubere coy deed gs ORero met. frei Faves ai, 378 M. * kareOF thie Flea ae Movaorgaky Lock) News. ZzY MANCHESTER. 8.45, THE ORCHESTRA. WW1i.—THE SAVOY BANDS, “£.8. from H.M. Scots. Goards. The Band of ‘A Day in’ Paria” cat CarietinePinek Landon. , GC. B, By pene os C o l . 40; EDWARB EER. 12.0.—Close down oa, de + bi Pyivuter, MG, BO.) Relayed Four ts 1p Bang |. oe Proerck 410-90, | from. the Municipal G ardens, South 9.15. KATIE GOLDSMITH, SoC GLASGOW. 422 M. peakrt AHoliday Tone" a oa, Dole 4.9-4.10.—Aiternonn- Talk, An Hour of ee a) eo etre Frat Cant THE WIRELESS QI TET. 5.—Albert Bradley (Temar} Two Hungarian Dianices sos. » deren §.15-4.0.—4 HILDREN'S CORNER. K IDDE LL- ERECHIS. {Baritone}, No, 2 in D Minor + No.1 in G Minor, 0. THE ae eet 6-40.— Musical loterlude. 8,8. fron Leadon, MD. LEE TH isTLETHW ATTE, Lvertoure, “* Hien” Je ee WF apes TO—WEA5 HER FORECAST ond NEVE. "Pretty: Lady * Don duan""} .,. Morel oecig. “ La Pohésie bare wa) 2arec dae o i Pray Landan. ae OeAEMibah ‘Besremade | cote te pug 4,90, RIDDELL BHECHIN. I pical Talk So. Prem Landon, 2 The Sv ord 3aft Perr lta ; . Billard "At the Mid-hour. of Soglit ' eeen fre rib Famedon Tek | sical Luterlu ce, A. 6.45, THE ORC HESTRAS “She is Far frou the Land’ ,,. po Lanvbert T.40,— Mi. FF, STACKS LINTOTT : Weekly 1 iiava Bip eee bole a cakes Fein DontGra eee2ee Pnik oh Spark, 10.0,— WEA HER FOREL AST fel NEWS. 4, 30, THE QUARTET, Light Symphony Concert. SH, from. Linton, Suite, “" Mignanne ** Seca sabelie Local ews: Selection, : The Lheclieses oi “‘Dantaig” : BELATED TO * oa. 10.15.—THE SAVOY BANDS. ui, fron Coral Lendan, Ba), HIDDELL, BRECEHLR. uVERTRODE EDGARD (Soprans; 12.0,—Cliee tla “ Mendin’ Boadware "GaiCee KLINTON SHEPHERD (Baritone), “Great Fears, Great Osiris" _ Md oscire THE “ 22Y¥ " AUGMENTED 2BD ABERDEEN. 495 M. My anne's: Awa’ 2... T rundat egal ORCHESTEA : —~Arienion Tapics,

3.44.—Afternoon Topics, The Wireless Orches- tt ae ondurtor, 1, H.. MORRISON, eo ur -—=CHILDREN Ss CORNER : Pater 8.0 THE ORCHESTRA, tra ane. Tex Reynard | Mékeo-Soprauy, Lam's Jonter Orehestra (Motherwell) 5.20.—-CHILDRES'S CORNER: Songe liv Cvertece, “ The Botterfly’s Balk" (ouren will play : Gavotte (“ The Magic Finis “*) GERAD ART ra EDGARL, Small Singers ({Margaret> Middleton, (Mozart-Fltteh eFi. Three Short Petes Conviain Parti (°' La Figho cel tegp- Eileen Hamilton, and Peggy Scott). (Sehnniurnn-Flereier}; Highland Wreath, 6.0:—The Wireless “Trin, No, 19 (etil, Tombonrin fram Grace- pieiata'"} Santee : cease hoe 6.00.—Steadman's Symphony Orchestra, relaxed ful Measores (FF fefehker, March oof Pedra Eerino” Thaw Giovanni "| Afezrart from the. Electric Theatre. Triumph, (hp, 25 (a. a. Afote). 70—WEATHER ‘FORECAST and NEWS, J HE ORCHESTEA, 6,.0,—Weather Forecist for Fariners, yet dren iondow, 1.0.—WEATHER FORECAST ANT NEWS, Seritis, Thea, The Wand of Vouth * Batenen Topienl “Falk. 8. irom Jondon, KLINTON SHEPHERD. St, Prene ietidon, 25 Mstcal Interlade, 8,7. pram fea halon, * Pooner's "* {" The Masters Topical Talk, &.8;frenLondon. Address 7240.—This Week's Interesting onro WW etepres Anniversary 7.25.—Loonl Bews, (Prepared ba JOHN SPA rHEORC“HESTR A. RRE- RIRKE- 7.20.—Moasical Tnterhide. 5.fran Foden MerlRorcea LARD): “The Sack of Abereles Ik, Lik? 7.40.—Badioa Society Talk, Phy ei pala ne, i 8; in ° SMontrose, Lath Septembe F, 1644." VERTHUDE EDG:ARD. Humour Ghoruses— Dance. “The Shepherd Gn the Rock... Schubert Vocal Hour, HELENA CECILE (Entertainer). (With Choeimet Obbligaia:| bh A-H. COPER iCoatiralte| DABTEL SEY MODE. (Tenor). STHING ORUHESTEHA, ELORER CUNNINGHAM | Bass-Baritone)- Popular Choruses wath €bchesten. Bevennde, (ip, esaie ot Tehaikevaky £0. NAN RK. COOPER. THE STATION ORCHESTEA : KLIN TON SHEPHERD, " My Heart is Bair” Conduéted ly ISAAC LOSOWSR ¥, ‘Ge AT fit, Dest li “ 7 mek . Chetry OP pee buen Ts alle, cet ee 8.0, DANIEL SEYMOUR with “Nd Clothes aml Fine. Clothes Were AS Noddin’ ia Tredihanal THE ORCHESTRA, Afurtin hr Ave Wartkin' 00 down Fox-tral, "I Wank To See My Tenntssacc ": THE GRCHESTRA, “ Auld Seoteh Songs...... Fax-troat, “Because They All Lave You"; Norwegian Bhapsody, No. 1... Sreadecn 8.15, ELDER CUNNINGHAM, Paxeire t. “Hay, H ac. Farmer Gri1 ee 10.0.—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS. " Beneath Thy Window" ...... Br ¢ nna Waltz, “' dune Brought the Boses;*'

5 Pe Hifade Pec, aon ‘The Song of Hybrias the Cretan * Elfiatt #15. HELES A CECILE: Local ew " Foolish Que ehiaite-"" y.., ay va dete DE) sipgape of agesarjeefanfeatese 7738 * Baby Ball * es ch ‘asiling WA5.—THE SAVOY BANDS. 4.2, (from ht Cane Ss Syatahie Awan, Mane of, lilt down PROGRAMME ALTERATIONS. BO, DANIEL SEYMOUR with THE 12.0,—luse OC HESTA: né-step, ' Bergeant Percy.” Fox-tral, 5NO NEWCASTLE. 403 M. WING to the large circula- “OPlerida s Bex-trab,* Blanghar* Waltz; "In Shadowland "3 “Tain oor (Seprano). Harry O tion of THE RADIO 4 . 0 . (ladys Poel Slinttle- Shine, Palo’ Mine." worth (Bass), James Mark {Vialin), TIMES, it is necessary to go to press many days in B45, HELEN A CECILE. Jack: Boddice (Biphoniim) Aren't: Men Funny?" 5.40,—C HILDREN'S CORNER: Tea Parity advance of the date of publi- “The Solloquy of a Fire.” (By Fal l e v i } cation. it sometimes happens, Impressions. of Well-known Actors. 6.10:-—Misien! Interlude, therefore, that the B.B.C. finds £.0—DANCE MUSIC, relayed from Gleocagles 7.0.—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS. it necessary to make altera- Hotel, 828. taaAberdccn. SR, from London; tions or additions to pro- 10.0.—WEATHER FORECAST ad NEWS Topical Talk, S.A from London, grammes after THE RADIO SA, fron Fcencal irri, 7,25.—Musical Interlude. S.A. from London, 10.15.—THE 8AVOY BANDS. 8:8. from TIMES fas gone to press. 740 Mer: JOHN KENMIE on™ Associntion Lomdan. Foittall,"" 12.0,—("hoee olin, ee

Sie cise ed ‘TIMES — ([SerrEmpen dre, 1825.

; Monday’s Programme. {Centinued frompage463.) PROGRAMMES FOR FRIDAY Ger. 11 13 The Pop... : Patina (Continued from page 477.) * The Music Makerre ( Shauginessy * At mo Solemn Musick “* Millen 2BD ABERDEEN. 495 M. B. 1a, LEE THISTLETHWAITE. “ The Gentle Maiden” ..... 60. THE URCHESTRA. 34 Albermoon Dopicea. Peli ng News Bulletin. onas} Overture, "* Maritons Lei. Weatlae ” Emor’s Farewell to Contain") Treditinal The Wireless Orchestri i. Inetromental The Minstrel Boy “ Selection, ' The Magie Flote Hour; Burnett Farquhar (Flute); Robert Waser!crn MeConnachia (Cornet) : Willwim Harkins B25. Bhingled Tales. Presented by 0.20, DOROTHY BENNETTani (Clarinet), HALBERT TATLOCE, JOHN COLLINSON, CHILDREN'S CORNER: Mr, T. £&. “ POLICE t4 (™ In Excerpts feos ©! The holden Web,” Wirnrht, “" How Composers Chooses Titles Chatractere Ist Act,--Tenor Solo, | for Ther Fieeoe,” i With Pianoforte A Man with a Bhaeck Recor] DOUGLAS ROBERTSON “Fy, Summer, Fly" | Iigetratians, | Georg The naa A Man with «a Pale-Hinek Fassel and Act, Diet, “Away, aes €.0.—Parmeres’ Advier Corner: Conducted by A sasha! lion tr, Monro; MLA. 6. Se Agricultural HALEBERT TATLOCE 5:40, TH E ORC HESTRA. Notes, Fishing News Bulletin, A Policeman with a Benet of Dirty Uyvertore, *' Bomiramide " .. Jaana 6.50, Steadmean's Symphony Orchestra, relayed T. TREVOR Selection, “ Coppelia ~ Delieas Pace from the Electric: ‘Theatre, Seone: A Weal End Pavement. 10.0.—$ WEATHER FOUREC AS’ l gid NEWS. ALE —Pregianiine S58, from Lowden, Tiras) Every Sunday Evening SA, previa Ladau, Local Moves. Miscellaneous Programme, “PLAY ACTORS.” 10.15. astern aaahdeci HELENE CECILE{ Entertainer }. Characters : A Man in Rags... HALBERT TATLOCK iy EDWARD LEE! tL i Venor). i, APPLEYVARD, JULIEN EOSETTI {Pianotore), A Lady in Silks: MADGE MACKENZIE Bourne 2 2 . . . 8.) JULIEN ROSETTI. A Chaoffeur im Gabardine i (Violin) Sech-Sinl-Sadia OLE oceans. Sonnie in Major, (yp, 24 ....5... Reaer BOUGLAS HORERTEON Beene : Hyde Park, Loner. Two Sonatas (Harpsichord) Seavottc Panay Andanteand Menuetto Capriceiosa irom Time: Just Aiter Lanch Hour. “Hark. Hark, the Lark” Sonia in A Filwk, ip, Se oeeb “THE LADY IN BLACK.” , aon) cries) Ego eg Bab K DWARD L, EER, Chenncters = ' Soiree ede Vere” Sehutert-Lisze “Che polida ImaTine Pi ~ Pacer A Lady Alficted... MADGE MACKENZIE (Dance Pune) .....-- Peon Ee ; . Jeiget A Man Afferted .. HALBERT TATLOCK "Rong of the Volga Boatinen’’ ( T racdatihioraid ) (With Orchestral Accor paniment. } | hen? An Ante. Room «at a Danee. lis = Schwtt “O) Bourernin * zh ceae Aauraerce Time: At Three O'Clock in the Morning. Caprice(Viokn) Als 5.47, HEL NE CECILE, ‘‘ La Campanella " “[Vio- Pagem nit- fest " Foohsh. Queetian, 5.40, LEE THISTLETHWAITE. lim} fa AA “Bohloguy of a Fire.” “The Bhoe Hills of Avtteio ”” ..... A, Harty Valad from ** Faust ™ (Opera) (i quncdes ef “nent hen Funny 7° “ Lamerick Point-to-Point Race " Stonferd 10.45.—Close down. JULIEN BROSETTI. “The Tertibla’ Robber Men ™|crr. * Invitation to the Waltz’ “The Moan. Cradis “' (BD Aga 55C GLASGOW. 422 M. Polaoca in EK Major .... Weber 4 Sn, THE ORCHESTRA. 0. An Hour of Melody. _ Moto Ciprigeiiea {ccc Valse, “ Nights of Gladners 2.0 Aneliffe THE WIRELESS QUARTET. EE DWARE L.E"fe RH, 0.0), “ Radio Radiance " CALDER (Contralto}. “iCheebe Aida are Ferdi CATHERINE {lst Edition). M a s i c , and Talk b y ‘E Locevan Je Stella "i... Patent 5.0—Afternum Topics: A Revue in Sixteen Genie, “in With the Motley » Leonora Tsabel MacDonild, Med. Bo San.t., PeT. Playedby in Finlond.” Benenacke A except * A. Nurse's’ Experiences A COMPANY OF LONDON ARTISTS. 5,15.—CHILDREN’S CORNER, cw ith Cinehewtral datsHoaire | [nchocding Farmers. f. 44 I; HELERE Cha LL. I, 6.0-6.5.—Weather Forecast for EDDIE MORRIS, [RIS WHITE, JAMES “Ae diees sipieey .. Canke 7.0-4.0.— Programme S.B. from, London. WHIGHAM, JEANS ALLISTONE, DOROTHY PUGH (Soprano). ‘Oho Folie nag. ee tk ALron, (Solo V i o l i n ) . iacoueton of Wall: — Aehone: TOMMY HANDLEY, MAUDIE DUN- ANNIE HAMILTON HAM and STATION REPERTORY -WEATHER: FORECAST: and NEWS. THE THE DANCING RADIOS. COMPANY, SoR from. Joonedaa, Local News, Book by Jack Hellier. : 10.15. Violin Recital THE STATION ORCHESTRA Popular Musics! Niambere, Condnctad by hy KATIE GOLDSMITH. Directed by HERBERT A. CARRUTHERS, JAMES LESTER and BR. FE. JEFFREY, S.A. te Edinburgh and Dundee. ‘La Folin” . Cort Leonarnd + anis Lomita“ Trowell 8.0. THE ORC HESTERA. Boame. * Santiiah Partasia °..2).st.cecsesus Stephen Two Slavenic Danees bn G antl E Minar a Introduction of Cast,Full Company. 6.10; DOROTHYPI GH. Deorak-Areiater 2. Opening Chorus, DANCING RADI, “ Hosh-a-ba, Birdie" a Oe een mieihenne and Rigaudon ierncouer- Freee * Comedy Skit, "' Birangers,” JEAN ‘The Spinning Wheal ™ ...... a r r , Stelia “empMnnebia. a, . Paaneat A reisler ALLIST‘ONE and JAMES WHIGHAM. + Jal Anderson, By Ja o g c c r e e a r r . Dees “La Chasse » Carter- IWreiater 4, Nomber, “ When Danone,” MATDIE ‘A Fairy's Love Song" Kennedy-Fraecy 1G.44. —Chae down: DUNHAM and DANCING RADIOS, f i . 2 0 . ANNTE H‘AMILTON, §&. Comedy Skit, ' Suite .25,'' EDDIE ™ Rizzo " Mackenzie JWurdoes 5SC GLASGOW. 422 M: MORRIS and JAMES WHIGH AM. 8.35. A Fantasy : : 1).90-12.30.—Midday Tranamissiorn. 6 Nomber, “' Plaything Now,’ JEAN ‘THE MASTER WAYFARER.” f-,— Grewicast to Behoolks : MW. Albert La ALLISTONE. Ky J, E. Harold T e r r y . Grip, B.A. LL.B, 0.A,, “French,” 7. Comedy Skit, “ The Reason,"” EDDIE People in t h e Phay: Mr, G. W. Tytrell, AJR .8c., on * How MORRIS, JAMES: WHIGHAM, The Maid ...... :...... ESTHER WILSON Seotlind Waa Built." TOMMY HANDLEY, and JEAN ALLI- The Muri ...... LESTER WARWICK 0—:The Wireless Quartet, ardDonald Clark STONE, The V i l l a i t i .h.02ce.. RONALD SCOTT | Tena), B. Tria, " Weather or Nat." ENDIE The Wayfarer i... 4.c-s-52- JACK SMITH 3.0, Afternoon Topics. MORRIS, TOMMY HANDLEY, and Seaia: The Parlour of the “ Pigeon Pie 6,15.HILDREN'S CORNER. JAMES WHIGHAM. | RIS Inn,” a Wayside Hostelry on the road ‘0-6.5.—Weather Forecast for Farmers, 9, Comedy Skit, “ Cracked,” io York. Takl WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS. WHITE, TOMMY HANDLEY and ED- Presented by GEORGE ROSE. SLB. from Daniedoa. DIE MOREIE; 0 . 1 0 . THE URCHESTRA. A. ATKINSON. 5.8. from London, 10. Comedy Number, “Yes, 1 Am,™ Suite, “At the Play ™ ...--..101.0-=00.> Hewen total News. TOMMY HANDLEY, Overture: Entr'acte; Finale, Masiil Interlude, 9.8. from London. 11, Number, “ Shadowhnad,” JEAN ALLI- S30. DOROTHY FUGH. —Mr. DUDLEY VV. HOWELLS; ‘Horti- STONE and EDDIE MORRTE. "| My Lovely Ee eee veces CERES cultural Gulletizti. 12. Number, “ Mary O'Brien,” MAUDIE Wi Pie PP ee dg itneesvee tinge ocastes Care y Popu jar. DUN EAM, 13. Comedy Patter Number, “Lied te * Love's Philosophy". ....-..200c0e.000s Quilter LEE THISTLETHWAITE. (Baritone). 040. ANNIE HAMILTON, HALBERT TA’TLOoCK Moe," EDDIE MORRIE, * Chanson Indou’"™ with hia 14. Comedy Skit," Sights,” EDDIE Mck- Fimaky-Korsskow-Kreraler REPERTORY. COMPANY. RIS, TOMMY HANDLEY, LEI6 Theme and Variations ..cc.ccccer. cso Porto THE SPATION ORCHESTRA +: WHITE, and MAUDIE DUNHAM. WELE cceveereeererddeseesterersrengraperseees. -EERLS Conducted by Li. Comedy Nomber,.‘' Niche,” EDDIE me THE ORCHESTHA, HERBERT A. CARRUTHERS. MORRIS and TOMMY HANDLEY. finite, "Sylvan Scenes” ...... 0.. FPietoher 6.0. THE ORCHESTRA. 16. Fins, “Up a Littlh Hil," URIS “OWalse Septembre ' eich aetna wo Sein Relection, ** Theodore and Co.” WHITE and Full Company. 10.0-10,45.— Programe | S . B. From Londen, Novella and Hern 10:0-10.45.— Programme S.B. from Londen,

a eu EMBER40H, 1925.::| RADIO TIMES -—

FOR BELFAS | (Sent.tht PROGRAMMES S e p t . 12th.) |

ge? letters “ &.8."" printed in H a l l e s In these moe 7.0—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS, . Dance Music. THE ORCHESTRA. beeis 8.8. from L o n d(3.8. o r e . Fron Lona Ts waili pe hae He's the Kind of Man’... Elialien itminee Deame IRIN eae OS Topieal Talk, A aehnaion oo =) beg 1 Charleston sy Peek Lidepiece Frm eo Loess ee Shiny Heb Le atW afl area e-sa os = Light Symphony Concert. “Clo, (4o * eaereteaesseeereedeehian .SUNDAY AUGMENTED STATION es a4 =m ‘ 5 : Lonas THE nestep, "1 Doan: Wanna Go. ave Kennel ORCHESTRA: Pox-trot, “On the Ole BackSeat" Jillen tek ereceeee Conducted by E. GODFREY BROWN. THE STATION CHOIR t.0 KATIE GOLDSMITH (Violin). 1ik- 1a f* rors i i Arnone hoowedon, Hi-on: “ Be Thou Aly Vist (Tractitional EDWARD LEER (Tenor). Trish). 7.30, THE ORCHESTRA. FRIDAY. Scripture Reading. Three Bence ohare Perey Pitt Anthem, “Wash Me Thoroughly From Ta. EDWARD LEER. L1.30—-12.0.——Cramophone Records. Ms Wickedness 7.25 Wealesy 4..0.— Afternoon Concert : The Station Orchesitn, Aria, ~ To I scat, . bid a Last Farewell * Tie Rev, DBD. 3. ATKINSON, of Rughy Gladys Palmer (Contralia). Avenue Congregational Chorch. Address. Honezerntt 6.0, CHI LA REN'S CORNER, THE CHOIR 7. THE ORCHESTRA. oe— hneric. Laster. Hirma, “Sun of My Soul.” “belies "Tumi - Maferd fdas T4iL— WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS, (hosing Prins er ered Heneclictier. 5th, KATIEGOLDSMITH, SH, from Joneen, Concerto in Eo Major. 6s .cbo ee ees OCR “ii. A. ATKINGOX, SG. Arcuri Londow. 8-30-LERoo —Pregrines: Sb, fram Lawton, $138, ALYARD LEER. 7.23,—Local News, ‘NowSleeps the Crimson Petal”. .Qulilter 7.) —Mustea! Interlude, 8B. from onden, “The Poets Last Som...... 0.. . Girne 7.44. Ministry at Agriculture Talk, A: fruni MONDAY. Berenade oo... Schubert Bewion, 4.0-5.0,—The“ 2BE"' Quartet. 5.50. THE ORCHESTRA. 6.0.—Programe SOB. from Toonedoa. 5.00. —C HI LPRENS CORNER. “dolby eoger Bite, oo. eid Corr Lw.0.—WRATHER FORECAST and NEWS, ‘iy 60 hifdren’s Latins ed. KATIE GOLDSMITH, BA, from Teondon, 7.4.—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS. Fa ges eeee ae Aandet-Harty 10.13.—SYDKEY WN. NESBITT. 8.8. fren Soi, from Loudon. Three Pieces wee ee ee oer, the Bartlet London. Topical Talk, 8.5. from Londos, Golden Slumbers ** (17th Century); 10.45, Close. clown. ‘hot Loch News, An Ancient Lullaby (Irmeh Tune} ; Land and Water. “My Love's an Ariotus ™ {Trish "Time |. SATURDAY. THE STATION ORCHESTRA. Peeludinmdie Alleoera, Pagina. Acrevaler HUSA ENIGHTS (Contralts). Bak, EDWARD LEER, 40-5,0.—The “BE "Tre, EW. Harris aloe J. Ae CHAMBERS (Baritone), Shakespeare Hongs Gh ‘fier Clarmet}. SAM HEAR Y( Gleber immo°'). f, 1G, THE ORC HES" ri. 1. i.d.——UR LLORAS CORNER, Land. Symphony in CG Major oo...) .Aerthern O.—0,—hileddnence Letters, “Roo. Aea ee a et Cehulig 10.—WEATHER FORECAST oan NEWE

Teak THE. ORCHESTRA, —— _Ruite, “Worlland Picture "2. Pietekes ‘Suite Populsare ", . need opdbents S.5, from Jondern, a. ROSA KNIGHTS. 1.0,— z EATER FOREcyAST and NEWS, Topical Talk. 8.05. fro Dosieon, "The Blind Pioagioman " Coin gety harks from Landon, 1.2. — Local News,

‘Two cepterobe Bonita ager Gaciter 10), 15, aA:7 J. ATA fa. 8.8) from London, Light and Shade. LETae a aa Commngeby Clarke 10,44, —f";ose oliowrn. THE @BTATION ORCHESTRA Bil sAM HESERY, JEANNE PAUL and ln Ulster Humour and Stories: THURSDAY. LEONI LASCELLES &, 13, THE ORCHESTRA. 4.0-5.0.— The “FRE GQuomied, (Introduces a Piano, and Themaelvea), Fantom, “In oa Persian Gorden ™ fot, CHILDREN'S CORNER. NORALAN GRAPLAM. (Baritone), . haze Lehner fi55,-—Children's Letbers, THE BELFAST BRADTO: PLAYERS, B24 J. EL CHAMBERS. 5.0.—WEATHER FORECGABT ‘and NEWS, 7.30, THE ORCHESTRA. Socwirme from the BongC we le, Ore: the SOB. from DLerndon. * Bal Masqiie "oc... > BP. Pletcher im of the Moon 7 . ADheal Hfrad Market Prices for Farmers. bs,iY, from (STOBCATIOMO sooevi in eeeureys Uhdeee pag GLO “Ty the Forest terabytethonkboetabay Benda, Tabi JKARNE PAUI, iru Down by the Selly Gordens ". .if. Aughes if,—_ FRENCH TALK. is,EF, from Feabielrape. LEON LASCELLES, dia, SAM HENRY. hh. Lan Newea. Tell All the World"... 3} hiner ane Paracne in Ulster Humour and Storie. “Is There Anybody Hers "2... Hedley From Orient to Ulster. Water. * Far Away From London "...Leahedl Heap dh THE QACHESTERA. THE “2BE * STATION. CHORUS “Reel Alien! Mania “Adal, Ditiin, aid Sain Soite, “Nairtical Boanes Perey Pletcher ANT ORCHESTRA, B.A. NOBALAS GF RATA, i bo ROSA KNIGHTS. GLADYS PALMER, (Comtralte), “The: Wandin 5. iiteis cee riveree celef The Fishermaiten!” 1.040455 echeelieet JEANWN [IE ERSKINE, wend fe ME) aucekelolerewkc reais cn Trefael “The.Glory of-the Bea Sererear ANNA WARNCGHE. ee eR cancra pbb ta sacrament Amenthnl “Aly -Bhiine” a Be a Garena! 7. THE ORCHES:PRA. #15, THE ORCHESTRA, ia, THE “ORCHEaT HA; : “ Japanese Bridal ProceETON saeevs RUSE “ Moonlight in the Forest ob Hornpipe... . Grrartile Bantock TG. "“KRUBLA BRHAN* “Dance of the Nymphaea” J set Th ire (it federalEyaan HE , H. ¢ ELAMBE RS AL, JEANNE PATE ana Three Salt Water Ballade. oi... 6.) Reet A Cantata farlontralio Solo doc Choris. LEONI LASCELLES:, ORCHESTRA, * Port of Many Bhipr Tae Winds os 5.10. THE “Piceanimny. Baby Bor ee woe Pal Barta, CTE eee needy eee neanen Lavy “ Mother Carey.” "Them Vieere Dias Ag HeeLa calfeanthyy ic. THE ORCHESTRA. 8. Oh, GLADYS FALMER: Tecan Tue aa tiHistris avd Pollack hitermezco, “On the Boaphorms “..feneke “The Rainbow Child ". ‘| “Alabamy Bound \...... dey endersn Afarth,: “ Acdmirale Al...) 0 be " Beat, Bent Drima” . ak THE ORCHESTRA. + Cohen ites < Tenaglia 14) 10,45, Parade SF. fiery Lanta "The Island of Ghrdens 4 ‘Ds tee Brg nee ceca were peeaseess EHO "Lite and? Exsat hi ae TUESDAY. “The Mery Nigeer cis TE. A. Sipntire Ses, THE: ORCHESTRA. a0,.* NORMAN GC§RAHAM, —— 11-12, Crimplone Records, Entracte,- "A Dervish Chorus wv the “ete GABASp dvecaydeseenccseddecce) 2etoton 4c, —Tihe Station Orehetraonl Jesse Colter Sa msi Hast deote ee pid Bait oe ae (iti Halos freee (Sopra). lute rine@esn, i emnk. Mata” ae, A yeelifts ule John Prachi ioc ; ao dpa if oh Fado 6.90. —-UHILDRENS CORNER. Sculh, JEARNLE ERSEILNE sol t, LA. THE BRADBIO PLAYERS SOA, Cha bine’s Thetters, AS SA WOR Hreacdit 70.—=WRATHER FORECAST ond NEWS, Present * LIGHT AND SHADE S.A, fron Conetort, A RAMLET OF PICE" A Comedy by tAM ES AGAT Is. A. B irc London, (A, a2. Wariork). tig Cards Poach. : le wl News.

= al, TS cae titia. opedARTHUR MALCOLM ao Musical Tyterlocde, S00 fran Londan , Bez; THE ORCHESTRA. = Byehia ..veeeencaeeess RMATHLERN PORTER bk—Talkon thee ** St, Lamon,"BP, Frenne MWusten!l Interlude; ‘Two lash ‘Toure a Leeder. Shetek* othe Weiter OF Lhoanell 20h, THE OBRCHEATHA. 5.011 30.— Programme O28. yram London, BLT, IEANNSIE EASELS ES and Overkure, Champaomer ' ANNA WARNOCK, Waltoner con Baaaom Present | Sweet Brior™...\ WEDNESDAY. Enter wees iA Serre 4, The“ ?BE” ike tase. * CHOOSING A MINISTER FOR 2805 , Shamher Song|Soh hon. CALLER EAS OORSER. DRUAACHONEY Videe-Caprice (Muoller-Berghins) Aebinatecn 6. a -(hUh- AChihihen Ss Let hers, ia. Af Parnecki. 1),0-12.0.— Propane SUB. fren Doadow,

a76 — RADIO TIMES —— [Brprempern 4ru, 182h

Some Famous school Songs. Studios Oldand New. By A. B. Cooper. Improvements to Aid Transmission. [A nomber of Public School Songs will be Forty years on, growing older and older, N the great building at 2, Savoy Hill, which broadcast from Newcastle on Monday, Sep- Shorter im wind, ae i TEC Mnory Loreg, houses London Station and the central tember 7th.| Feetfie of foot and rheumatic of shoulder, offices of the ELB.C., workmen are buiily LMOST every great public school in Eng- Whve wri] it help you that ined ou were thraged on the conétruction of four newstudios, strong F When these are completed, i will not mean the land hue a eong of itaown ; but it ia just Ged cive tie bases to pun or beleaguwer, as tree of songs os itis of poete, that they “ are diamantling and putting out of commission of Comes to play out, whether earnest or fun. ; the two old studios, These, it ts hoped, will still horn, not made," Similarly, just as it ia epid Fights for the fearless and goals-for the eager, continue to play their part after they have been of kissing, that it “* goes by favour,” 20 of achool Twenty, aid thirty, and forty years on! renovated and brought up-to-date, songe; you may write a song for a ached, mcd Follow up | Hallowed Ground, they mayeng it on state occasions, ht it is Reghy, ever. redolent of “Tom Brown” and ten to ome [that ihe} boys will sing something To think of all that the-original studios have hra “sehool-days, fracrantd with memories of else for cholor, heard and witnessed—from the first opening the great Thomas Arnold and his greater son, Nevertheless, there are some echool sone ceremony, conducted by H.R.A. Princess Alice, Matthew, of Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, Dean of which are as much part and parcel of the school down through oll these months of nipid develop- as ite deska or cloisters, songs which are sung Westminster in“ Good Vietoria's golden reign,” and of Arthur Hugh Clough, has an exvellent mont ol varied oxtension of aim! Think of spontandously, im season or out of season, in term the great: artista who, after facing the largest echool song, “Floreat dtvgbeta," written in and ont of term, and of theee there is, of course, 1870 by the Rev, Charles: kward Moberly. It andmost oertical audiences in Furope, had none more widely known, even among the entered theese litjle rooms in fear and trembling iin Latin, and ite inspiration is evidently the general public who never knew a public school, to try a new mediam for their art: and of the ancient “" edeo Doman,” than Winchester'’s “ Dalee Donen.” young artiste, who hed never known what if A Pleasant Tradrtion. Eton’s “ Boating Song.” was to fieo o great concert onowd in the feah, and had found seeeptance and popularity This ia not only the oldest publicschool song, A lane number of schools have their ‘* Crr- but it maker an appeal, by virtue both of its mene, including Westminster, Wellmgton, almost instantaneously with unseen thousands of sentiment and ita setting, far beyond the bounds Cheltenham, Haileybury, Eton, and Charter: listeners! Wher these “inerlents had. taken ef school life. Ft ia-still suing overy evening house; but it seems a pity that there ia nota place was suf ly hallowed groin| during term, as it has been for some 240 ‘years little more originality of idea in them. Take fo itia & rebel to know that the old etudics paat, and it is more than probable that its the Eton sone, for instance. Doubthess “* Corman have not been condemned—that while the Latin tith was Jomes Howard) Payne's cue for Bhlopenes” i pung wt Eton, bot the real, the origing! one nay be pensione d off on to lighter the most popular song in the world —Home, authentic song of the schodl, a4 ao well befits work, ite successor dn the first floor will be See. lhom,” th echoed which slmost lives in or on the Thames, brought up-to-date and will continue in usr, ‘Tradition aseert’ that the words were com- is the famous “ Eton Boating Fong.’ Here are iH the four rooms under construction, two posed, about list, by a Wrykehamist who had two of the five verse :— are designed to be suitable for the trinemyjssion been kept in school to write an “ imipot” whilst of ‘talks and playa. lis comrades were having « hialf-holiday ; bot, Jolly betanig wether And a lay-harvest breeze, Reserved for Talks. like many another pleasant tradition, it licks hatte on the feather, The average learned authority who comes to positive proof—a lack which precludes no Old Bhacle off the trees: deliver a fifteen-minote dissertation open. his Wrykechamist from believing 11. Swing, swing together anecial subject ie embarrassed if he finds himeelf The two Latin sfankes, beginning “ Conecina- Withyour hacks between your knees. maudwiched in between a high-atepping Radio mis GO soldaftes ” have been translated by Mr. chorus and an orchestral item. Under the new Alfred Perceval Graves for“ The National Song Skirting past the rushes, arrangements, he will be able to deliver his-talk Book™ as follows :— Buffing o'er theweeds, Where the lock stream gushes, under idea) conditions, in a emall cosy sanctum, Come, companions, join your voines, Where the cygnet feeds. | epectally built and specially reserved for talke, Hearts with pleasure bounding ; Lotus eee how the wine glass fushes with a comfortable chair drawn into a gently- Sing we the noble Ins, Atsupper on Boveney moads. sloping desk on which his manuseript lies—It Sweertsong of holiday, Joya of home, sweet home, resounding., Immortalized by Thackeray. upby an adjustable standard lamp. The micro- phone will be at the top of the desk at the Home | sweet home, with ev'ry pleasure, A state of things somewhat similar, thoagh desired distance from the speaker and the room Home! with ev'ry blessing crown'd ! not 80 marked, obtains at Godalming, for the ia to be draped and carpeted 50 a2 te give the Home ! our bost delight and treasure | “Cormen Canfhvzeanem,” although the official Home! the welcome strain resound | least possible echo effect, achool song, hasnot the preetige of “‘Laeti landate Perhaps the mostinteresting of the new studios Quit, my weary muse, your labours, Downiten” at the school which Thackeray immor- Quit voor books and learning ; talized in “ The Neweomes," This stately song isa darge room divided bya glass partition Banish all wates away, and glass doors, which is ect apart for rehearsals was written by William Horsley, who was and dramatic transmissions. The two halves of Welcome the-holiday, organist at the Charterhouse Echool from 1845 Hearts for home and freedom yearning. thia reom are differently constructed and Home ! sweethome, cote, to 1873. His Latin dedication enda with the arranged. In the one, the players will speak ery dear to all Carthusians: “ Floreat fiernem their parts; in the other, the effects will be “ Forty Years On." Carthusiane Domus.” Next in order of fame and of popular appeal produced, by assistants who can see when is Haileybury’s “Carmen,” although a fine the right moment through the glass. For the comes, undoubtedly, Harrew’s much more Latin song, is alao generally ousted on all but the walla are hung with fixed drapery modern, but truly splendid “ FortyYears On." state occasions by A. G. Butlers stirring former, The Iyric which Harrow's famous music master, —to avoid echo—and the floors are carpeted ; in “ Vivat Haileyburia {" Written as late as 1892, the latter, the draperyis variable and the floor John Farmer, set to music in 1869, was written it lacke the “oldand crusted" bouquet of an to permit of experiments with noise by EK. E, Bowen, who collaborated with Mr. ald vintage like “ Dwice Domem.” Nevertheless, uncarpeted Farmer on many occasions for the well-known effeets. ite author has had beys in mind and has made a After Many Experiments. Harrow Song Reok, and it is with one exeeption song in the right «pirit, aa witness :— the nearest approach to true poetry made A silence-cabinet will m it possible for the by any Of the school song writers. Woe The Romans were a knowing face, dramatic producer to see what ia going on in fl have not space for more than the firet amd Vient Heavleyburia | both rooms and to hear how the sounds blend as Theymade « road down to this place, they are transferred by two separate muiocro-

=e final veree :— Voont Hawleybirrica f phones to the amplifying room ; he will beable Forty yours ‘on, when afar and asunder Romans came and passed awiy ; to indicate byword of mouth, or byan indieator- Ported are thoas who are singing to-day, Normans followed ; where are they ¥ When you look back, and forgetfulby wonder heard, to those in either room whether they are Butweare here, and herd we stay / too loud or too slow, and, if need be, cut off the What you were like in your work «and your play, Vira! Haveytria f

[— Then, it may be, there will often come o'er you, effects when they are drowning the diction of Glimpses of notes like the catch of a seng— Se: Then ereal, ween, round the beard ; the players, Visions of boyhood shall float them before you, View! Horcleyiaria: | It is not everyone who r e a l i z e s what infinite © Eehoes of dreamland shall boar them along. And yet once midte with kinderchord, ingenuity and art go to the construction of a Charts. FieHotleytiree | sucecssful transmission studio. The present Follow up! Follow up! Follow up! For we've been boys ond mon together, plans are the result of many experiments, and Till the field ring again mod again Have wielded hat and hunted leather, the B.B.C, engineers have by no means finished S—S——————_ With the tramp of the twenty-two men. When lito wae bliss in fumimer weather, : Follow up! Follow up ! Fired Hoavlewburia f with their experimenting,

SEFTEMEEE 4Iru, 1025.) — RADIO TIMES -—— art

eason Why of Call Signs.

By P. P. ECKERSLEY. aa ee he | SUPPOSE that the average man—or shall spelling nothing, meaning mothing, unless jt Tt ia obhviowsthat for the many broad

we say the man uninterested in wireless ? be the name of a Polish ‘tow. casting stationa = plan hos boen followed" wonders sometimes to hear the jargon on the lips People have offen asked how call signs are Thos, “ KH," for Hull, was. allotted becaws" of “fans.” The average man, indeed, might allotted and readers might be interested to know what youand TF eal! Hull ie really Kingston” have heen zurpiped to hear someone about just a littl of the machinery. When one on-Hull. The call sign, “HL,” wor nol Hill say: “IT got ‘FL’ om a bedstead,” and applies to the Post Office for permission to erect allotted, eonld little ouces that the speaker referred to 4 transmitting station, if one pete that ‘per- receiving Paris (on a crystal) on his spring- mission, thrown in, you will find an allocation An Unfortunsle Mistake. frame mattress ncrial. of certain letters. Youware “SX ¥" or “ 30K," Sheffield has a famous call eign with “ FL, The letters “* FL” conver, Lsuppose, to all the or something. Many. hare wondered if there but herein lies a tale. The letters allotted were old range of wireless enthusiasts therrinirodluction is any underlying scheme, “SL, but in such a hurry were we in thoee to wireless, Believe tt or not, but to days that 2 telephone message misread heir one & day perhaps per push made the local man read “F™ for per per——per per pah per wis sulft- “Ss. Ag an order wae on hand ent thrill te us ‘older wirelessites for the printing of two or three to keep us busy with cardboard and thouzind hadge, or something, the wire and crystals. and quaint serials mistike cook net have been rectitied, for days and mghts. and 20 if ie“ FL” to the end of time, The “LO” Tradition. “2L0" is pretty obvious, bat why There i4 amething definite anid “ST and “ 22" "? i perzanal abomt a call sien, and now, The Birmingham Station explains with the aivent of broadcasting, a ite call sign in a way accepteble fa quite clevtir Te neaty ix betas [ if CeLE TL its proper pride, the Istter, however, certain letter combination, were allotted to the experimental No ope will ever forget 2Ta," station onginally erected at the ne 18 gin to feel that “3L0" ie “CLEA.” works thers, The same within the Empire‘and one feels that with “22Y." Theee were simply Melbourne will live up to the “ LO" letters that might have been allotted tradition, to any station, but were, in fact, And “KDKA,." with the pause viven to the Metro. Vickers Fxperi- between “AD” and “ROAgiven in mental Statim that was the nucleus the lightly nasa) scorn) of our of the present Manchester Broad- ooumms in Pittebir—what vision casting Station, fock that ‘cabolistie fregro coniure Why is Cardiff “SWA™ 1 Think up? Leng nights in the winter, I it- out? expect, trying te drive your receiver Their Heal Meaning. down: ehorter. and ashoerter—A‘s— “SX” micht be more applic- lots of X’s——and a with for a warmer able, it might be thought, to certain dressing-covn end sorrow that you types. of liquid refreshment, but hadn't made op the fine, everyone knowe that Chelmeford Sgnals that Vanished. was ongially Apenmental, if not Long handles on condensera, and SX Oo, signals, faint at firat—that vanished Sometimes owing to obvious letters did one so much as change one’s mind, having been allotted to other stations Setsthat changed theirs if we moved at previous times a place name is mot whand, petulance at a wireless widow's exactly reproduced in its call sign. voice over the banistera—and finally Weshall abvays. remember them, that great night when, clear, strong RMON though—“ WGY," “WEAF,” "200," and beautiful the jJoud speaker and “FL,” and the rest, just a com. gave up its strogele, cleared its throat i Uorieaiate by Sierra bination of letters, but. how much and poured out: “* KD—EA,’ Enat POPULAR SYNCOPATORS. more ? Let us hope that to one and Pittaburg, U.A.A., calling!" Mystic all of you they convey goodwill, enter- letters, indeed, meaning a. wealth of ai Laytonanal and Johnstone, the American Negro comedians, are now to listeners aa they are to patrons of “* the halls.” tainment atl arrvice, That is what striggl: and achievement to you. To They have Personalities all their own and their melodies are they really mean, and so I sign myself others, of course, just “KDKA,” of the kind that haunt one. P. P.. E.—3B.B.C,

os ——— ie a — 2S

Listenres con look forward .to some interest- SONGS YOU OUGHT TO KNOW: “ Love's Old Sweet Song." ing talks this week. On Monday, September

7th, at 6.40-p.m., the Earl of Donoughmore will HIS famous old song will be broadcast from Bournemouth on Friday, September 11th, The make an appeal on behalf of the London words are of that doyen of song writers, G. Cliften Bingham,and the music is hy Homeopathic Hospital. On the eve of the J. L, Molloy. We publish the words by permission of the Publishers, Messrs, Booseyand Co. St. Leger, September Sth, at 7.40 p.m., “ Faugh- aballagh “ will give o talk on the prospects of Oscr in the dear deaddays beyond recall, Even to-day we hear Love's song of yore, the rece; andon Saturday, September 12th, When on theawerd. the mite bre, to fall, Deep in our hearig it dwells for ever- Mr, A. H. Tear, « member of the Howe of Qut of the dreams that rom in happy more } threanyr, Footsteps may falter, weary grow the way, Keys for Romsey, will talk: from Liverpool to Low to our hearte Love sung an old syeet Still we can hear it ab-the close of day, other Stations on “ Aanxiand and Its Parlia- song + Bo till the end, when Life's dim shidows ment.” And in the dusk where foll the flrelight gleam, fall, | + = J Softly it wove iteelf into our dream, Love will be found the sweetest song of all. A Prowororre Recrrat of interest to Fito Just a song of twilight, when the hghte are Just a song at twilight, when the lights ore listeners will be broadcast from the. Dundes lore, Low, Station on Friday, September 18th, when Mr. And the flick’ring shadows soitly come and And the fliek'ring shidows softly tome snd Drake Rimmer, the pisnist-composer, will play rth, EC, Though the heart be weary, eacl the dayand Though the heart be weary, sadtho day a number of his own compositions, meluding long, ond long, “The Spring Song,” and the fret movement Still to us at twilight comes Love's old song, Still to ns at twilight. comes Love's old song, froni the Concerto nC, Comes Love's old aweet song. Comes Love's Old ewtetsong,

q7i . = aie TIMES SEerE MBER 4am 18,

———————— ee i

What a difference broadcast music. song and interest makes to familylife. Greater still will become the added pleasures of radio nowthat the Ster- ling Mellovox is here, A loud speaker supremely perfect in performance, oracefully artistic in design and offered at a price that makes the luxury of its reproduction and appearance avail- Introducing Ty Miss Mecllowaw, ableto every radioist. “s 7 Aterrgy Adies Mriforas haw ———\ heer Chaar be deretity ia fhe

ce “haBg adheringAfellapax tlyLaw!weriias Speaheral fhe Hear it today at your radio dealers. ! We whol see her making fhe Be. generddy o Gils deighler a Pheri, if piedeuts, of =" danced, Aerie, there, aad id ree rmchpre MELLOVOX Loud Speaker.

= =, THE STERLING MELLOVWOX ja artieti- caliy finished in brown, bale of purple with Horad dirsiges oh ie diaplrragin. 2KM ohana -48)-itmvaner, PRIGE- - An ideal combinction eth dhe Jomaowe MARCONIPHONE V4. (ibn rated herd ow j com - Prick,want hy all SCCmiPorios, PAchia-£34:4:8 Aft your deolers

ARMA T i h Wireless Ex- i] Arbitien, Rovel Albert Hall, Sept. 12 ta 23, | i975. Coma afongtoStancda ae/a2

Sole Agents : THE MARCONIPHONE COMPANY, LIMITED, 210-212, Tottenham Court Road, London, W.!

= T ren — F a —_ E a=

Serrewann ‘rn, 1825. | —— RADIO TIMES —- arg ee —— ——

(Continued from the previous colamn.) - Leeds—Bradford Edinburgh Programme. — { JOHN COLLINSON, 2EH 328 M. ful Bongs: Programme. “Team le Bantwa'ne ~ Week Beginning Sunday, September6th. Madibane Cee, arr. Curtis 2L5 346 M. 310 M. a Miaurapaya NU?" Love Song Li | . Bullock Week Beginning Sunday, September 6th.) SUNDAY, September 6th. (With "Tom-tom Accompininmant. 3, SF, Progranpie 4B, free Landoa, (Mr. Collineon will describe: the conditions SUNDAY, September 6th. nnder whieh these Folk. Songs are sung.) 3.00--5.30.— Programme SB. from Londen, B30, Studin Service. Fart I. Ol, LE“ON ARD ROBERTS. 8. Li, 10-2), rege ninee 8. Freer London, Berviee, * Harlequin” wiket Sanderann Relayed from * of Glenwair : . Graken Oueon Street Chapel, Leeds MONDAY, September 7th. “ Commedes of Mime io... Ww. &. Jones Addrese by the $.0-4.0.—-The Station Pianoforte Tre. 0. 10, MARGARET ANDERSON, Rev, E. LEWIS, f.0.—Attemoon Topica, ThreeNegro Spiritual Sarr, Bu rbeagh $..15.—CHI LDREN 'S. CORSE “Deep River ™;> “Swing Low, Sweet , (- 10. 30,—Programme Bow. from Londo, fi 0 50), a ners: Leet erta. Charpaot ™ Lai Dicky 't Dt Roan? 7" — 6.40. — Prograinme fate fren Jendan, 0h, THE DANCE ORCHESTRA, MONDAY, September 7th. £0. — Programe SOB. from Giapoe. In Selections from their Repertoire,

1.0-10,45.— Programme S.Be from Londan, 6,00, LEONARD ROBERTS and 2.46—3.45.—Thebo Station Trea, Ge DAVID MILNER. 45.—CHILDREN'A: CORNER: U hele. Bob's TUESDAY, September &h. “ Love, Could [Only Tell Thee.” .. .. Capel Evening of Sang and Story. 11.30-19,30.— Gramophone Records ‘and Andrew " Me and Ma. Litthe Banjo.” -.. Gaply : 20,—Children’s Latters, Simipeon, { ‘Tonor} * Lowe's Old Bweet Gong”... aes Matloy 6.25.—"Teana’ Corian. +04.) —The Station Pinnoforte Tne, $.40, THE DANCE ORCHESTRA. pr— Progra & A. from facaon 5.0.—Afternoon Topics. In Selections fromther Repertoire. 40.—Mr. RK. , MEADOWS : * Salearmanchip— hh. CHILDREN '§ CORN ER, A Brienne aud an Art," 8.40, DAVID MILNER. fi 58,0. Ch einen‘eLetters. 8. 0-14a— Proprantie Ak, from Londen. ¥ Aiumgarion Rhapanty,”” vo. 6,40-11.30,—Progrmmine Si. fron Deadon, 10.45-11.15. Experimental Transmission fer Lian. on. oar Ama < WEDNESDAY, September 9th. Campion Carnival * Morley, arr. J, A. Tromer TUESDAY, September Sth. | L041. — The BistPanotorte Tria, reed dk. Law . Rare bay, er, Jfolaer §.0.—Afternaon. "Tapes. 11.30-12.30.— The Harrogate Royal «Baths 1.0—WERATHER: FORECAST and NEWS. 6, 16,—GHILDREN'S CORNER, Quartet, relayed fram Harrogate, So8. from London. 60-6, —COhikiren's Letters, 4,15.—Wilfred ee Kemp's Cridenon Danes Riation Director's Talk, 6,40,.—Progranuse So. fronts Loudon, Band, rolayed from the Majesiin Heo Local News, 735—Me. J: S&S. CHISHOLM: Horticuliiaral taurant, Leeda, Talk, 10,15 tehe Pregeanune S. Bifrom: London, 5.15.— Afternoon Topica. 1 7.40.—The Kev. BDW: ‘RD BRUCE KIRKE, 6.45. _CHILDRENS CORNER : cal aud is. frere Celecepay SATURDAY, September 12th. Dramatic Eveningby Une » Masx Bulk Progerpeut Sy, Bi. 545finpl Landa. Hy 0-4.0.— The Station Pianoforte Trio. i. 20),—ldinen'a Lebhere. 16, 45—1 2, ‘THE ROMANY REVELLERS,” Gi, 0.—Aftermnoon Topics. f.40.— Programme 2.8, from London. from the Dunetiin Palaia ds Daneo. By 1f.—CHILDREN'S CORNE 7.4)—Major A. EE BEATTIE, M.LAES oh, fi O—6.0,—Children ‘a Letters. M. Inet. "T. A Chatto Motorists. THURSDAY, September 10th. i.40-12.0,—‘t Programm: 8.8. from Landon, 0.0-11,30,.—Programme S28 from London,

14, 30-1330: Girumopheorys Heenrds, ne a T.0—4.0,.—-The Station FPianofortie Trio, WEDNESDAY,September 9th. 5,10,—Affiernonn Topica. (Continued fromcolumn 3.) 11.90-12.90.— f.15—CHILDRERN SE CORNER, Music, ~ From Far and Near. 4.0-5,.0,—Sipgnor Calafoani and hie Orchestra, 5.50~#.0.—Chiltiren's Letters, THE ERO TRIC. 40-11. 30. — Pregrop ine oo. fron Jordan, relayed from the Seala Theatre, Leeda, | THE “2E8" FIRESIGE .PLATERS : 5.45.—CHILDRER'’S CORNER : An Excursion FRIDAY, September 11th, Under the Direction of with Auntia Mora, ' CLIFFORD BEAN, 6.20.—Children‘a Latters, 2f+0-—The Btation. Paanoforie Trio, 8.0). THE TRIO. 6.25,—"Teona’ Corner, 5.0.—Afcxreiton Topics: Suite, “Sylvan Beenes " ..Percy Fletcher (.40.—Programme 8). from London, f.15.—CHILDREN'S CORNER, 6.10.—We shall take you round the British 7.45.—Horticaltural Tatk, 5.50 ~6.0,— Children’s Letters. (.40.—Pregamme Soi. froDonde, Isles for an hour, and let you hear what 7.40.—" On My Anvil,” by the Bmilesmith, JOHN COLLINSON (Tenor) other Relay Stations are dog. $.0-10.45.--——Programme 8.8. fron London. in @ BReeqial of Folk Songs of the Colonies, $10. “ Filtered Philosophy,’ by the Alchemist, MARGARET ANDERSON (Contralto}, 8.15. THE ‘TRIM), THURSDAY, September 10th. ; LEONARD ROBERTS AND DAVID Suite, " Cobweh Cpastle "",. Liaw Debra 11,30-12,30.—The~ Harrogate Royal Bathe MILNER o.2b. The Players in a Banjo and Song Recitul. Quartet, relayed from Harrogate. ! Present 4.0-5.0.—Signor Calamani and hig Orchestra, THE EUTERFE DANCE ORCHESTRA, "OLD PIERROT." Part-I, b relayed from the Scala Theatre, Leeda, | A Cameo in Two Seenea. Bt, JOHN COLLINSON. 5.15.—Afternoon 'Toplos By Clifferd Bean. 6.45. ri DREN'S CORNER : A Fairy Play, Australn—Aboriginal Folk Sone; Characters : ‘Ait Wya-boo-ka ("The Turtle Song '*) by Uncle Theepre, iim the order of their appearance,) 6.20.—Children’s Lettera, (As Sung by the Wellington Valley Tirrbe Ciel Pagrigb vas e's CLIFFORD BEAN of Australia}. 4.25,—Teens’ Corner, Young Pierrét ...--; GEORGE WRIGHT 6.40.—Programme SB. from Leiden, “ Dital, Eital, Baloonal The Stranger .....++- DORIS NICHOLS arr. Monfeque Clayton 7.40,— Beoute’ Comer: “The Log of # Belgion THE TRIO. “ Walteing Matilda” bay delta ere Carey 8.50, Hike,” by EK, ROBRERTS; Suite, “ Sununer Days” ae erie Contes ™ Beneath the ona” Herbert Olver S.0-11.30—Progranune 4B. fron Loitun, 6.12, MARGARET ANDERSON. 10.0.— WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS. STEN: CMR CRM icc ro oeoa Sthubert S.B. from London, LCPceee a eee wnt Local Never. FRIDAY, September lith. “The Sandman ..2...<.0 2 _ pHa MIs WILFRED G. REMP’S 11,30-12,90,— Music. B22 JOHN OORLINSON, CRITERION DANCE BAND. 3.d0-4.0,—Talk to Local Bchoole: Mr,-Herbert Africa—Zulu Songs : Relayed. from the Bardgett on“ MusienlAppreciation.” “ Tga'ma lo Kusi'ne * Majesinc Restaurant, Leeds, 4.15-5.15,-—Wilfred G. Kemp's Criterion Danca Moadiknne Cede, eer. Chertia Bond, relayed from the Majestic * Tea moa le ‘Mp 4 “(* Song of War **) SATURDAY, September 12th. Restacrant, Dood. §.45.—CAT LORES CORNER: Auntie Trell’s Afadiibahe Cele er, Cra 11,.30-12.30.—The -Harrocsate Royal Bathis (With Tom-tom Aceompaniment, ) Eyoning, Quartat, relayed from, Harrogate, 6.20,.—Cinldren's Letters. i Jolonial- =Dutch + 2.45-3.45.—Tho Station Trio. "Mij mattras ‘n jou combeira.” 6.25,— "Toona’ Comer, 8.32. MARGARET ANDERSON, 6.45.— CHILDREN'S CORNER Visitors’ Day, 6.40.—.Progranma 8.8. from London, “The Oak and the Ash ™ i. Old Bnghoh é.20.—Children’s Letters. 7.40.—Mr, H. CROWTHER, ‘F.R.M.S., F.2.8.; * Golden Days. 444020001 ees: Sellceen 6.25.—"Teens’ Corner : Shakespeare," by “Wild Neture m Yorkshire—(1) ™ a& “Lit There, My Late” se ee Meaettrnn Auntie Doll. Flowery Meadow,** (Continged in the next column.) 6.40-12.0.—Programme S.B. fron London. (Continued in the previous column.)

—- RADIO TIMES [Serremoen 4g, LoG5

—— a oe =r

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Sniren am, 1925t= — RADIO TIMES -—— dh sss = == — =a ——- ‘Liverpool Programme. (Continged from the precious column.) Nottingham Programme. Scene I.—A Vietorin Drawing Room: 185, 6LV 315 M. The Manion .. BARBARA CLEMENTS 5NG 326 M. Week Beginning Sunday, September 6th. The Chaperon ...... MARVEL HULME Week Beginning Sunday, September 6th. Thea Binbor -PHILIP HERBERT Soene [L—A Lounge Hall ; 1825. SUNDAY, September 6th. Teddta cia. ess DARBARA CLEMENTS SUNDAY, September 6th. cer 48, from Levon,r 4.30-6.50.—FProgrmme: 8B. fron Dondon, ee ace kas -PHILIF HARPER §,30—5.30.— Bel, —Religious Bervics Jrom Styclicn, Addrezs Poor Old Fut haetf ....4WALTER #BHONE by the Rey. CELESTINE SHEPPARD, 8, a0, Services i the Studio, Presenberd by the Anthor, foul, the Ring of O.8.68., of St. Anne's, Edge Hill: o.10, THE ORCHESTERA. Hymna, “ Praise, My Heaven.” Prayer, Lesson. 0.0- Fh. 3,.— Progen 2B, frown Condon, Sure,“ Wales hy Moanhirht i... Thema Anthem, “There ipa Green Hill (Somerset). 9.95: LEWts JAMES, MONDAY, September 7th. Address by tho Rey. ALEXANDER Three Cavalier Songa - Sianford 11. 80-12. 30, Grarmoaphione Lerturs Reeital bey MANN, j Moses Baris. “Rimi, Marching Song of the Norman Hymn, “Fathar in High Heaven Dwelling.” BRN eign Ee emeataeh chiara na ianeriiads 4.0.-—Harold Gee and. his GQreleatra, from the Benediction. The Sevenfold 9.55, cd THE ORCHE“oT RA. Amon. Triealoro Oienmd. (The Gastle Gate Congregational Church f.0, Alterac, Topies. * he Laughing avalier ieee TE coupe Choir will attend.) fhilth—CHILDREN'S CORNER. Site, “* In Daye at Old” _ Hall 1.0-T0.).— Programme S28. from London, O0.—Patrisoy and hia Onrehestra, irom the 16.8WEATHER FOREC,AST. and NE Ws, Eyturiet (imerma. ' SB. from Doudon. Laval Nowa, MONDAY, September ith. 6.3041.40,—An Appeal on behall of the Liver- War. 11.30-12.30,— Midday Tranamisson. pool Heart Hotpital, hy Col. Rea. 2.4—"The Seale Pivebuore Theatre Orehesira : 1k 15, THE ORCHESTRA, (.40-10).45.— Programme 3.8. from Londo. Overture, “* The Fiege of Rochelle” .. Bnalfe Musies! Director, Andrew Juma, TUESDAY, September 8th. LEWYS JAMES with ORCHESTRA, 445, A fternoon Topics, : “When the Fang Went Forth to War ~ 5.15.—-CHILDRENS CORNER. 4.0.—Afternoon Topica. 4.50,— Children's Far enrccen Jobers, 4:75,—The 6tation Pianeforte Gnartet, and $.0—8.1.— Station Topins. PhyTits Cooper-T heasy is {Soprano}. SA Wer fe aa Elgecr 6.4(}-10.45.—Programme SLB, from London, 6.15.—_CHILDREN'S CORNER. THE: ORCHESTRA. 6.0,— Gaillard and hie Orchestra, from the Overtore, “ The Merry War os... Sires TUESDAY, September 8th. Beale Super Cinema. i455. — Chose clown, 11 1?.30.—Midday Transmtasicn, Ta} 11.30.— Programme 5.8. from London, SATURDAY, September 12th. 4.44.- —Lyons’ Orchestra t Conduébor, Hracsay Exton. — WEDNESDAY, September th. .0.—Harokl Geeand hia Orchestra, from the 4.45:—Afternoon "Tayi 1iQ-12.0.—Midday Concert. .- Trocadero Cmena, 5.15. — 1. “CHILDREN'SCORNER. 1.0. -Afternoain Topies : Mr. Tames DB. Gacon 5.0,—Afternoon Topies : Jean Whitiord on “The 5. oo. hile as Lethe, on Aerial Fhotography.”* Advantages of the Autumn Holiday.’ “ io-8. 1. —“Tenna" Donner, 4.16.—Patrizov and hia Orchestra, from the §.15.—CHILDREN'S CORNER, Futoriet Cinema. #.40.—Programme SB. from Londen. O.—Patrieovy and this ChelcL Fuh, from the 7.40.—Mr. FRANK HEALED: “ The Dalee of CHILDREN'S CORNER. Futurist Cine, G1 Derbyshire.” a t-’—Harold Gee ond his Orchestra, from. the 7.0-12.0,— Programme SOE from Loner. 8.0—11.90.—Programme 8.8, from Dorion, Trocaderns Cinema. é.25.—Boye’ Brigade Eulletin. (Continued fromcolamn 3.) WEDNESDAY, September Sth. .30.— Tarek! Gee and hie Orchestra, india the DOROTHY BENNETT. 11.30-12.30.— Midday ‘Transmission. Trocadero (Cinema. ¥ 3.45.—Lyong’ Galt Orchestra: Conidyetor,

“Fhy Away, Pretty Moth.” SE 7.8.—Programe 28. from Denton \ Lisnee Lehn Hrassey Eyton, Charry Ripe ™ se ay 73h. — Station Direetor's Talk ane Hortienltural 4.45.— Afternoon. “Topica. Bulletin, JOHN AW hes”asAM. 5.15.—CHILDRES'S CORNER, NRCP oa natasha ve ‘ gence Grordiner Be 10.45,.— Programe. 3.8. from Jondom §).— (Children’s Leathers. “OV mab? aaseteens: woof Frefand 6.0—-4.10.—"Feons" Cornet. THURSDAY, September 10th. = When I Think Upon ieCG: Maidsig 6.40.-—Propanefran Lovidont. 4.0—Afberiodn "Topics, Miehaal Head 7.40.—Mr, NEIL WRIGHT. MUA. B.Ed., 4.15.—Giillard cand hie, Orchestra, from the JOSEPH EF. HEATH. " Public Opinion * (2). Biala Suppor Cy rer, Hiuninrans Prstitar ae Living Awinruala §.0-10.45.—Programne S.8. from London, 5.1. CHILDREN'S OORN ER. of the Wertd a EE Frege i.0—Patisov and bis Orchestra, irom the FREBE RIC iq HODGKINSON, THURSDAY, September 16th. Futurist Cinema. “Shumber Song’ sievccsv scree Quilter 11.30-12.50,—Midday Transmission. 1, 25.—Chiel Ginides” Bulletin. “WVakeApacha'... peteFan Biena 3.25.—Transmission. to Bchoole: Brig.-fen. 6.30.—Patrnizovy and his Orchestra rom the DOROTH ¥ BEN N ET. J, K, Bagnall-Wild, ©.N.G., CLE LE., FuturCimema. The Designing of Aireratt”' 12), eesMr. Piper a* spares Ghseer ee Peer Curran 7.40-11.30,—Programme 88, from london, 45.—The Scala Pictur Theatr Oreheecira : FRIDAY, September 11th. JOHN WIGHTMAN, Musical Director, Andrew Janes, 4) i3.45.—Tramemisasion fo Beboola: Dr, “Twilight Dt in" bas 4.45.—Cramophone Recor. J, FE. Wallace, on “ Musical Appresia- “A Leve Bong ..., John Wightman 5.15.—CHILDREN'S CORNER. fom (3). te “Tew keskury Rew ee 5.50.——Chilctren's Letters, 4.0.—Afternoon Topics: Mr. Edward P. JOSEPH. FE. HEATH. 6.0—8.10.—"Teens’ Corner. Genn on “Art and the "Pheatre " (2). Homerous Patter Bong, “ The Lighthouse 6.40—11.30.—Programme S.R. freoy London, 4,}8.—The Station String Quartet and Edith Beet aero A. Merson FRIDAY lith. Hunter (Solo Prancforte), FREDERICK HODUAKINSON. 11:30-19.90.-- Midday Pranamission, §.15,—CHILDREN'S CORNER SN ae cet vetea eee dase Kenneth Park 3.45.—Lyone" afd hestra: Conductor, 6.0—Gaillard and hit. Orchestra, from the UNE Fadi geese een cher earebiidcars Popper Brassey Eyton. Ecala Cine. | DOROTH Y¥ BENNETT. 4.45.—Aitemoon “Topies, 7.0.—Progromuna 8.8, from London, i. ™ Daman ented ee ee Siren 515, CHILDREN'S CORNER. 7.40.—"""Fhe Liverpool! Hiver (i), by Mr. E. id Ma Lattle Banjo’ i ee WFaddterana Diehnwed 5... Children's Lebbers. RUSSELL BRADY, 10.0.—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS. (.0—6,.10,.— "Ties? Donna, LEWYS JAMES {Barrhone). S.B. fom Loufon, Local News. 6.40.— Programme 8.8. from Tendon. THE STATION REPERTORY 1.15. JOHN WIGHTMAN. “T Hearn. You Singing ”...;.. Eric Coates A Ballad Concert. PLAYERS. DOROTHY BENNETT (Soprane) THE ATATION ORCHEATRA: "Let My Youre Rimg Ohi."token Wtyhineae “The Daughter of Peg" eeolitional JOHN WIGHTMAN /Barit one} Uniter the Direction of FREDERICH HODGRINSON.Jel!ln}. FREDERICE. BROWN, JOSEPH E. aerH. Two Light Humorous Songs. JOSEPH EH. HEATH Romances. (Entertainer at. Piand), “What's Tt Got ToDoWith You +."* Tennent 4, THE ORCHESTRA. 4.6, JOHN WIGHTMAN. * Catch Mae... ae Afergaret Cooper Overture, “ Romeo and Juliet"... . Bellini Si PORTE - rhepesebeienndsnsedeceednna s Wolf DOROTHY “BENNETT, Buite, ‘Cyrano de Bergerac” ...,.Hesse “Ona vote poco Mm ™...... 00.. Rowini Deore nececacncceasceecsecesnses (OPER 8.28, LEWYS. . AMES, 10,45-11.0.—Interval. " Like a Bloseoming Lilae " ...... , Broduves “The Devout Lover”...Faleria Phat 1,.0-12.0.—THE SAVANNAS BAND, relayed JOSEPH BE. HEATH, “An Eriskay Love Lalt “Kennedy. Fraser from the Palais de Danse. MCne aw hav al itiptete ayers i. Fond “Jrmneh LoveSong tiene, JVGee * The Country's the Place for Me™ 8.36. THE ORCHESTRA. SATURDAY, September 12th. Serncale Aaiet Idyll for Strings, “Devotion Rustique’’ Matt 45.—The Savannag Hand, FREDERICK HODGKINSON, 8.40, TWO PROPOSALS. SelCHILDREN'S CORNER, 5 CeoA scans eorsadllies Frank Britige A Comedy of Contrasts by 60,iThaldren's Lebbers. EDWARD P. GENN. 0-6, 10.-—"Teena’ Corer. OO Cer i cicwiaiewescedeaeoan. eer Ord

(Contineed in thenext column.) oS 40-12.0.— Progremmne 3. B. from Leniion, {Continged ta the precions colamn.)

— RADIO TIMES —— [Btrrempen dra, 15925.



—a centenarian among Valves! PHO LP

UR morning mail would be exceptional if it Ally such a wonderful filament to the Cossor

didnot containat least one letter from some construction and you'll readily appreciate why HEI enthusiastic Cossor user commenting pon the Wuncell gives a standard o f performance the long life of his valve. Among our most which has not yet been approached by any treasured possessions. are these hundreds of other valve, ; letters—each one of which has been written LPS spontaneously to express the writers keen The essential features of every Cossor Valye— approval of the satisfactory service he has received. irrespective ot type—are its hood-shaped (rid and Anode and its arched hlament. As every Typical among: them is the following from wireless enthusiast knows, the action of the Mr.H. Hayward, of 9 Daisy Gardens, Dagenham, a-electrode valve depends upon an eflective use Fasex, He writes as follows : being made of the electron streamgiven offby the heated filament. Previous to the introduction of FTE “ On looking through one of your ads. in * Modern the Cossor this had alwavs been done by means Wireless ' aT few days thik nel rote the chatnis of a spiral grid and a tubular anode, But

of some ofyour users, [think T ought to bring to obviously such a design suffers from severe FIT your notice the performance af one of your valves, limitations on account of considerable leakage of tT bought tesin July £923, and after using u electrons from each end of the anode. In the practically 4 hours per night on the average, ane Cossor, on the other hand, the arched filament more so during week-ends, it has just given up the 1s almost lotally enclosed by the hood-shaped TFT ghost. f reckon the life of this valve at about Grid and Anode, and few, if anv, of the electrons 4000 hours. Gan anyone beat ims? fwon'e Sat) can escape. any more! The Waneell Dull Emitter incorporates every PP But if the Cossor bright emitter is reckoned to salient Cossor feature. It functions at 1-8 volts, 0ssess a long working life, then truly the Wuncell while its current consumption is only °3 amp.—

Dull Emitter is a centenarian among valves. so low as to enable the standard aix-yolt: accumu- FFE Here is a valve which is fitted with an entirely lator. with its cells connected in parallel, to last new typeof filament—one which can be obtained Hix HIMes as leone as with bright emitter valves, The in no other valve. man. changing over to Wunecells from ordinary valves, therefore, gets an additional fire aweelrs’ Ss A filament which, instead of beme whittled down Broadcasting free of cost every time he has his to an exceptional thinness te obtain low current accumulator charged. consumption, is actually built up feyer upon layer until it 15 practically as stout as that used in a So that. not only de you get a long-life valve bright emitter valve. A filament which, mounted when you choose the Wuneell, but you effect in arch formation and further secured at its centre tremendous economies as well. In the face of by a third support, will readily withstand all the such incontrovertible facts canyou delay buying shocks and ists of everyday use. A filament, Wuneells any longer? In two types: WL foruse moreover, that owing to its Ene method of as a Detector or LF. amplifier, and W2 {with manufacture gives off an intensely powerful red top) for use asa high-frequency amplifier. electron stream when barely glowing. 14). each fromall Wireless Dealers. PPPS


A.C. COSSOR LTD.—Highbury Grove, London, N.5 et


Cr Giltert Ad, OP

= Week .90-§.00,—Pregramme 7.40.—Mr. 6.30.—Ermest 6.15,—Ohildren’s 4.15,— 4.0.— 9.0-10.30.— £.15.—Stadio 7.0.— 6.20,—Ernest 6.20-0.0, §.18.—Chikdren’s 4.15,—Albert 4.0.— .30.—Talke 70-1 6.30, B.0- 7 6.20.—Ernest 5,205.0, $.15.—Children’s 4. 4.0. 6.0-11.90,—Preqranune 7.40.—"' 7, 6,30.—Ernest 6. 4.20.— 5.1 4.1 th, 7.0-16,43,— §.20—6.0,— 11,90-12.40.— BO. 5 hill oe 7140,—Mr, 11,.30-12.40.— Serremnen ohh ohh 0. 0, 1-6.10.— 1h.— - Plymouth 6.— i§.— _ —Altiernoon, March, Bong Maréh, Overtare, Marth, March, Naval —A —_ Aur Army: Navy March, (By 1). “ 4. —Albert bs —Ernest - LO. Programme Progr Afternoon PP Afternoon, Afternoon Soldiers” Albert vice Eh Cusbome Albert Beginning Viveniiéve cott, CHILDREN'S relayed from PAGE, (2). “Adventaire i (hitdren’s England Children's Albert 45,— "rogramme (Continued Thermo, WEDNESDAY, BAND Force: permission —CHILDREN'S THURSDAY, The UB — TUESDAY, Cycle, : MONDAY, SUNDAY, FRIDAY, J,.5. CHILDREN'S CHILDREN'S Pos” Patrol, Boy Programme .E. A. Od *" " Programme One Programme Programnit the “The “John FBO: Musical MURIEL PERCY Manin “ to SLC., Royal SPY oe Colonel Fullbrook Se, Manning Gramophone Fulibrook Fullbrook Gramophone FPullbrogk “ Manning Manning Manning from Fullbrook Servieo: 41n, BRIGAD On cee MURIEL Chorus LDREN'S B.A. Somite’ Manning OF "" MATTHIAS Gohorks “* veretataitica Royal Light "Talk, “A Falk. Talk, Talk. Tak. PERCY “ SB. 3, Letters. Letters. Fine (2), Letters, Letters. Letters. Comiradeg (1). ") Contemptibles. “’ THE THE the Four Sunday, THE T.D., KELSEY: in ep B. Hymn Stories THE the the 1925. Air Bull" The Interlude. Britain's September September September Programme. LYNCH the Bogey from September Cavalry" fram from CORNER, Day” September ™ Lieut.-Col, 2.5.44. Hotel. HOLMES * and March 8.8. Oa. September &.8, Street,” Bulletin. S.B. and + 5B. and. Sf. and New dea Force” and and E, and ane Address i fn Crate BAND. Songs Forces. and BANT. and BAND. Mr. LYNCH. next HOLMES. 338 CORNER. and CORNER. for DEVON CORNER. CORNER. boretatatale aed Records, and Fast,’ R.A. lis Records, London. Eondan, Lorde, from from his bis from jis from ....22224++5 : from (‘* fron Palladium his his September hin boa ais Aviators” Officers, By ™ his First “ M, column.) a Trades,’ Orchestra, (Tenor), Madame of waa pull Mr. by Orchestra. hia Orchestra, Orchestra, * Quaint Their 11th. (* 6th. Tris. Trio, Trio, Tris, A. 7th...... , (T,). The London. Sth. Loadoi. by Londen, neeeaee (Soprano), London, E. 10th. London, Trio, "} London, “CASSIUS! 9th. theAir Songs beatyiar HEAVY FE. J. Line vee rid Orchestra, at 8, Mr. ss . ) a+ ia Walling «» Wilieme E. a Liong Cinenso. Chinese 2 relayed Butter- Goured Sankey Rogers, ™ Contes Alers Suppe Alford ileaer A. Oliver of Web Parry Enyali- 2 6th. Ser- EERE La 5. oft = {

r §.0-12.0.— 14.—" 6.40 PE 4A.15,—CHILDREN'S 5.0.—Aftermoon 4.0.—rchestra, 7.0-12.0,— 6.20,— fi. i. 4, 4. 10.40. 10.15. 10.0.—WEATHER 9.0, 10 10.0—WEATHER a, 20-6.0. i ] 1—Albert "4 5, 45.—(Cloee 15, (Continued Coret Belection, Cornet ne “ Fox-trot, hee Valse, One-atep, Fox-trot, Fox-trot, One-step, Liecal Comet Descriptive “Tye “ “A “ “The pane. “| “AngelsEver“Melieande “ “The AP “On "Laebesfredd Ist “Ty Ad os Valse,“ Fox-trot, Heniy Valse, Fox-irot, Ist : Fox-irat, -Afiernsdn Grand —lhildiven's Woodland —Clese: Butterfly My Down ier Mow SOB. (a) SH. Elo Ernest a Heor Movement Brown Movement SATURDAY, — SATURDAY, eens The Dawei Summertime (Contiaged ogranwnie eek {Bolmet (Solaiet Wings An A’ambition Programme ee (Soloist News. Mill Programme CHILDREN'S Sct. eo Solo: Weather Ken “ Jinunia “I from Bolo: from Dovis, aa” ! Hagg.™ ed Bolo, Military im When Oh, He elias a chown. Harry Manning Harvest. down. “ e THE Fullbrook “ * “ " “IndianLove RAWO Error THE z “* in Thrmh Bird MURIEL Love “1 the W. Jolin Wings” from Peter CISSIE eee Bouquet ‘The I'm Tessie, ‘Talk, Piece, Martial PERCY Topics. relayed : San Brook of London, How im Pictures,” ha Tasiters. MAVIE “A London, : : the Violin ow S.8, ‘The the Want THE THE sh J. of eee “Come THE - “ PARR You ™ of Band-Sci. Band-Set. Forest Ede Bright Bone™ Afouacs the Somewhere Band-Spt. Feeling SYN ‘Sargern FORECAST S¥NCOPATERS., Carlton Only, one FORECAST

the Porfect Peel Tattoo fram leeeitecie Sonata Black of Franciseo Pan.".,,.Bay “ nea FE CORNER, Burke on 3.8, September SB. September POULTON. I at. thd of from ond By Joking Step by cree aes Moon and Wood" esee Mice Moments™ Recital. FAIREST. Minor BAND. TIMES from Sunshine” previews and OOPATERS, GAND, BAND. To Judgment; Bredon LYNC HOLMES. Eve and BACTA. .... pa “ a CORA arr, Pictures. sence column : Only from abel from Local he and his ...... the Forest". Inte ee 1 1 eee or. ond Day London. Be ™ eee and Blue Teasing im Quiet .. Call” and eda You Montague Jus W. Were W.PARR.) Set. Hath and ™ bie cel“Sas the ae D. Concerto W. Orchesira, ....+...

i a Swanee H. ao Shipley peti. Fair’ Sandon Awbrey: One™ ae London. err, London, ER, * Harry we...... » t ee Charles ee Trin, a News, Harry ...... se W, a ee column.) 12th 12th. PARR.) Voice the Grand To-Night and Mark vee W. and PARE.) 2. 3.) Jacobse. Mendelasohn Mendeissotn Seventeen Reased eek Traditiencl Eve—(13): ....., eb H: SOOM me Myddleton .Pulenberg Henderson Me™ ..Filetcher eae ts SMITH.) ee Benedict . (b)

aa. Week 6.40-10.45.— 6.0.—Gramophone 5,.50,— §.15.—CHILDREN'S 5.0, 4.0.—Orchestra, 11.30-12,0.-- |= i.01,—Gramophome 5.30.—-(Ghildien 5.15, 5.0.— 1.0-41.0.—Gramophong 6,40-11.30.— (.0,— 5, 4 5,0.— 41.—Orchestes, 11.30-12.30,—Gramephone 8.0, 6.40,— é 3.6f:—Chikdren'’s a. 5.0.—Aftermoon 40.—Orchedtra, 11.30-13.30,—Gramephone 6.40—11.30.—Progranuas 6.0,—Gramophona 5.0, 5.15. 6.0.—Aftermaim, 4.1).— 4.0. 7.40,.— 7.35,—Horticultural 6.4.—Pregranne 11,30-12.30.— 11, 1,0-10.45.—$ 4,—Chileiren’s 0.— 15,—CHILDRENS 14. — 30-12.30.— Sheffield is “ ae Poem, tae ‘In “The o * ate * “Bonga te —CHILDRE CHILDREN'S waphe ‘ Afternoon Gramophone AP Orchestra HERMAN Afternoon (Cram ‘Tine Adondis ee dune Selmi, Daffodils Bright Sunset Station Beginning The T. Windle, (Continged Selmi, CHILDREN'S Programm Children's THE Children’s HILDA Relayed eee Talk THURSDAY, WEDNESDAY, STANLEY a CIa8Le Town & MONDAY, TUESDAY, SUNDAY, FRIDAY, “'The ane a pittle Comme Three E * J. IVY Pras Programa HILDA Programmds BESSIE Programme relayed Gramophone 6FL My HILDA Is FACE relayed. eee STANLEY on BTANLEY Gramophone the and Pale Gramophone Roberts, * relayed Dirvetor's "a Se A-Blowing relayed ‘Topics. BESSIE ints the ‘Topi under ogDance Song "Ef from ‘Topics. Topica wuigler Green (An Ages-of under Letters, Poetry Mother POULTON Letters. Wooten DAREWSKI Letters, FAIREST Lotters, Letters. Game 4.7. 8.8. Sunday, ede inthe Records. Fecords. Fecords, Dawn Roocords, Records, of from a Ring BECKETT September Talic, September September Boe Programme. — Bragrdlbnzeas MARY MARY BAND: September CORNER, CORNER, Cradia Elegy) eee The CORNER. ‘ a BARITZ CORNE CORNER, September Recital kei from from the from Balcony i the Ltd. from September the oste ata Dream" of aerate 8.8. S.B, 8.8. 8.8. SB. previous with Taught 301 Man, BARITZ. Talk. BECKETT BECKETT. Legged of the " SY = Revords. Spa, Direction Records. Life” Reeords, Records, Reoords. Direction Direction London, London, the September poe Words (Sopranc), .. the from ...... Bong" from ...... SM! E from from from SMITH. M. Ft. Grand claes Hiustrations, by ee Grand ° NCOPATERS. .... MR as AND 6th. (Talk). Café 7th. 11th. Bridlington, : ee Albert &ih. Mo” Fiddler Gantralt colomn.) 10th. Monee f .. ssh .... pr Londen. : Lowden, Lovdoris Londen. Sth. Loncon, " 27 or FP, A, W. E. ; A. i, of Hotel, of Hotel, Somervell oie of cae HIS of ee Altiteen; * A. German Meters, Borrott Ronald Shania JDgerak Hall, Aight Hea i Danto Quelter Bisrita, HO}, Coates i "Peel Dante John lis 6th, t f % ie Tait, : | * i | i | | ' | 1 | !

of _

4a —— RADIO TIMES —— [Serreamen dem, 1035,

re = eeeMm OF + ieekgae gt ogeaeSeoe eS4 ahae Ateee OLHint I rym :

“e 4 Ona Clean Rug SS bride When you seethe Grand in Prize Eureka (with ite bag off) passed over one little apot on one of your rugs, =u will be surprised—per- haps astounded — mt the amount of embedded dirt thatwill be discharged. This convincing best clearly proves the remarkable efficiency vl the Eureka “High-Vacuum” Principle of Cleaning. Letusmake this testomyour rugsandcarpets o


Powered Cleaning Help —~FREE FREE Do not miss a wonderlul We want every housewile ta opportunity of having a Grand learn what more than a million trial offer Prize Eureka for your use dur- Eureka usera already know- ing house-cleaning. with what amazing ease, Wherever you live you can have the Grand Prize thoroughness and speed the Why should -your house- high-powered Eureka performs Eureka in your home for cleaning be a work that you th free trial. Should you its great variety of cleaning decide that you want to 4 dread, when you can makeit tacks: ein bacane of sapes keep it, a special low pay- ment of £) down and very ‘8 ¥ a pleasure | iority that the Grand Pnze ‘easy terme are available, The woman who clings to Cleaner has repeatedly earned But remember this is a free in the old-fashioned method of for itself first place in the choice trial offer, You are placed ; om cleaning is only giving herself of world authorities in many under: no obligation by Bocepting it. = By)‘ long hours of unnecessary toil. lands. sh Hh 5 Old cleaning methods were This generous offer can be oFbh: good enoughas long as a better

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Berrempen 4ru, 1925.) — RADIO TIMES —.

Dundee Programme. 2DE 331 M. A BRITISH BATTLE CRUISER; ,_ Week Beginning Sunday, September 6th.

SUNDAY, September 6th. CT Hah, Programe 2, from Lenedon, 6.30).— Religivnm Bervioe: Conducted by the Rev. G. LESLIE THOMPSON, M.A., B.D. Gilfillan Memorial Church, f.0+ 1).30.—Prapranne 3B. from. (flaeqou. MON., Sept. 7th, THURS., Sept. Mth. 1).30-12.30.—Recital of New Gramophone Records. (Thurs.) 3.00), — Draften's Tea-Roon Orchestra, $.0.—Aftermocn Topics, f.05.—CHILDREN'S OORNER, eR), al keg Lester, 40.— Programme Su. from Lemdon. 6.0:.—Pregramme SB. from Gleagow. 1.0 onwarda.—Propranune SOE, from Dolor. TUESDAY, September 8th. 1L.30-12.30,—Recttial of New Gramiphone Reoords. 230 —Le Beale Picture Howse Orchestre : Mueical Director, Fred. A. Bell, 4.50,— Afternoon "Topics. f.15,—CHILDREN'S CORNER. , i.0-1,0,—Fy Children's Jathare, 6.40,-—Progranuneit, from London. 18.15.-11.30.—Pragromni 3.8. fron Ghee, H.M.S. Reputse WEDNESDAY, September 9th. a.30.—Lea Seala Piet ure Hiniwse Orehesiren : Miusieal Director, Fre. EK. Gell.

ie a — Afternoon Tepics. .15.— CHILDREN'S CORNER, On Land

ay Ht). —0hild pains Deoiters 6.40--7.35.—Programne 3.8. from Landen, 7,40. Pircigprecmeerne SUB. from Glaspece, 10.0—10.45.—Pragramone & 8, from London, FRIDAY, September 11th. a.20.—Lea Beala Picture House Orchestra: A iypical Graham Muncal Director, Freed KR. Bell, Loud Speabiou 4.30.— Afternoon Topice. Loud Speaking Telephone Apparatus Newl Telephkode, 6.15.—CHILDRERN'S CORNER. a: fiifitd on boned manufactured by THE HOUSE OF Ships of the Royal 6D —Children’s Letters. GRAHAM is used throughout the British Naw, 6.40.— Programme Si. from Londen. i Navy and adopted by many Foreign Swedith—Finnish—WNorwegian. Below Governments, as also by leading Shipping * STANDARD" JOHANNE LARSEN (Norwegian Model Boprenin|. Companies in all quarters of the Globe. CONSTANCE JENKINS (Pianoforte). With over thirty years’ pre-eminence in WILLIAM HARTLEY (Violin). every field of Loud Speaker application, THE STATION TRA, 6.0, THE TRIO. the utility, technical efficiency, and Norwegian Dance ....1..cccececsesseenes EPH reliability of Graham instruments are 8.15. ’ JOHANNE LARSEN. , conclusively demonstrated. Pas Boten dep Ber i...Oe Ball Bolyet iercea een e ec esedEPS Just as the misst exacting requirements of 6.25. WILLIAM HARTLEY. Navaland Maritime experts have-been acde- orienta vanes sevsecdbiatesedcsss sERGaEH quately. met production to meticulously B35. CONSTANCE JENKINS, accurate standards, so the present-day needs Lecture Recital on Swedish and Finnish of Radio reception have been fully satisfied in Composers. the evolution of the AMPLION Loud Spéaker, SWEDISH : " Boatman's- Song"; “Love Song ” Bhetehs yD eevee ree en Sjogren A Product of FINNISH : ldyil; Kytttke; Barcarolia; Valse... Sibelius The House of Graham Perireas snagpret dee es ba Melortin 0. JORANNE LARSEN. Recognised as the World's Standard “Der Shrek en Fugl™ ...... 0:0000 SPH Wireless Loud Speaker, £5. CONSTANCE JENEING and WILLIAM HARTLEY. Obainable from AMPLION STOCKISTS Bonwtain C Minor for Violin and Piano tirieg and Wireless Dealers Everywhere, Modern English. fh THE TRio. ALFRED GRAHAM & CoO, Miniatures (Nos. 7, Band f)... Frank Bridge a0. JOHANNE LARSEN. (E. A. GRAHAM), “The Blackbird'’s Song” ...... 0yril Senti St. Andrew's Works, Crofton Park, London, S.E.4 “The Glory of the Bea" ...... 00. Sanderson What's in theAir To-day? ...... den Dementirations pian daring borsiness hours al fh), THE TRIO. Wet End Showroom = - .- 35.8, Sevile Row, WI. “ Patite Soite Moderne ccc cceres enn Roane Soberbun Shoereen Je-82, High Street, Clapham, 5.4, 10.0-10.45.—Pregrammne 5.8. from Leadon,

SATURDAY, September 12th. 4.30,—Diraffan's Tea-Room Orchestra, 4.30.—Afternoon ‘Topics. 6, 15.—CHILDREN'S CORNER, 5.50-6.0.—Clildren's Letters. 6.40,— Programme SoH. from Doudon. 7.40.—" IDE "- Sports Comer. 2.(-12.0.—Programa 8.5. from Londen.

— _RapIO_TIMES Bepremnen 4a,12h aaa

A bigger and better Burndept range Send now for our latest Catalogue VERY man who takes a keen in- K. terest in the fascinating subject of wireless and wishes to keep in touch with the latest development of the science should write at once for the latest Burndept Catalogue which gives full particulars of the most extensive and

efhcient range of apparatus offered to the public, meluding everything from

components to complete installations. Because we specialise m wireless we are able to produce apparatus of unequalled E quality which can be guaranteed to give perfect results. f Many interesting changes. have taken s place in Burndept Apparatus and many novel features havebeen introduced. In 5 A NEWinvention of the Western the range of instruments, the Ethodyne, Electric Company, that will put a seven-valve superheterodyne receiver of . improved design, stands out prominently a new complexion on Loud Speaker as the finest set ever put on the market . reproduction. and the imtroduction of Burndept Super The “Kone” Loud Speaker, as its Valves is a notable event which will name implies, has been evolved by the arouse much attention; these valves are = guaranteed. As the important advances scientific application af two cones, with that have been made cannot all be the result that absolutely faithful repro- : indicated here, we strongly advise you duction is assured of every musical tosecure a copy of our latest catalogue note and complete freedom from the at the earliest opportunity.

caeae objectionable guttural tones associated Don’t miss the Burndept Exhibit at with most Loud Speakers of the horn the N.A.R.M._A.T. Wireless Exhibition type. at the Royal Albert Hall, Sept. Order yours now and save disappoint- 12th to 23rd. Stands 11 and 12, ment. Boxes 74 and 75.

Pi, Price £6 6s. Od. Western Electric Compony Limifed BURNDEPT CONNAUGHT HOUSE, ALDWYCH, W.C.2. Telephone: Central 738 (8 Tines), Horka = North Woolwich New Southgate.

Bexley Heath. Hendon. HEAD OFFICE: Aldine House, Bedford St., Branches :—Glasgow, Leeds, Neweasile, Manchester, Strand, W.C.2. Birmingham, Cardiff, Southampfon, Liverpool Teketese: Gerrard 42, Tider: Bamdeps, Westrand, Landon, aad Dublin. BRANCHES at Birmingham, Brighton, Brietal, Cardiff, Exeter, Glasgow, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, ~ Northampton and Nottingham. Wesfern FEJeckric

To Burndept Wireless, Limited, Aldine House, Bedford St., Strand, London, W.C.2. Please send me a copy of your latest catalogue. KONE spiaxee

PTA PPP hho ae = = poletae oP.3cellPeata a PeESSa a vccenspesyrianann anise ee Sedatnd Race cid ReSL RR hed Pe oem eden cepa "Radics Times,” Sept, 4h,

—SeeeS ee ee ee ee

i #15. fio, B46. B.1Lh. #0. 6.4). h.25-0.0.—CHILDRER'S §.16.—Children's 4.0-4,30.—Music 3.0.—Misice §.25-,.0.—CHILDREN'S §..15,—Children’s 4.0-+4.50,—Afternoaan 2.0,.— a. $.90—5.20. Week 4 6.40-11.30.— fh &: 4 30.—Herman | 7,.$5.—Horticultural’ 4. 5,25—0.0.—CHILDRES'S 4.04.30.—Atternoon o0.—Musie a 30-6 §.25—.0.—_ 6, 4.0-4.30,—Afternoon ao, 640-10 6.15.—Children'e " 25—_0.—CHI 30—10,90, 30,.-—Tranamission 16.—Chilciren’ 15.—Children's bj Serteunee a “The “ See (Continged ." “Infante * In Music 11.30. lo.45,— 0.—Afternoaon Hiern Pica Bhe Swans Parke Reine House. WILLIAM from Records. from Hecords. WILLIAM Programme KRecards. Rerords. House. “THE “INGOMAR WILLLAM -- House. Beginning Hull aS. WEDNESDAY, Presentations THURSDAY, — Songes" rogrannne FREDERICK. DAVIE TUESDAY, MONDAY, Alone FRIDAY, Programmes | SUNDAY, Boones Red “THE CHILDREN'S — Peers Holl The The deBaba Hunter’ rlayed relayed relayed Becnes 4 rayne Projronme 6KH Pregremine Eyes CODFREY-TURNER GODFREY Fiver” FREDERICK FREDERICK GCODFREY-TURNER. Dareweki arm, SCHOOLFOR Darewaki Mareh LDR Star Ss DAVID “The “0 in Charnmeth Spa, and ee Spe, Programme. Letters. Latter. Doel Leathers Letters, 7 By from Music AS Bound MILNER 3.8. aeniny LADY MACHKEADY MACKEADY column 1885.) (ftoberteon}. “CASTE” ERS. Sunday, Sheridan). 5 from Captain! September of to fram BR. from ** iter, from Bulletin. ional), September THE { the Afternoon September Present Topics W Prenent ‘I Bridlington, Topies September Topics September Laiien}. (Varied) ....cccces. Song of Bridlington. ] from the opine from Schools. ve ie TODD Great alts” September and 8.8. 30. $i. and MILNER. Set. amd S08. eee ".... Comedy -TERRNER Great Bea” : CORNER, 335 CORNER. OF the CORNER, | CORNER. the Society's the I, My rk ‘ORNE Romany BARBARIAN of Londo. (Bolo London, eal Plays. froin front TODD. TODD his Sh pron iis from page “il September Comingsiy and. and ane pa My Comodies, ‘adiudesasse LYONS Majestic rey. SCANDAL Sadnecs nicl Majestic Majestic M. .2..<.5.... the (Baritone), 11th. Topics. Playa. and und ...... 6th. and 7th. phiies Bond, Bund, 8th. Charlee 10th, aod onion, Captain Laon, Ez. Banjo). Gramophone Landon. Gramre Gramophone Cramecdphone London. Laas 493.) 9th. : Talk. Homeward * Sanderson EDN EDA EBEDNA wo ™ Drama. " fous Orepory Picture relayed on, Tt Justa? Quilter Piebure Preture Clarke Foster phone (“' Wood nye ™ A ™ 6th. La


Trpe single works quency efficient Thiscombines D.E.11


pathy the the Any ‘cello,

or voice Cosmos valve Proprietors high 2

S.P.18. successfully dry amplification

volt rectification

so and (Dal 12/6 BU METRO-VICK and


are of IILDINGS, accumulator Eeoitter remarkably

will : truth.

Metropelitan-Fickert A the valve, low

e h t

real offa Trpe) fit

with hidden and

fre- Cosmos

two your



all station

set—any the

power andlow advantages results. which “General This A.44

Elicerical Valves

valves, s g n i r t s in

valve. type the (Bright

LTD., gives with Company valve,

frequency It Purpose” 1/6 to one i¢ of will combines

LONDON, Price e r a an Emitter

CP your other +

valve. all brilliant Dol, excellent

render to

12/6 sym- valves high- valve

Type) set.

But the the 5.Wia 4a8 —— RADIO TIMES —

Young Sploester [ving of Turck. enhectrn, | Got stenals with mmply no kick. i cA Girt, We hardly feed! ean ‘Ties leek of Low Tension Coused Sylvester's signals te sicher. ‘rs, j & a P | | Vitis: Likes thie were ables hap. | ! i Peming A he gob ip toch with | RICHARDSON & WHITAKER ow Gee dorsi") hgae be rey i | his troeinery to eet his ace LETLUE- | } later thareed We ee OL that j for him: by calllag remand one | a week nnaa replacing las. bhatt rm with a folly charged cp

We should like to do the same | | Lot Aroig Our setvice, which in 1 | chides [ree tollectionanddelivery, | TRADE MIARK Reap. | i| CSS oO “More than ordinary i charging rates ond we save you «all | fie trowhle of carrying heave | | | Cite tors bevy, | i 1 We hate various rale chetaeen ase hi I fi ttt the needs ol all valve user it | whether thes have batteries ol ! | liber own or whether they wish to | hire thei: fron ye. '

i Whe nol abet a at ted feed: fe | | ‘‘ Never Had Such aun) NORMALS i] uae Fine Results.’’ \| || Richardson &Whitaker | | Battory Service Depe.. it 9 "| feel that I must add my tribute to your | Hl 78.8, Bowling Green Lone.S.E 1, | World By crystal ax / hate never had such fine results | PHOHE, HOP 1305 | aince | started to use same. | could never | I get Chelmsford on a crystal set, but got at He EP a 2 fit Y Greatest nice strength with your crystal as | now get = —— ee —— ! { ‘ Daventry (80 miles). One Thursday evening Mg 4 fe I got Madrid on a One-Valve Reflex with x a Ce) your crystal and last night Nottingham with RHEUMATISM, GOUT, KIDNEY DISEASE, | the same set. / shall use no other now,” SKIN TROUBLES, and other affections are caused or aggravated by EAD WATER ecne! ‘Testimonial No. vids Water that has ton much mineral matter (orn mend Syke of aa tee) io rt. Wisaiey people pet stitt in the joints, slow im the tirtwlation and wrinkled in the face withant sO much as suspecting the mater, Ask your Dealer All these dangers are in addition ta for it, TYPHOIDthe dangerFEVEReverviody(Enteric),romsCHOLERA,of petting&c., from drinking water that contains the Peri Of disease. Ttawas long thought that an analytical Chemist could: tell whether water was aife. Heooan mot: He can. tell won Sele Producers : whem Wwaber 14 Hery bod and arse rons brut he cannot bell vow eortaul whether water NEUTRON Ltd., 1s actually cafes On the other hand Scient- Sentinel House, is: agree that the mast fective way af Southampton Row, getting absolutely pure, palakable and. 5 af LONDON, W.C.1 water for drinking, cCodking, &¢., is by is tilhng iW, And * The Lancet, “The Hospital,” - " Pablie Health,” ancl other mecca) grik bys. fietic journals have tested to the Efficacy, ye Simplicity, anil eee Handiness of thi f=]2 PuRE-GEMWATER STILL. This Still. (sim- ple almost asa hebile) Poocoees sparkling, piire WileT, irte FrEo fram mineral impurities and

BORER disease perms. i prevents disease and pro- motes health. j Pamphtet post mis ——== free, The GEM SUPPLIES CO., Ltd. (Desk B.T.). 67, Southwark Soret, Landen, §.E.1.

. ServemMpen &ra, 1925.3 aoe RADIO: TIMES aSe

| = | | Swansea Programme. 5SX 482 M. ' Week Beginning Sunday, September 6th. SUNDAY, September 6th. | Fe cet, Programme Pe, Pree Cardiff. S50, Studio Service, — Me TER Programme QB Peed CVrrtttj. MONDAY, September 7th. 2 4b..-—A Ferment Topics, 4.0-5.0.—The Castle Cinema Orchestra, relayed ; : irom the Castl (Cinemie. Alusical Diresbor, dack Arnold, §.—CHILBDREN'S CORNER, i “The Post-Bag. { hci), —_Miesieal Lnberiacte, O.40— 10.45. —Proagrenme S.A fro London, TUESDAY, September §th. #+.0),— Gramophone Hecortts. 6.15.— CHL LOREEN S OORNER, i. 46.—" The Post. Bag.” Aa, 15, ——Miusical Interlude. ] 6.411 90,.— Programe}, Fi. Pren Laman. WEDNESDAY, September 9th. 14, Aftomeon Topocs. 4.0-5,0,—The Castle Cinema Orchestra. | 5. 1o.—CHAILDREN'S: CORNER. fil he Piet, Eig. 6.40), —Misical Tnterlucde, 6.15.—Talk to "Teens : Mr. BR. Hellyar, “ Natural History." iad Progranene Se: frewn LavatorFl. 7.40, Lt. «ol. WEAVER PRICE, of Brecon: ! on Bees," 1 8.1).— Pragranune §8, fron Cordifl hy | 10 ee SapAY.3 peor10h, C birthday Lie

I 44+ Ficlorar Rae Bt rae . marth. 456.00." The BontBag." bright iment 4hye§ 6.15.—Tilk te "Teens: MroG.C. &. Inpream on “Wild Birds of the Month," | j 6,40-11.30.—Progrenumne 88, Jrom Jaondon, ' FRIDAY, September 11th. 1 22). —T roaemestion to Schedles: Prof. F. W, j avannne pod Dr, A, i. Truvan: One Year ago— 4/50, Tho Castle Cinema Orehest ruil, relied e from ‘the Castle Cinema. Musial as the result of extensive exXpenience and research—the i Director, Jack Arnold, Mullard Radio Valve Co., Ltd., placed on the British filth, —CHILBRER'S CORNER. Radio Market q 6,45.—"* The Piet a Ao). —Mueeal Interlude, - ‘ $3 “ie oes fo Rugby Football,” WONDERFUL SINGLE RING H.F. AND L.F. VALVES. bar On. Alero. oi, fo Cari ie i 6.40. Programme &.B. from Landon, The striking departure of these remarkable bright filament Request Programme. — valves from the usual commonplace design and ‘performance Repeat Performance at immediately ! " BLODWEN.” ( WHITE FEOWER.) ] A Wese: Vipers im ‘Three Aebe, CLAIMED THE PUBLIC ATTENTION. 5 . The Miaio by Dr Joseph Parry. Welsh Words by Mrnvddog. : ae > a -: English Words by Prof. Rowlands { Brecon A year of heavy tribute has been paid to the College). Mdvted and Revised by Br D0, -Wiltiama, ROBUST CONSTRUCTION PURER TONE & . | Blodweb (Doaughterof Rhys Gwen, a Weleb INCREASED VOLUME GREATER RANGE OF | Hero supposed to have fallen in Battle) Peeir eanANNIEoaaeDAVESak(Soprano) MULLARD SINGLE RING MASTER VALVES. 7 OLIVE WILLLAMS Soprano)

1 weedy Miaelor M ATTI E | 1A ¥V ] ES ia "i “uit ralto) Re | R f H,F. Aah IPL.ATION. | Sor Howell Dhu (The KRuight' of Snowdon Notar en ee NOW ONLY fy l Castle) ...... DAVID HARRY(Tenor) o Green Ring for LIF. AMPLIFICATION, | each. The Merseuger of Lads Maclor ‘These valves only require a 4-rolt accumulator DAVID DANIEL(Tenor) Arthor of Genryn (A Welsh Warrior) Askany Dealer for Leaflet V.R.25. WILLTAM LEWIS (Bass) lole*(A Bard) .. WILLIAM. LEWIS (ans) .i ARhysMonk...Gwyn PRASMUSERASMUS MORGANMORGAN (Base)Bass) R4 Soldiers, Servants, Auntamen, Casthe- : = Keepers, Tho Multitude, ete, i Produced ] Ba—ACT I. andSeemsConducted1. An byApartmentTT. TD. JONES.in UU ks Maelor Castle.

400 — RADIO TIMES — (SxevemeBER 47H, 1925. —_——= —


(U/LTONIKITIN UDLINKIN Brown Loud Speakers ar ih em JUNIOR. ao new honcu: aso most ingensgus, simple, and abwolitehy efficdeme (Horne Bat tery Charger. fer oes with Direct Soeeee—a CeeaeSEryehty mupply. LINEN — yer secummdabony '—the new HQ whenener ea Li hawe lighta, beta: heaters. ican = eeu cbewrier te mm whe rt ary Pare ot pour home, witheul coemuinang ay A handsome sew Lood Speaker posmena- FEITS iy Refer. ng the aime beauty of outline nas the licuriogs Chtype whilst retainingthe ltois simp Fn Fe ond =e anal Fesin- tively conforms bo all pryulationa nl a full eolome ond itticitiveness of the electricity aupady amd ineurmoe come

onl well-lonown ye Available in io rich town. € r a nse black ‘with (ees, leo dows mot intertere mM «ane way We th yout logging cnHtut, ane (mast pobiatecd taney aeraase fed ceeded Geportant at all) it dora nat necesiainde hig tenege. Ay Lipo Liat rice which itlerieremce: wrth fim wien. will charm @wervone. sath its . e@ceptional fidelity of ULINIXIN JUYRLGe ., .. For reproadaaties. errantif wireend decd sadlantora ul aa Bi in. ei £6 ar PH Mige mp toe 4 auf. €20- Bite mith {4 a ena aut di be oom fur conneciiog Alsoin |20 ane 2M ghms ULINKIN STANDARD EL , Tht ftps - oad ians rf ‘ilwetrad fol; with aa mdier canrplete ilk cole mad iA — for cheering acca rine Al. htt te, | aie agi on- DU, —the new pefa rie fd ie Gi pelle 2).

Cabinet * PLIN EIN SEnIOR , r For gars i Foake pe, dir per hart ei i The handsome lnatryment Dlosreted above Fie. Oe shargit 1 Some ber oi f ar a welcome rebel te wane of the more agoy palfage wp foe if imp,Cau. plete inh aninmeler, table’ anid AU mtedele delineated

weal tyee of Loud Speakers, Beautifully 5 rhe iruckia Fo Cihfriage | rps. Indeed tn ach rosmeeood shade and os ee ef the best moakegeny, it will undowbtedly ne ULINEIN re rT?1ki nled aril fanagTheat Te STAND. cary the precievs fae ruff achieve « very wide ae of ponulerity, a 5 haat pure j,. ene ERE superb volume work purit tose my - eftent te ril ‘pleweed|

so choractenstic of the Stem willlea atfouried a in thie mew Cobinet model. If you havebeen prehidieed ogalaet theage ol Load Speakers L __iecizical,aginesr._ 5 either on acequnt of ther appearance of their portormaence—your last objection has now been SIMPLE TO FI AND USE. removed. Saves itn coat withim a few

For sepreme beauty ¢ cut Lieve, lerof sme a weeks, yet Inst o lifetime. and eees the new Srown Cabinet Mestrated PaomeAlet ond fall Lewd Speaker grand Berticulars ‘post. free an requesd. alana, Supplied i £6 - 6 - 0 i all resjgtonces. GRAN. GOLDMAN SERVICECs.

(Heft. R36). ee

- =1a ime ce silat ical ies beat liebe ll 71, Fleet St,, Londoo, E.C.4. Trade Exepwiries Lowes,

See these ee

fine q u a l i t y a——— 2 SCT PERROREE qe" vl ee | —the new H3

All-British a a Oo i Loud Speakers eine llBewndharae a Preen featorce. Although ‘ : ily 19 tnehes high if gives the same goeperb tone os the at your Dealer’s larger HI and is equally clear

en epeech mand imusie. No I other Loud Speaker on the market within several poonds of ite price con give«uch

a fine volume as ap theHis Ex all re: 3 fisletcea. &

es eTeo:ee, ee cee ise

—aee ee a —aaee l and, finally, the new H4 and the SELF CLEANING BRUSH We arc proud of being whle te offer real i grotn Lead Speaker—British’ throughout. and « i A Ewbank sweeps instantly, replica in ewery detail of the larger models easily and thoroughly. —at the amazinaly low poce of a-. — l It has no wires or hose. Gathering ja atec but bhp itt periormance if ia 30/ i derful value for money. MD ohms. Satake te fpbeed = every kind of litter, it yields broader service than a vacuum cleaner, but costs less and wears Semis” - longer. No other apparatus does 9 so much to solve the great domes- i tic problem, ' Youcen buy « Ewtank Wholesale Dasaie: 3, Bushy Park, +4 Bristel, Crna Headphones and easee eutateon tee: in. Deas. “alll Gtitert Ad. S304, a

491 ] Serres BER dru, 1th.) ee= eo Potpt Seo = For Particulars Fost | Stoke-on-Trent Free oni request from DepartmentG. | Programme. 6ST 906 M. r o r s . Week Beginning Sunday, September 6th. eileen,

nian SUNDAY, September 6th. i i a Hea acre, Programme fe ron Landaa. 8), — Bel eis Sarwica from the Biedio. Address by tha Rev. E. BARRATT, M.A., ‘Tunatall, ff Ph, hy, Programme 8.6. fron Donsdon,

MONDAY, September 7th. dt A, The Capitol Cinema Orchestra, i.0.—CHILDREN'S CORNER. Bh. Children's Tiebteri. 5.4.— "Teens Carer. i. ).— ira rmaphanas Lecture Rocitel by Bes Baritz. ‘dathi Prager Sa. from Jando. ae— Vy “ Biripracdes Merl hiv Bulletin. S.0. ]04o Preagrnime 8a. jrow, Landon.

TUESDAY, September &th. 12-1. Midday Concert. 1 A ternoom Topics. J.$0—4.40.— The Capitol Cinema Orchestra. $.0,.—U HI LDREN'S CORNER. Phillipea LLebbers, “Milam” ? ho. —" “Teens * Cone, oe | Le, PeeSR, from oath. It is the new Lucas Battery Moulding TYPE RMS. 6volts. Actual WEDNESDAY,September 9th. Material which overcomes. the dis- Capacity : amp. hours. In- — termittent mate : 180 ATL hrs. ott —The Capitol Cinema Orehestra, advantages of ordinary Radio Price B42: 1:6, 5.0,—U AIL DRESS CORNER. Batteries.

——————— §.40.— Chilcbeen'’s Let tere. TYPE RMS. 6 volts. Actual 1.5-6.—"Teens’ Gorner. *M-I-L-A-M" means Moulded In acity: 52amp, hours. In- ae ib. 145. Programme 8.8, from Donan. Lucas Acid-proof Material and its termittent rate: 104 amp. bre Price £2:18: 6, ust enables the outside covering to be ls S THURS., Sept. 10th, and SAT., Sept. i2th, moulded integral with the cells—this 5.0+—Afternoon Topics prevents. leakage of acid, gives i 3.3))-4.30.—Dramophone Records of the Week. lala 330-4.) —The Capitol Cinema Orchestra (Sat. }. great mechanical strength to the hal.—UHILDREN'S CORNER. battery, also a separate case or crate 5.00. —Chikdren’s Letter. ig mot required. halo —"Teena’ Comer. 6.40 onwarde,—Programme S28, from London. The ‘finish of this material resembles olished ebony and the consequent FRIDAY, September 11th. Laidcane appearance of Lucas Radio 12:1. Midday Cormeert, Batteries makes them an acquisition 0. —“Transmission to Bhool: Talk on“ Will TYPE RH5. 6 volts. Actual to any room where a wireless cabinet Capacity : 16 amp. hours. Animale-of Staffordshire,” by Mr. J. RK. 5. is installed. ~ Mausetield., termittent rate: 32 amp, bra. Price 1: 9: G. cat—The Capital Cinema. Orchestra. The large bore vents are clean and 6..— CHILDREN'S CORNER, effective, the terminals robust, and 5.40, Children’s Letbbers. another special feature is the strong hs 6.0.— "Teens Corer, ial). Programme 8.8 from Loniton, leather carrier (with its neat and 7.40,— tation Topics. postlive attachment) which facilitates Si, CECIL ‘COOPER er handling—a boonwhen the battery eee ETeee oen es . Leenraentia needs re-charging. * VlgAge Gpesscoaddaedaaeckeicesce ede MABEL w UL. SHAW Sebati Each Battery hes connections “* TPve Been Roamme me et ec . Horne for a, 4 or 6 volts, and prices * Dean Cupid Sir eee Beee eas fs fet snufinale Lid and Tentlies carrier. PRANK BDOGE (Tema). The Achwal Capacities giden are of TYPEROS, Gvolis. Avtual Capectly : |2onm. hrs, Ine a 20 howe fale of dine harper. C lelaide " id weap tieeterdas USEopen ee aoe)a ETHEL DAVIS “ HCoutealte), Price #1 : “Aree, O Bun” ...cce ee J. Croke Day Sliae Song reat nate es Te reser delJtiega Aee BONNEH [Salo PinnalCee} Mere iewiee ceeevneeiisares Mosrhorebi LUCAS RADIO French Dima seis ay pevaaeceecae. ROT

ALAR THA FROST. ‘(CoChee be TANT}. Aulio: Di De sliced aa eel Gadty “Tou re: Got Toe Bo Cute Ae Woll Ag ea utifil _ ere soar pee Geadiy Afeyn JAMES FROST (Base). BATTERIES + Sones. Ol tks Eee cease Stanford MABEL WILSHAW' and Designed and Manufactured throughout by ETHEL DAVIS. " May Morning ee Rida tide Oe cena dep ae The House famed for “King of the Road” Specialities m* Thi Springtime Ms page Mitac epeebierd on ee OR CECIL COOPER. JOSEPH LUCAS ‘ORGa Coles Wid hi Golden Wine i Hager Ltd., BIRMINGHAM “ how Sleeps the Crimson Fetal Ty Guitier (Continged on page493.)

RADIO TIMES — (Berreupen 41n, 1925,


WE hire specially constructed Rotax Wireless accumulators we offer the same service at propor- Accumulateors of various sizes, clean and tionate rates. If you have only one we lend you one F you add depreciation halhy charged, keeping you continously supplied by of ours, alternate exchanges, Over 20. years’ fo the expense and in- punctual weekly or fortnightly deliveries anywhere electrical manufacturing experience anda plant convenience of faving m Greater London from 9/6 per quarterand guar- capable of charging 5,000 Accummlators, guar- your own accumulators antes complete satisiaction. If you hare yourown antee: a punctual and efficient Service at all times. | unskilfully recharged — ¢ FADIO DOCTOR AT YOUR SERVICE. \ costs you considerably more fFyou are not getting catisiactory reception, a Greater London, for a small fee and estimate if than our


ne ndino cats: | RADIODEALERS Uwhisker— A reliable and up-to-date buying reference and a history of the dovels nt of the Wiyeless Industry will incloded i n - Abolish c Crystal and cats- a THE WIRELESS TRADER vahisker at adopt hche free method of detection. Not SHOW NUMBERS a permanent detector, but a Tene readily adjustable one, with a These will be pablished on Septes Sth and 16th | zinc ball making contact with iAane =ae tees gadsac” | a smooih plate coated with supplement will be included in the second number. : ee mineral compounds. Copies will be vent to youfreeof 1 : cherge on recede of pour i j —and the volume of pure Sendtodaytose 98tie, Fes reproduction is extraordinary oe Kathoxyd consiets,.of a smooth local-station use, the other a fine 4 | metal plate in a brass mount, graphite point for long-distance whch fits your Crystal cup. It work, Each contact is readily ia «gupplied ‘with twa contacts fixed in place of your ordinary | —one a ball of ‘zine iron, for cate-whisker, | | : : : . | gee ae — = ! ee

| | ——216 BETES! a

CRYSTAL ee 5 oo i led homes, cont Kath Element, ene Ball aeo aa Long-distance Contenterie ‘all irelews Dealers. Price 1 {6 iiedpseis from all prpetelle Peelers. AM etguielen ieeicomedd by f= { KATHOXYD, LTD., 41, High Holborn, London, W.C.1.

Tf unekiaieable becally, feed Ih) ond Deaname ond pide, when the erpetal will. be enh ba pelo post, te


eieeenetlgligtemnennenpeaitteen — = —

; Save your carpets and furniture from The “SAXON GUIDE” enables any beginner ta make Wireless Sete unequalfed in proce. quality | acid by using the or EFFICIENCY. mone 10" BL" HOW TO ERECT, COMNECT, MAKE AND TEST et A! all kinds of Whreleay faratas including Super Crystal Sets, Single V, Feu, One onc

| MOSELEY ACID-PROOF SE Teo-Valve Amplifiers, Thalgifieation Sete: oles the very latest types of Two, Three, Four, and Five- Volve Tuned Anoce Recaivers. | ACCUMULATOR TRAY NO SOLDERING OR SPECIAL TOOLS—NO TROUBLE. Strongly made of vulcanite. SAXON GUIDE P r i c e J 29. wireS i o c e s , or 13/9 postage paid, carefully packed, direct contains [Mb waeof a rPRIce toloyriak ie, fa the be nooks 5 i from the maken. obtusnabste, DAVID MOSELEY & SONS LTO. Yael fasting oe det fered. Boe Fre | Chapel Field Works, ARDWICK, MANCHESTER. SAROM BADMO C0, (Dept 1), STH SHORE, BLACKPOOL,

————S=————————_ —s =


495 BErreMnEen 47H, 15. | — RADIO TIMES—

Stoke-on-Trent Programme. (Continued from page 491.) MABEL WILSHAW. “The Fairy Shoon™ ..... MM. Croske Doy “The Lassa With the Delicate Air~ arr, A. EL FRANE EDGE. “Onawav, Awake, Beloved” : Coleridge-Taylor Sou Gigy cccsccsesesesrease de tonaek fea ETHEL DAVIE. a“Berd abey 7 ee Brahons ET Sanit Leer: " pape ath dares hale W. 'T. BONNER. “Hungarian Bhapeody " sscsssesese tect MARTHA FROST. et Hullo, Martha") s...:-0++6=¥0. Vere Smith * Stial! [ Have It Bobbed or Shinglod 7 Keaton and Bee JAMES FROST. 1 rien: Witt egies sesnrsstearcraa) Dolly ETHEL DAVIS and CECLL OOGPER. “The Sinoing Lesson " . We A Squire 1.010, 1. Programe SB, from London nn

a 11, 15. Hati-an-Howr with HE B6 Valve, whilst possessing similar characteristics to the Old Favourites. B.T.H. Type B4 Valve, is designed for use with dry batteries JAMES FROST. and can be operated in the samecircuit with the B5 Valve. iid emo the Cellater” ....ccc0+e. Joton WABEL WILSHAW. The combination of B5 Valves for H.F. and detector stages “The List Ross of Summer" ...... Moore with B6 Valves for the L.F. stages means efficiency and FRANK. EDGE. economy. Below are given the electrical characteristics which = The Death oof Weleon... . brahim contribute to the excellence of the B6 Valve: ETHEL DAVIS. “Love's Old Sweet Song ...... 5.. Molloy

Filament Voltage 8 = = 3 colts CECIL COOFER.

Filament Current ft : 0.72 amp Thee © lle Hlackarmnith Me uarteenee RS

Anode Voltage FF 40 te 120 polts FRANK FHKE ound

Anode Kesistance f = 2,000 ofma JAMES FROST. * Love: ond Wat Gi ticeseicseecereas COUR Remember, a three valve set, fitted with two Bs valves and 1i45.—( lose chown. Hull Programme.— one B6é valve requires only 0.24 of an ampere for its operation, {Continoed from page 487.) Price - .- 22/6 Bedi, DAVID MILNER. “Abs Parade ccs phes . Gabley Helles of New Work ...-...-.-.- Loney “OW teki ek ewes eo ceeer aes Mitner “The Mocking: Bird ") (Varied) B.TH., err. A oeoter / 4 le WEATHER FORECAST aml NEWS, 5.8. from Joration. Local News: lo45, WILLIAM MACKEADY. aml EDAA CODEFREYETRAE 1 RadioValves ° Preaont ee The Faree, AN AWKWARD DILEMMA | Deruolal Kefieorples |,

ee Lo. —C hose. down. General Purpose | i Filament Voge 4 Volrs. 8° : SATURDAY, September 12th. Filament Gaurrent OT Arp. 2.0, Herman Darewski and his Band, relayed Maw. Plate Voltage OOVolrs. from “The Spa, Bridlington. Se

ot dittL—Altermoon Topics and Gramophone Recidris. Bosses! fh. bo.-—Chiliieen‘s Letters, i, 25-h4)— CPLDBENS CORNER, hee JP podria ‘fet. Pron London, Boaeai0'6

Swansea Programme. Power Amplifying (Continned from page#59, ) 1.0.— WEATHER: FORBRCAST.und BREWS. sertreROOE Max Plate Voltage l20Vots

a eA. from onan, Taonal Nevwa, * BLODWEN,” * FilamentVoltage 3Volts.” ae LG, La. o'r Li, «6~(Steme lL, Maalor Castlo— BOpumaceesiartine %6

The Death of Max Place Voltagef20olus ecb Arti. Beene 2, Lady Maeclor's Fmt Se) | a Sa wars Factcrn: 06) 6 Room. — ee a fo rt

Beene 3. Chester Fail—The Channteriihy Carne of rie Bierte Co ral jh nA é il Kortiaht, Instst on B.T.H.—the Best of ALL ipa. — (loss down. SATURDAY, September 12th, 1.46.—A ftenuen. Topics, 4.0—The Caste Cinema Orchestra: h.15.—CUHILDREN 8 CORNER. 6,45.—"The Post Bag." i, oO. 15,—Masical [niterlude, 6.41),- Programme S.A. froin Load, 7.40,— Pregromme Su. fron Cardiff. 10.0-12.0.—Programme S.8. from: London,

= _[Smrreatpen Sr, oes.

— a TuNGSTALITE GREAT DISCOVERY At Last! a ROUND Crystal The days of irregular shaped crystals of woeerfaim behavieur will soci beclogig: tes tle poet, TOUNGSIALITE have discovered how to preluce orystakl which aresencitiva all over, through and throngh, ande which secure. clear regnlts over raees inacorable withother products. You can try any spocimen-of TONGSTALITE (Blok or (old Labbe 1} ina the results will astoneh you, But this (/Gis net all!TUNGSTALITE-The new product know a3 4/¢ Round Type Crystal is the first crystal to be made in_ perfectly eylindrical form. ft fita instantly into all ordinary erystal cups without fracturing or splintering. /t i sensitive at every point of both ots cut and rounded surface. Every specimen possesses an equal and perfect sensitivity. SECURE YOUR SPECIMEN TO-DAY, 1/6 Prom @l! dealers of direct fram TUNGSTALITE, LID. 47, FARRINGDON ROAD, LONDON, cae Every month or 41, CALL LANE, LEEDS. 4&.

the demand grows. ataca WN lao smoking public grows more and more lefectGa enthusiastic over the UNEQUALLED VALUE of ARMY CLUB cigarettes—more and more appreciative of their quality and arrof their unrivalled all round excellence and purity.*ARMY CLUBS were inspired by a desire to meet the demand for a cigarette at a reasonable price with qualities that hitherto belonged exclusively to FULLER high priced cigarettes. ASK YOUR PpLATE TYPE BATTERIES DEALER IN EBONITE CASES. The phenomenal sales indicate that ARMY CLUB cigarettes have more than satisfied the craving for a R ‘These accumulators are thoroughly better cigarette, reliable and well constructed units, of which many thousands have been supplied for radio work. The ebonite cases are strong and fre- proof; non-correding terminals rmy Club are fitted. We manufacture Wireless Batteries ==all jneluding L.T. and H.T. terica; Sparta LT. and H.T. CIGARETTES Daaan: Inert Cells, etc, cte. Stocked by all Good Dealers. Plain or Cork Tips 9D FULLER'S UNITED ELECTRIC WORES, LTD., f

al Chadwell Heath, Essex. | li jf Telephone: Mord 1200, lt Laadan Depot ii

1 176, Tottecham Ceort Reed, Londen, W.1, CAVANDERS LTD. Get a FULLER'S Est, 177 —you get the best,

Pioneers of Hygienic Cigarette Packing TTT Ataaah BayPapioakilSRaRRaaR Liasti

RADIO TIMES = ee ipa. 1325.) == =

Brings Music i n to every Home yehgeEller INSTRUMENTAL. VOCAL, HUMOROUS know ay th Try itr— then you will Take your Wireless into why itis so popular. t h e Garden. FAS Ask for ELECTRON WIRE. An extension made with Electron Butyou must agree to return it if it does not “ prove upto Wire from the s e t indoors to the everyclaim made for mt. If loud speaker or ‘phones im the your dealer does not sell garden greatly improves the FLECTRON WIRE yet, he r e c e p t i o n . Bury Electron Wire Can wet it for you, or we will ina trench, t r a i n it over the per- send it direct to you upon receip! gola, and if remains a permanent af P.O. or cheque. Cash imme- A metal edged, copper fixture. Weatherproof, rust-proof, diately refunded if dissatished. Bronze mat complete with damp - proof. Always ready. 25 feet of “ Electron “ 300ft. (150%. double) - 5/- 1 / feet 500f. (250K. double) - 8/- Wire. A most efficient * Postage til; earth, which merely re- quires burying in the "Electron" isthe quality Agrial—the highest possible quality—THE AERLAL ground about a foot WHICH ABOLISHED INSLULA- benéath the sarface. Much TORS AND OTHER COSTLY APPURTENANCES —_-pro- superior to water and gas duced in such quantities pipes and far cheaper than that dt con be sald for. ta..-Bd. fer any other "* patent " earth. ipo ft. NEATLY BOXED. Postage Gd.

The “ Electron “ Crystal Set 1 wired with the werld- lo = Electron * " wire, all the Way from aerial renowned ees § erystal. The tuning is simpheityitself by a simgle control. The Detector is o f a n e f f i c i e n t pattern, with Sylverex silver alloy (every piece b e i n g guaranteed). crystal Felephone: E:ast Ham |408-)408, The mounting is on a n i c e l y framed black panel, an ornament wherever used, and cannol fall o v e r Telegram: Stannum, London,

Chy t e s t e the result i fat superior i o every way lo any a v t h v e r crystal get, whatever the eet. The NEW LONDON ELECTRON WORKS,Ltd. (Members af the BAC.) (Dept. 4, EAST HAM, LONDON, E.6.

'Raerremnen dru, 1035,

Lif veal I

if anerere = m= — MANUFA zs CTURERS OF MOTOR BY APPOINTMENT TO ==] = CAR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & H.M THE KING. & = = = | J = = = Se =—— _—

= ==

— = é

-— = =

— —

as =

=A — We = | ~— = = | ——— = = ==

a == = r=! — = ae = : : ae — == Se= ae 72OY. eeeY i ES

a REDUCED PRICES:.'. ; = A.V. LOUD SPEAKERS. FINISH, Fully equal her CAV. — — ! Siero or aoeaIeG DIA- 5 Productions. a fnct which acedanoemphasis. = tat tekseomerioe eh, axweaaeon soon, § STANDARDBlack Satin Enamet. 9 ADJUSTMENT OF DIAPHRAGM oe ao ‘arallel tc the qagnets th euk ite ae tt Ol whale range, This eneures parity of tome. JUNTOR Black “Satin Enamel, -—-|} + eaterdel AND VYOLUME,. The S00 chin «ss ‘cay oo Sf.

eeenree aeee Baelliead Black Crystalline

= fatimasoo CA VeodSecnbeus M00 -chme es BTS

give fong and inulilens aorvhoe.. imitation Tortolseshel! oo Dy

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